Farlingaye High School (A company limited by guarantee) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 August 2015 Company Registration No. 07667407 Farlingaye High School REFERENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Members Mr T Fosker Ms S Hargadon Mr E Orme (resigned 31 August 2015) Dr L Franks Trustees Mr T Fosker* (Chair) Ms S Hargadon* (Accounting Officer) Dr L Franks* Mr E Orme* (resigned 31 August 2015) Governors Mr N Howe Mrs J Cowles Mr A Dalby* Mr N Edge* Mrs W Norris Mrs B Rogers (appointed 5 November 2014) Mr A Thomas* Mrs M Stevens* Mr D Williams Mrs J Newall Dr E Bond* Mrs B Jarvis* * Members of the Finance Committee during the year Company Secretary Mrs M Rozier Senior Management Team: Headteacher Ms S Hargadon Deputy Headteacher Mr P Smith Deputy Headteacher Mr I Piddington Assistant Headteacher Mrs C Laird Assistant Headteacher Mr C Moran Lower School Co-ordinator Mr J Tunaley Upper School Co-ordinator Miss L Gilmour Director of Learning Support Mrs D Pritchard Principal and Registered Office Farlingaye High School Ransom Road Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 4JX Company Registration Number 07667407 (England and Wales) Independent Auditor RSM UK Audit LLP (formerly Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP) Abbotsgate House Hollow Road Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 7FA Bankers Lloyds Banking Group Plc 8 Thoroughfare Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 1AF Solicitors Eversheds Franciscan House 51 Princes Street Ipswich IP1 1UR Page 1 Farlingaye High School CONTENTS Page Trustees’ Report (including the Strategic Report) 3 – 9 Governance Statement 10 - 12 Statement of Regularity, Propriety and Compliance 13 Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities 14 Independent Auditors’ Report 15 Statement of Financial Activities incorporating Income and Expenditure Account 16 Balance Sheet 17 Cash Flow Statement 18 Accounting policies 19 – 21 Notes to the financial statements 22 – 37 Page 2 Farlingaye High School TRUSTEES’ REPORT The trustees present their annual report together with the financial statements and auditor’s report of the Charitable Company for the year ended 31 August 2015. The trust operates an academy for pupils aged 11 to 18 serving a catchment area in Woodbridge. It has a pupil capacity of 1,900 and had a roll of 1,875 in the school census dated 15 January 2015. Structure, Governance and Management Constitution Farlingaye High School is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The Charitable Company’s memorandum and articles of association dated 13 June 2011 are the primary governing documents of the Academy Trust. Certain Governors (as set out on page 1) act as the trustees for the charitable activities of Farlingaye High School and are also the directors of the Charitable Company for the purposes of company law. The Charitable Company is known as Farlingaye High School. Details of the trustees and governors who served throughout the year, except as noted, are included in the Reference and Administration Details on page 1. Members’ liability Each member of the Charitable Company undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Charitable Company in the event of it being wound up while they are a member, or within one year after they cease to be a member, such amount as may be required, not exceeding £10 for the debts and liabilities contracted before they ceased to be a member. Governors Indemnities In accordance with normal commercial practice the Academy has purchased insurance to protect Governors and officers from claims arising from negligent acts, errors or omissions whilst on Academy business. The insurance provides cover up to £1,000,000. Method of recruitment and appointment or election of Trustees and Governors The Members of the Governing Body may appoint up to 10 Governors, and appoint Staff Governors and Teacher Governors through an advertisement to current staff, provided that the total number of Governors who are employees of the Academy does not exceed one third of the total number of Governors. The Headteacher is treated for all purposes as an ex officio Governor. Parent Governors are elected by parents of registered pupils of the Academy, a Parent Governor must be a parent of a pupil at the time of election. Eligible parents are invited to apply for the position and a secret ballot is carried out for the election process. The Governors can appoint up to 3 co-opted Governors, who can be co-opted having not already been appointed and who is not an employee of the Academy. Policies and procedures adopted for the induction and training of Trustees and Governors The training and induction provided for new Governors will depend upon their existing experience but will always include a tour of the Academy and meeting students and staff. All Governors are provided with copies of policies, procedures, minutes, budget reports and school improvement plan and will have an informal meeting with the Headteacher. The Academy procures Governor Training Services from the Local Authority. Page 3 Farlingaye High School TRUSTEES’ REPORT (continued) Organisational structure The day to day management of the