APRIL 28, 2011 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * $2.00 A CHICAGO SUN-TIMESPUBLICATION 1H IS WEEK DIVERSIONS SEEING RED 'Hoodwinked Too: Hood VS. Evil' is in Film Clips PAGE B4 FOOD HEARTLAND FOOD Midwest dishes inspiration for cookbook PAGE 26 outstanding :mom Field School students jump over pudifies during the school's seventh PUDDLE JUMPER annual Wa'k to School Day on April 20. The 'walk, which started at Jonquil Terrace Park, helped benefit a Special Olympics athlete. I Rob Hart-Sun-Times Media T oE-vLog 1! S21IN J_s NOI>i'O t0969 j$IO Aè9I13I1BfldS31IN DI1fld s:2-1IN T.000000 6T00 8i'T9E , 5T0-0101 -3i 611. TOURONS, APRIL26, loll 2 www.pioneerlocaI.com ali- r0dn5aa0,5Pert55Oo ManagingEtlitor: Aalatl Schmita Phone: (708) 524-4433 msnlamita®pionecalorool.com I Loca' \ews THIS WEEK: 90220109 PREVIEW PROM FASHIONS SCHOOLS: MOINE R. STUDENT SORBAS FISHING CLUB PERFORMANCE: ZARCERO STEP (TOP 00 nOChEIlS POLICEI MILES MORAR AttN REtURNS SOPE I Fire Department to receive artifact of World Trade Center By JEIINIFER JOhNSON pneaied Matee Taweship, Ihn the Sept. 11th Families' Assoni- uniemorparated Moine Township mantis Ube shipping fee, he said. ))aS no a eMploI cello aal. earn aammunity tile North Moine Fino atino und the New Yorh ned New aller learning ahonl the ooiqac Once the pockage aeeiveo,n Department servas. Jarney Fart Anthonity. In Oho program frame Oneoghler in on- public opasiog mey teisa pInce, A piana nf Sloe Wand Trade 'We're still in Ike planning Chicago aras, rommonitias libo other wusicipelity. Aloe involned possibly during the May meet- Coaler is moaning ta ltBatne Torno- sIegas of what we'll da oaae we Nopeenilte, Corpentorsoitlo und teere Tinefighlor/paramedicu ing of the Mouse Township Temo ship. trove il," said North Maine Fire Cool Cily banc als arerai'ved rem- Greg Zobawshi end Nich Ruse. Bound, Witehe seid. The North Moma Fire Depart- Marshall Arnie Witoho,nehawas ouaIs, which they have incorpo- "IWel said, 'We've gatto do Meanh hopes the artifact will mentir the reaipiaat nf a 6-tant- inotromealol in securing Ike ea- rated 1090 their nuns Sept. Itmn- tlaio. We've gotta try Tor il,'" alwsys hooeemiadertu the nom- lank d-inah aside, 00-pound piace tifoat. "We're pretty eaafldent mariols, In Cool City, Iwo 5-loot- Witobe said. muvity nf the thousands who abtrat salvaged from Oho dabrio we'll pot it at Ridgewand far toll steal beams representing tire Joan opplicutino woo mailed laut died Sept. 11, 2001 inoluding ube of New York City's Wartd Tanda everybody ta uee end visir." Tombe Tnwers ntend outside the ycur and is Jaeaney the dopen- aeerly 405 Srefighleen attempt- Ceatar. Tloe deportmaat, whiah Piereo af 1ko Wand To-ode Can- Coal CiuypireDepurlment'seoaw ment learned the request bed ing tu rescue oconposis nf the rano awaiting the orti fante nr- ter, dastrayed io the Oept. 11, Ore 0100mo, been appreved. Lent woeb Trois Toweno. rivol lost wach, hopeo taure itin 2001, toernelot nOtarlas, oea being Witoke, 0200g with North Witeko recaivod on e-moli let- "We bell libe, who tener we aun a momoeial, peeferoblywitkiaon shipped lo Pee deparlmests, wo- Meine Disociar Pire Chief Mihe ting him heow the steel artifact de ta keep it alive aod Us Iba coburg Oept. 11 aaaeraaanial at eivipolitios and voriaus organi- Seonk, workod to requent o wes about rohe shipped, heartu of evsrybody, that's es- Ridgervood Cemetery