January 2013

Dr. Peter Gubi writes about PRAYER NOTES Crossing the Threshold

Crossing the threshold of a New Year If one studies scripture from many January 1st New Year’s Day often brings with it expectations of faith traditions, including our own, we opportunity for change. There is a desire find that spiritual growth often occurs Through Christ who can make all things January 6th Epiphany to create new resolutions; a wish for through wounds and set-backs, exile and new we praise you Lord for giving pardon for Heavenly Father we thank you that you gave your Son, at something to be different in various wilderness. Resurrection seems not to be aspects of our lives. We annually cross able to happen without crucifixion. To the past and a fresh start for the future, to all his birth, the name of Jesus, which means Saviour. May it be this threshold in hope. Yet, the reality is move on in faith is often to experience, who repent. Be with us today, as we come to to us the name that is above every name, the name to be that often little, if anything, changes. New endure, and then transcend, the scrapes you with our tiny resolutions and enormous honoured, trusted and obeyed. As you led the wise men from resolutions are soon breached as we resort and bruises that life presents - much as fears, our small achievements and huge tasks the ends of the earth to the cradle of Jesus, we remember to familiar patterns of being and doing, a rock climber has to feel and overcome ahead. May we enter this New Year as your that you want all people everywhere, to be saved. Bring nearer in spite of our best intentions. Default the tiredness in arm and leg, and the pain people entered the Promised Land, with the the day when the knowledge of you will cover the earth as positions kick-in as we unconsciously act of the scratching and knocking of limbs promise of your presence and a renewed sense the waters cover the sea. In the name of him who said that, out well-practiced attitudes and against hard, sharp rock. Yet, it is through behaviours. Our hopes wither and deflate, experiencing, enduring, and then of our calling. Guide us as we travel to the if he was lifted up from the earth, he would draw everyone and we chastise ourselves with 'whatever transcending the pain, that stronger to him, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen heavenly city that we may know Jesus, the true happened to our New Year resolutions?' glimpses of the light and the truth of God and living way. Amen. Perhaps, our mistake is in thinking can be experienced as healing and growth- that something fundamental can change enhancing. Spiritual growth and change simply because it is a New Year! The requires discipline and effort: daily prayer; January 20th Second Sunday after Epiphany hope of a New Year message rarely small acts of grace; little shifts in thinking January 13th First Sunday after Epiphany emphasises the effort and discipline such as gradually learning to see glimpses Lord Jesus, who sent out your first disciples to that is needed for fundamental of Christ in all things and all people; reading scripture and applying its wisdom God of salvation, in the river Jordan you bathed proclaim your kingdom, we believe that you speak still, change. It is given over to God and to personal circumstance; conversing with Jesus in glory and revealed him as your Son. We our good-intention, with little calling even people like us into your service. Open our investment of fellow pilgrims. These all add to the gentle marvel at the way you chose such simple things to hearts to what you are saying to us today. As your effort, to bring ploughing of new furrows in spiritual well- reveal your greatness. A river of water as the place to being. Expectations of large leaps and disciples left their nets and followed you, break into our about the change. make known the nature and work of your Son. Help Yet, change strides, or the hasty ploughing of new lives with your disturbing call and show us which things us, who have dipped a foot into the water of life, to within 'self', furrows, are unrealistic. They lack the underpinning test of trust that acts as the plunge in over our heads, dead to the old life and to abandon and what new things to do, that we may including spiritual growth (never foothold for the next small move needed fully alive to the new, walking with Him the path of share with others what we have been taught by you, to mind dieting!), is to enact change. obedience and serving you in the world. For His sake, the glory of your Name and the spread of your Kingdom. more like a rock So, this New Year, may we resolve to Amen Amen climb than a fell walk. see the value and miracle of small, but Each 'hold' has to be nonetheless significant, shifts, as we work gingerly sought out and at the discipline that is required for tested, and invested with fundamental change in our spiritual lives, January 27th Third Sunday After Epiphany trust, before the full weight and in other aspects of life. May we come Almighty God, whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain, and yet whose love of a fundamental shift within to foster realistic expectation, and embrace our 'self' can occur. It requires the gingerly-made steps as being more encompasses the tiniest creature, we thank for the gift of our human bodies and building strength and fundamental than the large leap that remembering that they are your temples, we ask for your help in caring for them as fostering discipline. It is a carries fragile promise - but which is likely your dwelling place. We thank you too for those other temples, our churches. May 'working-at' process rather than to be broken because it is fragile. For in an 'arrived-at' process. we care for them and have them stand as worthy witnesses to a living faith, for the doing that, we won't be disappointed when we cross the threshold of this New Year. sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. INSIDE THIS MONTH’S ISSUE In Remembrance Spoken Through My Albanian The Week of Prayer Around the District Open Book Brother Geoffrey Tate the Silence THE MORAVIAN MESSENGER Adventure for Christian Unity Conferences 2 PETER A New Year hymn Official Journal of the in the British Province. Editor: Judith Ashton. Contributions for the Messenger should reach An abridged version of Provincial Board James Woolford Patsy Holdsworth with Paul Gubi Published monthly by the authority of the Provincial Synod. the Editor, Sunnybank, Raglan Road, Tintern, Monmouthshire NP16 6TH Br. Fred Linyard's Yorkshire District address. Advertisements and all communications concerning distribution and E-mail: [email protected] by the 3rd day of the preceeding Irish District Standing at the Portal supply should be sent to the Moravian Book Room, 5 Muswell Hill, London month. PLUS ALL THE REGULAR FEATURES N10 3TJ, and NOT to the Editor.

