The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority

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The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority ~«1IiI The Mizoram Gazette Published byAuthority RNI. No. 27009/1973 Postal Regn. No-313 (MZ) 2006-2008 Rs. 2/- per issue VOL - XXXIX Aizawl, Friday, 5.2.2010, Magha 16, S.E. 1931, Issue No.6 Government of Mizoram PART- I Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and Other Personal Notices and Orders. (ORDERS BYTHE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No.F.1301117/09-IPR, the 1st February, 2010. Aslaiddownin ChapterIV, Para 15(3) oftheRTIAct, 2005,the GovernmentofMizoram haveconstituteda Committee toconsiderappointment ofthe Chief Information Commissioner, Mizoram State InformationCommission comprising ofthefollowing members :- 1. PuLalThanhawla, ChiefMinister, Mizoram 2. PuZodintluanga, Minister, Information & Public Relations, Mizoram 3. Dr.R. Lalthangliana, M.L.A.,' Mizoram No.F.1301117/09-IPR, the I" February, 2010. Onattainingthe ageof65 (sixtyfive)years, PuRobert Hrangdawla, lAS(Rtd), StateChiefInformation Commissioner, Mizoram StateInformation Commission, ishereby released from theMizoram State Information Commission witheffect from151February, 2010 (AN) Nghaklianmawia, Secretary to the Govt.ofMizoram, Information & PublicRelations Department. No.C.32020/3/2006-AGR, the 1St February, 2010. In exercise ofthe power conferredunder Sub­ Section (l)ofSection19and Sub-Section (l)and(2)ofSection 5oftheRTI Act,2005andintheinterest ofPublic Service,the Governor ofMizoram is pleased to designatethe under mentioned Officersas AppelateAuthority, SPIOs, SAPIOs andLinkOfficer forImplementation ofRTIActsundertheDirector­ ateofAgriculture withimmediate effectanduntilfurther orders. R-6/2010 -2- SI.No. Name ofOfficers and Designated Post Jurisdiction designation 1. Plshattacherjee,Director Appellate Authority Deptt.ofAgril., Crop Husbandry, Mizoram 2. Rohmingthanga Colney SPIO Directorate ofAgrll. Deputy Director (Extn.) Crop Husbandry 3. J. Rothanga, SO-cum-SA SAPIO Crop Husbandry 4. Lalengliana, AEO LinkOfficer Crop Husbandry 5. Lalrinliana, DAO,Kolasib SAPIO Kolasib District 6. R.Vanlalchhuanga, AEO LinkOfficer Kolasib District 7. Zoramthanga, SDAO . LinkOfficer BilkhawthlirAgril. Sub-Division 8. ZahliraHrahsel, DAO.Marnit SAPIa Marnit District 9. H.LaIramhluna,AAI LinkOfficer Marnit District 10. George Lalthanngura, SDAO LinkOfficer ZawlnuamAgril. Sub-Division 11. Lalchungnunga, AEO Link Officer Kawrtethawveng Agril. Sub-Division 12. H.Thankhuma, DAO,Aizawl SAPIa Aizawl District 13. H.Joela,SDAO(S) LinkOfficer Aizawl District 14. ZokhumaVarte, SDAO LinkOfficer DariawnAgril Sub-Division 15. Lalthansiama, DAO,Serchhip SAPIO Serchhip District 16. K.Laltlanmawia,AEO LinkOfficer Serchhip District 17. Lallawrnzuali,AEO LinkOfficer Serchhip District 18. L.V. Zomuana, DAO,Lunglei SAPIO Lunglei District 19. Lawmsanga, SDAO LinkOfficer Lunglei District 20. R. Rozuala, SDAO LinkOfficer Hnahthial Agril. Sub-Division 21. Sawmliana, SDAO LinkOfficer llabungAgril.Sub-Division 22. JamesVanlalluaia, DAO,Saiha SAPIO SaihaDistrict 23. C.Lalzarliana, SMS(SS) LinkOfficer SaihaDistrict 24. C.Techho,AEO LinkOfficer TuipangAgril. Sub-Division 25. JamesLalsiamliana, DAO,Champhai SAPIO Champhai District 26. T.Lalhmingmawia,AEO LinkOfficer Champhai District 27. B.Lalhmuchhuaka, SDAO LinkOfficer Khawzawl Agril. Sub-Division 28. Y.L. T.Muana DAO. Lawngtlai SAPIO Lawngtlai District 29. 