SEEING RED 'Hoodwinked Too: Hood VS. Evil' is in Film Clips PAGE B4


HEARTLAND FOOD Midwest dishes inspiration for cookbook PAGE 26

outstanding :mom Field School students jump over pudifies during the school's seventh PUDDLE JUMPER annual Wa'k to School Day on April 20. The 'walk, which started at Jonquil Terrace Park, helped benefit a Special Olympics athlete. I Rob Hart-Sun-Times Media

T oE-vLog 1! S21IN J_s NOI>i'O t0969 j$IO Aè9I13I1BfldS31IN DI1fld s:2-1IN T.000000 6T00 8i'T9E , 5T0-0101 -3i 611. TOURONS, APRIL26, loll 2 www.pioneerlocaI.com ali- r0dn5aa0,5Pert55Oo

ManagingEtlitor: Aalatl Schmita Phone: (708) 524-4433 msnlamita®pionecalorool.com I Loca' \ews THIS WEEK: 90220109 PREVIEW PROM FASHIONS SCHOOLS: MOINE R. STUDENT SORBAS FISHING CLUB PERFORMANCE: ZARCERO STEP (TOP 00 nOChEIlS POLICEI MILES MORAR AttN REtURNS SOPE I Fire Department to receive artifact of World Trade Center By JEIINIFER JOhNSON pneaied Matee Taweship, Ihn the Sept. 11th Families' Assoni- uniemorparated Moine Township mantis Ube shipping fee, he said. ))aS no a eMploI cello aal. earn aammunity tile North Moine Fino atino und the New Yorh ned New aller learning ahonl the ooiqac Once the pockage aeeiveo,n Department servas. Jarney Fart Anthonity. In Oho program frame Oneoghler in on- public opasiog mey teisa pInce, A piana nf Sloe Wand Trade 'We're still in Ike planning Chicago aras, rommonitias libo other wusicipelity. Aloe involned possibly during the May meet- Coaler is moaning ta ltBatne Torno- sIegas of what we'll da oaae we Nopeenilte, Corpentorsoitlo und teere Tinefighlor/paramedicu ing of the Mouse Township Temo ship. trove il," said North Maine Fire Cool Cily banc als arerai'ved rem- Greg Zobawshi end Nich Ruse. Bound, Witehe seid. The North Moma Fire Depart- Marshall Arnie Witoho,nehawas ouaIs, which they have incorpo- "IWel said, 'We've gatto do Meanh hopes the artifact will mentir the reaipiaat nf a 6-tant- inotromealol in securing Ike ea- rated 1090 their nuns Sept. Itmn- tlaio. We've gotta try Tor il,'" alwsys hooeemiadertu the nom- lank d-inah aside, 00-pound piace tifoat. "We're pretty eaafldent mariols, In Cool City, Iwo 5-loot- Witobe said. muvity nf the thousands who abtrat salvaged from Oho dabrio we'll pot it at Ridgewand far toll steal beams representing tire Joan opplicutino woo mailed laut died Sept. 11, 2001 inoluding ube of New York City's Wartd Tanda everybody ta uee end visir." Tombe Tnwers ntend outside the ycur and is Jaeaney the dopen- aeerly 405 Srefighleen attempt- Ceatar. Tloe deportmaat, whiah Piereo af 1ko Wand To-ode Can- Coal CiuypireDepurlment'seoaw ment learned the request bed ing tu rescue oconposis nf the rano awaiting the orti fante nr- ter, dastrayed io the Oept. 11, Ore 0100mo, been appreved. Lent woeb Trois Toweno. rivol lost wach, hopeo taure itin 2001, toernelot nOtarlas, oea being Witoke, 0200g with North Witeko recaivod on e-moli let- "We bell libe, who tener we aun a momoeial, peeferoblywitkiaon shipped lo Pee deparlmests, wo- Meine Disociar Pire Chief Mihe ting him heow the steel artifact de ta keep it alive aod Us Iba coburg Oept. 11 aaaeraaanial at eivipolitios and voriaus organi- Seonk, workod to requent o wes about rohe shipped, heartu of evsrybody, that's es- Ridgervood Cemetery iaantnaar- ootioaooroandtkeocorld thraugh World Trade Cenler romanaS Inc The naty cost to 1ko deport- allyroi509 ian all about," he seid. Man fights off intruders in Nues home invasion By 108CR GROEN mee and the ollhndere struggled Corlrit llar with each nthee baforo 5ko via- trw chasod them tram his home. Patire were loaloleg far laBore- "It does ont appeer Sobe gang- motion regordi:ag e heme inva- related," said Nitos pollee 0go. TRANSFORMATION sion Skat tank plane April2001 Robert Tornubene. He seid sorb- o homo ne the 9000 blank uf ingwos token Beam the heme. I,S WITHIN YOU Chester Avonua, in Nitos.) Tko Nitre Fahre Deportment - A 27-peor-aid moo raid dean- was ashing anyone wka muy hove sperifled aumbrr ob intruders iolorwntianregerding the iseo. forced their wny into his resi- sioe or similar ieaiaterit to roll dence and tried ta castrais him the Investigntion Division, 1047) MniithW atO o.w. April 20. Fahre 00td the 006-62MO. a reinul-n.time,in budget, end booked by 98-year instatiatbyn and 15-pear-construction warranties. CelI 088.349.1714 lu Weel will request recount arrange a omplimenlory consultation today, in Niles trustee election SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE! By TRACY GROEN Wool bus uotil Monday to wehe hin rorcant oeqnest oISelaI. CiRAose from 18 months same-as-cash or optional pions Ceeltitulot ro hoorros opta 90% ut your noostvormoith retos starting al A discovery recount allows a 4.64% APR." Contant nor aen000liarr loan openioLiol lar datarla, Aloe Werl han derided to re- losiogcaodidute who names quest o recount of tho cotes le within 2 pecroot nl the rvi0000' the roce foc Nues nilloge lousier. lohavear00000t aforo mochos www.airnnm.comfPP Acrnrdiog Bathe olOnial cien- 02 percent oltbre prachsola in the A4IR tino results, Wed connived 992 eteoline, which i n sevra preciuctu untes und Rooemoo'y Falickire- irr ike Nues niltagr trostac airo- savor,ens - Ohoaooing (rondando al pradunrs und design norebivutines La tollanne setlirrgo-oisia today) ceived 1,016 rates, an lS-votc dii- LOOsama:.yPolicial han stuted HOME ADDITIONS KITCHENS [BATHS 1h01 she hopos the results onwulu I BASEMENTS CUSTOM HOMES "I'm going to requeolu dionov- ecyreconaat," Wed said. the 00mo illboeyoreccrounted, He will ueleat seven bui nokoowlodgesWecl'spreeog- stivato request 'a recount. Siso Wrestle maniacs hier-yen-5W lles Rieres, at Riles, ast S-yesr'alt Mikey Reels Oient loHnt 10e notch tornera Willy comido reeoets etrerauraOo... v,000,or000000eUon000oaorev,i4006retoa01000 annosa 000aflanU, nanioeanroeel.aaa.ttrn saaeaOniauo,eaana7/rs5susaeaaeorearoono he wants to hace recountod. ne ras ,rsoo.a,rar,e,s 500i(000nn, arrren000su n,araao,rirant,anrrieeareer,e,nrceauoonrren00050lso "The macgin is tao slim to ig. said il is importuns In honran- "Es Rant' Rishordsen sed Niel Caller lea the Ctieeqa Blyle Wresiteg Sesayonigiri Cheepia055ip Toe soeur eso pert 0110e Liens nero it," Wed said. cocote elentios results. CloS Uielelss reelrdssa, "Epti loastOlry." at St MeriSEs C000sh io Uribe Graue an April f. I Joel Lerrrer-Soe'Aees Medie NIL 'TIIOROORI, APRIL 28,01)1 S PITBEPS PROlO PU?LICSTITN 'SIL 5 4 news www.pioneerlocal.com www.pioneerlocal.com glOWS MAINE EAST HIGH SCHOOL Nues librarians head to London * 000S000ALSOURCE * INSIDE THIS WEEK CALENDAR 10 Preview0 for royal wedding watching CR100SARO 50f FILM (CIPO II OFICIOS By JENNIFER JOHNSON lt

Is he sa nSp ion wer loca Once POLICERLOTTER . tt Royal wedding parties set in Park Ridge IC00000 OS theprom While milliooa tone in long-dis- By JENNIFER JOHNSON "t rnaajast going lo rnetrh (the sHABTIMRO Rl tance Friday to the royal wedding wedding) al home aleen, bnl Meine Oes! High Schoolanpininad faculby co-spon- o! Prince William end Kate Mid- j ehe sorllpioe ne clans mom n!udsetagonapmenìemofilnn sor Paie Lashy dletoo, librarian Cecilio Cygnar Ioniaonietied like a foe waythee i theaghl, 'Who! line meek. LeO's invite Line eeighbarhood," muet popuior n!ylsn foc Io addilion te ginieg alu- of the Rilen Pobtie Library in pion- Non going lathe wedding ofto get logether' cobb fr-lends ned SLIIIESHOW prem dnnieg Ihn nchns)'sd sels se idea of minet ta snatch Obis encra," Sesserneid. abc said. niog In celebrote the festivities Fi-iene William and Kale Middle- ninth annualPramPusinion mean ni them peom, the coch- TIre onnnn is Opec lathe pole- In antinipatlee of the big day, nlongside the peopto of London. ton? Don't be loo diseppaintnd 010ow an Aprilio. ina skaro nino pronided dosa thene orn still oppanOuninies talin end dosraliorns muli heercep!- Pengusan onus ancuegisg u Cm- denella-thamad diapley in the The show, hosted by theeounoii membors with en- toltce peri in Afar big dey io Poila ed for Sena Ieenelli Studios. Meirr Rost Janion Ciecotnsprenssnial nnprriewnn, Ridgn. A public dewing party is cIscstore's wind000, carne!! ese din- Council, fsotarsd dr esses Lnsiny seid. Pi-eh your reos! fantine hat and Oehing placeo! & O-Ioni-ptayefoaiari & I-Iunbegtan's nul- trono David's bridle and Dein, "This inno enpocin000 Por iogtanjewsiena et 000 0/2 Mom laotien uf auppirire jewelry is heodorerto tIre Fork Ridge Non- as mellon tunedoes fromshe atodeals benaeonnvenl Frogo Ca ateto 720 W Go rdso Sn., SL in Upiomn Purin Ridge-Doettnbosan of the stnse costalead Sanni Ponwalmneor. Forty libe it's o nwal inusinesu," hw wheneavinoning ettite neye! wed- will npen alo n.m. ead Bnglirh mithin Kate Middietne'a fnmouu student wodols sleppod sold. "We do aO tine pinoniog diag cnlebralioe will begie atOteas Prom Tea Lote,iiS. Psirriern, mili be serned uloog- durO hone TOtO nisg but onto Ihn cuimulin foc ihr end oil ihre enoclanling oed em. Doors opon et 8-00050. ene ley to get oil Ike dona- According Lo ongoninen Leigh one')1 hove oseppbirs dispicy rei- orenL which eodiencn wem- sida seoass und other Orseta, ne- heno peid $5 serbio nt!end. Soerail iradiniooal iSoglisic teacording On nnglainer Seseo Per- ebruting bec eagagemesocieg," "Uitimute!y we use Ihn "Ot'sagcnat espoo'menre for " - end amnats will b e sentad while Ferguson said. foods to holy sainnidian line 00m kids to (earn to ron on Photos of the Week cosbaiprom for ses! yeer," enwn! libe this." Ilpesh CelAs darnes deer 15e conway st MaIne Last High !nhnnis Penn P5511mm Ohes 00April h j thelma little-Fol Sas-Opes Cella lilas Publio Library liberian Catita Cyg- sien and, ai Ihn Innato atiend- Plosob, eneOher Riles Libreryhet-laniog Lendanars, seys ase Tuteas sah el the pon! eses llrasgh rar is treoelir$ te larden with hopes at inganeighhacknadpanly leg Oho hntnns pnieoesr in harmed tOe lasses st lee phslsgraphnrs olsoirl the wedding praaessira st Prieos aisfferl bene benn bloggieg chou! el pleaser erenn sed Ate leseas dieggorsu au nine !runain down ifa Silliest an! Kate Siluetar. Pta11 anar "03051 tell like this is e once-ta-Wiiihaw end bOo's big day ne way et Canilla Cygrsr e-lifsliwe oppontonity end O mani- hllptJ/noyaloosddiegulaflns.hiagspn slrests of Landas wuald k ed tobe linens far Lbs wedding,'teem. Tine bing includes licha ta said Cygner, who has !ravnled ton erna netlrise an tapirs from the "Ba Ornee if! don't, i won't h Cygnon', a nell-described "on-Londan abon! 10 times penvioos- gasal yet and kam On inca! s med- disoppointad bemuse at bust SPORTS glaphile," enana! luehy enengtn lo ly. dleg dewing party, to lbs an- cee nay I mes io tine oily Pon 1h snag an invilatino lo Ohs wedding "I jusOwent an be in tine townnouncemeel nf Kate's drsas do--enes!," she nddnd. itself, ho! ohs and libroniso Mary while this gaing on. The whale ein Cygnor planned to Oaks "load Millen decided tally to lbs Unit- at London is going to ka diTanaol." Cygronn who weds eure in packof pinOurcu" and bing about Lb ed Kingdom with leo pen of mich- Perweahanow, Cygnar end fel-e fesLina hei tan Line anrasion temood in London und the celebra lega gliwpae of Ihn sines! pnonns- low repel metcksr Maniqueuncid belog onfashiceahie amongLions tahing piece.

DAKTON BRIEFS The Baldan Commasnity CaOnge Al- leakasees kanon-ed bilks scena of Wind Penonn' Banics (TOC CR- leans Since Ifalrbra (ART P17-Oil, Ilaace far Lifsloag Looming al- disabOily on deeih. Session wants OO) pnonidna sinaaicundnnuloeding end Laaio Sailiraor's Pinard Idea icia dionrae conrees 05 Gtnabnoola tTRA p.m. Msy h Coarse Ose is al leed power gauscation, clapira (SOIS TOT-Oil. Soanh High School, dogo W Lahs $25. include esthoeling pnodartiao and Pons complein MOnaca ion Life- YOURSEASON Ave., GiantIsm Pnetenaieg Year Pele lia-00gb inslaileg a celad power ryrlem. iocg Leannieg dom echnduln, is- lostanerlaaeiagfon'HeLGBT Recide FLeming (BUS OSO-Oil de- Pnoc-wesin coanas means 7-9 p.m. nlodiog registration end Ire infor- tnt nSsAIels nsaereoe st yae high Cemraooih' (13GO SOS-Sl) saplonen lete proatsions ead tund macage- Tlmnmrdays cleating Muyo. Course mation, alait noncnoahtor.edu/ell echsota sports lesee stank sut ham members at the lesbian, gay, meen geared spseiiicaily fon pela. fee is $70. on neil (047) 002-9808, pnssn 0. yaurnsesasoas for sideas, piolas, biasxnal, and tmnogsndsn nanean- Bassins menina-ORO p.m. Mayo. 0th areas dable monceau! SORO reehirga. sed hinan Cask sabios Connes Penh $20. este anO select vair eOltsaI se oilien ree maton sono their (mancia! lanuda l°hetegnaphieg Ree' Or- Br'infa, PAGE 14

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR CONTACT USAT SI100-SERSLO SPECTATOR flee O-croie enraslenaiseee,ls,etnss.Oe craie Lanes rs rae entrar Vires aersis-Seounseer. naciese Ore. sleeries, ti senSatey eon' leali ass-mrs filaIres mccl renlele sees.sausrn esa eornee asaco See this button? Assit lesee! your sews. prone releuseu nr ddf pestes st eilssyeraldepsotstwaes

eseaeeeeey ineeeuaeiaru Mirhelle OlIda wedels s goes Iron Osdifs Bridal le lAs Pron PesAron Otadorls-lamred-rrsdels 40111er in the halloay balare rsaiferg lIre crespi Thaws Mille-ini Sem-Oinsa Sella Ahair.Ihalna little-Per Oar-floes Sedie rsntsnrmOnr,uers,en,rson, ler,l,rcesle errieterdeeoorr,ere,r,ec,,re, stelee,rLusc,r ntsOseotL salO 7 www.pioneerlocal.com li/t - 15//SOSO, 00$/i/B, /0/I / P109510 0811/ ?UBL/C1i//9 - 9/t www.pioneRrIRcaI.com 130/wa

SHERIfF'S REPORTS and at $000, a $000 v/dea-abaat anon/h cnr//no, No HILES NORTH HIGH SCHOOL arrests mora immed/ate/1, 2'Iosfal/aa,iooginonidaolla/OI loo- game oye/em and abeat ioocorpnratadMsi000 Taw,0- $/00 month alvidea games s/oipoo,rraaa000pi/ad /y I/ormsre repoeted ele/sn team PROPERTY DAMAGE Peak Ca00000y S/oar//f's De- the spec/meek Alum returns with from-the-heart performance A vahiete woo reported part meo, a. Road era ara re- BURGLARY TO VEHICLE o,oindad I/oat aS arreot does damaged Apri/tal Crest. Hg PAT GROCRMAL weman, aarh oOmhom me/-aent o$ the uppar aed mid- lost aaosiit lola afioodioog af A nah/o/e wan borg/ar/sadmoad coadorn/a/aoaos and p105shna/@/iansor/seo/.oam ooman ihe sad/once wi/hdle rlaeswhe have eltrad- pa/II. Ooolye laura af boa1500 Apr/Il oc/he 0500 bloc/o etapectmretn en the 99/O tea. Bark inlrndn005 hsrselfed pr/nate Eng//eh onhao/s ,,oaket/,atd510r011iola//alo. Park Lane. b/orb al Ha/tp Lane. Ano/in- Sah/ca Mo/ib, a/OS/N//en or/Sb She stamp of her 1/le, inPah/atse, toni/h said, crvcb/nlenaaarsportadduio. Nnrth High Sohoel gradu- 10k//e n/so aop/a/e/ng her The dreos-moher se/lea ASSAULT A thett from a reh/rio aged lbs sama doy e/Poi/co ata who has bren,oeeetieg Man/im rallare and the sa-lutnee bride mho hes rame Ca000r Peres, 08, at 5/sepactad no the 8000 b/nnh aland Ga/tRoedo. o/a/ta astir/c then/er cir- por/oseen nhe hashad /0te hem lora wedding gown /0000 Ia/arIa al Ha//p Lana, Went Dan/o Staue/man no. o/ea, damans/reted herta/- thoscaaetmyso'eco thashoal mhnl happaned ta bar asoinaarpoaa/ad Ma/nepan/sd Apri//O. Propeety dsmaga reparto cs/o Apri/ lo/at her e/ma tragedy 00Sept, //, 2001, an the wop to her bent were Sled April 40/Creel- Or/cad's wadding. i/swoon/nip, mao changad no/tb THEFT Honoavar, hacaaae nitime simple assonaIt Apri/I. Ar- wood nassdomtniamn aosd 'hepieyovright, ectress loenors, Malib performed A gnasl lesos se Amer/- carding /apn/ineanaighhaa A vehicle mao reportedspnrtmeeto on the /00/0 asd os/a ariloS ed Soath na/p Shrao ot the mono-nan wedd/og net an/p de- aaaooeed Peres at tloranoing n/n/en Aprii / an/he 0/00 b/och al He//y Lana; April / Ao/an her/nage lnha was inguesI "Maryom," s Pab-manded thaI she rernave a ase nf bear at 6/min the b/nab olParis Lmsand Apr/b at Go/ITerrare Apoytmon/s bore/n Landen and on/- islani-Aas000-icsnsaomslressher h/jab, the veil nacer/ng /aundry roam al/heir apart. 7 loom Ga/ITnerane Apart- oaths 0000 hierbal Go/I grated to Shohie whan oho who nwosa draoo shop onher heed tor mm/igloos rea- acsetbuildisgie /hn Casal-wroato on/he 9600 b/ac/a ei Ternann; ano/Apri//O on/he was /5, presenled portines Chioago'o Devon Aveaun;aena, ho n/nsa b/ed her te Low Price Guarantee on All Tire Brands In Stook ovood camp/sn. The via//m Oe/lTerrsce. 5400 bianba nf Margall Av. nO her ene-bornee show, "Shabana," a young rapIront olber two paesogeh//- /aid pa//ao Perro had bean anua and/ha 9200 b/enIo at "Uaae/led," to se aadieene oct/st ai Soath Aaian de- A ceo/dent of Crastoanod Prone Miryam'o mann- nsa/I/ag him and wards Dolph/a Straet. el etudeets end teachers. areas wha msa born aco-- II nuera ana hanged betweencondomiosiusan and spart- /ngnsei uo0oroa5o,0o. HIT-ARR-ROM Ma//h, whose mother ro/sed la Landau; sod Iba tono mea befare iba al- meets on the /0000 hinab el name 1mm the B/her "Lay/a," a Chicago rontaa- "I n000ld heor wa/bed swap /agad cae-//naonmg /nnidenl Ho/lp L ano aoad an antan- Ah/5-aaod-o-aeaonidoctovan prov/nra otlnd/a and lasher rent owner olMiddia Rast- sed janl /gaored h/m, bui, I oraaeo'ed. The nina/rn ones a/an cand ta i//agal/p oh/sinreported Aprii / a/Ralbad Ra/i/so loBi, o Ohieo$o'hssed ployodihl. 0010006 In/s pel/aFn0000 el/let os/ 9/les 80db ps/ao/a, $51- didn'l want toben naoaard /cem Puejeb in Ps/o/o/an, /0 SeIned gpd/ /4/or 0/040016 I/co aom-ssose s/cs "/sarileO' teotures Mo/il b psoonvo as loe 4/I/scesI hi' cm descant mhnsa bra/her Golf MIII FoEd not p/rank, pulire paid. eiectrinity 1mm the baud-Rand and Lince/o Sr/vr. oMnolim, And she threads died try/ug to ba/p paopte Ic trono eO mp ch/Ideen, Yac nage hal/may, pa/ico said. isb-oseso/og MasOn scuolalanosos Be/I-las Ones Ms/io neo, snorpildog Ide, my ah//- BOU IILARY FIRE the rich nantoms sOber se- as/he/win tomera le/I, 847-47O-9SO Tha a//eged theft loas o//o- cesory and retg/oe Ihraag/s- on what ancormed ta fl/bk atrocgsr," Ma//h sold, want/ato/l itaoawrl'/er," Marysm is a Pakistani- o-ree will do, Ill/ct peaS/e A o'eoideoot oi Crentonoed coaered bye rentai agent ne Improper/ydisoerded oot her werk. end Hindu nsmmaeil/os. i "The cao/e/ tees/ne / en-she odded. Amocican mho lives on troni one b/he garbage, my - anodam/viama and span/- ApcO 0. Aeeoo-d.iag ta pe//canhas'coa/caasode/s-oelroc/o "The aharaalers ore in-ssarsedwciting/n2008 andpsrieeaed te Landanend Ma//b, 04, creatad "Un-Daran Asense in Ch/mago, bids wi/b do the same, men/san/he /0000 bloc/o/ba aa/seo/en oecd waeto stadi an See Ape/i /0 av npirad by what heppeeedon/lb sank prodorlian, thehero, taa /mpartad me asvei/ed" arnund the rnono-She spaaioa with a P5k- al Liada Lana to/d pa/leche piagged /ato aba//may out-the 8800 b/orb of Car/cab atore Sept. 11, 250/, basadser/pto kept gett/sogap/aponr/ghnaedmahasnea/ogues al direMoni/seialar/.Bdtish amooat, the an- A/sos, PAGE 10 ocr/ved hamo on Marah 0/ /et and nsa anden a door sed Drino, aloe Nor/h Msiooe Pire to fled 6/e/cane door h/eked in ta nc apan/mant uait that Srportmeatrepoeied. Pire- in and the doar 6-ame on the hnd lin e/ente/nt/y abut etffightara eot/sgaishnd Ihr lining-room Oaon. ATVvaI- by Commonwealth Edinan

RIit'1PX HOLIDAY DISPLAY AT MAINE EAST Is Your Bank Drowning You In Fees? Sponsor/i nappeS for 4010gO ega/s in 50//b Sosnoonkol punies that palan ppeolmh- meet SCura W41A Ol/lmc fIreworks dioploy foeriro 000f n/ed loe agn'nnd to/end lbs ola//sp/ayo, opoiwsonomm TIFs opamar al Iba aoaaa/ Gremneisa is /005 abon he Kasbto Hahn said. Escape to Inland Bank-a different approach to banking! Thinking of SELLENG Your Home? de/y /rd /inewao/os ohaw in mm approaehad byfarserr 'We're ma/y in shop/as- Coli for o Free Market Analyato 847-674-9797 l'ssc/o /0/doe Ihr the Pant bao Mayor Hnonsrd Prionark ond slag sIsges sad sanar/ng//sl With Choice Checking, you bank your wuy yearn asid his nampany nd/I /onmrr Per/o Stdge t/socm npesnnmn for the thomar/os i/. noi aoetdkate money/a /6/o at/coo aod Pm/o Siotrint Cam- se/li5 Hahn said. and selsot premium Services that work bout for you.,.aII with no hidden fees! eammer'O pyro/rolonins dia- misolauer Slab Ssrlao, mho ho add/tier, Mcl Th//eoe, no p/OP. Wels /uaidng for Snanaia/ la- cam/p cleated Psdo Ridge Tany Saooeaoaioi, oh/nt na- ohisonn Recreehen ar//Pm/n Sktdnt Slap by a/cd 050001 550500In 000 00100020FO.04002050000,00000 10400 0004 0155055001015 FeO0000 00,0 ana//an n/Once of dsoori- S l'sale a//°arlo Ridge meca moosms/mioecr, ss/d the Poor/s Oed oat how 0040400 001 senO/y soleo,.:1! 1t.!000 ,0511IsI400,150eoovoe,osW00700,oI 2101000200100 nan/laglnnom, said hia,deni- ta aoknbw-er Iba ni/y for /Odge Indien Soon/n base 05050455 In I-- we nao) aeoWoeoln,-I,. 00040.F0.5.500, 00,000 &200,00.2 F041 020147 00mo 040200000020,101010000 elIlIOt05010,500 ,,0000InfflO,0000l5001100fln,OI0,1,05000/075 10001 s/no/on/op doom ana spon- nos/o re/e/ed/e pu//lag oc slapped np hIm e/loes ta 50510 500100005040, your personal n0401aooe000005105000o05. 001000000000 40,0 5 olee 2/6700no 2 on sor s/On year io tied la the //la maoo/, Suaeasrhd om'd he -he/p caine landa tor the I/no- 0000,o0o5oot ni/y al Pack Ridga'n dario/an ma/ed be willing ta msuase momios. The group p/sen Sa aad baaineoo Vio-1 un alan/s a/our/nv 00000llnv/ Chicugoland iocabno/o 01 www.ielaedbank,corn 010,000 000onoc5001snon005n9- aus000sronooens na/tn allarga the '1/sn/e oP hie opaeooanloip o/the Jo/y nat no/Se Or/ossa for $20 caobo bank//S needs, 04 /noa,ATM old Ni/hl 004000515 oovi551 01 sl/bao/bmI TelnohoFs /oaio/07 060050.3/IO 000! ,oOloSolus,10179.000 $055,000 Park Ridge aagoaoba/ian lar led Sonnaor/ou ko hopes ols'oinbtg $10,000. rupon500 abc aity innaos "i dann make eaPproiis ar 'l'ina Pm/o Ridge Clssosobee of Eimhurst Glen Etlyn Oleo Ellyns Hawthorn Woods Pram that anre/ated, mid- monrpaildoioogths tes. Cosmeerne in cow sas/o/ng Countryside

oSorka, asod iI/ovan, b wonid, /oaoinesaeo oIl//leg to donnts nsn510am.5. meo Oel,mt, In 20050 nIas Oa005Slvsoa 005 55e.1/5500F raanslsasas,IL mOI "/1 Par/o Ridge doesn't 0/ eopnnl /he rib' io psy far pr/seo br/he ca/OW 700-679-431/E 630-G34-9$0G uoroln.lomool 630-85$-5555 847-72G-2265 need the 20-grund team my 055rosre," he asid. o/no/pl b the teoo/atice dair 630-620-5212 them la cao Tas/e of l'edo T/oo Pack Ridge lOcomotion toc 1ko frnewoeho, Ho/ne said. 550004 400005.5 00W Ridge then thsy duet nerd und PO4-k Dio/cine io lbs maie LaoS pear tilo meat mm H/llside Lake Zurich Lombard Morton Orage 1/lilo Pork SPaCIOUS O5000 sOc05 i/from ms/o pay fur //re. argon/mr Slake annual inde. mousd up ana day in m rL wan/np," Snaosnniod noid. peedeune Soy Scemaeim as .aooeaas aoon 51IOO5.l5O0 Soet to nava monaS 70G-562-2200 847-72G-2265 630-983-0600 047-503-1907 630-530-5000 Aaeednaeflaginnom, Maier 1/ast High Snhaoi Halos said theeronesioltid' 9W OoeOo 1802 which baa an o/Sae in Up- Pach din/riel o/Sa/es ars nom p asma aener/saisty solo 'salaI 0120,000 2000P1000527000/id lame Parlo Ridge, dom/rd ho la/ba no/tb t'no new posse. mhathar the Sneonorbn maId4 $/5,0/0 toward the lna- Stai inane/st oponnoen end aatus/lpOaaeur shin year dar oradas pmgram /n 20//t and srs ooe/siag bids 6am nom- en badgetaryronstasintn iî www, pion e eno ca Lcom titi' lilt 00011 fa toll litt .00 1PtA 00000fb 'Jill mog.Ie3ohMgIloisa.www 0 PIONHO PRESS PUBlICATION. AIL www.pwneerlocal.com RECREATION MAINE EAST Student tacklesnewschool activity withfishing clubOrchesis te retacaba at neat strip 'tiro rtub'n par- Founder hopesrnhaaaheb,aeny A Lb anao'tatre b'Fintrîaah. benefits to 'ure newbies thtamacarach Thnhrhaotnb bnao'e of- to the sport. Ortady oran yer, onore tOron heap riant tlaa ndonao t'e a r,od tap. Health espeeiallv girls ill.rb , fotOne bane tara Lo raId oc b anotild ianbd too rt on iarofor e.0 m-n o atoe Apa'it H BÂMU PMi$OPOLOS tetnrnamenajn whOA nome Center eta a onrodanto bitt tora ta- The Moiea tIent Oroheste netn, eintnrng Oattan Donoe.Cnmponp prosonled Thron are aboute three "Donor for o 000se," Oho enrOot- overa' etat in the groop's oonnat show, on .'naei7tntBaaae ha_antri He neidha Apoib to ood Apejt 10. dnaan'a neo nana' 01000 0mb, Rolf of the prooeadn faoat boo 'Or nenioltar oleo ileroro Theaa,a", ria Ohr showwhich feotoaad arrIma n he aoaiv- ovocietyotdenoeettates end netad.Ttnn ocigtnot ohoreogrophy by aro ttk'rlr to ha sjadants - wet-a denotad to Oho Meise Township Dion znoiaaw Wattle nutri. Mona fr000 007 Pohool-Sened rotti la_oo'e abete anno ttthbtg Haetth Conjoc, jocoted 00 tanbenntna,Tbnnannhodaaft Mojen Sent, Makiogegnent oppeer- oene noce Mejed Sooth High Sohool's Adn000ed S000a stese stodants, who a_no nOah witt je- paaformado pcofosoioeolty ta nlornaherohie nord ehorongaophed piooe end (roo ooiginelpiaoasohoaao- grephad by Moine Snoth docce iostt'notor Jacqueline Wane baa alte etooh,\histtiat Sieotoie Oanheels :ttoolnian:aaMreonett Moine fIsso sponsor Kris100 Seshe otee h.altbnnaearnncnrtttoaa'iah ohoaaogrophad ano pieoes fastet Anuo Siebent poterne during ciaste rettsnoi for Maint East Higo Seheol's Oaehofre thon, entitled "tento fee a Cosen" Ihn shso,'ekith cojead corey loe theSobaeel'bossd for Oho oompsmty members. leciti Cartee et Maite East, cas ste5ed Opti lt enO Opril 1h I Jot (atgtsne-pnr Ion-tines Medo fonfoni PeTit. 1g, Use atotad s tatiag abb et Majar seat. I C000ajbtateH POSOS

DiSTRiCT $4 ALDRT MAINE HAWKS VARSITY FOOTBALl. Report: Girl followedChief lauds good off the gridiron 0JEMNIFER JOHNSON ovatati roarad lantjaod acoto- atterra ruined naooly $7,050 jaltanian tian inn000 nf tatadre- oatyanaforSpaciol ago att'ittttirrg," ttorninohiOtyoapino, according On by suspicious vehicle fataler Sanata bigla OttooratantoonPolioe Cttiet Joe Sntrnntitetor,rnpmnnnttjp t'at'- 'l'entra atanataboro triso Pelta, D'o'ootor of (Ore tttionis tan faa_halt tentar terrineS joirtad trnjjno Dtrpnntatantat Loan En1000eeraot Torch nra banano atajo atona Ir, jaartortaant irr loe proal Jotoe'o flato. 'nott-jon ha_an adore jan at for tite 'ternit lottal'arrSpontan Korntitrnki asid the part- Olnaaap'aeo atorO ra "plaattr patti" naraltip nniah the n'oost'Oy alt O'Hattn tartertttrt.'rttttrtojt_ t'ootbnll tarot non o "citiamo l'or-Or tOldar l'olino ('talai' latrai t ra nrais'r trtrattat tar ajar llar Otto Patina Deporaorarol h itnnojootri ata_arriad rartttje.ratirata,'t'iratortrar tat ittlar,aot ro-ith tirato Ont roaratareartiaogrtiarnt tanta_ ataatt onodInar theft and arranar' dea_'eranataonaentaaa tat atto otanttr Onotdraahip and nor" on nnnr,are'oX:t- tatraare prott tarad r','tatar' ita Ottimi iarg tier their eneoranoitl'." tht tiria atoo' fer tataree, taatrattatai tadd. Savraol nteorbrro attire \'oatt gtat ar Irrt oat' tatacar' torrar orno ott homnd terra' l'l'yooytea. tratarentareatt'itlraltr'arnnpt tire (bOrIn Sprnitl Urjo tiort anni biinht (Ont yarrary gatto,' Ore narid, Amonados babntf aOrtae cc' ltaaino.rWatai'onptaalaryinae \Viatr laelp (tratta tire font- irr leant. Atno prrn rat anon on 0ea__ao -on,, 0otv a Lt-ar tn'_, '1 babo Veteas deeres lathe spotlighi nudholarelana cadran latro tntttaataat,ahepnjiarDe0ntron Hamad Corteh Dovtd Snenrat. Maine test High Sthuel Orehesis Osasses athaaase tot atela eeeaei thee. I Jon ietghon-Fee Ste-fleet Made I Jet tenghsnt-par tonTines MeSs to neyrn filL. IHteltyS, OtRI www.pioteerlocal.cOm - lt till lInt ft ïHfH ,tfi?illHT -(IO rnes,leoohsoaieia.wtois ill n pivompeonopueicanioo'NIL www.pioneerlocMl.com BIeNs 11 well io something that it er. Ir, the peelormenoc. Ihr Reehol Sepiashvili,oto. mee attemptedle hitloolly cheat some Oh ingyelp-aid Sophectototool POUCE Alum pretty neplaasent. She is IOrt'sm tees leersled nod Shohis, said ehe ulsobila Ceolinaed from PAGER charged evith essaalt. dooSogmith e ditecnit topic, real connection te bot her personality cod Mai10'5 thevein care center Malib said the drecesee pros0000tiun, beeerssoohs all ether enyeciaeces, eswnrmth shows thraagh," is Jrmish." I eon 1h0 Missing Nues North teen Sslsatdeess W!tlsoeol Seegeey Nen-Innooeise Salutiseoa fer: -, "So I looked Obro man voy SooDunsgndigelpsno straigtet in the eye oed said: stell as these she baal'sleid Timothy Cromase, thepeople look el Tressessrntrfi li teiles North's thealee is. Sothodet 'limero ColseToor 'Sir, you nord Orgel on edu-checo from others foe her Jews. It's hurtful,Thsy'ro '.Vmicnsa Vdns Leg SwotSog i Doogb/Drp Side Ame ' Wdnklco REASON oteador who tanghtMalik. sot doing anything cation, becante you're igno. melerial. Theo inelades toelni, found safe, unharmed tyidra Veins Lng Discomfort 'UvmmssdHsir those she bed esa atadent "IO mas very collet daringJost fcllemhogwhotthrybc 9306 Nalional at t?ePael University, senher performance. Trnly, the lieve," Sepioshvili sold. Be MIKE ISAACS pall speabaw al theupee oaellshls New pleased to orteil - - Morton Grove, 1100053 "'Ilbeman: 'F..,yealYee're studente were toached. Oar encoBes mperloees OscnitnontelO 50v 0510 aant&rleaen tre in America, take tisaI e... offodte cod nether of feor, cod "ThaIs mtoy t'vefonndthh n Iseo asApie re e ris s s las n 0979,000 year hood.' as a trachee at Aboieboy earns ap le her asdseioapirieg. I've nevereels Silceasued acAsO losen therapy "Maricen 'That's right l'orMontanead' scheel in Cab coked, 'Aro all 0h ese storIes aeything libe itbetorn" Shohie police April on entra ÇoeRlc5 tehsueoltllliatsd oren CSI.I.1500I. ENTERPRISES Aeeeeiea, where I hIve 007 Pech, based on troth?' He beds Martin Hanno,nolf.yssl.. said that a Nibs North Valsa seo sr ecotlses 'nep boosts' Caevsslenttaeatbeea (847) 966-7878 eonotitallacal light topeen. Aed that Scenate meekbeh in his eyes Ihat satd, aId Skakir adiar who High School niel reported osenkO west iesa,oaen plere & a000learo Oo55a sai, In Oahpaehaeai n Oleo my celigior and dressvert' well. 'How did you heow my Aoayrion from Iraqines ro. missing far more Ihau a Wilmone "Unrolled" had ils worldfriend's or sister's story?" month nos found end is 1-866-204-5100 hew I like.' 000ragrd by Mslih, at oeil - - - Visitas utwworthnoei000red0000r,00m °Maror 'Yea A'raks aun ter. premiere al Ohr 16th Streethe added. as ber success. "Cemivg safo uad uuhsemad. rorists, ge bank toTheater, sod has bese roe. Allee Malyeai, e IB.yrar. from a Middle Sesicts - Zeiaeb S. Choodhory, 10, BANKRUPTCY Afgkaeietas t' duced el Victory Cordonsold sophomore from Mer. hunhgrausd und ddcg Ohs. bed Isst bren ayes March "Macyam: 'Sir, let me ed- sedal the ternI Theater ioten Greva said Malih's peel. atoq beeeneetrd with her I II et Nibs North. Chaod. FROM $350 Total* acato yea, Afghans are eelEvanston. estatico probably bed was iaupiredbyhe,; because laàry,.frum Pakistan, had Acebo. I'm 0000e Arch, oc Melih viso hes overhedgreater moacieg to hrr thonI mast to dn thin io stille lust contucOed friands es Why pay more! Talk to a Lawyer! anAfghee,oea tercerol. I'mwith Dinendell Theetre Se-most present, bereute abs aesdmetchiog bec do il isa March10 through a phsse Know your optiono. en Ateerican, a Pehistani.nemble, Live Bait Theateriso Muslim. push fertnard. Iwen'tloltvy cull sad tent meesoge, po- Make the right choice Amrricoo.' and Tecleo Vista. Aatd she "In my cultore, we don'tnatieaality slop me," he lice sold. "Man: 'Ifyoa'ee dooeeieaoo, is correctly foeasieg on coobuvote mear a blieb, bolt BIt alone then, she had Experience Counts1 Ihre dross like osef ether play ondee the rem. notice the may people look But Malib clan noted thai out bree heard from and "Macyam: 'bm dressedmission nf the Goodman family members had pub- FREE Coregaltetion & Credit Report alma because of Oho coloroho owes much 0fb re seo. like one, veiled er aeveiled, Theatre. of my skie '- especially.00110e Ortmun. holy eahrd for hoc alfa or. Heller & Richmond Ltd. lam an Aeoerienel And I'm "Il lo very rrr5'gratiftdegotter SepI. 10.0 keow the 5Ho not only tooghl ne net goirg te wussr anetheelesee somaone as delight- hind of fear asad hatred Ihetmisal breeded to bnoio," she Poller hoer said thet con- (312) 781-6700 second Of my thee laSdog to Tal, light-hearted and toll of she wen telkisg ukoat," sheuddod,"batgaveneroe. sona fer the gleba disappear- CUBS GAME 'PlusCourt Costsa Debt Relief agency en igoneent loser like yea."Jey us Schi ca sor reed no edded. Ddrucr orbes I had tonne.5 lace meen nehnoma despite nopons shout ooneicl with. lathe femily. Chuodhary deirob I. Cheutlisry 4 Tickets 'GL Wv CcÇM)ÑtY' was to ka involved in an RUSH DERMATOLOGY orrenged m000logo, Obeycausad her absence fromtiocul resenreoo that meen 4 Dsirgks learned, biet Obey could did N U RSE RY$C ÑOÖ - s io Shokie hamo for mare thee ausrd is 1he srnrch inobud. net say that 1h aras awaymosth. ed bucal bum enfarermeot 4ot Jogs for that reunen. Stieg K. tenith, M.D., Ph.D. Sisee Iba teenager is aju.Critical Reach DublrLien, 1/ Stato pollen reported Ohal nesile, pollee suid, informa. ce0100tiog agredirs in Tell Us' Chaudksry muy heno runHice opecifir to hrr Ictiol.other stales aed national. letsio S. Cheat5, M.D. owoy Iron homo lo avoid etiesas dmotives behind herly throogh the Neti000l murdinge 1h01 teas ermoged disappearance tell1 cet ko Crater for Minsiog and EI- Foes ast purchase the flee test tua Pack, ohish lesladea Osar tiakets ta eec Coy Lady C. Dy, M.D. by her father is Croaker ispnblicly rebasad. Policepboitrd Chibdrro. hone gatee, four Amara yeso yet Soga red loor Bad Light, Bageeissr on Pepsi toed 05,1usd De'metoiaesl What You Pokisten. laid they did noi onlinipato Skohie Police said Ihey y000ragra stetlygatioat$aI°. leolBeyP001tsosybepsrohrsetindieorsetarstises Simotti Mohet, M.D. Skokir pelire April OS did nay criminal charges relut. wore morking mills local nc. oithie Wrigley Ralo, sabi05000tishstuasilslilik. naponhase Boot Boy P5565, visit teacd CerOf,ea ve,c,aIelOusl act reveal Ohs circom-ed to the meidest. cïal.taevc'ceugeneiosluos. sabs.asbss.ssad0000050pealt, Think. st050es surrounding bee Ahehie Police oed Ihr lIli- slot Chuodhary ned resue r 005tmrctotsko diaoppeareoee. The local thot her femily loaves clang bar e,d o0,100555m noie StIle Palme febbomed agency seas still istervirm- Tic l0000lvrotneo upon namrrnus leeds inwith bac meatsi end phys. ing Cheadhery sa to Ihe their search foe Chaudhary. irai well-bring arr ad- ou0010ireamotsacos 1h10Locsl, statewide end ne.dressed appropriately. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT, Pioneer Press Salles yokr opiniSns. PLEASE CALL (artPl 560.9911, We want 7mw feedback te find nut what yGS

citi Wool 10Ff Od.. Saite TI t, Sbobe,III. like about our newspaper and huwwe can toCs ht appoinloeno mp rove it. OOnstn,etllo labtet near Old O,eha,d Shoppieg - SA\í'E. TO SPRI N Mal. Most Iv5i0mr Puts 500spnd Please visit our Web lite and click on the BOUTIQUE "Tell SI what yea think..." button, callusai add,Senai orpsiot050t Ineotines foecoon 5e,ncoolsgo 18471 486-9300,orgoto O.75 "PF'OSPERTOMORRO pioneerlocal.com/survey. 0,0 o - CHARTER ONg,HSA SAVING5.OP1TONT7I4tISRIGHT5FOR you., ,_...... ,, (Oral 00e-2155 lntnlneO.4500 l4ta1542.elOs Thankyoufor peur readership. :. 0000'BAHKtNG 50000 CITIZENSHIP 3Charter One PLOWRPRFSS Coil r4c.9al,0055 a ,, nmo,,o,,on(,eteyaaì,:ece ieg rois oto,neo CALL l-tSO.33V'tt?I CLICK ohsote,oeo.tow - COME IN tnt Ch arle, One

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PROPERTY TRANSFERS Thfor'mottoo ioprootded by 28 980e Obstan Torvas Apt D, Les 844 CarsteaI Rood, Threes R 8100W FOetor Lasse Apt 200, Riohsnd J Orn5eso Cltnisliest Home Front by BlockShopper THURSDAY. APRIL DR. 2011 EdItoer Jeremy Aehnithoe olof lloroS roSes 6410 6th Aso,, AvIeSO Orvet te Lorerl000 to Stsriislasr Palor, Papp to TheodoleA Sturiate 001v Felenol Hoots Loar AIS Corp lo Ombenr, $405,305, lanrhol 18471 845.1484 I Jneemyirtbtorhshvppsr.00m Oemiorarie Osare. $120205 Aprili SOBan 894, Etbromo iL 00229; Arpetira M Hetgeeyn, $140,000, $400010 benISOl Stsviale, $420000 MeroS 29 2)75 P,oernit Are, Dyrmesi te 606830 9958 11010M Lors Mp1 feo, FeIerst 921 elesa9ro Drier. Ferri trust to 8)3111 Ososnosre Aree,. Chicago Ti' CS6T9 ISa Mong OrseIlle pbooe (630)S57'iOOO;four Selber (030)567-1001. 654 E Doktor 01, Joyo M Micho' MsSsnel vontgoge Asss to Flasos eioheel J Marra Aevrsee L Moore, tir tool tnt Co Olee to Joanna So' MorA 0205,025 AsnoS 55 HOT PROPERTIESMY RIS PISKAC lib to Ken tvJorder, 026000. Falci Mkhil Palot 34(500, SaroS 1855,000 barrIr 24 Mo $lSb005 April t 405 S CltIoo Ave., Iobe,Or DES PLAINES Narrt 24 8437)1 Roerla Uve,. Actora Loen Trovi to Piohnnd DuSse EAR WORD NEIGHTS InOIsphyll 700 Or000lnod Ase. Apt 006, Services ITO te Miguel Khsoem, 1084 W Renostnelse, 00050 Pop- eLEN9IEw Dottor, $750000 Apoll Chirogo lttN Land Tnt Cs Ttee to $370005 Maroh'2M ular North Potence lo Mario Oro' 3525W Laresermeo Mao. Orli 701 Uaeoro HlIrnaybleI Ob, 90429 Olneedolo Loor, Atabana ohovshl 068000, SaroS 24 Esther Panoso $lt5900 Marsh 30 1118 Pflseetaa Rood, JP Corpse 406, Citiberk Ne Trustee to Kim' OthneiMnn Inmost to 90575051 Modern Georgiaú 836 Roomed Ave.. Fargo A Fapoob Io tonar ls000t 0109 Mohiday Lares M9t 1,60 Chase SoroS Os Pulp M000noeitsly, breit 080070es, $00,000 MenoM 10901M, iIT,020 Aarch 9 Mark Trustee to PrarOasoa Ovar' 095000. Mar09 30 $269000 AprilI bark No Trustee to Ovrtreet li 792 N Bressleroy 2es.,Tssrrrni' tararr, 000,000, Mar00 91 Maires, 003100, Sprit t 1221 E Lateo Ave., Freie Trsst to NORRIDRE sohield Soso to Irell ToTer 86 WlssdnOr Drive, Karen Peters MORTON GROVE topi Updated 2-stosy comes with new kitchen appliances 1340 Ferqe Ave., bauart POrt to Jasor Tebeker Cloabeth tabaleo Ponter, $311000, Maroh SI to Mayose 060mal. 0210500, Humberto Chavez Calsrìna Chaser, 5230900, Marsh 29 550M SurseoIr Ove, Met 316 E, 433811 Dvrtleill Ave. vatasl 797 EIne St, Robert SOhlen 8F 8232 N.OAce6laAve.,Nues Mar05 24 1718 ReSise Sasse, HOLst 00001 la Allan O FHOg0M to Corelan Msnosto J500ph Gond Mme E -$249,900 0110,000, Marsh 29 tote Is Mark Streit $t4bSo0 884 Leolsy Cisne. Mirgate Trost SerIell, $370900, Ap011 1976 Lessee Loner, Chi0080 Sotie Joerph IKslcdc Mayr J Pololo Soldyreo Irnos 85114158, $75009 UAnoh 25 Thio Iroo-otoo'y, brick, Goorgioor'stytn to Jolanta 90010 070000 MoroS LarS 00Cr Star to Jiti Seo' $420000 e'arrh rl MaloS 30 44)30 Oitseee Ase., Oeutsohs hvmo, botIto 1947, oomso with o comber 29 0228 Rideosonod Sane W, Suare 7548 Reserven St., Ipor 000ydov lasH Roll OrO Co Ties to OTra SURGIE nera0000ki. $150,000, Conch 0M ofupdotee, including o kitohsn t001or'ivg 8901 Rablre 04ev Apt F, Farcir P Hìltvr to Mitliare M KmH Oïoa' to ObrerO J Teosey, $265000 LiMereirs 6150515v Lisiemiso, 23005 RIver Rood, Strovrl 3336 Cesio SL, Ela 070lsiols sluintessotsot opptionors, gronlie ov000er- Meets Muret Abra055 Ousal 52' sert R Mirlt $941,000 MaloS It banch 2h $940115 MaloS 29 Trust to Jolly P078ariban. Opel L ShooT $100010 6011900 lops, bor'dwood 000imetry ovA o reromir isktso, 055000 MarsH SI 2000 Clrsotseest Are Api 301, 8544 SAlbst lessees, Markrren 4420 N Red500ad Odes, Ponleusy $tb0000, MarchO 3633 Donde St,, Leoeou ScsI Is Oto boahsplcsh. 9204 Rambla Dee Deten Apt lb, herab S Dinettes to Jrrriter muet to Csrcl De Los Pepes #050S- Sank 801001 Cs TIre io Laura 333 Ita54y Ase., SialaT Trust to OSar h (inh Trorsinh L Tren, Therein ctno o breobtost orso With Federal Horre Loar Mt0 Corp to Vlsosy, 080000 Marsh 28 10 Parre, $315500 March25 IlsiSkiMs, $290300, llanoS 29 000016 Soruslra Loreley M $244,010, AprilI Frown moidiog, Fv'norh wind oms oordo 000iye Mrrror, 050000, Mar08 25 0036 Sanest Ruts Reed, Louis 9407 Roeosr Ose,, Freleniok 4040 N Opel Ace, Druteohe SeroSa, $047,000, Mar08 24 4240 Roll Reed. CsrslertisC 9354 001f Reed AMt 2K Us Sank J Pbro to Oeortn Fappss, A000r to 5708 Applaqutsi Lise Sank Nati inI Co Tiesto Slnnoroin rhoodslier, 334 Stratford RamE Charles 0 P100108to MisAs l,oOAIns. Mato Hirranstio Petri, $80000, 5510600, Spoilt Applaguist, 3410,505 Msroh 31 Jenoss, $50300 Menoh OS The lining room io eqoippod with spy- loyer to Wlltiairr A Soplan Chris' $291000 Maroh 09 Sprit t 2267 001ey Ares, Alejerinc Cas' 4910M Oree00000d Mee,, Jvdioisl noon onrhwoys, hvrdwnod floOrs ond den' tiTrA Snyder, $008,000, Mar05 30 MOUNT PROSPECT 435) Oeles St. uensho S Sicily 9385 Rey Calore? Onlse MOO In. creda to gesiamir J Avrrap Salse Cstp toMsj0erh Kie0555, ventOse Irim. aXrov otorcge opooe is Pound Sollt io 1947, Ihr hobo baos basomrrO, a 'F 366 Dovee'Laae, Voraho Patet to l300tts Scoot to Miller Devil, lo Jolie A Poposh Poldcia Secolo, 099019 Movray, $1,140005 Marsh 10660 Roroevd Delve UnA R, 0160005 MotoS 24 io the bosomrot, wlrirh viso boo u 040470 wood deck, apello and 4h00-DOT 50181e, Miohosi A Niphasi Rube Potros, $40000, MeroS 24 $2321025 Marsh 31 Pelerai Home Loas Mt3 Corp to 4947 N DOIptelo Mee., POSSO O room und 5sept flooring. 060000, MaI04 08 9418 Doss Road Mit lo, Federal 4744 Kssvsy st. Fiera Rastlo 3517 Loeoeser Reed, Marion M Musoir 0470, $10,005 March20 bynses Jr 0001e to DOPent F Oran' Tb eno isowood dsoh ond potin behind Orders 505 lNollrhdr Sasse, Jeroy Ooetto M550ret Mortgage Aesr to Malesh Gvhlieb oJOSO L Genres Rstia M 1400 N Yesrvootfe PIran Apt isla CenS Mheet $040000,177111 Sorrel BabaAhasheh, $415005 tIre honre mod o two'onrgnrags, Rather i Tsrrreer 9090ede, $92900, MaroS 08 Shah, 099,500, MaroS 30 OarrS24 Oorree, $471,000, Mar09 31 3MO. Mruroì Trust to John Canora' 8414W l66sePoets Reed UnIt LI000R egretc MorI7 Pint, RE/MAX City, SrAtiegehnnrrnrtlaroraod0000fmm rire reoih 535 CosMIcI 840e, Federsl Hone 9635 Beosedy Cosmi Apt 5, Sirs' 7649 lçoestvv Ase., 55156e Sor' Meo teAse Comb Apt 50M cc Acbbia T 0000racA $15090S 400, Fedsnal HorrlLoer 61g Csnp 14401 450-M4GM, [email protected] Ersailroo.' horpmeperOirol$1btarkehepperroec. Loar Ata Corp to Alit Chliozi 348 Meat to 01030 lobelia Cr68' tucker Trust to Dimitnios Sorriso AsncH 14 to Sardip Shsh PayaI ShaH, delano to Mir000 Tiran, 51210Db barril Mausshot$ 290900, NervT roe Sreseso, $78,000 Saros SO toi Vsrrios, $70020 MaroS 24 14MO u Rosee Rood, Ieri 01 $121905 MaroS 51 AprIlI Corp. is the lislisog ogent, 95w 101M Aelico TIse IA Meseros peez wsvisO Perk Read 800 7746 5nov10 Ovo, Jora M Car ON THE MARKET the biding ognot, Mols Tarrque Mcta, SSt000 March D,Ttlh TMrd Svrtgsge Coto Arno Somera to Telyene lrrtholeo he breoklosh 01es io booted 1801 Io 15e 0110551. ohich haS opdAbed appliances, A POUNDAP 7F MEW LIITIMGS M thene-kedooem, teeo-betle M leor-bed080ev, t050-botb "I 'saw jòur stikeron the front of the 2M A Oibesoelm, $010000 AenOb 04 $200,005 AprilT 1795W Algoaqole Rood Mpt 28 7608 W levlwg Pork Rood 0811 1921 Eodv010 Mee., Dories divi' A lvor-brsteoem, Ire-bells looms nl MM$0 W, Onh' homo ut 9044 1,104er Ave, Park Ridge Herald-Advocate." Federal Naliorol MrntgaOs Acorto A, Rabil AS Io Ara Sprnber ralo John E sornes Jasslpr 8117' Some ot 7842 Lnng Ano, 000v SE, in 5711es loon tho in Morton Grove is on tino Ne, $290900, MaroS Si irr Morhno Grove is 00 morloel Fon P100Db, Thy MARINO REALTORS Sorely Horksrherslyy $65005 $085000 Marsh SA morhoo fur 9395,100. It 0800 tlempsler . MorIon GrRve MenoS tI 0059E Penielo Read, Lese J lbs morknt lori $345,818. brirh split-level home hes has beuo rncenlly updvt' O'IIAttE Thors how our clients find us- 2145 Wille 5f,, 0000cr M 10enero Topoleki Estate to laAusl AculeO The home woo serenIty vopuehoun hilohen wiSh ed wilh o granite kitehon, (847) 967-5500 lo Oondcr L Issmsec tendra J 075020 ManoIr tM ronnonted, niAs ovo dou- newer 00biosto, grun- Ohs S5'edand isoevoeSro.o.seo9io,gur.ovsossa-seas) /OO1', Cedemgc Pioneer Preso newspaper ads, t642 W Rslrseyv Mee, 8mO In, 10110519270000 OstoS St Pro Aortgege toloMeo Cornollori 0047 Eeennrlle Moo,, FeInd yo' ble lob 004 hes on opeo ils r000ntsrlops und bord. doms and a remudeled front page stickers and 9 Cefers 2200 Den sl, Mreelrmo A Prir' Fopik Duro, $76000 March08 000el Mortgage Asso hoTeliers flonr pIno, nothedrol reh- wood 000ee, There iso Ooueth bedronm, Mike Internet advertising develop loto Msnh Moler Jr Jenos t 0707W Osoonserrednlr des. Apt KIloS $768005 SetoS 09 logo end shylighto. Stein- huons third lovet lhul Wol000 nf Ceniory 11Mo' new customers for luerhet 5026005 MeroM 30 3n, Fanne Mae io Denota 0eS 8402E Posirie Rood, Asold muri tess steel opplionnen ore roulA ho osent os on nAfre, eton is tire tishog agnol Acodemic Tutoring Cenfero. 48E Resttsserof blItlOsroy OsO $80005 ManoS 29 lo lmbsn Oadti ASslo MIse, tnund in tho blIeben. Rob' reorsvto'on room nr monh- for Iba home, \ 216, bascosa P Meyrorull to Tina 8724 W Reeeoys Asse. DmA 2e, $215250 Aprili Ort Lolkinmtos of Amari- vuS room, Jeson Pyboo'mo Owrar ora Slrecrvo Caldee, $100000 Maroh 30 Menlell Menavo to PstssIsl 0540 (elsass Mee. ApI 71W ManIe 000 bnlernsli000l Rosto0 el 5410/MAX Vision 202 is -Molt Priv Academic Tutoring Centena 500W 050voat Read, Molly F Dy' Otssreo Onrgaoe SteeresM FRoosito Aobie Ieq00050SOtL mord To Dylan Colley Esrily $00000, MaroS 30 Conch 51 Dempsey, $r52000 March29 8550 GiMoteos Ase., Lionel Mtf' SIMOLYSENSAOIQIIMLO PAREVOEW scOlorcLOl000ucr #701 8727 W Boyo Moore Ave. Apt 050erotello', 10 1',' lll,v O". :,i.:1. verlos Orsse..,Poes Onlosnel wo',nnslsee T on 0-tesa 701W llssrtIsrqtee IroNs EsIsto 1v Inonlo Sohen Corlo AA SF PO4106 800eecO 607, Oemotsrke MasS Mall TOCO MARKET WATCH reso'calorMvi 01055cl 015 ne sreonssrsenSA Oevrole Ile 112, Hsnisun Capital Coro lotti4' Ruyglok. $109000 OonOhSI Oeohleere,nelnnel,:l:.,,'(,,,.' ,', ,;,',, 5,0.' Iseo cOr Need help finding clients Tine lo Mosrohit I Selashev, FRr Modianr Forsclosere U oS ti of coIn JedaSe Sed ee0000ev 005trIs e no, edna Oro ricer Ounir$40000, Msoolr 2h $100,000 Ibonoh SI 8051 tomeR Aso. Apt 2e. redIl I:', sslis,005,r500 col-In vones, O 5v A O toit loSo, lome 1ers, Isorel rancIr 717 S lsie SL, lerIsaO TrusT lo si Home Loen ltg Corp to Ron' City cale price , rete soirs fereeoiRsorss " 51510050055m OsSI no lener Ossu o coon 55115 0 moon 0500, loorceacleO for your business? 8727 W Gray Meere Moe. Apt losslc:Atenlls'oO 1,1': , loI 0110000 loen, loose, L5500M neo, 101001 nlsesne , Jaotes J Schnell, $90000 Spoilt startio Gusbeod, $60900, Hsrcb 0559001e liarlo A 200, Orriosoi Trestle Shoed 81- 0es PIOITOS 0.1585 $183,701 34.74% 737 25h nsrs ob e s ls el s oll",' o' Maybe we can help. 902 Peevioemov Lsre Apt Ar 24 vAil, $1151005 Onnuh 29 1,43% Call leerenre Trust lo Morire C Heir 0990 Crosvtord Mes, Joceph k Edison P51k 2,03% $260,001 53 OtS905 M0nr529 PARE BRiME Oerrsteim to Seohe tods, ODIOSO Evorotom 3,31% $310,000 l02301e OSI 007 847-486-9200 March24 lOtEO 13160 Clrootrr Ave,, Clrioago Ti- F07011 015m (3% $367,510 9.59% li astI Ter YOUR 9133 torrO Mor, ElioeSrlS Millos Ile Land TOCO 11001v Derek Cad' biSent to Marie leirceario Oleoviyw ' 3,05% $400,108 14.0695 595 09 Local Account Executive 693511 Mtlsneselsoe Ave, Apt Ovo Lacro Callous, $792,105 90005m SenuSl F HeApen, 103, Solve Jr tnusl lo Paula Espio' AsnoS SO LiOcoImnood . A,675/a $282,550 l3,4S°A 141 19 $245000, MonoS SS dola, 080,000 Ap91 I 1500W notavO Reed, Aichael J 9607 Ass., JeouoCltl' MollIS 11555 2,74% $2A0,0b 24,53% 202 51 8027M OCote Ava,, Chicots Ii' Olissoruellerto 011001e 5000501es, Voceo te Dennis P AprisgOr tir OasI Ort Cs 77es Ir CHOnlopMer Mlles 5.47% $119,100 24.81% 55M 64 "TVIMMWVATOWNHOLSSOI" mOo 55 BErrEn TNINM runveni $095600 Manch 30 Cortitre N Spningot. 3490,100, PIONEER PRESS La5oirs $257,500 Mar09 29 tlnnslsn. pestseeollasleslesoeOsnnoOcl Tyonmsrm scvneisre, smcdlnsssllscmomn5llrnosnscodlasssso 97 Rames St., Jsirna A Flores to 19.85% 181 3M SeneS 31 Nonwood Pooh 2,29% $214,750 00550500e 3 Ieereeoe'S 'u OeOe #eeemeersl SI v,0S sa505155Ir sOnlslsy looneeMal Icon Sorse boIse su vosic fOot Plomeen 0046 N 8ttas 2es,, tavelle 115 p lyons Surit8 Cethenine E Mslby, 9655 Wende Dries Orli 7202, 1,08e,5 051M LessOrs on M,ersamlec si, tell M escoce I SOesIsM 2 osemsOlccnvs OolsnusrserlseIlSOr,OtOocOrsOOleO ProvIdes re5Mfof rvo'rrrp'rroreeloroLeorro Hcldlaqs LIc to Sosia Ocrshi, Polk Si$0e $500,121 Il,OI% 392 42 $305900 MarcH 25 Oseili t9rlelekyto Colol KsplSh ser noose, noie Ilesr 055 rsumso 000un Dub lioso 550 0015 011, 21 11er 5085101 r,Il 0101 lE iso, esse,0 $110000 MonoS 04 01000oseen 19 leeserleobsel sect nesise last, eves 5,10 vo ro O 5 e4uveac 1505555 lIoso lercoelsa, Sr 151 0028 CosSer SI, Lonoon Trost Is 0055,000, canoSoS Shohie 2:45% $043,500 28,15% ATO 163 eel parIr ose Seanco Meas, Coli Ier oes islevoalIsslI mOse500els l'buIeorsoreOben91000eMcosIneonure WilmolIe 0,48% $471,020 4,40% 313 14 roussir...... ,.....,..,.,...... __,00lMAon LeOacderslor,,aei mercure,000500101001,,,,501M005 0,5,0e nOlsoeeilscOsOesoSroos salo 110060 loom lt 0051es sI coleo NIL 10000281, fF81115 A PlONttR PRESO PONLICIoII2R 'NIL www.pieneerloCal.CRm 14 news wwW.piOIIeerIoCaI.COm 1511 POLICE BLOTTER Tlrcfellorakrgiucidsuls arre arhoel when twn mes wear. ualojnot allegedly soldhoua listad iotas affiaiai rrparlsafing shi macles and blark takes from estornat the tlrNilrsPuliccDcpOrlrusrtl. "hoodiss" approachad him Fous- Flagga Phoppiog0. Our Goal... Asadera erernrrrirrdsdthatarl osd aehed him for slighter. ter. Tha cauri dote is hlsy arrest dora flat raustilrutcs The virtirn started to walk 20. Your Complete Satisfaction. urvey and the aubjerts firrdirrg ofguilt. Orrlyaroart TTHEF nf tow ran tusks tIef dotar- began to abaca kirn and yell CENTRAL A/C UNITS at him. The victim said hr Morta Droh, 44,01400 FURNACES has au gaug affIliation. Talnott Place, Per-h Ridge, THEFT/FORGERY w es ahnrgad with rotoli Mother's Day is May 8 - POWER GENERATORS DISORDERLY CONUUCT An unlonawa subj nail theft in the 8500 blockrl WATER HEATERS made an unauthorized with- Thruiatim said onhoawa Golf Rd. 00April10.fie SUMP PUMPS dvurval of $4,800 on Aprilaablerto threw egon atibo salojeat allegedly sOOitrhzi 14 and sanan au April15 fount uoiradow of his bornais iba Frico tog und pala lag Protessional Installation tram the viatim's bank sa- the 84011 blurb of Oloaadne labeled $99.07 oso dross ou April10. The viatirn is worth $289.00. and Service Available. v000t. The viatim, e Nues rasidenC said she was com- noaaoeaed beraase he said that eunry haliduy his home UNLAWFUL USE OF 20%-50% 0FF STORE WIDE plying otIlo sue-mail re- CREDIT CARD quest that appraaad tabs rse target loo prasIos. tv-rn A I 10/ ( I\O/ t\rrt Itam her bask 00Aug. la, BUDGLARY TO AUTO TIro uictim who aroidea in Plus, take an L/I íN i.'io '..ir'i'.Jio '...ìrr lolo, soaking ber and bar the 6800 bloch of Milu'urr- husband's full name, anatol An aaloaomn sabjeat re- hes Avmoe said auboarr.r when you use your Macy' Card or pass.TEoniunisen epply; ses peen. Seaurity numbaas, birth- poetadlpostered a 1900 eubjects modelour noper,rle FREE ONLINE SHIPPING + EXTRA 15% OR 10% OFFI days asd address. Ou April Civic vehicle, disuouneated purchases totalirog $4,491 tItuben the complainantthe battecy al the vehicle on her credit cord bniusru Eres shipping mith $99 puenhsss ($9$lst-fnee shipping with purahsens andar $99). Use pnomo cads FORMOM for soles savings; Fr.'alui lag: rasa paying billa osuno she mod toolo o 9nnp rodas, OPS March14 sud Macoh lIThe oslid mw-812120f 1. Eonlusinrs apply; sse wsnys.nsicr fue datable, sotiand the tova aauatho- deuire sud tools valuad at purnhasns were all rizad raílhdruraals. $070 Irarn the vehicle un ticknt parchosezm,de April 14 lu the 7700 block ofthrough the lstarrrnl. YOUTH INCIDENT c5a / Nordiaa. THEFT DF GAS Thu victim said ha was IT'S MACV'S THANK A MOM MOVEMENTI abased by ornata sablect THEFT/CRIMINAL TRESPASS A subject driving 02001 Shnw appreciation te the menra io your ile this Mnlhsr's Deysed help with a basnbnllbatonAprìt Pactisa, pumped $850v i 847.544.2289 napporl Mum.spprnued nheritiez55. Du it nom st facebsokaann/masys ta 01 Clifton and Davis Aa. Glenalew, IL 60025 Carl MaGer, al, of 0020 worth of gua iuta his rein- aireata wha was u'oaring a MilwoubreAun., was als and fIad wosthoorrd bloab "trundle." The victim charged with theft sad without paytog 1cv Ihn gvo repartedly ruso at GaItMill criminal irnapessieg tos onoApeiltl lathe 8000 blovlr Parb with his lrinsd frurneesidesra on April fil. The of Drmpstsn

nodes, 'm, Lady aad the naze, rOam thu coopoiabc Briefs lloirnw?' Pratrand rollealana Kisom oud Htoda m'i konrad wage bum medieval ta mad- ha Iba Anghor tempiev Mm- Csntiraet iron PAGE 4 era ecL Oeesiaa meets I-ava vnlultlonldutuzivinrdorrudos purr. Meya. Coaovc fee io $20. of Ha Cta Mhzls Cit5 0-rol- Pore moaplete Ost 010mnr- surah capital, dosing ngntdcl OLLSI71'OA.P it i.LfAi8Ai'ICP ,\PAu7 POR: liii. A sess weins estese 000rnd taue clauses, notasse fees, celti- toue FlLilkClDO, 'LOO PINkO FAh:-l;QN:lEh°ISLilb' by Ihn 0000eitue Prrrgaumat smo, md cuesta, riait Anopdouul eurursiov luths EXTRA.1O%OFF faLl. ohLg&oLEihrnos;plcE Oohtou Community Calagq onw005ktoe.edodrrneoibas nr nuuzotoysids olKusrbuvebuzi, r 7\l 7 soTf°,SF r S i I FO 7701 N. Linrubo Ann, OkolOn, rail (9471 080-1414 or 18471 medn famous 'ra lbs flan "TIc h )LS COlT 0f S SLh b I 0 foraane on lira odds ruargn oï 982-9808, pesas a. Bridge ondin Ihnen tOrnaI' 's & OPORTCC'ATO FOg l-llhi; OPLOCT hOf0e0 170MO urawaotar5drneoaohnfouovd UnO S,s,Szsnnt Anisase unailubin nl an sotnu cool. &I7LI.CT&Cb!ELOCTRO1'7Cb mauve hvo-rnerh touvsMstudy loar Par n0000plsts itinnrndns on0 spoosarsrtbyOsklon thde Nu- iofenuaaun about upauudug Paris ART 097-711 ollhrs a cemhav 100081 rail Oea Curwaibsev el rk-lud 04110 Paris orwsama Thiojwonrey showaaeas the (8471 gail-lAO, or vieil b ,:s, rstir ta,ttv, 5108e 7 iaalaobug Musde d'Oesay lokturvoodboawsoodartaf senenuouktusndadzcns/hstyr byrne of Ihr turnad tapestn,r Tholirnd, Casebooks aud Viri- aveLhhn.

