INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THEOctober KING 23rd to SOctoberOVEREIGN 30th PRIEST St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr Roman Catholic Parish and Oratory MARCH 31ST TO APRIL 8TH 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509 EASTER SUNDAY ~ 2018 VICAR GENERAL AND DELEGATE FOR THE UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING The Very Reverend Monsignor M. Schmitz Provincial Superior Canon Matthew Talarico Parish Administrator and Rector Rev. Canon Benoît Jayr (414) 226 5490 (Priory), (414) 226 5534 (fax) , (414)-335-3124 (Emergencies) Oblate Abbé George Baird Assisting Priests Canon Joel Estrada Monsignor Thomas Olszyk Secretary Mrs. Jo Ann Neumann Mr. Mark Schuh ~ Director of Sacred Music Mr. Fabian Qamar ~ Associate Director of Sacred Music To contact the St. Stanislaus office, please send e-mails to
[email protected] Website: FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK Dear Faithful, Christ is Risen! The Church cries out on Easter Sunday: This is the day the Lord has made. It is the holi- est day of the entire year. On Easter day and along the Octave, in time of Christendom, Roman Catholics greeted each other with the words of the Gospel of St. Luke (24:34): “Surrexit Dominus vere, Allelu- ia!” (The Lord is risen, indeed!). The person so greeted responds: “Et Apparuit Simoni, Alleluia!” (And has appeared unto Simon, Alleluia!”). Easter is the foundation of our faith. Jesus is risen, He has triumphed and we are all sharers in that victory over sin and death. We all know the origin of such joy: God has acted as He has promised.