Ziri ibn Manad

Ziri ibn Manad è stato il capo di una tribù berbera di nome . Secondo le fonti dello storico ha vissuto in Ashir, una piccola città fondata nel sud di Algeri. Egli è il padre di Zawi ibn Ziri, che fondò il regno di in al-Andalus. Per saperne di più visita Wikipedia.org © Questo articolo utilizza materiale tratto dell'enciclopedia online Wikipedia® ed è autorizzato sotto la licenza GNU Free Documentation License. Polskojezyczna Wikipedia - wolna encyklopedia. Download this dictionary. Ziri ibn Manad. â¦FÄá¹imids were loyally supported by ZÄ«rÄ« ibn ManÄd, chief of the Takalata branch of the á¹¢anhÄjah confederation, to which the KutÄma belonged. The parts of the Maghrib that the FÄá¹imids controlled therefore consisted only of the former province of IfrÄ«qiyyah, ruled before them by the . Ziri ibn Manad or Ziri son of Mennad (died in 971) was the founder of the Zirid dynasty in the Berber world. Ziri ibn Mennad was a chief of the Takalata branch of the Sanhajah confederation, to which the Kutama Berbers belonged,[1] as an ally of the Fatimids, he defeated the rebellion of (943â“947), and was rewarded with the governorship of the western provinces, an area that roughly corresponds with modern north of the Sahara. Ziri ibn Manad (Q205689). From Wikidata. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Founder of the Zirid dynasty. edit. Language. Label. Also known as. English. Ziri ibn Manad. Founder of the Zirid dynasty. Statements. instance of. human. 0 references. sex or gender. The Banu Bakr ibn Abd Manat (: بنو بكرâŽ) were an Arabian tribe of the Hejaz region,Bani Bakr bin Abd Manat bin Kenana bin Khuzaymah bin Mdarka bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Ma'ad bin Adnan, one of the most famous tribe of the Kenana tribes in the pre-Islamic era and was issued during the Umayyad and Abbasid , and is one of the largest Arab tribes number. They are the cousins of the Quraish tribe of the Prophet Muhammad and were competing with their cousins Quraysh for honor Ziri ibn Manad (died 971) was founder of the Zirid dynasty in the . Ziri ibn Manad was a clan leader of the Berber Sanhaja tribe who, as an ally of the Fatimids, defeated the rebellion of Abu Yazid (943â“947). His reward was the governorship of the western provinces, an area that roughly corresponds with modern Algeria north of the Sahara. Ziri had the residence of Achir built south of the future site of in 935, in which endeavour he was supported by the Fatimids with craftsmen and architects. Ziri ibn Manad fell in battle against rebellious Berber tribes in . He was succeeded as governor by his son Buluggin ibn Ziri, who in 972 became Viceroy of (972-984) when the Fatimids transferred their court to . Wikimedia Foundation. 2010. Ziri ibn Manad â” al Himyari as Sanhadschi (arabisch âزيري بن مناد الØميري الصنهاجيâŽ, DMG ZÄ«rÄ« b. ManÄd al ḤimyarÄ« aá¹£ á¹¢anhÄǧī; â 971) war Begründer der Ziridendynastie im Maghreb.