iaantnaar- ootioaooroandtkeocorld thraugh World Trade Cenler romanaS Inc The naty cost to 1ko deport- allyroi509 ian all about," he seid. Man fights off intruders in Nues home invasion By 108CR GROEN mee and the ollhndere struggled Corlrit llar with each nthee baforo 5ko via- trw chasod them tram his home. Patire were loaloleg far laBore- "It does ont appeer Sobe gang- motion regordi:ag e heme inva- related," said Nitos pollee 0go. TRANSFORMATION sion Skat tank plane April2001 Robert Tornubene. He seid sorb- o homo ne the 9000 blank uf ingwos token Beam the heme. I,S WITHIN YOU Chester Avonua, in Nitos.) Tko Nitre Fahre Deportment - A 27-peor-aid moo raid dean- was ashing anyone wka muy hove sperifled aumbrr ob intruders iolorwntianregerding the iseo. forced their wny into his resi- sioe or similar ieaiaterit to roll dence and tried ta castrais him the Investigntion Division, 1047) MniithW atO o.w. April 20. Fahre 00td the 006-62MO. a reinul-n.time,in budget, end booked by 98-year instatiatbyn and 15-pear-construction warranties. CelI 088.349.1714 lu Weel will request recount arrange a omplimenlory consultation today, in Niles trustee election SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE! By TRACY GROEN Wool bus uotil Monday to wehe hin rorcant oeqnest oISelaI. CiRAose from 18 months same-as-cash or optional pions Ceeltitulot ro hoorros opta 90% ut your noostvormoith retos starting al A discovery recount allows a 4.64% APR." Contant nor aen000liarr loan openioLiol lar datarla, Aloe Werl han derided to re- losiogcaodidute who names quest o recount of tho cotes le within 2 pecroot nl the rvi0000' the roce foc Nues nilloge lousier. lohavear00000t aforo mochos www.airnnm.comfPP Acrnrdiog Bathe olOnial cien- 02 percent oltbre prachsola in the A4IR tino results, Wed connived 992 eteoline, which i n sevra preciuctu untes und Rooemoo'y Falickire- irr ike Nues niltagr trostac airo- savor,ens - Ohoaooing (rondando al pradunrs und design norebivutines La tollanne setlirrgo-oisia today) ceived 1,016 rates, an lS-votc dii- LOOsama:.yPolicial han stuted HOME ADDITIONS KITCHENS [BATHS 1h01 she hopos the results onwulu I BASEMENTS CUSTOM HOMES "I'm going to requeolu dionov- ecyreconaat," Wed said. the 00mo illboeyoreccrounted, He will ueleat seven bui nokoowlodgesWecl'spreeog- stivato request 'a recount. Siso Wrestle maniacs hier-yen-5W lles Rieres, at Riles, ast S-yesr'alt Mikey Reels Oient loHnt 10e notch tornera Willy comido reeoets etrerauraOo... v,000,or000000eUon000oaorev,i4006retoa01000 annosa 000aflanU, nanioeanroeel.aaa.ttrn saaeaOniauo,eaana7/rs5susaeaaeorearoono he wants to hace recountod. ne ras ,rsoo.a,rar,e,s 500i(000nn, arrren000su n,araao,rirant,anrrieeareer,e,nrceauoonrren00050lso "The macgin is tao slim to ig. said il is importuns In honran- "Es Rant' Rishordsen sed Niel Caller lea the Ctieeqa Blyle Wresiteg Sesayonigiri Cheepia055ip Toe soeur eso pert 0110e Liens nero it," Wed said. cocote elentios results. CloS Uielelss reelrdssa, "Epti loastOlry." at St MeriSEs C000sh io Uribe Graue an April f. I Joel Lerrrer-Soe'Aees Medie NIL 'TIIOROORI, APRIL 28,01)1 S PITBEPS PROlO PU?LICSTITN 'SIL 5 4 news www.pioneerlocal.com www.pioneerlocal.com glOWS MAINE EAST HIGH SCHOOL Nues librarians head to London * 000S000ALSOURCE * INSIDE THIS WEEK CALENDAR 10 Preview0 for royal wedding watching CR100SARO 50f FILM (CIPO II OFICIOS By JENNIFER JOHNSON lt Is he sa nSp ion wer