Landlord of Each Townland in North Antrim C.1860 [Sorted by Townland]

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Landlord of Each Townland in North Antrim C.1860 [Sorted by Townland] Landlord of each Townland in North Antrim c.1860 [Sorted by Townland] Record Townland Landlord c.1860 Civil Parish Barony Poor Law Union No. 1 Acravally Reps. Hugh Boyd Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 2 Aganlane or Parkmore Henry Hugh McNeile Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 3 Aghagheigh Henry Hugh McNeile Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 4 Aghaleck Adam Cuppage Ramoan Cary Ballycastle 5 Aghalum Marchioness of Londonderry Ardclinis Glenarm Lower Larne 6 Aghancrossy George Macartney Derrykeighan Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 7 Aghrunniaght Robert Smyth Armoy Cary Ballycastle 8 Agolagh Edmund F. Cuppage Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 9 Aird Hugh Lecky Billy Cary Ballycastle 10 Alcrossagh Robert Smyth Armoy Cary Ballycastle 11 Aldorough William W. Legge Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 12 Altagore James R. White Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 13 Altarichard John Montgomery Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 14 Altaveedan, North William W. Legge Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 15 Altaveedan, South William W. Legge Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 16 Altmore Lower Henry Hugh McNeile Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 17 Altmore Upper Henry Hugh McNeile Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 18 Altnahinch John C. Anderson Loughguile Kilconway Ballymoney 19 Anticur John Gilmour Rasharkin Kilconway Ballymena 20 Araboy Thomas Cuppage Ballintoy Cary Ballycastle 21 Ardagh Adam Cuppage Ramoan Cary Ballycastle 22Ardaghmore or Glentop Earl of Antrim Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 23 Ardclinis Earl of Antrim Ardclinis Glenarm Lower Larne 24 Ardicoan James R. White Grange of Inispollan Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 25 Ardihannon Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Billy Cary Ballymoney/Coleraine 26 Armoy Town in Mill Five acres. Various Armoy Cary Ballycastle 27 Artiferrall Thomas G. Batt Kilraghts Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 28 Artiforty or Shanaghy Lower James Lyle Finvoy Kilconway Ballymoney 29 Artigoran John Cromie Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 30 Artiloman Thomas Scott Finvoy Kilconway Ballymoney 31 Artimacormick Jackson Wray Ballintoy Cary Ballycastle 32 Artnacrea Marcus Gage Dunaghy Kilconway Ballymena 33 Artnagross James Lyle Finvoy Kilconway Ballymoney 34 Aughnaholle James R. White Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 35 Aughnasillagh James R. White Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 36 Ballaghbeddy Rev. Wm. C. O'Neill Finvoy Kilconway Ballymoney 37 Ballaghmore James E. Leslie Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 38Ballaghmore or Bushmills Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 39 Balleny Robert Smyth Armoy Cary Ballycastle 40 Ballinamore Town David Reynolds Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 41 Ballindam James R. White Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 42 Ballinlea Lower [*] John C. Anderson Ballintoy Cary Ballycastle 43 Ballinlea Upper James S. Moore Ballintoy Cary Ballycastle W. Macafee 1 26/01/2010 Landlord of each Townland in North Antrim c.1860 [Sorted by Townland] Record Townland Landlord c.1860 Civil Parish Barony Poor Law Union No. 44 Ballinloughan James R. White Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 45 Ballintoy Alex. G. Fullerton Ballintoy Cary Ballycastle 46 Ballintoy Demesne Alex. G. Fullerton Ballintoy Cary Ballycastle 47 Ballintoy Town Alex. G. Fullerton Ballintoy Cary Ballycastle 48 Ballintrae Henry Leslie Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 49 Ballure James R. White Grange of Inispollan Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 50 Ballyagan Henry Hugh McNeile Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 51 Ballyallaght John C. Anderson Billy Cary Ballycastle 52 Ballyberidagh North Francis T. Boyd Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 53 Ballyberidagh South Francis T. Boyd Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 54 Ballybogy Hugh Montgomery, Dunaghy Kilconway Ballymena 55 Ballybogy Catherine McNaughten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 56 Ballyboylands, Lower Rev. Robert W. Rowan Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 57 Ballyboylands, Upper Rev. Robert W. Rowan Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 58 Ballybrack Trustees of Rev. Alexander Macauley Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 59 Ballybraddin James Cramsie Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 60Ballybrakes, part of (rural) Earl of Antrim Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 61Ballybrakes, part of (urban) Earl of Antrim Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 62 Ballybregagh George Macartney Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 63 Ballycarry Rev. Robert Gage Rathlin Cary Ballycastle 64 Ballycastle Town Reps. Hugh Boyd Ramoan Cary Ballycastle 65 Ballycleagh James R. White Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 66 Ballyclogh Centre James Hannay Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 67 Ballyclogh North James Hannay Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 