11 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30


What did the Rebbe mean when he said; “This is not Russia!”? ()

When the Vaad Hakohol announced that elections will be held for addi- tional Rabbomim we made it very clear that these elections will be open, honest and transparent. As the Rebbe said very clearly, “This is not Russia.” What worked in Russia will not work here in a democratic and open society.

This means anyone is free to recommend qualified candidates for the Beis Din. It means legitimate elections that offer the voters real choices, not “yes or no” on a single unopposed candidate. It means engaging objective outside monitors to supervise the entire election process so that no one should have any doubts regarding the elections outcome. It means involving netzigim from a range of local shuls to act as observers and make sure nothing underhanded takes place. Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 22

Unfortunately the last election in 5763 failed to conform to even minimal standards of democratic process. To begin with, there was only a single candidate. This was the sort of practice the Rebbe was referring to as “This is not Russia!” Furthermore, the Vaad Hakohol at that time – with the signatures of Yaakov Herzog, Nochum Gross and Chanina Sperlin – wrote in their announcement of 9 Marcheshvon 5763 as follows:

“...The Rebbe has instructed us that the appointment of Rabbonim should be through the participation of the entire Kehillah* by public mandate, therefore with the consent of Avrohom Osdoba Shlita, we would like to inform you tht G-d willing elections will take place Sunday 21 of Marcheshvon 5763… “At this time you will have an opportunity to elect … Rabbi , who currently is assisting the B”D in its many duties and is willing to serve as a full time Rov and Member of the B”D as necessary. “In addition to the above we are informing you, in the name of Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba* Shlita, that Rabbi Yitzchok Raitport Shlita and Rabbi Shlomo Segal Shlita, will be serving as additional Dayonim in Dinei Torah, and will assist the B”D as necessary.”

The letter from the Vaad Hakohol contained an addendum from Rav Osdoba which stated his approval of the election predicated on the ful- fillment of the following criteria:

1. Elections for Rabbonim of the Bada”tz to be mandated by a majority of the public vote.

2. (Rav Osdoba’s) appointment of the above mentioned Rabbonim (Rav Raitport and Rav Segal) to serve in conjunction with the Bada’tz for Dinei Torah and other necessary matters. * emphasis is ours 3 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Thus, as was made clear by the communique issued in 5763 by Messrs. Herzog, Gross and Sperlin, an election could only take place subject to the participation of Rav Raitport and Rav Segal serving “in conjunction with the Bada’tz for Dinei Torah and other necessary matters.” Hence there is no basis for questioning either Rov’s legitimacy. Unfortunately when Rav Segal was asked to give the B”D more time as Dayan, he was called a “minui chodosh” (a new appointee) by Rav Schwei who then summoned Rav Segal to a Din Torah in order to deny his legit- imacy. This, despite the fact that Rav Schwei’s election as Rav was premised on Rav Segal’s and Rabbi Raitport, active presence. Hence there is no justification or legitimacy for any Din Torah that questions Rav Segal’s role in the Beis Din, since Rav Schwei’s status as Rav is conditional on Rav Segal’s status. It is sad and unfortunate that the very individuals who set the above-men- tioned ground rules for the last elections are now engaged in efforts to undermine their own directives. One can only wonder why they have secretly highjacked the Executive Board of the Netzigim and are resort- ing to underhanded tactics; communiqués that are replete with falsehood, innuendo and disinformation; and hazmonos to frivolous dinei Torah, It is especially unfortunate that pressure is being applied to askonim on the elected Vaad Hakohol to submit themselves to demands of loyalty to yechidim rather than do what is right and honest. It is frightening, for example, that the Vice Chairman of the Vaad Hakohol, Dr. Tzvi Lang was called by Rabbi Nisen Mangel with whom he learned Torah every morning for 10 years, and asked “Where is your loyalty?” Loyalty tests are precisely what the Rebbe was decrying when he declared;”This is not Russia.” The real question should be “Where is your honesty?” Which is precisely how Dr. Lang responded. The current Vaad Hakohol is the first ever to operate with complete transparency and to work tirelessly to unite and assist all members of the Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 4 Crown Heights community – not just the powerful and the connected, not just shpitz , not just those who identify or oppose Moshichism. The sums of money distributed funds to almonos and yesom- inm and others who are in need is unprecedented. Everyone is equal. Everyone is loved. Everyone is treated with respect. It is in this spirit of achdus and sholom that we sponsor the forthcoming election. Because this is what our Kehilah needs. 5 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30


From: Moshe Rubashkin / Vad HaKohol To: ANASH Subject: Beis Din Election Countdown – Sunday 2 Iyar, April 30th