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rvrnuupioarrrlorat,nom www.pioneerloeal.Com 17 EdLES HERALD-SPECTATOR sll.fbssssee,aes:5 R PIONEER PRESI P2BLICSIISN 'NIL news

11E SF55 REnI ERS legt 1011 COMJeÌUNITY CALENDAR Publisher: John Damon Editor its Chief: JeifWivorr SsbcAiaaiessforCecseuaaitll le hill oligilla residnots alpiN 1511111- blOb Nullard hiolsart Pock 0:5n Sessiorliditor: Crawl Goddard ulrudararrrrqaimd1ddcg'e sois Cimil tsoker pcaperlO'bosre' N ss'epsmnc lsd I heesactis Ihdsasl inI ems sot llse000'pleln lin- Enoet eI lattalheranslln leeny000 Massugiosgliditor: MoB Sehmito prrrodteg Ehe date afpabli- Insolo, Illinois Catos Po lP:snscipter- Oui fealsco "Lean I Loss." los cnn THRU ruties. Sand In, Ntle'aMan- ScsI assiolsoseb Ito sesiarsili000 ÇIIAÌVIt Opinion 5901 PollI'epsrlebralien, IlIhlINt' agingEdieec', Pint:rrrProm, rosl'enIale boa enenplino sed doler inn nod tingoon t triSen Fr0505li 0g APPLI4NCES SUNDAY! How to reach os: Ieri einlrlrrs teihreSo:.lnlesi1ertls:ors Lnelous5ett:sss oedaayteeptessnuntlr.vllI broou:uderadlarputt:OltorrlIsLrsflSltlalStee:d: orlessJtoopaolrlerrrsenss ho::Ohttesdiifsrtreaulyoso Rosso:, lyff WhuhrAcn, Glrsoiew rai, Ihn oseinI-allizOs tos-nsssssmOaI Ile pas:ss, "Inaodos al lcassrs," ELEC71UONICS reese, aol Iba louInn-sossponl- 10111 he RaIh 105005 oct 11150 taro - MaRts: toits:: isthsOdilsr.nissosuld'tpsaiols:tt:OlskoD.latrlle,tskesrtJtOltII c.moiiso:snhstRoeprnrre:le:Ol:oulreai000sfltsl fI, 00020, Isfurmatioh may AND MORE AEAII Grants Locations tafuaediu (547)dog-ydOJni' ttnoarwOnc pIspedS-tnsasasrf:nn. smsncosiOO Issir laoeioalinn nito n-mailrd ta mbatbert@,ein- d1005'spO lstNinS Ilse the past 1000 WORDS o JAC( HIGGINS "Irre Isors Ohs OPIO" leo locos WohoSot-Wap se550n Rsisol Shslle: Wsttieg drrsnen loo 1915 Is OCIE Open BoxOver Stock.Clearance Event!!! Medicare still Oenolil in flies los IonI un bosse act inlaid- la Oddilien, bttol ast etìtal porlo irR o shy liant-1 po. 059f at Ihr 1101555 Its seoOlbOnOfl d hoods mr Roar sate Canoe, troneras sfocIno CroIsE IllS W, looPy 355, Will bosSeur I oollnsao eshibil, - a Founlatlnlo Will tosi Ito loll anelli hilos. rndlllpaoto s:s asked le shoe lsio lsrgtooloalals rod a Ipols' elay lecite Caco Golf lOteO selles W1Poo1 RlGIDAIRE popular despite Iheirsapparl ly IPeoino beslnts le loupliosocool tablet 1:115 el Ihr loot EsaestOe toll Clot, 4401 1sep- ateopion Ile escI nIWeighI-ylny 1005111 0150 50 foolacad, Onkel laso- slat li, iollotir loIti prs:ssas roseen Ile ncqenieotse Napes 15 loon SI Ils mey to nhlnisealy soll' 1L1n e ins lasses transi coscar roseareS, gels Ihn p04400 abollan Is noon Ils im Ils IL Rotlees lInceo alive, tito esosI ivailos sslle:5 sI all skill 2 Sf5I 101 ils oucrouf aso Sc gel lene- 10511 RiI'Otth, Lscallosoohairsae c Applisnnne GOP's ideas 5n basis o ssiOy a loyal 10010 lOo sun taos sl 00w spoon 15:10e aniesln sed 500100 aI St Osarono 11011001 OGE so they "poll sc Fleet' Ihr 15-breie titi ars.uciOIInaytOoesnosL in ChIls loller, asilaR acoles duc celislcrilas ahi They see ti:nic fatoce GNose Rep, en550ncy CruISer, E' The Onset SirOcco nI tsegcessuine oe,ystboaet ho IsnaN. bes-sIl isoli heller thus uppn:wotly the OSta Non spoanl her 55e hOlt hr Raras Isnol eN:em enlerloins sisas' es.. sed the day is soaped elf eilt, inenOn. 00F deau. bIlai slier al Ihn loblssisg rItIene 105 horco, retcosont fsdft rs nod ssssooing :oahleil and hate 150v- Thr jobless cate fer 1520 noeosssvss 11155, f410 11h 100riloblo u15501001i5r5 50010 Ihn ecos encetes Iha essi is toll psc Port riEn IL 5020E Her nihol 005- tel Webrnndoy nl esscy nnnlh ollO worhers 11usd older in S.? p0t555, Ost Sps505rOltipO 510 aeail- 10er :oieneasss roeai'oo the once'. anm 10e Ronesharo 55111515m nl perneo t, lesa ihav the elle Ssa Iftlt la 110015 Ihr Ont rIsme 10071 ORIelS lac 14411 lOI' lacas louai follO, lallIs:pis Oso, Stive hundreds and thousands of dollars on many Naine pollsdssssnisg evoco as soy si Ihe valienni avrrngc, bui lOIR n'OSI: repsulligaeRs0000l; CN1I550 10000 eNv misI tngiaR ore tau: Pall halos st Gssvstss tell tint Brands products you want higi:ar l'or snaiors Shun in 100110 end 1-Pees 0gW-sp urls050 Is lain Call Ihr Escs label Will Wl5 slusscinas aulaectile. Cell cey prrcieas :'eeessioo.-Ia OtIyllleRnnlhiRassssc.fIs tIlt Ils' ufien 0111111 700-OilS PAUL SASSONE 13101 910-f III oc oisif Deals on Whirlpool, GE, Frigidaitee, Maytag, KitchenAidn tIsi Inaledon all es pslims nf fee S ChSasoPMae055l lIoIiaW'longsnge din' the reresuica nl tOSI, for seniy555asearq, iosiance, the aonmptuy- floisen. Polk Ridge, Reset Pruspe:t, 001 Irneperr010 015bps anllo JennAir, Amena, Fulgor, Profile, Vikinj, LG, FisheiP,ke1, ment rule for arciere wau Cotter of £005005 000eeoot Nnc?ies. Hemoat yaiOhtO, nennst Ihsaday al 0511 anolh al Decor and Many More!! Oies, Elk Irnos tilingo, ant 1mo osdh- 151000's, fIb t Nnntnllan genl Frnshlin Delano Roo- 4,3 ye:'rent. TOre Conter on Ca105500. 11550. sevelt still is abend io i:ie encrer el Ihr 4101 Ward nf Chisa- Nhnsrl 9:sspost Ihr 0051 enotno 0111 Tb crecer mure older 000herrl litterS bib lIS fort Io toy Il, Ph:: isasanasi sasnicS sI PitOn, 15011 OSIRIS seirotsi al Nobetter time thanNow toget hugeSavings! 75-yoer-ald baille with people in the werh force eep0eaantatSoe lIno the Olios aensernatlss e It500n Coil 0001011e, osons iaalsdoa Bepublienes aver Social thus ever, yet older Issmnhip CIOIS'e.elOoe sill Ile osdl- 10011 151-1105 or n'oaSi loller Caak Poco loan 126f- blainleso stool Snub Odem 597' 0010ignrsonrs Irse 5091 1010tfR bphl 10-0155f pressato Security. 0h1s00,-5 p.m. Werkd000 and 1h10 so 'rOyo toanom, FrenI Loll Wnnhors Olson sull-l00100 lrsn $Off.O-001l0005 far $90' wechers are the gros tobe sot OssI capoc toeIng, 10 ns-ceso The 001° baa breo ly:eg sasaings by eppniclsool an Ihn sos' OOeOanalos on Fenrl5e Mans Pnslll? lielwashnrs fad 5057- nloiel000 Stool Sly's from $1007' Ian Iren 599 laid elf and the luso tebe Ins sapoisbsost000dodl. 001 osI 105db Posdoys 01 ranN eroI ahlen, nacre orceud ReInas' ola Nso players fron $79- Ost meet, mash noon liii tow vn Baciai Security l:ired. CartoNs, hay 1 lh:aaoh S - Replay- since its laut bund manly Is oeceoaodsletao':tsols Ial 5f Ihn cambI 01115 PonI aifstl Fewer cempuairs eifer 5,051 :55555100 tbslpsist000h oíIh pesspnd npplìsotoexanlnrsg- CnIdnloll 505,105111 loo lrrrio io HaoanaledooefdNeeeoOpenßnoaSpealnlie,nllwithf4nneefndwe,ao wonnaetjl - attempt to pricnüee the perdons, o::d tise recre- IncIsO hays inlraanrn ont Iempncary yevOisonpad Silos no PeonIa blondI, fIr 1551 is Etohoisefo Can lasco supperS guup. program. Bat they l:ove sinn has eroded iasent- parking ple:o:ds. Pa scOsdolo anal' upan alen on Fr15901 pIs unIti also- rowe huele with opine to psirlssal nl Nilse loenotlir io Skoh' 10g, SII 501000mo 110e MnInao, 1011 wants. Snoini Sonority and hardaS, tooth- Cociseef Esecro privation Medicare. le, sali l4ll ala-eolo Rol Slotaulalon P0155 sol 000:11 Won Medicerr help, bat tl:ry 000001 MoelleS Is., P5:0 PIfIo lo- The OnoRe T5000ldp Na5hteoEead Il 500 nrlssmn, Call 00000cl Polerlos Under Shin prop000l, j aclareo 't enough br oint Ionico III I, nIedere Ran, Poco ISaIah snobs rl 1:10 po. nella Slob 15411 5Gb-Isbn, a'salllseor seniors woald he given many ureier cOisene in Son's Dells trip soaked in significance Ellos 000lioisatohl Woloesloy nf saers 55011110100 booltnihloyohaaaan 01101114411 - voanhers ta bay heotth pay the murigoge and l000deys, Mey anelli -Mrlieo:e t55000el ni 0000 lene NoIi 1700 4119551, and lla::g hiwunil face-fmi Sierbuehs. Whoa he was "I'm libe you, Mew." asUesotvs hy oppsisl050t iesnreuve. Over time, the medical napnnuea. 05115cl Root in fork RiEn aonli050 The Sesam War be0000eoSssmiO' iota tice naIl bedding nord tittta, I nvoald bay his big He took s sip. "I lil:e Waderstrys. Ose a sod Is- trial sod v000hees:eould be worth New, alnsg cernes She adtronsisonesoilh:e Ihn uniesorps' Iron, GrenIer Chlaoga Chollar en 15 less and Ibas senin:'s u::id: "I don't wool lego" beotloorned him blaebecry lass sspps:t onap leali ilrstì rolad oioa al Ito Iseeship ast all mols ohne, Ike nIlO Wotoeshny Republicans to tail older OatO:toyx Mey focs lt-telai sass' arnold hure te pay more "Sat yaa'vn born Ivohing watgos and ial:nwarm LeIer, hoch la oar delve- retaseIs ace 1051rO Snpsls bros nl east sonlh nl Ihr SlonIllau'LaN' werhern thet Medicareis sollaR ty OPIsiot005L foc:vnrd lo Ihia loe arcaba," Ihn Cask Esso's Ihoelfs Psli:e, doe 01W real, mOlOS fIesrsoy Eon for health insarasen. gnieg tebe reduced, privo- recen. They'd oeea'rth Ihn way, he sallied into the notactay, hoyo - Stssd prosourn asO I,n:n 0000 5 II:.,,: Suri aseos saIs eofninernlsro flue 150 Wnrhersonw younger I anid. "Did Fon l:cn Aghi?" SurIN Morn RIco lspadssol, oat loe Coil Joe 000sanlIar. fIll 1745511 deed, eliminated. starr'u Lego collection and othsr family's cad Toyal::, 11001 ssss: 100101 II 00.-nose loa Ineoobtr'o Cado Eolacansesl leled' lelo tose Ca000Sio Warnen's Isolino then SS yearn old a'uald be It al:eaid eat besarpris- He ahonh his heed into play rovtevtediy, ourdir I fastened h':s sealbelt avd 000aisloost eosfsdi unnI oro nyarel. sod roelasls oto Longue leI Cadras ROsSI leI al 205to pEered inn different leg that penyle will net the pilleur inahnd oat the aniadvw st :vsved gand-byn Natal mo coules elli be slesrl lac ispIrI Io ash qsosl':enn sod roped OInt nsll nuashsgon 5501, 001155 Monarial foy coolant hoy B-it program avd at ihn end at ogrer te their owe imper- CHERYL ODONOVAN "Por lost yearh geld tdp, tho bien stay nod paasiag I Ihish nf times Income: any lsosnrns nr pralInes 1011011 lssn Fee is RIS prr perk, III 00111 POrpas000r at elople sills 005 locale erlssos, Call tesnso 110110 51 IO years, Mediocre manid yna cuera gnon 1er two teeffir ... aod contemplated waichiug bien haint n boa nl enighacissed rrishment. VAN MOM STRIKES AGAIN taroble p500:1st olIsmee lar mails 1551044-010k nlarnsdsasen' Thet sama po0 also aightn onwying" my erna peming liOn hts things Inward his soro rod pceprrly also is saslistlo by Classes Wall, anrprise, surprise, showed no sappart fer the 1h04 Dad with me." Now sawn appruarhod osilege des'milory, nr :ehen Oppsinteoct eli sonieol 0:0 sllrced Oeirbon aoiOsaS hosietad Thereon nf CrSnsnboa INIdIh sorprine, u recent peli by A triend invined my rl Ito Erstac at Cen:sts attises at GOP's pIon le eat teses fer Far my anas, the oua tha glass duo:; I oottced he Iella me bAa met "Tha neo, lonas slbnc'tng"lelrodsotiso Is Sosrisos Motare Css055 5:100 pu- ihr Washington Pont and Isst R Nsd100st ley, a lIS ir Pech ile wealthiest Aenericans. 12-year-aid ta arcompacy 'loes and seseen their hr's aiwest as tall us lam. Oso," Somedny, he'll slap Sf10101 000101sf ItnIsEl," del Irain sods Is: eanhoa In laIR IR' ABCNeovsahnovs that 0:100. Ist sONSOS that r555::e os leg slosseo st ascious lsnntsrs, :5' 515 iO the ssn005ilr sollo Icyrng In Sevrnty-two permet sup- his family and him fera grouchy heroic fathn:r niohsaoheca Iras $005 C000 lofs fIen Sons Inside, I resisted Ihn smay sed faegotte toni: appelolmOst Orli lSfl as-laso 511050 INhe ieoily 551 sp:dlsal meut Asnericaes dcci ynrted raising tuses es nee-vight slop at the Ddts. "Ijasiwant nuenfyna ta elsdirR 0141 e, isOles 11,10 torlau w::plr-frasteai scena 004 buch. He'll ha tnthieg la hin a500aryo, N no-5:11 pu. 110e son Glean Ihr loris 150 EnfilaIt lends leon, ColI sob Gnl555l, 11511 RSS'101OE aravi lode this. Mpone aira toed aroand, incomes higher tbaa came with we," he seid. Opind far Greehyagart, nitrar holding the hand cf 15:10 epos aOly asti resu an Ori- Reg sIfthng4000hnnunor er loll sollen a500nne Taeotmenfen asset aoserelaapeosSsle sowaeosor000aonh Oeoaneoaorsseaessah They went Medicare ta 0250,000 a yea:, artiogas theagh he'd teyoh Ito Cortos uf Css:e:O also sI- Sut Oa050lle Sos. St00, Esaln ne 011a SsIln,Osld OsaI 192e IWih IllesI Ah, hn:neeiei:::ess. I triad half-exporting Zarba tu his 0h04. 1715 110-NIh lsd 5000dales mt le- at 1,10 55. 1h a sobad nod sull, stay the way it is. Siuty- Can tisai surprise daahed n shot befern loco tentaR asun000ng tal soci nro Wol005loys 01 lIn esnlh 01 Ihr Por s gentle jalan irvolnieg the emcrge, esopping his tre percent unid they At that rnamenl, I'll hou::' set attise 55501cR atlstdrtbr tans- loe Scans, MRO tueele 50e 550ton ecca the GOP? Derrich Bese. dng. "Aoverthnart, I don't srleWdPeoOs rorbark saoaSnrnbosf eee000nlaslnn strongly nppnued catting Angers. I've done my jab osd thai Ial Eruoteeo toolloet la F500:l COche oslo how is tool esolorloble scI Doesn't sarprise ma. An departure day 10100 Gsaconoe Snod 0555 0,11:0 allenI 050W, villino Rood 5501W, LIllalo °oe. thioh they'll let Kirby go." For the Brst time, my san be's indepandeot, anda hseobroerans, Iciecaly iS:tato sr tOn TOse Wonnen 0f St, anrlonna 111101' hose srll'oaplrd500e 15110g losses' spending na Medicere. And I bet it wouldn't apprnached, his eathusi- lso,slo,ussn laI,ody.05ns sal,esa,Ssaa 055,555.3555 Tire anni messing, hnu erdreed a small coffee end man and wunder whylt t050luseg sed aatusloec syp005ni- an Chsat elli pceneol Ihoir SbIh Ssl' hoyos, Cr1110511 5510150 And wha eco blame surprise Franhlta Delano l'ion in ihr slOrs sodio Ihr Poll. tas hoa:n bufere hie Dalle nddcd lots nf rrnam and gIves me snob joy sud you albor Lus:henc nl snsr SOrt alle them? Ru earceil. Hr colored oar bedroom stneueotrcslseassro.srg. finIi P510555 halt-PsIpOSO Pese, depariare, I ds'nun us te sagen www.grantsappliance.com Scorta on much. Cantar eaossael000 also are assibIle SIr lIre01 and 551150051 Rational Calendari PARE 1H 0111950W POIlU PISLICIIION 'OIL www.poneeriocaLcom 19

18 news www.piorteerlocal.com AIL' T4b415Ay,Ap51110 Oli

tflnomomnters, Spoido, bandages ovInI soleIl ono, balido aso tins' senles Hey Ost Ihn Cande PonpUet & pooled 01 040410 0m5/nnIbsl np/InI' Aohnr 01104410009544 Poole 000G ssn lisCa d0000neol all lineal bondie ligltiep Inoar WOOD 401 1004451 rentar 5100W TonI0 Isryrelyolieg Olmi. 01v lolO In 0m IllaloOsyl Calendar earl sAo sinapis colli oIt Ce accepted TIrs Ice, 0h00 P. Ihn Inne expo high p ma SalIt Guado Aganet 510001' llrontim Olemlrng al £50 Meto Plnoocted eilt 40101m Canlnno ssr, mn Contlroised from PAGE 17 tIento spenosner by 0C14P Ihn cl Oblongs, Ile Modo ShIre 11050mor iso IO celbro eli be held lolo O 000 COOS Coolly las notohlishade lo' Pmdge llrmlold OlOgoos ont 50 loI rns'Osvla IO drop lit nIto' 510110r' Don't just replace, Meile Csmmnorty 55000 000islaene halbis env lIn milenIo 1005000 0101 p.m Ile lavoh050 lloros Io oirg op pIspo sI loo050 Ill'' loondeline Coil 10471 Instaloneo sosos'ntien sI Oyn000500 bosCoso III p.m vili 10015mbrillen Coot I 00MO 000 Weekly basin 01900101 la laddIe 01 lIoso mIn Commuait7 01511 i iolewmoy010son 01 5001001 nobles fono. Onoro open 130 PS 451910e' devIls 'vito bny0115 spender and al bIo 050151e imoeslel SIal as, 1111 dying, lIa 00050 Ole OseOralsl, Sooeetarq of Stata Jesse White, in Iron Oesadnrsvl dono notoires ieci noiyoan Cnlebruly CIel Cele Sand hltoedavo I RItI Rond, 011305m Inlsmdnyn, lipoal er simple mCltyohs Il ELE 5000enstron With Os Soll Mill Shop' Sooth Paru Clnumtc, 11100 CloU' Leeeuee llcssn It the Wanflone Cocoon sIs 0510011 partiI pela in hot bOni Iba 000001IlIniCs Prcdosla bino and hImno VATIONS0 ping Center rs dInning drivers a ran 1111111 land nom, honk Olga, io IsolIno aSso letonIa pill 51 Wsl( loller, JspJly 10011 blsal'ssl redrlohnps 1001ro Rn pelino und Aedos Oli ISt011Ib 00, In senpopd lImona chenUe II leona Chain Univac's license lo Plans ConInO oIt pon. Man Ilmo dr noto Il'oeltor 01 the 510501' val Ill Pto 00mo n Call OIP Cha010n al 1119s tolsiemp laman lIon accaSI' IonI OreIllon 010001 Obtain a duplicate er connected li' 001sell 0000100 olas 7h04 and 11011 OoIIConII1- ELEVATE Isparlmonl Im Ile loOse fil Oho Comon rs at 4411 141'lhlG od. Comphlam -Pio lob Isplopo, reM osos 011oeboor 1101011511 cense on Obtain an Ill floro idenlilise' Cotre, cl055icslly loaned n song one' macsoon Csnleresoe, Ieri e Canons ma OaSI eScala nonos 1111011M' compalsr woe lolo msllle 10510 amO audiliosy tins sold. the letnelany of Claie Ma' Onlyr Olin 000 pi anr000 elle'ill polleo anali' sill d'roonon henpreglltony olmo Inom ondosI montI eronlly alIoli cirod pIloto peipnnrsla'mils, bey' bile Unit Will be fleaileble slOe chop' moula ers a bIt 01 tIllnho& ely ntblaodsol lOOn ana aeon ad mo' 4010 m Mel 101100 P011i mCloam a slImly P01911155910050111 bsellssmp 110es blOp 010ll, teIns' oioe lleno othti prop conter loom IO amO p.m 10(1 Ito lOis050 bIpa noqon aamrso se necearais otnpoionil isrda000abo and 51001 0005tloilnc. ollas PO40-pdnIPro, Ill Olayens, Osammo P051st Stanno olIro Ohhnapploenlnpneenp acures osSndn moUes 05 l'ano, organ end mr ISOlI 111-44to DonatI ant Oat porinsisl loitI Intoillats MOtIvI tS is los marIions CAO o altro, Idnl 011550 and sItio con SortIs limero 5000rslnesvevi,deni,roe, hnonnanh 050ibilyg a Inmatitty tout 101 P11000ev Celata at Caaaninnoa Leo- Ss 00005 oven ieiynrrnp 01 rs 00h gerne boon no end 1104/colle boors, hIlling ial lelenlc, OhiOrrsa lise Card need orgy snobent a servent ap000lo to all agro 4 freewill ollerino O tana nih 0050rnovmnn CIlio Invio Is OW5OCCt5m000itIvI Condse tlnhlinniso 110m lusi0000no, '101010' 050110 oNoro boaspInO salid Olivero tioneos ni idseliticahoc Ipel 11111 nil In ICaco, ViolI eope.000lh Osil gOs eolo and 0011 Proc den booth IO baller eo ore en lopper Ions or 000calo Will collo Oslaplad ned emaIl lorrilIrn 0mW hsn told lithe 555010 lie apply'np tor partohsohsop or call Coli 0050501, lilI Nadal Il 110440m lelproni i n' ay 00g II nl lllroeolPO'opsoss es Vsborranos ars 0500010 10 ynam aol 00011011150 eilten a tIp cale oi sorne Oled Oil' 500aha ttalraoioat Muanom & Edo- leIb no e 1010mo lonvoolw to 1010nlold ohnmmcal rosIn ecenln nnd Otra vean tta Moita Semtb 01014111 ml's lOose en 'deslihbellee lard eosIna CesO05 9101 W0550 COlse, ParoonI 011o 110010111 polIshInI p10144110 loom 0.00 5pm golly lvdit OcIOs 1011011 In inn salone laso, ontilliep bearers Io abmllon Is the aSpI lafllW sI Cossent tea tolmo SColie, 1541/ 901-4800 mnWrlhnlv OIr mois ohap la calnh 0111109 nocnr001ilvo reGained 10411 101-4h49 and hipO sos biso calls. seltorrea an' sII homo ImIlehl and ba010lloll Otrdenti000ton To lind oct What oaaotnunnsmmng afIelo Ile 5110e' booby SIe me lhlOopo ash 105'toa PannO dia5000laar JIm 01001e Ile OtIlen me leIscro ptngram cOalise 00001 l5050pl lISA pamasi 100011 0000mesla aie consideres atoeplable InCA sondai eoyibil005; bryond lmqno shop ut 1130 10049 Oss Ip lodI cenI 'l'on loosing 11011100 e AA, OIS C roel nr rncdor0005ln' 011a 050lJsrvrly lhroagl Ile Colas ideotlroelrso mrd Ile leen involved nrvosl ta 05051er Croar dreivl 0100 Up510la slllh'meQoOloIpIsaiol Coronas nel Ils tool Ihnn eilt 0 0111,1111 t10100llSIi lthlsn pall' SollO 111101ro t050lnms lIP 03G, Con nail loti 755044 an n'oit solsgoe SoNdern st 5100M Cnllnpea, r011en aro linon nonshoenu 00e Csdd1, boll II tratos light lorty' mom tn/cm drso4rop oil tallrslo001la sine lnbe001inniliinors cnmlpublne 100000 OtIlo the nllny sI dolaI eno' socIO moi0010Iooç, 1h00 os Ol001lca' bulo alelo eSO pm, butoIr l'plI sto el Iras a 510mIscascon dolts oc reo'mdooto noes to logo lIn Iseo thor 4050 50001ro tr011op l'san/pOI. Inoacis nhc lied Madam anotamo Is t101nonteys, pIlla11 und lslniloyr tnplsOien WslodCol omctmoao sed coo' lIP 1011 soleIl anca Mbaltnnyoo Ile memLalnlip lieb lo nOMO a Ola500e at saplead, soasad man' Amelos in ihn 101o and 'Ola, l'ndirp roll saltino mr 1h non sownonmln orlI-I pm. lloraOayl 50050oar orn Pelona SI Ins or tool coll'lo Ing 'n mdsoalmp/poso Oppllctl'nn-ns soll macled lIneen/pIlen era coni Inc nothing 50011000 al Omstnricplll Irla 130-3 4m. May10 a105pino IllS-lye bolso 045011000 re. pochI flap/ps Io aloi doparon 10101 born Roseloit, Olemtrrohip aoronil' osantnr nnad'satisnn seteln Icon to blocs clilopec ont onrsnnshoen, mo 0510051 0000rdoyn only Sosslo Oaf slIde: noir loon np 0150501e and sat' bmop 011stno'eC sIn' lina labil 1m. 150pm lpllifrGlopnitncno nolrlrloeaaplerea Ihr npcnurlembn' Its slalrpe150s 0110111 0001110 nr gonity 0000 01011 rmlnnhnna 01m reno lain lloosin4 011arony, 00000' Onol150 Onpsrlmnvt bfl49 Jelly 'Ial ans ethel r soiçieel 050leisnne et Innen lInon nonolons and brim 010 JoheWsIl BellIco presi dolt el 17131 lele elnolmn'ros 125001 ka aoonolnl North lIons 001011er and enoln001r Oso 10411 505'TbOO,I am-OSO sm Ihn Pert Wi/po, hiten Ir Oso Plaises 511-SIMS los 50000 1010mal Ot Iran 0mb, ala toed iSipaat al ovlh lIsos oWellIJo at LeNt 101500 Colear, On Pamlrona Inip a 10111 feline Oepontmeeln Do val tamale lobaIs IliOnph lrrhsyo II 05 111104e OphIrshal, 050011er 5500nrnp n rho Cmlii liOhI00000mnnl and Omen' hobel [sotol net Obole Moyos modal Oioabrtlnc bssvovs 101001 40 1000 Ciels Cenlor Crise, 10411 wowbrrin oodlior le pomladng Ile loCals Pooscrrsl informado levers, len 000 ely. Dolly thneagl Molli peodnesein t lOOP sIlmOsslisOca 0001go lan 05004. nIce null mocoamo 000'OOOOOam. Ioni, volleys nddnnoo, dootsol onsold le hIssed Iren mill museum aan'mnaisn, Hola- peal loI Il pool rod Serail cl all lasco al Ill PIsos Hrgheoysrnrk 4 Weeks Later 00000es Onoencsh'oes lOIC red I1100gh lortoyc Pooh l'Oso 100115 Ist, bat icllnmet 5000000 the ornI' causO temesoabsoree Day, 1am Molto 5001k 01910110, 10071 001-4001 Ils 0 OdIn bal viler o 021011010m Itelile sIlbO be loOSe. Meedlen, 100 Boone Hplway 10511 Um' 11010000 sill be cbarropd nrhrpoper none Paolo fiShtail HaseS Stem Orn maman Ittantelad re leioins Ike sial onmmoe ly poas am calore9 SOOlSlsrn'h pro hondo7 11100gb Ra vbnrlllonpian and PalIratICe COW Wamoa'a Oanteneeee nil le eno' 1 mdays IdOl noel dtOp oli Oleoale 11155111 Smrpebo nao ran last bIOy Cobonoclm1 PAGO 28 Another CurbEppealIlee Success Story Spring meant we comid roh lido behind the Grelo wintee mop snore. Sure we could pot in momo tresh nnortmr between the bricko mr neploce mame windows, but we knew thoummnds of dollars ator oso home would still look LEAVE THE POWERLINES ALONE AND Dull and Drab. THEY WILL LEAVEYOU ALONE. We deoidod te oall Eleomtions, thmy Speoialize io nuterior eenmohtions, COlor r1 and omsne mol tor a Frem Consultation.Our Exterior Demigo expert Ao CocoEd moro Coclmiolod frod MO Io poll-rd/mg 1-Cu chillo esliablp, 5ro prepared a CurbEppemi plan utilizing teaturmm libe miding, windowm, dmorm, 551sOy I/olIo clesc010ns lmid affosdeblponorgy cnod om000icog lico olcclbIC1000, Iticoosmoioy even a garage door opener mymtem,..combinnd with dozeom uf emtelioe guhdsli000 01h11 naso loo damg000ua i/moo sned pompsolp TImos 70010cl yclr family aosd/101. WndoW mrchitechurol accents. In mbout 4 weekS thy ob waS done and we gota 10 year waerawty ama major Extral Sso00 So/soy SolonII uy1 by It ott beInot wIth a FREE citgiotultatjon wIth srn espert MGJnGrO I. Alico10 smmooics polso-I U, Nocc ObliI Ioddnm lobs rvmnni linon, 888-616-4686 I www.myelevations.com/PP Unmln0001 Moma 000101 01000000m 11025 N, 114411 hoe, Iiyool0100d ICo10 sil rlaonn, OcIO/lonl sn lliIlm.coolh CqlipmooOoroy boos powrclmooe, Nanasoillo home Desop 01100110m I OI&lAmumm hue, Nepesorlla Installation Kosy IIOIOC'lIOIib 1111010 billy from bUco pciroc' lISO, L010hicrrsrtpom MIn-005, I-1, SCm IbepP5r 10 YEARWarranty Il)C000nIim licrIrice110051551 croIse Ir,Yrilevoloquinsil lylbilicol0Wll Months Same as Cash- OolcCoIopOOflIIlicna listocoyoo dig. 1.Ilyoo oso hCIdClOiIg lI0cOlciny/mlysn//11. &120% INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR anyohicy yb can y molohoci OlboonO II icshoIs cloro bics, cal Cm,,olidClonnnccc FOR IPUa0JFIED lPMDhOODOAhS ELEVATIONS owonnoOnoseny 10m J O-MOO-EOISDtOI

Ps.opalhysoolguaadeod'noIalaaoOanmrabPrsiaOsolnIleCorsOlmraflAruPO pmdimrsmlmObdy,n0005tapinloonoli405lnd °rmlnei000wpaymrnlsorlllmorbah5000tsmdaytrelambLalocep00010sdrlbapespoonumlnbnlysem 1201 rulnmrbdlo, rlonsroaddwaaWr004argr,l500emOlw&5/alOarOvomdfrSWlflIw01000d10000bam0000methAwOmirow0000i001e000mlwmrW0lthlsaA000 20 www.pioneerlocal.cOm NIL THURSDAY. APRIL 1h lIli

e,- A ¡ A A 4 For Your Consideration Dog's star rising with Ruby's Tale w achy's rate beek'oiqslog path ter RoW? l-1 1,0_Mce 4. Oncees i Nelle al Ott Having trained end ereearg 55018 Orchard teniR tick- AquarIeN of actieilies for worked with aertilird le ISNIl 476-2275 therapy daga befare, I the coming week bocce she had the night By J,T, BOBARD temperament. Ruby 'TIne Drowsy Chapee- In eren t Pylon eec loa aLeon 00e" mill be presented by racolan fi Iene Therapy Dug Big Noise Theatre Tbeeheneen atibe pit IntereuCeanul aartificetiae Company through May IS boll puppy leedieg the lits in Nenembet 1005. Aa my at Prairie Lakes Theatre, sta normal pet did rut erede ahaeged, we bath 515 B. Thurber SL, Des bah gond. went bucle le eahoal where she earned her aenvire dog Pleines, at 8p.m. Pridays Eight yens-e ngo, when nod Seiurdaye undt p.m. credentials. Ruby's piays she and her brnthen mere larladed "Cheuperby bbc Sundays. 816-$23. Cell bernd i nne abandoned Desee," "Meen Over 16471 604-0270 or nielo leones le St. Peni, Miss., Miami," "Belles alobe www.bigooisa.org ehe was emanated nod Want." Ruby bred the Ion, bar torreas lolling nut. and even wonh, al singe Park Ridge Cicle Noce, after being playo. Little Ruby was Orchestra presente adopted by Patriok Bet- Sawn anata HaUywoad far 'Oblongs to Mesan" et leodnef and hin wife an appearance an 'The 2:30 p.m. Mey let the Piok- Lyre, Ruby isa celebrity. Rumie Heat Shaw." Bocele mirkTheotre,OS. Her pirturo appears on lavad Rubyl She was aiea Prosperi, Pech Ridge. The MilIr Ensene boues ucd brought te Chiragn for a program inriedee Mesaron she's benne guano un phòta uhaaL Rath tripe 'Bine Kleine Narhtmosih' "The Bannie Hunt Show." Ruby rvae pampered with nod Requiem Mass inS Roby hue oleo appeared limes, debars und racily miser $25; $00 for stu- onstage in remmuolty RoSyScents deilete alece 0110v sarg baah-signings er ter bingrepty,gusysTale: A Trae gaga le 6108esaire batelaI Nat bad faro dente ned senior rubens. theater pr-odartione. nicAr 00 lever peInaI tetlentarl. dog nobody montad end \rlsitwrvoa.porhridgeoioi. She alen gires bach In left la dicI rorrheetra.org nr roll 16471 the cummonity, roorhing Honedid she take te 6t2.PRCO. osa therapy deg ned aun these ecpoeiances? servios dog. Ruby was my cu-host at a 3, Ao Eecnirg of Rookie' Bot, it's the fools, radia atntiae o-henal hod For a Free ConsultaOon Olees with The Inetta Robyn Taler A Te-ne Bago av aSerenan show "Path Normandyßuilders.com OMAND. Y) Visor Slurs Send ned The lo Bichen Rlory, weilten Pot Lurk." 00e oblarenon Artesian Wheels, S p.m. by Bettendnrï, thut is irbirlesla Barhmuns mua my 630-405-5715 April30 at the Shohie gaining her the most guest. Ruby bell tael aelnep Theetre, 7014 Liernln Ava., notoriaty these days. It leibe rhoir neat ta Miohale or visit our Hinsdale yhowroom on Ogden Ave. Skolde. $20-$25, evith pro- wan chosen re one at andas the Coegeese- reeds to beneOt the Nues PoreWord Reriemn' Eoolc macnun's mesenga bacema Township Pond Pantry. Cell al the Year Finalists for morn iwpeudened, Ruby 18471 677-7701 or aislO 2010. PoreWord Srviewu diepbreynd Ihet she mau oo,00.slaoleietheotrn.00m. iso magasine pobliehad cithar a Demaarat ar 0e sin timen apear toe buah- indepeerdnnt by searing 4. "The Oid Brother" sellers, libroriurs, pob- J loedly und roas coolly 110271 mliii be shown et 7 lishiug insiders cred and puapla he lrrrase ire Ilse Salier PelOSI Bellavierl net Ruby haar beet alsssirl the enanlry by picked up by the mibe. p.m. April20 un pari of the readers. Finalists loe the wedin tu pen Ruby's pIare, praentro the dog's tietrephy. 005y'a TalerA Tara legaleeiro- Mirhale wudT Nape. Pleat "Legends of Laughter" film gaale at the Year Aever fi story eu Steep of faut, she pr-amused ta arden nl the Park Ridge cecee neleeted h-nm 1,4.00 Ruby will jaire Batten- mark carp hard to get Publio Libury 105. entries submitted by darbot the Suenes & haase. Thay spent a tear leim. Ruby was tabac Ruby's valu neat dentina. Prospeot Ava., Pucia ltidge. more tharr 300 independ- Rabia ut Old Orabas-fi macbe in a "doggie hospi. lastar dog tor ana raeelrnnd She secerne pretty laid' ADDITIONS KITCHENS BATHItOOMS RENOVATIONS P11w historian Matthew ent publishers. boole-signing. IerI" brOum going toan anly io November 2003. bark loe hoeing hod each Hoffman will presenta $attaadort, who's Hovedid yea end np with animal resane group. I Sire w,veapperanimately fi oc colei stork in idle, short bIb before the written plays nod hasted Bohy? hava ulnea tried ta locale enneths old. Bren re ojalig fue-luvia5 soreenbng. Penn Call re ehem at o l'ois CiSne St, Peel aniwul rouirai Ruby's heather; bot paar Whet snodo veo deride 18471 820.3113 nr visit aroo radin ntatioa, woe booed her along with her recaed knaping Iras pee- Week oso sereier dog rn'ram.poderidgelibcaey.neg. urged by family, Irlanda, brmlher irr as abandoned vented me thaw unding end acter was the right Rrrby PASE 013 02 diversions www.pioneerlocal.com Ott' P030000, APOlLDI,l S PIOOOER FREtS PtJgLtCOTlOh-OtC www.pioneerIocal.Com Iii'feVRiDVIS 03

MOVIE REVIEW -Beautiful dreams

By neOCE INGRAM SIS dula Feoturing aIl-dI9Ital FrJectIon and CASE OF FORGOTTEN Signature Sedtl igincludIng boo segsts,drongorOw O REAMS * * * lip rechners and extra IeeOorn In the back row

Enoay pietere taIls a stemy, as Sod Stew art oree IN iHEaTERS 4ND IMAX noted, but ha faiied te M,ww.fastfivemcuie.com mention that some stou'ies 010050 Devonshire Children's Theatre presents 'Doce On This Isler,, Jr." ere wore istersetiog theo others. FAMILY FRIENDLY Theguodsewsaboal the fseniaatisgdenumsentury "Cano of Pergotten Soeows"isthetpiriuees Young actorsuseplay don't reme with moab imante bello-io (sIeroso than the perfsetiy prensened, to explore serious issues S0,000-ycae-old rene paint- ings is Pruenreh 0es Age- Sg OYeRA PETLICIII nately, is part nf tifa." Crony Ceterpiiliar Wind reo Cheanet Cane.- Contributor Tinloeto erego-Plo. Tessei, Teunh e Teonts und The poetiolly bed nows, il Oevnev HeroeS ir "Ceoe uf F009eOien Dresos." Por deiuiis, voll 10471 miniamos golf. yea hone himilsd tolerasee Dor'onshiie Children's 604-1500, seL 2400 or Por duttile, oeil 10471 ihr whimsiret weirdooso, la theo ilnoir 0000y is being hiha portraits isclnde goes voi of hin muy to Theater journeys to tire vis le vvnr'rn nhoiainpunlnd is- 9go_4220 or niait told by ihr legeodonily usiwela vootempneauy to locate Chcunel.00nre000d Caribbean foe "Ones On ist eL org. nnnennoebraey,org. This islend, Irr,"? turn. strange (lss'nrontilmwaiser Cro-Mu goon mon, in oddi- enreotriro, sarh neascien- Fr'idsy, 2 pro. arad? p.rn. Strange start then Kids have their da Weraes' Hereog. ti on toapuieting ofu onde list who wer'imad preriousip Srrturday, sodO p.rn. Sinon tIre rune ones dis- 000maur and e marmo hand- eau neons prr'foewnr ande Nothing' Sorne woaid say chat's Sonde0, Ays'tt 29-Mayo, ut revered in 1004, encrasan pilot outlined io red won roh o sounders ihn orso Abut' balaises frarn an entry day but the nSininl Sevoeshira Csttueel the inerr'inr has bren pigmeeL looming for tame eaves by egg OrvaraniARieeecuaa Diede tan Nieae tChildvamr'e Conten, 4400 Oeranroond etnirtly restrolled (the Croutad 00er a perlad of aeiiong cracha le the ruriu in "Snotrab," byTheosee Dey/Onals Dayt nelebratlurr Ave., Stuohin esleasee is nero esalsd luye 0,000 yeora ted ocredee- tune for Pateollihir odors. Moine nf Quebuc. Some- ei Nitre Pubiir Ltbrsr'y Trneniy-srno ntdldruin, msioi huele-roaS deuil nod ally neerlepping eeeh eibe; His ra000tios periodi- 0908 W Oahloo St., lot. agar 9.14, ars featured in ltsirrg te alrroyn happening fern people, aside 000mo mony are eemerkohty nally rent elI the rails thin Lyon Alunent bonis in "Perfnrrsanve its Wisieb OrOS p.w. Seodey Muy T. gooup of sriestinan, haue eaph'stiratod, using oumnm'- (dadsg a wuwset el Juemie Card eeuu volti sod tyr'iasl und Sseptnen Hopefully Nothing beera peewitted teerten A oaatechniquestonnggest dlenre is tIme cune, Heraog Ftsheriy (model rnasirvl, iluppens" by lbs Nethee- prasaat stories cod rouer m'epuro nf the rano, with its movement end deuwetic weodeu's cloud if they arc bared on Rasa 0uy's nuovi, lourds' Theasargeoep Man. in Opanieh and English. oumeruns ehvmbsra of onion, The sciastist is hearieg their own heoote "My Lone, My Lune." il Thu Claicago Hnmueittes Thare will tina be opirtutir peistinga, is bsieg ballt charge of research is the hooting or lIme houetheot of tells vITi Moose, s pueront l°astinal in presenting beth end conste foe hidu age 3.10 neor tha site, bet three's so 000e dedreibes enrio pur- the prcuieee, Pelsolitlsic girl echo folleto tone wilts a uf lirons Onwily themen al und thom famillea. Segle. may to reptiette time sense. stealer; u panel efhem'acs ornopeois(. thud he goes young mun Oruro a msurh stuc Ethel M. Rocher tarie adranee. don o? stendieg wlres'e femo theO bringe to mied Muro rot ef his 000y le tsuvh cou high ne eisen. Tireuler, Noethweasna'e Por details, call 18471 hune stood and eeeiog what Chagall, as "cee of the hivarro redo tovairing "Ovasyhody 005turgo is fJmnioeenity, 35 Artn Circle 003.02340e nieS few haue seno foe tendel rneridh great worms of ari," wutaetolbirre rrorodilen is thorn soleils sine.," said Suive, Evanston, May 3-to. rrrrrn.niieelibrarynrg. thousands of years. mod il's huid sut io ogres e seorbygroenheute dir'rvior Cana Omor. Tirirelate ego-gilin Herzog, rohe waa nearly Tras In Oorm, menh el, ouacwed by ncoiusi w010r Atstaouglr Ti Munos ions ndnanne, $2 mora at the Sneak preview awestruriabyide copee leere whet Hereog does ie "Ccoo 1mm e nearby nuolsur the ranter; the ernphasie is ArlsPowne Natiousut in the rove, musugeo to ofyergottcs Crearne" is a power ptaoh bit peculier. Hie derisive io Eben se, Heraogb appar'- nn"Oho brunuty of sire nosy doisils, null 1302) 494- Touring Theetea will cap tara thuS seeeat'see sotip gseuise weodeemeot 0500 an uieit ruvow.etriaago- yrosseo u readieg Prow (thioh nf it es un 050eatnal shoot in 3-Sisan osneyiog diatraoties f00100 moat uhnut the eaddes irppeae- DJJ fJi/OE ACUhS rcì JIioii Omsrr' indto'atad lusO Irnorunitienoeg. LadreigSewelmana' havi; llashbechl end.thou's eeough to mohe "Cene of Pergoisse pert, ihough it way banc muren efAgureline ortie maclying on lire ohonn Madehirra ved cire Sad Hurl, VE1 rií AÏfFW OÏ[ helped to present Ihr thol cultore--a dsvelop- inninirod vast rouetuhons They're having a blast 4-5 p.m. Pridey, Muy Sai Dreews" u muat-aen. AEJ ancsiwilljOMrl Thu paintings, lwirr os paintiogsre they molly most he equates with the POTAWAToM MAI "lllsìlsoruutotntrnblenss Tisera will he gamut, Simoivie Publie Library 00l5 old as any previonsly dia- uppeor ue the ensteumn cf biath of tho noel - oui- inI',' s r i. L " S 'oir = IE[[ iM[[llEL 51IiDA 55OflLIN Ibsi rvnr'mally rhayrronid. invero unid antivities far ail Oahiuo SL TOne suoi doy, covered yod oompim the rane wells. wules "Cave of Fom'gelten DEShilo Fila n'i anpinre," oho avid. Ornyrr nsen, indoenc and outdoors, you roe see iba show nitire l'hml'iilL.(iiil l.11li'diil!:l VNIf[ MUH'' enough ta neunter previous He yods time SInnt Sed Desamemos u rvuy a staid, oiled Cairn (lo, the godut 01lire Moulus Geune Publio touron ouwe am tirs Noath thooried about the slow asiA-beam; aflur 0000ing out Lmwditieeol donuweotucy death. She said Ihe runt Libraryb "45in Annual Share Center fur thu Per'- deneiopmeual efuetistir olpeistingtmn Cheovet, by tr'setmusO could saver hou pondered, "How entilo Spying Rival," io a.m.-2r3S forming Anis for hstppdna. STARTS FRIDAY. APRIL 29 he nsnano lrnwoenenruey enpt'oasies is early wee, dtsr055ieg onde tlgurires welch. p.m. Sotardoy, Apoll 00. Por detallo, nati 10471 00' CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FOR THEATERS AND SHOWTIMES heist The dde ors are mere steihing thnn yea and luauy llutes found is Stili, Weaseu'r Mutuos crollo- Highhgiuis include Relee- 00400e nisitnoennvuehaiuiet- ing thus death, oolbeio- might imogiue. Visid, life- ether ruateby coves. He albino csooediisss? Scully? eons 500eeoger Odono, brary.isfrn B4 diversions tIC www.pionRerlocal.Com 00219868, 0101f 08,21)1 0 P101010 PhRhS PLSLICSIION 'SIC - Www.piHneHrIocaI.cNm diTersiMos BR

FILM CLIPS SHOWTIMES We specialize in mot just no lodi about Is lohn 000mm liceo srl nlheolioe Fndey lOr'OOO'l 4010 00-lOor OPENING FRIDAY: lolo HOODWINKED TOO! Special Occasion Ses 0:00105-2 5O'S00'R25' tIre aa/lo baoioeosi As HillIlirio snd ele Sowp)lnd live iptoree- WIN WIN IRI HOOD VS, EVIL IN 3-D (PO) PRESENTS PARTIES 150000141 fR00 and the COipmunbo"j dineolel lion oeomlablo 00 Ouvsdey. Piense gim-len,I000-000-AOO-li5 pr,sutplo'Ioo-000SceJlioor'itno t'ri,uii Iui:Oiiofruui 50000e CAVE OF FORGOTTEN Ile eOre-lhoio, 500-1 SO-I,GO-lnO 10,19 Aae'Thurn:sdO-eOs'aoS DREAMS dolorltod fenilo sanely, PaledPo octe that 100111f sshedsles efe 500itli'lsn-aot'us0000'Ioro MADEA'S BIO HAPPY FAMILY * * * 1)2 f00 Inne oild node Ionen suh)nAI to olerlo, loro hotiogs INCENDIES (HI HOen-Thsns 100-00*00 engOmo IPO-13( Mama's Night Out nne prueldod, pIonne oolithe Sloan, lhtO-fOO-4'OS-i Ht PROM (PG) Legendary dreotsr Werner Hamog OrtOacIlSt'li'tO RIlOuSlInO SOS Grodiios)oo Psro)o 'a Aoe-thrrdios'O MS-POI SI, Sao nnoSidOO-052n'40-r il- atThom CnntnefsePerinroainHArTa 15580805 Ateoorralds,Dgairre, The month theater too )nformelioo. snsiO40'OS0'0:5O-fJO-fO r Sh0000rs. RrhoeoselDirrsrcoe 500-1.05'IOO'hAOfAOO'iOOS of 00db vIsored exclus ce gormio- yen nesdecto Patrick Wilsonand POTICHE TRI Oor'Ilunt 051-PSO'IRlO W diog & Ao0 eressy Reeopos000e O5rOlcAO'iS'll'14A'O4O'ySS' lion to trim ir Frances Closent lone bonne) ale hlunted loose 0000ae'ifOl-Otl'nOS OSO Loagh OsseLosvd Cwnwadyfwo'Mothen"S Day Ace Bspliomst &Coofirr000ioo Pseoice by ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 520.t'ou'dOASo'fu'nO Cese, home of the 00820 oldest 15 neonHalo loo Eher 0es lerqetet Aon-them'OtO'OdO'lOS Sal,5 May 7 at Opm Priva so Pureiea 000lbololSOS'tns-250'SbS- e 000e peirt)Oqo lcr this ds00000tnry. by obl! epinmin. Le5H Vheneellaed ArhieqtnT TieRatere Calceeng& CaceyonuAeailoblc ISA ROTTER WOOLS (R) 500mw-a -- ei Roel Omelie 1h10 rection /90 mio.) Janes Woo the "Sarl' tnnpoluSe SOS Oneoqrenr Sr Orm'Ssn'.iLSO-S'll 111155 Rardene 1-6 AFRICAN COUS (Gd 00 M PAS ret '0g nioto and dinestyd the hsonrr 104f I 4eS 500 00e Wary l:IS'O:ln'OOO I fIt ris son000075srco 120011db dt t 847-647-8282 I 0101 baled P6-13 fOr thoniatemale 6885 N. Mthveukvo Nibs FAST FIVE lPGS3I WRITER IN WARTIME (RI FAST CIVE tarovn aid OoiphterL,g Ion 000.?us.nnr IrISaD 1050150 TloeChsmboene/tmLjrec,c000 MADEAS MW MAPPY FAMILY Atcrmerosp lenti mellar) sed ae lmegns and bnnnf strong languIgn Ist Sen Il 01 dSl'O:yl-f ml hl:yO SIs-1500: ASO GeedenG 7-83 rs cnr Orn lleno)) ore forons to de- Mon, Soca,u'uo-SIn drecn )ltt cdli Paled Pt-IS loo by lollIng in lone with n momar JANE EYAE (PU-131 Sri, Sah 11051 tO'ctO'O lEd 05- 1700 0000haOd Center neO 11 500 Al-006 110 feats trug lord art loteAMos ted- lome oldest osntonb IJnnndnr tarnen Oro fernAb dOelr'l SUARCE CROO Fri loll: dIO-O OS ObO-tJ5005-IAIS-l101 noIi 0155114 noi agorf LcIt)e fir/Il tard Puri' fours:4 HOI Ihn ES nnn'ngworeeoec IleNcrthrneolenr grnd Jason Oil' 0001111f dele Golleohoell nn115 SsisfiSS'510000001'O5S- ob) dirnstnd the lateSt ioc abort PROM (PO) dIO-POSO SO-loro ViHago Ceoeninq IN A RATTER WOALD ei lfd's 'Soleil homily') lineo/al up fo find Olmeell io ton body oteo n ontoss-rse PARIE RIDGE 018e lrurd-drioirg lotionnons other roar Oto e 0115010e IS ann-fours lgS't'O5'O'13'4:0l' 1000 OcrRnalen Osad Ito trieldehip botneen los Isle Ha cockS 0110e f911 hit, latrI selon. SOL Oso libioS-o 01-f SAO 1h rOORis)Rated Pt-Id 150m 00'? l'iO IS ' OsI, SuO'4110 turno to tregedy eher olI 00e oes PG-fl tor alcohol OIS throughout co tOn identity of a boRbor nIl lar usn,Isns '0051,00 Piclswlck WATER FOR ELEPHANTS 000amstheat 0650w lee other la nc oct cl reonnge So' selle) oOntnot, alouate ard nome lhrea100ed Is blow ope IbmSon' innI. lOmtSuO 541f 35 toPisognot HOODWINKED Toot (P0-13) THOR IM 3-le (PU-131 snore Tier) tongs 10h hostie thE drag rete na noes ocr Jsres I AdItI diranled tHe rllsns:l'nS-ftv'yno 11411 SAl-SOSO 11001 OS. EVIL rneoceiuleirltseetra fon friSaI i000-035'cOg-OOO'lOOt tIe s lOOres l're) Nnnrled tIn Oeoioh dIanne obi-f thniono 190 nrsl Ruled Pt-It WATER FOR ELEPHANTS Red Od rg Hood aol the oslo tuo-Duna 1050-0510 SONOS 0110x1 0600) tear's Godor Octe HARMA for some 0)010101 iccfuding dirlonir b PA 131 MYSTERIES OF TOE THORn AN (MAX 3-O telo up to iocnotgetn Ile disap' RIO (FO) ter Sont loreng Aim ISO mio) Ir * * IV )ng magd, and for Inngaspa frl OSO-OJO-e 50 JASAS PRAYER EXPERIENCE 000-13) pearnosa 01 Hanse) end ¡retallo 0ml, OsO 000e 15-1 OS fOlTern ltO5'ZdO'AOO'OSO Allis lOO ow balSo irrte lultrtlnu RIled R Inno' Pon tIns 08gm es pronisingly IO-Suo rISt'Otu'sot-005-050 t0)n lequel to the 012001 animated Hoe, lOns,.m'i3O-OJO lud-Oho 0m Cr5-sot vert eel diolurling oonlent inSolo' arI noIrs dinappo ntHgly en 1010 TROST RIO (II 3-S (POI FAST FIWEI THE (MOO adcertum. Rated Pt ter some old OeP 1h11 ftrnS tus Pri, Sal 1105103 005 ill pretnent act Ion sogungo, nnigontro, daonleolA Ilylined, gal' 500010Er paroets IClue Omen WATER FRA ELEPHANTS EXPERIENCE (PU-13) rudo hsmoo language aol allier. 750045-loiS In'cloroISIS' l0400'740-flOO onniral o paoed vltilootely trustial' end Celhehne Keener) nro nhlobed AFRICAN CATS (E) boul 005'OOA'LO5'019 0001100-lbS 500'ilS'r.00 MoveeG n IS-USA-? 40-rl Ss I .5 RIA irg and Iseo nOto psinllrls ultro' tolled their fenilo t000aterxd dy PROM ni-frf-Ois-rin Moe ThOrr'-i'G'iV',t'f'?,IS Ann tSars uSe'ltr'0:)O'r'45 luau 04 jot os se I S * * 1)1 Orslert astoo thriller 0800cl lO Ihein yoong daughters new Oat uso/to-I rl-e ,o All'O IS trono) e)erserting sto coot ro' RIS (POI SCREAM 4 IR) PROM (PU) -. S S Aleros sothog poitocleill moceo denhiog though, tInt "Herre iou boytniond ehOh te tunos out Ano tsnuSIS'?: I mento rolet'onships unfold as S-:'ten 1n5sGor5tt0oS rol, Sah ISIS IJO'OIS-t So-ro 55)0 OSiOnS ni'rosI IcOOnSO 545i05 is co orth 'Wo, despite toe usuel frustre' blast oh le its loros strong, Diroc' bobean Intalnat prodalov 000ml Inna tlh-uit-Iit'OI5 loenngorn prepare for Ito acoco) tom luoll Arassi SO' 0 lolo 05 Mon-t Oars' uIO'4'45'f00l000 l'on suene hun tAl Studios prdluc' tsoJse lOnt5ht )'Ptsraoeot" 'POde t000inneo lYsA, PalLo0, Puri asnloeociss'oOs-12000th-nRoS Solco lInos Joe Ocosbeset C'OlI' AFRICAN CATS IO) lion tInt fallo Io live opte ton Ono eel Fra)sdioe," "She Soloiut'l up' dineoted the thnilleo Ilse m'o) RIA (POI PROM IPAI eel White) drreoled tOn onmedI. MANNA (P0-Ill IrllsnonueG'lOOOare dnrd s) ils 'loe lue Irneohiso l'sa purently nnt aullo Prone Iv soso Paled R fon distorting nnotarinl il 1,0001, 121450 '030-0.40 ' ItOH mio) bInd 161cr nrid nc' 51" 1,23 III '0 IS rosse' iinn 000-n'no 50001 ceholrnome peo) Jiy glens- apply Ive aittoloess OeIls cale' Oub, sse nur-Pur loS'foo'oIo Mnn-tlraro 'I f c'i h'nROt TAP URN (PE) gsugr anne crier nbc sobs.rb the rape 000)0er, lar- Ann Iso 100005 ATTENTION: CD OWNERS anl liltln poe-ado escort 0mo enutor Itrio to thib tall-tit POIP itom aboso guego, seouni rontyot nod neme Aso fenuoll'tlS THERE RE DRAGONS Oaf, lOtO p 5, - HOP (PE( tool pa5005 its 16m huteS sprenaly neo lou 2-000-0 OS-OtO bol AId 000100 Oteen gr I )eltraoegantly lIbeled STILL PLAYING: 0100000: 00000 GOl Pail lloltn loi clOer101es aen loIs sed aa050adlo eotertdnrcgly, es) lO-loor-oId 501111e RoranI hInd IWSIOIOOS (PU-131 th)s S'O nnimatnd 5000ady is deoid' 101101 rsgaa Lie Opolt lather loris WINTER IN WARTIME HOP IPAI MADEAS RIO RAPPY FAMILY \Oi152RDSEMONT fri Oar II SO'S 15 551- cWy nhsit or pinsnonRio' is len Olee) to letAme ihr penfest sol- Irr Mon, Ase ,iHorohSS WILMETTE Ihn teugh-IdArp Ornedrie IChal * * * Vt 700-rO0s-rcuo 5101f 5f OSebnrIelleotcol siildil Ins- Hot Oho yins iS'4S'2053io Ronemelet TR Psiryl tIlos soso monI Ihn gnomo der" And he goes n )onq ceo to' I 14-olor-oid boy 000es otage- 500TI 010150cl 'SlS'ftO'IwtO Ists afraid cI'hyirp Ru It0550 ORUOCE COTE (PU-131 1001 arre SImon loo Wibmetto up ducghtein St Sor aitiag niece 16) nod soling 1h11 loppan in the pa coolly - duo 0g the And 000spe SOURCE CODE (PU-531 Onerbnrg cf Thn leoni 801mo H) Pii Sao, bord, 7,15-rol 047)407-roto, lIto Gentral eSa, ti ris speotnoular tIlt HOf, before Ion 01 the Nethorloeds in Wella Osi mr 5af005'fA'iO35 to core tsr olio Ihn may theb booed 1.10 lof) 0011011 Charter One Ihe osi/Is loll reaainiag molo 0100 JUMPING THE OROON Atpiiia4sVaIIoy should Parry erste und I sciad Ihn creomnduSghrg in IberIo 100leneno 11001cl 0000 autsbioqrsph 0e 500TO ls,?Olmso, 2.55%. Pavilion mIseri. inhn's rl oled sIfts Ail by IPO-131 TRE BICYCLE THIEF 11H40( CANA GIFT comodo. Rated PG It tsr Avg eau onde) neirp Ihn olony tn daodln yuurg eSulI 00051 by lobI pnyrn LIMITLESS (PU-131 . du's . pannaenmusties. nom maInna'I SveN snoithologist fOil I asi'sr Io)415j0u 0505 1:05 terL language nod seme malore eel coander sonfufingly il the sinljstetesmar Jon Incouin, "no/nr ni4lGHLAND PARK Irr, SadPOhlOI5020 otor Ardcigo Invlsro) vioc5 nito aOI,Ose 100 tleorot mole let 5000cl Coto Slanohell 110001g in Wadioro" lIllo ho ninny nf ossnn SOMETHIOO RORROHED Son'Ituro l'ge 1S'OS FROM Higlelaed Park Son' dOS'S 00-7 OP First Midwest Bnls Ello bock 050001)0 br d'orsoy erd tell rsthleos ando agned by osto' M chief 1000119 felaoelef 01001 1P6I31 ulnitashed Secco tilde )Lnoie 000 0201151 Orn, IOu ic, il Ola e, RosemenG Premier WATER FOR ELEPRANTO errssano)'u e oSso pIon es the CIA eagooroso Is leeev 000ind His boo- ASSET MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE Merli lo note iHtH IdotI IronIsa- IO Of i vus-0550 cASI eroe Mae, roo CERTIFIER COPY IHR) Aeltetheny stcdeet coleo) leI' olleinenoinho's Oct tA ooptuno or hoed and bio the resmoloISs go 111f 0H00 (P0-13) 10010g ni/Id fing JImel lAcreHell' WATER FOR ELEPHANTS io c rd. f 0,01 e a b011 04f'IOtA mr tOuns:O'OO WHEN YOU PURCHASE A G MONTH sjo 1)05011 drops Ost s) onheci alter the kil Sadly's deadly little ActTI) gets bis loto Irtsctioes Oat Ihrel) u000b 10e IonI reaaiyeq teorie IPO-T3T SImIlI Rated Pt-it for intarsel500ehceu no his lila Adopteoldrtoolor Mamie TROR 153-D IPO-131 JUMPINO THE ORAOM death of h's pereits eeleine a loi,tat,ll5'Oin 100050 FOIC INSURED CD los toco "H Olores )IIsOtypioa of orrinrue nod 00101, (PU-13) 00e tuca,OiO-055 traveling eireus duo/eq 10e Groat 2e' lomo selva! Ksnl00000 dele a 0110101 of ts isg ton Churl It:'eW'OOS ostnrbell omecce loto Suo '' ran 005-III CALLUS prosdory sIring or the en malo end maternI and larAsegn too slon'y leon Aiolrelo gsintol oohs'1.hu"ur DYLAN 00Es DEAD OF NIOtO CALL 'FOR mosans) no Pio and Jamal 50110m SOHETHINO BORROWED BROCE SPRIWESTEEN - TO bAY FO IL TouR tniteg ter a Married Women )Reose slow led ilion tratos line his 010w bI (P0-131 2011 CONCERT noii smegglens cohn hnoo ohneel HANSA (P0013) (PU-138 THE PRONISE Witherepvon) loando t aRbed C'I SOUL SARFER Ihiogonarvlyoorreoponds ollI the loi SeLf SO OJO fiord iOi Oli nnlO-AIS0,lA- CURRENT CD RATES SCOEODULR them togetHer, nIl folioerl LindI OrsI, Oli en, nil Boo em Legand") d'rooted the nnmeron R temete sOOtei Sill IlnoaSIpOla oay things reelS sor Pooioularly

ns vui'i(isgs S PIONERO PRESS PUYLICB7ION 'DIC ifIvgroIotss Ml www.píoneerlocahcsm LIC' 700550G, YFRILos,lull www.pioneerlocal.com


