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Journal Vol 12.Pdf DAMAK CAMPUS JOURNAL Vol.1 Number 1 December 2011 Advisors: Suresh Subba Tulasi Prasad Bhattarai, Ph.D. Pro. Tanka Prasad Neupane, Ph.D. Chief Editor: Mohan Prasad Bhandari Managing Editors: Uttam Prasad Bhattarai Indiraj Paudyal Editors: Bishwaraj Adhikari Kul Prasad Siwakoti Leknath Luitel Ram Prasad Bhandari Publication Cell Damak Multiple Campus Damak, Jhapa Tel.No. 023-580132, 023-581232 Damak Campus Journal Volume 1 1 ;DkfbsLo bds SofDk; clxn] #! jif{sf] o'jf pd]/df lxFl8/x]sf] 5 . oxfF cfOk'Ubf;Dd lzIffIf]qdf o;n] h'g e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf] 5 :yfgLo kl/j]zsf nflu of] lgSs} 7"nf] pknlAw xf] . cfkm\gf] #! jif{sf] z}lIfs ofqfdf o;n] ljleGg ;+sfo / txdf u/L bz xhf/eGbf a9L ljBfyL{nfO{ cf‛cfkm\gf txaf6 pQL0f{ u/fO ;s]sf] 5 / oxfFaf6 cfkm\gf] tx pQL0f{ u/]sf clwsf+z ljBfyL{x¿ s'g} g s'g} ;+:yfdf cfkm\gf] txut of]Uotf cg';f/sf sfddf lgk"0f blvPsf 5g\ . o;sf] z}lIfs :t/Lotf / ;fdflhs ;+nUgtfnfO{ b]v]/ g} ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]un] :yfgLo hg;xeflutfaf6 ;~rflnt d'n'ssf tLg;oeGbf a9L ;fd'bflos SofDk;x¿dWo] bf];|f] pRr lzIff kl/of]hgfsf nflu 5flgPsf ( j6f SofDk;leq o;nfO{ klg ;dfj]z u/]sf] 5 . pQm kl/of]hgf cGtu{t lgwf{l/t cfjZos dfkb08 k"/f u/L clxn] QAA (Quality Assurance and Accreditation) k|fKt ug]{ cj:yfsf] clGtd r/0f;Dd k'lu;s]sf] 5 . xfdLnfO{ cfzf / e/f];f klg 5 ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]un] o;sf] plrt d"Nof+sg u/L oyflz3| o;nfO{ :t/Lotfsf] k|df0f‛kq lbg]5 . :t/Lotfsf] tfTko{ cfkm\gf] :yfgLo kl/j]z cg';f/ ;j{tf]d'vL prfOsf] lbzflt/ pGd'v x'g' xf] . ;Dej eP;Dd tbf?stfsf ;fy bds SofDk;n] Tof] pGd'vtf b]vfpg] k|of; ul//x]sf] 5 . cfkm\gf] lgoldt z}lIfs sfo{qmdsf :yfgLo ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts, ;flxlTos / cGo ultljlwx¿df k|ToIf jf k/f]If ¿kaf6 o;n] b]vfPsf ?lr / ;+nUgtfn] o;sf] prfOsf] cled'vtflt/ nlIot ub{5 . t/ olt x'Fbf‛x'Fb} klg of] kof{Kt 5}g eGg] xfdLn] /fd|/L a'em]sf 5f}+ . o; prfOnfO{ cem} dflyNnf] lzv/;Dd k'¥ofpg xfdLn] cem} 7f]; c7f]6 / k|lta4tfsf;fy nflukg'{kg]{ cfjZostf 5 . To; pRr z}lIfs uGtJosf nflu ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]un] xfdLnfO{ cfjZos dfu{bz{g ul//x]sf] 5 . To;} ljZjf; / e/f];fsf ;fy xfd|f cjsf kfOnfx¿ dfgs ljZjljBfnosf] tx;Dd k'Ugsf nflu rflng'kg]{ 5 eGg] s'/fdf bds SofDk; ;+oGq k|lta4 5 . SofDk; egf}+ of ljZjljBfno k|fl1s ultljlwsf] s]Gb| xf] . k|fl1s pGgogsf nflu hLjg‛hut ;DaGwL ;}4flGts / Jofjxfl/s kIfsf] hfgsf/L clgjfo{ x'G5 . zf]w‛cg';Gwfgsf dfWodaf6 ;dfhnfO{ To:tf 1fgfTds / k|of]ufTds k4ltx¿sf] hfgsf/L u/fpg' k|fl1s If]q