When a house is on fire, unified action is necessary. Differences must be set aside in order to save the home and rescue its inhabitants. A house that is divided against itself cannot survive. Crown Heights is a house on fire. It is our house on fire. It is a commu- nity divided against itself. And the price we are paying is dear. We are paying the price through the unprecedented number of troubled teenagers who are straying from the derech not because there is no leadership, but because the leadership is divided against itself. We are paying the price through rampant sholom bayis conflicts with in families, between families, among neighbors and friends. We are paying the price by not knowing to whom we must turn for clear, definitive answers to our questions on all issues, both b’ruch niyus and b’gashmiyus. These problems that are eroding the subsoil of our community can be traced directly to the fact that our Beis Din is the primary example of a house divided against itself. Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 6 As things now stand, and as they have stood for nearly half a decade, our address of highest authority is a metaphor for all that is wrong in our midst. If things continue to deteriorate at an increasingly accelerated pace, the future is dim indeed. And we will have only ourselves to blame. The Vaad Hakohol of Crown Heights is hardly perfect. But it remains the only community-wide institution that has been democratically elected to serve the needs of this community and represent all who live here. The Vaad’s mandate is both microscopic and macroscopic. Our job is to address the problems of individuals and families who are in need of acute, immediate help as well as to address the needs of the community as a whole, particularly in times of crisis. Our community is truly in crisis. Our children are hurting. We need answers from our rabbonim and dayanim. And these answers can come only if there is a beis din that is able to deliver majority rulings on the issues that are critical to living a proper chassidish life in the one community which the entire world looks to as an example of chassidus and mesiras nefesh. It is for this reason and this reason only that the Vaad Hakohol, by major- ity opinion, as the duly – and the only – elected body representing the members of the Crown Heights kehillah has taken responsibility for spear- heading an honest election that will augment the current Beis Din. The goal is to have a single Beis Din operating in our commu- nity rather than two Batei Din operating independently of one another under the same roof. We can no longer afford a Beis Din that is divided against itself. The only way to change things is by having a minimum of three, and preferably five, qualified Rabbonim who can achieve consensus either through unanimity or by simple majority. And the only way to create a healthy Beis Din is via duly constituted elec- tions that are monitored from the outset by a qualified, objective third 7 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 party that has no vested interest in the final result. Anything less would not be an election. It would be gerrymandering by self-serving special interest groups. We are pleased to report that an announcement will be made shortly of a list of five or more candidates all of whom are accepted and respected throughout the community, and all of whom have worked assiduously under the current and former Rabbonim including Rav Marlowe zt”l, Rav Heller, Rav Osdoba and Rav Schwei. To oppose an effort that is as clear, idealistic and logical as this election defies explanation. There can be no positive justification for attempting to undermine such an initiative. Indeed, to do so is to undermine the entire community by placing personal political agendas ahead of the com- munity’s needs. Recently a paper was distributed by a group of men who purport to speak on behalf of all netzigim of the local shuls and batei midrash and their mis- palelim. The paper attempts to undermine the effort being made by the democratically elected Vaad Hakohol to heal the community and set it back on course.

1. The paper issued by this group is replete with halftruths, outright falsehoods, and innuendos that require an open and honest response in order to set the record straight. The paper claims that “The entire Beis Din must consent to an election prior to any search for candidates.” This is patently false as in the prior elec- tion Rav Osdoba agreed to the election while Rav Heller abstained, hence there was no unanimous agreement at all. Yet there was no opposition then or now on the part of those who signed this paper

2. Regarding approval of candidates, the paper states; “It is obvious that either the elected members of the B’Datz or an independent Rabbinic board (that is not handpicked by the Vaad Hakohol) must be involved in evaluating any prospective candidate’s suitability for the post as per all previous elections.” Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 8 This is patently false. Previous elections were also run by the Vaad Hakohol and promises were made by the previous Vaad leadership that future elections will be held in order to add more Rabbonim to the Beis Din. As for an “independent board” there was no such board or any call for such a board during the last Beis Din election. Why were these people silent when the previous election was held?

3. With regard to the timing of the elections, the paper states; “Many in the community feel that making elections at the present time would exacerbate the problems of the Beis Din.” Who are these “many”? Why don’t they stand up and identify themselves? Are they 5, 10, 20, 25 people? Do these “many” represent any one but themselves and their own hidden agendas? Why is this time less suitable than some other time? Isn’t three years of conflict and lack of leadership long enough? Whose interests are being served by procrastinating even further?

