
United States Department of National Handbook Agriculture Subpart B—Conservation Planning Natural Conservation Service

Part 610 Ecological Principles for Planners

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004)

Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners

Contents: 610.00 and landscapes 610–1

610.01 processes 610–2 (a) flow ...... 610–2 (b) and cycles ...... 610–3

610.02 Ecosystem structure and its relation to ecosystem 610–6

610.03 Ecosystem changes and 610–7 (a) Stability in ecosystems ...... 610–7

610.04 Biological diversity 610–8 (a) Hierarchy of diversity ...... 610–8 (b) Species interactions ...... 610–10

610.05 Applying ecological principles to conservation, 610–11 restoration, and management (a) Area of management actions ...... 610–11 (b) ...... 610–11 (c) Disturbance effects...... 610–11 (d) Isolation and distance effects ...... 610–12 (e) Habitat heterogeneity ...... 610–12

610.06 Literature Cited 610–12

610.07 Glossary 610–13

Table Table 610–1 Indicators of at four levels of organization 610–9

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–i Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

Figures Figure 610–1 Ecological principles for land management planners 610–1

Figure 610–2 Aquatic 610–2

Figure 610–3 Terrestrial 610–3

Figure 610–4 Hydrologic cycle 610–4

Figure 610–5 Carbon cycle and its effect on the Earth's 610–5 atmosphere

Figure 610–6 Nitrogen cycle 610–5

Figure 610–7 Nitrogen pathways on working lands 610–6

Figure 610–8 Landscape elements: patch, matrix, and corridor 610–6

Figure 610–9 Flood pulse concept 610–7

Figure 610–10 Rock and timber revetment on the Willamette River, 610–7 Oregon

Figure 610–11 Black-tailed prairie dog 610–10

Cover photos courtesy of Wendell Gilgert, Tim McCabe, Charlie Rewa, and Gary Wilson, USDA NRCS, and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

610–ii (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners

Dynamic processes occurring over multiple scales of 610.00 Ecosystems and time and space determine the physical and biological landscapes characteristics of our landscapes. These include: • Geomorphological processes, such as erosion • Natural disturbances, such as fires, floods, and An ecosystem is a biological , or assem- drought blage of living things, and its physical and chemical • Human perturbations, such as land clearing and environment. The interactions among the biotic and urban development abiotic components of ecosystems are intricate. Con- • Changes in the make-up of biological communi- servation of natural resources can be daunting when ties, from days to millions of years the social, cultural, economic, and political realities of our modern world and the complex, multidimensional To implement effective conservation practices that nature of ecosystems are considered. take into consideration the often-extensive migratory paths of species, think broader than the project site Often fish, wildlife, and plants are dependent upon and longer than the project time (fig. 610–1). Even a several ecosystems within broader landscapes. For cursory evaluation of landscape conditions and their example, migratory birds, butterflies, and salmon use ecological and cultural history provides a valuable different ecosystems that traverse political boundaries context when considering fish and wildlife resource (often thousands of miles apart) during phases of their concerns. This can lead to a better understanding of life cycles. Conservation of these migratory species how large-scale processes affect individual parcels of creates land management challenges that can only be land and the they provide, and how actions on adequately addressed at the landscape scale. Land- small pieces of land can influence ecological pro- scape considers principles about the structure, cesses and biodiversity at broader scales. function, and changes of interacting ecosystems in natural resource conservation and planning (Forman and Godron 1986).

Figure 610–1 Ecological principles for land management planners (from Dale et al. 2001)

Time Ecological processes function at many timescales, and ecosystems change through time.

Species Individual species and assemblages of interacting species have key, broad-scale ecosystem effects.

Place Local conditions (climate, geomorphology, quality, altitude) as well as biological interactions affect ecological processes and the and distribution of species.

Disturbance The type, intensity, and duration of disturbances shape the character- istics of , communities, and ecosystems.

Landscape The size, shape, and spatial relationships of land cover types influ- ence the dynamics of populations, communities, and ecosystems

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–1 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

level that represents where they obtain energy from 610.01 Ecosystem their environment as shown in figures 610–2 and 610–3. From a habitat management standpoint, the processes sources of available energy at each affect the mix of species in an ecosystem, their populations, and how they interact. (a) Green plants are , or primary producers. Energy flows through and fuels ecosystems and all They use solar energy for , combining living things. Virtually all energy originates from the atmospheric and water into high- sun. can be grouped into food chains, or energy , such as sugars, starches, and more complex food webs, according to the trophic cellulose (see section (c) Carbon cycle).

Figure 610–2 Aquatic food web (from Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices)


course particulate larger plants organic (mossess, matter red algae)

microorganisms epilithic (e.g., hyphomycete algae fungi)

dissolved organic matter


fine microorganisms particulate organic matter invertebrate invertebrate shredders scrapers

invertebrate collectors vertebrate invertebrate predators predators

610–2 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

Animals are heterotrophs; they derive their energy (b) Water and nutrient cycles from the carbohydrates stored within plants. Het- erotrophs can be or . Herbivores, Water and elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, and or primary consumers, obtain their energy by directly phosphorus, are critical to life. Unlike energy that consuming plants. Carnivores, or secondary consum- flows through an ecosystem, these materials are ers, derive their energy by consuming herbivores and cycled and reused repeatedly. In river systems, nutri- other carnivores. that eat both plants and ents are said to spiral rather than cycle as they do on other animals are referred to as . Food land. chains or webs end with , usually bacte- ria and fungi, that recycle from dead or dying Nutrient spiraling is a concept that explains the plants and animals of higher trophic levels. directional transport of nutrients in streams and rivers, rather than closed nutrient cycles associated with The amount of energy available to organisms at differ- terrestrial ecosystems. All of these important pro- ent trophic levels declines as it moves through an cesses provide elements that are essential to all living ecosystem. Thus, more energy is available to support things, and all are powered by energy. Thus, human plants than herbivores and even less to support carni- actions that disrupt or alter energy flow in ecosystems vores. As a rule of thumb, only about 10 percent of the also affect water and nutrient dynamics in those energy that flows into a trophic level is available for systems. use by species in the next higher level. The water, or hydrologic cycle (fig. 610–4), has two For example, if green plants are able to convert 10,000 phases: the uphill phase driven by solar energy, and units of energy from the sun, only about 1,000 units are the downhill phase, which supports ecosystems. available to support herbivores and only about 100 to support carnivores. Energy is lost primarily in the form Most rainfall comes from water evaporated from the of heat along the food chain. sea by solar energy (uphill phase). In fact, about a third of the solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface is dissipated in driving the hydrologic cycle.

Figure 610–3 Terrestrial food chain Approximately 80 percent of rainfall recharges surface and groundwater reservoirs and only 20 percent re- turns directly to the sea. As water moves through ecosystems (downhill phase), it shapes the physical structure of the landscape through erosion and deposi- tion. It also affects the distribution and abundance of living things as it regulates availability of nutrients in soil that must be dissolved by water to be utilized by plants. Soil is thus an essential component in the water cycle.

The water cycle links the land to aquatic ecosystems where the flow rate and nutrient levels determine the make-up of their biological communities. Carbon

dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere, and that which is dissolved in water, serves as the reservoir of inorganic carbon from which most carbon compounds used by living things are derived. During photosynthe-

sis, plants use CO2 to manufacture carbon compounds such as glucose and lignin, thus beginning the carbon cycle.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–3 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

Figure 610–4 Hydrologic cycle (from Stream Corridor Restoration—Principles, Processes, and Practices)

Cloud formation

Rain clouds

Evaporation n

l o




o t


s a



i c

m p

n o o s o s r

Precipitation i n m f t m

a a a o t e r e r r t g t f s

e m v m o r

m o f o r r f Lake f Surfa ce ru storage noff


Ocean Percolation Rock Deep percolation

Ground water

610–4 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

During plant respiration, some CO2 is released back plants is available to plant-eating heterotrophs. As into the atmosphere, but much is stored, or seques- animals die or are consumed by other organisms, the tered, in both live and dead plant tissues (fig. 610–5). nitrogen eventually enters the soil where denitrifica- The majority of climate researchers believe that hu- tion returns it to the atmosphere (fig. 610–7). man activities, including the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (Houghton et al. 2001). A green- house effect results as CO2 increases the amount of Figure 610–6 Nitrogen cycle heat trapped in the atmosphere.

One of the most biologically important elements for Storage Storage Organic living things is nitrogen, which constitutes about 78 N percent of Earth’s atmosphere as nitrogen gas (N2). Anthropogenic Anthropogenic + Although important, nitrogen gas is virtually unusable N2 NH4 by all but a few living things. Inputs Outputs The nitrogen cycle (fig. 610–6) is dependent on bacte- ria and algae in soil and water capable of using atmo- Natural Natural spheric nitrogen to synthesize or fix nitrogen. The N2O NO2 resulting nitrogen-containing compounds can then be used by higher plants and animals. Some legumes and other plants fix nitrogen through bacteria that live in NO3 Storage Storage specialized nodules on their roots. Nitrogen stored in

Figure 610–5 Carbon cycle and its effect on the Earth's atmosphere

Photosynthesis+Respiration in the Global Carbon Cycle The Global Carbon Cycle A network of interrelated processes that transport carbon between different reservoirs on Earth.

• P+R occurs in land plants and in aquatic systems Atmosphere Land-use Photosynthesis changes and respiration Ocean-atmosphere Fossil fuel exchange combustion and cement manufacture

Surface Terrestrial ocean

Photosynthesis River and respiration runoff Lithosphere Phytopla

Deep Sinking Ocean ocean particles circulation

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–5 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

In the phosphorus cycle, plants and bacteria take up phosphorus from soil. Phosphorus is required for 610.02 Ecosystem struc- energy transformations within the cells of organisms. Animals obtain it from plants and other animals. Phos- ture and its relation to phorus returns to an ecosystem’s reservoir through ecosystem function excretion and decomposing organic of both plants and animals. The physical structure of ecosystems varies according to climatic patterns, soil types, soil qualities, distur- bance patterns, geologic events, biological interac- Figure 610–7 Nitrogen pathways on working lands tions, and human perturbations. Individual ecosystems of a landscape can be thought of as patches or corri- dors within a matrix where flow of energy, materials, Dissolved Organic N and species occurs (fig. 610–8). The components of N2 ecosystems, such as animals, plants, , heat energy, water, and mineral nutrients, are heteroge- Lysis, excretion neously distributed among patches or corridors that Ammonification vary in size, shape, number, type, and configuration. Nitrogen fixation Amino acids Figure 610–8 Landscape elements: patch, matrix, and + corridor (photo courtesy Iowa NRCS) NH4 Dentrification Amino acid synthesis

Nitrate reduction Nitrification

- - NO3 NO2 Nitrification

610–6 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

In river and stream ecosystems, recurring floods are 610.03 Ecosystem changes critical to sustained production of fisheries, flood plain forests, wetlands, and riparian habitat. Rivers and and disturbance streams derive most of their biomass from within the flood plain and their biological communities are de- pendent on lateral exchanges of water, sediment, and (a) Stability in ecosystems nutrients among the flood plain, the riparian area, and river channel (fig. 610–9). Many of the familiar ecosystems have changed dra- matically over the last 10,000 years. For example, Aquatic species move into the flood plain at rising and following the last glacial period, North America be- high water levels because of feeding and spawning came more arid and deserts now occupy areas that opportunities; terrestrial animals along the rivers then were once coniferous forests. Ecosystems and their exploit the available food sources that result from processes may appear static because the frame-of- receding water. Dams, dikes, and extensive revet- reference is typically limited to the perspective of a ments along rivers have significantly reduced the human life span. function of flooding in sustaining ecosystem processes in large rivers (fig. 610–10). In reality, ecosystems are in a constant state of flux. The stability and health of ecosystems are human concerns. This stability is measured by the resilience Figure 610–9 Flood pulse concept to natural disturbances or human perturbations. Natu- ral disturbances, although temporarily disruptive, are important for maintaining many ecosystem processes Flood Pulse Concept and thus biological communities. They can also wreak havoc on infrastructure and human economies. On the Nutrient other hand, human-induced perturbations that cause a recycling departure from normal ecosystem processes may disrupt ecosystem sustainability and the associated Lateral exchange production of goods and services.

Natural disturbances, such as fire, floods, hurricanes, Flood plain and tornadoes, all affect and change ecosystems. They may significantly alter the existing community of plants and animals, making conditions favorable to other species, including alien . The Figure 610–10 Rock and timber revetment on the community progresses through a series of overlapping, Willamette River, Oregon (photo successive steps that provide habitat for different courtesy Kathryn Boyer, USDA NRCS) species. Over time, succession may lead back to an ecosystem similar to the original. However, if there have been climatic changes or new species have moved into the area, the biological community may be significantly different. Fire is one of the most impor- tant natural disturbances because of its high frequency and the extent of area it affects. Where fire is frequent, plants and animals have adapted to it. In fact, the seeds of many plant species lie dormant in the soil waiting for a fire event to release nutrients and pro- vide sunlight that was once blocked by the previous canopy of vegetation. Fire and other natural distur- bances create a diversity of habitats within the land- scape.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–7 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

Ecosystems are dynamic, and change is the normal course of events. Change in vegetation structure often 610.04 Biological creates a more diverse or heterogeneous array of habitats for terrestrial wildlife. Many past management diversity decisions, such as fire suppression and flood preven- tion, have been undertaken to minimize the dynamic nature of some ecosystem processes to protect and (a) Hierarchy of diversity promote human interests. From a fish and wildlife standpoint, this has tended to simplify habitats, dis- Biological diversity or biodiversity is the variety and connect the flow of nutrients, and isolate populations. variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they occur.

Biodiversity is organized hierarchically, beginning with the genetic diversity of individual organisms and ending with the diversity of ecosystems available in landscapes (Noss 1990) (table 610–1). It includes the full range of species, from viruses to plants and ani- mals, the genetic diversity within a species, and the diversity of ecosystems in which a community of species exists. Land management goals that include conservation of biodiversity require that decisions be made over spatial scales that are much larger than individual parcels of land.

A species is a group of individuals that are morphologi- cally, physiologically, or biochemically distinct. In addition, they have the potential to breed among themselves and do not normally breed with individuals of other groups. Species that range over wide geo- graphical areas often are divided into subspecies if their morphological characteristics vary enough to make them distinctive.

A is a group of individuals of the same species that share a common gene pool. This means they are in close enough proximity to each other to potentially interbreed, although they often do not. Populations of many species have wide distributions and to a greater or lesser extent are geographically isolated from each other by physical barriers or dis- tance. A population of frogs in a small pond is isolated from a population of frogs in another pond many miles away. The probability that the two populations will interbreed is low.

A is the collective group of discrete populations of a species across a landscape upon which the species’ continued existence depends. For example, a natural disturbance, such as fire, may cause local extermination of an amphibian species population. The existence of other populations in a

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Table 610–1 Indicators of biodiversity at four levels of organization (Noss 1990)

Organizational level Compositional factors Structural indicators Functional indicators

Regional landscape Identity, distribution, Heterogeneity, connectivity, Disturbance processes, richness, and proportions spatial linkage, patchiness, nutrient cycling rates, of patch (habitat) types, porosity, degree of frag- energy flow rates, patch collective patterns of mentation, juxtaposition, persistence and turnover species distributions perimeter-area ratio, rates, rates of erosion (richness, endemism) pattern of habitat layer and deposition, human distribution land-use trends

Community ecosystem Identity, relative abund- Substrate and soil variables, Biomass and resource ance, frequency, richness, slope and aspect, vegetation , herbivory, evenness, and diversity of biomass and physiognomy, parasitism, species and guilds; propor- foliage density and layering, rates, colonization and tions of endemic, exotic, horizontal patchiness, local extinction rates, threatened, and endan- canopy openness and gap (fine-scale gered species proportions, abundance, disturbance processes), density, and distribution of nutrient cycling rates, key physical features, water human intrusion rates and and resource availability intensities

Population species Absolute or relative abund- Dispersion, population Demographic processes ance, frequency, import- structure (sex ratio, age (fecundity, ance or cover value, bio- ratio), habitat variables rate, survivorship, mortal- mass, density (see community- ity), metapopulation eco-system structure, dynamics, population above) (see below), population fluctuations, , life history, growth rate (of individu- als),

Genetic Allelic diversity, presence Effective , Inbreeding depression, of particular rare alleles, heterozygosity, chromo- outbreeding rate, rate of deleterious recessives, or somal or phenotypic poly- , , karyotypic variants morphism, generation rate, selection overlap, heritability intensity

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–9 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

landscape that allows their dispersal increases the (b) Species interactions chances that the species will eventually recolonize the burned area as it recovers. Within biological communities, thousands of species interact. Some species may be considered Genetic diversity among individuals of a population more valuable because their presence is critical to the allows for greater flexibility of a species to adapt to ability of other species to persist in the community. changing environmental conditions. For example, genes of one population may offer resistance to a are those that have an ecological disease that members of another population do not function on which other species and components of have. If the disease eliminated the other population(s), the ecosystem depend. The black-tailed prairie dog the resistant group serves as a source for reestablish- (fig. 610–11) is an example of an organism considered ment of populations in other areas. by many to be a keystone species of the shortgrass prairie ecosystem. Some populations may go extinct on a local scale, and new populations may become established on nearby Indicator species are species whose presence indi- suitable sites. The close proximity of another popula- cates a particular state or condition of an ecosystem. tion of the same species allows colonization of a For example, stream conditions are often assessed by disturbed site following natural disturbance or human monitoring the presence of aquatic , such as perturbation. For example, draining and converting a mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies. In stream ecosys- wetland basin to agriculture results in loss of wetland- tems these species serve as indicators of water quality associated species from the site. However, where and good coldwater habitat. wetlands are restored, dispersal of plant seeds and emigration of animals from nearby wetlands provide a ready means of recolonization. Figure 610–11 Black-tailed prairie dog A biological community is an assemblage of popula- (photo courtesy US FWS) tions of many species. Within the biological commu- nity each species uses resources that constitute its niche. For example, a niche for a bird includes where it nests, what it feeds on, how it obtains water, where it migrates, and even its daily time of activity.

When managing for a single species, it is important to understand its role in the biological community and how it interacts with the assemblage of other species that are part of its ecosystem. Community composition is often affected by predator-prey interactions and among species. Predators can dramati- cally reduce the numbers of species. This alters the trophic structure of the entire community. Reduction in one herbivore species lessens consump- tion of specific plants within the community and may allow another species to use the resource and increase its population size.

Predators can also increase the biological diversity and individual species numbers of an area. For ex- ample, coyotes control mid-size predators, such as foxes and cats that prey on songbird populations. A reduction in foxes and cats allows songbird numbers and diversity to increase.

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(b) Edge effects 610.05 Applying ecologi- The ratio of edge to habitat interior increases geo- cal principles to habitat metrically as fragment size decreases. Edge occurs conservation, restoration, when habitat meets a road, crop field, land use change, and management or other feature, such as a stream. Wildlife manage- ment has historically focused on creating edge habitat for the benefit of specific species. However, increased The loss and fragmentation of natural habitats have edge can adversely affect many species. These adverse reduced biological diversity and resulted in consider- effects are: able loss of fish and wildlife resources important to • Greater rates of habitat desiccation and loss of society. Land use changes are not the only culprit, native vegetation however. Another factor affecting the loss of biologi- • Greater frequency and increased severity of fire cal diversity and decline of species important to • Greater rates of predation by native and exotic ecosystems is the introduction or invasion of alien predators (e.g., house cats, foxes, crows, blue species. jays) Nearly half of the imperiled species in the United • Higher probability of nest parasitism States may be threatened directly or indirectly by alien • Greater windfall damage species (Wilcove et al. 1998). Considering these • Greater intensities of browsing, grazing, and threats, the following topics are important issues other forms of disturbance that favor the growth when working with fish and wildlife habitat and and spread of weedy and alien invasive species, should be considered during planning activities. both plants and animals (Wilcove et al. 1986, Noss and Cooperrider 1994)

(a) Area of management actions Roads are the most frequent source of new edge and may facilitate the movement of weeds and pests. They The number of individuals and species an area can also cause erosion, stream sedimentation, pollution, support is related to its size and the life histories and and increases in mortality rates of wildlife from colli- dynamics of the biotic community it supports. In some sions (Noss 1992). Especially in situations where area- ecosystems, such as grasslands, areas smaller than sensitive species needs are considered, habitat conser- 250 acres may not be able to withstand significant vation, restoration, and management efforts should perturbations without the loss of many species of reduce edge and minimize roads to the greatest extent vertebrate animals and plants (Crooks and Soule possible. 1999).

Small areas of habitat are usually insufficient to sup- (c) Disturbance effects port larger species. Therefore, conservation and restoration efforts should consider project size and Natural disturbances, such as fire, storms, floods, and connectivity potential to the extent possible. In addi- disease outbreaks, can increase the mosaic of habitat tion, efforts should be made to work with adjacent and increase biological diversity within a large habitat landowners to build contiguous blocks of habitat and area. They can also overwhelm small habitat patches. link isolated patches of both terrestrial and aquatic Small areas are more likely to burn completely, result- habitats. ing in loss or degradation of the community. These factors require careful management and control of disturbance in smaller habitat patches.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–11 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

(d) Isolation and distance effects 610.06 Literature Cited Fragmentation is the alteration of natural patterns of landscapes or ecosystems, creating smaller patches or Bayley, P.B. 1995. Understanding large river-floodplain disrupting the continuity or connectivity of corridors ecosystems. Bioscience 45:153-158. and networks. As habitat patches become isolated and the distance between patches increases, it is harder Crooks, K.R., and M.E. Soule. 1999. Mesopredator for many species to disperse and migrate between release and avifauna extinctions in a fragmented them. Life cycles of the organisms that make up a system. Nature 400:563-566. biological community are dependent upon the ability of the organism to safely disperse or migrate. Lower Dale, V.H., and R.A. Haeuber. 2001. Applying ecologi- dispersal and migration rates increase the likelihood a cal principles to land management. Springer, species will be extirpated from the area, and possibly New York, New York. 346 pp. become threatened or endangered in the long term. Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Habitat conservation should focus on maintaining Group. 1998. Stream corridor restoration: prin- habitat connectivity and linking isolated patches. ciples, processes, and practices. Maintaining connections on land and in streams and rivers is critical to the long-term survival of fish, wild- Forman, R.T., and M. Godron. 1986. Landscape ecol- life, and all of the ecological components on which ogy. John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York. they depend. Houghton, J.T., Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden, X. Dui, K. Maskell, and C.A. (e) Habitat heterogeneity Johnson, eds. 2001. Climate change 2001: the scientific basis. Contribution of Working Group I Heterogeneity is the complexity or variation in physi- to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergov- cal structure of habitats. For example, in streams, ernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge water depth, velocity, substrate, wood, and pool/riffle University Press. complexes add to the heterogeneity of the habitat. Increased heterogeneity creates a variation in habitats Noss, R.F. 1990. Indicators for monitoring biodiversity: for terrestrial and aquatic organisms and supports a a hierarchical approach. greater diversity of species. It also provides more 4:355-364. flexibility for species as they seek different types of habitats during different stages of their life cycles. Noss, R.F. 1992. The wildlands project land conserva- tion strategy. Wild Earth Special Issue 10-25. The complexity of interactions within and among species in ecosystems often defies our capacity to Noss, R.F., and A.Y. Cooperrider. 1994. Saving nature’s understand how to effectively manage natural re- legacy: protecting and restoring biodiversity. sources. Actions and practices that maintain habitat Island Press, Washington, D.C. and nutrient linkages, allow dispersal and migration, and sustain the processes that support the biological Quammen, D. 1996. The song of the dodo: island community as a whole are likely to be more effective in an age of extinctions. Scribner, at enhancing habitat for all dependent species, includ- New York, New York. ing those featured in specific management objectives. Soule, M. 2000. An unflinching vision: networks of people for networks of wildlands. Wild Earth 9:34-46.

610–12 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

Wilcove, D.S., C.H. McLellan, and A.P. Dobson. 1986. in the temperate zone. In 610.07 Glossary M.E. Soule (ed.), Conservation Biology: Science of Scarcity and Diversity. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Anthropogenic—Caused by humans.

Wilcove, D.S., D. Rothstein, J. Dubow, A. Phillips, and Autotrophs—Primary producers, such as green E. Losos. 1998. Quantifying threats to imperiled plants, that use solar energy for photosynthesis, com- species in the United States: assessing the rela- bining atmospheric carbon dioxide and water into tive importance of habitat destruction, alien high-energy carbohydrates, such as sugars, starches, species, pollution, , and disease. and cellulose. BioScience 48(8). Biological diversity (biodiversity)—Variety and variability among living organisms and the communi- ties, ecosystems, and landscapes in which they occur.

Community—An assemblage of populations of many species living and interacting in close proximity to each other.

Decomposers—Organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, that are found at the bottom of the food chain. They recycle nutrients from dead or dying plants and animals of higher trophic levels.

Ecosystem—A conceptual unit of living organisms and all the environmental factors that affect them; a biological community or assemblage of living things, and its physical and chemical environment.

Genetic diversity—Array of different genes available in a population’s gene pool. Genetic diversity is needed among individuals of a population to allow for greater flexibility of a species to adapt to changing environ- mental conditions.

Heterogeneity—Complexity or variation in physical structure of a habitat.

Heterogeneous habitat—Diverse or consisting of many different structural components, substrates, types of vegetation, climates, etc.

Heterotrophs—Animals that derive their energy from the carbohydrates stored within plants. Heteroptrophs can be herbivores or carnivores.

Indicator species—Those species whose presence indicate a particular state or condition of an ecosys- tem.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 610–13 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 610 Ecological Principles for Resource Planners Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources

Keystone species—Species that have an ecological Population—A group of individuals of the same function on which other species and components of an species that share a common gene pool. They are ecosystem depend. close enough to each other to potentially interbreed, although they often do not. Landscape—(1) An area of land consisting of a num- ber of ecosystems; (2) A heterogeneous land area Primary consumers—Organisms that eat green consisting of three fundamental elements: patches, plants, or herbivores. corridors, and a matrix. A patch is generally a plant and community that is surrounded by areas Secondary consumers—Organisms that eat herbi- with different community structure. A corridor is a vores, or carnivores. linear patch that differs from its surroundings. A matrix is the background within which patches and Species—A group of individuals that are morphologi- corridors exist and which defines the flow of energy, cally, physiologically, or biochemically distinct. matter, and organisms. Subspecies—Division of species into subcategories —Study of the spatial and tempo- that best describe the relationships of their morpho- ral relationships of interacting ecosystems, especially logical characteristics. their structure, function, and ecological processes. Trophic level—An organism's position in a food chain Natural disturbance—Any relatively discrete event or food web. in nature that disrupts ecosystem, community, or population structure and changes resources, habitat availability, or the physical environment. Natural disturbances include floods, wildfire, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, and tidal waves.

Metapopulations—Collective group of discrete populations of a species across a landscape upon which the species' continued existence depends.

Niche—All of an organism's interactions with its environment.

Nutrient spiraling—Directional transport of nutri- ents in streams and rivers, rather than closed nutrient cycles associated with terrestrial ecosystems.

Omnivores—Animals that eat both plants and other animals.

Perturbations—A departure from the normal state, behavior, or trajectory of an ecosystem; alteration of ecosystem processes as a result of human actions, such as land use. Examples of perturbations include disruption of natural flow regimes with dam construc- tion or changes in groundwater hydrology caused by poor livestock management or wetland drainage.

610–14 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) United States Department of National Biology Handbook Agriculture Subpart B—Conservation Planning Natural Resources Conservation Service

Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Biological Resources

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004)

Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Biological Resources

Contents: 611.00 Integrating fish and wildlife into cooperator's objectives 611–1

611.01 Fish and wildlife/biological resources: different meanings 611–2 for different people

611.02 Planning to meet life history needs of fish and wildlife 611–3 (a) Water ...... 611–3 (b) Food ...... 611–3 (c) Space ...... 611–3

611.03 National conservation practice standards specific to fish 611–4 and wildlife resources

611.04 Elements of the planning process 611–8

611.05 Summary 611–12

Table Table 611–1 Biological groupings and relevant conservation 611–5 practices

Figures Figure 611–1 Fish and wildlife require water, food, and space 611–3

Figure 611–2 A landowner and NRCS conservationist discuss 611–3 plantings that provide wildlife food and cover

Figure 611–3 This fishway was funded in part by the NRCS-WHIP 611–10 program to provide passage to spawning habitat for migratory fish

Cover photos courtesy Wendell Gilgert, Gary Kramer, and Dot Paul, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Jeff Rodgers, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 611–i

Subpart B Conservation Planning Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Biological Resources

Hugh Hammond Bennett's vision of natural resource 611.00 Integrating fish planning included some key attributes of conservation- and wildlife into ists who are effective planners. cooperator's objectives An effective planner • Considers the needs and the capability of each acre. Conservation planning is not an The point when a conservation planner generally overnight process. It is an accumulation of establishes an effective relationship with a cooperator knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired relative starts when the cooperator (used interchangeably with to natural resources. It requires an understanding landowner, land manager, producer, farmer, or of soil surveys, ability to read maps, and ability rancher) makes a phone call to a USDA Service Cen- to understand human history of the area. The ter, walks into an NRCS field office, or follows a refer- ability to read the landscape is needed. Many ral from the Farm Services Agency, RC&D coordina- landscapes in North America are in some need of tor, or the Soil and Water Conservation District. Often restoration. In other words, they have been used this contact is made because the cooperator has a hard, but they could flourish and become more concern or a problem that requires technical assis- sustainable than they are under current land use tance with resource concerns on a piece of working regimes. land.

During the introductory stages of the relationship with • Is cognizant of the cooperator's situation. the cooperator, the planner begins to assess the situa- An effective planner understands the conse- tion in the area where the resource concern exists. quences of proposed actions and helps the coop- Like anything new, there is a level of excitement as the erator clearly understand his or her impact on process begins of working with the cooperator to and off the parcel of land for which they are develop the conservation plan, assist with the imple- concerned. The cooperator has economic, social, mentation of the plan, then continue to support the political, and cultural constraints. The conserva- assessment and monitoring of the effectiveness of the tion planner needs to be aware of various coop- conservation activities. erator issues.

Hugh Hammond Bennett, the first Chief of the Soil • Incorporates the cooperator's aptitude to Conservation Service, in his text, Elements of Soil change. Change is difficult for some, easy for Conservation, stated that "consideration of the land's others. Planners need to help people understand relationship to the entire farm, ranch, or watershed" why a change in management may be needed for is the key principle of conservation planning. While the good conservation on the ground. planner is comfortable with his or her general knowl- edge of most of the natural resources encountered on the cooperator's land, he or she is not likely to be • Considers land surroundings and relation- equally knowledgeable about all of the planning ele- ships. An effective planner recognizes the inter- ments—soil, water, air, plants, and animals (SWAPA) connections between a site and the surrounding —that occur on the land. landscape. The adjacent property, subwatershed, river basin, watershed, state, and the region of The purpose of this handbook is to assist the planner the country should be considered. The planner who does not have extensive knowledge or experience must understand the land’s location and its with fish and wildlife resources, or biological re- relationship to surrounding property. If a prop- sources, to more effectively integrate considerations erty is eroding severely, then not only is soil lost of these resources into the development and imple- from that particular property, but water quality mentation of the conservation plan. damage can occur in aquatic ecosystems down- stream because of the sediment that originated

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 611–1 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

on that piece of property. Water quality can also be used as a starting point for discussions related 611.01 Fish and wildlife/ to integrated pest management (IPM) aimed at reducing pesticide use. Implementation of IPM biological resources: may have significant wildlife ramifications when different meanings for related to habitat and water quality enhance- different people ment.

Other considerations for an effective conservation A common vocabulary is important when discussing planner: fish and wildlife or any biological resource with a • Respect the cooperator's rights and responsibili- cooperator. For many cooperators, the more familiar ties. and visible fish and wildlife (e.g., white-tailed deer, • Recognize the need for resource sustainability. mallards, black bass, raccoons, crows, rainbow trout, Keep current on new technology by reading or prairie dogs) represent the significant biological scientific literature and attending resource resources on their land. A purpose of this handbook is conferences and workshops. to broaden how the planner, and thus the cooperator, • Consider short-term, long-term, and cumulative thinks of the fish, wildlife, and biological communities effects of actions. Most of the landscapes did not that occur or could occur on a piece of working land. degrade overnight. NRCS assistance is for the While conversions with the cooperator about the full long term. Conservation is a process that takes range of biological resources on a particular property time and care to get the land back to some level may not be possible, a general understanding of those of sustainability and productivity. resources by the planner can translate into an in- creased awareness of their values by the cooperator. • Consider economic needs and goals. What will it cost and how much time does the cooperator The most favorable time to incorporate biological have to invest in the action? resources into the plan discussion is during the initial • Work with cooperator to consider alternative conversations with the cooperator. As the planner enterprises and their interactions with the site probes the cooperator for information about their and its surroundings. operation, it is always appropriate to ascertain the • Help the cooperator develop and articulate the level of interest in their biological resources. Does the desired future conditions for the planning area. cooperator consider those resources to be part of the What would he or she like the property to look land’s production capability where an economic gain is like? Encourage new ideas, provide relevant and realized? How does the cooperator feel about the timely information, and offer sound conservation presence or absence of those resources on the land? advice. Are they seeing more or less fish and wildlife than they • Collaborate with other natural resource profes- would like to see? Do fish and wildlife contribute to sionals and volunteers when collecting, assem- the quality of their experience of working and living on bling, and evaluating data. Use resources and the land? Is the cooperator willing to adjust how they expertise of others. Interact and work with operate their enterprise or manage their land to ac- people who may have a different perspective commodate biological resources? about the resource concerns being considered. While it is preferable to integrate biological resource needs into the early conversations with a cooperator, it is never too late to discuss those needs with a coop- erator seeking technical assistance. An experienced planner, who has not fully discussed the inclusion of the biological resources of a planning area, should make an effort to do so at any time during the planning or implementation process. Remember, all lands and most landscape features provide habitat for biological resources, and the quality of that habitat varies.

611–2 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

(b) Food 611.02 Planning to meet Food habits for fish and wildlife are variable through- life history needs of fish out the year. Feeding behavior and habits help broadly and wildlife define groups of animals. Common examples are grazers (elk, prairie dogs, grasshoppers), browsers (deer, beaver), carnivores (snakes, hawks, bobcats), Most planners know that the basic life history require- omnivores (black bears, coyotes, crows), and para- ments for fish and wildlife resources can be broadly sites (lampreys, many insects, cowbirds). grouped into three categories: water, food, and space (including cover and special habitat areas). When Food requirements vary with time of year. For specific planning for an individual species or group of species, information for any particular species, numerous the planner must provide the cooperator with more technical references provide food habit information specific information about life history needs. Always (see subpart C, part 620). consider the specific biological needs for water, food, and space by fish and wildlife (fig. 611–1 and 611–2). (c) Space

(a) Water The space in which an organism lives provides protec- tion, or cover. Cover types include structural elements Some species, such as snakes, tortoises, desert mam- in a species’ habitat that provide a means of escape mals, and many insects, obtain all of their water re- from danger (escape cover), provide refuge from quirements from the foods they eat. To support most temperature changes (thermal cover), protect young wildlife, and obviously all fish species, a reliable free (nesting, fawning, or brood cover), provide resting water supply is necessary. Virtually every type of areas (loafing or refugia cover), or helps the specie uncontaminated surface water source is used by a hide from predators (hiding cover). A space can also variety of fish and wildlife species. A complete inven- be a large area where several animals or biological tory of those sources should be a fundamental element resources come together for breeding (lekking, breed- to any conservation plan. ing, spawning areas), feeding, loafing, or staging for group migrations.

Figure 611–1 Fish and wildlife require water, food, and Figure 611–2 A landowner and NRCS conservationist space (photos courtesy Wendell Gilgert, USDA discuss plantings that provide wildlife NRCS) food and cover (photo courtesy Lynn Betts, USDA NRCS)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 611–3 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

Fishpond Management (399)—Developing or im- 611.03 National conserva- proving impounded water to produce fish for domestic use or recreation. To provide suitable aquatic environ- tion practice standards ment for producing, growing, and harvesting fish or specific to fish and other aquatic organisms for recreational or domestic wildlife resources uses. Restoration and Management of Declining Habi- Currently, the National Handbook of Conservation tats (643)—Restoring and conserving rare or declining Practices lists more than 160 practices. Virtually every native vegetated communities and associated wildlife conservation practice impacts fish and wildlife re- species to restore and manage habitats degraded by sources. The following 16 practices are specifically human activity, increase native plant community related to fish and wildlife resources. These 16 prac- diversity, or manage unique or declining native habi- tices will, if properly implemented and/or managed, tats. positively affect biological resources; however, the challenge to the planner may be the integration of Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)—Consists of those resources into the other conservation practices. grasses, grass-like plants, and forbs at the fringe of the water along watercourses. Provides habitat for aquatic Aquaculture Ponds (397)—A water impoundment and terrestrial organisms, improves and protects water constructed and managed for commercial aquaculture quality, stabilizes the channel bed and streambanks, production. To provide suitable aquatic environment establishes corridors to provide landscape linkages for producing, growing, and harvesting commercial among existing habitats, and fosters management of aquaculture products. existing riparian herbaceous habitat to improve or maintain desired plant communities. Constructed Wetland (656)—A wetland constructed for the primary purpose of water quality improvement; Shallow Water Management for Wildlife (646)— i.e., treatment of wastewater, sewage, surface runoff, Managing shallow water on agricultural lands and milk-house wastewater, silage leachate, and mine moist soil areas for wildlife habitat. Areas provide drainage. Practice treats wastewater by the biological open water areas to facilitate waterfowl resting and and mechanical activities of the constructed wetland. feeding, and habitat for amphibians and reptiles that serve as important prey species for other wildlife. Early Successional Habitat Development/Manage- ment (647)—Manage early plant succession to benefit Stream Habitat Improvement and Management desired wildlife or natural communities. Increase plant (395)—Create, restore, maintain, or enhance physical, community diversity, provide wildlife habitat for early chemical, and biological functions of a stream system successional species and provide habitat for declining to provide desired quality and quantity of water, fish, species. and wildlife habitat, channel morphology and stability, and aesthetics and recreation opportunities. Field Border (386)—A strip of perennial grass or shrubs established at or around the edge of a field. Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (645)— Field borders provide productive habitat for wildlife Creating, restoring, maintaining, or enhancing areas that favor early successional habitats on agricultural for food, cover, and water for upland wildlife and landscapes. species that use upland habitat for part of their life cycle. Provide all of the habitat elements in the proper Fish Passage (396)—Features to eliminate or mitigate amounts and distribution, and manage the species to natural or artificial barriers to fish movement, such as achieve a viable wildlife population within the species dams or cross-channel structures, to allow unimpeded home range. movement for fish past stream barriers.

