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CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Prof. Chakrapani Luitel, PhD Sex: Male Marital status: Married Address: Kathmandu Mahanagarpalika, 32 Ghattekulo Kathmandu Contact No: 014770459 (Res.), 9841329659 (mob.) Email address: [email protected] Religion: Hindu Education: Level Institutions / Boards Year Ph. D. Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu 2005 B. L. Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu 1993 M. A. Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu 1991 B. Ed. Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu 1992 B. A. Mechi Multiple Campus, Jhapa (Tribhuvan University) 1986 I. A. Mechi Multiple Campus, Jhapa (Tribhuvan University) 1984 S. L. C S. L. C. Board Nepal, Ministry of Education 1980 Experiences / Activities Teaching: 1. Assistant Lecturer at Dhankuta Multiple Campus (Tribhuvan University) 1990 to 1995, Lecturer at the same campus and Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus 1995-2009, Associate Professor from 2009 Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus, (Tribhuvan University), Professor of Economics from 2015 to 2021(Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus, (Tribhuvan University) 2. Now working as the freelance writer and researcher Training: 1. Research Methodology Training organised by Tribhuvan University Curriculum Development Centre and Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development held on October 2 to October 4 1994 2. Research Methodology (Seven Days Workshop), Organised by Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University 3. Research Methodology (Six Days Workshop), Organised by Dean’s Office, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University held in 17 April, 1997 to 22 April, 1997 Text –books Economics 10 Population 8 Rural development 8 Social studies 3 Reference 7 Others 2 1 Articles Luitel C. P. (1997) Nepalma Mulya Briddhi tatha Upabhoktako Hiko Prashna (Inflation in Nepal and Issue of Consumer Welfare). Arthk Darpan, Vol.1, Issue 10 Luitel C. P. and Poudyal, S. K. (2004) The Population Growth and Distribution: A Short Glimpse, Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Tribhuvan University, Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus, Vol. III No. 3 July 2004 Luitel, C. P (2009) Biogas and Sustainable Energy Management in Nepal, Humanities and Social Science Journal Vol 5 No. 5, November 2009, (B. S. 2066, Katrik), Tribhuvan University, Ratnarajyalaxmi Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal Luitel, C. P (2010) Gramin Bikaskalagi Pashupalan Tatha Bittiya Sanstha: Abastha ra Yogadan (Livestock Raising and Financial Institutions for Rual Development: Situation and Contribution) Unmesh, Issue 11, Magh 2066 (January, 2010), Tribhuvan University Teachers Association, Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus Unit, Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P (2010) Nepalama Sarbajanik Byayako Abastha, Prabritti ra Yasako Sandesh (Public Expenditure in Nepal Trend and Its Message) Rajaswa (The Nepalese Journal of Public Finance and Development), 2066 Falgun/67 Jestha ,Year 30/31, Volume 4/1 (2010 February-march/ May-June, Revenue Administration Training Centre Luitel, C. P (2010) Nepalma Pashujanya Udyog tatha Garibi Niwaran: Opportunity (Livestock Based Industries and Poverty Alleviation: Opportunity) Udyog ra Bikas (The Journal of Industry and Development) Vol. 6 No. 1, Falgun 2066 (February/March, 2010, Nepal Government Ministry of Industry, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P (2011) A Critical Appraisal of Schultz’s Theory in Rural Development Perspective, Humanities and Social Science Journal Vol 6 No. 6, November 20011, (B. S. 2066, Marga), Tribhuvan University, Ratnarajyalaxmi Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal Luitel, C. P (2011). Lewis Theory of Growth: How Much Consistent in Rural Development of Underdeveloped Countries, UNMESH October (B. S 2068, Aswin) Tribhuvan University Teacher’s Association, Ratnarajyalaxmi Campus Unit, Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P. (1996). An Overview of Livestock Development Activities in Nepal, The Economic Journal of Nepal Vol. 19, No.3 July-Sept1996 Luitel, C. P. (1998) Biswo Bankako Dristima Nepal ra Dachhin Asia: Ek Charcha (Nepal and South Asia in World bank’s Vision: An Overview) Arthik Darpan, Vol.2, Issue 9 Luitel, C. P. (1998) Krishi Chhetrama Sansthagat Lagani Ek Samikchhya (Institutional Investment in Agricultural Sector: A Short Review), Mirmire (A Publication of Central Bank), Year 27, No. 1 Luitel, C. P. (1998) Nepalko Arthik Bikasma Krishijanya Udyogko Bhumika (Role of Agro- based Economy in the Economic Development of Nepal) Rajaswa (The Neplese Journal of Public Finance and Development) Year 18, Vol. 1 Ministry of Finance Revenue Administration Training Centre Luitel, C. P. (1998). Viability of Biogas: An Option for Household Energy, Tribhuvan University Journal, Vol. XXI, No. 2 June 1998 Lucite, C. P. (1999) Baidesik Sahayoga ra Nepalko