4. The paper claims that the number of candidates and positions “must be evaluated carefully … Having more members of equal authority can be a recipe for divison and strife.” This statement flies in the face of both reality and halacha. The Shulchan Aruch clearly states that that a Beis Din should have at least three dayanim, and that more would be preferable to three.

5. The paper goes on to state that “Therefore we believe the Rabbonim need to resolve the matter between themselves … Should they not be able, chas v’sholem, to solve the problems on their own, merely adding rabbonim will only add additional protagonists, but the underlying problem will continue and fester.” Obviously the authors of this paper wants the status quo to fester. After all, there has been no sholem bayis for over three years for the very reason that, with only two active dayanim, there has been no possibility of a majority opinion regarding any issue. Indeed the very rea- son the Shulchan Aruch requires an odd number of dayanim is in order 9 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

to preclude the kind of paralysis and sinas chinom the status quo generates. The fact is, the signatories to this paper represent only themselves and their narrow personal agendas. No one stopped any of them from run- ning for election to the Vaad Hakohol in the past. And no one will stop any of them from running for election in the future. Until such time, they, as individuals, have every right to their personal opinion so long as it is stated as personal opinion and does not include empty abstractions such as “many in the community”; or patent ignorance of halacha such as stating that more Rabbonim would result in further strife; or out- right sheker such as the assertion that “It has been brought to our atten- tion” that anyone, let alone the elected Rosh Hakohol, would withhold a dayan’s paycheck. The Crown Heights community has room for a diversity of opinions, which is why elections, be it for the Vaad Hakohol or the Beis Din are the proper way to create true consensus and sholem bayis. We hope the men who signed this offensive paper will come to understand this. If they feel their point of view reflects that of a majority of the community, they can always list themselves as candidates in the next election for Vaad Hakohol. Until such time they can voice their concerns and lodge honest criticisms. They can even recommend candidates for the election – as can any mem- ber of the community. Once again the Vaad Hakohol calls for openness, honesty, transparency, and objectivity in initiating and running the long overdue election for additional dayanim. And we ask any opponents to be equally honest, open and respectful of those with whom they disagree. Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 10 11 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30



Recently, many problems have arisen in the functioning of the Beth Din of Crown Heights. At a meeting of the Vaad Hakahal, a vote was taken of its members according to which it was decided to hold elections for additional Rabbonim in the near future.

Immediately after Reb Moshe Rubashkin, Chairman of the Vaad Hakahal, sent a letter out to the community about the imminent elections, a facsimile of the Rebbe’s handwriting was publicized on the Internet – a response the Rebbe once sent (here in translation): “What is the connection of the Vaad Hakahal to the appointment of Rabbonim?”

Many indeed have wondered and do not know what is the meaning of this response, for the Vaad Hakahal was appointed after there were already Rabbonim functioning, so what did the Rebbe mean by this?

To explain this properly to the public, it is necessary to know the back- ground:

In Adar, 5745 (1985), Rabbi , of blessed memo- ry, the revered Rav of Crown Heights, passed away.

During the winter of 5746 (1986), Rabbi Chaim Meir Bukiet, of blessed memory, received a response from the Rebbe that, on the issue of Rabbonim for Crown Heights, this belongs to the neighborhood’s residents. On 9 Shvat that year, the Rebbe responded (in translation): “All this belongs, as is obvious, to the decision of the Jews who are residents of the neighborhood, may they be well.”

After this response, every shul of the neighborhood was asked to send a representative to represent its members, thus forming the body known as the “N’tzigim.” The N’tzigim were successful in holding elections for Rabbonim, which were particularly encouraged by the Rebbe, as he expressed himself: “I have turned aside from everything with which I was occupied…”! Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 12

On 4 Nissan, 5746 (1986), the elections were held, and the candidates, Rabbi Yehuda Kalman Marlow and Rabbi Dovid Chanzin (both of blessed memory), and Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, may he be well, were elected by a majority of votes. Rabbi Chanzin, however, was directed by the Rebbe not to leave his position in the Holy Land.

When the Rebbe was asked whether elections should be held for a third Rav during the limited number of days before Pesach or immediately after- wards, or else to wait or perhaps not to elect a third Rav altogether, he respond- ed (in translation): “According to the decision of the community, may they be well.”

Elections were held for a third Rav on 23 Iyar, 5746, and Rabbi Yosef Avrohom HaLevi Heller was elected.

