JUBILEE YEAR MADE BY 26,500 IN DENVER GRAND OPERA Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Repro/iuce Given After 12 M. Friday/Following Issue PILGRIMAGES,

CONCERNING POLITICS • ' • PRIVATE VISITS FUNNY PHILOSOPHY DEVELOPED TO DENVERCATHOLIC CATHOLIC AMBASSADOR Becanie of the many inquiries we have been recemng about our FINAL STAGES SWELL NUMBER stand on the candidates for the office of ttiayor of Denver, we wish Colora(io Catholics "Vill Mark Closing of to make our position clear. ' The Brilliant Success Is Promised foi* Production *. I' Register is not in politics, and The Indulgence Period With Rites in Register is not endorsing -any jcan* Under Msgr. Bosetti in City REGISTER didate. Catholics have enough in­ Their Parishes telligence to make their own The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver/Catholic Register. We Have Auditorium Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. choice when they go to the polls, Catholics in Colorado will keep faith with members *nd *we, as a Church paper, are With the arrival of Frank Dinhaupt, opera star and of the Church throughout the world in a triduum April not interested, one way or an­ VOL. XXX. No. 35. DENVER, COLO-, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1935. $2 PER YEAR other, in how they vote. former Cathedral boy, in Denver next Tuesday, final 26, 27, and 28 coinciding with the great religious celebra­ All advertisements of the may­ rehearsals for the presentation of Verdi’s opera, “ La Trav- tion at Lourdes on those days when will be cele­ oralty or other candidates appear­ iata,’’ will begin. This production, under the direction of Sister-Author Awarded Medal brated continuously for 72 hours to mark the closing of ing in this paper are paid for, at the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G., is being spon­ I I regular political advectising rates, the Holy Year of Jubilee instituted by His Holiness. 'A -and are not, in any sense, to be sored by the Knights of Columbus for the benefit of Cath­ Denver Stations survey made by The Register among Denver parishes in­ olic Charities, and will be given Monday, Tuesday, and \i construed as an editorial endorse­ dicates that there have been over a score of formal pil­ i ment of those who are seeking Wednesday evenings, April 29 and 30, and M a y l, in the grimages made in a body by parishioners to gain the public offices. city auditorium. From all advance notices, this year’s Jubilee indulgence. These processions listed nearly opera promises to be the best ever directed by Denver’s ffill Receive A pagan philosophy shows itself 6,500 people. In addition to these it is conservatively among the senators from the great prelate-musician. estimated that in Denver alone about 20,000 people have 171 South in their attempts to argue Msgr. Bosetti, through'the publicity committee, this made the required visits. some against the -Wagner-Costigan anti­ week released the official story of many times. lynching bill. For some strange the opera. Papal Broadcast Programs have not-* been an­ . reason, a good many people from nounced for ^ the triduum pro­ the South have always tried to jus­ Box Office Will I * St. Francis’ High Denverites will be able to listen grams in the various churchesj But tify mass murder, particularly Open April 22 l i CEIIIlll all will be well carried out J^-' when a racial question is involved. to the Pontifical Mass to be cele­ The box office for the exchange brated by the Holy Father in St. cording to' the ability o f the I r ­ We should like to continue in our of tickets for “ La Traviata” will ishes. It is expected that many belief that lynching is condoned Peter’s Basilica on Sunday be opened Monday morning, April over stations KLZ and KOA. additional people will fulfill the £ets Memliersliip by only those who have had no 22, at 9 o’clock at the Charles IS BY The broadcast will begun ab 3:45 Jubilee requirements in the oiiqiortunity to attain better sense, E. Wells Music Co. in the NBC a. m. and will be concluded at days remaining, wid Xt least four but when a representative of gov­ building, 1629 California St. Re­ parish pilgrimages qre being 5:10 a. m., Denver time. The Co­ ernment makes a statement like served seats may be obtained at planned. 'Denver parishes which re­ lumbia network will also broad­ the following, credited to Demo- any time from then on by exchang­ ported on fqrmal pilgrimages are In North Central cast an international plea for 'cratic Senator 'Smith of South ing tickets for the opera. A. J. as follows: world peace to be made by five Carolina, we alter our opin- Austing, secretary of the opera, Cardinals on Easter Saturday. Annunciation pari^, making St. Francis de Sales’ high, Den­ ’ ion and admit that^ the teaching requests that all members of the one at _ of Christianity would do no harm K. of C. make immediate returns Pueblo.— Plans for opening a This program will be heard on sta­ ver, was admitted unconditionally tion KLZ from 10 to 11 o’clock ish, one as a member of the North Central in that section of our country for tickets received. Members of Catholic center in Pueblo in the ent; Ho _ where mob violence is taken as a the various parishes who have re-^ near future to serve social, voca­ Saturda • morning. Association of Colleges and High The program from Vatican City one; Holy Rosary parish, two, Schools at its convention April .10 matter of honor. The viciousness ceived tickets through their pas-’ tional, and religious purposes were with 100 attending; Mt. Carmel outlined at the monthly meeting will come in a special short-wave in Chicago, 111. This gives St. • of the opposition is revealed in tors are asked to make returns at parish, one,- 1,150 people in at­ of the National Council of Cath­ broadcast, when Pope Pius XI will Francis’ school a very high rating, Senator Smith’s denunciation of once to their pastors. It is ex­ tendance, 550 being (children; ' the bill. He declared: pected that overcrowded houses olic Women in the Knights of Co­ be heard blessing the Easter morn­ as it secures for, the school a rec­ ing multitude that assembles on Presentation parish, one, 150 peo­ ognition such as could not be se­ ^ "Senators will find before this will OTeet each performance, and lumbus hall Monday by the Very Siiter Rosemary, Pb.D., head of the department of Romance ple; Sacred Heart-Loyola parish, bill shall be passed, if it ever does it will be necessary that tickets Rev. Dean Thomas J. Wolohan of languages, Rosary college, River Forest, III., was honored by the the Vatican plaza. This will be re­ cured by any state standardizing layed by EIAR, Italy’s broadcast­ one, 400 people, another planned; agency. (Turn to Page 4— Column 1) (Turn to Page 4 — Column 4) Sacred Heart church. French academy with a medal for distinguished achievement in the St. Dominic’s three, 500 present; ing service, to the Columbia- . The North Central association Father Wolohan said that a French language, for her recent biography of the Rev. ^harles Maz- St. Elizabeth’s, one, 300 people; building will be selected in the zuchelli, O.P., founder of the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, Wise. WBAC Eastern network and to was founded in 1895. Its princi­ the NBC WEAF-WJZ network. St. Francis’, one, 700 in attend­ near future for the center Wnd Photographed at- the presentation ceremonies are: Rene Weiller, ance; St. Joseph’s, Redejnptorist, pal object is to establish closer NEWMAN TRI-STATE that classes in religious subjects French consul; Madame Weiller; the Rev. A, Pelletier, S.S.S., Chicago; Descriptions will be broadcast in one, 25 people; St. Joseph’s, relations between the 3,000 sec­ and in vocational guidance will be Sister Rosemary, and Mrs. Thomas McGoldrick, Brooklyn author,, Latin, Italian, French, English, Globeville, one, 15; St. Louis’, En­ ondary schools and the 300 insti­ started immediately thereafter. recipient of the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, in 1933. A brother Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Span­ glewood, one, 400; St. Patrick’s, tutions of higher education within The center will serve all Catholic of ^ e nun lives in Denver, and sisters at St. Dominic’s school know ish, and German. one, 300; St. Philomena’s, two, the 20 states under its jurisdiction. MEETINQ IS PLANNED organizations and will be under her well. (Chicago Evening American photo.) (Turn to Page 4 — Column 3) 900; St. Vincent’s, two, 600, mak­ The association is a peace maker the direction of the N.C.C.W. ing another; St. Therese’s, Aurora, and gains in nre ^ g e and power Reorganization of the Inter­ qpep with a Mass and general Plans also were completed at the one, 50; St. Mary’s, Littleton, one, annually as aned^itional agency mountain Province" of College for Newmanites at the meeting for the annual “ bundle 240; Assumption parish, _^Welby, for improving school conditions Catholic Clubs will take place at Cathedral at 9 o’clock. The Mass party,” which will be held on April one, 200. t and school standards. Member­ 30 in behalf of the N.C.C.W. Bene­ ship in its organization is there­ a three-state convention of New­ will be celebrated by the Rev. Jos­ Splendid Musical Programs i Bishop oVehr, in a letter writ­ man club members from leading eph P. O’Heron, pastor of St. fit shop, which is maintained on ten to all pastors in Colorado, fore considered by all schools a .state colleges and universities of Louis’ parish, Englewood, who is Union avenue. Clothing and other noted the ceremonies ending the distinctive honor. the Rocky Mountain region in Den­ chaplain of the University of Den­ articles which can be sold at the Holy Year and said, in part; ,. Requirements of the association ver Saturday, April 27. Several ver Newman club, The Mass will shop will be brought to the meet­ To Feature Easter Masses^ “ The Holy Father has/ asked for inclusion of a school in its list hundred delegates ftcim- eight be followed by a Communion ing by the members. Funds raised that the whole world join in spirit are very high, and it has been schools in Colorado, Wyoming, and breakfast at the Argonaut hotel, at the shop, are utilized for the, ,mth a-.eolemn 4ridwun to be held due to the unremitting efforts of pediatric ward of St. Mary's hos­ Because o f Ihe interest shown with severaTpfoi^ms' 6T Tre Ore- Solos to r s^rano, tenor, baritone, with i^Lourdes on April 26, 27, and the Rev. J. J. Donnelly, pastor, Utah are expected to come to Den­ where the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh L. services, is as follows: chorus. ver for the meeting, the program McMeftamin, rector of the Cathe­ pital and other charitable pur- in religious devotions as the Holy 287'to observe the closing of the that the school has been raised to poses. CATHEDRAL FOURTH WORD meet the North Central standard. of which will feature, addresses by dral, will deliver the address of Year of Jubilee draws near to an E&st. Colfax at Lofan “ Deus. Mens”— “ My God, Why Hast Holy Year o f Jubilee. The Holy Bishop Vehr and other prominent welcome to convention delegates. An uprto-date review of the end, it is expected that Easter Most Rev. Urban J. Vehri D.D.. Bishop Thou Forsaken Me 7” Rev. A. Topor. Father points out that the observ­ Father Donnelly is famous for his of Denver; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh L. Baritone solo. ance of the nineteenth, centenary work in mathematics.' The school ^ priests and prelates of this region, movement for the construction of Masses will be more widely atr The first business session of the a children’s hospital was given at McMenamin, LL.D., Rector. FIFTH WORD of the Redemption coincides with is taught xby the Sisters of S t ' as well as by the student leaders day will be held at the Knights of A sunr^c Mass at 5 o’clock, a feature “ Sitio” — “ I Thrist,” Rev. Henry Ford, themselves. the meeting by Charles J. Ribar, tended this year than ever. A (Turn to Page 4.— Column 3) Joseph.' Columbus club house, 16th avenue of Easter services at thr^athedral, again Solos for tenor and bariton^ with a member of the speakors’ com­ sunrise Mass at 5 o’clock and a will iaaugurate the observance of the chorus. - ^ The convention program will and Grant street, at 11:30 a. m. mittee recently appointea by Mrs. Solemn Pontifical Mass at 10 Feast of the Resurrection at the mother SIXTH WORD ^ Featured on the program of this Fred B. Orman, chairman of the church of the diocese. Low Masses will “ Consummatjlm Est”— “ It Is Fin­ o’clock will ifeature the sei-vices be said at 6, 7, 8, 9. and 12 o’clock. A session will be talks by the Rt. hospital committee. Ribar outlined ished,” Rev. William McCarthy. Rbv. Msgr. William O’Ryan, pas­ in the Cathedral. Splendid musi­ Solemn Fontiheal Mass will be cele­ Soios for soprano, tenor, baritone, with the work that has been done and cal .programs have been prepared brated at 10 o’clock by ■ Bishop Vehr, chorus. N^w Lodge Being tor of St. Leo’s church, and by Msgr. Hunt, Noted said that while no definite date for the Masses in all churches. with the Cathedral Vested choir, under SEVENTH WORD the Rev. William D. McCarthy, the direction of the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jos­ “ Pater in Manus Tuns” — "Father Idto has been set it is felt certain that The program in full for Catholic diocesan superintendent of schools. eph J. Bosetti, V.G., singing a Mass by Thy Hands,” Rev. John R. Mulroy. the hospital will be obtained. churches in (Denver and vicinity, Garofelo. Tenor solo and chorus. It is expected that this session Closing hymn— “AdoramUs Te Christe.” Constructed at will include the formulation of HOLY GHOST CHURCH Chorus. For Radio Vorl^ plans for a closer interschool ac­ 19th aad California Sts. Members of choir: Anne O’Neill, Helen Rev. John R. Mulroy, Pastor Sedlmayr, Joseph Clifford, Donald Davies, tivities program for Newman clubs Oscar Heggem, Ferdinand Cain, Neil in this area. Election of officers Priest-Convert Who TRE ORE SERVICE . * 1 2 :30 to 3 p. m. Friday Spicer; organist. Wilma Gerspach. Camp San Malo for the Intermountain province “ THE SEVEN LAST WORDS,” Theodore Easter Sunday Masses will be at 6. mil be one part of the reorganiza­ Dubois. Sane bjr the Holjr Ghost choir. 7:IB; 8:15:'9:16, 10. 11:15, and 12:16, Denver Visitor Worked Mere Dies Introductory hyma (soprano so'o)— "0 , with High Mass at 10. Reposition and tion. Temporary officers, who are Benediction will be held at 7:46 p. m. A new gift to Camp San Malo tofore, has been used only for Vos Omnes.” the Cathedral choir and boys. serving until the election at the FIRST WORD The Klch Mass program follows: in the form of a spacious lodge, The report of the death’’ of the (then Sacred Heart) college be­ “ Vidi Ahuam” ...... Gregorian Bishop Vehr Blesses Holy Denver convention, were named at' “ Pater Dimitte" — “ Father Forgive now under construction, was an­ Msgr. Bosetti has reserved August the time of the annual initiation Rev. Joseph Eldridge Hyde, S.J., ginning in 1893. An expert in Them.” liev. A. Zeller. C.SS.R. , Gloria, and ...... Loesch nounced this week by the Rt. Rev. for the Cathedral groups, but an­ (Mis for Diocese of Tenor and baritone solos, with chorus. — “ Regina Coeli” ...... Werne:» at the University of Colorado in a t . Campion college, Prairie du commercial mathematics and an , Benedietus, and ..... Msgr. Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G. The nounces that the camp will be’ Salt Lake adept at training young men in SECOND WORD Boulder last Feb. 23. These tem­ Chien, Wise., recalls the unusual “ Hodie Mecum Eris”— “ Today thou — ...... -...... Pietro Yon new building is being constructed open in .the month of July to boys porary leaders are Mark I. Princi, circumstences surrounding the dramatic art, he was attracted to shalt be with Me in Paradise," Rev, A. Communion— “ Pania Angelicns” ...... with funds given by Mr. and Mrs. of the other city parishes who are The RL Rev. Msgr. Duane G. Colorado university, chairman; the Chui'ch by the examples of both Zeller, C.SS.R...... —...... Cesar Franck Oscar L. Malo, donors of the recommended by their pastors. conversion to the Catholic faith Duet— Tenor and baritone, with chorus. Recessional ...... Selected Hunt, Vicair General of the Dio­ Clara Schultz, Denver university, of the dynamic priest As a non- faculty members and students and Members of choir: First tenor, Joseph camp. The new facilities will Arrangements on the part of those was baptized in 1894. THIRD WORD cese of Salt Lake, was a guest of ^c© chairman; Harry Hoskin, Catholic layman on the faculty, “ Mulier Eece Filius Tuus”— “ Woman, Clifford: second tenor, Donald Davies; make it possible to extend the who %ant to avail themselves of Bishop Vehr Wednesday and Colorado School of Mines, second Father Hyde -was in charge of the One thing that the priest after­ Behold Thy Son,” Rev. Francis Brady. (Turn to Page 8— Column 1) service of the camp, which, here- an opportunity for an outing at Thursday. In the absence of Bish­ (Turn to Page 4 — Column 3) commercial branches at Regis wards remarked about was the Camp San Malo in,July should be op James E. Kearney, who was re­ fact that the Regis Jesuits did not made through their pastors and ceived in a private audience by use any particular urging or pres­ not directly with Msgr. Bosetti. the Holy Father "bn Wednesday, sure upon him in the matter of The new lodge will be nearly Bishop Vehr blessed the holy oils religion. They were always REQISTER STAFF WRITER twice as large as the old one and \\ for both Denver and Salt Lake EASTER QREETINQS courteous to him, and were satis­ will easily accommodate 100 boys City on Holy Thursday. fied that he was an excellent at a time. It -will be completely Msgr. Hunt is well known teacher and a refined gentleman. equipped with dormitories, wash­ throughout the West for his reg­ FROM BISHOP VEHR But he studied the lives of the FEATURED IN ^AMERICA’ rooms, up-to-date kitchen, private ular Sunday ewning radio broad­ Catholics who were associated with dining room for guests, main din­ -i- ing room, infirmary, and private casts over KSL of Salt Lake City. The following Easter message' him, with the result that he asked souls with true contrition and An article, “ The College, and forth ' some of the ways inset can organize their fellows and apartments for the director and He is now in his ninth year in has been written by the Most Rev. to be received. Then, after a few amendment of life, so that His Catholic Leadership,” by C. J. Mc­ for the keeper. this work. In discussing the ad­ Urban J. Vehr for The Register: Resurrection may be the occasion years, he applied for admission which the Catholic college can who can, by their own efforts, vantages to the' Chprch of using Neill, a member of The Register A formal dedication will take EASTER GREETINGS TO THE of our death to any sinful habit (Turn to Page 8— Column 1) staff and former executive secre­ furnish and is furnishing the train­ provide an example of how the the radio, he declared that great ing for it. place early in the summer. GOOD CATHOLIC PEOPLE and our rising to a higher life of tary of the Catholic Action com­ layman is to function in a prop­ interest is manifested in his talks. OP THE DIOCESE OF DEN­ grace and fidelity to Him. May This leadership must be one of erly conducted program of Cath­ Letters of inquiry from'non-Cath- mittee of men in Wichita, Kans., VER. He grant us the temporal goods of appeared in the April 13 issue of men who know and who act, who olic Action. And it must be a olics have aj^age^'^s high, as 200 The of Easter morn­ this world which we need, and res­ are endowed above the average by leadership which recognizes that a week in a brqpdcasting season. America, Jesuit weekly review ing are the festive expression of ignation to His holy will in the pub^siied in New York. The ar- nature, and who are trained in the Catholic Action is the participa­ Himself a convert (he is a for­ religious joy and exaltation. The Bufferings of life. ■ Work, who can write, who can tion in the apostolate of the Hier- mer Methbdistfe Msgr. Hunt is points out the respon- victory of the Savior over sin and I will offer Holy Mass on Easter e Catholic college as a talk, and who can do— men who (Turn to Pag* 9 — Column 5) particular^tj^Bt^rested in bringing the grave gives us supernatural morning for the intentions of the the truths of the Church to non- training §fchool for Catholic Ac- courage in the strug;gles of life faithful of the diocese and I ask f ollo'ws: .Catholics. and supreme confidence in His Di­ you to unite your prayers with IS lUTiOmZED On April 25-27, in Chicago, the vine Providence and care of us. mine at the Holy Sacrifice. A National Catholic Alumni federa­ I wish you an abundant measure, happy, blessed, and joyous Easter tion will hold its decennial con­ PRESS COLLECTION TO BE Priests of the diocese are au­ Cathedral to Have of God’s blessing spiritually and from the Risen Christ, our Savior, vention. The theme of the con­ temporally. In the spiritual sense, •i* URBAN J. VEHR, vention is “ Catholic Thought and thorized by Bishop Urban J. Vehr may the Risen Savior touch our Bishop of Denver. National Reconstruction,” and the to include the prayer for jrain in 2 Solemn Maoses The Most Rev, J. Henry Tihen, working out of the theme will be HELD SUNDAY, MAY 5 their Masses, if local conditions retired Bishop of Denver, will be along the lines of a search for make the prayer advisable. For the responsibility of the Catholic honored at the commencement ex­ the benefit of the laity who follow A at 5 o’clock ercises of St. Benedict’s college in college for the formation of Cath­ The annual subscription -dollec- ly a^reciated. Those who can­ Easter Sunday morning will be FR. GILLIS TO SPEAK ON Atchison, Kans., on May 30, when olic leadership. . tion for The Denver Catholic Reg­ not afford that much are requested the Mass 'with a Missal, the Eng­ celebrated at the Cathedral this he. will have the honorary doctor It will not be amiss, therefore, ister will be taken up in the to give within their means. The lish translation of the prayer is year. The. Mass will be sung by at this date, to investigate the poor who can afford no donation, oflai^s degree conferred upon him churches of Denver and vicinity given, as follows: the- rector, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Three other prominent alumni of nature of this leadership•dership aa’nd' to without making a hardship for Hugh L. McMenamin, who will ‘ CHURCH AND CUlfURE on the first Sunday in May. This themselves, are kindly requested 0 God, in whom we live, move, the college will receive the same date has been reserved for the and have our being; Bestow upon be assisted by the Rev. Charles title. They are the Most Rev. not to give. By. a ruling of the M. Johnson, ; the Rev. M. collection by the Most Rev. Urban post office, people who make a do­ us seasonable rain, that receiving “ The and Cul­ ver from San Francisco, where he 'Thomas F. Lillis, Bishop of Kan­ Si