611–4 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

Wetland Creation (658)—A wetland created on a site original condition to the extent practicable. To restore location that historically was not a wetland or was a wetland conditions and functions that occurred on the wetland but with a different hydrology, vegetation disturbed wetland site prior to modification to the type, or function than naturally occurred on the site. extent practicable. Create wetlands that have wetland hydrology, hydro- phytic plant communities, hydric soil conditions, and Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (644)— wetland functions and/or values. Retaining, developing, or managing habitat for wetland wildlife. To maintain, develop, or improve habitat for Wetland Enhancement (659)—The modification or waterfowl, furbearers, or other wetland-associated rehabilitation of an existing or degraded wetland wildlife. where specific function and/or values are improved for the purpose of meeting specific project objectives. For Wildlife Watering Facility (648)—Constructing, example, managing site hydrology for waterfowl or improving, or modifying watering facilities or places amphibian use, or managing plant community compo- for wildlife to obtain drinking water. sition for native wetland hay production. Table 611–1 gives examples of broad fish and wildlife Wetland Restoration (657)—A rehabilitation of a groupings and lists conservation practices that directly degraded wetland where , hydrology, vegetative or indirectly impact the particular group. community, and biological habitat are returned to the

Table 611–1 Biological groupings and relevant conservation practices

Biological group Relevant practices


Aquatic—crayfish, snails, Stream Habitat Improvement and Management (395), stoneflies, mayflies, Riparian Forest Buffer (391A), Wetland Restoration riffle (657) (Photo courtesy Paul Fusco, USDA NRCS)

Terrestrial (Edaphic fauna)—earthworms, Conservation Cover (327), Forest Stand Improvement nematodes, dung beetles (666), Prescribed Grazing (528)

Pollinators—Integrating all Alley Cropping (311), Conservation Crop Rotation types of flowering plants into (328), Tree/Shrub Establishment (612), Early vegetation enhances most Successional Habitat Development/Management (647) areas for pollinators: bees, butterflies, moths, birds (Photo courtesy Gary Kramer, USDA NRCS)

Integrated pest management species—lady beetles, Pest Management (595), Residue Management, Mulch spiders, wasps Till (329B), Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 611–5 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

Table 611–1 Biological groupings and relevant conservation practices—Continued

Biological group Relevant practices


Fish: Cold-water—trout, salmon, grayling, whitefish Nutrient Management (590), Irrigation Water Cool-water—pike, pickerel, walleye, suckers Management (449), Riparian Forest Buffer (391), Warm-water—catfish, black bass, carp, bluegill, Stream Habitat Improvement and Management (395), minnows Wetland Restoration (657), Fish Passage (396)

Amphibians—salamanders and newts, toads, frogs Pond (378), Stream Habitat Improvement and Manage- ment (395), Wetland Restoration (657)

Reptiles—snakes, turtles, lizards, skinks Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (644), Wetland Restoration (657), Restoration and Management of Declining Habitats (643)

Birds: Songbirds (resident and neotropical migratory) Early Successional Habitat Development/Management (647), Hedgerow Planting (422), Prescribed Burning (338)

Waterfowl—ducks, geese, Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (644), Shallow swans Water Management for Wildlife (646), Prescribed (photo courtesy Grazing (528) Wendell Gilgert, USDA NRCS)

Shorebirds—sandpipers, Irrigation Water Management (449), Restoration and plovers, stilts, avocets, Management of Declining Habitats (643), Wetland dowitchers Restoration (657) (photo courtesy Don Poggensee, USDA NRCS)

Raptors—hawks, falcons, eagles, owls Field Border (386), Residue Management, No-Till and Strip Till (329A), Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment (380)

Colonial nesting birds—egrets, herons Wetland Restoration (657), Riparian Forest Buffer (391), Filter Strip (393)

611–6 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

Table 611–1 Biological groupings and relevant conservation practices—Continued

Biological group Relevant practices

Game birds—grouse, quail, Forest Harvest Management (511), Field Border (386), turkey, pheasants Residue Management, No-Till and Strip Till (329A)

(photo courtesy Gary Kramer, USDA NRCS)


Large herbivores—elk, deer, Brush Management (314), Prescribed Grazing (528), pronghorn Wildlife Watering Facility (648), Fence (382) (photo courtesy Gary Kramer, USDA NRCS)

Large predators—cougar, bear, wolf Forest Stand Improvement (666), Riparian Forest Buffer (391), Tree/Shrub Establishment (612)

Mesopredators—raccoon, Conservation Cover (327), Stream Habitat Improve- bobcat, skunk ment and Management (395), Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment (380) (photo courtesy Gary Kramer, USDA NRCS)

Small mammals—mice, beaver, prairie dogs Early Successional Habitat Development and Management (647), Prescribed Grazing (528), Structure for Water Control (587)

Bats—resident and migratory Mine Shaft & Adit Closing (457), Forest Harvest Management (511), Pond (378)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 611–7 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

Step 2 Determine goals and objectives 611.04 Elements of the A producer's motivation to initiate and work through the process of developing and then implementing a planning process conservation plan can come from a concern and/or multiple concerns about the resources on their land or on lands affecting their operation. The step to assist Step 1 Identify problems and opportunities the producer in determining the desired products of a Field office planners are required to consider soil, plan may not be as simple as it sounds. It may take water, air, plants, and animals when developing a time to establish trust between the producer and the conservation plan. Concern for fish and wildlife re- conservationist, which can entail many separate visits sources is typically not the primary motivation for with the producer, especially if the conservation of the producers to contact NRCS conservationists for assis- fish and wildlife resources was or is not a primary tance. That fact should not prevent the conservationist motivation for the conservation plan. from including fish and wildlife resources early in the process of identifying resource problems and opportu- The planner can help the producer break down the nities. Explore as many aspects as the cooperator's conservation goals into three parts: productivity, interest and the conservationist's time allow. quality of life, and the landscape. A discussion of production goals on their land is probably the most Example: When a rancher contacts the conservation- difficult and delicate topic of the three. A discussion of ist with questions about grazing management, ques- land, herd, or crop size with a producer is tantamount tions about native grazers should be interspersed into to a discussion of bank accounts or wills. Yet, unless conversations that are intended to obtain information the planner has a clear understanding of what the on livestock type, class, and herd size. Specifically, the producer needs to produce, an honest conversation conservationist should work with the rancher to about the conservation elements that can be applied to answer these questions: the land is difficult. Armed with the productivity • What native grazers (e.g., rabbits, prairie dogs, information, the planner can do a more complete job elk) must rely on the same resources as domestic of formulating alternatives that can more fully inte- livestock? grate biological resources. • What are their life history requirements? Example: A row crop and orchard producer in Cali- • How will those requirements be integrated into fornia was using up to 10 annual pesticide applications the grazing plan? on his crops each year. Since more than 15 species of feeding bats are in his region, the planner sug- Subsequent conversations could include changing gested that the strategic placement of bat boxes could pasture size or configuration, which would involve increase the local bat population to a level where crop discussion of fences, water, and salt or mineral distri- insect pests could be controlled. Several years and bat bution. With every element of the grazing plan, oppor- boxes later, the producer's pesticide applications were tunities allow the planner to raise questions regarding reduced by more than two-thirds by the integrated the rancher's attitude toward and aptitude for the pest management provided largely by the bats. This is integration of fish and wildlife resources on the prop- an example of a previously unrecognized resource that erty. Does wildlife currently move freely on the ranch? enhanced habitat quality for the bats and other farm If not, would the rancher be open to changing the wildlife, improved water and soil quality on and off the fence configuration and wire placement to facilitate farm, and reduced expensive inputs that allowed the nonobstructed movement of deer, elk, moose, or producer more management flexibility. pronghorn? Do the livestock stand in the stream, seep, or spring where they water? If so, could it be more The other elements of the overall plan goal are the efficient and improve herd health if the watering areas quality of life and the landscape goal. Those goals are were fenced and the water piped into a storage tank critical to understanding what motivates a producer to for distribution to multiple troughs (with design provi- stay involved in a business that is often marginally sions for wildlife access and egress)? productive. What is it that motivates the cooperator to face each day on the land? Is it the smell of newly

611–8 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

swathed hay? Is it the sounds of resident or seasonal discussions. A comprehensive resource assessment wildlife, the elk herd passing through on the way to may, therefore, require several visits to the property, winter or summer range? Is it the sound of the brook which allows additional conservation opportunities trout breaking water chasing a mayfly near the stream with every trip. This, too, is an opportunity to locate edge? Or is it the yearly proliferation of butterflies at specific and critical habitat elements for the fish and the field's edge as they follow the nectar corridor? If it wildlife using the property. Water features are espe- were entirely within the cooperator's ability, would the cially critical not only because of their relationship to land have more trees, more open expanses, lush ripar- biological resources, but because they are often indi- ian areas, more songbirds, or more water? cators of wetland and cultural resource locations.

Within the context of working with the cooperator to During the inventory process, it is critical to think articulate his or her goals, the planner, through prob- beyond the property boundary in terms of both space ing and timely questions, finds that the cooperator has and time. Some spatial scales that can be useful are or can have a much broader role for fish and wildlife the hemispheric, regional, watershed or subwatershed resources on their land. scale, and a field or tract level. A description of each follows. Step 3 Inventory resources For the planner, the resource inventory is often one of Hemispheric scale—This scale is important for the more eagerly anticipated steps of the planning wildlife and fish that migrate long distances, such as process. During this process the planner is fully en- salmon, waterfowl, neotropical migratory birds, bats, gaged with the cooperator to explore extensive infor- and various insects. Virtually all lands planned by mation and gain an understanding of the cooperator's NRCS conservationists are visited by transitory or land and those lands that surround it. Numerous tools migratory fish or wildlife at least once a year. Whether can assist the planner with this inventory. The follow- the animal spends a few days or an entire season on ing are considered essential for a thorough field inven- the cooperator’s land, it is an important component for tory: that species’ overall life history and should be accom- • Series of maps to locate the property in the modated. proper landscape context Regional scale—Steelhead, salmon, and other migra- 71/2 minute quadrangle topographic map tory fish; wide-ranging mammals including wolverines, aerial photos jaguars, and elk; and many other species use a smaller, soils maps but critical, subset of a region in which the coopera- habitat maps tor's land is located. various layers of geographic information Watershed or subwatershed scale—Some species system (GIS) maps of fish and/or wildlife live their entire life cycles in • Camera discrete areas where cooperation and coordination • Binoculars among land managers are critical to their sustainabil- • Notebook ity. These species include endemic species that are found only in a particular watershed or field office • Field guides, soil survey area. Also, local species are those that live their entire • Hand lens lives on individual farms or ranches. Typical examples • Safety kit include northern bobwhite, ring-neck pheasant, east- • Soil knife ern cottontail, chickadees, titmice, and cardinals. • Daypack to keep materials in one location Field or tract level—This spatial scale is important for dispersal-sensitive species, such as frogs, chip- Investigating and analyzing the resources gathered munks, native fish, or insects, that may never move from the land can be as exhaustive as time allows. The past the boundary of a field or tract within a farm or planner must walk or ride with the cooperator to read ranch. the landscape, and should take legible notes their

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 611–9 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

Time scales, or temporal scales, are also important the needs of fish, wildlife, and other biological re- considerations for fish and wildlife and their habitats. sources. For all practical purposes, every practice and For example, the intervals of time between distur- management action taken on the land has some effect bance events, such as floods, fires, or hurricanes, on biological resources. The conservationist's creativ- affect species and their habitats. Some questions to ity, experience, education, and training can provide an ask: opportunity to engage other people's expertise for • Is it a 2-year, 5-year, or 10-year flood that will incorporating fish and wildlife into the planning pro- most likely create the sediment point bar that cess. The planner must ensure that the natural re- will allow for a new generation of cottonwood source conservation objectives of the cooperator are seedlings to germinate in the riparian zone? met. While working with the cooperator, conservation planners are uniquely positioned to inform them of the • Will a prescribed burn in brush cover cause a effects of various management alternatives on terres- water release that will benefit the local amphib- trial and aquatic species and the opportunities to ian population and at the same time favor early effectively integrate fish and wildlife objectives into successional forbs for the migratory pollinators? the conservation planning process. • How long will the effects last? Solve identified problems—By now the problems Step 4 Analyze resource data that initiated development of the conservation plan in The field office technical guide (FOTG) offers a tem- the first place should be clearly spelled out. During plate for organizing resource concerns. Many effective this step, the conservationist can explain how the tools for analyzing data are available in the NRCS resource problem more than likely began. The coop- office or from wildlife agencies if you do not have erator will begin to realize the consequences of vari- appropriate wildlife habitat evaluation protocols ous management actions on the land and the surround- readily available. The conservationist should work ing landscape. It is during this process of conservation with State, Federal, or non-governmental fish and planning and application that the planner can help the wildlife organizations to secure as much information cooperator more fully understand stewardship obliga- as possible. Exhibit M in subpart C, part 630 is an tions to the land. example of a habitat evaluation from Utah. Every state has species habitat evaluations or habitat evaluations. Take advantage of opportunities—When it comes In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has to economics, most cooperators are receptive to and Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) models for many fish qualify for cost-share programs or related assistance, and wildlife species. The guides are relatively compre- such as grants, building materials, labor, or other hensive and examine various aspects of habitat for a resources needed to apply the necessary conservation variety of fish and wildlife. Different habitat evaluation practices (fig. 611–3). The planner needs to be aware guides are available in each state or territory. Figure 611–3 This fishway was funded in part by the Step 5 Formulate alternatives NRCS-WHIP program to provide passage Develop alternatives that include a spectrum of con- to spawning habitat for migratory fish servation practices to use on the cooperator's land. (photo courtesy Paul Fusco, USDA NRCS) These practices, when implemented, should achieve cooperator's objectives, solve identified problems, take advantage of opportunities, and prevent addi- tional problems.

Achieve cooperator's objectives—Virtually all of the practices used to address the broad range of natu- ral resource issues and concerns that producers en- counter are in the FOTG and the nearly 160 conserva- tion practices standards. Of these standards, only 16 are strictly fish and wildlife practices. Of the remain- ing practices, virtually all have the potential to address

611–10 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

of the array of technical and financial resources avail- Step 7 Make decisions able to the cooperator. The cooperator may indicate a Decisions are the prerogative of the cooperator. The sincere desire to apply a conservation practice, but planner should provide sufficient information to assist lack the resources to do so. At that point, the planner and influence acceptable choices by the cooperator. can offer cost-share programs, grants, and assistance Conservation planning is dynamic; it is an ongoing and from partner groups. The planner must facilitate likely lifelong process for the cooperator. On occasion, development of partnerships (see subpart A, part 601, the cooperator takes a conservative approach to the Conservation Partnerships) to help the cooperator plan that can lead to disappointment for the planner. take advantage of all available opportunities. Resist the urge to influence the cooperator to act outside of his or her comfort zone. Remember, it is his Prevent additional problems—Many tools are or her decision. available to assist the planner with motivating the cooperator to think about alternative management or Example: A producer contacts the NRCS conserva- business practices that avoid generation of new natu- tionist to request assistance on improving irrigation ral resource management problems. efficiency. The producer replaces an open ditch with a pipeline and engages in irrigation water management. Example: A hay operator chooses to explore equip- From a wildlife perspective, there seems to be little ment modifications, such as a flush bar, to move benefit. However, the planner has a foot in the door nesting ducks, pheasants, or songbirds out of the and has planted the conservation seed. Perhaps the swather or mover path so they are not destroyed next logical step is the inclusion of a tailwater return during hay harvest activities. Perhaps harvest actions system. The design of the sump for that system could can be delayed for a couple of weeks to allow the benefit waterbirds, perhaps fish, and if adjacent cover nesting birds time to fledge their young and move out is provided, small mammals. of the field. Think creatively and help the cooperator to think of ways to apply different cultural practices Step 8 Implement the plan relating to agriculture, and, for example, the habits of The planner should work with the cooperator to adopt migratory shorebirds. During the shorebird migration, new ideas and concepts with the goal of finally imple- the birds may be onsite for only a few days. In some menting those ideas or practices on the land. Once the cases the shorebirds may stay and nest. The coopera- practices are applied to the land, the client will require tor can alter irrigation management practices by support to ensure proper installation and management providing additional soil moisture or altering planting of the conservation practices. If cost-share programs dates and can benefit these species by providing soil are involved, the practice must be certified as meeting resources through this process. standards and specifications. All subsequent visits with the cooperator provide an opportunity to make adjust- Step 6 Evaluate alternatives ments relative to the management of the particular The planner should provide sufficient information practice on the land. about each alternative or combination of alternatives so that the cooperator can make decisions that work Step 9 Monitor and evaluate towards the stated goals. Potential positive as well as Monitoring and evaluation are another critical step in negative outcomes should be discussed. Each step of conservation planning. However, this step is one of the conservation planning is critical. In step 6, it is critical most neglected phases of the process. Monitoring must to display the alternatives in a way that is clear and be integrated so that the cooperator and the planner sensible. know that the desired conditions are occurring on the land. Many cost and time effective monitoring tools are Clear communication and understanding between the available. planner and the cooperator regarding the range of alternatives and the effects of implementing them One source is Inventory and Monitoring of Wildlife must exist. In turn, this leads to intelligent choices Habitat compiled by Allen Cooperrider, Raymond J. that provide long-lasting benefits to biological re- Boyd, and Hanson R. Stuart, available through the U.S. sources. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (September 1986). The reference has inventory and

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 611–11 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 611 Conservation Planning for Integrating Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Biological Resources

monitoring protocols for most major habitat types and for all vertebrate fish and wildlife species. 611.05 Summary Example: One straightforward monitoring technique is photo monitoring. Cameras are inexpensive and The conservation plan enables the planner to engage easy to use. A date-back camera (where the date is cooperators, their beliefs, values, and attitudes relative printed on the photo image) is preferred. While a to natural resource conservation. The planner then photo may not be quantitative data, it can contain a works with the cooperator to move toward a conserva- wealth of information. To assure that the responsible tion ethic. However, the planner cannot be available at person can go back to the same locations, previous every step. photographs must be in the planner’s or cooperator’s possession. Use of a 7.5-minute topographic map or At some point, the cooperator will hopefully embrace global positioning system (GPS) ensures continuity of a conservation ethic so that when the conservationist photo point location through time. Marking with rebar moves or retires, the cooperator will have the conser- or flagging can also help ensure relocating fixed photo vation ethic embedded as a way of life. Whatever points. conservation measures are applied to the land will benefit the land. That is the true value of the conserva- Monitoring allows replanning—Like construction tion plan and that is what the planner can expect as of a building from a blueprint, a conservation plan the ultimate outcome. must invariably be modified. As the cooperator learns and acquires a more thorough understanding of the consequences of various management activities on the There are two ways to apply conservation to land, the natural progression is that the plan needs to land. One is to superimpose some particular be modified. It is a dynamic process. The application practice upon the pre-existing system of land- of the plan begins with the establishment and manage- use, without regard to how it fits or what it does ment of the array of conservation practices on the to or for other interests involved. The other is to land. As the cooperator recognizes what is and is not reorganize and gear up the farming, forestry, effective, then modifications of both management and game cropping, erosion control, scenery, or practices are often necessary. whatever values may be involved so that they collectively comprise a harmonious balanced system of land use. Aldo Leopold Coon Valley: An adventure in Cooperative Conservation (1935)

611–12 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning Part 612 Fish and Wildlife Habitat in Ecological Site Descriptions

To be issued at a later date

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 612–1 United States Department of National Biology Handbook Agriculture Subpart B—Conservation Planning Natural Resources Conservation Service

Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004)

Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Landscape Level—Managing forWildlife Habitat

Contents: 613.00 Introduction 613–1 (a) Background ...... 613–1 (b) The problem ...... 613–2 (c) Planning areawide solutions ...... 613–2 (d) Case study ...... 613–4

613.01 Habitat fragmentation 613–8 (a) Introduction ...... 613–8 (b) Habitat fragmentation ...... 613–8

613.02 Corridors—an overview 613–13 (a) Introduction ...... 613–13 (b) Types of corridors ...... 613–13 (c) Corridor function...... 613–15 (d) Corridor structure ...... 613–16 (e) Change ...... 613–16 (f) Expanding perspective ...... 613–17 (g) Status of corridors ...... 613–17 (h) Summary ...... 613–21 (i) Case study ...... 613–21

613.03 Corridor benefits 613–25 (a) Introduction ...... 613–25 (b) Environmental benefits ...... 613–25 (c) Social benefits ...... 613–31 (d) Economic benefits ...... 613–35 (e) Potential adverse impacts ...... 613–38 (f) Corridor benefits summary ...... 613–39 (g) Case study ...... 613–40

613.04 Planning and design principles 613–47 (a) Introduction ...... 613–47 (b) Concepts and principles ...... 613–47 (c) Scale ...... 613–53 (d) Conservation practice design recommendations ...... 613–58 (e) Summary ...... 613–64

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–i Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

613.05 Areawide planning process 613–65 (a) Introduction ...... 613–65 (b) Planning process...... 613–66 (c) Getting started ...... 613–66 (d) Phase 1 Collection and analysis at watershed scale ...... 613–70 (e) Phase 2 Decision support at the watershed scale ...... 613–83 (f) Phase 3 Application at the watershed scale ...... 613–95 (g) Case studies ...... 613–98

613.06 Conservation planning process 613–104 (a) Introduction ...... 613–104 (b) Planning process...... 613–104 (c) Getting started ...... 613–104 (d) Phase 1 Collection and analysis at the conservation plan scale ...... 613–104 (e) Phase 2 Decision support at the conservation plan scale ...... 613–114 (f) Phase 3 Application at the conservation plan scale...... 613–125 (g) Case study ...... 613–127

613.07 Implementation 613–131 (a) Introduction ...... 613–131 (b) Implementation partnerships ...... 613–131

613.08 References 613–132

613.09 Glossary 613–139

Appendixes Appendix A—Corridor Inventory Worksheets Riparian/Stream Corridor Type ...... 613A–1 Remnant Corridor Type ...... 613A–2 Grass/Forb Dominated Cover Type ...... 613A–3 Wildbreak, Shelterbelt, Hedgerow Corridor Type ...... 613A–4 Appendix B—Wildlife Corridor Checklist ...... 613B–1

Cover photo courtesy Lynn Betts, USDA NRCS

613–ii (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Tables Table 613–1 Estimated change in various conservation corridor 613–19 types from 1988 to 1998

Table 613–2 Estimated habitat value of various conservation 613–20 corridor types

Table 613–3 Estimated importance of four non-NRCS corridor 613–20 types as habitat for wildlife

Table 613–4 Ranking of the overall importance of various 613–21 corridor types for conservation of soil, water, air, plants, and wildlife

Figures Figure 613–1 Conservation corridors plants on this farm include 613–1 field borders,vegetated terraces, grasssed waterways, windbreaks, and forested riparian buffers, which are carefully linked to make this farm a haven for wildlife

Figure 613–2 Little remains of the prairie and wetlands that once 613–8 existed in this fragmented landscape

Figure 613–3 These small Pennsylvania fields have been 613–9 integrated with patches of nontillable land, providing habitat for wildlife

Figure 613–4 Large fields of row crops dominate this North 613–9 Carolina landscape, leaving little habitat for quail or other species

Figure 613–5 Wildlife are often crowded, stressed, and subject 613–10 to high levels of predation when only disconnected remnants of habitat remain in a watershed

Figure 613–6 The fragmented landscape on the left has less 613–11 interior habitat and over 50 percent more edge than the block of habitat on the right

Figure 613–7 Patch B is more isolated from the remnants of 613–11 patch A when A is fragmented, limiting movement between A and B for some wildlife species

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–iii Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Figure 613–8 Recently restored riparian corridor is reconnecting 613–12 the structural elements in an Iowa watershed

Figure 613–9 The three elements of landscape structure—patch, 613–13 corridor, and matrix—are clearly evident in this photograph

Figure 613–10 Environmental corridor 613–14

Figure 613–11 Remnant corridor 613–14

Figure 613–12 Introduced corridors 613–14

Figure 613–13 Disturbance corridor 613–15

Figure 613–14 Regenerated corridor 613–15

Figure 613–15 Corridor structure characteristics 613–16

Figure 613–16 The overstory, middlestory, and understory 613–17 vegetation of this woodlot provide niches for wildlife

Figure 613–17 Entrenched stream no longer supports riparian 613–18 vegetation (wildlife habitat) that lines its upper banks

Figure 613–18a Riparian corridor in poor condition because of 613–18 improper grazing management

Figure 613–18b The same riparian corridor after 10 years of 613–18 proper grazing management

Figure 613–19 Woody debris in stream channel provides critical 613–25 habitat for native trout and dampens erosion of the streambank

Figure 613–20 The windbreak captures snow, which increases 613–26 soil moisture in adjacent fields and provides critical winter wildlife habitat

Figure 613–21 Many large mammals use traditional migration 613–27 corridors between summer and winter range

Figure 613–22 Many birds rely on riparian habitats for food and 613–27 cover

613–iv (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Figure 613–23 Generations of woodpeckers, flickers, and 613–28 bluebirds have been reared in this windbreak snag

Figure 613–24 Unmowed grassed waterway offers habitat 613–28 for ground-dwelling bird species

Figure 613–25 Pheasants are primary beneficiaries of quality 613–29 roadside habitat

Figure 613–26 Lower end of riparian corridor is wide enough 613–29 to provide habitat for interior-dwelling species

Figure 613–27 Parallel windbreaks in this Missouri landscape 613–30 provide wildlife alternative routes from upland patches to the riparian corridor

Figure 613–28 Network of interconnected riparian and upland 613–30 corridors provides for greater wildlife diversity

Figure 613–29 Diverse vegetation types, heights, and spacing 613–31 make this corridor a rich habitat for many species

Figure 613–30 Walkers enjoy a cool spring afternoon in an urban 613–32 greenway

Figure 613–31 Three friends enjoy a hunt in quality habitat 613–32

Figure 613–32 Fish and aquatic insects caught here will be used 613–33 in a class discussion on the aquatic food chain

Figure 613–33 The view from this trail helps the observer 613–33 understand that agriculture and the natural landscape can co-exist in harmony

Figure 613–34 Broad expanse of river, flood plain, bluffs, and 613–34 prairie make Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge a visual reference for Twin City residents

Figure 613–35 Ruins of pre-historic Native American community 613–35 near Verde River flood plain in Arizona

Figure 613–36 Windbreaks surrounding rural subdivision reduce 613–36 energy consumption during the winter and lower snow removal costs

Figure 613–37 Increased value of homes in Utah subdivision 613–36 attributed to proximity to the open-space corridor

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–v Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Figure 613–38 Recreational opportunities provided by corridors 613–37

Figure 613–39 Cottonwood planting cut by beaver 613–38

Figure 613–40 Ubiquitous tumbleweed uses roadside corridor 613–38 to spread into adjacent desert grassland matrix

Figure 613–41 Riparian corridor severely impacted by anglers 613–39 and other recreationists

Figure 613–42 Boulder Creek in Boulder, Colorado, is a model 613–40 of integrated riparian corridor resource planning

Figure 613–43 Core reserves, buffer zones, and linkages 613–47

Figure 613–44 Principles 613–48

Figure 613–45 Scales used for corridor planning 613–53

Figure 613–46 Regional vegetation analysis maps provide an 613–54 excellent base for regional corridor planning efforts

Figure 613–47 USGS 7.5 minute quad maps are frequently used 613–57 for watershed scale corridor planning

Figure 613–48 NRCS soil maps provide a base for conservation 613–57 plan and practice scale planning

Figure 613–49 Effective corridor width for wildlife movement 613–60 as related to human domination of the matrix, corridor length, and animal body size

Figure 613–50 Windbreak orientations 613–61

Figure 613–51 Cross section of a three-zone riparian forest buffer 613–63

Figure 613–52 Areawide planning process 613–67

Figure 613–53 Base map made using GIS 613–73

Figure 613–54 Base map showing problems and opportunities 613–76

Figure 613–55 Gap map identifying areas of high biodiversity 613–80

Figure 613–56 Base map showing inventory data 613–81

Figure 613–57 Completed function plan map 613–85

613–vi (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Figure 613–58 Base map with layer showing resource 613–86 recommendations

Figure 613–59 Base map with layer showing potential habitat 613–87 and new wildlife plantings

Figure 613–60 Final map with combined information from the 613–89 three layers

Figure 613–61 Map showing results of no-action plan alternative 613–91

Figure 613–62 Base map showing planning boundary and 613–108 100-year flood plain

Figure 613–63 Base map with existing conditions layer 613–109

Figure 613–64 Analysis of current features 613–112

Figure 613–65 Example of map overlays or layers 613–115

Figure 613–66 Map showing all proposed practices 613–117

Figure 613–67 Map showing practices used to preserve, 613–118 enhance, or restore patches, corridors, or other habitat resources

Figure 613–68 Before and after streamside/riparian plantings 613–119 to convert area into habitat

Figure 613–69 Proposed practices and potential habitats 613–120

Figure 613–70 The synthesis map shows all existing features 613–121 and the proposed practices

Figure 613–71 Computer simulations 613–124

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–vii

Subpart B Conservation Planning Part 613 Conservation Corridor Plaanning at the Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(Part 613 was originally distributed in August 1999 as Part 614.4 National Biology Handbook. It is revised and reformatted to fit within the format of this issue of the handbook.)

by disturbance; for example, a cleared powerline right- 613.00 Introduction of-way. Both natural and planted corridors can be an ecological and aesthetic resource if properly managed and can yield significant benefits (value) to the land- (a) Background owner and society.

Conservation corridors are linear strips of vegetation Corridors preserved or planted for soil and water that differ from the adjacent surroundings and func- conservation provide wildlife habitat for a variety of tion to conserve soil, water, plants, wildlife, or fish species. Riparian corridors are used by over 70 per- resources. Natural corridors of woody and herbaceous cent of all terrestrial wildlife species during some part riparian vegetation occurring along the edges of of their life cycle, including many threatened and streams, rivers, and lakes, are visually dominant in endangered (T&E) species. Corridors provide food and many landscapes. Windbreaks, field borders, road- nesting, brooding, loafing, and protective cover for sides, contour buffer strips, and grassed waterways game and nongame wildlife. They also afford wildlife are introduced (planted) corridors in agricultural relatively safe access to adjacent resources and serve landscapes (fig. 613–1). Corridors may also be created as travel ways for species dispersal and migration in our increasingly fragmented landscape.

Figure 613–1 Conservation corridors plants on this farm include field borders,vegetated terraces, grasssed waterways, windbreaks, and forested riparian buffers, which are carefully linked to make this farm a haven for wildlife (photo courtesy Lynn Betts, USDA NRCS)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–1 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Many birds and bats that either nest or roost in corri- scale. NRCS encourages establishment of conservation dors are insectivorous, consuming thousands of in- corridors for the following reasons: sects that could damage crops and pester livestock. • Corridors are a valuable resource to both the Others are important game species providing recre- landowner and the public. ational opportunities and generating revenues that • The benefits of conservation corridors for wild- supplement rural economies. life habitat in particular are optimized when corridor systems are planned and established at a landscape or watershed scale. (b) The problem • Corridors function most effectively when used in The quality and quantity of our Nation’s conservation conjunction with other soil and water conserva- corridors have declined for the last several decades. tion measures in a conservation plan. Natural corridors are frequently squeezed by adjacent • Both ecological and economic principles must be land uses or severed by roads, utilities, dams, or other applied to corridor planning, design, establish- types of human development. Narrow and segmented ment, and management to optimize benefits and corridors are less effective as travel lanes for wildlife reduce negative impacts. dispersal and other ecological functions. Hundreds of miles of fence rows, windbreaks, and other planted How corridors are arranged and connected within the corridors are removed annually to accommodate larger landscape context determine their wildlife changing agricultural practices and suburban sprawl. value. This principle provides land managers with a Long neglected shelterbelts and windbreaks planted in tool to manage wildlife effectively. the 1930s are dying out; few have been replaced. Many The cumulative effect of corridor arrangement influ- contour buffer strips, grassed waterways, and road- ences wildlife population dynamics. Designing corri- sides are planted in one species of grass. Single-spe- dor systems is a task of creating strategic configura- cies stands of introduced grass provide few wildlife tions across ownerships and land uses. The objective benefits and are of little value as winter cover. Un- is to restore targeted ecological functions at water- timely mowing, heavy grazing, repeated burning, and shed scales. spraying further reduce their habitat value. Opportunities exist in every state to plan, design, and While corridors decline, remnant fragments or patches manage corridors, optimizing their multiple benefits. of relatively large undisturbed habitat are also becom- Thousands of acres of potential high quality habitat ing less common, smaller, and increasingly isolated. In exist in roadsides, windbreaks, riparian areas, grassed some cases they are no longer capable of supporting waterways, and other types of corridors. viable populations of native plants or wildlife. The resulting threat to plant and wildlife species diversity Implementing a successful system of integrated corri- in all regions of the country has become a national dors requires the cooperation of private landowners, concern. Many ecologists believe that connecting local governments, private nonprofit conservation remnant habitat patches with corridors should be one organizations, and State and Federal agencies working part of a comprehensive plan to address this growing at both landscape and site-specific scales. problem. The NRCS is the USDA agency charged with providing technical assistance to private landowners who volun- (c) Planning areawide solutions tarily wish to initiate an areawide plan. NRCS conser- vationists play a key role in promoting areawide plan- The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) ning and facilitating the planning process once it is is committed to assisting in the revitalization and initiated. Landowners, farmers, ranchers, partnering linkage of the Nation’s landscape corridors. The agency personnel, and other proponents all share in Agency is actively promoting the preservation, en- the work. The NRCS National Planning Procedures hancement, restoration, and reclamation and new Handbook provides a structure within which these plantings of conservation corridors at the watershed tasks can be completed in an orderly and efficient way.

613–2 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(1) A planning tool • A step-by-step description (with illustrations) of Part 613 of the National Biology Handbook was de- how to prepare plan alternatives signed for NRCS conservationists and other partners • Procedures to integrate individual farm, ranch, as a complement to the National Planning Procedures or community conservation corridor projects Handbook. It is a source of information about conser- within an areawide plan vation corridors and their benefits and a reference for • Lists of sources of watershed resource informa- use in the field. Part 613 emphasizes planning, design- tion ing, and managing corridors to optimize wildlife habi- tat. In addition, it includes general plant community Technical tools: guidelines to enhance the habitat value of each NRCS corridor-type conservation practice. • Worksheets for evaluating the habitat condition of existing corridors The material in part 613 provides the conservationist • Criteria for locating conservation corridors to with optimize their habitat function • a review of the causes and consequences of • Criteria for designing plant community structure habitat fragmentation, for each conservation corridor type to enhance • an overview of the types and ecological functions habitat value of corridors, • Procedures for evaluating the impact of conser- • a summary of the benefits corridors provide vation practices on wildlife populations landowners, communities, and the environment, Partnerships are at the heart of all conservation initia- • watershed-scale wildlife corridor planning prin- tives linking land and people. They foster a coopera- ciples, tive environment promoting those factors necessary • examples and case studies documenting the for success: importance of planning systems of conservation • Exchanging information, experience, and exper- corridors for wildlife at watershed scales, and tise • illustrations and case studies showing how an • Sharing responsibilities and tasks individual farm, ranch, or community conserva- tion corridor project can be knitted into an • Involving a cross-section of community residents areawide plan. • Planning and implementing projects across mixed ownership and jurisdictions In addition, part 613 provides the conservationist with • Leveraging resources tools that facilitate conservation corridor planning at • Building a sense of shared community the areawide, farm, ranch, and community scales. As a field reference, it includes information for planning (2) Trust, cooperation, and implementation and implementation. Fundamentally, areawide plans are templates delineat- ing an integrated system of conservation corridors and Strategic planning: practices at scales larger than an individual farm or • Strategies for organizing an areawide planning corridor. They are seldom large, single projects com- team, establishing goals, and allocating responsi- pleted quickly. Rather, they are implemented incre- bilities mentally one farm, ranch, or community open space at • Procedures for preparing base maps a time. The resulting cumulative effect contributes to • A diagram of the National Planning Procedure the sustainability of the land and wildlife populations. process with emphasis on planning for wildlife Indeed many areawide plans originated with an indi- vidual landowner or community that volunteered to • Detailed descriptions of how to include wildlife work with a conservationist to plan, design, and install conservation in each step of the planning process conservation corridors and employ conservation • An areawide inventory checklist that emphasizes practices. Neighboring farmers or communities liked wildlife habitat information the conservation corridor projects they saw, sought

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–3 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

NRCS assistance, and over time a system of conserva- (d) Case study tion corridors spread across the watershed. The following case study, Possible Futures for the Building trust with landowners and community groups Muddy Creek Watershed, illustrate two corridor plan- by working one-on-one is the traditional role of the ning principles—maintaining or restoring natural conservationist and must remain at the very heart of connectivity and managing the matrix with wildlife in the conservation corridor effort if it is to succeed. mind.

Corridors are only one piece of the conservation puzzle. The other important pieces are the various land management practices applied by farmers, ranchers, and communities to the natural resources on their land. The long-term value of corridors is highly dependent on the health of the adjacent land- scape and large patches of native vegetation. Landowners and communities participating in land and water conservation programs using sustainable agri- cultural and other land use practices enhance habitat quality and quantity. The puzzle can be completed through public and private landowner partnerships, passing on to future generations the rich wildlife and scenic heritage our Nation has come to cherish.


Corridor Planning Principles described in section 613.04 that are exhibited by this case study include:




(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–5 Case Study: Possible Futures for the Muddy Creek Watershed

This case study illustrates a process for planning simulated a series of five storm events to calculate at a watershed scale and the role that landowners the mean pollutant load for each of the five possible and communities can play in developing alternative futures, present and past. The model assessed plans for land conservation and development. volume of surface flows and levels of total suspended solids, phosphorus and nitrate, using This report documents a two year case study field data collected from base line flows and two research endeavor exploring how human storm event flows monitored in 1996. population growth and land use change in the Muddy Creek watershed of Benton County, Oregon Results from the biodiversity model show that all may influence biodiversity and water quality. The native species have at least some habitat in all case study illustrates a framework for helping local future land use scenarios. However, if land use communities create alternative scenarios for land trends in the watershed continue unchanged (Plan conservation and development. The project Trend Future) or become more highly developed employed previously existing information and relied over the next 30 years (Moderate and High on the regular participation of local stakeholders Development Futures), there will be an increased to produce a series of mapped possible future risk to the abundance of the 212 existing species, scenarios depicting land use in the watershed in particularly birds, mammals, and amphibians. Of the year 2025 (Figure 1). The possible futures the 220 species native to the watershed throughout were evaluated for their effects on biodiversity and its recent history, 26 species have lost more than water quality using best available information, half of their habitat since 1850. Under the High ecological and hydrological effect models. Development Future, 12 species are estimated to lose more than half of their present habitat in the The biodiversity evaluative model measured the next 30 years. Only 2 species – the California change in potential habitat area for each of the condor and marbled murrelet – are common to both 234 breeding species, in each future scenario and lists. This acceleration and shifting of risk from the past, by calculating the ratio of future or past one set of species to another suggests that the habitat area to the present habitat area. The water kinds of habitat changes from past to present are quality evaluative model, a non-point pollutant different than those envisioned in the possible source/geographic information system model, futures (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Five mapped possible future scenarios depicting land use in the watershed in the year 2025.

613–6 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Benton County, Oregon

Additional information can be obtained via the Internet at http://ise.uoregon.edu

This case study was prepared by David Hulse1, Joe Eilers2, Kathryn Freemark3, Denis White4 and has been included in this document with their permission.

1Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403

2E and S Environmental Chemistry, 2161 NW Fillmore Ave., Corvallis, OR 97339

3Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Quebec, Canada K1A 0H3

4U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 200 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, OR 97333

Figure 2: An assessment of the possible impacts of future scenarios on biodiversity. This work was funded by cooperative agreement CR822930 between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and University of Oregon, cooperative research agreement PNW Results from the water quality model show in- 92-0283 between the U.S. Forest Service and Oregon State creases in volume of surface water runoff and to- University, interagency agreement DW 12935631 between the tal suspended solids under the Moderate and High U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Forest Development Futures in sub-basins undergoing Service, and the U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Project significantly increased residential development or #241-EPA. having a high percentage of area in erosive soils on steep slopes (Figure 3). Crops located on steep slopes were the greatest contributors of total sus- These graphics are not intended for detailed scrutiny. Detailed pended solids and total phosphorus in the agricul- information is available at the Internet address noted above. tural lowlands. Land uses on gentle slopes or in natural vegetation were the lowest contributors of total suspended solids and total phosphorus. In summary, if the residents of the Muddy Creek watershed desire a future presenting no greater risk to biodiversity and water quality than the present pattern of land use, then they should plan toward a future with a land use pattern be- tween the Plan Trend Future and the Moderate Conservation Future for biodiversity protection, and be- tween the Moderate Conservation and the High Conservation Future for water quality protection. Figure 3: An assessment of the possible impacts of future scenarios on water quality.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–7 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Fragmentation of a landscape reduces the area of 613.01 Habitat fragmenta- original habitat and increases the total lineal feet of edge, favoring species that inhabit edges at the ex- tion pense of interior species that require large continuous patches. Ecologists, such as Wilcox and Murphy, believe that habitat fragmentation is the most serious (a) Introduction threat to biological diversity and is the primary cause of the present extinction crisis. Fragmentation, the breaking up of large patches of native vegetation into smaller and increasingly isolated patches, is a process as old as civilization (fig. 613–2). (b) Habitat fragmentation It intensified as hunter/gatherer societies settled in permanent locations and began planting crops and Prior to the age of mechanized agriculture (circa herding livestock. Research suggests that the initial 1890), rural American landscapes were fine grained. impacts on biodiversity were minimal, disturbed areas Hedgerows often surrounded small fields of diverse were small and regenerated when no longer cropped crops while wetlands, steep slopes, swales, and rocky or grazed. But as human populations increased and areas were left undisturbed (fig. 613–3). Fields of 40, technology became more sophisticated, the effects of 80, and 160 acres were common. With today’s mecha- fragmentation spread across the landscape. Archeo- nized agriculture, fragmentation occurs at a much logical evidence suggests that many wildlife species coarser scale resulting in more homogenous land- were displaced and local populations eliminated. scapes (fig. 613–4). Small fields are combined to form larger tracts of land to accommodate farming with Fragmentation continues today, driven by an explod- large machinery. Many fields are enlarged at the ex- ing human population and growing demand to produce pense of windbreaks, fence rows, and other valuable more food and fiber from a finite land resource. The wildlife habitat. Several areas in the Midwest have lost contemporary rural landscape is the result of the over 60 percent of their windbreaks because of the cumulative impacts of past and present human land declining health of windbreak trees, expanding field use practices including urbanization, agriculture, size, and urban sprawl. The resultant loss of habitat ranching, and logging. diversity in agricultural landscapes has adversely

Figure 613–2 Little remains of the prairie and wetlands that once existed in this fragmented landscape (photo courtesy Lynn Betts, USDA NRCS)

613–8 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat impacted wildlife populations. Wildlife biologists For a species to survive in a landscape or watershed, it studying bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) in must have access to habitat resources sufficient to Nebraska discovered that a county with five times maintain a viable population. A minimum viable popu- more acreage in hedgerows than a neighboring county lation (MVP) is the smallest number of individuals also had an estimated population of quail almost four required to sustain a population for the long-term. A times greater. projected MVP is based on estimates of a population

Figure 613–3 These small Pennsylvania fields have been integrated with patches of nontillable land, providing habitat for wildlife (photo courtesy Frank Lucas, USDA NRCS)

Figure 613–4 Large fields of row crops dominate this North Carolina landscape, leaving little habitat for quail or other species (photo courtesy North Carolina State University)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–9 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat size that can counter the negative effects of genetic habitat loss can exist. A grassland invaded by exotic variation loss, population fluctuations, and environ- grasses may look natural but be functionally frag- mental changes. mented. For example grasslands infested by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) look similar to native Maintenance of an MVP is often dependent on func- grass patches, but provide no habitat of value for tioning , wildlife populations that are sensitive species, such as the pronghorn (Antilocapra spatially separated but interact through the dispersal americana) and the greater prairie chicken of animals. Metapopulations in small patches can (Tympanuchus cupido). "wink" on or off (experience local extinction) because of local variation in sex ratios, disturbance (such as (2) Reduced habitat patch size fire), and other local factors. A metapopulation is more Reduction in habitat patch size is a principal conse- likely to persist if immigration and colonization are quence of fragmentation. Biologists MacArthur and facilitated by corridors or "stepping stone" patches. Wilson (1967) suggested that the rate of species ex- Linkage between patches is critical in sustaining tinction in an isolated patch of habitat is inversely healthy metapopulations in highly fragmented land- related to its size. As remnants of native habitats scapes (see the Louisiana Black Bear case study in become smaller, they are less likely to provide food, section 613.03, Corridors—an overview). cover, and the other resources necessary to support the native wildlife community. Small patches are also Habitat fragmentation diminishes the capacity of the landscape to sustain healthy populations or metapopulations in five primary ways: • Loss of original habitat Figure 613–5 Wildlife are often crowded, stressed, and subject to high levels of predation when • Reduced habitat patch size only disconnected remnants of habitat • Increased edge remain in a watershed (photos courtesy Craig Johnson, USDA NRCS, and Kristen Rol) • Increased isolation of patches • Modification of natural disturbance regimes

(1) Loss of original habitat Perhaps the most significant adverse impact of frag- mentation is simply the loss of original habitat. Re- search findings suggest loss of habitat has a much greater impact on wildlife populations than the change in spatial arrangement of habitat areas.

Over 90 percent of the grasslands east of the Missis- sippi River are gone, approximately 90 percent of Iowa’s wetlands have been removed, and 80 percent of Indiana’s forests have been eliminated (fig. 613–5). Habitat losses of this magnitude will permanently displace many species and dramatically depress the population levels of others. It forces remaining species into the few remnant patches available, increasing competition, crowding, stress, and the potential for disease outbreaks. The number of currently listed federal and state threatened and endangered species suggests that many populations are at or near MVP levels.

Even in areas where fragmentation is not readily apparent, subtle but equally devastating effects of

613–10 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat more susceptible to catastrophic disturbance events, (4) Increased isolation such as fire or severe weather that can decimate local Fragmentation leads to increased isolation of patches populations. (fig. 613–7). Wildlife populations in isolated patches can be sustained by immigration of species from Fragmentation also decreases the area of interior surrounding patches. However, as fragmentation habitat (fig. 613–6). Interior habitat is the area far continues, distances between patches get longer and enough from the edge to maintain communities of the dispersal and immigration rates decrease. The diver- original larger habitat. For example, when large tracts sity of species moving between patches also de- of sage/grassland are cleared and seeded into grasses creases; small species with limited mobility are par- or alfalfa, sage/grassland patch size and interior habi- ticularly distance sensitive. As immigration rates tat are reduced. Not surprisingly, populations of an decrease, such factors as inbreeding and catastrophic interior-dwelling cold desert species that requires disturbances can cause the number of species in a large patches of sagebrush like the sage grouse patch to decline to zero over a long enough period. (Centrocercus urophasianus) are in serious decline. Biologists studying chaparral bird species extinction (3) Increased edge rates in remnant patches in southern California found Although an increase in edge (the boundary between that on average, less than one chaparral bird species two plant communities) caused by fragmentation may survived after 40 years of isolation in canyons less benefit some species, some researchers believe that than 125 acres. increasing edge may be detrimental to the protection of native biodiversity. Edges act as barriers, causing (5) Modified disturbance regimes some predators to travel along them. High predator Fragmentation and associated land management densities along edges can result in higher mortality for activities, such as fire suppression, alter the flow of edge dwelling prey species or species moving through natural disturbances. For example, fire, a disturbance narrow corridors. Nest parasitism by brown-headed factor essential to the maintenance of tall grass prai- cowbirds (Molothrus ater) also appears to be higher in ries, has virtually been eliminated in the Midwest. species nesting in edge habitat. Least bell’s vireo Remnant prairie plant communities separated by miles (Vireo bellii pusillus) is an endangered species that of row crops and protected from fire are being over- inhabits the edges of riparian corridors in southern taken by less fire-tolerant woody species. Wildlife California. Parasitism by cowbirds appears to be as dependent on prairie ecosystems are being displaced. significant as the loss of riparian habitat in the decline of the least bell’s vireo on Camp Pendleton, California.

Figure 613–6 The fragmented landscape on the left has Figure 613–7 Patch B is more isolated from the rem- less interior habitat and over 50 percent nants of patch A when A is fragmented, more edge than the block of habitat on limiting movement between A and B for the right some wildlife species

Area: 640 acres Area: 640 acres Edge: 38,620 lineal feet Edge: 21,120 lineal feet

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–11 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(6) Cumulative effects (7) Corridor connections The cumulative impact of habitat fragmentation re- In many regions of the country, agriculture and urban- sults from the combined incremental effects of habitat ization are dominant forces in land conversion; most loss, reduced patch size, increased edge, and patch land is in private ownership, habitat patches are small, isolation. The impacts are cumulative across scales scarce, and often isolated. The probability of increas- and over time affect populations of organisms as well ing the size of existing patches or creating new as individuals. These impacts are not related linearly patches in these landscapes is remote. However, one to the extent of original habitat. There are thresholds realistic opportunity to begin to rebuild functional where local extinction for a species may be imminent ecosystems and conserve biodiversity is to employ even though only a small percentage of original habitat natural and introduced corridors that knit the land- has been lost. Unfortunately, understanding of these scape back together (fig. 613–8). An integrated system thresholds is limited. of conservation corridors not only benefits wildlife, but also conserves soil, water, air, and plants.

Figure 613–8 Recently restored riparian corridor is reconnecting the structural elements in an Iowa watershed (photo courtesy Lynn Betts, USDA NRCS)

613–12 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

model is very useful in the study of function, structure, 613.02 Corridors—an change, and the conservation potential of corridors in overview the landscape.

(b) Types of corridors (a) Introduction Corridors can be natural (a tree-lined stream channel) Landscape ecologists Forman and Godron (1986) or the result of human disturbance to the background suggest that a landscape is a heterogeneous land area matrix (a strip of native prairie left unplowed between consisting of three fundamental elements: patches, two fields). Corridor structure may be narrow (line), corridors, and a matrix (figure 613–9). They define such as a hedgerow; wider than a line (strip), such as a each element as follows: multi-row windbreak; or streamside vegetation (ripar- ian). Corridors may be convex, taller than the sur- Patch—Generally a plant and animal community that rounding matrix like a shelterbelt between wheat is surrounded by areas with different community fields; or concave, lower than the surrounding vegeta- structure; however, a patch may be devoid of life. tion, such as a grass strip between two woodlots. Line or strip structure may be in many kinds of corridors. Corridor—A linear patch that differs from its sur- Five commonly used categories of corridor origin are roundings. • environmental corridors, Matrix—The background within which patches and • remnant corridors, corridors exist (the matrix defines the flow of energy, • introduced corridors, matter, and organisms). • disturbance corridors, and • regenerated corridors. Patches, corridors, and the matrix interact in ecologi- cally significant ways. Consequently, this conceptual

Figure 613–9 The three elements of landscape structure—patch, corridor, and matrix—are clearly evident in this photograph (photo courtesy Don Anderson, USFWS)






(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–13 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

In recent years, engineered corridors, such as over- history. Under the Statute of Merton, 1236, proprietors passes and underpasses, have been designed specifi- were granted the right to enclose portions of wood- cally to accommodate wildlife movement. land and pasture. Over the next 500 years, thousands of miles of hedgerows were planted. Some of these Environmental corridors—Environmental corridors hedgerows persist to this day and are valued as na- are the result of vegetation response to an environ- tional landscape treasures. In the United States, the mental resource, such as a stream, soil type, or geo- Shelterbelt Project of the 1930s was the largest conser- logic formation. They are typically winding (curvilin- vation project of the Depression Era; over 200 million ear) in configuration with widths that are highly seedlings were planted into shelterbelts, and many variable. Sinuous strands of riparian vegetation paral- were maintained by Civilian Conservation Corps work leling stream courses are prominent examples in all crews (fig. 613–12). In agriculturally dominated land- regions of the country (fig. 613–10). Environmental scapes, introduced corridors are critical habitat for corridors are frequently the most important habitats in many wildlife species. the watershed. Disturbance corridors—Disturbance corridors are Remnant corridors—Remnant corridors are the produced by land management activities that disturb most obvious products of disturbance to the adjacent vegetation in a line or strip; a mowed roadside or matrix (fig. 613–11). Strips of vegetation on sites too brush-hogged powerline right-of-way are examples steep, rocky, or wet to put into production are left as (fig. 613–13). Continued disturbance of the strip is remnants after land is cleared for agriculture or other often required to maintain vegetation in the desired uses. Some remnants are line corridors left to identify successional stage. The widths of disturbance corri- property boundaries. The width and configuration of dors vary, but they tend to be more strip-like. Configu- most remnant corridors vary considerably. Remnant ration is typically straight line. They may be suffi- corridors often have the last assemblages of native ciently wide to constitute a barrier for some wildlife flora and fauna in a watershed. species, splitting a population into two metapopulations. Disturbance corridors are often Introduced corridors—Introduced (planted) corri- important habitats for native species that require early dors date back to circa 5000 BC. More corridors may successional habitat. have been planted between the 14th and 19th centu- ries in England than at any other time or place in

Figure 613–10 Environmental cor- Figure 613–11 Remnant corridor Figure 613–12 Introduced corridors ridor (photo courtesy (photo courtesy Craig (photo courtesy Lynn Gary Bentrup, USU) Johnson, USU) Betts, NRCS)

613–14 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Regenerated corridors—Regenerated corridors (c) Corridor function result when regrowth occurs in a disturbed line or strip (fig. 613–14). Regrowth may be the product of Corridors perform important ecological functions natural succession or revegetation via planting. Re- including habitat, conduit, filter/barrier, sink, and growth in abandoned roadways, trails, and railroad source. These five functions operate simultaneously, right-of-ways are examples. Corridor width and con- fluctuate with changes in seasons and weather, and figuration are dependent upon the nature of the previ- change over time. Their interactions are often complex ous disturbance. Regenerated corridor vegetation is and in many cases are not well understood. often dominated by aggressive weedy species during the early stages of succession. East of the Mississippi Habitat—A corridor may func- River, regenerated corridors occur as hedgerows along tion as habitat or a component of fence lines and roadside ditches. They are less com- habitat, particularly for those mon in the West. In highly fragmented landscapes, species with small home ranges regenerated corridors are often important habitats for and limited mobility, ruffed small mammals and songbirds. grouse (Bonasa umbellus) for example. For some species, large mammals for instance, a corridor may serve as transitional habitat during seasonal migra- Figure 613–13 Disturbance corridor (photo courtesy Craig tions between patches. The habitat function of corri- Johnson, USU) dors is described in detail in part 613.03.

Conduit—A corridor functions as a conduit when it conveys energy, water, nutrients, genes, seeds, organisms, and other elements. Biologist Michael Soule (1991) identified the following general categories of animal need for the conduit function of corridors: • Periodic migration to breeding or birthing sites; elk migration from wintering habitat to calving grounds, for example. • Movement between patches within the animal’s home range to access food, cover, or other resources. • Some populations must receive immigrants if Figure 613–14 Regenerated corridor they are to persist in isolated patches; for ex- (photo courtesy USDA ample, male cougars migrating from one NRCS) metapopulation to another to breed.

Filter/barrier—A corridor functions as a filter or barrier when it intercepts wind, wind- blown particles, surface/subsur- face water, nutrients, genes, and animals. Corridors may filter out sediments and agri- cultural chemicals from runoff that originates in the adjacent matrix. They may also act as barriers that reduce wind velocity and decrease erosion. Some artificial corridors like highways and canals are barri- ers to wildlife movement and may genetically isolate populations.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–15 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Sink—A corridor functions as a population viability in highly developed landscapes. sink when it receives and retains Ecologist Richard Forman (1995) suggests that there is (at least temporarily) objects value in maintaining several parallel connecting corri- and substances that originate in dors or patch "stepping stones" between large patches. the matrix; soil, water, agricul- Some ecologists caution that corridors can also be tural chemicals, seeds, and animals for example. conduits for diseases, predators, exotic species, and Corridors can become sinks for wildlife when the rate fire, which can threaten populations. However, corri- of mortality in the corridor from predation and other dors remain among the best options for maintaining causes creates a net loss in the population of either biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. corridor residents or migrant species. The vertical and horizontal structural characteristics Source—A corridor functions as of vegetation within a corridor, its architecture, also a source when it releases ob- influence ecological function. The vegetative structure jects and substances into the of corridors may vary from a single layer in a grassed adjacent matrix. Corridors may waterway to four or more layers in a remnant woodlot be sources of weeds and pest or riparian corridor. Vertical structure is a particularly species of wildlife. They may important habitat characteristic for some species of also be sources of predatory insects and insect eating birds. Horizontal structure within corridors also varies. birds that keep crop pests in check. High quality Patchiness (the density of patches of all types) is most corridors are often a source of wildlife; common in remnant and riparian corridors. Plant in the corridor exceeds mortality and individuals are spacing heterogeneity is related to bird species diver- added to the population. sity. In general, the greater the structural diversity within a corridor, the greater the habitat value for an array of species (fig. 613–16). (d) Corridor structure The physical and biological characteristics of corri- (e) Change dors, such as width, connectivity, plant community, structure (architecture), edge to interior ratio, length, Plant communities change over time. Corridors typi- and configuration, determine how corridors function cally have fewer plant species than larger patches, but (fig. 613–15). Corridor width, connectivity, and plant species diversity appears to increase with corridor community architecture are ecologically and visually age. Disturbance and consequent succession are the the most important of these characteristics. principal agents of change in corridor vegetation. Disturbance may be natural, wildfire for example, or All five corridor functions are enhanced by increased induced by land management activities in or adjacent width and connectivity. Corridors with the fewest to the corridor, such as mowing or grazing. Because number of gaps have the highest levels of connectivity. most corridors have a high edge-to-interior ratio, they As gap width increases, the number of wildlife species are particularly prone to the effects of disturbance in for which the corridor functions as a conduit de- the adjoining matrix. Human-induced disturbance has creases. Biologist Michael Soule (1991) emphasizes the potential to push corridor vegetation beyond the the importance of connectivity for maintaining wildlife point where it can recover through natural processes.

Figure 613–15 Corridor structure characteristics

Low High Complex Simple High Low Edge to interior ratio Plant community sturcture Connectivity

613–16 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

This may lead to degradation of the corridor ecosys- Changes in plant community structure caused by tem and a successional path that differs significantly disturbance or succession also affect other corridor from the norm. functions. For example, windbreak efficiencies de- cline dramatically when the shrub layer is removed, a Changes in plant community function and structure common occurrence when livestock are allowed to because of plant succession significantly affect wild- graze unmanaged in windbreaks. life. Both species composition and density may be altered. However, mature corridors, with the excep- tion of riparian corridors, seldom achieve the wildlife (f) Expanding perspective species diversity of large patches. NRCS project-scale conservation practices capitalize Wildlife biologists advocate managing successional on the function and structure of corridors. Wind- change in corridors to meet a variety of outcomes. breaks, grassed waterways, field borders, and other Sensitivity to biodiversity is growing, however, even in conservation practices functioning as filters, barriers, situations driven by single species management. and sinks reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and increase crop and livestock production. Native and introduced plants and wildlife are the indirect beneficiaries of the habitats created by these prac- tices. Figure 613–16 The overstory, middlestory, and under- story vegetation of this woodlot provide Conservation corridors planned specifically for wild- niches for wildlife (photo courtesy Craig life can preserve and enhance biodiversity at a land- Johnson, USU) scape scale. Land managers now realize that empha- sizing wildlife planning at these larger scales can help maintain within the landscape or watershed diverse self-sustaining wildlife populations of native and at population levels in harmony with the resource base and local social and economic values.

(g) Status of corridors

The limited information on the quantity and quality of the Nation's corridors suggests three things: • A decline in the number, length, and area of some types of corridors, • A significant degradation of the function and structure of many types of corridors, especially stream/riparian corridors, and • A general reduction in the value of corridors for human use and environmental services.

In 1992, the National Research Council completed an extensive study of aquatic ecosystems including stream corridors. They concluded that the function and structure of many stream/riparian corridors have been substantially altered and their ecological integrity compromised. Agricultural chemicals, feedlot effluent, urban runoff, and municipal sewage discharge were

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–17 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat noted as major causes of water quality degradation. many corridors for wildlife habitat and for recreation Increased sediment loading from urbanization, agricul- and other human activities. They also eliminated or ture, grazing, and forestry and the construction of greatly curtailed the environmental services normally dams, channelization, and water diversions have associated with riparian corridors; particularly flood further compounded the problem (National Research management, pollution abatement, groundwater Council 1992). recharge, and floodwater dispersal.

In addition, the separation of many flood plains from Of the estimated 3.2 million miles of rivers in the their stream channels by levees, filling, and channel United States, only 2 percent meet the rigorous criteria entrenchment disrupted natural cycles of plant succes- for designation as a Wild and Scenic River. About 75 sion (fig. 613–17). These stresses reduced the value of percent of the Nation’s streams are degraded to levels where they can only support a low-level fishery; only 5 percent of the streams support a fishery of high qual- ity. A 1995 National Biological Service report (Noss et Figure 613–17 Entrenched stream no longer supports riparian vegetation (wildlife habitat) that al. 1995) stated that 85 to 95 percent of southwestern lines its upper banks (photo courtesy Craig riparian forests have disappeared since the Spaniards Engelhard, USDA NRCS) first settled the area (fig. 613–18a). The lost scenic values and recreation opportunities are striking. However, these habitats can respond well to proper land management (fig. 613–18b).

Researchers conducting the NRCS Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) estimated there were approximately 160,000 miles of windbreaks in 1982. By 1992, the figure had decreased to roughly 150,000 miles, a re- duction of over 6 percent. During that same 10-year period, the area in windbreaks was also reduced by about 6 percent. Of equal concern is the decline in windbreak quality, the result of old age, neglect, and poor management practices. Grazing, herbicide dam- age, and excessive competition from introduced

Figure 613–18a Riparian corridor in poor condition Figure 613–18b The same riparian corridor after 10 because of improper grazing manage- years of proper grazing management ment (photo courtesy David Krueper, BLM) (photo courtesy David Krueper, BLM)

613–18 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat grasses in shelterbelts can contribute to degradation. The millions of miles of roadside corridors in the Degraded shelterbelts are less efficient as filters, United States represent a potentially rich habitat barriers, sediment traps, nutrient sinks, and as habitat resource. Many roadsides are dominated by a single for wildlife. (often exotic) grass species that is of limited habitat value. Roadside management practices further reduce In addition to riparian buffers and windbreaks, NRCS habitat value. Roadside mowing during the nesting and others have long advocated the use of other types season is a common practice that destroys nests, kills of conservation corridors including contour buffers, adult birds and small mammals, and degrades roadside filter strips, field borders, and grassed waterways. No habitat. Roadsides that are disturbed frequently harbor national database is kept on these corridor types. numerous large patches of noxious weeds. However, based on a survey of NRCS state and field biologists in each region, a rough estimate of condi- Some states have initiated integrated vegetation man- tions and trends was made. agement or roadside wildflower programs that empha- size native plants and ecologically based management Questionnaires were sent to NRCS state and field practices. However, the habitat and aesthetic benefits biologists in each of the 50 states. Thirty usable ques- roadside corridors could provide generally go unreal- tionnaires were returned; a return rate of 60 percent. ized. The status of powerline, pipeline, canal, and At least three questionnaires were returned from each railroad corridors is unknown. The quality of these of the six NRCS regions. The results presented tables corridor types may be similar to those of roadsides. 613–1, 613–2, 613–3, and 613–4 estimate the general status of the Nation's corridors.

Table 613–1 Estimated change in various conservation corridor types from 1988 to 1998 (data indicate number of states responding)

Type Increased Same Decreased NA N

Riparian/stream corridors on 1st and 2nd order streams 4 9 16 0 29 Riparian/stream corridors on 3rd and higher order streams 4 13 13 0 30 Wetland, lake, and reservoir buffers 6 9 13 0 28 Field borders 7 3 18 2 30 Field buffers (in field) 11 10 7 2 30 Filter strips 21 4 5 0 30 Grassed waterways 18 11 1 0 30 Vegetated ditches 4 13 11 2 30 Grassed terraces and diversions 9 10 5 3 27 Windbreaks/shelterbelts 795829 Hedgerows 1 8 16 3 29

NA = Not applicable N = Number of states responding

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–19 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Table 613–2 Estimated habitat value of various conservation corridor types (data indicate number of states responding)

Type Excellent Good Fair Poor NA N

Riparian/stream corridors on 1st and 2nd order streams 2 10 11 6 0 29 Riparian/stream corridors on 3rd and higher order streams 2 8 13 7 0 30 Wetland, lake, and reservoir buffers 2 10 12 6 0 30 Field borders 0 5 12 13 0 30 Field buffers (in field) 0 2 9 14 5 30 Filter strips 0 7 10 12 0 29 Grassed waterways 0 2 10 14 4 30 Vegetated ditches 0 4 11 11 2 28 Grassed terraces and diversions 0 3 8 15 4 30 Windbreaks/shelterbelts 2 11 4 5 8 30 Hedgerows 28941029

NA = Not applicable N = Number of states responding

Table 613–3 Estimated importance of four non-NRCS corridor types as habitat for wildlife (data indicate number of states responding)

Type Very Important Somewhat Not Do not N important important important know

Roadside 4 11 10 3 1 29 Powerline ROW 4 6 12 4 2 28 Railroad ROW 1 10 15 2 1 29 Pipeline ROW 4 2 12 7 4 29

NA - Not Applicable N - Total Number of States Responding

613–20 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(h) Summary Landscapes managed on cultural concepts of nature that embrace neatness and productivity can be quite The Nation’s corridors are clearly in decline. Yet the different from those managed on scientific concepts of need for conservation corridors as part of an inte- ecological function and structure. grated approach to conserving biodiversity has never been greater. Why the apparent indifference to the loss of some types of corridors? Biologist Allen (i) Case study Cooperrider (1991) argues that the underlying causes of indifference toward environmental decline in gen- The following case study, Louisiana Black Bear Use of eral are perceptual and attitudinal. He suggests that Corridors, illustrates two corridor-planning principles: we must begin to see, think, and act more holistically • Natural connectivity should be maintained or and reestablish an attachment to the land as an eco- restored. logical system, of which we are an integral part, if we • Connected reserves/patches are better than are to become good stewards. separated reserves/patches.

The farmer identifies with the agricultural land- scape, and this landscape represents the farmer. A farmer's work is constantly on view, and the farmer’s care of the land can be readily judged by his peers. Consequently, the agricultural land- scape becomes a display of the farmer's knowl- edge, values, and work ethic. (Nassauer and Westmacott, 1987)

Table 613–4 Ranking of the overall importance of various corridor types for conservation of soil, water, air, plants, and wildlife

Relative Importance

Riparian/stream corridors on 1st and 2nd order streams Riparian/stream corridors on 3rd and higher order streams Wetland, lake, and reservoir buffers Field borders

Field buffers (in field) Filter strips Grassed waterways Vegetated ditches Grassed terraces and diversions

Windbreaks/shelterbelts Hedgerows

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of states responding

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–21 Case Study: LOUISIANA BLACK BEAR USE OF CORRIDORS

Corridor Planning Principles described in section 613.04 that are exhibited by this case study include:



613–22 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Case Study: Louisiana Black Bear Use of Corridors

This case study illustrates the importance of conservation corridors in maintaining viable populations of large mammals in fragmented landscapes. The Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) was once abundant in east Texas, southern Mississippi and all of Louisiana. Habitat loss and fragmentation have diminished the range of the black bear by 90 to 95%. In January 1992, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated the Louisiana black bear as threatened under authority of the Endangered Species Act. In 1994, wildlife biologists at the University of Tennessee initiated a study of corridor use and feeding ecology of black bears in the Tensas River Basin in northern Louisiana. The 350 km2 privately owned study area contained four major isolated hardwood patches, some linked by wooded corridors. The patches were surrounded by agricultural fields of corn, soybeans, cotton, wheat, and other small grains. Corridors in the study area are rivers, bayous, and ditches bordered by wooded strips 5 to 75 m wide. The corridors are typically linked to wooded tracts. Four major corridors in the study area ranged from Don Anderson 50 to 73 m in width. The height and density of Figure 1: This cub will use corridors to access food resources vegetation in most corridors was sufficient to outside of the wooded patches. conceal bear movements.

Radio collars were placed on 19 Louisiana black bears, 6 males and 13 females and their movement was tracked over 18 months. Analysis of the telemetry data indicates that the bears were located in forested patches and corridors more than expected in proportion to their occurrence in the landscape. All 6 male bears in the study moved to a wooded patch other than the patch they were originally captured in; only 3 females moved to another patch. Fifty-two percent of the male bear patch-to-patch movement and 100% of all female bear movement were between patches connected by corridors. Adult male bears used the corridors most

Don Anderson intensively in June and July, the breeding Figure 2: Wooded corridors become important conduits for bear season. Sub-adult bears used the corridors movement between wooded patches, particularly during the mating for dispersal from their natal home range. season. Bears also used the corridors to access food resources outside wooded patches.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–23 Tensas River Basin, Louisiana

Researchers concluded that: This study demonstrates that wooded corridors between forested tracts were used by both male · Bears preferred corridors to agricultural and female bears. Long-term management should fields when outside of a forest tract. include maintenance and enhancement of wooded · Corridors allowed bears to move farther corridors that link substantial forested patches and away from forested tracts. construction of new corridors. · Bear movement between wooded patches connected by corridors was more Numerous research projects report black bears frequent than between patches that were require large unbroken tracts of suitable habitat to not connected. sustain a population. This study suggests that corridors may be vital to the survival of Louisiana black bear in highly fragmented landscapes.

The material for this case study was abstracted with permission from Anderson, D.R. 1997, Corridor use, feeding ecology, and habitat relationships of black bears in a fragmented landscape in Louisiana, Masters thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Figure 3: The importance of wooded corridors in linking wooded patches in Louisiana is clearly illustrated in this diagram. Don Anderson

613–24 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Stream corridors also function as sponges, retaining 613.03 Corridor benefits soil moisture and in some locations recharging ground water supplies. Water stored in soil is released slowly back into rivers and streams, which helps maintain (a) Introduction streamflows and sustain aquatic life during dry sea- sons. As habitats continue to be lost to various types of development and landscapes are increasingly frag- During the growing season, healthy riparian vegetation mented, land managers are relying on the ecological intercepts most of the sediment and agricultural functions of corridors to conserve soil, water, fish, and chemicals in sheet and shallow subsurface flow origi- wildlife. Conservation of these basic resources pro- nating in fields and pastures before they can reach vides benefits for individual landowners and the larger streams or rivers. This filter function of riparian buff- community. The benefits associated with corridors can ers protects many wetlands, lakes, and streams at a be grouped into three categories: environmental, critical time when they are nutrient stressed and prone social, and economic. to eutrophication. In the fall some of the nutrients produced in riparian corridors are released when The potential adverse impacts that also can be associ- leaves, grass, needles, and limbs fall or are washed ated with corridors are described in section 613.03(e). into streams and rivers. This cycling of nutrients supplies the food energy required to support diverse populations of aquatic organisms throughout the (b) Environmental benefits stream system. Forested stream corridors are also an important source of woody debris for fish habitat, The environmental benefits of corridors come from bank armouring, and as natural grade control struc- those functions that improve the condition of the tures (fig. 613–19). watershed. Two general environmental benefits pro- vided by corridors are environmental services and Continuously vegetated riparian corridors are more habitat. effective at maintaining surface and subsurface water

(1) Environmental services Environmental services include Figure 613–19 Woody debris in stream channel provides • reduced flooding, critical habitat for native trout and dampens erosion of the streambank • reduced soil erosion, (photo courtesy Gary Bentrup, USU) • improved water quality, • increased water quantity, • groundwater recharge, • bank stabilization, and • improved air quality.

Stream/riparian corridors and attendant wetlands in flood plains provide floodwater storage, desynchronize flood flows, and slow flood velocities. Downstream flooding and the potential for flood damage are dimin- ished when floodwater volume and velocity are re- duced. Streambanks stabilized by the roots of riparian vegetation reduce bank erosion, a major source of sedimentation in some streams.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–25 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat quality than those that are discontinuous. Water qual- and absorption capabilities may be reduced signifi- ity is strongly influenced by water temperature. A cantly. slight increase in water temperatures above 59 de- grees Fahrenheit produces a substantial increase in (i) Environmental services value-added benefits the release of sedimentary phosphorus, which can of connectivity—A linked system of various conser- result in eutrophication. Thus, a leafy canopy provided vation corridor types properly sited optimize soil and by woody riparian vegetation can reduce the adverse water conservation in the watershed by increasing affects of pollutants. In addition, cool water, which has efficiencies and integrating ecological functions. When higher oxygen content, is necessary to support popula- terraces, filter strips, and other conservation manage- tions of many game fish, particularly trout and salmon. ment practices are linked to grassed waterways and A cool, moist microclimate is also a requisite for many riparian buffers, the value-added benefits include terrestrial species. For a more detailed description of longer concentration times for overland waterflows, the environmental services provided by stream/ripar- increased infiltration, and increased retention time, ian corridors, see Stream Corridor Restoration: which facilitates assimilation of nutrients. Principles, Processes, and Practices available at www.usda.gov/agency/stream_restoration/ Systems of upland corridors can reduce floodwater volume, sedimentation, and pollutants in adjacent Introduced upland conservation corridors generally receiving streams. The nutrient and sediment control are designed to function as barriers, filters, and sinks. system developed by the NRCS in Maine combines They reduce soil erosion caused by wind and water, sediment basins, filter strips, constructed wetlands, conserve soil moisture, trap sediment, and absorb and deep ponds into a single, connected system that agricultural chemicals. Shelterbelts reduce wind has a 90 percent removal rate for sediment and phos- velocity for a distance of 8 to 10 times their height on phorus, even after extreme storm events. the lee side. (2) Habitat When wind velocity is diminished, it has less energy to Habitat benefits include those for terrestrial and dry out soil and plants and to dislodge and transport aquatic wildlife. Habitat is defined here as the ecosys- soil particles. Continuous windbreaks eliminate the tem in which a species lives. Each species responds problem of airflow through gaps or around the ends of differently to physical variables in the ecosystem windbreaks, which can significantly diminish their including the pattern of patches, corridors, and matrix. effectiveness. A continuous windbreak or remnant corridor is also effective at capturing and retaining snow in the field. Captured snow can represent over 20 percent of the annual soil moisture in north-central Figure 613–20 The windbreak captures snow, which agricultural areas (fig. 613–20). increases soil moisture in adjacent fields and provides critical winter wildlife habitat (photo courtesy Craig Johnson, USU) Field barriers of tall wheatgrass can reduce potential wind erosion to nearly 7 percent of open field erosion. When the volume of airborne soil particles in the watershed is reduced, air quality is enhanced.

Windbreaks, buffer strips, field borders, grassed water- ways, and roadsides, like riparian corridors, are effec- tive sediment traps and nutrient sinks. For example, an estimated 95 percent of sediment from row crop fields was trapped in grassed waterways in an Iowa study area. In Illinois, grassed waterways and forest buffers reduced nitrates in subsurface water an esti- mated 80 to 90 percent. Corridor vegetation can, however, be overwhelmed by sediment and chemicals,

613–26 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

For example, wildlife differ in their ability to disperse. documented. Riparian corridors, shelterbelts, wind- Species, such as reptiles, have physical limitations; breaks, and roadsides have been extensively re- other species have behavioral or physiological limita- searched. Less research has been done on the habitat tions. Most species are not limited in their ability to value of field buffer strips, grassed waterways, conser- use corridors, but experience high levels of mortality vation terraces, power line corridors, and other intro- dispersing across landscapes that do not have corri- duced corridors. dors. (i) Stream/riparian habitat—Stream corridors are Many species instinctively seek patterns that meet among the most productive habitats in all regions of their needs for food, cover, water, space, reproduc- the country. They are particularly important in arid tion, and security; others learn this information (fig. and semi-arid landscapes. The vegetation in most 613–21). The high edge-to-interior ratio of most corri- riparian zones is structurally more diverse, and biom- dors makes them particularly attractive to edge habitat ass production is higher than the adjacent matrix. This species. However, because corridors often do not vegetation provides an increased diversity of niches provide all the requisite resources, the home range of for wildlife to exploit. In addition, water, aquatic many species extends beyond the corridor into adja- insects, and fish provide resources supporting wildlife cent patches and the matrix. species that require both aquatic and upland environ- ments. The following factors affect roadside corridor use by wildlife: Wildlife species diversity and density are high in • Type of vegetation in the corridor riparian zones. In a Blue Mountain study area in east- ern Oregon, 75 percent of the terrestrial vertebrates • Type of vegetation adjacent to the corridor were dependent upon or preferred riparian habitat. • Surrounding land uses Biologists Stauffer and Best (1980) estimated an aver- • Corridor management age of 500 breeding pairs of birds per 100 acres in • Geographic location riparian corridors in Iowa compared to 340 pairs in upland forests. Bird densities in riparian zones in Many wildlife species in agricultural landscapes have Arizona were 66 percent higher than densities in the adapted to wooded corridors and expanded their adjacent desert upland (fig. 613–22). Riparian corri- range. Others that require large patches of forest or dors are also important travel lanes for many species. prairie have been displaced. The habitat value of They may be important for dispersal as well as move- corridors in highly fragmented landscapes is well ment within species home ranges.