During Chol Hamoed Pesach, the Rebbe was asked several questions regarding the Rabbonim already elected and about the election of a third Rav (whether he should be from the neighborhood, New York, America, or any loca- tion), and he responded – among other details – (in translation):

“I have already replied that this belongs to the local residents (since this is referring to the local Rabbonim) – as is straightforward in the Shulchan Aruch… and in general you should clarify your questions also in the future, on all such issues, among the aforementioned resi dents.”

On the day before Shabbos, 28 Sivan that year, was held the induction of the Rabbonim, and on that Shabbos the Rebbe spoke an entire Sicha on the sub- ject, which he later edited (, volume 28, p. 255).

After the Rabbonim were elected, the residents of the community asked permission of the Rabbonim to hold elections for a Vaad Hakahal. The Rabbonim agreed, and on 17 Ellul, 5746, these elections were held and the first Vaad Hakahal was elected.

During 5747 (1986-1987), the Vaad Hakahal published a periodical named “Crown Heights.” For its second issue, they wanted to include a Sicha of the Rebbe from Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim, 5747, regarding the fact that none of the Rabbonim had received the Aliya for the Torah reading of Aseres 13 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

Hadibros (the Ten Commandments), as is customary. When they asked the Rebbe about this whether to publish this Sicha, he responded (in translation):

(1)“What is the connection of the Vaad Hakahal to appointing Rabbonim?! “(2) According to the beginning of chapter 2 [of that Sicha], you are publishing something that has no connection with you, and which thereby insults the honor of the Rabbinate. “(3) Have the Vaad searched among the entire community and found no one to bring this to their attention?”

This Sicha, published in Hisvaaduyos 5747 (vol. II, p. 488, paragraph 14 – to which the Rebbe’s reference of chapter 2 refers), speaks about the fact that this neighborhood is one of the few communities where the Rabbonim have been selected not by a community committee or leaders but by elections of all the neighborhood’s residents, giving the Rabbonim much greater power and force. Since the Sicha speaks about how the appointment of Rabbonim in this neighbor- hood was by all its residents (rather than by its leaders etc.), the Rebbe was point- ing out that it would make no sense for the Vaad Hakahal to publish it.


The above events included many more details, and here are presented only the most necessary facts in the briefest form possible (see the book “Daas Hakahal” at greater length, although there, too, it is just a summary).


All the above has a practical purpose:

After the elections and induction of the Rabbonim in 5746, the Rebbe wrote to the N’tzigim that their function had now concluded. On the other hand, the present situation demands that elections be held for additional Rabbonim.

The Vaad Hakahal has never dreamed of appointing Rabbonim. Their sole desire, which they feel to be the desire of the overwhelming majority of Crown Heights residents, is to hold elections for additional Rabbonim, in which every single eligible resident of the neighborhood would vote, in order to strengthen the community in general, and to reduce dissension in par- ticular, Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 14

Morever, the Vaad Hakahal will select suitable individuals to work on organizing everything necessary before these elections and for the actual elec- tions themselves.

May we succeed in bringing true peace among all members of the Chabad-Lubavitch community, starting with true peace among the community of our neighborhood, which should serve as a living example to the entire world, since it is the neighborhood where “here Hashem has commanded that there be blessing for eternal life.” 15 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 16 17 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 18


To: ANASH of Crown Heights Subject: Elections for Additional Rabbonim The Vaad HaKohol of Crown Heights welcomes honest questions and valid criticisms regarding all its activities and actions – especially with regard to the long overdue need for expansion of the Crown Heights Beis Din. After all, this is a matter which affects every one of us on a daily basis. There is no room for misunderstanding. There is no room for lack of clarity or integrity. One of the objectives of the current administration is to assure maxi- mum respect, transparency, democracy and due process. In response to some of the queries,accusations and innuendoes: 1. There is only one Vaad HaKohol and its policies are decided on the basis of a simple democratic majority. If a majority of the Vaad votes for something, then that becomes Vaad policy. This is how democracy works. 2. A letter on unofficial Vaad stationery was issued by an individual pur- porting to be the Vice Chairman of the Vaad. It should be made clear that Chanina Sperlin is indeed a member of the Vaad. However, he is not Vice Chairman. That title is held by Dr. Tzvi Lang. R’ Chanina has a vote on the Vaad but not a veto. In this instance his vote happened to be in the minority, and hence has no legal standing. Clearly if the vote had gone the other way, he would be shocked if some- 19 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 one were to print up unauthorized Vaad stationery and issue a rejection of a majority decision that he supported. Yes, everyone is entitled to voice an opinion. But no one is entitled to claim a title that belongs to someone else, or to print organization sta- tionery in order to create a misleading impression. 3. The minority on the Vaad HaKohol voted against the election of Rabbonim based on a claim that a letter from the Rebbe exists that negates the right of the Vaad to call for such elections. A request was made by the dissenters to allow one week in which to produce this letter from the Rebbe. The Vaad granted one week as requested. No such letter was produced during the week. Subsequently, a fragment of a letter was offered. This letter is apparently a response from the Rebbe to a query. In order for it to be taken into consideration it would be necessary to produce the orig- inal query and the full response. Neither has been forthcoming.