Produced by David Bull (Red Rag Design) 240 Huddersfield Road, Liversedge, West Yorkshire WF15 7QQ Tel 01924 410339 e-mail: [email protected] • Your Letters • News from Congregations • Church House News Update • Printed and distributed by G.R.Walkden, 3 OakTree Close, Shap, Cumbria CA10 3PR Tel/fax: 01931 716703. In Remembrance Brother Geoffrey Tate

Brother Geoffrey Tate was born in Yorkshire and baptised Tates had been race horse owners! Family tradition liked at Horton Moravian Church. While Geoffrey was still young, to claim that one of the horses even won the Grand National. Summer Camp 2013 the family moved to Lytham St. Annes. Although there is Geoffrey had a satisfying and fruitful ministry in Jamaica, MORYAC Weekend no Moravian Church there, the Moravian connection perhaps with a particular emphasis on youth work, especially Where: , Yorkshire continued and in 1949 Geoffrey entered Fairfield College the Boys' Brigade. Where: Guy Chester House, Muswell Hill When: 27th July - 3rd August to begin training for the ministry. Study was interrupted Returning to England in 1976, he continued his ministry When: 17-19th May 2012 Who: Any person age 10-17 on 31st August 2013. by National Service in the Air Force but he completed his here, first at Queen's Park, Bedford and then a Who: Any person age 9-17 on 31st August 2012. course and was ordained in 1956 when he long ministry in Birmingham, helping to Cost: £100 for whole weekend Cost: £250 includes all food and activities became minister at Wheler Street in strengthen the relationship between the United £25 day fee for the Saturday only Discounts: £20 if you book before 31st March. Manchester. In the same year, he married Joan Reformed and Moravian churches at Sparkhill What is it? A chance for children and youth leaders to What is it? A chance for young Moravians to get together Beeley of Fairfield, the beginning of a long and to establish a truly united congregation. get together, share good ideas and gain some knowledge and spend a week having fun, learning together, growing partnership of love and mutual support. Those who worked with him speak of him as while having fun and building friendships. in faith and making lifelong friends. Kathryn and David, the two children of the an encourager, helping people to develop and Why come? It is an opportunity to be inspired and Why come? It is an opportunity to make friends or meet marriage, eventually with their partners and make the most of their gifts and abilities. One reinvigorated for your work with children and young people, up with friends made in previous years, refresh your faith, grand children, were all added to the family of Geoffrey's particular interests at this time to feel that you are not alone or just a small number, and be challenged, experience living with other young people and were all, naturally, a great joy to Joan and was developing a ministry of prayer and healing. to build a support network for your work with children and from across the province, get to know a small group of Geoffrey. This concern was also reflected in his work as young people. This is usually not a relaxing, lazy weekend adults and learn what it means to be a Moravian. David and Kathryn wrote their own brief hospital chaplain. His interest in working with but a period of thinking, reflecting and learning. Booking forms and information will be posted out to all tribute: “It's so sad to have lost Dad after his young people continued and he is remembered Booking forms and information from Joy Raynor previous attendees or can be obtained from your minister long battle with prostate cancer. Remembering by staff and students at the Provincial Summer [email protected] 01753 553549 or Joy Raynor [email protected] 01753 553549 the happier days and the many people he Camps for all he did there. shared his life with and supported through Br. Tate retired from full time ministry in his ministry, let us remember him for all the good work he 1997 and though he and Joan enjoyed retirement, with One in a Million has done and the many lives he has been part of. A great many holidays abroad, he continued his ministry in many man!” It's very unlikely you've missed that fact Although qualifications are helpful, they frequently different ways, serving wherever he was needed. The full that youth unemployment has made reported finding that employers considered their In 1958, Geoffrey and Joan moved to Jamaica where he church at his funeral service on November 21st, with tributes headlines. In November the number of qualifications insufficient or inappropriate served successively at Springfield, Nazareth, Salem and from URC and Methodist ministers as well as from Moravian unemployed under 25s finally crossed the preparation for employment. Carmel. Each of these large congregations had a number of colleagues, witnessed to the affection and respect in which threshold to 1,000,000, apparently the outstations, which meant a great deal of travelling, often The consistent message was that unemployment Geoffrey was held. highest since records began. is about much more than not having a job or over rough country roads, in some cases, hardly roads at This announcement came surviving on benefits. It undermines self-confidence all. In the early days he travelled on horseback. Perhaps his This is an abridged version of Br. Fred Linyard's funeral as researchers from Frontier and sense of purpose. It stigmatises. It causes a loss skill as a horseman owed something to the fact that earlier address. Youth Trust (FYT), Church of hope and dignity in people who should be looking Urban Fund and Churches forward to their future. In response to this report, Together in England (CTE) Bishop Roger Sainsbury (FYT President and Chair were collating “One in a of CTE Urban Affairs Group) wrote: “we must A word from the Editor Million”, our report about young people's recognise that if we hide our eyes from the pain of youth experiences of unemployment. Over 100 unemployment a whole generation of young people could "Prayer, the church's banquet, angel's age, dissipates from everyday events. As January progresses young people from across the country told reject Christianity. It should be the desire of Christians to God's breath in man returning to his birth." the days are beginning to lengthen and some plants such us about their experiences of give young people purpose, direction, order and dignity as snowdrops and aconites are beginning to push their unemployment and suggested changes that that motivates them to challenge unemployment.” would make a positive difference. Alongside hearing from In trying to find inspiration to write this month's way up through the soil - a sign of hope for the year to What we intend to do… come. In time and with prayer we too can begin to feel young people first hand, we reviewed statistics, other editorial, I was drawn as I often am to read poetry. George Contrary to the image of a mythical 'care-free youth', God's breath once more surging through us. research reports and some projects already supporting Herbert's poem 'Prayer' stopped me in my tracks, it is young people seeking work. the young people that took part in this research have deep such a vivid collection of images sketched with words. The new year will have triumphs and disasters for us What we found… aspirations and are making serious efforts to find We do feast and are filled by prayer. 'God's breath in all but as we stand on the brink of that year I am reminded employment. They are optimistic about work but are anxious man returning to his birth' is a wonderful description of of the hymn by Catherine Winkworth: Young people have been hit harder by the recession about their futures. Please join us in standing with them how God gives us the breath of life and through prayer, than older adults, with unemployment rates of 22% versus as we seek to respond to these issues by: we can perhaps, return that life force to Him. The chasm If thou but suffer God to guide thee, 6%. Unemployment in early adulthood has been found to • helping young people to voice their stories so that the between us is narrowed if only momentarily as 'heaven have harmful effects on future job prospects which persist And hope in him through all thy ways, impact of their unemployment is known and recognised in ordinary' can be glimpsed as we pray. Prayer is the for many years. quiet voice of peace that calms us and allows us to feel He'll give thee strength, whate'er betide thee, • equipping churches to support unemployed young Young people's experiences of Job Centres were almost God's presence, if only we let it. And bear thee through the evil days; people Who trusts in God's unchanging love universally negative. Common descriptions were “rude”, New Year is not my favourite time of year, as winter • encouraging churches to recognise their power and Builds on the rock that nought can move. “not bothered”, “viewed me like it was my fault” and “you're still lies ahead of us and it seems an eternity before the just a number”. This may be why they repeatedly identified influence as employers and to use it to assist young shoots of spring erupt in joyful harmony. But everything the need for family or friends to listen, encourage, motivate, people must have its season and beneath the soil new growth When next you are walking in a garden, or through provide practical advice and financial assistance. • asking policy-makers to ensure that those seeking work is beginning even if the soil appears lifeless and barren. a park and see a clump of snowdrops, hellebores or Young people feel caught in a vicious cycle: they can't receive supportive, effective assistance Sometimes our lives may seem to be anchored in frozen flowering viburnum, let your heart soar in silent prayer. get work without experience, and can't get experience To get involved, keep informed, or read the full report, soil as we are battered by life's storms and the inner joy Happy New Year! without work. Even voluntary work is hard to secure. please visit www.fyt.org.uk/news or contact Debbie Garden