“WE . ‘ - 7 1 ' - 4 v y ' ■' ' i _____ 1'______• , ■ ...... ' < ■ . ■ r 1

PAGE FOUR Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, April 18, 1930 The Denver Catholic Register FINAL REHEARSALS TO BEGIN President___ Picture of First F a tb Gillis to „Most Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. President Emeritus. ------Most Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.D. Eoitor, »_R t Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D. FOR CHARTTY GRAND OPERA MananngManaging Editor.Editor------—Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D. Associate Editors—— Rev. Maurice Helmann, M.A., Jour.M.; M. P. (Coatiaoed Frem Page One) her property to support him. He Give Address on Biship of Denver abandons bis former attitude and Everett, Jour.M.; Rev. Arthur Proehle; Charles J, McNeill, A.B.; Ruth be exchanged early If desirable Vincent. seats are to be had. throws himself wholly upon her mercy. Alfred has a younger sis­ Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. Story of the Opera ( ter, whose marriage to a young PRELUDE: nobleman will be jeopardized if Cliiircli, Culture In City Gallery A musical gem, sug|estivb of Alfred’s mesalliance is made the melancholic state ox mind ef known. The story is told in • l i Published Weekly by Violetta when nearing the tragic •Purs, Siccome Un Angelo” The Colorado state court, Cath­ end, ("Pure As An Angel” ), (Continued From Pago One) f 4 l l La r i m c i l S i t D e n v e r 4 C o l o ^ THE CATHOLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY (Inc.) olic Daughters of America, this ACT I Violetta at first refuses to give by the Rev. Charles M. Johnson to 988 Bannock Street week had a picture of the MdSt We are in Paris at the house of up Alfred, but realizing that ner promote the spread of the faith. Rev. J. P. Machebeuf, first Bishop YOU CAN NOW BUY AWN I N li^ Telephone, KEystone 4205 P, 0. Box 1497 Violetta Valery, young and beau­ character has been destroyed and Proceeds of the lecture will be of Denver, placed in the gallery tiful, a woman of refinement, who that this must ultimately react to used to purchase Catholic litera­ CUSTOM MADE of the municipal building devoted has been led by misfortune and Alfred’s disadvantage, she finally ture for the free reading room in ,?2 a year. Sold only in club arrangement with The Register, to the pioneer builders of the the loss of both her parents to her Tuesday edition. $2 covers subscription to both weeklies. yields. Two numbers continue the St. Paul’s chapel at 1528 Logan. INSTALLED FOR AS LOW AS * 2 " ? state. This action was in con­ present somewhat notorious mode scene: "Dite Alla (Jiovine” ("Say formity with the national program of life, A gay party is in prog­ • Father Gillis was born at Bos­ to Thy Daughter” ), and “ Impo- ton, Mass., Nov. l2, 1876. He w m Thursday, April 18, 1935 of the order to perpetuate the ress with gnests arriving. Among nete,” (‘‘Now Cbmmand Me” ), In I ill...... Ml b II Catholic history of the country. her guests is Alfred Germont, son educated at St. Charles’ college in ASK US ABOUT VENETIAN BLINDS these, Violetta, having resolved Maryland, at St. Paul’s college in OFFICIAL! DIOCESE OF DENVER Another step will be the placing of a country gentleman. For upon the sacrifice, places herself of a model of old S t Mary’s Ca­ months he has worshipped Violet­ Washington, D. C-, and at the The Denver Catholic Register merits our .cordial « unreservedly at Germont’s com­ Catholic University of America. thedral in the exhibit of historic ta from a distance— ^is now intro­ We confirm it as the official pi^ilication of the Diocese. Whatever mand. He is deeply grateful and In 1900, he joined the Congrega­ pioneer buildings in miniature. duced as another of her admirers weeps as he enfolds the girl in his appears in its columns over the signature of the or those tion of St. Paul (the Paulist Fa­ The picture of Bishop Mache­ — at her request .he rings a jovial arms. As soon as Germont has of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. thers), and was ordained in 1901. beuf was obtained through the and brilliant drinking song, "Li- gone, the unhappy Violetta writes We hope The Register wiD be read In every home of the His rtility a.s a writer, preacher, “SEQUOIA** courtesy of St. Thomas’ seminary. biam Nei Leiti Calici'^ (“ A a note of farewell to Alfred and diocese. and lecturer became more widely Bumper We’ll Drink” ), in which makes ready to leave for Paris. Today and Saturday We urge pastors^ parents and teachers to cultivate a taste in Violetta joins, and the guests in recognized with each year of his OGDEN the childreh of the Dibcese for the reading of The Register. Alfred returns mystified by her chorus. Dance music is heard and confusion. But she contrives to priestly life, and, in 1922, he was + URBAN J. VEHR, Newman Chib all go into the ballroom, but Vio­ get away, bidding him farewell made editor of The Catholic Aug. 5, 1981. Bishop of Denver. letta is - suddenly seized by a with such tenderness that he is World, a post he still holds. He is faintness, an ominous forewarning deeply moved. He awaits his fa­ the author of two books, “ False Meeting Planned of consumption. She begs the ther, when a servant, however, Prophets” and ‘‘The Catholic MAURICE guests to go on to the dance— they brings him Violetta’s note inform­ Church and the Home,” and has do so, all except Alfred, who, written many articles for leading (Continued From Pago One) ing him that she has left him for­ aware of her suffering, stays to ever, Alfred’s despair is dread­ Catholic publications. He also vie* chairman; Frank Lauchomer, comfort and assist her and tells ful; he ie not to be aroused, even conducts a popular weekly column Colorado nniveriity, corresponding her of his uhdying love, in the when his father enters and vainly of comment, "— firgiflinriala secretary; Bernard Riddeu, Colo­ aria, “ Un JDi Felice”— a day for­ What’s Right with the World,” in strives to console him with the rado Aggies, treasurer; Joseph C ever remembered, a large number of Catholic news­ FOUES BFRGERE Opinwns of Associate Editors of The Register \ memories of his home by ANN 50THERN • MERLE OBERON Weber, Colorado Teachers, re­ Violetta laughs at his romantic the ever lovely “ DI Pirovenza . papers. 2 0 « wuh cording secretary; Duane W. Ad­ ihrases and then seriously asks Mar” ("Thy Home in Fair Prov­ CINTUtT BirxiX V, toy DEI lUIH . ItlMi-S lk„ UNItIO AtrilTI ler, Utah university, historian, *nd A feature of Father Gillis’ ap- riciuii im never to speak of love. In an ence” ), In this touching appeal o DARRYl F. ZANUCK produetion (Contlnaad From Page One) the Rev. Anthony Eoitz, O.S.B., earance at the Brown Palace will angry mood Alfred starts for the he asks his son to return to his Colorado university, chaplain. e the musical program to be pre­ past, thaP't^ section- of the coun­ dered an after-tbe-show bathing door, never to return, but Vio­ home— and to his father’s heart. Following this bnsiness session letta stops him with the offer of g sented in conjunction with,the ad­ Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 5. Phone MAin 3437 try, -which hds.had the problem to party. The appeal is not successful. See-* dress. The Cathedral Young Peo­ face and the humility to suffer, there will be a period in the after­ flower as a token of her encour­ ing Flora’s note on the table in­ Tuesday morning, the New York noon in which delegates will be agement in his pursuit. Alfred ple’s club’s Choral club will make will not be inveighed against by state assembly proceeded to throw viting Violetta to a gay party, Al­ its first public appearande, sing­ free from regular meetings. leaves happy. fred rushes past Germont and in Dr. J. J. O’Neil, Dentist those who reck not of the prob­ hot water all over the bare skins T h e' night being spent, the ing several numbers unde:( the di­ r^-'W lems involved. Nothing is more by passing the anti-nakedness law At 6:30 p. m., the convention a jealous fury is soon on his way rection of 'W. F. Shrimpton. The guests benn to depart, rinring the to Paris. dear to us that the purity and sponsored by Al Smith. The bill banquet will be served at the Olin Choral club is made up of about hotel, where the Most Rev. Urban chorus, “ Si Ridesta in Ciel L’Au- ACT III > Suite 722 Mack Building, 16th and California Streets sanctity of our womanhood and, brands as a misdeameanor the ap­ rora ” (“ Dawn in Yon Sky I» Ris- 30 mixed voices. Eleanor Egan so help us God, no man shall vio­ pearance in the nude of mixed J. Vehr, Bishop of Denver, and Dr. Violetta’s boudoir. will play the piano accompaniment '"i Frederick Maurice Hunter, chan­ ing” ) Left alone, Violetta feels late it without paying the just pen­ groups, and declares owners of the awakening in her own heart The prelude to act III is per. for the choral numbers and will '-* i cellor of the University of Denver, alty which should be inflicted property on’ which nudism ie prac­ of a true, responsive love, the first haps the most exquisite music of also render several piano solos. upon the beast who invades the ticed guilty of the same offense will be guests of honor along with the opera. Violetta is asleep. The Violin numbers played by John several Denver priests and New­ she has ever known, and she closes sanctity of our womanhood.” as the nudists themselves. The law the act ■with that most brilliant illness by which she has been Byers, Jr., also of the Cathedral With sUch a statement coming was approved by both senate and man club chaplains in the different afflicted from the first has been Young People’s club, will com­ schools in attendance. The ban­ coloratura aria, “ Ah' Porse Lui from his lips, we wonder just by house of the New York legislature Che L’Anima” (“ Was It He of intensified by these new develop­ plete the musical program. what token Mr. Smith of_ South and is expected to receive the sig­ quet will be followed by » ball, ments, and she now lies upon what The admission charge for the which will take-place at the Olin Whom I Dreamed?” ). In the sec­ Carolina feels himself qualified to nature of Governor Lehman. is to be her deathbed. The doctor lecture will be 50 cents per per­ hotel at 9 o’clock. ond part of the aria she mistrusts endorse barbarism on the one hand Passage of tho anti-nudism bill her own heart, and tries to shake comes 'With reassuring words, but son, and tickets are on sale by and to pass upon the laws of the should put skirts back on "The Schools to be represented at the off this thought of love by a bril­ they do not deceive her, and the members of the Guild of Faith. 'nation on the other. If, as one Girl From Childs” ih short order. meeting are the University of liant outburst of mirth and gayety doctor confesses to the maid that Colorado, Boulder; UniveniW of she has not Iqhg to live. Left senator would say to another, the Nudists all ever the country are In "Sempre Libera,” ("Round of self with 4 strange accession of MURF^Y-MAHONEY MOTOR CO. gentleman, from Carolina believes finding that their so-called health Denver, Colorado School of Mines, Pleasure” ). alone, she arain reads f. letter she has receivea from Germont: strength. “ Ah, yes,” she cries, “ I in law and order, why is he not cult will not meet with the ap­ Golden ; Colorado State College of ACT 1. ENTR’ACTE live, I have returned to life.” And L 2986 NO. SPEER willing to allow the due process of proval of the thinking men and Education, Greeley; Colorado Scene Two "You have kept your promise, ^he duel took place, and the baron with this she falls back upon the law to take its course? If the women of the country. Denver State College of Agriculture and The opening of Act 1, Scene couch—fiead. GA, 1457 Service conditions in the South are such nudists found their action not pop- Mechanical Arts, Fort Collins; Col­ two, will be immediately preceded was wounded, but is improving. C/sed Cars as. to warrant a capital punish­ ular and disbanded. New York orado college, Colorado Springs; by a complete rendition of the Alfred is abroad. Your sacrifice ment law to uphold deeency, why, nudists sought to escape the pro­ University of Utah, Salt Lake brilliant, “ Dance of the Hours,” has been revealed to him by me, C«»ter«— That Are Built to De­ say we, are not such laws enacted? visions of Taws already in force City, and University of Wyoming, and he will return to you for par- liver Real Service for Your from "La Gioconda,” by Ponchiel- Specific RequiremenU. One thing we must hand to Mr. against indecent: exposure, and a Laramie. li, given by th e. Lillian Cushing don. Hasten to recover; you de­ serve a bright future. ‘ HOSPITAL-HOME Smith, before closing, however, is new law was passed. The nudist A large group of Newman club dancers. INSTITUTIONS that in his state, South Carolina, movement in this country must fail alumni u expected to attend the A richly furnished salon in . . , Germont.” Alas it 18 too late” is her com­ Industrial Caster LOOP MARKET no divorces are granted. We do because it simply does not take convention and take part in, the Flora’s house. ment and she sings her beautiful not agree with his stand on lynch­ into consideration the fact that hu­ pro^am. After leaving Alfred, Violetta, and Truck Co, FIFTEENTH AND LAWRENCE ^ ing, but we venture the opinion man nature is weak and is inclined it becomes known, has gone to and pathetic farewell, “ Addio Del rC. E. Annitronf, M fr. Passatto” (“ Farewell to ' the KE. 4951 Free Parking With Purchaza oJ 50c or Mora at 1429 Lawrence that the purity and sanctity of all to evil. Sunshine may be good for Paris and attached herself to her 825 14TH ST., DENVER womanhood would be much better the health, but great expanses of admirer, Baron Douphol. She is Bright Visions” ). She has ' not protected if other states would biare skin simply are not good for Jubilee Year expected with this new admirer long to wait for Alfred, who ar- follow that of his in outlawing the morals. at a gambling party and masque rives in repentance. Hp w speed-1 I FREE LECTURE ON the evil of divorce. Anyhow,^ nudism “ just ain’t ball given by her friend, Flora. ily forgiven, and Violettg, forget-1 ■ DRINK ting, or seeming to forget her ill-1 ; CATHOLIC DOCTRINE SOLES 4 5 < practical” in this country of bliz­ Madie°by 26,500 The guests are entertained by the TUESDAY. 8:15 P. M. SPRAY’S zards, stinging sand storms, and ness, plans with him to leave Paris . Subject April 16) '‘, the John T. Barnett has been pro­ gypsy chorus “ Avrem Lieta di lOKPfE Men’s Half Salat blazing sun.— C. J. McNeill. Maschere” ( “ With Enjoyment forever. For the moment, like 1 Rosary, and the Scapular** and **A posed as possible United States (Continued From Page One) many others in the shadows of dis­ ’ Holy Church.” Minister to Canada. Recommen­ the seventy-fifth anniversary of This Night” ), and the gypsy Illustrated Lecture on Life of the Loop Shoe Repair Shop dance, followed immediately by aster, they are happy- They sing dation of his appointment is made POLYSYLLABIC POETRY the apparition of the Blessed Vir­ Apostles^ Friday, 5;SO P, M. Loop Market— Lawrtoce Stratt Side • • the chorus of matadors, "Di Ma- the "Parigi o Cara,’'^ (“ Far From by United States Senator Alva B. gin at Lourdes. TKe Holy Father Gay Paris” ). Free Readinf Room Open Daily ALWAYS dride Noi Siam Mattadori” ("W e 1 to 9 P. Me Adams, who defeated Barnett in NATURE— MOTHER, HUMAN particularly deplores the reinstate­ The shock of their meeting, Are Brave Matadors Come in ST*; PAUL’S CHAPEL, 1528 LOGAN the race for Democratic nominee After our outburst the other ment of neo-paganism in so many 25c COFFEE— 2 LBS. 45c The firms listed here de­ Glory"). however, is too much for Violetta^s for United States senator from week on pofipatatic prose (the places and the exaltation of pagan Violetta is ill, physically and strength. The end is very near — SPR /Y STORES— serve to be remembered Colorado. Catholics would rejoice kind that wanders all over without doctrine in opposition to Christian spiritually worn, disinclined to now, and she collapses into her Home Public Market in seeing a member of their getting anywhere) we ran onto a truth. when you are distributing such a life, but she knows it is the lover’s arms. Noting her pallor, JOHN C. REEVES Loop Public Market Church given such an appoint, fine example of polysyllabic poetry "He asks that Catholics inter­ only way to convince' Alfred that he sends for the. doctor. Germont Broadtiray at Ellsworth your patronage in the dif­ ment, but, on the other hand, all that is even better than the long- enters with the -physician. The &CO. cede with the Immaculate Virgin their ways divide, and she has tak­ For Delivery Direct ^ p 71 fi 1 I Coloradoans would be glad to see winded vorsion of the Gettysburg ferent lines of business. so that pardon may come to the en it to fulfill an apeement with scene is an affecting one, and Ger­ TILE AND MARBLE From Roaeting Planti^ J-

iM Thurgdayr April 18, 1&35 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER lephone, KEystone 4205 yi%^ m-r -* " PUT! PLIiEOFATHER eOYNE TO PREACH AT ST. FRANCIS’ TRE ORE RITE Happy Easter