4. In the fragment of the Rebbe’s response that was produced, the Rebbe’s objection is to “ufshtellen”, i.e. to the Vaad’s “appointing” Rabbonim. This is not and was never the intention of the Vaad. On the contrary, the Vaad agrees that is has no right whatsoever to appoint Rabbonim. This is the responsibility of the ANASH which must elect proper Rabbonim by popular majority. Indeed the entire process that the Vaad – by clear majority – is advocating, is a democratic election by ANASH. As the Rebbe writes in that same letter, the process of electing Rabbonim is is “mishtayech l’toshvei ha’schunah.” The election that will take place IY”H is to be supervised by an impartial, professional third party in order to insure that it is duly constituted and absolutely fair. To sum up, it is the Vaad’s intention to avoid a repeat of what occurred previously, whereby an election was gerrymandered in which only one candidate was put on the ballot. Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 20 It is not presently the current Vaad’s intention to undo past actions that were in clear violation of the Rebbe’s wishes and not in the best interests of the community. However it is our intention to move forward with total transparency and to abide by the decisions of a clear majority, be it of the Vaad where appropriate, of the Beis Din where appropriate and of ANASH where appropriate. The current Vaad continues to work diligently to generate consensus, openness, sholom bayis and improved conditions for the entire community. The record speaks for itself. It is in this spirit that we intend to continue to foster a climate of honest and open discussion that empowers all of us to be part of the decision making that governs the quality of life in Crown Heights. Respectfully,

Moshe Rubashkin 21 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

The Previous Vaad & Past Elections Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 22 This is how the previous Vaad ran an Election: 23 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30


Nochum Gross Yaakov Herzog Chanina Sperlin


By the grace of G-d, Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Emor, Pesach Sheini, 5762


We hereby announce to the residents of the Crown Heights community, may they be well – “Here is where Hashem has commanded that there be blessing” – that, G-d willing, in the coming weeks will be held elections for additional Rabbonim for the Beth Din of our community.

In accordance with the instruction of the [community’s] Halachic authority and mem- ber of the Beth Din, Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, shlita, an election committee has been appoint- ed that includes three members of the Vaad Hakahal and three members of the N’tzigim [rep- resentatives of the community’s shuls].

Details regarding the candidates and the date of the elections will come soon, G-d willing.

With a blessing of “Good Shabbos,” and blessing for the true and total Geula,

Avrohom Nochum Gross Yaakov Tzvi Herzog Chanina Meshulam HaKohein Sperlin Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 24 25 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 26 27 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

The Netzigim Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 28 29 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 30 31 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 32 33 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

Boruch Hashem, 13 Adar, 5766

To all residents of Crown Heights:

I hereby support and encourage the members of the Vaad Hakohol, who have been elected by a majority of the community and are devoted to working for the public benefit. They are taking responsibility for a most important project, to reinforce and enhance the Beth Din of Crown Heights, our neighborhood, to enable it to serve the many needs of the public in the best possible and most appropriate manner, so that it may arrive at decisions on all public matters by majority vote and avoid the present situation of deadlock. Their plan to hold elections, by which all members of the community can vote to add new Rabbonim for the benefit of the entire neighborhood – as is the earnest desire of our Rebbe, the leader of our generation – is therefore positive and proper.

Some of the Netzigim – representatives of the various shuls of Crown Heights – have objected to this plan, arguing that it is they who should conduct these elections. In the past, however, it has been the Vaad Hakohol that has conducted elections for Rabbonim, which is indeed one of the Vaad Hakohol’s primary functions – to work for the enhancement, consoli- dation and reinforcement of the Beth Din.

Also, as I have already written in my letter of 6 Teves, there is presently a disagree- ment among the Netzigim concerning the new directors who have been appointed – accord- ing to the objectors illegally – and this is the subject of a summons to a Din Torah and a restraining order (ikkul). Consequently, until there will be new elections according to the Netzigim’s rules, the new directors cannot be active in any public matters.

Therefore, I repeat my support for the members of the Vaad Hakohol, who have been elected by a majority of the community, to actualize their positive plan to hold elections as soon as possible in order to add more Rabbonim in the Beth Din of Crown Heights for the benefit of the entire neighborhood.

