Michael J. Simms Andrew J. Jeram, Waterloo Bay, Larne, Northern Ireland: Department of Geology, Mullaghdubh House, Ulster Museum, 27 Gobbins Path, Botanic Gardens, Islandmagee, The ammonites of the earliest Jurassic Belfast BT9 5AB, Co. Antrim BT40 3SP, Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland.
[email protected] [email protected] Ammonites are a conspicuous element of the earliest 24 34 Jurassic macrofauna at this site. Most taxa are represented by at least some 3-dimensional material, preserved either in pyrite or early diagenetic carbonate 33g concretions. 23 33f Caloceras sp. Selected specimens are illustrated here at actual size, unless indicated otherwise. 33e top Bed 27 22 The strata in the picture to the left encompass the top of Psiloceras cf. plicatulum Caloceras johnstoni top Bed 26 the ‘Pre-planorbis Beds’, the erugatum Horizon (Bed 24) and the stratigraphic range of Neophyllites (beds 25 33d to 27). 21 top Bed 25 The site has significant potential for designation as a Bed 24 nodules Global Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the 33c Jurassic System. In addition, this part of the foreshore 20 top Bed 23 would make an ideal stratotype location for the erugatum, imitans and antecedens biohorizons, for which surface stratotypes have yet to be designated. Psiloceras plicatulum 19 33b Psiloceras plicatulum A diverse macro- and microfauna Specimen from lower 33a part of Bed 25 (ammonites, bivalves, gastropods, 18 Psiloceras cf. sampsoni (enlarged x3) This highly evolute example is the echinoids, crinoids, trace-fossils and 32 stratigraphically highest example of occasional vertebrates) is present in the sampsoni recovered from the site.