(Si. FraBoi* SaW Parish) Through an unfortunate error, Tre Ora services will be held a headline in last week’s Register Friday evening from 7 to 10 said that Mrs. W. C. Kimmins To All Our Patrons (Annanciatieii Parish) o’clock. The very Rtv. Thomas was re-elected head bf St. Francis’ Coyne, C.M., president of St. Altar society. Mrs. Kimmins was Let US forget all m e f and loss, The annual card party and The hour is here for which we yearned. social, sponsored by the junior Thomas’ seminary, will be the again chosen to head St. Francis’ DIGNITY speaker. “ The Seven Last P.-T. A., which has made a fine He is surrendered from the Cross, class for the purpose of financing And from the Tomb returned. the junior-senior prom, will be Words,” by Dubois, will be ren­ record under her leadership. dered by the young men’s choir, held Monday evening, April 32, in Sunday marked the inaugural Our dear Lord Christ is come again the school hall. under the direction of Arthur of the practice of havii^ a month­ Alcorn. Upon the roads of Galilee • i . • Edna Hartman, Phyllis McCor­ ly High Mass for the Holy Name Richard Berkencotter’s article, To heal and soothe the throb of pain mack, Eileen Sullivan, and Anna society Communion. About 100 • 9 "Trials o f a Taxidermist,” re­ And from all blindness set us free. Schwieder attended the sodality members were present. The Mc­ ceived fourth prize in a contest Kegney club choir, under the meeting held at Regis college Sun­ sponsored by Current Science, Our tears are dried upon oulr eyes, day. direction of Mr. Alcorn, provided Evelyn Gallagher’s letter to the the music. Our moans to gladness now jdve way, The Cardinal Pep club held a editor of The Scholastic, com­ There is new glory in the skies, ; meeting Tuesday evening to plan The monlhly business meeting The night is gone and comes the day. The quiet dignity of our service is one of mending the good-film page of of the Holy Name society was for a m b picnic April 28. ftep that paper, waa printed in the cur­ arations were also formulated for held Monday evening in the Look up with lifted heart to see its most distinguishing characteristics. It is rent issue of the publication. library of the high school. a theater party to be given after The Aces, the seventh and The Gates of Paradise flung wide— Easter. eighth grade baseball team in The committee for the father But, oh, the blood upon the Tree, one of the factors which makes our efforts Both the sophomore and the the Junior parochial league, de­ and son Communion and break­ 'The Nails, the Spear that pierced His aide! freshman classes are making feated St. Philomena’s Monday fast on Mother’s day reported (By John Staven McGroarty, K.S.G.) outstanding. It is one of the reasons why the preparations for class picnics afternoon by a score of 24 to 16. Ians to care for an unusually Easter Monday. These picnics are The McKegney club’s second large attendance. Thomas Carroll, under the sponsorship of the par­ annual Easter Monday ball will be chairman of the committee, asked w service we render is preferred by so many ents of the class members. held April 22, at St. Francis de thet everyone aid in getting every Sales’ nigh school. A 10-piece man in the parish to attend this Wilhelmina Connolly and Vir­ annual affair. JAmes C larke discriminating people. ginia Cilark, Sigma Tau members, orchestra will provide the music. The society voted to contribute will tell stories Saturday, April P.-T. A; Party Suceets 20, at the Warren bfanch library. More than 200 guests attended $25 to the Easter collection. Chureh Goodg House Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Lehman the social and card party, spon­ The Young Ladies’ sodality of 3840 Franklin street are visit­ sored by, the P.-T. A. for the will hold its meeting Tuesday eve­ ing their dai«hter, Mrs. H. J. benefit of the athletic association ning after devotions in the as- 1686-38 Tremont Street Phone TAbor 3789 Abernally, in Vincennes, Ind. in 1:he community building April semoly room of the rectory. All 12, Table, prizes and several the young ladles of the parish are Mrs. John Murphy and her special prizes were awarded, and sons, Edward and Martin, are invited to attend. refreshments were served. Mrs. Members of the Altar society spending the week-end with rela­ Fred Kelly had charge of the ar­ tives and friends i n ^ , Collins. enjoyed another of Father Lilly's rangements. lectures on the Bible and the KEystone 5363 A spaghetti dinner was served ’The P.-'T, A. 1934-1985 record to the women at a ouilting party Holy Land last Friday afternoon book was one of the three chosen at the monthly meeting. Mr. and r r v . r r r , at the home of Mrs. John Murphy, from Denver county for exhibi­ 8768 Williams street. Those Mrs. John H. Splllane were en­ tion at the national convention rolled as perpetual members. K B K E present were Mmes. Fred Genty, in Miami this month. Mrs. John Ferd Telgeman, Grace Klomski, Boehm, publicity chairman, assist­ A number of the ladies of the Michael Mullins, Anna Thaler, ed by Mrs. William Meehan, com­ Altar society volunteered to meet D^/Qevel^na Place , Jack Feeley, Thomas Feeley, John piled the book, which contains Tuesday to prepare the sanctuary Moncklin, Adeline Blair, Theodore more than 100 newspaper and and church for the Holy Week Johnson, and Anna Markeny, and magazine articles concerning the ceremonies. Miss Marie (Thaler. activities of the association. This, The care o f the altars for the llMNCEAcENCIf GuarJinS fcrever our ibunderis Ideals Ralph Moore, who for the past is the fourth time within five onth was volunteered by Mrs. years that St Francis ae Sales’ ernard Hynes, Mrs. M. Mc- three months has been a patientP* le A merican National Bank iLec* at a local hospital, is rapidly im- P.-T, ^A. record book qiIBS won ahern, Mrs, M. Masterson, Mrs. '^TCUEPHONC 17TH AND LAWRENCE STREET* irovlng and hopes soon to special recognition. J. Hughes, and Miss Clella Carter, KKYSTONE BS63 0 his nome, 3780 High. and each lady was to select her Father Leite, assistant pastor of assistant for ner particular iseek. NERVES CAUSE Annunciation church, nas re­ Sunday will be the monthly CLINT. STEEL “Insure with SteeV* turned from the East, where he P.-T. A. Voles $1011 Communion day for the Altar SLEEPLESSNESS REV. L. H. FITZGERALD, O.P., was called because of the serious society. Members will receive in condition of hia brother, who was a body at 7:30 Mass. When Vour .Nerve* Keep Yon injured in an auto accident. St. Theresa’s circle will hold a Awake Use Thii Old Reliable ASSISTANT AT ‘ST. DOMINIC’S Jackie Applehtus, three-year- card party Tuesday, A^iril 23, at I Remedy 1 ;80 p. m. on the second floor of Yuu ihouM sleep soundly s|l night and old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack For Scholarsliips wake up in the morning completely rest­ (St. Dominic’s Pariah) The monthly meeting and Applehaus of 3826 Gilpin street, the May company. The chair­ ed and rttreshed. If you don’t . . . your man, Mrs. Pruss, and the ladies PICCLY WIGGLY has returned home from the Chil­ nerves, are very The Rev. Lawrence H. Fitzger- the hope chest shower for the Maytime bazaar will be held dren’s hospital, where he was (St. Catherine’s Pariih) of the circle extend a cordial in­ SAVE-- likely to blame. ad, O.P., has been assigned as an The regular monthly meeting of vitation to all their friends to at­ Sleeplessntss 1 a assistant at St. Dominic’s, having Wednesday evening, April 24, taken after receiving serious in­ almost always at 7:80. juries, when he fell at his home. the P.-T.A. was held Tuesday tend. There will be individual Pric.t quet.a ar« .fftetiv. April 19, c s u s a d by high been transferred from the Domin­ table prizes, and special prizes, 20, and 22 in cH Ptfaly W iffly ican Parish of the Holy Name in afternoon at 2:30 in the cafeteria .strung ntrvas. The second meeting of the Miss Mamie Dolan is reported with a very nice attendance, ^ t and refreshments will be served. Store, in D.Bv*r and vicinity. To overcome sleep­ Philadelphia. newly-organized Sodality ®udy lessness you must ill. was decided to have the annual Telephone SPruce 8284 for reser­ give your narvcs The members of the Blessed club \^s held Monday evffling, The sale held by the P.-T, A. summer card party in May this vations. Virgin’s sodality will receive Com- relief. April 10, after Rosary devotions, last Friday was a success. year instead of June. The speak- Thst is exactly muijion Easter Sundpy at the 7:80 “ The Christian Altar’’ was the what Koenig’a Ner. erti for the afternoon were Mrs. Hot Cro88 Buns vine does. This fa­ keynote of the roundtable discus­ Lenora Mattingly Weber, who mous old prescrip­ sions. Not only was a great deal gave a very interesting talk on Package of 6 for.... tion quiets and- of interest aroused from the de­ 10c aootbes the nerves College Given her experiences as a writer, and COMPARE and ' In. Wa- way Golden to Have tailed study of the altar and the CoL C. F . E. Nelson of the Citi­ promotes natural, sanctuary, but much'valuable in­ zens’ Traffic committee, -who healthy sleep. Koe­ Quality — Price formation was derived from pic­ talked on “ Safety 'IVaffic.” The Peaches nig's Nervine is 2 Masses Easter tures of various churches and al­ Collection of the ideal remedy P.-T.A. voted ?100 to sponsor high Del Monte, Sliced or Halves f o r sleeplessness tars. A greater appreciation of school scholarships, $20 of this to because it corrects the altar was gained and the go for one-year scholarships for the cause of your trouble, and is entirely Golden.— Masses Easter Sun­ Bodalists are now in a position to German Classics No. 2 can for... 14c free from harmful drugs. day will be ^ 8 and 10 o’clock. pupils of the eighth grade to be SUNSHINE Don’t spend another night in restless see more clearly why the Church decided upon by their general tossing. Gat a bottle of Koenig’s Nervine The 8 o’clock Mass will be a High encourages her members to dedi­ scholastic record in the school. from your druggist today, and you will Mass. cate to the service of the altar (Lorotto Heights College) EGGS.- No. ZVSi can for.. 18 c sleep well tonight . . . or if you wish we Confessions will be heard Satur­ A collection of German classics The remainder is to be propor­ will send you a free trial size botUt. Use the most excellent productions of tioned in partial scholarships for Medium Standards coupon. day afternoon and evening. Fa­ nature and the finest creations of was recently donated to the BUTTER ther Bergin, S.J., of Regis college art. Loretto Heights college library by children unable to pay full tuition. Mixed 'bolors, Sauer Kraut KOENIG MEDICINE CO., Dept. R-87, Easter Sunday the young ladies Special Price Fri. & Sat. 104S N. Wells St., Chicago, Illinois. will assist with Confessions. The final session of the bridge Mrs. Maria Spence of Evergreen. dozen...... 23c Miss Mary Gargan underwent Mrs. Spence is a friend of and Junior girls will receive Com­ Kuner’a Please send ms a free trial size bottls of and pinochle tournament was held munion in a body at the 7 o’clock Koenig’s Narvine. an operation for appendicitis at April 10. The door prize was the college through her daughter, A ll white, St. Anthony’s hospital last Fri­ Marquette, who formerly attend­ Mass. The Young Ladies’ sodality Name awarded to Eileen Colone, bridge dozen in carton...... ^ 8 V No, 2V» can for.. .10c day. Her condition is satisfac- ed the Heights. The books are held its monthly meeting Tuesday Salted 35 CuntaUed prizes to John Barry and Edith 'M Address tory. from Mrs. Spence’s own library evening in the community hall. Frazzini, and pinochle prizes topinochle The Study club was conducted by City...... State..... , 'The Young Ladies’ sodality will William McCloskey and Geraldine and were brought by her from hold a baked-food sale at Koenig’s Germany to this country. The the Misses Fellcitas O’Brien and Maley. Grand prizes for the Theresa Martelli, who talked on YOU CAN SPREAD market Holy Saturday. tournament were won by Mrs. collection comprises 11 volumes Donna Jean Bettinger was by Lessing, seven by Schiller, 10 the Mexican problem. Plans for MORE SUNSHINE BREAKFAST SANDWICHES Pabrizip, Erin Lewis, Walter the Mother’jB day program were LUNCHES operated on for mastoiditis at St. Clary, and James McCloskey. A by Marlitt, 10 by Goethe, and Anthony’s hospital Thursday eve­ nine Shakespearian tragedies in laid. Miss Eleanor Comnillo will PEAS cake, donated by Mrs. James have charge of the entertainment, SnFBUDY ning of last week. O’Herrpn, was awarded to Mrs, German: “ Hamlet," “ Koenig CHEESE Empton’t Champion Lear," “ Cymbelin,” “ Coriolan," and Miss Felicitas O’Brien will Mrs. R. Graves, Mrs. S. Bolitho, Fred Bies, The purpose of this Many Choice Varietiat and Daisy Brand* “ Romeo und Julia,” “ Othello, Der have charge of refreshments. Mrs. P. Hokanson, Mrs. Margaret tournament, conducted by the so­ At Special Pricetf No. 2 cans, Giesing, and Mrs. George Smith Morh von Venedig,” “ Antonius A triduum to observe the clos­ .L'mncinnRR dality, was to raise a fund that a und Cleopatra,” “ Pericles, Fuerst ing of the Holy Year and the 75th 2 for...... 23c were on the committee that might be purchased and cleaned the church for Holy von Tyrus," and “ Troilus und anniversary of the apparition at dedicated to the memory of the Cressida.” These books will be Lourdes will be held in St. Cath­ EGGS Week. Rev. Edward V. Simpson, O.P., at GRAPEFRUIT, Bl’okn Brand - placed in the general college erine’s church April 26, 27, and Mrs. A. E. Moynahan was re­ one time spiritual director of the Noa 2 CAflft. M c h ...... _ X W C moved from Mercy hospital to her library on the German shelf. 28. The Rev. Russel J. Kirschen- 28c 28c sodality. This ciborium will be heuter, C.M., of S t Thomas’ sem­ home last week. Doa. Specials D o b . used for the first time Easter On Sunday afternoon, April 28, inary will be the speaker. Sunday. there will be a meeting of the MARSHMALLOWS NAMED ZONE MANAGER The banns of marriage were an­ Joseph Rollo and W. P. Peake directors of the Colorado Catholic nounced for the first time Sunday Cottage Cheese 1 lb. in cellophane bag..... 14c A. W. Famular, native Denver were received into the Holy Name School Press association in the for Albert Thomas of this parish Catholic, has been appointed as society at the April_ meeting. library of St. Mary’s academy at and Jessie May Watson of St. l O C per lb. XOC PRUNES, Medium Size BEER WINE Denver zone manager of the Chev­ The ladies of this Altar and 2:15. Louis’ parish. 1323 Broadway rolet Motor company. He began Rosary society have been engaged Easter vacation began at the The ceremonies of Baptism were With Extra Cream 3 lbs. in cellophane bag...... 19c with the company in 1919 and has in the distribution of tickets for Heights on Wednesday afternoon supplied Sunday for Gerald Pesic- held executive posts of responsi­ the party to be conducted Satur at 3 o’clock. Classes will be re­ chil, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. BREAD, 20 Ounce Loaves Longer Burning bility in his career. day evening, April 27, through sumed Tuesday morning. James R. Pesicchil. The sponsors THE SUNSHINE the joint efforts of the women and were Michael Manfro and Lucille Whaat ’N Milk, White, or the Holy Name society. MERCANTILE CO. J A. Y. Whole Wheat, per loaf...... Sc $teneirie. The infant was bap­ The Tre Ore services will be SCHOOL HONOR tized privately whilh in the danger 1809 LAWRENCE ST. held Good Friday afternoon from of death, and is now recovered. 12 to 3 o’clock. Tenebrae will PUPILS LISTED HOT CROSS BUNS ( be sung Good Friday evening at I f in Ttackage...... 10c L . ). READER GIVES THANKS 5 7:30. The sermon on the Passion (St. Mary’s Academy) A reader wishes to express Prices quoted for April 19, SO, and 8S, for nil will be delivered immediately The third semester having been thanks for a favor received after the Tenebrae. Stations of concluded, averages were taken through the intercession of St. LIVE BAIT Safeway or MeeMarr Stero* in Denver end the Cross will be held Good Fri­ and those highest in each class Anthony and St. Rita. FISH ALL SIZES - LICENSES snburbs. day afternoon at 3 o’clock were as follows: Senior, Dorothy *5" A meeting of the counselors of Debler, 96.8; junior, Marie Pence, AID SOCIETY TO MEET Open All Night Meyers Drug Store the P.-T. A. will be held Mon­ 93.2; sophomore, Frances Hickey, The Sacred Heart Aid society WALSH BROS. day afternoon. The fathers and 98.2, and freshman, Mary Ann will meet at the Catholic Daugh- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Complete Drug Service mothers of the children of St. Lamoerty, 94. tars’ clubhouse Thursday, April FISHING TACKLE EMPIRE LUMP Dominic’s school will be the guests th and Fedaral . THEY ARE RELIABLE Those who were placed on the 26, at 2 p. m. 40 -LABELED------TAbor 9606 1100 Acoma at the meeting Friday evening, April 26, at 7:30. honor roll for keeping an average Less Ash • Real Hot of 90 or above in each subject Anhpie Parking Spaca were Dorothy Debler, Doris Prlen, Holds together longer Marie Pence, Frances Hickey, Get A Book of Poems Junior C. D. of A. Mary Louise’ • Crapo, Virginia *nia Gregory, Catherine Kilker, and by the $ 5 9 5 Man^ -Mn Lamberty. Famous J. W . RYAN Plan Open House The school was saddened this Ton week by the sudden and unex­ News 8*y* "Ryan sings lovingly of pected death of the father of Colorado.” The Junior Catholic Daughters Mary Dee Ryan. The sophomores will have an open house on April Spick and Span Ealt-I.ake Tribune "The Old Rider poem attended the funeral. is thrillingly lovely, and when Ryan gets 27 from 2:30 to 4:30. Troops DELIVERY to the higher slopes he will be singing 4 and 7 will entertain. All those there.” who .are interested in the work C IV B M EM BERS TO Far Eist “ A wide cireolation to your bill of the girls are invited to attend. VISIT CATHEDRAL poetry we wi«h.” There will be a meeting of the The RIO GRANDE Mothers’ club Thursday, April 25. Sold At This will be the last of the re­ The Leadership club will meet TELEPHONE MA. SSIS FUEL COMPANY Danvar Dry Good* volving card parties. at the Cathedral Thursday, April Monday evening Troop 8 was 25, at 1:30 o’clock. The Rev. C. Daover’s DarandaUa Cannniswur en KEystone 3146 James Clarke’s Church House entertained by Emra Schwab and M. Johnson will conduct a tour Sm Peed, end Dn*.^ Poultry Virginia Carroll at a social. of the Cathedral, explaining its Preih Caufht YOUR BAKERS AND '1 Halibut, Snxmd and Santa Pe Prizes wero won by Regina Patlan symbolism and displaying the LEWIS FISH ICE CREAM MAKERS and Mary Louise Murrin. sacred . All those who Chinook Salmon, UPM,::;: At th« regular business meet­ are atudying “ Altar and Sanctu­ Ree Sbad.. SHOP PATRONIZE OUR Lonoa Cream Cakes...... 19e ary” are cordially invited to at- Easter C a k .s ...... 3Sc-B0c IHousehold Goodt ing of Troop 12 April 18 two new U V E MAINE LOBSTERS ] ADVERTISERS Fruit SalaiL Rhubarb, Graham members, Helen Grissin and teiid. Tea and a social hour will LIVE SOFT SHELL CRABS i Frosh Pillot Sola, lb...... 48e Cracker Cu.tard Pi*...... ZOe Tell the people you( patronize ^ and Merchandise Gloria Derose, were present. follow at the Argonaut hotel. Th. One Market Where Y .u Can' Fraah Fillet ef Shad, lb.....30e ' Ciovw Lm I Dinner RoUi..,...,...30e dee. that you taw their advertisement DUFFY STORAGE AN^ This troop will present a play at Reservations may be made with Obtain Saiectwl DroaMd Poultry ' Frash Halibut, lb...... SSe ' Het CroM Bun..— ...... _...24c des. I Mrs. D. G. Monaghan or Mrs. ki Th« Ragistar. MOVING CO, the Queen of Heaven orphanage May 11. Thomas G. Barry. Classified Ads

