Ascsa Ar 85 (1965-1966)
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AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS FOUNDED 1881 Incorporated under the Laws of Massachusetts, 1886 EIGHTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT 1965-1966 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 1966 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 MANAGING CoMMITTEE 7 CoMMITTEES OF THE MANAGING CoMMITTEE 13 STAFF OF THE ScHOOL 14 CouNCIL OF THE ALUMNI AssociATION 15 THE AuxiLIARY FuNo AssociATION 16 CooPERATING INSTITUTIONS 17 IN MEMORIAM William Pitkin Wallace 19 REPORTS: Director 21 Librarian of the School 31 Librarian of the Gennadeion . 34 Professors of Archaeology 38 Field Director of the Agora Excavations 41 Field Director of the Corinth Excavations . 45 Special Research Fellows 54 Annual Professor 54 Visiting Professor 56 Secretary of the School 58 Chairman of the Committee on Admissions and Fellowships . 59 Chairman of the Committee on Publications 61 Director of the Summer Session 68 The Alumni Association . 70 Report of the Treasurer . 72 Treasurer of the Auxiliary Fund 82 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY J. H. FURST COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BE IT KNOWN WHEREAS James R. Lowell, T. D. Woolsey, Charles Eliot BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1965-1966 Norton, William M. Sloane, B. L. Gildersleeve, William W. Goodwin, Henry Joseph Alsop ................... 2720 Dumbarton Avenue, Washington, Drisler, Frederic J. de Peyster, John Williams White, Henry G. Marquand District of Columbia and Martin Brimmer, have associated themselves with the intention of forming John D. Biggers ...... ..... .... 832 ational Bank Building, Toledo, Ohio a corporation under the name of the John icholas Brown .... .... ... SO South Main Street, Providence, Rhode Island TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL Ward M. Canaday, Chairman .... The Overland Corporation, 500 Security STUDIES AT ATHENS Building, Toledo, Ohio Frederick C. Cravvford, President . 23555 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio for the purpose of the establishment and maintenance of a school of classical athanael V. Davis .... ......... Box 6090, Montreal 3, Quebec, Canada studies at Athens, in Greece, for American students, and have complied with Philip Hofer ... ...... ......... 88 Appleton Street, Cambridge, Massa- the provisions of the Statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and chusetts provided, as appears from the certificate of the President, Secretary, Treasurer Thomas S. Lamont .. .. ..... .... Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., 140 Broad- and Executive Committee of said Corporation, duly approved by the Commis way, ew York, New York sioner of Corporations, and recorded in this office: Harry M. Lyter .. ............. 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York Now, THEREFORE, I, HENRY B. PIERCE, Secretary of the Commonwealth New York of Massachusetts, Do HEREBY CERTIFY that said J. R. Lowell, T. D. Woolsey, John J. McCloy, S ec'y-Treas . .... 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, ew York, C. E. Norton, W. M. Sloane, B. L. Gildersleeve, W. W. Goodwin, H. Drisler, New York F. J. de Peyster, J. W. White, H. G. Marquand and M. Brimmer, their asso Lincoln MacVeagh . ........... Casa das Laranjeiros, Estoril, Portugal ciates and successors are legally organized and established as and are hereby Henry D. Mercer . ....... ..... 90 Broad St., New York, New York made an existing corporation under the name of the Charles H. Morgan . ...... ..... Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts Andre Newburg .. ...... .. .. 52 Wall Street, New York, New York TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL Ralph T. Reed ................. 717 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York William Kelly Simpson ......... Yale University, 102 Hall of Graduate STUDIES AT ATHENS Studies, ew Haven, Connecticut with the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties Spyros P. Skouras . .. .. ....... 