loca Once POLICERLOTTER . tt Royal wedding parties set in Park Ridge IC00000 OS theprom While milliooa tone in long-dis- By JENNIFER JOHNSON "t rnaajast going lo rnetrh (the sHABTIMRO Rl tance Friday to the royal wedding wedding) al home aleen, bnl Meine Oes! High Schoolanpininad faculby co-spon- o! Prince William end Kate Mid- j ehe sorllpioe ne clans mom n!udsetagonapmenìemofilnn sor Paie Lashy dletoo, librarian Cecilio Cygnar Ioniaonietied like a foe waythee i theaghl, 'Who! line meek. LeO's invite Line eeighbarhood," muet popuior n!ylsn foc Io addilion te ginieg alu- of the Rilen Pobtie Library in pion- Non going lathe wedding ofto get logether' cobb fr-lends ned SLIIIESHOW prem dnnieg Ihn nchns)'sd sels se idea of minet ta snatch Obis encra," Sesserneid. abc said. niog In celebrote the festivities Fi-iene William and Kale Middle- ninth annualPramPusinion mean ni them peom, the coch- TIre onnnn is Opec lathe pole- In antinipatlee of the big day, nlongside the peopto of London. ton? Don't be loo diseppaintnd 010ow an Aprilio. ina skaro nino pronided dosa thene orn still oppanOuninies talin end dosraliorns muli heercep!- Pengusan onus ancuegisg u Cm- denella-thamad diapley in the The show, hosted by theeounoii membors with en- toltce peri in Afar big dey io Poila ed for Sena Ieenelli Studios. Meirr Rost Janion Ciecotnsprenssnial nnprriewnn, Ridgn. A public dewing party is cIscstore's wind000, carne!! ese din- Council, fsotarsd dr esses Lnsiny seid. Pi-eh your reos! fantine hat and Oehing placeo! bled & O-Ioni-ptayefoaiari & I-Iunbegtan's nul- trono David's bridle and Dein, "This inno enpocin000 Por iogtanjewsiena et 000 0/2 Mom laotien uf auppirire jewelry is heodorerto tIre Fork Ridge Non- as mellon tunedoes fromshe atodeals benaeonnvenl Frogo Ca ateto 720 W Go rdso Sn., SL in Upiomn Purin Ridge-Doettnbosan of the stnse costalead Sanni Ponwalmneor. Forty libe it's o nwal inusinesu," hw wheneavinoning ettite neye! wed- will npen alo n.m. ead Bnglirh mithin Kate Middietne'a fnmouu student wodols sleppod sold. "We do aO tine pinoniog diag cnlebralioe will begie atOteas Prom Tea Lote,iiS. Psirriern, mili be serned uloog- durO hone TOtO nisg but onto Ihn cuimulin foc ihr end oil ihre enoclanling oed em. Doors opon et 8-00050. ene ley to get oil Ike dona- According Lo ongoninen Leigh one')1 hove oseppbirs dispicy rei- orenL which eodiencn wem- sida seoass und other Orseta, ne- heno peid $5 serbio nt!end. Soerail iradiniooal iSoglisic teacording On nnglainer Seseo Per- ebruting bec eagagemesocieg," "Uitimute!y we use Ihn "Ot'sagcnat espoo'menre for " - end amnats will b e sentad while Ferguson said. foods to holy sainnidian line 00m kids to (earn to ron on Photos of the Week cosbaiprom for ses! yeer," enwn! libe this." Ilpesh CelAs darnes deer 15e conway st MaIne Last High !nhnnis Penn P5511mm Ohes 00April h j thelma little-Fol Sas-Opes Cella lilas Publio Library liberian Catita Cyg- sien and, ai Ihn very Innato atiend- Plosob, eneOher Riles Libreryhet-laniog Lendanars, seys ase Tuteas sah el the pon! eses llrasgh rar is treoelir$ te larden with hopes at inganeighhacknadpanly leg Oho hntnns pnieoesr in harmed tOe lasses st lee phslsgraphnrs olsoirl the wedding praaessira st Prieos aisfferl bene benn bloggieg chou! el pleaser erenn sed Ate leseas dieggorsu au nine !runain down ifa Silliest an! Kate Siluetar.
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