Page 2 Page 3 The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

In 1987, at a meeting in Swanick in Derbyshire, the of the BT14 Group in North , which includes church leaders present adopted a declaration on Christian Cliftonville Moravian Church, also worship together during unity, which acknowledged that churches are of different the week, although they always worship at Deanby Catholic traditions and theologies, but that they were none the less Church. The other BT14 Group churches host three other committing themselves to a journey towards full and visible services throughout the year in their turn as well. unity. As we know there are many Christian Denominations Also, many congregations and groups of congregations but the vast majority have the same basic calling to worship take part in The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity worship God, share the Good News about Jesus Christ and to work services but it is fair to say that many churches find the My Albanian Adventure for the good of all people. Churches often need to work whole idea of ecumenism a big problem and too much of together and to co-ordinate the work that they each do a challenge in . In the order of service in separately so as to be more effective in their service of the 2006 it explains political and religious aims and aspiration As a part of my continued training for ministry my the young people but between them and the leaders. I had Lord. have torn communities apart and have caused real hurt on college suggests that all students who are able should met many of the young people before during my travels The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally all sides. God has been present in the midst of the pain and consider doing an overseas placement with the idea being but I was made to feel part of the group and even those observed between the 18th and the 25th January and groups has brought healing to many of the physical and that you spend some time working with a church that is in with limited English would try and talk to me and make me of churches usually come together to worship during that psychological wounds that have been inflicted. In small a completely different context from your own. The country feel included in what they were doing. Whilst there I led a week. Christian Aid and Churches Together have provided gatherings of two or three as well as in greater gatherings, that was chosen for me by the PEC in consultation with my group of teenagers in a couple of sessions of “Bibleodrama” some worship resources and this year the main worship the comforting, gracious presence of God has been college was Albania. I'll admit when I heard that, I had to which is a relatively new thing which uses drama to help material comes from an ecumenical group in South India. experienced. God calls His people together and shows that Google it as I didn't even know where it was on a map (for people see Bible stories in a different light. It was great to The contributors have reflected on their own circumstances love and forgiveness go hand in hand. The experience of the record it's just above Greece and next to Macedonia!). be able to interact with the young people in this way. I have and they offer a theme that calls for worshipers to act justly Jesus on the cross calls to the people of Christ to reach out But with a wide mixture of nerves and excitement I agreed also included a photo of me with all of the young people in the world. The biblical text is Micah 6, 6 - 8, which and forgive. In villages, towns and cities Christians are to it. So on the 15th of June I left to start my 5 week (and at summer camp. You may notice that we all have the same concerns what God wants from us and ministers of most called to find a way forward that recognizes and 2 days) Albanian Adventure. t-shirts on. This was done so that there would be no denominations will be preaching about this passage acknowledges the hurt and pain of people, and in that differentiation made between those who lived in the poorer The Moravian Church in Albania is a relatively new throughout the nation, and Northern Ireland will no understanding seeks to find forgiveness, wholeness and phenomenon and on the first day I arrived they celebrated parts of Albania and those from the more wealthy. It is exception. the new way of Christ. their 19th anniversary of the start of the work there. The probably also worth noting that the church pays for all of Churches along the so-called 'peace wall' in Belfast are past history of Albania saw them ruled by a communist the young people to go as, without this funding, it is likely According to The Tear Fund, Northern Ireland is the joining to worship together for the Week of Prayer for dictator who outlawed all religion. Somehow, fortunately, that only a small fraction of them could attend. most religious part of the United Kingdom, which is not Christian Unity, as will so many throughout the country, people still met and worshipped secretly in each other's The trip was full of highs and lows but, overall it was hard to believe when you consider that 45% of the population and this is a real sign of hope for a broken and fractured houses and managed to keep the flames of faith alive so a great experience. I learnt a great deal whilst I was there claim to regularly attend church. Christianity is still the society. The fact that different denominations and from that when this persecution ended they were able to, with and mostly I learnt about my relationship with God. When main religion in Northern Ireland and, according to the different communities are coming together for worship is help from various missionaries, restart the church. They I heard I was going, I'll admit I was apprehensive. There 2001 Census, 40.3% are Roman Catholic, 20.7% are a true testament to this. The churches in Northern Ireland now have 5 churches, or centres as they often called them. were several points where I could have quite easily come Presbyterian, 15.3% are Anglican and 3.5% are Methodist, have, in their different ways, become engaged with issues The main one is in the capital Tirana, where I spent most home but instead I put my trust in God and said, “ok you Members of other Christian churches make up 6.1% and of justice and peace, with the challenges of the future of of my time. I was also able to visit the other 4 throughout wanted me here I trust that you'll look after me.” And guess 13.8% stated that they have no religion or did not state a the world around them and with offering hospitality to the my stay. These are in Elbasan, Burrell, Pogradec and Bathore. what? He did. Although there were many times I felt far religious affiliation and 0.3% said that they were members Bathore and Elbasan are quite close to Tirana but to get to away from home I never felt far from God and I'm sure that of non-Christian religions. stranger. Psalm 34 states that we are afraid as strangers Pogradec was a four hour journey in a mini bus around come into our midst, we do not understand their cry for if it were not for His help and guidance this trip would've Across Northern Ireland there are various groups that some very twisty and very high mountain roads. I'm not justice, we cannot hear their fear and pain and yet they are been much harder. are working towards church unity and one of the most someone who ever suffers from car sickness, fortunately, our brothers and sisters. Lord let the Holy Spirit bring about I'm extremely grateful for those people who made the famous is the Corrymeela Community, which was founded but I was pretty close on that journey. unity of Christian denominations. May we be brought trip possible - to the PEC for organising it, to the people of in 1965 by Rev. Dr. Ray Davey. The Corrymeela mission is together in a new understanding of love and forgiveness. In Pogradec they have a newly opened youth centre, a Albania who welcomed me with open arms and made sure to embrace difference, heal division and to enable photo of which I have included. This is designed primarily Let there be hope that we are moving forward together as I was welcomed and to my wife for putting up with me reconciliation. The Irish School of Ecumenics is a for the work of the Moravian Church but they are going to Christians. being away for so long. This truly was a great experience multidisciplinary all Ireland graduate school within Trinity rent out for other churches to use and it was funded largely and one that I'm sure will live with me forever. So I ask that College Dublin and is committed to research at the Hopefully more and more congregations in Northern by the Danish mission board, who still do a great deal of Ireland will take up the wonderful idea of worshiping you keep the church in Albania in your thoughts and prayers intersection of theology, religion, politics and social research. work there. In my final weekend I helped at their summer together during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. and that, with God's help, they will continue to grow in The school is concerned with dialogue, peace and camp, which was the first event to be held in that building. And, because, as Zinzendorf himself said, we Moravians faith and in numbers. reconciliation and have campuses in Dublin and Belfast. Having been a leader at our summer camp four times, it are Ecumenical Pioneers, perhaps we could offer our motto If you want to know more about my trip, I kept a blog Each year in South Belfast seven of the churches, including was very interesting seeing the differences between the two whilst I was out there that you can access by visiting, for this special week: In Essentials: Unity, in Non-Essentials: summer camps. As you might expect, theirs had more basic University Road Moravian Church, come together for the http://jameswoolfordmoravian.wordpress.com. Liberty and in All Things: Love. facilities as we slept in tents on a thin foam mattress, but Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the various the same spirit of friendliness was there, not just between James Woolford congregations take it in turn to host the service. The churches Patsy Holdsworth

