From Boring Boxes to Beautiful Cost-Effective Houses a Study About Housing Development and Exterior Architectural Preferences

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From Boring Boxes to Beautiful Cost-Effective Houses a Study About Housing Development and Exterior Architectural Preferences DEGREE PROJECT IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND URBAN MANAGEMENT, REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING, SECOND LEVEL, 30 CREDITS STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2017 From Boring Boxes to Beautiful Cost-Effective Houses A study about housing development and exterior architectural preferences Rebecca Granström and Sofia Wahlström KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT MASTER OF SCIENCE THESIS Title From Boring Boxes to Beautiful Cost-Effective Houses - A study about exterior architectural preferences and housing development Authors Rebecca Granström and Sofia Wahlström Department Real Estate and Construction Management Master Thesis Number TRITA-FOB-ByF-MASTER-2017:35 Archive Number 493 Supervisor Tina Karrbom Gustavsson Keywords exterior architecture, housing development, multifamily houses, aesthetics, environmental psychology, residential area ABSTRACT The last time Sweden did face a major housing shortage was during the 1960’s. As a solution to the housing shortage, The Million Homes Programme was initiated. The programme did manage to get rid of the housing shortage, but has received a lot of criticism concerning its architecture and environment since its completion. At the time for this study, Sweden is experiencing yet another housing crisis. In order to manage the housing shortage in a more successful way this time, it is important to not down- prioritise the exterior architecture. The exterior architecture plays an important role in creating both an aesthetical appealing and a social sustainable built environment. But the scarcity of housing makes it easy to sell the produced apartments, especially in the larger cities, which reduces the incentives for the developers to prioritise the aesthetics. There is an ongoing debate in Sweden concerning a dissatisfaction with the exterior architecture and there is an absence of research regarding the end-users preferences. The identified problem that is addressed in this thesis concerns the down-prioritised aesthetics of the exterior architecture in multi-family residential areas in Sweden. The purpose with the study is to identify how housing developers can accomplish an exterior architectural design that is considered aesthetical attractive by its end-users. The study investigates preferences concerning exterior architecture, perceptions of the existing housing supply in Stockholm and how the housing developers can meet the identified preferences. A questionnaire was used as a method to identify peoples’ preferences and perceptions of four multifamily residential housing areas in Stockholm. Interviews were conducted with a housing developer to identify how housing developers can cost-effectively meet the preferences. The majority of the housing supply, built in what is generally considered to represent a contemporary style, did not satisfy the identified preferences concerning exterior architecture. As the title of this report indicate, the questionnaire respondents considered contemporary areas in general to look more or less like identical boring boxes. It was only the supply built in traditional style that satisfied the identified preferences. That is, the studied housing supply does not meet the end-users demand fully satisfactory. However, the interviews revealed that housing developers can satisfy the identified preferences cost- effectively by accompanying some suggestions of improvements. I EXAMENSARBETE Titel Från tråkiga lådor till vackra kostnadseffektiva hus – En studie om bostadsutveckling och exteriöra arkitektoniska preferenser Författare Rebecca Granström och Sofia Wahlström Institution Institutionen för Fastigheter och Byggande Examensarbete Nummer TRITA-FOB-ByF-MASTER-2017:35 Arkivnummer 493 Handledare Tina Karrbom Gustavsson Nyckelord exteriör arkitektur, bostadsutveckling, flerfamiljshus, estetik, miljöpsykologi, bostadsområde SAMMANFATTNING Senast Sverige upplevde en bostadskris var under 1960-talet och som en lösning initierades Miljonprogrammet. Miljonprogrammet reducerade bostadsbristen men har sedan det färdigställdes fått motta mycket kritik för sin exteriöra arkitektur och sin byggda miljö. Vid tiden för genomförandet av den här studien, genomgår Sverige ännu en bostadskris. För att hantera bostadsbristen på ett mer framgångsrikt sätt den här gången är det viktigt att den exteriöra arkitekturen inte nedprioriteras. Den exteriöra arkitekturen spelar en viktig roll i skapandet av en byggd miljö som är estetiskt tilltalande och socialt hållbar. Men den stora efterfrågan på bostäder gör det relativt enkelt att sälja de nyproducerade lägenheterna, särskilt i