Ase a on Synpynsy f sohretma, cnn- dusted by Aloe 0,alh erinutee, p en Playtime is about to take on Tnrneotl6odt005rc Corles brICe 'Behind the Burly Q'on DYD Pesleoorcacsle,OtOl usovlcomrd,, a whole ne"w meaning abeklsmees.esaioeoso 1547)070' OAlONesth Harlem Assa,,s By BRUCE INGRAM niant, peedeerro, eoug. 6t11,ttS-tTsroith drneooele Inrnnm' Isaesossd Heiihu Film Critin Iss asd nludeelr, May I, A51 0se. .: "0 PLenO 708.867.4072 e'r,tart end friends, (MOO Steaks, Chops, VisualI Voi3O 1100 5esloi3OeielieieOylesee' CHICAGO CHILDREN'S THEATRE Fresh Fish, 5 TACOS FOR $5.00 drotsitela,lh,sio,csallhe GelsI,' 011001e OS Chlaeça 050 cf Nrliat 00e pr' Burgess .5 Crispy Corn NEW THIS WEEK: THE DILEMMA Irrerolhepss irosslealotee Jemen Whea aman (Vince 51es heenos', cnceedlss and Pad tale: Shell Tacos Caslsasiasaonct cvi,eslere ned SERINS TUE BURLY B Vosghnl diseocors tIces Chaise of beef, hloken o, pork Meuh Isen"ruseedal':erdPaul tic * * * Ill the wife (Wiouna Ryde,') aenllu 0f npharis Selemosphas ne se Thie dorumenrary by of his bent feleod (Bromo tSennoebceolaalmas000etao 847.673.9700 ertreoo.L,u'eed. Jemen is keying ero affab, Oenhefeekteellnnlndllte fold 5p61 wriler/direrror Lnolie he ogsni000 about fsr,dMuyTalsistuleCsones Hall rl the 60051esSIelcsIcairass,lam Zea,erkio (wife of execu- whether or oui to tell Ido. What to do. tive producer and cele- ChicdIdAeS,lI000lnstTtrSlesirdol'r Boo Howard directu,l lire neeervc rns,esl mill b, 00 7:00 a e. eri- boded director Roben toy,Ica Inri aNdeS's Comando Ins CPRO VOCAlI VE. PULSES WI R THETHRILL OF DISCOVERY. comedy. Boleos moisIe Zrmanitit) only Louches This week and beyond. SOlco 05lire In 0 651er site elote ,Ri,h,O55k6TIME enveb deleted nooses oecd lightly on the reger sooiol oslo lolo rot eri faelasu 55,50e 6,5V an elteroohor eeding. "MESMERIZING. issues surrounding the YOU WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. ene Ma lt 55 Tas6e, alb 5h, hess Week Buted P0.12 foe melare fasti col IdoIne In: "rsaedanteso los- Robis Wright io mperb..Jsmes MrAvoy'r loe and fall of budesqee norte" es r le O Mains, reile 110051 thematic elemeelslevols.. ne Ueabmitqo. coaRto oye onek prior fo the dele of CREATED BY LINDA 5-AAATZELL, MARK PERRY AND performance is powerfully implosive." the mod popular form ing sexual ooutnol. (f/ni. llbar jahe,n r, stsïm ml f nrelt hdlfs i' 'P.nrerae.a.ThJOirfstleet of e010ntainmeor io Oho yobliCdilas, sIcHel loAd Sehredes odO Ile er ,eessso:etdceelsbnfs a, "ChInI lac Sees3lg cjjTìfdren'slismal're lobeo Redford's 'the Conspirais,' is early 20th century lees ce EeebrieS muet be typed. fY'15 sorry, bol 06e 0471 luke il IL troceo nicely with remi. i,l0005best,e,"nrIhespanssnn' so ususoofy fhssghlfuf Elm. THE HORNET oLer ihn telephone. We prvfnr emsi( slbnliOsi000. plesne. eivd lea, laser feas frock dot benn nioresre. Zemerkis bao Wheneslarbon (SeLle neoçmno f,desne, sadlee 5055055a ABSORBING AND RELEVANT." ensamblad an imprassiva URB. BSI1UMS are Iene, iodIde knot desuripliay uf Ihn sono), aoteassYaoh Sesoselctosunohe Ragno) loherits hin roster of burleoque stars, lime, date, eddfoos. price and phone Tomber. le cbrool'e necsed cs,ae rd sill la 6e father's media empleo, he inoludiog the e001io- fIera ,tT:510nr.Toadey.nlre psomam leders M0A000 sorio WR1007 osea hin usw foelune lo ce By mollo go. a/a Pioneer Preso, 3701M. Luke fce., Olesaleu 'rsclolen Yoet'n folleloilo i, i-blat Md' donringsupereeers THE of lerce from Rod Chinai. gght crime soith the hel1s IL 62026, E-molI: BalYpirnnnrl004tcoirr, NY: 1841) 466-745) ins sibIl cellini valreuo KidS,, Cassella Tempest Slorw sod Blues poleliessuod painfolly lO f M leer lOs 75e llerpdeeosdns nIh Whettencoreot Li'o story of his fntf,oe'o sapoteeloes CONSPIRATOR SLurs Alen Aldo sloe 505. dull. loll Bated Stur knfbeard amleto loon, Mey ort gole poor leer durit Anion, budygourd )Juy AutorI Wotnlnr: ana "sosies Oretorin7 ""'000050 fOSFORO tributes ewterteioiwg oe000l contact, oudity uod fllse,s onorino behiod-lte-nne,es lit nap rara no Ile, Mraeoclo, measr "fIAMOS SOWMON505EGOSY lfeNSlyel pompis,g is ulwoct ','erle. lungooge. (Domec-sol) Chou). Michel Oon'dr'y STAGE icH ut mela lue proSsimo, selle nl it ebrios of t'uveliog eco supseen teils leo se, tenor Wiliads '"OIAMSS SOlOMON 'TROeERS fOSFORO 0000 bereute this Blm io ("Bteeeal Sonehiur silbo 51111 15 nhecresi mill la toit al nous kid colti, his falbe,; who 'Csasyfesfoe'willae pseeseletby Yrasseedtassosnslassslernoc, e-coup eli abool lles RABBIT BULE - -Spotlene Miod") dievctcd viel,0 slots Beeirs Ca Mae f'ld el MeyL, p,cnneli005sse renoirci, Ca' eillrltraoshlfeek feelicel vvorl,ed osestraight mon dual fidof, sh:sh InOltro e pse-esas dosc(eg und ereepthing * * * I/l the orletto comedy fe'sor s f he alati taniN 5555155 5900 W, tel' rod cholos, 7olele lo cent lassaI Now PLAYING EVERYWHERE io remedy eels. With its eect has, 01,41er elia elleS, a ed lhel tobes ylere is lights nov000e,,Chi,eqaFcrfssnaneee ere 01e Ils aesoral otm'rolnr, 000 Sar neo- A tough film thet's sor. sonipt ee.wniltee by 000rt prosee Into,, Itlionel al Ive countless alacies ofgoreg. 51 7:50 ye. talustdfc e st 0 5e. Son- irme: 000 bes e lobrela: Oil los 051dm,, (ssprrt050loc. Portico. yriui,egly ecrgogisg thanks Rugen. Boleos includes deSloas pestarea055. sill leal bSS lleco, romeoros, deO,, ri,keto f16: f0 Inrehil tre, an- lsaedfesvtcl. Scellealnotscriplldmn lady Citi Oso, e pcinrr'yel to freqsoot hsmo,'oao geg'neel and deleted p.o soy lB solos aenies.apnarl dir - tero est cerios enloses. Msther's 00f co,eSse canine: o, In b alt mcc sto b rol ,h t w, lilillotion, succins lei es leda I es prao sr e hi' deeoee,e(Oh the Bir'miog. touchas by dirortor (nod ormes. Roted PB-If for cestini 0,55,11 orate osa cisl eme0600af bnreomros:Slltomete' tragedy cod triomph, ee,em,ntrss la cA, deeper inciSaI Item Boyo; Bellst, who Novthwestero Uoiversity nequoe,eaa of violad ee5.toívola nOvice usos e or ce Il de ab o 100 les ahilise a. Call Ih011 Ist' "Behiod tire Bu,'ly Q" ito lete She Omas sIll be hOld otlp.m.ieee BfllfOs-fN9D sisas sr tisI nn,r.tachnrad rro dseo o peelsolly edequolo gradI Jobs Cecce,'en uctios, lougouga, oeosuol- Sella li, lser,"nalesIessesisu" tOp-Of.11re.lolll die'e,'sioe. '7(5 e O rue ay Chape soca" nell ho p re- Chlsss005enoe,Mocishea,101f) lob conveying Lib sumoc, Milchell ("Hetwig sad Ike ity end dreg oentetst. feoeOallnve esenasslnsl.le a,ulo' (gli No MPAA rudng. n,rledN lis 60e, Theatre Cuepsey 110-102k m,osehl,osoahante reo- our dramatic Idale, bui Angry Inch's. A fcrweely (sexy) eel colIdan on Oteoaeeooe Sao tos- (yi,'al Bus Footuresi threanS May 15 at nrorsle babee Osc- snstenuelateioes,nsIhodnoplan te cicusMlO,SeslsOsefelSOlS:0Ipn, abooluiely drives o 1,00k heppily merriedcouple Sundays al mu ak'Slerp,m Co sera lie II ars,, 515 i. 16050es SI, les niaisa ndeOsehlelanily'dTOlosr. sol through she bullet A SOMEWHAT GENTLE MAR Codais i, atape Fsreeso and netos- sa f orlymeota r, be laosiIy'e carlean. RAU'S LAST SAUCER (Nicole Kidme,,, Oscar. nut 0515060e sea his site aal ero, 55 Alto DIele Dine, 05005101 liScIo. sequences. Dir-samoa by uomi000ed, end Aeroo A dce'k comedy Icons Odios pe.505dayo,fdditoeol arr ehe Inne eInes sI lOrIs osv nlevata. 000f AO Is r aerosol admieeiors Oil Irs Broce Beewsfoed ("Bniriog Bokleoet(, whose fou,'. Normsy about os oging lotean ce std F s. relasdaO A poI SB Ill-Sty 02f-HO nc pmriene. Yes IF The melodruwo evento. 556e Is 107 Ill oseras sit,nes, lis elod,nle, Muy e OCA pemlnren SOIS Mss Duisy"( fromu sceipt yeae.old child woo gaugoter lOteltua Sl,or'o- OBCdkatsIosltaneOh aedu,dnrare ally Eons oree the lop und etiAses 1e111841(604-RfSseeieil ftOCalllaOnIlrO-uOtt osalerl eeslu rf Slennh osassI er alusdar, io- by Jon Bordi ("Shioe"(. rerestly hilled itt en acri. olsdien rossa If frasI, P5110cc, Oar the yolilicet yssiuriog,no gerd) who does his heel lo sao, tigeelneesa nenes rltrafhterg, roe Ailtduu lotse lesees svd deere. boll, oideo of Ihn comme,. (01(1110 minI Botad FO dosI, tey lo mori, their tuna lwuy offunsulillicil "fessel' sr Il le pesrssned at S p e. "rlsasebsnolrf'nrll brpseeesledhy fore brief dulled imoge, stoy through the nmo. fy11 leal 0,0 f asso. Mey f al 00610e jomen Recisa Taco 55 spIll noRay ThoCele000philtaseocinl,ohecl,0 olol/sepilalist fesse, is employmeul aller belog serbIno OIS an, Soedoynal Push' Csomosithtellcofcltnt:sovelhe- 75 al Ile Osino, resO OvIleS I5,lhedrnt some oeeeooliti; Isogoege tinnal olenustetion (Bol ealeused from gritos. Bot SlaigrrCcncrrl ltrllenlhosfeslhseet- geoerully heany.hardod eles. 16111. Gell Reed, fee Pleine,. c6os,h,ansow.00psaslcoe,, CAcaOs nctA inoidenlel sacol,ing. Baled P0.12 for moloso whal he's e'eally euucerr,er( es,bolaouilysaspsOsOAslsClmnlo aud simple.minded, bot Tioket,:0515 lnsclUdeetc eco sers Ferloseonnen ase el SISO a,efsideyo Interactive Theatre for Babies and Toddlers (Twentieth Cenlsey Fool SSaa. anans lee, lOfT) ,ou-area, "Mao's Lost Duncer" sull ll,ometic msta,'iol, some eboet le fusing hin heir. mere.CalllSntllOt-lcR ossido e ed telo rdaeo s os p r, 00 da vu riso- drug use and Isegsegs. ssmohisaauperlhasmnei001srrsknii AGES ZERO - FOUR calicOes if pose-e loolsiog IStrand Releasing) census kleeoterti,beto. ets0000lSrnrserioonilrsene and, RECENT RELEASES: (Liuusgote( 'fie Oetoeiesod,,"Maytl'Jueer9 nledeetnlllpaspeunrler esoso ele 020-SIt, MOW TO; "saalrlcbl CO,' fora good rey- ero doe- ds cit 00 te s," slit piar loI 10115f LIMITED RUN: MAY 9- JUNE 26 hm moro ¿ovoroqo al l6nslhllglrt 70801cc. Is else at tee eedaed posas el Il nr scesstell moeai elisg eelebrslioe of deere. WAITING FOR FOREVER es rIS those Ocelos res the Ferlasel,f lead ,soseetoollrsLreerrnsoam SUMESYIIERE ALSO NEW 7207056 os e-mou lanedtem sentie- 01 poople ond ØIOCVEi "Lost O'anos," is based on A qamnley atreet pee'. 0555,5551 1506e Sled. 160510, Perlar otseegefil,ee. rsulsdesssneo'elyaphueflfale,d vertsanOn'o"tnpelns" siano c005,r S'ID'cT Ocb7007T"i ,'lOGOAPfI THPATFR"'- ** THIS WEEK: fonmee in Hollysnood nassen s570eeirfe051:300m ist' "Steel Grooves" sIll Os adedeslrs YIJC çommny OEÌIIflO if 1» the heel.selliog mowoit' by lo fu O im f fMI Mele, There's Onu big ycoblow nOt 6es It, 550f 04, lacerI: Sedees' tylSelOielleSenlids PloyeuApst Li Ortosio, who tremed ea couailes with his el,ild. Comiailo,acaceapcllenueatnnshoia cvilh esr(len/,lirorlon 000o dare stipe, ceS 7:00 55. seeds 0 29/50822 ello. rosdanvlsse. usos s. www.ChicagoChildrensTheatre.org BOB DYLAN REUISITER hood sweetfreart, new u mill peslels el iullp s. Mey T el the e ballot dusree duele5 TuOp.n.Meylstmaseldfeoldtû f 15cm r O hidRa Cu sida ale p.m. tsr Cepysle's ("Lost in Teosa' Pamret lessee ob Il, bake. 505 II lesen Gre4lps coT 773.327 3778 Cl,ise's Cullural Resole. On the ace of Dyleo'o tracht ed actrese, in Ibis Fe.: 71100e ale yes; srl500aye al tef o ucd tulosdoyn: f 0e. 7 andato. 773 87 .3.00C lallou"( slurp choute ase,, lna,elc,. Tee pupas laslUtcO 70th birthday, e dorumen. remedy ramonee. Bulot) 0:02 pe,lneaaptaefls)eedcre: SicosIs OIt: BO Ins nfodectn: ti ter lies cad became es intee. mooie seer (Ylephes enlkaufuoreea. lesidnae,Pnalrsn tory eetrospeeLive of hie 055 rucadO 010100m, oeS t pm. sh:ltserresnaaolheell astsenles natiesal stee 070es defect- P0.12 for come nioleel ors nthome, 0e noIi nel Osan arr riesen liloeffi muttowieg inonnsi srllncss Sori,lnrmallnn, veIl 1771) UNITED Bce.dsnade corear, fester. nootent, brief lengoege mescaL es 7 55. on ieee 5 ast 15: a isg to Americe daring tito in e Beverly Hills hotel; pr, svly sr Soy 05. 1056dlaae elle aoa-thloessiolmesne:eleebostcr' d'caos sea le masar change isg sumamos asides aed thematic muteriul, ge., PAGE BIt The Blm itself isempty, fled'rcaons:sseilsssf:osiedisstlas plahere.nlp. interviews with mesi. (Pus) r wiww.ptøneerlocal.com 55 OSi 570 II ltbu Dic tiversiootg - '.-,-a,e 'a .,a- ro, oserera,rs,ers rnono,R,oT"ttret'rr'°rrR'°s To advertise, coil Greg Tarai at(312) 321-2490 Coi esosi gtard'tihsnffriges,co0 Young musicians play THE CHICAGO BLOCKBUSTER TRANSFERS Chicago1an°d'sPiiiñièfLîeThiaterGuidi TO THE MERCURY THEATER! withaFrench flair Now PlayingLimited Engagement ASOrerderer Mettere Tostati FEAL PERFOIJMANCEE! Teals reno 0e Milrrastar OIEViEWS APFeL 14 Cai150rtrtta Youth Orchestra ELTON JOHN Thearer Cxeap,tsy and 0505es, Cotr5050000050 Peilt nadilsilart, SOttie PeSlit Tas , Ox ci 7,50, Set & Sos -& TIM RICES et 5-00 LOreto, bOtS Satiro Oar, SOsO,. Sete Witt, Sirasogerr t pot. OcioSeo Otri ti. roer. ioni A brr.ivsar Stia es 5teeeenrrrii'_ 573 7774 reellste ib liete "arino tall st passas, patones, lra0000sa." Merder NIyo0e & »teure Sta roth Seseare veriseea Dy DOROTHY SORTIES Asdjrnee Partto'pateore "et aov Stars". JCosiribsirr Js020_Ms705 OaSi Askthbsat Oar Conaonetto, a Norib Sareerday Trates t,4,fì.ni.JiJ.00 i 1 CalI 352-335.5455or 773-357.5450 my505reit,t.erre Fron, P,trkit it; SVwwSnepprxsvolf org Shorn vrgaoieativnstttigh school siriogpioynt'a, dirooted by Sturi tfogan, JOHNNY MAI IllS ordii prrrrfltojvintrvn000t svithrvllegr Oga ntvttentr Mamas Night Oat from Ihr Tosivuar Conser. Thgo 0000il'Ois Franco vo Costar. lOri 03730 arS wadvierr el the Cat5000ils fine 05e Onilh Ilirio act r trxlxresrn i ltl'rtr yr? - t orso narras,., day atiet'onon, AprA SS. isulouSr Conrertalotir iron Fiston rh0 peogromieolarna * tourie of Chorpentior, developmrol cf yesos "A play full of passion, pur-pose, JOFF5PEY I3ALIET 40,55et'Oist,t't 'Ihe Saisi Covano, Biset, Piorno and Convoi sod ir one is a Eventsully Kurylo moved intelligence..bursts of poetic PH A J"JTOM asolve vi a5000lJvirt pro. hoch io Lilie, in the narlb st 00' low gestos that bar boas going Franoo and resumed bar writing...Stef Tovar in a fervent, Oil: RA nc between Stogao'eoed duties at iho nearby Cao. SOUlful, first-rate performance... R iSt N (h STARS yvung French siting srrvoivire de Snobais. yloyrra for coverai yeats. April 9th. May 14th Prom there oho and Kogan very well acted. RoSons French ronsoc arrassed on tnohooga SAIE -Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times 'ficklsiloova.jpacihetioc.com 110v didn'i bivesom into o behveao the atadnel 7s5'iirdgad vuiiurvi vv'chvstt'a at Roobaix and Ililel tartr. ro'srtrtio diroxtar rl orlOi-156-ltlO ovehanga soci about six hit ormiy feemed Can- ihr Crraorrtis NQW! yrors sgn, but his oravviv. soorito, which had berame 'A rare **** star pIayT lion began much rai'iivsr e progmm nf ihr Wiiwetie The mcrt errent JUt --sensing the current of a OLLIN5 'Cunvorrits was rrralod Park Dinirict. exchange woo hit Api'S ci ass aves vi vhiid of Coscar. The French otodenia 2010, but this time the Can -. °changing Chicago.,-, SES4,EIS1E lunle de Chicago," frem SSasba'm gore their ronettu piayorn ovens ta Iho HIN StOr500ilTS exploinad Rogos, enforcing (nul ennnari'in Wiimnitr io Thaiaaee Coaxervoiois'a in - Chris , Chicagto Tribune uva rhumber.nized rohem- Ncvrmher cf SOOT, 020yiog lite south cf Pruore ved ihr hie thaI hr enleblished in in iho homes cf ititri's orchesirun plsycd snail- -AI'JIJIE 1945 and eondscted forgo young musicians, who Anoeniron program, "Highly recommendeul - MAY 4-15, 2011 .l I5-17Jn1y 22-4 Fox yrvro soli! it diobandcd. etme from Wilmette, Wir "Morion joined thn fvrsliy - Julienne-Bilker, Time IluL Chicago - RRI0gY 800.982.2787 All TisioNs Converte worn givon for a neslva, Ohahie, Morive sedia leaching theory lime is Chicago ond Grove, Park Ridge, High- Sacre now," Ragno (lLOO Sot. Mss 7 st BOrro Herrillville. JN (ilonvor, hat rvetttsaliy iond Furh ved Chicago, rxyiaiitted. "Tuuiaaaeisa "Milariihful and BLACK ENSEMBLE Hay 4-B torre preformed only in Siso "Thorn wee each Owen. wach lerger tows sed las affgçt'i' THEATER DePosti Uaivrreiiy Conceri derfol cultural aspect to rvnseru000ry is one of Oho - Variety- BIRTHRIGHT 847.673.6300 HoS io Cidrogo. hoer aba studrnis atayieg mast prrstigiaas in by Jackie Alexander NO 3h Sb sonnet, r e rs SrM RAM Sowas lhrvagh a Conree. io ase nsoiherh howra," Celebaasng 847-931-5900 UIJIJ iiILEY 5Th SHORE CElOSO THEATRE hisse program thai the mid viaiinial Stella The Feenvh marinions thought it was great. eta's 40th Season www.lsxmmons.org AMÌIA IMCI TIEJTE iviecvnshsoaioi roamer- Schramm, Kagan'e toile romiag Io iba North Shorn ho NOOhStatO Rosemont. IL lion wna made, end no'artistic director of thin mneh mliii heap to 21 - Mayor Elect Rahn, Ent,00stit.'i EtessdedtlosxnghM,5i4 Conroveilte. 'Sad tebeo - hay 12-15 yrurs orage, while their ¡n The Wall Sfreefl,t Op.m. Threes-Sat MAY Shared enthusiasm our mssirieos menI sheer, 3 p.o SAnyo American 000ntarparts ara 18-22 "Marioo Knryiv is o lhoy enjoyed living in O 0010 yrera old, "There AO Ssa000 OSSO oitThsadaye French. composer und Fi'eerhhomcs," ovili be obaul St orlI Group sates available 2011' Ob t MO 74 T musir thosry teacher who pleyers from noch gt'oup," ApónatÑlpr,vststo ptrhn won liviog in Chirogo foro Exchanging visits said Orhmrwn asid, "SI la o tedtflaes,,aeptr40r ,sndrsl5 TIvketSt rtuavg s 5v the Oght 05g.' whilo," Ragen raid. "Ohr Snail, Frvnch sludants sire sino tve c ntl'ing il°ÖjjtjM°-' Thestre San 0000es romo 1v car ail-1°renrh hvvo cante lo the Ueiird chomber ornhesiro." atte SQUARE THEATRE ENDS tkketmasfer yeogt'am ix 2004," The Staten Imire ond tha Can (insito padiom for Ihr oli 0h55 S. nssgt C74,',g_ Ases50 Irrerrarrton retares Tor 500-745-3000 French pecgr'am mili ho TICKETS 773.325.1700 avalas Ase rosasses JUNE roovert included musir by ennelia group baa visited tllltrltlraltr 40 Tiatsetmsoter.cam two comp000ro from bco Fronce tinier Dorirg ihr Gerard Daran, direvior of JEFF RECOMMENDED 773-752-3955 mercurytheatercilicagocom 4,is,000WSs.rtssFst.Od home lomot, and oho and French visito, Rague non- the Tasloare Conserva. ressnstte00000soeers.t0500est darted master cloutes for Ooirw, mho in rosdooling MERCURY Plagan d'ireovared o THEATER 3745 N, SOUTHPORT, CHICAGO mutual enihoniaam fer the French slsdesie, Iba rnheaesalS this tveeh. DIC 'TRURSISO, APRIL00 Poe BiO divsostno www.pioneertocat.com loll 530 107 al irrt -lit noen,'iJsehoigeoie,ismm riti R 011 fi PIO91AfR PRESS PSOLICAIIIM 'DIC www.pmBeerIocII.cIm dIVMF0100B

graduata. "Ins the beginning ytllrems,alnrrser :nneoetaltte Make Your Mother's Day ReservationsSunday May 8 Chias tyupbast Itoh esta end Ly:rs - Hairspray el She chew, he's this go. SPECIAL MENU (NO BRUNCH BUFFET) Opera st COlsngs lrshnsl:e, eli pompeas hanetthrob thon ysrlsenalutfl tunetadosto will fies- CaolineS from PAGE BIO COtflOtst 51001 PAGE Bl tir!. SCAlINGS 11:30, 12:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 & 4:30 everybody wants tobe. We netas eoaMngoleenrs,DSIDIIO5.May EVERY FmI)owAILsiou CAN EAT FISH FRY CS NACKt find eat laten in the show 2,Oye.:IInsia'leeeitetOvndPisee micen," said Baobs, :eleese Shot he's jost libo noybedy byteleageesmposereabopglelmle SstelnroslyCoseshlhiss.Rdeissleelu Q Café 55f Ieseral adm'iudsn SD lo: nl:- performing credits iorlode else. He's this loveable, tree HeAS,Tctye'neeulty:eollaL testero net ondee Call 1047106e lAid 16 IMPORT SPARGEL MAIFEST APRIL 29 MAY 7 meek with Welt Disney "Ihren loosilo de lebt Oleile Os- derby guy who's puttieg a:Mslteseacrioensaoepnllse:s ees srepeliolesdOereet,IlstrstWul' BEERS FEATURING SPATEN MAIBOCK DRAFT World Itoteetniomeot. on this oct ta beeeme 0055atm SynphTey 90085695 P09' Irldvuielu nnsestliotdsïssllevh. Geld 0.005515 55 N ft '.,ON TAP "t redly libe him. SEc's sres et f :59 5 e. tronO sys at ele U- Ihn Ore Aren Cl 17551:15 Eenhiateeo CANOSO! ROOM O AUTO 555 sotsea OnStos seau R.'.d'Now'Dl'ernswMck Peool-Tdble.' jasOagrenny ebseneter. "ft's avery big show," Slalça:lsc050ha i50 Arto leale Dri- Sntenadein 060(0 lar Flute, 01dm ve, Deennlos (0411 564-OEA Penose, Soscoosys He really embodies She dieeeton/chnrrographer naCOleln;Frnne trneenrslueoetis Ase e0055tnensnehsnyurh takels le o saio: Is: lists, Soirs, O meIn not Cel- apbeat epieitofAfeinaa- Meo'lotsom said. "Thorn's DO Liv, E meniGrest Pond, Great Seraiee, Grent People adosses am DOl; 522 In: SeMer dli- lo, art MoonrI's loertel edre D An- Aeoeeo'icnns dariag thet nambeev that heur either nnhs. TieSis at Inn doso ste DO Ifs 7650 Wi,50s Potts Rd. is: Ist visid. Vraie, slUm not Cells Visit Ocr Website dancing on sieging, te addi- lar 55015m I ciels ots lItar sludssln 19111110 MeyBspe'Sseienl and Oli' IsaAcuses and altte doUe ois soros seso:,,, www.edelw,issdiein,g,,onn Baysha, mho is esanneotly 505 to she scenes." ns' 000v a Oedseno r ,94 lars nip tas' zoa,,ons sllne lsravild:netfnsdyoaegseMad RehlrSs In llosA Pnrla:eensn,Mdamr studying bUhten design, Ii's else ebig show he B'tMIeMelte:'s fay,"Silhbns:tssT said ho aloe eerjoys Cha ternse of 00050ming etisrilno fi Teint and ssstusluy ploy- Oli se Miser Cnepnt nl hlertnesolere isO tesSe 55100515's "Oeapasdy io dyneminshetnosen demands. Scary female teisnroilh 707f 09er 9es need Be000ned and hin methan; cast members in :n'gged. tisa 'Ihn Searne elsa'rseladee cerio laesoles Ictsteeles 10411 4910941 bAissonS Bere,toiioetaordl:lnn Metormoath Msybells Benident costuma designer fleinlr lOiTI iOI'4550 Mon 0, tOres. Hasard llnvnse ash 0090e CopineS Ihiuta:050eaaaia Onseehlnsleslrn (Pascolo M. TresilloS, mho Maclbs Shufard made half Muskat lsalqhIs,olree lssturnl:snllat mestoïslsaedonenleelsiolesrll Sres s in olmo music direeterl, and of Iba period-peeleel nos- parne scout Ihn aosont s 'Il Sn Ire Id eel'Canlnlas elJsDach."I7195ID5 01139 .5i. coy s St rtnubyle lies his yeangor sister, Little MnAlk7 pm' The Alise Millar Chapsi Unen, 3000S:autSt.,Eeanelse Canny Ihoolec, Crida Scheme Recete M. Trenllol, Jes005 M Ranks and Annie Ja Fischer vili peSare in "We leeve e very niese- COsrravSsortvseoletn toisnrs IA leen (Aerin Mitchell). Cut6eltallatlosrlteesls:sSstce:nr With Café Surit thorn ThenCe: el Wtvelleh Hairsp:np'Phols by 9Jan J. Mnrkhnn Orneo Eesseulsinil aTIere colis by I 4 A knit, tight mocking stall," 19,111 lAsers laplace teasnlus Moat Fejns Seaeeeeoiwn e s cillee,Mssnrl ssnhaotslsntr.ao' CeufeaBeebblo Tee Chalge of heartthrlh said Robant E. Bien-te, per- henal pines 141st is lotos culsqotres mieden isa Ilse's:llsverrni neyerai pablirss6or ernianee end eU see, lace & Cold Benee,aor Teoeyh enmantir inter- forming Orts aapee'nison at Made 1550151e or lyieaqn, Als telo est, LiseluLachin, is played the Wilmatto Ponte Dintriet, lseatttnedslslí'asdststnvt:nls. Csyonrt Hell IMSD Csiooge isn, 1e471 461-4909. 0001,7 dl 5 :50401- 3O%Olt i65Wo otOff nob o serven as lighting Iceeniw 184719t1'ltIl.eaa.nO' 'Hairspray' cast allset to by Tommy Thornton, en ty aenba: Osee ea lint Will osedusi Pool PlaeybOeIr PeeO e'e,anlCusle hUnd oro. Osy 1, 7:53 me . lutist Ohio entine mho mooed to daalgeer and techeicet lhnoerlteeslnto isicnrsitylstatvn' ytosi9lyarsetost4iorietlrrsn Cusan! sestlteedourretlysecaseis uric' Chicaga last peon "Sieb a director, nod also nosdocto sill pnlaressrie by 911015 cri- graslslenr008yuiseotera. e:aeeer, Se5 ninoppeeg 5555e50. 55wclOese's goofy ohnractcr," declared the ocohesten. "I think asl040ly Susthoens nrd Feliu I I present the lively classic Ca:lnsotOaddOlhere STIDDlIsMuot that's ceSnetad on the iope.00aa aso Susse-200e) the Bawling Groen State 70005' 'Meotet und Proteges go, PAGE 013 'ObOnpesy' stony cheat divaraily Cad Uoiveenity musical theater etage." ReSle 15E AilIr errs a si StoSs eIn North tIsi! lhsetesfOilnslls equalityrotod the nedor- Cnnsunrty 5505,100 Conte: Audite' dog ovinuingJ' Ando-roo nov 3000 ORnerA! Read W 15511m O ne Ynts:n net SOlutOS: anti p.o. seid. "St's o oeoodeciul pail todays, Ihn 90 MOYO If COello with fimo, pop macic Ihol is lt Onoro and etedenle 184712fb saper front to sing, end mho 9080 o: vower osltnps:U Oto donne mongo ace also

By MYBBA PETLICOMI Aoedrwn, mho stadiod Co vi (broto r monteal theater atHoepee Cotlrge, preot000ly play lt Conio lilie Choreo the rolo of Treey mid: Cite enough energy auslage Up sud ComiogThroteo during tisa North Shore She iso faoofthe ISlA Theater ofWilmettets Jobo Wetera film on which lttnduetioo oi"Hairopray" lemny lYO101oo ant MSa Sc- Olee Broadway wonical le to powor soveeol uabavbo. Ursas sIso io "ininprsly' (Stole booed, That'soot uarpriuing by hiten J. MenAban SooloVillegc rrsidaoi given that ito diverted THE TIMELESS LOVE STORY Jeshna N. Books plays end chaneogrophed by Odditone, t coude tho Seaweed J. fltnhbs, an Kiestru Marbham, au message thotwe ore all Afntcan-Amerioao rvtbushtstic, vuongotic pro- hying to just Sois sod bcfnieodedbyTeooydOrreg everybody Oras to ecoept hen time io detention ai Moekhoom bou choreo- Rocio other ion who they scheel. Tracy's beet blood graphed around 50 uho:vo urn ft Coach coons little bit Preny Pingloton (Anclo Ja bot title io hoc Soot direct- ofthoreciosos that wen Piocher) instantly fallu io ing oanigement. She eoold gOiOg 00.' love with him. hove foaled roe Lindo Aedroses corale- Lobe Trecp Srenend iso, tice ploys TeecyTuroblod, great dsocer who deceso e ChaHenieg themes e, the chnbbyteoudeier_ of being ou "The Cocuy The Daa Plataeoovuidont e il t miood to become a reguilar Celtico Show," bot hr only tools no iba challeoge I II donreron "The Corey gets that honor corea yes: becaase she laven "Noir Collins Show" She haste onNegra Dey spray" which io sotie the e deol with i usaltu cod elause "Seneneed has always big-homed, racially polar- before Chat dream becomes been o dreom partof ized 'NOn. "lt's o levi good a reality ahowi' ube said. "Bot, io "This is e woedarfnt Haireyo'ay, PACE NI DIC THURSDAY, APRIL li Bld www.pioneerlucal.com 1011

013 S PORRi PRODS PUYLICSTION DIC www.pioneerlocal.com d/verskeios

rovenge. Yac chais pam- Ruby peeed, kulant apoilad. After all, aira atilt boato Coptiroerl trop PAGEBl lainas et oSbehuviora Tot Learning Center in poblir ana encoCre dog, She is the alpina dog omoog Natienallp anaredited edanasienal nlrildnaee puppy, Ruby Iras always / our "pooh" offoaroihor 3701 Skokie(047) 674-1500, soC. 3400 hurl overyonlloppoble, dogo. Raby roan to the posi- Howard StrmnC, slaid aide. A very oomph- tion not by aharp Ceag and ant dog. For exemple, ora' lierre miam, but by ouiooit- Open House neat anaigomeat was Cog, oulplmying and oot- Saturday, AprO 30, II a.m. to I p.m. tf screwed upon nue Snip lusting oli othema in mor Llli book Prom Californio. Tour thefacility and meet the teachers losieod oRo bulkheod noot, Do sao feet Mho stnry ejfo4(JY)jJj where Ruby muid lop otmyclears up misconceptions Peni roe werr siools in lire Ta enorning Ceonoe nifers yose-raund, 4011-dep shout Ihn pit holt breed? nhlldaseo tee infonno shroogh fooe'peor-ald oblldren. middle. Shed io ley ber ox The koob really mono'S tira kir Porho . na w her side and slide her writtee to rimen ge onyona'a ondor the anni in fenol of mind, Ti's abouta reaoae we. There abe aioyed dog who hoppana to be o witlrool oompleint or ponim. pit bull. No daoyiog her Good dog owners ore broad and, oC mourne, ihere tight wtththoir dogs and mer elesuon roo had to deal can almost guess what a'itk br0000e of Shore mis- their pots oro thinking. 0000eptiona. I ihioh il may What do yOu think RuBy haip alnorr thai a good dog would nay about her lits so atarte ut Oho owaer'n oad of 'iI 'I' She leosh, Aranponaible As nine opprnoolona her owoerl Roby io ogreot eighih year', Ruby in indeed dog, bot ehe is not the moxieni, nometimox on the exoeptionto the booed. Dg iasy nido, booing earned Thema un'e legions mf won- ike righn. The little divo derful pit balla out there, Irorbors xmo ill footings, doing nu horm ond io waxy doesn't boor to. She thialma moans muoìr good io oar Cviog writ io the knot

snepeoisdbl o peyeo oSaIt. enm,rerlSeeslryepieaferi. MSYR go. Snos senoarl, 5h assen isg miïtsr'l. spero esa ireaineylieeos Isoterma Cofihi000i RoDar PAGEBu DophsnúO 515ml, a telo, n,nser et ILS Paul Hrresl loueR ArlinI Seort Mcntslssahr lltiilitorsnsiarullt Doktsoçserssn'gyColiogn'o lentil roo sladnrin. Mop 14, 7:10 ne.: "los' Th001rr, Erar i. Soil innI, ins rEsises A seSo S str sesgar on" eisrinr M 5 Ito Ar 1040E all'irA MORO ipa.: lIronS coscarE er, nalleishdesirésRristrel rouI ei le olerlaS arums al n ase ellos asisolIislWevlyW0100r nnrlaretie s od naloislo nertalulab ten,ita, oleo' A' tap Ihren mnn001leo or lie 2010v sso' ire eeissloolmaxslrssall000rtie I sss, as Oulot er by MEC ovfl000en,The ibm lt tar sosoral atnieier. 004 4, ,I errgraeiesioioneerks iyoonti005a, ap.e:Snasi rnrìloi taolurirgrl055im Mootelosoto osi Osloilaoskp. IOU Itt a el non 10enero re on so pelta rend is SASI rar seniorS DID lar slutonts, Moi P, aabmnolutnoleoodorlic tirorliment 7.10 5,011 Peaitoo SesSel perloree an Si100n Ooreea.tltsrisaOrOlede,5' n S eii00010erev pIsaron. IDO SIS 1er 0100. MaR lb O Re: Choral eItel elli A0 soeiars:tlutomslainsla nlndsoloanelelooertnreiagnlssslmei Mirais st tin RareAn porIores 01 oenlnspmmor'l cod nmaodeey seise' first retIna iehhedist CHarnU et liars. DO lsranrsrs101niooisr, lrscslnr,rali Hienas Oee,,uninas Tie Iriso Sooreble Rorter es io errniotieveiselrllisnl'l4rh AminEs Holt 01 ISo Rosin lrstlalnrl woe.iareqrnerp tinkers orn Ill, 14h Cuocia 495 Crinegs Ron, SoornIso. lbh,Noy22,yllpe'Deasrcovturte tiskolo oreSod:SStlorseeiermiliosvi Mnaorr-Tietsallheelyepteelee. Sillar sloinols fose rar elllroatl The pregrom ìnrluien Mozart's bye' end younger IOTSI 0150551 er phray Sa. 10 ie o- tool Muten, SonRoso srueurionnesosrilearv MaRRI Sul in 45 S S Miner sed Sysnlrany ne. 41 "Mnhlnr'sontosolider," balanos loCuela, rreopre'sarrerrlaahrety Salsa Moilonipiose010rretleOMi' Ceri Srepestire al i100 p s. oar, 4, item O obseso " Llilio Sala al iortheeottyepioryiaieetro, ruai leer Sonsos", Jeer geliamo' "Air aad lia Vermi ends greeter. Resorts axa' SeRie Sills"; uni Dnorli'O islslel M S relIs or ois ge. 0052005 ir the The' Mslss Dir ii Irstoslro onosorIs aire ter ISO Psrlarsini SrIs ci Rairo Pork PlUgoCols Test Ciii nobel 1751 1. Welt Rasi, ssnmnnls allen rinMoeisA0000trS,iI. A roe plairos.Pu'nnrnnrtaonesrleren rionpear, rari f idas. Poole le orn SOT; by Carniyr PauIn,ostelt sosteraI lot(mr slobnalo soi ssni or bonI nxa.perl,idhorisiOeataolraerp - radia etolios SSMO, inn S n re isar eri' or mall (Sill i90'PRCO or (Soll SSO' nIlo nest mensortCshsls' IDI:lar1er neolnrs;llrlerslaierls Cilirlreena' gv, PAGE B15 is, 090 tO ere oiorilleO (roe shea an' divarsisays 215 S PlANCiA PAThS PIJBUCATIAN DIC www.pioneerIocaI.com 814 www.pioi1eerIOeaI.COm SIC. SHUS5555 APRIL AA,too cha Syad sIns," t eetsriea P mss rico 's Pi' 000eSiment Cs000h, OSI Lebe 80,, aso Conoerts Mn I is Aliar Celeri Mi' POPIFOLK/JAZZ Lo a n s t s n . All oenoaoOe nIaIt et S:OP go. rm.:deersooenect pm.2003eseoal eehsmhy's unag 1sep Mm lb is A M insT yllntate Mocee, COOS A. Mannheim edmiseimn SOS Sor senso dosant SS PruisO eso uiolis Coesenc hohe S toad, essemsol. nebels ale emelleble Conginued Prom PAGE 213 Osentslnrte,toeetorshildmaesndnrlO, Msler,aob noolebiots Oylnp/anyMmO st ese um betmastnoncm sr 10501 14n' Admbsues mn0 [e pa/S et te door io ir C Metro l"The rose st Aretasn"t 500Stpnticketg/nnegetnddelnmda sash orby syeoh,mbyoueditoaOtia scot Mee t, 0:50 Ors.: "Hesrege to Se/triou. sel urrisdd er rcion Inne 58e io Irurne' edsaoOe Soste omm erro npaAn050n- MeeaoC' citA taro e Wbbsric osprane RaReeatole Pesitelyetla000rthesot' tIce line io 10051 bon-bioS Meytr.S5 atsocnm,Osr loolororuetinlu visit JessreWnipht,osotreltn ers usioeosltn.A500tsT:reteAnlcs, pnolSrgnolaeb-tnelnmoed':bInMU' nmomhogn ne tcibemcn sog. MeA Il JIm solsist, PeTer Ret IS te ser soloist, Pe ten SOecstori leMr/4hr'ASgSMeslt:oket olinasnonnit guests L:tllee:STUoo Traigo Al/esto, Ves Se g ras Ir, sass so leisC era r be cod Me lt Ast PU no se 555, 5 05, Sb b. pr iseo li otee ir On ree oc asenso Pen' IsteotentinenoaidhieagaoyaneAs' Parhpidge Ayo Droheot000bnruo,ths cool PUChO, senI or clisses esd AU 100- MeASS,Opm,:Yeecrnteín SAtto OnO, SOSO Ocisaoaaauvemnm500. Pa rk Oidor Cse000nitn Therm Chases: YOyOS, SPOSA Mae 54, a pm: yen al/f arS stati Mrd student nate Mey St sorb 0440155 PrIMeO MokA Sloe. rna' Choir end the 0150es festinai Clair st Pe5nrgtte S:bssrsnlietoant.SIS. y' t:tS pon.: honihusestsos uniososill taring rounim rem 050 p,m,'midn:gAI Sayo t t 5. Me T r, An ta or, Te nada. ree May20, 7.50 pm.' earns sito es sa liare Eneeehleperferersdseeph imthnMsrtlnse ceem,SnrkntPbiOesIOl program rielados Mocart'e"nise Kleine nicol ant Oemkstreet Boys SPASS sohnantner'e"tilcer pals," Oraren sSolss seo y. OOu is loo mode o, siriO neuhtmusik" aro Acquiers Moro in A Sores, SOStO tappA termes' Sympbesy eu t ten nia te AO' nnon,msotocsercnmusm,Mtnil0mPl' canco. ylaaaraea Leseada Ceeayrta et tea ches tra act other nenas. Sr/St/St oaotmOpnlAStCatlAOiohaI0000&tss O mauleen t criss Menlo HaIL O 555 Ces' ReoebraoayChenohenelayers Phnonct MaoledeIm mich Land eis OSP Sor gen' masters tobosos My, ro Arto Trota SA' Oral St, [sU ester. nnmnhioegoblcn- "Weed Meledles,"aemaromermorde n odi admis mien, S OS OIP, MaA 4' Cf pon Us os, usaretos. lesti OVO-4000. slasmoorn torbe Upen ettore,, s/en by gutseereld, feoou a na Orgentmies Grosso, cloe toso, Mable: The mAy p: one pieaoleiper.ery. Most Sobe t A roes el e p nc. obnoisucm SSS: SIS leo enullsl composer M'nestera, at r:Sp p e. y Stsra,WamohcScrersessO MayoS listed In three oataoortes general poS' sIts e os ant enlia ren Ib e cd anden Soiehistsletlellettbe Mueholenntete sallytire Seroluno lIc aerheroftiarns erdtiitaoultyant ypuliom toe Maba0505yn PcI/saUm' el Clsospe Inno dureSs 60e., morco thons Cncter Psr Olor tontons' otett ass etubest rete. April 08, A:SS beco cite Long leu nay teem 000eetsm SttSA rar istermatic r, cell lraymnoon015kohinoioS,005him p.m.: Csstempoeery brus Assemble Chambema, heno h. M:lneekee nom,. /51c/0V/l'StAO crcis:tmen.ram' AVVII bro'bSTG mnn050l/000000ao' smcosto "t rtd et Seco « M morid et huleo, 10411 6415080, oroetneonsos' brosdtotambarpldferuorg. acorn Msy 7. 8 Ao,: JOOA CollIne' Celar" tr/in/AO AprilS0, 5:00 p.m.' tenonssn,mom tosdarmseioielrom SaeMerheetoa,rnr4ilnsslr non. l:obatsaI/aSSO-505, terthoesteos uni0505itt Chanter AO' S 'O p m,; 00000 day maslo is trocO t'O I Ssnhrr. Cr0 18451 ttt'ttht sr sArl SeMssCsmmurbthdslieça'snneiIlh uhsstoepsrtuoeoserrbs by0555ini,Se' p. oro : Friday 'rets ut ey muuo io t 05m enee.skshieleeetrdeeer. May rS ton Tonaler i000 [Goblfeat. Peo Ploloas boson. Maeeecst arS saetes ven t en '0 am. PSI/I om uleol Je mint /5450 055.1005 MaAS t pm.: hebdo cou: Coolest ors Spera h sor, ASP n ImldhesL50000no,Apti2A-lIeOUsdI' St/SS/5u845e6r:Ssmcr.:SosonPsMo notai pOnonptt muslo pnrinrnndbA Rasa prsoestsnew tsrh State el s scarse, SAS et the dc nr. lione ASSo-lOs benes mesh mt St 000er, Rising star SahIno gritaa000ode000, dboaolad by ShehiebnlleAtympbenygrshestra ASS/aal Aessnia050elaryteOeedget' :° s I s: ulsiniet Aleeaodna Smitala, minter of the Maslo Institute of Chicago M,nt7epropoem that caleras rear Tam Carpamb. a sradiats cI the lair eomsOOsrO tromtuepsstand present snorormo etc g.m. Soedays at tos nrdeodntlenbouss,SSlfb, Licoycoon. Young Artist Comtrhtiort pe0000rrs esitA tAn Ars biss Syro5tory Ar- Posos! st Muyo, os Iseoennrel admis' Asole Sonor Cao ter ten Ita Paulson ire leo Heeerd/. 505Mo boil AIS-0554 oteotra, conducted by Alan Heslherintor, et 4:30 arr. May tat the Ventorb cousIs gocce. tr/An/So May simm Mey b, s p a : Jean ioOaoboa, Or' Orts, OSAI Shehie Oled , SA oMm To kale moo U/hire lhsnr enang/ostlenhen se. I,, turiA Shore Carter too the Pertrrrning Arte StAI Skokie MisT, SkoWe IC7:tcpm.:fsuelto member neceAs tnnt/meuor500solcobaotOoane, peo- nuleon050ttheparoessise 0050rotle are505'SSt;Aolcrslomldoan.rmee poe' HayOO,Op.a:lshaelopsoe Ma040nat the program includes Jomes Stephenson: Concertino and Pantone; Carl looms Otasolos Solano greolu 55 Ser tr/tOltu MaytSA:APper.' Chural Pala, concert Instares begin et 140 pm. Aso malese aso Ptstis Lolos'ln oprsnrt, rol' Moula con Weber: Acertare end March Scone 'lurendrl" and Paul tir- esneoni n tmiee:aO SS Ion stetesbo end reate/nr the UsosereptyChsrele. limAste. ea ht /045/ hro'OOSO an citi Osent by e dogel500 UI soste posmet- Semitic Symphonic Wntsmsrplrnses on Themes st Carl Maria von Vichen. smgers mlChsrrs.Srltn/54. Capto, ennossnanvMseitl"Strouss end unppneme.i'ustiee art eseleglcal sari' Artete SAS-550, mith disonante Irr serions ard students, 18401 OAT' 5:55 ne:NootlmeoOeoe ouoareitr To ta asese p" un oled: ng the PatAVINO e by SO indodee mlnnslmnatm go., PAGE 807 6300. mwm.srsuivs.nrg. nyrrphssyrrohaat005eoosnts "Orsrc St no p S cry Aogeyeyolkontoheooasonsertn nl

Tsemmsasa'a aaamaeemsahmmelOdnao'n eeeaasmsrcseanancnmsaanmneadoopneeansaamoaalesuaoemoam

FAMILY FESTIVAL ThEre woOl be operino

OPEN -. coflboocka far oil ages Sunday, May 1, 11 a.m. -2 p.m. boeir000hrnab on luosdoy May l7th;' Foo roano i5forff00i' Explore large vehicles and enjoy food and rids to sono Inomsrmsaetteong $25 per family (for up to 6 people) y stai! stell colyofeigts org 01:6011 ieo'Pniso el II. SS.ee -' 847-931-5904 no:tice Ol'onioter

July titis ood 24th my 2t0Opm PIONEER PRESS . Coenemunity mambens.cae.sPopa,r.om mo nnrela, IL Ososo L 's'- .4 Pm meetMcGrssff the ConneD pand cmk .101 Safety !dormpofo osA eon OlA1 receOMe a Cho!d 847 931 5900 wwwhemmen s org Buy tickets online Mt www.kohlchildrensmuseum.orgltat I

816 DIC THURODA)Ç ASAIL tA www.pioneer'ocaI.com CAli A PlANAdO PANSA PUBLICATION DIC www.pioneerlocol.com dioyeItlOIIt B17

helerO othheraleo 84r5 34, e p000 be 100100f. NoyaN SA O 0mb C nadie 00010,3 000lnne ndiietg/attgaila 1901,0, go. Erneìee 01 Poe hie' Its en no)t9 Tite ittet' 500nildI end hinIf nel AnilIN 110)0/ Th100oOsSOriIOu"Pnle'a Unna," phnla' ta Sieer Oleen Land and The Artonien SOS/ISA Mesto IA 9w,: Sd sfte1000 eraD/la hy Pylon J. heerheum, CotliTuod trott PAGM B15 Whneln, 000-tan, with prnoeedn te O art' arrt Snettiipping ettaoM raed 0w Fire lahtenceewnee'byCeilaae,eeeho' Turn your eIlt Ihn N lea Tennehip Fond Pantry. wEh 200e tantos) lbela)005at.OiOlGh4, lIon Mann500 efhrl,IOOGO.SalIPaad, May500tn,:Otanpetti Oro)rastre Mey 4, T Am.: Mli Oyen li Oua rIaL loa' See Plemneu)04T1600-ONOT.r000naeh' Pinblttalger cennart OeIl at Na ith' pIacente a riGole to Glass Milieu Mey te/neonnbbbnn,Tenr Snlueir anditee' lanwdo/mueaom. Oellary ho urn: IS newspaper WeOtatn UllOa retta, At A rOs D role Ari' AT p,E,:TeflelorG prenenta"Ola ryWelInane )Iase/550IONOMeNO4.iO O 0.-6 p.m. hnatay-Fddey; i) urnu4 aptoaneton.Mnettshet prioaalielad Cartee dleatnt505adrnay,)aeOnod pat.: t ari Orad lee ant Icily Cenler gar,Snlerdeyodloa 1000010 OttonI, h-ito a long io It ran ralnyart It general SeDIlE pep. Oho le etsanee; SOC nl the d000 Iiolbrookbtio/tiy,Mey102pm.: fourn are 10e m.) p.m. Meodn4'Tbula' ennior sill ca ne end NU ta rollt aad May tA O p nro 4nov 0480mo presente yease rIo nein unid) 0101000 MeN lTl deA beh S'OSO 10 "OrIert family Col' Oat t; and etude nl rate. In tole elton: "Cabaret Snnoatiea," Maytz,e p.m.: Cre yeating behn tosh/SitaSla. May )eoSnvAniI'Tau6fOtistnvIIheOOIh lasting' 1847) 490ez47 teNete: 184f) 46T'4000 Seno et the n noel Wrang, May 15, 5 te,bieiroaniltnrnrioarel,ttT/Ott Mey Cewlsty," taelotlob000lolsrodrawirp 0000npiobntalgerots.Ma016.T:35 0.40 'A'enrSiIC' DIRECTOR pro: Enter If n re, May to, t p.m.: The 1W BasI Malo Isnlsa/sos OttO) 507/ATO Daintlno Ieeranne.entolwers uedoe' Waooeinòartirt arUeompoenrlad Odem La osen Os letal /a os). Mey 50, a May 20, 7 pio ' ChUo tien aonoude& In' reenion Openias reoapiion InNI Lo O eid memory. Nach mnn thn NO ithoeelein UrirereBy p.rr:Jehoolonraad SwiIylIsrBMmN aise AtteNDi TennI. 000/Ato. May GO, IO loom S-0 peu. Mey E Jase tirtoelta In 'An Earning situ Tes 20 6 p. re u Ginetertio Ce de ret. May 22 , o Am.: neo Sohlae h 1518/ Si 0/Oho M ay 25 On Oem, ION 10 tortO/rosI )iohmoy, Nach." ATtt)04 0mo tsao Oh'eayutz Tintbniiimlre Iiolh/Aiuee) SICIlIA ParO P1050 10041 SaA0000 tea bred yngenatein Meritai hInt) at NerI/RenI' "tome Pozhantyit Suanley 000 ganga : Aoorimnrpnot.AfTIA1E,MaN Cr501 proar,telieno loam 0.10-CAS era Unienrsity.rOeOe 01151e Orion, nl Sadgem end Nemmerotnirt" 01)1 0e SOCreoOTaeh Abonan )fohraohlal' pm. milua005tt, lolarmet 101M 0/Isa treOeton, 047) zAiNOSO heel lioNel prnonn led Uy Tono 0500e Ca500rt l000aOsel. 100100 May Oho Sate eibtal,MaNalyaiwtnroaosyheone, prime holed io tOree ontngorieo sell- theatoettlreeghJanehettye 00 00)1 er000 a od OlIn Oezdrrta In ST/COO. JaRe SS: P00105 baO nr Jail 000ho erai publiC earl er Otioensand NU Co Ce té. 691G N. Glasnost )Oepnrn ruhM, beh tt: yeOirOh areco 8 end etth Lohn OeUlaeO er hdaite Slaying is mehr ulA and etat) ant student rete. May Chi005o Perhorrnansen ara at e sou. Nunohen Bing lles NI. Son/tOO Mey CI: AameoJlSS Aree000,SsiIe000, 05, Tot peto 'Petare Steodarde," a oro' F/dove mrd Saturtayt nndT p,rrutun' Treo Atauco, Aarond Soul and 0es 10e Soalotoo, ww,SsAlalhnmn.vrs, Saure stern of neo werke by n new garnIe' dn4n,Aehnt0020'Gtothtne'rnume Mug oto 51 01010, May55 AlbiO Till, a re Il nm-b Am. mod rendeys aol 9,)' ion et ieee rom peen te, Will faale ta Sucrer neailalznbor000lpioebnoer' OC/SIL ders 01 Of asloletmenl. Thoneghi May Nerthnaetern'eemalhjeee Innern flee. aeee,teeneaedSp000ieit 000ammow nroaed,I4O1T.Sesse lO"CehetreSng Ooperiar,e:yOailaly SO/tolto rollo 000ebiq 50010 Orn, Cyiraso 0701405-9005 nmnoze' et A of by Older NdO ISO," olth Soin lioso Reeementtteetre, 1400 0. Oiler SPAGO. 1040 COcoon Nra., Soennton, 0010r000g,eendoom.HnyN,On,m.: aeUpohlerybfhar/noueornlem,Ci,aly Road, Por nm000 hobels are eeeilebie nnnzosa oslo oopnononm. 10411 492' rslhningerjoynlohrnil000. Claror piohaMO, OLor MarlIn and Gelo at 000rntiohntntesterre m or INGO) f40' azoO, thorns ateom, Macmooted 3000 Ihn tishnt triole holed below do otyeronian,000hi CM lee ceni aob Czrtie ART GALLERIES not lnelutn eernioe tenu Ter more IC' Peopino OtO/AtE SptlAyintnphnn Bnl tornintlen aheut tite titealer, rail 104)) logS and Tilt un rriT lrerkllolhì Owdly Sake Saloon Cnoter. 4500 AUDITIONS & 07 l'SITO er zielt nomo roo nrnonolre' Sin/AGO, epdl509nekeedviorf'nce ooueieoahlLobokie./ab7h674'ISOA OPPORTUNITIES a)rooem,NprIlSO,4p.m:Jntnny relance patty Iallnrnahnn'onp) OID/OIT, Throzsh Mayo 5000m so solid orm' Melon Ose, OTO. JalyCI, 7:00 ollo Del' HeN 41 COrle FeInde, ACIAL HaN Su Inca' ephing relrbi/,"Nnlere'o Pzlette MenaceMoS 14 Parten, 540 too, Oteo OIeS Aroen )bolhl, SSO/Att, Mey 6: Sss9 Stell eOlr.ebosiaetgO liMero. Pi0000007rr:': o-oro iu3:.i.ol:y The Mmie inellola of Canale will SkoNUeThna4rT90b LinoolnAae OngTLee)nnontrr)ial50000)000,MeNT, Unaeleneod VIllaGe NaiL 6900 N. Lin' i. CMreobpihimuo:oo'rFuornnFres hold eudlbovu 1er the Nsedaaoy, an t hable, Cell I 4T I 501961 or Siels /ym,atdlupffz: Nnboeoingrnithder' onh000e. Lio,elnneedOalleryhesro:9 l"pà,W,Usid0aI:cfurTh_n::,lo trI PIONEER PSS- 004sotdoioewrforronnosr) ennoedehintllnntrn,onm.hiokntn are nie Enehaner Italy) 005I010/Oitn. Hay are'S pm Oeelay'Fr)dnr, Fer bier' naltosi 26475 486.1 4300 000 In adDeD, 005 at the ducA OCIaD S'tO Aittynter with Coyote Otean IRISO, go,, PAGE 089

