MS-603: Rabbi Marc H
MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945-1992. Series C: Interreligious Activities. 1952-1992 Box 49, Folder 5, Vatican Council II, 1964. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 221-1875 phone, (513) 221-7812 fax Tele~~~n~~i 'from zach Shuster from Rome, , '. .. Cardinal Bea and the Secretariat had dlscussi'ons';ri the ,~'. ,':~"'.~, .. ;;; 'r 0; -text of thedec\]..aration. T~ey are tryipg to brIng'a~i~'~;changes .. ,:';.;: {';.'.'; ,. ' ';' .:···.~~/rH:.'~·?,j!: in the cruci~l:~assages of c#~flversion and deiclde'/';:I;tt~fs: possible ; .~<: ':. ;:':-~.~1;:;i.!/,.:-;!1 that the discussions on the texts will begin September 28th. Cardinal Beahi1l)8elf will pre~ent the t~xt,andsuggest,changes. Zach Shuster had a long talk with Mons. M~rrayalld.'&ave him full information on th~ )!lud~enc~with the Pope,.Ca'r.dinal 1';.;;l~'·~ ,~; ..,; Cushing '1.s ready: to pres..;eD:t'the"textt also 'cardina:'l:S~ebens of Belgium and the French Bishop. <" ••• -; Zach was advised by all friends that no st~temetlts·by , .~i;;~:-:~ ,.; ..;~ L_:,~_ ,';'r-". "'-', Jewish organizations be madepntil discussion s'tartson .the , \' floor of the E~umenical 'Council. t' Murr~y I' Mons. feels thajt·it will be difflcu'lt .to eliminate the passage on ,conversion • :ttmt it was a statement;ofbe;lief. l .: <' -h ;, j~V~" C~~~'i1 MC~~ iaahbinical Association of !luine RABBI DAVID BERENT, LEWISTON PRESIDENT RABBI MORRIS BEKRITSKY, PORTLAND VICE·PRESIDENT September 1964 RABBI AVRAHAM H. FREEDMAN, BANGOR 3, VICE-PRESIDENT RABBI NORMAN ZDANOWITZ; AUBURN SECRETARY.TREASURER Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum The American Jewish Committee Institute of Human Relations 165 East 56th ,Street New York City Dear Rabbi Tanenbaum: I I was happy for the opportunity of visiting with you and I want you to know that I appreciate your' making time for me in your b_u:sy'~ schedule.
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