District Council Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

February 2009

Rochford District Council

Rochford District Council Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

February 2009

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 1



1 Introduction 3 2 Vision and Objectives 7 3 Issues – Preferred Options 10 4 Policies 17 5 Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring 27 6 Timetable – Your Views 28 7 Glossary of terms 30 8 Proposals Map

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 2

1. Introduction

1.1 What is a Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP)?

The Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) is being prepared by Rochford District Council and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council in response to the challenges and opportunities offered by London Southend Airport together with an airport related employment cluster. Its preparation is in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 which allows for the preparation of a development plan document (DPD) by two or more local authorities. Area Action Plans are new-style planning documents that are targeted at areas of significant change and conservation. They should integrate land use, transport and regeneration proposals with clear mechanisms for delivery.

The JAAP will provide the basis for coordinating the actions of a range of partners with an interest in London Southend Airport and environs and establish planning policies until 2021. It will:

• Manage growth and change in the area by establishing development and design principles; • Safeguard areas and places sensitive to change; • Direct investment and form the basis for regeneration in the area; and • Be deliverable.

The JAAP is one of a number of DPDs being prepared by both local authorities, and must be read within the context of those other plans, and national and regional planning policy and guidance. Policies within the adopted Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy and the emerging Rochford Core Strategy provide the strategic backdrop against which the JAAP proposals have been prepared, and it is important, in formulating development schemes and proposals, that account is taken of these documents, together with the policies in this plan and, as previously mentioned, appropriate national and regional planning and guidance.

1.2 The Evidence Base

The preferred options presented here follow consultation on an Issues and Options Report published in June 2008, together with a detailed examination of the evidence base that has been collected to underpin the JAAP. The evidence base consists of national and regional planning policy, best practice guidance, background studies, socio-economic statistics and other published data.

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1.3 Sustainability Appraisal

The JAAP has been informed and modified by the process of Sustainability Appraisal, which is intended to test out the Plan’s effect on agreed sustainability objectives. The first stage in the Sustainability Appraisal process was the preparation of a Scoping Report, which identified other plans or programmes and sustainability objectives, collected baseline information, identified sustainability issues and developed a framework for assessing the sustainability of the Plan. The Scoping Report was completed in January 2008 and was subject to statutory consultation. The scoping report was followed by a Sustainability Appraisal of the Issues and Options Report, and this has been used to inform the preparation of the Preferred Options. An updated sustainability Appraisal will accompany the final submission version of the plan in 2009.

1.4 What will the JAAP include?

The JAAP will provide the framework for the regeneration and expansion of London Southend Airport and its environs through economic growth by providing opportunities for a range of economic, social, environmental and transport benefits. It builds on policies in the Rochford District Council and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Core Strategies and Community Strategies which provide the overarching strategic policy frameworks for the development of London Southend Airport and Environs.

The JAAP will include site specific allocations and general policies for the area. It will:

• Consider land uses; • Consider the form of development; and • Set out specific standards which will be applied to the area.

The JAAP takes into account:

• Existing and surrounding uses; • The impact of the proposals on other parts of Rochford District Council and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council areas; • Transport links and need for improved infrastructure; and • Impact on landscape, amenity and the existing built environment, including listed buildings.

1.5 The Preferred Options Report

A key step in the process of establishing the JAAP was the preparation of an ‘Issues and Options’ report that provided an opportunity for all interested parties to have their say on the future development of London Southend Airport and Environs. That report set out the initial analysis and potential spatial scenarios for the development of London Southend Airport and Environs in the period to 2021 derived from the evidence base and analysis. It

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 4 also set out the vision and objectives of the area, the key issues facing it and options for the future.

The feedback received from the Issues and Options Report has been carefully considered and used to prepare Preferred Options for future development in the area. The final stage in the plan preparation process will be a Submission document, which once adopted will be kept under regular review and will be revised to adapt to changing circumstances. Any future revisions of the final plan will be subject to consultation.

1.6 Policy Context for the JAAP

There exists a comprehensive framework of planning and economic guidance for policy makers to follow in relation to London Southend Airport and its surrounding area. The key feature of these policies (both national and regional) is the adherence to similar principles, i.e. the need for development to be sustainable.

The growth of London Southend Airport is strategically aligned to the Future of Air Transport White Paper which recognises the economic benefits of the expansion in air travel. The growing pressures on airports in the South East are highlighted, as well as the important role smaller airports have to play in the future provision of airport capacity in the Region. However the White Paper does recognise that potential environmental consequences need to be considered and that there is a need to find a sustainable way forward in respect of air travel.

At a regional level the Plan highlights the important roles airports perform in their local areas and the regional economy by providing significant job opportunities. The document states the significant regional role London Southend Airport will play in meeting the needs of local and niche markets. In addition the Regional Economic Strategy identifies the airport as a key site and states that the region’s airports are important assets which act as drivers for growth and expansion and will play an important role in improving the region’s competitive strength and attractiveness as a business location and tourism destination.

The local policy framework supports national and regional policies and recognises that the development of London Southend Airport would act as a key driver for economic development. The Southend Core Strategy (adopted 2007) identifies the strategic and local importance of the airport and surrounding area which employs a significant number of local people. Strategic Objective 11 is to secure the regeneration of London Southend Airport to enable it to reach its potential to function as a local regional airport providing for significant new employment opportunities and improved surface access subject to environmental safeguards. The Rochford Replacement Local Plan also recognises the significance of the airport site and supports its development as a regional air transport and airport maintenance facility. The Rochford Core Strategy Preferred Options document published in November

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2008 includes Policy ED1, which supports the development of the airport and environs and preparation of an Area Action Plan.

Transport plans relevant for the area highlight issues of congestion and accessibility in and around the JAAP area. With expansion of the airport, these issues will need to be addressed. However, the potential benefits of the airport are also recognised. These include the regeneration and growth of London Southend Airport and its potential role during the 2012 Olympics.

Overall, the growth and vitality of the Airport are seen as important to the economic development and prosperity of Southend and Rochford. Local policies support the growth of the airport; prioritise the safeguarding of the important Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) sector; and require the provision of adequate employment land (in terms of quantity and quality) to accommodate future employment needs of the area.

1.7 Getting Your Views

Your views are needed to help us assess whether, in preparing the preferred options, we have fully considered all the issues and opportunities facing the study area and have adequately assessed the potential options for development of the area.

We invite your views on the preferred option presented in this document.

Your responses will be taken into account in the preparation of the Submission document that will be prepared in 2009.

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2. Vision and Objectives

2.1 Vision

The JAAP Vision is set within the context of the regeneration and growth of Southend and Rochford as part of the Thames Gateway growth area. The shared Vision for the future development of London Southend Airport and its environs (i.e. the JAAP) is:

‘An area that realises its potential as a driver for the sub-regional economy, providing significant employment opportunities and ensuring the quality of life for its residents and workers. To achieve this, the area’s assets and opportunities for employment need to be supported and developed’

The Vision acknowledges that London Southend Airport is already a major employment location, for both aviation related businesses and general businesses. This is in spite of the airport having significant spare capacity for flights and the potential for new industrial and business premises to be developed adjacent to its existing area. Development of the airport and wider JAAP area will deliver employment growth contributing to the delivery of both authorities’ job targets, as set out in the East of England Plan.

The vision is supported in the current and emerging policy framework in the area.

The Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy (Adopted December 2007) has as its aim

‘To secure a major refocus of function and the long term sustainability of Southend as a significant urban area which serves local people in the Thames Gateway. To do this there is a need to release the potential of Southend’s land and buildings to achieve measurable improvements in the town’s economic prosperity, transportation networks, infrastructure and facilities; and the quality of life for all its citizens’.

Supporting this aim, Strategic Objective SO11 is to secure the regeneration of London Southend Airport to enable it to reach its potential to function as a local regional airport providing for significant new employment opportunities and improved surface access subject to environmental safeguards. It is also reinforced by the Renaissance Southend Regeneration Framework vision:

‘Southend-on-Sea – the regional centre, hub for higher education and culture, a centre for international air services in South – a great place to live, do business and visit!’3

The Rochford Core Strategy Preferred Options (October 2008) sets an emerging vision to ‘make Rochford the place of choice in the county to live, work and visit’. Supporting this, the vision sees a flourishing new employment

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 7 area underpinned by the growth on London Southend Airport that attracts high technology businesses and high value employment to the area.

2.2 Objectives of the JAAP

The following objectives have been developed within the planning context and are in conformity with current national, regional and emerging local policy. They are the guiding principles for underpinning the preferred options for the JAAP.

The objectives are:

• Creation of sustainable and high value employment and other land uses within the study area; • Maximising the economic benefits of a thriving airport and related activity; • Ensuring appropriate improvements in sustainable transport accessibility and facilities; • Ensuring a high quality environment for residents whether expressed through noise pollution management or protection of green space; • Maximum return on public investment through attracting inward investment; and • Efficient use of existing employment land resources.

The objectives outlined can be delivered through the preferred options explained in this report.

