Chair’s Message 1 Contents

January, 2016 Newsletter 58 Newsletter Letter the Chair from At the beginning of the year 2016 I would like like 2016 I would the beginning of the year At of informa stream - also seen a steady have We newsletter research the current involves As is usual, our of for the 11th conference The preparations to emphasise most notablyto emphasise newly our established - since its first appear which, “Emblem of the Month”, published regularly is now at the ance in July 2015, and which beginning of everyour website, on month The topics so far range always a surprise. contains classicVeen from emblematics of Otto book van - emblematic broad devices (emblem 3), (emblem 2), sheets (emblem 4) and Marian emblems (emblem (emblem 1) and 5) to emblematics in architecture to emblematics in contemporaryreferences paintings I especially the previous like that among (emblem 6). scholars “long-serving” experienced are authors there the broad This proves junior scholars. as young as well of the new homepage. acceptance our element on Maren thanks to the authors RubemMany Amaral, Carmen López Calderón, Hayaert, Valérie Biederbick, Germano Leal, Simonnot least Pedro and McKeown for and organisation, the selection who is responsible forward look We with the assistance of Jennifer Craig. eagerlyemblems in the series! to future to with references conferences about upcoming tion to emblematics emblematics or with explicit sections so that a monthly visit to the the website, appear on Under the is worthwhile respects. website in many the “Great-Britain/ “National heading Branches”, has been the first to introduce (GBI) branch” Ireland will be following. but more itself, notes and reviews important on forthcoming as books Al- conferences. as informationwell about recent in the notes is limited though the extent of research is the opportunity there a more to upload newsletter, the inter- convey To the website. on version extensive characternational of our society and in the website on also want to in- we in the future too, the newsletter, and Ger- Spanish, corporate in French, contributions The ideally summary. with an English man language, editing of those contributions will be undertaken by speakers in collaboration with David Graham native Germano Leal (for the (for the newsletter) and Pedro to contribute! invited All members are Website). Paulette which is being organised by society in Nancy, In 2016 the Call for Papers in progress. are Choné, 1 3 7 19 2 3 3 4 7 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 10 14 16

Contents of Newsletter 58 Contents

Advisory Board Representatives National committee and executive President Membership information Subscription rates news Website Newsletter information including deadlines 20 Correction Contact information Contact Michael Bath, on the “Wifely (update) the on Virtues” Michael Bath, 2 Congratulations Calls for papers and contributions Request for assistance interpretive Recent publications Reviews 4 the emblems of Philip on II Christa Schlumbohm, emblematic portraits on of Maximilian Rubem Amaral, lotteryWither’s on verses Tung, Mason Newsletter editorial policy and editorial assistance Society information...... Research articlesResearch and notes...... Research activities of interest to members activities...... Research of interest Letter the Chair...... from Society for Studies Emblem Congratulations Newsletter Editorial Policy>. Our colleague Professor Walter Ludwig (Universität OurWalter colleague Professor Members who submit also send a notes may research The deadline for the July submissions for 2016 newslet- should be sent to the interimAll submissions Newslet- Aktuelles/ehrendoktorat_ludwig_web.pdf for details. Aktuelles/ehrendoktorat_ludwig_web.pdf Hamburg), who presented a paper on “The a paper on structure of who presented Hamburg), Kiel confer- at the Vaenius” of Horatiana the Emblemata of the degree hono- has been awarded doctor ence in 2014, See http://phil-kult. Vienna. the Universityris of causa by In an effortrelevant to make the newsletter both to the the Executive of members and easilyinterests digestible, asks that members limit the length of their Committee should ideally notes Research run to no submissions. figures; than three no more and than 1500 words more and the like should be calls for papers, announcements, to 750 reviews, possible; wherever limited to 150 words Submissions be edited for and style may length words. and reformatted to fit the overall style of the newsletter. for solely ensuring are accuracy. responsible Authors in the Society’s on to be placed website; version, longer a link will in the newsletter be placed to direct such cases, about the topic. more in knowing interested readers 2016. ter will 31, be May Questions Graham David . ter Editor, to the policy be addressed may and concerns regarding Ingrid Hoepel

September open to all with an 15. Applications are The 51st International Congress on Medieval The 51st International Congress Studies on Medieval The 52nd International Congress Stud- is an annual gathering 3,000 of over The Congress sheet (available with an abstract cover along Abstracts, - or prefer Please for papers, suggestions send your Please abstract for a panel or paper submit your to Research Activities of Interest of Activities Research 52nd International on Medieval Congress Stud- 2017) ies (May 11-14, invites your proposals to to proposals The Society Studies your invites for Emblem participate in the Emblem Sessions at the International Emblem Sessions at Kalamazoo The deadline- for paper pro 2016. 12-15, May takes place and the schedule will be posted posals was September 15, in February. the website on deadline: (Application 2017. 11-14, May ies takes place 2016) September 15, over It features in Medievalscholars Studies. interested roundtables, panel discussions, of papers, 600 sessions 90 also some are There and performances. workshops, learned by sponsored business meetings and receptions exhibit and a book institutions and associations, societies, A full nearlyby dealers. and used book 70 publishers site: web the congress is available on program conference - the Kalamazooon at website organizer email to the session due by dieval/congress) are by encourage We in emblem studies. academic interest and post-docs, dissertators, students, graduate advanced independent scholars to apply and participate. - Inquiries should be ad about panels and submissions to Sabinedressed Mödersheim at smoedersheim@wisc. edu Sixteenth Century Studies Conference The Society for Emblem Studies is an affiliated member of the Sixteenth Century Studies (SCSC) Conference - for individual presenta proposals which accepting is now panels for annual conference, and complete its 2014 tions the at Martins 2016 Hotel, to be held 18-20 August in Bruges, Hof and the Provinciaal PlazaCrowne Hotel, please see the conference information, more For Belgium. website: studies aspect of emblem any on ably panels, for entire 31 January by for her 2016 (in order Wade to Mara R. the SCSC deadline to organize items by for the SES Within after four weeks 2016). February on 15, proposals will Committee notify the SCSC Program their deadline, all proposals. those who submitted [email protected] on or before January 2016. 31, Calls for Papers and Conference Announcements Calls and Conference for Papers

Reviews Jean Michel in the de- Massing has been a guiding force The Emblem in Early Modern Europe: in Early The Emblem Modern Europe: Daly. M. Peter Theory London Contributions of. the Emblem the to $124.95. 248. Pp. 2014. Ashgate, (UK): An indispensable study for all admirers of Jean Michel Mass- indispensable study forAn all admirers this publication includes of some essays reflecting work, ing’s throughout that he has explored research fields of the many col- Massing’s of Professor Twenty-one his academic career. leagues and former contributed to this volume students have of Art at the as Professor the occasionon of his retirement The global aspect of Jean Michel University of Cambridge. forms oeuvre the the binding element between Massing’s to the paying homage collection, in this varioustopics covered interdisciplinary to the field of art of his approach his- nature this spatio-temporal trajectories, Defying strictly linear, tory. Massing, with Professor conversation is an ongoing volume ambitiously taking his brilliant as the inspiration and work basis for the further of a global history development of art. partment of History of Art at the University of Cambridge internation- in the discipline figure since 1977 and is a leading an extraordinary covered His publications have range of ally. including classicalAntiq- art and its influence from subjects, into medieval and early investigations uity to the Renaissance, the Ars memora - imagery, modern astrological and religious and the image African art, of the emblem, the emergence tiva, of the Black. (Yale, 2010) stands as the most authori as the most stands 2010) - (Yale, Household the Godly in which and the carved - stone chim its field, in work tative use another to is shown Surrey, neypiece at Sutton now Place, This chimneypiece also originally came emblems. of Quarles’s illus examined and - a house in Bristol is therefore and from article.trated in the present - Verz Zinnebeelden. SwaakVaassen. and Bram Tom Belgium: Kalmthout, . wegen gezegdes opnieuw belicht €75 (casing included). 70pp. 2015. Carbolineum Pers, at Katho- Vaeck van a former student of Marc Swaak, Tom member sof the Society advises Leuven, lieke Universiteit he has just Vassen, with the poet Bram that in conjunction published a new private Car- of emblems with the book press and only of This is a limited edition 50 copies, bolineum Pers. the publisher (boris.rousseeuw@ directly from can be ordered fillingonline form in the at or by - Tributes eds. Mark Stocker Phillip and Lindley, G. Art a Global History Towards Massing Jean Michel to HB, 2015, 220 x 280 mm, ills., incl. 280 p., approx. Series: € 100. approx. ISBN 978-1-909400-38-2, In production. 7. Tributes Huntington Library QuarHuntington - Recent Publications , 78: 3 (2015): 521–51. 3 (2015): 78: , Those of us who have any interest in English emblems, in English emblems, interest any Those of us who have emblems in or the use of Quarles’s Quarles, Francis should seventeenth-century arts decorative in particular, this articlerush to read a series on of seventeenth-century in 1998 in a house in uncovered wall paintings that were these disrepair, in a state of some Although now York. Em- seven of Quarles’s to copy shown wall paintings are together each includingpictura of the 1635 a copy , blemes Written with the biblical text which his subscriptio heads . the University of Birmingham, colleagues from three by the article clarifies the and meaning of the iconography comparing other them with a number of the emblems, to copy artsemblems in the decorative known that are of discussion It then takes us into an invaluable Quarles. likely been used in such to have the way emblems were This part of houses of this type at this period in . whose Decorating Hamling, Tara the article is written by terly Hugh Adlington, David Griffith, and Tara Ham- and David Griffith, Hugh Adlington, Emblemes, Quarles’s “Beyond the Page: ling. and Godly Interiors in Seven- Wall-Paintings, teenth-Century York.” Space does not allow inclusion of all images, but Ms Gall but Ms Gall Space not allow inclusion does of all images, and can has close-up of all photographs of the roundels, member of the Society them to any provide who would Please her directly at contact like to see them at all. or questions have if you can to her. advice provide Roundels 27 and 28, St Mary’s Church, Grandtully, Scotland. Scotland. Grandtully, St Mary’s Church, Roundels 27 and 28, Courtesy of Sally Gall. Ms Gall has provided some images of a few of a images some Ms Gall of the mys has provided - gratefulmembers be help for any would and teryroundels, of the Society for Emblem Studies her. could give SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Research Activities 4 Recent Publications Research Activities 5 Reviews SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES In relation to the several to the categories other general In relation of yet Daly are has found that there this book, Throughout scholars and text in use both image In conclusion, inspection, Daly tackles topic without hesitation each inspection, an expert as befitting in his chosen authority, and with truly and erudition His insight on these issues are field. A very brief view fol of his discussions - compare. beyond Daly not believe does that an inscription really is a low. information the of be able to direct A motto must motto. Daly rhetoric, to visual In relation its own. the emblem on does believe that visual rhetoric can be found in emblems text of the The motifsthrough particulars. as other as well emblem was usually written the illustration before was a variety from come and the illustration could have added, cannot emblem but one understand the entire of sources, needs to understand reader The alone. the picture from emblem. to understand the entire meanings behind things can dual mean- Items depicted in an emblem image have not meaning whatsoever. or have good, one bad, one ings: of the the intention Without primary so, that say sources Material may author really culture cannot be clearly given. and use of emblems. for the reception the best answer give to other emblem writersReferences also provide may when considered things should be Four ideas. reception trying to interpret emblems correctly: the emblem in all the author as a whole, itself, the emblem book its parts, however, Most importantly, distinctions. and regional should try the viewpointreaders at emblems from to look for that is the only we way at that time, of those who lived will truly emblems correctly. be able to understand can How in dealing with emblem studies. problems many a newer description be given unless pri- the emblem genre and such prefaces, mary can be found? sources Forewords, emblems indication how really any on do not provide writers Did great of that time use or used. received were printed many emblems are emblems as inspiration? How What there? is the most important aspect of the emblem, emblems impor- were whom To or the text? the picture prior much emblems assembled? How were tant? How of emblems and understanding does the reader reading emblems? Some to understand in order of need to have never be fully may these questions without laid to rest some “At however, As Daly himself says, proof. reputable of inten- to deal with notions to have going are point we and finally (176).”reception production, creation, tion, All are aspects of the emblem understanding emblems. This is important to the reader. subjective but they are partially- what makes emblem studies so rich some yet applications Consistent to all emblems what frustrating. the authors themselves were simplyare not possible, is the full as spectrum of emblem scholars very diverse, of schol - the addition from grows Once the genre today. like intellectual history or studies, ars outside traditional hope that emblem studies will may increase we sociology, The theory of emblem stud- and acceptance. in knowledge