Page 4 Page 5 Around the District Conferences


Calls: Br. Peter Gubi has accepted House on 0208 883 3409 or by e-mail in Kathmandu. The autumn meeting of the Irish Day at Kilwarlin and a BBQ at discussion about the letter sent by Br. a call to serve Dukinfield in a non- at [email protected]. Following Br. Shanti and Sr. Vanti's District Conference was held at University Road. An ID Youth Weekend Alan Holdsworth challenging the stipendary capacity. Br. Graham Kent Management Structure: the visit to the British Province which Cliftonville on Saturday 20th October. was held in October as well as the ID Moravian Church to spearhead an end has accepted an extension of his Provincial Board are currently included attendance at Synod, the Br. Paul Holdsworth welcomed all 18+ Weekend in November. It was also to child poverty in the UK. It was contract with the Moravian Church preparing a paper, as a follow up to British Mission Board were able to agreed that the Chair should write to for a further 12 months until August the paper presented at Synod, send just over £2,000 in support of present and led the worship and then noted that Br. David Costley had run 2013. regarding the structure of the church. the Pre-School in Kathmandu. This the meeting followed the usual course the Belfast Marathon for ID Youth the Social Responsibility Committee included the collection taken at Synod Future dates: A serving ministers' It is hoped to have the paper ready through the agenda. There was a lot Funds. There was a long discussion in order to ask them to consider this (£580); a donation from the YPMA for and lay worker's conference will be for discussion at District Conferences matter. playground equipment (£600); the of discussion about lay preachers, about how funds are raised and held at High Leigh from May 13th to and Provincial Committee meetings collection from Swindon's Mission Distributed by ID Youth. Young people 16th May, 2013. The Provincial in the Spring of 2013. especially in light of the new Lay In the absence of the Renewal Sunday(£350) and a donation towards Renewal Weekend will take place from Training Course, which has been from the District had also benefitted Secretary, Sr. Lizzy Mewha, Sr. Groves Ecumenical: The Church of Ireland the minibus from the MWA (£500). 5th to 7th April, 2013. The MWA Day from the Carol HoldsworthMemorial Bishop of Meath and Kildare, Right Many thanks for all your generosity updated by Br. Len Broadbent. Two reported that there might be a retreat will take place at Hall Green on 13th Rev. Dr Richard Clarke, has been from all in Kathmandu. groups are now taking the course, one Trust over the summer. to Holy Island in 2013. It was hoped April 2013. The Provincial Men's elected as New Archbishop of Armagh During the All Tanzanian Partners that there would be another District Fellowship will take place on 22nd and Primate of All Ireland and is based at Gracehill led by Sr. Groves Sr. Gillian Taylor presented the Conference in September, 2012 Br. June 2013 at Fulneck. known to a number of the brothers and one made up of members of the Renewal Meeting to arrange events. Moise Mukadi Tshimanga was PEC Report. It was stated that Northern and sisters in the Irish District as the Messenger: A reminder that at the consecrated Bishop at Mabibo other four congregations led by Br. College would be the college of choice Ecumenical matters were discussed last Synod Sr. Judith Ashton stood immediate past President of the ICC. Congregation in Dar Es Salaam, and Sr. Holdsworth. The success of for Moravian ministerial students in both at local and provincial levels. down as Editor of the Moravian Unity News: Br. Ebenezer Gangmei, Southern Tanzania Province. Bishop the Lay Preachers Weekend was the future. There was discussion about There has been more progress towards Messenger. There is now a great having been accepted as a candidate Tshimanga is the first Bishop in the discussed especially the involvement opportunity to serve the Province as for full time ministry in the Moravian Congo Province. Sr. Gillian Taylor the work of Elim Home and Star closer ties between the C of I and the new Editor. For more details Church, is currently on a one year attended on behalf of the Mission of the lay preachers in the closing Mountain. Sr. Taylor also spoke about Moravians on the island of Ireland contact Br. Robert Hopcroft at Church placement with the Moravian Church Board. service at Shallowford House. her recent visit to Tanzania and gave and Sr. Groves assured us that more progress would be made in 2013. YORKSHIRE DISTRICT In the absence of Br. Broadbent, details about the work taking place in the hospital and school there. It was Two congregations have once again Sunday school membership has risen. roll. Conference was told that the the Treasurer's Report was read by At a local level meetings and found themselves without a minister A Friday night youth club for 8-13 church garden had been given a make- Br. Holdsworth and it was agreed that especially gratifying to see the work services are still being held by groups and the church committees and lay year olds is proving to be very over with money given in memory of contributions would remain at £30 Moravians are doing with regard to near all five congregations and we, as teams of Wellhouse and Lower Wyke successful with no shortage of Sr June Brown. HIV and AIDS, especially with testing per congregation. Sr. Deborah Groves Moravians continue to play our part. have to stand in to fulfil the minister's youngsters wanting to join. Turning to Fulneck, Br. Newman and education. The Provincial Renewal was also unable to attend but her We are also represented at the Irish tasks. When Br. Kenneth Evans retired reported that the congregation stood Horton reported a membership of Day was discussed and it was a very some years ago he'd listed all the tasks Youth Report was read by the Chair. Council of Churches, the Women's 40 - three fewer - than last year. The at 86, three fewer than last year. The that fell to the minister and these have good event but it was a shame that Link, Christian Aid in Ireland. Another manse has finally been sold and a gift average attendance was 41 adults and There had been a good turn out from been been shared out again amongst 31 younger people, an increase on last there were no young people or day in summer had raised more than the Irish District at Summer Camp, full and busy meeting closed with the church volunteers. Wellhouse reported year. An extension of Junior Church £4,000. Horton continues to support children present. saying of the Grace together and a that it had lost six of its congregation is Baby Church, which started in May. some of whom received financial aid the Inn Churches project, which lovely lunch was served by the ladies and membership now stands at 19. There has been a busy round of fund- from ID Youth Funds. There have also Sr. Eunice Hoey led a discussion provides overnight accommodation "This is a great concern," said Br. Alan raising and the much used Boys' of Cliftonville. for the homeless of Bradford. been events such as a youth service about homelessness in Northern Holdsworth. "Even when we plan social Brigade building had been redecorated. at Gracehill, a Summer Camp Taster Ireland and the UK. There was also Joan Brown events which attract good numbers Baildon reported 36 members, a The new burial ground extension has of people, it has no effect on loss of 4, with an average attendance been fenced off and trees planted membership." of 31 adults and 7 children. Total around its perimeter. The Conference giving was down 15% on the previous was told that 45 youngsters had For Lower Wyke, Sr. Diane year, a cause for concern. attended Summer Camp at Fulneck. Thornton told how services were The summer's 10-mile sponsored walk conducted by a team of lay preachers. Reporting for Gomersal, Br. Notice Board had raised £1,473. Some £589 of that The Family Cafe Church, run by Michael Newman said that the was sent to Kathmandu, the rest had volunteers, continued to be very congregation had gained a new THANK YOU been divided between the six successful and is now in its fifth year. member and now stood at 34. On the BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Yorkshire congregations. Following the death of Rev Geoffrey Tate, Joan and last Sunday in January, March, May Sr. Thornton said that this relaxed On January 8th, Br. Thom Stapleton will be family would like to sincerely thank everyone who has style of service attracted an average and July morning worship had been There were also reports and 60 years old. Happy Birthday from the Brockweir recently expressed love and prayerful support during of 44 worshippers, which is higher in the form of Family Cafe Church, comment on the growing issue of poverty in Britain. this time. than at more formal services. Lower run by members of the congregation. and Kingswood congregations! Wyke has a congregation of 40, and Junior Church had 21 children on its Richard Porter Kathryn Fantom