Arthatantra Ek Samikchhya (Foreign Trade and Nepalese Economy: An Overview) (The Nepalese Journal of Public Finance and Development) Year 19, Vol.1 Baisakh 2056 (April, 1999) Ministry of Finance Revenue Administration Training Centre Luitel, C. P. (1999). Problems and Policy Issues of Livestock Raising in Nepal. The Economic Journal of Nepal Vol. 22, No.3 July-September 1999 Luitel, C. P. (2000) Nepalma Krishijanya Arthatantrama Pashudhan (Livestock in the Neplalese Agrobased Economy). Arthik Sansar, Vol.10 No. 11 Luitel, C. P. (2000) Nepalma Krisi Bikasma Bigatka Prayas, Upalabdhi ra Dirghakalin Krishi Yojana: Ek Bislen (Efforts and Achievements of Past in Agricultural Development and Agriculture Perspective Plan in Nepal). Arthik Sansar, Vol.8 No. 9 2 Luitel, C. P. (2001). Scope of Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas through Large Ruminants. The Economic Journal of Nepal Vol. 24, No.2 June-March, 2001 Luitel, C. P. (2002). Anusandhan Prakriya: Sodh Prastab ra Pratibedan Lekhan (Research Process: Research Proposal and Report Writing) Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Tribhuvan University, Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus, Vol I No. 1 July 2002 Luitel, C. P. (2005) Nepalma Garibi, Pashudhanko Abastha ra Sandarvikata (Poverty in Nepal, Situation and Context of Livestock Raising) Itihas Prabaha Vol.1, No. 1 Luitel, C. P. (2006). Livestock: A Search for Viable Strategic Option for Poverty Alleviation in Nepal. The Economic Journal of Nepal Vol. 29, No.2 April-June 2006 Luitel, C. P. (2007) Nepalma Bhumisudhar tatha Krishi Bikasko Sawal (Land Reform and Issue of agriculture Development in Nepal) Itihas Prabaha Vol.2, No. 2 Luitel, C. P. (2007) Nepalma Pasupalan Byabasayako Rupantaran: Abastha ra Sambhavana (Transformation of Livestock Raising in Nepal: Situation and possibility). Unmesh, No. 9, Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus. Luitel, C. P. (2008). Possible Approach for Sustainable Livestock Development in Hill Region of Nepal, Humanities and Social Science Journal Vol.4 No. 4 Tribhuvan University, Ratna Rajyalaxmi Campus, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P. (2009) Garibi Niwaranma Sangathit Shrotabata Bittiya Byabastha: Situation and Challenges (Financial Management from Organised Sources for Poverty Alleviation) Nepal Rastra Bank, Mirmire Vol. 38 Issue 5 Bhadra 2066 (2009) Lucite, C. P. (2009) Khadyasurakchhyako Sawalma Pashupalan Byabasayako Sandarvikata (Relevancy of Livestock Raising in Food Security Issue) Unmesh, Issue 10, 2066 (2009), Tribhuvan University Teachers Association, Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus Unit, Ratnarajya Laxmi Campus, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P. (2009) Nepalma Budhyouli Abastha: Samajik Surakchhya ra Aarthik Kriyakalap (Aging Situation in Nepal: Social Security and Economic Activities, Jeatha nagarik (Senior Citizen) Nepal Government Ministry of Children and Social Welfare, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P. (2009) Nepalma Garibi Nibaran tatha Khadya Surakchhyako Sabalma Pasupalan Byabasaya (Livestock Raising in Povertty Allivation and Food Security Issue in Nepal) Nepal Rastra Bank, Mirmire Vol 38 Issue 10 Magh 2066 (2009) Luitel, C. P. (2010 Nepalama Garibiko Prabritti ra Sahakaritako Sandarvikata (Poverty Trends in Nepal and Relevancy of Cooperatives) Tribhuvan University, Ratna Rajyalaxmi Campus, Golden Jubilee Souvenir-2067 Kathmandu Luitel, C. P. (2010) Aarthik Bikasma Rajyako Sahabhagita tatha Nepalma Yojanabaddha Bikas: Abhyas, Aabasyakata ra Chunouti (Government Participation in Economic Development and Planned Development in Nepal: Practices, Necessity and Challenges) Lekha Parikchhyan (The Nepalese Journal of Government Auditing) Year 28, N0. 72 Poush 2067 (December 2010), Office of the Auditer General, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P. (2010) Banijya Niti 2065 tatha Krishijanya Bastuko Niryat: Nitigat Sandarva tatha Karyanwayanka Chunautiharu (Trade Policy 2065 and Export of Agro-based Product: Policy Issues and Challenges of Implementation, Byapar ra Bikas (A Nepalese Journal of Trade and Development) Vol. 3 No.1 Issue 6, 2066 Kartik (October/November 2010), Nepal Government Ministry of Commerce and Supply, Kathmandu Luitel, C. P. (2010) Laghubitta ra Mahila Sasaktikarana Sambhabana tatha Chunauti (Microfinance and Women Empowerment Prospects and Challenges) Nepal Rastra Bank, Mirmire Vol 39 Issue 5 Bhadra 2067 (2010) Luitel, C. P. (2010) Nepalko Baidesik Byaparka Chunauti ra Banijya Niti 2065 Karnwayanko Sawal (Challenges of Nepalese Foreign Trade and Implementation Issue of Trade Policy 2065), Byapar ra Bikas (A Nepalese Journal of Trade and Development) Vol 2 No.2 Issue 4, 2066 Falgun (March/April 2010) Nepal Government Ministry of Commerce and Supply, Kathmandu 3 Luitel, C. P. (2010) Nepalma Baidesik Sahayog: Abastha, Prabritti, Chunauti ra Apanaunuparne Bato (Foreign Aid in Nepal: Situation, Trend, Challenges and Way Ahead) Lekha Parikchhyan (The Nepalese Journal of Government Auditing) Year 28, N0. 71