OLLYWOO H D E K L A O L S R F E E 1/4” allowance V L L I I Z 1” S ON FOLD EST 2015 A. NOSE PIECE Arts L A B

GRAIN source: Sewing Arts Lab 2020 Cut 1 Outer Fabric Cut 1 Fabric -optional: cut 1 . Nose piece optional Select either 80” tape or 28” elastic.






1. Select 100% , tight weave fabric (ex: quilting, shirting or bedsheet). Cut marking elastic locations with small snip on both layers. 2. Ties can be twill tape 3/8” width- 80” total, 4 pieces at 20" Or 1/4" width elastic; 28” to be cut in two pieces or 14” x 2 pieces 3.If using a non-woven interfacing, adhere interfacing to wrong side of outer fabric before cutting. 4.Nose piece materials: Pipe cleaner, twist tie , paper clip, thick jewelry wire -3”, crimp end so it doesn’t poke.

Straight - 2.5 stitch length, 1/4” , beginning and end of all stitches. 5.Right sides together, sew outside of mask on Seam A 6. Right sides together, sew lining on Seam A. 7. On lining layer, tie string (twill tape) to right side of fabric where indicated. If using elastic, tack one strap to bottom marks close to chin on each side, tack the other strap to the higher marks. 7a.(optional) Inside the seam allowance, attach metal strip to wrong side of lining fabric using a wide at ends. 8. Stack ties/elastic on right side of lining. 9. Turn outer layer to right side out and finger press seam. 10. Place right sides together with straps sandwiched between layers and outer layer like a coffee filter into a cone. 11. layers together matching seams starting from chin and working around matching elastic tackdown and notches. 12. Starting at point B..Sew following arrow from halfway between chin and bottom elastic all the way around to opposite side leaving chin area open to turn mask. 13. Turn mask right side out. 13a. Position and pin nose piece. Sew perimeter, pivoting on corners to encase the piece. 14. Turn in seam allowances at the chin, stitch chin closed. ends. Launder in hot water. You are done!