Page 6 Page 7 Spoken Through the Silence Open Book

A look at a well-known New Year hymn with PAUL GUBI 2 PETER STANDING AT THE PORTAL (Frances R. Havergal - MHB 579) From very early in the history of own.' Gentile converts particularly, church against persecution from those the Christian church there has been were targeted by the Gnostics who outside and this second letter warned some doubt about the authorship of claimed that matter was evil and that the church against corruption from the book known as the Second letter as long as our thoughts about God inside. It is a warning that is repeated of Peter. No mention is made of it by are alright, then it doesn't matter what over and over again in the New Imagine standing waiting at the door, perhaps wondering For the year before us O what rich supplies! Christian writers during the first 200 we do with our bodies. We can starve Testament, beginning with Jesus what to expect. Then, as the door opens, you are greeted For the poor and needy living streams shall rise; years of the church's existence. Not them or we can indulge them. Gentiles himself in Matthew 7, verse 15. 'Beware had grown up in a culture where of false prophets, who come to you with a warm embrace which says everything, leaving words For the sad and sinful shall his grace abound, only are the style and content very different from First Peter, but there sexual promiscuity and the in sheep's clothing but inwardly are For the faint and feeble perfect strength be found. almost superfluous. That in essence is the picture which is a reference to St. Paul's letters being satisfaction of all our appetites was ravenous wolves.' Paul also spoke the norm. Jews had grown up in a about wolves coming among the flock Frances Havergal sets before us in the opening verse of this Should any be tempted to wallow in a sense of a part of the Scriptures (Chapter 3, verses15 and 16), which would not culture where certain standards of in Acts 20, 29. In one of his letters hymn: helplessness, uselessness, self-pity, nothing-to-look-forward- have been the case until those letters morality were expected, so that Gentile to the people in Thessalonica, and in to-ness, there comes the chorus again, urging us to get on had been collected and been widely converts were more likely to revert to his letters to Timothy, he warned that Standing at the portal of the opening year, type, given the opportunity and the people holding positions of with life by putting that life into the hand of God and acting known. In chapter 2, there is also a Words of comfort meet us, hushing every fear, reference to events recorded in the authorization to do so. It was this 'soft responsibility in the church, would like children of the day, not the night. We might do well to Letter of Jude, which was written underbelly' of the early church that lead many people away by false Spoken through the silence by our Father's voice, call to mind the words of the apostle John: “See what love toward the end of the first century. Gnosticism attacked. teaching. Chapter 2 deals with false Tender, strong and faithful, making us rejoice. The subject matter dealt with is more teachers as if they are already at work the Father has given us, that we should be called children in the church but verses 1 to 3, claim Onward then, and fear not, children of the day, suited to the second century than the of God; and so we are.” (1 John 3.1) Let us not forget it first although the heresy of Gnosticism The first letter of Peter that they are yet to come. This may For his word shall never, never pass away. then. That is the pervading message of this hymn and the had begun to creep into the church warned the church against simply be a way of saying that things by the late first century. It is also well are going to get a lot worse than they final verse gathers it all up in a big “Yes!” I miss the New Year's Eve Watchnight Service. It is one to remember that several other books persecution from those already are. of the special services that I used to enjoy. That silence He will never fail us, He will not forsake; claimed to have been written by Peter, Several verses of chapters 2 and 3 such as The Gospel According to Peter, outside and this second letter deal with the punishment that lies in before midnight, when the old year is 'laid to rest' with its His eternal covenant He will never break. The Preaching of Peter and The wait for those who have corrupted mixture of memories, and, in the blink of an eye, without Resting on His promise, what have we to fear ? Apocalypse of Peter. These didn't warned the church against the church and led many people make it into the Scriptures as we know a pause, the new year begins, bringing hope, curiosity, and God is all-sufficient for the coming year. corruption from inside. astray, sometimes just for money them but are included in the New (chapter 2, verse 3). Instances of God Onward, then, and fear not, Children of the day, possibly some anxieties, makes it a potent moment. Through Testament Apocrypha. It was quite punishing people, from the Old that silence the voice of God speaks in a way that brings For His word shall never, never pass away. common among the Greeks and Testament and also from Hebrew Romans as well as the Jews, to claim The other important matter that legends, are recorded in chapter 2 and inner calm and a spirit of rejoicing trust to all willing to There is a ridiculous rumour going around that the that a work, either religious or secular, is addressed in this letter, in chapter many of them occur in the letter of 3, is the return of Christ. (The term receive it. The whole hymn revolves around the divine music edition is going to be even bigger and clumsier than was produced by some recognised Jude and in almost identical words. authority, particularly if it was the 'second coming' does not occur in the It may be that one copied from the assurance beautifully expressed in the second verse: the word edition of the new hymnbook, needing two volumes. product of that person's disciple or New Testament.) In the very early other or that this had become the Now there's a 'fear' to take into the new year! I hope that student or apprentice. Today it would church, Jesus was expected to return subject of conversation among the “I, the Lord, am with thee, be thou not afraid; the tune “Hermas” will be restored as the proper tune for be classed as a forgery but that was soon and to instigate the Day of church leaders. The letter ends with I will help and strengthen, be thou not dismayed; not the thinking in days gone by. It Judgement, but as time went on and the assurance that the long awaited this hymn, which it is. Apart from being a stirring tune in nothing seemed to be happening, there Day of the Lord will come, and that Yea, I will uphold thee with my own right hand; is also generally agreed among its own right, its composer is Frances Havergal herself. The scholars that second Peter is the last were those who claimed that if it was just as the world was once destroyed Thou art called and chosen in my sight to stand.” unjustifiable alteration in the new book to verse two (“So book in the New Testament to have going to happen, then it would have by water, so its destruction will again been written and that there was some taken place already. The conclusion take place, this time by fire, so great be not afraid … So be not dismayed … Yes, I will uphold The recurring chorus, whilst encouraging any with doubt as to whether it should be to which they came was that the that even the heavenly bodies will faltering steps, underlines the complete reliability of God's …”) has an air of 'testiness' about it that detracts from the included or not. On the other hand teaching about Christ returning was melt as they burn. But a new earth there are many today who accept this untrue. The writer's response to that and a new heaven await the godly who Word for the faithful. It hardly needs to be elaborated upon. perfectly well-written and intelligible lines of the author. book as the work of Peter but not is that God is patient with people, survive and in the new earth, only When sung it also puts an unnecessary, almost aggressive, written by the same scribe who wrote verse 9, that he wants everyone to righteousness will dwell. As the The two remaining verses are directly linked to this one. emphasis on “So” - not well done. At the outset of another First Peter. have the chance to repent, and that readers await this day, the need is to Following those 'hopes and fears' regarding the unknown, year may you know the all-sufficient and loving presence From chapter 1, verse 1, we learn he is outside of time, verse 8. A make sure that they are found without thousand years and a day are much spot or blemish, and at peace, growing and with the promise of God fresh on our lips, we come to that the letter is written by a Jew and of God as you continue your pilgrimage with confidence in grace and in the knowledge of our addressed to non Jewish people, the same as far as God is concerned, the splendid declaration in verse three of what it means to Lord, Jesus Christ. and joy, and perhaps with this song in your heart it may 'Those to whom has been given a faith a quote from Psalm 90, verse 4. us. give a fresh spring to your step. equal in honour and privilege to our The first letter of Peter warned the Peter M Gubi

