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1803Censusantrim2.Pdf 1803 Agricultural Census for some Parishes in North Antrim Record Surname Surname as Forename as Barony Parish Townland [Modern Townland as spelt in No. [Standardised] spelt in spelt in Spelling] document document document 6629 [?] Henry Henry Cary Armoy Tureagh Toreagh 2372 [?] [?] Widow Dunluce Lower Billy Magherintendry Maghrintenery 3177 [?] [?] Daniel Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carncullagh Carncullagh 3441 [?] [?] Mathow Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Lisnabraugh Lisenabraugh 4971 [?] [?] John Dunluce Lower Dunluce Priestland West Priestland West 4972 [?] [?] Samuel Dunluce Lower Dunluce Priestland West Priestland West 4973 [?] kn [?] kn Patrick Dunluce Lower Dunluce Priestland West Priestland West 4496 [?] npon [?] npon Archibald [EarchbaldDunluce Lower Ballyrashane Revallagh Revallagh 1900 Acheson Atcheson James Cary Billy Moycraig Moycraige 1901 Acheson Atcheson John Cary Billy Moycraig Moycraige 3424 Acheson Atchon William Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Lisconnan Lisconons 1614 Adair Adair John Cary Billy Ballyoglagh Balleyoglough 4870 Adair Adaire James Dunluce Lower Dunluce Gortnee Gortnee 4871 Adair Adaire John Dunluce Lower Dunluce Gortnee Gortnee 3611 Adams Adams Hugh Cary Grange of Drumtullagh Clegnagh Clegnagh 3612 Adams Adams James Cary Grange of Drumtullagh Clegnagh Clegnagh 3639 Adams Adams John Cary Grange of Drumtullagh Iderowen Ederdowen 4400 Adams Edams Robert Dunluce Lower Ballyrashane Carnglass Carngless 7269 Adams Adams James Dunluce Lower Ballywillin Boidy [?] Boidy 7270 Adams Adams John Dunluce Lower Ballywillin Boidy [?] Boidy 3242 Adams Adams Henry Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carnfeogue Carnfuoge 3243 Adams Adams James Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carnfeogue Carnfuoge 3244 Adams Adams John Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carnfeogue Carnfuoge 3245 Adams Adams John Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carnfeogue Carnfuoge 3246 Adams Adams Mary Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carnfeogue Carnfuoge 4887 Adams Adams Daniel Dunluce Lower Dunluce Kilmoyle Kilmoyle 1122 Adams Adams Matthew Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballyboylands Ballyboyland 66 Adams Adams Andrew Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 67 Adams Adams Thomas Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 157 Adams Adams Martin Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 269 Adams Adams John Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 754 Adams Adams Archibald Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Claughey Claughy 918 Adams Adams James Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Farranalessary Fernalizery 696 Adams Adams William Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Glenstall Glenstall 798 Adams Adams Alexander Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Killyramer Killyrammer 308 Adams Adams Mrs Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Leslie Hill Leslie Hill 309 Adams Adams David Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Leslie Hill Leslie Hill 452 Adams Adams William Dunluce Upper Ballymoney New Buildings North Newbuildings 453 Adams Adams James Dunluce Upper Ballymoney New Buildings North Newbuildings 1534 Adams Adams David Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Stranocum Stranocum 5059 Adams Adams William Dunluce Upper Kilraghts Crosstagherty Curstagherly 5195 Adams Adams Samuel Dunluce Upper Kilraghts Magheraboy Upper Maghreyboy Upper 5196 Adams Adams Thomas Dunluce Upper Kilraghts Magheraboy Upper Maghreyboy Upper 5598 Adams Adams Thomas Dunluce Upper Loughguile Ballynagashel Balnagashl 5490 Adams Adams John Dunluce Upper Loughguile Ballyweeny Balleyweney W. Macafee 1 27/03/2012 1803 Agricultural Census for some Parishes in North Antrim Record Surname Surname as Forename as Barony Parish Townland [Modern Townland as spelt in No. [Standardised] spelt in spelt in Spelling] document document document 5945 Adams Adams James Dunluce Upper Loughguile Drumrankin Drumbrenkin 6309 Adams Adams Matthew Dunluce Upper Loughguile Tully Tulley 6310 Adams Adams Samuel Dunluce Upper Loughguile Tully Tulley 3815 Adrain Drain Charles Cary Culfeightrin Ballycleagh Ballycleagh 3816 Adrain Drain John Cary Culfeightrin Ballycleagh Ballycleagh 3887 Adrain Drain Patrick Cary Culfeightrin Ballyteerim Ballyterrim 3165 Adrain Drain Charles Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carncoggy Carncogy 4632 Adrain Drain Hugh Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballyhunsley Ballyhunsley 4633 Adrain Drain John Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballyhunsley Ballyhunsley 123 Adrain Drain Daniel Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 213 Adrain Drain John Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 303 Adrain Drain Hugh Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 1477 Adrain Drain James Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Greenville Greenville 4401 Aiken Eken David Dunluce Lower Ballyrashane Carnglass Carngless 4402 Aiken Eken James Dunluce Lower Ballyrashane Carnglass Carngless 3143 Aiken Eken