Figure 613–21 Many large mammals use traditional Figure 613–22 Many birds rely on riparian habitats for migration corridors between summer and food and cover (photo courtesy Craig winter range (photo courtesy Kristen Rol, UT) Johnson, USU)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–27 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(ii) Windbreaks and shelterbelts—The diversity of (iii) Grassed waterways and buffer strips— ecological niches and weather protection afforded Grassed waterways and infield buffer strips are typi- wildlife by windbreaks are particularly important in cally seeded in a monoculture of exotic grasses and agriculturally dominated landscapes. Windbreaks share similar locations embedded in the agricultural provide food, nesting, brooding, loafing, thermal, and matrix (fig. 613–24). However, they are important escape cover for many species of birds and mammals habitats for many ground nesting species and species (fig. 613–23). They are also used as travel lanes by that prefer early successional vegetation. In one Iowa migratory and nonmigratory species. Windbreaks are study, 14 bird species were observed nesting in important resting stops for songbirds during spring grassed waterways. Nest densities of over 1,100 nests and fall migration. At least 108 species of birds are per 250 acres of grassed waterways were reported. known to use shelterbelts for foraging, nesting, or These nest densities exceed densities found in no-till resting. and cropped fields. Dickcissels (Spiza americana) daily survival rates when nesting in grassed waterways In seven Minnesota windbreaks, a mean nest density were the same as those reported for old fields and of 36 nests per acre was reported. Researcher prairie remnants. Grassed waterway habitats could be Shalaway (1985) reported higher nest success for low- even more productive if seeded with a mix of native and mid-level nesting species in fencerows than in grasses and forbs. native shrub or woodlands. (iv) Other corridors—Roadsides and field borders Windbreaks are an important habitat component for also share common locational and structural charac- many game species including the ring-necked pheas- teristics. Although exceptions exist, they are typically ant (Phasianus colchicus), northern bobwhite on the edges of the agricultural matrix and are domi- (Colinus virginianus), mourning dove (Zenaida nated by a few grass species. However, biologists macroura), wild turkey (Meleagris spp.), eastern working in Minnesota report that roadsides support cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus), western over 300 species of plants and wildlife including some cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus audubonii), gray squirrel of the last remnant populations of native grass and (Sciurus carolinensis), fox squirrel (Sciurus niger), forb species in the state. and whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Wind- breaks and remnant-wooded corridors are used as Wildlife biologists have extensively researched the travel lanes by carnivores, such as the gray fox value of roadsides as habitat for wildlife, particularly (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and other midsized game species. In intensively farmed landscapes, road- predators. sides are a particularly important habitat component

Figure 613–23 Generations of woodpeckers, flickers, and Figure 613–24 Unmowed grassed waterway offers bluebirds have been reared in this habitat for ground-dwelling bird species windbreak snag (photo courtesy Craig (photo courtesy North Carolina State Univer- Johnson, USU) sity)

613–28 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat for ring-necked pheasants (fig. 613–25), gray partridge, Increased habitat area cottontail rabbits, and many songbirds. Researcher Increased habitat area is probably the most significant Lars Anderson (1996) reported 27 species of birds benefit of conservation corridors in urban or agricul- using Utah roadsides from April to November; 12 of turally dominated landscapes. For instance, a continu- these species are known to nest in roadsides. Re- ous 30-foot-wide windbreak that surrounds a quarter searchers reported relatively high levels of bird spe- section of agricultural land can add over 3.5 acres of cies richness in upper Midwest roadsides. About 27 valuable wooded habitat. As Noss points out: "Corri- percent of the pheasants recruited into the fall popula- dors, even narrow ones, provide habitat in which some tion in Minnesota were produced in roadsides. Al- kinds of organisms will live and reproduce." though losses to predation and parasitism for pheas- ants and songbirds nesting in roadsides are relatively Additional habitat benefits can be realized if corridor high, they generally do not exceed those of the matrix. width is increased (fig. 613–26). Wider corridors obvi- ously increase total area, but they also provide for the (v) Value-added benefits of connectivity—Biolo- life requirements for a greater diversity of species. In gist Reed Noss (1991, 1993) notes that two ways to addition, wider corridors if properly designed may improve habitat quality while mitigating the effects of mitigate some of the negative effects of edge and fragmentation are to increase effective habitat area contain some forest interior habitat. and connectivity. Conservation corridors can do both. In our highly fragmented landscapes, the value of Increased opportunities for colonization connecting habitats far outweighs the potential disad- Properly located conservation corridors that connect vantages. Some of the potential value-added benefits with each other and adjacent patches may facilitate of connecting patches with conservation corridors for immigration and colonization of habitat patches within wildlife include the watershed. Researchers studying white-footed • increased habitat area, mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in Ontario found that a network of corridors that connected shelterbelts to • increased opportunities for colonization, woodlots was beneficial for recolonization of vacant • habitat accessibility, patches. • increased niche diversity, and • escape cover. Corridors designed to meet the specific requirements of species vulnerable to local extinction can reduce

Figure 613–25 Pheasants are primary beneficiaries of Figure 613–26 Lower end of riparian corridor is wide quality roadside habitat (photo courtesy of enough to provide habitat for interior- Pheasants Forever) dwelling species (photo courtesy Bill White, USDA NRCS)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–29 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat their risk. Immigration may help Figure 613–27 Parallel windbreaks in this Missouri landscape provide wildlife sustain local populations, and alternative routes from upland patches to the riparian corridor (photo courtesy Bill White, USDA NRCS) connected patches may facilitate recolonization of areas within the local species extinction.

When a network of several alterna- tive corridors or "stepping stone" patches are provided within the landscape, additional value-added benefits may be achieved (fig. 613–27). A redundant network may increase dispersal opportunities in the event that one or more of the corridors are blocked, severed, or made temporally dysfunctional by disturbance, such as fire, drought, or insect outbreaks.

Habitat accessibility Corridors connecting patches increase overall habitat quality within the watershed. They provide Figure 613–28 Network of interconnected riparian and upland corridors provides wildlife relatively safe access to a for greater wildlife diversity (photo courtesy USDA NRCS) diversity of habitat resources, which are typically dispersed across the landscape and may change with climate and seasons. Corridors facilitate dispersal among subpopulations, increasing the growth rate and stability of these populations through recruit- ment and colonization. Corridors that connect drainageways to ridges support greater and abundance than those limited to a single topographic setting (fig. 613–28). Introduced corridors aligned perpendicular to stream corridors facilitate wildlife migration from uplands to riparian areas and wetlands during times of drought. When corridors are aligned with natural wildlife travel patterns, movement and access to different habitats are greatly en- hanced; for wide-ranging species, effective foraging area also may be increased.

613–30 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Increased niche diversity (c) Social benefits Connected landscapes can facilitate natural ecological functioning, which in turn may increase niche diver- Perhaps the most important social benefits are the sity. Connectivity perpendicular to the long axis of a environmental services corridors provide. After all, corridor (lateral connectivity) can be as important as clear air, an adequate supply of clean water, and connectivity along the long axis. productive farms, forests, and rangelands are essential to all life including humans. Other significant social Natural flooding, channel meandering, scouring, and benefits that corridors provide include recreation, sediment deposition all require lateral connectivity. education, and aesthetics. Natural flooding, which creates conditions for plant succession, can reset forest stand age diversity and (1) Recreation increase the diversity of niches. Such species as the Outdoor recreation has always been a significant part least bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) are highly of American social life. Demands for outdoor recre- dependent on the 3- to 5-year-old riparian vegetation ation are increasing in today’s fitness conscious soci- fostered by periodic flooding. Increased niche diver- ety. Much of the demand has focused on the recre- sity may also increase wildlife species richness. Biolo- ation opportunities corridors afford. The linear gist Schroeder, et al. (1992) found breeding bird spe- configuration of corridors makes them well suited to a cies richness increased in shelterbelts as niche variety of recreational activities, especially trail- diversification was improved by the addition of snags oriented sports. Trails provide a venue for and increased foliage height diversity (fig. 613–29). • hiking, The same is true for bats. • walking, Escape cover • jogging, Generalist carnivores and omnivores appear to benefit • inline skating, from fragmented landscapes and may be a strong • cycling, factor in the decline of prey species in agricultural • cross-country skiing, landscapes. Corridors connecting patches may bring prey/predator relationships into a better balance by • horseback riding, allowing prey species more options to move with • nature photography, and greater safety among patches. • wildlife viewing.

Riparian corridors are especially attractive Figure 613–29 Diverse vegetation types, heights, and spacing make locations for trails (fig. 613–30). The presence of this corridor a rich habitat for many species (photo water, diverse vegetation, moderated climate, courtesy Gary Bentrup, USU) and abundant wildlife enhances the recreation trail experience. Boating, rafting, kayaking, tubing, fishing, and hunting are popular nontrail activities in many corridors with perennial flowing water. Some riparian corridors have become so popular that demand frequently exceeds the social and ecological . Social conflicts between different types of users and degradation of the riparian resource often result.

Other types of corridors are used extensively by recreationists. The highly successful Rails-to- Trails program has converted thousands of miles of abandoned railroad right of ways into recreational trails. An excellent example is the 12-mile trail along the Wood River between

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–31 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Hailey and Ketchum, Idaho, used by commuters as A safe corridor can reinforce recreational experiences. well as recreational cyclists. Continuously linked corridors with trails are safer than corridors crossed by roads or railroads, pastures, Shelterbelts, field borders, grassed waterways, canals, fields, or fences. The city of Boulder, Colorado, in- and other types of strip corridors become important stalled expensive trail underpasses at all road cross- recreational resources during the hunting season (fig. ings along Boulder Creek to minimize risks for recrea- 613–31). Pheasant and quail hunters appear to be more tionists. If road crossings and other barriers are successful in areas with shelterbelts and other types of minimized, costly retrofits can be avoided later. woody cover. A survey of Kansas hunters showed they spent an average of 40 percent of their hunting time in (2) Education or near shelterbelts; more than 80 percent spent at Rich in species diversity and typically accessible least some time hunting in shelterbelts during the remnant, riparian, and regenerated corridors are season. These figures are particularly impressive given ideally suited to outdoor education. Trails in corridors the small percentage of the Kansas landscape devoted lend themselves to a variety of formal and self-guided to shelterbelts. interpretative nature programs and educational experi- ences including Recreation value-added benefits of connectivity • natural history, • Continuity of experience • , • Safety • archeology, • history, One value-added benefit of corridor-connected land- scapes for recreationists is the continuity of experi- • environmental science, ence that connectivity provides. Hunters prefer to hunt • experimental design, and in loops to and from the point where the hunt begins • the arts. allowing continual hunting in promising habitat. A system of connected corridors and patches provides Increasing numbers of science teachers are taking this opportunity. When rivers and streams are free of their classes outdoors, often into corridors to collect obstructions, such as culverts, dams, or diversions, water-related recreationists can kayak, tube, and fish without having to continually get in and out of the Figure 613–31 Three friends enjoy a hunt in quality water. In both cases recreationists are free to concen- habitat (photo courtesy USDA NRCS) trate on their recreational pursuit in an environment that adds richness to the experience.

Figure 613–30 Walkers enjoy a cool spring afternoon in an urban greenway (photo courtesy USDA NRCS)

613–32 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat specimens and conduct experiments (fig. 613–32). and wildlife populations are occasionally found in They have discovered that students learn more and roadsides, railroad right-of-ways and other types of retain concepts longer when involved in hands-on corridors. They are a valuable source of information educational experience. about the ecology of native plant communities. Rem- nant plants may also be a source of regionally adapted Perhaps more importantly, corridors afford opportuni- seed for restoration experiments and projects within a ties to investigate nature on your own. Harvard histo- watershed. rian John Stilgoe noted a strong correlation between adults with a strong environmental ethic and the Value-added benefits of connectivity opportunities they had at an early age to explore • Safety nature. Researcher Black, et al. (1988) found people • Ecosystem transects living near riparian corridors were more knowledge- able about wildlife than those living only a few blocks Corridors, a great education resource, are even a away. The lessons learned in corridors may be ex- greater resource when not bisected by roadways. tremely important in molding future generations of Teachers can focus on teaching rather than worrying conservationists. about students wandering across roadways. Corridors can be used to connect urban and rural areas. As Archeological and cultural sites are often concentrated society becomes increasingly urbanized, people lose in riparian corridors. The juxtaposition of cultural and contact with natural ecosystems and the agricultural natural resources presents opportunities to interpret practices that sustain human life. Corridors that origi- the role societies past and present have played in the nate in cities and towns and pass through rural envi- of a landscape. These sites are also well ronments allow urban residents to experience natural suited to illustrating the importance of corridors in and agrarian landscapes. Winding through a mosaic of maintaining landscape health, stability, and quality of hay fields, pastures, and farm buildings, greenways life. can provide exposure to agricultural environments (fig. 613–33). Such exposure may facilitate better Some corridors are a valuable resource for research. understanding and appreciation of farming and ranch- National Research Council researchers argue that ing, increasing respect for landscapes that support ecologically stable stretches of riparian corridors these activities. Careful trail design is necessary to should be preserved as research reference bench- protect the property rights of landowners. marks. At a smaller scale, remnant plant communities

Figure 613–32 Fish and aquatic insects caught here will Figure 613–33 The view from this trail helps the observer be used in a class discussion on the understand that agriculture and the aquatic food chain (photo courtesy Diane natural landscape can co-exist in harmony Bentrup, ??) (photo courtesy Gary Bentrup, USU)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–33 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(3) Aesthetics One lesson painting has taught us is that all things are Visual resources that define a landscape’s aesthetic connected. A composition is created by lines, forms, quality are the lines, forms, spaces, colors, and tex- colors, and textures that knit the diverse elements of tures experienced from where people live, work, the painting together into a unified composition. As recreate, and travel. The quality of visual resources is observers of paintings, humans are frequently fasci- important to those who reside in and travel through a nated with the skills the artist used to achieve unity. landscape. Wooded corridors are often the most sig- nificant visual lines, forms, and space defining struc- Connected corridors, particularly wooded corridors tures in the landscape. Wooded corridors provide are important lines and forms that unify diverse ele- • spatial structure, ments in the landscape. Research by Rachel and Steven Kaplan (1978) suggests that people prefer • sense of place and identity, landscapes that exhibit coherence, complexity, legibil- • complexity, legibility, coherence, and mystery, ity, and mystery. Connected corridors can create these and qualities. A landscape of linked corridors and patches • seasonal diversity. is a legible landscape that humans can comprehend and appreciate. Many landscapes along the eastern seaboard, in the Midwest, and across the South are a rich mosaic of The Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge is a woody patches and open fields defined by corridors of dominant visual element for those living in the Twin uncut trees along property lines. On the Great Plains Cities metropolitan region (fig. 613–34). Similarly, the and westward, shelterbelts and windbreaks give a Big Sioux River riparian corridor in eastern South sense of place to homesteads and rootedness to com- Dakota is a visual reference for residents in this rural munities. These unnatural blocks and baffles of veg- area. etation punctuate and partition the prairie. They pro- vide a visual structure and scale against which Linked remnant corridors of woody vegetation in the vastness can be measured. In the West, mountains upper Midwest, east coast, and Southeast are visual dominate the background, but it is the flowing lines of reminders of historic landscape. Because many of riparian corridors that give human scale to the foot- these corridors are still linked, they have a scale that hills and valley floor. Place names like Wood River projects an impression far more powerful than discon- Valley, Verde Valley, and Snake River Plains attest to nected, isolated remnants. the impact of riparian corridors on the regional con- sciousness. Occasionally the visual richness of a riparian corridor is extended into the uplands by canals, ditches, and grassed waterways. Figure 613–34 Broad expanse of river, flood plain, bluffs, Corridors also enhance scenic quality at a more inti- and prairie make Minnesota Valley mate scale. Roadsides, railroad right-of-ways, canal National Wildlife Refuge a visual refer- banks, and field borders vegetated with native plants ence for Twin City residents (photo courtesy Michael Timmons, USU) add textural diversity and seasonal color that enrich our experience of the landscape. Corridors also screen unsightly areas and buffer noise from highways and other sources. They significantly contribute to the quality of rural life.

Aesthetic value added benefits of connectivity The added visual amenities provided by a system of connected corridors include • Enhanced sense of place • Link to cultural resources

613–34 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Research has also shown that people appreciate rural Benefits from introduced corridors include settings that have a mixture of cultural and natural • environmental services, resources. Old roads, stone walls, canals, cemeteries, • increased crop yields, and similar historic structures are often concentrated in corridors and can be incorporated into a conserva- • increased crop quality, tion corridor program that protects biological diversity • increased livestock production, as well as historical character (fig. 613–35). A value- • improved livestock health, added benefit of connectivity is that it can protect the • reduced energy consumption, special sense of place that rural areas enjoy by pro- tecting existing connections and by reestablishing • increased property values, and historic linkages. • recreation revenues.

(1) Environmental services (d) Economic benefits Productive topsoil is arguably this country’s most valuable resource. An estimated 240 million tons of Natural corridors provide economic benefits and topsoil are eroded annually from Iowa farms and values because they satisfy human wants or needs. washed into the Missouri River. In a 1992 report, the Often, these values are not readily apparent and are National Research Council suggested grassed water- difficult to estimate because they are not traded on a ways, field borders, buffer strips, conservation ter- market. Researchers Thibodeau and Ostro (1981) used races, and other introduced corridors that reduce soil cost/benefit analysis techniques to calculate the value erosion and sedimentation significantly contribute to of wetlands in the Charles River riparian corridor near the long-term economy of rural watersheds. Boston. They estimated the value of land cost in- crease, water supply, flood prevention, pollution Sediment deposited over river bottom sand and gravel reduction, and recreation at between $153,000 and beds cause decline in Midwest aquatic species diver- $190,000 per acre. They noted that some of these sity. Reduced levels of sedimentation improve fisher- benefits were realized by owners of wetlands in the ies and enhance their economic revenues. Lower corridor; however, the majority of benefits accrued to sediment loads also reduce the rate of filling in reser- the larger community within the watershed. voirs, canals, and drainage ditches, prolonging their utility. The economic returns from these various environmental services can be substantial.

(2) Increased yields and quality Figure 613–35 Ruins of pre-historic Native American Corridors, like shelterbelts, grassed waterways, ter- community near Verde River flood plain races, and other corridor type conservation practices, in Arizona (photo courtesy Craig Johnson, generate economic returns exceeding the cost of USU) installation and maintenance. In a study in Kansas and Nebraska, small grain production on the leeward side of windbreaks increased between 18 and 38 percent for a distance of 3 to 10 times the windbreak height. In a 6-year study in Nebraska, researchers estimated a 15 percent yield increase in winter wheat in fields pro- tected by shelterbelts. They estimated that shelterbelts would pay for themselves within 15 years.

Increases in yield of 5 to 50 percent and improved crop quality were reported by agronomists for veg- etable and specialty crops protected by windbreaks. Additionally, the climate modification produced by shelterbelts enhanced production of orchard and

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–35 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat vineyard crops. Shelterbelts also produce micro- and use in the horticultural industry. Mushrooms and climates that reduce stress and increase fitness in medicinal plants, such as ginseng, grown in the shade livestock and increase honeybee and honey beneath corridor trees are high-priced commodities production. Shelterbelts provide protection from wind marketed in many regions. and snow, increasing survival of newborn sheep and cattle. These benefits are maximized when livestock Marketable products can also be obtained from grass are corralled outside the windbreak on the lee side. corridors. The seed of some native grass species is a high value commodity. In Iowa, for example, the 1998 (3) Reduced energy consumption price of switchgrass seed was $17 a pound. Statewide Home heating is a major of energy in rural production was unable to meet demand. Wildflowers, residences and small communities (fig. 613–36). Prop- native grass stalks, and dried forbs are also harvested erly located and designed windbreaks are a cost- in grass corridors and sold in local markets and craft effective way of lowering home energy consumption outlets. Providing products for the craft industry is a by 10 to 25 percent. Windbreaks can reduce the time growing enterprise. and energy required to remove snow from around farm buildings and rural roads; saving money and improving (5) Increased property values farm efficiency. Windbreaks on the outskirts of small Land appraisal information and research findings rural communities in the Northern States protect suggest property adjacent to amenities like riparian structures and significantly reduce snow removal corridors is valued higher than property without prox- costs. imity to these amenities (fig. 613–37). In Western States, river and stream frontage property is in high (4) Agroforestry products demand, short supply, and 25 to 50 percent more Products obtained from windbreaks, riparian buffers, expensive than property without frontage. Economists alley cropping, and woodlots are valued in billions of Fausold and Lilieholm (1996) cited numerous ex- dollars, annually. Farmers, applying agroforestry amples of significant increases in property values for principles, plant and manage tree and shrub species land abutting parks or stream corridors. A study of that bare edible fruits, nuts, and berries. These prod- riparian greenbelts in Boulder, Colorado, determined ucts are harvested and sold in local markets or to large that the average value of property adjacent to the commercial outlets. Trees in corridors are also har- greenbelt would be 32 percent higher than those 3,200 vested for fuel, pulp, posts, specialty woods (walnut), feet away, all other variables being equal.

Figure 613–36 Windbreaks surrounding rural subdivision Figure 613–37 Increased value of homes in Utah sub- reduce energy consumption during the division attributed to proximity to the winter and lower snow removal costs open-space corridor (photo courtesy Craig (photo courtesy USDA NRCS) Johnson, USU)

613–36 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

The influence of corridors on property values also are increased when corridors provide a variety of applies to privately held greenbelt land without public recreational options, from floating a river to hiking on access according to a study done near Salem, Oregon. a trail. In Montana, visitors to the upper Missouri Wild The greenbelt land in the study was composed of rural and Scenic River and Lewis and Clark National His- farmland without trails. The study concluded that land toric Trail contribute $750,000 annually to the adjacent to the greenbelt was worth approximately economy of the area. $1,200 more per acre than land located 1,000 feet away. The increased economic value these greenbelts The National Research Council (1992) estimated the generated was based on enhanced visual quality they annual economic value of fishing on flowing water in provided. the United States at $8 billion. Hunting also generates significant revenues. Researchers estimated an annual In many cases restoration or enhancement of corridors value for wooded draws in the Great Plains at $26 is necessary to provide the economic benefits de- million for deer hunting and $1 million for turkey scribed. In California, homes situated near seven hunting. Kansas windbreaks generate an annual net stream restoration projects had property values 3 to 13 value of $21.5 million for hunting. Many landowners percent higher than similar homes located on un- realize direct economic benefits by charging rod or restored streams. gun fees or leasing hunting or fishing rights on their property. Some landowners use a portion of these (6) Recreation revenues revenues to enhance habitat on their farm or ranch. Trails along corridors are also important generators of revenue. A 1988 study of the Elroy-Sparta bicycle trail Bird watchers and other nonconsumptive users of in Wisconsin found that users spent about $15 per wildlife resources also contribute to the local person per day for trail-related expenses, for an overall economy. Motel rooms in North Platte, Nebraska, annual economic impact of $1,257,000. In Minnesota, filled with bird watchers are at a premium during the where trail networks are being expanded, the number spring sandhill crane migration. Economists estimated of local bed and breakfast accommodations catering active birders spend between $1,500 and $3,400 on to trail users has exploded. The revenues these small birding each year; often their activities are in or adja- businesses generate in rural towns can significantly cent to corridors (fig. 613–38). impact the local economy and provide employment opportunities for the area’s people. Economic benefits

Figure 613–38 Recreational opportunities provided by corridors (photos courtesy of Jill Schroeder and Craig Johnson, USU, and the USDA NRCS)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–37 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(e) Potential adverse impacts Birds and mammals that inhabit or move through corridors can also damage crops in the adjacent ma- The list of benefits associated with corridors is impres- trix. Some evidence suggests that crop losses caused sive and well documented; however, potential adverse by birds are higher in fields adjacent to windbreaks. impacts may originate in corridors. These impacts Damage to grain and forage crops by deer and elk is a include significant problem in many states. In Wisconsin, most • crop damage, farmers report only a few hundred dollars of deer damage to corn and hay crops each year. However, in • disease and weed infestations, areas where deer densities approach 90 deer per • predation/parasitism, square mile, damage claims average $9,000 per farm. • social impacts, and Browsing deer, elk, rabbits, and rodents can injure or • visual impacts. kill nursery and orchard stock. Beaver frequently raise havoc with trees in urban greenways and decimate Proper planning, design, and management of corridors expensive stream restoration projects (fig. 613–39). can mitigate many of these impacts. However, in other settings, beaver can be important in watershed restoration and provide an important suc- (1) Crop damage cession of snags for wildlife. A perception in rural America is that untended vegeta- tion in natural patches and corridors is a major source (2) Disease and weed conduit of insects that infest crops. Corridors do in fact pro- Simberloff (Mann and Plummer 1995) noted that vide habitat for both pest and beneficial species of corridors can be conduits for diseases, predators, insects. Occasionally pest populations in corridors exotic species, and fire. Poorly managed roadside erupt causing significant damage to adjacent crops. In corridors are notorious conduits for noxious weeds Texas a $50 per acre reduction in cotton yields in (fig. 613–40). Seeds and suckers from corridors may fields adjacent to windbreaks that overwintered large spread into the adjacent matrix. For example, cheat populations of boll weevils (Anthonomus gradis) was grass (Bromus tectorum) dominates many roadsides reported . Alfalfa weevils () that also in the Great Basin and spreads rapidly into abutting overwinter in windbreak litter can cause similar reduc- rangeland. This early curing, flashy fuel is the ignition tions in alfalfa production. source for many range fires.

Figure 613–39 Cottonwood planting cut by beaver Figure 613–40 Ubiquitous tumbleweed uses roadside (photo courtesy Craig Johnson, USU) corridor to spread into adjacent desert grassland matrix (photo courtesy Dick Rol, USU)

613–38 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(3) Predation/parasitism (5) Visual impacts Narrow corridors are prone to high levels of predation The alignment and management of some corridors and parasitism. Biologist Best reported that 29 percent produce highly contrasting lines and forms in the of the songbird nests in an Iowa study (Camp and Best landscape. Highway, pipeline, and power line corridors 1993) plot were parasitized by brown-headed cowbirds routed through forests frequently produce unsightly (Molothrus ater). Large, ground nesting birds, such as swaths. Power transmission lines across farmland and the ring-necked pheasant, and ducks can be particu- prairies are viewed as equally unattractive. In some larly susceptible to predation in corridors. In one cases woody introduced corridors block desirable eastern Colorado study, an estimated 55 percent of views. roadside pheasant nests were terminated by preda- tion. Biologists acknowledge high rates of pheasant (6) Other potential impacts mortality in roadsides, but argue that roadsides and Networks of corridors may not always be desirable. other types of strip cover are not sinks; production For example, two spatially separated populations of exceeds losses to predation. the same species may develop different genetic adap- tations to the environmental condition. If these Michael Soule (1991, 1991a) suggests disease, preda- patches are linked and species move between them tion, and parasitism concerns are most applicable for and interbreed, these could be lost. Both threatened and endangered species. In highly devel- populations could decline or go extinct. oped landscapes, he argues the benefits of corridors for most species far outweigh their potential adverse These potential adverse impacts may be inherent in impacts. corridors or the way society chooses to manage them. Many can be mitigated by consulting with biologists (4) Social impacts when planning, designing, and managing corridors. Riparian corridors are susceptible to adverse impacts from recreation (fig. 613–41). The high levels of recre- ation activity in some riparian corridors are sufficient (f) Corridor benefits summary to displace some species of wildlife. Often the vacated habitat niches are occupied by less desirable species. Corridors within a watershed provide a multitude of Intense recreation activity can lead to the degradation economically and socially significant benefits for of the corridor's ecosystem with potentially long-term individual landowners and the larger community. adverse consequences. Many of these benefits are complementary, but they can conflict. An example is intense recreation and wildlife habitat. Reed Noss (1987, 1991, 1993) ac- Figure 613–41 Riparian corridor severely impacted by knowledges these potential conflicts and argues that anglers and other recreationists (photo the primary goal for conservation corridors in general courtesy Craig Johnson, USU) should be to preserve and enhance biological diversity. Corridors are not a panacea; a landscape of corridors is a landscape populated by edge species and limited in its diversity. Patches of plant community types indigenous to a watershed and large enough to support viable populations of native wildlife species within a well-managed matrix are essential to maintaining biodiversity.

The challenge for land managers is to accommodate uses compatible with corridor resources while main- taining the ecological integrity of existing corridors. Planting new corridors to conserve soil and water and to provide connectivity between patches for vulner- able species of wildlife are equally important. The

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–39 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat challenge must be extended to conservation of exist- (g) Case study ing patches, patch restoration, and ecologically sound management of the matrix. This requires a detailed The following case study, Pequea-Mill Creek Water- knowledge of corridor and patch resources, manage- shed, illustrates three corridor-planning principles: ment practices, user demands, and landowner and • Natural connectivity should be maintained or Agency concerns. Sections 613–06, 613–-07, 613–08, restored and 613–09 describe the planning process to address • Manage the matrix with wildlife in mind these issues at watershed and conservation plan scales. As recommended by the National Research • Native species are better than introduced Council in 1992, the process emphasizes the integra- species tion of existing conservation practices to optimize the benefits corridors provide (fig. 613–42).

Figure 613–42 Boulder Creek in Boulder, Colorado, is a model of integrated riparian corridor resource planning (photo courtesy Craig Johnson, USU)

613–40 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Case Study: PEQUEA - MILL CREEK WATERSHED

Corridor Planning Principles described in section 613.04 that are exhibited by this case study include:




(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–41 Case Study: Pequea - Mill Creek Watershed

This case study illustrates how an extensive watershed wide partnership coordinated by NRCS has produced and implemented a plan for restoring 37 miles of stream corridor and adjacent uplands. The conservation project, an on-going effort, continues to provide economic, wildlife habitat, recreation, and aesthetic benefits to watershed residents. The Pequea–Mill Creek watersheds are located in central Lancaster County in south–central Pennsylvania. The case study project area

encompasses approximately 135,000 acres. Frank Lucas NRCS Dairy farming is the dominant agricultural Figure 1: The impacts of large numbers of cattle concentrated in a riparian zone for long periods of time can be devastating. enterprise with 55,000 dairy cows distributed among 1,000 small farms located in the watershed.

The Pequea–Mill Creek Hydrological Unit Area A partial list of accomplishments to date includes: Project, initiated in 1991, is focused on reducing potential nutrient, sediment, and bacterial losses · Improved water quality from concentrated livestock areas around farmsteads and nutrient and pesticide management · 538 farmers have installed at least one in crop fields. Barnyard management, streambank conservation practice fencing, armored stream crossings, restoration of · 180 farmers have developed contracts to riparian plant communities, and grazing area install conservation practices management have been emphasized to reduce contamination from farmsteads. · 37 miles of stream have been fenced to exclude livestock on 84 farms in These watersheds were selected under USDA’s cooperation with the Pennsylvania Game Water Quality Initiative to coordinate and increase Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife a voluntary approach reducing agricultural nonpoint Service, and Lancaster County source pollution. Partners in this effort include Conservation District Cooperative Extension, NRCS, Farm Service · 25 rotational lot management systems Administration, Lancaster County Conservation have been implemented to reduce the District, Pennsylvania Game Commission, amount of runoff from livestock exercise Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality areas and numerous other agencies working with farmers, township officials and homeowners. · Demonstrations of stream crossings, livestock watering and shading options have been developed with the Lancaster County Conservation District · Information and education programs have been focused on farmer participation with involvement from the private sector in water quality efforts

Figure 2: The same reach of creek after exclosure fencing and revegetation. Frank Lucas NRCS

613–42 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Water is a shared resource. By improving a stream, downstream neighbors benefit. Fencing sets a good example, encouraging upstream neighbors to protect their streams. Well-kept streams also make a good impression and provide a positive image of farms to the public.

Figure 3: Trout, songbirds, and butterflies

Frank Lucas NRCS inhabit this restored reach of Mill Creek.

There are many other benefits from streambank fencing and planting in riparian corridors in addition to improved water quality. In the Pequea–Mill Creek For more information contact: Project, many farmers have learned that streambank fencing is an integral part of an effective dairy Pequea–Mill Creek Project management program. For example, one significant 307 B Airport Drive benefit of streambank fencing has been improved Smoketown, PA 17576-0211 dairy herd health. As one local expert says: “There Tel. (717) 396 – 9423 is nothing in the stream that is good for cows and Fax. (717) 396 – 9427 there is nothing the cows do that is good for the stream.” The Pennsylvania Game Commission has stocked trout in restored sections of the creek The information for this case study was abstracted with providing future recreation benefits for area permission from Pequea–Mill Creek Information Series Bulletins 28 and 30 prepared by Pennsylvania State University, College residents. of Agricultural Science, Cooperative Extension Service in cooperation with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Participants in the project report that streambank Service. fencing and other conservation practices have:

· Improved dairy herd health · Stabilized streambanks and reduced soil erosion · Provided wildlife habitat · Improved water quality · Improved fish habitat · Promoted rotational grazing Frank Lucas NRCS

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–43 Case Study: JEFFERSON COUNTY OPEN SPACE PLAN

Corridor Planning Principles described in section 613.04 that are exhibited by this case study include:






613–44 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Case Study: Jefferson County Open Space Plan

This case study illustrates the value of regional scale open space planning in rapidly urbanizing watersheds. Conservation, enhancement, and restoration of wildlife habitat is an integral part of the Jefferson County Open Space Plan. Conservation corridors are a key element in linking dispersed patches of wildlife habitat. NRCS plays a major role in providing technical assistance as the plan continues to evolve.

Jefferson County, a progressive and rapidly urbanizing county near Denver, Colorado, initiated an open space preservation program during the early NRCS 1970s (Figure 1). This program is funded by a one- Jefferson County Open Space half percent sales tax on retail sales in Jefferson Figure 1: A view of urban development from one of the Jefferson County Open Space Parks. County. The goal of the Jefferson County Open Space Program is to preserve open space as a living resource for present and future generations. From the inception of the Open Space Program, The primary objectives of the program are to acquire the NRCS has played a valuable role in providing and maintain lands, to ensure the quality of life in inventory data, data evaluation, and technical the county by providing open space for physical, assistance. Specific NRCS assistance included: psychological, and social enjoyment, and preserving the natural and unique landforms that define · Soils information Jefferson County. · Vegetative inventories The Jefferson County Open Space planning process · Revegetation plans (native, pasture, is inclusive and collaborative involving many different hayland, post-wildfire) stakeholder groups. Specific goals and objectives · Erosion control (gully, streambank, were established through interviews with a variety disturbed upland areas) of groups and extensive public scoping meetings, which provided guidance for the inventory process. · Pasture/hayland management Using a geographic information system, inventory · Grazing management for native maps were prepared and include: grasslands · Plant materials · Existing and proposed open space, · Pond/water development parks, and trails · Wildlife habitat development/improvement · Key land uses and activities The planning process identified lands that should · Wildlife, archeological, historic, and be preserved or managed to provide habitat for cultural features valued wildlife species (Figure 2). The proximity · Vegetation, surface water, and floodplains of critical habitat lands to urban development, roads, and other recreational resources helped · Landforms and geologic hazards determine the appropriate level and type of · Existing and proposed roads and management necessary to protect wildlife infrastructure populations. Mapping wildlife habitat provided a · Slopes and viewsheds valuable point of discussion between the Open Space Department and appropriate wildlife agencies regarding management and acquisition options.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–45 Golden, Colorado

The plan identified five types of open space and trails. Regional preserves are the keystone elements for the protection of wildlife. They are generally large (> 500 acres) and intended to protect the natural resource or unique feature. Regional preserves are reserved primarily as open space/ habitat with development limited to less than 20% of the site. They protect floodplains, breeding areas, relict plant communities, rare and endangered species habitat, and other sensitive resources. Corridors, some with trails, are being developed to connect these significant resource areas enhancing their value for both wildlife and recreation.

Over the 25 years of its existence, the Jefferson County Open Space Program has acquired approximately 32,000 acres and has constructed over 100 miles of trails (Figure 3). This program demonstrates successful protection of wildlife habitat can be combined successfully with other uses such as recreation and aesthetics in urban/ suburban landscapes. The program also illustrates the importance of building diverse partnerships to accomplish program goals in an urban context.

Figure 3: A map of existing protected habitat areas and proposed acquisition areas.

For more information contact: Jefferson County Open Space 18301 West 10th Avenue Suite 100 Golden, CO 80401

The information for this case study was abstracted with permission from Jefferson County Open Space brochures prepared by the Department of Jefferson County Open Space and from The Jefferson County Open Space Master Plan, 1989, prepared by BRW, 4643 South Ulster St., Suite 1180, Denver, CO and Urban Edges, 1624 Humboldt St., Denver, CO.

Figure 2: Mapped critical habitat and wetlands within Jefferson County.

613–46 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

use corridors to recreate landscapes that are more 613.04 Planning and functional. design principles (1) Concepts Noss and Harris (1986) observed that areas of high conservation value occur as nodes in the landscape. (a) Introduction These nodes can exist in varying forms at varying scales; for example, a "champion" tree, remnant wet- Landscapes consist of patches, corridors, and a ma- land complex, county park, national park, forest, or trix. Specific arrangements of these three elements rangeland. The patterns of these nodes and related define habitats for wildlife species that inhabit or corridors strongly influence the presence or absence migrate through a landscape. The structural character- of wildlife species and their use of the landscape. istics of each element, plant succession, species inter- actions, and wildlife behavior further determine spe- Planning and designing wildlife reserves and corridors cies presence or absence and habitat use. In turn, at a watershed scale should be centered around pre- wildlife modify the habitats they occupy. These dy- serving, linking, and buffering high value nodes. Three namics occur within the context of an agricultural basic concepts emerge: matrix and a system of values held by the farmers and • Core reserves (nodes) ranchers who manage the landscape. The wildlife planning challenge for the NRCS is to • Buffer zones • Establish and maintain self-sustaining wildlife • Linkages populations at levels in dynamic equilibrium with the ecological, social, and economic values of the An ideal pattern for wildlife conservation would pre- human community. serve important nodes (core reserves), provide corri- dors (linkages) between nodes, and establish multiple • Preserve, enhance, or restore the function and uses (buffer zones) around the nodes and corridor. structure of existing patches and corridors. This pattern satisfies wildlife needs and buffers poten- • Propose new patches or corridors in appropriate tial adverse impacts originating in the matrix. It also locations to restore lost habitat. provides opportunities for low-intensity human use of • Minimize the negative impacts that originate in the buffer zones around the reserves (fig. 613–43). the matrix. • Maximize the positive habitat attributes the Figure 613–43 Core reserves, buffer zones, and linkages matrix provides. (after Adams and Dove, 1989) • Incorporate the other functional benefits that patches and corridors provide. Core reserves Manage specifically for • Restore natural disturbance regimes. wildlife species diversity.

(b) Concepts and principles Farm or ranch Landscape ecologists and conservation biologists have land formulated several basic concepts and principles used to guide wildlife planning at the watershed scale. Buffer zone Managed for desirable edge These concepts and principles focus on the spatial species and low intensity relationships among patches, corridors, and the ma- recreation. trix. Developed for regional landscapes and large Linking corridor protected patches (national parks, wildlife refuges), Managed as habitat and they are equally effective at smaller scales. Under- for species migration and dispersal. standing these concepts and principles can help land managers make informed decisions about how best to

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–47 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

In addition to these three concepts, several ecological Each of the concepts and principles presented in this principles can be used to configure patterns of land- section are applicable at various scales in the land- scape elements most beneficial to wildlife. scape. However, the relative importance of different patch, corridor, and matrix functions may change at (2) Principles different scales. For example, the habitat function of The four major principles used to guide wildlife plan- corridors at the conservation plan scale is typically ning are patch, corridor, matrix, and structure. Figure more important than the conduit function. Similarly, 613–44 gives the basic principles for each category. the corridor components that provide structural diver- sity are scale dependent. A structurally diverse re- gional corridor would consist of a diversity of plant Figure 613–44 Principles communities (forest, meadow, riparian), whereas a structurally diverse grassed waterway would include a variety of plant forms (grasses, forbs, and shrubs). The application of these concepts and principles needs to Patches be evaluated on a project-by-project basis depending • Large reserves/patches are better than small on the needs of specific species. reserves/patches. • Connected reserves/patches are better than (i) Patch principles—The patch principles shown in separated reserves/patches. figure 613–44 are described below. • Unified reserves/patches are better than Large reserves/patches are better fragmented reserves/patches. than small reserves/patches. Large • Several reserves/patches (redundancy) are reserves typically capture and pre- better than one reserve/patch. serve a greater diversity and quality of • Nearness is better than separation. habitats. They often serve as core reserves/patches. Large reserves/ Corridors patches offer advantages that should • Continuous corridors are better than frag- be exploited in wildlife planning ef- mented corridors. forts. The advantages: • Wider corridors are better than narrow corri- • Positive area effects are increased. Wildlife dors. species with large home ranges are more likely to survive in large patches. Larger population • Natural connectivity should be maintained or sizes are possible, decreasing the likelihood of restored. local extinction by disasters or inbreeding. Wild- • Introduced connectivity should be studied life and plants are more likely to achieve a dy- carefully. namic equilibrium. The potential for including all • Two or more corridor connections between plant community/habitat types within the region patches (redundancy) are better than one. or area is increased. Competition for resources within and between species may be diminished. Matrix • Edge effects are reduced. A larger percentage of • Manage the matrix with wildlife in mind. the reserve is interior habitat, benefiting interior species, which are often the most vulnerable to Structure local extinction. Population sizes of edge species and potential associated negative effects may be • Structurally diverse corridors and patches are reduced. better than simple structure. • Diversity is increased. Large reserves/patches • Native plants are better than introduced plants. typically have greater habitat diversity, which may result in greater wildlife species diversity.