Daly bases his knowledge on extensive years of research, as as of research, years extensive Daly on bases his knowledge than prior and more should have knowledge reader The Daly Early in The Emblem Modern, Europe In chapter 4 of, questions about emblems which Daly feels have yet to be about emblems which to be questions Daly yet feels have are studied in ten chapters These topics sufficiently addressed. devotedthe foundation of basic emblem theory; to - the impor truth and meaning found in emblems; tance of the emblem; emblems; through and tradition transmission of knowledge it matters whether inscriptiones why emblems as mnemonics; in emblemata; lemmas in emblemata; of and the role not mottoes, or are are possibil- the of emblems; genre the what matters in redefining reception creation, ity emblem of visual rhetoric emblems; in and the service scholars and interpreting emblems; of and use; Jesuit emblems. editor of Emblematica, the Corpus Librorum- Emblematum—Je other publications including and many monographs suit Series, stated of each chapter are The objectives and edited volumes. expert Daly’s assessment of the given plainly defined. and well included The emblems that are is clearlypremise understood. exemplaryare in depicting their purpose. novice of modern experience with emblems and the works em- of these groundbreaking Explanations emblem experts. but some views informative and beneficial, are blem scholars’ possess a solid should also reader The is assumed. knowledge emblem basics and research. on background of the effort by the Berlindiscusses some being done Research He deliberates what stance. and defines his personal Group is trying establishing normative the group to accomplish: Daly concludes parameters and definitions for emblem studies. - mnemon definitions, that in attempting to establish common it will always be difficult foreveryone in emblem etc., ics, with the desire He also assesses the problems studies to agree. the from to denote general keywords Group of the Research Hav- for scholars to use when dealing with them. emblem, I Whitney’s myself, an index on book ing attempted to create Dalyunderstand why is hesitant in his support for such a task. by Daly examined and the BerlinThese and other issues are Group. Research This study is directed to general scholars emblem to of litera- directed study is This is to illuminate the book of the goal The art and ture history. theorytraditional topics and some consider of emblems and

Reviews Jean Michel in the de- Massing has been a guiding force The Emblem in Early Modern Europe: in Early The Emblem Modern Europe: Daly. M. Peter Theory London Contributions of. the Emblem the to $124.95. 248. Pp. 2014. Ashgate, (UK): An indispensable study for all admirers of Jean Michel Mass- indispensable study forAn all admirers this publication includes of some essays reflecting work, ing’s throughout that he has explored research fields of the many col- Massing’s of Professor Twenty-one his academic career. leagues and former contributed to this volume students have of Art at the as Professor the occasionon of his retirement The global aspect of Jean Michel University of Cambridge. forms oeuvre the the binding element between Massing’s to the paying homage collection, in this varioustopics covered interdisciplinary to the field of art of his approach his- nature this spatio-temporal trajectories, Defying strictly linear, tory. Massing, with Professor conversation is an ongoing volume ambitiously taking his brilliant as the inspiration and work basis for the further of a global history development of art. partment of History of Art at the University of Cambridge internation- in the discipline figure since 1977 and is a leading an extraordinary covered His publications have range of ally. including classicalAntiq- art and its influence from subjects, into medieval and early investigations uity to the Renaissance, the Ars memora - imagery, modern astrological and religious and the image African art, of the emblem, the emergence tiva, of the Black. (Yale, 2010) stands as the most authori as the most stands 2010) - (Yale, Household the Godly in which and the carved - stone chim its field, in work tative use another to is shown Surrey, neypiece at Sutton now Place, This chimneypiece also originally came emblems. of Quarles’s illus examined and - a house in Bristol is therefore and from article.trated in the present - Verz Zinnebeelden. SwaakVaassen. and Bram Tom Belgium: Kalmthout, . wegen gezegdes opnieuw belicht €75 (casing included). 70pp. 2015. Carbolineum Pers, at Katho- Vaeck van a former student of Marc Swaak, Tom member sof the Society advises Leuven, lieke Universiteit he has just Vassen, with the poet Bram that in conjunction published a new private Car- of emblems with the book press and only of This is a limited edition 50 copies, bolineum Pers. the publisher (boris.rousseeuw@ directly from can be ordered fillingonline form in the at or by - Tributes eds. Mark Stocker Phillip and Lindley, G. Art a Global History Towards Massing Jean Michel to HB, 2015, 220 x 280 mm, ills., incl. 280 p., approx. Series: € 100. approx. ISBN 978-1-909400-38-2, In production. 7. Tributes

siècle e André Alciat, praticien bartoliste praticien André Alciat, Alciat ses amis et Scholars in emblematics will especially interested appreciate (édition Cornarius, Bâle, Bebel, 1529) Bebel, Bâle, (édition Cornarius, grecque Anthologie Les épigrammes d’Alciat Les épigrammes Jean-Louis Charlet, de traduites l’ genres pratiques, méthodes, II - Le du droit : continent Warembourg, Nicolas La sémantique d’un la réflexionBruno Méniel, juriste : d’André Alciat sur le titre De uerborum significatione di Andrea La lezione Alciato : metodologica Giovanni Rossi, nei Parerga e diritto storia filologia, et fictions juridiques dans les Parerga Fantaisies Olivier Guerrier, romain et la translatio imperii L’Empire Juan Carlos D’Amico, Imperiidans le De formula Romani d’André Alciat emblématique Rolet, Les enjeux pluriels de la méthode Anne d’André droit et entre littérature, de Mézence, l’exemple Alciat : médecine Contents entre ombre Alciat, Introduction : Stéphane Rolet, Rolet, Anne et lumière André Alciat (1492-1550) : Stéphane Rolet, Rolet, Anne repèresquelques bio-bibliographiques des permanence et adaptations I - Les œuvres: premières modèles antiques opuscules de jeunesse en herbe : L’humaniste Drysdall, Denis L. Giovanni Biffi à Milan : Stéphane de comptes Rolet, Règlement versus d’Alciat : Les premiers ouvrages les Annotationes Ian Maclean, posteriores Codicis Iustiniani, et l’in tres Opusculum quo (1515) restituuntur ubique in Digestis graecae fere dictiones d’André annotationes Tacitum Les In Cornelium Lucie Claire, Alciat et leur fortune XVI au tions. Part 3 exposes Alciato’s relations with other renowned renowned with other relations Alciato’s 3 exposes Part tions. – moving editors and with his between humanists, European as with as well institutions – with academic Italy and France wide popularity enjoying patronage. generous and princes, partsthe two with last but not least dealing of this monograph enriched numerous which are by work, of Alciato’s this facet the and devoted to iconography Part 4, quality. of high figures includes an informative study full of details on applied arts, emblem (Virtuti best-known fortuna ) and its comes Alciato’s article An the emblem In colores on components. iconographic epigram and the understanding of Alciato’s tries to recover in the light picturae by successive visualizations its different of colours. as of symbolic as well connotations of chromatics examples arranges several contribution representative A third of the editions diverse taken from of applied emblematics, 5 is centered Part uses. to decorative and adapted Emblemata the furtheron of emblematics and the dissmein- development and editions numerous through Emblemata of Alciato’s ation selected by as is shown languages, into vernacular versions A largely early-modern unknown English transla- emblems. closetion to the original—a private manuscript of aesthetic - Tri merit—as as a Spanish well conforming to adaptation demonstrate various forms of exhortation, dentine religious cultures. into European approriation Proceeding from a short biobibliographical from - compen Proceeding —Valerie J. Erickson J. —Valerie ies will continue to evolve and be shaped by scholars who scholars to evolveies will who continue by and be shaped Daly him- Peter As poignantly stated by study emblems. “It at fifteenth- looking little whether I am matters self, an image I receive century else], [or something emblems and I try have to understand what it might and words, what it means to me (183).” I know meant to them. dium which serves as a frame of reference, the different the different dium which serves as a frame of reference, 1 deals with Alciato’s Part topics follow a sequential order. and Latin comprising Latin satirical verse, juvenilia, epigrams as commentaries as well translations of Greek already thereby ancient juridicalon and historical texts, Part 2 fo- and his wide field of interests writing. revealing importance and legal writer as a lawyer Alciato’s cuses on of late ancient historywhose knowledge and literature, an enabled him to stimulate allied to philological gifts, without historical jurisprudence, in humanistic, interest law as a and to represent alienating the traditionalists, principlesmeans of retaining while updating applica- Among Alciato’s many books, the most startling success books, many Alciato’s Among the studies on , Emblemata known—his was—as is well - mono The present being plethoric. this pioneering work graph intentionally declines to limit itself to emblematics, and also includes aspects of the somewhat disregarded the entire to cover In order manifold activities. Alciato’s spectrum of the various of this and competencies facets - the multidisci humanist and jurist, Italian many-sided focuses on a collection of 24 articles, plinary investigation, with appreciated the outstanding personality of Alciato, to the historicalregard and cultural of his time. context Anne and Stéphane Rolet, eds. André Alciat eds. Anne and Stéphane Rolet, savoirs confluent des au un humaniste (1492-1550), dans l’Europe de la Renaissance (Collection « Publishers, Brepols Études »), Renaissantes ISBN 978-2-503-55021-3. 491 pp. 2013, SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Recent pulibcations 6 Reviews Conference and 7 Research Notes - (Plantin: Antwerp, 1565, no. 50, p.56) p.56) 50, no. 1565, Antwerp, (Plantin: Emblemata Our suggestion that the Framsden artist might, nev- artistOur might, that the Framsden suggestion SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES in Guillaume La Perrière’s Theatrebons engins. Em des in Guillaume La Perrière’s In the last issue of the Newsletter, Andrea Kirkham and and Kirkham Andrea issue of the Newsletter, In the last Wifely virtutes: Virtues“Uxoriae an articleI published , on a hitherto ,” from Painting Wall in an English as a house known plaster in on emblem painted unknown The (Suffolk). in the village of Framsden Hill Farmhouse (“The faith- FIDELIS VXOR with the motto emblem, a on whose foot rests a seated woman shows ful wife”), whilst her left lips and her hand points to her tortoise, In the article we identified 1). right hand holds a key (fig. Uxoriae 93), p. Geffrey an emblem by Whitney (1586, relation at least some bore suggested, we which, , virtutes Whitney’s since to the painted emblem epigram accounts Whitney’sfor of the attributes (fig. all of three figure Whitney’s to the resemblance bears little woodcut 2). and was certainly not its however, painting, Framsden Whitney’s Christophe reused woodcut immediate source. print previously in Hadrianus that had appeared Plantin’s Junius’s with the same motto. Whitney’s been familiar with emblem, have ertheless, bringing his rather by adapting busy landscaped pictura of a she holds out her key in front where indoors, his lady that the discover can since we be discounted now window, painting copies the illustration to a very similar emblem did not provide 18 has no motto – La Perrière blem no. epigram tellshis emblems with mottoes – but his verse its foot standing with one of a woman that the image reader a to her lips and her hand holding a finger a tortoise, on to signify Venus, key the ancients portrayed was the way the tortoise by that a virtuous should not travel woman at her lips that she was not quick the finger to by far, Fig. 2. “Uxoriæ virtutes,” Geffrey Whitney, Choice of Emblemes, Choice of Emblemes, Geffrey Whitney, “Uxoriæ virtutes,” 2. Fig. State Photo University Pennsylvania Libraries. p.93. 1586, Leiden:


