For-75: an Ecosystem Approach to Natural Resources Management
FOR-75 An Ecosystems Approach to Natural Resources Management Thomas G. Barnes, Extension Wildlife Specialist ur nation—and especially Kentucky—has an The glade cress Oabundance of renewable natural resources, including timber, wildlife, and water. These re- sources have allowed us to build a strong nation and economy, creating one of the highest stan- dards of living in the world. As our nation grew and prospered during the past 200 years, we ex- tracted those natural resources through agricul- ture, forestry, mining, urban or industrial expansion, and other developments. Ultimately, we affected the amount of wild lands that native plants and animals need for survival. In the past, natural resources agencies have ral- The glade cress grows in Jefferson and Bullitt counties lied public support for declining wildlife popula- and nowhere else in the world. tions. In the 1930s, Congress passed the Federal Aid to Wildlife Resto- Table 1. Selected Ecosystem Declines in the ration Act, also called including the bald eagle, brown pelican, peregrine United States the Pittman-Robertson falcon, and American alligator, have recovered % Decline (loss) or Act, and state wildlife from the brink of extinction. However, numerous Ecosystem or Community Degradation agencies received fund- other species and unique habitats are declining, Pacific Northwest Old Growth Forest 90 ing to restore numerous and the list of endangered and threatened organ- Northeastern Pine Barrens 48 wildlife species that isms continues to grow every year. Why are these Tall Grass Prairie 961 were in trouble, includ- additional species in trouble, while other species Palouse Prairie 98 ing white-tailed deer, are increasing their populations and ranges? Where did we go wrong? Why, almost immedi- Blackbelt Prairies 98 wild turkeys, wood ducks, elk, and prong- ately after passage of the Endangered Species Act, Midwestern Oak Savanna 981 horn antelope.
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