Phoenix Descending NASA’S Mars Strategy Goes from “Follow the Water” to “Arrive at the Ice”
NEWS NATURE|Vol 453|8 May 2008 Phoenix descending NASA’s Mars strategy goes from “follow the water” to “arrive at the ice”. Since 2001, the slogan for from hardware and software. NASA’s Mars programme has “We may not succeed, but we NASA been “follow the water”. deserve to succeed,” he says. With Phoenix, a US$420- Engineers at the Jet Propul- million mission to the edge of sion Laboratory in Pasadena, the planet’s north ice cap, the California, which runs most of agency hopes to finally touch NASA’s planetary missions, will its quarry, in the form of dirty have their last chance to tweak water ice scraped from the the trajectory on 24 May. The subsurface and melted in the next day, Phoenix is expected probe’s on-board ovens. to use the planet’s atmosphere, If all goes as planned, Phoenix and its own heat shielding, will reach the end of its 680- parachutes and retrorockets, to million-kilometre, 10-month- slow itself down from an orbital long journey on 25 May. Its speed of 20,000 kilometres per landing site is in a region where hour to a soft, safe landing at NASA’s orbiting Mars Odyssey just 2.4 metres per second. spacecraft has detected gamma-ray and neu- Phoenix, a 350-kilogram lander, inherited Smith and his team hope that the ice and soil tron signatures suggesting a significant amount hardware from the Mars Surveyor Lander, a samples they will study with the spacecraft’s of hydrogen — thought to be a constituent of mission cancelled in 2000 after the failure of mass-spectrometer and chemical analysis sys- frozen water — near the surface.
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