Michael Bath Declaración los em- magistral sobre De Milan à Bourges: André Alciat, André Alciat, De Milan à Bourges: Research Notes Research An Update and Correction The Framsden (Suffolk)The “Wifely Virtues”: Fig. 1. “Uxor Fidelis” emblem on plaster from Hill Farmhouse, Hill Farmhouse, from plaster emblem on “Uxor Fidelis” 1. Fig. Photo R1982-95. No. Acc. Museum (Suffolk), Framsden Kirkham. Andrea : le voyage européen des Emblemata européen V - Alciatus le voyage tralatus : Visualizzazione mnemonica Emblemi negli Mino Gabriele, IV - Alciat et les arts d’Alciat de l’emblème complexe La genèse Stéphane Rolet, Virtuti de la devise caducée au de Ludovicfortuna Sforza comes : à la dessins de Léonard quelques par en passant médaille de Jean Second Alciat et la couleur Choné, Paulette d’Alciat Les emblèmes Michael Bath, dans les arts décoratifs —Christa Schlumbohm homo viator, d’après posthumes les éloges professeur droit viator, de et homo Le Douaren (1578) et de François Toscano de Giovanni Matteo (1551) Juan de (Nájera, Valencia López de blemas de Alciato de Diego étude sur la dernière traduction et les derniers 1615) : Mongaston, d’Alciat emblèmes des espagnols commentaires la Renaissance à admiratio, aemulatio, aemulatio, admiratio, III et ses contemporains : - Alciat inuidia Alciat- monas et le Contra uitam Érasme, Christine Bénévent, ticham Alciat entre l’Italie la France et Cooper, Richard André Alciat et les imprimeurs lyonnais Mouren, Raphaële Tory et d’Alciat communs de Geoffroy Les intérêts Olivier Millet, de l’emblème autour George Tucker, Hugo Alciato triplex ou Hercules Alciat gaulois David Graham, contagioso Nupta of Alciato’s Versions Vernacular Adams, Alison unknown early-modern A largely English Saunders, Alison emblems oftranslation Alciato’s La Gloria Bossé-Truche, Fig. 6. , Suffolk, wall painting on plaster from wallon plaster from painting Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, 6. Fig. Photo Suffolk Office. Record house in Buttermarket. title page, which is dated 1614 (Fig. 5) and thus a later edi- which is dated 1614 (Fig. title page, It seems very likely that the 1990). Combe (Dalytion 1986; painting mural fordesigner or artist the Framsden responsible lection (SM 688), and the other in the Huntington Library, Library, Huntington and the other in the (SM 688), lection of which only Library the Huntington preserves copy its Ca., second English emblem book ever to be published. Thomas Thomas ever be published. to book emblem English second by the recorded is first of La translation Perrière Combe’s in 1593 and survives Register in only known two Stationers’ Stirling University’s in Glasgow one - Col Maxwell copies, Fig. 5. Emblem of a steady woman, Thomas Combe, The Theater of Combe, Thomas woman, Emblem of a steady 5. Fig. Photo Library. Huntington 1614. London: Fine Devices, 2002, F.364) use a woodcut use a woodcut F.364) 2002, It was, however, de Tournes’ set of woodcuts that sup- set of woodcuts Tournes’ de however, It was, , Paris: Paris: Theatrebons engins, des Guillaume de La Perrière, 3. Fig. Photo University Library. Glasgow 18. no. 1540, , Lyons: Lyons: Theatrebons engins, des Guillaume de La Perrière, 4. Fig. Photo Gallica de France). (Bibliothèque Nationale 18. no. 1545, her foot resting on the tortoise on her foot and her hand holding a resting Framsden The 4). key (fig. extended to a window-opening faithfully copies this woodcut painting mural and – we Whitney’s. nothing to pictura confess – owes now must only the afterWhitney, plied the illustrations for what is, that shows the lady naked out of doors in a landscape the lady that shows Lyons the first of the 1545, in However 3). setting (fig. with Tournes of Jean de the press from appeared editions Rawles and Saunders, a new of illustrations set (Adams, where Venus indoors, the find and in this we Lady F.370), with painting, as in the Framsden she sits thinly draped, speak, and by the key in her hand that she took great care care great the keytook her hand that she in and by speak, - Per The earlier of editions La goods. of her husband’s 1540, edition (first in Paris Denis Janot rière printed by Rawles and Saunders Adams, SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Research Notes 8 Michael Bath Research Notes 9 Michael Bath

En tel estat que voyez, nos ancestres / Dame que voyez, estat En tel SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES La Perrière, we might recall, describes his picture as a describes as a his picture might recall, we La Perrière, all noted in our previous note to the Newsletter, As we - of the Frams the question I suggest, Which only, leaves (“Wifely closer virtues”) see is therefore we to the motto the wallon painting. our ancestors used to represent of the way representation “Dame Venus”: (“What iadis peindre voulurent is the see here you Venus 1-2). ll. Venus”, liked to paint Lady our ancestors way or painting, of a traditional representation is a then, This, and of their deities, painted one the ancients of the way in Combe of an ekphrasis is pickedthis suggestion up by / “Within inscriptiohis verse displayed, : are this picture steady]. = staid, [“stayd” stayd” woman The beauties of a far such how ekphrastic hints in wonder might well We artistsemblems is what encouraged decorative at this period to incorporate schemes. them in their decorative an emblem whichCopying actually declares its status as of and thus a recreation of ancient iconography, a record inevitably would appealed at this period have antique art, instincts or tastes for some “Renaissance” to humanist or kind of classical renovatio. these emblems of the (usually pointing her naked) lady a or with her on foot or holding symbolic objects, finger, tribute to the collegiality of emblem studies, which fosters which fosters tribute to the collegiality studies, of emblem conspicuously than at more nowhere such interchange It is entirely Professor thanks to the Society’s meetings. intervention the can that show we that now Saunders’ emblem of wall painting copies La Perrière’s Framsden even their two though Whitney’s, and not wifely virtues, Only later the closely of this topic are versions related. de Lyons: in the set of illustrations that first appeared the Suffolk provided artist however, editions, Tournes and hence, with his pattern for the wife who sits indoors, only of careful searching as so often in emblem studies, the revealed variant have and illustrations would editions This is a cautionary tale. right source. use Since nor La neither Combe Perrière den motto. artist or the Framsden Latin for mottoes their emblems, evidently to moralise one in order his patron to find had and the inclusion of an original Latin painting, his mural which- this adapta or addition, motto is the major change, Framsden artist that the The fact makes to its source. tion of finding a suitable Latin motto to the trouble went bimedial to use the conventional testifies to his desire format the emblem and to preserve of its moralising func- his motto—VXOR Moreover context. in a decorative tion (“The faithful wife”)—shares with FIDELIS Whitney’s Whitney’s which the stress and Junius’s virtutes Uxoriæ the institution on place – versions – but not La Perrière’s as is presented Venus” “Dame La Perrière’s of marriage. “laan idealised or exemplary – femme prudente” woman after– but although she looks of her husband, the goods is no use of the word there be married, therefore and must Whitney’s virtutes motto Uxoriæ La in Perrière. “wife”

that is recorded in the 1590 in- that is recorded Emblemes “Trie thou thy friend before thou trust,” Thomas Thomas friend thou trust,” thou thy before “Trie