2.3 What will the JAAP area look like in 2021?

The vision for the JAAP focuses on economic growth and the delivery of new jobs. However, it is important to understand how that vision for growth will change the area. In effect, with a successful delivery of the plan’s policies and proposals, how will the airport and environs look in 2021?

London Southend Airport will be a successful regional passenger airport, operating from an extended , and transporting between 1 and 2 million passengers per annum. Passengers will travel on quiet, fuel efficient planes from a modern terminal building linked to a railway station and with fast road access to the A127 to destinations as far away as the South of Spain. The runway extension is a key factor in the ability of the airport to accommodate the latest advances in medium sized passenger aeroplanes (100 to 150 seats), which are quieter and more fuel efficient than their predecessors and can take-off in shorter distances and more quickly depart from local airspace.

In addition to a thriving passenger business, the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities on the airport will have been developed with new facilities constructed in the Northern MRO extension. The airport will continue to carry some high value cargo, but there will be restrictions on night flights through a noise quota system.

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The award winning Saxon Business Park will provide modern, sustainable spacious office accommodation and be enhanced with a green lung linking to Rochford town centre in the East and the Cherry Orchard Country Park in the West. The estate will provide space for a range of high-tech businesses, but with an emphasis on the environment technologies, and include space for new start-up businesses. The business park will provide quality jobs for local people.

In order to facilitate the construction of the runway extension, a new route will have been provided to Nestuda Way linked to a new junction and a park and ride facility on the West side of Nestuda Way. In addition, a new link road will improve access to the airport from Nestuda Way. The JAAP area will be criss-crossed by a network of walkways and cycle routes.

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3. Issues – Preferred Options

The JAAP Issues and Options document outlined five issues to be considered for the future development of the plan area.

Issue 1 – The future development and role of London Southend Airport

Issue 2 – The future of the JAAP as an employment area

Issue 3 – Balancing development with environmental enhancement

Issue 4 – Transport and movement

Issue 5 – Areas for Change

The response to each of these issues following consideration of the Issues and Options consultation is set out below and links to the framework of policies that will control the development of the JAAP as set out in Chapter 4.

Issue 1 – The future development and role of London Southend Airport

The Airport Masterplan 2005, prepared by London Southend Airport, sets out a vision for how the airport could grow towards being a regional airport based on using its current runway (length 1,610 metres), but with the provision of new passenger infrastructure in the form of a new railway station for the airport and investment in new passenger terminal facilities. The importance of the railway is fundamental to increasing the attractiveness of the airport to potential airline operators as it increases the size of the passenger catchment to include core markets within London (by reducing the travel time to the airport). With this investment, the Airport Masterplan indicates there is the potential to increase passenger movements at the airport to around 1 million passengers by 2012 and up to 2 million passengers by 2030.

The preferred option for the future of the airport is based on the principles outlined in the Airport Masterplan, but with the additional proposal of increasing the length of the runway to 1,799 metres. This addition has an important impact in terms of the capacity potential of the airport and its resultant attractiveness to airline operators. Currently the runway is an identified constraint on the operational growth of the airport. Lengthening the runway across Eastwoodbury Lane will enable aircraft with a seating capacity of 100-150 to be operated fully laden out of the airport for business and passenger uses, making the airport a more attractive fixed base for a wider range of operators. Lengthening the runway is not simply about allowing larger aircraft to use the airport. The modern generation of medium sized passenger aeroplanes that will be accommodated as a result of the runway extension are quieter and more fuel efficient - the end result is that the environmental impact of enabling the operation and efficient use of larger

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 10 aircraft is lessened on the surrounding area. Under this scenario the airport is likely to grow faster to a capped passenger capacity of two mppa because given the new runway and railway station it has the potential to attract two or three fixed base operators to the airport in a relatively short period of time. The likelihood of reaching the passenger forecasts is strong which in turn improves the potential for investment in the other assets such as the passenger terminal, and supporting facilities. In economic benefit terms it is considered that under this preferred option, the airport would act as a driver for the local economy, providing direct employment as well as enhanced opportunities for wider aviation related and business employment.

The expansion of the airport will also include new opportunities for directly related maintenance and overhaul businesses to develop on the extension to the northern MRO area.

Issue 2 – The future of the JAAP as an employment area

The preferred option is to pursue high scale employment growth within the area that will make a significant contribution towards sub-regional employment aspirations. The JAAP area must take a pro-active role in encouraging employment development for both aviation-related growth (associated with airport growth) and targeting the delivery of accommodation for high-tech industries and offices (specifically in planning use classes B1 and B2). Given the current constraints of the local property market, this will give the area the greatest chance of creating employment capacity and attracting investor demand. The market analysis, while accepting the current market limitations resulting from the credit crunch and recession, recognises that the area will be attractive to companies and investors over the long-term and that new development within the JAAP will be an economic driver for the area and will help to provide an offer that is currently lacking in the sub-region.

This preferred growth option will require sufficient employment land to be allocated to allow for the potential of the area to be realised. It is proposed that land be allocated to accommodate up to 109,000 sq.m. of additional floorspace, with 99,000 sq.m. to be located in the new Saxon Business Park and the balance on a small business park at Nestuda Way, which will accommodate up to 5,450 additional jobs in the area over the planning period to 2021, and beyond. It is also anticipated that 15,000 sq.m. will become available for redevelopment within the Aviation Way Industrial Estate. Together these will deliver 6,200 additional jobs (excluding direct airport related employment).

Issue 3 – Balancing development with environmental enhancement

More activity from the airport and the allocation of a new business park will inevitably result in environmental impacts that must be managed, and the preferred option puts forward a mix of physical and policy approaches that combined will help manage the sustainable future for the area. It is accepted

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 11 that the environmental impacts (noise and air quality) will need to be carefully considered and assessed as a result of the increased aircraft movements and traffic in the area. The preferred options have carefully considered the location for new development and related this to opportunities for new public open space, as well as considering controls on airport operation to ensure quality of life is maintained for residents, and sustainable transport strategies are implemented to minimise traffic impacts.

Issue 4 – Transport and movement

It is accepted that an appropriate transport strategy is essential to ensure that development within the JAAP is sustainable, and that there is a need to integrate with proposals to improve the functioning of the wider network (including improvements to the A127 and the delivery of SERT routes) and provide internal solutions to movement and accessibility. In considering the transport requirements arising from the preferred development options for the area, the following issues have been taken into account:

i. The location of new development in relation to the transport network and the opportunities for improving access to public transport. ii. Opportunities to encourage a modal shift to reduce current levels of car borne traffic through traffic management solutions; improvements to public transport; and walking and cycling facilities. iii. The options for road improvements, the provision of new routes, and key points of access to new development areas.

Issue 5 – Areas for Change (See diagram – Development Opportunities)

The specific Areas for Change proposed for the JAAP are set out below, together with the preferred development option(s) for each area.

• Area i - The Brickworks' site – this area contains a row of residential properties in front of the now cleared works site. The quality of the area is poor and access is difficult. This area has long been identified as an area in need of improvement.

Preferred option - It is considered that the site should be allocated for the development of the first phase of a business park with a new access being constructed from Cherry Orchard Way as set out in Policy E3. The area is shown as 1A on the Proposals Map.

• Area ii(a) - Land to the north of Aviation Way Business Park – this area consists primarily of agricultural land. The proximity of this area to existing development and the airport mean that, of current Green Belt land, this area is the most suitable to accommodate an extension to employment activity.

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Preferred option - It is considered that this area of land, shown as 1B on the Proposals Map should be allocated for the Class B1 development as set out in Policy E3.

• Area ii(b) – Land to the east of the Brickworks’ site – this area consists primarily of agricultural land.

Preferred option - It is considered this area should be allocated for leisure and open space uses and that the Westcliff Rugby Club should be relocated here as shown on the Proposals Map and set out in Policy ENV2.

• Area ii(c) – Land to the west of the airport – this area consists of agricultural land and includes an area of high biodiversity.

Preferred option - It is considered that this area should be set aside as public open space to link to area ii(b) and to provide a green lung for surrounding development as shown on the Proposals Map and set out in Policy ENV2.

• Area ii(d) – Land to the south of the Brickworks’ site – this land is currently set out as playing pitches.

Preferred option - It is considered that this land, shown as Area 2 on the Proposals Map, should be allocated for Class B1 development as set out in Policy E3.

• Area iii - Land adjacent to the airport boundary at the end of Aviation Way – this area is a naturally defined site where potential expansion of the airport boundary might be appropriate.

Preferred option - It is considered that this land be incorporated into an extension of the MRO land within the airport boundary as shown on the Proposals Map and set out in Policy MRO2.

• Area iv - Aviation Way Business Park – this existing business park has been identified for change because its current use is inefficient as an employment area and it holds further potential that could be realised.

Preferred option - It is essential that the existing industrial estate is improved in terms of its quality and opportunities exist for redevelopment which will contribute to additional jobs in the JAAP area, as set out in Policy E2.

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• Area v - Agricultural / amenity area to the south of the airport boundary – this area lies between two residential areas and currently includes a cricket pitch, agricultural land and private allotments. The area is of low amenity value and improvement to the area could enhance the overall character of the JAAP.

