The Courier-Gazette Thursday
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Thursday Issue H T he Courier-Gazette Entered as Second Clasi Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-GaZette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, A p ril 6, 1939 Vo! ume 94................. Number 41. benefit of the Camden-Rockport The Courier-Gazette Camden Hills Camp Rockland Lions Club's charity fund. I THREE TIMES-A-WEEK A1 Smith presented for the next AT THE STATE CAPITOL I ! “The Black Cat" Editor To Observe Sixth Anniver Hear Dr. Ellingwood’s Con feature Rockland's entry in the Knox Aerie Gets Inspiring | WM. O FULLER sary Friday — Public Is vincing Talk On Cancer Lydia O. Hamlin Spear prize-speak- • r* i zu Message From Represen- I Associate Editor ing contest, Ruth Seabury. The Sunday Movies Find Change Of Heart In the PRANK A WINSLOW __ Urged To Attend Control— Other Matters Lions were surprised and delighted ° tative Of Grand Lodge 1 Suh’crlptlone 43 GO per year payable with her number and feel that who In advance; single copies three ecus I Open house will be held at the A varied program was presented Senate— The Townsend Memorial Knox Aerie Fraternal Order of Advertising rates baaed upon clrcula ever beats her will be the State win Eagles met in its hall on Elm street tion and very reasonable. 1130th Co. OCC Friday afternoon at yesterday’s meeting of the Lions ner. Her vivacity and naturalness NEWSPAPER HISTORY Tuesday night. The largest atten Club, ranging from the humorous The Rockland Gazette was estab- i and evening,. Enrollees will act as promise to make her a formidable Sunday motion pictures received ment to tax week-day admissions. dance of members in some time re llshcd In 1846 In 1874 th e C ourier was! Marne Senate approval Tuesday, A proposal of Representative established and consolidated with the ] guides to show visitors the camp, as reading given by Miss Ruth Seabury contender. sponded to the call. A class of can G azette ln 1882 The Free Press was Dr. Ellingwood in simple and con while the House refused to ask Con Bubar. of Weston, to have the Legis e s’abllahed In 1855 and In 1891 changed well as to escort them to the various to the serious topic of cancer con didates was initiated, the ritualistic vincing manner spoke of the great gress to enact Townsend pension lature memoralize Congress in favor lt« name to the Tr'bune. These papers work projects. trol. There were three visit Lions, work being in charge of Deputy consolidated M arch 17. 1897. and humane work being done by; plan legislation. of Townsend plan legislation drew Movies, depicting the various Dr. Hutchings, Dr. J. Carswell and Auditor James Tevlln of Cambridge, the American Society for the Con The House also rejected without the fire of Representative Payson Mass., a representative of the Grand camp activities, will be shown in Gilbert Lait of the Camden-Rock trol of Cancer, prefacing his state debate a "Milk and Honey" plan of of Portland in the House. Aerie, who has been spending sev By The Roving Reporter • A nation Is great, not by Its the Recreation Hall at 7.30 p. m port Club. ments by showing marked results "830 A Week For Life" for aged Payson held that the "man who riches or buildings, or automo The purpose of these movies is to eral days in Rockland assisting the biles. but through the character Dr. Hutchings in his capacity as in the fight against tuberculosis. persons under a warrant and stamp steals pennies from a dead man's give visitors a more complete picture local aerie. ol Its people.—Herbert Hoover. He stressed the importance of treat-1 plan similar to the defeated Call eyes is merely a petty th ie f com It was Easter Sunday. The church of camp activities than they could Deputy District Governor, told of Under the good of the order Mr. ing cancer before it turns malignant fornla "Ham and Eggs' legislation, pared to the "professional agitator" Tevlln gave a very Interesting talk was full to overflowing. At the close get from a short visit. the intra-district conference which and told of the three methods of | A bill providing salary cuts for for this type of legislation.” to the members upon the progress of the service the minister said, The public is urged to visit the is to be held at the Eastland Hotel Easter Lilies and Jonquils on sale treating the tumor growth—surgery, state employes ranging from 5 to After the memorial had been de- j of the organization and the various "Knowing that I shall not see the camp, and thereby obtain first-hand in Portland Sunday and Monday at E. B. Crockett's 5 & 10 cent X-ray and radium. 