Signed: 34 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

Summons Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 35


TO: ANASH of Crown Heignts FROM: The Vaad Hakohol SUBJECT Raphael Wilshansky, Chayim Serebransky, Schneur Zalman Shagalow, Leibish Nash

DATE: 23 Adar 5766 / March 23, 2002

As with any democratically elected group, the Vaad is comprised of numerous individuals, and decisions are all made on the basis of a sim- ple majority.

It is expected that when a majority of the members of any council – be it the Supreme Court, the Senate, the City Council or the Vaad Hakohol of Crown Heights – reaches a decision, the dissenting minority will respect that decision. Alas, Vaad member Leibish Nash does not seem to understand this. For Mr. Nash, if the majority of the Vaad disagrees with him he has the right to sim- ply go to and destroy the community using any tactics at his disposal. His are the sort of terror tactics we see in a place like Iraq, where elec- tions mean nothing to individuals bent on mayhem. For Mr. Nash, the rights of the majority, the need for civil discourse, the upholding of nor- mal democratic processes are irrelevant. For people like him, majority rule is only legitimate if he happens to be the majority. If he doesn’t have his way he feels free to unleash a rein of terror. 36 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 What Mr. Nash has done is assemble a quartet of disgruntled individuals who have no legal standing, no elected position, nor authority whatsoev- er. This group of private citizens has called the Rosh Hakohol to a frivo- lous and absolutely illegitimate Din Torah. The goal of this Din Torah is nothing less than to perpetuate the paralysis of our Beis Din and further fan the flames of sinas chinom and disintegration in our community.

One can only speculate why these yechidim are so opposed to an election for additional Rabbonim to the Crown Heights Beis Din. One can only imagine the catalyst for this nefarious attempt to spread dissent and hatred, and fly in the face of the Shulchan Aruch and plain common sense.

Because no one can argue against the urgent and long-overdue need more Rabbonim. Because it is evident to one and all that our Beis Din cannot function under the status quo. Because it is clear that the status quo undermines the needs and the will of the majority. Morah D’Asra Rav Osdoba has declared in no uncertain terms that this frivolous Din Torah – through which Leibish Nash and his cohorts are attempting to torpedo the forthcoming democratic election of additional Rabbonim – has no legitimate basis al pi halacha, and that a legitimately elected Vaad Hakhol is not subject to such a hazmanah.

Needless to say, the Vaad Hakohol is abiding by Rav Osdoba’s ruling and proceeding apace. Furthermore we are following Rav Osdoba’s ruling that we must ignore the hazmonos to his illegitimate Din Torah.

Further, Rav Osdoba has ruled that only the Vaad Hakohol can initiate, sponsor elections for the Beis Din, and that no other group has any right to involvement of any kind. We therefore are publicly requesting that Messrs. Wilshansky, Serebransky, Shagalow and Nash respect the will of the majority. 37 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 If they disagree with the duly elected Vaad Hakohol’s majority decision, they have every right to run for office during the next election. Until such time it is their duty and obligation to maintain a respectful silence.

The Rebbe said that three akshanim can bring Moshiach. This is treacher- ous behavior, this is not what the Rebbe had in mind when he said that. Crown Heights is the crown jewel of chassidishe communities. What hap- pens here has repercussions throughout the entire world. What these four men are doing is an unprecedented chilul Hashem as well as directly harmful to every man, woman and child living in Crown Heights and throughout the Lubavitcher world. Elections of Rabbonim will take place IY”H on Sunday 2 Iyar (April 30th.) The results of these elections will have direct impact on everyone in the community and the world. Make sure you vote. Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 38 39 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30


By the grace of G-d, Erev Chanuka, 5766


Reb Moshe HaLevi Rubashkin Reb Shmuel Plotkin Reb Tzvi HaLevi Lang

Greetings and blessing:

On 15 Marcheshven this year, there was sent to you a first summons in which you were requested to make arrangements within two weeks for a rabbinic court hear- ing by ZaBLA (each side selecting its representative judge) to respond to the com- plaints of the following plaintiffs:

Reb Rafael Wilschanski Reb Chaim Serebryanski Reb Schneur Zalman Shagalov Reb Leibish Nash

These [plaintiffs] complain that you are adopting decisions for the community in an improper and irresponsible manner, you are rebelling against and ignoring the Beth Din, and you are not including all members of the Vaad Hakahal in the votes and decisions etc., such as in the issue concerning Fischer, besides other [complaints].

