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,,"!>< MANCCRC..ANi~::,,"',,- ~ ~ r Zjfi>~ ~ 92 DEFINING FISHERIES A User's Glossary Kenneth J. Roberts Jerald W. Horst John E. Roussel JosephA. Shephard LOUISIANA SEA GRANT COLLFGF. ['ROGRAM Louisiana State Vniversity INTRODUCTION Theharvest of fish by commercialand recreationaltishermen is regulatedby federal LOUISIANA andstate agencies that develop plans by which SEA GRANT to managefishery resources.In so doing, College Program agenciesseek advice from fishermen and others involvedwith the fishing industry, Manage- ment plans include technical words and terms thatare difficult to understand,This glossary ~ LauISIAeA givesdefinitions that should help fishermen COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE understandthe scientific basis of management. EOIIISIENESTREE UNIVERSITT EGRIClj'LTUREI CENTER Thus, their comments and advice will be more usefulin planningand management. Kenneth J. Roberts, Putting fishery managementterms in Marine ResourceEconomics Specialist Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service nonscientificwords may makesome definitions Louisiana State University toosimple, but theauthors sought to getthe main idea acrosson each term. Some terms are Jerald W. Horst, Area Agent Fisheries! referredto by scientistsas letters or groupsof Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service letters acronymsland theseare listed at the end Louisiana StateUniversity of the publicationfor quick reference.The word fish is usedthroughout, and includesfinfish and John E, Roussel, Marine Fisheries Division shellfishspecies, A mail-inform is providedto Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries identify words and terms that need to be includedin a futureprinting. JosephA, Shephard, FisheriesResearch Division Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Amberjack on front cover courtesy of Dr. Bruce A Thompson, LSU Coastal Fisheries Institute The researchthat resulted in this publication was A Seeanrll<al mortality. supported by the Louisiana SeaGrant College ABC Seeallourable biologicai catch. Program of Louisiana State University.
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