Academy is delegated to Sue Hargadon, the Headteacher who is also the Accounting Officer. The organisational structure consists of: • The Trustees • The Governors • The Senior Management Team • Faculty Heads, Heads of Year • Assistant Head of Year The Senior Management Team consists of the Headteacher, two Deputy Heads and five Assistant Heads. The Bursar meets separately with the Headteacher and two Deputy Heads to discuss financial matters, health and safety and site management. All authorisation of spending within agreed budgets is delegated to the Faculty Heads and other delegated budget holders. Any appointment of staff and pay decisions are made by the Staffing Committee, supported by the Finance Committee. The Faculty Heads co-ordinate the day to day activities within their subject area, organising the staff, facilities and students. The Governing Body meets once a term. They have an overall framework for the governance of the Academy and determine membership, terms of reference and procedures of Committees. They receive reports, including policies from the Committees for ratification. They monitor the activities of the Committees through the minutes of their meetings. Working groups may be established to perform specific tasks. The Finance Committee meets at least four times a year and is responsible for the monitoring of the budget, risk register and evaluating and reviewing policies in relation to financial management. They have regard to compliance, appointing the Responsible Officer and receiving their report, reviewing the annual budget and the role of the audit committee. Connected organisations, including related party relationships The Academy has strong collaborative links with its feeder primary schools meeting regularly for professional development and support for ICT. • The Academy is working as a partner with Kesgrave High School in the Farlingaye Kesgrave Teaching Alliance. • The Academy is a partner in the North Ipswich and Coastal Estuary Schools and Colleges (NICE) partnership. • There is a strong Parent Teacher Association, The Farlingaye High School Foundation. • The Academy Trust is connected to The Farlingaye Foundation through common control and a shared objective to provide advancement of education. The Foundation is an independent charity (registered number 1047217) with the object of raising funds for the Academy Trust. Risk Management The Governors have assessed the major risks to which the academy is exposed, and with guidance from the Academies Financial Handbook, the Governing Body regularly reviews the risk register specifically for: • Strategic and reputational risk • Operational risk • Compliance risk • Financial risk Specific risks have been identified by the Governors relating to non-compliance with legislation, financial viability due to the decreasing income from the general annual grant year on year and competition from other providers for 6th form students. Actions are in place to reduce the risk of non-compliance, with appropriate training, policies and procedures and regular reports to Governors. Page 4 Farlingaye High School TRUSTEES’ REPORT (continued) In respect of financial risk the budget considers the known reduction in funding, value for money is considered in all aspects, and budgets are regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body. The competition from other providers for 6th form is being addressed by offering a broad curriculum and new courses, and maintaining quality and reputation reflected in the May 2013 recent outstanding OFSTED inspection. Other risks such as recruiting the right staff and succession planning are offset by internal opportunities and secondments for staff promotion and having a robust recruitment process in place. The other operational risk identified was with regard to ICT and information systems and data, this is reduced through a robust five year rolling replacement plan, daily backups, spreading of data across fourteen servers and a good filtering system in place to ensure only valid access is allowed. Objectives and Activities Objects and aims The principal object and activity of the Charitable Company is the operation of Farlingaye High School to provide education for pupils of different abilities between the ages of 11 to 18. The school is a leading edge school and is a teaching school in partnership with Kesgrave High School. The school was deemed outstanding by OFSTED in May 2013 and continues to develop. Objectives, strategies and activities The Academy is a self-improving school which aims to support and inspire students to achieve, through effective resources, community and partnership links, quality teaching and learning and excellent staffing. Key priorities for the year were: • To continue to maintain high exam results including those for Pupil Premium and Special Educational Needs students. • To continue to run a range of extra- curricular activities and clubs including focus fortnight. • To complete the refurbishment programme of the Creative Art toilets. • To extend the existing car park. • To update and improve the WIFI network. • To continue one to one tuition in English and Maths.
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