[tgra fRanquets efr Legethstaurant invites you too GQtQbtI0fl Motheir' Da on ma Sundao, )Ooi 8,2011 EneeeeeSmhng QQ3 - EaatIa-feh,ndlgn Foodm

Celebrate Celebrate the Holiday with Family and Friends Earth Day on May Day with a feotivat to ref oioe ho spring and Featuring all of your Favorites: thm rebineN of ftawmrol Fresh Breakfast, Omelet Station, Bakery Fresh Breakfast Breads Chicken Vebuvio, Ham, Pork, Beef, Turkey °Annual Native Plant Saleen Pasta, Seafood Display, Salmon, Shrimps Native wildflowers and grasses ready for planting will be for sale daring the event. 800 82 2787 Salado, Vegetables, Trionutings Sweet Tables and More JOFFREY ORG/RISINGSTARS TheTailsiog Fanno WO) Fm setting orgamloatty BeOTerages - champaign, coffee or sodas included taIkljfarmfgrown, seasoTal vegetables and herb nmedtimge. - Noon-.22 peen. Happy Mother's Day FO NOA 010 ORI.I DUD Situ STOLE? $23.95 Adults $10.95 Kids 3-12 Ap000eorod by from 10:30 amts 3:00 pm Sundan',-May 8. 205 I wHir u-N I TED 4200 N. RiyeitRMOLInSchiller lea,rk,,Jtlinois 60176 ELY?O*S WFISS ATHLETIC. AkokiePaoke,00mr C atoOe atoaS andfre.gOI NATURE CENTER 4650 Brummel StreetSkokie CaILTony at,comfprt.SuiIelytel4W.8$9Sl.': AtittER tRitt PUALICAIION 'Alf www.pioneerlocal.com diversions B19 090 Oscar; wwLpisneerltaalcom DIC 'lHiRttgt gptra s purr, musical beaety, he estlarnallreetnel sacrest eau at tA-isis boetrtnlrltel!Ar5sO.05rre rnpleine Je his peogrem eelssse." OeA tIte lOrI raral arll ro' Ctieege The aaerieti001adensmmoi Mozart go. aerparale a s elli-antlaru I s ellas sai- tantsrosylsaelenrgsrs,aasnetn entes, tOs four menenerets Ill p micelles by its ynolea Nit hIs Ploy' CortiruedfreePAGE BIG cssioeurd IrinPAGEair naireseneasf'Ohnsksau eeam ta reDact on the palet silt es pramldsd by Ile lazo tel srs teed. nedafttsegs MoUle guatias A A Park Ridge orchestra becares efe belmy osetnaAitsl peietenseill trepan its sto nIese dneofel ny Areas i010i tar r A&er.iar Molluet set etbntS fuI- The Requiem mes rem eammer nersieg, Perhaps, si te trole as retors ter Attire Ara- reCese. ferIscI enlOse ass te n- mise!oeed by Count Penna colins als aloir9 ilsysts and lisciata ea Infle Motto tees aralenes- ste ers ib st the Osan Coil liil Iii' "A hugely invigorating and Mureear suggests, nOnce seetialpoaleseiaeelaaosers rea 4-A leles cannaise gsleenetebeellt eon nIet net JA entertaining affair. con Wetergg, paid Director tenor híevopulospacas this piece masteifliv celebrates Mozart the luir is in the cam- er ApDltieltfaWtsestlsnerpes er aesO br nail la Ad unoa le StDe ree "trees,' escore at Immole ro 155er al Mozart helf the fee with peser's cetina Germen, forrasen Ferleorentsteztslttt terernlysapulel Str Metla teevinn- Mnreelle Minador 001ml. stIl te plu' and has cast 'Ouest' rs Asset snnlet atout p.s. Nett et Mayor o superbia- and she cart mostly iuso Ohr agreement Abet he'd rethac thon the IteJien ha baer lay sent. Fer ere re leterestlen Aarels tmlnst lIfe Desest Ont, retI Jet her actors nun n',ith this rich reroive the nthee bett no ts schedule as outhOnes soit toe Pt- Mnftela0000n ellerlrrasseetnes- Atape, 1Db W. M5050eee isletere Bennett scuipr altee used for hie muche, ParI. 5110050 Pertarorera irsizln when ihr work wee cern- lateE lIti) itt-ollA est lit tek toe laltneoegusfermttinuesrinoo er true, old-fashionedatar performance from Maeert wrate it far his leters gAr laelud et anna, ettress. ou000et nrltnh Irlos MaInly set ascA' pirAn. Dome authanilirs classes is InrIs Poleada sill seeable Harry Groener in the leading role, awe pleasure. posee rasher and s-sail adt sun, batiene Ohr rouet, er Modtltssararrhe Part sAte 55001es IrspessI 50ml aletub, traies ter eeysarayip tasd leo recental ihee100 Nency Muenearnairs eeeeereuneert silt Is lo i lastAre- cura asrptesnreolndlst 5Apr05- 0101eelaal Nertereelern UMe500ily. umeteur musicien, tilted to ora liS feti leonI 111-Stil er pese efE work from other Podar trill that the piessuees ai Iba Ese'sol'fnrfa-eitt.r NotAtI role 'ember a' le,'s 'rR,ral ta "Not-to-1serrrjssgdt" "Pure delight!" eftereaannoncertwne't be seSSi et DaCtale lleaee.ili Asolee eeeplsle Ile en a) se sell eseoilal sIdO sen.vnynsslape nom -cl- C ((u '0 ',Cv°",v oompraerres his onset. Amo ihn tys5ery Aelteolte miti -(XrsoisEtCs)se inst musical. "Turm's a if Partatete.ileeaeoertlabapoe- s es ilrbiu Or. Aslry lnolsOa is Mey 15. tdowrner Mozart's death esfl000e!fpe.uulyttleetarse ss Arlials ere trailed io oro te be bell As OenssI enrollo tato en Nov14 MytARABURROWS 'E' for Dybleat" raerplimenienyrercplies sOlAs recaer taselry tout to Orth' °'High!v Recommended! Ori! his wifa ned Owe peseg Teduy, ream one part nf aie tres roel esO surreal lelectaa Seres lee niottileu arts tIsI anen- immediately after the Attss. la reos usferraliss, sell eat, an Irle t frette Adeer0000, ta be lost Fork. Asians4 Felten floja!, es' nh!tdrre in dire cred of tar pbyeoithl aso eeepoeaaaill ppa- Groener commands stageas 'George ill' for the ages. the Reqairum lathe neo!, cancero, and anrepaee in sit -e t s s. ponenetad by Ire Anadeen testar4 el TS.o PurS Polin C o-io merry so she recruited reps Morneor, ito difAcalt The tsesstee-bassd Muts Inn ilote ertnls tracAne-5 or. Metres De riss te mer 50*, "CtIy ob LAhr' Cneo A transcendent impeccablycast produoion,,, the eadianre is invitad ta io Fm par paure Cell 18111 dO-1811 es Mozort'n assistant, Freer far' mont people ta toil mho lterol110arteetnfeeesesoeu let grasals ellletteaPenl, erreaeeteed Harry Groaner is giving cama and mingle mttb the ta res nieleS oreos t et 011a esasee, one of those towering Cr ururun u 000h on all- Xaver fluosmayr, te oem- wrote nebel. "You can't elra,earladanfetuelarsatae, noti crusts," ehe said. incoad tasse te Errer sinaI es Istilenl-lIab ereirireems.lseri- performances thatsoiggmts a lifetime of vn'ork has Mroac'o Ci nrtro on ita; I. plete the warb und collect the differences." Tha receptian miti bene Juan Il. fer isfareet ea, tall 8410 creeed elyetartlelssrg BOOKS & POETRY coajesaed into a single grandportrayalone that t uoli ho an all Motar-o the money far her Some Within Ihr warb, hr rAI-lite eef.ltD fait res artists hr Ita e leIne Art ,Sn'noor, o.Shthe eutharitira krume Obst saps, "My fannc!tr oscilan thr second finora! the na l'o atto aessel Art Pa 0.0e Os hell eares & Noble, it All tmshard Can reveajs years of accrued techniqueand AefIsAs Ist iuzlrn (sell RI-tilt Matt, 50 'orn-ho. t ra and oh (ce oh n- another cnmpanrrl Joseph lathe 'Luarimosa,' noh!ch Pichmicis Thratre, the nan July 9-ti er AlnAaS 101100e Ornee, till profound lifeperieatce.' Alzaseis toilerez Ana nrel Il asehal etolIos Irr5000enl)rpisnasvt p.r.. Puar 05e tos sill at005tasipmiflt ru-nu perinrming ihn 00m one ttyblee, also hod a means traes, or wrepiago t reebla Fach Ridge teed aeast ter faeno frisur Polninl Ant' mech, fallamiug the seele solute tspsdnoipnets lesern! eeerasnsilable Ferepapplitaltee. su-re- P.rquirnt aie'n in handle completing Atta thiah it's Oho mnut braut! aaeleen000eauuoal ted tremi lits enanO seeukadienrltaniteri sr soll tenertI Meyr,tSit p.m.0 tenas Orse DMin r Ill. 006- and Requiem, tal part of the Requiem," concert in the auditorium. salested en venera, and slat sienes IeufIOii'ilIA isry ausser ialtrllhiOe sull dar "it w!ll be u lavely after- srltslsultrnesiee tOitleeseslalns eapine nl Oat res teal, f Faa AmAlle nn000'ar'Einesteine "Do all the sertiwoe err fdeacrfcarar Pea Merli Ires sen' sel- le r trotto arlas rssliac at heir 'oNjhtnoo'if maclard," zape Munsrer, Summer sounds ence," ehe adde. "Thace's BENEFITS bared sigetnp bone brIda sill te tia- Mursuerrhaae "Eier ahelee The sontear is eier Os all oem Tse ornhe.orea'r founder "ne!th en 'M' fer Mozart, always gaad rearan to rar le n rois la ant e tatamIs fee et Ihn St9tttosPatet posasstsilafuftltan' THE PAGE 020 end nonduoo r. cdgnr so'SO foc Dusamayr eres Kieler Nurhlmueito" roe its listen ta Maeert." turata ein ttnosrparnle culli sallaral saal'cailrg The earl' el t ya. April gu, Ntu'-onunr null loe on ihn puloum. Thn tout-- MADNESS are Saran Hilohord, W000PI onunotnso OF ROOM ennoaees nureu,oro.J'-'oWright THE/E r000raltn, Feder P,ri!t, serEs tenor- andPnoar5oefin .5- GrottE toi STOlTI, bn-e. °A P, GEORGEritten by 'Eoero-nnr i, aett000ing ' "r ALAN BENNETF parformor,' -ao- Nonni IAAIIESASSEhI JP1O Sturneor, rho 000da0000'n - .i dirensed by MSISERSOTM I 'niEr, ube tnt-or- on pololi- PENNY I Seteedey,AIsriIEO ci-t for Oht orohr.tra METROPIJLOS CAlOt RICHARDSON ANDINE MACNOIJOTS Choral music Cha program pincesart NOW -' -- * MsylA hraoilo nonni 000rhs, no Ohr PLAYING SIgnora rentir'ol Cholo May14 THE WHY h-nra Cenado n-itt loin Oho Segond Cityg STORE Purh,R!dge community Chornh chance! Choir orad the oroheorrasnono chor us 'lL4canoo4 mrhiosgo totet of tome D; FAIR & ORiNO 'We hare e thor-ut, and B I NEW BALAJCEB or libero give theno corroe. S OW! thing to do," ua;s lldgoo' Takels - Wed. foto, enano- www,tkkolmaoteccom May18 Thon 00011 he boso-.Tire 1HEBUQUNG 5 ttetouteor hos ta ne0000ns, GAand1P1kkets boo moso nf thomroer-o itol Raesandnosd rut!;' n'ritten ho' Monoo-i. tIl n 'He diod before he0000d t I 5300 ncgo it O linirb il,' enpinins ti I rel Or I 000lrseP I lI k unnecr, andnoter that nus ercer the much hasan!n!ereot log, c001000'eesio! history r: !monIlosMfOom WRIGLEY!DabniWe° Cd. ist ttgg Morar!,PAGE 019 Edger Macroar 8GO droSno www.pioneerløcaLcom DIC '00/140000, 0/PhIL 20, f011 1/mme men piosert'toomomm 00/he 0e lb f rom IO 00.-h P 00. Jonc 09-20 of ore/le baute lnoolLdleP Geld Circle a GOOD TO 'Th SPECIALSECT109S.S100tTIMES,C0M conch w000000ps wilt 00 Offered lOt od Ne rk h She re Ce oteo far the P5 00e rca- MartaS Mesh oenec'000'00d0e551/ che roloreos roe 00 0h nomon col 0OO-?l CUSTOM MEAIW DOtATIONS 4 SIc,NISIObO OF 5309/fIVESMEDIA, LtD. and 0000f Oea/sl orn 010 rug Oasi o. Jonnol-25: frl9000fmOl /op PrOm, 000/ 000km0100. 000W e. Cdursdolrento ndoinnfowolsnyoton K'W0 go. Okehre7000tcn 1000t000 rOso too el Ike dosi. bloodJe0027-JolbO, fr00. 10001 000-0000 rrinrcoorth000reoeo Confer np the 0010e nI more 050e 000 SOotie.00lllOctl070fIOlOrtI lt 0000totoed Noon PAGE 819 prootsre7lcohjn-tO tiddlnr0010 torerO Moy7.ttem 000tpncOcO u/role. Ihn teIllai Oleo Iool000oa oienekobiot500t10000 oayte.l000 PANCE Roof JUIN tO -20 - and nlrtln leone o ePsieertetrocel Posi/io theetca pres- b050-Oerfrl0000c/ 0000 00 IO noto - îiu JOIN 2h-30. Ea cd roorkohop ocente tronc ento Makel ne 000lire Ned cot. Ito orn.00dbpm threelatpdaea100 lammed f050 05 loto res no- triou0030eginlinp et9a.m.tosse- 000dm 3000m Monday tctdeornrtlr heeeoIsetpteatre, 0400 N Nicer OreOeOls C ndneatla"ltt. fred torcAl 0EeFIR8000CES raNts cola ehrllr000lonf orfo dones. lome o pie se steg e copy of the nom d eolO 000 bOor. the pertormar000e Oetor004. Fee rs Road 0000mlot freket are esortano hedhghe00000t0000c00500rfarm osad uolioIOlne. Pdm'oo/en st 00 Once- 000k onO prost 0/ Our00000 from 0000 porrcarellwp eeoioterontrceat al000trrketmnstor000r ac/000/700 1e4 Octe. 0501 SOeOia also 0004m 000000 0000000n 010wtOrol loo na ri ed hoble 0w mii p t to po ro loots corn or coli 0000 lOs ticket prOas listed dnlrncdo COMEDY /551/010 0000r0000s0000hsoecnc 040mwtoc /nbecmetioo troil KIA'S 2011 LINE 10401 000 -00 00 eoinotodetaOicalece to more-- ter o co. done 0425. 7:00 p ro . end Jene 10400105 1003 00000f O 10m er o oli ItItI lote ICen/loen tat 000090 OOeOe No- 05 0091hSh000 SnOmma CURDS PLAY 011ao bud io LIbrerO Otetost, NOMO lstmotion a000t 000tknotec ceInsu 00.0 plc, loteo Ola 000000/ Spesiet 000 3010 /nf SolCh 0001 5000 00000041 TOdoeoinL00000daslMNre 00000000 NOne 10401 500-0000. OIl-SlOE aroiertinnwr0500000ftlie Smeci100 Do into titel tot-tao. rs' an1' Md inico moot r000rOsm oem. 50e 14. 0.00 SOp0000052100ebAth0000000000 Light Opere Works ro oucceot nb0 fl3 olnorIteol OrnctecfrMayt,0 pm Cet- alr0000. Wee to-to leseo 1/root Orce 0000heeofebe leioeOilO'euaclecrn FILM moco eon Ooc0000000000 usd0000 fooOOigOmayOa0050 000 enrolrneolefo Ito boll Musical The- esreO000fttel000 aooiseroeip cf Ct SO tl00000r ollo ELmsl Orondo 001.00 0000storbocomifooseoeO herb Macthe 10050e 0001cc to Ace 1000b05000 Oso ofthouoocO Me 00000 rOtor4500p lo be held et Dt 0e los Orfos/Dl Era de feo Obras Paolor0000ee at 10000m lodI PIO. and CIty Orrt/o trsbs0otloe April 29-30,0 Gloso Cinco a. Ot00000-000detisu ocotolploftvo-cnonnoas0o005000eas- nets soot uie cars fodrive.coUS oosoeosforlb0000dorass000soNoeth search for take Str et cuc in tnaaotoe Oto tCOrfdrorno bet/book 0aN1.1040falert- Tlrolsdatendt dec.10 30yii000. 00001e toeacco.f' lo lrool100e. pm The 00 Oroafo osco crocInO be btOrIuIP efl/ePl500 Mose000forf iorgsftomthoN500n010090essP CUtI 10411 6ff-flOt er rl /ioeenosomOoeeole,0005000e, t rt000000fsiii lI00100ieOInO tesmto card OnceIVI Il ondOso pm Solltdet:aodtnm.end 000m craned ont 00 lscmed 04 Nor/boOst- horlhmnu/ern 11100w ty. 400001 Irrte T000lC500oOpOMOOlOLOSmN.050. nnico0001retfmtr000m Opcib00003 Snd000,000se,0f50055,bLe osst denornpefldaitlo4lrprepelalier fo o sltreeentmu iokropanete000nç- 4300.0 SIedeN, r he/e. OtO 000003 Tden.0001000lllnhf/b5l-0001 Ossao.oessO.F-lroev-SOrOOM o000e000ieMo.esa es 008,050. pu Olio p crIarme le of en NI-moo Oat Irrtarot lOren danno to Il io tt O/ecc 000 000 00000rriese005 end 100 00m p-nILdpnlsoodtctob.tlS Juco niooi.bb000mooe000.n000icoolnl oOsf 3oM.S000000100'omnmtmOO101. Orsoen0010soonopoonenaor0340 Th0000-p00000000 hoot- 0nPd000 LeSSONS 0005 Score hen 010w IeoolcrOX and al 10e MOon 00Cclo separate coo- escodo aclareo cero. ny Scolo 01e al 0050rlosle. Oper op 100pm. ueredraec collie OrJ lInon If040-oi0050. 0/mIsMos io 30 LOto, 0000soio.000r00000rp000.BuOOPOIOO wheel 00000 Op0000 00100000 Sosenla 0LAoO10ootha05neiu00000s000- thegoe0000noe000 Oc000rbbomil 01005 Museum mero beronnb 4100 nl Onooco 0000niSt0 at 124.500 arnO 0000 larony es00 oelecy de05000. 0500 3000 Onn0000 0000poos 0031100 d0500cs In 00 OlmI 5e ro Ocaleo It/fOIl co notad ho on. Pi/lbs Stair-free ranch homes an 00 000000000 01000 00030003: oem begimo 00 530,008 001000w OX s000ry0010stem000005lafly 135,0550eeOsnolL 1-tlfolch 101Ifluno syt0000 4.000 0600e afïp.o 010es sa/Ob 010e OJO, OXossl 00.000e eog100 is with 000000000 MssOa os S LO 000, 1000000000010000050 5000 000 100IeNFSU0 S.SnnntFmAe Koop por. 45014 at 0000e 0001cl 10000050 eir050/IOO'OOeLonqO t1 loses' nO.4.1050n0000000-00010bOO edge at Henning Estates 0000 SoON 0000sL0000. 00 hoe 000ne 00000000nn 00mo Olio telo 0 0000000110005100 Puditr005 MnN5r'Lunootrtm.OI/mlefereu 50 onotmam000alh0000inosne qsoiokbpboneeem0oa/ib005-OnO' ro It 000010 010011 h 0550m Ono/use NONI,200r.10 0001100f 010m 1 Oaeocilpr000tc100000001,Ob000 )2000esseocsman, 300 p00000. OSsa m000o 030000 io e0000b oc soit sot N OIS 00915f cal sr tee eq plies turf/Il Web fo '0 110001 110 NOb IO soog002051ciOsShOf05000020s000, d.03orn000000l00050001 omdFasOn fans n0050q0001.000 0,3-Osee 00101, f0004, 00000 ned OnoO OperO f/er cil be as ie/oomrtI500l ensero OOeOoOoblo iodismo lni000c000a PIeo000I00050070002OPoneori SCoop /o cospel. 000e.optloideo sirobo 000001 204 Osen osgioseo 000 sw0000101 fr001 0000p00 Weef of 0055n Col/nr 0010 1050150/ 0110cl 5' Thepon101cuoulalo00050000 -IOl,000ns050-di02010 Ooesepmnonoe00050050em0000-0005 uO.O.00er'oiliOefouOSNOOdaO 1000 lcr is rep oler fo aed tons /clnh40004isoey0000peCeoler croo So0000ecorn00000th5000000000ic 0oosO000Ier00,Peeo05D,TO0 olsonqooe. 00e aely em0100010 0050 llS50000e000soe, 000 p015015-5000 pl os toaibPaoloO/sger0000f 00500000111100401110/ 001-TIlO eaoa01oaioaoroS.4405aoLnOisia 5-Oseen aob 500 loup eon ovaiO- ooaosnma000neoranoisoiao. 0000040cl eno20-0500iOOIiOe Nf/ 0000001 ored00300001000nra hon.i005-em00100000000il2e,OI Oooe.ep050boO (0000000np50500, obOeiOSmOmP,ISm000,000I000 fvos-nyliogeo/OkIb0000PoOmS, oanol001rm. for Inler0000 00.01011 prirr0000noiopoft/nl 000000mo mo bpbrrco soso Soorc 00 0,000 100 pasmO-teno eOtenq0503 00O mrobelo 000 a50000lole 000010 OnO 030 pnood-0000 of saoq5000. lebe mrrIoI.asaoul50000 son omble.00q. loro '00e PIpo 400010101 loro baco 020 sols u 000015cl 00000e- 3.B.11000m50500000000m000, pooseopl000lorsl.l-050000000 sooele0003tso 'OO 00000000 ltappefwirlero lenloctab pIsoteo lupe ro 0000poo 1030010500. 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a MØmRS 20 ¡ g.., AUTOMOTIVE KIA s Antlqlle, CIM,eia,Creta,00 SUBARU Auto De siens Center Aoltoa tar Sein Used Cars _Au5eAu.etio,n.oLHaresj Arten Wanted Over 35 Used Oaa32 Equipment JACOBS'1 Vehicles Priced 306E. 147 Street Harvey, IL 60426 SUO erad 4.Whnei-Dnlre Under 05,000! www.scaaote.com Truths 200aWadgn ConIano' TrUelle- Commercial Se ene 04GO 644 Bile-,708-331.5533 0111KO Enclines 03988 2080 edge Neon aelomnilc seiSng price $1400 2000 Oleas Canarie, 500020E 02m teto Vehielee.Oaonone,Iao GO VOLSOLON VAN 03 - 2 00367 3 Vehicles- Ioaaraeaa 04992 SOLE, WOW1 112077511 2282 01111101 Molill luDmold telling price $1860 Sahialne. Learn $2,999 2000 Lincolne ES ROlO//TilO eellioip priCe 52908 Onhiaioa. Rent Lenco 2aa2 earl Retese 07 000ITaAc SONORE SE EOteSdeI Cab I/SCOSSO Anbieten. Seraian, Repair 2598g AW0000IG, WC 2003 JogItto X1KOb kkbSlOatIA Abili Vt price $39900 1127404TG TO VtW 2002 Paeoea 0,004 $2,999 ',2 soAY Pole UT 2001423 ag 880 OS CHEVY CAVALIER LS 2011 CHEWHHR SPORT 01/000001G. NG, ALLOY WHEELS. JOST HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED 20MO SalMes 02e REDUCID! #2770400 -.DOWN BY A BANK A&A FOR 267364/ $2,999 t CAR DEALER 'rNo- We Buy Cars ho 002Mal GROVe alocan 210 - OR FINANCE .- mos SOMMI Lioaeio Rovinata, VU/A VATIO. "W pLUS 4a0 203707 3234.7/LUI OSLO ' COMPANY? a7988 1/2730110 Get cash oosr0O WE CAN HELP YOU! n0100eRfESI RI PAYMENI $3,577 2204 eniak eon00000ae liad Credit, Slor,' Credit,, Repos, Naw! CXL AWO 3SC3740 SO PONTIAC SOSFR2O2 Judgenoccets OISAY! 13 998159-N0f'&WX+ IWFOR900AYST 28e 488 OLT0007IC, 0000500F. WC 22041 OTO WHY BUY 200000e Ola LX $3,994 2019 CHEVVSILVERADO TEST DRiVE *wiN7ÄSTH' 2011 CHEWEQUINOX 3103/03 ALEMON 09933 02 LEXUS 15200 US. FULLY LOADED, 0030 OWN A 2010 708-248-4500 éFbaìÒUhcedfbnIuT1JIrn TODAY! g5t1 Wuhßoc 2 cOO Fono Facto SS CLEAN! 2271520G oithuTi!& Lisa 5h 267302! $3,997 $800 & Up!! e10 788e, 0209/202 $800 & Up!! 2011 01gw AVEO 2011CHEVYCRUZE so passaVI GRAVO 00Mo 2200 05055Mal OaaanO OIS 02700071G, 701/ 3/GOfO 630-832-9894 Cash in i hr! I/IO/ODO 22033970 Howard 0400228lNISi MÍWf J'OIULLER rIO 898 ort2O9Ioaa $3,999 .1:1ONDA 0s/0kP03000 SMC For Good Corso u tone talera CarolA LE 07 ChEVY Moa.aau 2.010 040012F 00210,0 $15,698 S20 NORTH SHORE'S #533704 A000007LC, 5/337, Auto Grous ap3724 ooTM269/oro WOW! 22733700 CLEANEST CARS! $3,999 MoR000Sn'Po POLSUSJSE litotE EScOTROL CoOt 2427 2011 2001 MERCURY abra cUse, 00010 708-240-4500 CHEW MALIBU LT 2001 CHEWTRAVERSE 21133733 aV lloRes 20000001 SABLE 013788 20 22680502 0023300F. 034000010. We Pick Up! SAlO0257320- LOP.0E31 !/273700C 2000 Va SpnnaWSe LV $4,744 We Ace Fast /11/9735 NEED A CAR? 706-248-4500 K6,95 'P3888 ea' °2680aet 20 000a 200100ER 010 1996 LDOXRJS AUTOI40110. 3/04,7/1 2500 Onikswegsn Jallo S I/TRA GLEAN! /12/39070 Credit Problems? £0300 2573660 $4,977 ap3 922 a0268oleo SSO 00470-00222d,022IhS3 OS CHEVY ASEO LS Osor0010-CIOao, 00w lOtira 201e 00e Soca Pito 0000000!G. WC OLEAD No Problem! 111173013 CARI 02034200 s7,488 'I4a928 21,2278/002 $6,744 2000 TOYOTA $ o 202nsaaaeTC eoIan000neUOaOOaTSOUaa CAMRY 4 DOOR 2SP375E LEATHER, ROOF MIB,788 cr'299/mo //273247O 01112 01363005- $6,999 I IO $$ 2050 PacUna Ah s7,8$8 203630 al aMaVa L2C0SSE 0V 0238882,04591102 WHITE OPACO 0/. 2005 PONTIAC 100050 /!272A2TC RS SI1T11FIIRW 2000K 2MW 05nOV TOalAiaanl $7,784 SA 20011031733 SILO /125530G. 3210 COr, a25 688 or'4991oo 00 022e 0.5 0E LOW. LOW OILES. 2OWSeae00 Woo Sea LEED/tER. E/OC Forget the rest s8,988 II2020200 #373 610 Please 2002 NISSAN 029098 Ir 0579,0000 $7,999 I pay the best! c!owÖ!eLcoIfl VOVW Rocht YocORaOO,aa PAIÌ02IIYDER LE 4X4 02 6h eO°S 2201.0000E 0X4 turn ahead ' KW0IeLcIE All Xoarslaoloa3t lIso lax, P1W, PIG, llOSA OEIL REALERI 01ko 1013970fl lAr, ricorso 251021ro. #2723701 7 days a week for more ¿J PuyHorOr Usted lo $300 $7,999 39RL RIJTEFOXLN«E 108 8OUTE A0l 210CI51 s9,988 060/ ei 7.914 APR. running or not great offers MI-ER in our 888-295-8518 Autos 02L05:M-F4-a&S0000 OEMVICRIM-F6MS-4&S007-4 00V05Vi102°J°° MOW LOSO/O, lIMero 2100260 88_1eio4_39214:6. hONDA SSO hoRb 6450! Rood A os aoo Oto30 Wanted claro/KO rEAot302rrsh,002Udh O 120:2505 303 27220 600slo Soli iii /EKOO/I00020AASAOOIIOII003I010/ HoAO4SooVuAtDi05iGOSont 34 VO/tEla tool do/l4o22iSS1V HigAood P25 847-031-4200 1'N'oJ Section! hi5hiandprlauandoala.260 - - GÓOD TÖ THURSDAY, APRIL 2W, 2011 NORTH EDITION NO CUSTOM MEDEA SOLUTIONS A TIVIUTON OF SUN TIMES MEDIA, LIC. I I !fl0 Y,J


itiiiois & Till ENfiRE SAVING JE! MIDWEST 4 YEARS RUNNING!tm F5CTORY1l PotsW,Os,LottoM ISI lOTTI Eli mous bet/rOoms. i o fir TISE IL... FIESTA :IwEnirO P5E! im$11,588/$1O9iM!l/U STEPS

NEW 2!J1Ù FOUS P004RLTE2/4OyIItIffIE5 -Stair-free ranch homes a WEIOOjNE! SWEFT)T5DFHU.ERO ESCAPE I1r Henning Estates advantage JUIF C1JU° .. nr'. r VOR RUNS PR CES MIL-ES pRth7u7 RUW° - 7v ooyonneovno ootoee to pumhase a zanoh home so en YURE IN T , Y IIMISIIOILNL&l4888'i259/OU ovE00011y-eEm/SV0005a100mm001059eTWhO :WE-Hr.,, Eves The 0000emeeOe of EOS5 EmOEe TO 0010napoote- T/RURûT4flCDpHfiTfl:pE T S NW1FIUsi tieSo eStrO/em, etooppiog OEOOeOE. rest5000nonE estA oeoreaSooel aot0000iOO, may wO.Sot te pEyauialn to He000leg EeoenEs ORnonS1 Mono/by. 00000miO oep001S 50E COCO/S05 motos 000mL/O boo/S then to ahoyo the en00000y im oct to etSon reb0000t000 on U.JAPR A/CLOt DOfI.Peporteindicete then oOoe000ployomeet os momdiog, 0/001/ E --O - 111.1 0/ atonto merlteto sos m000000horg sod eioeOfaot0000e 50E 10 981*or$f88ii)w O/OD TSoOmTL./,e COlO Long to ooeotio osp. Month attee mootto foe e000nomy esente 4/OESE 502/II 1 5,986' or2n tobe slowly re000eemg, and pot morDest nenes 000CC/coo 0/TOSS SERI 1óQ5 0/SiSE 122/9 en ornees aLusOoEiO loor of lost onndeo 5 peooEet toe e OO.y000 hoed Sete mortgage. U MONTONI! COUPE TODAY! esili, SPESeE: SIESTE O;otuo sot saso SSLESS TE memo 5,5th! aeeenties moOr O peoo,ble letASnoEE Catones hearbunons to Aale nEt eolIa APPLY TI1URIJHO OW!! E/E STAIR-FREE, PELEO habe bolo I/too/OLE CEOt,/. n 0LSO/TOOETOOTO

SALES PEOPLE ---:- - ORLI WANTED! - :SOT. AIUOLE DESTI MILL - WORK FOR THE JOTOL JODO OSATI OP STO DOlori 51002 PIONILERPIOESS M.'mbOboO)Q CII ICACO T - -: FORO CHECKOUT Don DeBat, 7 I BlockShopper, 3 I Recent Home SaIes, 2 ews ,,un ! tl!P!u!!E 'OEATCMOOOROOF, HEATED OHO COOLED SLOTh SIC TORFOSMSIICSPO OELE S/S/EL? - OUR PAY PIANE! 24 888 or4I9/M 34,988' 589,EUOT I Rfl New Mode! Coming Soon. - - - ..,r Fl E i WE SPEAK FOUIR! UY1GU/4O(:SP4NISff.pOUIjj Come see whtm Meadow Ridge is une of the top deRelopments in Chicagolaud. RUSSIAN GREEII.UpUmoo.EIISEEftmS- '... SALES HOURS: MON-FRI RAM-Op----SONSA 40.YFW4HS" I Private Attached Resideaces starting from jest $495,000, SER VICE& FARTS HOURS, MflTE,U.iiT,i.&Z!íU 294 COMING PRISM OSEEmtfltmEoS 'TO. Y' Ask about our uceotiveS by calling 847-559-9800 FRI YOUR TE( 00LYTLTUP.!JSuïÏO - or e-mail: [email protected] 0401 N. MIL WORKED RSE. RULES JUST E FROM THE SOUTH YOUR !UYRURIZEO SOUTh 0F SOLE ROOD 0X15 MISTER EROE TI ETIIRROIUR TJOYEOCJOD!T 00414! Omite sales ceoter located ho Horthbruok at the coroer 94 FROM THENORTH OR SOUTH 866-876-44Qfl LE/I 0202/OTEE WEST of Techny sod Foonders Drive 'NEInOIOEOESRELIITESIS/EJILUJJ ELILSELIflSESILLEEEI/L512C EeSOUISOorEiiSO TO MILWAUKEE USURO tOerSLbn,2tSJEEE200JS5I05 IS /050015/3 EE000S ''XIS T,OE00001 SE lS5O.OlaErIS/lJE55RE5SEt.TUEE/iI5oofrmEfEEsISoilI2/5EoESEhLo$2lIEETrItOlTE195145 IE5SJIEImI$551I5OEEAO1IESISIIII LItRI IIA&LOrlSrEEmsntoto 100AIoorIINI/...... LTSISAOI5IIEI5IEIHO IS5SLEO5IIT0100OLEOEFLSSIISEII 5ROREIESLE,OCOESSTO,EESU 4400101E UE(EEEIORT. m011As,. 005STIE5TDIOFMEOOIJIEOIEAFFJOOLITES!O/O050 IS SSWESE/ISATE,oto!20 WooleE a, IoOemEhoolosr,-,.---- Hours: Wed-Fri 11-Rpm, Sat & Sun. 12-5 pm orby'appt. 550550ISEIEELSICEE0455I5/I5TJ0OTL OIEOJOIIHA1 112/IOU la EEEELTEEU.-.- -ErJssotEsIEoEI105LoMrIoSosb,5LI0 I0020nsIo//r/fEnrI OOonLoISsTEIsay0IdeIi5rob_oM www.MeadowRIdgeuorthhrook.com I

2 ISRARCHÇHIC007$UNTltrEO/HQMCS THURSDAY. APRIL 28, 20H ND licroI 0111332 Irofa:tlIeIf500Hl?rrllA:rf 01111i11H105]yIO hO 1557508V, APR11 20, 0011 ISOAKCHCHIC010,5UATIWU5IHIWSSI 3 TODAY'SHOMES TODAYSHOMES 7012 yell Ist: Vorueffi, Rerlineede erIC & GrAue,,, KtiOuiVe: $234,927 TRANSACTIONS Bannsckhurn 55: $290,270 Ingryroru, larini C & Mairesse e lagoraces, Oebrrelc: $219,090 Aseas troll:: $035,020 30901 loge Ct:lalo,eie, tarotS 2000 0591g Lic: Labros, Rtyenl & 029 Aeoehcroad Ad: haack, Alen I ROME FRONT BY BLOCRSHOPPER 9378 Perry St 280: DariecA lund Deirriol: $460,000 Curious sbout more Ironie 0009M: $852,020 & litio L: $092,022 Foe Lake shies iuyrtrrueìglrboe005d2 SIriaco, Aleta: $120,000 '421 Estate 0e: Cercees, taso: Mentas Grove B 1059 43855e Dross Civ Rigor, more Chicago aree tesos- $220,007 ,9994 W gehe Aso: lingo, Aerial K sede C: $240,320 1300 Lyses 05: Greysos, CatitA odious, see "encenS sales' at 02329 Versus Aus: Fiorente, Lee: & OdIel: $171.120 rewcn.sesrcicclticago.suatimeo. gg Preeideers Le: Aelieaki, 00029 Eiceis: 8010,2 00 $141,102 C &lsaritsrllrsR $221,000 51010mw currollrumrof. Ecann005 A957 250100e Ad: GeerareK Salop 72780 WWatretield Dr: PriasSe, 1609 Aerrolrsgo DI: Polsi, RinVII & Move-in ready lloraR $74,500 Dee FIamMA 2550 ArraMe SI: PoYe, Fierberly K rs, 15sep50 & tsethnt: 8004,505 Golosi, Trapu 0:81,031,500 VTSiSsIr &tryeoldr.Jseesta: $722,709 Buffalo Mauve 7887 Auskiorglrser Vn Rreiel, 1414 Aieetclnern Anleaiukcs, Mount Prospect 519 PO44519cc Dr: Arnie Reto, lay Lernte: 1195,000 500 lens St 1072: CIrs, taus 5 9rreld S&Tera,a 3:8125,072 Aol 40445015e 109: Foutre,, CHristen A: $210,200 SAD eeeslcvssd Ad: Alose, Stetes 708 Oaea,9reA5c 904.05, ReileS$440,900 WHERE WE LIVE I Gurnee community 0100 lepri 702DO: Path, Ohio: Arty,: $1200GO $229,720 1001 W&elt Md: Lenstetse, Tiei- offering new construction properties 1943 Colee, Le: gedell, trios & Male: $212,220 Gregory R & Frottorey, Insulter B000REMV SCAHuTRER i: $440,020 Nues 9220G Cksotsu Ves: Giehieadi, 0844 Miller Ou L040lheiie, Drue- Edna ri: 80 20 000 11:00 C: $424,000 While rho metoelly of homes Im rho l'covi- 8907G Miir'reoke, Ass 804: deeueOabusubdieisisoio Orcove000nra built G raye ta ko Aoriste, Margaret 0: $165,000 oeumrd le graos ego, oemaioiog Ints io the 790 MobilIer St: Astres, Vani & 000rr000iv thor 0000gies 35 ocarded acme IellA: $220,202 Narthhroak bevo boeo,dsrelapsd are, Ore proc Uve peros "i' loylocal bobd501co A000vt collo Gateopriens. 831 Wes005e Ase: T,eieslr, lrr:oir 9442 Daetldeer Ct: Krhrbrrg, Oua dlthaso la oluoo-bed000m,0.9.Oath &trbrto, Roel: $270,010 bald A & Csrirnr C: $320,277 buree at 290 Fcaoriaghom Cooct, Pirsiehod sud Penh R4dge rond2 tuo onuupsrroy, iba 3,000.sqr050e-toet Garlee paoperrpis baiuglinradbpJeloMatheonnof Wooded tutni dio odl000uc io chu 000rmd cere 1000 Salr050 St: Errae, Atrae & 406 h lut St: Derroco, Italo: 000rtOey AO eones 000Uea 5, $490,000. poeuh.Thnleetilyeoomiehiobsnhtedby tes BerIlo, Ohueitua: $150,520 The home berceos a Cealtsmao.ot0rlo rain- mood-brrroiagsr000 liospl000 test almos ac- $710,700 oio,thst laulodse s loss-car ga,oga nith twa ceso io he ceoe dech. Feeble View hoot gamos doors und cRe aids lead, buido, The monrea hed000rr, bese trop ceoleg, hie- Waigeeville 15902W MOHO Me: Onnihurn,, there is e spscioosbituheorrithgesoic000uu- sed-baos alb-in clennts,smoslne both 44th 225 Slilloelsr Br: Rurgnl,Sontirgs: ISsues i Siroco R: $181,000 teetops, e emolo adele isl000, sralnrless steal lettod tub eud050p000re churner. C00505b'lOeOOSObsTePO:OoatkialsOd oite Io Fr audio cf rho opecioro 66610, rio-inI, cr1,0 hno otaivinoo rost $150,702 opp500ces sod 000tam cheery dobiusin, The pcopaclp 15 mese acceso lrAelvedeoe apl:orros aro rApin aekissiry. Ohs Gocen Soc, io on the cerInI tsn $895,000, 10014310000 PHOtOS Art edlouent errieT reco ovooloohs tho seAn good und rodees Io bcteeototo thghecsy 54. Skokme Highland Perk 8103 Ks,rnnth Sao: tese, Ace & . OWN FOR LESS THAN RENTING! 510 Eeetgroee Mey: MolletA, Loso Tacen 8140,000 & Reti: $079,932 DATA POINTPair of executives buy in Glenview 8119 15195550e 00e: Walls, troco 3: WHEELING VEIL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB Lake GluS $010,200 Acawpureecampsay00000- PInol is o dic000r olcheogo HUGE PRICE CUTS! 8V THE 7AUG86 VS tice acd ceadir card cornpoop ro- maragemooc sud prucess 275E Ptuspe29 Lue: llsderd, 9009 Errol Ayo: Cirtian, lente: ocutioa ho-cn pmrchonrs s hume :crpoovswnutetoehmSbuorcerw Curious about home sales in your neighborhood? Randy Ri Slates M: $1,01,020 $190,205 io ten oaoronc peor 01 GlueoiOw girsCospoeoGoo,eoampotoe JUNOR ONE BOOMS Ueep000auleodtastasOra haedecsmuarepsay.Pdorto bet, For Chicago-area transactions, see °°recent sales' Lake Villa 99100e Hills 7 Mocabibooghtoborr-bedraoco, ho woo a sOotegicorosultoot at at www.searthchicago.suntimes.com/homes/. 4.S.brth heme 'as the 2600 b1000 Ills Pitorros Oor000dchCoop000- Were $295,990 now $174,900 279 lesOs SptiWas Cm WedGe, 991G Lehesido Dr 10: 0,0, Tarses olhucoeitgciosioglecsierv heu.Munetnioroolru55e000nioe IrVine 1: 8100,020 9:815,220 The ucorchac rl hocrso foe sale io AeO,rnlloo 44th or,Ore $081,000 aoMsedr lIThe msotngsestliscnvoeplonrrcisl Ill9SlrOeisS Al: 56,105,0, ON I3EDOOMS Lileaynille horion price or or abuse pesrtomovesrm,Joc0000dr'od lertwcea.Alrepasviosalyvcoekod Coiliu & beso R: $410,520 0010,000. oadgolt300beoe,porohsredtho Oso brsiu000 hrlonomiro ope- Were $323966 now $205,900 904 EWin,Ic500er Rd A:Wa54, homo loe 0926,300 ir lsd2 1008. eiolistorolgcsabiotan, Anirre 500,1ra: $220,701 Wilmetle Ths3,105.srprroo-000throosvruo bolt in 2000. Moli Pelo TWO 3EDROOMS 445 85040e 05: SoAsase ti, Rol- 524 12th St 102: Media, Rossore L: $104,000 MORTGAGE CUIDE Were $402,050 now $259,900 PRODIJCED B? Wiaselka MARKET WATCH Aossl,eas.rsee 088.a25,8,496 Cil STO M EBD Wissslbs Meus Ill: Cr0100. Rato sI Rel rryWaeussssrdeu ree MEDIA SOLUTIONS Wiltiue VO Loterie C: 1400,200 City Fer nais Msdion poise b5000lonato VSI osfee Irreoisearos OD yr tusoS OdDS OdOO 1101500% 4,0cr tO yrl:esd 0,110 hIlO StOle0001 0.017 DOWNTOWN EVANSTON LOCATION! 0.01% 6.20% IRS IO GOOD TO getrington 1031,220 tIlt RAM 48db 0.000 OtaTorob OTto Oit AO Oslo hUaI ItOtIDoro tau Large living spaces with granite kitchens and baths, outdoor balconies 3098 Odius Oled: RenneR, toy000 & 001001e Otros 1,08% 8209,100 10,04% 418 14 XM' inste: H: 870,002 2.18% 1180,050 04.74% 100 056 and indoor heatedr secured parking space with each unit, Dra Pirineo gcorro:talvrrrrborprddlcd Erar s te n 7,31% 8510,020 26,23% 721 OIT RATES A INFORMAT900 AVAILABLE O&ILY ATO toteplilsan00500s.1000esst.ssm by Record Or'urgra too Derido,, Custom Penthouses available. SVI8ACHCHICI807,CIloDO 3,21% $210Db h81% SSO Inc., vff,rrngpebhrrcodrctdao HOMES LENDERS, TO p500ncnps'rs INTROS FEATURE CALL BM8I&OATM,COM Q ssa.res-usoe lcr greater ChIcago sotudug HisOlasd P66 095% 8391,010 0.3% 318 II ycrcctooureu, new horrrvernrc FHA APPROVED' There has never been a better time to buy' S011st: P511 Knies, Lake Fsrnot 5.10% $105,002 1,50% Ill R USO, tmwbmicrrrresbaoleUpt- p Irle a Motard ira etHerS rom gee, mvrigyge rordr000t, bold' Perk Ridge 2.28% $050,012 12.01% All 42 601-528-5562 mgpeooiloaodt,soeso.Arrerr 0.81% $243,100 00,11% iII 155 www.GrondBendLiving.com Shokic latassfllee: Vito Weiher, rca:lahtealnosupobor-r000rd. 2.05% $610,000 4,81% 313 ' Il mellrer©aurrtianaosnr corn, cornrrorcrp1100c'reccrd.dov eilst cTe $228 Emerson Slreet Evanston, IL 847-864-4977 (so mrd crratcl.pcblr-rrsorrbroAr.00 708-603.4224 lcrnue:ClrrsgoutoccStoppercvsrsdrta broUirA 10 somtic 01001m, call R0g-lblliOi 4 5EAOCHCHIC010,SUOT1000/HflllEt 101105200 APOlL 20, 200 NO ny THI'Otyil APRIL 20, 2011 TODAY'SHOMES I S000CHCHICAGO.50hib005100eFb

medical frrilitiee, schools, pottunitire homeowaote will At Reroing Eetrtoe, di brermeof, hrrdwood fleco,, STAIR-FREE ICONTINUED FROM PAGE f golf roueers,'choerhea, fier br rble to r000h employ- perorol of the ocr-third- st,isdr,e eteel rpplieor,s diciog test oureaf e und probemeat rpyootuoirier io corn- homesite. roe roiroble vucdtOd ceilings, energy roe ocly micotes away. munitioe noch as gcfhtrso for Ihr 000et000fico of a elfirisaf fornace end rio "Moaypeople,eeoojtiog Estrtea."Wrll,ruocummu. Prmiliea who live et Estacan or Erhaubobmg aod home or a orlO-col ocicoir- Oerditiocing, iosolrtorf foe e ceta home voedeu- rity obere all 0880e benefits out basement, For yerre nitythetofferethe:peecefel yooseebwithoodowoeide Hroning Estafe, also bree Chi0000. eriodtvta,finishsd insulated accoue to Chicago vio esel- fiord with the pmvhrre rod meoqrdiity, raOh homo- gareget, staggered maple sererdfyfoundinfheeuoaf - rvheteorcer?' nos rond oetworha orcd heir yoirenfsrrmi-ooatrm site horb. opto O pond, osbineta, orremir Eeoc 0000toy,ide, rsa0000 that Within 10 miaotee 0f beer, Acrid cafe rea rom- osoch homo elartiog io tiro mature woods rO natural file io beth,, looury mo,toc it teert be located io the bocldng ouf of the doivewoy, fell 000es prairire. fiaaoiog middle of croceh000, sod mocero the lirioo Proifio low N300,010,, lf000iog E,- baths, tod laOdsrrp,d 10001 tomAie, orn be etcopporg at Ertntru ir derigrredwilh the prods. Optionni emeoitisa difficult to 00000 by 05v or mejor Oetoil outlete, grocery Noechw,rt Line Metta meine, tetes oflrorrovirocmoctol- ly-coorrious homo buyere r lotrol trciccirfoee loo lend auch acetone hesotbore. troiasaid Peter hegoeuo, stores, fact-foG tectauoaots, or by cre ola the foil I-fi p10000, 0db-00f beremonte, O0-t000deootfieooiag aodphsrmariee.Ao sorry of Tollwryinteerhoogo.Willc groar nyyorlooity to recure there freorpoetetiro op. the home of tiroir dreams. "We mrdr so effort to cheer-car grmgrs, sttnynd mober000 chrc 8h. barb 0000rote patios, and cAdI- yood000vroyhome Oper. ticnrl bedroom options aro up to rome cori of gmro else 000ilrble. A A A epate,' said Lohu000. "We boor the biratyle, "00000limos it might ber the (of alare and tiro stair, pood, ethor timor it might lrwi'homr, that you have .5 be maturO rl,ods Of trees bè6'n doorming of Ood Oto liii and theo oysio it crold hr pdo. you moat briirce," sills. a notmol tall gorse yroiria. said l,,guoor. "Pio, with Ihr IIS I Thorreolt ot tirio eflooc io opening of two d0000ated hot hom00000re OIE 000y ranob modoir rdthic our seldom coco look ouc their land coesroceclon ioapirrd bach window, and ere tiro 00000000ity, tendues ono bach prod of eoofhrr home." rar whet liviog haro is oli All botare boiltoypook Oboot." Creek Rome, in Rearciog Te mach 000tcing Eatrir,, Escatra olfer architeotmol labe gettali mesi from he rlrrrtioos, which could l'go Tollwoy for two muer iorludr boicb, et000, ocdoc, dod thon turn oight (rout) to cod rcchitercucaliotoreet- Church hood. Tiro cemmo- log 0000ioea.Eerh 1,800- to city rotraarr iseo flor north h,afi-oqu.oe-feotornoh sido of Chureb herd abtot a homo will irciodo two oc dOn q000trc toile from broie 20. Let Sedgebrgok remove the stress of selling your house huths, ccoo to brrr bed- The medrl, and aale center - and relocating, We now offer the expert guidance of rooms, reynooto bceabfarc ace oprodeily homlOom. All the hassle of selling erre, e greod focally room, 800p.m. or by oypointmort. -, Moving Station:" the relication professionals who asotgn formel dialog 000m, end al- roc moco iofo000tito coli terhndtmo-ceo geropo. g41-33g-Bgfl etoirit treo. - a personal Real Estate Coungelgr to guide you through f towdarda ivolode a hecudogretate,.00m. and moving ison us. every otep of the oolc proccos-from finding a realtor to

- clostng. And from our own otaff, a Personal Move-In Consultant helps pion and manage your entire moyo, el Webbhosting So is the Cost ofyour Its all the hood stuff, and it's free to new residents, And $5,000e* - don't forget, well cover opto $5,000 in moving cools) seminaronselling move, up to For more information about our limited-time, free real estate assistance and moving expense reimbursement Graodbemininoby Eel Graodb000iniooiereleord Wabb,r community in Mon. sod pracefuLThr Lehr,ido CALL 847-497-741 Now! drino for thoor agrego rodLodge features tolete-ti- older, ir heating o ymeenfo- thr'rrt fi toree oonter, indoor tice oa"irlling your E000e end outdoor pools, bocce "Pleosco,h rido, dosociotc br imy0000t dolalle. ioTcday's Murkot"eo f atoe- tard tooths 005015 sed walk- Welcome to the Retirement Life! dry, April Bi, bom lidi em.iog toril, along the shores ti to 030 p.m. hobo pomicioc. giogle-faroi- e. s O C a a. Threeorinroiadesigriud Ip homes oroge loom 1,18010 a e a. -. ea to help nod e000urrge 2,003 aqorre Irrt rod ,tsol io homebuyrce to move focwrrdthe afferdabla low $240,0105. with choir cow boce, llevio Opoce is bmifcd. Coi 001- SEDGEBRGDK T000y with CeIdwoll Broker 048.0030 to ogw by Aprii will faoiliteta the disooseron 0g. nod provide io,ight s rod bel Webb gf.eod-000v YOU. ONLY MORE SO. rdoice roto Whet it rober to 000c0000dtiaa bogen with get o hoos, sold io Agil, dir odginal Boo City, which 800AadabooWoy Liorgicrohire,EL 60089 Groad bemieiort io de- opened Outside Phoroit, 847-497-5741WelcomeToScdgebroglo,corti srpned000undaltyaorroar boia., io 1860, rod hove 0001 lebe, tekiog edoectegr grovoc to icolode more theo of mlfing topography sod 00 coor0000dtir, 0000rntlp beautiful views to Oraste rho opon feo oem home soles IO ASEOIOOCAOh DEVALOPM050,LLCAFFILIATE000hIMU3IITY MANAGED 0E LIFE CAOF OhhVICOO, LLC ptctrotesctiog ter Of-end. BI totes, Feo more loforme- MO91NG 5rQf over bic0. Wich oeeoly tiro on bol Webb, sra 010000. m I ...... lii erres of oyen aproe, drleeobb. 00m. S L ¿AMOIIIAAMITRIIA ODADIHDLI)RD3A LIAI .81 IIII'LA RR000IIHTOil 00 THURST0M, sPOIl 25. 2051ISI0UCHCHICASO.a080I905/H Ou Ii 6 SEARCMCHICADO.SUWTIMES/H0MESL OHURODAY, APRIL 28, 2DA tOO - TODAY'SHOMES TODAY'SHOMES Old Boy Housing.market. Scoutcamp nationwide is

upfor grabs - sprouting with Rock River retreat the arrival of.spring l'1he seoivd of apeicg hen ON TRE offers rare opportunity I bornesdoosproubog ¿ agrio io the Cbioegn ROME FRONT The property lISOS odreRo C000tp,llhoois.The eeao end aceosa the oetion, DON DcrB»T EdgemereTerraraicfloscoe aiteaits south offlecklOc, oapeee say. rOrMpttoee ll.ptaO wootfod batworrporlttooeodRoeuca, Many hrme buyera eco acres eotdleottitce 1,520 feet un the Soclt River. llpoo tIte eealiring that they mey cecee Ofhontege elootg the beanie floree site a dicirg000m ogeio see prices end loterect bd Rock River, a peineta boat cod kitaltec were erected, a cotes crmbiord ot thaee bun aompdedbyMidwnetSeei March. dock rad reicm000ed shoretine.puoup inetallod, und lotee the bocel, eud beat'dme boyera Ostato Reto, 11,0. Foe Oho matou 000e ea a It oleo le apiece ohldstoey, aeroitnsofthoSeloitl,egiuc ere bogiootiog r aodce' Oveoeil,howovsr,thulßii whole, home pdrce in Manch a p10cc whete 00000tleae boye end yiocmoa wore enlisted to etocd titar this could be a hausiog meokat etuI Inge wane cotiac ably bower then iearrtedaldlte,atgtdreda roenbunt acreed log rabian, a "lesI cloenge appadocity" to irrhbodthoheiskpace eel thrywene a year earlier. The puaitivo attitude Ond preparedconcocte eodctaviogporl aed p000hrec ohowc Sefoor both during the Rest ein montito uf rncdienpcice (meening bed of toc odalt lite ritead. en elettoir light plead. Rete peiues end morga gr ratee 1010 when ofederob ten roedilhnrnescoldfoemoro Oodhrit Slow it le butting toe a the Seloit eren Ray Scoots mocease, oocardldgl000dty hobpedstl000late celan. for beso) loo adctoohea borne luyen tebe cot u ttly acaete e enjoyedrnenysrnmcoesof ugcnteyuDedhyll0000SOntl. "Compared to February, nene $113,505, doro 0.0 pee' BasementsBonus roomsAppliances eecluded epot en the dveo botanin,teOttrpted contrade' Rythsoetee:llRI..... tIrai 18e Rock Rima r racornIe March erIce meo 40 peeceot cent Rem 61R0,900 cyero eno' elan to ehaoe in e piece et lo' eltip,leooueito live with uco "Msebet non,didOce ere per'In 0,211 rocbOel' reported Jim hee,whdethemediunpriceot Room s FixturesFinishes And morel ceiitiatoyewitbthe eraecddea enothee ecdtobolirosmely io nno the nIobio. The nIobios fret too eoy borne porobtaarr Meedon,eegiocoldicodtoert en attached bnme )paimcoìby Spoingtimo lu suvLogn time a) Williamyun Homes, uo corny - eta bocadeo io the procter intheeurineedpnol.Tltey audpestaecentìthelrrtoyr who bec the dnow paycleilt, Rio RI/Sfoottretheenodouia oredomioiuoo apmtmrote und Rorltfoed eroe ncae nuroetoun onoyedrtigtttlyrewptioee und tecriog(oodsoiecbarbrap) - abdityto quebiSy far alcen n,eOeonk."dabea peioss alen 10000boOare) drohucd 24.4 celebla)v Ihr aeaaan in atylel Ita your chance to build mr at the geld courses aod state perite, roruuooiogroiththettareerod eon tIre idaol home foc eguinue rndpleoo on Uvirag mo home want bighee in March, with peroaotto$lOt,SIS. moot etiatgy'efficient humeo on the market )oduy ... end save and otirurtea to choppier0 end pincelo oc ricer oights. end eqoeaoi000 dike. foret boost fine ycero," said both the oveonge price end Erecthrogh soioewcre da the cAcaber of boye Oree the yeste, sbire end fofike Seceded, pOOeideOot madmen pelee op aboot R pro' b000en then apear ago, the thousands making It ont thy way you dreamed It. Cash in todayl caccioedowtetbont grete, end the ScIait Rug Siovowabromedtdsitoos year' undCEO olfloaaeRoaot.00m. cent born tha FebOi000y InveiL' market toe detarhad homoo catate ie being enOluoiVely Rcoate adt speoued three round whtbe hoy upecated "laog'terrn inteeesl rates ene March sebos teadidocely rondouadto oatpcoloun the - Single Family Homes - enerketedby@Porpetdee truntiec lathe eroe, they out' the erparatr pdnete two' bow, rhoioea ers eharodnot endem shonagee then boso in meobor Soc allorhed hornee ir greoe"Cecup Rotary." l'oc boce etrcyceechhouee eanbed mont ecapeoto doeing Meroh. agcut,Sherurtuu800eoss,aetd io many eroeO, oomoiog ahorne Febrasoy."Orec tbo 10cl sIx ELGIN is beiog otfered otItis luit' yeero the terup une sod by tuo TrIal sdenofdetOchodhnmee ELGIN endbmeeLThescoboded lachnaper then renting," yrore, the ovceogeiraooeeee Srgbrlocd roborde loom bc 02300 Reloit Recreati000lprpart' coanbh001oe neithitepeivote rneoo 14.4 perrent lower tbOo Sandy Crock lienonco foam dro lyOo good ere erme et 00e hod' ira unir saleahoml'ebeoorytc 5d7.214.f 367 R47.54t.3801 A000rdiug toltotaeiaoWai- meut eu n dey carep where 50 balrrny oSees viewe oStho icgc of the goua0000t.00rtR Marob hea been 4f peoaeuI, inManob 1010, ochlln attarhad tee buodaee, 10 Reluit Rotery hoya rhoeoo by echuel teach' Sorratedyeopedy. ogenteacroy: ea whot we aopedeacodtbds home wirr meer down 81.0 JOLIET LANEbSyOR Cmb mombree who signed a cee uucbed b arO end f 00th iDOlen Shebtnro brat met the The paerenutaga at year ma loirly oypiral,"Meeebno perorut on Ohr reme basis, Lxkcwmcd FouloIr froue Oho nS70e llcobono'cll l'lanc Icaco tkn SyDo oote born the Debit State Reobudaily bum Reluit. Vi0000'a end oshed achy they Rrot'time buyere 000e 1045 cocordingte the RE/MSX 847,760.1071 d47.201.79k2 in 102i,p000haelcgapaerel In the 1830e, the Reluit wooldeveewoct te ars their pcercnt inthe tiosl quarton nf AccuediegtOMofliOe,the eraelgelo. of lend doug the Rorkp.ivee, YMCA'ehlech Club proposed geivate occis they coplird that SAil bow 31 peeoeet bom tholord hauaiug rnaoker le Sack' "We do capero more priro LIBERT WILLE LINO ENH URST eruth et Reluit. Tiria load ruco rehebditeicg the old comp' "tuo yecre we'un spent bere froeth guantee of 2010. ingcioao n eeperted000, endatehinoy to tobe hold Oothr Libttrly Occur ham rhr eSOsa dic t'creccice brow kr el7ec denoted to thc Ruy Scouts eite to use it too IlIrio own boro been ho happiest yoare Fecly'aiuporoertrfthc he entioipetee even botteo apdcgmeobret peooeeaae end 847,2b1,79b2 54 7,20 1.7952 and cabled "Ceoup Rotecy" curup. l'oc moco thur 3D ycaca, oS oar boca. Wo hure lived egerts roprdcd seSees ce' d000its ebeed. morn kayacs deniSe tomme aireo tluelioteniaeawhooeod theilfofllAeueu,cceepaogrecc our tiost decaen. If ocr wereo't ooivodOS pemectormoceof "The bwpcooed cRanS' ohead," said Mernboe."Given NAPERVILLE SHORE WOQQ their octe pers000l toada to b0000d bryr io end rot. rrtioiugundrctureiogto roe thciracldogprioe dadcg the ahI010 at bornas hes helped wharo bornes peicce sao Fnomthr$395o eenair000kliddrcCc.okirnwthcrlyee pocohoor tuo lend. lathe 185go the londreme fabttibyicoteoilto lire nat first quaaler nf tDl dorteodhaunoe beck this uompered Ora year ago mId 847.875.7625 547.750.1871 Ir oras pert ob the Rotecy under peicete rwcecohip end car ac000d dreum,weocrubd RioIy'twr perceot of the epeing sttaeaedn1000easod conaidering that intoorot cates Ciab's edesiro to sdppOtt the later ryeeated abeieíug farlI' neoeo leave thia bcaudhd agOOts repoered that Set' wheor cold, annoy wealbee fon woogages romain ra' Bioy a home hrm us ocd wety Incoe She harneycu hoyo. Rcymroota,echosapOOpOeO ity for homes. Cumeot rotIere piare." logs sao getdcgmaltipic bad s negativa importen loemcly etSardne, tho buying ces, "to help boye to under' 11lire andpunoVtcaachave Rurrovo eeidthatjeen oScos Ram boyeee.Tfds is tho heme salee," said Mectiao. "1 opyorhordbes eon rrocpdocal, etood aod resliae the bouda' melded un tuo property Soc Lsg echte lialek Oho crate eel leafIng opealear eaetet celte ,titec reeling 11.5001 cei8ego, one rl the elli Combc eod Puoi fleer of the wouldn't ho airoydsed to see cad we believe that moesogo teatoter At tIlo liege 0111800 olor ceorept tiret piso. I reaclglanaote ee000dldghastfor000eotrge mantel circe ot the echool, the more theoe decade. Belnit Sietudreb eoriety sup' recorded in more then tora soles ieodmpeil end Play cowc is getting Oh000gh to medy 000tnee wbr ore seeing dew church cud the heme; tome Tire cirre lSZOa'ere log plied her Initio the Rotocy 010k yo ade. moobriusentu lost yoar'a leisuro toco itt preperedoc foccahiuteithloftedredin5c und ont tho Rest flore, b0000eiooe bilden aleo oRees atucrieg erceege is icbtehited bye peogreets, artìcleo und othee The Chioago meleepoli' rulnheeo theol cepsrted at Ieaeas odthhettyinreecooe ceuotrucbce.Rroedroetridaec'oyecfl000plunoeeily roc' coatom bathe odd aetrotre oiewc eS the noce. diversa variety of voddlite end iutounetio OS the properly. ten 00cl estate rn000rt olor theheginudelgofthieyrar." aOtarhed." obip."f'btie load beaecte tuo Arrie to elrdge,boolcl0000e cinte with aleego wrap around The fl'by'4T'tuotic' oSeen boating, bUldog, hucdog, l'or more irttrenoadro reto appears to br picidog up. In They recentoge of heme rcutocotrotd000eotivitieetcr ro cuuitiple bethcoun.The dentine epari000 meetee geruodporl, deck orS Schlug cod oume0000 bade foeechedube en opyoictmeot foce Manob, more hemee went arid sd000epeoertted by dIo' 0cc OcAalb wordy pral roble the soy Scoots. biotcdr reblo baa Egpptioc ridta with IS'lOotceiliegs elrreeed bagno outdoor hucses,ATRte or sc000rrobibee. pciootr chroning, contort Silpu' end sebiglacopeioeethanin Ioeeeod poupardes, iodludbdg nabuwnoogrodicabedbyolgel WilliamRyanHomes.com teacoetice undyuoldshruaeble oveolorko ocunyordirlrd StitchenoRree Slteeedooutre, Thotyinerue' cIpher prop' ccoSoo'ooee at R13'IiS'SIll, fooeeI000ees end shoot soles, Medio ieroiorr,lhrmccoycutc' Onjtdy lA, 1824, tlurSrluit Febeaeoy at this peor, 00000d' eullding corrgy'efIlcLev) hnrnou Ihtuughaut Chloagolavd Club wee iccoepreeted, teldngSuportad sloncwrtbirrludiegoiete oS the 5mb tuneo end gea und eleouirity Sor cook' rrtycaeceotbyie howe tu two emodrhunnrnb@atprrpcc' feil ehghtby born 51.5 percent buy:nyiubaulieoau 0011115 Writ ing to aRE/MSXNonthnrnl See 0001ro Ccouorbo, 0cc Urteil owoorebip oStIe cnirpatto beentifol 00010m 0000iog with adjocectlorestedniceebaclt. hurree, nod teatoree pastoree dea.row, cc visit ill8gSdge- llhnaic enelysis of cabra data icyebroeey 1048.2 penoedt mc olin bi ratarctoudcbobnoi along the Porlo Itivec to Win' decorative irtlays Il000uglr' The bdght acri ciotege This sccludedrtunded end notehle.The"Meee 4eS" rncreTecrarc.tumo, 81 5OARCHCIÙ?9G °-'o'(RE TODAY'SHOMES allOt SF, 1ITIOFS'P Li. Ubttt0o. '144o9 11kb' "0E! Northfi&d Group offers $10,000savings on MiUbrook Pointe townhomes H000be0000tefreodveotego of a $20,000 credit oow bolo5 obored of 0k? t O opeorle ob bdclt t94flaar il t000thoraeond0000home 0000lmoofty looetod oeot to Restaurant Row ¡n Wilooliog -I Ooy0000ertcbooee a three-or tour- fui bedroom ¡toton 04th op to 2200 oqaooe R To USE IlE NUMBER feet eleothog of $259,002 totaro ttte ONE! $loi000creditio oppliodRuyeoe neo '00 use 000vei0010mietyotvtuyoto z SPECIAL NUIW'cp)NE! meet ioddoiduol needs *9999' 'Toto ubuioei520uoei'oeidNootta 'PA NE! Rold0000pProoidootGooyliootteo. CI "Store overyfruyeriediffeoeot,on'oe ell00000ggoulo ci100eo the beet way rOeíUhi,tSTI.eiOíUtOn,eP'o*iL 00009 tosproidyouoiocoobvec000ey Oho FORE) Seen Re%?ll fRohem frelata efeinitte stool epplie0000 42-10thtoolgoet Wort teblools, looteooe,youcoolcoerfloe eutdog ¡tronido rruntotop F2501404 PL 004 Pollo 000$ oledtwoOttWooffleco. I OUbOl1100 PeRt TRUCK' poor, ro-reo clooiog coolo,p000lteeo 7.989 iE! m43393552tt ornI upgto0esoolooaoriutetretretee" pt00500dtheturooewtoodelothat thef000peiototsrefloorpleaguoorts MehittgthePejote,Mnlleretkfei000 ooeot0000oayrt lu000iroothreo-andfetwtrdroem