FURNACE WORK DRUG STORES FUiUlACES INSTAULEO « REPAIRED HUTCHINSON'S PHARMACY Pueblo.-—In response to many Rose Kolbezen, Maxine Kochevar, H. H. York. 627 E. Exposition, PE. 2218 Your Naborhood Druggist Phone SPruce 0588 700 So. Paarl requests that there be a Elsie Karlinger, Olga Mishmash, JAMES HUTCHINSON observance of Good Friday, the 01g:a Zakrajak, Zora Mae Jamnik, HOTELS The Cathhlic Charities chil­ city council of Pneblo issued the and Mary Studinsky, and the Durango,^cJ]ather Cawley will NEWHOUSE HOTEL BARBER SHOPS dren’s department is making an following proclamation: counselors. Miss Lil O’Connor, SYMPATHETIC LN THE SHADOW of Colorsdo’ s beau- effort to find desirable Catholic preach the sernton at the Mass in iiful capitoL Colfax at Grant. DeoTcr, WHEREAS, The Friday preced­ and Miss Elizabeth Kearns. FOR first-class work aee John Halloran homes, for the placement of de­ St. Columba’s church Easter morn­ Colo ing Easter Sunday, known as Members of the Pueblo Loretto and Bernie Hack, 1807 Vi Welton St. pendent children. As the individ­ ing. The following musical pro­ CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS’ HOME. Hair cut 26c, shave 16c, children’s hair Good Friday, which this year falls Alumnae association met Satur­ HANDLING HELPS ual child has a definite personal­ gram will be presented by the sen­ 1772 Grant. Pleasant home (or sirls. cut 16c. on April 19, is a day set apart day afternoon at the home of Mrs. ity, it is the task of the case ior choir at the 10 o’clock High in of the spirit and George Gleason. i " J worker to find the best possible Mass and at Benediction: “ Vidi BATTERIES & TIRES UMBRELLAS sacrifice of the Great Founder of A certain comfort for those who are home for the child so that he will Members of the Ladies’ Politi­ Aquam,” Witska; Jubilee Mass UMBRELLAS repaired, recovered. the prevailing religion of our land, GUARANTEED BATTERIES. ll.B'O and have an opportunity for complete cal and Social club met at the in honor of the Sacred Heart; your,!. All sires used tires, 95c and np. Gloves mended. Denver Umbrella Shop. Kyrie, Gloria, and Credo, W. J. left— finds its expression in careful 1614 Champa St. MAih 3462. development At present, it is WHEREAS, The churches of home of Mrs. Josephin,e Spinnuzi. L C. TULLOH. 638 SanU Fe. Marsh; Offertory, “ Regina Coeli,” hoped that some Catholic families our city. Catholic and Protestant Mrs. Mary Soldano and Mrs. Rose and competent handling of the funeral Marino were hostesses. The presi­ A. Werner; Sanetus, Benedictus, SITUATIONS WANTED UPHOLSTERING will find it possible to offer their alike, are inviting all the people of the city to worship in observ­ dent, Mrs. Rose Musso, was in and Agnus Dei, W. J. Marsh. arrangements. Our sympathetic and JEPSEN will do your upholstering, homes for use as boarding homes, Younif man 18 wants work of any kind. ance of this significant event, charge of the business meeting, Benediction: “ 0 Salutaris,” C. .£. Copeland, 1246 S. Jason. furniture repairing, refinishing; furniture the need for which is very acute. after which a social evening was trained experts will relieve your mind cleaned and demotbed. 1569 Broadway. Recently, applications have been WHEREAS, The conditions of S. Morrison; solo, Patricia Tho- TA. 7949. spent. The hostesses served re­ FOR RENT made for foster-home care, and, our time, from every material, mass; “ Tantum Ergo,” and “ Holy of this burden. • ' moral, and spiritual situation, war­ freshments. Plans were made for God We Praise Thy Name.” Tell the people you patroniie as the particular type of home a dance to take place Sunday, FOR RENT— 8-room . corner bungalow, needed was not available, place­ rant a recognition of our religious Members of the choir are: So­ near St. Catherine’s’ church and school. that you aaw their adTePtiaement May 12, at the Knights of Colum­ needs, therefore, pranos, Misses Mary Conway, Pa­ 4100 Hooker St. in The- Regiater. ment was necessarily delayed. A bus home. The public is invited. Consult our Advisory Department at any time with’- BE IT RESOLVED that all tricia Thomass, Mary Dunleavy, certain amount of remuneration is Hostesses for the next meeting commercial institutions of our Louise Richardsqn, Alice Soens, allowed for the care of children will be Miss Lillian Cicero, Mrs. out charge or obligation • city, the schools of our commun­ Frances Bobish, and Winifred placed in boarding homes under Sarah Sedita, and Mrs. Rose the supervision of Catholic Chari­ ity, and all the people of the city Conway; altos, Misses Frances II of Pueblo be rec^uested to give Taulli, ties when the boarding-home par­ The H. H. C. club met Sunday Engler, Lorrainne Richardson, recognition to this day and to Frances Erzek, and Martha R. ents find it impossible to accept afternoon at the home of Mrs. children without financial assist­ Clark; tenors, Robert .Cummins the same for a loilg noon hour was and Johji Duggan; basses, Robert The MAY Co. ance. played, with Mrs. John Altamore Boulevard Mortuary that all may be privileged to share Those interested in making ap­ holding high score and Miss Marie Ayers and John Ford. The or­ in the observance of this day of plication for the plq/:eraent of Manbucca, low score. The next ganist is Mrs. Augusta Davidson, 3020 FEDERAL BLVD. GALLUP 0407 children in their home, either as faith and thought by attending meeting will be held at the home and Miss Patricia Thomass is her foster-home placements or as Church services. of Mrs. Samuel Turano. Those assistant. Martha R. Clark is di­ boarding-home placements, may do J. W. CARPENTER, attending were Mmea. John Alta­ rector of the choir. James P. McConaty so by calling at the Catholic Chari­ President, city council. more, Julia Altamore, Donat Ben- . The children’s choir will sing ties, 1665 Grant street, or tele­ Easter Masses Prepared detti, John Muzzio, Sr., Dominick hymns at the at 8 phoning KEystone 6386 for addi­ The o f the various Moreschfni, Nellie Russo, and o’clock. tional information. churches have been working for Samuel Turano, and Misses Rose Good Friday services include weeks on Masses for Easter Latronia, Marie Manbucco, and the Stations of the Cross for chil­ =Protect Your Rugs ~ morning. St. Francis Xavier’s Mary Russo. dren at 3 p. m, and Stations of And Upholstered Furniture Week Rites church will have a Mass composed Miss Adelaide Dixon is home the Cross and veneration of the by the director of the choir, from Colorado college visiting cross, 7:30 p. m. Frank Priegnitz. Sacred Heart her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holy Saturday services will be B Y HAVING THEM CLEANED Being Held in church members will hear selec­ Dixon. blessing of the Easter water, etc., tions from several of the great Mrs. L. C. Griffith was called and Confessions from 8:30 to 6 AT THE GIGANTIC Masses, rendered by the choir un­ to Des Moines, Iowa, on account and frbm 7:30 to 9 p. m. der the leadership of Mrs. Evelyn of the death of her brother, W. The dust storms have left a film of sand and Colorado Springs Bake Sale It Saturday Cassidy. St. Anthony’s church T. Tavanaugh. * injurious particles of dirt embedded in your choir has been at work for Honor students o f the Pueblo A bake sale, sponsored by the Colorado Springs.— The order several weeks, with Mary Se- Catholic high school, who were Altar and Rosary society, will be rugs and furniture. To protect them from fur­ of services for Holy Week at St. given tickets to the Crusaders’ held Saturday, April 20, at the ther ■wear, you should have them cleaned at Mary’s, Corpus Christi, and Sa­ cora in charge, and music is being arranged by Mrs. Rose show, were Eymord Glentzer, Wahler store. once. cred Heart churches were sched­ Kathleen Brennan, John Connors, Mrs. Ethel' Artz bf Mancos uled as follows: Tenebrae at Alex. St. Patrick’s church will have the regular choir mem­ Esther Burkhart, Ernest Porreco, visited friends in DUrango last 9x12 Domestic Rug, washed with cocoanut oil St. 4 Mary’s church Wednesday, Albert Rabida, Patricia O’Neal, week-end. Thursday, and Good Friday eve­ bers augmented by several special soap ...... '...... $ 1 .5 0 artists. Selections from well- Mildred Jackopitch, Evelyn Mc- William Monynhan was called nings at 7:30 o’clock. On Thurs­ Carney, Huberta Cooper, Rita 2- piece OverstuflFed Set cleaned.....$ 4 .8 0 day morning at 9 o’clock a Solemn known Masses will be sung. St to California because of the death G a ry’s choristers, Pueblo’s lead­ Kruskey, and Lois Renter. of his father, C. M. Monynhan, at 3- piece Overstuffed Set cleaned.....$ 6 .4 0 Mass was sung, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Miles A. Connor procession with the Blessed Sac. ing male chojr, will provide music Hollywood. He was accompanied at two Masses in S t Mary’s and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Connor by his cousin, Miss Helen Mac­ If you would pay double our price the cleaning rament. ^ t 12:10 Friday the went to Denver and Fort Collins Mass of tne Presanctified is being church. At the 9 o’clock Mass, Donald. could not be done any better than at the Gigantic. the choristers will sing the beau­ last week to visit relatives. celebrated, which will be followed William Carlile came from The Rev. F. P. Cawley made a by the Stations of the Cross. Pre­ tiful St Cecelia High Mass, and, trip to Denver last week. at the 10:30 Mass, hymns will be Colorado college to spend the Phone MAin 6101 ceding the Mass at 8 o’clock Easter vacation with his parents, Mrs. M. E. Wherritt returned J Saturday morning the service of sung. The following will partici­ from Carbondale, Kans., where pate in the musical program: Peter Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Carlile. blessing of the new fire, the Bap­ Confirmation to be May S she had been called to attend the tismal font, and the Babish, director; Robert Starr, or­ funeral of her brother. ganist;- Charles Desiato, Albert Announcement was made last will be held. Masses on Easter week that the Most Rev. Urban J. Mr. and Mrs. James Dennison of Sunday will be at 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, Pryatel, William Poder, Chris the “ Big Stick country” were in Starcer, John Studinsky, Stanley Vehr, Bishop of Denver, will con­ .and 12:10 o’clock. The 9 o’clock firm two classes here May 5. The Duwngo last Saturday. Mass will be a Solemn Mass. Spe­ Gasnik, John Evans, Martin Poder, afternoon class-will be held at St. Miss Frances Thompson and i jH-Nuir w m cial Easter music will be featured Joseph Horvat, Louis Raspet, Ed­ Anthony’s church, and the eve­ Miss Odell came to Durango from at all Masses, under the direction ward Pryatel, Joseph Krasovec, Farmingtoh, N. Mex., last Friday ning class, at St. Mary’s church. ■ CLEANERS AND, DYERS of the organist, ■ Franz C. Ham- Mark Ratkovich, Albert Krepenc, Plans for the classes are being to shop and to visit at the Clark Iner. , Joseph Muhic, W m Evans, Jerry home In ^rookside. made by the pastors, the Rev. Main Office and Plant: 700 E. ColfaZ At Sacred Heart churcli Mass Klintz, Bernard Jerman, Jack Cyril Zupan, O.S.B., and the Rev. Thomas McDonald was in to\yn was celebrated Holy Thursday at Okicich, Joseph ^rson, John GiU)ert-^pko, O.S.B. Saturday to meet his nephew, jWil- Branch: 1573 Broadway 8 o’clock in the morning, with Crist, and Rudolph Kastelic. The Girls’ Social club held a liam Monj^nhan, and his niece, all-day adoration of the Blessed Dr. John B. Farley has been ap­ m ating Sunday afternoon, with Miss Helen MacDonald, whiri had' Sacrament. The evening services pointed by Gov. Ed C. Johnson to Miss Annabelle. Parlapiano and returned from Hqllywood, Calif. consisted of Rosary and sermon. the board of state medical ex­ Miss Vivian Parlapiano as hos­ Vigilio Mattivi died at a local On Good Friday morning the aminers. tesses. After a', short business hospital April 12. He is survived Mass of the Presanctified is being Orphan Egg Party Monday meeting, an Easter egg hunt was by his wife, Mrs. Louisa Mattivi, Easter’sThem eSons! said at 7:30 o’clock. Stations The Easter egg hunt for Pueblo enjoyed. Those attending were and three sons, who live in Pueblo. of the Cross will be held at 3 orphans, given annually by the Anne Brothers, Joan Circo, Cath­ Merchant, counselor, and, Elsie o’clock. In the evening the serv­ George F. McCarthy newsboys, erine Cristiano, Victoria Cristi- You’ll have a song in your ices will consist o f sermon and will be held April 22 at Mineral Mangu.so, Elizabeth Manguso, El­ ano, Esther Delliquadri, Hilda sie Rechera, Mary Louis Skufka, heart—and a gay note on veneratiori of the cross. The serv­ Palace and City parks. Orphans Delliquadri, Sylvia Fratterelli, ices on Saturday morning will be­ of the Sacred Heart and McClel­ Margaret Nealan, Dolores Minor, your head when you wear $■750 Jennie Pingatore, Toots Pinga- Rachel Skube, Violet Mae Keast, gin at 7:30 o’clock. On , Easter land. homes will hunt at City^ark, tore, Josephine Perricone, Anne and Lillian Zebuskovez were mem­ these! Black, brown, navy Sunday morning Masses will be and the Lincoln home children will Perricone, and Anne Porfilio. celebrated at 8, 10, and 11:30 hunt in Mineral Palace park. bers of troop 10 attending. ' i Mrs. William McGovern gave Miss Betty Predovich, a stu­ and French amethyst. Head- o’clock. High Mass will be sung Friends of the orphanages will a children’s party Saturday after­ 7 at 8 o’clock. A program of spe­ donate transportation for the noon for her daughter, Mary dent at Colorado college, came sizes 21^4 to 23. home to be with her. parents, Mr. The May Co.— Third Floaty cial Easter music will' be given at more than 250 children expected George, who celebrated her fourth all the Masses. and Mrs. D. P. Predovich, through to take part. Three thousand birthday at that time. Those at­ the spring vacation. At Corpus Christi church High candy eggs and all the ice cream tending were Lois Jean Faricy, Samuel Fabrizio came to Pueblo Mass was celebrated at 8 o’clock the orphans can eat will be pro­ Donna Mae Faricy, Patsy Walt- on Holy Thursday. Services, in from La Junta for the week-end. vided. The newsboys will be hosts myer, Joyce Louise Kopley, Erma PUEBLO DEATHS' Now in Full Swing— The Anierican’s the evening began at 7:45. A at the party, hiding the eggs and Jeanne Coffee, Kathryne and Mrs. Celia Ann David, patient at & sermon on “ The Bread of Life’’ conducting games for the orphans. Marie Alexander, Eleanor Hop­ local hospital for more than a year, died was given by the pastor, the Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kochevar kins, Mary George, and Joan Mc­ Sunday. She is survived by her son. Rev. Felix Abel. On Good Fri­ Govern. Danny; her father. John Hale, and a sis* are the parents of a daughter ter, Mrs. Cora Brown of 620 East Fifth annoiinccs an day the services are starting at born at their home April 11. Miss Hedwig Vidmar enter­ street. Four brothers also survive. Roy 37th Anniversary 8 o’clock with the unveiling of At regular meeting of the tained members of the H. B. C. of Eaffleville, Mo., and Jess, Elsa, and the cross and veneration of the club at her home, complimenting Squire, all of Commerce. Okla. Mrs. Knights of Columbus several im­ David was a convert to the Church. Her cross, followed by»the Mass of the portant matters of business were Miss Lillian Lally on her birthday. funeral was held .Tuesday afternoon at Presanctified. Stations of the discussed. Bridge was played, with Miss St. Francis Xavier’ s' church, and inter* Cross will be held at 3 o’clock in Pueblo Junior daughters and Leona Vogt holding high score. ment was in Roselawn. EASTER SALE Harold La' Clair of Beulah died last the afternoon. Good Friday eve­ their counselors were honored Those enjoying the evening were week after a Ions illness. The funeral ning 8 sermon on “ The Redemp­ last week, when Mrs. Harvey J. Lillian Lally, Madeline Vidmar, waa held Tuesday momins at St. Cath­ tion’’ will be given by Father Smith of Denver, state chairman Theresa McDonnell, Leona Vog;t,, erine’s church in Beulah. The Rev. A. J. James, chaplain of Glockner hos­ of the Junior Catholic Daughters, Antoinette Vidmar, Mrs. Carl) Miller said the Mass. Intermenf was in pital. On Holy Saturday the serv­ paid them an official visit at the Cooper, Mrs. J. A. McDonnell, and 68. died s»nd.. of ices will begin at 7:30, and Mass request of the state regent, Mrs. the hostess. at a local hospital: She was the wife of will be celebrated at 9 o’clock. Joseph Hagus. Mrs. Smith was Card Party Tbii Monday JoReph Vadnal. 1220 Mahren: mother of The Masses Easter Sunday will be The regular Easter Monday Joseph. Jr., and Mr». Russel Warmack. the guest of honor at a dinner both of Pueblo, and Mrs. Joseph Rancick at 7:30 and 9:30, the latter a tendered by the counselors, at card party given by the women of Leadville; a sister of George Udivich, High Mass, which will be followed which covers were laid for 20 of Sacred Heart parish will be 4ind grandmother of three children. The CHILDREN’S by Benediction. Special Easter persons. The counselors answered held the afternoon of April 22 at Rosary was said Tuesday evening at the music will be given. the church hall. Mrs. T. Verlengia funeral chapel and the funeral was held Mrs. Smith’s questions and made Wednesday mcr.iing at St. Mar.y*s church, At a meeting of SL Mary’s Al­ their official reports, with Mrs. is chairman of the event, and where the Rev. James Maurer officiated. tar society held last Friday after­ Zeiger, regent, representing the plans are being made for 50 Interment was in Roselawn. noon, a Study club was formed. senior court and ‘ answering for tables of players. Mrs. Christine Wallace, 528 West Eighth street, died Tuesday at her home. “ Altar and Sanctuary,” an exposi­ that group. ' Mrs. Smith talked to A social and business meeting She had resided in.Pueblo for 25 years. tion of the externals of the Mass- the women of the Junior council of troops five and 10 of the She was ja member of Sacred Heart will be studied by this group ol and told of plans for the summer Junior Catholic Daughters was church. She is survived by her daugh­ SHOES women. The Rev. John Scannell camp for all girls of this state. held, with Miss Helen O’Toole^ ters. Mrs. Pauline Wainz of Ventura, Calif., and Mary Wallace of Pueblo; her V f will act as spiritual director of On invitation, Mrs. Smith re­ Miss Helen Kirby, counselor, and mother, Mrs. Anna Lur.ar; a sister. Mrs. the club. mained in Pueblo Wednesday to the following members of troop Mary Batcha, and a brother. Emil Lusar, Lon Healy, 123 East»Fontanero meet prominent Pueblans interest­ No. 5 present: Margaret Balleweg, ______all of Milwaukee. The______Rosary was______said street, well-known local composer, ed in this work. She was invited Eleanor GreLsmer, Mae Courney ! evening. «nd the M«ss was suns R egularly $1.95 is recovering at Glockner hospital by groups of the counselors to X T eL Kev.^sr Th” "Is from a serious illness.. He under­ luncheons, the opera, “ Aida,” and Helen O Toole. Miss Katherine 1 j . Woiohan. went an operation for appendicitis the dinner given by the university Sizes 61/2 to 11 in smart white, on April 4. women. elk, two-toned calf, brown or ^ Mrs. Mary McIntyre of 324 Party to be April 25 black calf. B, C,’ D widths. All 9 I South Watisatch, who has been The regular meeting of the visiting in New Yoric, Chicago, Young People’s Social club was new styles and Omaha, will attend the an­ held at St. Mary’s school. The Our Famous Easter Eggs nual brealrfast of the Oatholic meeting opened with a prayef. Daughters of America on Sunday The committee working on a at the Hotel Astor, New Yqrk city. ticket selling project made a satis­ factory Yeport. The chairman of D ozen 75c Priest Attends Dying tbe committee was Peter Culig, Regularly $2,45 Jr. Miss Pauline Terlep, chair­ “ Sealy” Studio Couch In School Bus Crash m an'of the dance committee, also Rockville, Md.— The Rev. Cecil made a report. It was decided Ice Cream Sizes IIV2 to 3 in white, pa'tent, A triple-purpoxe Couch, at ttylith J. McNeal ^ministered the last that Miss Florence Terlep and dull leathers. Chic new Easter M at a Davenport for day ute, a full rites of the Church to the 14 high Harold Orazem work on a project tize Double Bed or 2 Twin Bedt school students who were killed for neJrt month. Miss Dana Novak styles. B, C, D widths...... JL at night, with tpring-filled mat- when an express train crashed into and Miss Anna Barbich will be Fancy Cakes trett. Full uphoUtered front, cov­ $ J 5 their bus near here. Ths acci­ the new trustees to work with i ered in a choice of rutt or green dent occurred near the home of Joseph Konsilia, Jr., and Mark tapette, with .3 Kapofc-filled pil- Father McNeal. Stepan. They are to, make a re­ 1512 lowt included. Our regular $31.S0 24 port at the next meeting. A Tea Room value...... $2.50 Delivers 1,000 Men Hear Bishop social was planned for April 25. Curtis St. Regularly $3.45 Those serving on the committee Denounce Birth Control are Joseph Papish, chairman; Miss Bridgeport, Conn. — Pending Catherine Mutz, John Evans, and Boys’ black or tan oxfords, round birth control legislation was de­ Miss Catherine Tezak. BUY YOUR FLOWERS FROM toe or wing tipped. Goodyear f i f American Furniture Co. nounced by Bishop McAuliffe at a Junior Catholic Daughters of meeting of 1,000 men of the welts. Sizes 2 1 / 2 to 6, B, C, D Terms If Desired Sixteenth at Lawrence trOop 4 met at the home of Helen Bridgeport ' Council of Catholic Studinsky. Three guests, Mrs. PARK FLORAL CO. widths, special...... Men. Michael Williams, editor of Georpa ZeiMr, Miss Dorothy 1643 Broadway • KEystone 5106 Commonweal, discussed , the reli­ Schmidt, and Miss Rita Jun,e Scog­ FRESH CUT FLOWERS— PLANTS JOSLIN’S . ... second floor gious persecution in Mexico at the gins, and the following members PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS same session. were present: Elsie Kolbezen, Thn^ggy, 18, 1935 Office, 938 Baimoclc Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone '4205 PAGE SEVEN PPG€ News of Catholic Women— City, State