s} bfloTj xf] . o;} p2]ZonfO{ b[li6ut ub}{ bds SofDk;n] Pp6f h/gn k|sfzg ug]{ lg0f{o lnP cg';f/ 1fg‛lj1fgsf ljljw kIfx¿nfO{ ;d]6/ of] h/gn k|sfzg ul/+b} 5 . of] bds SofD;sf] klxnf] c° ePsfn] o;df cfPsf ljifoj:t'x¿ cGtu{t ljljw If]qnfO{ ;d]6\g] k|oTg ul//xFbf of] cGt/{;fTds ljrf/x¿sf] ;dli6ut cleJolQm aGg k'u]sf] 5 . o; ljljwtfnfO{ k|If]k0f ug{ ;dfj]z ePsf ;fdu|Lx¿ jt{dfg 1fg‛lj1fgsf] km/flsnf] bfo/fnfO{ k|ltlglwTj ug]{ s'/fdf xfdL ljZj:t 5f}+ . olt x'Fbf‛x'Fb} klg h/gnsf nflu of] xfd|f] klxnf] k|of; ePsfn] ;fy} lgwf{l/t ;do ;Ldfleq o;n] cfkm\gf] k"0f{ sn]j/ kfO;Sg' kg]{ afWofTds cj:yf;d]t ePsfn] o;df sltko q'l6 / sdhf]/Lx¿ cfPsf x'g ;S5g\ . lj1 kf7s / ;dLIfsx¿af6 To:tf sdL‛sdhf]/Lx¿nfO{ cf}+NofO{ kl5Nnf c°x¿sf lglDt pko'Qm ;'emfjsf] ck]Iff ub{5f}+ . cGTodf xfdLnfO{ of] h/gn k|sfzgsf] cj;/ pknAw u/fpg' x'g] SofDk; ;~rfns ;ldltsf ;b:oHo"x¿, o; sfo{df pNn]Vo ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' x'g] SofDk; k|d'v ;d]t sfo{/t k|fWofksx¿, sd{rf/L ldqx¿, ljBfyL{ ;+u7gsf k|ltlglwx¿ ;fy} 5f]6f] ;dodf klg o;sf] 5kfOdf ldlxg]t;fy nflu kg'{ x'g] nIdL ckm;]6 k|];sf k|f]k|fO6/ efO 6+sk|;fb b'nfnk|lt s[t1tf 1fkg ub{5f}+ . c:t' . Damak Campus Journal Volume 1 2 Contents Page Author's Name Title No. df]xgk|;fb e08f/L kf}/fl0fs ldysx¿df k|of]u ePsf] lj1fg 1 OlGb/fh kf}8\ofn g/]Gb|bfO pkGof;df k|tLs ljwfg 14 ‘k|ldy;’ dxfsfJosf gf/Lkfqx¿sf] ;+lIfKt e"ldk|;fb bfxfn cWoog 27 /fdk|;fb e08f/L xf:oJoª\Uosf] ;}4flGts :j¿k 32 afnf e§/fO{ z}lIfs ;'kl/j]If0f, o;sf r'gf}lt / dxŒj 39 Uttam Prasad Bhattarai An Introduction to Santhali Language and 46 its Consonant Sounds Kamal Prasad Wosti Delineation of Opposite Elements in 52 'Essays on the Creation of Knowledge' Sharawan Kumar Chaudhary The Tharu Language: A Glimpse 59 Dhananjaya Banskota The Lamentations: A Diaspora in 'The 65 Power and the Glory' Lok Narayan Chaudhary The Great Philosopher 72 Jean Jacques Rousseau: A Brief Assessment Kul Prasad Siwakoti Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Plants Used 75 by Dhimal Tribe of Jhapa and Morang Districts Jeevan Kumar Gurung Traditional Uses of Animals as Medicine Practiced by Dhimal People of Damak, 78 Jhapa. Dr. Ajaya Bhattarai & Importance of Research Works in Current 82 Ratna Thapa Situation Madan Bahadur Thapa Comparative Study on Different Methods 87 of Composting Basudev Kafle Vegetation Analysis of Charkoshe Jhadi of 89 Eastern Nepal Bhisma Karki Thin Solid Films and Nanomaterials for 96 Solar Energy Conversion and Energy Saving Applications. Leknath Luitel Population Census in Nepal: Past and 109 Present Radhika Subedi Gender Equality and Economic 113 Development