So, the moral to this update is that we should not jump should not jump the moral this update is that we to So, to householders in this part of England during the late-six- teenth or early-seventeenth century is clearly- rele no longer independent however, is, There painting. vant to the Framsden emblem book evidence for familiarity some with Combe’s of Theater the Fine Devices emblems from since two locally, are known to have been used in the emblematic decoration of been used in the emblematic decoration of to have known are in 25 Buttermarket, another house in this part of England, surviving two where emblems the center of Bury St Edmunds, but also Combe’s not only the pictures plaster copy painted on with – somewhat along to each emblem, couplet headers verse might think – their emblem numbers in one redundantly, 6-7). 1996) (Figs. Jones (Bath and Combe emailed me for some Kirkham When Dr. to conclusions. wall painting, help with the emblematics of the Framsden into as part research which discovered of her ongoing she had sixteenth- and seventeenth-century secular wall paintings I was delighted to find the Uxoriae Wales, in England and Whitney emblem in whichvirtutes moralisesthe each of wifelythree virtues see in the Suffolk that we wall painting. But in view of the manifest between differences Whitney’s I should certainly have painting, and the Framsden pictura a short when I offered chance, It was only by further. looked recent mural Framsden to the on the of our findings resumé that “Emblems in Everyday Life,” conference, Glasgow SES SaundersAlison was another told me that she thought there wholly are indebted We of this emblem in La Perrière. version like to pay in whichI would update, to her for the present Theater of Theater Fine Devices rather than used Combe’s have would in although and of La edition Perrière, Lyonnaise French any articleour previous document a to be able to pleased were we copy of Whitney’s miles ventory living not many of a householder of possessions such evidenceWhitney accessibility of the of Framsden, from , London: 1614. Photo Hun- 1614. London: Theater of Fine Devices, The Combe, Library. tington Fig. 7. Fig. sondern erst 1618, nach nach 1618, sondern erst 4 Das besagte Werk ist nämlich ist nämlich Werk Das besagte 6 5 um ein Emblembuch handle, das das um ein Emblembuch handle, Liber Emblematum Der von Winther- „pretiosissi Der von überschwänglich gepriesene Gravierender ist die Fehleinschätzung, dass es sich bei dass es sich bei ist die Fehleinschätzung, Gravierender dem Tode des Herzogs. Tode dem eindeutig eine Zusammenstellung anlass- und perso- von die Philipp selbst konzipiert hat nenbezogenen Sinnbildern, Titel – lediglich angegeben Marstaller – wie im und die von In der jeweils mit einer kurzen Erklärung wurden. versehen intendierten an einen Leser nennt Wendung vorangestellten Marstaller explizite den Herzog als Erfinder und Gestalter: ipse quædam Emblemata […] artificiosa„[…] finxit et pinxit der Marstallers Winther, Mehr noch betont […]“. et ingeniosa - die Inge ersetzte, Einleitung eine eigene durch 1618 Vorwort der dieses einzigartige Buch eigenständig, niosität des Fürsten, „proprio Marte, Begabung – Geist und eigener aus eigenem – geschaffen & ingenio“ habe. genio die der Thesaurus“ enthält Sinnbilder, Philippici Ingenij mus Herzog- zur Demons sowie anlässlich bestimmter Ereignisse ersann tration seiner grundsätzlichenWertvorstellungen und anderen Gnadenpfennigen und auf Schaugroschen, Marstal- Anbringungsmöglichkeiten zur Geltung brachte. ein „emblemata“ geradezu dass man in diesen lers Erklärung, Persönlichkeit und der Ideale des „effigiem“ – der Abbild – entspricht der Charakterisierung Herzogs erblicken könne, die sie als Theoretiker, die italienischen durch der Imprese , hg. v. Wilhelm / Horst Kühlmann v. hg. , und Region und Kultur in Stadt 270. S. hierzu: 267-279, S. 1994, Tübingen Langer, Christoph v. hg. , Kunstschrank Der Pommersche Wunderwelt. 4. Ausstellung (Katalog im Trepesch zur EmmendörfferChristoph / Berlin/ Juni 2014), März - 29. 28. Augsburg, Maximilianmuseum 25) (Kat.-Nr. 231 S. Krämer], 5) [Gode 180 (Kat.-Nr. S. München 2014, entstanden dadurch Die fälschliche mag Jahresangabe [Barbara Mundt]. Druck dass für den späteren des Manuskripts das Datum sein, beibehalten wurde. Viten zwischen eingefügt die Philipps wurde Emblematum Liber 5. Parentationes Titel: unter dem vereint und Philipps II., Philipps I. â scripta &c. Ducis Pomeraniæ Stetini Vita Prima, Philippi I. De Philippicæ. Cancellario. Philippi I. Valentino ab Eichstedt, Nobilissimo Viro Magnifico & Adamantis loco Emblematum Liber Ducis Aureus Pomeran: Heîc Philippi II. &c. Ducis pomeraniæ Stetini Vita Philippi II. De Secunda, insertus est. & Philippi II. palatino, Comite Winther J.U.D. â Jurgâ-Valentino scripta „als Diamant eingefasste“ – Der gleichsam Stettin 1618. Consiliario […], und Wortlaut das in Titelblatt versehen, ist mit einem Emblematum Liber In und füllt F – L. die Bögen dem ManuskriptJahresangabe entspricht, dass an den LeserWinther führt aus, Wendung seiner vorangestellten eine Publikation PhilippsWunsch des Emblematum Liber sehnlichster der jedoch und aufgrund wichtiger Aufgaben anderer sei, gewesen mancherlei Beschwernisse zu seinen Lebzeiten nicht realisiert werden unter sowie Veränderungen kleineren mit einigen wird Text Der konnte. Emblema“ abgedruckt. „XVI. Hinzufügung eines Barbara Daran anschließend: passim. 3), Mödersheim (wie Anm. S. 6. des Augsburger Unternehmers Philipp Kunstschrank Der Pommersche Mundt, München , Pommern von HerzogHainhofer für den gelehrten Philipp II. 25). 231 (Kat.-Nr. S. 4), (wie Anm. Wunderwelt in: Dies. 150. S. 2009, dem Hofbeamten Jürgen Valentin Winther, sehr wohl eine eine wohl sehr Winther, Valentin Jürgen Hofbeamten dem diese erfahren hat; Abbildungen, auch ohne wenn Publikation, nicht Jahr, in demselben allerdings Philipps Erziehersein ehemaliger Martin und Hofbeamter Marstaller oder auch panegy im Kontext im Sinne- Fürstenspiegels eines rischer Literatur verfasst habe. 1 ist in drei wesentlichen wesentlichen ist in drei 2 sondern, besorgt von besorgt von sondern, 3 Christa Schlumbohm , ed. M. Silcox Silcox M. ed. Theater of Fine Devices, The [Note: English version begins p. 13] begins version English p. [Note: ” JWCI 49 (1986): 255- 49 (1986): JWCI ofTheater Fine Devices.” Philipps Pommern-Stettin von II. Bemerkungen zu dem Emblematum Liber Bemerkungen Was den letzten Punkt anbetrifft, so ist richtig zu den letzten Punkt anbetrifft, Was Der Forschungsstand zu dem sogenannten „Emblem- zu dem sogenannten Der Forschungsstand buch“ des pommerschen Herzogs Punkten zu korrigieren: in der Bestimmung des Erfinders des Erfinders in der Bestimmung Punkten zu korrigieren: einer und der Kategorie der Sinnbilder in der Frage sowie Drucklegung 1609. des Manuskripts von nicht nur in kalligraphisch Werk dass dieses stellen, handschriftlicher vorliegt, Form 1. Eine umfassende Publikation der Verfasserin ist in Vorbereitung. ist in Verfasserin Eine umfassende Publikation der 1. 2. Ill[ustrissimi] Philippi Ducis Principis Pomeranorum Dn. ac Dn. Brevi Consiliario, C.S. â MartinoEmblematum Liber Marstallero, Sedini Anno M.DC.IX. enucleatus, Ecphrasi Martin Marstaller’s et Rei publicae„Christo . Sabine Mödersheim, 3. unknown An 1609): II (Stettin, Philippi Emblematum Liber in: Calligraphic Manuscript Emblem Book and its Context“, „Die – Dies., 48 f. S. hierzu: 41-73, S. Emblematica 10 (1999), MartinEmblematik am Hof der pommerschen Herzöge: Marstaller Literatur Neuzeit. in der Pommern Frühen in: und Daniel Cramer“, 57. (Mi- Il. libro emblemi degli Andrea Alciato: Mino. Gabriele, 2015). Adelphi, lan: (Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1990). Scolar Press, (Aldershot: Thomas M.”The of Case for the 1593 Edition Peter Daly, Combe’s References A Bibliography Saunders, Rawles and A. S. Alison, Adams, 1999- Droz, (Geneva: 2 vols . Books Emblem of French 2002). virtutes: “Uxoriae Kirkham, Michael and Andrea Bath, WifelyVirtues Suffolk,” in an English wall painting from 56 (January, forSociety Studies Emblem Newsletter 2015): 22-26. “Emblems from Jones, Michael and Malcolm Bath, Paintings at BuryWall Edmunds.” St in Combe Thomas 195-203. pp. 10, Emblematica, Thomas. Combe, Mulieris famam, non non Mulieris famam, to Alciato’s something owe tortoise, identifies the indeed Alciato who It is formam emblem. as portrayed Venus” “Alma of virtuous as a picture woman who is mentioned in classical art Phidias, the sculptor by with up the statue of Aphrodite as setting Pausanias by 511-14). pp. foot a tortoiseone on at Elis (Gabriele 2015, was thus deeplyThe ekphrastic impulse in this embedded piece whose application in a rediscovered classical topos, of early-modern in Suffolk painting domestic we now can accuracy. and for confidence account with some SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Research Notes 10 Christa Schlumbohn Research Notes 11 Christa Schlumbohn

e – XVI e – XV e , ist sie seit dem sie seit dem ist , 15 16 Er habe dabei gefühlt, dass seine Liebe, ein ein dass seine Liebe, Er habe dabei gefühlt, 17 sollte also zu verstehen geben, dass der Träger der der Träger dass der geben, sollte also zu verstehen SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES 18 14 Auf dem Wissen dem - mit dem deutschen um diese Blume Auf Na Genau diese Situation Marstaller für die gibt als Anlass 15. Jahrhundert Zeichen für das Denken an eine ferne Person. Jahrhundert Zeichenfür das Denken an eine ferne Person. 15. Liebe. voller Gemeint sind Gedanken , hg. v. Hélène Adhémar (Bibliothèque Aldine des Arts, 14), Paris Paris 14), (Bibliothèque Aldine des Arts, Hélène Adhémar v. hg. siècles, 7. Nr. 1951, Emblem in den 1608 erschienenen dazu das liebestheoretische Vgl. 17. Motti: mit den 192 f.) (S. Veen Amorum des Otto van Emblemata QVANDOQVE SOLA PROEMIVM ATQVE FRVCTVS „AMORIS contente“. „Penser „De[l] sol pensier m’appago“, EST“, COGITATIO Philipp erhielt des Emblembuchs erst im Jahre ein Exemplar allerdings Philipp Hainhofer 1611 (Des Augsburger Patriciers Beziehungen [wie Anm. 171). 169, S. 8], „Etymologische und wortgeschichtliche Loewe, Richard 18. in: Jelängerjelieber“, 9. zu deutschen PflanzennamenBemerkungen III, Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 60 (1936), 399-406. S. (wie Anm. 4), S. 251. S. 4), (wie Anm. Wunderwelt in : Abb. 14. ist das dem in England arbeitenden Holbein d.J. Hans Von 15. J. Vgl. dokumentiert. Stiefmütterchen als Motiv für einen Anhänger German Artists by Drawings in the Department of Prints and Rowlands, 343. Abb. 162, S. London 1993, in the British Drawings Museum, betitelt Le Livre du Cuer In dem allegorischen Ritterroman, 16. dieses die Personifikation d’Amours„Cuer“, trägt der Ritter Espris, tout de fleurs „ung heaume timbré in Liebe entbrannten Herzens, Le Livre du Cuer d’Amoursd’amoureuses pensees“ (René d’Anjou, Espris, französischen – In einem 28 f.). S. 1980, Paris SusanWharton, v. hg. „DE QVOIL die ein SpruchbandWorten mit den einer Dame, Porträt was ich (Ich denke an das, MY RECORDE“ YO VEDE. NON QVE ist der Hintergrund nach Art eines Stoffmusters mit nicht sehe) hält, français. XIV Portraits in: Abb. Stiefmütterchen übersät. noch den Herzog 1617 für anfertigen- dessen Impre und mit ist sie denn auch als solche dargestellt (Abb. ließ, sen versehen 2). beruht„Jelängerjelieber“ der ganze der Imprese, concetto men - ro Tradition der von ausgehend denn die Viola tricolor besitzt, Im Französischen symbolische Bedeutung: manischer Länder, „viola im Italienischen Denken) genannt, „pensée“ (Gedanke, pansy“ „pensee, im Englischen del pensiero“, eine kürzereDurch Ab- Erfindung der Imprese an. Philipps der Braut – so führtwesenheit er aus – habe Philipp sich in oblectamentis „solis cogitationum gesehen, die Lage versetzt sich die Lust allein durch der Gedanken an sie se recreare“, aufzurichten. Imprese die Auserwählte um so lieber gewinne, je länger er er je länger die AuserwählteImprese um so lieber gewinne, Damit bewegte der sich intendierte die Aussage an sie denke. wie neuplatonischer Liebesphilosophie, im Bereich Imprese Ficino Marsilio war. von worden vermittelt sie insbesondere zur SituationMarstallers Ausführungen Philipps entsprechen dass die Seele dem neuplatonisch-ficinistischen Gedanken, „amor honestus“, durch die Abwesenheit keinesfalls abnehme, keinesfalls abnehme, die Abwesenheit durch „amor honestus“, Demzufolge wollte werde. größer Tag zu Tag sondern von Philipp seiner Liebe zu der fernen das Anwachsen Braut - Vergegenwärti die geistige die durch einer Liebe, kundtun; Die Blume Jelängerjelieber, noch erstarke. Person gung ihrer an ihr erklärt Wohlgefallen mit dem deutscher Name deren wird,