Abel Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Carnaff Carnaff 4705 Aiken Eackin Patrick Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballytober Ballytibert 4888 Aiken Ekin William Dunluce Lower Dunluce Kilmoyle Kilmoyle 5832 Aiken Ekin James Dunluce Upper Loughguile Culbane Coulbaan 1881 Alexander Alexander David Cary Billy Lisnagunogue Lisnagunnogue 4634 Alexander Alexander Andrew Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballyhunsley Ballyhunsley 729 Alexander Alexander Widow Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Bendooragh Bendooragh 772 Alexander Alexander John Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Breckagh Breakagh 5770 Alexander Alexander Hugh Dunluce Upper Loughguile Corkey Corkey 5771 Alexander Alexander Robert Dunluce Upper Loughguile Corkey Corkey 5772 Alexander Alexander Robert Jun. Dunluce Upper Loughguile Corkey Corkey 5773 Alexander Alexander Thomas Dunluce Upper Loughguile Corkey Corkey 5900 Alexander McCalshin John Dunluce Upper Loughguile Drumdallagh Drumbdaragh 3129 Allen Allen Samuel Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Bellisle Bellisle 3130 Allen Allen Samuel Jun. Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Bellisle Bellisle 5423 Allen Alinn Samuel Dunluce Upper Loughguile Ballytaggart Balleytagart 5424 Allen Alinn William Dunluce Upper Loughguile Ballytaggart Balleytagart 5680 Allen Alin Patrick Jun. Dunluce Upper Loughguile Carnagall Carnagall 5681 Allen Alinn Patrick Dunluce Upper Loughguile Carnagall Carnagall 2676 Anderson Anderson Neal Cary Ballintoy Coolmaghra Coulmaghra 2906 Anderson Anderson Mrs Cary Ballintoy Lemnagh Beg Lemeneagh beg 1694 Anderson Anderson Hugh Cary Billy Bushmills Bushmills 1695 Anderson Anderson Robert Cary Billy Bushmills Bushmills 1790 Anderson Anderson James Cary Billy Castlenagree Caslemeget 1791 Anderson Anderson Matthew Cary Billy Castlenagree Caslemeget 1792 Anderson Anderson Samuel Cary Billy Castlenagree Caslemeget 1793 Anderson Anderson Samuel Jun. Cary Billy Castlenagree Caslemeget 1815 Anderson Anderson John Cary Billy Craignamaddy Cregenamadey 1816 Anderson Anderson William Cary Billy Craignamaddy Cregenamadey 1868 Anderson Anderson Widow Cary Billy Kilcoobin Kilcubbin W. Macafee 2 27/03/2012 1803 Agricultural Census for some Parishes in North Antrim Record Surname Surname as Forename as Barony Parish Townland [Modern Townland as spelt in No. [Standardised] spelt in spelt in Spelling] document document document 4119 Anderson Anderson John Cary Culfeightrin Drumacullin Drumahuillan 6778 Anderson Anderson Michael Cary Rathlin Ballycarry Crackaskredelan 6701 Anderson Anderson Daniel Cary Rathlin Ballyconagan Balleyconagan 6702 Anderson Anderson John Cary Rathlin Ballyconagan Balleyconagan 6714 Anderson Anderson John Cary Rathlin Ballygill Middle Ballygill M 6745 Anderson Anderson John Cary Rathlin Carravindoon Carvandone 6753 Anderson Anderson Patrick Cary Rathlin Church Quarter Church Quarter 6790 Anderson Anderson Dougal Cary Rathlin Kinkeel Kinkeil 6791 Anderson Anderson John Cary Rathlin Kinkeel Kinkeil 6809 Anderson Anderson Alexander Cary Rathlin Knockans Knockans 6810 Anderson Anderson James Cary Rathlin Knockans Knockans 6811 Anderson Anderson John Cary Rathlin Knockans Knockans 6812 Anderson Anderson Neal Cary Rathlin Knockans Knockans 6825 Anderson Anderson Daniel Cary Rathlin Roonivoolin Ronavolan 2052 Anderson Anderson Hugh Dunluce Lower Billy Ballyness Balleyness 2053 Anderson Anderson Joseph Dunluce Lower Billy Ballyness Balleyness 2054 Anderson Anderson Robert Jun. Dunluce Lower Billy Ballyness Balleyness 3084 Anderson Anderson Joseph Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Ballynarry Ballenares 4566 Anderson Anderson Abraham Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballyclogh Ballyclough 4567 Anderson Anderson Samuel Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballyclogh Ballyclough 4659 Anderson Anderson Alexander Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballyleckan Ballylicken 4706 Anderson Anderson Benjamin Dunluce Lower Dunluce Ballytober Ballytibert 4748 Anderson Anderson Robert Dunluce Lower Dunluce Benvardin Benvarden 4990 Anderson Anderson Daniel Dunluce Lower Dunluce Stanalane Stanalone 197 Anderson Anderson Samuel Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 299 Anderson Anderson James Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 739 Anderson Anderson Samuel Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Claughey Claughy 988 Anderson Anderson David Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Culdoo Colduff 1404 Anderson Anderson James Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Dunaverney Dunnyverney 1481 Anderson Anderson Joseph Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Kirkhill Kirkhills 4352 Andrews Andrew James Dunluce Lower Ballyrashane Ballyrock Ballyrock 3090 Andrews Andrew James Dunluce Lower Derrykeighan Ballydivity Ballydivity 122 Andrews Andrews Thomas Dunluce Upper Ballymoney Ballymoney Town Ballymoney Town 5674 Anoghar Aaoghar Charles Dunluce Upper Loughguile Carnbuck Cambuck 5675 Anoghar Anoghar Mighal Dunluce Upper Loughguile Carnbuck Cambuck 4749 Archibald Arsbel Robert Dunluce Lower Dunluce Benvardin
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