Tej Prasad Acharya Income Tax Liability to Natural Resident 118 Person Damak Campus Journal Volume 1 3 kf}/fl0fs ldysx¿df k|of]u ePsf] lj1fg df]xgk|;fb e08f/L g]kfnL ljefu bds ax'd'vL SofDk; bds, emfkf k|f/De ;+;f/df hab]lv dfgj hfltsf] ;[li6 eof] / cGo k|f0fLeGbf p;df lj:tf/} ljlzi6 r}tGosf] cGtk|{:km'6g x'g yfNof] To;} a]nfb]lv p;n] hLjg‛hut\sf] afÞo tyf cfGtl/s ;+/rgf ;fy} To;sf] k|lqmofut k|0ffnL / k4ltsf ljifodf uDeL/ rf;f] b]vfpg yfNof] . To;sf] ;}4flGts / k|of]ufTds k4ltaf/] ulx/f] ¿lr /fVg yfNof] . ;[li6k"j{ hut\sf] cj:yf s:tf] lyof] < hGdg'k"j{ hLjgsf] l:ylt s] lyof] < hut\ ;[hgfsf tŒjx¿sf] ;+of]ufTds / ljof]ufTds cj:yfsf] e"ldsf s;/L lqmofzLn x'G5 < hut\sf] afÞo bz{g / pkof]uaf6 dfq ;Gt'i6 geO{ cg]sf}+ cGtt{Œjx¿sf] ;+of]hg / ljof]hgsf ultrqmsf] sfn‛snfut gfkf] lng z'¿ u¥of] . hLjgsf] afÞo bz{af6 dfq lrQ ga'emfO{ :y"n, ;"Ifd / sf/0f z/L/sf cGtj{:t'x¿ / ;f}Gbof{Tds lgld{ltsf] of]hgfdf s'g tŒj slt ;lqmo 5 < To;sf] ;d]t vf]lh ug{ yfNof] . o;/L hLjg hut\sf] ;dli6ut cWoog ug]{ qmddf ltgsf cGtj{:t'x¿ vf]Hb} hfFbf lgisif{df :y"n‛;"Id‛sf/0f, hfu|t‛:jKg‛;'if'lKt, ljZj‛t}h;‛k|1f h:tf lqk'6L ljZjr}tGo cfTdf;Ddsf] cg';Gwfg sfo{df dfgj r]tgf ;+nUg /Þof] . o;/L Aofks vf]h‛cg';Gwfgaf6 e]l6Psf tYok/s, j:t'k/s / efjk/s hfgsf/Lx¿nfO{ ;d]6]/ ;dli6ut ¿kaf6 zf/Ll/s dLdf+;f ul/of] . k|f/Deb]lv xfn;Dd} egf}+ dfgj r]tgfn] k|fKt u/]sf zf]w‛cg'Gwfgsf pknlAwx¿ k"j{df j]b, j]bf·, ;+lxtf, a|fÞd0f, cf/0os / pklgifb\x¿ h:tf j}lbs u|Gysf] ;fy} dxfef/t, /fdfo0f, s'/fg, Oltxf; / w]/} af}4 u|Gyx¿df ;d]l6Psf 5g\ . To;}u/L klZrdL k/Dk/fsf] dfgj r]tgfhGo ;'bL3{ cg';Gwfgsf pknlAwx¿nfO{ k|frLg cj]:tfb]lv xf]d/sf] Olno8 / cf]8];L x'Fb} cf]N8 6]i6fd]06 Pj+ Go" 6]i6fd]06 -afOan_ / cem} kl5;Ddsf kf}/fl0fs u|Gyx¿df ;d]l6Psf] kfOG5 . != ljifo k|j]z klZrddf k|frLg u|Ls ;Eotf / k"j{df ;b"/ k|frLg Cuj}lbs ;EotfeGbf lgs} cl3b]lv g} dfgj r]tgfn] hut\ pTklQ / ljsf; ;DaGwL wf/0ff l:y/ ub}{, hLjg ;fxro{sf] clgjfo{ kIf‛ vfBk]o kbfy{ ;DaGwL k/LIf0f ub}{ clg /xg‛;xg / kfl/jfl/s ;fdflhs d"No lgwf{/0f ug]{ h:tf ljifosf] vf]h ub}{ tT;DaGwdf h'g ce"tk"j{ pknlAw xfl;n u¥of] To; :t/sf] 1fgfTds / k|of]ufTds pknlAw To;kl5sf lbgx¿df cfh;Ddsf] j}1flgs r/df]Tsif{df k'u]sf] o; o'un] klg Damak Campus Journal Volume 1 4 k|fKt ug{ ;s]sf] b]lvFb}g . oBlk ljutsf kl5Nnf s]xL ;x;|fAbLx¿df ePsf] j}1flgs vf]h‛ cg';Gwfgsf] lklklnsf ofqfn] ljsf; / kl/jt{gsf] hlt b"/L to u¥of] Tof] eGbf a9\tf b'/L t jt{dfgsf] o; rfn' ztfAbLn] g} kf/ ul/;s]sf] 5 . tfklg o; ztfAbLn] j}1flgs zf]w‛ cg';Gwfgsf If]qdf h'g pknlAw xfl;n u/]sf] b]lvG5 tL ;a} ;'b"/ ctLts} kblrGxdf 6]lsPsf gofF kfOnf dfq x'g\ .
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