613–48 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Connected reserves/patches are patches. (See SLOSS at the end of this section for better than separated reserves/ additional information on reserve/patch size.) The patches. Connected reserves/patches advantages of the unified patches: are superior to separated reserves/ • Positive area effects are increased. patches in several ways. They enhance • Edge effects are reduced. the habitat, conduit, filter/barrier, and source functions of corridors. • Diversity is increased. • Increased habitat. Connected Several reserves/patches (redun- reserves/patches provide wildlife dancy) are better than one re- populations access to larger total areas of habi- serve/patch. Redundancy is an essen- tat, increasing numbers, sizes, and viability of tial component of healthy eco-systems individual populations and metapopulations. at all scales. Populations and individu- Corridors are a significant habitat component for als frequently rely on more than one many species, particularly in highly fragmented patch to fulfill life requirements. If landscapes. In addition, the connecting corridors only one reserve/patch exists at either often serve as transitional habitat for animals the regional, watershed, or conserva- moving through them. Connected patches at the tion plan scale, population and community viability conservation plan scale allow individuals safe may decline. Also, if only one reserve/patch exists and access to a variety of habitats within their home it is degraded or destroyed through natural causes or range. management mistakes, the habitat for entire communi- • Presence of conduits. Communities and popula- ties of organisms may disappear. The advantages of tions can move in response to seasonal distur- having several reserves/patches in a watershed: bance or long-term environmental change. Ge- • One of the reserves can be lost without seriously netic material, plant seeds, and dispersing threatening the integrity of wildlife communities juveniles can move between connected reserves, within the watershed (see SLOSS description). increasing viability within ecosystems. • Can contribute to larger total numbers of indi- • Filter/barrier functions. Movement of exotic viduals, greater genetic diversity, viable meta- plant and animal species may be inhibited by populations, and the increased probability of connections between reserves/patches. Patches recolonization after local extinction in one re- and corridors can block or filter the movement of serve/patch. wind, airborne particles, pollutants, and wildlife attempting to move perpendicular to the long Nearness is better than separation. axis of the corridor. However, corridors can also The chance that wildlife inhabiting facilitate the movement of undesirable species reserves/patches will interact becomes and disease between patches. disproportionately greater as the • Source functions. Several reserves/patches distance between patches decreases. connected by corridors are more likely to serve Individuals or groups of individuals as a source (adding individuals to the population) occasionally venture outside of their than separated reserves. primary habitat. While that distance varies by species, they are more likely Unified reserves/patches are better to encounter, and thus use, a nearer patch. Juvenile than fragmented reserves/patches. dispersal and recolonization are more likely to suc- Of two reserves or patches having ceed between patches close to each other. Far-ranging exactly the same area, one fragmented movement patterns of individual species, shorter and one unified, the unified reserve/ distances between patches, and less contrast between patch will be of far greater value. Its patch and matrix result in higher potential for move- increased value stems from the same ment between patches. factors that make larger reserves/ patches better than small reserves/

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–49 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(ii) Corridor principles— The corridor principles SLOSS—Single Large Or Several Small shown in figure 613–44 are described below.

Although conservation corridors are the focus of Continuous corridors this manual, issues relating to reserve/patch size are better than frag- are important. Arguments among conservation mented corridors. biologists continue over whether a single large • Conduit func- reserve or several smaller reserves (having the tions. Corridors facilitate movement of - same total area) is best for preserving biological isms through landscapes. Gaps in corridors diversity at a regional level. Several small re- disrupt movement, especially for interior-dwell- serves may result in highest localized species ing species. The ability of an individual to cross richness, but this strategy may compromise the corridor gaps is dependent on its tolerance for integrity of populations of area-sensitive species. edge conditions, its movement and dispersal Diamond (1976) suggests, "The question is not characteristics (i.e., how fast it moves and how which refuge system contains more total species, far it moves at one time), the length of the gap, but which contains more species that would be and the amount of contrast between the corridor doomed to extinction in the absence of refuges." and the gap. Conservation corridors become an important • Stepping stones. While a continuous corridor is part of this debate. If regional or watershed scale better than a corridor with gaps, corridors with corridors are impossible or unlikely to succeed, a gaps may be preferable to no corridor at all. It is single large reserve may be the best choice. Edge not an optimal situation, but a series of small and area effects are diminished, population sizes patches between two larger patches can serve as can be larger, and species diversity higher, result- a steppingstone corridor if the distance between ing in greater diversity within the ecosystem. If patches is not too far (see Nearness is better several small reserves can be created and con- than separation in Patch principles section ). nected by corridors, a greater diversity of habi- • Filter/barrier functions. Gaps in an otherwise tats may be preserved and a larger geographic solid corridor seriously diminish the effective- distribution of populations maintained. Separate ness of the corridor as a filter or barrier. Gaps populations can exist in each reserve, isolated allow plants, animals, pollutants, wind, and from local disasters affecting survival in other windblown particles access across the corridor reserves, but acting as a functional metapopula- and often result in localized concentration of tion capable of sustaining the species across the these elements. However, in some instances landscape. The fragmented nature of most agri- passage through corridors may be desirable. culturally dominated landscapes suggests that the concept of several small reserves is most Wider corridors are applicable. better than narrow corridors. At the conservation plan scale, the planning and • Habitat func- design issue is generally not reserves, but tions. Corridors at the regional and watershed patches. Large patches, like large reserves, tend scales typically serve as transitional habitat for to support a greater diversity of species. How- populations moving through them. The longer it ever, if several small patches can be preserved takes a species to move through the corridor, the (or created) and connected, the wildlife resource more important its habitat function becomes. may be equally well served. Wider corridors reduce area effects and edge effects within the corridor. Thus, a broader range of species, including interior species, is more likely to use the corridor. At the conservation plan scale, corridors often play an important role as habitat as well as a conduit. Wider corridors at

613–50 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

this scale increase the amount and diversity of Introduced connec- habitat available and may accommodate interior tivity should be species. studied carefully. • Conduit functions. Wider corridors reduce edge Connected is better effects for individuals and populations moving than fragmented, but through them. Optimum width is determined by care must be taken to ensure that historically discon- the strength of the edge effect and species re- nected patches are not linked. Long-separated popula- quirements. In the graphic above, corridor A is tions of the same species often develop specialized too narrow—edge effects dominate the corridor genetic adaptations to their particular habitat condi- and predation and parasitism may be increased. tions. Connecting such populations through a corridor Some researchers suggest that corridor B may be could result in the loss of those adaptations. In agricul- too wide—edge effects are negligible, but ani- tural landscapes, connectivity between corridors and mals may spend too much time wandering within patches benefits most endemic (native) species when the corridor, increasing overall mortality. This historic vegetation is planted in the corridor. concern is generally not applicable in agricultural landscapes because landowners cannot afford to Two or more corri- set aside overly wide blocks of land in corridors. dor connections Corridor C balances edge effects with navigabil- between patches are ity issues and represents a more desirable width. better than one. • Filter/barrier functions. Wider corridors are • Alternate routes. Redundancy should be built more effective barriers to movement across into the conservation corridor network, particu- them. larly at small scales. If multiple paths exist for an animal to get from one point to another, the • Source functions. Wider corridors are more animal is more likely to complete the journey. likely to act as a population source (adding One consideration is that animals may not recog- individuals) than as a sink (removing individu- nize a corridor as a conduit to a destination. They als). recognize it as a continuation of attractive habi- tat, and once inside, their movement is restricted Natural connectiv- and channeled by the corridor's linearity. It is ity should be main- usually a chance occurrence that they make it tained or restored. from one end of the corridor to the other. The Maintaining historical more chances there are for that movement to connections between occur, the more likely it is to occur. patches is essential in maintaining species diversity and population viability within a watershed. Prevent- • Insurance. Multiple corridor connections be- ing fragmentation of existing corridors that connect tween patches safeguard the system from distur- patches is less expensive than restoring connections. bances and disasters. If management mistakes or In many cases, however, it may be necessary to re- natural occurrences, such as fire, temporarily store historical connections between patches. Histori- destroy one of the corridors, other corridors will cal vegetation (the vegetation that existed before maintain the link between the patches while the fragmentation) should be used in restoring corridor disturbed corridor regenerates. Periodic burning connections. of corridors may be necessary for management. • Steppingstones. Closely spaced steppingstone patches can be effective in providing alternate routes between larger patches. Species move- ment behavior, distance between steppingstones, and contrast between patch and matrix deter- mine movement between steppingstones.

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(iii) Matrix principles—The matrix principle shown Structurally diverse patches and corridors are in figure 613–44 is described below. better than simple structure. • Vertical structure refers to the layers of different Manage the matrix plant forms and sizes in the plant community. with wildlife in Complex forested plant communities may have mind. The matrix is five or more layers. From top to bottom they are often an important the canopy, understory, shrub layer, herbaceous source of food and layer, and forest floor. At the other extreme, a seasonal cover in agricultural landscapes. The full wheat field for example, usually has only one habitat value of corridors and patches can only be layer, wheat. These layers are best illustrated realized when the adjacent matrix is managed for with a cross-section of the plant community (see wildlife. If it is not managed with wildlife in mind, the diagram). Vertical structure significantly influ- following consequences can be disastrous. ences the diversity of wildlife species present in • Late spring mowing of forage crops can destroy the community. Different layers offer food, nests and kill adults of ground nesting species, water, cover, shelter, or breeding sites to differ- such as the ring-neck pheasant. ent species, resulting in a rich diversity of wild- • Fall plowing may eliminate important food life using one habitat type. Each species fills a resources, critical to some species during the niche or specialized position in the habitat. winter months. Conservation tillage practices However, some species that evolved in grassland leave waste grain on the surface where it is habitat, such as the lesser prairie chicken available to wildlife. However, some conserva- (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus), require simple tion tillage systems rely on chemical weed con- vegetative structure with diverse plant species trol and could present a significant threat to composition. certain species. • Horizontal structure, at a watershed scale, • Grazing practices can significantly impact the refers to the arrangement of different habitat value of the matrix to wildlife. Heavily grazed types as seen from above. Components of hori- pastures provide little food or cover. However, zontal structure include forests/woodlands, managed grazing can be an important tool for shrubby areas, grasslands, cropland, urban areas, maintaining healthy, vigorous grass/forb commu- lakes and streams, and wetlands. The intricacy nities. with which these different features are woven together or interspersed affects the overall Managing the matrix to benefit wildlife can be as habitat quality of the landscape. For example, simple as how a hay field is mowed. Mowing from the grasslands afford certain benefits to wildlife center to the edge (toward cover) is preferable. Other when they exist on their own. The same is true techniques, such as using flush bars, rotation grazing, for a windbreak and a wetland. But when these leaving turn rows adjacent to cover, and similar prac- three habitats are arranged in close proximity to tices, can improve wildlife survival. Well-planned and each other, the overall habitat value for many designed corridors, in conjunction with a matrix species is greater than the sum of the parts. managed for wildlife, should result in significant Wildlife can move safely among each habitat wildlife movement between corridors and the matrix. type, exploiting the benefits offered by each. Species living in corridors lying within a matrix of low • Additional benefits on the agricultural land- value to wildlife are restricted to the corridor, increas- scape are provided by both horizontal and verti- ing competition for corridor resources. cal structure. For example, windbreaks are frequently employed to control wind erosion of (iv) Structural principles—The patch principle soil. Maximizing the benefits of windbreaks shown in figure 613–44 is described here. employs proper spacing of windbreaks and rows within the windbreak (horizontal structure) and inclusion of several plant heights to block wind at ground level and direct it upward (vertical structure).

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• Native plant species in corridors benefit native (3) Applying principles, an overview wildlife. Corridors generally are intended to A general approach to using these principles in a benefit native or desirable naturalized wildlife wildlife corridor planning project involves: species. Native wildlife and plant species have • Review the historical pattern of patches and co-evolved, each benefiting the other. If the goal corridors, if available. is to provide habitat for native wildlife species, • Study the existing pattern of patches and corri- native plant species have the highest probability dors in the landscape. of providing their life requisites. Other practical reasons to use native vegetation are that native • Identify locations where connectivity is both grass communities, once established, are often desirable and feasible. better at preventing invasions of exotic weeds. • Use the above principles to propose the most Also, disturbances, such as plant diseases, are efficient means to reconnect the landscape in a usually less damaging to native plant communi- way that produces the greatest benefits to wild- ties than they are to monocultures of introduced life while minimizing the land area taken out of or cultivated species. They are also less water production or suburban development. consumptive and less likely to require expensive supplemental nutrients. Every landscape is unique. Land planners and manag- ers should use those principles that apply to the spe- cific conditions inherent in the area being planned. Applications of these principles within the NRCS planning process is described extensively in sections 613.05 and 613.06. Figure 613–44 Patch structural principle

(c) Scale

Corridors exist in the landscape at various scales, from individual fencerows to continentally important migra- tion routes. Researchers have explored the issue of scale as it applies to conservation corridors and in principle agree there are three scales at which corri- Vertical structure dors function in the landscape. For example, Reed Noss (1991) describes corridors at the regional or continental scale, landscape mosaic scale, and Lake fencerow scale. These terms are redefined here to CRP make them applicable to NRCS planning directives. r do Pasture The three scales of interest (fig. 613–45) thus become: rri o Conventional y C Tillage • Regional scale Wood Conventional Conservation • Watershed scale Tillage Tillage • Conservation plan and practice scale Horizontal structure

Figure 613–45 Scales used for corridor planning

Native plant species Region Watershed Farm or ranch

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A successful overall wildlife conservation effort must of information to map for coarse filter regional scale encompass all scales. studies follow: • Ecoregions (1) Regional scale • Regional soils Conservation corridors at the regional scale are large, loosely defined areas that connect large wildlife pre- • Surficial geology serves or areas of high biodiversity. They are typically • Vegetation types (fig. 613–46) a diverse mix of natural and artificial plant communi- • Air basins ties, often tens of miles in width, that facilitate the • Topography movement of individuals and groups of individuals from one reserve to another. For example, neotropical • Hydrology birds and waterfowl make extensive use of riparian • Major migration routes corridors during spring and fall migrations. • Special areas (winter range) • Land cover types Regional corridors provide for the long-term health of populations and ecosystems and preserve biodiversity • Roads, highways, railroads, and utilities within the region as follows: • Land ownership • Provide opportunities for wildlife populations • Existing wildlife preserves and communities to adapt to environmental stress or change. Common map scales for regional mapping vary from • Support genetic health of wildlife populations 1:100,000 to 1:1,000,000. through occasional immigration and emigration of individuals between populations. Methods used to map the necessary information can be completed either by hand or by using computers. • Preserve opportunities for wildlife to meet basic life requirements, such as seasonal migrations for breeding, birthing, or feeding. Figure 613–46 Regional vegetation analysis maps Regional corridors are generally more important for provide an excellent base for regional larger, more mobile animals. Corridor length, speed of corridor planning efforts travel, and space and resource requirements of indi- vidual species determine which species will use the full length of the corridor. Generally, the corridor needs of larger animals also encompass those of smaller, less mobile species. By providing for move- ment of cougars, bear, elk, or other large, highly mo- bile species, the needs of many other species may also be met.

In essence, regional corridors are narrower versions of reserves, often relatively devoid of human distur- bances, which allow populations to move in response to environmental changes or other stimuli. Many regional corridors have been used by certain wildlife species for generations.

(i) Mapping scale and methods—Wildlife conser- vation can be viewed at varying levels of detail. At the regional scale, a broad-brush approach or coarse filter can be used to identify wildlife problems and opportu- nities at the wildlife community level. Important types

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There is currently a strong push across the Nation to • If they were historically connected, regional inventory natural resources and make the information corridors should be considered to reestablish the available in common digital formats. Geographic link. Information Systems (GIS) technology is being used as a tool to view, combine, and analyze large sets of A general outline for the GAP analysis process follows. spatial and tabular information. Much of these data are Additional information is available in "GAP Analysis: A available for a small fee (often free) and are highly Geographic Approach to Protection of Biological appropriate for use in regional corridor planning Diversity" in Wildlife Monographs 57 (1) 1993. projects. Data are frequently interpreted from aerial photographs, aircraft-based sensors, or satellite imag- ery. GAP analysis is an excellent example of this GAP Analysis Process approach. 1. Determine the species that occur in the region Computers allow for easier and more precise manage- that are of concern or interest. ment of data. If a GIS is used for analysis and map 2. Collect and compile habitat relationship and generation, the habitat requirements of many species occurrence data for those species. can be evaluated relatively quickly. If hand methods 3. Create a map of where the habitats occur in the are used, a few key indicator species representing a region based on existing vegetation. broad cross-section of biodiversity in the region may be selected. 4. Overlay the wildlife habitat data with the habi- tat map to determine areas of rich species (ii) GAP analysis—GAP analysis is a coarse filter diversity. wildlife planning approach that provides a quick overview of the potential distribution and conserva- Product: Species Richness Map tion status of wildlife species in a region or watershed. 1. Prepare a general land ownership map that The analysis is based on correlations between vegeta- classifies lands into public and private owner- tion communities and potential wildlife distributions. ship. It also considers land ownership and management 2. Assign a management status of 1 to areas that practices. are managed for wildlife, such as wildlife ref- uges and Nature Conservancy lands. GAP is based on the premise that habitat for wildlife is 3. Assign a management status of 2 to areas that generally related to vegetation composition and struc- are managed for natural conditions, such as ture. Two products from this process are a species USFWS refuges managed for recreational uses richness map and a GAP map. The species richness and BLM areas of Critical Environmental Con- map highlights areas where there exists potential for cern. rich diversity in wildlife species (hot spots of biodi- versity). The GAP map compares the geographic 4. Assign a management status of 3 to areas that location of biodiversity hot spots with the location of are prevented from being permanently devel- areas managed primarily for long-term maintenance of oped, including most BLM and USFS lands. native populations; i.e., national parks, forests, range- 5. Assign a management status of 4 to private and lands, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas. If the two public lands not managed for natural condi- layers do not coincide spatially, there is a gap in the tions. protection of biodiversity. Action can then be taken to 6. Overlay this map with the habitat relationship conserve currently unprotected habitats and hot spots. data to determine habitats that are offered the The next step is to examine connectivity between least protection in the region, with 1 status reserves. lands providing the highest protection. • If they are fragmented, have they always been fragmented or is fragmentation a result of human Product: GAP Map activities? • If the reserves were historically isolated, should they remain isolated?

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This process can be completed by hand, but GIS • Air basins software can add speed, flexibility, ease of duplica- • Topography tion, and the ability to explore multiple alternatives. If • Hydrology the information produced will be used by many people over a long period, GIS is clearly a superior choice. • Land use • Migration and dispersal routes Ecoregion GIS maps of soils, crop production, and • Special areas (winter range, etc.) other production-oriented resources can be used to • Land cover types, including crops map wildlife corridors of significance at regional scales. These maps are a valuable resource for re- • Roads, highways, railroads, and utilities gional scale wildlife planning efforts and complement • Land ownership any GAP analysis study. • Locations of existing conservation practices or programs, such as CRP, WRP, or CREP (2) Watershed scale The width of corridors important to wildlife at the A more specific data list is in the section 613.05 under watershed scale tends to be measured in miles or Step 3, Inventory Resources Planning Standard. fractions of miles although an entire watershed or portion of a watershed may be part of a regional Map scale—Depending on the size of the watershed migration or dispersal corridor. Like regional corri- planning area, mapping scales could vary consider- dors, watershed corridors facilitate seasonal migration ably. For most projects, scales should fall between and dispersal. Yearling beaver, for example, use a 1:24000 and 1:100,000. The 1:24000 scale was the stream corridor to disperse from the area in which overwhelming choice of NRCS biologists in the 1997 they were born and reared into unoccupied habitat survey described in section 613.02(g). elsewhere in the watershed. Watershed corridors also connect populations and subpopulations into meta- Methods—Both computer and hand mapping methods populations. Many species use corridors in the water- are appropriate at the watershed scale. High-resolu- shed as travel lanes linking various habitat resources tion satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and USGS within their home range. Often these corridors are quadrangle maps (fig. 613–47) may be useful. If a used primarily as habitat by some species, birds in statewide GAP analysis has been completed, much of particular. Bats follow corridors to avoid predation that information can be used; however, it should be from owls. The corridors’ conduit function is of limited used with caution. Some states may use a relatively importance to these species. Where available, GAP coarse mapping resolution in their GAP analysis, analysis information should be integrated into area- missing smaller features important at the watershed wide corridor planning. scale.

(i) Mapping scale and methods—Mapping water- (3) Conservation plan and practice scale shed scale corridors is similar to regional corridor Most conservation planning and technical assistance mapping; however, the coarse filter used for regional programs operate at this scale. The widths of corridors corridors often needs to include more detail. Defining at the conservation plan scale (farm, ranch, or commu- the placement and shape of corridors is needed as well nity) are typically measured in feet to hundreds of feet. as more specific information describing the wildlife However, a conservation plan would be more effective uses and quality uses of landscape elements. For for some wildlife species if it were part of a watershed example, a large farm may be defined on a regional scale corridor or, at a minimum, the larger landscape corridor map as simply agricultural. On watershed context of the farm, ranch, or community considered. scale maps, this same farm may be further categorized The habitat function of corridors at the farm or ranch into row crops, small grains, and pasture to adequately scale is often more important than the conduit func- plan for a particular species. Important information to tion. For example, the cottontail rabbit may spend 80 be included on watershed scale corridor maps: percent of its time utilizing habitat resources within a • Soils windbreak. Corridors at this scale are, however, used • Vegetation types by plant community by some species as travel lanes to access resources.

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Quail, pheasants, and turkeys, for example, use maps will show the location of all conservation corri- hedgerows and fence lines to travel between cover dors in the landscape, their age, condition, wildlife types. species known to use them, and other such informa- tion. Over time, this database would become useful at (i) Mapping scale and methods—Mapping at the the watershed scale and possibly even the regional conservation plan scale includes many details that are scale. Ground level photographs may be beneficial in not applicable at the regional or watershed scales. A addition to plan view maps. Important general types of fine filter approach is used to make sure that all data information for conservation plan and practice scale types and features needed to successfully design and maps follow: install conservation practices are mapped. • Soils (fig. 613–48) • Vegetation types and condition (health) Map scale—Depending on the size of the farm or • Topography ranch, mapping scales could vary considerably. Typi- cal scales fall between 1 inch = 100 feet and 1 inch = • Hydrology 660 feet. Most conservation plans are drawn at a scale • Migration and dispersal routes of 1 inch = 660 feet. For small areas, a scale of 1 inch = • Special areas (winter range) 330 feet is typically used. • Special features (snags) • Land use Methods—Patches and corridors at the conservation • Land cover types, including crops plan scale are inventoried and verified in the field. In some states initial mapping of these features is typi- • Roads and highways cally done by hand on graph paper or on photocopies • Land ownership of soil survey aerial photos. Field maps can be trans- • Locations of existing conservation practices ferred to the computer later if desired. NRCS offices • Aspect have increasing access to digital data, including soil • Airflow patterns surveys and digital orthophoto quads (DOQs), and from these data a GIS database will be created. These For a more specific data list, see section 613–06, Step 3 Inventory.

Figure 613–47 USGS 7.5 minute quad maps are fre- quently used for watershed scale corridor planning Figure 613–48 NRCS soil maps provide a base for conservation plan and practice scale planning

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(4) Summary value. These recommendations are general and need Corridors exist in the landscape at three distinct further modification at the state level. The recommen- scales. Functions and benefits of corridors vary with dations should not interfere with normal and proper scale. A successful wildlife conservation strategy will farming practices. address corridor, patch, and matrix issues at all three scales. The general principles and scale issues dis- (1) Planted grass/forb corridors cussed and illustrated in this section need to be A planted grass/forb corridor is a linear landscape adapted to the unique resource circumstances of each element consisting primarily or exclusively of herba- region, watershed, farm, or ranch. They also must ceous vegetation. Most are relatively narrow in com- meet the particular habitat needs of wildlife communi- parison to other corridor types. They are often typified ties, populations, and individual organisms. Care by monotypical plantings of non-native grasses, such should be taken that activities intended to benefit one as smooth brome (Bromus inermis) or tall fescue group of species does not compromise the ecological (Festuca ssp.). However, recent emphasis has been integrity of the entire community. The next section placed on using mixtures that include as many native provides specific recommendations for wildlife en- species as possible. hancement of NRCS Conservation Practices. (i) Purposes—Planted grass/forb corridors are in- stalled for several reasons. (d) Conservation practice design • Wildlife habitat. recommendations • Grassed waterways and vegetated ditches safely convey water through fields. Several planning concepts and principles described earlier in this section presented a set of general guide- • Manage snow. lines to follow in most wildlife planning projects. • Terraces and filter strips reduce erosion and However, with wildlife benefits as a goal, a specific set filter sediment and chemicals from runoff. of recommendations is needed when designing each • Reduce wind erosion. individual conservation practice. • Field borders and buffers reduce competition from adjacent woodlands and provide space for About 150 conservation practice standards are pub- maneuvering equipment. lished in the National Handbook of Conservation Practices (NHCP). Each standard is designed for a • Provide commercial products. specific purpose and has specific design criteria. Each state decides which standards it will use. They adapt the standards for use in their state, adding appropriate Planted grass/forb corridors technical detail, and issue them as state conservation Field borders practice standards. NHCP state standards are available Field buffers from NRCS field offices and national standards are Filter strips available for download from the NRCS homepage: Grassed waterways http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/Standards/ Grassed terraces nhcp.html Vegetated ditches

Most conservation corridor practices can be grouped Natural remnant upland corridors into either grass dominant or woody species dominant Grass and woody types structures. They can also be grouped by their function or placement in the landscape. The inventory sheets in Introduced Woody Corridors appendix 613A provide the categorization shown in Windbreaks the box to the right. Shelterbelts Hedgerows The sections that follow give an overview of these four categories and present a series of recommendations Stream/riparian corridors for each category aimed at increasing its wildlife

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(ii) Traditional design criteria—Grass/forb corri- Manage vegetation to retain plant community dors intended to convey water must respond to water vigor. Grasses and forbs may need to be mowed, quantity, velocity, depth, duration of flooding, and burned, or disked periodically to maintain plant vigor. outlet characteristics. The filter and erosion reduction The most appropriate management technique and the functions of grass corridors are dictated by numerous timing of its application vary from region to region. criteria including width, sediment and nutrient storage Untimely mowing, burning, or disking can decrease capacity, flow depth, slope, and grass strength. Field nesting densities, destroy nests, and kill adult birds border and buffer design must be wide enough to and mammals. Mowing lowers the height and density achieve their desired filter and sink effects. See appro- of vegetation, reducing habitat value accordingly. As priate National or State standards for specific criteria. stated in the job sheet for NRCS Conservation Practice 412, Grassed Waterway, mowing should occur when (iii) Recommendations to enhance wildlife habi- nesting and brooding will not be disturbed. Mowing tat—Planted grass/forb corridors generally constitute should occur early enough so that new growth will a relatively small proportion of the total acreage in exist for spring nesters, but late enough to avoid peak agricultural regions, but their value per unit area to spring and summer nesting periods. For maximum wildlife far exceeds that of adjacent cropland. The wildlife benefit, only a portion of a patch or corridor following paragraphs describe several ways to protect should be treated in any one year. Unmowed corridors and enhance the wildlife value of this type of corridor. become even more important in late summer as other types of habitat, such as roadsides, are mowed. State Add tall residual grasses and forbs in proposed biologists have region-specific information about the seed mixes. Most grassed waterways (and other types most appropriate management techniques. of introduced grass corridors) are currently planted in only introduced grass species, such as smooth brome. Adopt farming practices that result in minimal Habitat quality could be enhanced adding tall, persis- disturbance of grass/forb corridors. Unless neces- tent grasses and forbs. Biologists Bryan and Best sary, avoid establishing cropping patterns that require (1994) found that tall, residual grasses are necessary farming equipment to be driven through grassed corri- or extremely beneficial for nesting for some species. dors. Bryan and Best (1994) found nesting to be more The most appropriate grass mixes for wildlife vary by likely in grassed waterways that were not disturbed by region. farming activities. In general, avoid unnecessary travel through field buffers, field borders, and other grassed Bryan and Best also found that nests were 1.8 times corridor types. more likely to occur in grassed waterways with greater forb coverage. In their study, more nests were Increase corridor width as much as possible. built in forbs than in grasses. Inclusion of a variety of Increased corridor width directly increases the quan- forb species (with grasses) should increase the value tity of nesting sites, winter cover, escape cover, and of all introduced grass corridors to nesting birds. food available to wildlife. It may also decrease overall edge effects, increasing the likelihood that the corridor Plant trees and shrubs in grass/forb corridors. will function as an effective travel route (fig. 613–49). Current NRCS practice standards specify removal of The width of conservation practices must be balanced all trees, stumps, shrubs, rocks, and other objects that with the economics of crop production. would impede channel flow or compete with adjacent crops. Retaining or planting occasional clumps of Strive for connectivity. Opportunities usually exist trees, shrubs, or forbs would enhance the habitat value to connect different types of planted grass corridors. of grass corridors by providing a wider variety of cover Grassed waterways frequently serve as outlet struc- types and a diversified food supply. Careful thought tures for grassed terraces. Waterways may flow should be given to placement or retention of woody through several field borders and field buffers before vegetation so that it does not interfere with normal they terminate in filter strips or vegetated ditches, farming operations, waterflow, or crop vigor. Gener- both of which continue across the landscape. What ally, trees and shrubs should be located in the periph- can result, with proper planning, is a network of ery of grassed waterways, field borders, and vegetated connected habitat and travel routes for a variety of ditches. species across a large area.

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Figure 613–49 Effective corridor width for wildlife Connections should be made to other types of natural movement as related to human domina- and planted corridors, patches, or management prac- tion of the matrix, corridor length, and animal body size (graphs from Dr. Richard tices, such as constructed wetlands, natural wooded Knight, republished with permission) draws, riparian corridors, wetland complexes, and CRP land.

(2) Natural remnant upland corridors Natural upland remnant corridors may be herbaceous, wooded, or a mixture of both. Size and configuration are highly variable. Whatever form they take, they are important components of a corridor network. Natural remnant upland corridors often represent the last remaining patches of a predevelopment ecosystem and are crucial to the survival of native flora and fauna. Corridor width

Appropriate management techniques for remnant patches depend upon the composition of the plant Human-dominated matrix community, patch size, and other site-specific vari- ables. Management recommendations should be coor- dinated with the NRCS field biologists from partnering agencies.

(3) Introduced woody corridors A planted woody corridor is a linear element in the upland landscape consisting primarily or exclusively of woody vegetation. Woody corridor width varies considerably, from narrow hedgerows to multirow

Corridor width shelterbelts. Planted woody corridors are used by numerous species of wildlife for food, nesting, winter cover, escape cover, and travel. Corridor length (i) Purposes—Planted woody corridors provide a variety of benefits to wildlife: • Protective cover from adverse weather • Escape cover • Foraging and loafing sites • Reproductive/nesting habitat • Travel corridors for dispersing juveniles, travel between home range resources, and movement

Corridor width between larger natural habitats • Stepping stones for migrating birds

Body size They also provide numerous other environmental services: • Reduce wind erosion • Protect and provide moisture for growing crops • Manage snow • Provide shelter for structures and livestock

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• Provide tree or shrub products Of the farmers surveyed by Dishongh (1995) in six • Provide living screens Midwestern States, 48 percent responded that one of the main reasons they planted windbreaks was en- • Improve farm aesthetics hancement of wildlife habitat. • Improve irrigation efficiency (iii) Recommendations to enhance wildlife habi- (ii) Traditional design criteria—The design of tat—Considerable research has been done on the planted woody corridors is influenced by desired habitat potential of windbreaks and hedgerows. Stan- benefits. A windbreak designed to provide only wind dard design criteria usually create a basic horizontal protection is simple; however, as additional benefits and vertical structure that produces valuable wildlife are added, the complexity of the design increases. The habitat. Several approaches can enhance woody following briefly describes the most important design corridor value as habitat and travel corridor. elements. • For all applications of windbreaks, one of the Increase corridor width as much as possible. most important design elements is orientation. Modern windbreak planting practices are producing The windbreak should be oriented perpendicular narrower windbreaks. Wildlife value is improved with to the direction of the troublesome winds (fig. greater width. Wider windbreaks provide a greater 613–50). diversity of habitats, larger quantities of food and • The area protected by the windbreak is generally shelter, and greatly improved winter cover. agreed to be 10h (10 times the mature height of the tallest row in the windbreak). Because of the Design a complex vertical and horizontal struc- dynamics of wind patterns, the area protected is ture. Planting a variety of deciduous trees and shrubs actually triangular, which is important for design provides a habitat structure with a large selection of height, density, and length of the windbreak. vertical and horizontal nesting and foraging sites. Conifers should be added to provide additional nesting • Choice of plant species is based on desired and foraging sites and winter wind protection. function, wildlife needs, and other factors includ- ing climate, soil, wind-firmness, density, height, crown spread, competitiveness, compatibility with adjacent crops, and pest and chemical resistance.

Figure 613–50 Windbreak orientations a. Cross section of a multirow windbreak enhanced with diverse species composition, complex structure, windward and leeward shrub row, and herbaceous vegetation

Prevailing wind

b. Longitudinal section of single-row windbreak and cross section of the same single-row windbreak Prevailing wind

Continued Continued

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–61 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

In multiple-row woody corridors, more complex • Generally, native plant species should be used vertical and horizontal structure is possible. Structural instead of introduced species. Occasionally, diversity can be achieved in the following ways: introduced species with high value to wildlife are • Plant a core of tall deciduous and evergreen appropriate. Always select species that provide trees, tapered to small trees and shrubs on either food and/or cover for wildlife, but keep in mind side. that some introduced species highly valued by wildlife, such as Russian Olive (Elaeagnus • Plant a mixture of grasses, forbs, and low shrubs angustifolia) may be targeted by State and local to form a diverse understory after trees and governments for removal. Special efforts should shrubs are established. be made to ensure that recommendations for • Add one or more shrub rows approximately 30 introduced or adapted species are not in conflict feet to either side of windbreaks. with local regulations. • Add a wide band of herbaceous vegetation on • The design should not cause snow to fill the either side of the windbreak outside the shrub entire windbreak. Snow covers food and habitat. row. Living snow fences planted 50 feet windward can • Clump groups of shrubs on the lee side of woody prevent excessive snow accumulation within the corridors. Edge, cover, and food will be in- windbreak. creased. • Perimeter and length are more important than • Add vines to the planting. Choose species that do area. Given limited available land, a long, narrow not harm the plants on which they climb. windbreak is preferable to a short, blocky one. • Consider adding nest boxes and supplemental Single row corridors, such as field windbreaks and winter-feeding stations. hedgerows, typically have a simple structure. The structural diversity of these types of corridors can be Manage vegetation to promote plant vigor and enhanced in several ways: longevity. • Alternate tree species within the row. • Habitat quality increases dramatically with age. • Alternate deciduous and coniferous species Stress longevity in the management of woody within the row (consider alternating clusters). corridors. • Alternate different forms (vase shaped, oval, or • Manage livestock grazing within the windbreak. pyramidal) of trees within the row. Grazing animals can severely damage ground • Add a low row of shrubs beneath the tree row. vegetation as well as the trunks and lower branches of trees and shrubs. However, when • Add a band of herbaceous vegetation beneath managed properly, grazing can improve wildlife and on either side of the tree row out to the drip habitat within the windbreak by maintaining the line after trees and shrubs are established. desired plant community structure. • Add vines to the planting. Choose species that do • Leave snags for cavity nesting birds and bats and not harm the plants on which they climb. insect-eating species. If necessary, snags can be • Match growth rates of deciduous and evergreen topped at about 20 to 25 feet to allow more light trees. penetration for understory plant growth.

Keep wildlife needs in mind in the design phase. Manage the matrix as a complement to woody Specific habitat components of corridors must be a corridors. Adjacent habitat and food resources are deliberate design consideration. important. Minimum-till cropland provides sources of • Provide food and cover over all seasons, espe- food and cover, while heavily grazed rangeland has cially during the winter months. Place herba- little to offer most wildlife species. Fall plowing of ceous food plots or fruit bearing shrubs in the lee croplands diminishes wildlife food and cover re- of a windbreak in areas with severe winters. sources and should be avoided. Late spring mowing of

613–62 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat forage crops can destroy nests and kill adults of Zone 1 is closest to the water and consists of water- ground-nesting species, such as the ring-neck pheas- loving tree and shrub species. Willows are used fre- ant. Techniques, such as leaving turn rows adjacent to quently because of their fast growth and tendency to woody cover or unmowed strips adjacent to corridors, sprout from the roots. can benefit wildlife. Zone 2 starts at the edge of zone 1 and extends fur- Strive for connectivity. Where possible and appro- ther upland. It is planted with slower-growing hard- priate, connect the windbreak to other conservation wood tree species interspersed with shrubs. practices or natural habitats. The benefits of connec- tivity are described thoroughly in section 613.01. Zone 3 is essentially a grass filter strip on the upland side of zone 2 and must conform to NRCS conserva- (4) Stream/riparian corridors tion practice specifications. Schultz and colleagues Riparian corridors are composed of streams and the recommend that this zone be dominated by tall re- vegetation on either side of them. Undisturbed, they sidual grasses, such as switchgrass (Panicum normally include the entire flood plain and a portion of virgatum), though other grass and forb species can be the upland at the edge of the flood plain. Width is included. This zone is essential for agricultural settings extremely variable, depending on the width of the (crops next to streams). It may also be important in stream, flow characteristics, and topography. forested or urban settings.