* yrw'ww WWW w 'ww w w w w ^ w ’¥ w w w w w ^ w % Recommended i AID GROUP PLANS BIG DINNER PICTURES TODAY aJb i f o u l Endorsed Movies Queen of Heaven Orphanage THEATRE Auto Dealers Taberoacle Girk RECENT RELEASES For Family Audlonce* PATRONIZE THESE THEATERS AND PLACES OF Big Boy Ride* Again. Benefit to Be Held May 2 Brewster’s Million*. AMUSEMENTS— THEY ARE CO-OPERATING Nut Farm. Strangers All. Have Dinner Meet The April meeting of the Queen ed reports of standing committees. WITH YOUR PAPER New and Used Cars i Swell Head. of Heaven Orphans’ Aid society Plans were completed for the an­ Ten Dollar Raise. « lA A . A A i was held Tuesday afternoon at the nual dinner to be served on Thurs­ Texas Jack. An unusually large crowd was Unwelcome Stranger. orphanage, Mrs. Loretta Daugh­ day evening, May 2, beginning at Western Justice. present at the monthly dinner erty presiding. Mother Aurelia 5 o’clock at the orphanage. Mrs. For Mature Audiancts REX THEATER given by the council of the Junior Baby-face Harrington. Santa Fe Theatre led the opening . and closing W. J. Kirk, chairman of the com­ 4977 W. 44TH AVE. GA. B340 Tabernacle society. The circle prayers. Routine business includ- Four Hour* to Kill. 974 SANTA FE^-. TABOR 7094 mittee in chaise, announced that Go Into Your Dance. Walker Buick, Inc. James Motor Co. presidents were invited to this indications point to a record at­ FH. and Sat., "Tha St. Louis Kid," James Fri, and Sat., Jean Parker and- Charlss meeting. The Rev. F. Gregory Rescue Squad. Cagney and Patricia EUis: also Jean Bickford in “ Wicked Woman." Sun., Colfax and Lincoln 13tb & Lincoln KE. 8221 tendance. Mrs. A. C. 'Tremlett (These classification* are supplied by Parker and James Dunn in “ Have a Mon>, and Tues., ‘The Lives of a Bengal Also 1532 Broadway— KE. 3276 §mith was the honored guest. The arid Mrs. M. F. Greeley, who are the Chicago council of the Legion of De­ Heart." Sun, and Mon^ "Tha Gay Di­ Lancer,” Gary Cooper and Franchot Tone. DODGE AND PLYMOUTH council members held their study ALTAR LINENS in cha^e of the bazaar to be held cency, and this list is supplementary to vorcee,” Fred Astairo and Ginger Rogers; Wed. and Thurs., ‘The Biography ei a BUICK— DEALERS— PONTIAC session after t;he dinner, and those published Jan. 18, March 8, and also "The Marines Are Coming," with Bachelor Girl," Ann Harding and Robert DISTRIBUTORS following the dinner, announced April 14.) Marion Lamport gave B paper on William Hainos, Conrad Nagel, and Montgomery. Factory Trained Mechanics Expert Repair Service at that a suitable door prize, besides Esther Ralston. Toot., Wed., and Thurs., “ Fixed and Portable Altars.” STUDY TOPIC a beautiful quilt maded( by' the or Shirlay Temple and James Dunn in “ BETTER USED CARS” Reasonable Rates— Also Used Cars Frances AlfiF talked on “ Altar phans, an amethyst and gold ro­ “ Bright Eye*.’’ THEATER Stones,” and Edith Maffeo read a The -Tabernacle society Study sary, and a permanent wave would PROGRAM FOR DENHAM paper prepared by Mrs. Barry on club met at the home of Mrs. D. be awarded in the evening. The KE. 6810 “ The Antipendium” or “ Frontal.” G. Monaghan Wednesday-after­ menu will consist of roast beef, Eighteenth and Cnlifornin RADIATOJl AND AUTO BRAKE TESTING AND The circle presidents at a noon of last week. Mrs. Ralph W. mashed potatoes, string beans, JEWEL THEATRE private meeting after the dinner Kelly acted as chairman, Mrs. A. MEETING TOLD r BODY REPAIRING cold slaw, pickles, rolls, pie, and 1912 SO. BROADWAY. PEarl 0134 RELINING were given tickets for distribution D. McKinley, leader, and the Rev. coffee, served in the efficient man­ Fri. and Sat., Jean Parker and Charles OGDEN THEATRE FRANK N A S T L ^ , Prop. among membera of their circles. Edward Woeber, spiritual direc­ ner that has made the dinners at Miss Martha Soran, courtesy Bickford in "Wicked Woman." Sun., Hava Your ^akea Relined With The tickets are for the social and tor, An interesting paper was thB" orphanage so popular. chairman of St. Rita’s court, Mon., and Tuas., "Tha Li vat of a Bengal I 935 E. Colfax KE. 3737 | NATIONAL AUTO John Manville Brake card party to be given May 15. read^^^ Mrs. Alexiim A. Gargan Mane H. Bongner, sister of Catholic Daughters of America, Lancer,” Gary Cooper and Franchot Tone, on “ Altar Linens— Their Beauty Mrs. A. C. Tremlett, was a visitor has announced the program for Wed. and Thurs., “ Tha Biography of a RADIATOR CO. Council members present were Bachelor Girl,” Ann Harding and RoWrt Lining' M. McPhillips, JL Lampert, D. of Texture and Simplicity of De- at the meeting. Membership in the next social evening Thursday, Montgomery. CiJAN WHOlESOMt ENTOTAINMENT RADIATORS, FENDERS, HOODS, and at sign.” Mrs. Monaghannan displayeddii the Diocesan Council of Catholic April 25. Mrs. Fred Davis, a BODIES REPAIRED Meikenhous, M. Taney, Mrs. J. J. Lynch, E. Maffeo, J. Dunn, A. a liturgical . Mrs. Mc­ Women was retained, and dues member of the court, will give an Rabnildlng Wrecka a Specialty KENT-ROBINSON Schlereth, K, Maloney, F. Alff, M. Kinley gave a talk on Fra Angel­ were paid. Sister Domitilla was illnstrated talk on her recent tour EU D EN V ER 'S FINEST ORCANl 12 E, Elfhth Ava. Pkoaa TAbor 2918 TIRE CO. Coffey, and M. Maloney. A list ico and exhibited many copies of awarded the cake baked by Mrs. of the world. of the circle presidents attending his paintings. Mrs. J. J. Torpel John Nevin. The Rev. Charles At the April business meeting Official Brake Station Try Dancing AUTO TOP REPAIR­ follows: H. Steele, M. A. Fre- elaborated on the depth of colors H. Hagus gave an interesting talk of the court, the importance of 1817 BROADWAY geau, H. McCarthy, M. Ziegler, C. he used. on welfare activities. No social the coming state convention was I MAYAN THEATER | ING AND PAINTING Guaranteed for One Year McCarty, R. Weber, G. Gray, M. At the next meeting Tuesday, hour was held. stressed l^y the spiritual director, I 110 BROADWAY. i PE. 6015 i M. Mangan, A. Rash, and Mrs.* May 21, at the chancejTr, 1536 Mrs. Loretta Daugherty and Jim m ie ! Clean Family Shows f Seat Covert • Upholatering - Side Curtalni the Rev; William D. McCarthy; !■—see——o—owwoe— fr Jones of the Littleton chapter. Logan, Mrs. A. M. O’Rielly will Mrs. S. F .. Chiolero represented the grand regent. Miss Margaret GENERAL AUTO TOP The firms listed here de­ Mystical Rose circle held its read a paper on “ Material and. the society at the quarterly dinner E. Murphy, and the state regent, Gallagher's CO. April meeting at the home of Color of Vestments.” The fol­ meeting of the council of social Mrs. Joseph C. Hagus. Father serve to be remembered Margaret Schlereth. All members lowing women will touch lightly agencies of the Community Chest Eatablished 1920 McCarthy stressed the spiritual Tuesday Night were in attendance, and the on the subjects assigned them: at the Chamber of Commerce din­ STUDIO Phone KE. 0486 829 Broadway when you are distributing benefit to be derived from attend­ president, Ann Schlereth, urged Mrs. Irene Koser, the significance ing rooms. ance at the Mass preceding the PE. 1825 J. ED WOLLENHAUPT. Prop. your patronage in the dif­ them to finish their linens for the of the blessing of altar cloth and session.ion. Mass willbusiness will be Automebilee and Trucka Painted FORD NIGHT placement in the Easter boxes. ornaments; Mrs. A. A. GaFSaH. celebrated at 9 o’clock in the ' Slfne and Show Carda of All Kinda ferent lines of business. how lace came into use; Mrs. April 14 St. Luke’s circle met Cathedral, Father McCarthy offi­ at the for tea at Bernadette Geiger’s George J. Blisln liturgical anti­ ciating^. pendium; Mrs. 6. S. Folker, the HARRY HUFFMAN home. Election of officers for the Priest Talks on Bishop Vehr, spiritual director Roller Skating ensuing term was held. FelicitM discovery of the true cross by St. Directed Theaters Helena; Mrs, Edward M. Smith, of the state court, will be the , SUGGESTED O’Brien was chosen president, and speaker at luncheon at the Argo­ Denver . . . Paramount Catherine Floyd, secretary and the artistic treatment of the cru­ cifix; Mrs. Julia A. O’Neill, the naut hotel at 12:15 o’clock May 1. Aladdin . . . Broadway SKELLY STATIONS treasurer. covers were Other features planned include a Roller Skating distributed to the girls to be Cross of Limpias by St. Philomena. Catkolic Action T ab or...... Rialto Mrs. Mary Purcell will act as sec­ reception at the clubhouse Tues­ painted, and it is expected that an day evening, April 80, and a con­ Mile High Roller Rink Bluebird . Bide-A-Wee Pick Out Your Skelly Dealer artistic display of articles for the retary and Miss Anne Birmingham as leader. ference in the interest of the Con­ 1422 CHAMPA^ST. altar will be turned in by this The Rev. John R. Mulroy gave fraternity of Christian Doctrine circle. Albina de Rose, was apr an interesting■ g addressad' on the Na- Wednesday evening. May 1. Skating Every Night Except Minted to plan a beefsteak fry tional Councu of Catholic Women ■■ Monday Tell the people you patronize Usual reports were read at the that you* saw their advertisement 1 for May 8, to be attended by this at the meeting of the Denver meeting of the court. Matinee Saturday and Sunday group and their escorts. The next Plans Are Made deanery Monday afternoon, April in The Register. regular meeting will take place 15. Father Mulroy pointed out at Frances Jenning’s home May that in order to be effective an NAME OMITTED 19. For Lay Retreat organization must have, besides a The name of Mrs. J. Em e^ W. W, HOFFMAN DA VOLT a HARNED Our Lady o f Perpetual Help framework for action, a spirit that Lowe was omitted from the list R ,E .“ NIC“ WILLIAMS SERVICE SKELLY SERVICE circle \rill hold its regular month­ (Regis College) gives it life. The spirit of the of members of the Paramount club Easter Flowers 1400 20th St. ly meeting, April 29. All members 'The Rev. Bernard J. Murray, N.C.C.W., he said, comes from the in iRst week’s Register. 3400 Tajon (Foot of 20th St. 20th and Sherman Viaduct) are asked to note the change from S.J., of Creighton university ar­ life of the Mystical . Are on Display at the third Monday to the fourth rived in Denver Holy Thursday to “ Catholic thought followed by for this month. make remote preparations for the Catholic Action is the objective.” laymen’s retreat next summer at Catholic Action leaders must BLOOM’S SERVICE Edith Maffeo, chairman of the Hie Bright Spot Flower Shop STATION ways and means committee, has Regis college. partake of the apostolate of the J PRICE’S SKELLY PIPER’S SERVICE JOSEPHINE AT FIFTH 29th and York announced chairmen to help her The Rev. John Markoe, S.J., is Church, and, for this reason, lead­ t . STATION STATION with arrangements for the com­ visiting in St. Paul, Minn. He ers are to remain apart from the Select Them Now for Later Delivery will be present for the golden political strife of the nation and E. 17th and Pbnn. 3rd and Santa Fa ing social as follows: Jeannette Artistic Corsages of ANDERSON’S HUDSON' Dunn, prizes for the card party; anniversary of the wedding of his are to refrain from committing SERVICE STATION Lucille Riede, publicity; Mhrgaret parents, Dr. and Mrs. Markoe. their organizations to affiiliation Orchids, Gardenias, Roses, and Violets E. Colfax at Hudson Taney, cards and tallies; Marion Mrs. Markoe has been seriously ill with any political party, Father YOrk 0690 Member F.T.D, Lampert, patroness list; Dorothy recently. Mulroy- pointed out “ It is evi­ Meikenhous, ticket printing; Kath­ The high school will sponsor a dent,” he said, “ that Catholic Ac­ JESSE W. CERN tion is entirely different from po­ SKELLY STATION erine Maloney, ticket taking at card party Tuesday afternoon, litical action. There is no union Uttlaton door; Marye McPhillips, selecting April 30. of orchestra. On April 26 the Regis prep will of Church and State proposed . . . conduct a solemn closing of the It was false ideas of the relations Jubilee Year of Redemption, at of Church and State that led to MAY CROWNING which a number of students will the Crucifixion of Our Lord. It RIGHT IN THE HEART PLANS BEGUN read appropriate papers. is a false idea of the nature and OF DENVER Bluhill Coffee HUSKY BABY CHICKS The Rev. Bernard Karst, S.J., fundamentals of Church and principal, left Wednesday after­ State that leads to religions per­ Last Sunday morning delegates Every Modern With Homelike is RICH-ROASTED Colorado Hatchery noon, accompanied by Mr. Paul secution . . . today.” Convenience Hospitality olTefrom the Catholic colleges,olTefrom high Stockhausen, S.J., for Fleming, Mrs. A. H. Rampe, first vice CODE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE NO. 1994 schools, and schools of nursing president, presided at the meet­ and Ground in a mist of VACUUM where they are assisting the pas­ Co^M convened at Regis to plan the de­ tor of St. Peter’s church in the ing. The president, Mrs. P. J. 1416 Larimer St. Tel. MAin 6767 tails of the annual May crowning Colorado Hotel DENVER, COLORADO Holy Week ceremonies. Sullivan, briefly outlined the pur­ FLOATING - FLAVOR festivity. The date chosen is The Rev. William J. Fitzgerald, poses and aims of the N.C.C.W. 17th at Tremont, DenVer, Colo, Sunday, May 12, Mother’s day. S.J., returned Saturday from an Reports were made by chairman STEAMSHIP TICKETS The date for the choosing of the auto trip that took him -through of a ffil:...... iated organizations. Mrs. • • • nch queen was set for 3:30 o’clqck, Southern Kansas, Oklahoma, and Loretti Paul, supervisor of clinics, Wednesday, May 1. The gueen Northern Texas. The journey, reported that March was the peak . , . mellow DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN is chosen by lot All schools are made iri the interest of the college, month in clinic activities. More eligible for competition except TOURS AND CRUISES took 10 days. At Ordway, Father medicine was given out in March Swim » * . delicious one that was honored last year. Fitzgerald was invited by a nqn- than in any other month in the WORLD-WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE Catholic man to address the Lyons year. There are more than 150 club on the subject of Jesuit edu­ tonrilectomies oh the waiting list. Try a VACUUM Jar AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY cation. The talk was given in Mrs. Paul thanked all those who Progress Plunge the auditorium of the public high sent clean medicine bottles to be 3300 W. FLORIDA AVE. or Can TODAY 1637 STOUT STREET PHONE KE. 8131 school. Father Fitzgerald had used in the clinic. Open for the Season American Expreai Tjravtlors’ Chaquaa protect your travel lunde. DINE and many other encouraging experi­ Now that housecleaning time is S'.'S ences on his journey, interviewing here, the Denver deanery hopes 12:30 Noon Until 10:30 P.-M. DANCE mayors of several to-wns and that its friends will remember the PRICES ...... 40 cents Bishops and priests of a number Benefit shop and send cast-off Children ...... 25 cents PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Specializing in Quality Plumbing^ and at of dioceses. clothing and other goods to the shop. There is a sale for such Heating Repairs things, and, by sending mods to Casanova St. Mary*s Alumnae the shop, persons will help along To Sponsor Review a worthwhile deanery activity. SUTTERY & COMPANY Music As New 'As the Youth Week to Be Obterved (St. Mary’s AcademyJ Little Flower Social center will Good bread is ECONOMICAL PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS Year 1935! St. Mary’s alumnae will spon­ celebrate Youth week by holding 1646 BLAKE STREET sor a book review to be given by open house at the center Satur­ DON IRWIN Mr. Benjamin L. Masse, S.J., at day, April 27, from 2 until 5 JOHN J. CONNOR, President PHONE KEySTONE 1441 the home of Mrs. Eugene Dilullo, o’clock. Anyone interested is in­ and His Orchestra 4343 M 0 n t v i e w boulevard, vited to come to the center then . . . .direct from successes at Wednesday evening, April 24, at and see the work that is being THE GIRVIN FURN. & AUCTION CO. Congress Hotel, Chicago. A new 8 o’clock. Merpbers and their done under the supervision of Miss star in the dancing world. friends are invited to attend. Ellen Dougherty. Delinquency 1624-1530 COURT PLACE, bENVER prevention, leisure time activity, Floor Show Every Saturday character building, and catechen- Sprtor houieeleanlnx ii Joat ahead of you. Hake old faraltore, rax*, range*, Night Spaghetti Dinner Is cal instructions are the', major ac­ refrigerator*, yon no longer need, work for 70a by trading them in, at liberal Planned for Tuesday tivities. At the open^iiouse Miss allowance, for good rug*, ga* or combination range, refrigerator, Simmon* bed Mary Coughlin will be the princi­ or itndio conch, bedroom,- dining or living room set, kitchen cabinet, dresser, An Italian spaghetti dinner, pal speaker, and Mrs. E. M. Ryan chest. Credit if needed. Home and office furniture bought for cash,' See These New wili be served by the Cathe­ -will be chief hostesses. . Other TELEPHONE KEYSTONE 5856 dral Parent-Teacher a* asso­ hostesses will include Mrs. John Rimless Glasses ciation in tho school cafeteria Demmer, Mrs. Martha Palm, Mrs. Sorawra eliminated. Coiatort Tuesday evening, April 23, T. C. Short, Hannah O’Day, Mrs. lacreaaed. <*Wobb1tBK” Im- from 5 to 8 o’clock. The William Coyle, Mrs. J. B. Hunr poxalble. FULL-VIEW re­ ter, and Miss Mayme Fox. ’ tained. Rcaaoaably priced. spaghetti will be prepared un­ der the direction of Mrs. Fred GaBagher Transfer & Storage Co. AIbi, The price will be 25 cents per person. 0 «r 2132 BroadwHF THANKS ARE GIVEN TA. 2255 A reader wishes to publish Cara to East aa4 West thanks for many favors, including 1st ft ISth ef Eaeh Month Houaebold Gooda and Machinery Moving the finding of work, granted, ft Warohoast, IB2I Mlh It. OPTICIAN through the intercession of St Anthony and S t Jude. 1 PAGE EIGHT OfiSce, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER JTelephonej^JK^^ Thursday, April 18, 193S

MUSIC PROGRAMS FOR EASTER REGIS TO RESUME EYES EXAMINED GiMtei Sl^ORTS PROGRAM That , SaHify MASSES IN DENVER ARE GIVEN On recommendation of the fac­ •material for the football sciuad. Reasonable ulty committee on physicAl train­ Former stars of the Catholic mgh Prices ing and athletics of Regis college, School league who are now in at­ (CoBtiniiad From Page One) direction of Mrs. S. Beach and Mrs. Thompson, Lorene Turner, Clarcee W in-l and Howard Whalen; basses, Fred Blies- The Catholic Poetry sisciety will the Very Rev. Robert M. Kelley, tendance include: Messrs. Barry, Conseientioni biiritont, Oacar basi, Ferdinand dolph, and Anna McCormick. mer, J. Knopke, and Joseph Kastner; H. Steinback. give a card party Tuesday evening. Serziea Cain; ortanist, Wilma Gerspacb. organist. Miss Marie Riss; director, the Members of the choir: Lucille Borstert, S.J., who recently became head Byrne, Cassidy, Carroll, Clark, Rev. Henry Guenther, C« SS. R. Cornelia Wagner, Caroline Cribaro, Gene­ May 7, at the Aromor hotel, 1309 of the college a second time, has Close, Gushurst, W. Harrington, ST. PHILOMENA’S CHURCH . vieve Cribaro, Agnes Harris, Elizabeth W M . E. 9T. ELIZABETH’S CHURCH E. 14th Ave. and Detroit St. Other special music pfograms will be Grant street. The Misses Grace decided that intercollegiate sports Jacobucci, Jackson, D. Kilker, T. heard at the 8:80 and 11:30 Hasses. Harris, Eulalia Steinback. McLAIN Curtia and lllh Sts. Rav. William M. Higgins, LL.D,, Pastor Easter hymns: Palmer and Lillian Anthony are should be resumed next fall. McMahon, J. Mays, Nachazel, Masses also at 6 and 7 :80. in charge of arrangements. Re­ Fraaaisean Fathera, V a ^ Rev, Angelaa Solemn Mass at 9. "! Alleluia I Let the Holy An­ Four years ago after several Smith, F. O’Grady, O’Meara, Pha- ''tometrisi Tintle, Paa'tor Kyrie Eleison ______them Rise.” freshments will be served, and successful seasons. Regis with­ lin. Shea, M. Spindler, Stansbury, ------.'....Loesch’s St. Elisabeth Mass ST. LEO’S CHURCH Offertory— “ Christ the h o t i Is Risen Solemn itaaa at 10;t0. Tenth St. and West Colfax every player is assured of receiv­ drew from intercollegiate compe­ Truskol, R. Yerdieck, E. Verdieck, ______1509 "ehriat Triumphant” — ------_„___.ToiS Alto solo, Irene Keefe Today.” Duet— Helen BdVns, soprano; Albert Rt. Rev. Megr. Wm. O’Ryan, LL.D- "Sea Heavenly Father.” ing a prize, as four prizes will bb tition and developed a strong in­ John Walsh, and Wurtzebach, and WILLIAM E Mii.AIN CHAMPA Sanctuary choir,-tenor able Pastor Proeeaaional— "Alleluia” Quinlivan, tenor Communion— ’’O -Lord, 1 Am, Not awarded at each table. tramural program under the direc­ others. Optometrist Sanctuary choir Gloria...... Loesch's St. Elisabeth Mass Masses at 7, 8, and 9. High Mass at Worthy.” tion of William E. "Walsh. To An increased enrollment is ex­ YOURS fo r SERVICE Trio— Soprano, Mrs. J. F. Clair; altos, 10:80. Post Communion— ^“The Dawn Was At a meeting of the society Kyrie and Gloria...... Gounod stimulate greater interest in phys­ pected this coming year, which Sanctuary and aenior ehoira Catherine Olmstead and Alice Packham "Regina Coeli” ...... WIsner Purpling O’er the Sky.” Monday, it was decided to hold Duet— Tenor, Valens Jones; bass, Martin Credo...... Weber’ s Mass in G Kyrie and Gloria__ —— ...... -...Hammer the annual dinner Monday eve­ ical development and to meet the should enable Regis to put a rep­ Offertory— "Regina Coell” ...... — Merlier J. O’Haire Sermon------— -..