Preferred option - It is considered this area should be utilised to create a new public open space to provide amenity for neighbouring residents as set out in Policy ENV3. However, a corridor through the area will be safeguarded to enable improvements in east-west connectivity as set out in Policy T2.

• Area vi - Northern maintenance zone within the airport boundary – an operational airport area, this zone contains a number of opportunity sites identified in the Airport Masterplan.

Preferred option - It is considered that this area provides opportunities for enhancement of the airport’s MRO offer as set out in Policy MRO1. Part of the area to the north is identified separately to provide for the extension of MRO activities as set out in Policy MRO2.

• Area vii - The Flying Club strip – this area is underused in land terms, holding a small number of flying clubs. Airport proposals see this area becoming the passenger focus for the airport, located around a proposed new railway station.

Preferred option - Planning consent has been granted for the provision of a new terminal and railway station and this area is identified on the proposals map for that purpose, recognising there is likely to be a requirement for expansion of the terminal building and car parking facilities, as set out in Policy TF1.

• Area viii - Southern maintenance zone and passenger terminal area – improvements to the airport will lead to opportunity sites within this area to accommodate aviation-related activity.

Preferred option - This area is identified on the Proposals Map as the Southern MRO and Airport Development Zone as per Policies MRO3 and ADZ1.

• Area ix - Land east of the railway line – this thin strip of land abuts the railway and Southend Road.

Preferred option - This strip of land will be retained within the Metropolitan Green Belt and will provide a green buffer between the airport and the residential properties to the east, as shown on the Proposals Map and set out in Policy ENV6.

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• Area x - Airport RESA – this area is south of the runway and is the safety zone required for airport operation.

Preferred option - This area of land will accommodate the extension to the existing runway, and the new link road between Nestuda Way and Eastwoodbury Lane. The new link road will be constructed so as to avoid the safety zone associated with the extended runway. See Policies T1 and LS5.

• Area xi - Land south-west of Nestuda Way – the area currently contains football pitches and facilities, and agricultural land. While parts of the site are restricted in terms of development, the area does have the potential to change.

Preferred option - It is considered that part of the site should be allocated for the development of a Park and Ride facility that will utilise the new roundabout to be constructed on Nestuda Way and the new road link from Nestuda Way to Eastwoodbury Lane. See Policy T5.

In addition, an area of land at the southern end of the site will be allocated for B1 development, as shown on the Proposals Map and set out in Policy E8.

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4. Policies


Chapter 3 outlined the preferred development options in relation to the ‘areas of change’ set out in the Issues and Options consultation document. However, the policy framework set out in this chapter of the plan should be read in conjunction with the Proposals Map, which sets out the spatial planning proposals for the JAAP.

It is important to set the proposals in the JAAP within the wider strategic policy context including national and regional policies and the local policy framework set out in the Core Strategies of each authority. In particular, there is a need to ensure that all development is to the highest environmental standards, incorporating energy saving technology and sustainable drainage. Development within the JAAP cannot be considered in isolation from the rest of South East Essex and all development will be required to make a contribution to the delivery of essential community infrastructure as set out in the Community Infrastructure Levy DPDs prepared by both authorities.

The policies and proposals for development in the JAAP have been divided into four policy areas: employment; airport; transport; and environment.

Employment Allocations


As explained in Chapter 3, the preferred option is to pursue high scale employment growth, since this will make a significant contribution towards sub-regional employment aspirations. The aim is to encourage employment for both aviation-related growth (associated with airport growth) and for wider B-class sector growth within the northern expansion of the Aviation Way Industrial Estate.

The employment policies propose that land be allocated to accommodate up to 109,000 sq.m. of additional floorspace, with 99,000 sq.m. of that total being in a major new business park, which will accommodate up to 4950 additional jobs in the area over the planning period to 2021 and beyond. The balance will be located on a small new business park at Nestuda Way, which will accommodate 500 jobs. In addition, it is anticipated that intensification and redevelopment on the existing Aviation Way Industrial Estate will provide a further 15,000 sq.m. of floorspace and deliver 750 jobs.

Policy E1 - General Development Considerations The JAAP area will be developed as a strategic employment area to support the delivery of an additional 7380 jobs, including employment directly related to the airport. This total will contribute to the delivery of the jobs totals for

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Rochford DC and Southend BC allocated through the East of England Plan – the apportionment to each district will be based on a 50-50 split of the overall jobs total.

Policy E2 - Aviation Way Industrial Estate Within the area shown as existing employment on the Proposals Map, applications for development within classes B1 and B2 will be permitted. It is expected that redevelopment within this area will accommodate an additional 750 jobs through site intensification. All applications will be required to make a financial contribution towards the upgrade of the junction at the southern end of Aviation Way and the provision of improved walking and cycling facilities within the JAAP area.

Policy E3 – Saxon Business Park Within the proposed employment areas shown as 1A, 1B and 2 on the Proposals Map, applications for development will be permitted subject to the following schedule:

Area Use Class Floorspace Jobs Area 1A Use Class B1 20,000 1,000 Area 1B Use Classes B1 and 49,000 2,450 B2 Area 2 Use Class B1 30,000 1,500

In the case of Area 1B, Use Class B2 uses will be expected to complement the expected role of the new employment land as a high quality business park, as set out in other policies in this plan. Whilst, the planning authorities do not want to be overly prescriptive about the uses that will be accommodated within the business park, it is expected that the layout will include a number of eco-friendly business start-up units.

Supporting non B1/B2 uses may be acceptable where these support the operation and/or the requirements of employees working in the business park.

It is expected that the release of the allocated land will be in phases as specified in Policy E4.

All phases of development will be required to make a contribution towards development of the new public open space to the north and east of the business park as shown on the Proposals Map. It is expected that a contribution will also be required to fund improvements to walking and cycling provision within the JAAP area and towards public transport as specified in Policies T7 and T8. In particular, there will be a requirement for the delivery of new walking and cycling routes linking the business park with Hall Road to the north and to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park on the west side of Cherry Orchard Way.

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Policy E4 - Phasing of Saxon Business Park The phased release of the business park will be as follows: • It is expected that Area 1A will be developed as the first phase of the business park, and include the removal of the brickwork cottages on the West side of the site, as these will not integrate effectively into the layout of the estate. • Area 1B may be developed in parallel if a development proposal requiring B1 and B2 uses is proposed. • Area 2 will be reserved for development post 2021, unless shown to be required sooner. In any event, this final phase of the business park can proceed only once the Westcliff Rugby Club has been relocated and is operational.

Policy E5 - Development of Area 1A – Saxon Business Park The development of Area 1A will include a landmark building and entrance feature establishing the identity of the area as a high quality business park. In addition the development of this area must provide a new junction to provide access to the business park from Cherry Orchard Way and the initial section of the new estate road and green corridor in so far as this is required to enable the development of Area 1A.

Policy E6 - Development of Area 1B – Saxon Business Park The development of Area 1B will include the extension of the access road so far as this is required to enable the development of the business park prior to the occupation of any buildings.

Policy E7 - Development of Area 2 – Saxon Business Park The development of Area 2 will be required to fund the relocation of the rugby club, including setting out the pitches and provision of new club house facilities.

Policy E8 - Nestuda Way Business Park Within the proposed Nestuda Way Business Park applications for development within Use Class B1 will be permitted. It is expected that the site is capable of accommodating 10,000 sq metres of floorspace, delivering 500 jobs. The design of buildings within the business park will need to be carefully considered and deliver a visual presence to the A127.

It is expected that a contribution will also be required to fund improvements to walking and cycling provision within the JAAP area and towards public transport as specified in Policies T7 and T8.

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London Southend Airport


It is recognised that London Southend Airport can provide a key boost to the economy of Southend, Rochford and the wider economic area of South Essex both through direct employment at the airport as well as raising the profile of the area for investment. However, to support this growth the airport must be able to accommodate new and future aircraft models that are quieter and more fuel efficient as well as ensuring that aircraft with a seating capacity of up to 150 passengers can reach appropriate destinations. Therefore, the preferred option for the airport, as set out in Chapter 3, is to support the development of the airport to grow to handle a capacity of up to 2 million passengers per annum through an extension of the runway to provide a net useable length of 1,799 metres, alongside the development of a new railway station, terminal and aircraft handling facilities.

It is expected that the airport will be used primarily for passengers supporting a number of Fixed Based Operators (FBOs). However, it is also expected that the airport will see growth in its maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities (MRO) supporting the provision of a range of high skilled jobs in the area. It is not considered desirable for the airport to handle significant volumes of freight due to its location and the pressure that this would place on the local highway network, although it is recognised that some growth in the handling of niche (high value low volume) cargo could be taken forward without compromising the airport’s core passenger and MRO functions.

