THE GAZETTE, APRIL 8, 1927. 333





County of Antrim. Record No. N.I. 395.

WHEREAS the above-named Sydney Adam McNeill claims to be the Owner of the land mentioned in the Schedule here under, in respect of which land a Provisional List (No. 329) has been published. And whereas no objection has been made with respect to the land included in such Provisional List. Now in pursuance of the provisions of Section 17, Sub-section 4, of the above Act the Land Purchase Commission, Northern Ireland, hereby publish a Final List of the land above referred to, being land with, respect to which no objection has been made. - This Land will become vested in the said Commission by virtue of Part II of the above Act on the 2nd day of May, 1927, being the Appointed Day which has been fixed by the said Commission in respect thereof.

1 ! Reference Standard Standard No. ou Purchase Price Reg- Map filed Annuity No. ' Name of Tenant. Postal Address. Baronv. Townland. in Land Area Rent Commia- sion. A. ». P. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d

Holding subject to a Judicial Rent fixed after the 15th August, 1911 1 Jane McKeowri Iderown, Gary Iderown 3 ;22 0 3212 0 0|10 12 2 223 6 8 (widow) , Co. Antrim i •

Holdings subject to Rents other than Judicial Rents.

o Hugh Adams Carnfeogue Lower Carnfeogue 1, 1A to 13 2 10 5 12 6 4 13 0, 97 17 11 Stranocum, Dunluce IE . Co. Antrim 3 Mary Ann McConnell do. do. do. 2, 2A 11 1 5 713 5 16 8122 10 2 (widow) to 20 t 4 John Cairns and do. do. do. 3 12 3 0 780 6 2 2 128 11 11 Margaret Cairns, his wife d Do. do. do. do.- 4 1 3 28 078 064 6 13 4 6 Samuel Miskelly Ballydivity, do. do. a 1 0 30 0 16 8 0 13 10 14 11 3 , Co. Antrim 7 James Miskelly and Carnfeogue, do. dp. 6 100 0 16 8 0 13 10 14 11 3 Hugh Adams Stranocum, Co Antrim 8 James Miskelly do do. do. 7 100 0 10 0 084 8 15 5 9 Eliza Ann Cunningham Iderown, Cary Iderown 1 18 0 0 Jl 2 0 934 192 19 S (widow) Stranocum, Co. Antrim 10 Daniel Stevenson do. do. do. 2 17 0 10 13 10 0 11 3 0 234 14 9 11 Jane McKeown do. do. do. 4 0 2 20 026 0 2 O! 2 2 1 (widow)

NOTE. — Each holding when vested in the purchaser shall continue to have appurtenant thereto, and to be subject to, as the case may be, any previously existing easemants. rights and appurtenances.

Dated this 6th day of April, 1927.

W. B. MACLATCHY, Secretary.

Land Purchase Commission, N< rthern Ireland, May Street, Bella tt.