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Antrim Townlands Geographical Index Table Adobe PDF (307.61 Townlands in County Antrim List Acravally Aganlane or Aghaboy Aghacarnaghan Parkmore Aghacarnan Aghacully Aghadavy Aghadolgan Aghadrumglasny Aghafatten Aghagallon Aghagheigh Aghaleck Aghalee Aghalislone Aghaloughan Aghalum Aghanamoney Aghancrossy Aghanliss Aghavary Aghnadarragh Aghnadore Aghnahough Aghrunniaght Agolagh Aird Alcrossagh Alder Rock Aldfreck Aldorough Altagore Altarichard Altaveedan North Altaveedan South Altigarron Altilevelly Altmore Lower Altmore Upper Altnahinch Andraid Annaghmore Anticur Antiville Antynanum Appletee Araboy Ardagh Ardaghmore or Ardclinis Ardicoan Ardihannon Glentop Ardmore Ardnaglass Artibrannan Artiferrall Artiforty or Artigoran Artiloman Artimacormick Shanaghy Lower Artlone Artnacrea Artnagross Artnagullian Artresnahan Aughaboy Aughalish Aughareamlagh Aughnacleagh Aughnaholle Aughnahoy Aughnamullan Aughnasillagh Aughterclooney Ault alias Ballaghbeddy Gowkstown Ballaghmore Ballaghmore or Ballealy North Ballealy South Bushmills Ballee Balleny Ballindam Ballindery Ballinlea Lower Ballinlea Upper Ballinloughan Ballintoy Ballintoy Demesne Ballintrae Balloo Ballsallagh Ballure Ballyagan Ballyaghagan Ballyalbanagh Ballyallaght Ballyarnot Ballybeg Ballybentragh Ballyberidagh Ballyberidagh Ballybogy Ballyboley North South Ballybollen Ballybought Ballyboylands Ballyboylands Lower Upper Ballybrack Ballybracken Ballybraddin Ballybrakes Ballybregagh Ballycairn Ballycalket Ballycarrickmaddy Ballycarry Ballycarry, Ballycarry, South- Ballyclan North-West West Ballyclare Ballyclaverty Ballycleagh Ballyclogh Ballyclogh (Centre) Ballyclogh Ballyclogh (North) Ballyclogh (South (North Centre) Centre) Ballyclogh (South) Ballycloghan Ballyclosh Ballycollin Ballyconagan Ballyconnelly Ballycoos Ballycor Ballycormick Ballycowan Ballycraig Lower Ballycraig Upper Ballycraigy Ballycregagh Ballycregagh Ballycregagh Lower Upper Ballycreggy Ballycronan Beg Ballycronan More Ballycullo Ballycushan Ballydivity Ballydonaghy Ballydonnelly Ballydown Ballydownfine Ballyduff Ballydugennan Ballydunmaul Ballydurnian Ballyearl Ballyeaston Ballyedward Ballyellough Ballyfad Ballyfinaghy Ballyfore Ballygallagh Ballygalley Ballygammon Ballygan Lower Ballygan Upper Ballygarvey Ballygawn Ballygelly Ballygilbert Ballygill Middle Ballygill North Ballygill South Ballyginniff Ballygobbin Ballygolan Ballygomartin Ballygortgarve Ballygowan Ballygrooby Ballyhackett Ballyhamage Ballyhampton Ballyharry Ballyhartfield Ballyharvey Ballyharvey Upper Ballyhemlin Lower Ballyhenry Ballyhibistock Ballyhibistock Ballyhill Lower Upper Ballyhill Lower Ballyhill Upper Ballyhome Ballyhone Ballyhowne Ballyhunsley Ballyhunsley South Ballyhutherland North Ballykeel Ballykelly Ballykennedy Ballykenver Ballyknock Big Ballyknock Little Ballylacky Ballylagan Ballyleckan Ballylenully Ballylesson Ballylig Ballyligpatrick Ballylinny Ballyloran Ballylough Ballylough Beg Ballylough More Ballyloughan Ballylumford Ballylummin Ballylurgan Ballymacaldrack Ballymacdoe Ballymacfin Ballymacilhoyle Ballymacilrany Ballymacilroy Ballymaclose Ballymacmary Ballymaconnelly Ballymacoss Ballymacrea Lower Ballymacrea Ballymacrevan Ballymacricket