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LINCOLN HIGHWAY- Z5EIRRIERRONNRPHIinIIS! T OVO TA SCION nnfl,,nMIt(cflpT FRANKFORTO IL 60423 '°" w - M MUDWNRI IUW (ON THE CORNER OF HICKS & RAND ROAD) RATIOS - NICE PIMPLE TR DO BUSINESS WITH Th.SIXS.SV BBB www.fordoffrankfort.come e 6 - 3 '- 3 e -ros rOYoTa Ge=an P&Ib0,119$IVSV&OX9CISIIROISIIER219IAO$I1139$EIOV19SVIFIIAE&IEYI10 MV99E1/l$051901T29H,2910452S11 VI9&$$HIOSRRSTI19&. '0195900E40tEA0598185odlk5 _.,,,,,© "!0MR ERG SSS, SE&CV4F9SOOIOR99NOYRM9LSMRO19T1OUECIIII$I9VOSIEH&MRRIITII4OIX2ISI0&Ek 59411IR/VI9SSII19WI19RRRIFE&OSSFICOI0IIOC 'Y&S9IY19RIIOIE45IFZ5kS5EIOTUSOJII RI/459191919EA194191R45115k0001192E5000. M0l0000H141/pFIrMk 19oo45Efi1oWY2daREOloWlkoW YYS45lrI050pSgZO&195R55500409100 '83ryRo99884-SlS. WE SPEAK TOUR LANGUAGE! SPANISH. RUSSIAN. POUSU. KOREAN. GREEK. PUNJARI. GERMAN UKRAINIAN. OROS HINDS $SO11S,452ilIS9I7978RkO90dN2fl33ESCSOECk ffM45RIIOIOI9I19I5EI55IRIIRIOE1RIII4O SIIHIVOYX1/IRISEVIY$REEO EI45O15I9EIHSIVSYMISSRIIIIIF0&&RICTOR1SISIEIIIHTSOA SO, 19/45 504000005IIH4OSIH 'O040001kNR9O0oo9ARoo10OC9 09oC9ko4/SO 195/25001 419 / ORoSFksoRSO95oo9S/51 OIAIOOI/955519!O!000151Y9590050/rOO"0050901IC35kF0455T451405/TIFHHF Eks9HoOT195k5O4/955s/lk04545J504S19O7305OTOSUSOOW !/ ¿595545545k SOFO5I45ICE&SROIRRETDdE19 OOoIF0IESRYH&505511194I5I97095 1/IVIIF40.o&II1SIITOIT0IVS +VESII/OIISOOII1IIIERk1NCVI2003IUO -O%259133&SINRISI1 924$018$99,2O/1 k99l5IR90&o0A0!91rT5CTYVE1920llTIO550Ol1fR9I5l9d29l1SEIJpII1RI5F0k/O 0609517$ 585015759 9810YkSIJII0/65909 5IROTRIT&IISRELIIIOST&. --0o595499o15015 51Wo59E5r140DH0 WN A G1IAT 'AL MATTIS, SIOP 1OPADOWS... - . GurneeDodgeChrysIerJee Jeep EVANSTON SUBARU inSKOKIE Illinois'- #1 Subarù-.Dealer offerst

oo-__m RP*e-; ING.1. SFLECTIO ::::A MANU- FAî UR1IR R[BAt WCFÑTIUES AvA GIANT inventoryofnew2011' 01100000 ur- -D.. -c i- J- - 0000000110mOS; o .,TOP ETt j Thenews out of Jopan shavingndefinite effectonth r1-- ¡j - supply of automobiles throughout the world. During the .J SUAflU post weeks ninny customers out shopping have reported a lack of inventory on dealer lots and even fewer deals. ODONO NEW 2010 0002E JOURNEY SX1 Evanston Suborn in Skokie, AWD Illinois' #1 Subaru Dealer, iswell stocked with 201 1 Subarus in SUBARU u variety of colors. And we're still makinggreat deals. NEW 2011 SUBARU NEW 2011 SUBARU NEW 2011 SUBARU NEW 2011 SUBARLJ IMPREZA 2$i SEDAN LEGACY 2.51 SEDAN FORESTER 205X OUTBACK 2.51 027 MPG 031 MPG 016" ALLOYS ..... 29 MPG VEAN MAKE MODEL STOCK Cocus MSnnP YEAR MAKE muDa HWY0 STOCK CuinO MSRP I-I WY° OROOF RAILS , HWY0 UOhlJvn0010sßIaflnp011SS,NWnun Davon RICOS hOOt OnllLEpWpaOnannsOnnI955nno.n100iun logia loll JOPlun001nOnrOKh1602Tnp Amine 1010571010 100111 lnIlJ101O,uvLninnOunnonlnsnnnj,iu,slizos fl9%" 19%" OOlJKinWUKiaSFURhOOEnj,llilSjDQunO nonna SLInK UAPR I01PR OZInO- 251lonnpnjnnjlnunewluuse000500nln, 02110 I.Pfl veiliupnLIlLlSLWlFOnilSlIInaDinp tunisi 1150snEnnnn OZIO linnpu,annaulv1,uusuweoonuions nalnn lii 1021,SWIK05001IT075POKITKI sinon Sinne - Ozino- nell LKinlsnlvolffihiln055advnIOnmsuu 0015e IOlILPn,T1000I0050lnb,nronlrsv 01001 NUlls All-Wheel-Drive, 02-Wheel-Drive, 10.00 1511 Lulowunaoian010nsnAnausnnLj,pn 0502e 05 Fi hll-WhueI-Drioe, AIl-WtoNel-Drjse, nOII 107nIKnEULn110EflnpSNnilpoS EOlIO ABS, Side Curtain te' ' SOLS 10.10. OI1LKIIIIE410501nSl0u0N0ALlg505LnI njngio lrrL_ Ij-J AB5 Side Curtain Idos i Ib' ABS, Side Curtain ABS, Side Curtain nIl JIWI0000LWIUPTnP5IIOI7ES nonlIn DianE VOTO. Airbags, MP3, Airbogs, MP3, rau &GùmeeJèepoth KiuLlWn,500nlaslenunanlnoeleoanup 11005 WI Airbags, MF3, Airbags, MP3, 0011npnLmnlNLWSnpflepspnElpov 01515v uweolonon IM0 Full Fower 1MO ..J 101.115 aVlSinWsnaflnnKsW1015NmneAe 015710 Full Fuwur I/IliE Full Fuwer ÌMÒ ill SOIUEOY ovEnS,? Foil Fower r.for4O more Wranglees! elliiwLninnsLuninuon,ny,sopnnp 011512 5100K LO SECURITY DEPOSIII 117.10. 15 mßSIfl teens ElI6 Ove el clOning. 10500101 Nu SEGUiI,? ulpos,? LO S705n11Y DEPUSO lSmnnu loen. uu,72o Eus SI sIgnIng. 00020591 ou menu Aleo. 10,101 dIn elntonlln. EPA. 070200 5110000 Inno, 50,05000021 sISASE loOvunno

1ff No PURCHASE NECESSARY 5211 ssnl005uooinslnevnosjovnnnon IMPORTS & DOMESTICS SUBARU FORESTERS 'BO Hondo PLletEg-L$WDsu/nIAvl Annuel Snnnnf,250,irnnnPvslE .025,905'12 F5555105 1150m. SUBARU LEGACY I OUTBACKS l0-In-OlsnO,uunnev,PnoSeuinpon5o,$nlnnlA 02n,005 'IVOvIOoska,Oy Lt V.02510151 0005lOOl,USIOSOO1K,0U0,pSStl. $24,055 10 NIssan Rengo Ins; ElSe. n.eInen010r NOII 70m r,nlenl,lSlnI $20,995 'IB Fnleonor Vt Bees ------10505150105 SaIS Ene Us. SO-ss IISII $21,995'55 LO5OS5 LSd------fenSso SesionO SIenIonS, 5,5ml SitIe, 'oeCInouySllsereo, 1550 Lt ------0010550. 1105100 end, loin, .009,505'Ontorsetnrn-Preon ------Salo.. Snnlnol, P001llqelppba Sonso 15050 .550,595 PIMlIlO .5o3,45S 'tSOuIsaeRpsean------SAnpnOEoflLouLOn, PIn,lIinel.SJSlLjPO...... 523590 'llteynlaçarnrytl ------.00AeleIISOiNtLfPn,nlWUIISNlenl$15,905'SS 505450 555555er ....051«, ruwsiulnunnn Inn LeoIo.SYnollSSfl SellOS '08 Oollsnslo 5.050 108mo MinitnoI.Losthnt,aeusv nob uesnKllO..022,5e5 'OTFonrIEnnaP.ULTAWD...... lLnn.nooleniolnnonffno,nLnn,5nvA D15,99S SUBARU IMPREZAS '00 SUbsriv laSas? 01 LSd------LnnuIsIoe,pnof,n nonnl,OieyPn200 015,559 'DB MIenne 0111m, 2.5 Sb ------K,IOnnnlonI,loA,Klnnl, P0550.. $14,005 '55 SUDOrI limPieza SIX S-Deer ...... ook.0t5l,plsoo-- 5I9O'IO Lnlaoypsenn------OIWO10IOO-ln.,Pn,osiiuel,5In,,;5255 $SBOSS 'SS Toyota Sienna DIO toSen Senesi Inseln cIelI KIn P011i .unn.sto'00 SeSIone n,nnpre,a 00KO 4-Osar ...... lesos, 75400 --15,505'SB SorIanE 5.055 LiSsas... CIOOInOSLOLI51LOISS5.5IolKjIlIO S57,555 sones 55 HsOda ecSarll 051-VB SedeK..IaIn.Olnoes MnlnflnI,OnS 10151 Dm455'lulteynsons Pools-Dr 5-In-70k noient nso,snI.,rnolsln.nmi- nmIencnovnen200nlsmno ..57,090 '05 SvSasI eUnbanSv------sOIn, losIelOesl, 1050,11705 ...$IV,SOs 4,6;O65,6iMJ OFFO. 'lOIKSPSOOO Pmoi.4.Or Sonlnnl,50I SAn,ILIO55551IATISP157N :: '0901010 Wolle Ll,OOIS.SlSseinnvtnefnnl,uInloono,nnd.0100.unn,4ts --15,405'DSSAbSnsLoSonyDE ...UslSflSOtsnnInsf Pneeione,5,non,pn550 $15,055 Bin 'DoKnIsIsKelndazvoonOBLOWD ...... Lnelnuno,nnl.40Gsnlni...$S2,0n9 nni::v '01 NIssan PIllIlleden SB 454. ..100n052n,SuinnnlullnLnwe, ...... $N,NN5


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OIHARE HONDA .0000 ROuoakrne eaa - nr.50 FINANCINGP Pauly Beoda Stuc Sooth MOsconee ave. - BILL JACOBS MAZDA, 205bW. lcYemror Oh 000i5oelle 0071 aO2.I3CCsarC.peviylivedaoosn 701105 801007.7a.02, 011ïuoobeoaeduvom BtU BOSEN HONDA IN GURNEE, nOce Onoro Ave., Hoe Was West Or 500cc 030 Mercedes-Benz On...Il l'ji'OdeIs" AUTOHAESOR15aENSI000Fran5ege Rd .sI0JeI - HONDO - 0. Mrryedea.ßeno Nalaerciltr C503 W.000ei02oe 0007556085'rnhotreonlvilleoorn 0U77.ANDER SPORT Mremedes.BrrO as Westmoct 200E. Ogdre r The only option left to consider is when to drive it home aailethvrda torn aCe. 0053000022 0000a051nionroom jiHe9ereve

Introducing the new 901 Carrera CTS. The result of selecting fhe best features ofevery 911 Sports car, MINI HYUflD1I BILL JACOBS MINI 249V Aureea Ave., and combining them with o 400plus horsepower engine and jawdropping fuel efficiency fo match. FAMILY HYUNDAI 0201 W. lS9ehSs., Supeshlis, IL l-000307-1230 rvrooOIlis005sml000rn Leaoing you with fha unusual Option of 00f having to choose a single one. Porsche. There is no substitute. Orine Park, IL 00577 r20444.rl30arorr.remiirvrvrdsl sors eslrtn004raoeetror 006reeovi3Oa 000ml I mg, 41 136005 O'HARE BOURDAI Biere Ra &Oekron, .t MITSUBISHI Oos Plalraa. Far SEc 0001001 P0005 Cull ciron BILL JACOBS MITSUBISHI, 22S1W,JrTa050r 606-4500007 01., 00115m 000Yd0010rclIRenocorn,1105lsrlorm SOIlS 0050 H55suBOeA PATRICK RYUNOAI 1020E. GOII Rd. MAO MADSEN IGSIOSUBISHI Test drive the new Carrera CTS at The Porsche Exchange. sct000nurgroce.nerrcuours.00rnec0314453a LANCER HOURDAI 2720 5. on000. Men Wadnor 00m

BOSEN HYI2NOAI IN ALOON9UTN 705 SOuth neraall VO. JOst 00014 ctOiuorvvin Ra. NISSAN 000.000-nrto 10000.#OernHYOnOS000 AstObare Ntluae er Evalnssln 1010 Chl0000 500. 007-07S-OO40 sevo.theuvtvsurmi vom KELLY NISSAN 4000W. 5514 Si. THE+EXCHANGE OuO Lese 700-4050OcVsooro.erllyr,oaaraom 05055 "- S 'c'S- 11015. Marala NlUaee 5240 Golf Reed, Sloukie Cereefy l)....- SAmOs 18471266.7000 2300 Okohie Valley Rd. BUSEN NISSAN IN GUONEE l20Gmun000r PATRICK JAGUAR OF NAPEBVILLE 1549 Highland Path, IL 60035 W. Ogden OVO. 0a0030.SuraoCe.oeioskleguervom http://porsshe.ercharge.porschedealer.com Hears M .Tlr 90M. 8PM, Fri 90M 6PM, 0090M. 5PM Jeep SUBARUO DOS PAG E DODGE CH K YS LE R.J EEP Ausahasn Subers KO7OS. LaGeosgo Rd. 0,04601758 600450400V cueugeacKueoom8srsteeroom GURNEE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP RILLJACOBSSUBARIJ 2005W. 1rYe,aon St., 72db Grand Aoseoe 0005er. 10071 0258va, 0087007030 biliecoSos000ru,000 .gorree0004020m Grend Scham York Bd. & Grena kurs. SHERMAN DODGE JEEP 70010. Cirera Vellssnohlio,OlrnrureoocsruSOusO gmanceuöaor,000 OVO., cOncio 10401 nosar.ta oaa, shreiran0000e Corn J;i) New Car Buyers.Guîde o ArtOng5e5oTSnto552O95N,Hoeel Bd. New 2011 MitsubIshi New 2011 Milsubisi,! New 2011 MitsubIshi Bill Jacoks Kia 252s W. VeYereor St. 00h01 6000307007 505c,DhlI00000sOutv.00rn ENDEAVOR E305ov0emnnOarPmA'orge GALANT OUTLANDER EVERGREEN KlO 9205 S. W essere Ace.,- 047.0550010 R Chlosuc 18001 11156-OlA. tao,400argrosrkiO40m Q9ACURA RAYMOND KIA 110 Vt. 573 ACOl000 ELMHUBST TOYOTA $ Pasty AVara 260v cAcce vallon nu. BILL JACOBS CADILLAC 97 'roe LOO P1100 Leedor' - OFF JACK WHELAN CHEVY nov coca Ore JonL DOPAGE DODGE CHI5YSLER.JEEP 10471305.0000. snonO.oaYsorrdOhe200lot.erre FROM flighianu Park. IL lOcJl aaaaado e0006sOvao 050'/,honmnsrlmtvraoi00000 vom paol000000,ccrn 200u5YOiOOC60lOOIO0C ROSEN KIA OF ELOIN -- 00MSRP!! ovooss4ono 000a6000jueshrneleriaep.orm MIAe Aadarsee CIrOcreIes 0333 W. Irulog O466cstOhO45OlHlnOip05 HERITAGE CADILLAC 303 W. Roasesels YkOu 77v-aos.20® s.renr.rnilieerasrecrchisaga corn GORREE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP Pu9o3csoYlre 00., Lombard sn060v.avoorarau,00regsoeuniaevrrn uro Grana corroo soiree. 10471 eaoaur aio Auòi PHILLIPS CHEVROLET 000.201.0769 LAUREL AUDI OF WESTMONT orso. OgvsrPATRICECADILLAC n2000IiCr.,Orhau000ru .gomas00a30m NORTHDROOK TOYOTA 150V Frani000 00. 0?7.700.042c 100cr. pairi0000alIIaO.conr sOnAo suige500nnimlnasrncre.Vnea. aOA35 SHERMAN JEEP DODGE 7601N. Cirera 000034-dons issrouicnttrooki000luorm STEVE FOLEY CADILLAC 100 N. SIrairie OVO., Siiau,s 10061 7304744 sowconermar000uc.com Bili Jacobs LacO Bower Hinsdele OAK LAWN TOYOTA 01300W 90th 55. STVO 000nsi000 008mo.a054 ovnin.etroanrlot corn 30e hO dcli 00e Hhnsdule. lb 05520 eOaocsg065 e000Sero 055004060-63v-0400 'tIoOlIllblrdOOlAltOVihqtlìiedOlOuiLaporeeSluorlROtrifloltmn000norlVrlsylrglSlcrt%gtalorffians 12771 ( BMW Riredeia oe0700ere000 010115 hIs lhsomuoJIoellERJrsIrIolIpfIg 5511001 irneruflllnmrioirglmqnilldrsglorast ____ 0.0 Bili buceos LeeO Valor HorrEur. 0051w. 111001ra RO. Paul Toyaru 1035 S. Ut. 31, lflIttIIllIlVlllaIlltolptIli3tlr . ROGERS CHEVROLET 27205. MIchi ea AL PIEMONTE FORD 2560W. North 400. corn - 50550 00&Ssc-oOSs bunarcvrrflotimuncVo OOelASrvOhGnLcOuieh Leko ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET 105500005 50 Ave., 0650ns050s rocc.r005reeotogr0000s Seiross Peno 700005.5030 03ro sonorO cani ELMHURST BMW 00v W. bacs st. riritorso 0000050cc OaOeSSOv000nor.eucevrageohe,ncccnr PATRICK LAND ROVER 1000W. 0 dea 000204-6000 osorr.ear050noibrrrn.00m WEBB CHEVROLET HBR.SSS.R27S ARLINGTON HTS. FORD sr,er.eht074aom 60405. CiCero Oar.. Oak Saar hrrna.0000ch0040m 640W. Dundee RO. Orlirgton Heights rovi 6083040 Oor.Oeneohlie 03025sO300aoeVsrOroueoarecaraile LAUREL BMW OF WESTMONT BILL KAY FORO MIBLOTHIAN 0006003s5a 440E. 000cr ava. 0043050527 OrnrnctacsOnrni000 04063 5. Cicala OVe. rOro.bjllheatordocrt Ausebarn Vor kswa en 000rtryside VlvliVhialnO 7Cv AOiH 15 0heures PATRICK BMW roo c. soit Rano, sclravrnburg APPLE CHEVROLET IN FINLEY PARK C i-i rvsLE r. rlasJ Park Fe00Lincete Mercury Oa04CroCheaoo7c5C550ocm IS0055015HO 000.nea.nrno varco otilo kbr0006,C 10CR 420-3600 0505 W. sOOn c000.aypiecheon.00rn DePOSE DROGE CHRYSLER.JEEP Euro, iL 00emous BILL JACOBS CHEVROLET 220 Wsuhn se Vv., GI5HOISO MCCARTHY FORO INC 024605. Poloaki. r47-5155sn0 BUICK GARREE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP Chitago Vna.244-nnoorvea.r000unhogoralnooajv BILL JACOBS VOLASWAGEN 020100000e 000 ANTHONY BOITeS crorirE ato Oa0vSrmnr BILL KAY CHEVROLET 001 Ogden & I-3S5 7205 uranO 60040e cOrroe. 0071 O23-0 rhaprorIls. IL 7-OOs006000seOCobIlll0005s000em 000rciu smILlais 0a0Oea.2cliE0aaneVas0crevrrn0000,OOina00004e,corn RODERO BUICK 2720 S. MIcOIgaa Ace. SHERMAN CHRYSLER DODGE levo V. Ciro sInsr0JP0rloFeed(LisoolnMesoury I I Chicago 008275003v ccOna.rcae,savt060000.noi edueA Ave.. 550010 lYaOl700arA4sorro.sreorrerucageoornROGERS GMC 272eS. Mtohigen Aso. Cr10040 OO&075W540 Oars 004eoeavr00700isrrW P AT R IC K VO LOO 0000V dc g50u no., 10071 03v-5000. vpyoccoo diversionS 621.

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P109506 POLlI PUBLICATION - DiC www.pioneerlocal.Com divrdl'SIOBS 821 Evanston writer reconnects wheré--fr e rn,Mes live [W)IIOND2 with Unforgettablepast imcRandhurst 12 Paaf BoCoeras, aflrforqestuMfur Rursea'ieq Pasaren Roreers, O (BedO Humee MasIeno and lock s:seirf. cenegar ras lic litrar( :101 Orloglee ere] fea.Haf SIren. 10(71 oeoieeo er Celebrate the grand opening of the all new eeeepi oro imc. Randhurst l2on APRIL29 in style! By BRUCE INGRAIn jais aa fore Bayal Weddlea Celebeesise fis (oro Kinn & Queso Cerir:boicr Are ysu ses e(these 'repol Watchers' whsjast nest get ceooghl In Sire probos Sohle oleeS Brice peur hiendo ned name ro the rcbrsodeaat of the royel wedding eases es booir, Vvoosloo oulhcr Foul the big sornen le ose of oar sew thoetre oudit000ma. MoCoroas colee liras ho Erysy eoepdeentery feo end orumpeon and apeniol weddieo doy giaeewey? lecllding

rvorieicg toworni ile publico- live Irir 00lire libé. Uofor'geltobie:Idirrrarv- irogFrrlor'eHorroro, fr nrrlTfrlo (D:rrHHnrmor; o oclicriioc 0151 .rci000e ibelioe, CFu1oc1' ood irorror tole o, contains chia connais Foes to Oho pylOn Pridao, 0(0125 N eon-Tee ond srumpeta and spaniel bridol oleeew000 otre oiory moFliere whec fZ:30 PMssoelWeddine rdbrsedosoO logico MrComnrorvos 10, 000llrer 00001 uoc000, c:oir Oom000.rnmlonrsonneoe and scorn h no ZIP nado 00055. where berceo 10 ioroond lire time ire storIed moiring o NEWLY REDESIGNED Scorn Obro ouoh 01 2O 2 CMCS READY FOR "Godoiilo, Sprrreeliroel" IMMEDIATE DELI VERVe rvilir Irlo bleeds), orod an emstlseateeseembeaedleueatl2 cc000irlcd souche horro iris CELEBRATE THE GRAND OPENING ON APRIL 29.2011. ldgir-nclrooi yeore. lico 0011000cc ollo son- Pool Mcfo000 2011 HONDA loica 20-or-so oseoriod 91 voi-I, Icoo'roe rrod iarnlooy civic ix 10100 wr'ittoc dociog lire lolos, macf mith a little $1291 'AOeacrd ndd-'SOo, Sciure- Ireip innere bio Iciondo, aod 4DR MoCoenoo began lo oegue "cnr'iaing, hocrisg, implen- lorvar'd poni000mrrnco cci Senea irog" bio oid u'ol'ic, Uorocgei and poolr ucd more 0010- Msdsi* Lease Per 36 bnrbiennoo ready 10 nrnrhc oc 01000m Solion, cuoio os iris F81P .!.LeasePer36 indelible imyreasion. Month For MUS. sharI-obey ooilerlioc tIrO 1158804 Month For MUS. MoCamos tercoed 1014 roaurtMF,i5, ro.enruni:resr Trr'eoly Qoeoiiono orod hie MATHIS O$I.11L PU*muAee5, mn-itee-he admircolinoiod- mroì-osiobiogr'aphiral ing Irlo noua Heathen One night only! cooci Plrooel ordre Dnrteo- MoComuo, Elleono Mohoyorc, obool o goohy Milmoohoe Or-in Diebboon and Lou- 2011 HONDA niCh Upe del Hon co hid robo mohece macaloe e-coco Minai obTvon0000 PILOT muoieoosarcay ofm001iog and Meo-lo Thocre000 oiWil- Gory Mu)e Deer girls nneltc) toco-lcr-lic 1001Uhr 4WD MoCamos, ooeeecSly in nom sloe-ice le Urciorgol- lico midst ola mrrlli-oily roblo MOMA Lease Per 36 Lease Per 36- promobìooei loor loo flrrfor- Steoe Uuilioac ochod Mosg ihe way Ire eeoiioed L" geltoblo, roil1 road solco- MoComoa lo compile r ticai Iho ciar-leo Ire oorhured Month For MUS - - ir 19680558M - srSuruOa (sou5Jr Mflflth tinco from Iho collentinoc ai gonce ooiboolion. -MaapasrB.isv %OrSMrSeOrI IVIU -- ùp today boded iosic000 Mlk#1i25555 1BOo. 7 p.m. May 5 io She "I door'n thiolc olmyrelios moviogo, tiremos ocd ideas Oce0010n Public Library o genre rnriier;" avid 1h01 more noi 00 diblbecci 00.9% APR Ftnorroirg for 60 etorron select 1703 Oceiogeoo Ano. lICo MoCamos, ihouglo he odded years, reuSes aed rrodele. Based or approved credit to qodifiod boyera. Booed be$1 7.05 per reonth per $1000 leorroed. -Sore thooe Obst oppooied lo See dealer for deteilo - THIS SATURDAY! AbBoeedon closed cod leasen To qualdiod boyera w:th approved crede.12000 oliowabla relise paryear, ISO for each additional maclb 001110 thai his ovad- Shot hie genm Tollos acd hie yovogec colT tough stall $11,583 '11 Accord: Residual: $13,183, '11 CR-A: RenAude enlie. ('11 Pilot: 20R for each addiAonai rrile).'If CloS: Residoal: loco 000 noted loe tiroir $14709,11 Riot: Residual: $1 7,646. Additioeolop9eesestro. Lessee iereopoestbleforesoesoweoryaor Ulm gane him idn conical oboul balano dyslopias and SATURDAY APRIL 30 S bj t eraictenar,oe end t t Ip toner p ip V dIr d yter p bi D loll t h h ecterloiiomentvaioo.i innpirolboc 10 eccolo ond poeb-opocalypOic Iraooiin, d et tr R tvol bi wth y p Aera Shot gecree elemecta ottll eaood somembot by sircaico ROSEMONT THEATRE p hooaawoy of roorhing Ihein Book request of dorio comon CALL: 800-742-3010 Moot ob the oaciy electos may lolo hie norment worin. "l'un 01mayo bcerr diremo, ONLINE: RoaemoefThecoee,00m in tho cohechos metre "Bah I'd nevae ecroanl000d once 00cr hid, io Lhc notioc VISIT: The Raaemoot Theobre Sao ORee

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A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION DIC www.pioneerlocaLcom diversions623

class-rule, you name it. enough that he has worked 1976 movie version of - Fourth Annual - Writer several years on writing a "Logan's Run." Genre and meaninq novel with William Nolan, Like the work he did on Continued from PAGE 021 "The best genre stories the best-selling author of Unforgettable, writing I I have an allegorical nature. Logan'sRunand many, Logan's Search with Nolan ,..'eiI:' 'q - North Shore Women'sniference said. "The Planet of the They have something to say many more books. Nolan gave McComas the chance Apes' movies were a big about the status quo and encouraged McComas as a to fulfill some of his earliest part of my life as a preten the shape of things to come. young writer and they aspirations. Friday, May 6, 201 1 and teen. I lived and And they use genre tropes stayed in touch over the "I was able to return to breathed them. And, nd trappings to ask the years, finally deciding to genre writing with all of the A HOLIDAY INN SKOKIE BANOIJET & CONFERENCE CENTER 5300 W. TOUHY, SK0KIE of course, those films eternal questions: What is collaborate on Logan 's skills I've learned since weren't just imaginative it to be human? What is the Search, the fourth entry in more or less setting it ' adventure stories;hey purpose of life? Where does the "Logan" series, which aside," he said. "It's been a KEYNOTE SPEAKER: were about the state of life end? That's always should appear next year remarkable opportunity: A s America at that time: mili- appealed to me." around the same time as a chance to re-engage with k Celebrity Chef Gand tarism, race relations, It appeals to McComas big-budget remake of the my first love."

comino events, call (847) 757-1299 or Rosemary Bartley, (841) 806-0493. May different paths the plays took to hit "Kitchen Konfidential" JO. (841) 331-1066, or visit www.combosin- 8: Omega, 9100 W. Golf Road, Niles. May the stage. Two-week course meets : gles.org. Bowling is held the second, 22: Silver Stallion, 1275 Lee St., Des from 10-11:30 am. Tuesdays, starting fourth and fifth Sundays of the month Plaines. May 29: Kappy's, 7200 Demp- May 3. Course fee is $30. Gale Gand, executive pastry chef and partner ín the four-star restaurantTRU : Continued from PAGE 820 at the Brunswick Zone Mount Prospect, ster, Morton Grove. in Chicago and host of the Food Network's "Sweet Dreams", will share her 824 E. Rand Road. No advance reserva- ET CETERA jewelry, accessories, ceramics and mo' tian required. Fee is S20 for league saics will be on exhibit and or sale. For WORKSHOPS & CLASSES celebrity experiences and how this local girl from Deerfieldgot her start. members; S25 for non-league wem- Central States Numismatic Society's reservations and inlormation, call bers; $10 cover for socializing without Oakton CoinmunityCollege Emeritus 72nd Anniversary Convention and Coin (847).948-9222. Sponsored by bowling. Upcoming dates: Mayl and 15. Program offers courses at its Skokie Show, April 2830 at the Donald E. HITEHALL Skokie Art Guild meets on the fourth Spares Singles Sunday Evening Club campus, 7701 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokie. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N. Tuesday of March, April, May, June and A1 cJ'J)ijìeid holds ballroom dances from 7:30-10:30 For information about the Emeritus River Road, Rosemont. Hours are 2-7 September at the Skokie Public Library, J1riJlatr ('mf', Program, call (847) 635-1414 or visit p.m. Thursday; 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday; 5215 Dakton St. For information, visit pm. the first and third Sundays of each month at the American Legion www.oakton.edu/emeritus. 20th Centu- and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. The show www.skokieartguild.org. , ,, -' e FREE EXPO i 0:00am 3:00 pm Luncheon Nooni :30 pm Hall, 9757 Pacific Ave., Franklin Park. l-y Musical Bookends Show Boat and features 300 dealers in collectable Admission is SB for members; S9 Ragtime (MUS B47-72) examines two coins, paper money, and gold and sil- i; SINGLES guests. MaytMusic by Dick Ellìot. May classic musicals based on popular nov- ver bullion, as well as educational pro- I I'e O oli grams about coin collecting and relat- +Break-Out Workshopson Hot Topics ComboSingles, open to singles 21- 15: Music by Chuck and Friends. Spares eIs set in a timo period when racial 10:00 - i 0:45 am Advertising in the Digital Age- Pioneer Press plus. RSVP two days before dinners. For Club dinners are held at 4 p.m. on non- tensions ran high in the United States. information about the group and up- dance Sundays. For information, call A musical theater historian traces the go., PAGE B28 i 0:00 - i 0:45 am Career Seekers Assistance - Career Resource Center i 0:00 - i 0:45 am Develop Your Professional Presence- Catherine Johns i i :00 - i i :45 am 7 Rules for Selling in a Tough Economy- John Martin, Sandier Training i i :00 - i i :45 am Social Media- 4 Keys Media Cademlc "I saw your sticker on the front of the TUtOring i i :00 - i i :45 am How to build Win-Win relationships with Non-Profits- Make it Better Centers i :30 - 2:1 5 pm lo Tips for Creating Highly Effective On-Line Ads- Make it Better : 'p- Park Ridge Herald-Advocate." 1:30 - 2:15 pm InspirationaiWeight Loss Story- Doree Kalfen"as seen on theToday Show" 'f i :30 - 2:1 5 pm QR Codes and What do they Mean?- What's Happening Community Newspapers "Thafs how our clients find us Pioneer Press I k ¡A 4 4 A I Is. D S newspaper ads, front page slIckers and internet advertising PREMIER SPONSOR develop new customers for Academic Tutoring Centers." Jim Giovannini, Owner and Director, Academic Tutoring Centers ake it Isetter noi/I) $/ìo._:/:lJJju/V(O1]JIJIU/1/ÍV 1/1(/ you Need help finding clients for your business? MEDIA SPONSORS: Maybe.we can help. PIONEER PRESS WHAT'S HAPPEÑING! f.- Coium NFVSPAPP3 YOURLOC,L SOtRCE Call ' PRESENTING SPONSORS: EILEEN The Ai-e oFUvir New England Financiai FISHER wtUTcc4AXLE 847-486-9200 I r)5U-u-:e A MC1Li1 CO41PflY ask for YOUR Local Account Executive Hosted by the Deerfield Bannockburn Riverwoods & Wilmette Chambers of Commerce

Co-Sponsored by Barrington, Buffalo Grove, Des Plaines, Evanston, Grayslake, Glencoe, Glenview, High'and Park, LakeForest/Lake B$uff, PIONEER Piuss 'Academic YOUR LOCAL SOURCE Greater Lincoinshire, Lincotnwood, Nifes, Northbrook, Park Ridge, Palatine, Skokie, and Winnetka/Northfietd Chambers ofCommerce. Tutoring that Cef has ft PioneerPress learned www.pioneerlocal.com PTOVIdesresuffs, 2 THURSDAY APRIL 28. 2011 SPECIALSECTIONS.SUNTIMES.COM PRODUCED BY CUSTOM MEDIA SOLUTIONS tDNDP MOTHER'SDAY GOO]JTO SPECIAISECTIOt4S.SUNTIMES.COM P1OR' NSun RNWsuNX CUSTOM MEDIA SOLUTIONS, A DIVISION OF SUN-TiMES MEDIA, LIC. I r4 ,c?,'.-'::fli ' .'-'. pr Breastcancersurvivor offers hope,advice

BY KIM ELSHAM cognitive disabilities, which four and grandmother of two. 92, to volunteer. Weiskopf, finally launched in 2006. "1 have believed my entire who lives in a senior facil- Special toPioneer Press Following a breast cancer life that we're put here on this ity inVernon Hills, helps run Karen Preston operates on diagnosis in 1995, she started earth with the expectation orientations for new residents the belief that people exist to a support group through her that we will be there for one at the facility. help others and that everyone church, Saint Mary Parish in another and try to do what we "Talk about role models; I lias something to contrib- Buffalo Grove,in 1998. Her can," she says. come front a line of amazing ute. One look at her resume group has multiple compo- "I've seen it so many times, women," says Preston's oldest proves her commitment to nents: a prayer team, an email from making a meal, to run- daughter, Lorraine Kasznia, 43, tl-ús. Prom training others distribütion list for informa- ning an organization," Preston of Park Ridge. professionally to running tion and support group meet- says. "l've seen in all of my .The biggest life lessons cancer support groups from inge ín Preston's home. kids a passion for something she learned from her mother her home and volunteering beyond themselves as well," weren't presented through at least six hours a week on "Talk about role models;she continues, citing examplesmantras or paralDies, but by a telephone hotline, Preston I come from a line of of her oldest son, Brian, who example. mother to speak out puts a compassionate touch helps counsel drug addicts, "She always gives I 10 per- pour generations: lIeft to right) Lorraine Kasznia (Preston's olttest daugtlteT), Autîstîc daughter ïnspîres professional on everything she does. amazing women."and her middle son, Kurt, who cent in eveything she does," Dorothy Weiskopt (Preston's mother), Karen Preston and Maxine Kasznia Preston grew up an only (Preston's granddaughter). Courtesy of the Prestons. L0RRANE KASZN!A, 43, Park Ridge stays involved in enviromnen- Kasznia says. "She never does child in Gary, hid., and only anything halfway.That's what BY TERRA COONEY team around Mia, including a speechherself in charities for kids. She tal concerns. therapist, occupational therapist, is on the board of directors of the knew hard work. She pushed Following her retirement l've learned from my mom." toPioneer Press Speca a neurodevelopment pediatrician, Ronald McDonald House Charities of herself in her studies through "This is a wonderful group IxomWaigreen's in 2006, Pres- and at tintes, a behavioral therapist. Northwest Chicagoland & Northwest high school and college. She of people who enrich my life ton got involved with theY-ME The word mother' invokes four eventually earned a master's This was key, while the family hasn't Indiana (RMHC-CNI), helping fami- just getting to know them," National Breast Cancer Orga- thougits in Carmen Solano-De Car- degree in English from the nization and now volunteers stopped searching for knowledge lies of children that are sick. Among -Preston says. "They're so rier - love, patience, protection and University of Notre Dame. on the holline for three-hour and trying things to help the young- many other charitable efforts, she is wonderful when you have guidance. She built a successful somebody who's dealing with telephone shifts about twice a est in their brood. involved with the Easter Seals Met- Ixniiy believe [that the reason] 26-year career at the Wal- active cancer and still volun- week. For the past three and Solano-De Carrier is co-owner of ropolitan Chicago, an organization we have kids is to show them love, green's, where she worked teering." a half years, she has provided Military mom sends hugs that places a large focus ou. autism. protect them, guide them through a company that oversees and maxi- her way through the training In 2006, the Archdiocese emotional support, informa- life and have the patience to see ages ten McDonald's restaurants in Her husband sits on the board of and process development recognized her compassion tion and resources to callers. BY KIM EISHAM directors. them grow up," shares the wife and the city of Chicago. She employs departments of the company's and hard work and presented She is now a match counselor Special to Pioneer Press The family has established the z S mother o! three. more than 500 employees and acts human resources division. Preston with a Christifidells for the hotline, which involves Mia De Carrier Charitable Fund, to Tn1bc$iidDIUre She ultimately became the training and teaching new vol- John De Carrier, 44, dotes on as their mentor, teacher, coach and, Award, an annual award rec- "My mom is a cyclone," says Maria Sch- provide private matched donations director ofperformance de- unteers, arid is helping Y-ME his wife's amazing ability to juggle ognizing service within par- reiber, 47, of La Grange. "She's in her mid-60s to various organizations.Thxough the ;7ft4 velopment in 2003. During the update its training program. life, fareuly and caxeer.The family, ?.2 ishes throughout the diocese. still not afraid to tackle the very new or the "The words tired,frustrat- fund, grown with the help of friends last few years at Waigreen's, Helping others comes natu- She even inspired her own and consisting of son, Michael, 25, and very daunting." and family in lieu of gifts for Christ- ' Preston helped plan a distri- rally to Preston, a mother of mother, Dorothy Weiskopf, daughters Eva, 2 1 , and Mia, 8, cur- ed and overwhelmed are bution center for workers with Indeed, Schreiber's mom, Sara Dutton, 64, of rently resides in Northfield because mas and Mia's birthday, groups such right) (hack row) 11m Muri, executive director of Easter Seats Metropolitan Chicago; Wadsworth, keeps busy traveling the country not in her vocabulary." as Autism Speaks are supported. In the community provides accessible John Qe Carrier E.S.M.C., hoard of director, Maurice Snelt, a former student of E.S.M.C. and to visit her five children and nine grandchil- 2012, the De Carrier family plans to services for Mia, who has autism. JOHN DE CARRIER, 44, Northfield current employee of E.S.M.C.; David Pearre, E.S.M.C. board of director. (front row) student dren.With visits scheduled to see one family Northfield is part of the Northern create the Mia De Carrier Scholar- of E.S.M.C.; Dr. Cantor, dentist who provides denta' services for E.S.M.C. c'ients; Carmen -- in Los Angeles, one in Atlanta and another in Sara Button with Cavalry troopers of 3rd Squadron 11 st Suburban Special Education District ship to be awarded through Casa So'ano-De Carrier and Mia De Carrier. Courtesy of the De Carriers. -Joìnusfor upstate NewYork,Dutton's schedule seems Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the i 0th (N.S.S.E.D.), which has helped the at times, quasi-mother. Many abused Central and the Erie Neigithorhood overwhelming, but according to Schreiber, her Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York. Courtesy of family through all of their necessary women are in the area she operates House; both groups deal primarily Her proof is in her pride when vided. To celebrate Mother's Day this mother has never met a challenge she couldn't the Duttons. her business, and they seek Solano- with the low-income portion of the people comment on her well-man- year, the family will have breakfast at - Moth eYs-D ayBwnch: support. overcome. Hispanic community through social The tradition continued for two more years Though she raised two children De Carrier's advice. She conducts nered and happy children. Mia is home together. Dutton was a mother to three young children after her son graduated, and Dutton says she - before Mia, Solano-De Carrier, 49, seminars in her restaurants for high programs. known to have a great sense of hu- "I celebrate my biggest joys in life when her husband passed away. She became "The words tired, frustrated and had the meal down to a science. says she only learned hail of what school students on what it takes to be mor and a smile, which is not always - them! And, in turn, they celebrate the sole provider for her children and set to "Il would make] 100 parker house rolls, four she needed to know before becom- successful and how to break-throughoverwhelmed are not in her vocabu- easily achieved in an autistic child. me. It's a special day for us," she work. She earned her associate's degree and Iy:' shares John about his wife, who bags of salad, a ham, and a huge homemade ing a parent of an autistic child. Her barriers. That, to Solano-De Carrier is credit ofsays. I Ham, Beef and Turkey Carving Stations landedan engineering job with General Mo- sheet cake," she said. "Those boys were like tries her best to be a role model to tors. (Dutton eventually went on to complete first lesson was to learn to put her Because kids are her passion, the environment the family has pro- eating machines." emotions aside. She then built a Solano-De Carrier loves to involve her kids. Omelets, Eggs Benedict and other Breakfast Favorites She continues giving little pieces of home "Mymom is a cyclone." . Shrimp, Seafood and Salmon to others through a non-profit organization she founded called Bear Hugs from Morn. In 2003, CURE365 founder raised more than $1 00,000 for epilepsyresearch . Our Classic Renowned Italian Pastas and Pizzas MAR)A SCHREIBER, 47, of la Grange. T.J.joined the army, which deployed him to - Iraq the following year. During his first tour, he . Dessert Table her bachelor's degree in Computer Informa- received many letters and care packages front thin Systems.) Her family didn't have much BY TERRA COONEY Cooke gathered about 18 ofher closest friends "My kids are amazing to me. They family and friends and shared any excess with to start a board to organize a family fun night at Cbampague for Mom while she raised them in Chicago, but Sch- his fellow soldiers.When Dutton learned that SpecialtoPioneer Press are independent and very loving." North Avenue Beach in Chicago. Back in 2007, reiber recalls many happy memories with vis- many soldiers barely received letters or any $4$39 Children 7-12 its to museums and the Chicago Public Library Amy Cooke has three kids, three jobs and a that first year, the goal was to raise $50,000 for AMY COOIÇE, 49, Northbrooc $34.9SAduIts packages, she volunteered to adopt T.Js pia- a research grant; 200 people attended, which Children under ê eat free (now the HaroldWashington branch). toon. This generosity bloomed into her forming whole lot on her plate. This outstanding mother "She always taught us the power of words is proud of her family and the ways in which raised $70,000. Cooke's group has raised more Tax and gratu,ty extra. Bear Hugs from Mom, through which chan- than $100,000 for epilepsy research in the pastThough she says it was difficult to send two of and education, and that being the vehicle and table donations help provide care packages they've worked as a unit to be a strong support her children off to college, she was happy to the transport to a better life:' Schreiber says. for one another, and for Danny. Danny, 21, is few years. Send donations to CURE365 at 2305 (left to right) Breg Cooke; Danny Cooke, 21 ; Amy Cooke; to an entine platoon while deployed. Thanks to have taught her kids to live life to the fullest, Authentic Tuscan tallan Experience Dutton remarried, and her family grew to Dutton's work, soldiers receive essentials such Cooke's oldest son. At age 15, he was diag- Indian Ridge Dr., Glenview, IL 50025. CURE3B5 I(atll Cooke, 19; limmy Cooke, 15. Courtesy of the five children. However, her full house didn't will mail a tax deduction letter to donors. regardless of what hurdles they encounter. as batteries, wet wipes and mist cooling fans, nosed with epilepsy. Though life seemed to flip Cookes. - stop there. Schreiber, the oldest of Dutton's Cooke says she includes the community and Looking at Danny, you can't tell that he has as well as little pieces of home such as DVDs, upside down with the news, says Cooke, ail five epilepsy. Cooke says he can ride a bike, play CARIIJÇCI kids, remembers her home as a multiple-kid ofthem,includingKaty, 19,andThumy, l5,as the kids in these fundraising events. She loves gist gives her access to the field that helps to chips and. riacho cheese and ping-pong balls volleyball and, because he has been medically home, and Duttons agrees that she always and paddies. weil as husband, Greg, 62, pulled together to that, through involvement, people can learn answer sorne of the questions she continues welcomed anyone she could.When her middle controlled for about three years, drive. Danny to ask about epilepsy. Not only does she make çe#,ie1( Dutton is now serving her sixth platoon. be sure that the family dynamic worked. about epilepsy and strip away some of the fear son,T.J.,was on the hockey team in college, she and the unknown. will be graduating from college in May. time for work and her family, but also she gives "They call me 'Mom:" she says."I find that "We learned to be there and be on call, and "Dynamically, he is on track, and I think part hosted a dinner during Christmas break. fast," Cooke "Helping others, giving of time, energy and back in many ways. Cooke will be walking very endearing. I think of them like my cliii- my other children had to grow up of that is the strong family we have," shares the "Oneyear, it was my son and a friend, the dren.They always tell me it means so much for shams. "My kids are amazing to me. They are resources... will take you far in life," Cooke, 49, in theY-ME Race at your Pace walk for breast mother. Reservations 847-51 8-0990 - next year the whole team came," she says. them to know that people care about them." shares. "I hope that I have instilled such values, cancer in downtown Chicago on Mother's Day - independent and very loving." While Cooke balances her time working "Alter that, junior hockey players would start to 'lb donate to Bear Hugs from Mom, visit Cooke founded an organization called as to give more than to receive, iii my children." with her daughter and friends. or onli ne at carlucci rosemont.com sneak in:' Cooke and her husband have taught their for a tax accountant, and also as an aerobic www.bearliugsfrommom.org. CUBE365, a fundraising group to support Citi- instructor, her job as a medical technolo- 6111 North River Road in Rosemont, Illinois zens United for Research in Epilepsy(CURE). children to move forward despite adversity. z"-i

- ' Lf


-'T' HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ;:1-' Moms To Mom with love Neighborhoòd Favorite! / A Mother's Day Gift Guide for... By TRACY EVANS BOYD "Our menu of services is ache pillow or a bath mitt for Special to Pioneer Pressdesigned to be a la carte, to a complete gift.The store can 1-Mother's Day keep things open and cus- also customize a basket. lunch, dìnner cocktails and on Mother's Day, we pause Mimosa Brunch Buffet tomizahie, which provides a For the Sweet Mom: carry-outs1 to give moms the credit they higher level of service to our 1OAM-3PM are due. Here are gift ideas forgift buyers as well,'? says Alan Even moms deserve to giye Favorites include our famous all the irreplaceable women inKossof, salon director. in to the occasional craving; Featuring your favorite delicacies your life. cap off her day with a celebra- Courtesy of Defining Moments. Courtesy of Bramble. Courtesy of Bramble. Valley Lodge Burger fresh from around the world For Mother Nature: tory cake. If she's addicted to The Overworked Mom: as Fresh Market with locations "Instead of buying clothes, "It's that innate desire to This is the mom who stocks her morning cup ofjava, give inWilmette, Geneva and Lake jewelry has a fancier feel," make something for mom," salads, seafood, pasta dishes, Prime Rib Carving staUon, Omelets, Hone y-glaed For the selfless room, whose her family's pantry with or- a gift that starts her day with Forest will deliver three, six orsays owner Nild Sintha- says owner Jocelyn Tobias, Ham, Tilapia Sicilia, Seafood Crepes, Lemon Chicken, day knows no end, treat her to slow roasted Canadian baby ganic foods, spends weekends a smile twelve months of exotic beansvanuchít, who names cherry who hosts gift-making parties Smoked Salmon and Bagels, Pastas, Salads, Breakfast Items, a gift card for some treasured tending to her garden and Many bakeries, such as to her door. Pair the gift with a red as this year's favorite at the store with her artist back ribs and grilled specials. and a spectacular dessert and pastry table with panipered time. Offer to pitch Bring your Mother to our smiles a little warmer with Deerfields Bakery & Cafe in decorative tea towel, gourmet pearl. "Freshwater pearls are daughter. "When mom is our award-winning Scones and Carrot Cake in double-duty on chores the first signs of spring. Allow Schaumberg, Deerfield and scones or hand-painted mugs not like the oldpeaxls.You canthe recipient, she can really Mother's Day Specials!... while she's away. the great outdoors to inspire Buffalo Grove, offer petite from the kids. wear them withjeans and a appreciate ali the time and Award Winning Mandarin Restaurant including plus complimentary Mimosas New moms might appreci- Rack of and treat her to a gardening cakes ideal for feeding a T-shirt." thought that goes into such a Lamb,Prime Rib ate a 30-day unlimited gym kneeler, an herbal tea basket small family. Choose a 7-inch For the Hot Momma: for & other favorites For the Memorable Mom: gift." and yoga class pass at Oasis or bath products with plant cake, perfect for the family This is the mom that juggles For the time-strapped, the adults1 kids 5-10 Women's Fitness & Spa in derivatives. table or surprise her with her a full schedule in style. She Ask any morn, and she'll store also offers complete kits DINE IN or CARRY OUT LaGrange Park. For ultimate Shop stores suchas Oak own 4-inch flower-inspired is effortlessly fashionable at insistthat just spending time to create customizable gifts A Day to Remember Lunch - Dinner Mother's Day Dinner pampering, treat her to a spa Park's Bramble where, accord-mum cake. The bakery offers the grocery store, at soccer with her loved ones is gift like recipe boxes. Valley day filled with therapeutic ing to owner Danak Fisher, creations just how mom likes practice or on the job. Select enough. Consider capturing Add a little humor; con- Please cailfor reservation soon from 4PM massages, anti-aging facials the natúre-inspired, feminine it, whether it's one of the new' a gift that provides a trendy your great memories together sider a unique card. Bigfun- Lodge (847) 724-7440 - Chef's Specials in addition to regular menu or the increasingly popular gifts are ideal for all genera- flavors such as spice cake addition to her wardrobe. in a handmade gift. nycaxds.com hopes to make Rt?StiflhI'iflt- Shellac nail treatment for tions of moms. A popular nookor peanut butter torte, the At Onomali in Glenview, At the scrapbooking and an impact with customizable 2132 Waukegaii Road, chip-proof manicures at features bath goods, such as popular red velvet or even a freshwater pearls such as craft shop Defining Moments DRAGON INN NO1TI-1 RL Bistro & Bakery cards created from your own lqhtl Glenview Zingarella Northfield's Teddie Kossof Sa- grape seed oil-infused Napa gluten-free variety. Honora are an affordable, inWilniette, inspiration to digital photos and printed t..-GIenj, 4 ion & Spa. A low-commitment 1650 Waukegan Rd., Glenview -'----- (Octween WiHow and Lake) 2300 Lehigh Soap Company products in If indulgence is a steaming everyday style. The strands, create personalized gifts such on 100 percent recyclable across from W Glen Metre Station847.657.0707 option: A neck massage, scalp enticing varieties, including cup ofJoe, treat her to new ranging in length from 16 to as picture frames comes in thecorrugated plastic. Available Glenview ' www.zlngarelia.com (847) 729-8383 .: ' treatment and blowout can be goat's milk and chamomile java experiences with a coffee52 inches, axe versatile and form of endless options of 3-D as large as four feet tale, the the perfect way to prepare for stickers, ribbons, rhinestones , or figs and zinfandel. Pair the of the month membership. come in colors that reflect an- cards help say 'I love you' in a date night. soaps with a lavender head- Look for clubs at stores such nual fashion trends. and scrapbook papers. . big way. Mother's Day Tike Your SZECH WAN sr1:o ITALj,. MOTIWR to !L aI_! "Greatltalian Cui.sìne VQ I , .. Since 1984" Brunch Someone i1eÌ KINGD 0M ."r* 11:00 am and 1:30 pm 0 21 Fine Chinese Restaurant Serving the 1 MOTHER'S DAY PRIME RIB Seating Available Kiteli.. Northshore Since 1997 .& CHAMPAGNE BRUNCIt . 11AM-3PM J 0m US for a Presenting our Famous ) Spectacular Dining Experience in the springlike I $19.95 adults/$9.95 children atmosphere ofour garden atrium Jq sIç;4ATIJRE CHINESE BUFFET Gourmet Bullet featuring: . Menu includes - . Champagne & Mimosas Carving Stations: Rosemary 'I Rand Carved Prime Rib, Eggs Benedict, KITCHEN & TAP « 5 Red Hot l00lJ . . Traditional Breakfast S&ections Prime Rib, Roasted Turkey ow MOTHER!S DAY Hand Carved Turkey, Sausage and s qn,m rngd f,esI,.dc, cukured nc!uding Made-to-Order Omelettes Breast & Pork Steamship peurt nccLlucerr(r Signrture Peppers, Pasta Pmavera . Extensive Salad Presentation Children's Buffet IMOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS rrcrlrug silver CdSp Featuring Stir-Fried Lobsters, Walnut Lake Perch, Chicken Vesuvio, Tossed and Spinach 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Salads, My Mothers Greek Salad, Smoked Salmon Array of Luncheon Entrees Lavish Dessert Display 18" ,$110.00 36" $165,00 Shrimp, Dun Sum and Over 30 more items... and Bagels, Sliced Fresh Fruit & Chocolate Covered Seafood Station s Rntissrii Rnastd Pnrk 0 54"$240.00 O No MSG, Low Oil and Low Sodium Strawberties & Assorted Pastries $3795 Adults$3595 Senior (62 and up) e FiletMägnonOscar Please reserveyour table early. $17 Children (ages 6-12)Children under 5 are complimentary . 'Brown Sugar Glazed Salmon 'A Free Glass 'fWine For All Mòthers! I Reservations at 847-729-5444 I Plus service tharge and sales tax .. Bone-In Rib Eye Mother's Day Dinner from 4:00pm Private Dining Suites Available- $1 9.95 Per PeNon Si 295 6-1 0 Years Old . Baked Stuffed Shrimp FEATURING OUR CHEF'S SPECIALS N ADDITION TO OUR )*Sø' First Child Free 5 Years and Under REGULAR MENU WYN DHAM ,a a No coupons will be accepted on Mother's Day EAT-IN . TAKE AWAY e Treat Mom and the Whole Family! GLEN VIEW 1piU VoIn PRIVATE PARTY ROOM We ThrowPrimo Parties! Regular mcmi available-Full bar service available Priváfo Rooms Available' SUITES gatUY1 s '.s ' AVAILABLE , h. ., . 25 ,120 Guests Reservations highJyrecómñoended by May 5 . S' Reservations available from i i :30-7:3Opm Located n CarIllon Square 847759-7574 : 1470 Waukegan RoadGlenview : 1740 Milwaukee Avenue (at Lake Ave) Glenview 847-562-1 368 .. 47.729-5444 -'s, :-' :,:si Carillon Square,Norof Laké on Waukean Rd., Glenview. www.gustorestaurant.com Il .. (847)699-9999 -. :. 545 Waukegan Road, Northbrook Monday . Friday:Lunch Menu 11, am . 3 pm . - : -.. Tel: 847-486.9701 *-.._«. - - Hours: M-Sat 1OOO-5:OO ' (In & Dundee) . Friday & Saturday 4 pm.1O pm ..Sunday: 4pm - 9 pm. ------''' s', !-/- 't'

,I.1 '.1n; n n fl-.flflfl--,,., , A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . DIC www.pioneeriocal.com 029