On the eve of 13 Kislev this year, you received a second summons, together with which you were informed that the above plaintiffs have already let [us] know that they already have a selected [Rabbinic judge] from their side – Rabbi Shmuel Pesach Bogomilsky, shlita – whereas you have not yet let [us] know who is the selected [Rabbinic judge] from your side.

In this third summons, you are given three more days, from the date when you receive this summons, to let [us] know who is your selected [Rabbinic judge], and, if not, there will be no choice but to continue to follow accepted practice in such cases.

To the above I affix my signature:

Aharon Yaakov Schwei

Copy to the plaintiffs Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 40


By the grace of G-d, 1st day of [week of Torah portion] Vayakhel-P’kudei, 19 Adar, 5766


To Reb Moshe HaLevi Rubashkin, Reb Shmuel Plotkin, Reb Tzvi HaLevi Lang:

After a long time that you are continuing your refusal to come to a Rabbinic court hearing by ZaBLA etc. together with the plaintiffs against you (concerning the way you are conducting yourselvers as Vaad Hakahal etc.), and it is after you have received three summonses (and those summonses were signed by a Rabbi who is a member of the Beth Din, with the knowl- edge of the other undersigned Rabbonim):

It has been decided by us to send you – as an exceptional step, going out of our way to be lenient – an additional (final) summons to inform you that you are obligated to let us know soon that you agree to come to a Rabbinic court hearing by ZaBLA.

On the above we affix our signatures on the above date:

Signed: Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Schwei Signed: Rabbi Nisen Mangel Signed: Rabbi Shmuel Pesach Bogomilsky 41 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 42


By the grace of G-d, Motzoei Shabbos Kodesh, eve of the celebration of the [Mitteler Rebbe’s] liberation, , 5766


Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda HaLevi Segal:

Three weeks have passed since you were supposed to have selected a Rabbinic judge for a Rabbinic court hearing by ZaBLA (each party selecting its representative judge).

What you have written to evade the issue with the argument that you have already been appointed three years ago, is not at all related to the main complaint of the plaintiffs (who are making this claim in their own name, not in the name of the Vaad Hakahal) regard- ing [your] new appointment to sit [at regular hours] in the Beth Din offices, since, through- out the three years, there has never been such an appointment at all, as is well known.

This is a terrible Chillul Hashem [public profanation of G-d’s Name] that one who serves as a Rabbinic judge should evade the issue and refuse to come to a Rabbinic court hearing, and it is ridiculous to say that you wish your case to be judged only by those who are disqualified from judging it due to their partiality and personal bias.

Moreover, on Friday, 23 Marcheshven, you told me (after you refused to come and be judged by three neutral Rabbonim) that you prefer to be judged by ZaBLA (each party selecting its representative judge), for then, even if the permanent Beth Din is qualified to judge the case, the obligation to be judged by it is no longer in force because the two parties agree to the ZaBLA.

All other arguments [you may have] will themselves be clarified at the Rabbinic court hearing, and the Torah law will prevail over all, and there will be peace upon the Jewish people.

Therefore you are given three more days to let [us] know who is your selected [Rabbinic judge], and, if not, there will be no choice but to continue to follow accepted prac- tice in such cases.

To the above I affix my signature:

Aharon Yaakov Schwei Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 43 44 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30


RABBI AVROHOM OSDOBA Rabbinic Authority and Member of the Beth Din of Crown Heights 602 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 (718) 771-8737

By the grace of G-d, Monday, 25 Kislev, first day of Chanuka, 5766 [12/26/05]

To the respected Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Schwei, shlita:

I have seen the three letters of summons sent by you to Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda HaLevi Segal, which were signed with your signature, and I hereby inform you that there is no basis for any claim. [Consequently,] I request you to cease sending such letters that have no basis according to Torah law.

Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda HaLevi Segal was appointed by the Vaad Hakahal and by me three years ago (before you became an [official] Rabbi [of this community]), and no one in the world may disturb him from his holy work, as explained in the Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Dei’a, chapter 245.

I hereby protest against the attempt to introduce private individuals to interfere in the work of the Beth Din and to humiliate a Rabbinic judge publicly, and I hope you will stop these activities and the sending of letters etc.

Additionally, I hereby protest against your use for this purpose of the Beth Din letter- head, where my name too is mentioned, when you know clearly that I do not agree to what is stated there, and you also write that the Beth Din is issuing the summons! Who are the Beth Din issuing this summons?

I have already directed Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda HaLevi Segal not to respond to the above-mentioned summons letters, because they have been done illegally.