13 res eine Blu- Philipp wählte 10 Von der ganzen Konzep- Von 7 , Venedig 1584, Buch I, Buch I, 1584, Venedig Ieronimo Ruscelli, . or Die Gnadenpfennige des und Schaugroschen Vielmehr handelt es sich um eine impre- 9 auch wenn er an anderer Stelle er an anderer auch wenn das lateinische Auch die Bezeichnung „tag vnd nacht bluem- die Bezeichnung Auch 8 12 pitin“ und nannte dazu den deutschen Namen „ie „ie pitin“ und nannte dazu den deutschen Namen identifiziert wurde (Abb. 1). Abweichend davon davon zeigt Abweichend 1). identifiziert (Abb. wurde 11 als Nr. X abgebildet X abgebildet als Nr. Emblematum Liber die im , pictura Als ein Beispiel für die unverkennbare Zurschaustel - die unverkennbare Als ein Beispiel für Auf einem Blatt mit kunstvoller Miniaturmalerei, das er das er einem Blatt mit kunstvoller Miniaturmalerei, Auf als Impresenträger einen runden Schaugroschenals Impresenträger goldenen versehen sein Brustbild zeigt, der auf dem Avers mit Öse, - POMERANOR mit der Umschrift„PHILIPPVS DVX dem Revers ist Auf 1606. VM“ und der Jahresangabe unter der inscriptio „PHILOSOPHIA“ als des die in numismatischer Beschreibung me abgebildet, „wildes Stiefmütterchen (viola tricolor Schaugroschens als L.)“ Wort „emblema“ gebraucht, das in neulateinischen Texten Texten das in neulateinischen „emblema“ gebraucht, Wort Marstallers allgemein für die italienische wie demjenigen verwendet„impresa“ Bezeichnung wurde. Selbstverständnis lung von mag Philipps mit der Imprese vor die er im Jahre „PHILOSOPHIA“inscriptio dienen, Schleswig-Holstein mit Sophia von er- Vermählung seiner Hierin es nicht geht um stoische Herrschertugenden, fand. wie Mödersheim besitzendie ein christlicher solle, Fürst Erklärung der Ausklammerung Marstallers – unter völliger – behauptet. , wie sie Herren in Italien und Frankreich als als sa d’amore in Italien und Frankreich wie sie Herren , Medaillon oder Agraffe an der Kopfbedeckung auch oder an einer Halskette trugen. als Anhänger tion her sind die „emblemata“ als Impresen zu kategori- als Impresen „emblemata“ sind die her tion wie sie sinnbildliche als gezielte Selbstdarstellung, sieren, der Zeit üblich Adelskreisen Hof- und in europäischen Hainhofer Philipps spricht- Kunstagent Korres in der war. „E.Fr.G. mit dem Herzogpondenz von dementsprechend impresen“, […], Venedig 1594, S. 85. S. 1594, 7.Venedig Dell’Imprese […], di Scipion Bargagli 8. Philipp Hainhofer Des Augsburger Patriciers Beziehungen zum Correspondenzen den aus Pommern-Stettin. von Herzog Philipp II. Oscar Doering (Quellenschriften für v. hg. Jahren 1610-1619, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, und Kunsttechnik Kunstgeschichte 124 u.ö. 104, 103, S. Wien 1894, 6), N.F., 58. S. 3), et Rei publicae“ (wie Anm. „Christo Mödersheim, S. 9. Le Imprese Illustri S del 10. „ritratto spiritale“, „effigie dell’animo“, als geistig-seelisches geistig-seelisches als dell’animo“, „effigie „ritratto spiritale“, verstehen. Trägers, des Porträt S. 7. […] Pris des Devises. – & compilé des cahiers de Traicté Discovrs ov d’Amboisefeu Meßire François Adrien d’Amboise Paris […] Par son fils, 57. S. / London 1979), York 1620 (Nachdruck New Hoffmann, Tassilo 11. 34. Nr. VI, Tafel Abb. 63, S. Stettin 1933, Herzogshauses, pommerschen Pflanzennamen, 5 der deutschen Wörterbuch Heinrich Marzell, 12. Leipzig / Stuttgart 1943-1979 (Nachdruck LeipzigBde., / Stuttgart 244. Sp. 3, Bd. 1186; Sp. 4, Bd. 2000), 1175. 358, Sp. 4, Bd. Ebda., 13. die was darauf Blume, langstielige unspezifische, eine völlig ist, dass sich der Schreibmeister zurückzuführen sein mag, - Vorstel Marstallers rechte Benennung keine anhand von Dieser bezeichnete die Blume als lung machen konnte. „chamæ Pflanzennamen Beides sind allerdings für ie lieber“. lenger das auf dem Schaugroschen zu eben jenes Stiefmütterchen, sehen ist. len“, die Hainhofer im Zusammenhang mit dieser Imprese die Hainhofer im Zusammenhang mit dieser Imprese len“, für Viola Name tricolor ist nur ein anderer . gebrauchte,

28 zumal dieser die die zumal dieser 25 ). – In dem von Winther – In dem von ). v Abb./Fig. 2. See n. 14. See n. 2. Abb./Fig. als ständige Imprese weiter weiter Imprese als ständige 27 Da Philipp seine ursprünglich situa- 26 Andere wollten die viel gerühmte Neigung viel gerühmte die wollten Neigung Andere 24 amantissimus fuit […]“ ( J. V. Winther, Winther, fuit […]“ ( amantissimus Philosophiæ V. J. später auch losgelöst von der pictura der inscriptio von später auch losgelöst Abb./Fig. 1. See n. 11. See n. 1. Abb./Fig. Beide Impresen dienten mit dieser fortgesetzten Beide Impresen Bekundung als Wahlspruch führte. In einer panegyrischen In einer anläss- Oratio führte. Wahlspruch als Redner das 1608 nutzte der lich der Erbhuldigung im Jahre Her- des Würdigung für eine zweifache Auslegungspotential PHI„Nahmens - dass sich dieser des indem er erklärte, zogs, Bezeugunge„zu mehrer der sonderli- LOSOPHIÆ“ bediene, Künsten: Weißheit vnd freyen Affektion zur chen Fürstlichen Ehelichen Liebe So Fürstlichen dann auch der sonderbahren Hertzlieben deroselben Gemahlin / Fraw jegen / so E.F.G. Sophiam […] tragen“. führte, war diese nach der Hochzeit im Jahre 1607 in der Tat Tat war diese nach der Hochzeit 1607 in der im Jahre führte, Dies umso mehr, als Bekundung ehelicher Liebe zu verstehen. recreatus“, amore „constanti Vermählung, als Philipp nach der die mit der inscriptio „Concentus ex gestaltete, eine Imprese die eheliche Harmonie beteuerte. concordia“ des Herzogs Philosophie zur herauslesen, ursprüngliche veranlassten Druckveranlassten die inscriptio wurde des Emblematum Liber in dem explizit der Philipps ersetzt, „PHILOSOPHIA“Vers den durch Offenbar hielt Winther dies „flos“ hergestellt ist (s.o.). Sinnbezug der zu „Philosophia“ für passender. von Verständnisses aufgrund seines eigenen in Stettin Alten der Beschreibung Stadt Historische Friedeborn, Paul 26. 67. S. 3, Bd. Stettin 1613, , Pommern 8), Philipp Hainhofer Des Augsburger Patriciers Beziehungen (wie Anm. 27. 218. S. 1607 mit den war ein Gnadenpfennig aus dem Jahre Impresenträger 28. als res significans und einer Lyra auf dem Avers Brustbildern des Paares VI, Tafel Abb. 64, S. 11), Anm. Hoffmann (wie T. Vgl. auf dem Revers. XII. Nr. , – Emblematum Liber 36. Nr. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Philipp Hainhofer und Herzog August d. J. Der Briefwechsel Philipp Hainhofer J. und Herzog zwischen August d. 24. S. München 1984, Gobiet, Ronald v. hg. , Braunschweig-Lüneburg von 800. „Philippus II. 25. Q fol. 5], Vita Philippi II. [wie Anm. De dass darin „Philippj und Seinerdarindass fraw Sophiae Gemahlinne begriffen“.namen - der Au gezielt Verbindung der beglückenden und stärkenden die erhoffteProsperi- die darauf war, angelegt ßendarstellung, zu stellen tät des pommerschen Herrscherhauses in Aussicht entgegenzuwirken, und damit der allgemeinen Befürchtung aufgrund der manifestendass dessen Fortbestand Krankheits- sei. gefährdet Fürsten zustände des regierenden tionsbezogene Imprese mit dem „tag vnd nacht bluemlen vnd „tag vnd nacht bluemlen vnd mit dem tionsbezogeneImprese dartzuphilosophia geschriben“ erfüllte Philipps 23 Ein solcher ist hier Ein solcher ist hier 22 eigneten sich bestens als eigneten sich bestens als auf ihn gewirkt habe. auf ihn gewirkt 21 20 Von daher kann diese Imprese Imprese daher kann diese Von 19 [1594], hg. v. Bruno v. overoIl de l’imprese Conte hg. [1594], Nicht zuletzt durch dieses Wortspiel, dessen Prinzip Prinzip dessen Wortspiel, dieses zuletzt durch Nicht Eine Blume mit derartigem Deutungspotential ist eine Bildmotive, vor allem dann, wenn sich ein geistreicher sich geistreicher ein wenn allem dann, vor Bildmotive, daraus lasse. ableiten Vergleich impresa d’amore das grundlegende Gebot eines gewissen - Eingeweih von der sich zwar einem Kreis Hermetismus, aber nicht ten und einschlägig Gebildeten erschließen, Während für jedermann sogleich verständlich sein sollte. „PHILOSO- Wort dass mit dem Marstaller befand, PHIA“ das Objekt obscure“ der herzoglichen„non Liebe ihn offenkundige Bot- blieb die für sei, worden genannt Selbst Hainhofer schaft Zeitgenossen verborgen. anderen meinte, indem er „wörtlin philosophia“, das verkannte zu der geliebten Braut hergestellt; wird diese doch von diese doch von wird Brautzu der geliebten hergestellt; Fürstentöchterngeprie - „flos“ unter den Marstaller als den Philipp selbst zu seiner folgend, Vers darin dem sen, floris dilecti tempore amor“. „Crescet verfasst hat: Imprese Der Sinngehalt erschließt sich der Imprese geradezu dargestellter von aus dem Zusammenwirken mustergültig - res Die Blume Jelängerje und aufschlüsselnder inscriptio : der Liebe zu gab das stete Anwachsen lieber in der pictura „PHILOSOPHIA“ die inscriptio nannte durch verstehen, dem „Sophia“, mit Wortverbindung die darin enthaltene der diese Liebe galt. zudem die Person, der Braut, Namen Damit – so Marstaller– habe sich der Herzog deutlich als „φιλoν enim Liebender der Sophia gegeben: zu verstehen innuit“. σοφίας obscure non se esse ista voce als Palazzi wie Andrea einem Impresentheoretiker von wurde, angesehen reizvoll besonders , wie sie italienische Impresentheoretiker schätzten. schätzten. sie italienische wie Impresentheoretiker res, sie seien nichtvorausgesetzt zu Blumen und Pflanzen, unbekannt oder ausgefallen, Commentarium Marsilii Ficini Florentini in convivium Platonis, Ficini Marsilii Commentarium Florentini Platonis, in convivium 19. 68r-68v. VI, Oratio sexta, De Amore, „Die Bibliotheken der Herzöge von Hermann Blumenthal, 20. hierzu: 1-48, S. 39 (1937), N.F., Baltische Studien, in: Pommern“, 36. S. Florenz 1598 overo Il Imprese delle , Rota Scipione Ammirato, 21. 20. S. 1562], [EA Neapel 177. S. 10), Le Imprese Illustri (wie Anm. Ruscelli, Girolamo 22. Tasso, – Torquato 185. S. 1993, Rom Basile, l’Imprese Bologna sopra Andrea Palazzi , Gio. I Discorsi di M. 23. 144 f. S. 1575, das Bild der geliebten Person auch bei deren physischer physischer auch deren bei Person geliebten das Bild der bewahre und sich Zeit dieses sogar mit der Abwesenheit verkörperte da die Seele die in der Person verschönere, Eindruck und den einmal eingeprägten Idee erkenne dieser Idee angleiche. auch Philipps eine Antwort auf die angesichts von Bib- Einfluss welchen geben, Frage liotheksbeständen gestellte „das aus seinen französischen und italienischen Büchern „wie auf den Herzogzufließende Gedankengut“ gehabt, der ästhetische Platonismus der Florentiner Akademie, etwa des Marsiglio Ficino“, SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Research Notes 12 Christa Schlumbohn Research Notes 13 Christa Schlumbohn