Many riparian corridors naturally have large amounts See Conservation Practice Standard 391, Riparian of woody vegetation. Introduced riparian corridors in Forest Buffer (USDA NRCS, 2003) for further informa- the form of riparian forest buffers should be heavily tion. planted to woody species as well. (iii) Recommendations—Because most riparian (i) Purposes—Riparian corridors are perhaps the corridors are composed mainly of woody vegetation, most valuable type of wildlife corridor per unit area. most of the recommendations cited in section (3), Most of the resources needed for a species to survive Introduced woody corridors, will apply to riparian are located in and adjacent to the corridor. NRCS corridors as well. However, riparian corridors also practice standards for riparian forest buffers state the require periodic flooding to maintain stand viability. following purposes: Likewise, the recommendations in section (1), Planted • Create shade to lower water temperatures and grass/forb corridors, will apply to the grass zone on improve habitat for aquatic organisms. the outer edge of riparian buffer strips. For specific management directions, reference the Federal inter- • Provide a source of and large woody agency publication Stream Corridor Restoration: debris for aquatic organisms and habitat for Principles, Processes, and Practices. wildlife. • Reduce excess sediment, organic material, nutrients and pesticides in surface runoff, and excess nutrients and other chemicals in shallow Figure 613–51 Cross section of a three-zone riparian groundwater flow. forest buffer

(ii) Traditional design criteria—NRCS specifica- tions for three-zone riparian forest buffers provide an excellent framework for quality wildlife corridors (fig. 613–51). Research conducted in Iowa by Schultz and colleagues (1995) supports these specifications and adds some detail: Crops Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 1 Stream

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–63 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Riparian corridors are highly vulnerable to adverse (e) Summary impacts caused by upland management practices. The best place to address these impacts is not at the edge Several planning concepts and principles are appropri- of the riparian corridor, but at the point of origin (in ate for use in wildlife corridor planning projects. They the uplands). can be broken down into wildlife planning principles for patches, corridors, and matrices, and can be inter- Conservation practices that reduce the amounts of preted and used differently at different scales. In sediment, fertilizers, and other pollutants leaving the addition, design of NRCS conservation practices can field in runoff and erosion support healthy riparian be modified slightly to enhance wildlife habitat. High corridors. They vary by region and land use, but gener- levels of connectivity, diverse vegetative structure, ally include the following recommendations: proper management and maintenance, and use of • Cease cultivation of highly erodible soils on steep native plant species are key components of agricul- slopes. tural landscapes highly valuable to wildlife. • Use contour farming, stripcropping, and other such practices to reduce erosion on long slopes. • Be flexible with crop choices, match the crop with a suitable soil type. • Employ minimum tillage systems; i.e., no-till, mulch-till, ridge-till. • Practice crop rotation. • Use rest-and-rotation grazing systems. • Promote selective logging. • Use effective waste management practices.

613–64 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• Consider the land's relationship to the entire 613.05 Areawide planning farm, ranch, or watershed. process • Ensure the conservationist's presence out on the land.

Bennett's principles acknowledged a need to under- (a) Introduction stand natural ecosystems and cultural activities at areawide and conservation plan scales. The vast Landscapes are complex assemblages of interactive majority of conservation projects are at the farm, patches, corridors, and matrices. They are continually ranch, or community plan scale. However, conserva- being modified by humans to produce goods and tion issues also need to be considered on a watershed services to meet social demands. The ecological and and ecoregion planning scale. A watershed is typically social dimensions of landscape function, structure, larger than 5,000 acres and smaller than 1 million and change require an interdisciplinary approach to acres. planning at an areawide scale. The terms areawide and watershed are used interchangeably when referring to Conservationists become involved in large-scale, planning scales larger than a site, farm, or ranch. areawide planning efforts, often referred to as the Coordinated Resource Management Process, in sev- Planning at a landscape or watershed scale is not new eral ways: in the United States. Pioneering theorists included planners, geographers, landscape architects, and • Partnering with other Federal agencies that have wildlife biologists; prominent individuals included authorization to initiate watershed planning; for Warren Manning The Greater Birmingham District example, the Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. (1919), Jens Jensen A Greater Westside Park System Forest Service, or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (1920), Benton MacKay The New Exploration: A • Partnering with various State agencies, soil and Philosophy of Regional Planning (1928), and Aldo water conservation districts, regional planning Leopold Game Management (1933). Contemporary commissions, counties, or other governmental theorists include Philip Lewis Quality Corridors for entities that have legal authority to plan at large Wisconsin (1964), Ian McHarg Design with Nature scales. (1969), Carl Steinitz, Richard Toth, and colleagues • Partnering with private conservation organiza- Honeyhill (1969), Michael Soule and B.A. Wilcox tions or land trusts, such as Ducks Unlimited or Conservation Biology (1979), Richard Forman and The Nature Conservancy. Michel Godron Landscape Ecology (1986), Thomas • Providing information and technical assistance Edwards and others Gap Analysis: A Geographic to planning agencies and private consultants Approach for Assessing Biological Diversity (1993), involved in large scale planning. and Daniel Smith and Paul Hellmund Ecology of Greenways (1993). Landscape planning methodologies • Facilitating the planning process for developing have evolved from these efforts. watershed plans for individual landowners, groups of landowners, communities, watershed The NRCS planning process, a product of that evolu- councils, or similar groups who request technical tion, as described in the National Planning Proce- assistance. dures Handbook (NPPH) affirms Hugh Hammond Bennett's 1947 soil and water conservation principles: • Consider the needs and capabilities of each acre within the plan. • Consider the farmer's facilities, machinery, and economic situation. • Incorporate the farmer's willingness to try new practices.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–65 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(b) Planning process Crisis is often the factor that initiates conservation planning. In the Midwest, the devastating floods of the Coordinating planning projects at the conservation mid-1990s created a public awareness of the role that plan scale and watershed scale requires a flexible wetlands play in reducing flooding. This new insight planning process. The NRCS planning process de- prompted numerous watershed-scale efforts to restore scribed in the NPPH provides a useful framework for natural hydrological functions. Plans proposed that guiding the planning process at large and small scales. filled and tiled wetlands be restored and conservation easements be acquired on flood plains. The iterative planning process identifies nine steps carried out in three phases. In the NPPH, each step Mandates, typically regulatory, require watershed- or specifies a planning standard, list of inputs, and a list project-scale planning to address specific issues or of products. The planning standard sets the minimum problems. For instance, water quality standards man- quality level for each step. The list of inputs recom- dated by another Federal agency may require farmers mends information sources while the list of products to address confined animal waste problems. NRCS describes the outputs of each step. field conservationists often use such mandates as an opportunity to create support for a comprehensive The areawide planning process diagram (fig. 613–52) planning approach addressing water quality issues at a demonstrates how the planning process can be used watershed scale. for wildlife conservation at the areawide planning scale. Because the focus of this publication is on Incentives are used extensively by the NRCS to pro- wildlife, wildlife concerns are emphasized in each mote the voluntary adoption of conservation practices. planning step. The existing NPPH standards, inputs, In a recent survey, NRCS biologists ranked incentives and products for each of the planning steps are refer- as the most important factor influencing a landowner's enced; however, the primary focus is on providing decision to participate in a conservation program. The information necessary for applying this process to USDA Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) wildlife conservation. provides cost-share assistance for private landowners to implement wildlife habitat development plans. Incentive programs are a useful tool for encouraging (c) Getting started planning projects.

(1) Preplanning: areawide/watershed scale Leadership can come from public agencies, private The NPPH outlines how to proceed with preplanning citizens, influential landowners, or conservation orga- activities at an areawide scale. The National Water- nizations. Areawide planning may be promoted by a shed Planning Manual is also a useful reference. In strong leader whose energy, personality, and vision addition, the planning facilitator should can mobilize others to participate. In many cases local • understand preconditions that can lead to water- conservationists provide technical support to qualified shed planning, leaders in other agencies or groups spearheading conservation planning in the watershed. In some cases • identify stakeholders, the conservationist serves in this leadership role. • generate local support for watershed planning, District or NRCS conservationists are often effective • establish trust among stakeholders, and leaders because they have established trust with many • organize an interdisciplinary, interagency, public/ of the stakeholders in the watershed. private planning team. A combination of preconditions often creates the (i) Preconditions—Sociologists identified several necessary climate for watershed conservation corridor preconditions that can lead to planning projects. Some planning. As preconditions become more conducive to of the more common preconditions include crisis, watershed planning, the potential partners should take mandate, incentives, and leadership. a proactive role by initiating a comprehensive planning effort.

613–66 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Figure 613–52 Areawide planning process

Adjust goals and objectives based on inventory and analysis Preplanning Step 1 Step 2 Utilize preconditions Delineate a study Develop a vision Step 3 Step 4 Identify stakeholders area within the statement for larger landscape conservation Inventory Analyze resource Generate local support for corridor program resources at an data areawide planning Identify resource appropriate problems Determine goals scale Establish trust among and objectives stakeholders Determine data needs Organize an interdisciplinary, interagency, public/private planning team

Adjust plan as necessary

Step 9 Step 8 Step 7 Step 6 Step 5 Evaluate the Implement the Select a plan Evaluate Formulate effectiveness of plan landscape scale landscape scale the plan conservation conservation corridor corridor alternatives alternatives

Evaluation Criteria Compliance with stated goals and objectives

Compliance with NEPA

Compatibility with watershed resources

Compatibility with local values

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–67 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(ii) Identify stakeholders—Successful wildlife Identifying and recruiting stakeholders is an ongoing conservation planning at the areawide scale depends process. The initial group of stakeholders can help upon bringing together interested stakeholders to form recruit other parties that should be involved in the a collaborative-based planning group. Collaboration- planning effort. based planning is simply people pooling their re- sources to solve problems they could not address (iii) Generate local support for watershed plan- individually. A collaborative planning approach offers ning—The leader of a watershed planning effort several benefits (Gray 1989): needs to build a foundation of local support. He or she • Relationships among stakeholders are improved. should visit key representatives of each stakeholder group to generate support. Several aspects of the • Broad analysis of the problem improves the watershed scale planning process should be ensured quality of the solution. during each visit: • Parties retain ownership in the solutions. • It is a locally driven collaboration-based process. • Participation enhances acceptance of the solu- • It improves cost-effectiveness through tions and willingness to implement. partnering. • Risk of impasse is minimized. • It produces multiple benefits (see section • Cost-effectiveness is improved. 613.03). • Potential for innovative solutions is increased. • It is a proactive approach to problems and opportunities. Successful areawide planning and implementation often depends on voluntary participation and coopera- Local control of the planning process is the fundamen- tion, thus initial identification, recruitment, and in- tal underlying concept. General support for planning is volvement of the stakeholders is critical. Care must be enhanced when it is clear that the process will be taken not to overlook potential participants. Overlook- locally driven and collaborative in nature and that all ing a particular stakeholder group can create animos- stakeholders will be involved in helping shape plan ity and eliminate some of the support necessary for alternatives. plan approval and implementation. Cost effectiveness is another benefit of collaborative Stakeholder groups, which may be involved in water- planning. Limited financial and personnel resources shed planning, include: can be leveraged by partnering with other agencies • Landowners and conservation groups. • State conservation agencies • Federal land agencies Promoting the variety of benefits that areawide plan- ning in general and conservation corridors in particu- • State wildlife/fish and game agencies lar provide increases support for watershed planning • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (see section 613.03). Different sets of benefits are • Farm Bureau important to different stakeholders. Explain the plant • Resource conservation and development and wildlife conservation benefits that a watershed councils plan could provide to conservation groups and the • Conservation and environmental groups increased crop yields and reduced soil erosion to • State extension service landowners. • County commissioners Potential participants in a planning effort should also • Native American tribes understand that planning is a proactive approach that • Local citizens can be used to manage the impacts of current and • Municipal and county planning agencies future human development on watershed resources, • Soil and water conservation districts wildlife populations in particular. More importantly, • Recreation groups proactive watershed planning can optimize the conser- vation of natural, cultural, social, and economic re- • Developers and realtors sources in the watershed.

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(iv) Establishing trust—Skepticism and distrust meeting sites in areas where wildlife or other resource among various stakeholders with differing values are issues are controversial. A neutral meeting location, commonly the result of stereotyping or previous such as a library or school facility, is usually a good negative experiences. Stakeholders must trust each alternative. other if the planning process is to move forward. Conservationists should consider using a qualified Agenda. A printed agenda, handed out to the partici- facilitator to bring divergent groups together to negoti- pants at the beginning of the meeting is probably the ate a plan in good faith. Facilitators can increase trust most important tool for facilitating efficient meetings. among the stakeholders by An agenda helps keep the meeting focused and sug- • being a good listener, gests to the participants that their valuable time will not be wasted. When participants feel that the process • being respectful of other’s concerns, is unorganized, enthusiasm fades quickly. • avoiding the use of unnecessary jargon, and • allowing each participant to share concerns and In developing the agenda, the leader should have a issues. clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished as well as realistic expectations of what can be The conservationist, whether facilitator or not, must achieved. It is often a good idea to establish time limits be a good listener and respectful of all stakeholders’ to keep the meeting duration to a reasonable length. concerns. Good communication is essential to building As a rule of thumb, initial meetings should not exceed trust. The conservationist should encourage stakehold- 2 hours. ers to use common terms in their presentations and discussions. The introduction of technical terms or Formalizing the planning effort. Research on col- jargon may confuse or alienate participants and should laborative planning efforts suggests effective groups be avoided. typically adopt some formal structure. A formal char- ter is not necessary, but the group should have a clear Trust among the various parties can also be developed mission statement that outlines the broad purpose of during the planning process. All stakeholders should the group. In many cases a memorandum of under- be encouraged to discuss their concerns in a group standing (MOU) outlining roles and responsibilities of setting. This process can dissolve misleading stereo- the participating groups is appropriate. The group types and build greater trust. should have an identifying title, such as the Willow Creek Watershed Planning Committee. One or two (v) Organizing the planning effort—The project official points of contact should be determined so that leader’s next task is to prepare for the initial planning the public knows whom to call if there are questions meeting. Several key items need to be considered for about the planning group. This helps prevent miscom- organizing an effective planning effort. munication. Groups may wish to develop ways of • Meeting time and location reporting progress. Newsletters, mail-out brochures, and Web sites are examples of successfully used • Agenda media. • Formalizing the planning effort • Group structure Formalizing the planning process serves several pur- • Ground rules for meetings poses: • It demonstrates to the general public that this is Meeting time and location. Select a time for planning an organized group of stakeholders with a spe- meetings that allows the largest number of stakehold- cific function. ers an opportunity to attend. Ask each stakeholder • It generates a sense of responsibility and com- about the dates and times most convenient for him or mitment to the planning process; such that her. Match schedules and determine the best day and participants tend to feel an obligation to accom- time. Typically, meetings are held in the evening. plish objectives. • It is often necessary to acquire grants and other The meeting location should be easily accessible for sources of funding. all participants. Agency offices should be avoided as

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–69 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Group structure. Various models exist for structuring (2) Summary partnerships, but the following are common elements Activities in the preplanning phase are important steps of watershed planning groups: for laying a solid foundation in the watershed planning Coordinator—Serves as the leader of the plan- process. The NPPH offers some guidance on working ning effort and as a point of contact for the public. with individuals and groups. Responsible for the day-to-day administrative functions including funding coordination. In addition, the NRCS Social Sciences Institute is currently producing a series of publications to assist Facilitator—Assists planning efforts where some conservationists involved in planning partnerships. issues are highly controversial and helps remove The series entitled People, Partnerships, and Commu- barriers of mistrust among the stakeholders. nities includes information sheets on listening skills, Should be skilled in planning and guiding meet- running effective public meetings, conflict manage- ings. ment, and community leadership. These information Steering committee—Individuals and organiza- sheets are available at tions representing the range of viewpoints of those http://www.ssi.nrcs.usda.gov/publications/ residing in the watershed. Provides the main direction for the group. Other potentially useful resources: Technical advisory committee—Government representatives, private individuals, and organiza- Pulling Together: A Land Use and Development tions with the technical expertise to advise the Consensus Building Manual. 1994. Published by steering committee and answer technical ques- Program for Community Problem Solving, (202) 783- tions. 2961. Task groups—Responsible for efforts that in- volve several resources or many stakeholders; for Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision- example, assigned to address wildlife, water Making. 1996. S. Kaner, et al. Published by New quality, agricultural resources, or other specific Society Publishers, (800) 567-6772. issues.

In some situations, it is useful to build upon existing (d) Phase 1 Collection and planning structures and institutions. As an example, analysis at watershed scale existing resource conservation and development councils offer an effective structure for watershed Phase 1 involves: planning. Where local perception of existing institu- • Identifying problems and opportunities tions is negative, it may be advisable to begin with a • Determining objectives new, independent organization. Whatever approach is taken, an effective group structure should be open, • Inventorying resources flexible, stable, and credible. • Analyzing resources

Ground rules for meetings—Areawide planning In phase 1, the planning group works to reach consen- invariably touches on some sensitive and controversial sus on the problems, opportunities, and objectives for issues, and ground rules for meetings are frequently the watershed plan. Frequently, a watershed planning needed to guide participant conduct. Ground rules project produces potentially significant environmental promote honest, but diplomatic dialogue that does not or social impacts affecting an endangered species. In threaten stakeholder relationships. Different lists of these cases planning falls under the purview of the ground rules are used by facilitators in conducting National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It is meetings. The project leader should be familiar with beyond the scope of this handbook to discuss NEPA; Robert's Rules of Order and should have a copy on however, numerous references are available. hand at each meeting. They are needed when formal decisions are made. For general meetings and working The following information applies to those areawide- sessions, keep the rules simple so they promote the planning projects that do not require an environmental free exchange of information and ideas. assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement

613–70 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(EIS). However, becoming familiar with the material in Conservation district boundaries this section will help the conservationists and planning • Familiar boundaries for NRCS. team prepare an EA or EIS for a watershed plan if it is • Familiar boundaries for landowners and suggest needed. local control. • Include active planning committees and adopted Step 1 Identify problems and plans. opportunities Disadvantages • Do not relate to physical landscape structure or Planning standard—The stakeholders' wildlife ecological function. and wildlife habitat problems, opportunities, and • Habitats may not conform to political or resource concerns are identified and documented. administrative boundaries. • Wildlife home ranges, migration, and dispersal do not conform to political or resource administra- The NPPH provides an outline for identifying problems tive boundaries. and opportunities at a watershed scale. This section focuses on several of the key tasks: • Existing plans and regulations may not have adequately considered wildlife and wildlife • Delineating a planning area habitat. • Creating a base map • Identifying wildlife and wildlife habitat problems and opportunities in the planning area Biological or geographic criteria

(1) Delineate planning area Advantages Numerous criteria can be used to delineate a planning Wildlife species ranges area. Each criterion has its advantages and disadvan- • Reflect wildlife use of the landscape. tages for wildlife conservation planning. • Critical for planning for wide-ranging species, such as cougars and bears. Political or resource administrative criteria • Emphasize values of landscape level planning for Advantages wildlife. Political boundaries Watersheds • Familiar boundaries for landowners; they suggest local control. • Define hydrological processes within the bound- ary. • Reflect how many land-use decisions are made. • Management practices are reflected throughout • Define regulations and regulatory procedures. the watershed. • May include functioning planning agencies and • Define the location of critical riparian corridors. adopted plans. • State wildlife management units are often based Water district boundaries on watersheds. • Familiar boundaries for landowners; they sug- Disadvantages gest local control. • Watersheds may cross several political bound- • Reflect how many water-use decisions are made. aries. • May include active planning committees and • Home ranges of many species are not well adopted plans. known and would be time consuming and expensive to generate. • Home ranges of some species may include several watersheds.

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• Single planning, administrative, or regulatory plan preparation steps. Figure 613–53 provides an mechanism is seldom operative. example of a watershed base map. The planning • Necessary planning, administrative, and regula- boundary follows a watershed boundary except at the tory mechanism could be complex, cumbersome, upper and lower ends where political boundaries were and conflicting. used. This was necessary because two counties in the study area chose not to participate in the planning • Boundaries could be unfamiliar and confusing to project, a common problem in many watershed plan- landowners. ning efforts. • Suggest regional or state control; an unpopular concept with most landowners The team needs to decide if it will produce hand drawn or computer-generated base maps to record The planning team needs to determine which type of inventory information and prepare plans. This decision planning boundary is most appropriate for their depends on resources available, such as personnel, areawide project. In many cases watersheds are the funding, and computer hardware and software. most practical planning unit and are being used to delineate many planning boundaries. In Virginia, for Computers are a useful tool for large-scale planning example, NRCS delineated approximately 500 water- because of their capabilities for storing, manipulating, sheds averaging 53,000 acres for planning purposes. and displaying large quantities of data. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a particularly valuable Whatever criteria are used to establish the planning computer tool for watershed planning. GIS is a collec- boundary, the planning area should be large enough to tion of computer hardware and software designed to include the home ranges of all but the most wide- efficiently store, update, manipulate, analyze, and ranging wildlife species. The study area occasionally display all forms of geographically referenced informa- needs to be expanded to include the home ranges of tion. It can be used to organize information in layers, important wide-ranging species. such as hydrology, topography, wildlife distribution patterns, and critical habitat areas. Unlike manual (2) Create a base map mapping systems, the drawing scale can be adjusted (i) Scale—During the process of delineating a plan- and data layers can be easily updated. The example ning project boundary, a base map should be prepared base map in figure 613–53 was completed using GIS. to help participants visualize the planning area. USGS Although the base map was printed on an 8.5- by 11- 7.5-minute quadrangles at 1:24,000 are often an appro- inch sheet, it could be printed on a larger sheet format priate scale for watershed planning projects. Large to facilitate the placement of additional information. In watersheds require splicing together several maps. It many states existing resource data are being con- should be noted that some quadrangle maps do not verted to GIS formats. Planning team members from reflect current conditions, particularly in rapidly resource agencies should check availability of existing urbanizing areas, and may need to be updated. GIS data. For instance, the Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC) in Utah is consolidating (ii) Context—The NPPH provides some guidance for data from various State and Federal agencies and is preparing a base map. Key elements to include on the organizing it into a GIS format. GIS maps are then base map are made available to the public for planning purposes. • topography, • hydrology, If computer resources are not available, it will be necessary to prepare the base maps by hand. Hand • political boundaries, drawn maps should be prepared using indelible ink on • transportation and utilities, and durable Mylar or drawing film, so that blueprints or • general land ownership (public/private). large-format photocopies can be made and used during the planning process. These elements should be displayed in simple graphic form maintaining clarity even when additional infor- mation is added or overlaid later during inventory and

613–72 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–53 Base map made using GIS

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–73 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(3) Problem and opportunity identification important time to interact with each other, identify The NPPH outlines a general process for identifying issues of concern, and to build solid working relation- problems and opportunities. The key steps in this ships. process include • scoping, Public involvement from stakeholder groups that may seem reluctant to directly participate on the planning • reviewing existing data, team must be nurtured. Input from these groups and • gathering preliminary expert opinion, the public may be gained through surveys, informal • verifying field data, one-on-one meetings, meetings with special interest • making recommendations for studies (if neces- groups, and open public meetings. Often perceived sary), and problems are identified in this process. These prob- lems are real to the stakeholder and must be ad- • documenting of problems and opportunities. dressed. Research reports, studies, and expert testi- mony are tools that can be used to clarify the facts (i) Scoping—Scoping involves direct communication surrounding many of these concerns. with various publics and dialogue among planning team members. The purpose of scoping is the prelimi- In addition to identifying problems, the group should nary identification of problems and opportunities for take a proactive approach and identify opportunities wildlife conservation in the watershed. During to enhance wildlife habitat and biodiversity. Unlike scoping, it may become evident that the planning problems, opportunities do not place blame on any project warrants further environmental evaluation as particular group within the watershed. Sometimes, an required by NEPA. Other references should be con- opportunity becomes the factor that rallies and sus- sulted for preparing NEPA documents using proper tains group support for a project. The group should procedures and formats. reference section 613.04 for ideas on identifying op- portunities for improving conservation of wildlife in Wildlife conservation at a watershed scale is complex the watershed. and involves many interrelated resource issues. Conse- quently, identification of problems and opportunities A watershed tour is a valuable scoping tool for identi- requires an interdisciplinary approach that addresses fying problems and opportunities. It provides an op- ecological, cultural, social, and economic issues. portunity for team members to discuss perceptions of Wildlife issues must be addressed by a knowledgeable problems and possibilities in the watershed. It is best team with backgrounds in wildlife biology, terrestrial to schedule the tour after the initial planning meeting and aquatic ecology, and conservation biology. To- so that the public’s concerns identified during scoping gether, they can identify the problems and opportuni- can also be addressed in the field. ties of greatest significance to the wildlife resource. However, biologists and ecologists must interact with The NRCS Social Science Institute developed Rapid other team members; interdisciplinary planning is Resource Appraisal (RRA), a format for a daylong field effective only when all participants work across disci- trip and a set of activities that planning groups can use plines to achieve a plan that is directed toward the to quickly learn about the problems and opportunities conservation of desired resources. It is the planning in a watershed. The RRA (USDA NRCS 1997), which coordinator’s responsibility to keep the group focused can be specifically tailored for wildlife issues, should on problem identification and not on premature solu- be done shortly after scoping so all participants be- tions. come familiar with the issues and their complexity. Field notes, photos, videos, and other such informa- During scoping meetings, the public and different tion should be compiled during the tour to record stakeholders are given an opportunity to identify conditions for future reference. A useful brochure on problems and opportunities from their perspective. RRA is available from the NRCS Social Sciences Insti- This includes listening to experts, long-time residents, tute Web page described previously. the public, and various stakeholders. Scoping is an

613–74 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(ii) Review existing data—The planning team (v) Recommendations for studies—In many cases should reference any previous work done in the water- existing data on wildlife populations and habitat for a shed, such as environmental impact statements, envi- particular watershed are limited. Field studies may be ronmental assessments, planning reports, wildlife required before the team can begin preliminary docu- research projects, and thesis. Reference librarians can mentation of the problems and opportunities. Addi- assist in locating these resources. In some states GAP tional data may be collected during the inventory step analysis data (as described in section 613.04) may be of this phase. Problems and opportunities will not be available and should be used in identifying problems finalized until the resource data are analyzed in plan- and opportunities. ning step 4.

(iii) Preliminary expert opinion—Biologists and (4) Documentation ecologists on the planning team are responsible for After problems and opportunities have been identified, identifying the wildlife-related problems and opportu- they should be documented on the base map (fig. 613– nities inherent in the pattern of patches, corridors, and 54). The value of mapping the results is that it ties matrix in the watershed. Although the pattern of these issues to specific locations within the planning area. landscape features is different in each watershed, Short reports should be prepared to supplement there are relationships and land use practices common mapped data. The team should also document problem to most watersheds that should be identified. and opportunity areas with photographs for future • How do wildlife utilize the pattern of landscape reference. Photographs of the existing condition can elements? Note in particular, patches with high also be valuable in evaluating the implemented plan. biodiversity and corridors important for dispersal or migration. (5) Products • What existing patches or corridors are being • Mapping format, scale, precision, and role of managed for biodiversity? technology • What land uses or management practices may be • Base map with planning boundary adversely impacting the habitat or conduit func- • Preliminary identification of wildlife and wildlife tions of existing patches and corridors? habitat problems and opportunities documented • What land uses or management practices may be on base maps and short reports limiting wildlife species diversity or abundance? • What patches could be linked with corridors to enhance biodiversity? • What locations in the watershed have the poten- tial to be restored as patches or corridors?

Biologists and ecologists should consolidate the infor- mation gathered during the scoping process and water- shed tour and prepare a preliminary report of their findings.

(iv) In-field verification—The planning team should schedule additional field trips to verify problems and opportunities identified in the preliminary expert opinion report. This provides another opportunity to refine the group’s findings.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–75 Figure 613–54 Base map showing problems and opportunities

613–76 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Step 2 Determine objectives (2) Determine objectives Objectives are road maps to desired future conditions Planning standard—The planning group's expressed in the vision statement. They are specific objectives are clearly stated and documented. statements describing how the desired future will be achieved. The following are common attributes of an objective: The NPPH provides an outline of how to determine • Start with an action verb. objectives at a watershed scale. In addition, the plan- ning group should develop a vision statement and • Specify a specific outcome. establish objectives (desired future condition) for • Specify a timeframe to reach the desired out- wildlife conservation and biodiversity. come. • Frame objectives in positive terms. (1) Develop a vision statement • Make objectives specific and measurable for The main reason that stakeholders initiate watershed later evaluation. planning is because they wish to change the existing conditions in the watershed to some desired future • Phrase objectives in a way that describes what is condition. The desired future condition defines the desired without prescribing a specific solution. focus for the inventory, the benchmark for the analysis of existing conditions, criteria for formulating and Objectives for wildlife should respond to the wildlife evaluating alternatives, and guidance for what condi- conservation problems and opportunities identified in tions to evaluate and monitor. Often the planning team step 1. They may be revised as new information is develops a vision statement; a short description of generated during the inventory and analysis steps. The what they believe the future condition should be for planning group should be aware of any Federal, State, the watershed. This vision must be shared among all or local laws related to wildlife that could affect the stakeholders and agreed upon by everyone in the plan concepts and objectives. planning effort. When developing objectives, the principles described The vision statement may be a general statement for in section 613.04 should be consulted. In addition, the all resources in the watershed, or the group may following list of categories can serve as a guide for the decide to craft individual statements for each re- development of a comprehensive set of objectives. The source. A specific statement would then be prepared planning team may want to develop objectives for for the wildlife resource. A vision statement should each category. clearly define the final destination of the planning effort. It will be the touchstone throughout the plan- Habitat ning process. The vision statement for wildlife conser- Matrix vation from the Edisto River Basin Project in South Patch Carolina (Beasely et al. 1996, p. 186) is an example. Corridor

Wildlife A Vision for Wildlife in the Edisto River Basin Non-game Wildlife and wildlife habitat are important to en- Game hancing the quality of life of people both inside and Vulnerable outside of the basin area. Because there is an abun- dance of good quality habitat, the committee sees that Other conservation of natural habitats and prevention of Educational degradation is a significant opportunity within the Policy Edisto Basin….Connectivity is believed to be essen- tial for the long-term viability of a number of native Short- and long-term objectives need to be developed. species. For these reasons, maintaining and enhanc- To maintain stakeholder commitment to watershed ing both large blocks of habitat and connectivity planning efforts, some tangible objectives need to be among habitats are important for sustaining re- achieved in a short time as well as results that may be gional wildlife diversity. realized 10 to 20 years in the future.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–77 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(3) Documentation to more accurately reflect conditions within the The vision statement and objectives for the planning project boundary. project should be recorded in a short report. A bro- chure with highlighted objective statements, photo- (1) Inventory responsibilities graphs, drawings, charts, and other graphics depicting In many instances, the technical advisory committee the desired future condition of the watershed may be or a similar subgroup of the planning effort is respon- useful. The brochure can be used for promotional and sible for the wildlife and wildlife habitat inventory. educational purposes. Participants on these committees generally have the best access to wildlife resource data since many are (4) Products biologists or other resource professionals. However, it • Vision statement (desired future condition) is also important to involve other stakeholders when possible in the inventory process. Many long-term • Measurable objectives for wildlife and wildlife residents, local biology teachers, birdwatchers, or habitat environmental groups can offer valuable insight. Involving all of the stakeholders creates a sense of ownership in the process, leads to better input of Step 3 Inventory resources information, and establishes a better group under- standing of the wildlife resource. Planning standard—Sufficient data and infor- mation are gathered to analyze and understand (2) Data collection wildlife and wildlife habitat conditions in the The NPPH provides a general outline for inventorying planning area. resources at a watershed scale. Ecologists and biolo- gists in consultation with other team members will specify the kinds of data required to adequately plan The general intent of the resource inventory is to for the wildlife resource. Each watershed is unique; describe existing (benchmark) conditions within the hence, most data requirements will be watershed or project planning boundary. The wildlife resource area specific. However, the following basic data needs section of an inventory should include a wildlife spe- relate to most watershed scale projects. cies component and a habitat component. When wa- tershed plans require preparation of an EIS or EA, Wildlife species data needs: NEPA guidelines must be followed for inventorying wildlife. The wildlife resource inventory at a water- • Wildlife present in the planning area shed scale should > Non-game species • investigate in greater detail each problem and > Game species opportunity identified in step 1, > Threatened and endangered species (Federal • collect additional data as necessary in response and State listed species) to the vision statement and specific objectives • GAP data (where available) established in step 2, • Vulnerable populations of a species • describe wildlife resources including species • Historical species (once present, but no longer diversity and abundance, threatened or endan- reside in the watershed) gered species, and vulnerable populations, • Population characteristics for species of concern • describe wildlife use of existing patches, corri- dors, and the matrix, and • Culturally important species (especially those tied to Native Americans or valuable to limited • describe general habitat conditions in patches, income groups for subsistence) corridors, and the matrix.

Information generated in the watershed inventory is Wildlife habitat data needs: useful for further defining the problems and opportuni- • GAP data (where available) ties identified in step 1. Inventory information may • Existing vegetation also suggest the group’s objectives need to be altered • Historical vegetation

613–78 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• Wildlife species/plant communities relationships • Identification of infrastructure physical features, • Land cover types such as roads, houses, fences, power lines, and other utilities • Land ownership • Benchmark data for the planning area • Habitat features > Patches with high biodiversity > Patches with vulnerable populations Step 4 Analyze resources > Migration and dispersal corridors > Special areas (e.g., calving sites) Planning standard—The benchmark condition • Potential habitats for the planning area is documented. Results are displayed in easily understood formats depicting • Species ranges for species of concern current natural resource conditions, physical • Water availability and historical hydrology characteristics of the planning unit, and com- parisons between existing and potential condi- The goals of the inventory process for watershed tions. The causes of any resource problems are planning are to identify the most important elements identified. of wildlife habitat at the landscape scale and deter- mine the level to which they are protected. These key elements form the basic structure of the conservation The planning group must now interpret the inventory plan alternatives developed in later steps. A GAP data for the watershed planning area. The NPPH analysis (described in section 613.04) is useful for this outlines the basic procedures for step 4 analysis. The purpose. The GAP map identifies areas with high professional expertise of team members and consult- levels of biodiversity that are currently not being ants (where necessary), discipline manuals, and inven- managed for wildlife conservation (fig. 613–55). tory worksheets are critical resources in the analysis process at the watershed scale. Each resource inven- (3) Documentation toried in step 3 will be analyzed in detail. The reports All inventory data should be mapped at the same scale and maps prepared specifically for wildlife in the as the base map (fig. 613–56). This may require enlarg- analysis step should ing or reducing mapped information from different • depict the current condition of wildlife and sources. For a watershed inventory, a convenient habitat resources in the planning area, mapping scale is the 1:24,000 USGS quadrangle map. It • compare existing conditions with potential should also be noted that some data features, such as conditions, and corridors, need to be exaggerated in scale to be visible • identify the causes of resource problems. on the base map. Analysis of resources at the watershed scale is com- The biologists and resource specialists on the planning plex. An interdisciplinary team approach is necessary team should determine the specific types of inventory to conduct a thorough analysis that describes the maps needed to depict the wildlife resource in the interrelationships among resources. Biologists, ecolo- watershed. The categories and level of detail on the gists, and other resource specialists should provide maps vary depending on the regional context. A short specific guidance for analysis of wildlife and wildlife report summarizing inventory results may also be habitat. Again, all stakeholders should be involved in appropriate. the analysis process to the extent possible. Group involvement promotes better understanding of the (4) Products wildlife resources, which facilitates development of • Detailed inventories of the planning unit plan alternatives in step 5. • Information on human considerations • Identification of other ecological concerns, Results of the analysis may suggest that some previ- including wildlife issues ously defined objectives may need to be eliminated or modified; some new objectives may be added. At the • Identification of cultural resources completion of step 4 and phase I, the planning group

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–79 Figure 613–55 Gap map identifying areas of high biodiversity

613–80 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–56 Base map showing inventory data

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–81 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat should agree on problems, opportunities, and objec- • Where are gaps in corridors that limit migration/ tives for the watershed plan. dispersal? • What existing corridors are at risk and for what The analysis of watershed wildlife resources focuses reasons? on the community level. Major issues include wildlife • Where should new corridors be placed? species diversity and abundance, critical habitat reserves/patches, linkages between major corridors • Where are potential habitats? and reserves/patches, and attributes of the matrix • What attributes of the matrix management or detrimental or beneficial to wildlife. land use are detrimental or beneficial to wildlife? Where are they located? The intent of the analysis of wildlife resources at the • What natural disturbance factors have been watershed level is to altered (fire, grazing, insect control)? • locate key reserves/patches, corridors, and special areas with high levels of species diver- (2) Documentation sity, The answers to the analysis questions should be docu- • describe the general status of wildlife popula- mented in a short analysis report and on a composite tions or metapopulations of species of concern, map. The analysis information needs to be synthesized into concise, accurate, and easy to understand tables, • describe the general factors limiting species graphs, and maps. A concise presentation of informa- diversity or species abundance, tion facilitates group discussion. • identify gaps in key corridors, • identify which reserves/patches or corridors may The composite map would document the habitat be at risk, condition for significant reserves/patches, corridors, • describe factors creating at-risk conditions, and and the matrix in the watershed. It would also locate the following: • identify other wildlife-related issues based on project objectives • Reserves/patches with threatened and endan- gered species or vulnerable populations (1) Analysis questions • Reserves/patches, corridors, special areas and The analysis of wildlife-related resources should special features at risk answer the following key questions. Additional spe- • Potential habitats for restoration cific questions may be developed by the planning team • Reserve/patches with high biodiversity not pres- based on objectives established by the group. ently being managed to preserve or enhance biodiversity (GAPS) Wildlife species component: • Corridors used by wildlife for migration and • What factors are limiting game and non-game dispersal wildlife species diversity and abundance? • Gaps in existing corridors • What wildlife populations are vulnerable to local extinction? What are the limiting factors for • Potential corridor locations that could facilitate these vulnerable populations? dispersal between patches • Are there any threatened or endangered species? • Special sites and features What are the limiting factors for these species? • Field management practices detrimental or beneficial to wildlife Wildlife habitat component • Which reserves/patches have the greatest species Figure 613–56 is an example of a watershed composite diversity? analysis map. The value of mapping the results of the analysis is that it ties the conclusions to specific loca- • Which reserves/patches that have the greatest tions within the planning area. The participants can species diversity are in public ownership? see direct links to the inventory, analysis, and real • Which corridors are essential to species migra- resources, which will facilitate Step 5, Formulating tion or dispersal? alternatives.

613–82 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(3) Products base maps. Layers typically include the following • A complete statement of objectives information: • An analysis of the benchmark condition of the Existing habitat resources—This base is a copy of planning unit and related areas the composite analysis map prepared in step 4. • A complete analysis of all resources inventoried • Environmental evaluation Function—This layer delineates the location of func- • Cultural resources evaluation tional issues that need to be addressed by the water- shed plan (i.e., wildlife habitat, flood plain manage- • Other program and legal evaluations ment, erosion control, water quality issues). • Identification of the causes or conditions that resulted in the resource problems Existing habitat resource management—This layer • A complete definition of problems, opportunities, delineates recommendations for preservation, en- and concerns hancement, or restoration of existing habitat re- sources.