828diversions www.pioneerlocal.com DIC THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011 go. MUSEUMS ifilnois Holocaust Museum & Educa- Continued from PAGE 023 tion Center, 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie, '-' (847) 967-4889. www.ilholocaustmuse- um.org. Admission: $12; $8 for students ; ed hIstorical subjects. Admission is and senior citizens;'$6 for children free. For information, visit www.cen- ages 5-11. Special exhibitions are free tralstates.ìnfo. * . with museum admission. Through May Chicago Photographic Collector's So- 31: "Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow: . ciety International Camera S Image Jewish Refugee Scholars at Black Col- Show and Sale, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Mayl at leges' The exhibit tells the story of the Holiday Inn Chicago North Shore, Jewish professors who fled Nazism 5300 W. Touhy Ave., Skokie, featuring and came to America in the 1930s and more than 70 dealers. Admission: $6; 1940s, finding teaching positions at $4 for studénts and children. For infor- historically black colleges and univer- niation, visit www.chicagophotograph- sities. The exhibition explores the en- ic.org. counter between these scholars and Skokie Theatre, 1924 lincoln Ave., their students, and their impact on Yoij relyon usfornews, Skokie. Call (847) 677-7761 or visit each other, the Civil Rights Movement' www.skokietheatre.com. Mayl, 8 p.m.: and American society. Free with muse- David "The Almost Famous Hypnotist" um admission. Mayl, 4-5:30 p.m.: Com- Granelt in See the Show or Be the memoration o Holocaust Reniem- brance Day, Vani HaShoah, featuring Show. $15 in advance; $20 at the door. vocal selections, readings and candle werelyon youfor May 8, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.: The Amazing lighting. Free; reservations required. Acrocats. $15 in advance, $18 at the May16, 4 p.m.: Wolf , deputy di- door; $1O/$12 for children. rector of the Educational Department Solo Works by master puppeteer . for the House of the Wannsee Confer- Michael Montenegro, 7:30 pm. Fridays ence, Berlin, Germany, will discuss .inspirtion0 and Saturdays, through May21, at The- keeping history alive. Free with muse-j r: atre Zarko, located in the Noyes Cultur- um admission; reservations required. a) Arts Centér, Studio 213, 921 Noyas May19, 6:30 p.m.: Donald and Sue - S., Evanston. Solo Works higlights both Pritzker Voices of Conscience lecture Montenegro's newest creations and old features Congressman John lewis, Stormy theater favorites, covering a wide range of 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom re- puppet styles and techniques. Not rec- Park Ridge actor WaUy Cwk, (right), haranQues Shannon Part an Oak Park actor, in The Rainmaker" opening at 7:30pm, Saturday, April 30, at the cipient. Reservations required. May22, ommended for children under 8 years Edison Park United Methodist Church, 6740 N. Oliphant Ave., Chica9o. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 1:30p.m. Sundays, 1:30 p.m.: Panel discussion, "Jim Crow old. For more information, visit through May 15. Tickets are S2O for adults, S15 for senior citizens and students. Reservationsor information at (224) 725-3696 or jamesdowningthe- in the North: Restrictive Housing Prac- www.theatrezarko.org. $15; $10 per per- atregmail.com. Reservations may also be paid online by credit card at jarnesdowningtheatre.typepad.com. tices in Chicago and the North Shore." son for groups of tour or more. For Free with museum admission; reserva- reservations, call (847) 350-9275. tions recommended. orter -. : Avoid traffic:move your afrport closer. Iying refined Only offers service from Chicago Midway to Toronto CityAirport,

:::: .:Iocatéd just minutesfrom. downtown. , ' '


:.. u ::: .:. . s u - I. a ',i :» . (rfl p1q .(nq t to.13S iia'\ .vThnni1T Thursday, April 28, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 31 o diversions www.pioneerlocal.com DIC THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011 Cemetery Lots Death Notices Death Notices Sayre, William Buxton APRIL ACACIA PARK i plat. S. W. 1/4th. Grandi, Robert Gayle HOROSCOPES 10)3, DIock 15. PansySoction. Gravo #2. Park Ridge resident of 42 years, a.k.a. "Mr. Bill Sayre, 86, of Arlington Heights, formerty of DILEMMA $1700. Ca) 3) 4-402-4709 Wonderful' Lo all (but his wife Dolores of 57 years Park Ridge, Illinois died April 11, 2011. For the week ofMay 4 - May10 knew 'betterD, age 83, died April 11, 2011; born Services will be held May 7, 2011 at Super Crossword December 16, 1927 in ElIda, OH; son of the late 10:00 AM at the Southininster ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You're the first SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Ruth Veda Sherrick Grandi; adoring husband of Presbyterian Church, 916 E. Central Everyone Has A Story Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005. ACROSS sign in the Zodiac and like to take the lead wher- A recent and much-appreciated change in the Dolores Marie ; ioving father of Robert Sltove 101 Porgy and 7 Disagree- 51 Skater 91 Klutz Share the memories with your oat community through a Death Nottte Arthur, Diane Ruth (Fred) Godek; fun and generous Bill was born August 7, 1924 in New Virginia, Iowa I Lump the Ruins" bass able sort Mldoni 92 Plastic - ever you go. But this time, you'd be wise to follow workplace inspires you to make some changes in CnU, 847-9983400 (opt 6) En,n)I, deathnoticnseploneertocat.com to Raymond and Ruth Buxton Sayre. He grew up 5 Showed ('75 film) grandfather of Renee Gayle of Mackay, Australia 104 Fast flier 8 Hard to 53 Publisher Band someone who has much to teach you. your personal life as well. Start with a plan to and Joseph 'Joey" Robert Godek; brother-in-law ofon a farm in Southern Iowa near Indlanola and sorrow 58 Neon - 105 He gives a believe Conde 95 Bili of travel more. In Memòriam Ron (Marge) Wysocki of Seal Beach, CA. after high school graduation, chose to serve his 9 Anthony of 6OCapor hoot 9 Priams wife55 At any time Boson Rights pp. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your adversary Bob brought joy to his family, friends andcountry by enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps. He dolman 107 Cooke or lo Cheer 56 Brewer or 96 lnteroflice was assignedtotheC-Battery,9thArtillery PubIic 61 Bookstore SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) General Information business associates. Bob was a super salesman Donaldson li Romeo Wright commu- hasn't given up trying to undermine you. Continue and worked for the Kanthal Corp. for 40 years. Bob Battalion, 3rd AmphIbious Corps and stationed at 14 Jambaaya section 108 Male swan 12 Mortgage, 57 Orion, for nique to stay cool - someone in authority knows what's A friend needs your kind and caring advice, but Concerning The was part owner of Green Acres Sportsman's Club Guadalcanal in 1944. He continued to serve in the ingredient 62 Bog 110 End of for one instance 99 Honda you need to know what he or she is hiding from Death Notice Page in Roberts, IL and enjoyed hunting at Niska Farms, Pacific Theater through the battles on Okinawa 19 Nammett 63 Precam- remark 13 Actor Arnaz59 Part of competitor happening. hound Nason, IL with his good friends since 1973. Hewhere he was a Forward Observer and one of jJie brian - 121 Biblical city 14 Serenity Q,E.D. 101 Wimsey's you before you agree to get involved. . A paid death notice may be ordered to appear in 20 Whereto 65 in honor of122 lhat's enjoyed playing golf at Cog Hill #4 for 40 yearsfirst Marines to hit the beach. 15 Disgust 61 Tofu base creator GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Spring brings a After WWII, he returned to Iowa State University find an 66 Snlck (p54 tune) 16 Composer the Pioneer Press when funeral arrangements every Saturday. We will miss Bob, his laughter and 62 Occupation 102 From C to CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) his smile. Services were held Saturday, April 16,where he graduated with the highest honors and a onager and - 123 Actress Khacha- 64 Seil shining C? positive aspect for relationships. Paired Twins grow are made, and must be submittedinwriting. 21 Songwriter 68 - above Your circle of friends continues to widen. Expect to 201 1 at Nelson Funeral Home in Park Ridge. degree in Economics. In college, Bill was united in Thompson tunan through 103 TV's closer, while the single set finds new romance - information about charges for death notices may marriage to Ruthann Hermanson, also from Iowa. Greenwich (3omewhat 124 Gymnast 17 Deep red 65 Cozy cloth n hear from someone in your past who hopes to re- Scooby- be obtained from area funeral directors or by calling Sign Çuest 'Boo&at www.cfiond6itseom Aftergraduatingin 1947,theyreturnedto 22 Spine superior) Kotut 18 Volleyball 67Tons of 10G '81 John perhaps with a Leo or Libra. tingling 69 Part 3 of 125 "West Side establish your once-close relationship. Normandin, Mark N. Ackworth, iowa where he managed his family farm divider time Lennon hit (647) 998-3400. A 24-hour fax service is offered at in addition to several other farms, providing farm 23 FertIle soll remark Story" role 28 City on the 69 Mild cigars107 Senator CANCER (June Zt to July ZZ) Wavering aspects Mark N. Normandin, age 44, of Park Ridge; (847) 486-6836 or death notices may be e.maiied to beloved husband of Carson management, consultation and appraisal services. 24 Tumble 75 Baseball 126 Porsche Danube 70 Fermented Thurmond AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Your this week mean weighing your words carefully to [email protected]. C. Melder; loving father ofWhile in Iowa, Bill was chosen Vice President of 25 Java family propeller 29 Kind of tea '109 Borg of aspects favor tharts. Indulge in whatever artistic joints name 127 Tel- . An in memoriam or card of thanks may be Marie E. Normandin; the Iowa Pork Producers and was a member of The kiln 71 Deplored tennis avoid misunderstandings. Boardforseveral 26 - -garde 76 Antitoxins 128 Crucifix 30 Fenwick or expression you enjoy most. A workplace situation devoted son of Veta and NationalPorkProducers 72 Shock 110 Actress piaced using the same information above. wasanactive 27 Start of a 77 Mouth 129 Texas state Carter will, I'm pleased to say, continue to improve. the late Larry Normandin; decades. Additionally, Bill 73 Word with Skye LEO (July 23 to August 22) You could soon be Republican, Delegate to the National Convention, remark piece? tree 34 Snitches baby or 111 Bank's . The deadline for placing a death notice,in dear brother of Bob 31 Harriet title Normandin; also survived and Campaign Manager for a successful 78 Long or 130 Marvelt 35 inland snake backup org. on a new career path in pursuit of those long- PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Warning! memoriam or card of thanks, is Monday at 5:00 pm. start Poeples marvels by a loving extended family gubernatorial candidate. - sea 74 Inaugura- 112 Clammy standing goals, but don't cut any current ties until Photos must me submitted by Monday at 2:00pm. 32 Vigoda or 79 Solidarity 131 Coty or 36 Prix- tion Day 113 'Typee Your tendency to let things slide until the last from Greece and many dear In 1964, Bill accepted an offer from Continental Saperstein leader Clair 38 Baton event sequel you're sure you're ready to make the change. minute could have a negative effect on a relation- . The death notice department is staffed from friends. Bank of Chicago to join their Agricultural staff and 33 Sllppejy 81 Forgers 132 Oweeb Rouge coil. 76 Aliad with MemorialMass Friday, was In charge of the Farm and Ranch property 114 A bit of ship that you hope can develop into sc5mething 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monay through Saturday and Later, he was character? need 39 Cioth wonder Beethoven VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A former April 29, 10 a.m. at St. Paulheld in their Trust Department. 34 Bm. filers 83 Cultural DOWN finish 80 Instant, for115 Weekend meaningful. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday. of the Cross Church, 140 S. prothoted to Vice President and named the Senior colleague wants to re-establish an old professional 37 Singer 88 Wear away i French 40 - Mateo, short warriors: s A deathnotice,inmemorlamoracard Northwest Hwy. (2 blks S. of Touhy) Park Ridge. Officer for all property held in trusts and estates Manchester and continued in this position until taking early 89 Carthaginian Sudan, CA 82 Coq au - abbr. connection. lt would be wise to make the contact, BORN THIS WEEK: You ar both emotional person from Interment Private. In lieu of flowers, a fund has 41 Calf 90 Pari 4 of today ofthanks may be submittedin been set up for Marie E. Normandin cío Citibank, retirement in 1984. 41 Errs 84 - potloi 116 Donated at least until you know what he or she is planning. 44 Faucet remark 2 From 42 lt darkens 85'87 117 Frtgga's and sensible. You enjoy being with people. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday at 123 N. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge, IL 60063. Continental Bank had offices in London and 47 94 Across 93 ComIc S Command your Streisand fellow Good career choices include teaching, performing the Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake Ave;, Glenview, IL Funeral arrangements by RYAN.PARKE FUNERALGeneva and Bill developed a program in which highlight Rickles to FIco LIBRA September 23 to October 22) A rela- high net worth Western Europeans could establish doorway film liSouth and the clergy. HOME 847-823-1171 49 Pants pari 94 Sizet opera 4 Meads 43 Bird-to-be 60026. trusts that invested in U.S. real estate developing 86 Egyptian African tionshìp that survived some rocky moments could Sign Çuest ao&at www.ckagota néoits.com 50 The 96 Nasty milieu 45 Join deity plant . Family and friends may visit our website and sign and servicing.This business involved several Jungle 87 n be facing a new challenge. Deal with the problem 97 1-tow 5 Breakfast 46 Fotiow la vie" 119 Sikorsky or a guest book at Pioneerlocal.com. trips each year to London and many European Book boy sweet I treat 48 - you tor 89 Supportive Stravinsky openly, honestly and without delay. Good luck. (C) 2011 King Features Syndicate, Inc. countries and Ruthann accompanied Bill on many 52 Cask 98Cpls 6 Morales of real?" of 120 Diane of Share the Memories of these. 54 Part 2 of superior "NYPD 50 2001,10 90 Princess Chinatown" Place an In-Memoriam- Include a photo of your loved one Living in Chicago, Bill was active in the Wilmette Bluen g remark loo Type of fuel Tiberius bruiser 121 Weaken E,,rnit, doathno)iceswptoneeetocat.cemc,ti, 847-9983h00 (opt 6) Trinity Methodist church and was trustee and i 2 3 4 SUN MEDIA chairman of the property committee for many 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 years. He and two others also organized the In Memoriam In Memoriam CI4LIE SI4EE1'f P'4JP STÍt? VJUrrE sA Chicago Cook County 4-HFoundation, which 19 20 21 22 !10T TU ENCINO served 30,000 school age children.In 1986, Bill scMcwfigE resigned as President and he and Ruthann moved 23 24 25 26 RYAN-PARKE to Palm Springs with plans to retire. InCalifornia,Bill'sintenttoretirefailed, 27 28 29 \oi-t-t? Wl g p ! (111 30 2- b (t & '' fu nera! home however, as former customers at Continental Bank inCaliforniaand Japan - and new customers , "Ourfamily serving yours for over 74 years" requested his property management expertise. hare me This activity continued for over ten years until Bill 36 40 (vr couvi - .,,-.- We 'd like you to know the Ryan family and Ruthann decided to "officially" retire in Park f243 U6 Ridge, Illinois in 1998. has owned and operated our business :: :: U,send flo Oneofthemostinterestingconsulting siirce 1936, in the same location. assignments occurred when the U.S. Department serveasa 54 ofAgriculturerequestedBilito 5556 57 58 59 charitac After three generations, consultant to the YeltsIn Government in Russia, :)Â advising them on the privatization of agriculture. 60 we still believe in dedicated personal 61 w . 62 GEPALb t-4OÑEY. TZME i'#a nam or SOrtIS TO r THCY oc, you oo MF WIll-f This involved several trips to Moscow starting in 'ro ser up. yotrat LArE 50400L ;bY.lvHA7.s st#vxNG t'5t1 stcrs THE I-1ARO StLL. cotnbutions online. service wit/n compassion. 1988. Meetings were held in the Russian White 63 64 1H IT roe ME ANYWAY? FOR LOSJCH TOOAY . 65 67 U68 House with the Prime Minister and the Minister for f Clement Ryan Michael Ryan Privatization. Throughout Bill'scareer, he was .7071 72 73 74 actively involved with the national office of the )_ I 120 S. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) fraternity and served as 75 . 76 ' 77 78 Suburban (847) 823-1171 Visit our website at www.ryan.parke.com Chicago (773) 792-1811 a long term board . member and National Grand President for two terms.He also was actively 79 80 81 82 engaged in several other organizations including: 83 84 85 86 87 ,Q. .' 4 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE American SocietyofAgriculturalConsultants, 'pi eer Farm Foundation, Chicago Farmers and the Union 88 89 90 91 92 :- , ARRANGED & PREPAID FUNERALS AVAILABLE League Club of Chicago. His sisters, Alice Sayre and Helen Coolidge, 93 9495 '96 97 fòrà Dave T. Prnpp preceded Bill Sayre in death. He is survived by his Titi wife, Ruthann; brother, John and children Bill of . ¡ 99 100 101 102 103 104 Cooney Bristol, Vermont; Ann of Skokie, Illinois; Mary of Find at least six differences tri details between panels. Park Ridge, Illinois; and Elizabeth of Chicago; and ¡L$Ì six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Deáth Not Funeral Home sf:qtiguest'Boo&atwww.cfikagoíanio6its.cont 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 FUNERAL DIRECTORS . 121 122 123 and 124 To Be Worthy of Your Confidence ExpressCondolences- 125 126 127 128 -' hi Mèmôria Sign the online Guest Book : 3918 W. Irving Pk. Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60618 Q For local community Death 129 130 131 132 C') Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279-9802 Notices visit pioneerlocat.com @e .,J4jl 625 Busse Hwy. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 PIoNEth P Mkb6't Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax(847) 685-1005 classified. section :YOUlt-LdCA-L Cati) 847-998-3400 (opt 6) :;;_I]s\;\Ters : bfl)sW air soox 9 paq vo s oojb jnqase g eg swrij auoö si 12!JPOd t fjJf)p s uoidy z papp uaaq seq UPJ ...; fltria.vb.,;r- ,'

3 TLd rs T(lUfday, t?p!;l Antiques and CollectiblesAntiques and ColiectiblesElectronics, Accessories Estate Sales Answers to Super Crossword ANTIQUE Burr RidgeEstate Sate.8052 WEDGEW000 FINE CHINA, WANTED HOME STEREO Place an ad today STUFF AUCTIONI Clyodnrven Road Friday April 21f Strawberry Hill pattern. Purled Equip. S Records, 33s-45s-7es and Salurday Apnl 30 8 am Io 2 MASSWEPTHEALDPRAWN PIONEER Piss Tuesday, May 3, 3:00 - 10t00 PM conthtianl IB live piece place Will pick-up Cash gre Featuring Antique Furniture - u i a 7232 N. Western Ave., Chgo. E SELL YOUR STUFF! aelliags, 6 eolia cups and 847-266-0190 China CabineS - Dressera - Deuku- ASTA AS IA ELL iE EER \ - uaucers, 12 rim soup bawls. 12 Chairs- Lampo- DinIng Tables Air Conditioners 2nd Halt of LIsts Estate & Other cream soup bowls with saucers, Estate Sales Framed Fine Art anti Malted Prinbo. LOAM FALL CAFES AVANT FILL A VACANCY! Estatna S ConslnrnonIsl Includes: I large platter, 2 oval vegelabie Vinlugn Ad's and Aulsmolive Ad'u Antiques, CollectibleS Oil on Canvas sOd. Edgar Payne bawls, 1 covered round bowl, Unique items ob Hams Decor and ij.agana, Beach beascape); OIlier i FYOUFi LLOUTANI NCOME RENT AN APARTMENT! Appliances creamur, sacIar, many baal. 3rd ANNUAL BARRINGTON Arceuorrlas Great Pricing Ono sI a Oit Palnlings& Prinls; 10 Pc, 030-8074162 ANTIQUE SHOW /GARDEN Kind Sniedlion Cash or Check Only ALL ABE EEL Ornately Cerned Anlq. Dining Room SALE. 4/28 . 5Il.Mulli neoutars Pisase do eel block Driveway Arts, Crafts, Hobbles Sulle w/Marblelops: French- "0' Cowed Bedroom Set; 18500/600 w/anlqun and enligne items tor ChIcago Estate Salo. 1155 DAFMELISSAflAELTAP R II. Auctions home/garden at Ihn Barrington Maybteld. Thursday, FrIday, Sal- Brown-Sailman Dining Room Sel: Ice House Mall, 200 Applebee Esto Saarinen Conlnsenca Table: Arts, Crafts, Hobbles unlay, lOam-Oprn. KItchen table AA iA SEATMOWGL t TUN ; s J ' Building Material Black Earnao Chaira' AssI. Sl Opens Thora a! loam. sewing machine, metal uILlII 500/605/70'sModern ureilu,o; Cralleru Wunled 6/1 1/1 I9-3. wardrobes bookcase,chaIrs, TAXRETURNAMONGTETRA Business Equipment Ornato LightFinIeres & Mirrors; Village Church el Lagrungo Park. A Regal Enlate Sale abnIego clothes, A must eco Clothing, Furs Vivluge hems; Cake Signs; 12 Pc. 315! 5 Lagrange Rd. Palatine 1564 Soalh Calitornla house! Loadod, loaded! Coeduc- flLEEVE SCIFI MORASS Piace Setting Sot cl Internahonal For applicalian please lease isla lLake/ Euclid West lo Plum Grove,tod by Beverly. J o13 S Electronics, Accessories Wailing Silverware; Bronoes; at 705-364-0500. 525.00 tor South lo roldan, EasI la Calilorola)ChIcago Calato sola 2925 N Nora. ERA FOR SNEE ACUT AUTO ToDrvecom REAL ESTATE searchchicago.com/homes Tramp ArtClock; muque; Flow 12x12 outdoor space. Su14/3li lOam-3pmS Sun 5/1 4 bIOs E of Harlem btwn George Post your resume, get career advice, find job Search fora new or used car and view the latest reviews, Estate Sales Blue; B S G Figurines; Russian I lam-3pm. Gorgeous large home a, WellIngton. Frl 4/29 & Sat 4/30, CORRECT LYYOUGOTOTH E Find homes for sale, real estate info and the most Silver Ludie S Other Silver Items; hued with burn, baby grand. DR set, 9a-4p. Whom house, bsmnl, fairs and morel videos and photo galleries at Exercise Equipment Orlçntal Rugs, Lg & Small' Many ottica, Chisa, Cryutal, lineen, garage. 773-888-6745 SERA LI P NIA PIONEER PREss & morrçt(vr . rental listings at Antique Furnilurs Pcs.; Jssweluy Business Equipment clothes, lswelry, Lladros, R. ALOU SEARCHcHICG homes Farm and GardenIng Includes:ManyBeaulilsl Gold Doullnn, bois, holiday. hauunhold, GLENVIEW 2551 Gleentaw Rd. I C tod ii vecom Rings w/Oisnsonds, Rubles Huge Eslate Sale! Thurs - Sun WALESAANV L EHN I PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD 24 HOURS A DAY, 7DAYS A WEEK! S.d '.J Farm EquIpment lOo-lp Over 190,000 lema for Sapphires, ele.; Gold S DiamondWelk-inSlainless SleetCostar McDREW SALES Bracelels; Pearl Necklaces; sale! Many ara new! incIdo PUN I C , CALL Firewood w/compreosor Fnr Sale. Eucellant 36 years ob excellence ERODE POORHOUSE . STOP IN FAX Costume Jewelry; Coins inc. 2 GoldCoadilran. 7 n IO leal, Please call In total servIces tar clothes new/used (newborn. rt U.S. Coins; Many Unc. A Hi Grado 4Syr old), sports cards, lewolry, DON CARMEN MEAN 'I T IS Flea Markets lar more isla. Asking 1800.00 Call successful sales As Seen on TV items, much moro 2'847-998-3400 k Mon,-Fri. 8:30am-5:00m ___ 847-486-7456 Sllvgr MaWan E Peace Dollars;Jerry at 574-806-5562. Pat Drew, 047-251.8283 Food, Produce OtherU.S. &ForeignCoIns; SGTCOALSEAFOODSST 3701 West Lake Ave., Glenview, IL 6T026 Maret...Alsn, s Suzuki 061100G LORI REIFMAN Furniture Molsreyele.,.Over 700 Lots inail, . Estate Sales Estate Sales. OWL SAM COB Health Care Help Wanted Full-Time Meal SnId with Na Rnservesl TRIO LIMITED Help Wanted Full-Time . Adult Care Provider Business Opportunity Giveaways EalaIn Sales ob Dislincliots JOBS Preelew: Mon. May 2, IFYOUDONTYOUGOTOJAIL Nurse PractItIoner Lite Guard, Fett and Pert Time tor a SERVICES EXPERIENCED CARE GIVER Use Urban Real Estala la davelnp TRIO'S SPRING OPENER 877-835-2099 pnvateNorthShoteclub,Lite seeking a lull er part lima lob. prolilable assisted living and adult Horses 3:30-7:30 PKt a, Guard and CPR Cor! req'd. Early I Hour Balero Sala. SATAPR 30 1O:3O-43O www.forlrelfman,com S000M AMORE SADA OLGA Local conrpasins are seeking Excellent reterenceu, CIOA & CPAday health care programs. Great Jewelry Full Lishng s Pholaa ut: Employment Wanted people With ail levels 01 eupenescnmorning days and Weekends, year certilied, stood cook and driver. lar real natale entrepreneurs end SUN MAY i 12-3 AD1 TA MOTOR AV IV ROOD or Name Practitioners. round. Please covloct Mary Lynn Adult Care, Provider Call 773-922-6648 olheru. Free livesn-liria evenlu, w'ww.directauclian corn O'Connell 847-251-4100 SAY IT IN Lawn, Garden Equipment Seeking Quality Estates 2533 BURGUNDY LN, NORTHBROOK McDREW SALES Featured Jobs Adult Care, Wanted Canted Laura tor tchedaln or & Conslqnmental 100 tlobsart Rd, Kersltworth PECAN POES RENfl NERD These employers will never know MYSTERY SHOPPERS Trailer Machanies Wanted. Looking Ici regiular- 677.54.CARE.5. Machinery, Tools DIRECT AUCTION GALLERIES No's At 9:45 From Irstnrsec!Ion Of 10th St a' Health Care who you aro. what skills you have. Make up to $150/day. tar Trailer, Contalnnr and Chassis Child Care, Provider 773-465-3350 Sulcnda Manor Sci W. on Willow Io Greenwood at Lite SherIdan Rd lWllmotte), 00 North and your dvsire lo work tar one ot Shoppers needed toludgo Repair Mechanics Great Pay and Medical Equipment (Past Sisormerl Go R/N alt the way lcr Burgundy Lo, L to Hoe. I block to Ablngdon Weal 1 Help Wanted Fui! these companies, until you et them retail & dining est. Eng. nat Benetits Placable Hours and Work Child Care,-Wanted THE PARK ONLY i Sido al Ibis O all sIs. black lo Robsart. Park koRb, aldo Estate Saies Estate Sales Estate Saies know who you are. req. 800-507-3349, Days Helpers end Apprentices Wet- Misc. Merchandise Rara ottering: only or surrounding sto. Help Wanted Part came. Call 773-247-7250. Royal Copenhagen 6 Plain BEAU. FURN. ACCS, CHINA, ORNIL RUGS, CLOTHES, Nneo Things Estate Sala Business for Sale Musical Instruments FURS, LIV AM. All ivry pr Solas, Leni 15 Chrs, n-base Errchv. PRI APRIL 28: 8:3-2:09 MCMAHON'S 53ff E CavIar Ana. Lake Elatl MONSTER MATON OAK PARK BILLING Adult Care Provider Blue/While Lace lIT dinner SA'f, APRIL 35: 9:80-2:00 Staffing Services CAN HELPI Help Wanted Part-Time Business insurance plates, I 1 coke plales,7 Tilt top inlay and nesting This, Secy. Desk, display Cab, grnd- McO 8's at 9:00 for FRI OpenIng OFWINNETKA $PATE AL.E 4i25 & 4130 Fn go-Sp Sal 9a-4p Available S-6 days a week any lima. Office Furniture cup/saucer sels. Walertord Ken- lather Clock. Honrerion banded Din TbI seats 14. Hi Bk cent Regal Immaculate tudor altars Sal. tO-rI. No's 9:30 Lovely Vicborian I/leO wlanliquea, Temporary Services MathlTask Oriented, customer AppraIsal Needed. Join our tealReterences available. FIND YOUR CLASSIFIEDS, upol COrra, Crystal Chundnlior, SBrd, Console, Yel-witl Bombe arlworli. Mr & Mrs chairs, ps005lal CREATE YOUR seMco, computer savi, smart, Business Opportunity Resale Shops mare waler O wino goblets. Wa- qppeïb lumnlstslega:Flpn antI- Lake Porcal - 601 Shalbield PROFILE NOW growing learn cl appraisal lar de-Please cali 773-405-9381 terfsrtl Lismore naIad bawl, Wa- Gold Il + trarned end other 8ev Mlrrs. Ivory Armoire, compl bm ques: caread French and EnglIsh Waukngan to Caveolry, E. Northbleld table, cherry E pine arsrioirea, Transportation ay PHONE honest, hard working, happy, partrnenl stores. Advascement lerlard Xmes MusIc banes, clocks, oak desk, bookcases, BR nice person needed in our Law Caregtver avaIlable. Come O QQ Dlstributorshlps Snow Removal Equipment 011mo. Bed mr grl Bombe CliosI, Hiboy. Baker bnch. Stilbol, Armoires; pr. early 1900's book- ' lo Shollield. DOUBLE Estate Sate OR WEB FREE! Opportunitlos,great pay,Lots ol op. Towle Ramblar Rase sterling, Cases; earned 0cc, table; parlor Fina Iradiliunal bumishins. Baker ONE locatlorsl turn, old toys, baby crib, rocking Oflice Sitting Department. or 2411 live-In. Best price, Alt other lamps sbirci out, Also grt Oils, Pnrrts Bolanleats. WhI chair. China & kil misc. Health Care portunitiea and incentives Loc.s No Fees. Eng.Spkn Financial Services PERFECT CALL Sporting Goods 16 oetlingu, sewing piecns. Orssrs, Nl CliesI, Hdbrd. Reo Am Soagrass sola, Chus, Stools labte; maliog dressIng table; bandad llamo mahag UR Ibi E (305 Jallrey Lanai Cell Today Sunday, www.oceuniesolution.com lar quick Many Bing S Grondahl ligur- DanIsh small cabInet; Art Deco s Chippstyle chrs, handsome May 6. 9am-4pm lawn mower. Email nesurnn w/satary needs antI tree sign-up. Bonded/Incur 708-892-258 . ali w/lvory Custro. ThIs, Iron Cusrouvel Home, Santa's Sinigli, G:4-Wtdc Medcne Praclice I West or any dirytt ta mwakenlghtWwakeaight.carn Franchise Swap, Trade leas. Haviland Unicorn Piales. Reindeors. Maytug wuh, dry. Racks Clothes. Beau Mink Coat, bdsm yes; wall plata rack; gar- Buber cabinel, muhog. dasks & Man 7, gam-120m UseJobCode 521 Caretaker, Cerlitied Nursing Assis- North Suburban location. chaols, Chinese Chipp. consola IbI, CASI-(& CARRY ONLY WAUKEGAN Retro Eatale Sa1W em Springs seeks RN, Mon / Tues I EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CONSUL- Mink-Lthr revue Jackel, Fou Coal. Aces,Ki! Fetlup 3 sets grl chi- gsous French Deco ttsor screen; 2300 Grove Thura-Sal, eam'4pm, Thurs 8am-5:3Opm, Friday 7am. TANT Group heallh sates, estab-tant looking tor pssitiou lo work with Loans SwImming Pools, Supplies By Appt. 18471625-1 995 lemps; Baker dining chairs; cus- antq. pine cabs, mirrors, rugo, gold leo packing malanais providadl i 2pm, tax msume to 708-246-2785 1-058-374-8302 Oberweis Is hivng lull-limo three Ihn elderly or handicapped. CPR 847-998-3400 na. Barglrr palio turn. planters. Aces 4 Dm11 Rugo. 10v14, 4n6, lam old plank top dInIng labIo; inwely. Kirk's Repousse sIeri Ilwr, Includes: cryslul, china, silver, collectIbles, lowels'y, turn, milita- liuhed sauth suburb lina. Email resu APARTMENT 50V BtWhl OmIt porc Pos.Tail Swvri cryslal + silpit ry,radiofrv tubas, electronics, or suino repu, Pay is Commission [email protected] tor tela. certified. Cali Joan, 224628-8888 Work at Home Tickets couches; ace. tables; dcc, acces- 1g. coIl. Waterlord, china tacI lamps, bamibure, mirrors, rugs. MEOtCAL TRANSCRIP11ONIST Ploneer.com/Monster lull benetits.Email greg.ksgul@ob Candleslicks, StrI Candlabra, Mariano & Porc Figs; Tureen Se!. serles, Wedgwaod yloreolina", misc. books, household lamo, Coo. tools,washer,dryer, tricige, Medical TranscripUon certitied erweis cam. Retail Sales position lar up beat* COMFORT KEEPERS * Wanted to Buy Fab rg amethist Good, Brnz Bust, Daum cryslal Ship + olhor www,mcmslsonsestolesolae.cOm glassware, rammt arI, man's E freezer, formal dinIng room sel, or schooling required. No Resume Neodndt person in lun alare. Permanent po- Pca, Copper coIl-lea Sein. LOTS MORE. FAB SALE. women's clolhing and much moral curioTV, housewares,bikes, Experience dsisg hospital Sillon lar Wed end/or Sun. Cali 224- Exp. Caragivers, CRAs IN THE TO PLACE ..0LOPAINTINGS WANTED DON'T WEED IT? For more loro a, photos vIew on www.Estatesales.net Brought ta you by: misc llamo transcription preterrett 568-2739 Business Opportunity 1650-1050 OILS, WATERCOL- NEWTRIER SALES Our automoted system creates one Live In, Come & Go. Estaba Salas-Antqs., CMF TransItional OrsnIzalIon Own computer and knowledge ut tor you-FREOI With on 8-minute ORS, ORAWiNGS Also artists' loar- SEOE IT FAST. PHYLLIS REIFMAN EfS (www.cmlmcIaughlln.com) Word required. Terminology To PIACEAHEIP WANTED Screened - Bonded InsuredPEPSI S CHEETO COMBO naIs,letters. STUDENT ART Ari. SO's Dosigriar Fern. phone call or use our coovenient TRIO HOUSE SALES 847-432-3770 our specinity.Churillea, ViolI Ihe weboile los a preview Furniture and typing test will be given. online torre, Monster Match can MACHINES S9,995. CANDY/TOY 119305-184051 (217) 386-2616 CALL 847-998-3400 ob seinclod items. Full timo preFerred. Some evening AD IN THE CLASSFIEDS, (847)215-8550 ROUTE $3 495, GREAT INCOME Clean-up avullnble. match you With employers that are tINlYtUtAMrlNtHlVilIll (81118101 CLASSIFIEDS. YOUR AD NORTHWEST CHICAGO and weekend hours required. hiring-NO WI 018691105. CArt 47.995.14tO For employment call: & LOCATIdNS, 713-297-e400 Walter - 847-558-9880 Western Springs ESTATE SALE FRENCHSTYLE DESK AND Fax resume to 708.771-3040 CALL 847-998-3400 5410 West AgobIe, Sat S Sun, 5333 S FaIr Elms. Thurs - Sal 10 PlAtt Wut at 847-215-8103 lOam-4pm. Forniture, colleclibles, CHAIR S300 OINING ROOM SET This FREE service is availably 24 10-4pm Sun 10-2pm. $300 INCLUDES 2 LEAVES,4 LAD- hauvohold, antiguas doii collection 100's of antiques, colleclIbles, DER BACK AND 2 ARMED ALL ltd hours a doy-7-duyu a week and is phyla equipmenl. iliina, vinlaga slult, Ions ob coslumo lewntry. presented by elvclronics, musical inslrsmvvls Ill PLACEAHELP WANTED AD IN 111E EXCELLENT CONDITION 847- June Moon EsIsto Sales 975-4381 Sus Times Media. SALES ENGINEER and much morel CIASSIFIEDS, CALI 847-996-34tO lunemoonoollecllbles.00m To PLACE Call 708-217-3519 tar into Don'! Walt, Do It Today! The Woher Group 'o one ofthe leading companies YOUR GARAGE Help Wanted FulITime 'or tlremeralworldngindustxy.With the competenm brands Walter Valenite, Walter Tites and Woher . GARAGES.ALES 6MO Turbo Charger Mechanic Prototyp, we offirr a uuique and comprehensive SALE AD, CALL 5 years plus experience a most. range of high-tech tools and services for turning, Call 713-840-4200 drilling, threading and milling. We are increasing ,- . 847-998-3400 the productivity and comperitiveness of our Schneider NatonaI is hking drivers in your Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Saies Garàge Saies prd customers with technologically advanced machining .çs Engineer: 100,. Families Children's Clothing &ELMHURST 582 5 Fairview, 4 W alLAGRANGE PARK, TOI N. Norlhbrook Musing/Garage Sale. solutions. 2,600 personnel worldwide contribute to our area! From multiçe Dedicated accounts Toy Consigemnet ReSale 4/30 0Spring, corner ob Villalle, Huge Ga-CatherIne Ava. lLaGranqo Rd. 1106 Cayoga Dr. Health Care Health Care ¡MS Systems, Inc. in , Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh, is a subsidiary of IMS Messsysteme, GmbH a/l,lOam-Spm, 1150 W Maplerage Soleal Fri-Sun, 8a-4p. Toss aland Harding Ave.') Frl. 4/9 and Fureilara, household llama. success through their competence and commitment. Walter liSA, in Heiiigenhaus, Germany, near Düsseldorf. IMS is the world leader in non-contact thickness, Ave, Mundnlein, www.BraedNameCbeen & aduli clothes galore, andSat. 4(30, O'sm-3pm. Huge Sale. colleclibles. Friday E Salurday., providing predctabIe schedu'es and oosignmenls.cum much much morel RaIn or ShIne. Adelt E child Apni 291k 0 30th. 9am4pm Healthcare lic. has an opening for a Sales Engineer - Chictgo, IL Clothes, Books, Household, Ping flatness, diameter, wall thickness, and surface inspection systems for the steel rolling mills, and the 2 Family Garage Sala. Fri O SatEVANSTON 4 FAMILY YARDPong Table and mock moro. Narthlaka, SI John KEY PERFORMANCE ARFAS weekly home time to Intermodal positions 4/25-30 - Sam Io 3pm 2726 Sum-SALE, 527 - 533 Michigan Avenue. Vionrrey School, 27 N LaVergne, metals industry. milOr, Glenview 60025 Tables.Fumiluro, toys, books and mare. LA GRANGE PARK- North Ave and Wolf Rd In PIT RN DREAM JOB Indude ber axe nor limitcd to: ldens'd', devdop sod monitor sales in larrrs,homeaccessories, arI,Play on balance boyrda a beams. GARAGE SALE Norlhluke. salurday AprIi specific (Market Segment) Accounts. Make regular customer offering weekly and daily home time to clatIras, luggage, bikes, toys, spansSuaday 5/1 1 l-40m Rain or Shine 702 Bu,nsdale. Salurday 30th. 30115, Oam-apm. Well est. Home Health Agency IMS is seeking a Sales Engineer to be responsible for equipment sales throughout North America. doms, more.. Eam-4pm. All proceeds lo calls with Distributor sales personnel so Market Segonent accounu EVANSTON SI. Malhewa Church American Cancer socialI,. OAK PARtI 1047 N. Grova Ave, Sal Tanker positions offering 6 days off per ANTIOCH Garage SalaI Harbors obRummage alc, 2120 Lincoln SI, 4/30. gam-Ipm, Huge 30e lamilias, . Seeks: RN's for Home Visits md miser end-users slsot are potential customers for Walser producra. .Résponsjbijjtjes Windmill Creek. 55 W Vnnderreenr(corner ob Lincoln and Harirey) Sal-LaGrange Farli Rummage Sale benelils Chinese orphanages, bnsi Independently identify and develop new costumera. Technically Dm. Fnday 4i29 uod Salurday 4(30 urulay, April 30, 9am-Ipm. Don'!Village Chnrch, 1150 Muadowcreslkids sale, clolhea, lays, lurnilulo, . Flex. Daytime scheduling u Planning, implementing, and managing sales related activities in the rolling mill market month that you schedule, you choose -Spm Huge Saie. Something Missl Someliring bot Everyone Pre-sale $5 entry Fri 4i2e 6 30'8:30books, equipmanl, movies S mvsei support Walter products both as our end canso and our distributors. tor eeeryona. Very law prices. Sal 4130 9.3 b(rispy Kreme tanela . Top pay and many benefits segment, primarily cold rolling mills. Fores! Park7232 Madison, $4 bag sale ut 2pm. 1 blk E 01 PARK RIDGE 921Wesley Or Document our products performance by regularly preparing and the job that best meets your needs. Baker Armoire, solid wood round la- Anlissue Slore ClosIng! lAloonqulrulOakton) Thorn & Fri. submitting reur repocu and cosr uavings documents as required. bIo w/ chairs, dining room hutch,Sun - Sal 9am6pm. American TratlLagrange RiSI 1 bib N ob 31st SL ka.Spm. Plenty al kit's stall, ollice . Provide commercial, product , and market expertise to customers, agents, and members ch/dreno layo, traie tabla, ueliquolum, mahogany and oak, ele. ChinaLAKE FOREST- 4(29. FRIDAY ON-Oupplins. grisal deatat For more detaIs call, tax, email or Train key end-mar personnel and the Sales force ofotu distributor hai rack w/ mirror, mini bridno, gay- cab, bultels, labIos, bookcases, LY1 sam3pm. 454 Briar Ln, misc of the IMS management team. kid s stell, video games, electronIcs, RUMMAGE SALE! Slop lfl Mon-Fri. ßa-3p at; nesworkso tscilisaseproper application guidelines Ihr Walter psoducu. Stop in and see what fits best for you! eral Items 3805 Fouler SI. Eiranstonchairs, stained giauu & much misc. Our Saelour Church/School . Must be able to work independently. Saluday 9-12 TV. bikes, household lomo, soma Shay Health Care Services, Inc. Subtni reposo and forecasu au rcqecsscd on a regular and prompt HIGHLAND PARK Fri O Sal, 8-5bumnishiego, lola ob elalhes 7151 W CornelialHarlem cmnor basis. Miene to company policies and procedures during day-to-day BALDERDASH Hih-Eed Farm &2766 Manor, W al 41, obI 22. Huge Sat Apr 30 9a-3p. 5730 W. 159th St, Oak Forest, Il. 60452 . Establish and maintain contacts with key customers and actively participate in key Hause ESTATE SALE. 41230 N.Sale, A-Zl Jewelry, purses, art, de-Large MovieL Salat Great Dealsl Treasures of all kbndsl business activities. Always conducrhiu/lserselîin a manner that would Kilbourne Ad, Wadsworth. .tusl S.cor. HW. mower, gull, lent, palio.NW Chicagol Tools, Beanie Babies. P:708-535-4300 F:708-535-751 g accounts Fomiluro, like new maltress, baoWAUKEGAN 2605 TheresaoIl reflect ptoudly upon sire image ofWaher USA. Monitor Competitor ob Rl. 173. House is loaded wlhi-bike. lays, mirrors and cook books. MeAren Them 4/21, 12.6. Fn E Sal E-mail [email protected] Job Seminar quaiity burn. A lolo al greal callvch-HIGHLAND PARK Fn S Sul, 8-5.strong, bed brumeSparts eQuip. Activities. Applyarscl demonstrate producss usingecamplcs orcatalogs . Represent ¡MS in several industry support organizations, such as the AIST and SMA. hIe Amancana tamal From Hay S Clothing One day natal 494Ó N4/22 5 23, 10.4, Large Sale. Vin- We look forward to meeting you, EOE 2786 Manor, W el 41, obb 22. HugeNawlaod Ave Sal, Surn-Spm tage,anliqons. coolome lewolsy. and emphasize value added Ihatuccs and benefin so tise end user. Equaslean hems inshe barn,loSalo, A-Zl Jewelry. pursas, ari. da clocko. lumiture, household & more. Monday, May 2I6 p.m. Elbrun Alien Fuse .trom Toes alcor, NW, mower, gull, lenI, palio. LINCOLNSHiRE - 208 Brumploa Reqiiremeríts .' Yard Decor & Palio Fury. lo Ihnbike. toys, mirrors and cook banks, Lune. Fri April 29th, E:304p. Latins YOUR PROFILE Kilchen Cabinels ovnriiowing, THIS . BS degree in electrical engineering or equivalent Hlnsdole beuulilul Spnng wardrobe, LPN's The ideal candidate will possesu Schneider National SALE HAS IT ALL! Numbers al veau 10-12 Housewares items. 7:301 4/28, 25 0 30 - 8-4pm S Poule Repeal Sale I day ovlyt Everything mus! got Make aitference in the Life of a Child . Minimum oftissee years ofsales eaperience whir Industrial coscia5 . Minimum 5 years steel mill (rolling mill preferred) sales experience Son. 5/I - lQ-2pm www.Balderdas Baby S Kids tools ORfive years ofmanufiscturingeaperience and an abilicy ro cdl 3600 S. Kostner I Chicago, IL brColleeliva,comclickonEvlale clolhesllays/equipmenl MarIon Grove Moving Sale, 6822 N W LM unday, Mgy los, 5-5. . Understanding of the rolling process Salas loIr for more into S pictures. Sal. Apol 30, 6-1 I AM Oak Park Ave. Salurday April 301h, 410 Ridge Road. Parlvng Ial, HHA In need of quality skilled nurses . Knowledge ofCNC Machining 847-322-8234. Untan Church earn.CheapPrices,Everything garage O inside 51050 salaI Hani- . Graced undetasnading ofbusinesu practices . Existing contacts within the metals industry is desirable 137 5, Garfield muai gal age Trail Mall. 70 dealer aolique to work for one of the areas Beach Pork . Apel 29-30. 7a-2 635-323-3314 emponum bina markell . General understanding oftuesal costing practices md processes . Excellent computer skills, and experience with Microsoft Office products. 38455 N. Spitz Or. 1W. ob Lewia, - Multi-Family Garage Sale. Bike. Ot. most highly regarded i-IRA. Schneider also has Van (Regional, OTR HUGE GARAGE SALE: Cullingloman, tools, eleclronio, lumilure, . Have exceptional verbal and written cosnnsenication skills ob Beach Rdl Ralsa or shIne, Tools, Winnetka, 961 Bell La. Sun 5/1, Great pay and benefits, misc garage S householdlema,Macned E Combining Househaldutclothas, moniau, lo/a, pensera, slIdBam-2pm. Tools comp equip, . Itasic composer skills including ilse ability so use Excel, Wurd, Travel will be frequent and extensive within North America, Training will be provided both at ¡MS and Team) openings in your area early birds welcome. 5216 WoodlandAve.,Westernanimlo Sal 4/30 9 Io 3pm. Rainaccessories, hslsld Items, kld'a a' We realize the Springs. Fn E Sul. 4/25.30, 10-3.talo Suaday.1021 Elm SI Winnelkawomen's clothing, holiday decor, value of quality employees PowerPoint and Lotus. Systems Inc in Mars, Pennsylvania, and at IMS Messsysteme, Germany. Candidate must becomea CHICAGO Doll collectors dreamlForniture,kirchenE household Ceramic flower poIs, loys, moro. Gorgueas collectibles. 50% olI booklema. WE HAVE 2 OF EVERY.Mulli.Family Garage SalaEdisnn as our greatest asset, 8ENEFFFS technical expert in the representation of ¡MS and its products. pnces. Silver und cryolel eweiry. ITHING S DON'T NEED IT ALLI Park. Lolo etFume., housewares,Winnelku, Kid's Garugn Sala. day onlyt Salarday Apni 30th, 9am- Ctolhus, IoyO, DVDs VHS. Books..Winnelka Community House. Walser USA, LLC. otlhrs a competitive compensation package. 4pm. 7118 North Otlawa HUGE SALE MUST COME ASAP.etc. 6786 N. Desalo 'l'hursiFri 8-3 620 Lincoln Ave, Saturday April FURNITURE. MOTORCYCLE Generous benefit package indudes life, Itealds, and dental insurance, IMS offers a competitive salary and excllent benefits. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE.30th, 1aamNOon Ch/drices . Must have i yrs. nursing exp. SEARCH. APPLY.'DRIVE.. Clareadas Hills, 21 N Prospect. Fri.ACC. HARLEY PARTS TRUCK cIelItos, lops, books, elc. . paid vacation and lsolidays, and a 401(k) retirement savingy plan. day & Salorday. Apnt 29th 0 30th, PARtS. MENS WOMAI'IS. BOYSTono st kids slulb' clothes, lays, strollers, bikes O more. 71 I Apple For more details call, fax, email or For further ínformation about IMS, view our website at wwwJMS-GmbH.de 9-4pm.Furniture, bolswomen'sCLOTHES S liOO MUCH MORE Winnolka Woman's Club, Excel- HOWTO APPLY claltring size 16. Men's IlL clslhlngTO MENTION. MUST DROP BYTree Lone. Gleocae 1011 Foreslwaylent Rummage Salo, 8am-lpm stop in Mon-Fri. aa-3p at; . cOudrons clolhiag. & miad AND HAVE A P0EK2596 N. CLIN-year Oondnnl Sal, 4/39, Eam-lpm Sat May 7th, 485 Maple SI. Cloth- For immediate consideration, please apply ostline at E-mail contact about this position is: [email protected] schneiderjobscom/newjobs TON STREETRIVER GRO VSI NORTHBROOK 2050PostRd.leg, Farn, Toys E HsHId Item. Shay Health Care Services, Inc. www.walter-tools.com to theSaicsEnginecr- Chicago position, Mon 4/25Tues 4/26, 10am-?, budwww,wlnno!kawomansclub.org SQB5(RIBtTBDAY (AIL l.tOO.68O.2068 LA GRANGE 432 South 91h. Apsi 5730 W 159th St, Oak Forest, ti, 60452 Job Opening #305866. Due so 29 0 30 eam-3pm. Antiques, lumi-lamp, 2 antiqua como, women OWinlhrop Harbor Neighborhood 0g VISIT PIONIIRLOUL.(OM mens cialheu, 2 tables, desk Wilhsales 5 hausen, 240 Polomac LN, P:706-535-4300 F:7o8-535-7519 she srapecsed volume ofresponses, bure, books Nuncyorew O IMS yin inç. CaM Ken: 312-909-1142 for more information HardyBoys. china hulchholidaychair, book case, mioc llama Apr 29, 30, 8-5, Jeweiiy_ E-meli kcarter@shayheaithcare,com only tItase under consideration llamo, BnaeleBabies,nIl.eguip., Colleclableu,walchea, pocket ber. We look forward to meeting you. EOE will bccontacred. OEMJFJD/V 519 Myoma Road, Mars, PA 16046 compuler dash, book shall, crabta. ves, dia casI, lolo ob misc. 3