Page 8 Page 9 Congregation News Gracehill 11th March, 2012 was Y.P.M.A Sunday when our young Bible Club for the first time. This was the brainchild of Sr. people, who collected a total of £2626.40 during 2011, Rachel Hamilton, one of our Bible Class teachers. This was received their awards. a really successful event and Rachel and her team of leaders Our services during Holy Week were very well attended were amazed and delighted with the response from all the by members and friends from the local community. The young people. The theme for the week was "On Your Marks". Cliftonville early morning service on Easter Day was enhanced by the A new venture, Youth Fellowship, has recommenced band quartet who supplied the music in God's Acre. Then every 2nd Sunday evening. We are most grateful to Sr. back down to Cennick Hall for a wonderful Fry which Rachel Hamilton and her band of helpers. Some highlights of the past few months include the was cooked by Br. Trevor and Sr. Barbara Gillan and their Harvest was held on Sunday, 23rd September when our following. On Sunday 20th May we welcomed Br and Sr. band of helpers. We had a good congregation for the 11 guest preacher was Sr. Patsy Holdsworth. A full church Linyard and Br. Fred took the service. Sr. Eunice Hoey, a.m. service when the young people went out half-way appreciated both her service and the wonderful harvest accompanied by her husband and grandson, was the speaker through and came back at the end of the service with a decorations around the church. Following the service a at the Gift Day service on 17th June and Br. Livingstone large wooden cross decorated with paper flowers. This was lovely soup and bread lunch, prepared by Br. Trevor Gillan then erected in the Manse garden for all of Gracehill to see. Thompson, with his wife, daughter and friends, came to and his team, was laid on in Cennick Hall. Harvest continued The morning finished with an Easter egg hunt in the Square. preside at the Anniversary on 2nd September. The Harvest in the evening with a service of favourite prayers, readings Both the Boys and Girls' Brigades ended their year with and hymns for harvest that a number of members Service was on 30th September their display and parent evenings in the Hall. contributed to. On Monday evening, the harvest gifts were and Br. Len Broadbent, Visit of Br. Eckhard Buchholz On Sunday, 3rd June we celebrated the Queen's Diamond auctioned by Br. Billy Kitson and the proceeds were given accompanied by his wife Sheila, Jubilee with a special service in Church and then with a 'Big to the Youth Fellowship to boost their funds. was the speaker. Lunch was in Lunch' celebration in the Village Square. Church Anniversary was celebrated on Sunday, 4th the church hall after these through Queeen Victoria Our annual Village Fair, which is our main fund raising November when our guest preacher was Sr. Jan Mullin and special services. We thank who was his 4 times Great- event, was held on Saturday 23rd June and was opened by this was followed by a soup lunch in Cennick Hall. It was them all, and the lay preachers, Grand-daughter. Prince the Mayor of , Alderman P.J.McAvoy. The rain nice to see Sr. Jan again and this enabled her to speak to without whose willing help we Charles is his 9 times Great- poured down as tents and booths were put up during the all her old friends in the congregation. would not be able to maintain Grandson. week. The rain ceased late on Saturday morning and Br. Sean Tranter played the trumpet at the wreath laying thankfully stayed off for the afternoon activities and again weekly services. ceremony on Remembrance Sunday with the wreath being On 7th October we were this was a great success. laid by Br. Stephen Barr and Br. Billy Kitson. Girls' and Boys' On European Heritage delighted to welcome our Riverside Farm was the venue for a barbecue hosted by Brigades Enrolment Service was held in the evening. Again Week-end the Church was open past minister Br. Eckhard Br. John and Sr. Rhebe Clarke and family on Friday, 17th a full church and we, as a congregation, are most grateful from 1 - 4 p.m. on Sunday 9th Buchholz to the morning August. It was a great night with entertainment from various to the officers/helpers, who week in, week out, give of their September. While the number service. Cliftonville hosted artists and again a great total for our Building Fund. time to the Brigades. Again, this can be said of all in the congregation who give of their time for Church Service. of visitors