(e) Phase 2 Decision support at Potential habitat and new wildlife plantings— the watershed scale This layer delineates major sites in the watershed that could be developed into wildlife habitat (new plantings Phase 2 involves the following steps: for wildlife are shown on this layer). • Formulate alternatives Synthesis—This layer uses the concepts and prin- • Evaluate alternatives ciples described in section 613.04 to integrate the • Make decisions three previous layers into an ecologically sound wild- life plan that responds to the unique resources of the In phase 2, the planning team's task is to develop a watershed and the planning team’s objectives. range of plan alternatives that addresses the problems, opportunities, and objectives identified in phase 1. At (1) First layer—function the completion of phase 2, the planning group will Many references on planning theory recommend that select a watershed plan that will be presented for initial planning studies focus on functional issues. public review. Functional issues at the watershed scale usually include flooding, erosion control, and air and water quality protection; rarely do projects focus on wildlife Step 5 Formulate alternatives resources alone. Typically, functional issues are what motivated landowners and communities within a Planning standard—Alternative plans (treat- watershed to initiate the project. The problems and ments) are developed to meet quality criteria and opportunities identified in steps 1 through 4 reflect the objectives of the watershed planning team. issues of concern. The recommended process for addressing functional issues follows: • Review the group’s objectives related to flood The NPPH outlines a general process for formulating control, erosion control, air and water quality watershed scale plan alternatives. The purpose of this protection, and other functional issues. section is to provide guidance for formulating alterna- tives that address wildlife conservation. The wildlife • Identify the ecological functions of corridors or component of the watershed plan should be prepared other conservation practices or combinations of by the entire planning team. It is assembled as a series practices that can be used to solve the problem of map overlays or layers. The base layer is the com- or capitalize on the opportunity. posite analysis map, which depicts existing habitat • Identify existing corridors that could be pre- resources in the watershed. Subsequent layers illus- served, enhanced, or restored to meet program trating proposed solutions to specific problems or objectives, solve functional problems, or capital- opportunities are overlaid on the analysis composite ize on opportunities.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–83 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• Select new corridor types or management prac- (3) Third layer—Potential habitats and new tices or combination of practices that provide wildlife plantings necessary functions to meet objectives, solve The planning team should review the areas of potential problems, or realize opportunities not addressed habitat delineated on the analysis map and assess the by existing corridors. possibilities of enhancing or restoring these areas. • Locate and map new corridor types and manage- Consider the function that these areas could perform ment practices or combinations of practices on in addition to habitat. For example, farming on flood the watershed base map. plains is common in many regions of the country. During wet years, crop production in these areas is • Repeat this procedure for each objective, func- marginal. Many farmers are either voluntarily selling tional problem, or opportunity. these marginal lands to conservation organizations or participating in easement programs that return these When all the conservation practices and systems of sites to wildlife habitat. (See Iowa River case study at practices necessary to meet the group's objectives end of this section.) Not only have these practices have been located on the base map, a preliminary restored habitat for wildlife, they have also restored functional plan has been completed (fig. 613–57). other hydrological functions that help mitigate down- Starting plan development by addressing functional stream flooding. issues does not mean that wildlife issues are any less important; they are simply addressed more completely Easement corridors for railroads, highways, power later in the process. Often wildlife habitat and corridor lines, pipelines, and other utilities provide real possi- recommendations explored in layers 3 to 5 will suggest bilities to link patches and other corridors across the necessary changes to the functional plan. The planning watershed. If properly planted and managed, easement team will resolve potential conflicts by working to- corridors can provide excellent habitat for many ward compromise. species. Similar habitat and linkage potential can reside on steep slopes, damaged soils, waste areas, (2) Second layer—Existing habitat resource and disturbed sites. Locate potential habitats worthy recommendations of development on the areawide/watershed base map The general condition of critical patches, corridors, (fig. 613–59). potential patches, and special areas and features was documented in the watershed analysis. The causes of New wildlife corridor plantings at any areawide scale the conditions were also identified. Both conditions should emphasize reconnecting reserves/patches and causes should be addressed in each plan. The within the watershed that were historically linked. following procedure for addressing habitat quality They often are located in riparian or upland corridors issues is suggested: or areas that have been degraded over time. Occasion- • Review the current condition of each patch, ally, large wildlife corridor plantings are proposed in corridor, special area, or special feature as areas previously devoid of corridors to provide habitat described in the analysis. or facilitate wildlife migration or dispersal. Plantings • Review the wildlife analysis report to identify of this type are increasingly important because agricul- factors degrading these habitats or limiting ture and urbanization have drastically altered the species diversity or abundance. presettlement landscape pattern. (See the Iowa River • Recommend ways to alleviate the cause or and Tensas case studies for examples.) All new causes of habitat degradation or other factors plantings should be based on the principles described limiting species diversity or abundance. in section 613.04. Care should be exercised so that new plantings are compatible with normal farming or General recommendations to preserve, enhance, or ranching practices. Locate all proposed new plantings restore patches, corridors, or other habitat resources on this layer. should be noted on the base map and linked directly to that resource (fig. 613–58). Specific management (4) Fourth layer—synthesis techniques for meeting these objectives should be Synthesis involves combining the mapped information keyed to the habitat resources on the map and de- from all three layers. The pattern that emerges from scribed in detail in the implementation report (step 8). overlaying all layers is often disconnected. It is a

613–84 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–57 Completed function plan map

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–85 Figure 613–58 Base map with layer showing resource recommendations

613–86 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–59 Base map with layer showing potential habitat and new wildlife plantings

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–87 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat collection of implementation strategies, conservation • Introduce, where practical, corridor plantings to practices and management recommendations, not yet connect reserves/patches that were historically a plan. The challenge for the planning team is to con- connected. vert this collection of recommendations into a plan. • Preserve or introduce multiple corridor or The team needs to identify practical opportunities to steppingstone connections between reserves/ connect reserves/patches, corridors, potential habitat patches that were historically connected. patches, special areas, and special features into an • Design new corridors to be as wide as practical; integrated pattern. The intent is to optimize the value- widen existing corridors where practical. added benefits of connectivity. The planning team should reference these concepts and principles to help Special areas and features guide the plan development process. • Preserve all reserves/patches, corridors, and In some instances, a reserve/patch or corridor cannot special areas or special features inhabited by be linked in a practical way. They will remain discon- threatened and endangered species or vulnerable nected from the overall structure of the conservation populations. plan, but are still valuable as habitat. • Preserve other special areas and features.

The wildlife component of the areawide plan that Potential habitats emerges from this synthesis should optimize habitat • Develop potential habitats where practical. resources in the watershed. • Consider artificial structures to provide habitat when natural habitat has been degraded or (i) Planning habitat concepts and principles— destroyed (a watershed-wide bluebird nest box The concepts and principles described in section or bat house program, for example). 613.04 are guidelines that the planning team can use to synthesize the three previous layers into an integrated Other principles wildlife habitat plan. They suggest locations, configu- rations, and linkages for corridors and patches in the • Address key impacts that create at-risk condi- watershed that would provide the greatest benefit for tions for habitat in the watershed. wildlife. The concepts and principles are applicable • Recommend matrix management principles that regardless of project scale and have been rephrased as benefit wildlife. planning directives to use in this phase of the process. • Recommend structural diversity in reserve/patch and corridor plant communities. Patches • Recommend native plant communities. • Preserve all large reserves/patches or introduce new large patches where practical. The planning team should adapt concepts and prin- • Connect all reserves/patches, large or small, that ciples as necessary to meet project resource condi- were historically connected. tions and needs of specific wildlife species. This pro- • Do not subdivide existing reserves/patches. vides a framework for the combining of conservation practices. The planning team should take the prelimi- • Preserve clusters of small patches. nary plan into the field and review the general recom- • Preserve reserves/patches that are near each mendations and patterns of patches and corridors. other. Adjustments to the plan should be made as necessary. • Introduce new patches in areas devoid of habitat. The team should draw up the final base plan once all adjustments have been made (fig. 613–60). Corridors • Preserve continuous corridors; plant gaps in discontinuous corridors. • Preserve existing corridors that connect existing patches; pay particular attention to migration and dispersal corridors.

613–88 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–60 Final map with combined information from the three layers

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–89 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(5) Develop alternatives The planning team must agree that each alternative The team is responsible for considering various alter- meets the group’s objectives with the exception of the natives. Alternatives should focus on conservation no-action alternative. In addition, each alternative functions, wildlife (diversity or target species), or must comply with all relevant Federal, State, and local other corridor benefits. However, each alternative regulations. must meet the objectives identified in phase I. Some examples of alternatives follow: (6) Documentation • A plan alternative or several alternatives using Any plan recommendations that can be shown graphi- various conservation implementation strategies, cally should be drawn on the watershed base map. management practices, and recommendations to Include other recommendations in a brief report. At address functional problems and opportunities. least two alternatives for the wildlife component of the plan should address wildlife and wildlife habitat prob- • A plan alternative to optimize for wildlife species lems and opportunities identified in the analysis. Each diversity. wildlife alternative must meet the goals and objectives • A plan alternative to increase populations of a specified in step 2. particular species, , or suite of species. • A plan alternative to optimize recreation, eco- (7) Products nomic, or other corridor benefits. • A range of alternative plans developed by the • A no-action alternative (required by NEPA). planning team • A short report summarizing the different plans Wildlife and conservation biologists and other re- source specialists on the planning team should play key roles in assuring that each plan alternative ad- Step 6 Evaluate alternatives dresses wildlife issues.

Some alternatives may emphasize wildlife. For in- Planning standard—The effects of each alter- stance, a wildlife biodiversity alternative may empha- native are evaluated, and impacts are described. size the preservation, enhancement, and restoration of The alternatives are compared to benchmark habitats for all species native to the watershed. Other conditions to evaluate their ability to solve prob- plans may choose to optimize a particular species. For lems, meet quality criteria, and meet the stake- example, one alternative could emphasize bobwhite holders' objectives. quail. Such a plan would focus on factors limiting quail populations and would propose landscape scale habi- The planning team must now evaluate the watershed tat modifications to reduce limiting factors. Caution is plan alternatives developed in step 5. The NPPH out- required in preparing single species plans or other lines the basic procedures for evaluating alternatives. single focus alternatives. Without careful consider- ation of the entire plant and animal community in the Often, watershed planning projects address a variety watershed, implementing a single species plan could of resource issues, such as flooding, water quality, and jeopardize overall biodiversity. soil erosion, as well as wildlife conservation. Resource experts on the planning team develop criteria to evalu- The NPPH requires that a no-action plan alternative be ate each resource issue for each of the plan alterna- considered. The purpose of this plan is to estimate the tives. The purpose of this step is to focus on evaluating future condition of the watershed if no action is taken alternatives for the wildlife component of the water- to conserve resources. New corridors would be shed plan. This done as follows: planted and existing corridors would be removed at • Compare the wildlife component of the water- current rates. Trends in the condition of corridors and shed plan alternatives against the habitat bench- habitat patches would be assumed to continue. Con- mark conditions as described in the analysis. struction of roads, bridges, community development, and other landscape modification would be assumed. • Compare the effectiveness of each alternative in This alternative often depicts the worst-case scenario meeting the stakeholders’ wildlife related objec- for wildlife (fig. 613–61). tives.

613–90 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–61 Map showing results of no-action plan alternative

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–91 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• Verify compliance with Federal, State, and local After each alternative is evaluated, they can be com- statutes regulating wildlife or wildlife habitat. pared against each other using the Alternative Evalua- tion Worksheet B, which follows on the page after (1) Evaluation procedure worksheet A. Worksheet B allows the group to quickly An example watershed alternative plan evaluation assess and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of worksheet that can be used for quantifying the poten- each plan alternative. In planning projects that involve tial impacts of each alternative on wildlife and wildlife other resources, an overall evaluation matrix can be habitat is included on the following page. The Alterna- created that includes other ecological, social, and tive Evaluation Worksheet A is similar in concept to economic criteria in addition to wildlife. the conservation effects for decisionmaking (CED) worksheet used by the NRCS to evaluate conservation (2) Documentation plans. Worksheet A is based on principles and recom- Documentation of step 6 should include the evaluation mendations outlined in section 613.04. Biologists and matrices and a short report summarizing advantages ecologists on the planning team can add other evalua- and disadvantages of each alternative for wildlife tion criteria as necessary to examine the unique wild- conservation. life aspects of each watershed. Results of the evalua- tion should be illustrated with graphs and matrices so (3) Products the entire planning group can understand evaluation • Set of practical plan alternatives compatible with results and participate in the evaluation process. planning group’s objectives • Graphs and matrices displaying the effects and (i) Habitat—The length and area of habitat patches impacts of various plan alternatives and corridors in each plan are approximated and compared against the existing benchmark condition in the watershed. Linkages between patches and corri- dors are also evaluated. Plans that preserve, enhance, Step 7 Make decision restore, or create the most lineal feet of corridors, area of reserves/patches, and number of on- and off-site Planning standard—A watershed plan alterna- linkages in the planning area would be ranked the tive is selected based on the planning group’s highest for wildlife conservation. clear understanding of the impacts of each alternative. (ii) Wildlife—Estimating the effects of habitat change on species diversity and abundance requires Decisionmaking at the watershed planning level may input from wildlife and conservation biologists on the be the responsibility of a particular stakeholder or planning team. A rough estimate of species abundance agency or the group as a whole. Those responsible for may be made by selecting a species as an indicator for selecting an alternative for the area or watershed often each general habitat type (grassland, woodland). Using depend on who initiated the planning process. In some the home range of indicator species as a unit of mea- cases the group funding the project retains final deci- sure, abundance for this particular species can be sionmaking authority. In other cases mandates or laws roughly estimated. The area of patches and corridors require a certain agency to select the preferred alter- that correlate to the species required habitat type is native; for example, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service divided by the home range size to determine the poten- (USFWS) is responsible for alternative selection and tial population of the species in the watershed. Species approval where federally listed threatened and endan- diversity can be assessed by using the GAP analysis gered species are involved. process described in section 613.04. Plans that provide the greatest abundance and diversity of wildlife are The decisionmaking responsibility is sometimes given a higher ranking for wildlife conservation. Al- shared by the planning group as a whole. A group though these approaches do not take into account the decision is particularly common in planning projects quality of the habitat, they can provide a coarse as- that do not have regulatory requirements. The only sessment of the alternatives at a watershed scale. way these types of plans are implemented is if a major- ity of stakeholders support the selected plan.

613–92 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Areawide/Watershed Plan Alternative Comparison Worksheet B

Completing this form will provide a general evaluation of the impact of each alternative on wildlife habitat and wildlife populations.

INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the alternative name or number in the space provided. Using a scale, measure the length or calculate the area for each criteria and record them in the matrix. Where requested check whether these figures have increased, remained the same, or decreased relative to the existing condition (benchmark). The last two criteria require the planning team to estimate the alternative's impact on wildlife. Each state is encouraged to develop criteria for making these estimates.



Criteria * Increase No Change Decrease Acres Length Number Not Applicable

Total area of corridors in watershed Number of linkages to adjacent patches or corridors Total length of corridors in watershed Length of existing corridors in watershed Preserved Enhanced Restored Removed Total area of patches by plant community in watershed Grass Grass shrub Riparian wooded Riparian shrub Riparian grass Upland wooded (natural) Upland wooded (introduced) Wetland Special areas preserved Other conservation measures (Specify) Estimated effects on species diversity Estimated effects on species abundance (Specify species) * Area and length measurements are approximate.


Natural Resources Conservation Service - Conservation Corridor

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–93 Areawide/Watershed Plan Alternative Comparison Worksheet B

Completing this evaluation form will provide a general comparison between alternatives.

INSTRUCTIONS: Review Evaluation Worksheet A for each alternative. Based on the review and discussion with team members, rate each of the first 9 criteria as excellent (green), good (blue), fair (yellow), or poor (red) for each alternative. The team needs to document the criteria used to develop the ratings. Place the appropriate color in the rectangle opposite the criteria and beneath each alternative. Repeat the process for the last 5 criteria - increase (green), remain the same (yellow), or decrease (red). States are encouraged to develop specific criteria for each of the general criteria categories on the worksheet. These criteria should accurately reflect habitat conditions in each state. In general, the alternative with the most green and blue rectangles will be the best overall alternative. Clearly, the relative importance of criteria will vary with each project. The planning team can proceed from this general evaluation to a more sophisticated and weighted numerical evaluation if sufficient quantifiable data are available.


EVALUATION Criteria * Alternatives Alt. A Alt. B Alt. C Meeting project wildlife objectives Protection of patches with high levels of biodiversity Protection of migration or dispersal corridors Corridor connections between patches New patches planted Corridors preserved, enhanced, or restored Special areas and features protected Potential habitats developed Matrix management benefiting wildlife * Estimated effects on species richness * Estimated effects on species abundance * Protection of threatened or endangered species * Protection of vulnerable populations * Other area-wide/watershed specific wildlife objectives (specify)

KEY * Apply to last 5 categories Excellent Green Increase Green Good Blue Remain the same Yellow Fair Yellow Decrease Red Poor Red Not Applicable NA Not Applicable NA


Natural Resources Conservation Service - Conservation Corridor

613–94 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

At the beginning of the watershed planning project, (f) Phase 3 Application at the the entire planning team should agree upon which watershed scale deci-sionmaking process will be used. This helps to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. Some water- Phase 3 involves two steps: shed planning groups use a majority vote system to • Implement plan select final plans. This democratic form of • Evaluate plan decisionmaking is familiar and comfortable to many planning participants. Problems can arise, however, In phase 3, the planning team, agencies, private con- when a minority within the group is adamantly op- servation organizations, communities, and others posed to the plan selected. Often compromise and individually or collectively may be involved in the revisions to the preferred plan are required before an implementation of the plan. They may also be involved acceptable plan emerges. in the ongoing evaluation of the implemented plan and, where necessary, propose adaptive management. More groups are exploring consensus-based decision- making. Consensus is reached when participants agree on a single alternative plan. The participants may not agree with all aspects of the plan, but they do not Step 8 Implement plan disagree enough to warrant opposition to the overall plan selected. Each party retains the right to veto a Planning standard—The planning team has plan, but that party assumes a responsibility to provide adequate information and understanding to alternative components for the plan. implement a watershed plan.

The goal of consensus decisionmaking is to select a Strategies for implementing a watershed plan vary plan supported by everyone. This in turn increases the with each project. For example, planning projects probability that the plan can be successfully imple- initiated by a crisis often have substantial financial mented. Plan selection by consensus also has its share support from federal and state programs; implementa- of problems—it can lead to a stalemate or result in a tion proceeds rapidly. The Iowa River Project is a good weak, compromised plan. Frequently, wildlife are case in point. Within 1 year of a major flood, land given a low priority in a consensus plan because parcels or conservation easements within the Iowa wildlife issues are often controversial and difficult to River flood plain were purchased to allow natural arbitrate. restoration of riparian wetlands. (3) Documentation However, watershed plans generally are implemented The NPPH provides general guidance for preparing one farm, ranch, or community open space at a time. necessary products for this step. Documentation Frequently, the key to implementing large-scale farm, should include a short report with the final plan and a ranch, or community projects is outside assistance in description of how the plan was selected. This report the form of funding, materials, and volunteer help. The may also include potential program or implementation value of a watershed plan is that it offers coherent strategies. In cases where an EIS or EA is needed, landscape structure and logical recommendations for formal NEPA documentation of the decisionmaking integrating conservation plans at the landowner level. process is required. Over time, the watershed plan becomes reality with completion of numerous individual conservation plans. (4) Products The NPPH and information in section 613.06 provide • The plan document with the selected alternative, some guidance on how to proceed with the implemen- including potential program or implementation tation process at the conservation plan scale. opportunities • Schedule of plan implementation (1) Options for implementation • NEPA documentation (when required) The following options for implementing a watershed scale plan are described in this section. • Land acquisition

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–95 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• Conservation easements Reserve Program. Many of these programs are di- • Federal and state programs rected at individual landowners and offer incentives, such as cost sharing. They are often cost effective • Zoning ways of preserving, enhancing, and restoring habitat • Voluntary participation for wildlife. NRCS and personnel of other agencies should be consulted on programs available for wildlife (i) Land acquisition—Land acquisition is among the conservation. best tools for protecting critical habitat areas identi- fied in the watershed plan. Land can be acquired by (iv) Voluntary participation—Voluntary participa- Federal and State agencies, private conservation tion in wildlife conservation projects should be a organizations, and communities through programs, component of every implementation plan. The effec- grants, and other sources of funding. The acquired tiveness of this approach depends upon demonstrating parcels can then be managed for wildlife by either the benefits of conservation practices to landowners private conservation organizations or government and communities. Demonstration projects and field agencies. This approach offers a high level of protec- tours are ways to demonstrate success and influence tion for wildlife resources and is especially valuable individuals to participate in conservation projects. for protecting critical habitats that may not be pro- tected by other means. However, adequate funding for Two of the main purposes of a large-scale wildlife acquisition and particularly for long-term management planning effort are to consolidate resources and to often limits this approach. share responsibility for wildlife conservation. All stakeholders can participate in implementing the plan. (ii) Conservation easements—Conservation ease- Sharing responsibility also can lead to creative funding ments involve purchase of development rights for land opportunities. Many private foundations base their parcels with significant habitat value. To many land- funding on evidence the project has involved public owners, easements are preferable over fee-simple sale participation and has broad-based support. Potential of their land. With a conservation easement, the owner funding and assistance partners are covered in section retains title to the land and can maintain previous land 613.07. uses. (v) Zoning—Zoning controls location and manage- Some conservation easements are more restrictive and ment of land uses. It is a power given to local govern- specify acceptable land uses and land management ments only. It can be a useful and cost-effective tool practices for the parcel. In exchange for not develop- for protecting wildlife habitat over a large area. For ing the land or for modifying land management prac- instance, zoning may protect critical riparian habitat tices, the owner receives cash payments and tax by restricting development on flood plains. An advan- benefits. If the land is sold, the easement remains in tage of this approach is reduced costs for the county place. For example, an easement along a riparian or community. Local governments are challenged to corridor may still allow the rancher to use the area; create publicly acceptable zoning plans. Coordinating however, the corridor may never be developed into zoning regulations across several political boundaries homes or other built structures. Purchasing easements can be extremely difficult. Enforcement of regulations, may allow funding resources to be used more effi- particularly those related to resource management, ciently than outright acquisitions; however, manage- can also be troublesome and expensive. ment control over the area is usually reduced. (2) Documentation (iii) Federal, State, and other incentive pro- Communication and coordination among stakeholders grams—A wide range of Federal and State programs, should be documented in a short report so all stake- such as the USFWS Partners in Wildlife Program, offer holders clearly understand their responsibilities for assistance for protection and restoration of wildlife implementing the plan. Funding sources should also be habitat on private lands. This includes USDA pro- identified and secured. grams, such as Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, Wetland Reserve Program, and the Conservation

613–96 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(3) Products (1) Evaluation techniques • Communication and coordination between the Evaluation strategies should be based on objectives stakeholders established in step 2. In many cases the objectives include wildlife species and habitat components. • A description of tasks to be completed by the Biologists on the team will be responsible for design- various stakeholders ing an evaluation scheme addressing these compo- • Funding sources documented nents. Habitat condition evaluation determines the ability of the resource to support wildlife. The plan- ning team should develop specific techniques to evalu- Step 9 Evaluate plan ate different habitat types.

Planning standard—The planning group deter- Biologists also should develop approaches for evaluat- mines if implementation results are meeting the ing wildlife populations at a watershed scale. These ecological, economic, and social objectives and techniques can be expensive, and it is best to take resolving conservation issues in a satisfactory advantage of ongoing surveys. Federal and State manner. Resource impacts that are different wildlife agencies conduct game and non-game species from those predicted are fed back into the water- inventories. Much of these data are collected based on shed planning process. wildlife management units (often watersheds are used for unit boundaries) that can be correlated directly to the project area. Participants on the planning team Evaluation of the implemented plan is an often over- from these agencies can provide more information. looked, but necessary component of the watershed Although these sources of data may not reflect specific planning process. The purposes for evaluating the responses to the plan, they can illustrate overall trends watershed plan as implemented are to of different wildlife populations in the watershed. • ensure that wildlife habitat in the watershed is functioning as intended, Other long-term wildlife surveys often exist. For ex- • estimate wildlife response to the watershed plan, ample, postal carriers in Kansas have voluntarily counted wildlife during 4 weeks every year for the past • disseminate evaluation data and inform stake- 30 years. The Audubon Society conducts an annual holders, and Christmas Day bird count, and high school students • initiate adaptive management where resource have successfully monitored invertebrate populations responses are different from predicted. in streams. Other conservation organizations also conduct informal wildlife surveys. Evaluation of the watershed plan occurs at two levels: the watershed and conservation plan levels. Many (2) Dissemination of evaluation data components of the watershed plan are implemented Data collected in the evaluation can be used to edu- through individual conservation plans (see section cate the public about the value of planning at a water- 613.06). The cumulative evaluations of conservation shed scale and the benefits to wildlife of implementing plans provide a partial assessment of the watershed conservation practices. For example, a watershed plan. planning group in Idaho holds an annual watershed conference and celebration open to the public. This An evaluation at the watershed scale is necessary. This event provides an excellent opportunity to inform the evaluation can provide a valuable overview of the public about wildlife in the watershed and to demon- condition of wildlife resources in the watershed. strate the value of conservation practices to the wild- Otherwise, positive results from a few individual life resource. Events like this can stimulate landown- conservation plans may bias overall results if other ers to initiate wildlife conservation plans on their farm watershed areas are experiencing significant negative or ranch or in their community. It is important to impacts to wildlife. Evaluations of watershed and report failures as well as successes and indicate what conservation plans provide the most realistic picture adaptive management practices are being employed to of the condition of wildlife resources. alleviate problems.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–97 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(3) Adaptive management (g) Case studies Several years of evaluation data may indicate wildlife responses to the watershed plan are different from The Iowa River Corridor Project and the Texas Lower those predicted. Adjustments to the plan may be Rio Grande Valley Wildlife Corridor case studies that necessary. The planning team needs to emphasize that follow illustrate two of the corridor-planning prin- wildlife planning is an ongoing process and that modi- ciples: fications will be necessary. Once the plan has been • Natural connectivity should be maintained or implemented and evaluation procedures are in place, restored the planning group can probably meet on a less fre- • Continuous corridors are better than fragmented quent basis. However, the group should continue to corridors function so that adaptive management can be imple- mented as necessary. It also is important that the entire stakeholder group remain involved in the evalu- ation process. Not only does this reinforce ownership in the overall planning process, it lessens the chance stakeholders will disagree over results.

(4) Documentation Evaluation data should be compiled into a short report with most of the data presented in easy-to-understand graphs and charts. The final portion of the report should address any necessary adaptive management recommendations. The report should be distributed to the entire planning group and made available to the public.

(5) Products • Evaluation report summarizing results of the wildlife monitoring • Recommendations for changes • Updated areawide/watershed plan

613–98 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Case Study: IOWA RIVER CORRIDOR PROJECT

Corridor Planning Principles described in section 613.04 that are exhibited by this case study include:



(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–99 Case Study: Iowa River Corridor Project

This project initiated by with traditional flood recovery methods (field and the NRCS illustrates the levee repair); they were interested in exploring other effectiveness of combin- land use options. As a result, the Iowa River Corridor ing USDA programs and Project was formed as a partnership between technical assistance with landowners, private organizations, and local, state, the expertise of diverse and federal governments. The project’s purpose conservation partners. was to develop and implement a plan of land use The planning team pro- alternatives that represent sound floodplain duced a conservation cor- management. The project area encompasses ridor plan that benefits approximately 50,000 floodplain acres along nearly wildlife and will dampen 50 miles of the Iowa River in central Iowa (Figure 2). Dave De Geus the adverse impacts of Partners in the project envisioned the floodplain Figure 1: Flooding along future flooding events. the Iowa River during corridor as a mosaic of private and public land held summer of 1993. together by the common thread of flood tolerant uses. The NRCS Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program (EWRP) and Wetlands Reserve Program The Iowa River runs from north-central Iowa to (WRP), which give landowners the option to restore southeastern Iowa where it joins the Mississippi damaged cropland to wetlands, were key to River. Row crop agriculture and livestock production implementing the area-wide plan. Through EWRP are the dominant land uses within the floodplain of and WRP, landowners with flood damaged cropland the Iowa River. In 1993, unprecedented flooding are offered a one time payment that is roughly equal occurred along many midwest rivers including the to the value of their crop rights. In return, they grant Iowa River (Figure 1). Damages to floodplain a permanent easement and restore their cropland landowners were estimated at $6.9 million. Flooding to its original wetland condition. The landowner is not a new problem for this area. On some of the maintains title and control of the land, holds the farmland within the floodplain, landowners are lucky right to harvest timber, forage from the area, and to harvest a crop 2 to 3 years out of 5. The use the land for recreational purposes (Figure 3). estimated 10-year cost for disaster and subsidy payments along the Iowa River averaged between In addition to providing economic benefits for area $750 and $1000 per acre. In many cases, the farmers, EWRP and WRP also benefit wildlife. The cumulative cost of repeated payments on project area supports a variety of wildlife including agricultural land in the floodplains was greater than two active bald eagle nesting sites, and the state the land’s value. listed sandhill crane and river otter. These species and others will benefit from the increase in habitat The Iowa River Corridor Project was initiated by the area and connectivity provided by restoration of Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) floodplain wetlands (Figure 4). in 1993 at the request of landowners in the project area. Many landowners expressed dissatisfaction Dave De Geus

Figure 2: Aerial view of the Iowa River Corridor. Figure 3: Wetland easements along the Iowa River Corridor.

613–100 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Eastern Iowa

Many landowners in the project area looked forward Figure 4: to owning and managing easements for wildlife, Iowa County farm field after wetland timber, and recreation. However, others did not have restoration. a strong enough interest in owning wetland easements to justify the expense and time involved in managing such areas. This group of landowners approached NRCS officials and asked if they could sell all of their remaining land rights. Because the NRCS does not have the capability to own or Dave De Geus manage land, they asked the U.S. Fish and Wildlife As the floodplain wetlands are restored, the project Service (USFWS) to consider assisting these should provide the following benefits: landowners. · Improved water quality in the Iowa River for The USFWS evaluated the wildlife and recreational citizens using the river for drinking water and potential of the corridor and agreed to assist some recreation landowners desiring a total buyout. The USFWS · Additional flood storage, thereby lowering will also provide annual revenue sharing payments flood peaks and damage to county governments to offset most of the property tax revenues derived from lands formerly held by · Additional recreational/tourism opportunities private landowners. Lands acquired by the USFWS for residents of central and eastern Iowa will become part of the National Fish and Wildlife · Increased habitat available for game and Refuge System and will be open to the public for a non-game wildlife variety of outdoor recreational activities. The Nature Conservancy is assisting in the development of a · Opportunities to stimulate economic GIS database system for the project area. development and tourism The project partners realize floodplain management Accomplishments to date include: is an ongoing process and additional options should be available for landowners. The partners are sharing · Ninety-one of 250 landowners have enrolled resources, ideas, and personnel to develop 11,600 acres in EWRP and WRP easement additional options for sustainable management of programs. floodplain lands, including improved grazing · Wetland restorations are underway. systems, forage and timber management, and Earthwork is 75% complete and grass alternative crops such as crayfish, native grasses, seedings should be completed in 1998. flowers, and willows for baskets and furniture. The Iowa River Corridor Project clearly demonstrates a · Thirty-five landowners have agreed to sell sustainable system of floodplain land use can over 9,400 acres to the USFWS, making achieve both economic and ecological goals. the Corridor Project the largest USFWS refuge in Iowa outside of the Upper For more information on the project, contact: Mississippi River NWR. Dave De Geus · The Soil and Water Conservation Districts Iowa River Corridor Project Office and the project coordinator have formed a Iowa County SWCD non-profit corporation to assist in wetland 435 N. Highland, Box 210 restoration and future conservation and Williamsburg, Iowa 52361 development efforts. Tel. (319) 668 – 2359 · Over 25 project partners are assisting with project monitoring efforts, providing needed The information for this case study was abstracted with permission from the Iowa River Corridor Project Information supplies, equipment, (e.g., GIS assistance, Series, prepared by the Iowa River Corridor Project nesting structures, grain drills), and Partnership. assistance in project planning.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–101 Case Study: LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY WILDLIFE CORRIDOR

Corridor Planning Principles described in section 613.04 that are exhibited by this case study include:



613–102 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Case Study: Lower Rio Grande Valley Wildlife Corridor

This case study illustrates how the NRCS in Reserve Program (WRP) and a NFWF grant to cooperation with other government agencies and purchase permanent easements along riparian areas private non-profit conservation organizations have and wetlands on private lands. These easements collaborated to develop a 275-mile long will link areas owned by public agencies and private conservation corridor plan. A variety of wildlife conservation organizations. species including several threatened or endangered species will be some of the beneficiaries of this Under WRP eligibility criteria, wetlands currently in exciting project. agricultural production and riparian corridors up to 600 feet wide can be accepted. Cropland will be The lower Rio Grande River from Falcon Dam to planted to species of trees and shrubs that USFWS, the Gulf of Mexico is the only source of drinking TPWD, and TNC are using in their restoration and irrigation water for more than 1 million people programs. Riparian areas already in desirable (Mexican and U.S. residents) and 0.5 million acres vegetation may only require fencing, or as a of U.S. agricultural land. Unfortunately, rapid human minimum, placement of WRP boundary signs. population growth and intensive development for international trade and agriculture on the lower 275 The easement acquisition process is ongoing and miles have severely degraded the riparian expected to continue throughout the life of WRP. ecosystem. Land ownership patterns along the river dictate that several easements must be acquired in succession The lower Rio Grande twists and turns; each river to link any two existing protected areas. All bend alternates from high, sloughing, vertical banks partners are attempting to identify interested to gently sloping stretches with remnants of landowners with eligible lands and encouraging them floodplain forests. Most of this stretch has banks, to participate in this program to increase and which have been severely damaged by intensive improve wildlife corridors along the Rio Grande River. grazing or cleared for bridges, homesites and industrial parks. Refuse and sewage are dumped For additional information contact: into the river in numerous locations. Larry Ditto, Project Leader Although less than 5% of the original habitat of the Lower Rio Grande Valley NWR Complex lower Rio Grande Delta remains, species diversity U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the region continues to be high (1100 plants and 320 N. Main St., Rm 225 600 vertebrates). Habitat connectivity is critical for McAllen, TX 78501 many of these species, including the federally listed (210) 630-4636 endangered ocelot and jaguarundi. This case study was written by Gary Valentine (NRCS) and To conserve this unique area, the U.S. Fish and has been included in this document with his permission. Wildlife Service (USFWS) established the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge’s goal is to create a continuous wildlife corridor along the 275-mile stretch of river. In addition, the USFWS, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), National Audubon Society, and the Nature Conservancy of Texas (TNC) have acquired tracts for protection. In 1996, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), USFWS, and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) entered into an agreement to use funds from the USDA’s Wetland

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–103 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

In addition to the preplanning procedures, tools, and 613.06 Conservation materials described in the NPPH, the conservationist planning process should also have the following materials available: • Areawide plan, if available • Corridors In Our Landscape brochure (a) Introduction • This handbook • USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle maps that include The NRCS has provided conservation planning, design, the client's property and implementation assistance to farmers, ranchers, • Copies of the NRCS 1:660 soil survey maps that and communities for decades. Thousands of conserva- include the client’s property and immediately tion management practices have been installed across adjacent properties the country. The habitat created by these practices has been a significant factor in maintaining wildlife popu- • Any existing wildlife reports, research studies, lations and species diversity in agriculturally domi- Easement Assessment (EA) or Environmental nated landscapes. However, more can be done to Impact Study (EIS) reports or similar wildlife benefit wildlife. This section illustrates ways to inte- information specific to the watershed within grate the concepts and principles described in section which the client’s property resides 613.04 into the conservation planning process to • Photo prints, plans, or reports of completed provide more, higher quality connected habitat for projects within the conservation district that wildlife. have preserved, created, enhanced, or restored wildlife habitat (consider developing a scrapbook of these materials to take into the field) (b) Planning process Having these materials available for the first formal The phases and steps outlined in the NPPH for prepar- client meeting will help the conservationist promote ing conservation plans are identical to those used in wildlife conservation as an integral part of the conser- preparing a watershed plan (see fig. 613–52). The vation plan. In addition, these materials will comprise principal difference is more detailed site-specific a reference resource available when needed to answer information must be collected, analyzed, and synthe- client’s questions. sized for a conservation plan.

(d) Phase 1 Collection and (c) Getting started analysis at the conservation plan scale (1) Preplanning: conservation plan scale The preconditions that initiate conservation planning Phase 1 involves the following planning steps: on an individual farm, ranch, or community open • Identification of problems and opportunities space are often the same as those that trigger area- • Determine objectives wide planning efforts: crisis, mandate, incentives, or leadership. Planning may be recommended by the • Inventory resources conservationist or NRCS assistance sought by a land- • Analyze resources owner or community. Regardless of who initiates the project, it is important to obtain basic information and In Phase 1, the client and conservationist work to assemble the necessary tools to start the planning reach agreement on the problems, opportunities, and process. The National Planning Procedures Handbook objectives for the conservation plan. (NPPH) provides a detailed outline of how to proceed with preplanning activities.

613–104 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Step 1 Identify problems and • record on maps and with photographs large areas opportunities (>80 acres) devoid of habitat and discuss with the client new possibilities to provide wildlife habitat or enhance the habitat value of some Planning Standard—The client's resource other existing conservation management prac- problems, opportunities, and concerns are identi- tices. fied and documented. If the client's property is within the boundaries of an The first onsite visit with the client may be the most existing areawide plan, the following procedures important step in the planning process at the farm, should also be completed: ranch, or community scale. Building trust begins with • Locate the client's property within the areawide the first meeting. The client trusts the conservationist plan and review the plan with the client. Empha- to provide the best advice and technical assistance size wildlife habitat related elements of the plan possible in addressing his or her concerns. The conser- that could affect the client's property and the vationist trusts the client to properly implement rec- immediate environs. ommended conservation practices and maintain them • Visit any locations on the client's property where into the future. Both parties are committing time, habitat recommendations or other features have money, and other resources necessary to successfully been delineated on the areawide plan. complete a conservation plan. Both parties understand that the conservation dividends resulting from their • Discuss with the client the value-added benefits investment will accrue some time in the future. of incorporating these areawide wildlife habitat plan recommendations on their property. This (1) Procedure handbook provides examples to share with the The first onsite meeting affords the conservationist an client. opportunity to listen to the client’s concerns and see the problems and possibilities in the field. It also Additional problems and possibilities invariably provides an opportunity to involve the client in the emerge later in the planning process. The inherent planning process. Asking questions about wildlife and flexibility of the planning process accommodates new wildlife habitat on the client’s property can produce information when it emerges. Once the client and important insights. The conservationist can discuss conservationist have identified all problems and op- wildlife habitat opportunities from an experienced portunities, they have produced the products specified perspective gained working throughout the surround- in the NPPH. ing landscape. (2) Documentation The NPPH provides a detailed outline on how to Problems and opportunities are typically documented proceed with step 1 activities. In addition to these in a short report. This information can be recorded in procedures, the conservationist should Notes and Resource Inventory, a GIS database, or other agency tracking systems. The report should • use the wildlife informational materials listed in include field notes, photographs, and any sketch maps the preplanning section as aids when discussing that were prepared. wildlife concerns, problems, and opportunities with the client, (3) Products • document wildlife and habitat related problems • Identification and documentation of wildlife and and opportunities that are on the client’s prop- wildlife habitat problems, opportunities, and erty or on soil survey aerial photo maps, concerns in the case file • record these problems and opportunities with • Communication with the client photographs, • emphasize opportunities to link habitats on the client's property with habitats on adjacent prop- erty, and document these opportunities on maps and with photographs, and

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–105 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Step 2 Determine objectives • Use the checklist in appendix 613B to get input on specific wildlife species important to the client; providing habitat for the client's preferred Planning standard—The client’s objectives are species can become an objective. clearly stated and documented. • If the property is within an existing areawide plan, review the plan with the client. Clients initiate conservation projects because they • Encourage the client to incorporate the areawide wish to change existing conditions to some desired plan recommendations that apply to the property future condition. Often the project is intended to into the conservation plan objective statement. eliminate a particular problem, such as stabilize an eroding swale in a field, or explore some alternative When an agreement is reached on conservation plan resource use. The conservationist needs to understand objectives, the client and the conservationist will have fully the client's objectives and values related to re- produced the products described in the NPPH. source management and can assist the process of determining objectives by offering advice and sugges- (2) Documentation tions. Objectives can often be clarified by reviewing Objectives are typically documented in a short report. field notes from the first onsite meeting with the client. By working together, the client and conserva- (3) Products tionist can formalize meaningful and realistic objec- tives for the wildlife resource as well as other re- • A list of the client's objectives including specific sources. wildlife and wildlife habitat objectives as an objective note in the case file. Objectives should be stated so they describe what is desired without prescribing a specific solution. This allows the client and conservationist opportunities to Step 3 Inventory explore alternative plans in step 4 of the process. Planning standard—Sufficient data and infor- (1) Procedure mation are gathered to analyze and understand The NPPH includes an extensive list of items the client the natural resource conditions in the planning and conservationist should discuss and agree upon as area. part of the objective setting process. To ensure wild- life are fully considered in determining objectives, the conservationist should include the following in discus- The basic intent of the conservation plan inventory is sions with the client: to describe existing (benchmark) condition on the client's property. The wildlife resource section of the • Explain how the objectives may affect the site's inventory has a wildlife species component and a resources and ecology and impact wildlife. habitat component. The specific intent of the wildlife • Identify Federal, State, or local laws related to resource inventory at the conservation plan scale is to wildlife or other resources that could affect the • identify wildlife species that do or could inhabit client's objectives so that planning proceeds in a the client’s property, proactive way. • map: • Encourage consideration of an overall objective of preserving, enhancing, and restoring existing > plant community types and potential (historical) habitats for diverse > wildlife species occurrence as associated with populations of desirable species. plant community types • Encourage establishing as an objective linking > important corridors, habitat patches, and site habitats with those on adjacent properties, features where applicable. > potential habitats • Encourage considering as an objective new > general land cover types conservation practices for wildlife in large areas (>80 acres) devoid of habitat.