— .-Msgr. O’Ryan ST, ROSE OF LIMA’S CHURCH ning, June 3. Following hi."! lec­ wishes of the student body, it is resentative team in the field of Credo____,__.Loesch’s St. Elisabeth Mass Credo — ...... - ..... Webbe Optometrist and Optician Sanetim, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei— 1310 W. Nevada Ave- Valverda ture, the Rev. William V. Doyle, planned to re-establish intercolleg­ intercollegiate athletic competi­ ...... Weber's Mass in G Bass soloist, Martin J. O’Haire; soprano Solo ______— - .—.John O’Hagen Rev. Louis W . Grohman, Pastor soloist, Mrs. Kathleen Jones S a n ctu s______-.. Webbe SJ., read and criticized original iate football and basketball imme­ tion. Recessional Hymn ■ First Mass at 8. Low Mass with HELEN W ALSH * Sanctuary choir Offertory— "Terra Tremuit” ...... Benedictus _____ —______Hammer verse submitted by members. Fa­ diately, and possibly other com­ ...... Alois Bartsehmid Agnus Dei ______Webbe Mrs. Elizabeth Bender, soloist. AfsoeUt* Recital of Easter music before service. Second Hass at 10. High Mass, ther Doyle complimented the petitive sports in the future. Josephine Woeber directing. Harry Full choir St. Leo’s choir, assisted by Mrs. John Sanctus...... Xoesch’s gt. Elisabeth Mass Cotter, Mrs. Sedlmayr, and John O’­ Leonard’s Mass in G. Soloists, Mrs. group on the number of splendid The faculty director of athlet­ James at the organ. William J. Walsh, Mrs. WUiUm P. Full Round of W. R. JOSEPH Other Easter Hasses at the usual Sun­ S Alto soloist, Sarah Higgins Hagen. Organist, Katherine Burris; di­ poems recently turned in. The ics, Mr. Jerome Boyle, S.J., a for­ Benedictus— Mass of the- Holy Cross__ rector, Mrs. Horace Cooper, Bowe, E. F. Beyer, E. N. Moore; organ­ mer Regis athlete, 'hqs been in EYES EXAMINED day hours...... Bartsehmid ist, Miss June Walsh; violinist, Edward audience was pleased with the At the ’Tre Ore service Friday from 12 H. Langfleld. recitation by Dr, Julia Wey of communication with the athletic to 8 p, m., the following sermons will be Quartet ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH Phons TAber 1680 Agnus Dei— Mass of the Holy Cross__ Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament some of her own compositions. departments of colleges and uni­ Rites Held at preached by Father Nichols: "The Mercy W. 33rd and Pecos immediately after High Mass. 218-219 M aju tk BU f. >__ Bartsehmid Rev. A. Sommaruga, Pastor Like manjr persons denied 'the versities of the eastern section of Which Is Not Strained.” "The Value of Recessional— "Regina Coeli” ...... Werner "Regina Coeli,” by Werner, recessional. Suffering,” "The Mother of Men,” "God the Rocky Mountain conference. Organist, Miss Mamie O’Haire; direc­ High Mass at 7. Low Masses at 9, sense of sight. Dr. Wey is gifted Thirsting for Love,” "The Unknown Love tor, Miss Anne O’Neill. 10;80, and 12. ST. JAMES’ CHURCH with a very musical voice and her Tentative arrangements have al­ Gunnison Church of the Unknown God,” and “ Love Re St. Patrick’s choir will sing J. A. J. T. Upton Renovating Co. Other Masses at 6, 7, >, and 12. E. 12th Ave. and Newport St. verses have a distinctly pleasing ready been made with four or five warded.” The musical program will be Korman’s Mass in Honor of tbs Most Rev. James M. Walsh, Pastor schools, looking to a schedule of Dubois’ "Seven Last Words.” Soloists, Bless^ Sacrament. Masses at 8 and 10. The entire con­ quality. CARPET Mrs. Harlan Short, Josephine Woeber, ST. CATHERINE’S CHURCH Processional— "Christ Is Risen,” by four or five football games this Gunnison.— Holy W’eek services W, 42nd Ave. and Federal gregation will sing the Mass of the CLEANERS Jack Whyte, John Burns, Lee Gibbons, M. Leeson ______Choir Angels. The closing date for the poetry coming season. opened with the blessing and dis­ and Arthur Alcorn, the chorus assisting. Rev. D. A. Lemieux, J.CJ)., Kyrie and Gloria, with Laudamns, duet, contest has been extended to May The selection of a coach will tribution of the palms at the first TH A T CLEAN "O, Divine Redeemer,” Mrs. Howard Administrator ...... — Soprano, Rosella Ryan ST. MARY’S CHURCH 16. A stamped envelope will likely be made this week and Mass Sunday. Devotions on Sun­ Sleeper and Mrs. Etienne Ferenyi. Masses at 8, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and Solemn ______Contralto, Mary Ryan W. H. UPTON, Mantfer "Stabat Mater.” Rheinberger, chorus. Hass at 11 o’clock. Domine, duet ______;...... Littleton bring an entry blank giving de­ spring practice will be started day and Wednesday evenings were "Hear My Prayer,” Mendelssohn, Mrs. Kyrie and Gloria______Farmer ------Soprano, Blanche M. Osbourne Rev. Leo M. Flynn, Pastor tails. Mrs. John Holmes, 2229 High Maas at 8 ;00. when the College men return from followed by Benediction of the 765 Tejon Street Sleeper. Credo ...... Leonard ____ Contralto, Mrs. Margaret Burgess Holly street, FRanklin 0061, is their Easter vacation next week. Blessed Sacrament. On Holy "Jesus Alone,” Gounod, Mrs. James J. Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei "Hass in F” ...... -J. L. Battmann TAbor 5223 Lynch and chorus. Clarence Reynolds Genltum, tess solo.-.... —wiHiam Carey Soloists; Mrs. Ads Gottschalk. Mias chairman. * There appears to be excellent Thursday, Mass at 8 o’clock was at the organ. Josephine Woeber direct­ "Regina Coeli" ...... LabataEt Incarnatus Est, soprano solo...... Mary Catherine Shadwell, Miss Virginia followed by the procession to the ing. Sopranos, Mrs. Eugene McCabe, Hisses ______Miss Irene Hayes Anderson, Miss Dolores Koldway, and Mrs. Marcella Thelsen. altar of reposition. All-day ador- f Hazel Keam, Emily Grover, and Rose Crueifixns, bass soIo....Bobert Livingston The Best in Piecoli; altos, Mrs. Mary Seidall and Mrs. Et In Spiritum, tenor solo.....- ...... - Sermon ...... Father Flynn atioif was concluded with a Holy ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST’S E. Stary; tenor,, John R. Bums; basses, ...... ------William Jordens Offertory hymn— “ Regina Coeli.” Former Denver Youth Associated Hour in the evening. Good Fri­ CHURCH Soloists: Mrs. Ada Gottschalk, Miss Used S. S. Gilmartin and Z. Teska; director Et Unam Sanctum-...... Clyde Englund day morning. Mass of the Pre­ Sth and Josephine and organist, Mrs. Lee Gibbons. Offertory— "Regina Coeli” ...... Choir Dolores Langford, Miss Mary Catherine Rev. F. Gregory Smith, Pastor Sanctus ______Choir Shadwell, and Miss Virginia Anderson. sanctified at 8 o’clock was fol­ Furniture Members of choir: Mrs. Ada Gott- Solemn Hass at 6; at HOLY FAMILY CHURCH Benedictus, duet ...... With Clipper’s Honolulu Flight lowed by veneratioih of the cross. Ceih or Credit 9:30, Low Masses at 7:30, 8:30, 10:30, ___ __ Contralto, Mrs. Evelyn Jotdens schalk, Dolores Langford, Mary Oath- W. 44th Ave. and Utica St. erine Shadwell, Mary Nita Ogborn, Mar­ FVom 1 to 3 o’clock meditations and 12. At all the Masses on Easter Rev. Mark W. Lappen, Pastor ...... Tenor, William Jordens ^ the Seven Last Words of Christ Retail Rooms Sunday the pastor will give the Papal Agnus Del, contralto solo..— _____ -.. guerite Davis, Mary Catherine Hecka- William B. Van Dusen, a former army. He passed his 16th birth­ Solemn Mass at t. Low Masses at thorn, Virginia Anderson, Dolores Kold­ are being held, to be followed by Open Daily blessing that he was personally author­ ------„M rs. Margaret Burgess Denver youth, took part in a na­ day as a rookie at Camp Kearney, ised by the Holy Father to give to his 7:30. 9, 10:80. and 11:46. way, Mrs. Marcella Theisen, Lucilp Pear- the reading of the Passion and the Processional— "Alleluia. Alleluia I” ____ Soprano Solo...... Miss Irene Hayes tion-wide National Broadcasting parishioners on the occasion of his recent Dona Nobis...... Choir man, Edna Pearman, Mary Maloney, and his 17th as a full-fledged A FULL LINE OF ...... ‘Traditional Melody Stations of the Cross. Papal audience. Dona Nobis Pacem...... Grace Dursey Catharine Maloney, John Lievens, King company program from San Fran­ soldier in the first-line trenches in Missa Regina Pads...... Aloysius Rhode Gertig, John Jones, and Edward Maloney; Good Friday evening services OFFICE FURNITURE Musical program for the Solemn Mass: Recessional— ",” by Granier.. cisco Monday preceding the flight France. His valor won him the Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Offertory— "Regina Coeli” ______organist, Mrs. Robert .Ritchlin, will consist of a sermon on the We rent Folding Chairs, Card and ...... -..’Traditional Melody ...... Choir 10:00—Low Hass. of the Pan-American Clipper from French croix de guerre. It is Pompeii ...... Eduardo Marxo The choir is under the direction of Communion— "Panis Angelieus” ...... Hymns sung by St. Mary’ s Junior San Francisco to. Honolulu. The Passion, Stations of’the Cross, and Banquet Tables, Dishes, Silver­ Sknetus, Benedictus...... Charles Gounod Blanche M. Osbourne with Miss Nell doubtful if anyone outside the veneration of the cross. Offertory— "Regina Coeli” ...... Werner ...... Cesar Franck Finn as organist. choir: flight was made as a test one pre­ members of his immediate family ware, anjithing in stock. Recessional— "Christ Is Risen” - ...... "Today He’ s Risen.” Holy Saturday services will be­ "Hosanna” ...... /,...... Granier paratory to opening a commercial knows what deed of bravery won ’Established 1888 Recessional. . ______Traditional Melody "Hail, Thou Glorious Easter Morning.” gin at 7 o’clock, with the cus­ Music by the high school choir, with PRESENTATION CHURCH "Ha Is Risen.” line between the West coast and for him this distinction. When he PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 Senior choir members: Sopranos, Mes- W. 7th Ave. and Julian tomary services, followed by read­ dames Opal Bumgarner and William Mc­ Miss Margaret Schiller at the organ. "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today." the Orient. .Ireturned to Denver, he enrolled Easter carols will be sung by the Rev. Henry Geiserti Pastor “ Hail the Holy Day of Days.” ing of the prophecies, blessing of Daniel. and Misses Geraldine Koch and- High Mass at 9, Low Masses at 7 Van Dusen, in his 32 years of in Regis high school, but never Elizabeth Wood; contraltos, Mesdames school children at the Low Hasses, with Members of choir: Agnes Koldway, Easter water, singing of the Lit­ Miss Marcella Colburn and Miss Betty and 11 o’clock. Elaine Anderson, Charlotte Coan, Vir­ life, has already had more adven­ told his schoolmates of the experi­ Grant Wimhush, Guy Simpson, L. D. Mul­ ' High Mass program: any, blessing of the Paschal can­ ligan, and Frank Kinney; tenors, Messrs. McCarthy at the organ. ginia Coan, Anna Mae Hogan, Mary ture crowded into that short time ence that gained fame for him. Processional— "Christ The Lord Is Elizabeth Wickens, Betty Lon Rees, than is the lot of most men. He dle, and High Mass at 8 o’clock. William Mesch, Clifton Hiester, and j Risen Today” ______Miles & Dryer. Frank Kinney; basses. Messrs. Paul LOYOLA CHURCH Dorothy Fishback, Dorothy Kaplanek, was acclaimed as an outstanding After finishing at Regis high. Confessions will be heard Holy £ . 23rd and York St. '•Vidi Aquam” ______Gregorian Dorothy Legault, Marie Bolls, Madeline Dunn, Edward Moffat, and Joseph O’­ Kyrie and Gloria....F. C. Witt, Opus, 11 A hero of the World war when he Van Dusen attended the Univer­ Saturday from 3:30 to 5:30 and Neil; Mrs. John Schilling, organist; Mrs. Jesuit Fathers, Rev. T. H. Devlin, Pastor Bolis, Kenneth Gertig, Walter Fishback, Printing Co. Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus and Jimmy Anderson; organist. Miss Vir­ was barely 17 years of age. Van sity of Denver, from which insti­ from 7 :30 to 9:30. \ Masses Easter Opal Bumgarner, director. Low Masses at 6, 7, 8 :80, and 12; Dei ...... ______Th. de La Hache High Mass at 10:30. ginia Anderson. Dusen now makes his home in New tution he was graduated. He Sunday will be at 8 and 10 .o’clock. There will be 'a special musical pro­ Offertory— "Regina Coeli” ..... A. Werner Wheel tickets for Bazaars gram also at the 10;S0 Hass by the Program for 10:80 Mass: Recessional— ^“Alleluia I Allelniat I/et York city,' but his mother, Mrs. worked in Denver for a time, in Father Powers addressed the senior choir. Loesch’s Mass in F. SHRINE OF ST. ANNE an advertising office and as a mu­ college assembly on Thursday. Offertory— “ Regina Coeli.” the Holy Anthem Rise” ______W. B. Van Dusen, still lives at Always on Hand Children’s Mass at 8;80: Low Mass , Members of the choir: Sopranos, Jo­ Arvada sician. He later went East, and Mrs. Elizabeth Clifford is recov­ with choral accompaniment. Recessional— "Praise Ye the Father.” Rev. Harold V. Campbell, Pastor the old home in Denver, 3706 Music by the Loyola choir. Mrs. Fred sephine Reams, Mary Cooper, Margaret several years ago got his public­ ering after a long illness. Her "Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominos.” Callahan, Lena Dillehay, and Bertha High Mass at 8:46. Lafayette street. He is now di­ Catholic Work Our "Regina Coeli.” Johnson, director; Mrs. W. Wayman, rector of public relations for the ity job with the air company. daughters, Mrs. Daly of Salida and "Ye Sons and Daughters of the Lord.” organist. Mass— Regina Pacis...... Rhode Van Dusen comes from a fam­ Mrs. Hutchins and Mrs. Baker of Specialty Benediction after the 12 o’clock Mass. Fox, Eleanor Imne, and June Gruber; Pan-American airways. "Let the Holy Anthem Rise.” tenors, Albert Hoelsken, Ben McHugh, ^ Program for - children’s High Mass at No. evening devotions. •nd PatrloV Reccssional— Alleluia! Alleluial Let the Even as a boy. Van Dusen was ily that has long been associated Salt Lake City, have returned to and Patrick Campbell; basses, Patrick their homes. John Clifford of 1936-38 LAWRENCE ST. 9;30: Moore and Joseph Callahan; organist, Holy Anthem Rise.” blessed with a physical stature with Catholic life in Denver. His Proper ______...... _..C. Rossini SACRED HEART CHURCH Mary Hurley; director, Albert Hoelsken; that was the envy of the lads of his mother is a sister of Mrs. John Denver is spending Easter with his KEystone 6348, 6349 Ordinary ______„.....„_C . Rossini Larimer at 28th St. violinists, Evelyn M. Feely and Gerald HOLY ROSARY CHURCH own age who knew him. When Schilling and Mrs. Fred P. John­ mother. Offertory— "Surrexit Christus” ..C. Rossini Jesuit Fathers, Rev, T. H, Devlin, Pastor Campbell. E. 47th Ave. and Pearl, Clobevillc* son, both prominent in Church mu­ Mrs. Palmer Vader was taken to’ Directors, Marjorie Held and Virginia Low Masses at 6. 7, and 8 :30 o’clock; Rev, J. Judnic, Pastor the war broke out, he was but 15 Hamilton. High Mass at l0:S0. sic circles, and of Ben Foley, for­ a hospital Tuesday for am^opeja^ OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH Solemn celebration of the Resurrec­ years of age. Knowing that his Mass in Honof of the Child Jesus____ tion on Holy Saturday at 7 :S0 p. m. physique would not belie him, "he mer Georgetown banker, and Milo tion. ______J. Alfred Schehl W. 36th Aver.' and Navajo St. Tell the people you patronise ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’ CHURCH Servite Fathers, "Adoramus Te Christe” ...... DuBois went to a recruiting station, Fpley, an executive in the Smith- Machinery and equipmen^^re £ . Alameda Ave. and So, Snerman St. Offertory— “ Regina Coeli.” "Alleluia” — - ...... A. Foerster Benediction after 10 ;30 Mass. Rsv. Julius M. Piccoli,. Paster passed himself off as being 18 Brooks Printir\g company. He is being shipped preparatory^to that you saw their adTertizenient Rev. John J. Donnelly, Pastor Low Masses at 6, 6, 7, 8, and 10:80. "Our Redeemer Is Risen” —...... -G. Rihar 'Pauls Angelieus” ...... Lambilotte "Tantum Ergo” ...... Selected years old, and enlisted in the married and has one son. starting work on the Taylor dam. in The Register. ; Masses will be at <;S0, 7:30, 8 AO. 'Tantum Ergo” ...... Dubois Solemn Hass at 9 o'clock vrith the fol­ lowing program: I Recessional— “ Holy God, We Praise 9:80, .10:30, and 11:80. Following is 'Haec Dies” ...... Selected Thy Name” ...... - ...... Walworth the program that the senior choir will Music by Sacred Heart high school Prelude— "Christtis Besurrexit” - ...... - ...... 0. Ravasiello Easter Masses at 8 and 10 o’clock. sing at the 10:30 High Mass: choir. Direction of the Sisters of At the 8 o’clock Mass the children’s Third Mass...... W. A, Leonard Ordinary— Gregorian ...... — — Trinidad Parish Charity. Hass— "Mesa a tre voei pari” .....jPeirOBi choir under the direction of Sister Dor­ Choir othy will sing. . Offertory— "Regina Coeli” ______Giorza Offertory— "Reginit Coeli” __O. RaVanello BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH Communion— “ Aurora Coelum Pi^r- High Hass at 10 o’clock. Choir Montview Blvd. and Elm St, Processional— "Haec Dies” ____ Bordesc The choir personnel includes the Rev. purat” ...... - ...... — Yon To Have Special Kyrie (Hesse Solennelle honor of St. L. J. Thome, spiritual director, and Uie f

(CoBtiaocd From Paga Ona) apologetics, which is becoming membership committee, the sodal­ archy and that the part of the more and more common in Cath­ ity can reach practically eveiy layman is to be “ a nelp to the olic schools. Here is a rapidly type of student and provide him Hierarchy.” There must be men developing source of speakers for with activities in which he is pri­ Remember who are zealous, willing, and able the Catholic evidence movement marily interested and for which he to take part in that "true apos- in our country. is bert fitted. Almost the whole The Rt. Rev. Msgr. William tolate in which Catholics of every Study of Catholic social teach­ range of activities that could come O’Ryan, who is responsible for the social class participate, coming ings and practice in applying under a lay movement is covered coming of Shane Leslie to Denver, thus to be united in thought and these teachings are an important in this extensive sodality program. tells something of the background action around those centers of asset to the young Catholic lead­ While the sodality provides train­ of this noted author and lecturer. sound doctrine and multiple social er. Of special note here is the ing and an opportunity for real “ We are not very great readers activity, legitimately constituted work of the St. Vincent de Paul action on the part of students, it in Denver,” the Monsignor says, and,. as a result, aided and sus­ society in the few colleges where is professedly working toward the “ yet few who claim any culture Church in tained by the authority of the it is,organized. It should be or­ building up of a post-college laity are entirely unconscious of the Bishops.” ganized in all that is trained in Catholic Action, existence and books of Shane Above all, this leadership must In thieory, then, the college is th^t is zealous, and that is willing Leslie. Jie one of men who are.rirained, an excellent place to train leaders tiAstep into the parish, diocesan, “ He belongs to the transplanted who know what is Catholic Action for Catholic Action. In fact, also, and national circles of Catholic race in Ireland; his first ancestor and what is Catholicism, men who many of the colleges have begun activity. Thrdugh sodality unions, in County Monaghan was a Bishop are acquainted with the doctrine to function as training schools for conventions, and summer schools of Henry VIH’s Church who came and practice of our holy faith. As Catholic Action and have sought of Catholic Action, this organiza­ over in 1641. He was a brave and the Rev. R. A. McGowam assist­ to build up this necessary leader­ tion has tended to break down any striking figure; though Saxon or ant director of the N.C.W.C. So­ ship. _ This has been done very undesirable spirit of localism, to Scot, he was anti-Cromwell and his Your Will cial Action department, wrote effectively through the organiza­ give student leaders valuable con­ descendants fought with the mere some years ago: tion of the sodality in colleges tacts with persons and programs Irish for the unlovely Stuart “ Without becoming mentally throughout the country under the throughout the nation, and to give Kings. ■ X equipped we cannot partake in­ skillful direction of the Rev. them a broad view of Catholic “ Shane was the first of his peo­ telligently in Catholic Action. A Daniel A. Lord, S.J., and his staff work. ple in 300 years and more to be­ right attitude is not enough. Good of assistants. The Catholic college must re­ come an Irish Nationalist, a fol­ intentions are not enough. Gen­ The sodality is an ideal me­ alize its responsibility as a train­ lower of Parcell, and a Catholic. Form of Bequest for Establishment of eral knowledge and a v i ^ e sense dium for making the college an ef­ ing school for lay leadership. It He has done fine work for the of the logical conclusions from the fective training school for Cath­ must give full opportunity to stu­ i Church in his years of editorship Faith are not enough. Personal olic Action. In aim anidin meth­ dents for the exercise of their abil­ of The Dublin Review, the chief piety is not enough. Persons must od it is in line exactly with the ities in programs of real action, Catholic review in the English know.” Catholic Action movement, “ legiti­ and must prepare them for living tongue. His ‘Life of Cardinal mately constituted.” Its ends, as These, then, are some of the a full Catholic life, which in this Manning’ was undertaken at the Funds for Education of Priests: necessary qualities o f one who is stated in its first rule, are the pro­ dby meaas a life of Catholic Ac­ request of the English Bishops to to head the laity in Catholic Ac­ motion of personal holiness on the tion. As the Catholic Action move­ correct the false ■news of another tion. There are several sources part of eodalists themselves, the ment must call on the college, so ‘Life of Manning.’ from which this leadership can sanctification of others, and the the college must make use of those “ He has produced over twenty spring. Already it is coming from defense of the Church. How close agencies which are best fitted to books, largely under the influence the established Catholic organiza­ are these to Pope Pius XI’s defi­ provide the necessary training for of the faith. His ‘End of a Chap­ tions. Sooner or later, we may nition of Catholic Action, which its students; it must avail itself ter and ‘Passing Chapter* are de­ be sure, it must come from those stresses “ the pursuit of Christian of such aids as thp sodality, which lightful. His ‘Studies in Sublime who are now the youth of the perfection” as the “ first and has built up an' organization, a Failures’ and ‘ George IV’ are en­ land. There is no better agency greatest end” of Catholic Action! central service, and a wide follow­ thralling. He has made a great for supplying this leadership for How close to that “ true apostolate ing— answering in a marvelous ‘Anthology of Catholic Poetry’.” ‘‘I hereby give and bequeath to the Catholic Action than the Catholic in which Catholics of every social manner the call of His Holiness Mr. Leslie will lecture while college. And so I say, “ Call on class participate!” *■ to a world-wide proCTam of action. here at Denver university. His the college!” Even as a program of Catholic In short, the college must pro­ chief lecture will be given Easter Action is nothing without the duce graduates who are well There is no reason why the col­ Tuesday evening at Mrs. Ella Mul­ Roman Catholic Bishop of the Bishop, so the sodality cannot grounded in that system of “ sound len Weckbaugh’s home. There ■will lege should fail to heed this call exist without the sanction of the doctrine” which will give them There is every reason why the be a charge for this lecture and Ordinary of the diocese except in firm footing in this nnsteble world everyone is invited. college should and can supply the Jesuit churches or houses, in of modem paganism, graduates demand for leaders in this new era Mr. Leslie is a recent lecturer Diocese of Denver, Colorado, the which case they fall under the su­ who will be equipped to wage the at the University of Notre Dame, of the lay apostolate’. To begin pervision of the Father General or with, the college student is ordi­ war of the Lord on the forces of where he was on the faculty for the Vicar General of the Society paganism. three months. narily gifted above the average in of Jesus. And as a true Catholic native ability; it is up to the col­ Leaders in already established sum of $ ...... for the education Action program should function programs of Catholic Action must lege to develop this ability and to through the action of the laity , provide the inspiration needed to realize that, sooner or later, the under the direction of the parisn turn them into channels of Cath­ success and the perpetuation of priest, so the sodality functions their programs will depend entire­ and for the maintenance of students olic Action. through the activitj^ of its mem­ The colleges are certainly ly on the men and women who are bers under the guidance of 1 ^ young now, and must make place among “ those centers of sound spiritual director. doctrine'’ which His Holiness men­ for them in these programs. At The plan of sodality organiza­ tions in defining Catholic Action. the same time they must offer to studying for the, priesthood tion on a committee basis as out­ high-spirited, idealistic, ambitious, IS s u m AFIER They are, moreover, filled with lined by the central office in St. that “ multiple social activity.” ' and sometimes impractical youth Louis provides a varied program As centers of sound doctrine, a proper measure of direction and to meet the needs and desires of the Catholic colleges are equipped guidance. to give students thorough train­ particular institutions and of in­ The success of Catholic Action RITES OR COAST ing in the principles of right rea­ dividual members. Through the demands leadership. To meet this Eucharistic committee. Our Lady’s demand we call on the college, and son and sound philosophy, coupled Los Angeles. — The only man with the inspiration of Catholic committee, the apostolic commit­ it must answer! The Catholic col­ tee, the Catholic truth committee, lege must produce able Catholic who ever knocked out Jack Demp­ • • • ideals. They are prepared to pre­ sey in the ring was buried here sent a rounded course of instruc- the program and publicity com­ lay, leaders, or it must admit mittee, and the social IHe and fsdlure. after services in St. ^Vincent’s church, where a strange gathering of romantic figures of the sport world had gathered to pay their who fonn the faculties of our final tribute to Fireman Jim Catholic colleges, the student has Easter Monday Ball Fljfnn, the one-time Pueblo smoke- an example of Christian living that eater, who fought more than 100 A permanent burse for the perpetual can be found only among the cler­ fierce ring battles between 1901 gy and relirious. The atmosphere To Be Gala Affair and 1923. In the crowd at thS of the Catholic educational insti­ funeral was Louis Chriaglione, a tution is one of sane sanctity. The brother of the famed fighter, who round of religious exercises pro­ (Bleiied Sacrament Pariah) Joseph Craren, Dan Hanlon, Robert Dick, N. A. Steinbruncr, Paul Toner, came from his home in Pueblo to vides for pow th in the The twentieth annual Easter Monday ball to be given by th6 J. J. Drinkard, W. R. Daris, M. J, attend the funeral. ■ * , student’s spiritual life. Felling, F. C. Daris, L. P. Littell, Eu­ Tears trickled down beside the education of a seminarian is $6,000. Milford club at the Brown Palace gene Di Inilo, Frank Dupst, H. J. An­ Along with this special abilitv flattened noses of fighters who to train in the things of the soul, hotel April 22, promises to be i derson, Joseph McConnell, William Phoe­ gala affair; Mrs. Peter D. Walsh; nix, Paul Horan, L. R. Vidal, Leonard strained their cauliflower ears to the Catholic college offers a full Swigert, Eugene Rice. G. R. Harries, catch the words of the Rev. Thom­ course of training in those things general chairman, and Mrs. James Aaron W, Pleasants, W. E. Tiedeman, Brennan, chairman of card tables, Iran Wagner, Harry HcGrayel, Bernard as O’Malley’s sermon at the fu­ which are required for cultural neral of Jim Flynn. In the same living and for success in the busi­ are leaving nothing undone to in­ F. Fitssimons, T. 0. Esher, A. C. Bailey, Any portion of this, however, can be sure an evening of happiness and William O’Connor, Homer Owens, R. M. crowd with the stalwarts of the ness and professional world. In Grass, F. H. Yegge, Oscar Sluggs, H. excitement to all who attend, ring in other days were sport these things the Catholic institu­ Pearson, Walter Coughlin, Leo Connell, writers, fight managers; truck tions rank with secular colleges Many hostesses are extending Adolph Russ, J. J. Platfoot, Emil Der- their hospitality to friends earlier tina, Charles Crapo, S. Thompson, drivers, and bartenders, all friends and universities, but they can add George Stipe, E. E. Rudolph, Phil Clarke, of the Italian who fought the best to these courses, common to Cath­ in the evening at dinner, planning John Gibson, W. J. O’Neill, F. J. Hill, to attend the ball together, while Martin Driscoll, D. P. Lorett, Joseph men in the ring under his Irish, olic and non-Catholic education fight monicker. alike, that element of Catholic others are forming subscription Karanaugh, James P. MeConatr, N. Koenig, Thomas Tierney, George Astler, Pallbearers included Tom thought which will enable gradu­ arties for dinner or for supper at Frank Grannell, John Mohan, W. J. Hil­ O’Brien, Charley Miller, and Billy ates to go into the world not only ownto^wn hotels following the bert, John lUe, Frank C. Hart, Eugene Papke, all of whom had fought as trained lawyers, skilled doctors, Sball. The music will begin at 8:30 P. O'Fallon, T. F. Fulton, Charles Green. and continue until 12. Card tables J. A. Smith, Don Giacomoxzi, Thomas Flynn more than once. Others able engineers, but as Catholic Doke, J, J. Connors, E. W. ^Ilen, R, H. legal experts, Catholic men of will be ready for early arrivals and were’ Abdul the Turl^ Battling Reeves. T. E. Greene, James Brennan, Nelson’s trainer; A1 Williams, an­ medicine. Catholic builders of each table will have its owp prize. Peter D. Walsh, L. U. Wagner, and W. bridges. The college set will be well rep- R. Joseph. other old-time fighter; Rube Smith of Denver, and Flynn’s brother. THE SUM OF $350 WILL TAKE As an institution pf “ multiple sented, many groups from Boulder Drs. and Mmes. Walter C. Krans. M. already being scheduled to attend, J. McMenamy, Thomas J, Rogers, J. J. Behind the coffin, as it was carried social activity,” the college offers, Reilly. Robert May, Daniel Bate, J. P. from the church, strode Joseph in its wide range of extra-curric­ as well as others. from Loretto Hilton, John Keefe, H. J. Von Detton, Heights, Regis, D. U., and th*fe J. T. Williams, Jr., M. D, Corrigan, R Rivers, a great middleweight of ular activities, opportunity for other years; Lieut. Jack Kennedy, valuable and extensive training in academies. The parade deck this R Steinhart, Leo Walsh, Paul Dwyer, year, it is predicted, will stage a Edw. F. Paul, and E. H. Grueger. Drs. a well-known referee; Jerry (the most important fields of endeavor. A. 8. Cecchini, W. B. Yegge, and Francis Greek) Luvadis, Dempsey’s train­ CARE OF A STUDENT The many organizations that kaleidoscopic array of color and Brady. charm, each young belle vying for er; Tom Jones, who once managed find place on the college campus— Major William J. Potter. Messrs. Jess Willard, and ChKrley O’Con­ student-governing associations, re­ her place as the proudest lady in Robert Fox, James MeSwigan. T. W. the Easter parade. Nevin, J. B. Constantine, Leo R Boyle, nor, Tommy Burns’ manager. ligious societies, such as the So­ Paul JoUey, Fred Penny, George Martin, With the concerted effort of Flynn died of a heart attack dality o f Our Lady, Holy Name Frank Duffy, T. W. Nevin, E. K. Ward, last Friday at the age of 55. '*ty, the Catholic • Students’ an enthusiastic committee and the Luke Goodheart, Charles Cassidy, Alfred Jim Flynn’s family were among FOR ONE YEAR. Sion Crusade, and the League co-operation of friends and parish­ O'Meara, Donald F. Clifford, W. N. Nel­ son, A. J. Riley, James Finn, and Edward the most prominent leaders of the of the Sacred Heart, art, literary, ioners, the list of subscribers is Coughlin. and social groups, even “ pep” growing daily. In addition to Italian residents of Pueblo for Mmes. T. A. Cosgriff. Frank SuUivan, many years. Jim’s own real name clubs and athletic organizations— those previously mentioned, th^ Mary E. Hughes, Mabel Parrey, R A. all give valuable training in the following are among those help­ Brandt, Emil Dessericb, K. M. Doyle, B. was Andrew Chriaglione. His fa­ formation and operation of ing to make the affair a success: Alexandria, N. Konicke, Frances Fisher, ther at one time was owner and Maiari. and Uniti. Joaaph J. Walsh, Ida Shoemaker, Anne LIsse, B. Denham, editor of the Pueblo Italian news­ planned programs of action. They B. Hesselbine, May L, Kidd, Tracy Spit­ give experience in the methods of Jr., Max HclvUIe, .J, A. HcMecI, Charles paper, L’Unione, which is still • • Suehotskl, Harold Kiley, Charles J. Dunn, ler, Catherine Simmons, Elizabeth Tracy, published. His mother was one organization and in policies of E. V. Weicker, Thomas F. Sasace, Joseph John Barkhansen, Bartosch, Tucker, and group, leadership. Moreover, they Celia, Easeae Veraldi, Nathan B. Kobsy, M. C. Johnson. of the committee of women who place upon students who hold of­ Anthony Zarleago, Henry G. Stueek, Misses Birmingham. Costello, Gavin. solicited funds for the ei%ction of fice in such ^oups definite respon­ Joseph C. Mazotre. Clem Crowley. E. B. Martha Balkin, Theresa Carr, Anna Mt. Carmel church and rectory FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, APPLY AT Erskine, Louis Hough, Ralph Taylor, O'Donnell, Susie Kerin, Catherine and other parish buildings. sibilities, which they are forced to Edward Mullen, Jaek Oakie, A. P. Lun- Meigher, Agnes Egan, Ella Horan. Mary carry, or relinquish their posts of ney, William H. MeNlehols, ^ y J. Moons, Smith, Dove Coughlin, Catherine Meany, honor. ' The value of this kind of Warner T. Ball, Paul Kueacr, Herbert Mary Farrey, Rosemary Tracy, Mildred ozzi; Miss Catherine Sullivan and Flannery, Francis Morphy, Edw. Neu­ Crowley, Mary Cronin, Galligan, and Edward Coughlin. training and experience is more mann, J. P. Farnan. William C. Weldon, Crowley. than evident. The meeting of St. Rita’s circle T. J. Murphy, C. C. Collins, T. D. Sul- has been put forward to April 80, College press activities give op­ iiran, Paul DesUets, Leo Keleher, Gene Miss Sosemary Tracy is giving Gregory, William Austin, Adolph Weber, a dinner Monday evening, after when Mrs. P. S. Dolan will be portunity for the discovery and James Crowe, A. J. Fairtax,- A. B. Wiek- hostess. development of journalistic and which the rarty will attend the strom, Ray Young, T. H. Kelly, U. O. ball. Miss Tracy’s raests will be Services Holy Saturday will literary talents that might never R. Hughes, Harry Leeman, Bert Tierney, commence with the blessing .of Chancery be realized outside the college. A. Freppel. Robert Peake, T. J, Mor­ Messrs, and Mmes. Harold A. Mc­ holy water. Paschal candle, and Coupled with formal instruction rissey, Edward McCabe, J. J. Gallagher, Bride, Paul Dorsey, Leslie Brandt, Adrian Maguire, W. S. Kisner, James and A. J. Riley. new fire at 7 o’clock, ■with Mass at in tne art of writing and in liter­ Johnson, J. D. Daria, R. L. Rickert, H. 8 o’clock. Confessions ■will be ature Is the training given by par­ A. Collins, Claude Schrapps. D, Burke, Misses Marguerite and Helen heard from 3 to 5:30 and 7 to ticipation in student publication P. H. Callahan, A. H. Wyars, Henry Harries and Messrs. Virgil Britton Deutseb, J. T. Doyle, M. J. Lester, C. 8:30 p. m. projects. There are tne college V. Gooding, George McDerltt, L. A. and Norman McDevitt are arrang­ At the meeting of the Altar and newspaperj the literary magazine, Swayne, J. W. Carney, D. J. Sulliran, J. ing a dinner party at the D.A.C., Rosary society Friday of last W, McCarthy, Joseph C. Handru, ■W. S. the historical yearbook, the col­ after which they will attend the week, Mrs. May L. Kidd was ap­ lege publicity bureau. These tend Hill, Roady Kcnehan, P. J. Hacken, W. ball. C. Thornton, Walter Bchwed, Milton pointed courtesy chairman. to give students an appreciation of Allen. Joseph Bonomo, W. J. Kelley, Amon^ those planning to spend Miss Mary Virginia Clark will the importance of the Catholic Milton Carlson, W. J. MoEwen, Jr„ the evening at bridge are several become the bride of Oliver W. press and of Catholic literature, Samuel Stauffer, Glenn Darts, Thomas 1 Phoenix, T. J. Nslligan, Frank Wagner, foursomes from the various parish Longan April 22 at 9 o’clock at a and, at the same time, they pre­ B. E. Shay, E. Dolan, John Ney. Harry circles, as well as many mixed simple service at the Blessed Sac­ pare students for actual participa­ Seidenstricker, George Fitend, Frank R. groups. Mrs. Tracy Spitler, Mrs. rament church. The ReVl M. F. tion in Catholic journalistic and Comstock, John Wich, Charles Wood, Clarence J. Burley, and Mr. and Forst will officiate and D. L. New- literary production later in life. Glenn P. Schafhuach, Thomas Fahey, Carl A. Hansen, Morris Kearney. A. Bed- Mrs. George R. Steele plan to play bold will give his step-daughter in 1536 Logan Street Denver. Colorado In the field of public speaking, dington, C. J. Burley, Louis Dispense, tpgether. marriage. Mrs. Bert Peters will the college offers opportunities for P. S. Dolan, John B. Dinan, J. H. Elliott, One o f the most charming af­ be matron of honor. Mr. P^ors training that ■will be of great value Richard Grimstead, C. W; Haskell, Charles Haggerty, J. J. Meany, U M. fairs of Monday evening will be and Arthur Webber w ill® be to the lay Catholic leader. Dra­ Purcell, James J. Palmer, Joseph Rihn, the dinner to be presided over by groomsmen. Following a r « e p - matics, debate, and oratory all Alfred H. Rampe, George R, Steele, J. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. May. Their tion at the home of the bride’s have much to offer. Even more C. Storts, Tracy Spitler, Henry Velmure. guests will include Messrs, and mother, the couple will leave on a important here is the possibility Cecil Withington, Anthony Amato, R. M. Brown, J. Chiossi, H. G. Kempker, Louis Mmes. Walter J. Cbughlin, John motor tourithrough the state. They jfo r training in actual Catholic Leader, Raymond Riede, H, J. Jennings, Arthur Smith, and John Giaeom* will make their home at Fairplay. PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTEI HEALTH Choir Arranging 20 CATHOUCS AT MEET OF Final Absolution Bmcit farther than the stone age the idea has prevailed that health it better^than wealth.' Everyone grants this is true. Still SOCIAL AC^NCIES COUNCIL only a small percentage of ns actually take advantage of it. The time to protect your health is before it begins to fail. The Ehhorate Easter The first business meeting of recreation hopes that the city For Mrs. Siivan •yes are the most important part of the body. Take care of the newly-organized Council of council will provide for the im­ them. Have your eyes examined at regular intervals. Social Agencies was held Monday provement of playgrounds and evening at the Chamber of Corn- \ . other outdoor recreational facili­ mere building. Catholic agencies ties, since Denver lags far behind Husical Program and institutions were represented other cities in its ppblicly-super- Given by Bishop Sivigert Bros. Optical Co. by about 20 delegates. Reports vised recreational program. DENVER'S RELIABLE OPTOMETRISTS were given by the five standing The subcommittee on adult edu­ Pueblo.