e – XVI e whose works whose works – XV e 37

36 38 a medallion worn as a as a a medallion worn 35 Gnadenpfennigen or other suitable Philipp’s so-called “emblemata” are undoubtedly are “emblemata” so-called Philipp’s 34 SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES of this impresa is due to the symbolic The whole concetto A typical instance illustrating and occasional this personal According to Marstaller’s ecphrasis, this was exactly the was exactly this the ecphrasis, to Marstaller’s According – which the original differs pictura 12), see p. 1; pendant (Fig. a flower, drawing – shows the in the Emblematum Liber from pensee) (pansy, by numismatists as identified “Viola tricolor” its German “Jelängerjelieber”, Marstaller as and designated by “The her”. I love I see her the more longer name meaning: Based on of the pansy and its German name. connotation “viola del or “pensée” the flower and Italian tradition, French mental contemplation the is a symbol representing pensiero” and actuallyof a beloved absent person. were to be found in Philipp’s library. to be found in Philipp’s were […], Venice 1594, 85. 1594, Venice See Dell’Imprese34. […], di Scipion Bargagli Die Gnadenpfennige des und Schaugroschen Hoffmann, Tassilo See 35. 34. No. VI, plate 63, Stettin 1933, Herzogshauses, pommerschen of chivalry In the allegoric romance entitled Le Livre du Cuer 36. d’Amours a personification of the “Cuer”, Espris the knight named pansies on of a crest wears heartenamoured quest of his Dame Mercy, in – A tapestry decorated with pansies forms the background his helmet. “DE portrait bearing with a scroll of a lady the inscription: in a French (I keep in mind MY RECORDE” YO VEDE. NON QVE QVOIL français. XIV See in Portraits figure what I cannot see). to the rank of a “pretiosissimus Ingenij Philippici thesaurus” Philippici Ingenij thesaurus” “pretiosissimus to the rank a of includes genius), of Philipp’s treasure (an extremely precious particular and in various on occasions, imprese conceived to manifest his the intention as with as well circumstances initially Most of them had been ideals and virtues. personal , Schaugroschen on displayed in will reader perceive a affirmation that Marstaller’s objects. of – corpus of imprese the true“effigiem” portrait – Philipp’s the Duke to the characterizationtheo- Italian corresponds by “effigie or spiritale” “ritratto the impresa a rists who considered dell’animo”. , ed. Hélène Adhémar (Bibliothèque Aldine des Arts, 14), Paris Paris 14), (Bibliothèque Aldine des Arts, Hélène Adhémar ed. siècles, 7. No. 1951, SeeFicini Marsilii Commentarium Florentini Platonis, in convivium 37. 68r-68v. VI, Oratio sexta, De Amore, “Die Bibliotheken der Herzöge von See Hermann Blumenthal, 38. - following of contem custom the thereby a self-representation porary aristocratic and courtly milieus. “PHILOSOcharacter is the impresa bearing the inscription- the Duke devised by , X in the Emblematum Liber No. PHIA”, his marriage before to Sophia of Schleswig-Holin the year - Marstaller being an emblematic exhortation by from Far stein. and meaning picture – as Mödersheim supposes – motto, satisfy the criteria of a perfect impresa d’amore Placed in 1606 . , of a Schaugroschen the reverse on : Being away Being away in whichsituation Philipp his impresa: invented reduced to the necessity, he saw himself fiancée, his from (of becoming oblectamentis se recreare” cogitationum “solis He felt that his the delight of thoughts). onlyinvigorated by was not diminishing duringlove absence but increasing her Such after the mental visualizationday of his beloved. by day of the neo- be seen in the context must of love a conception Platonic theory Marsilio Ficino, expounded by In fact, In fact, 33 29 but in 1618, by the loyal Stettin the loyal by but in 1618, 31 must be corrected with respect both to both to with respect be corrected must

Christa Schlumbohm 30 Emblematum Liber In his introductory remarks, Winther affirms that In his introductory remarks, 32 which Philipp invented by his own exertions, exertions, imprese his own which Philipp by invented Philipp’s collection, encomiasticallyWinther raised by collection, Philipp’s Of greater importance Of greater is the misinterpretation based Concerning this last point, it should be known that the that the it should be known point, Concerning this last Remarks on the Philippi on Remarks Ducis Pomeranorum II. both Marstaller and Wintherboth Marstaller and - emphasize in their respec is a collection that this work to the reader addresses tive of - More et ingenio”). genio Marte, wit and talent (“proprio Marstaller declares explicitly that Philipp not only over, pictorially them imagined his imprese but represented as “[…] finxit et pinxit ipse quædam Emblemata […] well: own contribution, As to his artificiosa […]”. et ingeniosa his partMarstaller reduced to the short explanatory texts, indicatedthe Emblematum in the title of “ecphrasis” the . Liber 29. A publication of the author’s exhaustive study on this subject is in study on exhaustive A publication of the author’s 29. preparation. Ill[ustrissimi] title of the manuscript: Principis Full ac Dn. 30. â Martino Emblematum Liber Ducis Pomeranorum Philippi II. Dn. Sedini Anno enucleatus, Brevi Ecphrasi Consiliario, C.S. Marstallero, M.DC.IX. Christoph Eds. , Kunstschrank Der Pommersche Wunderwelt. 31. 180, Berlin/Munich 2014, Trepesch, Emmendörfer and Christoph 231. Prima, De Philippicæ. Parentationes The text is inserted in: 32. â Magnifico & scripta &c. Ducis Pomeraniæ Stetini Vita Philippi I. Heîc Cancellario. Philippi I. ab Eichstedt, ViroValentino Nobilissimo Adamantis loco Emblematum Liber DucisAureus Pomeran: Philippi II. &c. Ducis pomeraniæ Stetini Vita Philippi II. De Secunda, insertus est. & Philippi II. palatino, Comite Winther J.U.D. â Jurgâ-Valentino scripta Stettin 1618. [...], Consiliario, Martin “Christo et Rei publicae. See Sabine Mödersheim, 33. An 1609): II Philippi(Stettin, Emblematum Liber Marstaller’s Manuscript CalligraphicUnknown Emblem Book and its Context”, “Die Emblematik am Hofe – Id., 41-73. in Emblematica 10 (1999), Martinder pommerschen Herzöge: Marstaller und Daniel Cramer”, und Kultur in Stadt Literatur Neuzeit. in derin Pommern Frühen Tübingen Wilhelm and Horst Langer, Kühlmann Eds. , und Region des Kunstschrank Der Pommersche – Barbara Mundt, 267-79. 1994, HerzogAugsburger Unternehmers Philipp Hainhofer für den gelehrten in Wunderwelt – Id. 150. Munich 2009, , Pommern von Philipp II. 231. (note 3), it had been Philipp’s dearest wish to see this collection wish to see this collection dearest been Philipp’s it had which could not be realized a desire generallymade known, during his lifetime. is an that the Emblematum Liber the neo-Latinon title, writtenemblem book for the Duke Martin by Marstaller . in the manner of a Fürstenspiegel and conceived The prevailing results of research on the manuscriptal on the manuscriptal research of results The prevailing Liber Emblematum the author and the category of these “emblemata” as well as as as well categorythe author and the “emblemata” of these whether this manuscriptto the question been printed. has was finally published, dated 1609, calligraphic manuscript, not in the same year, court official Jürgen Valentin Winther, in a version without without version in a ValentinWinther, court official Jürgen figures. in medallions outside in medallions outside According to my own research, the emblematic element in the emblematic element in research, to my own According canonical real devices by accompanied seldom are Portraits In this present note, I will I not review his richpolitical and note, In this present of the arts, an ambitious dynastBeing both a patron and by 1), Carl Gustav The first engraving under analysis (fig. Fig. 1. Courtesy of the author. Courtesy of the author. 1. Fig. because I will only portraits, of his engraved focus two on ever, of their peculiar emblematic structure and relevance. portraits of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is most by the personages, objects held by by frequently represented symbolic ani- by jewels, by embroideries in their garments, scenes and landscapes in the by objects in the room, by mals, Such is the case, or body postures. gestures and by background, portraits in the many of Queen Elizabeth I of for example, by a effectively of whichsym- some are identified England, bolic attribute within the image. and inscriptions picturae by composed Empire. He was also the last governor of the Spanish of the governor the last He was also - Nether Empire. Dukelands and of Luxembourg. as such information can be easily retrieved military biography, the web. from Emanuel leftMaximilian in semblances of himself numerous of them presenting some and medals, engravings, paintings, - how On this occasion, symbolic or allegorical arrangements. in the frontispieces common more the latter being much them, of books. Maximilian Emanuel was when is dated 1682, Amling, von only when he had recently assumed the full twenty old, years