Upper Ballymacward Ballymacward Ballymagarry Ballymarlagh Lower Upper Ballymartin Ballymather Ballymather Upper Ballymatoskerty Lower Ballymave Ballymena Ballymena Little Ballyminstra Ballyminymore Ballymoney Ballymoneymore Ballymontenagh Ballymote Ballymoy Ballymuckvea Ballymuldrogh Ballymullan Ballymullock Ballymurphy Ballynabarnish Ballynacaird Ballynacooley Ballynacoy Ballynacraigy Ballynacree Beg Ballynacree More Ballynacree Skein Ballynadolly Ballynadrentagh Ballynafeigh Ballynafey Ballynafie Ballynagabog Ballynagard Ballynagarvy Ballynagashel Ballynageeragh Ballynaghten Ballynaglogh Ballynagor Ballynahaville Ballynalargy Ballynaleney Ballynaloob Ballynalough Ballynalougher Ballynamaddy Ballynamenagh North or Cummingstown Ballynamoney Ballynamullan Ballynanaghten Ballynarrry Lower Ballynarry Ballynarry Upper Ballynashee Ballynastraid Ballyness Ballynoe Ballynulto Ballyoglagh Ballypalady Ballypatrick Ballypitmave Ballypollard Ballyportery Ballyportery South Ballyprior Beg North Ballyprior More Ballyquillin Ballyratahan Lower Ballyratahan Upper Ballyreagh Ballyreagh Lower Ballyreagh Upper Ballyrickard Beg Ballyrickard More Ballyrobert, Ballyrobin Ballyrock Irish Grange of Ballyrock Scotch Ballyruther Ballyryland Ballysavage Ballyscolly Ballyscullion Ballysculty Ballysessy East Ballyshanaghill Ballysillan Upper Ballysnod Ballystrudder Ballytaggart Ballytaylor Ballyteerim Ballytober Ballytober East Ballytober West Ballytresna Ballytromery Ballytunn Ballytweedy Ballyutoag Ballyvaddy Ballyvallagh Ballyvanen Ballyvaston Ballyveely Ballyveely Lower Ballyveely Upper Ballyvelligan Ballyvennaght Ballyvernstown Ballyvesey Ballyvollen Ballyvolly Ballyvorally Ballyvoy Ballywalter, Grange Ballywatermoy of Ballywatt East Ballywatt Leggs Ballywatt West Ballywattick Lower Ballywattick Ballywattick Ballywee Ballyweeny Middle Upper Ballywillin Ballywindelland Ballywindelland Ballywonard Lower Upper Ballywoodock Baraghilly Barard Barmeen Barnish Bay Beaghs Beardiville Beerhill Bellaghy Bellair Bellee Bellisk or Bellisle Beltoy Bendooragh Waterford Bentra Benvardin Bighouse Billy or Curramoney Birch Hill Black Hill Black Mountain Blackcave North Blackcave South Bleerick Boatinghole Rock Boltnaconnell Bonamargy Boneyclassagh Bootown Bottom Bovolcan Boydstown Brackenhill Bracknamuckley Brackney Brae Braetown Bravallen Brecart Breckagh Breen Brettens Walls British Brockaghs Brockish, part of Brocklamont Cargin Broom-beg Broom-more Broughanlea Broughanore Broughdone Broughgammon Broughmore Broughshane Lower Broughshane Upper Browndod Bruslee Bryantang Buckna Budore Bunshanacloney Burnquarter Burnside Bush Bushfoot or Bushmills or Lissanduff Ballaghmore Bushmills or Cabragh Cabragh or Caddy Magheraboy Cavanmore Caherty Caldanagh Calhame Calheme Callisnagh Capanagh Cape Castle Carclunty Cardonaghy Carey Mill Cargan Cargin Cargin Island Carlane Carmacmoin Carmagrim Carmavy, Grange Carmorn Carn-beg Carnaff of Carnagall Carnageeragh Carnaghliss Carnaghts Carnahagh Carnalbanagh Carnamaddy Carnamenagh Carnanee Carnanreagh Carnany Lower Carnany Upper Carnasheeran Carnave Carnbeg Carnbore Carnbrock Carnbuck Carncoagh Carncoggy Carncolp Carncome Carncullagh Lower Carncullagh Middle Carncullagh Upper Carnduff Carneal Carnearney