was not large, all, the Irish District Conference The annual auction, organised by Br. Billy Kitson, was and particularly those from on 20th October and the held on Friday, 31st August, 2012 and again was a great We have welcomed 9 new members into Church Br. And Sr. Livingstone Thompson success. membership during the year - Wesley and Jacqueline the locality, were very Council Meeting was held on and friends at Anniversary lunch Thompson, Mary Miller, Beryl Corbett, Pat Reid, interested in the local history 18th November after the Sr. Mollie Spencer had a birthday surprise for her 90th birthday at Church on Sunday, 5th August. We sang a Deborah Jones, Lizzie Mewha and Chris and Louise display and leaflet explaining the development of the morning service. selection of her favourite hymns during the service and Boreland. During 2012 Br. Ivan Bell, Br. Stanley Bell and Br. Oldpark/Cliftonville area from Old Park House Estate and A past member, Sr. Maud Taylor celebrated her 100th then at the end, she was presented with flowers and a Jim Scullion passed away. We also welcomed Isaac Boreland earlier Deer Park. birthday on 28th October, and was delighted with a greeting birthday cake with 9 candles - one for each decade of her and Colby Gordon into Church membership through infant life. Sr. Mollie is an inspiration to us all. baptism. Another display of pictures and family trees showed card containing pictures of members she knew when she During week commencing 13th August, we ran a Holiday Sally Weir the descent of the British and many of the European Royal lived in the area. The Sunday School children packed 106 families from Maximilian Erasmus, Lord of Zinzendorf & shoe boxes for Romania. Pottendorf 1633 - 1672, (grandfather of Count Zinzendorf), Edna Cooper CONGREGATION REGISTERS Sparkhill, Birmingham BAPTISM 8th Jul. George Philip Thomas Brown McCaughey. Ballinderry Ballinderry 12th Aug. Colby Maxwell Gordon. Gracehill We were saddened in November by the deaths of Geoffrey Two happy events were celebrated at Ballinderry recently. The Irish district MWA rally was held in Ballinderry on MEMBERSHIP Tate a former minister of Sparkhill United Church and On 8th July George Philip Thomas Brown McCaughey was 15th September and the guest speaker on this occasion was 3rd Jun. Mary Miller. Gracehill baptized and Kathy Bates married Mark Wilson on 14th Heather Loney the wife of a Methodist minister. Bernell Burroughs. Br. Bernell Burroughs died unexpectedly 3rd Jun. Beryl Corbett. Gracehill September. 3rd Jun. Pat Reid. Gracehill Harvest was held on the last Sunday of September. Our in Kazakhstan where he was working. When we think of 11th Nov. Elizabeth Mewha. Gracehill Gifts of Bibles were presented on June 19th to those thanks go to all of those who contributed in whatever 11th Nov. Deborah Groves Jones. Gracehill children leaving Ballinderry Primary School at the end of Bernell we will remember his beaming smile, and his fashion in helping to make the church look so beautiful 11th Nov. Christopher Boreland. Gracehill the summer term. including the arranging of flowers and decoration of the preaching. We thank Geoffrey and Bernell for their invaluable 11th Nov. Louise Boreland. Gracehill On August 4th the MWA held a very successful car boot church. Brother Paul Holdsworth preached at the morning service to the Church over many years. Both men will be sale which raised £750. Funds were boosted with other harvest service and Sister Patsy in the evening. MARRIAGE sadly missed and we extend our sympathies to the families activities on the day which included pony rides, a tea stall, We would also like to express our thanks to Br. Henry 1st Aug Philip Beattie & Suzanne Aicken. Gracehill bouncy castle and a barbecue. Also in August there was a 14th Sep. Kathy Bates & Mark Wilson. Ballinderry Wilson who has raised funds for the church through the and remember them in our prayers. very enjoyable walk along the Lagan canal towpath organised giving of history lectures. by Sister Holdsworth for members of the congregation. The numbers attending the funerals bore witness to the DEATH Annual Gift Day in November raised a substantial 21st Jul. Ivan Bell. Gracehill On Heritage Weekend in September there was a healthy high regard in which both brethren were held. £2741.35 14th Aug. Stanley Bell. Gracehill interest in the history of the church shown by a number of Ashton McIntosh 3rd Nov. James Scullion. Gracehill visitors. Marilyn Marshall 12th Nov. Kenneth Potts Royton