1. Rokima,SMS (Agro) LinkOfficer Lawngtlai District 30. PrasantoChakma,AAI LinkOfficer Chawngte Agril. Sub-Division. T.Sangkunga, Add. Secretaryto the Govt.ofMizoram, Agriculture Department. -3- R-612010 No.A.12011/212009-HMP(FS), the 2nd February, 2010. In the interest ofpublic serviceand on the recommendationofMizoram Public Service Commission vide their letter No.2/P/201O-MPSC dt. 27.01.2010, the GovernorofMizoram is pleasedto promotePu H. Sangchungnunga, DeputyDirector, Forensic Laboratory to the postof JointDirector, Forensic ScienceLaboratory in the scaleofpayofRs. 14,300-400-18,300/- p.m. plus all other allowancesas admissible from time to time from the date of takingoverchargeinhisnewpost: Theofficershallexercise optionwithinonemonthfromthedateofIssueofthisorderforthepurpose of fixation ofpayunderFR22(1)(a)(i).Optiononceexercised shallbefinal. LalzirmawiaChhangte, Deputy Secretary tothe Govt.ofMizoram, Home Department. N.A.46012/4/2000-LJE, the 5th February, 2010. Inexerciseofthe powers conferredby sub-section (1)section20 ofthe Code ofCriminalProcedure, 1973 (ActNo. 2 of 1974),the GovemorofMizoram ispleased toappoint Pu R.Vanrengpuia, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei asExecutive Magistrate withinLunglei Districtwithimmediate effectandsolongastheOfficerholdhispostunlesssoonerwith­ drawn. No~A.460121212000-LJE, the 5th February,2010. Inexerciseof the powersconferredbysub-section (1)and(2)of section20 ofthe Code ofCriminalProcedure, 1973(ActNo.2 of1974),the Governorof Mizoramispleasedto appointthe following Officers as Executive Magistrate withthe powersofAddi­ tionalMagistrate underthe saidcodeandallotherlawsforthetimebeingis forcewithinLunglei District with immediateeffectand so longas theyhold the post ofAdditionalDeputyCommissioner, Lunglei District unlesssoonerwithdrawn. 1. PuT.Lalduhawma· Addl, Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei 2. Pu FJ. Liantluanga Addl, Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei I I P. Chakraborty, Commissioner/Secretary to theGovt. ofMizoram. No.A.19018127412008-HMP,the 8th February,2010. Onhis attainingtheageofSuperannuation pen­ \, sion,theGovernorofMizoram is pleasedto releasePu S.A.Lasker, DeputySuperintendentof Police, CID(Crime)fromservicewitheffectfrom31.1.2010. R-6/2010 -4- No.A.19018/2/2001-HM(SB), the 5th February, 2010. Inthe interestofpublic service, the Governor ofMizoram is pleasedto extendthe servicesof Lt.Col.(Retd)Y. Khawlhring, DeputyDirector, Sainik Welfare & Ressettlementfor a periodof6 (six)monthsw.e.f. 01.03.2010 to 31.08.2010. Lalzirmawia Chhangte, DeputySecretary to the Govt. ofMizoram, HomeDepartment. No.A.3501112102-HFWIPt, the 4th February,2010. Incontinuation ofthisDepartment's Notification of evenNo.Dt.14.2.08 and 18.3.08 andintheinterest ofpublic service, theGovernor ofMizoramispleased toextendthedeputation periodof Dr. Laltanpuii SailoMedical Officer to holdthepostofJuniorResident (House Job)inthe DepartmentofAnaesthesiology atNEIGRIHMS, Shillongforthe4thYears ie;w.e.f. 1.3.2010 to 28.2.2011 underthe sameterms andconditions. Thisissueswiththe