Directory of Schools in Suffolk for Upper and High Schools for the 2014/2015 school year List of Schools • How places are offered Oversubscription Criteria for all Schools • Application Forms Introduction Introduction This booklet provides information about upper and high schools in Suffolk in the 2014/2015 school year. It does not cover independent schools. It also explains how Suffolk County Council decide who is offered a place when a school gets too many applicants. There is a separate directory which provides information for primary, infant, junior and middle schools. Please read the booklet ‘ Admissions to Schools in Suffolk 2014/2015 ’ for information on how and when to apply for a school place. A copy is available from: The Admissions Team Constantine House, Constantine Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2DH Phone: 0845 600 0981 (local rate) Fax: 01473 260991 Email:
[email protected] Online: . Upper and high schools by locality Key Town/village Town/village with one or more upper or high schools 2 Directory of Schools in Suffolk for High Schools for the 2014/2015 school year Contents Contents Introduction 2 Section 1 4 Schools in Suffolk 4 Key admission dates 4 Section 2 5 How we offer school places 5 How the allocation process works 5 Admissions oversubscription criteria 6 Distance tie breaker 7 Twins, triplets and other multiple births 7 Waiting lists 7 Making another application for a place at the same school 7 Section 3 8 School details 8 Upper and high schools in Suffolk 9 Sixth form colleges 28 Special schools 28 Pupil referral units (PRU’s) 29 Section 4 31 Application form for the normal year of entry with guidance notes (CAF1) 31 In-year application form with guidance notes (CAF2) 35 Own admission authority application form with guidance notes (ADM1) 41 Section 5 45 Comments, compliments and complaints 45 Directory of Schools in Suffolk for High Schools for the 2014/2015 school year 3 Section 1 Section 1 Schools in Suffolk All schools in Suffolk are day schools for both boys and girls of all abilities.