444 West 56th St., ew York, ew York and restrictions which by law appertain thereto. Arthur K. Watson . ... ..... .. International Business Machines World Trade Corporation, 821 United Nations WITNESS my official signature hereunto subscribed, and the Plaza, New York, New York seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed this Richard H. Howland, ex officio .. .. The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, twenty-third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand District of Columbia eight hundred and eighty-six. (Seal) OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES (Signed) HENRY B. PIERCE OFFICERS Secretary of the Commonwealth Ward M. Canaday, Chairman John J. McCloy, Secretary-Treasurer Frederick C. Crawford, President Harry M. Lyter, Assistant Treasurer Nathanael V. Davis, Vice President 4 5 ExECUTIVE CoMMITTEE MANAGING COMMITTEE 1965-1966 Ward M. Canaday, Chairman John J. McCloy Frederick C. Crawford Members Institution and Address FINANCE CoMMITTEE Richard H . Howland, ex officio . .. The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, John J. McCloy, Chairman Nathanael V. Davis District of Columbia John Nicholas Brown Thomas S. Lamont John L. Caskey, Vice Chairman . University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio Ward M. Canaday Charles H. Morgan Alan L. Boegehold, Secretary . .. Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Walter R. Agard . ... ... University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Alfred R. Bellinger ...... .. Yale University; Dumbarton Oaks, 1703 32nd Street, N. W ., Washington, District of Columbia Carl W. Blegen . .. .. .. .. University of Cincinnati; 9 Plutarch Street, Athens, Greece Oscar Broneer . .. ........ University of Chicago; Ancient Corinth, Greece Rhys Carpenter . .. .. Bryn Mawr College; Jerry Run, R. D. 2, Downingtown, Pennsylvania Benjamin C. Clough . .. .. Brown University; 26 Loring Avenue, Provi- dence, Rhode Island Kenneth J . Conant .... Radcliffe College ; 274 Grove Street, Wellesley, Massachusetts Roy J. Deferrari ... .. ..... Catholic University of America, Washington, District of Columbia William B. Dinsmoor ....... Columbia University; American School of Clas- sical Studies, Athens, Greece Morton S. Enslin ... .... 16 Prospect Street, Canton, New York J. Penrose Harland .. ..... University of North Carolina; Laurel Hill Road, P. 0. Box 48, Chapel Hill, N. C. Ernest L. Highbarger . ... Northwestern University; Hotel Bradford, Storm Lake, Iowa Harald Ingholt .... ... ... Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Leslie W . Jones .. ...... College of the City of New York; 75 Franciscan Way, Berkeley, California I van M. Linforth ....... .. University of California; 72 Tarnal pais Road, Berkeley, California Ben E. Perry . ....... .... University of Illinois; 504 Vermont Avenue, Urbana, Illinois Clyde Pharr .. .... ... • Vanderbilt University; 1500 West 32nd Street, Austin, Texas L. Arnold Post . ..... ... • Haverford College; 618 Walnut Lane, Haver ford, Pennsylvania Gisela M. A. Richter . ...... 81 Viale delle Mura Gianicolensi, Rome, Italy John J. Savage .......... • Fordham University; 1 Craigie Street, Cam bridge, Massachusetts 6 7 Members Institution and Address Members Institution and Address Alfred C. Schlesinger ...... Oberlin College; R. D., Williamstown, Massa Paul A. Clement . ......... University of California, Los Angeles, California chusetts Susan Cobbs . ....... Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsyl- L. R. Shero . .. ........ .. Swarthmore College; 651 N. Chester Road. vama Swarthmore, Pennsylvania Joseph M. Conant .... .. Emory University, Emory University, Georgia Gertrude Smith .... ....... University of Chicago; 1050 East 59th Street, James S. Constantine ....... University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia Chicago, Illinois Margaret Crosby . ... ...... 14 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts John B. Stearns ... ...... Dartmouth College; 3 Downing Road, Han- (Representing the Alumni Association) over, New Hampshire Lloyd W. Daly .. ......... University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penn- t Robert P. Strickler . .. .... Southwestern University sylvania Mary H. Swindler .... ..... Bryn Mawr College; Arnecliffe, Gulph Road, Nathan Dane . ....... .. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Jean M. Davison .... ...... University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont Agnes Carr Vaughan ....... Smith College; 70 La Salle Street, Apt. 14a, Thelma B. DeGraff . ... ... Hunter College, New York, New York New York, New York Norman ]. De Witt .... .... University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minne- Pearl C. Wilson . ... .. ..... Hunter College; 600 West 116th Street, New sota York, New York orman A. Doenges . .... Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire Arthur