approvalof DP&ARvidetheirLD. No. GSW. 16/2010/1530 Dt. 2.2.2010. Zotawnlien Joute, JointSecretary tothe Govt.ofMizoram, Health &FamilyWelfare Department. No.F.20016/112005-GAD/SHDC, the 4th February, 2010. In supersession ofearlier notificationof evenNo.dt.19.11.2009, the Governor ofMizoramispleasedtoappointPuD.Hmangaiha, Sakawrdai as theVice Chairman ofSinlungHillsDevelopment Council withimmediate effect anduntilfurther orders. T.Y. Fambawl, Addl.Secretary to the Govt.ofMizoram. No.A.22022/112006-HMP, the 5th February, 2010. Inthe interestofPublicService,the Governorof Mizoram ispleased toordertransfer andposting ofthefollowing JuniorGrade Officers ofMizoramPolice Service as shownbelowwithimmediate effectanduntilfurther orders. SI.No. Name ofOfficer Present Post New Place ofPosting 1. PuK.Lalhmingthanga Asst.Comdt. 3rd IR Bn. Asst. Comdt. 4th IR Bn. 2. PuK.S. Panicker Asst. Comdt.4th IR Bn. Asst. Comdt.3rd IR Bn. Saithanga, JointSecretary to the Govt. ofMizoram HomeDepartment. -5- R-6/2010 No.A.38012/1I09-EDN, the 2nd February, 2010. On attainingthe age of60 years,the Governorof Mizoram ispleased to release PuH.Khawlkunga, Headmaster, Vanzau HighSchool fromGovt. service w.e.f. 31.1.2010 (AIN) onsuperannuation pension. Thesenior mostteacher oftheSchool willtakecharge ofdaily routine from theretiring Headmas­ tertillregular Headmaster isposted. No.A.38012/1I09-EDN, the 2nd February, 2010. On attainingthe age of60 years,the Governorof Mizoramis pleasedto releasePu C.Viatho, Headmaster, Zawngling High SchoolfromGovt. service w.e.f 31.1.2010 (AIN) onsuperannuation pension. Thesenior mostteacher oftheSchool willtakecharge ofdaily routine from theretiring Headmas­ tertillregular Headmaster isposted. H.Rothuama, UnderSecretary to the Govt. ofMizoram School Education Department. No.A.36016/1I2010-SEC(M)/Estt/, the 5th February, 2010. In exercise ofthe powers conferred underRules14and 16oftheDelegation ofFinancial Powers Rules, 1978, PuH. Lianzela, Under Secre­ tary, State Election Commission, Mizoram ishereby declared asHeadofOffice andheis alsoauthorized tofunction asDrawing andDisbursing Officer inrespect oftheestablishment oftheStateElection Com­ mission onbehalfofSecretary, State Election Commission, Mizoram withimmediate effect anduntil fur­ therorders. C.Ropianga, State Election Commissioner, Mizoram. .PARTII (A) Resolutions, Regulations, Orders,Notifications, Rules andActs,Awards of Tribunal, Requisition,Acquisition and declaration relating to Land and Forests etc. by the State Govt. and Head of Departments. NOTIFICATIONS No.A.12018/4912005-P&AR (GSW), the 2nd February, 2010. In exerciseofthepowersconferred by the provisoto Article309 ofthe ConstitutionofIndiaread with sub-rule(1) and (3) ofRule 5 of the MizoramForestServiceRules, 1999the Governorof Mizoramispleasedto redetermine and fixthe authorized permanent strength oftheMizoram ForestService andthepostsintheSchedule-II oftherule ibidasspecified hereunderuntilfurther orders. Thissupersedes Government notification ofevennumberdated21.12.2009. R-6/2010 -6- SCHEDULE-II (See clause(a) underSub-rule(2) ofrule 3, rule 5) A. Senior Scale Post: 10 (ten) Posts SI. Name of posts Name ofdivision No. of post 1. DeputyConservatorofForestsI Chhimtuipui
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