Expansion is, however, only acceptable if it is undertaken subject to environmental constraints, which will ensure that the environment of Southend, Rochford and the wider area is not significantly affected. This will include environmental scrutiny of any proposed developments. Controlling aircraft noise is particularly important as the airport is situated close to residential areas. The two local authorities are continuing work to establish a baseline of noise levels for the airport. In addition, the airport operator will be required to publish an annual Noise Evaluation Statement, the results of which will be set out in the authorities respective Annual Monitoring Reports. Development of the runway extension and increased terminal facilities will enable the application of operational controls to mitigate environmental impacts.

London Southend Airport is located close to the A127 (part of South Essex’s strategic highway network), whilst the Southend-London Liverpool Street railway runs adjacent to the eastern boundary of the airport. Notwithstanding these strong connections the transport infrastructure is, at present, inadequate to cope with expansion of the airport to 2mppa and various improvements will be required including: a new railway station; the provision of a link road between Nestuda Way and Eastwoodbury Lane to link the airport directly to the A127; good linkages to the proposed park and ride

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 20 facility adjacent to Nestuda Way; and investment in public transport, walking and cycling (particularly for those working on the airport). These improvements are set out in more detail in the transport section which follows.

Policy LS1 - General Policy The boundary of London Southend Airport will be as shown on the Proposal Map, and both Councils will support the growth of the airport to a capacity of up to 2 million passengers per annum as proposed in the Aviation White Paper and East of England Plan.

Policy LS2 – Development at London Southend Airport Planning permission for development at London Southend Airport will be granted provided that it:

• is airport related; • results in an aircraft noise impact that is no higher than an agreed baseline level and addresses noise matters in any accompanying Environmental Impact Assessment (to be determined through on-going noise assessment work); • contributes to the road infrastructure needs of the area; and • incorporates sustainable transport measures that will make an appropriate contribution towards the targets for modal shift of passengers, visitors and staff travelling to the airport.

Policy LS3 – Noise Statement The airport operator will be required to publish an annual Noise Evaluation Statement to be set against the requirements of the agreed baseline position.

POLICY LS4 – Surface Access Strategy The airport operator will be required to prepare a Surface Access Strategy, the first version to be submitted in advance of any applications for planning consent, and thereafter an update of the strategy to be submitted every five years.

Policy LS5 – Public Safety Zones Within the defined Public Safety Zones (PSZ), as shown on the Proposals Map, planning permission will not be granted for:

• development or changes of use, which would result in an increase in the number of people within the zone; or • development that would adversely impact upon the safe operation of London Southend Airport;

Further details of the restrictions on development within the PSZ can be found in the annex to Department for transport Circular 1/2002. It is recognised that the current Public Safety Zone for London Southend Airport will need to be reviewed when the runway is extended.

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 21

Policy LS6 - Runway Extension Planning permission for the extension of the runway to the south so as to provide an operational runway of 1,799 metres will be supported. The airport operator will be required to show how funding will deliver the construction of a link road between Nestuda Way and Eastwoodbury Lane as outlined in Policy T1, and to make a contribution towards construction.

Policy LS7 – Operation of New Runway Planning permission for the runway extension will be supported subject to conditions on: • the restriction of scheduled passenger flights to between the hours of 06:30 and 23:00 local time Mondays to Saturdays and 07:00 to 23:00 local time on Sundays; • the operation of cargo flights, outside the hours specified above, will be controlled by an agreed noise quota; • the routing of aircraft on both take off and approach to reduce noise and environmental impact; • the operation of ; • the restriction on operation of aircraft types for commercial and freight operations to aircraft specified in the ICAO Chapters 3 and 4 of Annex 16 — Environmental Protection, Volume I — Aircraft Noise to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (International Civil Aviation Organisation); • engine ground running; and • aircraft training movements for aircraft with a seating capacity of over 50.

Terminal Facilities

Policy TF1 – Expansion of New Terminal Planning permission for the expansion of terminal facilities will be supported in the area shown on the Proposals Map to enable growth to 2 mppa subject to conditions on: • the restriction of scheduled passenger flights to between the hours of 06:30 to 23:00 local time Monday to Saturdays and 07:00 to 23:00 local time on Sundays; • the routing of aircraft on both take off and approach to reduce noise and environmental impact; • the operation of helicopters; • the restriction on operation of aircraft types for commercial and freight operations to aircraft specified in the ICAO Chapters 3 and 4 of Annex 16 — Environmental Protection, Volume I — Aircraft Noise to the Convention on International Civil Aviation; • engine ground running; and • aircraft training movements for aircraft with a seating capacity of over 50.

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 22

Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Zones

Policy MRO1 – Northern MRO Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be supported in the Northern MRO Zone as shown on the Proposals Map. All applications will be required to make a financial contribution towards the upgrade of the junction at the southern end of Aviation Way and the provision of improved walking and cycling facilities within the JAAP area.

Policy MRO2 – Northern MRO Extension Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be supported in the Northern MRO Zone Extension as shown on the Proposals Map. Access to the new MRO Zone will be from an extension to Aviation Way funded by the development, along with contributions towards the provision of improved walking and cycling facilities within the JAAP area.

The development will be required to make a contribution towards the new public open space to the west of the site as shown on the Proposals Map.

Policy MRO3 - Southern MRO Zone Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be supported in the Southern MRO Zone as shown on the Proposals Map, including a fixed base operator and limited freight handling.

Airport Development Zone A (existing terminal area)

Policy ADZ1 – Existing Terminal Area Within the Airport Development Zone, applications for airport related development will be supported in principle, provided it can be demonstrated they will support the expansion of the airport to its capacity of 2 mppa or support the enhancement of the airport’s MRO capabilities. This may include hotel development; however applications for retail development will not be supported.

Transport within the JAAP


A significant increase in employment within the JAAP area, alongside an increase in passenger flows at London Southend Airport to 2 million per annum will require increased investment in the local highways network (providing greater connection to the A127), alongside enhancements to public transport and walking and cycling routes serving the area. In particular, the extension of the runway across the current route of Eastwoodbury Lane will

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 23 require the provision of a new link to Nestuda Way (and thereby the A127) whilst development of the Saxon Business Park will necessitate improvements to Cherry Orchard Way.

All developments in the JAAP area will be required to demonstrate how they will minimise transport impacts and Green Travel Plans will be required where appropriate. Contributions will also be required to support public transport, walking and cycling provision both into and within the JAAP area.

Finally, the two local authorities are committed to enhancing the road network serving the areas to the east of Southend and Rochford to the JAAP area generally. Work is continuing to establish the best way of achieving this improved road connectivity and it is proposed, therefore, that a corridor be safeguarded between Nestuda Way and Warners Bridge until such time as detailed public consultation has established the preferred route for this link.

Policy T1 - Link Road from Eastwoodbury Lane to Nestuda Way A new link road between Eastwoodbury Lane and Nestuda Way will need to be agreed and constructed in advance of the severance of Eastwoodbury Lane by an extension of the runway.

Policy T2 - Safeguarded Route A corridor will be safeguarded for the construction of a new road linking Nestuda Way through to Warners Bridge, to improve east/west connectivity through the southern end of the JAAP, subject to detailed public consultation and a full cost benefit analysis.

Policy T3 - Upgrade to Cherry Orchard Way It is proposed that Cherry Orchard Way be upgraded to dual-carriageway standard from the Hall Road roundabout to the Toomey roundabout – it is expected that the upgrade proposals will be incorporated in the Essex LTP. Any proposals for development within the JAAP must take into account the requirement for Cherry Orchard Way to be upgraded.

Policy T4 - Upgrade/Improvement of Aviation way In order to support the redevelopment of the Aviation Way Estate and to allow for the expansion of the Northern MRO, a new junction will be required at the intersection of Aviation Way and Eastwoodbury Lane. In addition, improvements will be required to Aviation Way including greater provision for walking and cycling.

Policy T5 - Park and ride A Park and Ride facility will be developed on land on the west side of Nestuda Way. It is expected that the site will be developed following the construction of the link road from Eastwoodbury Lane to Nestuda Way.

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 24

Policy T6 - Green travel plans All applications for development within the JAAP must be accompanied by a green travel plan explaining the arrangements for car parking and for managing the journeys of staff to and from the area.

Policy T7 Public Transport It is expected that development will make a contribution to the establishment of an appropriate bus service, including the new South Essex Rapid Transit (SERT) system, to meet the needs of workers within and visitors to the JAAP area.

Policy T8 - Walking and cycling All development will be required to make a contribution towards the improvement of walking and cycling facilities in the JAAP area, and specifically to: • establish routes for walking and cycling to the north to link to Hall Road; • improve cycling and walking linkages between Cherry Orchard Way and Nestuda Way; and • improve walking and cycling to the airport from the north and the south.

Policy T9 – SERT It is expected that development within the JAAP will take account of the South Essex Rapid Transit (SERT) proposals, which are intended to provide a new transport system to serve and integrate existing and proposed communities with new development sites and key public transport interchanges, and to support and promote sustainable new development by providing high quality public transport links.



There is no doubt that more activity at the airport and the allocation of land for a new business park will result in environmental impacts that must be carefully managed. The new business park and expansion of the MRO offer at the airport have been related to the development of new public open space, to provide a green lung for the area, offer opportunities for leisure and recreation and to link to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park on the west side of Cherry Orchard Way.