613–106 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• provide life history information for those species • List of potential species (species typically associ- of special interest to the client, threatened or ated with plant community types on the site), but endangered species, or species of vulnerable not observed or inferred populations, and • List of nuisance species (if any) • emphasize inventory of wildlife resources related • Estimate of species abundance specifically to objectives of the individual land- owner Wildlife habitat data needs Existing vegetation map The client's involvement in the inventory process is • Grass plant community type essential as they are knowledgeable of the property's history and resources. However, the conservationist • Grass shrub plant community type should take every opportunity to educate the client • Riparian wooded plant community type about wildlife and habitat while they work together in • Riparian shrub plant community type the field. An informed landowner is more likely to • Riparian grass plant community type make decisions benefiting the wildlife resource. Infor- mation generated in the inventory is useful for further • Upland wooded plant community type (natural) defining problems and opportunities identified in step • Upland wooded plant community type (intro- 1. It may also suggest that some original objectives be duced) altered or eliminated or that new objectives be added. • Wetland type

(1) Procedure Land use or cover type The NPPH provides a general outline of basic inven- • Cropland tory inputs and describes the inventory tools and procedures needed to carry out this step of the plan- • Pastureland ning process. Discipline handbooks are useful refer- • Rangeland ences and provide additional inventory procedures. • Conservation reserve (indicate type) The Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) Handbook • Parks/open space (USFWS 1996) is the recommended reference for evaluating the food, cover, and shelter components of • Urban wildlife habitat. In addition, a set of corridor inventory • Wetland reserve program (WRP) forms is included in appendix 613A. • Wildlife habitat incentive program (WHIP)

(2) Documentation Habitat features map All inventory data should be mapped at a common Special patches scale. This may require enlarging or reducing mapped • Large remnant upland patches information from different sources. For conservation plan scale projects, a scale of 1 inch equal to 660 feet • Large introduced patches or the scale of NRCS aerial photo soil maps is the most convenient for planning purposes. The following maps, Special corridors lists, and short reports should be prepared. Use aerial • Riparian corridors photos as a base for mapping (fig. 613–62 and 613–63). • Migration corridors • Dispersal corridors Wildlife species data needs • List of species observed or whose presence is Special areas inferred from indirect evidence on the site • Patches or corridors inhabited by threatened or • List of Federal or State listed threatened or endangered species or vulnerable populations endangered species (if any) • Leks or other breeding sites • List of species breeding on the site • Calving/birthing sites • Winter range

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–107 Figure 613–62 Base map showing planning boundary and 100-year flood plain

613–108 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–63 Base map with existing conditions layer

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–109 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• Winter cover (3) Products • Summer range • List of wildlife species on the client’s property • Thermal cover with estimates of abundance and diversity • Irreplaceable sources of food or water • Set of maps depicting the components of wildlife habitat on the client’s property • Other (specify) • Short, wildlife-related reports where necessary to Special features elaborate on the mapped information • Snags • Dens Step 4 Analyze resources • Burrows • Talus or rock piles Planning standard—The benchmark condition • Cliffs for the planning area is documented. Results are • Caves and abandoned mines displayed in easily understood formats depicting current natural resource conditions, physical • Other (specify) characteristics of the planning unit, and compari- sons between existing and potential conditions. Potential habitat maps The causes of the resource problems are identi- • Steep slopes fied. • Poorly drained soils • Damaged soils The conservationist must now interpret the inventory • Disturbed sites (borrow pits, etc.) data. Discipline handbooks, manuals, and inventory • Easement corridors worksheets are critical references in the analysis process. Consulting with experts may be required; for • Waste areas example, when threatened or endangered species or • Other (specify) locally vulnerable wildlife populations are issues.

If the client's property is within an existing areawide The reports and maps prepared in the analysis phase plan boundary, many of these maps were completed at should the scale of a USGS quad sheet 1:24,000. The informa- • depict current wildlife and wildlife habitat condi- tion relevant to the client’s property can be taken off tions, the areawide plan, rescaled to 1:660, and drawn on the appropriate inventory sheet. Ground-truthing is re- • compare current conditions with potential condi- quired to verify the accuracy of conversion from one tions, and map scale to another, and additional detail may be • identify causes of wildlife and wildlife habitat required. problems.

Other wildlife-related data needs vary depending on (1) Procedures the client's objectives and the project site characteris- The NPPH outlines the basic procedures for the analy- tics. Generally, this information does not need to be sis. Results of the analysis may suggest that some mapped; for example, life history information for previously defined objectives be eliminated or modi- threatened or endangered species, vulnerable species, fied; some new objectives may be added. At the or species of special interest to the client. When the completion of step 4 and phase 1, the conservationist inventory is completed, the client and the conserva- and client should agree on problems, opportunities, tionist will have produced the products described in and objectives for the conservation plan. the NPPH. The wildlife component of the analysis should focus on wildlife and wildlife habitat, specifically species diversity, population dynamics, and habitat conditions,

613–110 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat causes of conditions, and potential conditions in the Wildlife diversity is strongly influenced by plant com- patches, corridors, and matrix on the client’s property. munity diversity, patch size, amount of edge, connec- The analysis must draw cause-and-effect relationship tivity, and presence or absence of water. The conser- between what occurs in the matrix and the condition vationist can compare the habitat characteristics and of habitat in patches and corridors. It should also wildlife species on that property to those of similar describe what if any effects patches and corridors site locations in the watershed. The comparison may exert on the matrix. suggest general habitat characteristics limiting wildlife diversity on the client’s property. The conservationist (2) Analysis questions may request assistance and additional information Wildlife and wildlife habitat inventory information from field biologists. acquired in step 3 needs to be synthesized into con- cise, accurate, and easy to understand tables, graphs, Most states have detailed models of the habitat re- and maps. Maps, either hand drawn or computer quirements of game species. The USFWS also has generated, are important in helping the client fully Habitat Suitability Models for many game and non- appreciate the wildlife-related problems and opportu- game species. The conservationist can compare the nities inherent on his/her property (fig. 613–64). The habitat conditions described in the models with those analysis of wildlife and wildlife habitat should answer identified in the inventory for a general idea of what the following questions: factors may be limiting abundance or diversity. Unfor- tunately, information for many non-game species is (i)Wildlife limited. State or field biologists can provide more • What wildlife populations are vulnerable to local detailed information concerning limiting factors. extinction? (Threatened and endangered species are a special case.) (ii) Habitat—Patches, corridors, potential patches, special areas, and special features • What are the principal causes of the populations' or species' vulnerable status? • What is the current condition of habitat in exist- ing patches, corridors, potential patches, special • What is the potential condition of these vulner- areas, and special features? able populations? • What causes these conditions? • What factors are limiting non-game species diversity or game species abundance? • What is the habitat potential of existing patches, corridors, potential patches, special areas, and • What factors enhance populations of nuisance or special features? pest species? • What patches, corridors, potential patches, Threatened and endangered (T&E) species listed special areas, and special features are of greatest under the Endangered Species Act are the responsibil- value or potential value to wildlife? ity of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). States may also have T&E species or species of con- Patch habitat condition evaluations should be con- cern lists. Any T&E species habitat on the client's ducted using procedures outlined in discipline hand- property must be managed to comply with USFWS books. Corridor condition evaluations should be standards or State standards. Vulnerable populations, completed using the corridor inventory forms in ap- although not technically threatened or endangered, pendix 613A. The species present on the client's prop- could experience local extinction. These populations erty are determined in the inventory phase. Several are typically listed with the State Natural Heritage ways are used to determine what species were or Program, which can specify a general area where a could be present. Many states have species distribu- vulnerable species may be present. If the client's tion maps showing what species would be expected on property falls within the general area, a survey should the client's site. The list of expected species can be be conducted to determine the presence or absence of compared with the inventory list. Conservationists the species. If present, a biologist specializing in the may know what species could exist on the property species and a conservation biologist should be con- based on experiences elsewhere in the watershed. Any sulted to determine the causes of vulnerability and the EA or EIS done in the watershed will have a species potential of the population to persist. list that can be used for comparative references.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–111 Figure 613–64 Analysis of current features

613–112 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Determination of the habitat value of patches, corri- (iv) Matrix dors, and special areas should be based on existing • What current field management practices or wildlife species and habitat. Existing resources that other land use activities adversely impact wild- have habitat potential, but are not presently being life or wildlife habitat? used by wildlife should be considered. The most valu- • What specific attributes of management prac- able patches, corridors, special areas, and special tices or land uses cause the adverse impacts? features vary with each property, watershed, and region. However, the general habitat types and re- • What potential wildlife or wildlife habitat ben- sources of high value listed below are in all water- efits could be realized if field management prac- sheds and regions. tices or land uses were altered? • Relatively undisturbed patches of remnant veg- The condition and management of the matrix signifi- etation (large patches are particularly valuable) cantly impacts wildlife. The client and conservationist • Stream/riparian corridors should evaluate both elements in the field. NRCS • Migration and dispersal corridors biologists reported in a recent survey that the timing of • Wetlands haying and mowing, fall plowing, spring ditchburning, spraying, and unmanaged grazing were among the • Lakes, ponds, springs, seeps, and other water more common management practices that adversely features impact wildlife. Indirect adverse impacts on wildlife • Irreplaceable sources of food, water, cover, or include soil erosion, sedimentation, and chemical- sites for reproduction laden runoff. Matrix management practices adversely impacting wildlife should be delineated on the base The conservationist can expand on this list to include map. habitats or resources considered most important in his or her region. Documentation of these important (3) Documentation resources on the composite analysis map is critical to All patches, corridors, and the matrix were mapped in the next step in the planning process. Step 3, Inventory. Duplicate these maps and note the existing condition, causes of the condition, and poten- (iii) At-risk habitats tial condition. Relating this information to real loca- • What patches, corridors, special areas, or special tions on the property is useful for preparing alterna- features are at risk? tives. It is also important to note problems on the • What are the causes of risk to these habitat client’s property, the causes of which originate off-site. resources? These off-site problems are frequent in riparian corri- dors because of downstream flow. • What is the potential for mitigating or eliminating threats to wildlife or wildlife habitat? Most of the analysis information will be recorded in short reports. However, it is also useful to develop a A habitat component at risk is defined as a patch, composite resource analysis map at the same scale as corridor, special area or feature, or other wildlife the inventory maps (1:660) (see fig. 613–64). This map resource whose continued ecological function is documents the general habitat condition on the client's threatened by some internal or external factor. For property and shows the location of the following example, an unbuffered wetland receiving excessive features: amounts of silt and agricultural chemicals would be classified at risk. At some point the level of pollutants • Threatened or endangered species habitat causes eutrophication and significantly degrades the • Patches with vulnerable populations wetlands functional capabilities including habitat for • Condition of all patches, corridors, potential wildlife. NRCS biologists reported matrix management patches, special areas, and special features practices, increasing field size, water development • High value patches and corridors, special areas projects, and urbanization as primary factors in creat- and features ing at-risk conditions in wildlife habitat. At-risk habi- tats should be delineated on the base map. • Gaps in corridor connectivity

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–113 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

• Potential corridor connections, both onsite and • Large-scale, comprehensive farm/ranch or com- off-site munity conservation plans that could involve • Patches, corridors, special areas, and special installation of numerous conservation practices features at risk or combinations of practices across the property • Field management practices, both onsite and off- (1) Small-scale projects site, detrimental to wildlife Small-scale projects, one to several conservation • Potential habitats practices on a farm or ranch, have historically com- prised the majority of requests for assistance. Fortu- The value of mapping the analysis results is it ties the nately, each conservation practice has inherent poten- conclusions to specific locations on the client's prop- tial to benefit wildlife in some way. The challenge for erty. The client can see direct links of the inventory, the conservationist is to enhance the habitat potential analysis, and resources. If other information is needed, of each conservation practice (regardless of location), the conservationist and client can refer to written to design practices that produce habitat functional reports documenting the analysis. values greater than the practice itself, and to educate the client about increased benefits from planning on a (4) Products broader scale. Reference section 613.04 for ways to • Clear statement of the benchmark condition in enhance habitat value for each conservation practice. the planning unit and related areas Before the project can proceed, all options to enhance habitat value must also meet the client's objectives for initiating the project. (e) Phase 2 Decision support at the conservation plan scale (2) Large-scale projects A large-scale, comprehensive conservation plan for an Phase 2 involves three steps: entire farm, ranch, or community open space presents • Formulate alternatives a difficult challenge, but the benefits for wildlife can be significant if the challenge is met. The planning task • Evaluate alternatives is more challenging because it must address problems • Make decisions and opportunities on the entire property, not just a few specific locations. The opportunities to benefit wildlife In phase 2, the client and conservationist develop a are greater because the planning area is large; it may range of plan alternatives that address the problems, include a diversity of plant community types and opportunities, and objectives identified in phase 1. At ecosystems, and the number of opportunities to link the completion of phase 2, they will select a conserva- patches and corridors with adjacent properties gener- tion plan that best meets the objectives of the client ally increases. There may also be greater flexibility in and the needs of the natural resources. the location of conservation corridors and more oppor- tunities to develop integrated systems of conservation practices onsite and off-site. Step 5 Formulate alternatives (3) Process Planning standard—Alternative treatments are The wildlife component of the conservation plan is developed to meet quality criteria and the objec- prepared in direct consultation with the client. The tives of the client. basic wildlife plan from which all alternatives are derived is assembled as a series of map overlays or layers (fig. 613–65). The base layer is the composite Two general conservation plan scales involve partici- analysis map, prepared in step 4, which depicts exist- pation of the conservationist: ing habitat resources on the client's property. Subse- • Small-scale conservation plans that address one quent layers illustrating proposed solutions to specific to several localized problems or opportunities; problems or opportunities are overlaid on the analysis installing a grassed waterway, for example composite base maps. The layers typically included are listed and described here.

613–114 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Existing habitat resources—This base is a copy of • High-value patches and corridors, special areas the composite analysis map prepared in step 4 (see fig. and features 613–64). • Gaps in corridor connectivity • Potential corridor connections, both onsite and Function—This layer delineates the location of con- off-site servation practices or systems of practices required to meet the client’s objectives and comply with NRCS • Patches, corridors, special areas and special standards. Note: Wildlife functions are considered features at risk specifically in the potential habitat and new plantings • Field management practices, both onsite and off- layer and the synthesis layer. site, detrimental to wildlife • Potential habitats Existing habitat resource management—This layer delineates recommendations for preservation, en- (ii) Second layer, Function—Many conservation hancement, or restoration of all existing habitat re- plan projects involve the location and design of new sources on the client's property. conservation corridors to solve functional problems. Clients have specific objectives in mind, often address- Potential habitat and new plantings—This layer ing a specific soil or water conservation problem. The delineates sites on the client's property that could be location of the problem in the field dictates the loca- developed into wildlife habitat. tion of the conservation practices or systems of prac- tice. The recommended process for locating and Synthesis—This layer uses the concepts and prin- designing new corridor plantings to achieve functional ciples described in section 613.04 to integrate the objectives should proceed as follows: three previous layers into an ecologically sound wild- • Review the client's objectives related to field life plan that responds to the resources of the client's management practices, wildlife habitat, erosion property and program objectives. control, and air/water quality protection. (i) First layer, Existing habitat resources—The • Identify which ecological functions of corridors conservationist should make a copy of the composite or other conservation practices or combinations analysis map that delineates the pattern of existing of practices could be used to solve the problem habitat components including: or capitalize on the opportunity. • Threatened or endangered species habitat • Consider possible solutions, such as fencing, grading, bioengineering, or modified manage- • Patches with vulnerable populations ment systems. • The condition of all patches, corridors, potential • Select corridor types or management practices or patches, special areas, and special features combination of practices that provide functions necessary to solve the problem or realize the opportunity, and are most beneficial to wildlife.

Figure 613–65 Example of map overlays or layers • Specify plant community structure and native plant species for the management practice, appropriate for wildlife species in the region (see Plan alternatives section 613.04). Other • Locate the corridor type, practice or combina- Synthesis tions of practices where they would be installed Potential habitat & plantings in the field on the 1:600 base map. Habitat resource management • Repeat this procedure for each problem or op- Existing habitat & new plantings portunity. Function When all conservation practices and systems of prac- Base map tices necessary to meet the client's objectives are located on the base map, a preliminary functional plan

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–115 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat is completed. Starting plan development by addressing (iv) Fourth layer, Potential habitats and new functional issues first does not mean wildlife issues wildlife plantings—The conservationist should are any less important; they are simply addressed later review the areas of potential habitat delineated on the in the process. The final plan must integrate all objec- analysis map and assess possibilities of enhancing or tives including wildlife objectives into an operational restoring these areas. Consider the function these and ecologically unified whole (fig. 613–66). areas could perform in addition to habitat. For ex- ample, tiled wetlands are common in many regions of (iii) Third layer, Existing habitat resource the country. During wet years, crop production in management—The condition of patches, corridors, these areas is marginal. Many farmers are voluntarily potential patches, and special areas/features was crushing drain tiles, restoring these wetlands. Not only documented in the analysis step 4. Causes of the have these practices restored habitat for wildlife, they conditions were also identified. Both conditions and have also restored other wetland functions helping causes should be addressed in the plan. The following mitigate downstream flooding and reduce water pollu- procedure for addressing existing habitat resource tion. issues is suggested: • Review the current condition of each patch, Easement corridors for power lines, pipelines, and corridor, special area, or special feature as other utilities provide real possibilities to link patches described in the analysis. and other corridors across a site. If properly planted and managed, easements can provide excellent habitat • Review the wildlife analysis report to identify for many species. Similar habitat and linkage poten- factors degrading these habitats or limiting tially exist in steep slopes, damaged soils, waste areas, species diversity or abundance. and disturbed sites. Locate potential habitats worthy • Recommend ways to alleviate the cause or of development on the base map. causes of habitat degradation or other factors limiting species diversity or abundance. New wildlife corridor plantings offer exciting opportu- • Include recommendations for problems or oppor- nities (see the Hedgerow Farms case study at the end tunities unique to the client's property. of this section). New wildlife corridor plantings should be located to provide other ecological functions in General recommendations to preserve, enhance, or addition to habitat thus maximizing their utility. When restore patches, corridors, or other habitat resources appropriate, the conservationist should propose corri- should be noted on the base map and linked directly to dor locations that serve as major connecting struc- that resource (fig. 613–67). Specific management tures for wildlife on the farm, ranch, or community. In techniques for meeting these objectives should be many respects new plantings offer more design flex- keyed to habitat resources on the map and described ibility than any other plan activity. New plantings may in detail in the implementation report (step 8). include habitat patches as well as corridors. Look for opportunities to plant even small areas of new habitat within those large areas (>80 acres) outlined on the inventory map as being devoid of habitat.

613–116 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–66 Map showing all proposed practices

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–117 Figure 613–67 Map showing practices used to preserve, enhance, or restore patches, corridors, or other habitat resources

613–118 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

The conservationist needs to assure no proposed new Optimizing connectivity and modifying the other plan plantings interfere with the client's normal farming or elements in response to planning principles may ranching operations. For example, an Iowa State involve University extension publication Stewards of Our • extending a corridor, Streams—Buffer Strip Design, Establishment and • changing corridor location, width, or configura- Maintenance, recommends streamside/riparian tion, where practical, plantings to "square up" fields converting the area adjacent to stream meanders into habitat. If these • adding corridors or patches, recommendations were implemented, they would • proposing additional structural, mechanical, or provide important riparian habitat and increase farm management practices, and equipment operating efficiency (fig. 613–68). Locate all • reintroducing natural mechanisms to manage potential habitats proposed for enhancement or resto- vegetation. ration and all new proposed plantings on this layer (fig. 613–69). In some instances, patches or corridors cannot be linked in a practical way. They will remain discon- (v) Fifth layer, Synthesis—Synthesis involves nected from the overall structure of the conservation combining the mapped information from all three plan, but are still valuable as habitat. previously developed layers. The pattern that emerges from overlaying all layers is often disconnected. It is a The wildlife component of the conservation plan that collection of conservation practices and management emerges from the synthesis process should optimize recommendations, not yet a plan. The challenge for habitat resources on the client's property. The conser- the conservationist and the client is to convert this vationist and client should take the preliminary synthe- collection into a plan. They need to identify practical sis plan into the field and evaluate each recommenda- opportunities to connect patches, corridors, potential tion on location. Adjustments to the plan should be habitat patches, special areas, and special features made as necessary in response to onsite conditions. into an integrated pattern. The intent is to optimize the The conservationist will prepare a final plan once all value-added benefits of connectivity. The planning adjustments have been made (fig. 613–70). habitat concepts and principles in section 613.05 (page 613–88) can guide the plan development process.

Figure 613–68 Before and after streamside/riparian plantings to convert area into habitat

(a) Before squaring up fields, habitat is limited (b) After squaring up fields, habitat is to small isolated patches increased fivefold and farming efficiency is enhanced

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–119 Figure 613–69 Proposed practices and potential habitats

613–120 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Figure 613–70 The synthesis map shows all existing features and the proposed practices

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–121 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

(4) Develop alternatives • compare the wildlife habitat benefits of each The NPPH requires preparation of viable alternative alternative, conservation plans. There are several ways to develop • compare the effectiveness of each alternative in alternatives to the base plan. Alternatives can focus on meeting the client's objectives, and conservation function, wildlife (diversity or target • verify compliance with Federal, State, and local species), or other corridor benefits. Some examples statutes regulating wildlife or wildlife habitat. follow: • Alternative plans using different management (1) Procedure practices to address a particular soil or water The Conservation Plan Alternative Evaluation Work- conservation problem sheet provides a format for quantifiable comparisons • A plan to optimize wildlife species diversity between alternatives. Most of the data needed to fill • A plan to increase populations of a particular out the form can be scaled from each plan alternative. species, guild, or suite of species However, estimated changes in species diversity require input from a biologist. Because state wildlife • A plan to optimize recreation, economic, or other agencies and the USFWS manage wildlife populations, corridor benefits they should be invited to review plan alternatives and • A plan of conservation practices without en- make recommendations. hancement for wildlife • A no-action alternative (required) Computer simulations constructed on oblique aerial photographs are effective in depicting what different The conservationist and client must agree that each alternatives would look like if implemented on the alternative meets the client’s objectives and NRCS client's property (fig. 613–71). This valuable tool can standards. In addition, each alternative must comply help the client and conservationist visualize each with all relevant Federal, State, and local regulations. alternative.

(5) Product (2) Products A description of wildlife habitat alternatives available • Set of practical conservation management sys- to the client tem (CMS) alternatives compatible with client and NRCS objectives • Conservation Effects for Decisionmaking Step 6 Evaluate alternatives Worksheet for each alternative displaying effects and impacts for the client to consider and use as Planning standard—The effects of each alter- a basis for making conservation decisions native are evaluated and impacts are described. • Technical assistance notes reflecting discussions Alternatives are compared to benchmark condi- between the planner and the client tions to evaluate their ability to solve problems and meet quality criteria and the client's objec- tives.

The conservationist and client must evaluate the conservation plan alternatives developed in step 5. The NPPH outlines the basic procedures for evaluating alternatives. The intent of evaluating the wildlife habitat component of the conservation plan is to • compare the wildlife habitat component of conservation plan alternatives against habitat benchmark conditions as described in the analysis,

613–122 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Areawide/Watershed Plan Alternative Comparison Worksheet B

Completing this form will provide a general evaluation of the impact of each alternative on wildlife habitat and wildlife populations.

INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the alternative name or number in the space provided. Using a scale, measure the length or calculate the area for each criterion and record them in the matrix. Where requested, check whether these figures have increased, remained the same, or decreased relative to the existing condition (benchmark). The last 2 criteria require the planning team to estimate the alternative's impact on wildlife. Each state is encouraged to develop criteria for making these estimates.

LOCATION ADDRESS County: Landowner: mailing Township: Range: rural post Section: or fire code number Subsection: Phone # Day: Evening:


Criteria Increase No Change Decrease Acres Length Number Not Applicable Total area of corridor Linkage to adjacent patches or corridors Total length of corridor Length of existing corridor Preserved Enhanced Restored Total area of patches by plant community Grass Grass shrub Riparian wooded Riparian shrub Riparian grass Upland wooded (natural) Upland wooded (introduced) Wetland Acres of farm or ranch land managed in ways that benefit wildlife Acres of farm or ranch land taken out of production Special areas preserved Special features preserved Other conservation measures (Specify) Estimated effects on species diversity Estimated effects on species abundance (Specify species)

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–123 Figure 613–71 Computer simulations (prepared by Gary Wells, U.S. Forest Service)

A. Depicts existing B. Installation of a conditions on the farm. shelterbelt around the Note the engineered farm buildings, a stream channel and grassed waterway, dark gray wet soils riparian buffer along the adjacent to the stream. stream and a wooded patch on the wet soils.


C. Grassed terraces D. The stream has been have been installed and allowed to meander the riparian buffer naturally within the widened in several flood plain and many locations. Terraces are flood plain functions are connected to riparian restored. This fully buffers and grassed integrated set of waterways. conservation practices C maximizes wildlife D habitat benefits.


E. Existing conditions are depicted. Note the lack of F. Shelterbelts installed in this simulation link wetlands, connectivity between the wetland and wooded patch and riparian woodlands, and wooded patches, providing the larger landscape. wildlife corridors and habitat across a large area.

613–124 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Step 7 Make decisions (f) Phase 3 Application at the conservation plan scale Planning standard—A conservation manage- Phase 3 involves: ment system is selected based on the client's clear understanding of the impacts of each • Implement plan alternative. The selected alternative is recorded • Evaluate plan in the client's plan. In Phase 3 the client and the conservationist cooperate in implementing the conservation plan. Installed The conservationist assists the client to understand his management practices are evaluated, and adaptive or her options in selecting an alternative. management is applied where necessary. (1) Procedure The NPPH provides general guidelines for helping the client consider plan alternatives. It is important to Step 8 Implement plan review objectives established in step 2 at this point in the decisionmaking process. They should be basic Planning standard—The client has adequate criteria upon which the final decision is made. Also information and understanding to implement, review the 1:660 scale drawings of each alternative operate, and maintain the planned conservation using the Plan Alternative Evaluation Worksheets to systems. Practices implemented with NRCS compare habitat advantages and disadvantages of technical assistance will be installed according each alternative. A rigorous evaluation of each plan to Agency standards and specifications. alternative will help the client understand the advan- tages and disadvantages for the wildlife resource and Implementing a conservation plan is the process of make an informed decision. installing practices that make up the planned conser- vation management system. The plan may be imple- The conservationist prepares the final plan document mented by the client with or without NRCS technical once the client has selected an alternative. General assistance. Implementation also includes operation guidance for preparing plan documents is provided in and maintenance after installation to ensure proper the NPPH. future functioning. Wildlife benefit only after habitat enhancing conservation corridors and practices are Once the conservation plan is completed, it is deliv- installed. Wildlife continue to benefit as long as the ered to the client and a date is set for followup or corridors are maintained with their needs in mind. application assistance to coordinate funding and activities with State agencies, conservation groups, or (1) Procedure others involved in plan implementation. The NPPH provides detailed instructions on how to proceed with the implementation process. One area (2) Products that requires additional information for wildlife- • Plan document with the selected alternative, focused plans is permitting. A number of wildlife, including potential program or implementation wildlife habitat, and water quality related resources opportunities, and operation and maintenance are regulated by Federal, State, or local law. Conserva- • Schedule of conservation system and practice tionists should be familiar with the types of required implementation permits and permitting agencies. All necessary permits • NEPA documentation (if required) must be acquired before the plan can be implemented. • Revised CED worksheet for a conservation plan One of the most critical aspects of implementation is funding, particularly where wildlife habitat is con- cerned. Clients, for good reason, pursue the most cost- effective solution to a particular soil or water conser- vation problem. For example, in the upper Midwest,

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–125 Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Hanbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat smooth brome (Bromus inermis) is the most common Step 9 Evaluate plan species planted in grassed waterways. Farmers and ranchers prefer smooth brome because it is easy to Planning standard—The planner maintains establish and provides good, inexpensive erosion contact with the client to determine whether the control. However, pure stands of smooth brome have implementation results are meeting ecological, limited value as habitat for wildlife. Alternative grass/ economic, and social objectives and solving forb seed mixes that produce high quality habitat are conservation problems in a manner satisfactory more expensive and difficult to establish. Fortunately, to the client and beneficial to the resources. numerous private conservation organizations in the Resource impacts different from those predicted upper Midwest and other regions are seeking partner- are fed back into the planning process, and ship opportunities with landowners to enhance the adaptive management strategies employed. habitat value of grassed waterways and other conser- vation practices. They have programs that contribute funds, native seed mixes, trees, shrubs, seeding and The purposes for evaluating wildlife and wildlife planting equipment, and labor. Support of this kind habitat components of the conservation plan as imple- makes it possible for landowners to install appropriate mented are to conservation practices beneficial to wildlife at no • ensure wildlife habitat is functioning as intended, additional cost. The reduced long-term costs of manag- • estimate wildlife response to conservation prac- ing native plant communities are an additional benefit tices, and for the landowner. • initiate adaptive management where wildlife Partnerships of this type result in enhanced wildlife responses are different from those predicted. habitat and a strengthened social structure in rural communities. Partnering with Federal and State agen- (1) Procedure cies and county and local governmental departments Evaluation of the implemented plan effects on wildlife can produce similar results. The next section in this is an onsite activity. The client, conservationist, and part of the handbook is devoted to the topic of imple- NRCS biologist should work together to observe, mentation. measure, discuss, and record the wildlife and wildlife habitat data. The conservationist should use the plan (2) Products evaluation step as an opportunity to discuss the results with the client. Habitat benefits of the conservation • Conservation practices applied practices implemented and the importance of vegeta- • Conservation management systems applied tion management in the perpetuation of those benefits • Communication with the clients should be emphasized. The NPPH outlines the general • Updated plan document procedures necessary to complete a plan evaluation. • Conservation plan revision notes Evaluating (estimating) the effects of the conservation • Technical assistance notes plan on wildlife can be a difficult task. The very nature • Conservation contract, where applicable and behavior of some species afford little opportunity for assessment. In addition, the effects of conservation practices are immediate. Plants take time to grow, and the results of fencing may require several years to be reflected in rejuvenated plant communities. The wild- life that inhabits these changing plant communities will also change over time in response to changing plant structure. Further, local and regional populations of wildlife are affected annually by weather and other natural factors. Consequently, changes in species abundance from year to year may not be responses to implemented management practices, but rather re- sponses to other external factors.

613–126 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Subpart B Conservation Planning National Biology Handbook Part 613 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Resources Landscape Level—Managing for Wildlife Habitat

Nevertheless, conducting a wildlife inventory over a (2) Adaptive management period of years is worthwhile because it does illustrate Several years of evaluation data may indicate that a trends. Inventories should be coordinated with state particular wildlife species or population is not re- wildlife agencies and the USFWS. The types of infor- sponding as predicted to the implemented conserva- mation generated from a wildlife inventory that reflect tion practices. The plan should be reviewed by the the effects of the implemented conservation practice conservationist and a biologist to determine the nature include the following: of the problem. Conservation practices should be • A list of species observed on the site modified as necessary to rectify the problem. In some cases additional practices need to be installed or • A list of species that breed on the site species populations management employed. • Species abundance, estimated number of indi- viduals present on the site (3) Products • Diversity, estimated number of species present • Operation and management reports on the site • Outline of maintenance needs or other changes Annual wildlife inventory information collected after • A decision to update or revise the plan, if needed implementation can be compared with data collected • Technical assistance notes indicating the effec- in the inventory, step 3. The data can be recorded on a tiveness of the plan simple bar graph to illustrate trends. • Case studies, if appropriate, following the guid- ance provided in the Field Office Technical Several well-established inventory and monitoring Guide (FOTG), section V. techniques are in the wildlife biology literature. NRCS • Recommendations for changes in practice de- biologists and state wildlife agencies are well versed in signs or specifications these techniques, which include: • Recommendations for changes in FOTG materi- • Trapping als • Fecal pellet counts • A decision to revise or expand implementation • Call counts strategies • Harvest data (game species) • Updated conservation plan effects • Flush counts • Roadside counts • Number of artifacts (nests, burrows, tracks) (g) Case study • Aerial counts The Hedgerow Farms, Winters, California, case study that follows illustrates four of the corridor-planning In addition, numerous species-specific inventory and principles described in section 613.04: monitoring techniques can be used as needed. It is • Two or more corridor connections between beyond the scope of this handbook to detail each patches are better than one technique. The Research and Management Tech- niques for Wildlife and Habitat (The Wildlife Society • Manage the matrix with wildlife in mind 1994) is a useful reference. If threatened or endan- • Native species are better than introduced species gered species or a vulnerable population is an issue, it • Structurally diverse patches and corridors are may be necessary to enlist the help of other wildlife better than simple structure and conservation biologists in conducting an evalua- tion.

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–127 Case Study: HEDGEROW FARMS

Corridor Planning Principles described in section 613.04 that are exhibited by this case study include:





Vertical Structure

613–128 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004) Case Study: Hedgerow Farms

This case study illustrates how a private landowner partnering with federal, state and local agencies and groups can develop an effective conservation plan at the farm or ranch scale. Conservation corridors form the essence of the plan and function both as habitat and conduit for the 110 species that have been recorded on the property. Hedgerow Farms is also a teaching and research facility for farmers and ranchers in the region.

Hedgerow Farms, owned and operated by John Anderson and family, is a 600 acre row crop and grass seed production facility located 20 miles John Anderson northwest of Davis, CA in the southern Figure 1: Aerial view of Hedgerow Farms. Sacramento Valley. Nestled in a 200,000-acre watershed at the base of the Vaca Hills, the farm In addition to eliminating wildlife habitat and is surrounded by other row crop farms and orchards. biodiversity, this so-called “clean farming” has For the past 18 years, Hedgerow Farms has been exacerbated soil erosion, sediment deposition, and pioneering methods for restoring and revegetating flooding. It also locks farmers into a never-ending field borders, canal edges and berms, drainage cycle of seasonal weed abatement. Left alone for ditches and riparian corridors with native California even a short period, traditionally clean-farmed areas vegetation. become a complex of non-native invasive weeds unacceptable to farmers that can choke water Intensive farming practices in the Sacramento delivery systems. Valley have essentially eliminated wildlife habitat and ecosystem functions on the majority of The owners of Hedgerow Farms have developed and farmland. Most farmers routinely keep nonfarmed demonstrated the use of on-farm vegetation areas devoid of vegetation through a costly and practices that completely reverse the concept of labor-intensive combination of tillage and herbicides. “clean farming.” Rather than eliminating vegetation, Most of the major drainages that served historically they have restored and cultivated native California as riparian corridors for wildlife have been vegetation on roadsides, irrigation canals, drainage channelized and stripped of vegetation. ditches, field borders, and along a natural riparian corridor. Every non-farmed area is a complex of native plants (including perennial grasses, sedges, rushes, forbs, shrubs, vines and trees) competitively suppressing invasive weeds while providing a biologically diverse community of plants and animals. Today, Hedgerow Farms supports multiple, interconnected corridors that have eliminated erosion, reduced the need for tillage and herbicides, and may even be assimilating agricultural nutrient run-off. The benefits to wildlife are tremendous. Over 110 species of birds have been recorded on the John Anderson property. Game species are now regularly harvested and include dove, pheasant, quail, turkey, wood Figure 2: A well designed windbreak with dense understory vegetation provides habitat for many species. ducks, and mallards. Reptile and amphibian populations have made dramatic recoveries. A myriad beneficial insects and spiders inhabit the

(190-VI-NBH, November 2004) 613–129 Winters, California

The success and innovation of Hedgerow Farms has heightened local awareness and interest in con- servation practices on farmland. The farm hosts an average of two tours each month attended by other farmers, agency representatives, and conservationists eager to learn more about farmland ecosystem management. The Yolo County Resource Conservation District to- gether with NRCS works with Hedgerow Farms to provide educa- tion and outreach to expand these

John Anderson and similar programs throughout the watershed. Figure 3: The grassed banks of this irrigation canal reduces bank erosion and provides habitat.

diverse vegetation complexes. The federally listed endangered Valley elderberry longhorn has recently taken up residence in elderberry shrubs planted in 1986. This boon to wildlife has not compromised farm productivity: adjacent fields of For additional information, contact: corn, wheat, sunflowers, safflower, alfalfa, and tomatoes have not been negatively impacted and John H. Anderson may even benefit from the beneficial insects and Hedgerow Farms abundant predators associated with the restored 21740 Co. Rd. 88 habitat. Winters, CA 95616 The owners of Hedgerow Farms have found that cooperation and partnerships with local agencies have been both essential and rewarding. Installing This case study was written by John Anderson and Jeannie roadside habitat required the support and Wirka and is printed in this document with their permission. participation of the Yolo County public works agency. Restoring riparian habitat and revegetating canal banks depended on a close working relationship with the Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. The owners also relied upon multiple cost share programs to fund the projects, including USDA ACP funds, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s “Partners for Wildlife” program, and EPA 319 funds through the Yolo County Resource Conservation District. Finally, on-going monitoring and research involves the State Water Resources Control Board, the University of California at Davis, and the University of California Cooperative Extension. John Anderson

613–130 (190-VI-NBH, November 2004)