Green Port Hull), Kingston Upon Hull,

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Green Port Hull), Kingston Upon Hull, MARFLEET (15/00393/RES) Alexandra Dock Complex (Green Port Hull), Kingston Upon Hull, , Demolition of buildings and erection of new buildings (including part of a single building of 22.476m high; 73' 9") for the manufacture of wind turbine blades and the assembly, maintenance, storage and distribution (Use Class B1, B2 and B8) of wind turbine components, including blades, and equipment associated with renewable and low carbon industries, together with open areas for the storage, handling, assembly and testing of equipment, service areas, access and associated ancillary works. Submission of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) for the Port of Hull Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO) (revised Design) SUMMARY - Green Port Hull – Erection of Blade factory and other works - No objections received. - Recommended for conditional approval. SITE Part of the Green Port Hull site. The application site consists of two areas, the main site lies on the western side of Alexandra Dock to the east of Keystore. An area previously used as outside storage and parking, now cleared and part of a construction site. The second area lies to the south of the dock and contained shed storage buildings with surrounding hardstanding. PROPOSAL On the western part of the Dock:- Demolition of buildings and erection of new buildings for the manufacture of wind turbine blades and the assembly, maintenance, storage and distribution (Use Class B1, B2 and B8), together with open areas for the storage, handling, assembly and testing of equipment, service areas, access and associated ancillary works. - Erection of Blade Factory building of circa 34,500 sqm (371,220 sqft) and up to 16.5m (54’ 2’’) high. Including a 22m (72’ 2’’) high flue - Erection of ancillary office accommodation totalling 3,625 sqm (39,005 sqft) over 2 floors. - Access to Hedon Road, car parking and associated work including areas for the storage and handling of the equipment. - Marshalling area for 6 lorries, 18 cars and 2 disabled car parking spaces. - 404 standard car parking spaces, including 18 disabled car parking spaces, 80 covered cycle parking spaces. On the South Eastern part of the Dock:- - Erection of Service / Offshore building of circa 11,000 sqm (118,360 sqft). the majority of the building would be at 15.5m (51’) high with higher point at 22.476m (73’ 9’’). The main building materials would be silver polyester powder coated aluminium metal cladding system with insulated precast insulated concrete panels on the lower section. Submission of reserved matters (appearance, layout, and scale) for the Port of Hull Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO) PLANNING HISTORY 15/00383/RES – current - Landscaping and means of enclosure details. Submission of reserved matters (landscaping) for the Port of Hull Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO). 15/00492/LDO – current - Application to vary condition no. 15 on Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO) to allow for working on Saturdays between 0800 and 1300, currently no Saturday working is permitted under this condition. (Green Port Hull) 31772E – Approved with conditions 03.09.2014 - Erection of 6 x electricity sub stations - Submission of reserved matters (access, appearance, layout, and scale) for the Port of Hull Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO). 31772F - Approved with conditions 03.09.2014 - Demolition/partial demolition of existing buildings; erection of buildings (including a single building of 22.991m high) and refurbishment of buildings for the manufacture, assembly, maintenance, storage and distribution (Use Class B1, B2 and B8) of wind turbine components and equipment associated with renewable and low carbon industries, together with open areas for the storage, handling, assembly and testing of equipment, service areas, access and associated ancillary works - Submission of reserved matters (appearance, layout, and scale) for the Port of Hull Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO) 31772G - Approved with conditions 03.09.2014 - Demolition of existing buildings and erection of service and logistics building for Class B1 (light industry and ancillary offices), Class B2 (General industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution) uses associated with renewable and low carbon industries, together with car parking, service areas/hard standing (including for external storage of parts and components), access, and associated ancillary works Submission of reserved matters (appearance, layout, and scale) for the Port of Hull Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO) 31772H - Approved with conditions 03.09.2014 - Formation of landscape areas and erection of fencing/gates - Submission of reserved matters for the Port of Hull Local Development Order (12/00121/LDO) 31791 - Approved with Conditions 01.05.2012 - Port of Hull Local Development Order 31772, 31772B, 31772C, 31772D, 26841C - Green Port Hull applications - Approved with conditions 15.10.2012 REPRESENTATIONS The Ramblers Association Consults expired 01.05.2015 Humber Local Enterprise Partnership Consults expired 01.05.2015 Humberside Police The applicant has suggested that they require BREEAM very good. Breeam includes points for security elements that can be attained via the achievement of the SBD Developers Commercial Award. The development proposal generally fits with the standards and guidance as shown in the Secured by Design Commercial guidance although from the submitted information it is not possible to establish the standards for lighting and cctv which would need to meet with the requirements of the commercial guidance, for the SBD Award. Humber Local Nature Partnership Consults expired 01.05.2015 Environmental Health Noise The proposed blade manufacturing building will have external plant/machinery associated with the operation of the facility. It is recommended that the plant selection and location are considered in relation to noise impact on the surrounding residential premises and that this assessment of noise impact is included within the operational noise management plan which has to be submitted for the full site operations. Permitted Activity The applicant has stated within the application that the blade paint spraying activity will require an environmental permit in order to control air emissions. This is the case and can confirm that the regulatory body for this will be Hull and Goole Port Health Authority, who discussions have already commenced with Yorkshire Water No objections Natural England No comments to make. Hull City Council Highways DC Have raised questions – passed on to the applicant –response received – awaiting further comments from Highways DC 1. The gates on the service compound need to be sufficiently inset along the access road to ensure that the vehicle accessing / leaving the compound is completely off the main exit route for the site and therefore not hampering vehicles leaving the site. 2. How do pedestrians / cyclists arriving at the western site access gain access to the cycle / pedestrian route which runs alongside the eastern side of the car park. It looks as though pedestrians would have to walk in the road to get through the security gates? There doesn’t appear to be a pedestrian / cycle link to allow them to access the route. Is there a plan which shows this linkage in more detail? 3. The swept path of a HGV turning left to access the site from the nearside lane adjacent to security building 3 has to cross over onto the north bound carriageway to make the manoeuvre. Layout needs to be adjusted to ensure that this manoeuvre can be accommodated without crossing over onto the other side of the carriageway. 4. Is there any secure covered cycle / motorcycle parking associated with security building 3? People who have not been inducted that arrive on their bike will need some secure parking. 5. Will all the secure cycle parking be covered? Environment Agency No objections East Riding of Yorkshire Council East Riding of Yorkshire Council strongly support this application. The emerging East Riding Local Plan recognises that the Humber is uniquely well suited to supporting the growth of the offshore renewable energy sector, and the substantial opportunities this presents. The blade manufacturing and wind turbine assembly facilities at Alexandra Dock proposed by this application represent a key element in establishing the Humber as a national and international centre for renewable energy. It is expected to act as a catalyst for further supply chain investment across the Humber, and help to secure long-term economic growth in the area Highways England No objection Marine Management Organisation The MMO have no comments to make with regards to the terrestrial aspects of the works so long as they does not conflict with those consented within the marine licences. They do not. Hull and Goole Port Health Authority No objections Historic England Support the application on the basis that the Conservation Management Plan is implemented as agreed. Humber Archaeology Partnership Have raised concerns about the information submitted to date, lack of clear records etc., advise condition. APPLICANT’S CASE Following the grant of reserved matters in 2014 for a Siemens renewable energies facility at Alexandra Dock, the company’s overall requirements for the wider Hull area have evolved resulting in a one site strategy such that blade manufacture (originally proposed for land within the Paull LDO within East Riding) is now proposed at Alexandra Dock alongside previously proposed operations. In addition, production synergies and technical
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