The Meaning and Value of Life (Rudolf
The meaning and value of life New York State College of Agriculture At Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y. The Professor Dwight Sanderson Rural Sociology Library Cornell University Library BD 431.E86M The meaning and value of life, 3 1924 014 109 916 Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. 92401 41 0991 6 THE MEANING AND VALUE OF LIFE WORKS BY W. R. BOYCE GIBSON THE PROBLEM OF FREEDOM IN ITS RELA- TION TO PSYCHOLOGY (In ' Personal Idealism.' Edited by Henry Sturt) LONDON : MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. igoa A PHILOSOPHICAL INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS LONDON : SWAN SONNENSCHEIN AND CO., LTD. 1904 RUDOLF EUCKEN'S PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE Second Edition With Frontispiece Portrait of Rudolf Eucken Crown 8vo., cloth^ price 3s. 6d. net LONDON : ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, SOHO SQUARE. 1907 (With the co-operation of Augusta Klein) THE PROBLEM OF LOGIC Demy 8vo., cloth, price I2s. 6d. net; post free 13s. ION : ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, SOHO SQUARE. 1908 GOD WITH US A Study in Religious Idealism Crown 8vo., cloth, price 3s. 6d. net ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, SOHO SQUARE. I909 AGENTS Amerloa . The Macmillan Company 64 & 66 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK ATUtralaiia OXFORD University Press, £05 Fllndets Lane, MELBOURNE Canada The macmillan Company of Canada, Ltd. St. Martin's House, 70 Bond Street, Toronto India ' MACHiLLAH !c Company, Ltd. Macmillan Building, BOMBAY 309 Bow Bazaar Street, CALCUTTA THE MEANING AND VALUE OF LIFE BY RUDOLF EUCKEN PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF JENA (awarded THS NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE IN xgo8) TRANSLATED BY LUCY JUDGE GIBSON (classical and ORIENTAL TRIPOSBS| CAMBRIDGE) AND W.
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