68Ballyclogh North Centre James Hannay Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 69 Ballyclogh South Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 70Ballyclogh South Centre Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 71 Ballyconagan Rev. Robert Gage Rathlin Cary Ballycastle 72 Ballycormick Earl of Antrim Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 73 Ballycraig, Lower James Moore Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 74 Ballycraig, Upper James Hannay Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 75 Ballycraigey or Ballycregagh Marcus Gage Dunaghy Kilconway Ballymena 76 Ballycregagh or Ballycraigey Marcus Gage Dunaghy Kilconway Ballymena 77 Ballycregagh, Lower James E. Leslie Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 78 Ballycregagh, Upper James E. Leslie Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 79 Ballydivity James S. Moore Derrykeighan Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 80 Ballydonnelly Robert Harvey Rasharkin Kilconway Ballymoney 81 Ballydurnian Reps. Hugh Boyd Ramoan Cary Ballycastle 82 Ballyfad Edmund F. Cuppage Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 83 Ballygan, Lower John Cromie Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 84 Ballygan, Upper John Cromie Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 85 Ballygill Middle Rev. Robert Gage Rathlin Cary Ballycastle 86 Ballygill North Rev. Robert Gage Rathlin Cary Ballycastle W. Macafee 2 26/01/2010 Landlord of each Townland in North Antrim c.1860 [Sorted by Townland] Record Townland Landlord c.1860 Civil Parish Barony Poor Law Union No. 87 Ballygill South Rev. Robert Gage Rathlin Cary Ballycastle 88 Ballygobbin James E. Leslie Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 89 Ballyhemlin Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Billy Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 90Ballyhibistock, Lower Mary Campbell Derrykeighan Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 91 Ballyhibistock, Upper John Montgomery Derrykeighan Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 92 Ballyhome James Hannay Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 93 Ballyhunsley, North Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 94 Ballyhunsley, South Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 95 Ballyhutherland Henry Hugh McNeile Grange of Dundermot Kilconway Ballymena 96 Ballykeel Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 97 Ballykenver Alexander Montgomery Armoy Cary Ballycastle 98 Ballyknock, Big Hugh Montgomery Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 99 Ballyknock, Little Hugh Montgomery Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 100 Ballyleckan John Montgomery Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 101 Ballylig Reps. Hugh Boyd Ramoan Cary Ballycastle 102 Ballylig James Cramsie Killagan Kilconway Ballymoney 103 Ballylinny Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Billy Cary Ballymoney/Coleraine 104 Ballylough John Montgomery Kilraghts Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 105 Ballylough William Traill Billy Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 106 Ballylough Beg William Traill Billy Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 107 Ballylough More William Traill Billy Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 108 Ballymacaldrack Marchioness of Londonderry Finvoy Kilconway Ballymoney 109 Ballymacdoe Henry Hugh McNeile Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 110 Ballymacfin George Macartney Billy Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 111 Ballymaconnelly Robert Harvey Rasharkin Kilconway Ballymoney 112 Ballymacrea, Lower Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 113 Ballymacrea, Upper Anne Jane Boyle Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 114 Ballymagarry Sir Edmund C. W. Macnaghten Dunluce Dunluce Lower Ballymoney/Coleraine 115 Ballymoney Town in Townparks and Glebe. Various Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 116 Ballymoy Hugh Lecky Billy Cary Ballycastle 117 Ballynacree Beg Charles O'Hara Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 118 Ballynacree More Marcus Gage Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 119 Ballynacree Skein David Reynolds Ballymoney Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 120 Ballynafeigh John McGildowney Derrykeighan Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 121 Ballynagabog Henry H. O'Hara Loughguile Kilconway Ballymoney 122 Ballynagard Earl of Antrim Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 123 Ballynagard Rev. Robert Gage Rathlin Cary Ballycastle 124 Ballynagarvy Rev. Wm. C. O'Neill Finvoy Kilconway Ballymoney 125 Ballynagashel Jno. O'Neill Higginson Loughguile Dunluce Upper Ballymoney 126 Ballynaglogh John McGildowney Culfeightrin Cary Ballycastle 127 Ballynagor Earl of Antrim Billy Dunluce Lower Ballymoney 128 Ballynahaville John McGildowney Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 129 Ballynaloob Jackson Wray & George Moore Killagan Dunluce Upper Ballymoney W. Macafee 3 26/01/2010 Landlord of each Townland in North Antrim c.1860 [Sorted by Townland] Record Townland Landlord c.1860 Civil Parish Barony Poor Law Union No. 130 Ballynalougher Edmund F. Cuppage Layd Glenarm Lower Ballycastle 131 Ballynamaddy Various Grange of Dundermot Kilconway Ballymena 132 Ballynamenagh, North or Cummingstown Richard W. Magennis Ballymoney
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