Essay Deutsch D
1 Essay Deutsch D National Hearing Conservation Association Annual Conference , 2003, February, Dallas. Invited lecture. Invited Lay language paper presented at the 156th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Absolute pitch is associated with a large auditory digit span A clue to its genesis. Mozart Festival, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts , 1998, Washington, D. 1983, November. Schiffman, Sensation and Perception. Heller and W. , and Dooley, K. Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting , 2002, November, Kansas City. Stereo TV, Invited presentation. Marks, The Unity of the Senses. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 1996, 99, 2482,. The pitch levels of female speech in two Chinese villages. , Sensation and Perception. Physics Today , 2010, February, 40-45,. Ear Club , 2004, May, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley. Invited Lay language paper presented at the 148th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, November,. New York Oxford University Press. Mozart Festival, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts , 1998, Washington, D. Basic Structure and Function in the Central Nervous System , 1974, New York MacMillan Co. Representation of pitch and pitch combinations. Invited Lay Language paper presented at the 149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. and Deutsch, D. Musical space. Two issues at the interface between speech and music. Paper presented at the. Winter Conference on Brain Research , 1986, Keystone. International conference on Psychology and the Arts , 1983, Cardiff, Wales. Psychonomic Society Meeting , 1984, El Paso. Encyclopedia of Perception , 2009, 1, 160-164, Sage. Invited Presentation, Annual meeting of the. , Psychological Foundations of Musical Behavior. , and Dooley, K.
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