42 The

39 - but is a con 41 enim σοφίας se esse understood only by understood only by 40 Rubem Amaral, Jr. Rubem Amaral, [1594], ed. Bruno Basile, Bruno Basile, overoIl de l’imprese Conte ed. [1594], Emblematic Engraved of Portraits Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria impresa d’amore the comparison of his involves such a continuous demonstration of affection and of affection and such demonstration a continuous features a lyre accompanied by the inscription a lyre by features accompanied pictura 43 As testified in 1612 and 1617 by two artistic miniature artisticby two miniature As testified in 1612 and 1617 Italian theorists would also have recognized Italian theorists the inscrip also have would - - defi The cultured his affection, Duke demonstrated the select few who possess special knowledge. The motto The motto the select few who possess special knowledge. not stand – as Mödersheim does “PHILOSOPHIA” the Stoic“for virtues of wisdom, declareserroneously – which the Christian and justice, patience, composure, ruler is particularly to possess”, required (Fig. 2; see p. 12), 12), see p. 2; Philipp the pansy impresa (Fig. retained his former declaration prolonging during of love thereby impresa with another extolling Together their matrimony. in since their wedding and harmony love their conjugal 1607, junction of two Greek words, expressing Philipp’s love for for love Philipp’s expressing words, Greek of two junction “φιλoν as Marstaller explains: Sophia, (With innuit” obscure non he wished ista voce this word to indicate clearly Sophia). that he feels fondness towards imprese, paintings adorned with a choice of the Duke’s fiancée, praised as a “flos”, a blossom among the among princely a blossom “flos”, praised as a fiancée, and is “Jelängerjelieber”, called with the flower daughters, dilecti tempore “Crescet verse: own Philipp’s explained by will(The dear blossom become for the love floris amor” time). with greater words, on of a play tio consisting Duke’s Duke’s Maximilian II (1662–1726), also known as Max Eman- as Max also known Maximilian II (1662–1726), Wittelsbachuel or Maximilian Emanuel, was a ruler of Bavaria and an Elector (Kurfürst) of the Holy Roman “Concentus ex concordia” (Harmony derives from concord) and was concord) derives from (Harmony ex concordia” “Concentus of a Gnadenpfennig the reverse on the obverse placed on showing Hoffmann (note Tassilo See the half-length portraits of the couple. 36. No. VI, plate 64, 7), , N.F., 39 (1937), 1-48. 39 (1937), N.F., Studien , in Baltische Pommern”, Florence overo Il Imprese delle , Rota See Scipione Ammirato, 39. – 7. 1584, Venice Le Imprese Illustri , Ruscelli, – Girolamo 20. 1598, Tasso, Torquato 185. 1993, Rome l’Imprese Bologna sopra Andrea Palazzi , Gio. See I Discorsi di M. 40. 144 sq. 1575, 58. Sabine Mödersheim (note 5), 41. 251. 228, (note 3), in Wunderwelt Reproduced 42. The 43. nitely an “amor honestus”, by means of the pansy, worn as as worn of the pansy, means by honestus”, “amor nitely an Italian theorists by Flowers considered are token. a lover’s particularly when they design, pictura to be an appropriate simile. an ingenious to create possess the potential mutual agreement implied the dynastical implied agreement of expectation mutual for to banish the latent apprehensions in order progeny weak the well-known caused extinction by the family’s and delicate rulingconstitution health of the Duke. SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Research Notes 14 Rubem Amaral, Jr. Research Notes 15 Rubem Amaral, Jr.

- Emmanuel S.R.I. Elector S.R.I. Maximilianus et Archidapifer &c. &c. TurcicaePerfidiae [Maximilian Emanuel Vindex et acerrimus Arci Bu- densis Expugnator Fortissimus. densis Expugnator Conqueror of the Buda Castle]. Conqueror and Most Brave and Most Strong and Most and Most Brave Ornet, ut AlcidemOrnet, tuum Boica terra . &c. Avenger of the Turkish Perfidy Turkish of the Avenger &c. Exuvias Domiti Thracis dat Buda Leonis Thracis Exuvias Domiti [Buda delivers the spoil of the vanquished [Buda delivers Thrace lion, Bavaria to adorn your Alcides]. Bavariaadorn to Thrace lion, (“Faith defeats defeats Fide premitur Atlas (“Faith Ottomannicus SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES The portrait’s oval medallion is encircled by a lion’s The portrait’s by a lion’s medallion is encircledoval is attributedto c. 1700, 2), engraving (fig. The second The distich the eagle at the top of the portrait above reads: in the portrait’sThe legend pedestal and Mason Tung (1651) describes the image as: Hercu (1651) describes as: the image Tung and Mason On the right side of the upper pair, Atlas carrying Atlas On the right side of the upper pair, with a raised sword, On the left of the middle side pair, a forearm sustain- On the right side of the middle pair, sun above, a shining On the left pair, of the bottom side The devices sides of the portraiton the two as fol- are a firing cannon at and On the left of the first pair, side Elector and Arch seneschalElector and Arch of the Holy Empire Roman les tames two feed sheep. with les tames to lions equating thus spoil, lion’s of the Nemean the image skin, This suggests to Alcides (Hercules). Maximilian Emanuel that the ruler virtues possesses Herculean and strength distich another to the elegiac above in a manner similar which is analysed below. engraving, Emanuel was Maximilian that year, In Gabriel Ehinger. old and famous for his military38 years deeds in the at- Viennadefense of against the Ottoman Empire’s further possessions tempt to extend their into Europe, Turks and especially the for capture of Belgrade from his in 1688. reads: The of clear symbolism the Eagle holding a crown of in its beak needs no explanation. laurels (“Force is repelled by force”). by is repelled (“Force with the the orb and the monogram ME, with the cross motto the Ottoman Atlas”). Imperium hic divisit (“This the motto Ottomannicum sword divided the Ottoman Empire”). the left and scepter on ing a balance with a crown lower dish and a turban the right and scepter on higher dish, the here perfidowith the motto Hinc (“From suspendium his death”). receives infidel lows: with the motto Vis vi repellitur enemy cannons, destroying

(“Theseyour skills”). will be (“And to subdue the proud”) . (“And (“To spare the humble”). spare subiectis (“To Parcere In the upper left corner, an orb symbolizing kingly power In the upper left corner, symbolizing of laurel, a crown In the upper right corner, the caption tibi erunt Hae artes In the plinth of the portrait, with the tending a lamb, a lion leftIn the lower corner, an arm holding a club and beating right corner, In the lower 115) attributes to Albertus Dux utri (II, - Typotius Jacob ò ò pecora, l’uno due Leoni, uno agnello, quali abbraccia … de’ Fig. 2. Courtesy of the author. Courtesy of the author. 2. Fig. government of Bavariagovernment and shortly the beginning of his before program the emblematic Accordingly, brilliant military career. of this portrait or advertisement is a memento duties of his the overall Thus, qualities as a rulingand pretense monarch. inspiration of the fourdevices in the corners of the frame are Virgil Aeneid, VI of the the famous lines 851-853 of in Book exhortation Aeneas: to his son with the spirit of Anchises’ regere (“Thou, imperio populos with the motto Tu and justice, the people”). over reign morem imponere (“Impose the with the motto Pacisque honor, habit of peace”). Aeneis VI motto with the motto Et debellare monster, a fabulous hydra-like superbos Maxi- an ancestor of Rheni, usque Bavariae Palatinus Comis an impresa which devices, unifies the last two milian Emanuel, Virgilian halvesthe inscriptions two of which of one are verse. as follows: 433) describes the pictura (II, Giovanni Ferro two l’hà (“... l’altro vicino, da um’huomo essere si vede bastonato or has it close or sheep, of which one embraces a lamb, Lions, clubbed the other is seen being a man.”) by by,

naked naked . Photo: The internet Archive. For text, see below. For text, The internet Archive. Photo: . ” appears often, revealing perhaps Wither’s interest in in interest Wither’s perhaps revealing appears often, Be not angry, if I tell Be not angry, too well; , the World you love That drew, perhaps you this Lot, For, might eschew. you , such Faults That, to what their Soules, aspire Marke, desire: true Blessednesse, Who, like those, can doe, if you For, lose. Earth when you gaine, you Heav’n From the roles of his persona in that study, I have deduced deduced I have in that study, of his persona the roles From , 1.12, “ΠΑΝΤΑ 1.12, of, A Collection Emblemes Wither, George 1. Fig. ΛΕΛΟΙΠΑ exhorting of these imprese to realize their life-long the bearers aspirations. personal Like Junius and Whitney, Wither turns emblems into many Whitney, Like Junius and the imprese casting because lot for emblem, by his or her own the owner sense to becomes or bearer (similar in some reader the lesson In other words, a dedicatee) of that chosen impresa. or spiritual his or her personal aspiration forbecomes the Since the moral been demonstrated in the imprese have future. I will the spiritual concentrate in this note on previous note, What makes the lottery spiritually verses are ones. persuasive at the end of many made of the persona prayers the personal the validity prove of this hypothesis To 30-line illustrations. Their lengths vary, I will of them. choose five in what follows, to put them allbut they formed in order are into eight verses The lottery their corresponding side-by-side in octaves. verses “live that the lot-caster comparison of each pair shows will because supported it is aspiration, his or her personal out” the spiritual truths by in the and testimonies and reinforced the word the chosen among pairs of verses Moreover, prayers. ” “aspire proposed, which in his own understanding are pertinent to his his arepertinent in his own to understanding which proposed, Study A . Persona: Wither’s ‘George my see (A2v); .’ . welfare . 72.” 18 (2010): in Emblematica .’ . is that of a spiritual (a priestthat one spokesman under- or an illustrations as distinct for or religious the divine shepherd) for the moral spokesman illustrations. that of a didactic from

and view her so, and view her so, Mason Tung A Research Note A Research writers, or writers who include religious emblem writers, I the World “As to Wither (paraphrased by into an iambic tetrameter rhyming couplet). ΛΕΛΟΙΠΑ. ΠΑΝΤΑ Wither’s Lottery Verses as Spiritual Imprese: LotteryWither’s Verses On the right side of the bottom pair, a winged and and a winged On the right pair, side of the bottom of the University I thank DrMartínez, Beatriz Antón me convey Lord, to that Blessed-Station Where view I may the World survey;That I her true may Condition . . . allAnd her Imperfections rightly know. that I never cleave chiefely, But mind me, closely and cause thou me, to my selfe; Too other EarthlyNot to leave, things alone But to forsake my Selfe for of Thee. . . . love having on its face the figure of a rampant lion, and the and the a of lion, rampant figure the its face having on with the clouds, shadowy among below, moon crescent (“The Luna cedit Soli bofore motto Huic retreats Moon this Sun”). with the a rampant lion, wheel being turned by crowned turns (“Fortune torquetur rotam Fortuna motto Inversam direction”). the wheel in the opposite forassistance with the translations her kind Valladolid, of Latin of this engraving. from Bibliography Sarzina, Giacomo d’Imprese,Venice: Teatro II. G. Ferro, 1623. of Collections the Paradin, To Impresa Index M. Tung, - Capac Camilli, Contile, Ruscelli, Pittoni, Simeoni, Giovio, 2006 (AMS AMS, York: New Typotius. and Bargagli, cio, Studies in the Emblem). varia Diversorum Principum Symbola Sacro- J. Typotius, 1602. Prague: II. Ecclesiae & Sacrisanc. Imperii Romani, emblems in their otherwise such secular collections as whether they also, That is, do the same.” Wither’s, George emblems into change like Junius and Geffrey Whitney, applyingimprese by the morals directly to their dedica- Wither using the lottery seems to do so by verses tees. appended at the end of each of the four books which are That he does so is ofin his Collections (1635). Emblemes for including the reason evidenced lottery by in his verses “The stated purposeverses is to of these emblem book: (picture) to choose emblem his or her own help the reader so the more occasion frequent as ‘to and notice of the Morals, . . . endred Counsels in their Illustrations (epigrams). good Counsels wherein or some good his Secret vices are reproved; This note is a follow-up of that on Hadrianus Junius’s This note is a on Hadrianus of that Junius’s follow-up - imprese in the last issue of the Newslet which appeared - “reli the end of that note I speculated whether At ter. gious stript / So naked- ” same. the I leave came, 1.12. 1.12. SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Research Notes 16 Mason Tung Research Notes 17 Mason Tung

