. _._ ' SUEZ AND HUNGARY POLAND AND WUNG-ARY 81 their sinister roles in the purges of earlier years, had b only result was to stir up demands that Farkas should trial.1 Nor was the long-postponed decision to re- party membership as effective as it might have been earlier. place the reluctant tone of the announcement with its .many r in the second place the delay between Nagy's formal and the resolution to re-admit him 03 ~3 October, 22 October by students and sities and other groups.* But by events in Poland. p1enary session of the marked the beginning Paland in the days failed to-still. - (1956)~p. 9336, n. 68 (citing the special supplement The '"OctoberDays' in Poland Though there was the same evidence of mounting tension, the events in Poland in August and September differed from that in became, of the substantial shift which had already occurred. in the the Pglish-born Soviet gmeral who had of forces within the government and the party leadership. Here, te. Syrop, cyb. cit., p. 64, places him un- noted,s two-perhaps three6gruups were struggling for. the result that the party organization, as Daniszewski subse ' &0%8sa a Ibid., 5. 389; cf. Meray, @. cit., pp. 58-59. For earlier om-, asking Nw cabinet pat on the g~ent~stwpas, cf. ibid., p. s,and Lgqky, p. 34. For Nan' 4 Qct~ber,form& requesting reinstatement, and the resolution of the Politburo on 13 cf. Zier, pp. 3-a Ibid., p. 391. + cf.Itcporsn p. 69 (Text A, 3.31, p.75 lAnnarC,§.7;A~exD,§.2;AMexE,§.4); (=f.Mmhester Gdn,15 October 1956.
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