The proposals for the new business park and the expansion of the airport mean there is a need to review the position of the green belt boundary and the revised boundary is designed to be sustainable and defendable to provide more flexibility for the area to accommodate growth.

All new development will be expected to deliver high levels of environmental efficiency and to incorporate energy saving technology, sustainable drainage

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 25 systems, and to meet the requirements set out in the Core Strategies of both local authorities.

Policy ENV1 - Revised green belt boundary The boundary of the Metropolitan Green Belt will be amended as shown on the Proposals Map to exclude the operational area of London Southend Airport and the proposed Northern MRO extension.

Policy ENV2 – New Public Open Space – North A new area of public open space will be created on land to the north and east of the Saxon Business Park as shown on the Proposals Map. The new open space will include provision for the relocation of the Westcliff Rugby Club (see Policy E4 and E7). The development and layout of the open space will be funded by the development of the business park and the Northern MRO extension (see Policy MRO2). It is also expected that a new footpath/cycleway link between the Business Park and Hall Road will be provided as part of the development of the open space.

Policy ENV3 – New Public Open Space – South A new area of public open space will be created on land to the south of Eastwoodbury Lane as shown on the proposals map. Within the open space area, a route will be safeguarded for the construction of a new road to improve east/west connectivity through the southern end of the JAAP (See Policy T2).

Policy ENV4 – Country Park; Access and Facilities A link to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park will be provided in conjunction with the development of Area 1A of the Saxon Business Park and the construction of a new junction and access road (see Policy E5). In addition, it is expected that all applications for development within the business park will make a contribution towards the delivery of an environment and visitor centre within the park.

Policy ENV5 – Green Corridor to Business Park The new road access to the Saxon Business Park will be contained within a green corridor running east/west and linking to the relocated Westcliff Rugby Club and the new public open space. This green corridor will be laid out and landscaped in conjunction with the construction of the new business park access road.

Policy ENV6 – Green Buffer East of Railway A green buffer will be maintained on the land to the East of the railway line to provide protection to the amenities of the residential properties on Southend Road.

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 26

5. Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring

5.1 The success of the London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan will inevitably be limited if the policies and proposals are not fully realised and implemented.

5.2 The preferred policies and proposals detailed in this plan are considered to be realistic and capable of delivery. It is intended that the final version of the JAAP will include detailed information about deliverability and the arrangements for monitoring the success of the plan.

5.3 In the meantime, we would welcome your views on deliverability and implementation of the joint planning authorities preferred options for the JAAP.

5.4 It is expected that the Annual Monitoring Reports prepared by each planning authority will be the main vehicle for monitoring the success of the plan, but we would also welcome views on other options for recording and reporting on implementation.

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 27

6. Timetable – Your Views

6.1 The process for preparing the JAAP

As a statutory Development Plan Document, the JAAP is being prepared in accordance with regulations set by Central Government. The process and the proposed timescale are set out below.

Consultation on Issues and Options 1. Issues and 24 June 2008 – Report. Supporting documentation to Options 8 August 2008 include Evidence Base Report and Sustainability Appraisal

16 February 2. Preferred Consultation on the preferred strategy that 2009 – 15 May Option will form the JAAP 2009

3. Submission May/June 2009 Approved by both Councils Document

4. Pre-submission Statutory consultation prior to submission June/July 2009 consultation of the plan

4. Submission to Final draft document submitted to the July 2009 Secretary of State Secretary of State

5. Examination in Subject to timescale set by The Planning Public and Inspectorate Adoption

The first stage in the process has been completed following an intensive period of research and analysis and extensive public consultation. A JAAP Evidence Report has been published, together with a Sustainability Appraisal (SA).

The initial SA Scoping Report was consulted on in the early part of 2008 and formed the basis for the Sustainability Appraisal that accompanied the Issues and Options report.

We now want your views on this Preferred Options Report to feed into the final submission version of the JAAP. A further period of public consultation will be undertaken in conjunction with the publication of the submission plan.

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 28

6.2 Sending in Your Views

The feedback received from this consultation will play an important role in the preparation of the final version of the JAAP.

An online facility has been created that enables comments to be submitted quickly and easily, as well as providing the respondent with instant confirmation of receipt. The facility can be found at the web address below: http://rochford.jdi-consult.net/jaap/

Views may be submitted by clicking on the pen symbol next to the subject heading on which you wish to comment. Before you submit comments for the first time you will need to register on the system. This is a simple process requiring a valid email address. If you are registered on Rochford District Council’s online consultation system you can use the same login and do not need to re-register.

We recognise that not everyone has access to the Internet and that it is important that no-one is excluded from participating. If you wish to submit your views but are unable to do so online, please contact your respective Council’s representative who will explain how:

Rochford District Council Sam Hollingworth 01702 318102

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Debee Skinner 01702 215408

The consultation period will last until 5pm on 15 May 2009

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 29

7. Glossary

JAAP Joint Area Action Plan

DPD Development Plan Document

MRO Maintenance, repair and overhaul

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

B1 business Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended – B1: Offices, research and development, light industry appropriate in a residential area

B2 business Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended – B2: General industrial

SERT South Essex Rapid Transit - an innovative form of public transport, combining the high quality services of a tram system with the flexibility and responsiveness of buses – see www.sert.org.uk

London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options 30

1 St Mary's 2 8 Saxon Place Adult Community College The Lawn HA LL R OA D 1 12 ot 15 7 11 Cott ages Garage 32 4a 87 5.5m Clement Market Square 3 Pelham's 42a TCB 6 5 SL Sinks 16 t o 19 Farm 2 P 2 77 68 t o 72 2 HALL ROAD 34 Pump THE GA R NE RS 23.2m El 1 Amy The 25 Jaln a 36 Playing Field Sub Cott age 66 62 60 58 56 54 42 40 38 Nook 6 9.4m 11.0m 2 Sta 1 7.3m WES T STR EE T 4 The Cock 2 The Towans WES T STR EE T 5 3 1 1 The Ced ars Burnawne 11 The Ro sary Windrush 17 15 Botelers HA LL R OA D 75 Club Pond (PH) 6.1m 67 57 53 45 43 41 39 31 29 25 23 8 PH Hall Bank 1 21 t o 25 26 t o 28 28 ST ND REW'S A Elmlake PH Rectory PH BA CK LA NE Hall Bank 1 Lucam 29 Cott age 2 1 Pelhams Lawn Bungalow BA CK LA NE 2 Cott ages Holly Lodge 49 47 2

Windrush t5 o 20 16.5m The Old Rect ory Botelers TCB 12.2m The Ced ars Day LEVE R AN L E Garwood Starlin gs 4 LB HA LL R OA D Kiln House Ranworth Fair The Old Forge Off ices 31 Fieldside 1 o 4 t PCs 7 3 5 6 14.6m OA R K O AD 1 HA LL R OA D 6.1m

Issu es 8 LB HA LL R OA D 1 Lawn Glebe Cott ages 6b

FB 6a Cott ages 2 1 Drain Sub Sta THE TRU N NIO N S Patricia 9.4m 7.0m TCB 2 7 Path m) (u 1 Villas MS SM Hotel Millview Court 35 8.5m BR AD LEY WAY Car Park 16 9.8m AR K LA N E Pp Def HA LL R OA D Sub S ta

Alvina 11.6m 15

Scout Hut Rochford Station 18 14 Playing Field oh r l ottages C all ordH Rochf El Sub Sta 36 20

1 SM

Drain 25.9m Ardleigh House 6 12 Drain Freight 22 Path (u m) Southwell House Dolphin

Drain B 1013 7 Pavilion Well 7.9m

SM Drain Surgery 38 AR K LAN E El Playing Field

6 1 Ark House SM Issu es SPIN DL E

I VE ME OWS DO EA M LVIEW MIL The Glebe Ten nis 20 Ark House BEA M S Tilneys Sinks Pond 40 5 15 17 14 Talg arth Nicholas Brad ley House 23 Drain Green High Trees Birch es Elm Lodge Avalon Long Bridge ET RE ST UTH SO Rookwood Westfield 10 8 Greenways Knaresboro White 12 Glade House Nortonbury 27


41 Pond 31 CD Drain

Drain 1 Moat 34 House 35


11 Rochford Hall Drain

7.3m ILL SH K LOC 12 1 2 5 15 3 14 14

6a d48 46an 12 4 Police

House 43 Cott is House 16 Recreat ion Ground Path (u m) 14.9m 46 Path (u m) MP 38.75 River R oach Lych Gate Issu es BR AD LEY WAY Rochford Hundred 45 18 SL

Recreat ion Ground 51

8.8m 63 Tan ks 47

Pond FB 61 Path (u m) Shephard's Cottage 8.5m Path (u m) Orchard 60 Orchard 54 51 Lodge 55 57

Path (u m)