landets större städer, vilket reducerar initiativen för bostadsutvecklare att prioritera det estetiska. En pågående mediedebatt i Sverige vittnar om att det finns ett missnöje rörande dagens exteriöra arkitektur. Dessutom saknas det forskning om hur slutanvändarna faktiskt vill bo. Problemet som behandlas i den här rapporten rör den nedprioriterade exteriöra arkitekturen i bostadsområden med flerfamiljshus i Sverige. Syftet med studien är att identifiera hur bostadsutvecklare kan uppnå en exteriör arkitektonisk design som anses vara estetiskt attraktiv av sina slutanvändare. Studien undersöker preferenser rörande exteriör arkitektur, hur det befintliga utbudet av bostadshus i Stockholm uppfattas och hur bostadsutvecklare kan möta de identifierade preferenserna. En enkätundersökning användes som metod för att identifiera människors preferenser och uppfattning gällande fyra olika bostadsområden i Stockholm. Intervjuer genomfördes med en bostadsutvecklare för att identifiera hur de kunde möta de identifierade preferenserna kostnadseffektivt. Majoriteten av det undersöka bostadsutbudet, som är byggt i vad som generellt anses vara nutida stil, tillfredsställde inte de identifierade preferenserna rörande exteriör arkitektur. Precis som rapportens titel indikerar, ansåg enkätundersökningens respondenter att bebyggelsen i våra nutida bostadsområden generellt ser mer eller mindre ut som identiska tråkiga lådor. Det var endast bostadsutbudet byggt i en traditionell stil som tillfredsställde de identifierade preferenserna. Det betyder att den studerade bostadstillgången inte möter slutanvändarnas efterfrågan till fullo. Likväl, intervjuerna visade på att bostadsutvecklarna kan tillfredsställa de identifierade preferenserna kostnadseffektivt genom att följa ett antal förbättringsförslag. II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study was conducted by Rebecca Granström and Sofia Wahlström and constitutes our master degree project that encompasses 30 credits. It was the final project that we had to complete in order to obtain a degree from the master’s programme in Real Estate and Construction Management at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. The thesis was written during the spring of 2017 and the study was conducted at the private housing developer Skanska Sweden AB. Our academic years at KTH have been characterized by the, of that time, housing shortage in Stockholm. The housing shortage had not been as big since the 1960’s and the million homes program. At the same time, there was a construction boom in Sweden and never before had we seen so many construction cranes across Stockholm. Despite that, neither one of us could be sure to afford a home in Stockholm after our graduation. But that was not our only concern, we thought that the majority of the residential houses that were built during this time looked like boring boxes and did not satisfy our preferences. The emerging built environments did not feel neither welcoming nor homely. In order to not repeat the same mistakes regarding the exterior architecture as were made during the million homes program we decided to investigate housing development and peoples’ architectural preferences. We believed it was important to cost-effectively implement the preferences into housing development in order to obtain sustainable urban environments in the future. We would like to thank Skanska Sweden AB for the help and resources that they provided during the work with this project. We would also like to thank MarketDirection for their support with the questionnaire. At last, we would like to thank all of those who contributed with their help, feedback and knowledge to this project, especially the interviewees, our supervisors at Skanska and our supervisor at the Department of Real Estate and Construction management, Tina Karrbom Gustavsson. Stockholm, June 2017 Rebecca Granström and Sofia Wahlström III DEFINITIONS & TRANSLATIONS Definitions Cost-effectiveness There exists various definitions of cost-effectiveness but in this study, cost-effectiveness refers to being economical in terms of producing good value in relation to the amount of money being paid. End-user The “end-user” or simply “user”, is a term used by planners and architects and will throughout the thesis be referred to as the person that uses a built environment (Sternudd, 2007, p. 21). The thesis is limited and will only touch upon exterior architecture, therefore the end-users can be defined as all of those who observe the exterior architecture. This would for instance include both the residents in an area and the people that are passing through the area. Translations Table 1: Translations English Swedish Detailed Development Plan Detaljplan Skanska’s Housing Panel Skanskas Bopanel The Stockholm Royal Seaport Norra Djurgårdsstaden The National Board for Housing, Building and Planning Boverket The County Administrative Board Länsstyrelsen
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