The Anglican Use Gradual

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The Anglican Use Gradual THE ANGLICAN USE GRADUAL ADAPTED BY C. DAVID BURT PARTRIDGE HILL PRESS MANSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS 2006 First Edition 2004 Corrected Version, March 17, 2006 Printed by Partridge Hill Press Mansfield, MA Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved. For permission to use this material obtained on line, contact [email protected] PREFACE Since the reform of the Latin Rite in the 1960’s, the use of a three-year cycle for the Eucharistic Lectionary has necessitated a reorganization of the minor propers of the Mass. The Graduale Romanum published by Solesmes in 1979 has provided the Latin chant for the Mass, but there has existed no English version. The great work of the Rev. G. H. Palmer and Francis Burgess, early in the last century, to provide plainchant settings for the music of the liturgy, endowed the English-speaking world with a rich corpus of chant. It is to be lamented that the Catholic Church did not draw on this heritage when the Mass began to be celebrated in the vernacular. The insistence on “modernized” English made this impossible. At the same time, the An- glican Communion was engaged in its own liturgical upheaval, and in America the traditional Book of Common Prayer was replaced by a liturgy using more modern English. The Coverdale Psalter of the Prayerbook was replaced with a modern English Psalter. This has all led to the desuetude of The Plainchant Gradual of Palmer and Burgess and The English Gradual of Francis Burgess. Nevertheless, the Pastoral Provision for Anglicans in the Roman Catholic Church and the many traditionalist churches that use the Anglican liturgy have re-awakened the need for a revision of the Gradual in English. The present work follows the structure of the Graduale Romanum and draws upon and occasionally incorporates the musicological work of Dr. Palmer (G.H.P.), Francis Burgess (F.B.), and Winfred Douglas (W.D.). This first edition gives the simpler chants in order to provide a practical book that can be used in most churches. Occasionally the ancient melo- dies adapted by Palmer are given as well. The American Gradual, edited by Bruce Ford, gives the more complex traditional melodies set to the 1979 Psalter text. While this work is intended for the Anglican Use in the Catholic Church, it is hoped that it will prove useful to Anglicans and to Catholics as well. C.D.B. CONTENTS Season of Advent 5 Season of Christmas 25 Epiphany 53 Season of Lent 61 Holy Week 95 Season of Easter 127 Whitsunday 202 Trinity Sunday 209 Corpus Christi 213 Ordinary Time 217 Christ the King 375 Commons 379 Propers 395 Votive 447 For the Departed 454 Common Tones 461 Indices 473 SEASON OF ADVENT FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT INTROIT Ad te levávi (G.H.P.) Ps. 25: 1-3 Cantors Full viij. Bbbgbbbbvbbbt®sbbvbvfbbbvvvbGhcy.g,bbbbv[bbbvvbbbG8bbkbbbbbbhbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbbbbFTbbbbbbbbbbbghgbbbbtf,bbbbbb{bbH8bvvkbbkbbokbbbbbbbKO?