Page 10 Page 11 January 2013

Dr. Peter Gubi writes about PRAYER NOTES Crossing the Threshold

Crossing the threshold of a New Year If one studies scripture from many January 1st New Year’s Day often brings with it expectations of faith traditions, including our own, we opportunity for change. There is a desire find that spiritual growth often occurs Through Christ who can make all things January 6th Epiphany to create new resolutions; a wish for through wounds and set-backs, exile and new we praise you Lord for giving pardon for Heavenly Father we thank you that you gave your Son, at something to be different in various wilderness. Resurrection seems not to be aspects of our lives. We annually cross able to happen without crucifixion. To the past and a fresh start for the future, to all his birth, the name of Jesus, which means Saviour. May it be this threshold in hope. Yet, the reality is move on in faith is often to experience, who repent. Be with us today, as we come to to us the name that is above every name, the name to be that often little, if anything, changes. New endure, and then transcend, the scrapes you with our tiny resolutions and enormous honoured, trusted and obeyed. As you led the wise men from resolutions are soon breached as we resort and bruises that life presents - much as fears, our small achievements and huge tasks the ends of the earth to the cradle of Jesus, we remember to familiar patterns of being and doing, a rock climber has to feel and overcome ahead. May we enter this New Year as your that you want all people everywhere, to be saved. Bring nearer in spite of our best intentions. Default the tiredness in arm and leg, and the pain people entered the Promised Land, with the the day when the knowledge of you will cover the earth as positions kick-in as we unconsciously act of the scratching and knocking of limbs promise of your presence and a renewed sense the waters cover the sea. In the name of him who said that, out well-practiced attitudes and against hard, sharp rock. Yet, it is through behaviours. Our hopes wither and deflate, experiencing, enduring, and then of our calling. Guide us as we travel to the if he was lifted up from the earth, he would draw everyone and we chastise ourselves with 'whatever transcending the pain, that stronger to him, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen heavenly city that we may know Jesus, the true happened to our New Year resolutions?' glimpses of the light and the truth of God and living way. Amen. Perhaps, our mistake is in thinking can be experienced as healing and growth- that something fundamental can change enhancing. Spiritual growth and change simply because it is a New Year! The requires discipline and effort: daily prayer; January 20th Second Sunday after Epiphany hope of a New Year message rarely small acts of grace; little shifts in thinking January 13th First Sunday after Epiphany emphasises the effort and discipline such as gradually learning to see glimpses Lord Jesus, who sent out your first disciples to that is needed for fundamental of Christ in all things and all people; reading scripture and applying its wisdom God of salvation, in the river Jordan you bathed proclaim your kingdom, we believe that you speak still, change. It is given over to God and to personal circumstance; conversing with Jesus in glory and revealed him as your Son. We our good-intention, with little calling even people like us into your service. Open our investment of fellow pilgrims. These all add to the gentle marvel at the way you chose such simple things to hearts to what you are saying to us today. As your effort, to bring ploughing of new furrows in spiritual well- reveal your greatness. A river of water as the place to being. Expectations of large leaps and disciples left their nets and followed you, break into our about the change. make known the nature and work of your Son. Help Yet, change strides, or the hasty ploughing of new lives with your disturbing call and show us which things us, who have dipped a foot into the water of life, to within 'self', furrows, are unrealistic. They lack the underpinning test of trust that acts as the plunge in over our heads, dead to the old life and to abandon and what new things to do, that we may including spiritual growth (never foothold for the next small move needed fully alive to the new, walking with Him the path of share with others what we have been taught by you, to mind dieting!), is to enact change. obedience and serving you in the world. For His sake, the glory of your Name and the spread of your Kingdom. more like a rock So, this New Year, may we resolve to Amen Amen climb than a fell walk. see the value and miracle of small, but Each 'hold' has to be nonetheless significant, shifts, as we work gingerly sought out and at the discipline that is required for tested, and invested with fundamental change in our spiritual lives, January 27th Third Sunday After Epiphany trust, before the full weight and in other aspects of life. May we come Almighty God, whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain, and yet whose love of a fundamental shift within to foster realistic expectation, and embrace our 'self' can occur. It requires the gingerly-made steps as being more encompasses the tiniest creature, we thank for the gift of our human bodies and building strength and fundamental than the large leap that remembering that they are your temples, we ask for your help in caring for them as fostering discipline. It is a carries fragile promise - but which is likely your dwelling place. We thank you too for those other temples, our churches. May 'working-at' process rather than to be broken because it is fragile. For in an 'arrived-at' process. we care for them and have them stand as worthy witnesses to a living faith, for the doing that, we won't be disappointed when we cross the threshold of this New Year. sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. INSIDE THIS MONTH’S ISSUE In Remembrance Spoken Through My Albanian The Week of Prayer Around the District Open Book Brother Geoffrey Tate the Silence THE MORAVIAN MESSENGER Adventure for Christian Unity Conferences 2 PETER A New Year hymn Official Journal of the Moravian Church in the British Province. Editor: Judith Ashton. Contributions for the Messenger should reach An abridged version of Provincial Board James Woolford Patsy Holdsworth with Paul Gubi Published monthly by the authority of the Provincial Synod. the Editor, Sunnybank, Raglan Road, Tintern, Monmouthshire NP16 6TH Br. Fred Linyard's Yorkshire District address. Advertisements and all communications concerning distribution and E-mail: [email protected] by the 3rd day of the preceeding Irish District Standing at the Portal supply should be sent to the Moravian Book Room, 5 Muswell Hill, London month. PLUS ALL THE REGULAR FEATURES N10 3TJ, and NOT to the Editor.

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