Digest of Planning Decisions 1 January to 31 January 2021

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Digest of Planning Decisions 1 January to 31 January 2021 DECISIONS ISSUED 20/00377/LBC St Andrews And Dockland 20/00377/LBC Newington Academy Dairycoates Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU3 5DD Listed Building consent for: 1. Construction of multi-use games area (with lighting); 2. Erection of single storey modular building (to provide classrooms). Listed Building Consent Approved 20/00378/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 20/00378/FULL Newington Academy Dairycoates Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU3 5DD 1. Construction of multi-use games area (with lighting) 2. Erection of single storey modular building (to provide classrooms). Application Permitted 20/00448/CONDET St Andrews And Dockland 20/00448/CONDET 36-38 South Street Kingston Upon Hull HU1 3PY Discharge of conditions 1, 2 and 3 of approval 19/00130/PCOU Conditions Partly Discharged 20/00566/FULL Marfleet 20/00566/FULL Land To The South Preston Road Kingston Upon Hull A hybrid planning application comprising:- 1) Full planning application for residential development (242) dwellings, public and private access roads, public and private landscaping, recreational facilities and associated drainage works. 2) Outline planning application for residential development (all matters reserved except for access). 1 Application Permitted 20/00630/CONDET Longhill And Bilton Grange 20/00630/CONDET Land North Of Hopewell Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 4HJ Discharge of conditions 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 for approval ref 19/00827/OUT - Outline application for the erection of 6 bungalows with associated access (All matters reserved) Conditions Partly Discharged 20/00942/TPO Drypool 20/00942/TPO 81 Village Road Kingston Upon Hull HU8 8QS Works to Tree Preservation Order no. 161A involving felling of trees on western boundary within garden TPO works refused 20/00960/FULL Beverley And Newland 20/00960/FULL Jet Petrol Filling Station 351 Beverley Road Kingston Upon Hull HU5 1LD Use of site as hand car wash including provision of 2 screened jet wash bays, 2 drying and vacuum bays and personnel and storage cabin Application Permitted 20/00969/FULL Avenue 20/00969/FULL 34 Salisbury Street Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3HA Change of use from a 6 bedroom HIMO (Class C4 Use) to a 3 bedroom Care Home (Class C2 Use) Application Permitted 20/01003/FULL North Carr 20/01003/FULL 2 Kingswood Academy Wawne Road Kingston Upon Hull HU7 4WR 1. Erection of three storey building to rear (east) of existing building; 2. Construction of car park and drop-off areas; 3. Other minor development (including formation of a habitable area). Application Permitted 20/01044/FULL West Carr 20/01044/FULL 20 Cheviotdale Kingston Upon Hull HU7 4AW Erection of single storey extension to rear and side (following demolition of existing garage). Application Permitted 20/01052/FULL Avenue 20/01052/FULL 136 Victoria Avenue Princes Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3DT Application Withdrawn 20/01104/ADV Central 20/01104/ADV 30 - 31 Caroline Street Kingston Upon Hull HU2 8DY Advertisement application Application Withdrawn 20/01126/FULL Sutton 20/01126/FULL 18 Broadstairs Close Kingston Upon Hull HU8 9UR Erection of two storey extension to rear and single storey extension to side. Application Permitted 3 20/01139/FULL Sutton 20/01139/FULL 19 Church Street Sutton-On-Hull Kingston Upon Hull HU7 4TL 1. Erection of first floor extension above existing attached garage to rear 2. Alterations to existing windows to side elevation. Application Permitted 20/01165/COU North Carr 20/01165/COU 9 Perran Close Kingston Upon Hull HU7 4PP Change of use from amenity land to private garden and erection of boundary fence Application Permitted 20/01174/COU Southcoates 20/01174/COU 570 Holderness Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 3ET Change of use to himo Application Withdrawn 20/01196/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 20/01196/FULL Sellwoods 378 Hessle Road Kingston Upon Hull HU3 3SD Change of use of the ground floor unit from Class E (a) (Display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food) to Sui Generis Use Class (hot food takeaway - for the sale of hot food where consumption of food that is mostly undertaken off the premises) associated with alterations to the front shop and the installation of extraction flue to the rear of the property. Application Refused 20/01197/ADV St Andrews And Dockland 20/01197/ADV Sellwoods 378 Hessle Road 4 Kingston Upon Hull HU3 3SD Advertisement consent application for display of non-illuminated fascia sign Advert Refusal 20/01205/FULL Marfleet 20/01205/FULL 1019-1021 Hedon Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 5QN Erection of single storey extension to (northern) side of existing single storey retail building and alterations to existing petrol forecourt to improve customer parking and exit routes (Amended plans received) Application Permitted 