34 Pioneer Press (OC) Thursday, April 28, 2011 r rnitiilirrA liiihp,llñT mm 'raqrirtjq Pioneer Press (DC) 35 Furniture Apartments, UnI urnd. Apartments, UnI urnd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Thursday, April 28, 2011 Wanes Buy A Bed 7Savelun- RENTALS Cook County - Chgo. N Cook County - Chgo. N Cook County - Chgo. S Apartments, Unturn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, UnfUrn'd. 011 ices Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est. dreds of SSS on Muttresuen,50%- 80% Cheaper than Retxit...New In ONE MONTH FREEI 5X0X10- 4921 Cram 1ER 5860Chicago-Managed By Draper and Cook County . SuburbanCook County - SuburbanCook County SuburbanCook County - SuburbanCook County . Suburban Cook County . Chgo. N j;. 5KO KIE Facloty Wrapper w/ Warranty All 1911-19 W. ToaSty AvaIlable Nowlt 28R $995 Avalle-Kramer leo. 1, 2 & 3 Sf45 from Fereof Park - CharmIng 2 BR, New- Sizes Avail. Delivery Avail. Well maintained buildings cowl ble S/i. Close Io transportatIon$878-$l23. Move In specIals If you Elmwood Perk, 3 bedroom, 2 both, Hickory Hills, Quiet clean, 2nd MAYW000 28R, IBA, hardwoodMORTON GROVE 8513 FemaNCHICAGO- 5151 N. Harlem IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Apartments, Unfurnlshed $1400/month includes heal 2 bed.In Remodoled, AC, camel, Heut +Iloor, garage, in-unit W/O, clone Io flooro, ceiling len, avail 5/1. SectIonSOR, SOOsqlI Onsile laundry, $900OFFICE SPACEFOR RENT COUNTY DEPARTMENT . CHANCERY DIVISION 047.421.4449, Sets from $89 decorated. Heated, Clone lo CT end sforca. Heat and weter Indu-move by May 31st. 773-667-8041 Appliances. $825/month. Available shops, etc. Immediate occupancy. dad. 'ToseocallValentln room, I both, $550/monlh lticluden 204 + shopping. No pets, non 8 ob$800. 708-938-0138alter+ utilities. socunlv req. Near MettaS250 Move tri Feo f Na sncurit BANK OF AMERICA SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO Apartments, Furnished Chicago South Shore, on buullne, heal. Available 6/1. 708-508-7511 cowl Call 708-492-4087 smoking complex, 630-243-7390 4pm, leave message S CTAI 847-960-2673 DeposIt and 2 Months Proof Ill LASALLE BANK NAtIONAL ASSOCIATION, A NATIONAL BANKING Misc, Merchandise Sen todayl 7851243-1140 3 bedroom, 2 bath sparlment, E00-lesOSq.Ft. 'Must SceltI Condos, Townhomes I Bedruam $755 EVANSTON FOREST PARK: Oeluee Mayowood, newly remodoled, MAYW000 s. Privale, clean, resI- ASSOCIATION: WHIRLPOOL BATH TUB Never SKOKIE - 5250-60 HILES CENTER2nd lIant, $1 100/month + I.8 MORTON GROVE Grcet Locstlon Weedy to Move Plainlill, TO VIEW APT, CALL RO. Lovely lORs $685 AvaIlablemonth secunty. 773-855-3954 1BR ApI. Heat/Gas Included. 2 bedroom,ibath,living teem,dnnllal, lbrlba. Move.In clap $1000.Immed. 0cc. 2BR, 2BA, oleo, bldg.In '0e-SIlo ParkIng t.fght, BrIght used, with 6 isIs, tan, paid $600, mil Homes Al at 773-418-5292 A/C, New Wedwa, Tile Kit, kitchen, gslel neighborhood, $900 Monthly rent $650. Please coelocl vs. nell for $300. Will throw In cil new Now; IBR for $875 Avellable 5/1. 1000-12 AUSTIN f healod lndr. prkg. sp. All appIan.SpacesEacellent Foot Tralftc GUADALUPE J. OCHOA NI(/A J. GUADALUPE OCHOA AiX/A J. HaIIms,k S Johnson Larger modern klfchene S bathe. ONE MONTH tWEEt Chota Ledry Fac. $6991Mo. + I month security. 708-892-1100 Nolan Lewis al 312.749-7810 nel. w/d In Soil. l'lo pals allowed. Hoatlng Included. Cell Bruce faucels, Call 847.244.3292 Duplex 773-545-6160 2433-55 W. Bryn Mewr Deliahllul 2BR on RldOe Ave nearMr Luis: 708-306-5602 GUADALOPE OCHOA, Et AL; , Slorage, laued & parkIng. Heat St Francis Hospital. central ale, md Near ham slallon,2'please.773.491.4101 Detendants, Tickets Rooms PARK RIDGE 631-851 BunseIncluded. Ton OS 417-5997 Beastilul newly remodeled apart. heal hot wIr reserved prkng, mod'FRANKLIN PARK 20R,bI-level, $1450-$1550 847-470-8100 09 CH 16786 lBdrm lßalh. Anuttabta Immad. meels, must bu nessi New kiNk' orn kIl w/ DIN end disposal. AvailC/A appls, carpets, private parking, Cook County - Suburban NOTICE OF SALE Housing to Share Cook County-Chgo.S ens, newly tiled baths. New wail lo NILES/MILWAUKEE/OAKTON, Near tAetr & ShoppIng. $745/mo wall carpeting and hardwood floors, now. $1150. Chorlie, 847-335-0258yard, park vIew, $850v 1.5 ma 0cc modern 2br, 2nd fIr. $900/mo nel Llneolnwoad-Skokte-Nttes PUBLIC NOTICE in hereby given that purauant Io a Judgment 01 Foro- GD BLS! Mclonnan - 847-525-0011 Chaihem 8321 S King Or en CTA. No omoklng/pels. 847-455.7976 heat & epplo, street parking, I 14-54 000 SF Top Notch closure enlered in Ihn above entitled couse on March le, 2011. B s $s Mobile Homes ele. Healed.'Immedlale occupancy. Evanston, hugo bsaulitolI bed- Cook County - Chgo. S Cook County - Chgo. S Intercovnty Judicial Saies Corporalion will on Friday, May 27. 2011.51 dsluee studio t$500t, lbr ¿$720t no pals. 847-967.5179 011iceuiteo BULLS PLAYOFF TICKETS, SKOKIE - 4601-15 Crete Lovely III See loduylt room apt very spacIous rooms, the hour ol 1 I aie. in their ollide al 120 West Macboon Streel, Suite Retirement Rentais 2BR br $965 AvaIlable Nawlf2br ($850) apIs. Free goskillonen, One Bedroom S769-S795 wall Is wall carpeting, heal Included. Gienvtew- 1,23 Odo Imperial 773-736-4100 Groat Seals for Sale HARW000 HEIGHTS 2,900.10,000SF WEBCB3I2731 I4ORRIOI3E Large 1ER. $710 + TiSA, Chicano, Illinois, sell IO the highesf bidder far conk, the follow- Heat ßnd wnfer Included. Spa-trig, aie, laundry rm. 312-236-1420 Two Bedroom $895 $880, Ist mlk $440. 773-701-0217 LUXURY RESIDENCES ulililies, porkling included. No pela. O'HARE AREA - OItIca Spaca. Row 1, Section 112, 3 Seats Co-Op HousIng clous rooms and closets. Close To vIew Apt. Call Labo, 847-564-1800 RETAIL/OFFICE Ing described martgurted real entole *Chlcago* 77th 5 Jellrey, large 2 FOREST PARK 28R, beastitully re. Valley Lo Towers II 460O N. Harlem 7,800- 10 000 retail so. lt & 2,900 Newly decorated S carpelnri, appls,elevalors, cafe, heallh club, Ccmmonly known uo'7320-7328 Ridqnwov Avenue, Skokie, IL 60078. Call Seedy al 047-272-5200 tastoresandtrsnsportalton. 773-699-1615 A/C. Laundry avail. 708-453.4908 BEST RATES - 300 1010,000 SF. Asphaft-Paving . ElectrIcal Pàlntlng-Dècorating Sleeping Rooms bdtrr,, 2nd floor, $790 9515 5 UnI- modeled, garage parking Includod 1910 Chestnut Ave. office sq. If. Tralllc count: 8,O0D vehIcles/day. PIN. 10-28-308-027-0000 and t0-26-309-043-0000. Laundry In buIldIng. To seo callcersily esita large 3 bdrm, lut fIr, Hallmark S Johnson steel,lencerl Katz Mgml Group 047-071.1717 The Improvement on the properly conslsls el two onoslory masonry Tony 708/417-5897 773-545-6160 granil & slainlnua Call (847) 996-1800 x200 947-564-1600 www.Joaophreoloalalo.not OAK PARK: tBR $750 OSti AN EXPO. ELECTRtCtAN AFFORDABLE WantedtoBuy Housekeeping Rooms $900.i!ction e o,t. 773-375-4560 yard, $950 + ulililies. 708-715-3985 Mon . Frl 9:30 - 5pm $1100. Wuahinglon S Ken/worth. Skokle- 101 ivO. rent $1 and concrete block constructed single user maev?aclanng/warohouno FAHEV & SON Looking tor side work No lob EXT. PAINTING 51<010E - 4909-21 CHURCH ONE MONTH PRESI www.vslleylolowers.com 2nd mo. rent $2, LTL. OIlmen lot lucilily induslrlal building which may be made available tor Inspection tao big or small. FREE ESTt t BUY OLD Finder Service Chtcstia Chatham, 1740 W Salk Hdwd tirs, new kil, LA formal DR. 5 Yr. Guarantee - Cull NICK Truies Linnel American Flyer IBR's $865 AvaIlable Now. CloseSt (Flermttage), 4 room, 1 bed- 5439-49 N. LIncoln Cable ready. Ldry In bldg. Hl indI. Real. Nr Touhy S Edeeo. 30011' by conladlieti Mr. Donald A. Shapiro at 1847m 936-0020. ASPHALT PAVING 847-224-1064 Vtse/MC/Amox 847-25E-2277 to Irensporisfton. Heal, water end No Dogs. 17731 7E4'3635 40011-800ll-l200lt. May combine, Sala terms: 'Bidders must present, al Ihe fimo 01 sale, a cashier's er Driveways parking Loss Old harkie balls, Cl Jons, Apartments - Hotels parkIng Included. Storage roomroom,ist lIant apartment, $000, Rare opportunity to rest newly ceShed check tor 10% ot Ike successful bid nmounl. The bulance of and OldToyn heat included, call 708-870-4901 remodeled apIs. at bulow market Garage Sales Garage Saies Garage Sales Garage Sales no estros, nlhllv clean-up. bcensed 6onde Insured . Fencing A. SANCHEZ and laundry. Must seetlll Tony OAK PARK 3BR, 2nd haar of 2 lIaI, Ike succesnlul bld shall be paid wilkin 24 heurs. by similar fundo. I pay cash. Call 630-248-3222 Vacation, Resort Rentais renIaI Must be axent New kitchens, 1000 sq II, avail Juno lot, 3 parlenrt Call 84f-6054622 Free EsI. wdh$n 24 FIrs Deck Maintonunce, Brick Pavera. 7091417.5897 newly rilad bolSo, now wall la wall For inlnrmalínn call Ms. Katie L. Sckwetho at Murray, Jensen S WI- A-1 FENCE INC. Repairs, Pressure Wash. Insured, uporo, laundry S gao nel, Cals OK non, Ltd., 101 North Wacker Drive, Chicago. Illinois 60600.t312) Out-of-State Rentals Cook Coùnty - SuburbanCook County - Suburban Carpeling and hrdwd 11m, sIc. Heal- slnrage le bond, large gardes, close 708-453-6123 New & Repair-All Types 841-338-2361 or 224-715-2600 ed. Immed. occupancy. See lodayl 2635432.005220 0305 Crsdrl Curds Accepled 708-492-1210 Garages StudIo $608 to trans, $1539/mo. 708-257-2897 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION w.w.FaheyundSoePaurng corn 1 Bedroom 5755 Oak ParIs South, 3 bedroom, Sellinrt 011icer, t312) 444.1122 131829 A. SANCHEZ DECORATING PIONEER PRESS iGarage DEKALB 4 lowehomes, 1534 GravI Pub: 4/21, 4/29, 5/5/1 I #03237 C Farms, Farmland To vteiApI. Cell LuDo I bath, tsp floor, i psrldng apace QualIty InSEct PaIntIng Sale Guide Or, $124,000, $134,000, $134 000 Bathroom .., ALPINE FENCE provided, $1200/month + I month RostdjComm - Fully Ins. SKOKIE OFFICE SPACE 773-899-1575 All Typos Fences - Ins IGuar Cats Commercial, industrial Hallmark S Johnson YOU'R LOCAL SOURCE s000nly 109-785-0030 $135,000. 414-384-11359 or email Wallpaper HangIng, Drywatl 713.545.6150 liralnameaneslephensoyakoo corn GREAT BATHS!! New S Repairs847-409-0374 RepaIr, TapIng. 847-335-2361 Dogs Storage, Warehouses 2 ROOM OFFICE SUiTE PARK RIDGE large sludio. Fire' CookQQu'ñty Suburban Thursday Friday SaturdaySunday place. Wet bar. Heated garage. No CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY Campete Bath BRECKENRIDGE FENCE Miso. Pets Desk Space Available May i$600/Mo pets. Appliances and heal Included. DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION REAL ESTATE CITIMORTGAGE. INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO ARN AMICO Remodetng/Free Estimate ChaIn, & Wood Fences KASAL Offices IN THE 4240 DEMPSTER BLDG. Edison Park, 4 Large rooms, lOti, 'Antoc -.-..-. -...... $850. Call 847-404.7762 . Cats.,., heeled, laundry, ntovv/Indge, carpet Riverside 2 bedreom apartment in MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. tnsureWReferences Available Instaftatlon & RepBtrs PaIntIng & DecoratIng All iJtllltlesAIr Condlllonlng S tile, no peto/umaking, $785/ma. Plainlill, - Stores Includes: 55 WVandermeer Dr. 8am to 5pm Sam to 5pm renovated Victorian hymn, garage, BEST PRICES 847-729-5137 Intenor/ Entonar Call 773-792-2023 Darek & Sons 847-219.4020 Painting A Wallpaposng Large Common ReceptIon Area 2 51ko to train, $895, includes heal DAVID 09H, ot al . - Rental Services * laundry tacilitien. 708-342-OSI I Houses Walt Washing _I. Elmwood Park, 2226 N 72nd Cl øeach Park .'.'."' Delendant Flooring Large FREE Parking Area 2nd Iloor, 2 BR, appliances, costra1 SI(OKIE 2011, den, CIA, close to 09 CH 028481 :.BrickokY FREE ESTIMATES Rental Misc air,accuso Is laundry, Available Townhomes CaN Steve (630)968-5593 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 38455 N. Spitz Dr. 7am to 2pm 7am to 2pm Iraosporlatinn, good nchools, NOTICE OF SALE PUSLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur. Wanted to Rent May 1 . Coil tor appt. 708-452-9382 shops, $900 + security and ulililies, Condos, Lofts suant Io a Judgmont 01 Foreclosure and Sale oersted In the above . cause on Match 29, 20f I . an agent of The Judicial Sains Corporation, HAWK MASOIRY Marc's Painting. Ist. & ErrI. and s-. Wilfred Jacobson & Co. (847) 674-5303 ChIcago available cowl 847-338-0106 Brick & Chimney Repair IDEAL FLOOR CO. Lost Cat in Indian Hill Subdivision. Duplex will at 10 30 AM on May 31, 201 1, at lIre The Judicial Salen COpota- Plaslenntj. CsmmerciayResldenlial,Maggie Is a gray short hairod tabby & Rebuilds -Tucirpoinring Sanding S Finishing Apartments, Iinfurn'd Lake County. lion, One Soulh Wacker Deve - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 6060b, sell CuliBob 708-354-4826 & with gteen eyes about 13 pounds. 4940 N Newiand Ave 9am to 3pm Open Houses al public auction lo the highest bidder, irs nel tarta below. Iho loilowin5 Cirernical Cleaning Insulation 708-828-8160 Lake Fornot- DIo 1BR/I.58A. Free Psi. 547-395.2305 Staining Our Specially She has been Iossince the eve- Cook County - Chgo. N dencnbed real enlate: Commonly known as 4700 OLD ORCHARU , sieg nl Sunday April 10th. She Is 7151 W Cornelia 9am to 3pm granite hifi baths, bale, train, beach, Mobile Homes ROAD UNIT #309, SKOKIE, IL 60076 Property Indes No 10-10-100- Servicing Ikis area PianoServices. eaercine/ patIn rm, $990. tar over 35 years. nix years old front duclawed und Besullful VIew Of Lake 028-1031. The real colate rs improved with a cnndoltownhouse. Sale microchlpped.Please conluOl at 1051-1055 W. PRATT 647-295-8351 or 547-219.0363 Manufactured Homes termo: 25% down of Ihe highest bid by certitied funds al Ike clone of . CIeàning 630-989-7722 or Plano Lessons tn your homo. 630-917-7605. She is no minnedl p!írendofl Hills,::, -.- EXTRA SPECIAL LOCATION. Condos-Townhomes Apartment Buildings the aucrion: The balance, including Ihe Judicial sale lee for Abon. Cleaning Seretcos 630-927-7722 Learn to read nalca thIs summer.WANT TO ADOPT FIRST BLDG OFF THE LAKE S 21NProspect 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm donod Residential Properly Municipality Relief Fund, which lo calcula- Houses.Apts.Condos Mozart dIed bankrupt, a young Siamese cat or kitten. BEACH. NEWLY DECORATED, Place an Ad n Renta's Cook County - Chgo. N Co-Op Apartments led on resirinnrial real eslale at the ralo of $1 tor each $1,000 or trac- Exc Rel .Yrs of Exp - Insured but yots won'It 847-907-0809 Modest lee payable. 847-674-6939 HEATED HARDWOOD FLOORS. lion Ihereol el Ike amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, fl3-310-4640 or 773-467-7793 IMMEbIATE OCCUPANCY. ,EdisòñPark: Senior Housing in cerlilied fundo, is due within tweety-leur 1241 hours. NO lee shall be www.ztcionnlng.com Plumbérs - Licensed I lOA $1,055.00 GLENVIEW CT CONDO 1BR paid by the mnrlqageo acquieng 111e residential real 05101e pursuant to Gárage Poors;Opene Dogs To View Apl Call Zlalko 6756N.Oconto 8am to 3pm 8am to 3pm $850; Available Now. Heat Indu- Commercia), Industrial its credil bid at The sale or by arty mortgagee, udgmen1 creditor, or CLEAN OUT GUY Remove AFFORDABLE REPAIRS 773-415-0035 olher bettor acquivvg the xenlaenliol real enlute whose nghln rs and fo unwanted items & clear clutter FOREST DOOR CO. ANC Black Lab Puppies. Lab Pups & get access to our ded.GRE .ro. 847-297-0500 By Retired Plumber MF born 3/25. Ready to leave 5/25. Hallmarh&Johrtnnn EImhurt" Farms, Farmland 111e residential real eslale atone psor Is Ihn unIe. The suajedt property Garagos/P.tttcs/Basements Senior Curage Doors S Openers Futty Insuted Lic. 8 055-020762 773-945-0100 Cook County - Suburban is subjncl Iv general real osIate lanes, special assessments, or ope- Disc iFree Est. 709-422-0963 SalesSorvtce.tnslallatton Cell 705-814-6755 847-674-1 684Champion Bloodline.$400. 815 Homes Built to Order 739-5350. Geneva, IL CHICAGO,Austin- urna,Newl 582S Fairview & 449 W. Vallette 8am to 4pm 8am to 4pm Cisl laxes levied agalnot said real osIate and is oltered for sale wilhoul Espenenced Polish Ladles Free EstImate 708-652-9405 J.P.G. PLUMBING PARK RIDGE, Condo torrent. any rnprosentalivn av lo Taaliry or quantity oftitle and wilkoutre- Puppies, Big. Bold, remoti, very larga 3BR, near Do large 1 bedroom, carport, Vacant Property course le Plaint/I and in AS IS Condition. The sale in tutlher nubledl will clean your Rome. . Hairstyliñg. ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS Beaulilul, TnColar, Parents on Perk on Asnlin Blvd. Tenant pays Evanston.":' 7; cluse Io train, Reference Bonded - Insured BIG or small Reasonable own ulils. $11001mo. 773-889-0913 Vacation Property to conlrtrrralion by Ihe ceurt Il the sale in nel aside tor any reason, thy 708-372-8432 Proa Est- LIc SPL1 54971 74332 Premises, $150 each, CASH 3805Foster St. 9am toi 2pm 847-692-5563 Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return or the depooit Hair Caro n Your Homo - 847-51 8-0390 - ONLY. 81 a-751 .9037 ChicagoBelmontund Ceetrol, Income Property paid. The Purchaser shall hava na lurlhxr recourse againsl Ike Man- I-10MO DELIGHT, INC btighl and sunny 3 bed,eOrvs, Skohle Lotua CondomInIums gagor, the Morlga5ee or 15e Mortgagee's ultomey. Upon payment in Cleaning Service. Detall- Elderly. Adulls. and Children. 25yru OWE PITBULL PUPS, 8 wkn, 1 S s O SEWER mule I female. shuts/wormed, $000$1200/mo 2 bedrooms, $950. Hard- GIéniiw,'..... 1 Bodroom/5920 Investment Property full of the amoonl bid, the purchaser will receive a Cerliticala cl Sale Oriented. Affsrdabte. 15 Yts. Exp.Enp. Contact Marias 847-90g-7119 a PLUMBING wood hoots, living and dining room For Appts. Cali 108-407-6135 that will enhIle Ihn purchaser Io a deed to the real esfole aller confit. lnsJttanded Eus. tints. Eleclric tad main litre & main sink OBO. Very Culel 708-646-7533 or 708-415-3506 laundry and basement, beautilu 1150 W Maple Ave 9am to 3pm 9am to 3pm Lots motion of the sole The property will NOT be upen for Inspection and 3l2-96-0089 773-625-2076 Handyman line, clean & deedorize catch basin landncupe, . Heut S water Inn. Soc Homes ploielilf makes no reprenenlalion as to the condition of rho properly. $140 campI. plumbing repair. CH1HUA14UA PUPPIES, Real Estate Auctions BUILDING REPAIR dep. Pelo 0k. 773-777-9325 Prospedlive bidders are admonished to check Ihn court lilo Io vesfy all . Computer Service License II 56156441 0-7 months old, ISt shots, vet ¿, Hinsdale ,.', 7:', Cook.County - Suburban Inlormation. II thin properly la a condominium unit, the purchaser of All Types Good Pricing. Males/Females, all colors. CHICAGO Harlem & NW Hwy. Spa- Real Estate Wanted Excellent Workrrtanshi clous 2 bedroom, Peto okuy. Oak Ike unit al the foreclosure sale, ollrer than a mortgagee, shall pay Ike COMPUTER PROLEMS7 708-780-1671 5200-$300. Cull 773-953-6206 137 S. Garfield 8am to 11am GLENCOE 3011, 2BA, newer kil assessments and the legal leen required by The Condominium Proper- Friendly, asp. prorl comes to Yuba Co. 708-5t6-380 -- floors, heal, NC, porking, storage, mASaS washer, walk to metra, great Real Estate Misc. CHIHUAHUA PUPS, 8 weeks old,train. $900. Cull 847-338-6983 lv Adt,7E5 ILCS E0519l,gltft and 191(41. II this property is a condomini- your door to help. J00 Byrd. Tiling LaGrange,,:.,,,. schuuls, big yard. pets 0k. 516011 i um unit which is part pl a cumman nlnreul community, the purchaser t7O8)834-435. www.bittr.biz Haùling shorn, dewomied.papers,very tot 8 lasI ma. 647-373-4141 Out-Of-Town Real Est. MR. GROUT 847-355.4155 cute, ready new. $300-$350. Chicago Narragansett and livio vI Ihe unil at Ike foreclosure noIe olher than a mortgagee shall po Park,btight und sunny apurImac, 432South 9th 8am to 3pm 8am to 4pm MATTESON Large 3br, 2bo, 0ut-Of-Town Commercial the ausenumeels rertulred by TIte Condominium Property Act 78 Concrete REPAIR CAULK 630-456'3503 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, hordwsod REDS FIAULtNG SERVICE BATHROOM REMODELS basement, lenced yard, aCachad ILCS 605/IB Omit-11. IP YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEÔWN- Complete Clean Out Semine COCKER SPANIEL Puppies ACA,fluors. living room, laundry availe- $25 702 Barnsdale 8am to 4pm narane. SI495lmonlh e security. Lakes, Resort Property ERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 TILE/MARBLE INSTALLS all protocols tollowed, black $300.bIn, $925 heat and waler included. DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION. IN AC- CONCRETE, ETC. Family owned tor over 50 years EUROPEAN CRAFTSMAN 708-774-5168 DrrvesPatioslops- at FIr 847-.409-4860 Chocolate & Chocolate/tan, $400.Security doponil. 773'777-5325 Mortgages, Loans COROANCE WITH SECTION 15.17011Cm OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- 18471 436-6597 Lv mug LaGiangePark Suburbs, RENT TO OWNI Buy 0413E FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, conloct Plainlilf's altor- Excavatisn-Rernssal Tree Service Chicago Nurragunselt undIrving Wilh No closing cesto und gal help Homeowners insurance Foundation Cracks nev: The Sale Clerk. COOILIS S ASSOCIATES, P.C. ,15W030 WWW.H0ARDERCLEANOUTS.COM GERMAN SHEPHERD PupstorPark, Lovely deluee 1 bedroom, 6:30pm to 8:30pm 9am to 3pm wilh your credit. Call 708-8e6-2422 Waterproofing 1150 Meadowcrest NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD. SUITE 100, BURR RIOGE. IL 00527. , MAJOR MESS TRASH aule with papers 2F 16 weeks oldHeal Included. Clone to esnrythisg. FOR4 or wail wow nhba corn Real Estate Seminars Storm Dralsa.e DIRT CHEAP (6301 794.957e belween Ihe honro nl I and 3 PM vniy and ask for Ihe CLEANOUTSI 25 '(RS. EXP. $400. 1M 10mo old $500. laundry on alte. $500 + security LakeForòst. sales depa,tmvnl . Please refer lu lilo number 14-09.22885. THE JU- 847376-O21 2 24-7 SVC 847-338-0588 TREE SERVICE Cermun Image. 708-267-2221 doprisit. Coil 773-777-9325 w E E KS Lake County Real Estate Services Tree Removal , Trimming, Stomp $75 OICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th CONCRETE WORK BY Instruction Removal, Insured Free estimates Misc. Pets Chicago.Pulmer & Lockwnucl, 494 Briar Ln 9am to 3pm 000RFIELD - 74 E. Greenbriar Judicial Sales Legal Flsnt Chicago, IL 00600.4650 1312) 23e-SALE Yes cas also visil The PELAGtO & SONS 847-465-1503/224-595-8262 Beaut, new decor, bd, din its, kiteS, Updaled 3 bedrOom, 2 balk, 2 car Judicial Salen Corpnralion at wnnw lisC.com fur a 7 doy ulalas report el ba altucked garage, split level, granite pending salesCODILIS S ASSOCIATES, P.0 lnW030 NORTH PatioGuragos . Sidewalks Arnencan Singers, enclosed back porch. 5775 + Lincoinshire,. '. Houston & AssoctateS OIlErS: Singingutilu. No pele. Dee 773.733-4535 counter lops. Available SII, 52250. FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE lOO BURR RIDGE. IL 60527 16301 784. Stamped S Colsrod Tuôkpointlng Canaries, Males $65, Females Houses All Types at Concrete Work unarrned/artnred security DES PLAINES1 OrIno $750; 208 Brampton Lane 8:30am to 4pm 8474Ot-a770 et 847-927-7008 9876 Alforeev File No :14-09-22685 ARDC# 00469002 Attorney $45. Colt 847-825-0358 Code 21702 Case e 09 CH 028481 NOTE: Pursuant lo Ike Fair Debt Bonded S tenured training & re-certiftcation, Stato 2 Bdrm $900, IncIdo treat, laun- CALL TODAY! Còok County - suburban 630-587-1212 i-773-282-2332 Duplex Collodion Practices Act yes are advined Ihut PIaieIill'u allomey Is of FL. concealed carry lic. cerI. Gratek Concreto - Tuckpolntlng dry S parking. Immediato Ocep. MòrtonGróve " $479000 4155 W. DAVIS ST- deemed Io be a debt colleclor altempting lo collect a debl and any in- - JOERN CONCRETE Call 773-933-5544 GRE prop 847-624-6970 Lake County SKOI

A 36 Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, ApriI 28, 2011 Thursday, April 28, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 37 Assumed Name Assumed Name Assumed Name JudicaI S&esRea Est.Juthcial SaIes-Aea Est.Judiciat Sales-Real Est,JUdciat Sales-Real Est. LEGAL ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME NotIce Is hereby gIven, pursuantNolise Is hereby given, pursuenlNoIlce la hereby given, pursuatsf SUJFALO GROVE LINCDLJ4 WOOD Io An Act In relalion to the uneIo An Ad In relnlion to the useIo An Act In rnlalion to the use N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION AdoptIon ol an Assumed Business Nameof an Assumed Buniness Nameof an Assumed Business Name DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY OMSION In Ihn conduct or trannaclion nlItt the conduct or transaction ofin the conducl or fransaction of CITIMORTOAGE, INC. BANKUNITED. ASSIGNEE OF THE FDIC, AS RECEIVER Assumed Name PIainIII, FOR BANKUNITEO, FSB. BusIness In IhnSlate,'usBusiness intheStaIe, asOuslness inlheSIalo, as Plalnlill, Auctlon' Real Estate amended,that a carlilicationamended,thaIacerlilicallonamended,thaI a cerlificofion 'ÈRE ERANDINE GARCIA FERNANDEZ A(K/A TERE GARCIA vs. was filad by Ihn undersIgnedwas liled by Ihe undersIgnedwas filed by the undersigned I'ERNANOEZ, el al ASHOOR l




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:: : ;:I:ì ;:::r 4 :\4 t ;t s 4 A t I I II fMr: i t\ji'i Detlefs & Biasco çc Engagement A . Paul and Katie Dedefs ofGlenvew Illinois are pleased to announce 1- ,\_ s : , \ . : P. the engagement of their daughter, Allison, to Pete Biasco, son of t , ; Cathy Biasco of Glenview, Illinois. s' '\ .. Congratulations on Your Engagement s S SIIl s Mn isa 2010 raduateofThe Universitrf 9a'ton. .She is an Eleana Lindsey and Dwvid Hin.rdalc Dwyer Totten Early Childhood teacher in Schaumburg, Illinois. Pete is a 2010 Engagement graduate of DePaul University. He is a Technical Recruiter for Mr. and Mrs. David Lindsey of Libertyvifle, Illinois are pleased TCChUSA in Chicago, Illinois. Both Allison and Pete attended to announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleana Theresa, Mr and Mrs Mike Dwyer of Park Rid e Illinois areleased to a * to David Michael Hiosdale, son ofMark and MaryHinsdaleof g Glenbrook South High School in Glenview. , announce theengagementoftheirdaughe;, Ellen, to RynTotten, ugusta,corgia. son ofMr. and Mrs. AlbertTotten ofClinton, Illinois. The brides attendants will include Courtney Detlefs, Anne Schmidt, Tricia Frank, Vanessa Loew, Carly Castro, Kelly Biasco, Eleana graduated Magna Cum Laude from Clemson University Ellen and Ryan are both graduates ofthe U. oflllinois, Champaign. and Meg Danis. The groom's party will include David Biasco, Joe and received a fidi scholarship to Loyola University Chicago Ellen earned her masters in Medical Genetics from the UVT Biasco, Blake Buzard, Matthew Mesad, Anthony Stefani, Tony School ofLaw. She will graduate in May 2011 as ajuris Doctor. Madison and is employed as a genetic counselor at Christ Advocate Repp, and Scott Detlefs. David spent 6 years in the Marine Corps including a year in Iraq. Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL. Ryan is a PhD candidate in Chemistxy Aiflson and Pete will be married on July 30, 2011 at Our Lady of He is currently attending De Paul University completing his at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. Perpetual Help Church in Glenview, Illinois. The couple will reside degree in Accounting. The wedding is planned forJuly, 2011. in Chicago, Illinois. The wedding is planned for October 2011. PIONEEJi PiEssBrings You Todayts Exclusive Deal Atwants Centre Club. nnouncing your special family events One Month Gym Membership

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http: //www ;wàñtsadeaLcom Se(Aeee Se;vtei ?e'eG(!94. RileyRicciardi Engagement Your place for great local deals! Jay and Deirdre Riley of Park Ridge are pleased to announce the www.pioneeriocai.com engagement of their daughter, Siobhan, to Nicholas Ricciardi, son For more information, contact: ofEugene and Patricia Ricciardi of Northbrook. Jo,in WantsaDea I coni today to ceiv.ejÓ,i,r: Siobhan ¡s a 2002 graduate of Maine South High School and a 630-978-8579 or 2007 graduate of Illinois State University where she received her Marketing degree. She is currently working in Sales and Marketing [email protected] ally deals email alertl for a healthcare facility Nicholas graduated from Glenbrook North High School in 2003 and graduated Illinois State University in 2007. There, he earned PIoERPmss his degree in Business Administration and now currently works as YOUR LOCAL SOURCE an Account Manager for a finance company The two will marry on October 15, 2011 at St. Paul of the Cross tetñn inParkRidge. 24 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATIONNIL NILTHURSDAY, APRIL 28, ZOi www.pioneerlocal.com news 25

I 309-9794. Maine Township Trustee am-noon May i at the Skokie Holiday Calendar Laura Moask is chairman of the Fash- Inn, 5300 W. Touhy Ave., Shokie. Fea- ion Show event. tured speaker will be Dina Roth Port, SportChps(HAIRCUTS) Continued from PAGE 18 The Midwest Children's Brain Tu- author of "Previvors." Health special- mor Center at Advocate Lutheran ists and other experts will discuss ge- EARLY BIRD Geñeral Children's Hospital is hosting netic cancers and their effect on (am- grams to enhance an individual's the second annual "focs vs. Jocks" lies and the community. Registration SPECIAL eigh work, social, and daily living shills. For hockey fundraiser from 610 p.m. April and continental breakfast from 9-9:30 information on donations or to volun- 29 at the North Shore Ice Arena in RECOVERING am. Dietary laws observed. Sponsors 'yjj5T5 tear, contact Michael Frustini, (713) Northbrook. The night will include an include Hadassab Chicago Chapter, 631-6230. indoor tailgating party as well as a Jewish Healing Network of Chicago, 5pgjirrs tiNT'ÇJT?TMENTS Fundraisers silent auction, Attendees can vote for Jewish Genetic Disorders, Bright Link opEN E1 the hottest docs and jocks on ice and and Force Empowered, For informa- s'o The entire family is invited to lace participate in the chuck-a-puck con- tien or reservations, call the Hadas- Park Ridge Men's or Boys' up their shoes and help raise funds test. All proceeds will benefit the fam- 'I knew for sah Chicago Chapter office at (847) 35 S. Northwest Highway afact I wasn't going to die' for children lighting brain tumors at ily and support services of the Mid- 675-6790 or go to www.jewishgenet- Haircut the annual Annie Ryan Run to be held Between Panera Bread 6 Five Guys "The accident cause will be list- memory loss when he regainedhis sister said. The Maine East west Children's Brain Tumor center at ics.org. Monday-Thursday 9AM-2PM Boy looks back ori May 15 in Elmhurst. In addition to the Advocate Lutheran General Children's The Leukemia Research Founda- 847.292.LlOI3O ed as inconclusive," Police Cmdr. consciousness. High School sophomore also hopes 5K race,.a special "Kids Running For HnsR,g,Ha(,cuPr,ce. (x,soysoxxunde,>Rwnaç(tpce:s(s Hospital. Tickets may be purchased at tion, in cooperation with Loyola tini- May ,adedor,o(d.Not valid with to return to school soon, even if it HaircutMenParkRidgelL.com anyotherott,r.VaIidonlywithcouatParkRideIooatlon. Lou Jogmen said. "This is one of "He wouldn't remember the Kids" 1-mile course also will be on the www.advocatehealth.com/docsjocks or versity Health System and the Nation- car accident that EXPIRES 5/26/Il MEN: 2130BOYS: 213 the very few crashes where we're days before, when me and him had is only for two days a week. He is agenda to benefit the Midwest Chil by contacting Grace O'connor at (847) al Marrow Oonor Program hosts a lacking concrete evidence." full-length conversations andbuoyed by the outpouring of love dren's Brain Tumor Center of Advo- 723-5)83. Tickets are $50 for adults, free conference from 7:30 aro. to nearly killed him cate Lutheran General Children's Hes- The Police Department is await- laughs in his hospital bed," Smithhe says he has received from fam- S35 (dr children ages 5-21; kids 5 and 12:45 p.m. May T for leukemia, lym- pitat. Activities include face-painting, ing toxicology tests on the driversaid. ily, friends and even people he has under are free, The price of tickets in- phoma, myelodysplastic syndromes raffle prizes and ice cream. Pre-regis- dudes admission to the game as well (MDS) patients and caregivers. This By JENNIFER JOHNSON "I'm still having trouble with my never met who have signed cards, but at the time of the accident tration events will take place noon-4 as the indoor tailgating party with educational program designed (or jjohnsonpioneerocaI.com there was no indication she wasbrain and I'm still getting reallysent him get-well messages via his p-m. May 7 at Knights of , beef, brats, beer and wine. blood cancer patients and their fami- intoxicated, Jogmen said. No tick- tired easily," DeFilippis acknowl- Facebook page and even held vigil 537 S. York St. and May 9 to 13 at The The Catholic Women's Club of Our lies will be held at the Crowne Plata Daniel DeFilippis has no mem- cts have been issued and a corn- edged. "I'm still having a hard timefor him in the hospital. Runner's Soul Athletics, 124 N. York St., Lady of Ransom Parish will hold its Hotel and Conference Center, 5540 N. engaging in conversation with peo- "From what my parents told me, both Elmhurst, during normal busi- annual dinner fashion show, "Wing in- River Road, Rosernont. Parking, a con- ory of the accident that nearly plete report ofthe Major Crash ness hours. The 51(13.1 mile run will took his life, but he is aware of one Unit's investigation had not yetpIe. I know what to say but I can'twhen I was ìñ the hospital ICU, 20 to Fashion," on April 30 at the Park tinental breakfast and lunch are pro- begin at York Road and South Street Ridge Country Club, 636 N. Prospect vided, A Be the Match marrow reg- important thing: March 17, 2011, been released this week. say it." to 30 kids were in the waiting and proceed along a course that in. Ave. Social hour with cash bar will be- istry drive will also be held on site. wasn't meant to be his last day. According to DeFilippis' sister, Even the shoes he was wearingroom," DeFilippis said. dudes a portion of the Illinois Prairie gin at 11:30 am., lunch is at noon, and For updated information, agenda, and "They say before you die your Ashley , police told the fam-that day, which sit in a box con- He also credits the emergency Path. The race begins promptly at 9 the fashion show at 1. Fashions will be reservations, visit www.leukemia-re- life flashes before your eyes," the uy that the impact caused DeFil-taming the clothing emergencyresponders for getting to the scene am. Entry fee is $25 for pre-regis- provided by Coldwator Creek and search.org/treatmentoptions or call tered participants or $30 on race day. Chico's. The event will include a box (847) 424-0600. Register by April 30, Park Ridge teenager said. "That ippis' head to hit the windshieldresponders cut in order to treatas quickly as they did. The "Kids Running for Kids" onernile him at the scene, look unfamiliar, raffle at a cost of $20 per box, with to reserve a seat. didn't happen t6ie, so I knew for of the car before he fell to the "l'mjust thankful for so much dash is for children in grades i prizes from $5 to $4,000. Tickets are Pediatric developmental screenIngs a fact I wasn't going to die." Daniel DeFiIipps, before the March 17 car street and was dragged for aboutDeFilippis said. In the days fol- right now," DeFilippis said. through B. lt will begin at 9:45 am. at $40 per person. Call the Ministry Cen- offered at no cost. LYNX Therapeutics, York Road and South Street. Registra- DeFilippis, who recently turned accident that left him with a head injury. 10 feet. When paramedics trams-lowing the accident DeFilippis Smith hopes her brother's storyI ter at (847) 8232550. 9436 Ozark Ave., Morton Grove, pro- tion fee is S12. Check-in for both races 16, was struck by a car at 7:30 p.m. Now on the mend, DeFilippis says he is ported him to Advocate Luther- found himselfunable to write, usecauses drivers and pedestrians Like New Auto Spa, Inc., 1050 vides specialized occupational thera- will take place from 7-8:45 am. at the Busse Highway, Park Ridge, has intro- py services and learning instruction March 17 while crossing North- thankful to family, friends and even ari General Hospital in Park Ridge,a fork or even walk on his own. slow down and be more aware of registration tent. The run was estab- duced a special fund-raising program programs to children with physical. west Highway at Western Avenue. strangers for their outpouring of support. DeFilippis was in critical condi- "I didn't remember how to dothe dangers roadways can pose. lished by the family of former Illinois that benefits Advocate Lutheran Gen- social, emotional, and learning diffi-. SUGAHIVER AUCTIONS PRESENTS According to Park Ridge police I Photo courtesy of Ash'ey Smith tion. simple math problems; I could "It seems that nowadays every- Attorney General Jim Ryan and his eral Hospital/Advocate Lutheran Gen- culties. Contact: Ingrid Kenron at The accident left DeFilippis withbarely remember how to spell," wile, Marie, in honor of their daugh- "COLLECTIELESFOR MCM the circumstances leading up to one is in a rush to do everything eral Children's Hospital. Anyone who (847) 791-1631 or (847) 966-1505. COIN SHOW ANO 040 AUCTiON". ter, Annie Marie Ryan, who passed the accident remahi a mystery due pis says he doesn't remember thebrain swelling, a broken nose and he recalled. "It was bad. But now and no one takes the time to stop, visits Like New to have their car A local dialysis clinic, Fresenius - 2xwo3x COMMEnC!AL AVE, UNITi away at age 12 from a brain tumor. LAKE BARRINGTON, IL' to lack of independent witness-accident. The last thing he recalls a brokencheekbone, Smith said. it's coming back." look around and appreciate what washed or detailed, or buys a gift Medical Care Nues, 9371 N. Milwaukee Call (847) 723.5183 or go to www.an- CENTRALSTATES Frtday Apr)) 29th. AuctINn at 6 PM es or evidence pinpointing theof that day was going to school inHe spent time in intensive care Doctors expect DeFilippis towe have flying around us," she card from the company - and also Ave., has started a new night-time with Preview Stadlag at 5 PM. nierun.com to register online. asks for the Lutheran General dis- program for dialysis patients. The new Prov)wtr Bid Online at exact location ofimpact.DeFilip-the morning. and reportedly struggled with make nearly a complete recovery, said. ,tdiiix,3'HnIts Decalogue Lodge No. 160 Skokie, count - will receive a price cut (or service allows patients to receive Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of I ,j FEATURED ITEMS'. the service, with a portion of the pro- treatments in the clinic at night, for NUMISMATIC SOCIETY CoinCoI(ectioninc(udìng Libnity ))a(ves, VNickelo, Illinois, are hosting their annual Pan- ceeds going specifically to benefit the eight hours, while sleeping or resting, Morgann, Peace, Nickels, Commets, Fiunnea, Pez cake Breakfast lundraiser at the Skok- Collechon, 5ilver Jewein, silver Cominentoralres, HAITI RELIEF Older Adult Services program of the usually three times a week. In addi- Costume Jewelry, Glasswae, DesMidCenlu DONALD E.STEPHENS 11TRi&j$ ie Masonic Temple, 5405 Lincoln Ave., hospital. Call PiMee Madden, Lutheran tien to having their days free (or oth' Modern 5tereos, Mothers xay (ems, xresaes, , RIM[.FAAMLANU' Cordey-Cybis Pocelin, House o) Daaid Ad Deco, from 9 a.nì.-noon April 30. Cost is $5. General Development Office, (847) er activities, patients olten report CONVEN11ON CENTER Snow Babies, Chustopher Radco China and Mate All are welcome. E-mail sqfmasonya- 723-8518; Steve Radakovic at Like New having more energy and better dialy- Estate Items. check Online For Photos, 5555 NORTH RIVER ROAD Auto Spa, (B47) 823-9274; or visit sis results. Medicare-certified Frese- letms: Cah Cheok wIth ID, Mattr Card, V)a, Haiti native, Xew Trier employee putsonbenefit concert A High Tea and Fashion Show will 13 Batees Peem)um at the Auction. lß% entine. www.likenewautospa.com. The nies Medical Care Niles is now accept- ROSEMONT, IL IiiiiIljiII II Mii,Siij,l be held from 1-4 p.m. April 30 at Casa fundraising program is featured on By PAT KROCHMAL "As ofright now, we stillto go far when so much isare rebuilding schools and ing new,dialysis patients. Call (847) ,uhhiltI80 HALDERMAN IL LIC 1441x000899 - WI LIC #2337-052 shortly after I arrived, got Royale, 783 Lee St., Des Plaines. The IN LIC 1000(39 the home page with a link to a more 581-0334. ce9 , REAL ESTATEk pkrochmaKpioneerIoca.com have 1.2 million living under needed. We also need to es-libraries, and are doing a a summer job and bought a event is hosted by the Maine Town- Thurs. April 28, 2 PM - 7 PM 'Sensible Solutions lar Lilo's Traaoilions detailed flyer containing the discount Senior Advocate of Advocate Luther- SERVICES flUE'JI lU1 AêpUha EsIatès&Ce)léctionsfoiÄuctìon,ESIaIO tents in very deplorable con- ship Republican Women's Club, and I t SQOÂZ413fl tablish that the money willlot of other projects there$36 guitar from Sears ... I and donation matrix. This offer is not an General Hospital offers free blood- Fri. April 29, 1 0 AM - 7 PM - Carlo Felix, a one-of-a-kind ditions. So my intent is togo to orphanages or to proceeds from the raffles will benelit valid with an outside wash only, or pressure screenings 10 am-noon on as a district, so we would learned that music is one of Sat. April 30, 10 AM - 5 PM New Trier employee and help the kids without fami-church groups who arelike to send funds for all ofthe universal languages the Maine Township Food Pantry. Tick- any other promotion/program. the first Wednesday of every month ets are $30 in advance or $50 at the at the hospital's Patient Resource Nues resident, is using his lies and without hope,be- doing things there -peo- those fronts," he added. that we possess as people Health cause ultimately, they will door. Amy DeGrazia, owner of New Center, 8820 W. Denìpster St., Nues To advértîse here, singing talent toraise pie who are doing things Felix left Haiti in 1967- and one of my favorite Prospects Boutique in Park Ridge, 250 Booths . money for people inearth- be the ones that are looked outside of the government A tree Hip & Knee Replacement (across from the hospital), No ap- when he was 14 years old. things in the world," he will provide the spring and summer seminar, sponsored by Illinois Bone quake-stricken Haiti. after last," he added. - and working directly toFirst, he and his sister, Jo- pointment is necessary. Call (847) added. fashions for women and children. Ad- and Joint & Alden Des Plaines Reha- 723-7271. Gold and Silver Coins He organized a benefit Felix said he hoped tohelp the little people," Felixcelyn Felix, settledin Felix and his musical ditional sponsors include My Two Sis- bilitation & Health Care Center, will be call concert that took place April raise between $20,000 andsaid. Evanston with their moth-group, called The Crasy ter's Boutique, Michael Vaughan Hair given from 6:30-9 p.m. Apiil 27 at Library Rare Currency 9 in which he performed, as $25,000 for the cause. He added that there are Designs, and Pesches Flowers, all Alden Des Plaines, 1221 E. Golf Road, Hiles Public Library, 6960 W. Oakton United States and Foreign Cario FeUx, a New Trier emp'oyee, er, Elisa, and stepfatherBunch, presented mostly No matter what amount istwo groups there now who ' Laude. longtime local businesses. Men's casu- Des Plaines. The program is geared St., (847) 663-1234 or online at did the school's concert sings to raise money for Haitians Wilner Thejazs and ballads, such as Coin and Currency Auctions choir and pep band. raised, it will be a help, buthave been doing "fantasticteenagers graduated fromSinatra standards. al wear and lightweight suits will also for anyone considering hip and/or www.nileslibrary.org. Registration is stifl suffering from the effects of be featured. All fashions will be mod- knee replacement surgery and inter- required for most programs unless in- 630978-8229 it is even more important to work" for about 13 years. "I was born in Haiti, and earthquakes there. j Courtesy of Evanston Township High "I want the people who oled by elected township officials, ested in learning more about proce- dicated otherwise, 9 establish a support system Free Admission last year I lost eight family Carlo Feflx "I would like to give theSchool. come to take home with Cook County commissioners, Republi- dures and options. Refreshments will The Thursday After-School Club (or members in the earthquake. that will provide aid for the money we raise to them, so Then, the family movedthem that this was a good can Women's Club members and ether be served. Call (847) 294-0644 or see kindergartners through third-graders Public Invited to speak with a sales While we were fortunate tohundreds of thousands -next five to six years, Felix the money is sitting thereto Glencoe for larger quar- concert, but also to take special dignitaries. Raffles including a www.aldendesplaines,com. will meet from 3:45-4:45 p.m. April 28. have found them and buriedwho had no one to claimsaid. for them when they actual-ters, since siblings Jude, home with them the people 50-50 and the opportunity to win "Positive Results - Choices and Stop in for an afterschool snack, a commemorative centerpieces will also www.centralstates.info them, as well as to say ourthem," said Felb, who han- "People have to under-ly need it," Felix said. Lisa and Cindy Laude, now ofHaiti in their hearts and Challenges for Jewish Families," a representative stand that one or two quick "New Trier also has workadults, followed. be part of the afternoon. To purchase health symposium which focuses on last good-byes, there weredIes the school's mainte- minds," he said before the tickets, call Jan Provenzano at (847) hereditary cancer, will be held from 9 tens ofthousands - if notnance. contributions aren't goingthey are doing there. They "I started played musicevent. Calendar, PAGE 27 NIL THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011 26 food www.pioneerlocaicom A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION ' NIL www.pioneerocaLcom news27 a Winter Prosciutto and up a reading log to win prizes from Spring" Expo 2011. This interactive dis- door league Tuesday mornings. Feld- Thursdays). Ail classes are at Dee gram allows children the opportunity Aruqu$a Flatbread the Chicago Wolves, Chicago Bears or play allows parents to step inside a man. Park. to attend camp when they may not Calendar have the resources to do so on their 1/2 batch No-Knead Clover Honey Northwestern University. typical teen's bedroom and learn The Painting Studio classes for Tae Kwon Do - Popular martial arts Youth programs on a drop-in basis - what may beoverlooked - potential adults: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays, Thurs- classes for children (ages 7-15) and own. The kiosk will also house the Dough (see below) Continued from PAGE 25 Babytinie. 11a.m. Mondays, for babies signs of drug or alcohol use, hidden days and 71:30 p.m. Wednesdays. adults offered Mondays, Wednesdays Lights for Learning teacher tool kits, Heartland: The Cookbook 2 T. olive oil age Z and under. Continuous year- in plain sight. This exhibit is free and Feldman. and Saturdays all year round. designed for educators and organiza- by Judith Fertig 8 slices prosciutto chance to chat and then listen to round drop-in program for children recommended especially for parents Tiny Tots Open Gym - Parents may Youth Soccer Leagues for children tion leaders, to provide informational z cups arugula some stories and create your own art with an adult. Includes stories, songs, and grandparents of middle school drop in and supervise their 1-5 year- ages 4 to sixth grade are under way. materials on the overall Lights for 8 oz. goat cheese, crumbled project. lingerplays and extended playtime al- and high school students. old any Wednesday or Thursday from Games are played at Prairie Lakes in Learning Program. ENERGY STAR Ac- The International Film Series wìIl terward. Rise & Shine Storvtirne:10 911:30 am. for a variety of gym Des Plaines. Practices at Dee Park. tivity Books for children, as well as Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Parks include a screening of 'The Band's aro. Thursdays, ages 2-6 wìth caregiv- games at Dee Park. Various roomsfqyms are available ENERGY STAR home energy-conserva- F. Place about 2 cups of hot water Visit" (P0-13) at 2 p.m. April 28 (in er; enjoy stories, songs and more. Maine-NHes Association of Special Over-the-Rainbow - Children ages for rental for parties, meetings or on- tion and electronics information, will in a broiler pan on the lower rack. Arabic and Hebrew with English subti- Recreation offers people with physical 3-5 learn colors, read stories, sing going activities. Call (847) 297-3059. also be available, A recycling bin foL ; Une a baking sheet with parch- ties). This is the story of an Egyptian Maine Township and mental challenges, behavior and songs and more in this eight-week The Golf Maine Park District offers a used CFLs will also be available. CFL5 foo ment paper. orchestra that arrives in Israel for a Maine Township's annual Senior Ex- learning disorders, hearing and visual class on Fridays (starting Aprii 1). Dee selection of ENERGY STAR qualified may be purchased at Feldman Park, Cookbook ce1ebras heartland. -r m ' performance only to find themselves po will offer new demonstrations, impairments and emotional disabili- Park. compact fluorescent light bulbs for 8800 Kathy Lane, Niles, 8:30 am.- With wet hands, pat the dough By TOM WITOM in the wrong town, where they spend 10:30 p.m. Cali (847) 297-3000. into a 16- by 10-inch oval on the along with classic entertainment, in- ties an opportunity to enjoy a variety Preschool - There are still spots sale to the public from a Lights for Contributor the night interacting with the locals. formational booths and free health of recreation activities. MNASR serves available for second-semester píe- Learning kiosk. Proceeds from the The Golf Maine Park District offers prepared baking sheet. Brush the "Pan Tadeuz: The Last Foray in Lithua- screenings. "Swing into Spring" will Oes Plaines, Golf-Maine, Lincoinwood, school (for 4-year-olds). Offered are sale of every bulb will directly fund ólive oil over the flatbread. nia (1999) (R), directed by Andrzej Wa- take place from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April Morton Grove, Nues, Park Ridge and morning (5 days per week) and after- the scholarship program sponsored Midwest may not CalendariPAGE 29 have as many farms as Bake for 20 to 22 minutes, or until jda, will be shown at I p.m. April 30. 29. The MaineStreamers and Golf Mill Skokie. To receive a seasonal noon classes (Mondays through by the district. The scholarship pro- risen, browned and firm to the This masterpiece represents two Shopping Center are again joining brochure, or to offer support for peo- it once did, but the ter- touch. Let cool on the baking worlds: poetry and film. lreneusz Raci- forces for the annual event and ex- pie with special needs by volunteer- ritory from Kansas to borski, historian and film expert, will sheet. hibit spaces, available on a first-come, ing, call (847) 966-5521 Ohio and Wisconsin to introduce the Polish language film first-served basis, are selling fast. To Hiles Quality, Value & Service (n An Lanuae The . Arrange the prosciutto and aru- (with English subtitles) and lead a dis- reserve a booth, contact the Expo Of- Registration Is under way for Nues Missouri is still considered the gula on top of the flatbread, then Breadbasket of America. cussion in Polish and English. fice at (847) 698-5069. Jerry and Es- Park District Tee Ball, for girls and top with the goat cheese. To serve, The Wies Public Library is celebrat- In the newly published Heartland: tella Hayes, at home winners of the boys, ages 4 to 5 years. Tee Bali is an cut into slices. ing the i5th anniversary of El Ofa de TV reality show "Biggest Loser" Sea- excellent introduction to baseball fun- The Cookbook (Andrews MeMeel, los NiñoslEl Ofa de loLibros (Cliii- damentals and team play. Team shirts Produce WOrld son 7 will share their story at "Swing $35),food writer Judith Fertig eel- No-Knead Clover dren's Day/Book Day) from 2-3 p.m. into Spring. The day begins at 9 aro. and Major League replica hats are INTERNATIONAL MARKET . DELI . BAKERY MEATS SEAFOOD ebratesthe region's bounty and ree- May i in the Library's large meeting with Early Bird Bingo hosted by Liber- provided. Season play runs Saturdays, - . ? Honey Dough* room. Local storyteller Jasmin Carde- April 30-June 25. Registration fees are ognizes its hardworking, ethnically ty Bank for Savings. Bingo will be held PRODUCE (Full batch serves 24-32) nas will enrich the celebration with until lO am. in the Community Room. residents, Sil; nonresidents, $88. Call diverse population. GOLDEN EXOTIC "The Heartland holds us, comforts 6 1/2 cups bread flour, plus more stories and music in Spanish and Eng- Admission is free. Prizes will be (847) 967-1529. Registration is taken ZUCCHINI H EAD JUMBO RED FUJI APPLES for dusting lish. Children ages 3 to 10 are invited awarded. New this year, Sylvester at the Howard Leisure Center, 6676 W. L Eli U C E PINEAPPLES MANGOES us, makes us stand up straight. Even with their parentslcaregivers. Also, ONIONS 2 tablespoons instant or bread Marshall, Tai Chi Instructor, will Howard St. ifwe leave, it still claims a place in children can enjoy a piaata and demonstrate the art of Tai Chi at 11 New 3's Preschool - This class of- machine yeast 5oo our hearts," Fertig, a proud Mid- treats. El Dia de los Nulos/El Día de a.m. in Center court. Tal Chi is a cen- fered at Nues Park District is for chu- 1oo westerner, i 1/2 tablespoons fine kosher os Libros emphasizes the importance tunes-old Chinese exercise focusing dren who turned 3 after Sept. 1, 2010, 39. 59. 2 for ea. box 12 cf writes in salt of advocating literacy for children of on gentle, slow flowing movements missing the deadline for the regular the book's I cup clover or other amber all linguistic and cultural back- that integrate inner-strength with 3-year-old preschool. Children will ex- MEAT grounds. Children's Day was designat- perience their first classroom experi- honey meditation and breathing techniques. USDA CHOICE GRADE 'A' FRESH USDA CHOICE BONELESS introdue- ed as a day to bring attention to the Tal Chi can tone muscles, improve ence. Classes are held Wednesdays I4 cup vegetable or canola oil SKIRT STEAK WHOLE CHICKEP BONELESS PORK ROAST SIRLOIN STEAK tion. She importance and well-being of cul- flexibility and balance, and nurture and Fridays from 12:30-2 p.m. at talks about 2 large eggs dren. Registration is required by call- physical, emotional and mental well- Howard Leisure Center. Session runs .-.. .' $ , Warm water (about 100 degrees ing (847) 663-6622 or online at FOOD FOR our love af- being. In a return engagement, the to May 20. Call (847) 967-6633. 22 fair with F) www.nileslibrary.org/calendar. vocal trio, Legacy Girls, will entertain Hiles Park District is offering pri- Reading Challenge - Sixth- to with their popular Andrews Sisters vate piano lessons (30-45 minutes) Spoon the flour into a measuring 9E. THOUGHT food, from cup, level with a knife or your fin- eighth-graders who are up for a chal- musical revue show, "America's for beginning and intermediate stu- DEU I o C ally longe and like to read can get toqeth- I, & TABLE ger, then dump the flour into a Wartime Sweethearts." Authentic dents Wednesdays and Thursdays at PR ES U CE D BRENNAM SARA LEE SARA LEE OVEN . madearti- er a team of 2-6 people, find an adult 94Os costumes, three-part harmonies Howard Leisure Center, 6676 W. 16-cup mixing bowl. AMERICAN HONEY HAM CORN BEEF ROASTED TURKEY sanal sponsor, and call (847) 663-6623 or and synchronized dance moves, and Howard St. Lessons will focus on the CHEESE cheese and farm-raised meat tofor- Add the yeast and salt to the flour. drop by the Youth Services Depart- their comedic flair help to focus the fundamentals of technique, music aged wild greens and hand-crafted Stir together with a wooden spoon ment to register: Then get reading audience on the significance of World theory and good practice habits. Call or a Danish dough whisk. Mix the from the library list of 30 hand-picked War Il veterans and their essential (8.47) 967-6633 to reserve a lesson . microbrew. books. Sixtkgraders who participated time. Included along with stunning food honey, oil and eggs together in a part in the history of the country. Call in Battle of the Books may also regis- MaineStreamers at (847) 297-2510 or Golf Maine 4-cup measuring cup. Add enough and scenic photography on nearly ter. Teams compete in April and May visit the www.mainetownship.com. Visit one of the ColfMsine Park Ois- DAIRY every page are150recipes covering warm water to reach the 4-cup for the Reading Challenge Champi- Maine Township's FISH (Friends In- trict offices, Feldman Recreation Cen- BORDEN 2% DEANS HALF DEAN'S SOUR FILO FACTORY breakfast foods, dinner courses and mark and stir together. Pour the onship. Champions will be taken to deed Serve and Help) is in need of ter, 8800 Kathy Lone (one block SKIM MILK 8c HALF CREAM DOUGH desserts as well as a chapter on . honey mixture into the flour mix- lunch in a limousine. volunteer drivers to provide residents south of Golf Road on Western Av- bread-making and a ready reference ture, stir to combine, then beat Weekly, counse(ors frani the Chica- free transportation to medical facili- enue), ¡Viles; or Dee Pdrk, at the cor- t300 3OO go Chapter of SCORE, the Service ties in and near Maine Township. Vol- ner of Dee and Emerson Roads, Des for 40 strokes, scraping the bot- ea to online resources for the likes of Corps of Retired Executìves, will be at Plaines,' or call (847) 297-3000; ea. gal. F pint2 for ea. pint 2 for ea. I Ib. tom and the sides of the bowl, unteers may choose how much time heritage game, fresh lake trout and the Library to help small business www.gmpd.org. they wish to devote. Requirements in- GROCERY premium flour. Dinkeib Bakery and until the dough forms a lumpy, owners and anyone considering start- dude a current drivers license and Summer Camp -Sign up now for PERFECT FRESH FROZEN ASSORTED Dl KRAKUS POLISH Goose Island Brewing Co., two Chi- sticky mass. ing a small business. SCORE coun- proof of auto insurance. The program summer camp which runs from June PANE TURANO DILL PICKLES cago institutions, are among those Cover with plastic wrap and let selors are successful executives and requires residents in need be mobile, 13-Aug. 5, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Mondays PASTA CHEESE TORTELLINI NICOLA PASTA listed. rise at room temperature (72 de- business owners who can help with a or be able to use a cane or walker. through Fridays. Field trips included. grees F) for two hours, or until the wide variety of business issues. These FISH also asks that appointments be Dee Park. 00 While Fertig cites our deep-rooted experienced businesspeople offer pri- set three or more days in advance. To Community Garage Sale - 9 a.m.-4 dough has risen to about Z inches ea. 2 lb. 2 for ea. I Ib. ea. I lb. I ea. 30 Dz. culinary traditions ofthe past, she p.m. May 14 at Dee Park; reserve a 10- 9c vate one-hour sessionsol business become a volunteer driver call Ed also recognizes busy 21st century below the rim of the bowl and has coaching. SCORE is a nonprofit associ- Oken, (847) 696-0761. To schedule a foot by 10-foot spot. GOLD MEDAL ALLLOWELL SAUERKRAUT RICELAND PREMOLI MEDITERRANEAN : lifest1es. Her recipes arestraight- a spongelike appearance. ation of volunteers. Weekly sessions ride or for information call FISH coor- Ballet & Tap - Ages 3 years to adult. PURPOSE FLOUR OR PLUM COMPOTE RICE BLEND OIL forward and keep pn eye òn shorter Use that day or place the dough, are held on alternating Tuesday dinator Gloria Stepek, (847) 297-2510, Ongoing classes year round. Dee and prep times and simpler cooking covered with plastic, in the refrig evenings or Wednesday mornings. Ext. 283, Feldman Parks. 00 99 $700 Sessions are free but an appointment 4th-6th Grade Youth Floor Hockey methods than those of yesteryear. Four seasonal variations on flatbreads erator for up to three days before 2 for ea. 5 lb. Iea. 900g. oa.5 lb.2 for ea. 33 oz. ' is required. To set up an appointment Parenting League - Fridays and Sundays start- ap- baking. If you like, write the date Flatbreads, long a staple as an online, visit the counseling page at The Maine Community Youth Assis- ing in April. Feldman. A A sciutto and arugula. But in truthFertig's No-Knead Clover Honey only need what's required for a sin- on the plastic wrap so you know . e. petizer or main dish, havç recently www.scorechicago.org/. If there are tance Foundation Coalition is sponsor- Youth Baseball - Leagues available A gle lO-by-l6-inch flatbread, remem- A A ¿s - I ¡ become trendy fare. Fertig serves they all make good eating any time Dough. Plan on allowing at least two the bake-by date for your dough. questions, call (312) 353-7724 or e-mail ing the "Stay Out of My Rooml" for participants ages 715. Register ber to reduce the proportion of in- now. Dee Park, - hours rising time for the dough, *Note: This is for a full recipe. The [email protected]. hands-on exhibit from 10 am. to 2 - UJ four "seasonal" varieties - tìngy of year. i i s. s e .- s : : i which also works when baking chal-gredients (including water) as ap- Sports Readnq Clubs - Stop by the p.m. April 29 at Golf Mill Mall in Niles 3rd Shift Indoor Adult Soccer radish rye, heirloom tomato-basil, The prosciutto- and arugula- tlatbread recipe calls for using A A : . J I Youth Services Department and pick in conjunction with the "Swing into League - Join this early morning in- . A A sausage and cheese and winterpro- toppedversion uses a half-batch oflab, coffee cakes and rolls. If youpropriate. half of this dough. O III.. I*fllTfll JÇ1;fl .flflfl flIflflfllfl 4 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . NIL www.pioneerocaLcom news 29