St Andrew's Church 5 1 Tan k

Drain 4.9m 11 57

Walls Yard 2 El Sub Sta Post

Path 16 FB 15 4 3 1 Weir Tan k 30.8m Linden Lodge Salt Fire Station Riversid e Industr ial Estat e Sewage Lake CH ER RY O R CH A RD LA NE Council Depot Farm Path (u m) Weir Pump Sluice Path m) (u River R oach FB Mast Golf Course FB Path Playing Field 7.9m Lake 1

CH ER RY O R CH A RD WAY path/Cycle PH oot Path F FB Pond Watts' Lane Path (u m) 4.5m Tr ack 4 Path (u m) 7 Drain Nursery FB 1 2 5 6 2 6.1m Powell Court Pond 12 20 14.6m THE RID INGS 15

30 23.5m Golf Course 5

27 15 11 Link 2

17 Scrap Yard

Path (u m) SO UTH EN D RO A D 19 Nursery


Path (u m)

MS 6.1m

FB 5.2m Pond El Sub Sta Approach Lig ht Osprey House


22 16 GP London Southend Posts 2 ROCH FOR D H AL L CLOS E Waste Transf er Station 4 FB FB Approach Lig ht Path Path

18 7.3m FB 7 FB 1 TINKER'S LANE B 1013B 15 11 Course 12 Posts FB 19



FB 37 FB Works Approach Lig ht 26 Drain Airport & Environs


1A 46 28 Path (u m) Works Rugby Club 44 34 1 El Sub Sta MP 39 29 B1 Approach Lig hts Tan k FB 31 Path (u m)

FB FB 37 49 Joint Area Action Plan 16.8m


El Sub Sta 39 Path (u m) 13.4m 8.5m 43 t o 47 49 Golf Course Approach Lig ht Golf Course

Path (u m)



61 12 Pond Pond 16.2m Path (u m) New Access Warehouse Legend Drain Blatches F arm Roads Path m)(u 6

6 Air L ight Beacon FLEE THA LL OR AD Blatches F arm Path (u m) El Sub Sta

71 o El Sub Sta Access t 66 8.2m Drain e Works

10.4m 3 9.4m 10.1m

CH ER RY O R CH A RD WAY RD A CH RY R ER CH O on ark 7 ntry P 8.8m 2 Cou Z DRO A D UTHSO EN Ppg Sta Proposed Revision to Green ty 81 Pumpin g Station 20.1m fe 1 El Sub Sta Pumpin g Stat ion Cottage 80 Depot Belt c Sa SL

91 8.5m li

1 8.2m 39a 39 London Southend Airport 9 15 33 35b 37b Path (u m) Pub 23 35 41 47 2 London CC LW Airport Boundary Southend Airport L C S HASE A CH BLA TCHES

94 Drain Track SUT TO N R O AD London 6.4m MLW 2 Southend Airport 18 18a 42 Cherry Orchard Farmhouse 20 30 46 40a B1 Anne Boleyn 40 48a 48d Hotel Posts (PH) MLW 1B 54 3.7m 9.1m 58 Shelter El Sub Sta Drain Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park 2 62 4.3m TCB

B1 & B2 1 68 ilee 5 Orchard Jub 11 Cherry 15 70

74 102 RO CH EF OR T D RIV E 31 76

97 2 74a 86 Drain 10

12 82 2 Business Use 14 ark 22 ntry P 4 Cou 1 32 38 11



4c 1 26.2m 15 Dene WAR WIC K D R IVE 7

107 17 6 MP 39.25 2

1a Fellowship BR OO K CL OS E 1b

6a Northside 1 11 Drain 5 28 5a 7 8 109 LEIC EST ER A VE NU E 15a BLA TCH ES CH A SE 11 Path (u m) 15b 2 15 12 TCB 21a 28.0m 9.8m 15c 14 7.3m 8 29 Leisure & Public Open Space Extension 115 25

23 17 11 117 42 17a 12

17b 15 16 18 46 25 17c Rugby Football Ground 121 LEIC EST ER A VE NU E 1 FB

25a 17 Rugby Football Ground 19 20 18a 54 14 27 127 Cherry NE LA RD A CH R RYO ER CH 19

20 Orchard 1 27a Club Jubilee 11 48 5 27 Country 29 NTL Park 29 24 29

29a 129 41 Club 2 31 29a 33 QU EE N E LIZA BE TH C H AS E 30

31 31a Green Buffer 53 10 57 33a 10a 12 33 12a 31a Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park 33b CS 14.9m 14 69

35 24

37 Path 30 6.4m 35a

AVIA TIO N WA Y 39 40 Aviation Way 1 38 Track 10 London Southend 139 1 39a 37 5 Car 56 5a


2 2 t o 5 15.4m 7 37a

L C S HASE A CH ES TCH BLA 11 Berkeley C our t Drain Post 15

B1 & B2 WAR WIC K D R IVE Tan k 141

6 6 t o 9

CD 43a Railway Station & Car Park Parking 27 2 AVIA TIO N WA Y Airport Def KIN G H EN RY 'S D RIV E

145 Track 10.7m 51 Co C onst B dy 64 71 Def Sub Sta 14 39 52 145a Playground Bor o Co nst & UA Bdy 61

Harrier House 64b 51 147 26 59 4 2 41 Drain 147a 30 The 10 RO CK A LL Harrier 32 59 149 38 60 32 20 1 3 40 66 CD 18.4m 65 Def 9 66 16 11 1.52m RH 46 52 15 FAST NE T Post El Sub Sta 3 68 19 54 14.5m 7 42 151 Tr ack 9 6.1m 44 28 15 11 25

40 71

27 21 67 35 AN N B O LEY N D RIV E 31 54 34 2 35 70 New Railway Station 28 London 43 38 2a 56 50 48 39 4 SUT TO N C O UR T D RIVE

49 70a 44 23 15 Southend Airport 41 REP TO N G R O VE 58 11 72 16 40

11 15 CH ER O RY R CH A RD WAY 32 12

11 5 27

62 5 51 20 4

30 12.2m 53 23 160 London Southend Airport RO AC H VAL E 57 59 3 London 20

30 Airport MRO THE BE NTL EYS 148 25 Southend Airport 31 74 CR ss 30 170 RO CK A LL 31 hford Busine Pembr oke Ho use Repton Green 184 Roc 167 Ward B dy 176 138 WES TER N 76a 169 2 25 19 186 21.6m 10 10 27 182 Tan k 18 LB 76b 15 1 BEN TLE YS 3 20 188 Northside 76c 9 73 Path (u m) 28 22 5 5a 247 196 151 13.3m

78 The El Sub Sta 159 AYBISC Junctions and Road 41 k 73a 18.9m 15 11 2 Par 194 25.7m Loyal Toast 15 198 78a 12 Pritt le Br ook

7 43 37 Hall QU EE NS LAN D A VE NU E 17

257 11 Drain

CS 6 242 El Sub Sta 47 78b 171 124 226 16 220 2 14 24 122 4 80 2

248 1 29 35 14 20 6.1m Access 33.2m 3 CD 28.7m Sub 12.5m APP RO A CH ES 3 81

14 8 120 24 8 254 205 Comm unity 12 18 12 8 Centr e 21 Surgery


19 81a BYF IELD 17 10 197 12.9m L ME D EA M OLD 121 15 Play Area 6 8 New Railway 84 Area 4 3 6

191 83 25 114

Ward B dy 4 9 18 16 15 84a 7 83a 193 22 AVIA TIO N WA Y 209 203 24

201 72 4 181 11 26 187 48 t o 70 2 17.2m 86 211 76 112 5 85 9 Station 17 11 181 185 3 217 15 90 80 5 85a 94 90 34 82 98 36 215 100 96 47 109 Safegarded Route 27 RAV EN SW OO D CH AS E 87

CO NIS TO N 183 46 19 105 Scotts Park Scotts Park 12.8m

CP 38 97 2a 94 14 o 43 t 100 102 2b 88 84 42 49 104 29 87a 2

Blatches C hase Scott H ouse 101 Def 45 Co C onst B dy 41 10 89 168 67 Bor o Co nst & UA Bdy 89 69 16.6m 16.4m 79 71 85 83 T 18 75 91 Pond 59 74 87 81 72 80 Def 73 85 91a 137

131 133 Shelter 70

125 69 65

68 12.4m 27 El Sub Sta 97 EL T NGWAY O STR M NEIL R A 158 30


97 66 113

LUN DY CL OS E 195 WES TER N A PP RO ACH ES CO LLIN S WA Y 76 86 64 Brit annia H ouse 163 Def

58 63 9 56 11 61

159 59 Footpath/Cycle Link 24 48 25 58 31.1m 62 Brit annia B usiness Par k 10 15 54 57 1.52m RH 199 23 5 11 22 9 53 52 7 87 68 54 20 73 56 1 150 55 5 15 13 21 CR 12 3 69 ME AK IN S C LO SE ME AK IN S C LO SE 66 38 5 45 AN DE RS BLA TCH ES YO UN G 51