20/01213/FULL University 20/01213/FULL 272 Cottingham Road Kingston Upon Hull HU6 8QA Erection of single storey rear extension (3.8m long x 3.55m wide x max 4.18m high) (Amended plans received) Application Permitted 20/01230/LBC Avenue 20/01230/LBC 63 Princes Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3QX Application for listed building consent for installation of new floor (over existing tiled floor) Listed Building Consent Approved 20/01239/FULL Southcoates 20/01239/FULL 14 Oban Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU9 3NJ Detached outbuilding in rear garden (3m long x 7.5m wide x 3.8m max height). Application Refused 5 20/01244/FULL Avenue 20/01244/FULL 210 Marlborough Avenue Princes Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3LE Installation of upvc sliding sash windows to front Application Permitted 20/01246/FULL Avenue 20/01246/FULL 232 Marlborough Avenue Princes Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3LE Installation of upvc sliding sash windows to front Application Permitted 20/01267/FULL Newington And Gipsyville 20/01267/FULL Dream Land Takeaway 249 Boothferry Road Kingston Upon Hull HU4 6EY We currently own a building at 249 Bootferry road which is a takeaway at the front of the premises and a yard at the back. The proposal is to change the yard into a shisha cafe. This will include: creating an entrance from the side street wall (wistow grove). Create a roof structure over the yard as a shelter, such as a gazebo. Allowing customers to smoke on the premises and order food / non alcoholic drinks from the takeaway. Application Withdrawn 20/01285/FULL Boothferry 20/01285/FULL 29 Southern Drive Kingston Upon Hull HU4 6TR Erection of single storey rear extension (max 4.53m long x max 5.95m wide x max 3.76m high; height to eaves 2.73m) (Retrospective application) Application Permitted 6 20/01286/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 20/01286/FULL Revolution 33 Lowgate And 14 Bishop Lane Kingston Upon Hull HU1 1EA 1. Change of use of bar and ancillary offices, storage and kitchen to apartments on all floors and flexible permission on ground floor (uses within Class E) including external alterations at 33 Lowgate 2. Change of use of vacant storage building to dwelling (14 Bishop Lane) 3. External alterations at 14 Bishop Lane (15 Residential units in total) Application Permitted 20/01294/S73 West Carr 20/01294/S73 Aldi Sutton Road Kingston Upon Hull Application for variation of condition 2 (Goods for sale restriction) on approval 17/00880/S73 - to allow for the sale of a limited range of lottery tickets as well as the existing approved range of goods Application Permitted 20/01295/FULL Kingswood 20/01295/FULL 14 Pools Brook Park Kingston Upon Hull HU7 3GE Erection of single storey rear extension 3.2m long x 8.4m wide x 3.3m high (2.9m to eaves) Application Permitted 20/01300/FULL Kingswood 20/01300/FULL 18 Pools Brook Park Kingston Upon Hull HU7 3GE Erection of two storey side extension and erection of new masonry wall to boundary (3.5m long x 3m x 6.94m high) Application Permitted 20/01317/FULL West Carr 20/01317/FULL 76 Deerhurst Grove Kingston Upon Hull 7 HU7 4QF Erection of detached garage (following demolition of existing garage). Application Permitted 20/01322/FULL Longhill And Bilton Grange 20/01322/FULL 67 Main Road Kingston Upon Hull HU11 4AP Formation of vehicular access to Main Road Application Refused 20/01336/COU Drypool 20/01336/COU 257 Holderness Road Kingston Upon Hull HU8 8TD Change of use from retail shop (A1) to sui generis (Nail Salon). Application Permitted 20/01340/LAW Newington And Gipsyville 20/01340/LAW Flats 1 - 4 42 Alliance Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU3 6QX Application for certificate of lawful use for an existing use as 4 self-contained flats. Lawful Use Granted 20/01344/FULL Drypool 20/01344/FULL 6 Laburnum Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU8 8PH Erection of single storey rear extension (3m long x 7.1m wide x 3.5m max height) Application Permitted 20/01345/PAH Holderness 20/01345/PAH 8 Clifford Avenue Kingston Upon Hull 8 HU8 0LU Erection of:- Single storey rear extension (5.5m long x 6.3m wide x 3.8m high). (Application to determine whether prior approval for development within the curtilage of a dwelling house is required for a rear extension) Prior Approval permitted development 20/01356/FULL University 20/01356/FULL Land To The Rear (east) Of 4 - 6 Redhill Park Kingston Upon Hull HU6 8QH Erection of dormer Bungalow Application Refused 20/01373/FULL Boothferry 20/01373/FULL 4 Patterdale Road Kingston Upon Hull HU5 5AR Erection of replacement summerhouse to rear (3.52m long x 3.81m wide x max 3.73m high) Application Permitted 20/01384/ADV Central 20/01384/ADV 94 Spring Bank Kingston Upon Hull HU3 1QH Replacement of an existing illuminated 48-sheet advertisement display with an illuminated 48-sheet digital advertisement display Advert Refusal 20/01389/S73 Kingswood 20/01389/S73 Land At Wawne Road (Phase G1) Kingston Upon Hull Application to vary condition No.4 (approved drawings) on approval No.
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