>vbb[Ó UN-TO thee, O LORD,* lift I up my soul: O my God, BbygvvbbcgvcgbvvvfbvvFYbbbbbijvb÷b÷u÷hbv[vkckvvkbbkbbkvbygvgfl%vv˘g˘h˘gvvvg,c]vvkvvvb Bkbbkbbkvghgvvklkcuhckbbkbbkvvgcg in thee have I trus-ted, let mec[vv, notYGIvvvuhcvvbhcfcvfbb]vvcvvÓ∆ be con- found-ed; nei- ther let mine e- ne-mies tri - umph ov-er me: BvygvvGbbbb¶&vvvg,bbbbbbbbb[bvF%cg,Hbbbbkjbbbbbbbbbklkbbbbvbbhjhv[bbbbbbbG^cbvhbbbbbbbbbbbbÁyfbbbbbbygbbbbbv˘gFINE˘h˘gcg,vv}˝ for all they that look for thee shall not be a-sha-med. BccgvvbbbbbchcgijvvbbCantors KOcbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbcbbbbbkbbbbvvbbb]bvvvkbbbChoirijbbbbbbbvvGYccbijccvvvÓ Ps. Shew me thy ways, O LORD: * and teach me Bvvhcg,bbbbbb}cvgchcCantors G8bbbbbbbbbbbc}bcgcvtFull ®scfc}ccccccv thy paths. Glo-ry be (2)*. Un- to thee,..., (etc.) * See tones for the Gloria Patri on p. 467 ff. 5 PROPER of the SEASON The Introit may be sung more simply thus: INTROIT Ad te levávi Ps. 25: 1-3 Cantors vij.VbdbygvvvvvUvvbvvãcvcccvvvcccvbcc[vvvãcccvvcÔH UN- TO thee, O LORD, lift I up my soul; O my Vcãcccccccccv[vvãcccvvvJOvvvkcbvvijcvvJI./v]Ô God, in thee have I trusted, let me not be con- foun- ded: VvChoir¨ugcvvHUcãccccccccccccc[cãccvcvÔ nei- ther let mine enemies triumph over me; for all they Vvvãccccccccvvj≤Ovvvjvvhcvhbhbhbcrd˚ FINEc}vvcvygcvm, Cantors UbÒH that look for thee shall not be a- sham- ed. Ps. Shew me Vvlckcvvjckcvv]vvjcvgccvhcvfChoir ,cdmc}vcygvvvvCantors UvvbãbvvÔH Vbãccccccccccc[vjvvvvlcvkvvvvjcvjcvk thy ways, O LORD: and teach me thy paths. Glo- ry/vv]vvvÔ be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho- ly Ghost: 6 FIRST WEEK of ADVENT VvChoir¨ugvvHUcãccccccc[vvãccccvblcbkcbbvj.cvvk/vv]Ô As it was in the beginning, is now, and ev- er shall be: Vvvjccvgcvvhcbfcvvvdcvdc}cbdbygvvvvm Full Uvvbvvãccccv}H world with- out end. A- men. Un- to thee,..., (etc.) GRADUAL Universi qui te exspéctant Ps. 25:3,4 Cantors Choir v. Vvbsvvvvfcvvhcvvjcvjcvhcvh.vvv{vvvfvvvvhchchcvjcvvb˝ FOR all they that look for thee: shall not be a- sham- Vvvgvvvvhcvrd4b#@cv]vvvsvbbbvvvbvfvvvcvhchcvjvvvjvcvhcvhm Cantors v]bbvÓ. ed, O LORD. ⁄ Make known to me thy ways, O LORD: Vvvvhcvjvvvcvgcvhcrd4b#@Choir mc}cccccvccccvvvv and teach me thy paths. 7 PROPER of the SEASON ALLELUIA Osténde nobis Ps. 85:8 Cantors All vj. BfbGYvvvvvvFTcvvtfcf,vv]vvfbGYvvvFTctfc≈fbfGYbb¿ˆihb6b%$btf,mvv}vvccvbbbbÏ AL - LE- LU- IA. Al - le- lu- ia. BvvcfcvgcvùcccvvvgCantors ,vvvvh.vvvv]cvùcccccfcvcv˝Choir ⁄ Shew us thy mercy, O LORD: and grant us thy BvvYvvvvgG vvvvf, vvv}vvvfb, AllYvvvG TctfcF fbf≈ YbbGihb6b%$btfˆ¿ vvb}cccvcccm, sal- va- tion. Al - le- lu- ia. OFFERTORY Ad te, Dómine, levávi Ps. 25:1-3 Cantors ij. XvdvvvbvvbrdvvvD6vvvùvvvccccccccc[vvùcccvcÓ UN - TO thee O LORD, lift I up my soul; O my God; XvùcccccccccccvvygvvbHUcbjvvcbbHUcvvvh.c]cÓ in thee have I trusted, let me not be con- foun- ded; XvvyChoir¥fvcvFYvvvùvvvvcccccccccccvvv[vvvùvvccÓ Nei- ther let mine enemies triumph over me; for all 8 XvvùvccccccccccvjvvvyFIRST WEEK of ADVENT¥fvhcvvˇtdc≥f≥g≥f,c}vvcvv they that look for thee shall not be a- sham- ed. COMMUNION Dóminus dabit benignitátem Ps. 85:13 Cantors Choir i. BvvvvvfvvvvGYcvvvvùccvcvHIcvhvcvvvygvvvvvGY.,c]vtfcGYvvvvÓ THE LORD shall shew lov- ing - kind- ness: and our Bchvcvvˆhˆkhvvgcvbvfvvvfbfbfbvvsmvcc}ccccccvccc land shall give her in- crease. Verses from Psalm 85 may be sung. 9 PROPER of the SEASON Second SUNDAY in ADVENT INTROIT Populus Sion Isa. 30:19, 30; Ps. 80 Cantors vij. VbdbygvvvHUvvbvvvvãcccvv[vãcccccccccvvvvcvbÔ O PEO-PLE of Sion, behold