1.52m RH 205

15 London Southend Airport AN DE RS FALL 49 44 El Sub Sta 207 6 18 85 16 209 10 12 26 157 14 36 YO UN G

17 Co C onst B dy 43 an d UA B dy 155

5 75 39 12


40 47 4 50 15.8m Brit annia 1 63

30 Posts 41 6 Business 1.52m RH

6 20 Park 1.52m RH

11 1 32 37 153 33 12.5m 14 29 14.3m 149 31

11 38 LUN DY CL OS E

36 1 Sub 8 43 38 35 1.52m RH SHE PA RD OSCL E 57 29.3m 24 2 10 16 SM


32 18 London Southend Airport El Sub Sta 26 London Southend Airport

Warehouse t1 o 4 Def London Southend Airport

SM 8 New 140 34 138 51 30 SM AVIA NTIO YWA 5 28 e 7 45 FULF OR D DR IVE FF 77 SHE PA RD Co C onst B dy 13.4m 83 3 3 20 22 14.0m Posts 27 Bor o Co nst & UA Bdy 85 147 65 CLO SE 8 Warehouse 55

7 1 Depot T 11 7 WES TER NROCH PP ES A A 6 55 21 on

53 95 CO LLIN S WA Y 29.3m 19 141 11 97 101 STAF FO RD CL OS E El Sub Sta 10 17 MRO 134 CO LLIN S WA Y Z 26.8m 1 15 5 4 SM Tan k 16 132 SM 5 74 18

adBdy B Ward 17 15.0m CH ER RY RDCH WAYA R O SM Def 64 7 SM 60 78 16 SM ty 139 15 El Sub Sta 111 11 CS 54 56 126 SM SM 70 24.1m 15 SM SM SM

1 Tan ks 12 SM Airport Retail Park 1 SM fe Southside 88 SM 18 11 6 El Sub Sta SM 14 110 NEIL AR M STR O NG WAY 14 Co C onst B dy 131 98 15 Car Park Airport 2 LB 7 Bor o Co nst & UA Bdy 13.4m 82 31 9 El 33 1 28 8 3 12 5 TCB NEIL A R M STR O NG WAY 20 14 EASTWOODBURY 4 6 FF 16 LOV ELL RIS E 5 26 13.4m 19 6 Public Safety Zone El Sub Sta 20.1m 8 63 LB 12.8m 15 c Sa CO M ET Laurence In dustrial Estate 123 1 77 35 59 11 13.1m 57 Warehouse 5 Development El Sub Sta 119 li 27 19 99 21 107 111 1 28 15.2m Depot 63 1 St Laurence and 11 69 37 11 Laurence 99 McD IVIT T WA LK 71 43 39 13.1m FF ALD RIN WAY Industrial Estate 89 Laburnum Court 1 15 15 47

16 Zone 79 68 95 Warehouse Pub 75

12 14 53

McD IVIT T WA LK 2 12.8m Co C onst B dy 76 61 20 Posts 14 Bor o Co nst & UA Bdy 6 58 12 108 WELL S AV EN UE 79 16 Garage 33 14.3m TCB Und 5 Smallhold ings 47


5 Tan k Airport Retail Park Co C onst B dy El 20 94 35 53 8 82 33 19 Def El 27 15 93 76 1 2 WHIT E H OU SE RO A D 22 Sta 11 RO CH FO R D R O AD Warehouse 19 66 5 Und Bor o Co nst & UA Bdy 9 5 23 58 9 52 21 El Sub Sta WHIT EH OU SE M EA DO W S 9 52 1 t o 8 42 SM 40 WELL S AV EN UE El Sub Sta Hall Shelter 9 Bishop House 32 3 4 SM 28 WHIT EH OU SE M EA DO W S 69 24 20 12.2m SM 14 11

6 19 1.52m RH 25 20 14a 8 31 16 OR CH A RD SID E 24 Playground 13 27 12 10.7m 12 10 AVR O RO A D Mag nolia Lodge 21 13 OR CH A RD SID E Vicarage 20

39 38 10 16 5 30 14 12 14 12 36 18 LB 50 36 34 2 281 64 MP 39.75 60 Bro ok 38 masonry 15 14.6m CR ESC EN T 76 WILLM O TT R O AD 7 MA YFL OW ER CLO S E 45 92

15 FB Pritt le Weir 94 UA Bdy 19 100 102 104 43 24 35 45

23 10 12 34 283 MA YFL OW ER CLO S E 11 37 Mayf lower Lodge 39 15 28 11 Def

2 t2 o 32 37 24 40 EAS TWO O D BU RY LAN E 15.2m 5 Green Ways 281




43 6 3 Cockethurst Recreat ion Ground 1 Map le Lodge

13.9m 9 32 39 33 Adult 21 24 277 5 29 42 11.9m 14.3m 15.2m 5 279 2 Centre 1 1 44 Cockethurst 14.0m EAS TWO O D BU RY LAN E 17 20 33 11 30 13.7m 257

54 12 dy B Ward & nst Co o Bor 30 11 4 23

oCos dy B onst CoC Sports Ground 27 37 267 Eastwoodbury 253 37 263 306 15.2m 16 Shelter 47 28 Proposals 57 ension 65 9.1m 11.6m 2 EAS TWO O D BU RY LAN E 15 14.6m 77 14 42 129 12 Smallhold ings El Sub Sta 119 109 103 93 87 298 251 12.5m NIG HT ING A LE C LO SE 253 WAR NE RS xt 14 WARNERS GARDENS CR 12 13 LB 13.1m 4 Path (u m) 6 247 Smallhold ings 12 249 El 14.3m Smallhold ings 1 290 20 Car Park 13.4m 2 SL Sta 13.7m EAS TWO O D BU RY LAN E Smallhold ings El Sub Sta 14.9m 1 SNA K ES L AN E 5 CS Club Smallhold ings 4 3 27 284 245 5 237 Club 6 18

288 241 S EN D AR EG N UR O RB SHE 80 Smallhold ings 30 Sports Ground Sports Ground Pond 11 8 7 MA N NE RS WAY 231 9.1m 81 Map 233 Playing Field way E RO CH FO R D R O AD El Sub Sta NES TU DA WAY

Leisure Centre 212 t o 282 42 Playground Playground 221 109 Allotment 17 Allotment Garden s Swimming Pool Gardens 8 217 Allotment Garden s TCB 101

6 95 6 Car Park 73 211 Kingsd own School Hall Playground Def EAS TWO O D BU RY CLO S E 66 Run 10.1m 15.5m 11 203 99 210 St St ephen's C hurch 93 67 9.8m 66a 3 64 1 ALTO N GA RD EN S 89 BR EN DO N WAY 100 15.8m 5 Eastwood In fants School 188 198 DER EK G AR D EN S Kingsd own School CS

81 t o 87 213 Post SHE RB O UR N E C LO SE

55 Allotment 73 t o 79 Post Pavillion 52 Gardens 197 SM TCB Allotment 186 92 196 72 Club SM 65 t o 71 62 LB El Sub Sta SM 54 Gardens

a Nayland House Allotment Garden s 60 Drain b 15 ot 18 Und Sub 7 ot 10 189 168 SUM P TER S W AY 46 Safeguarded Route 178 62 203 56 45 56 56 183 170 25 t o 28

62 1 64 9.1m 56 SUM P TER S W AY Drain 174

41 63 1 Und 188 Kingsd own 68 179 Club House 176 39 40 1 t o 12 14 t o 36 203 UA Bdy 166 CA RO LIN E'S C LO SE Allotment Garden s Eastwood In fants School Nayland House s Allot dn G SNA K ES L AN E 11.3m 71 JO U RN EY M AN S W AY 78 Allotment Garden s 2 10 23 160 11 Drain

178 17.1m 15 88 32 158

169 31 5 98 Runway Approach Lights unit 1 58 Path (u m) 165 49 unit 2 17 13 30 Allotment Garden s Public Open 15 8 12 6

H BOU RDE S EN EAR D G URSHEN RBO 44 Baron Court 17 14 201 Und 2 5 108 1 50 11 19 16 3 14 159 1 1a 27 19 1 Lakenham House 11 unit 4 FA R RIE RS WAY JO U RN EY M AN S W AY 1 15 17.4m FA R RIE RS WAY

157 1 18 27 57 17 SHE RB O UR N E 9 16 118 21 22 Brookside Centre 42 15 78 120 29 199 KEN LM T SE LO SEC Space 15 25 Temple Farm 122 37 176 18 16 33 25 38 27 8 29 17 5 126 27 BR EN DO N WAY SNA K E'S LA N E 31 LYM PS TON E C LO SE BID EFO R D C LO SE 40 15 2 21 14 39 41 33 132 53 47 14 35 6 191 9.4m AU DLE YS CLO S E 31 11 65 30 1 95 91 79 68 F Bldg 33 12 12 THE VIN TNE RS 16 14 107 18 19 2 47 11.9m