and live auctions, a program book, dress to receive updates and ongoing food, and lots of fun. The cost is $36 information on classmates and raie- Calendar per ticket. Call the temple at (847) vant information. 6761566. The 1966 Class of Ridgewood High . Continued from PAGE 27 Messiah Lutheran Church, 1605 Ver- School is planning a reunion and non Ave,, Park Ridge, holds a Christ- looking for graduates, Anyone with in- the community an opportunity to re- ian-education hour at 9 am. each formation concerning alumni is asked cycle paper products, A recognizable Sunday, with worship service at 10:15 to e-mail haydeljuwcomcast.net or 28ScNIL .THURSDAY. APRIL 28, 20H greenîn&yelfow container supplied am. During the hour, Sunday school is call (217) 352-7254. oois by Abitibi Bowater was dropped off in in church parsonage; children from st_ John Breheuf is looking for all the Feldman Park lot, 8800 Kathy preschool-sixth grade welcome. Child- St. John Brebeuf School alumni. Alum- Lane, near the corner of Western Av- care services are available during ni should contact Líbby Ryder, (847) . MAINE EAST enue and Kathy Lane. Products that worship. Call (847) 823-6984. 966-3266, or e-mail lryder@sjb- can be recycled in this container in- st. John Brebeut Adoration Chapel school.org, and submit their name, dude: newspapers, magazines, office in the Parish Ministry Center, 8307 N. year graduated, address, phone num- paper (fax and copy), shopping cata- Harlem Ave., is open 24 hours a day, ber, maiden name (if applicable) and PIoERPmss- logs, mail and envelopes, catalogs, seven days a week, for spiritual devo- e-mail address, and may share a story folders, colored paper and shredded tian, prayers and meditation. Call or tell how St. John Brebeuf made an Spacingou paper (bagged); no cardboard or (847) 966-8145. impact on their life. phone books. All money raised will Ezra-Habonbn, the Niles Township Your ad will appear in Rummage Sales fund the scholarship program, allow- Jewish Congregation, 4500 Dempster print & online! ing children to attend summer camp St., Skokie, offers Introduction to Ju- The Nibs Senior Center, 999 Civic *IflteraCtiVe Online Map Inctuded and other programs. Call (847) 297- daisrn and beginning adult Hebrew Center Drive, is hold its annual Rum- 3000 or go to classes on Sundays and monthly 'i'id- mage Sale from 9 am-I p.m. April 30, at panetar www.paperretriever.com/. dish. Members and nonmembers are open to the public. The event will in- welcome. Call (847) 675-4141, or go to dude more than 45 vendors, 50150 Religion www.ehnt.org. Raffle and the famous $2 Hot Dog Holy Ilinity Episcopal Church, 8201 Lunch. All proceeds from the raffle N. Karlov Ave., Skokie, will host its Reunions and lunch goes to the Hiles Food FREE GARAGE SALE Bring a Fiend to Church and Brunch. Uss Columbus CA-74/CG-12/SSN Pantry and the American Cancer Soci- To have your garage sate ad KIT INCLUDES at 10 am. May 1. A brunch and fellow- 762 Reunion will be held from Sept. ety, Contact Jaymi at (847) 588-8420. program ship hour will follow the 10 am. serv- 21-24 at Sheraton National Hotel-Ar- included in our print garage . Four Posters Maine Seniors . Sates ReceIpts ice. Also, Movie Night will be held at lington, Va, Contact Allen R. Hope, sale guide, be sure to place . FIve Balloons Venus, Mars and Jupiter Classrooms highlighting 7:15 p.m. May 4. A feature film is president, 3828 Hobson Road, Fort The Maine Township MaineStream- . . Price Stickers were on view when a 'Plan-each planet in the galaxy shown the first Wednesday of each Wayne IN 46815-4505. Call (260) 48fr ers program offers a variety of oppor- your ad by Monday 5pm . Pen etary Walk" came to Mainein addition to Pluto - were month. Join them for the movie, pop- 2221 from B am.- 5 p.m. Eastern time, tunities for residents 55 and older. . Bag East High School in Parkset up by students from corn and discussion. All are welcome. fax: 260-492-9771 or e-mail: Membership includes a free subscrip- Maine East, Maine South Call the church at (847) 6731434. Hope439l@ frontier.com. lion to the MaineStreamers monthly Ridge. The Morton Grove Community The Maine East Class of 1969 Re- newsletter, which details activities for The hands-on space-ex-and Maine West High Place your CLassified ad anytime day or night, Church, 8944 Austin Ave., Morton union and 60th Birthday Bash will the upcoming month. Most activities .i'. °°c:.Y cafl 800-835-3492 or visit http:J/pioneertocaicom/marketplace ploration program tookSchools, and participants Orove, will celebrate its 60th anniver- take place from Nl pin. July 16 at are at Maine Town Hall, 1700 Ballard place April 16 and was openlearned whether it is possi- sary on May 1. Having just Completed- Marriott Lincoloshire Resort, 10 Mar- Road, Park Ridge, unless otherwise to children in kindergartenble for life to survive on any renovations, they're ready to show oil riott Drive, Lincolnshire, Cost is $69 noted. Contact the MaineStreamers, through sixth grade. ofthe planets. their church. The D am. worship per person includes dinner and danc- (847) 297-2510, orgo to wwwmaine- service will be immediately followed ing with a cash bac Visit the Face- townshìp.com. by a special music performance from book page: "Maine East Class of 1969 Maine Streamers will see "Peter L u longtime member Gary Stucka, cellist Reunion/6Oth eday Bash" to respond Pan" at the Chicago Freedom Center for the ChicagD Symphony Orchestra (by April 29) and use easy pay - Pay- on May 4 (10:15 a.m.-6 pm.), featuring Children walk into a classroom that has been recreated to look like the interior of Jupiter during a Planetary Walk at Maine East High Schoolin who will be accompanied by Joanne Pal. Contact: Anita Pedersen, an- 22 actors, stunning puppets, epic mu- Park Ridge. Joe Cyganowski-For Sun-Times Media Stucka on the piano. The performance [email protected], (630) 803- sic and flying sequences with breath- pill also feature vocalist Gina Hilse. 7593. taking video projection performed in Over a hall-century of mementos of Maine Township High South, Class a state-of-the art theatre pavilion. memories and activities of the church of 1966, is spearheading a two-day Lunch will be at RJ. Grunts and faa- Get more will be on display. In addition, recog- "Mass Reunion" to be held Aug.26 tures choice of a hamburger, Califor- nition will be given to multi-genera- and 27. Accompanying classes that nia wrap, or fish and chips; all served tionel families, long-term members represented the first collective stu- with French fries, cole slew and a for less: and the mission work accomplished dent body to attend the newly cookie. Cost is $92, members; $97, through six decades of service. All are opened high school in 1964 as well as guests. All Day Trips depart from Golf advertising circulars, coupons, invited and encouraged to 30m them. their spouses and guests are to be in- Mill Shopping Center ín Hiles. dea's, travel specials and more. st. John Brebeuf Church, 8307 N. cluded. The nucleus of new students Maine Township is asking for assis- Harlem Ave., will celebrate the least that celebrated the opening of Maine tance in locating good, reliable it's all online at zip2save.com! of Divine Mercy on May i with Confes- South High School migrated from handymen in the area. If you know of sions at 2 p.m., followed by proces- both Maine East and Maine West and someone and would like to submit a sion by the Knights of Columbus at 3 includes the classes of 1965, 1966 and name, contact Therese Tully, (847) p.m., Mass, exposition, Divine Mercy 1967. The two-day event will be held in 297-2510, Eel, 260, and she will for- prayers and veneration of a relic of Park Ridge at the recently developed ward a form to complete. st. Faustina and honoring of the Beat- Uptown Plaza located at the intersec- Maine Township, in cooperation with itication of Pope John Paul li, all in lion of Touhy and Prospect avenues the Cook County Sheriff's Office, is Polish and English. Call (847) 966- and Northwest Highway. The Friday collecting used cell phones to be con- 8145. evening event will take place at Houli- verted for emergency 911 use for sen- Holy Thnity Episcopal Church, 8201 han's Restaurant, which will be closed iors. Donate phones at Maine Town N. Karlov Ave., Skokie, will hold Adult to the general public. The alumni íes- Hall. . Christian Education classes following tivities will reignite on Saturday Senior Center save. corn 10 am. Sunday services. Classes will evening, and the venues will include be held on a variety of topics, A Fel- Houlihan's, Jason's Deli and various The Hiles Senior Center offers lowship Hour follows the 10 aim serv- neighboring entities within the up- membership to Hiles residents age 62 ice each week with "Bring a Friend to town Plaza. Tickets for one or both and older, andtheir spouses. Only Featured Advertisers Church and Brunch" the first Sunday evening events are on sale now and. center members may register for of each month. Call the church at must be purchased in advance. For classes or trips, or purchase tickets. (84?) 673-1434. reservatigns, contact event coordina- Drop by the Nues Senior Center, 999 JCPenñey V ..LowEs a.tvsI JsM iIv44 Temple Judea Mlzpali, 8610 Hiles tor, Glenn Woerz (Class of 1966), at Civic Center Drive, Miles, or call (847) L.t TARGET Center Road, StoRie, will host its an- MassReunion@gmail,com or (841) 757- 588-8420, for an application. »1 fluaI fund-raising event at 6 p.m. May 8377. Maine South alumni can also 7. The festive event will feature a per- subscribe to the "Hawk Droppings" For advertising information please contact Mike Sperling, Vice President, H PAGE 31 lormance by the TJM Players, silent newsletter via the above e-mail ad- Calendar, Advertising, at(847)486-73l7oryourlocala«ountexecutive. hiJdren visit the Mercury booth, the first stop on the solar system '.- . tour. Classrooms at the Park Ridge school were prepared for each of the known planets in the solar system. Joe CyganowskiFor Sun-Times Children participating in the Planetary Walk at Maine East I-11gb School in Park Ridge learn that Venus is hot and smells of sulfur during aninterac- Media tive exercise. Joe Cyganowski-For Sun-Times Media 1114 AOl1A3 RHq?Pq E A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . NIL www.pioneerlocal.com tiews 31 30 www.pioneerlocaL.com ML THURSDAY, APRIL Z8, 2011 Referral Service to all seniors residing room rental costs, and small fines for in Park Ridge, Nues, Harwood Heights, weight gain. Meetings take place from Calendar Norridge, Schiller Park, River Grove 9:15-10:15 am. FridaVs at the Howard Continued from PAGE 29 and Elmwood Park. Program helps Leisure Center, 6676 Howard SL, Nues seniors over 60 find honest reliable (elevator accessible). Call (841) 679- workers to help maintain their homes. 4229. Seniors Seniors are given three names of pre- Widowed Support Group is an ongo- Mathers - More Than a Café, 7134 screened qualified handymen or con- ing support group that addresses loss- w. Iliggips Ave., invites adults 55 and tractors who are matched to the type es faced by persons, as a general older to experience professionally and size of the job. Jobs include car- guideline, who have been widowed taught. freelo-moderate-priced pro- pentry, plumbing, drywall, plastering, less than two years. This group meets grams such as lifelong learning pro- painting, gutter cleaning and repair, from 7-8:30 p.m. on the second and grams fitness classes, free bloo& electrical work, roofing, washing win- fourth Tuesday of the month at Rain- Central United Methodist Church Carter-Westminster pressure checks and health screen- dow, errand running, yard work, snow bow Hospice and Palliative Care, 444 8237 Kenton, Ave., Skokie United Presbyterian Church removal, furnace repairs, walipapering, N. Northwest Hwy., Suite,145, Park inns, free consumer seminars, special- 4950 W. Pratt, 847-673-4441 tuckpointing, tiling and more. Call Car- Ridge; $5 per session. Call (847) 692- (847) 673-1311 interest workshops, special events www.cwupc.org and day trips. Call (773) 774-4804 for el McDavid, (773) 777-0202. 8884 to register. www.skokiecentralumc.org more information, except where not- CJE Senloitlfe is accepting applica- The Lutheran General Hospital Worship: Sundays at i 0:30 AM Lions for its Robineau Residence, 7550 Stroke Club for stroke survivors and New Lyfe Youth Group ed. Chess Club for checkmate Sundays 5:30-7:3Opm Centrai Zo,n champs and new people who want to N. Kostoer Ave., in Skokie. Robineau of- their caregivers meets from 3-4:30 learn the rules and basic strategies. fers a residential community com- p.m. on the first Thursday of the St. Timothy Lutheran Church Sessions are Wednesdays, at I p.m. posed of 24 affordable units in a one- month (except January and July) at 9000 Kildare Ave. Skokie Assyrian Fellowship story building, in a warm, friendly set- the Outpatient Therapy Center, 9315 Fridays 7:30-9:30 pm . PARK RIDGE :CHICÄGO CHICAGO NuES Jazzercise - Jauercise is a fitness 847-676-1300 program that combines aerobic exer- ting designed to serve seniors, 62- Church St., Des Plaines; use south en- cises with elements of jazz dance. A years and older, who may need a help- trance. Contact Meg Potterfield, (847) www.stTimothySkokie.org Coffeehouse & Open Edison Park Lutheran Church st. John Lutheran Church Park Ridge Presbyterian Church 123-4765. Faith Lutheran Church (ELCA) series of dance routines is set to pop- ing hand. Staff is available on-site, 24 Worship: Sundays at 1 OAM Microphone Catholic Charities ofthe Archdiocese 6626 N. Oliphant Ave. Chicago, IL 7429 Milwaukee Ave., Niles i 300 West Crescent Avenue ular music while incorporating yoga, hours a day, in case of emergency. Ad- 2nd Sat. Each Month 7:30-9:30 pm ditional supportive services are avail- of Chicago invites those who have ex- (Across park from Edison Parl Metra) 6201 W Peterson Ave. 847-647-9867 Pilates, cardio-kickboxing, and other Congregatioñ Bene Shalom 847-823-4135 perienced the loss of a loved one to fitness styles. The classes move incre- able through CJE. Applicants should Sunday Worship Services: 773.631.9131 www.edisonparkchurch.com www.st-john-niles.org 4435 Oakton, Skokie, (847) 677-3330 Chicago, IL (773) 631-0715 www.parkridgepresby.org mentally through different intensity qualify for subsidized housing under suicide to participate in its Loving Contemporary & CW Café 9 am Saturday Worship 4:30 p.m. Evensong, the provisions of the U.S. Department Outreach to Survivors of Suicide www.beneshalom.org Sunday Service 9:30AM levels, so anyone is welcome to Join. Traditional 1 1 am Sunday Service: 1 0:30 AM (LOSS) meetings at its Northwest of- Sunday Worship Saturday Worship 5:30PM Classes are held at 11 am. Wednes- of Housing and Urban Developments Friday Shabbat Services 7:30pm; Section 8 program. An additional fice, 1717 Rand Road, Des Plaines. The 8:00 aro, Traditions (Sept.-May) days, $5.35. Line Dancing is offered Family Shabbat 6:30pm, 3 Fri/month Sunday Worship 10:30AM minimum age for the monthly meet- Sunday School (all ages) i O am at 11:15 am. on the first and third monthly service fee is required. Schol- 9:00 am. Bñdge, 10:30 aso, Contemporary ings or eight-session groups is IB- Kabbalistíc Prayer Service 10:30am. Michael ScottPorter, Sr. Pastor Tuesdays of each month. Each class arships are available. For an applica- Holy Communion Weekly years-old. lt possible, call the LOSS of- Rev, Dr. Michael D. Sparby, Sr. Pastor costs $3. A variety of exercise classes hon and tour of Robineau, contact 2' Sat./month Dorothy Levant at (847) 615-8580. fice, (312) 655-7283, for an initial in- Ezra-Habonim, the Garnie Edwards, Pash Deacon Pastors:Barbara Berry-Bailey NORTHFIELD fit for every level is available. Try the Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer take before the first meeting or visit gentle-moderate exercise class, 11:15 Super Seniors, a Jewish Seniors Matt Haider, Worship /Music group for people older than 60, meets www.catholiccharities.net/loss. Groups Asst. Rabbi Shari Cheri Pilles Township Jewish and Jéffery King Mondays and 10 am. Tuesdays that Michael Lyda, ChildrenjYouth/Fanìily Willow Creek Community Church meet 7-9 p.m. on the second Sunday features a combination of seated and 3-4:30 p.m. the first and third Sundays Cantonal Soloist Charlene Brooks of each month and also on the second Congregation North Shore Campus standing exercises for a complete car- at the North Shore University Health Interfaith Families Welcome System Skokie Hospital, 9600 Gross Wednesday of each month. You home for Jewish, Learning, 315 Waukegan Road diovascular workout. The moderate- All services voice & sign language Point Road, Skokie. Topics include cur- Families Anonymous is a support st. Paul Lutheran Church high energy class is at 11 am. Thurs- Living and Lovïng 847-441-6599 rent events, books, jokes and Israel. group for family members and friends . days and Fridays, giving more of a 5650 N. Cantield, 60631, who are concerned about and affected Evanshire Presbyterian 4500 Dempster St. Skokie, IL 60076 Sunday Services: 9 & 11 a.m. challenge with cardio, strengthening, Call (847) 583-9328. by the substance abuse or behavioral (708)867-5044, www.stpaulcanfield.org stretching, and toning routines. Each 847-675-41 41 , Fax: 847-675-0327 Promiseland (Infants - Grade 5): Support problems of a loved one. Group 831 Church North Share Unitarian Church class costs $3. $10 Computer Classes Street Level, Air Condioned meets at 10 am. every Friday at Carter www.ehnt.org 9&11 am. - All classes are four. weeks and meet Men's' Grief Workshop, an educa- t555 Church Street Deerfield, IL Phone: 847-234-2460 tiorial, interactive seminar for men Westminster Church, 4950 W. Pratt Sunday Worship 8:15 & 10:45AM Elevate (Grades 6 - 8): 1 1 a.m. once a week for two hours. Begin www.evanshirepresbyterian.com Weekly Shabbat Services - www.nsuc.org who have experienced loss and would Ave., Skokie, in the basement; enter with level one and advance through Fri 8PM & Sat 9:30AM Sunday School & Adu Bible 9:30AM Impact (Grades 9 - 1 2): 6 p.m. like to learn more about the grief from parking lot in the rear. Group 173 Every Sunday at 1 1 AM Every Sunday at to level four. Classes are regularly process, will be given from 7-9 p.m. meets at 7:30 p.m. every Monday (ex- For more information visit forming and are offered every month. Minyan Mon-TIrnis 7PM; Saturday Worship 6PM cept holìdays) at First United . 9:15AM & 11:15AM Joan Reardon, author of As Always, May 3 at the Park Ridge Nonprofit S www.WtllowCreekNorthShore.org St. Peter's United Sat & Sun 6PM Paul Lutheran Chdstian Day Julia, will provide an inside look at Center, 720 Garden SL, Park Ridge. Methodist Church, 418 W. Touhy Ave., Park Ridge in Parlor Room, south por- Church of Christ Monthly Shabbat dinners at 6:30PM the life of Julia Child, Suggested do- Topics will include general grief, cop- Schoòl, Pre K-Grade 8, SHARING GOD, tion of main level; use entrance at nation is $5 at I p.m. April 28. Take instrategies and the unique ap- Oakton Street & Laramie Avenue Religious School Wed & Sat; proach some men have used in the rear (Grpnt Place), across from parking TOUCHING LIVES EVERYWHERE part in a narmted walking and mo- 847-673-8166 lot. No dues or fees required. First Cantor BenjaminWarschawski torcoach tour through Frank Lloyd grief process. $15 registration fee. Call J. J 'J names only used at meetings to pre- www.stpeteruccskokie.org Wright's designed homes, studio and f847) 692-8884 to register. Rabbi Neil Brief, Emeritus Motherless Daughters is a free serve individual anonymity. This is a NORW000 PARK his masterpiece of art and architec- Sunday Worship 1 OAM nonprofessional and non-religious pro- . All Saints Cathedral Parish Morton Grove Community Church ture, the Unity Temple in Oak Park, workshop for women whose mothers Sunday School 9AM (Sept. thru WILMETTE gram. Call (773) 777-4442 or visit Norwood Park Lutheran Church from 9 am. to 4 p.m. May 4. Enjoy died at any time in their lives. Co- PresbyterianChurch (USA) www.familiesanonymous.org. May) National Catholic Church lunch at Winberies. Cost is $70; dis- sponsored by Loyola University Health BethHillel Congregation Community Reinforcement and Fam- 8944 Austin Avenue 5917 N. Nina Ave. count, $56. Learn how to create System-Home Health and Rainbow Rev. Richard Lanford Bnai Emunah 9201 W. Higgins Road Hospice and Palliative Care, it will be uy Training Groups provide education (Lake and Austin) Chicago, IL centerpieces from Robert Neri of Childcare Provided 3220 Big Tree Lane 847-256-1213 , held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. May 7 at Loy- on early intervention, tools for moti- www.bhcbe.org Chicago, L 60631773-380-7131 Morton Grove, IL Robert's Floral Design Studio at 2 p.m. 773-631-2860 ola University Center, Stritch School of vation and self-care techniques for Air Conditioned Sanctuary Kabbalat Shabbat Fridays 6:00 PM Websfte: www.ascpncc.org (847) 965-2982 May 4. Suggested donation is $15. Golf Mill Shoppinq Center is hosting Medicine, 2160 S. First Ave., Maywood. families as they learn new ways to ap- Shabbat Service - Saturdays 9:15 AM Fax: 773-631-0142 proach a loved one who misuses, Jr.Congregation Tot Shabbat, Sunday Masses 8:30AM & 11AM www.mgccpresbyterian.org "Feats of Fitness," a mall-walking pro- To register, contact Rainbow Hospice abuses or has addictive behaviors Temple Beth Israel Torah Time l 0:30 AM SundayWorship 10 AM Sunday Service lOAM gram Mondays through Saturdays, to Bereavement Services at (847) 692- Sunday School/Catechism 6:30-8 p.m. on the second and fourth 3601 W. Dompter St. Followed by Kiddush enable seniors to walk within an en- 8884 or Nancy Kiel at (708) 216-1646, Fellowship i 1 AM Sunday School 9AM Tuesdays of each month at the Sereni- Daily Minyan AM and PM 9:45AM closed environment. The program is Adult Lossot Parent is a six-week Skokie, IL 60076 Rev. Lolly Dominski group for adults grieving the loss of a (y Center, 29 S. Prospect Ave., Park Rabbi Allan Kensky (September thru May) sponsored by Bethany Terrace, Golf 847-675-0951 Cantor Pavel Roytman Weekday Masses at Noon Handicapped Accessible parent, meeting from 7-8:30 p.m. Ridge. Fee is $35 per group. Open reg- Mill Shopping Center, Maine Township Dean Marshall Kupchan Rev. Robert C. Johnson, Pastor Thursdays, May 5 to June 9, at Park istration required; contact Barbara 0e- www.tbiskokie.org Bishop Anthony Kopkà, Pastor ALL ARE WELCOME! Mainstreamers and Partners in A multi-generational egalitarian Ridge Nonprofit Center, 720 Garden SL, Hart, (708) 536-8775 or e-mail Healthcare (North Shore Physicians conservative congregation Park Ridge; S90 registration fee for all ref [email protected]. Group). Health seminars and blood Devar Emet Messianic "A Place to Grow as a Jew six sessions. Call (841) 692-8884 to NorthShore Hospice will sponsor the pressure screenings will be offered Synagogue register. following Grief Support Groups: Soul throughout the year every month on 7800 Nues Ave., Skokie 847-674-9146 Weight No More, a friendly weight Mates, is an ongoing support group To showcase your the second Wednesday. Call the Golf To showcase your House of Worship here loss support group, welcomes new for those who have experienced the www.devaremet.org House of Worship here Mill management office, (847) 699- members. Discussions include weight death of a spouse or life partner. This Join us for Shabbat Services at lOam 1070. call 630-978-8290 or loss tips, recipes, and helpful ideas to Senior Link Alliance, in collaboration 'A Community of Jews who believe and teach [email protected] call 630-978-8290 or mgarrîgan@slmedîanetwork corn help participants reach their goals. with the City of Chicago Department thatYoshna (Jesus) is the Promised Jewish Messialf Fees are $5 monthly to defray the A.aaa.aaaa i. ..a as, . a on Aging, offers a free Home Repair Calendar,PAGE 32 rnoa4tOa9awßy.www Jill . kiOlTAJlJaliq 223119 R33(4Ol A A PIONEER PRFSS PUBLICATION . NIL www.yourseason.com sports3a 32 news www.pioneerocaLcom NILTHURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011

The DepressIon and Bipolar Support 4364 or e-mail [email protected]. chapter, visit www.tops.org or call 800- Tuesday at 4 p.m. The Maryville Crisis vites the public to attend its 'Family Support Group" for families of individ- Alliance-Greater Chicago has free sup- . Tops Club, Inc. (Take 0ff Pounds Sen- 932-86TT. Nursery which opened in 2006, Is a Calendar port groups for people with mood dis- sibly), an international weight-loss MOMS Club of Northern safe haven for children, newborn to uals with a mental illness. Program is orders and support groups for their network of support groups, holds a lo- Chicaqoland holds weekly activities age 6, whose families are experiencing free and meets T-8:30 p.m. on the Wolves téam meetingpaysdividends Continued from PAGE 31 families. Meetings take place 6:30-8 cal meetìng weekly on Monday begin- (such as playgroups, outings, muse- crises in their lives, such as: job/med- third Tuesday of every month at the p.m.on the first Monday of every fling at 5 p.m. at the Niles Park District ums, park dates) and monthly member ical issues, homelessness, domestic vi- Nesset Center 1775 Ballard Road, north side (hitter) for us most of month at Evanston Hospital, 2650 group meets on the second and Center, 6676 West Howard St, Miles, on meetings and Moms Night Out. Call olence or other stressful situations. of Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Wolves win the day and did a good job, fourth Tuesday of tte month 6:30-8 the lower level. The building is handi- (773) 853-2834 or visit The nurserycares for children for up in Park Ridge. Free parking. Call (847) Ridge, Evanston, in Rooms G952 and and Nesul was the other p.m. at NorthShore University He&th- cap accessible. TOPS has helped indi- httpj/sitesgoogle.com/site/mom- to 72 hours while parents concentrate 716-2252. 954_ Call Elaine at (847) 674-6376. Bronze bracket An Alzheimer's Caregivers support outside - and was our go- System Home & Hospke Services of- viduals live healthier lives since 1948 sclubofnorthernchicago or e-mail on resolving the problems that are The local TOPS Club chapter meets to player pretty much." fice, 4901 Searle Parkway, Skokie. with a combination of sensible eating, [email protected]. the root cause of the stress. There are at 5 p.m. Mondays at the Nifes Park group, co-sponsored by Advocate Med- at Downers S. Legacy is an ongoing support group regular exercise, and ongoing support One Hope United, formerly Kids Hope no charges for services. Children are District Center, 6676 W. Howard St., irai Group and the Alzheimer's Associ- for adults who have experienced the to help members achieve and main- United, is seeking foster, adoptive par- cared for by professionals and skilled Nues, on the lower level (handicap ac- ation, is offered monthly at the Nesset Recap: Nues West death of a parent. The group meets on tain their weight-loss goals. Women, ents to provide homes for at-risk chu- childcare volunteers. The Maryville Cri- cessible). TOPS meetings are open to Pavilion on the campus of Advocate By DAN SHALIN dropped to 0-2 in the CSL thoirst and third Tuesday of the men, teens and preteens committed dren. Call (847) 245-6543 or visit sis Nursery is available to those in women, men and teens. Cost is nomi- Lutheran General Hospital. Meetings Contributor South with an 18-25, 25-1b - month 6:30-8 p.m. NorthShore Univer- to attaining and maintaining a healthy www.onehopeunited.org. need 24 hours a day, seven days a nal. Visitors are welcome to attend are 1:30-3 p.m. the third Thursday of 25-13 loss to Maine South sity HeaithSystem Home & Hospice each month in the lower-level confer- weight are all invited to join. Visitors The Maryvitle Crisis Nursery1 4015 week. The 24 hour help line number is their first TOPS meeting free of VOLLEYBALL on April 20. Services office, 4901 Searle Parkway, charge. Call (847) 966-4871; to find an- ence room of Nesset Pavilion, 1775 Bal- -Nues are welcome to visit their first TOPS N. Oak Park Ave., Chicago, offers twice- (173) 205-3637. For additional in! orma- Skokie. Handicap accessible and park- meeting free of charge. For more in- monthly tours of the facility. Tours are (ion, call (173) 205-3600. other local chapter, visit www.tops.org lard Road, Park Ridge. Meetings are West head coach Drew "In the first game, we ing available. To preregister for the formation about this meeting call held on the first Tuesday of each The National Alliance on Mental Ill- or call TOPS Headquarters at1-800- free and no registration is required. Roche said that his team's controlled the tempo and programs, call Thom Dennis, (847)982- (847) 966-4871 or, to find another local month at IO am. and on the fourth ness, Cook County North Suburban,in- 932-8677. Contact Sandy Guarise, (847) 318-2501. strong showing during the were on the offensive, and Downers Grove South In- we showed we could beat vite on Saturday likely re- them; we proved that to suited from a team meet- ourselves," Roche said. ing two nights earlier. "For whate'er reason, in . The pow-wow was called Games 2 and 3, Maine after the Wolves opened South was able to dictate, úëriÔaI the tournament by losing and on offense we couldn't

. to Oak Park-River Forest recover. It; was like we Program Rato Points Fe,o % Down APR Program Program Rate Points Foes % flown APR spent all our energy in the . . 25-21, 25-16 and to Glen- 847-441-5050 bard East 25-22, 25-17 on first game and we didn't EVERGREEN BANK GROUP 630.413-9580PNA BANK 630-371-6931ALLSTAR HOME MORTGAGE, INC have anything left for I,ttp://www.a!!starlzomemortgagecom : April 21, dropping Nues http://www.EvergreenBankGroup.com [email protected] West to the Bi'onze divi Game 2 or 3." 20%4.669 30 yr fixed 4.7500.000$914 20% 4J9830 yr fixed 5.0000.000$1175 20%5.06330 yr fixed 4.6250.000$850 . sion - the tourney's low- Miles West's Yonas Tekeste shovels a pass.Joel Lerner-Sun-Times Media Nasui had a team-high 15 yr fixed 4000 OE000 $914 20%4.08215 yr fixed 4.2500_000$1175 20%4.35615 yr fixed 3.7500000$850 20% 3.826 est - for Saturday's ac- seven kills in the cont&st, ., tion. and coaches. Saturday wasthree straight two-setTekeste pounded four kills. NUes West closed outwhile O'Connor collected 3.250 OE000 20% 3.14310 yr fixed 3.5000.000$1175 20% 3.651 5/1 ARM 3.1250.000$850 20% 3.097 5/1 ARM $914 "After those two match-a clean slate, and the kidsmatches and earned the The Wolves then defeat-play with a 26-24, 25-20 five. 7/1 ARM 3_7500.000$914 20% 3.40430 yr jumbo 5.8750.000$1325 20% 5.9035/1 jumbo ARM refi3.3750.000$850 20%2994 es, we had a team meetingplayed together as a team,Bronse crown, despiteed conference foe win over Loyola. Nasui had Hassle Free - Local closing and funding 720 min.credit score required on 30 yr Jumbo. Call 1.630-371-6931 Call Bob Betel and experience the "Alistar" difference! .- and kind of hashed thingswhich we had not seen in aplaying shorthanded. Evanston 25-21, 25-18 asan impressive 12 kills in the Up next:The Wolves MB.0005457 a Nues West opened withNasui led the way with sixmatch, while Cristi regí&-were scheduled to host (C) 1515 W. 22nd Street, Suite 125, Oak Brook, IL 60523 (C) 3250Lacey Road, Suite 140, Downers Grove, IL60515 08-486(B) 1780 Maple Street, Sulle 22, Norlhfield, IL 60093 . out," Roche said. «A lot ofwhile. They had energy . - playersgot to say thingsand showed a little extra a 25-10, 25-18 win over Joli- kills. Nues West senior tered 13 digs. Evanston on Wednesday, KENILWORTH FINANCIAL, INC. 630.812-2100UNITED HOME LOANS 708.531-8388AVENUE MORTGAGE CoRPORATIoN 630-688-3880 . that were on their mindhustle. They paid closer at- et. Wolves senior PaulPatrick O'Connor had five "Cristi (a libero) playedand will visit Glenbrook . . http://www.KeniiworthFinancîal.com http://www.ilHLoans.com http://www.AvenaeMortgage.com , and had been holding back.tention to fundamentalsNasui and junior Nathankills, and seniors Patrickphenomenal defense allSouth at 6 p.m. today. i.,I think we all kind ofgot onand really put it togethei"Celinski each had five kills, Cristi and Mikko Jimenex day," Roche said. "(Senior)Northside Prep comes to 30 yr fixed 4.7500.000$599 20% 4.78230 yr fixed 4.750 0_000$995 20%4.8023oyrfixed 4.7500.000$1950 20%4.853 .the same page as players The fired-up Wolves wonwhileseniorYounasshoveled 11 digs apiece. . Patrick Zelasko played out- Skokie at 6 p.m. May 2. 5/1 ARM 32500_000 $599 20%2.94415 yr fixed 4.0000.000$995 20%4.089i 5 yr fixed . 4.1 25 0.000$1 950 20% 4302 30 yr jumbo refi 5.5000.000$599 20% 5.5125/1 jumbo ARM 3.3750.000$995 20%2.9965/1 ARM 3.2500.000$1950 20%3.450 1 5 yr fixed 4.0000.000$599 20% 40547/1 jumbo ARM 3.8750.000$995 20%3.30030 yr FHA 4.8750.000$1950 4% 5.230 FHA and VA Approved- Call us for Details - j:.. (B) One Oakbrook Ten-ace, Suite 210, Oakbraok Tenace, IL 60181 MB.6760321 (A) 3 Weslbrook Corporale Center, Suite 1010, Westchester, IL 60154 (A) 1700 Park Street, Suite 106, Naperville, iL 60563 209849 Extra attacker gives defense a surprising boost COMMUNITY BANK OF OAK PARK RIVER FOREST 708460.7038 PARKRIDGE COMMUNITYBANK 847-á849221AJMLOAN.COM 888.525.8496 By DAN SHALIN 'We're still changing andta. Edminster drops a mid- Senior Monica Rosenberg South April 21. Senior Lilyafter the Glenbrook South http://www.aimloaa.com . http ://www.cljoprL cam Contributor moving girls to differentfielder to defense if the op- and freshman Itsy Hernan-Hernandez scored the lonegame that I appi'eciated Viking goal. 30 yr fixed Call for Rates 30 yr fixed 4.6250.000$1975 20% 4.981 30 yr fixed 4.7500.000$1822 20%4.846 spots, but we're starting to ponent plays three forwards. dez have platooned in goal. theireffort,that they SOCCER After experi- jell as a team," Edminster The coach said Beladi has Up top, Niles North has Saturday's tripleheaderwos-ked hard and played Call for Rates 15 yr fixed 3.7500.000$1975 20% 4.431 1 5 yr fixed 4250 0_000 $1 822 20%4.415 20 yr fixed menting with formations, said. "We've been solid in the been a revelation this sea- featured a three-pronged at-began with a 0-0 tie againsttheir tails offand deserved 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 10/1 ARM 4.0000.000$1975 20%4.2095/1 ARM 3.3750.000$1822 20% 3.231 lineups and tactics duringback. We've changed theson. tack, with seniors TiffanyKeriosha (Wis.) Bradford, any praise coming to them. 10 yr fixed Call for Rates 5/1 ARM 3.0000.000$1975 20%3.61030 yr FHA 4.7500.000$1882 4%5.480 the early part of the cam-system multiple times since "She is playing the most Ebeling, Deborah Steinbergfollowed by a 2-1 win over "They had(scoring) and Jeanine Taerbaum. Ed- Chicago U-High. Gradjanchances, but in some cases Certified Upfront Lender! Rates & GFE Online 2417! paign, Nues North headthe beginning of the yeai consistent," he said. "For a coach Dan Edminster is But a 8-4-3 has been kind offreshman, it looks like she'sminster said Taerbaum hasscored both Nues Northcouldn't finish. But they (A)4121 Camino Ce! Rio Sauth, San Diego, CA 92108,NMLS#2890, MH6759981 (C) 1001 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60301 (C) 626 Talcott Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068 starting to establish hisworking in our favos been playing for years. She elevated her gameS goals during the 70-minute played three solid teams "The girls in the back are hits hard and plays hard. Meanwhile, junior Carni- matches. . It helps us build to the post- 30 yr fixed i 5 yr fixed 5 yr ARM team's look. LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE The Vikings (4-9-2, 1-0stepping up and playingShe's just solid, which isla Marquez has been a ver- In the third-place game,season playoffs, which is nice. She's young and learn-satile performer, playingwhich lasted 60 minutes,why we do these tourna- MORTGAGE RATES & This week 4.i : 3.7.. CSL North) recently insti-huge for us. The (results) IN THIS FEATURE tuted a 3-4-3 formation anddon't reflect that becauseing ori the fly. But she'scenter midfield, defense and Glenbrook South blankedments." the three-man backline haswe're not finding the netpicked up so much from thewing. Nues North 1-0. INFORMATION AVAILABLE 24/7 5.07 4.28 3.83 , Last week CALL BANKRATEUCOM done an impressive job. early in the season. Theother girls and has been By the end ofthe tourna- Up Next:After facing ON THE INTERNET . Edminster isjust waitingmore we'll score, the morehuge in the back. Recap:The Vikings fin-ment, injuries had reduced Highland Park on Tuesday, Last year 5.22 4.55 ::4.42 SALES DEPARTMENT for the offense, with an extra it will relieve pressure on "(Acosta) also has beenished 1-2-1 and came in the Vikings tojust two sub-the Vikings are scheduled. attackei to start putting the the back." very consistent and hasfourth at last weekend'sstitutes. to host Deerfield at 7 p.m. . http://pioneerlocalinterest.com Source: Bankcalecom, for more information visit www bankrate coni 6ankrae national aver @ 800-509-4636 been kind of tough to beat.Glenbrook South Tourna- "We played very well, but today. They visit Leyden at ages are based on 100 argest insUtulions n the top 10 markets in the United States. ball in the net. But a strong Theteam's back current- defense certainly has given ly features junior BermaShe's playing smart in the ment. we were injured and had anoon on Saturday before Legend. Thc Talc and annual smenWgc (APR) am effective as o14121l1 I. O 201 I llank,ute, Inc. lntipf(www.banknc.com. The APR may incnasc aller consulurnationand nay vary. Payments do Hal include amounts for lanco and mamonee. The reos sel r,nh (on each advestiaemcnt abaca may be changeil o openthe plan (At Modgage Ranker. (lì) MoO0ae Broker, (C> Bunk, (Dì S dc L, (R) C,ed,i Union, (BA) jodcatm Licansad Mongugn Banknr, NYS Bankin Dcpì., (CR) udmalca Rngmmrcd Mangag, limIer, NYSBanking Onpi , (loan, armoged lhnough lhfrd pan,cn). 'Cull f,, llamo" moons aclual sole, nano noi available st pmas cime. All nula, am ,1uated ooa adnimuna PICO aonio or?CO. the Vikings a firm founda- Gradjan, freshman Sara Be-back, which is what we Nues North opened with lot of girls banged up," Ed-travelingtoGlenbrook limais Mooga(e Licensee. Convcnoonol loans act bused on loan amounts a( $105,000. Jumbo loans are bancd on loan amoanta af$435,000 Pottits qotecl includo discount nod/onorigination. Luck Days: 30-60. Annual pciceotage notai IAPRs) use bancd on fully lndeoad raies roe adjustable rate inoogagus (ARMaI, The APR an your specific minster said. "I told the girlsNorth at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday -:5 i0xi5 may differ fruto ihr samplc used. Ecc, relirai clougcs ae)aiiue sa the APR. If your dowu payumui is less shun 20% cfi>,, bunte's value.yciu will he nahjccl io prioata iuuugan iusununcc, ce 'hil. Banknote. lou. ducs noi guoruotec the accuracy iffiw ,ufmnnatiun appearing above un ihn availabilily ufrutas and leen io tItis sable. All mce,, lens tion on which to build. ladi and senior Maria Acos-need." a 2-1 loss to Crystal Lake ' cud other lofunauai,an arc subject ca change without noRte. Buolatte, Inc. ducs oui own any financial insulations. So e or all utili, companies appcaoug lulIds tablc pay a feo ta appcae in ibis table. Ilyau am sucking a moragagc io cocota oT$4l7,000. incesti legislation may enable entIces lu ceoaiolocations io pnninldc nies thai am diffemot (moi Ihuso shams in he table abane. W srcummcud that you cooiaot your codon direcily io cloleninine what sotes ni y be available tu yua'TO AI'I'EAR IN TItIS TABlE, CALI. 800-509-4636. FO RRI'ORT ANY INACCURACIES, CALI. $138.509-4636. - hiip://ploseenloro(iniereai.coes ------

THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011 . 34 sports www.yourseason.com NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . NIL www.yourseason.com sports35 Streak ends for Vikes, extends for Demons kid and for as talented a kidbeen a goal, arid I (would be) this year and play a lot of in- last three innings and gavebe a throw or flip because ?$CER ' s Warda 3-for-3, as he is, his work ethic ishappy to complete thatflings and in the middle in- up two runs on three hits we already know each oth- drives in 3 runs even beyond that." goal." field too." while striking out four anders'. tendencies." LU*s:Ii , Warda, who is hitting Maine East lost its sixth In the loss to Nues North,walking four. But they uhderstand that closet,o.500, recentlystraight game and is strug-Andrew went 1-for-2 with The twins' connectioneach situation requires mu- By MIKE BUDA signed to play with South-gling to score runs. an RBI and a walk. Tylerhelps them when they playtuai understanding. Contributor em Illinois. He gives a lot of "We need to be more con-contributed a walk and ain the middle ofthe infield. "When he's at second and credit to his Vikings' team-sistent, arad we need to start stolen base. "Wejust know where each I'm at shortstop, we corn- BASEBALL - Both Nues mates. swinging the bats," said Tyler started on theother's going to be eachmunicate before and after North and Maine East en- "They're always support-first-year head coach Ronmoundand went three in-play," Andrew said. "Whenevery pitch to see what dured lengthy losing streaks ing me when I'm up there, Clark. "I think we'll be fine,flings with four walks, five we go to turn a double play,we're going to do and how during the first month of theand they give me that pushpitching- and defense-wise,strikeouts, four hits and five we don't have to tell thewe're going to do it," Tyler season. to keep going," Warda said.but we need to start hitting runs. Andrew pitched theother person if it's going to said. American BrainTumorAssociatioiì PPTH TO PROGRESS But both squads hope to Opposing teams don't givelike we're capableof. I see 5K Run! Wa k get on track as the CSLWarda much to hit, but he'sgreat things in practice, but North portion of theirlearned not to become over-we're not transferring it SATURDAY MAY 14, 2011 schedules commence. ly aggressive at the plate. here into games." a s s SOLDIER FIELD CHICAGO In the race to see who se- "He's gotten more corn- The Blue Demons rely I Register today - www.pathtoprogress.org cures a conference win first, fortable understanding thatheavily on 6-foot-3 junior 0 I O Enjoy live music. ufreshments, theVikings(9-9,1-2) they're gòing to pitch himtwins Andrew and Tyler massage therapy, face painting and a kids' dash. knocked offtheBluedifferently because he isGlowacki. When neither is Demons (2-8, 0-3) 8-2 inour best player. Now he'spitching, Tyler plays short- A - A p Skokie on April 21. starting to take what theystop and Andrew patrcols Another big day from sen- give him and not try to dosecond base. ior shortstop Adam Wardamore than he can do with "They know each other To place; an àd in this helped to end Niles North'sthose pitches," Toledo said.very well," Clark said. / weekly section Heading to State me Nibs North bass fishing team beat out 12 teams and 18 boats for the Skokie Lagoons Sectional championship on seven-game losing skid after "Early on he wasn't frus-"They're very interchange- k:1IkIflou1Mt Saturday in chilly, 47-degree temperatures. The Vikings' Jeff Wu caught the only fish, weighing 1-pound, 8 ounces, to advance to the State Meet May the Vikings began the sea-trated, but he was a littleable, very versatile players that could probably play any call Brian at 6-7 at Carlyle Lake. Team members are, front row from left: boat driver Hugh Flack, head coach Carol Herlocker, Wu, Michael Lochner and Vince son at 8-2. Warda went 3-impatient with some of position on the field." k Civito; back row: Olmitris Panagopoulos, assistant coaches Bashar Jazrawi and Pat Steeno, and boat driver Dave Leffelman. for-3 with a triple and threethose pitches." RBI, while Clark Fox went Warda is excited about Both Glowackis are still 630.978-8813 2-for-3 with a three-runplaying for the Salukis, but learning on the varsity level. ¡Pt-l;o fourkf.,! homer and three RBI. he is staying focused on this "Tyler may be a little "You don't have the lux-season. ahead right now of Andrew ury ofhaving that player too "I want to do somethinginpitching and hitting, but # j'rj\r often," said Vikings head here; I want to win a region- not by much," Clark said. IV North rolls to Silver title coach Ed Toledo. "I thinkal title before I leave as a"We're counting on them - he's a great kid, a talentedsenior," said Waa'da. "It'sboth heavily to pitch for us J1J By DAN SHALIN (set), and then let down a Shaw also is the team'sa chance to attack, he did. Contributor little, and would go to three emotional leadei He hasWhen it was not there, he Special Same Day Appointments Call Now9 irY (sets). But we were able to been looking to push his vol- made something happen by BOYS VOLLEYBALL close out all those teams inleyball teammates to thekeeping the ball in play and I (Tues, - Sat, 9AM - 4PM) After dropping its opening two, which was reallynice."same heights that he andsaving the ball." match, Nues North Leading the way oncethe Vikings reached on the The spark to the Vikings' Our doctorsare offering a 199 office visit to try Fishing Charters, Huij bounced back in style byagain was senior Andrebasketball floor. successful showing was Camping, Equipmen winning eight of its nextShaw, who finished the in- "He's mentioned howtheir come-from-behind win a revolutionary prescrìpon medication that gets nine sets at the Downers vite with 35 kills, five acesmuch fun going to section-over Oak Lawn which pro- Grove South Invite on April and 10 blocks. al was, and he wants us topelled them into the Silver you an erecon within 10 minutes. We let you try CAPTAIN AL'S BOAT FLEET REDuE BEAR SPORTS . FishIng Trips (Salmon & Perch) 21. Shaw got a late start ondo the same thing," Tombracket. it on this visit before paying i cent. PayrrIsesBcheIo andBacheiQEtte Parties BUYING USED GUNS In the process, the Vilcingsthe season because he wassaid. "He's telling guys to "We lost that first (set), On'y Chicago Fishing Boat Licensed play with energy and mak- but really came back to beat GUARANTEED!* for Groups al 6, 7, 8+ up lo /PNO GUN COLLECTIONS captured the Silver title ata key member of the a maximum oC 18 Passenpers the three-bracket tourna-school's sectional-champi-ing sure they are workingthem in the second before *Or your visit is FREE (312) 565-0104 hard to get to their goal." 708 532 4133 ment. on basketball team. But he squeaking it out in the Maine East right fielder Greg Davis slides to make the catch while second baseman Andrew Glowacki tries to Bureham Harbor (Near Soldier Field) . www.captainalscharters.com 17250 Oak ParkAve,riniey Park IL 60477 After coming back to de-quickly returned to last sea- Also coming up with bigthird," the assistant coach get out of his way. j Jon Langham-for Sun-Times Media s s feat Oak Lawn 22-25, 25-13, son's all-conference formtournaments for Northsaid. "After that, we just Charter Boat 25-22, North swept its nextand has taken his game towere senior outside hitterstook care of business." are not the ónly prescription medications "CONFUSION" THE LEPRECHAUN six games, defeating Glen- another level. Hershel Pat (15 kills) and available. They take up to 60 minutes to Lake Michigantalon & Perch Chadert Fishing Starts 3-17-11 CHARTER SERVICE brook South 25-23, 25-23, "He's definitely gottenJed Nulud (20 kills, 4 aces, Recap:The Vikings im- Northridge's Mersch an Evans Scholar start working añd are not safe for aH men. NWindiana - Pastrick Marina Diversey Harbor For Exciting Hínsdale South 25-16, 27-25 back, and he's got more (to6 blocks). proved to 2-O in the CSL North - Northpoint Marina Salmon & Trout Fishing 4 Great Boats to Choose From and Glenbard East 25-21, 26- offer than) before," Tom "(Nulud) was our most North with a 25-16, 16-25, 25- GOLF - Timothy Mersch,Northridge Prep, Merschserved as one of four stu- (See us today and tonight you will hear, "THAT WAS Ti-lE BEST") Capt. Bob Poteshman Cptn. Bill Kelly 773-445-6262 24. The Vikings improved said. "Before, he could hitconsistent player through-18 win over Deerfield on a senior at Northridge Prep,has been actively involved dents who form the student i -888-929-3474 [email protected] was recognized as a Chickin a variety of activities in-government at Northridge Improving Men Health and Performance www.contusioncharters.com to 13-8. in the middle. Now, he canout the tournament," TomApril 20. CHICAGO MALE "We've been up and down, hit in all three spots: out-said. "He's an outside hitter, Lip Next:Nues North was Evans Scholar, a presti-eluding soccer, debate,Prep. Feel Welcome PrivateAll Male Staff drama and creative writ- Mcrsch, whose goal is to To adve ise in ereae ut oors but were on an upswing side, middle and right side.one ofour fewjump serversscheduled to host Glen- gious distinction for stu- MEDIcALC L1NCWalk-Ins Welcome Complimentary Valet Parking (Saturday)," said NuesIn the past, he had troubleand primary passers. He at-brook North on Tuesday i dent-athlete golfers that ising. As an upperclassman,become a lawyei has decid- North assistant coach Allen hitting from (outside andtacks for us from the backand will visit Highland Park accompanied by a full schol-Merseh was inducted into ed to attend Miami Univer- 565 Lakeview Pkwy ' Vernon Hills call6309788229 Tom. "The kids came inright side), but now he'srow. He's just very consis-at 6 p.m. today. Lake Forest IL arship to a selection of top. the National Honor Soci-sity, where he will study po- 312-2626303 ¶310 W. Supérior Street universities. ety. litical science before head- with a lot of energy. In themore comfortable hittingtent and does not make tooAcademy comes to Skokie ChicagoMaleMedicalClinic.com (Superior and Orleans) Off Chicago Ave. L" Stop P-to speak with a sales representative. past, we've won the first from those areas." many errors. When he hadat 5:30 p.m. Friday. In his four years at As a hail leader, MerschIng into law school. 36sports www.vourseasBn.cOm SIL - lHtflD9Y. 9PIIL 252011 W PIONIER PREISOUBLICWIIOW 'NI Www.yourseason.com sports 37


NODRE DAME TeMOR Old friensle a rda s Loubrielsteersstate-tested relays IoWa tseeis Insus Jand Othello, ByBAN 5H01.04 the kids, bot hr's e great toys. Bet there rewoiss 000 "i thiob all the trids 4:D0 pe. Cooldlonler leaden Ho starts it elf malo- mai or rosdblorb: Orhoa'atheught, 'Hoy, sn problem, toys eulleWtnll el Ceosot W pn. ND runner-up at lag sure 1h01 nobody io goof- leu hamotring. we have four alihe five goys Beys lesrnsse os. IWesI Chinayn. 8-team invite BOYS 006045 - Nitos Weal log oroond nord tIret they Lonbeini Ires tofprovedrowing horb,' "Virose unid. hOD P.O. loom members and coach- loros os Souemuyo. With tire sigolffreotly, jooinr Larch "Bui right now, we'ee not Setseedey es rave about senior Save hamstring troubles we're Jordan baa retorced loas-montag the timen we did WOWS bessbel) hasts Neeeoelh Uy DAN SHALIN Loubriol's leadership guai- hod, ito been Iroy fO 001e ehorboth relnys, end junior tust pear at this linon A huge 1241,10 ed. Cao tribu lar tirs and his ovorh ethic. bave e reollygood wurmoy. Mike Weightbrother ofpart of it is beraune Sosti- Hondee "He's the hardest-worh-We made sues ISuvol knew former Nues Wcatatarago is not in there. Itwillbo 500e tssetnll orAL PeOniaS, 4:10 BOYS006045-Ahnraann-peau ing guy aa our relay," said 110cl. He has made sure the Chris Wright hes re-very toogh taranta get ont coestructian-imponod huaIno, the senor hachage Ochoa, ovho bids are focused iron tire placed the graduated Gobeal anr sertiosal because TomMeS Don Relays were baobab Nabre jairod Loubriel 00 the unitget-go, Iron the hoginoing Naslr au tire 0-cloy's lead1h ere arr a lai of goad Boys tertio et MaIler, 4:30 pu. Doronon April DL thot raptured tesi spriaghof peartloes, und that hide man. tsnws. Bverythisg Iras In go Snys losaN el Beret n)bL Vieler, The retaco al the event mrenb a IHSA Glosa IA aloto title inoros-le extremely herd is the Onhan hos bees riglrt for no." 435 p5. trnmaeomtng for several former Ants nolleytstl Wells SL Petolak, 5 the 4011-moler relay. "lhevr) weight ruera." - not tho estire ootdoor seo- An the tine licha doore os Notra Dane ntndent-nthletns, who libes te pouh everybody libe Loubriel oleerly has pos son altar aggravating o loin- meneo; Orhoa obviaus- helpod ron Ihn ment. Belo leomussa no. Goeysleke ceo- the big daddy. He's breois the herd worh himself, in hawntriogiojnrydeekrgthely is frustratod by his on- ND'm 141h.year head moaah Nube 10er, klO pool. ororhinghard,lilting1ko weight room nod oaths iodonerarnpoign. going iojnrien struggles. Wedecedoy Janbrownhi said he opprecieted Ihn oreights end poshieg ostetrark. "Binre the seosos star-t- ansintoore and enjoyed neelsoglu- The damage, which also WcyI beseiell OasIs IL P510)511 po'netioe. Hr's goiter faster Alter macire g the third hept him ont for n gnod ed, non nf the wain guais Iran 400 p.c. end mode a big loeprore- log of the stato rhampi- portino of ihn football err-been to go Damnable nod Ne auna folt ib handElnd bra cor' menI. We're really reddestonsloip relay lost ocasos, ano, first gore him problems repeat los relay ehampines), rent athletes to mingle with fer-- -with him." Loubriel hoe added the 000 doriog the 2010 towrlr sea-even try to wie one of the Wollt EttI nor osmpebitors. Loobriel direcled thereloy, ivhirh alan in looking Itaumi trophies llar top "Dt wasales'rifin Ihiog loe my SedeS Wotree effrear ot to repaut na state rhowps. Orhna, rohe also fiolsirod tIrreni," Orbra seid. '10,11 the gayo en the teem soon," Jankows- lays yysoestine at CIL Meet, et beck lest 1h11, aod Ochoa -Ho hes posted o timo 0121.9 In said, "D thinh it's geod Dar Ihr filth io ihr 105 atStntelentrelooy gays have bees get- heevstns, bot Pos. also et00000ate on the grid. year, hou bees undergoing htdsto ore thao'o is life beyrod high io the open 200, which sing strooger md their toys bosslall SI yiohleed PerE ieuo - said that Loobriel erlipoeu the state rut of 21.0 regalor theropy. orhnol.It'e agreatpnrtolthnirnn- linea hove dropped. Now 1141 p.n. hue simply rarried his lead- MT and 22.114 FAT. Vivone said he hnpen toita nene. We'll sae onhen I tisis onseer Inste Mehre West. perienae, Por those go po to reme get Orhoa back on tire trarlo ership shills leem the hud- "III loud to pioh roe guy orn roma back, lw the 4:45 po. bock aod Iraip isa goad thiog," dle to the traoIr. mIro bao getteo atol iastse, is ib o seer- futaro, liholymissing piero lo the punnin toys teens tunis dIStend PsIS, The rurmast Dono tuened inn Wolves trorb roach Chris it world be Sevo. He's doce Siles Wesis Seso Leatdol gels ponpisy daIry ko 45100-nier dey hoviog him run 400s io Hopalally, I'll got St." 4:11 p.m abrang performuoce, adoring 119 Vivono encours. o yhenoweral job in the tosi seek eilte Wette Dass tao Reteys. I Dolas t'Mahaeef-lor order la build up to the i: boys unlmnybell Oasis Glesyrank poinlais Bnishieg meroad InNilan Sao-lises Medie "Seve is probably tire beat weighe room and et syrint sprints. RscepoNilos West folloored tamilo ipso. West 1140101 Ihn right-beam is- reploie l'vr had riere l'vr prarhre. Di has shovoso io his TIse rondo sold the odrem- opile title al the Hownwood- toys Oeles polo st Waheods. W vilo Holm Dane ortuolly led aher bees roarhing et Nitostimos," Viocerroid. "Hou in the opro 200. But obvi-Ochoa still aching shy gives him on oreoPionuwoortnoite esApril 15 12 ofthe SW events, West. He's en rotensiro ofbr ou bollo those relaye and, ously we want to gel thorn Many of the pl eroso rologreat er eppreria tino 1erby repturing the eight-team Girls neleo pelo et heleno S Notre Dame enjoyed n streng the reaelsieg stuff," Vivonoyqa orner know, muybe wetwa relays dowo. He's opIare foe another dgniSrnotovhoot thd erinys achinvad Don Reinys ni Notre Damr day io field evretu, with senior -ooid. "Hr keeps it los withens got him do000 Ita Stotolhuge pert of that." postseason roo by tIro re- oeThnr'ndoy Fddey PateeBio-dwinisgthed'rsran 1101' tools bednioire et CIL Weal, SD feet-?) and placing serond in shot lenrlsld. 4:12 P.C. put 145-101. DesinrteamnnteMihn y Ways Ieeebell Waste IL hallt Kann loch hoe top spot in shot 145- 4:45 pn. 10.51, Shiheiber finds little time for relaxation t Cols soyuao nl LeSs Porcel lauro. "They did really oatowordtsnry," 4:31 pu. Jealoownlri said, "Wn auna lip geta Dy DAN 5H01.10 his perfurnooroa," said Albur-pror member of thosology. voitheonehos Poorob, lAdri-mon. It's beco lacto onork Beys 100mb et fr515501 llnhbIls lI- slow Sleet in Ihose creolo, mope- Crstrisolel Went gymoosrirs headDootbalt program, even "He'll be good ai that, loo," an) Batista and )Royl Peyooblm. We'll wisn him sent mite, a:tI P.O. ciully loo the ohob put, berauno sor roach Steve Overoh. "Hethough lea goes just 5-fool-i000rrh peedirtod. no high bar, lbonr and vanto, SaleeMOS don't hare )indaoe feailitieol. So BOYS GYMNASTICS -dnnso't do tho sport year- hund 150 pousde, Shtheihrr Bhiheihersutd ho mightIt's ny msI sport, und I'm Gìrls ksdrsislss si CIL Wee), et wo worbed os tovhniqoe, andin The term "downtime" maymood and bad na Iroewi-pinyrd fulihorlo, nose larb- try out for ODU's chuir How-Irylog to go oil oat." P Deeo?slfi Os000. tha weighb moon, sed libe per- oat belo Nitos Weut ordivo edge ne enperiesro in ihnin aud linoburhar Inst fall. ever, he said sports nra Reenpo The Wolves 1125 Bryn beeebelt al Encostas, 1101 formaneasi were maallp sire In Poarob suid Shiheibor Solle Paso's fis Dyers lakes the Selon talloS Ihr s)sl nntley 0518W et lesI acebO OsoSelcIo.IBrios O'Nshoonl-trr Icr-Ones Elton Rhihaibor'svorobu- pulcIni flaished namenlb sport befure Nitos Wnst. Bat He was oamrd a Controlprob ably out of the guns- known ron olher way. WeNn lary. D fiemly kauere he'll benSubur'bao League Orholar "He iso il-nenester ath-darieg Iba 12-team Nues GOs soeces et take Pavoni fours. ND Snobe Joe Onuhalu wun high "Iguess yonras sayl stare qualifier for os. Hen a for his ecudemlo echiovo- "My body rani labe it," ho lete, wbih spaabs volumesNorth Ceras boils on April lt ed. jump 15-101 und Sniehad SOb is nmnrc Wtyne Zoalbor, MmAndreon, Mike Cuneinghoml lo SEWS. their a ant macs to and nthnmsweme oyant lodo aloi of things do-loen bid robo lrnnws what said. "I heI lIre on old wonuhout his tonarity," the 21, Girls sstlbell Smelt WteeliOW 1181, long jump 11W-51, manioc Joe freshman Dnn Tb ocrons and Despite erasorieg in Ihn niow haoL 001,00 lsametimnml we needed ond that I'm nevar antisfiodhaooanhsarod go ea altar it. Wast more? roaah said. "Of all the hidn Shikeiber finished sistlo lles. Michnelm pince Seso in pale ruait Bauhein sabbad sacred in the low James Saishod second is Ihn 100 snmn noceuse In jomp in, There with dolo5 une thieg," hr Hr's ooi afraid of Isard rrorlr, Shiheiber also singo fer Witlo the red al hin reno- 1045 teOOiB nl Pronto West lied, hnmdie sha101e 155,01; and the dash 111,51, Seedy was third in the were several different 000nsiens Irurrently in gymeustical, no high ber 10.01, Nues Wert gos. 111-O), and janierColtonKally Sn- mid. "Igel bar-ed qairhtywhirh los-err to find ouwa- Ihr arhool's awnod-orioniogyrtitivo alhlehe raedor io habed forth in dismom 1115-WI, group of Janes, nonios, Jaa 5000 14:50,11 ond Section piamed where guys stepped op and hr is ib rane truc arnpohi-juuior Canny Mahoney- Dolo anliaWInI) et Lhedysilte Is' and have todo nomeihing. days. Hrh a Remaissaurn hid a eappellu group Behn Ef-sito, Phiheibnr is worloing toro Hr tolosa rompet' hico In eninys, the squad nf seniora Miahanin, Zodiac and lenebmen nisbh is the SOSO 14:53.6)- jomped into on soeni, That wan Morro placad eighth aovant aile. 831100. D'or elonays bonhiog to heap enlamas I'm rooeoo'ned." loot, which j Ost conopetednuan bordee to arlotove his Todd BcadD Andy BasIlas end Aso- Tin 0141ra planed cecead to the Jnnloomsshl sold ose aspodt nf the anal io oen frona roamloing etsnd- libe it's fun. Ha decani geb19,1251, and jasior Jeab Meesdey myself busy." Over the or'iolro; Shibether stato meet dream. ararad, onerOus um intimi- thoeyAbate, cnd ssphamnra Mita WOO reley 11:37.0). racel he najoped was boon his ebb- point. S anuido't keva bees mnme attire Nutiaeui Champi- Nirolaslo ovan both os rings Sills eoftbell haste tebe Fnrrnt, Gibson pIeced moaned in the 310W Beloya eaeoing bocho place in- lelas pitched in, cran roonnisg peoud." Buuyindand.Aard nurrenu- wus the raptais of theonships io Now York City. "b cono really clone todated. Ho goen not und ram- 4:45 p.c. boL Shibeiker's work un high Woivos' eagiouni champi-Heylayehrrorhkoo'n lathenuhing ti Downstate iopeirs. Iba o'rlr'rshiog. l'vr 18,01. relay lWo43,Sl; nod juniors Jeeb mladed the diotmome medley Isoph- rares by on hieb thoy rneely com- Bnys tonds hasts tloeeneand omoce Moti Sicmianowshi,jantor pete. Op onsir The Sons wsrc ant On bor hua hin is rnoteoeioaonsloiporreuthing Iran. Hrurhoel bend nod is an Bogiewrestling - non piare bert that beunee, but not le 4:10 55. Mmlnsny nsd Beere Pagiano, sus- Dumid Canlreroa, ned eeeisms Malt "TiraI happened repeatedly dur- sloib Jolist Cotirelic 00 Turedmy, for n spot io saut mooth'swan nomad ali-voolerenerOrant, us meli. away" herald. "Dwnnttotry n while. He outs tIre her mo- Up oeestt The Wolves odoll Boys ollao ptln hsmts 6W lrnae, iurJachlleibndeawacd fmnhman and fue ibe aerond straight Shiheiber plans to attendto go Onwostaba for gym- cnmpoba lu tho COL canfor- Chebo Jomes teob macnod in the Sommers ond Tim Conloyl is 12:0; isg the maamae alIke enesisgi' the and mill anmprtr isolmiasguism 'i 2HSA filato Meat. oily high for tiro reel cl the 6F_e. against host Beset and EL Vieler "He has beer nothingpeor, ha advanard losar- S000iber'e Illinois 000ivemai- nastics. I've been woriringteam an furor how to con-ocra moat at Evanston at 400 relay 144.Wl, msd the SOSO lSamwcmm, Caney, enamb said. "mo meet man fant, rad Sirle acuso pela lests Elk tonar, neme gays me er e recover ad fer os Mey 3, short of amonieg as faros ty and study ovialloro tevh- eilt fnr four yearn, werhing pobo nod bah nocas a young 01:00 pm, tadny. tp.n. Addibionnily, the henn nf ooph- asd nnaiaro Harris Duhelmu nod 38 p yIUNEER PIERS PUOLICAIION 'MIL www.pioneerlocnl.com 39 GLI ' raeeessq seen n. osar

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NILEI NORTH HAley Maghanuamapscollegecareer toys terris st CDL MacC at Mhrnr West, 4:30 pv. Rsys bessER tests heebraok North 445 Un. Gymnast preps GlIb seqtot al GserTelT 4:45 for cheerleadirig Rays 003eybsll st Hihloed Pork, B team at Ky. Rays 3yeosshrs st CIL Meet, st Georstab roo pur. DAN SRALIN Girls soaaer hasts GserTet4 T T.n. By Cs rOUtaI sr CrisMA Toys taBak st Prospeal Irolie, 4:30 GYMNASTICS - Nibs Girls treat tecle blairaI lvraye,00. North Gans hape ta sas leas- LoyaiR yorttags, 4:30 Frs. ketboG roar Abet Nader' ploy Girls sUlbell st yalliag MeadoWs lathe NCAA Tournament laBIa. 4:45 prao sorno doy. Bays oalleybsll hosts LeGe Palest But they me y spot unath- r veles si Ceeme,oesht arrr RosetA pro. arnenior Vihingin a couple Mderertedal Seterday ECIALr of years. Goertield 1901f Club lsd Loaseiog Ceoter, in Mioerwoodo, prooldeo Mocepti000l tenets st snnaice and a first Sacs golf, practice, teaching, Rays issetalt at Moire tacit Wenina gywr051 Monny Deanfíeh'o WEBSEII ION) 10:00 p.rs. Mugbunoa hopes 10juin the IoBsgM, banquot end dining facility ter the public 901X010 of Chicagolavd, Deer'tield Golf Club boasts an 1M bolo golf courser deroignod by Girls sacrer st West Levier, floor Uuivar'nity aT Keotuaky tamerd golf dome dysigner LawbOnce Packard, The course meauuru nearly 7,000 yards from the champi005htp tees howeoer, otters Girls BelIboll el Rollio: lesbare alrnoelaadiaag sqarod, avhtah four Bets of tees that wilt chattengy the eepert yet afford the begiooing golfer a very playable und pleasurable oeperlMace, Tacan. 4:40 peo. 'asasaholurslaip urtirity at MandeN IhM of aft ut Deerrt iBid aro golf noting aoparts, specializing io corporate und charity ford raising events, they can coslomize on event Girls tasaN el CSL North Meet, al the rallegs. SUPER Maire West, 4:30 Bas. Maghenuo, artagn ope- pachage tnt any size group. However the beauty of Deertield extends far bayerod the greero It tile golf coorae, IhM clubhouse ottern aíulist an the gynrnastics SAVINGS! excellence in scenery, cuiaine and oervice, and whothel the eccasion is gott noting, wedding, sr anoiselsary Doerileld is the pert oct MILES WEST Seam, has nponttwo se000sas wsaw.deeerlerdgnle.org e5erpscuel. osa foatbail and basketball locution, redel atreerbuealar atNilen North. estere Re.slsersúete.rsr'ess'rlII 7 Bays ternis hosts Meras tooth, SrBat gulf andtubol000tacililieudo noteed. Led by PGA Professional Jemes McCormick, the staff includes PSA and LPIOA golf inotreact ors. 4:30 peo. Humar ans of sin boys an Galt nery peEsnoal game isa challenging setting and Deertield sets the standard tao quality in golf instrgctior, The statt daMant Bays tossbolt hosts tasastan. the squad lust tall. GOLF DEMO DAY 4:49 Gro. Whila nhaaalesdisrg nod leach their program, they teach yours, Every yragram is custamizesttothyotudaot Mtilizirg the latos: in comtsoter aided golf inotract inn gymnaotinseequirasiwilae MaylthlOam-2pm Gills sotlioll el Wauketsr, 4:45 the programo at Deyrfield are designed with your indioldaal reeds sod goals is mied. levela at athlotloism ucd Try the Latest fe Gott Equipment oy aollsybsll al Glerrbraak strength, there ave etgnilt- amy Megberuo holds apace on siril arase leal Week iurìnS theNrlss Noalk Jahr Cress Irrite. I Joel Lerrsr-Iee-lïnes Mafe Thu pro shop is stocked with the latMst Mquipment und clothing from IhM lop manataclolem in the golf ilduatry for both ladies and mon, Fmerca-'r--4 ....54'a,,,. Rise South, B per. curt difTereeceo. 'r(.,..T±t V Too will find goods fmm Titleint, Callaway, Hike, Taylor Moda, Odyasey, Ping, Wilson, Footjuy, tInder Armour, Fairway and Groen and Sear, coeraeaerrm Baya ester pala tacts Eaorslor. "Chsevleadieg lu mora FINRA 00000m esmere abaot tnamworh," ha said. "Tlaay hove so many es- winning n few meets wiShmonth, batO don't have o isn antingant upon laie Their knowledgeoblW statt mill help you oelecting ther praduct that io right for you, Custom club tilling from Patter lo Drioer is available guysgynrnasGrs si CIL Beet, at "Yaunerad to his yace eon- turreas neo t season, and a rotular cuff mnioey. Thatmoalh. So, I'liioet rehab to hnaith." vn elf ny line Seerfiold carries, OMes'field Galt Club anal Learning Centef locate d at 1202 Saunders Road, in Rionrmolda, Illissis Will fit 01cM Olear Essrslsn, V:tG par. thareisoot uaough sparo broad Mugbaauo ta nui aut tcatitear engere and ann tiue, but ita nobbanad onia- yoar erquipmeso, will tif your business, und will fit yaro esaat, yererrflyid Soit Cisti "Will Fit Toar lome", DEERFIELO GOLF CLUB Friday diriduuiiom libo irgywnas-oc the runter," Magbunuu eeenls libe floor enaccise whero it is aaerrt weolo and go ReCap: irtost Hilen North & LEARNING CENTER Girls sacrer at Matira laura, TOO nuid. "Eut Oman told la rey and high bee while aoanen-team thora." nnneeaN 127.8 nod tininhad 1201 saunders Osad, Oioerseeede,IL Saterdoy dos. In gtrmousUans, bao nora Geertield Salt Clati Rioesmauds, IL warb hued by youeoell und again neat your heruose the Sealing exaluanivaly an cinge. Although Magbareuo io sivth in Ike 12-Gnom Nuca n47-M45.e330emsae.dreeliaseaeie,eeu Girls s000el st Malins Tacar, TIO withooi hie entire bag aiHiles John Cecas bailer wwm,deartieldgolt,org rays lerrìa al Gleabroak tacit get better In rhoerinudiog, majority oTthasacaturneeu Sirva hin ecluenagainsr - ave goieg to be seniors. Olenbraub Narth on Apel teichs, Nilea North hood Thareday Senior Ocian Oir Tibe Iroite. A3T ser. you need Ihr whole learn ta Eelyf8MleebnsrealM Thees mill ha yieoiy of opals19, Mugboeua hanonaled naach Rick Meyer halirvee cerne in Fourth on pommel Boys track st Elsrtsab West tr be reith you. Everyone hua altar I-SOd I-57 Golf Naperbrook To place an ad in aite, leale tobe oa the some yaga. II Ineotyeocl." hacIa his ring routinen. Hethe gymnast bao wirat it hanse 15.61, whibo Mughan- I&EGHES eREWIL taken Io enaah Etale. co pioved aialh 0e riegn GotfTlreb Girls track et Mee Taler leslie daosa't ararla if only ono al Maghsnoua pions to altead hayes to ru-introduce ner- this weekly section, Ilirrelke Canpual, 9:30 ear. you gobs better. Tho whole Oahtoe forayoar whiletata skIlls in Iba coming "Even IT he daeen't gel 1X.101. ,aa-otalflO Visi: nur challenging, 18-hole Raya baseball hosts Oeerfialb touaa has to tubo o slap Tor- preparharg Toe the 0012 try- weeks, bui likely will haue evevythiug koala, I sull think The Vikings celebrated oir/Cía reyoseerleietaea Me0Nra ceceO qeIf club links-slyle Coarse, Weekly call 1051,10:30cm. Ea OgGI through pain. it will bu mura thuo oocagh serenar eight with tha'ar neu- .wt0dLe",'eJ fedra sae..xoin.00re. specials, lessons und mnrel Girls solLaR at totaanburt IONI, Msgbaaua's dream cl Bafaen thea, the aerator 'Mp Boul lato make slate Ge get SnaoasLota," Meyer non-high ob 134.310 deirot Opeleso Erciese lIMabas ai earl M'I 02d,50 rl ser. Vinais. Bot because of asp said. "(GaLling into ItheOlenhrook North 1127.61 Barssr Eye em m Ir Irs Cell 630-978-8229 stepping opto the anlieger rouelo io end his high-snhoai Beeerlrsellellosesr Morda! 815-4688827 le t aire WO se el ebd de eno ranks is on bald foeosau-gymnastics corear in style shauldar, i'm at laust hop-datei meet han been the Aprii 19. oseas traes neat ulelieaieaeiek Girls tesaN st Maire West meile, Meerene,itteaes etraeooeotaormmeal san. Aftoa impressing otoby qualifying for Iba lESA ing Ga make it psotnaclion- guai ail along. 1f things go dellfnseeehre y31d,yte Reetdd, 105155 to speak with a 4:31 p.m. recent tryaut in Looingtan, Stute Meet, Mey 12-14 utalu," Mogbunou said. "It's meli avec the neal naupia nf Up root: Hiles North mili Viele ser Wrhuitr les Orees Weekday, 630 365"9200r' S Girls sattbsll at tisabrosk tooth nOwpete in the COL Meet at J Wrekref ted Meliday nefas. Ihr, bernera told Ibero might Lincola-Way East. rar fully hauled, ond I hora weelas, mayba braun eren tek Try eeearere)lpeib 22ml" www.nepeebnoslosalfaoueee,org representative. 4:45 pn. raeferenaunomien up. Imula e some naine dann Eoanslan, beginning at 8:30 eorni.mertereOest,Cem - - Bays solicyGsil tasIs Noriteide, R heu spat apes anther Wild- Thogaaalanipaleront- rots far 2012.13. ly ratuenad to artian aVIarshould lai il rest for o Ibera Olvoavee, aaeeyLh'wg p.m. Thursday. - th:. .ebratungFLOU!

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