30 percent suffered House defeat. fended by Bubar and Represents-j works of a humanitarian nature I majority of you again before that information regarding the various of week after next and of the great Oftier House action was; Enacted tlve H. C. Buzzell of Belfast, the j store.—ad v. The radium treatment is prohibi that It has sponsored. At the time I now take the opportunity to activities that are being conducted. International Conference to ts j (iv<1 for most patients because of a bill creating the Passamaquoddy House by a voice vote, decisively re-1 present time, he told the members, wish you all a Merry Christmas!'* held in Pittsburg July 18-21. He District Authority and accepted a fused to accept a majority report the great expense attached to it. the order numbers over 600.000 M.v minister related the above. I In Municipal Court Tuesday Amos spoke also of the lecture to be report of “leave to withdraw" on a for it from the Pensions Committee Cooked Food Sale There is less than a pound of ra members, and for the past four have never heard It elsewhere.— Green was given a three months' given in Camden Opera House next memorial urging Congress to com- and adopted the minority report of dium in the world, and only one- years has Initiated on an average A. L. P. By SL Peter's Women's Auxiliary sentence on a robbery charge, and Thursday night (April 13) for the sixteenth of one percent in this plete the project: enacted a bill disapproval. of over 100,000 new members a At House-Sherman Store the small boy who is said to have State. I authorizing municipalities to engage Appeals by Representative Lam year. Upon the humanitarian pro German Nazis didn't like tho been hocked up with the case was Last year the Woman s Field teachers on contracts extending up bert «D» of Lewiston and others Saturday Afternoon gram of the Eagles the siieaker said frankness with which a writer dis placed on probation for one year Army raised a quota of $15,000 fo r' to five years; rejected a bill in that alien recipients of old age as ln part:— cussed European affairs and confis fighting cancer, but this permitted creasing from 15 to 16 years of age sistance not be stricken from the WALDO THEATRE “Two Eagles drafted the first cated copies of the Saturday Eve MAINE'S LITTLE RADIO CITY work only from May to November, j the minimum for Issuance of auto- State rolls were without avail in the mothers' pension law and the first TEL. WALDOBORO 100 House yesterday. ning Post. 17ie Curtis Publishing 8th Annual Battery “F” 240th C. A. C. A similar canvass is now being mobile drivers’ licenses; indefinitely workmen's compensation law to go By a 62 to 50 vote, the House Company retaliated by stopping tlie Matinee Sat-Sun. (also Holidays) made. The work last year resulted postponed a bill regulating the type Into effect. The order took up the refused Lamberts request for •in retail sale of all its magazines in at 2.30. Ev'gs. single shows 730 | in the discovery of 196 cases, six of of school buses to be used by muni- cause and today, largely through definite postponement of the pro Oermany. I have a notion that which were in Knox County. cipallties; accepted a committee re their efforts, 44 States have such ARMY DAY MILITARY BAI THIRS.-FRI., APRIL 6-7 port favoring a bill for promotion posal and then accepted a favor anything labelled American Is going There are six clinics in Maine laws on their statute books. Since AT ROBERT MONTGOMERY able report by the Pensions Com to be decidedly unpopular in the WATTS HALL, THOMASTON I which offer their services to recom of the blueberry industry. 1921 Eagles have been campaigning ROSALIND RUSSELL The Senate concurred. 17-11. with mittee. approaching months. mended patients. for old age pensions. When first ln The legislation was proposed by the House In giving the (Sunday suggested, the Idea was denounced THURSDAY, APRIL 6 -8 P. M. motion picture bill its first reading (an economy committee which es- Tlie traditional Atlantic City “FAST AND LOOSE” LENTEN VESPER SERVICE as radical. Today virtually 40 MUSIC BY j after reconsidering its action of tlmated halt of payments to 800 Easter Parade will have a new twist and States In the United States, the thl8 year whfn the 12 beSt. hattcd “OAT” DEAN and his RHYTHM BOYS Tlie Lenten Vesper service given last week in rejecting it. A five- aliens on the rolls now would per- A D M IS S IO N 40 C E N T S Popeye—"Cops Is Always Right" territories of Alaska and Hawaii.