12 3 135 19 THE 15 119 NO RT H C RE SC EN T 146 30 39 El Sub Sta VINT NE RS 30 2 40 168 21 El 43 41 UA Bdy 34 RO CH FO R D R O AD 7 44 24 42 11 to 14 60 48 Sta 183 56 15 ALTO N GA RD EN S 10 4 25 28 El 3 70 45 Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her 6 11 80 11 15 t o 17 127 Post PO TTER S W AY 46 92 16 47 8 8 96 17 104 27 13 o16 t LB TCB Majesty's Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown

7 66 1 15 DER EK G AR D EN S MP 40 El Sub Sta 103 11 128 105 THE CA ND LE M AK ER S 99 FLETC H ER S SQ U AR E 8 LB 8 t8 o 10 Shelter 54 6 CH AN DL ER S WAY 48 copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be 1

109 18 158 109 9 t o 12 Sports Ground 613 601 114 633 607 605 5 42 5 643 623 17 15 183 43 647 FB 585 29 124 53 7 17.4m 27 4 t7 o 9 47 55 correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors 659 1 22.3m 164 59 30 5 t o 8 TA ILO R S C OU R T El Sub Sta 2 Park & Ride 13 Surgery 71 9.4m 3 24 669 3 89 83 10.1m 1 t o 4 4 16 5 Works 671 91 2 Man ners C orn er THE CO R DWA IN ER S 101 10.1m 5 18.0m Shelter 583 99 1 6 Library 18.9m 168 113 105 LB 7 or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused. CR 581 11.0m 112 12.2m 103 18 61 123 18.6m FEEC H ES R O AD 28 20 Shelter 127 11.6m 1 26 14 t o 18 106 Ward B dy 151a 38 104 689 PRINCE AVENUE 145 143 139 12.2m 46 6 60 20.1m 153 151 149 52 102 11.9m 64 152 100 El Sub Sta 49 91 Clinic 163 78 172 101 Co onst C dy B 56 92 79 20.1m 12.8m 100 195 173 12.8m FEEC H ES R O AD Bor o nstCo Ward & dy B 5 5 20.7m 116 10 11.0m 8 101 130 126 122a 37 CR MA NERS WAY N Hotel 20 12.8m Pritt le Br ook 11 CORNER 132 9.4m 12 12 88 10 THE WH EELW RIG H TS PRIN C E AV EN UE Hotel 12.8m SO UTH C RE SC EN T 76 155 632 592 2 14 612 154 1 602 152 97 144 Parkside C entr e 15 662 148 11 Rochford District Council Licence No.100018109 622 584 582 579 Hotel 15 TCB 656 652 CR 2 648 642 156 16 23 1 576 64 577 17 209 Shelter 22.3m 142 OA KE N G R AN G E D RIV E 674 64 El StaSub Melrose Nurseries 4 138 93 329 1 268 99 El Sub Sta 25 9 140 17 327 6 266 572 1 31 10.4m 103 141 37 98 7 132 67

7 CR AFT SM A NS SQ UA R E 49 16 t1 o 3 332 264 87 81 52 TCB 325 67 61 19 128 134 70 27 15 7 LB 11 67 15 96 30 37 1 562 LB 50 12.2m 122 SO UTH C RE SC EN T 87 Surelan d

135 CH AR LES CL OS E CR 2 110 1 40 44 Ho 49 46 42 Ash 53 DU NS TER AVE NU E 94 52 10.4m Beech El Sub Sta 56 12.2m 1 68 Ho Ho 1 62 141 542 63 88 4 61 100 Oak 16 8 2 1 2

21.9m 254 2 54 11 28 Ho 14 82 322 313 8 10 79 74 2 4 15 1 538 76 16 Pine 12 B1 85 Tan k 18 18 22.6m DEN TO N CLO S E CH AN DL ER S WAYLB Ho 309 7 50

7 115 37 80 El Sub Sta 88 2 2 80 t1 o 12 534 55 1

5 Surg ery 3 CF 55 THO NFO R D RD R ENA S G Warehouse Cedar Ho A 127 THA NE T G RA N GE PUR LE Y WAY 86 SIDM O U TH AVE NU E KEIT H WA Y Ppg Stn 25 10.1m

120 7 Allot Gdns 39 28 532 ME ND IP C R ESC EN T THO NFO R D R RD A G EN S


64 BR IDG WA TER DR IVE 45 35 26 30 THA NE T G RA N GE 12.2m Playground 153 98 Shelter 12

244 15 7 12 14 79

240 310 51 299 28 1 30 528 60 21 51 234 11 526 Sub 15 19 575 1 112 11 Cemetery 295 40 238 Cott age Garden Nursery 44 42 Ward B dy El Sub Sta 127 15 15 HO RN B Y C LO SE 19 46 11 to 27

6 CR 11 22 17 TCB 573 6 15 147 Rober t Leon ard Ind ustrial P ark 12 63 5 19 90

Path 6 El Sub Sta 127 23 4 74 HO RN B Y AV EN UE 33 2 BR UTO N AVE NU E 62 38 129 18 7 Shelter 11.0m ME ND IP C R ESC EN T 10

The Mendips 45 38 Ward B dy 66 1 59 75

8 43 94 127 DEN TO NAVE NU E 61 5 125 11 20 61 87 89 224

226 141 110 298 2 HO RN B Y C LO SE 228 16 136 35 DU LVER TO N C LO SE Factory 121 75 89 1 15 103 11.0m 45 6 16 115 71 60 1 20 RO CH FO R D R O AD THO R NFO R D G A RD EN S 40 218 MA R TO CK AVE NU E 50 Supermarket 12.5m 19 17 39 117 DU LVER TO N A VEN U E HO RN B Y AV EN UE 19 47 32 55 32 11.9m 115

44 14 216 518 42 El Sub Sta 38 25 STO CK R OA D 106 11 LB 44 31 16 516 12 11 LB

7 14 277 214 59 63 23 24 12 56 Works 92 96 22.3m 210 90 206 FB 273 FB 122 12 26 44 HA M PTO N GA R DE NS Cemetery 7 3 25 23 58 100 118 202 26 48 116 131 286 14 11 104 9.8m 69 FAIR LAW N G A RD EN S

60 7 102 139 21 112 21 24 33 50 510 571 104 2 569 68 508 21 11.3m 37 72 24 54 50 PRIN C E AV EN UE 45 22 Factory 17 LB 43 CF 15 11 29 37a S EN RD A NG LAW FA IR

63 64 Works 13.1m 124 38 SO M ER TO N AV EN UE 20 22.6m 196 103 Car Park 19 17 96 CR AN STO N AVE NU E 1 6 1 125 275 40 186 91 190 4 33 276 107 33 16 194 60 15 1 DO LPH S IN 192 18 182 502 46 29 2 58 68 263 35 12 500 Shelter 11.6m El 103 16 277 39 11 2 12 CH ED DA R A VEN U E 23 81 Sta TCB 34 DEN TO N A VE NU E 35 GLA ST ON B UR Y C HA SE 494 5 41 21 492 TCB El Sub Sta 28 2 116 153 12 CR 18 119 33 7 Ward B dy 43 31 71 55 118 17 1 482 78 61 120 10 83 22 480 436 28 21 15 14 1 Prince Avenue

2 15 94 19 47 38 81 Primary Schools LAR KE RIS E 11 6 11 9.8m 76 7 34 253 170 3 8 EXFO R D A VEN U E PRIN C E C LO SE14.3m HU RS T WAY 93 33 24 9 70 13.7m 10 Factory 51 24 DO LPH IN S Ju bilee Place 2 112 13.4m 88 86 113 25 22 16 268 49 25 1 86 12.8m 266 91 34 6 79 253 255 4 91 7 PRINCE AVENUE BYR N E D RIV E 9 THO NFO R D RD R ENA SG BR IDG WA TER SO M ER SETAVE NU E 74 77 168 SO UTH B OU R NE 18 23 89 86 166 32 263 38 28 Jubilee Place 76 34 8 30 BYR N E D RIV E 4 2 28 247 273 6 18 28 53 74 72 237 111 29 249 70 Cemetery 71 251 108 34 75 25 23 1 & 2 50 21 LAN G PO RT DR IVE 82 40 235 264 68 5 SO M ER TO N 73 281 54 11.9m DR IVE 7 12 30 67 AVE NU E CH AS E 225 20 16 El Sub Sta PRIN C E C LO SE CH ED DA R A VEN U E Sub Sta 9 19 1 6 15 289 83 17 79 1 18

433 6 DEN TO NAPP RO A CH 25.6m 75 15.2m 213 11 El Sub Sta 6 3 1 21 63 DO LPH IN S 11 CF BA DG ER S 28 40 20 14.3m 12.2m 20 9 15 388 36 1 67 Prince Avenue 45 66 2 35 2 CR 3 29 24 THO R NFO R D 7 Off ice 10 BEL L WA LK 233 ME ND IP 84 11 PRIN C E AV EN UE 12 14 1 MP 40.25 Sub Sta 3 Vicarage PRIN C E AV EN UE FB 2 254 380 Ward B dy 26 15 2 ME ND IP R O AD 18 427 18 LB 122 201 10 90 22 414 264 Scale 1:10,000 at A3 290 262 8 ± 294 15