the LORD is nigh at VcvãccccvJOccvkvvbijvvvJI./v]cvChoir¨ugvvbHUcvãvcccccbbÔ Vvvãccc[cãcccccccccvvjcjc hand to re- deem the na- tions: and in the gladnessj≤OvvvvjvvvvhcÓ˚ of your heart the LORD shall cause his glo- ri- ous voice to VvhbhbhbcrdFINE,mc}vvcvygcvCantorsHUvvvjccvlcckcvkvvjcvjvvk/c]vbÔ be heard. Ps. Hear, O thou Shep- herd of Is- ra-el: VvvãccccccgcvhcvvfcdcdChoir mc}vcygcvCantorsHUvvbãcbcvbbÔ Vbãcccccccccccccvlcvkvvvjcvjcvvk thou that leadest Jo- seph like a sheep. Glo- ry be /vv]vvvÔ to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho- ly Ghost: 10 SECOND WEEK of ADVENT VvvChoir¨ugvHUcãccccccccccccbvvlcbkcbbvj.cvk/c]Ô As it was in the beginning, is now, and ev- er shall be: Vcjccvgcvvhcbfcvvvdcvdmc}cbdbygvvFull HUvvbvvãccccvb} world with- out end. A- men. O peo- ple..., (etc.) GRADUAL Ex Sion Ps. 50:2,3,5 Cantors Choir v. Vvbsccvfcvùvcccccjccj.cvbh.vv{vhcjcvvgvvvvbbvbbÓ OUT of Sion hath God ap- pea- red: in per- fect Vvvhcvvrd4b#@mcv]vcvsvbbbvvvfvvvvùccccccvvjvvvjvchvvvÓCantors beau- ty. ⁄ Ga- ther my saints to-ge- ther un- to Vvvh.c]bbvfcvvùvccccccccccccvvjvvvgccbbvvÓChoir Vvvhvchcrd4b#@ me: those thatmcc}ccccccccccccccc have made a covenant with me with sac- ri- fice. 11 PROPER of the SEASON ALLELUIA Lætátus sum Ps. 122:1 Cantors All vj. BfbGYvvvvvvFTcvvtfcf,vvv]vvfbGYvvvFTctfc≈fbfGYbb¿ˆihb6b%$btf,mvvvv}vcvvbbbÏ AL- LE- LU- IA. Al - le- lu- ia. BvvvfvvgcvvùcccccccccgCantors vvvvh, vv]vvvùcccccvÓ. Choir ⁄ I was glad when they said un- to me: we will go into BvvvhcfcvvYvvvvgG vvvvf, vvv}vvvvvfb, AllYvvvG TctfcF fbf≈ YbbGihb6b%$btfˆ¿ vvcvvv}m, the house of the LORD. Al - le- lu- ia. OFFERTORY Deus tu convértens Ps. 85:7,8 Cantors ij. XvvvvdvvvbbvvrdvvvD6cvvùcvcccccccccvvccv[vÓ WILT not thou turn again, O God, and quicken us; XvùccccvvvygvvvbHUcbjvvvbHUcvhvvvvvh.c]cvyChoir¥fcFYvvvùvcvvbÓ Xvxvvùvccccvv[vvùcccvjcvy that thy peo- ple may re- joice in thee:¥fvvhcv ˇtdvv shew≥f≥g≥f ,c}vvccvus thy mercy, O LORD; and grant us thy sal- va- tion. 12 SECOND WEEK of ADVENT COMMUNION Ierúsalem, surge Bar. 5:5; 4:36 Cantors i. BfvvvvbGYcbvbhcvvvhvv[vvvHIvvvchcvhvcvvhcvbbygvvvGY.,c]ccv˝ JE- RU- SA- LEM, haste thee, and stand on high: BvvtfcChoir GYvcùccccccccc[vvvùcccccccvvÓ Bvv andˆHbbb8hcvbgcvbvfvvfbfbfbvvs be- hold the joy mvcc}cccccccccccvvand gladness that cometh unto thee from God thy Sa- viour. Verses from Psalm 147:12-20 may be sung. 13 PROPER of the SEASON Third SUNDAY in ADVENT INTROIT Gaudéte in Dómino Phil. 4:4-5; Ps. 85 Cantors vij. VbdbygvvvHUvvbvvvvvãccccccccccccccvcv[Ô RE- JOICE ye in the LORD, and again I say, rejoice ye; Vcãccccccccccccccccc[cjcOcvvvJ let your moderation be known unto all men, the LORD VvkvijvvvJI./vvv]vvChoir¨ugvvbHUcvãvccccccccccvv[vãvccÔ VvãvccccccccccccccccccccccÔ is at hand: be care- ful for nothing, nor troubled; but in all things, by prayer and supplication, with thanks- Vvvãcv[vãccccccccvvbj≤Ovvvvvjvvvvvhcvhbhbhbvvrd˚ FINEcv}vÓm, giving; let your requests be made known un- to God. VvvcygcvCantorsHUvcãccccccccvlcvvkvvvj.vvvk/vv]cvãcÔ Choir Ps. LORD, thou art become gracious un- to thy land: thou 14 VvvãcccccccccccvgvbbhcfTHIRD WEEK of ADVENTcd, c}vcccvvcÓm hast turned away the captivi - ty of Ja- cob. VvygvvvvCantorsHUcãvvcvv]vvvChoir¨ugvHUcãvvcvvv]vvvvbdbygvvFull
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