— (St. Leander’s Par­ committees and the three differ­ cation did not make a report at ish)— The adult choir, under the ent departments of the council. this meeting. This is the one The final absolution was given Don't Neglect Have Your Glasses direction of Mrs. C. P. Kitchie, Greatest progress was noted in the phase of the program in which, to by the Most Bev. Bishop Urban J. will sing the “ Mass in Honor of Your Eyes Adjusted Regularly recreation and leisure? time pro­ date, there is Catholic repre­ Vehr at the Solemn MasS of Re­ St. Alo;^us,” by Singenberger, on gram, of which Judge Stanley sentation. quiem sung^at the funeral of Mrs. Easter Sunday morning at 7:30. Johnson is chairman. The sub- The executive committee on Catherine Sullivan, mother of 1550 California SL (Est.1902) Phone KEyttone 7651 At the Offertory the choir will comifiittee on community centers child welfare announced comple­ render “ Surrexit Christus.” ‘ The already has 23 organizations co­ John J. Sullivan, one of Colo­ tion of its organization, with six rado’s outstanding Catholic, lead­ recessional hymn will be* “ Haec operating in its work. The sub­ subcommittees caring for ail Dies.” ers and president of Sullivan & committee on delinquency, of- phases of child welfare. Partic­ Soloiste for this occasion will Co., investment bankers. Mrs. Sul­ which E. A. Floyd is chaitman, is ular emphasis will be laid upon be Mary Murphy, Betty Sollee, sponsoring the development of livan died in St. Joseph’s hospital Mrs. Margaret Soiled, Marie the foster-home p r o ^ m and the last week on Thursday night, rfter boys’ clubs in the two city districts SPECIAL OFFER Beauvais, Marguerite Habiger, care of children in widowers’ fam­ an illness of six weeks, and was / where juvenile delinquency among ilies. The family welfare commit­ We will move your furniture to our warehouse and give you six Eymard Glentzer, and Byron buried Monday after the Mass in boys is greatest. The subcommit­ tee also has completed its organi­ months to pay your bill. Private room or open storage; We Sordelet. The other members of the ’ Cathedral. The 'Very Rev. tee on character building is spon­ zation. It is concerned largely Robert M. Kelley, S.J., was the have low rate of insurance. the choir are Charlotte Habiger, soring the ^outh week program, Leona Herder, Rnth Keller, Flor­ with co-ordinating the ^rog;ram of celebrant of the Mass, with the Call KEystone 6228 and we will call and give you estimate on in connection with which there private and public family welfare your work. ence Keller, Eleanor Larson, Rita Very Rev. Thomas D. Coyne, C.M., will be open house at the Cath­ and relief societies. To date this MOVING. STORAGE AND PACKING McCormick, Margaret McDonnell, president of St. Thomas’ seminary, Rosemary Murphy, Louise Porter, olic Chariti8is headquarters Mon­ co-ordination has been only on as deacon, and the Rev. John R. No Money Needed for Six Months Blanche Record, Dorothy Schmitt, day, April 29, when delegations of paper, but the public welfare de­ Mulroy a s. subdeacon. . The Rev. Mildred Schmitt, Josephine Scho- children from the various Cath­ partment expects to work out a Edward il. Woeber was master of DUFFY STORAGE & MOVING CO. ber, Rita June Scoggins, Ruth olic institutions will provide enter­ definite progrram with the private ceremonies, and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Somes, Lloyd Beauvais, Fran­ tainment.* All friends of the insti­ agencies in the near future. Hugh L. McMenamin, rector of 1521 20th St. Office and Warehouse cis Coleman, Charles Herder, tutions and their children are in­ The subcommittee on employ­ the Cathedral, was the preacher. M A . 3112 Frank Kronwitter, and Cus Sand- vited to attend the open house. ment, o f which John J. Sullivan The subcommittee on city-wide is chairman, is making a canvass Mrs. Sullivan was the widow of strom. Dorothy Jane Rayhawk William Sullivani one of Colo­ Largest Ford Dealer in Rocky Mtn. Region will be at the organ. At the o f the employment offices^rovided 14th and Broadway on Civic Center by federal, state, and municipal rado’s pioneer mining men, who 10 o’clock Mass, the children’s died in Denver: about ten years choir will sing Easter hsrons authorities, as well as by private Food Sale and organizations. The public health ago. Her life had been one of under the direction of Sister Catholic activity. She was a past 28 E. 6th Catholic Magdalen. committee has turned over its work to the Denver Public Health president of the Cathedral Altar Ave. Sjrmbolism On Holy Thursday at 8 o’clock and Rosary society, and was a the children’s choir sang the Luncheon to Be council, of which Dr. F. B. Ste­ a phenson is president. Its main meml^r of the Seminary guild, the Mass of the Angels, and there was St. Vincent’s Aid society, and the TA . 6468 Specialty procession o f the Blessed Sacra­ objective is an appraisal of all of COLFAX DRIVE-IN MARKET Held by Group health services of the city in an Good Shepherd Aid society. She ment, in which the school children was born 75 year's ago at Lake took part On Good Friday and ------!■ endeavor to improve sanitary con­ Luzenie, N. Y .; was married to SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Holy Saturday the music is being (St. Patrick’s Pariah) ditions. ‘QUALltY MONUMENTS FOR LESS" Mr. Sullivan there 43 years ago, Parking Space for 5,OOG Cars Daily be furnished by the Boys’ choir. A food sale and luncheon are An amendment to the by-laws and then came to Colorado with of the council was passed, estab­ •The sanctuai^ of St. Leander’s being sponsored by the Mothers’ him. Mr; Sullivan developed min­ church has been redecorated and club Thursday, April 25. Children lishing an associate membership ing properties near Ouray and Sil- Call Frank Williams when you want dependable repair work on for organizations whose work the church thoroughly cleaned for of the • school will be served a vertbn. The family home is at 601 ' your typewriter. borders on the social welfare WILLNER’S the Holy Week services and lunch with hot drink for 15 cents East 16th avenue. PROMPT SERVICE — HONEST PRICES Easter. in the noon hour and adults im­ field. The Parent-Teachers’ asso­ Butter, Eggs and Cheese A ll Makes Typewriter Service Miss Blanche Rickard on Mon­ mediately following at 12:30. The ciations and some fraternal soci­ Surviving, besides the son, are eties will be asked to join the a sister. Miss Mary Clear of Lake Salts - Rentals Repairs MAin 3495 day afternoon was elected presi­ co-operation of members of the 435 I4th St. dent of the Pueblo Education as­ club is requested, and a cofdiai Council of Social Agencies. Luzerne, and a brother, William SPECIAL Clear Of Apsable Forks, N. Y. Fresh Halibut, sociation of district No. 1, which invitation is" extended to every The finance committee has not Fresh Salmon, lb.. Saturday, 8 to 12 A. M. REQUIESCANT IN PACE is composed of the. teachers of the member of the parish to patronize yet been able to provide a full­ Funeral arrangements were Willner’t First Grade made by W. P. Horan and'Son. North Side school "district. this event. The regular business time secretary for the council. Fillet of Haddock, lb...... 20c BUTTER , ANTOINETTE DI FRANCESCA, S80B Miss Elizabeth Balfe of Colo-^ meeting of the club, preceded by Colo. Rainbow Mtn. Trout, Navajo St. Wife of Thomas Di Fran­ 3 4 ^ ^ cesca, mother of Stella, daughter of rado Spring:s spent Sunday with a meeting of the council, will lb...... 50c Theodore Raphael Ferri. She was' born in Denver her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. be held at 3 o’clock. MmeS. Balfe. July 14, 1897. Requiem Hass was of­ Chiolero, Spieler, Spring, Hagger­ Longmont Parish Give Your Watch Open-Eye fered in ML Carmel church Saturday at Mrs. Frank Kottensette of Den­ ty, Coloroso, DiPaolo, Scardina, B R U N O ‘ 8 9. Interment ML Olivet. W. P. Horan ver made a brief visit with her Swiss Cheese ft Son service, and Vaccaro comprise the com­ A SQUARE DEAL FISH AND POULTRY parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas mittee in charge of the food sale. Hackethal JOSEPH M. KEHOE, 1908 Pennsyl- Lists Services TA. 1176 3 3 ^ lb. vania. Husband of Marie Quinn Keboe. Kerrigan, on Friday of last week. School was dismissed on Wednes­ father of Joseph Kehoe, Jr.» son of Miles day' noon to re-open Wednesday Even a Watch needs a J. Kehoe. brother of Leona Eehoe. Re­ Longmont.— Good Fridaj^ Mass MORTUARY morning, April 24. A confereace of the Presanctified is offered at good cleaning and re­ “ Come in and Gas With Us" quiem Mass was offered in the Cathedral of the Sisters of St. Joseph will Tuesday at 9. Interment Mt. Olivet. W. 8 o’clock. Stations of the Cross are pairing once in a P. Horan ft Son service. be held Tuesday, April 23. 1449-51 Kalamath St. at 2 :30 p. m. and sermon and ven­ while, to keep work­ EUSEBIO DOMONICO, Adams county. Canon City Plans A High Mass will be sung at 7 eration of the cross at 7 :30. Holy Phone MAin 4 0 0 6 Rosary will be recited at the Horan o’clock Easter Sunday morning, Saturday services will begin at 7 ing 100% day and SHANE OIL CO chapel Friday at 8 p. m. Funeral serv­ with the senior choir, under the The firms listed here de­ ices will be held in the Assumption o’clock and High Mass and Com­ night, year in, year Colfax and Downing direction of Mrs. Blanche Os­ serve to be remembered church, Welby, at 11 a. m. Saturday. W. munion will be at 8. Resurrection out. Accuracy is P. Horan & Son service. bourne, assisting. The children’s For Tliree Hasses services are to take place at 7:30. worth money to you. Featuring when you are distributing THOMAS H. COONEY, 1518 E. 36th choir, under the direction of Sis­ Confessions will be heard in the Ave. Husband of Mrs. Mary Cooney, ter Leocritia, will sing Easter your patronage in the dif­ father of F. M., Mary, Thomas, George, afternoon and evening, but no KOOLMOTOR AND Canon City.— There will be hymns at the 9 o’clock Mass. The Confessions will be heard Easter EXPERIENCED WATCH ferent iines of business. Catherine E., and Leonard Cooney. Re­ junir choir, directed by Miss Hartford-Alcorn quiem Mass was offered Monday at 9 in three services at St. Michael’s Sunday. Easter Sunday services REPAIRING CITIES SERVICE Annunciation church. Interment Mt. church Easter Sunday. The first Frances Chiolero, will sing at the Olivet. Day mortuary service. will be as follows: Masses al 7 and two, at 6:30 and 8 o’clock, will 10:30 Mass, and music will be 9 o’clock; general Communion, Mortuary JOSEPH MARTIN, 431 S. Logan. rendered at the 12 o’clock Mass. be Low Masses, and the 10 o’clock Benediction aifter the late Mass. Brother of Sarah Smith, uncle of Frank Every parishioner is urged to re­ M. 0 ’KEEFE=^ GAS and Harry Smith. Requiem High Mass service will be a High Mass. The local Knights of Columbus 620 E. Colfax Ph. KE. 2779 was sung in St. Francis’ church Monday Good Friday evening services ceive Holy Communion. Confes­ Jewelry Go, sions will be heard Saturday after- council held its regular meeting at 9:80. Interment Mt. Olivet. Theo­ will include the veneration of the Monday, April” 15. dore Hackethal service. nooh beginning at 3 and in the 827 ISth St. KEystone 1440 Rei. Phones SP. 3296 - 1694 cross. Confessions will be heard Byron Hoick and Joseph Peter FLORENCE E. MALER, 4102 S. Saturday afternoon and evening. evening as long as necessary. Cherokee. Mother of Aune Miller, sister Children must go to Confession on arrived home to spend the Easter of Eleanor. James, Dewey, Harlow, Eu­ The Knights of Columbus will holiday with their parents, Mrs. w m m m m gene, and Herbert Fox, all of New York, hold their annual Easter benefit Friday afternoon between the thatccwitd hours of 1 and 3. Stations of the Anna Hoick and Mr. and Mrs. A. and Mrs. Dorothy Kurtz of Salt Lake party and social in the Annex hall F. Peter. Byron and Joseph are City. Requiem Hass was offered in St. Monday night, April 22. Cross and veneration of the cross Louis* church, Englewood, Tuesday at 10. will be held at 3 o’clock especially attending the Abbey school at Advertisers that merit your patronage. They are WE Interment ML OliveL Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hayes Canon City. motored to Pueblo last Tuesday for them. Blessing of the new reliable, consistent and appreciate your support. BEVERLY JEAN WALLACE, 1900 fire. Paschal candle, and Easter Sunday, April 14, was the an­ MOVE 31st SL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus night to attend the opera. nual Communion day for the men Wallace, eister of Robert Wallace, grand­ Arthur Schmitt played a group water, followed by Mass, will be­ JOHN H. REDDII4 Frame Houses, Garage* daughter of Mrs. Mary Fernandez. Mass of violin selections at the Wom­ gin on Saturday at 8 o’clock. The of the parish at St. Therese’s Attorney and Counselor at Law of the Angels was offered at 8 Thursday church, Frederick. One hundred Fer Serrice KRyetoua SSXS an’s club Tuesday afternoon. He blessing of homes when requested 612-614 Ernest & Cranmer Block in Sacred Heart church. Interment Mt. and thirty men received Commun­ a Warehouee, ISM 30«h Ik Olicet. Boulevard service. was accompanied by Mrs. D. G. will be imparted in Easter week 17th and Curtis ion in a body. COAL JAMES FITZMORRIS, 702 11th St„ Hayes at the piano. by Father Sommaruga, Mmes. Phone MAin 0557 Denver, Colo. Golden. Requiem Mass was offers in St. Mr. and Stephen James Goetz, McElroy, Cayou, and Dur­ St. John’s school closed Wednes­ Joseph’s church Tuesday at 9:30. In­ and son, Robert, and Mrs. Angelo bin, and Miss Regan are in charge day, April 17, for the Easter holi­ Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. terment Ml Olivet. days. Classes will be resumed on Bradshaw's James of Williamsburg were of cleaning and decorating the F.* A. Mumford, Mgr. JOHN J. ROCHE died in his home, guests of Mr. and Mrs. John altars this week. Wednesday, April 24. 1447 STOUT STREET 3222 Downing street, of a heart at­ H. G. REID tack Sunday at the age of 60. He came Fontecchio Sunday. Mrs. Angelo Activities for the next month, W. 25th and Decatnr GA. 6125 Underwear (2-piece and Union from Urbana, 111., in 1882 and entered James is a sister of Mrs. Fon­ including a card party. Mother’s Electrical Contracting, Suits)» Lace-back Corsets and the plumbing business. He was a mem­ tecchio. Stephen James is princi­ day Communion, and participa­ EASTER GREETINGS Repairing and Fixtures long-sleeve House Dresses. • ber of the Knights of Columbus and is from survived by his Wife, Mrs. Lucy Roehe; pal of the Wilmont school at tion in the summer bazaar, were MAin 2303 317 14tb St a son. Emmet Roche of Denver, and two Williamsburg. among the important details con­ RAY’S CAFE RABTOAY'S sisters, Mrs. Frank Carberry of Denver James Sterling visited with sidered by the Young Ladies’ and Mrs. J. S. l4iwson of Berkeley, Calif. sodality at its regular monthly 1518 CALIFORNIA m e a t M A R K E T Requiem Mass was offered at 9 Wednes­ friends in Boulder over Saturday day in Sacred Heart church. Internient and Sunday. meeting held Monday evening' in Special Eazter Breakfazt 35c The Houae of Quality, where the best Mt. Olivet. The recently-organized Study the library. Miss Josephine Basso oieata at the most reasons^ prices may DOYLE’S Special Eazter Dinner 50c ae obtained. JOHN C. MUNDAY, formerly of Den­ club held its meeting in St. presided and Father Sommaruga ver. Husband of Carolyn Munday, fa­ Cocktail Fruit Cup 1030 W. Colfax KE. 3638 PHARMACY Michael’s hall, and Mrs. J. J. Mc­ was present. Shrimp or Tomato Juice ther of Carolyn, brother of Mrs. 'T. F. Daily Masses on Monday and INSURANCE Across from St, Lee’s Church .The Particular Druxri** Falvey of Los Angeles, Mrs. W. J. Ber- Donnell, chairman, directed an in­ Soup-—Chicken Noodle 17TH AVE. AND GRANT gin, Mrs.’ J. F. Fughes, and Mrs. H. T. teresting lesson. The club is Tuesday of next week will be at Salads—Choice o f: Sliced Cucumbers, 7 and 8 o’clock. Commencing Sliced Tomato, Hearts of Lettuce, HELEN DWYER KE. 5987 FREE DELIVERY Burtscher of Denver. Requiem Mass making a study of the vestments was offered at 9 Tuesday in St. Dominic’s or Pineapple with Cottage Cheese JOS. J. CELLA and articles used at Mass. Ques­ Wednesday, only one Mass, at ENTREES BRIDGE INSTRUCTOR 1 church. Interment Mt. OiiveL Mr. 7:30, will be said in the church. 409 Security Bldg. Munday was bom in Nebraska July 30, tions are answered at each meet- Roast Young Turkey 4rith Oyster Authorized Associate ,,of the NO CALL 1896. Arrangements by Olinger mor­ mg .’ Father Albert. Orren Wayne, infant son of Dressing Culbertson National Studios Phone KEystone 2633 tuaries. Miss Mary McDonpdgh and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cox, was* Half Spring Chicken Fried on Toast COST ' Mountain Trout with Lemon All new 1935 bidding and plays. For Man to Call and Give IztL JOHNSON NORA COLBERT, 126 W. 10th Ave. Katherine Komfala motored to baptized by Father Sommaruga Roast Virginia Ham with Candied Special Arrangements fo r . Church and Mother of Thomas E., Denny, Earl, and' Francis J. Fisher, Inc. mates on Packing and Shtpidag STORAGE & MOVING CO. Colorado Springs last Saturday Sunday. Sponsors were Roxie Sweet Potatoes Club Groups Andrew A. Colbert. Requiem Mass was' and Annie (xuida. Mr. and Mrs, Roast Leg of Lamb with Jelly Clattas, also Private Lessons KEystone 6228 offered in St. Joseph’s church Wednes-, to spend the week-end. TAbor 6204 Ofieo Bad Worehouso, 1521 JOIli f t WHY TAKE CHANCES? Joseph Libonati were sponsors for Creamed Whipped Potatoes For- Information Call FR. 4762-M day at 9. Interment Central City. Miss Marie Esser, who had been Asparagus Tips Ton Can Have Dependable Service DANIEL RUSSOM, 3805 Blake. Hus­ ill at her home for several weeks, Welma, Carmel, and .Philip Wil­ Dessert—STRAWBERRY SHORT­ Cement - Plaster - Mortar and the Cost Is Very Low. band of Rosa Bussom and father of ,six was able to return to work this liam, children of Mr. and Mrs. CAKE, Assorted Pies. Fruit JSlBU YATFACroin' Tell the people you patronize PEsrl 2433 221 Broadway children. Requiem Mass was offered at week. Stephen DeAngelus, who were Jello or Ice Cream Metal Lath - Stucco that you saw their advertisement 9 Wednesday in Annnnciation church. Coffee Tea Milk -— tofuiitcuim efeef 2863 Blake St. Denver in The Register. Interment Mt. OiiveL Much interest is being taken in also baptized Sunday. Hi % Beer Ale Wine . Everything Cuaranteed-Ph. for ^ ic e List— TA. 5109 DENNIS J, LYNG, brother of Ann the card party to’ be given at St. Mrs. John Dolan, 2136 W. 28th ALSO Scholastica’s academy May 15 by avenue, is recovering from an CdLOIMOO PAINT c a '^ n g . Mrs. J. J. Murphy, Thomas Lyng, SPECIAL DELUX DINNER 65c werosy • swisu«w. COFFEE and" John Lyng. Requiem Mass was of­ the M.S.S.A. illness. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS fered Wednesday at 9 in SL Dominic’s ^liss Susan Doherty, a student Delivered to Your Home church. Interment ML OiiveL nurse at S t Mary’s hospital, JOHN WESLEY DAGUE, 808 W. 11th FRESH FROM THE ROASTER Ave, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pueblo, is at the home of her Dague. Recitation of the Rosary will be parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 4 Priced to Suit Your Purse held at the residence Sunday. Requiem Doherty, recovering from a major i Mass will be offered in St. Leo’ s church operation performed a few weeks i SANDERSON’S Monday, April 22, at 9. John Dague, ago; 17 years of age, was bom in Denver i TAbor 2391 1514 Arapahoe St. and was a student. He was shot acci­ Mrs. J. Leo Sterling talked to dentally Saturday while at target practice the children of the Harrison i with two chums. Arrangements by i Olinger mortuaries. school last Friday afternoon on birds, especially those found in i CALL A LENA (STEPLER) ADAMS, 2805 Larimer SL Wife of Roy Adams, mother the local orchards and fields at “ I F A e r e Denver Shops With Confidence , i of Edna Mae and Robert Adams. Funeral this season o f the year. i ZONE CAB services are being held in Sacred Heart Children gaining a place on the i church Friday at 10 a. m. Interment ■honor roll at St. Michael’s paro­ ML OiiveL Mrs. Adams was bora in i - MAin 7171 Denver Nov. 29, 1886. Fnneral arrange­ chial school for the month of Prompt, Courteous Service ments by. Olinger mortuaries. April are as follows: Eighth i CLEAN NEW CABS grade, William Murphy and Anna < Merlino; seventh grade, Betty Out in the Easter Parade i Zabruski, Mary Ann Stringari, i When in Need of Help friends for the many acts of kindness Arlene Grahek, and Mildred Yan- i shown during the illness and death of kovich; sixth grade, Mary Dyer of aay kind, permanent or odd job, my husband; also the Knights of Colum­ 4, and Lawrence Holden; fifth grade, c a ll Employment Department. bus, the Denver Dry Goods store, the 4 ' priests of SL Catherine’s parish, the Holy Leo Dyer, Kon Wyatt, Franklin from our new collections Name society. Father Schulte, SJ., and Hammond, Mafalda Serpe, Robert f 4 Catholic Charities the W,,P. Horan ft Son mortuary. Kane, Margaret Horrigan, Mary 4 BERNETTA HASSING 1665 Grant St. KEystone 6386 Nell Crawford, and Alex Vondra; The smartest styles for the entire faimly . . . Mother, Dad, 4 fourth grade. Elizabeth Legan, 4- USE GIVE FLOWERS Kenneth Holden, and Dorothy Brother, Sister . .. anA^the prices are enough to thrill the most • 4 Zabruski; third grade, Edward 4 ! Zabruski: second grade, Mary thrifty! Select a new^^tume for the Easter Parade . . . and it CORBETT’S BEN BOLDT, INC. Maschinot, Louis Lovato, Helen Dyer, John Legan, Anna Strack, will be smart the rest'of the Spring and through the Summer! ICE PhoM GAIlup 3558 and Lawrence Roche; first grade, Cor. Lowell Blvd. and 29th B. Maschinot, Mary Kimmick, Frances Zabruski, John Seal, Ben­ The Denver— 16th and California Streets CREAM Let Us Serve You nie Nitchen, and Rose Stringari. A'A'AW A A A AAiaAA.AA.AA A. A a. A A A A A a a .a. .s. .a. s