; shall make thee rich” shall make thee rich” . , aspires shall make thee rich SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Poverty The eye-opening thing here is that the word “aspire” is is “aspire” word is that the thing here The eye-opening , 2.46, “Tribulatio “Tribulatio 2.46, of, A Collection Emblemes Wither, George 3. Fig. see below. For text, The internet Archive. ditat”. Photo: which brings true wisdom, and thus perfect knowledge, and thus perfect knowledge, which brings true wisdom, true the lottery heart whereas the caster’s directs verse “Which afterto aspire heavenly knowledge every pru- and “be warns but him to not proud” dent Soule desires” at to keep looking being urged to persevere, endeavor are however, The differences, 2). (fig. his chosen picture the very that highlight the aspiration for thing heavenly and true of God in this spiritual knowledge wisdom impresa. reason The found not in the lottery but in the prayer. verse present, past, with preoccupation be the former’s may and its remedy life, lot-caster’s in the troubles and future lies in the cryptic“Poverty saying Unlike in most other lottery verses, (2 Corinthians 8:9). The paine will be sooner overpast, be at last. thou shall happy And, What e’re thou art thou What shew, outward in e’re Thy Heartvery is ever true, to those Knowledges And Which every prudent Soule desires: that thou hast got be not proud Yet, and view, thine Emblem Lot.But, by thy This testimonie, endeavor to persever. of Knowledge In search or thou shalt have or hast, Thou hadst, Grave thou fill thy ere Much trouble, when thou expectest rest, may’st, And, be opprest. or sorrowes, With paine, and waile not much; be content, But, For, shall make, our very Spirit poore: shall make, God which, I ought to have of have thee, I ought to which, Knowledge, The similarities between the two verses (both are octaves octaves The similaritiesverses (both are the between two The interesting thing to point out from the lottery thing to point out from on The interesting verse , 2.29, “Correctum 2.29, of A Collection , Emblemes Wither, George 2. Fig. see For text, inquiritThe internet Archive. Photo: scientiam”. below. ,” proposed Counsels or some good his Secret vices are reproved; For, till Corrections the bruising Flailes, of God’s For, Affections out of us our vaine threshed Have ; he doth lay, us, upon till his Flaile, Yea, . . . of this our Flesh the huske thresh away; To more, yet nay, the Soule uncover’d; leave And, Till aspire: shall not up to highest Wealth We that is my desire. and, shall; then we But, vouchsafe thou, to impart to thou, vouchsafe Lord, Oh me, To The gift of a Rectifyed-heart. such of me the Knowledge InferiourGrant things, brings as their Experience, alone, So farre, The of mee: thou requir’st of those Dueties, And, feare, thee to and, know, God, to Oh thee. For, Of truest Wisedome, the Perfections are. 2.46. Tribulatio ditat. “Affliction, doth to many adde / More value, then, before theyhad.” before then, value, adde / More doth to many “Affliction, ditat. Tribulatio 2.46. - read 1) and While (fig. at the picture looking (quoted above). to be like those who desire “Aspire counsel of ing the good in future the lot-caster to aspire is persuaded true blessedness,” to be increasingly less worldlyactions selflessly and more lov- The spiri- while losing earth. to gain heaven ing God in order left the on prayer its is solid in tual foundation of the persona’s the aspiring Without it, truth in its persuasion. and powerful thrust and of this spiritual be less convincing impresa would thus less practicable. than pentameter, rhyming is longer, one in couplets though tetrameter) their differences. tend to accentuate the other, the earlier for search inferior is knowledge In the prayer, and fearing to knowing God, and redirected acknowledged the right is that it fulfills both of its stated purposes; namely, namely, the right is that it fulfills both of its stated purposes; “ 2.29. Correctum inquirit scientiam. “The Heart of him, that is upright, / In Heavenly-knowledge, takes delight.” Heavenly-knowledge, / In that is upright, “The Heart of him, inquirit scientiam. Correctum 2.29. onely knowes) as well. If the demonstration of the five pairs pairs of the five the demonstration If imprese as well. Lot pertaineth unto those, in order never to choose the inferior way. In contrast, the the In contrast, never to choose the inferior in order way. worthynesse and thy . Wisdome, There are 35 other such pairs of verses in which the word word verses in which 35 other such the pairs of are There Apart from the obvious difference in using “aspire” in the in the “aspire” in using obvious the difference Apart from , 4.01, “Non “Non 4.01, of, A Collection Emblemes Wither, George 5. Fig. see For text, The internet Archive. Photo: inferiora secutus”. below. directions in rhetoric exhortdirections both verses aspira- a personal the inferior turning from way for away tion this impresa by “the Sunne of of imitating Christ, the highest way and towards 5). (Fig. ” righteousnesse aspirations their personal Nonetheless, is not used. “aspire” making them effective thereby all convincingly presented, are spiritual lot-caster is being lauded by the speaker as noble and heavenly noble and heavenly the speaker as lot-caster lauded by is being - How his chosen emblem as wise and worthy. minded but by against inclining worldliness needs to guard he towards ever, in spite of different Thus, divine affections. learning more by prayer instead of in the lottery verse, they also differ in their theyalso differ their in in the lottery of instead prayer verse, self-loathing from moves prayer speaker in the The rhetoric. aspiring to profess to spiritualand debasement awakening, finally and to imitating Christ as the Son of righteousness, Him But, if to earthward incline; thou But, learne Affections divine. more Thence, Thou, of a noble minde, art thought, of a noble minde, Thou, hath chiefly sought, heav’nlyWhich, things, vertue to debase, thy scorn’st And, place. By loving those of lower doth expresse thin Emblem If so, Thy This God who they(And ben, no desire; have to the world, Who, up to heav’nly. things aspire But, degree, in some but you, doubt, No with such Affections bee; Indow’d might that you , this Emblem had And, in such a Flight. bee, Encourag’d

. , to mee. to mee. Thy selfe, give also, Thou, . . . . that is the Sunne of Righteousnesse , it selfe, will unsufficient bee, will unsufficient bee, it selfe, Heav’n What is the use of the desire/aspire catches here the eye Him practicable not only to the lot-caster but perhaps also to Wither himself. - Although both empha rhyming verses. couplets in both size mundi (as the theme of transcendence and contemptus the concluding of the prayer couplet also in 1.12 above), anchors the spiritual the Christian aspiration on gospel, impresa making this a personal “Thou thyself to me,” give this one mentions neither the lot nor the emblem. But the But the emblem. the lot nor the neither mentions this one found and the the prayer read of this lot will have owner Wither writing verses both In other words, there. answer clarifies of this spiritual aspiration the personal impresa by a symbol 3), flail (fig. to emphasize God’s using the prayer thus making it poor, which the soul, uncovers of affliction, aspiring which to true to heavenly leads wealth happiness. , 3.22, “Non “Non 3.22, of, A Collection Emblemes Wither, George 4. Fig. For text, internetThe Archive. Photo: est mortale opto”. quod see below. But, oh my God! Though groveling I appeare I appeare Though groveling my God! oh But, here, a rooting (and have the Ground, Vpon Which in my desire, yet hales me downward) : I aspire which mee, is above that, To all my best Affections I professen And, To in what I may, That imitating him, I never follow an inferior Way Vnlesse, Vnlesse, . . . To ev’ry (which harbours one a desire To ...... to aspire.) the StarryAbove Circles, those Blessings to receive, Lord , I asked not, Which to take or give; Man hath pow’r any I contemne for, affords; World what this Nor, seene the best of them: and have Her Favours; Nay, SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES 4.01. Non inferiora secutus. “Whil’st I, the Sunne’s bright Face may view, / I will Light pursue.” no meander view, may bright Face the Sunne’s “Whil’st I, inferiora Non secutus. 4.01. 3.22. Non est mortale quod opto. “Take wing, my Soule, and mount up higher / For, Earth, fulfills not my Desire.” Earth, and mount up higher / For, my Soule, wing, “Take est mortale quod opto. Non 3.22. Research Notes 18 Mason Tung Society Information 19 Contacts, Membership

SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Members of the Society a twice-yearly receive News- Membership Information in emblem studies to interested anyone invites The SES The Society exists to foster the study of join the Society. materials and the and related in literature emblem books their originson other cultural and influence visual arts, The current countries and languages. in all periods, forms, membership includes teachers and students of literature, collectors of librarians and archivists, art-historians, historians of Renaissance and Baroque antiquarian books, and scholars literature, of comparative students cultures, and literature between in the wider relationship interested iconology and theories or representation, the visual arts, iconography. entitled to attend the various meetings, and are letter, organized or for and other activities the by colloquia, Since highly is a the study of emblem books in- Society. the Society a channel aims to provide terdisciplinary field, for students and scholars of communication seeking col- with expertise specialists in dif- assistance from laborative of the The languages Society own. their fields than ferent of international scholarship, languages the recognised are and the Newsletter publishes notes and queries in French, The Society holds its German or English as appropriate. Stirling Maxwell Centre, Stirling Centre, Maxwell University of Glasgow, SMLC, G12 8QQ, Glasgow Scotland alison.rawles@btinternet. [email protected], com Japan Misako Matsuda, 1-16-13 Nakamachi, 158-0091 Tokyo Poland Justyna Kilianczyk-Zieba [email protected] Spain Sagrario López Poza, 1, C/ Cerquidos, (A Coruña)15660 Cambre [email protected] Switzerland Seraina Plotke, Deutsches Seminar, Basel, Universität CH - 4051 Basel 4, Nadelberg [email protected] USA Debra Barrett-Graves, 360, Apt. 125 Shoreline Circle, 94582 CA San Ramon, [email protected]

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As our Chair has indicated in her letter, we are now now are we As our Chair has indicated in her letter, to be our members, from notes” “research welcoming These published in a new under the same title. section notes can be written of the Society’s in any working and Spanish, German, French, (English, languages Dutch) with a short summary in English. “research their to submit also welcome Members are - look are if you community—so, to our questions” or for the of a particularing for the source emblem, is now there translation of a difficult Latin passage, quest and colleagues of your to let other space know discuss it. a large to create a way discussing we are finally, And, There database for bibliographic online the website. technical about the on going aspects conversations are such to allow members to upload as how of this tool, The Society is affiliated with the Renaissance Society • • Since the last newsletter, the website has been upgraded has been upgraded the website Since the last newsletter, to post calls invited Members are newwith some features. “News” in our programmes for papers and conference - excel received has “Emblem of the Month” The section. will section Research” “Current the and lent contributions, and centres, includesoon groups, notes about research the worldcourses around dedicated to the discipline. will new implement we sections: little, Little by • Society for Studies Emblem Website Subscription rates subscription The current rate for the Society is US $15.00, forwith the option Sustaining a sug- Members to pay For this per year. amount above US $40.00 or any gested member- information inquiries or any more regarding Elizabeth Black at Treasurer, the please contact ship, Subscriptions can be paid by [email protected]. the Just press here: using PayPal the website. on button ‘donate’ major international conference at three-yearly intervals, at three-yearly intervals, conference major international Member- which always includes call a general for papers. conference. to attend the international ship is required at the an- sessions The societyone or more also organises Michigan Medieval on StudiesWestern nual Congress at Kalamazoo. University, at the Society’s sessions annual and sponsors of America, to a number of occasional sym addition in - conference, North America and elsewhere. in Europe, posia each year or Local which carry groups of research, out programs with a particular in emblem books institutions interest Members are applymay the for to affiliation Society. subscriptionto the journal- Emblem entitled to a reduced AMS and published by Wade Mara R. by edited atica, New York. Press, SES NEWSLETTER 58 (01/16) NEWSLETTER SES Society Information 20 Website, Newsletter