Carnearny Carneatly Carney Hill Carnfeogue Carnfinton Carnfunnock Carnglass Beg Carnglass More Carngranny Carniny Carnkeeran Carnkilly Lower Carnkilly Upper Carnkirk Carnkirn Carnlea Carnlelis Carnlough North Carnlough South Carnlougherin Carnmoney Carnmoney Bog Carnmoney Glebe Carnmoon Carnmore Carnsampson Carnside Carnspindle Carnstroan Carntall Carracloghy Carravinally Carravindoon Carrickarade Carrickfergus Carricknafurd Island Carricknagarrowna Carrivcashel Carrive Carrivemurphy Carrivereagh Carrowcloghan Carrowcowan Carrowcrin Carrowcroey Carrowlaverty Carrowreagh Carrowreagh Mountain Casheltown Cashlan Castle Island Castle Park Castlecat Castlegore Castlenagree Castlequarter Castletown Caulside Cavan Cavanmore or Cabragh Chathamhall Church Quarter Church Tamlaght Churchfield Clady Clare Clare Mountain Clatteryknowes Claughey Cleggan Clegnagh Clementshill Clinty Clogh Mills Cloghan Cloghanduff Cloghanmurry Cloghcor Cloghcorr Clogher Clogher Anderson Clogher North Clogher South Cloghfin Cloghgaldanagh Cloghglass Cloghglass or Cloghinarney Retreat Cloghogue Cloghs Cloghy East Cloghy West Clonboy Clonetrace Cloney Clonkeen Clonreagh Clontyfinnan East Clontyfinnan West Clooney Cloonty Cloughorr Cluntirriff Clyttaghan Coggrey Coldagh Colebreene Lower Colebreene Upper Commons Connor Conogher Coolaveely Coole Coolkeeran Coolkenny Coolmaghra Coolnagoppoge Coolranny Coolsythe Corbally Corkermain Corkey Middle Corkey North Corkey South or Little Corlane Cormorant Rock Correen Corrstown Corrymellagh Corvally Coshkib Cow Island Cozies Craig Craigaboney Craigahulliar Craigalappan Craiganboy Craiganee Craigarogan Craigatempin Craigban Craigdunloof Craigfad Craigfaddock Craiginorne Craigmacagan Craigmore Craignagat Craignageeragh Craignamaddy Craigs Craigy Hall Craigywarren Cranfield Crankill Crawfordsland Creagh Crebilly Creenagh Creevamoy Creeve Creevery Cregcattan, part of Galdanagh Creggan Cregganboy Crevilly-valley Crew Crew Park Croaghbeg Croaghmore Croghfern Cromaghs Cromkill Cromy and Crookedstone Taggarts Land Crooknahaya Cross Crosshill Crosskennan Crossmary Crossreagh Crosstagherty Crushybracken Cubbindall Culbane Culbidag Culbrim Lower Culbrim Upper Culcrum Culdoo Lower Culdoo Upper Cullybackey Culmore Culnafay Culramoney Cummingstown or North Curragh Curramoney Ballynamenagh Curramoney or Curran and Currysheskin Cushendall Billy Drumaliss Cushendun Cushleake Cushleake Cushleake Mountain Middle Mountain North Mountain South Dairyland Deepstown Deer Park Deer Park Farms Deer Park, Great Deer Park, Little Deerfin Deffrick Demesne Demesne Upper Dernaveagh Derryaghy Derryclone Derrygowan Derryhirk Derryhollagh Derrykeighan Derrykillultagh Derrymore Derrynaseer Derrynisk Dervock Desertderrin Devil's Churn Dickey's Town Dira or Upper Dirraw Diskirt Broghindrummin Divis Doagh Dobbsland Donegore Dooey Doonan Doonans Doonbought Doonfin Doory Douglas Douglasland Dowgry Downkillybegs Drains Drains Bog Dreen Droagh Dromain Dromore Drumack Drumacullin Drumadarragh Drumadoon Drumaduan Drumagorgan Drumagrove Drumahaman Drumaheglis Drumahiskey Drumahitt Drumakeely Drumaleet Drumaliss and Drumanaway Drumanduff Curran Drumankelly Drumaqueran Drumard Drumaridly
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