To the above I affix my signature:

Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 45 46 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30


RABBI AVROHOM OSDOBA Rabbinic Authority and Member of the Beth Din of Crown Heights 602 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 (718) 771-8737

By the grace of G-d, Monday, 2 Teves, 5766 [1/02/06]

To the respected Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Schwei, shlita:

Once again, I have seen the three letters of summons sent by you to the members of the Vaad Hakahal who are the most prominent on that Vaad since they have been elected by a great majority of the community’s residents. [In these letters] you malign them and accuse them of rebelling against and ignoring the Beth Din. It is unheard of to summon the Vaad Hakahal to a Rabbinic court hearing regarding their decisions that they decide by majority vote, for this causes reluctance to accept this position in the future.

Instead of sending them words of reinforcement and encouragement for their holy work, working late nights and days to consolidate and strengthen the community with manifold deeds of kindness and help for all residents of the community, you have chosen to reinforce the false claim that they are rebelling against and ignoring the Beth Din.

As noted, this claim has no basis: These members of the Vaad Hakahal have never rebelled against the Beth Din, and in every important matter they ask and consult with those who are experts in that field. I have also asked the other Rabbinic judges of the Beth Din, Rabbi Yitzchok Reitport, shlita, and Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda HaLevi Segal, shlita, and they said they have no com- plaint. On the contrary, they are full of praise for the members of the Vaad Hakahal, and [maintain] that they are worthy of every encouragement and reinforcement.

I have already directed the [members of the Vaad Hakahal] that 1) there is no summons and no claim in the name of the Beth Din, and 2) private individuals (unless they receive appoint- ment in writing from most of the community) have no right to interfere in the work of the Vaad Hakahal, who have been elected by a great majority of the neighborhood’s residents, nor to tell them how to adopt decisions and to demand why they are not adopting decisions in a manner that suits those individuals.

To the above I affix my signature:

Avrohom Osdoba

P.S. In general, it would be desirable if, from now on, you will stop writing words that are the opposite of bless- ing and dishonorable for Rabbonim, Rabbinic judges and those elected by the public – something that is unseem- ly for a Rabbi in general, and for a Chabad Rabbi in particular, especially in the “royal neighborhood” from where light emanates to the entire world. May Hashem convert the curses to blessings, and may they enjoy long life in their positions, and may they and their families [enjoy blessings]. Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 47


By the grace of G-d, 1st day of [week of Torah portion] Vayakhel-P’kudei, 19 Adar, 5766


To Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda HaLevi Segal:

After a long time that you are continuing your refusal to come to a Rabbinic court hearing by ZaBLA etc. together with the plaintiffs against you (regarding your acceptance of a new appointment at the Beth Din, which is not with the agreement etc.), and after you have received three summonses, and in those summonses (which were signed by a Rabbi who is a member of the Beth Din, with the knowledge of the other undersigned Rabbonim) the argu- ments that you wrote to absolve yourself from a Rabbinic court hearing were rejected:

It has been decided by us to send you – as an exceptional step, going out of our way to be lenient – an additional (final) summons to inform you that you are obligated to let us know soon that you agree to come to a Rabbinic court hearing by ZaBLA.

On the above we affix our signatures on the above date: Signed: Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Schwei Signed: Rabbi Nisen Mangel Signed: Rabbi Shmuel Pesach Bogomilsky 48 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 49


By the grace of G-d, 23 Adar, 5766

To the honored Rabbi Schwei, shlita:

I was shocked to see how, after such a long interruption, you have again sent letters of summons to a Rabbinic court hearing by ZaBLA. [This is] after I have writ- ten to you in the past that there is no basis for any claim, and that this act is contrary to an explicit law (in Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, chapter 3) that, in a place where there is a permanent Beth Din, cases are not judged by a ZaBLA court. Where is it heard of that the plaintiff himself should send and appoint others to make claims on his behalf, and he himself approves summonses to a Rabbinic court hearing? Since there exists some apprehension that you have forgotten about the letters I have sent you, the two letters are again enclosed.

As stated in my above-mentioned letters, I have again directed the so-called “defendants” that they should not respond at all to the letters of summons since those [letters] are meaningless and they do not originate from the Beth Din.

Soon the residents of the community will vote to add more Rabbonim who will become members of the Beth Din. If, regardless of everything, you insist on going to judgment about the claims you write, then only and solely the Rabbonim who will be elected to serve in the new membership [of the Beth Din] shall pass judgment on this – as is customary in every permanent Beth Din in all Jewish communities, that on issues affecting the community, the members of the Beth Din who have been appoint- ed by the community shall judge such [issues]. This is not as you wish to introduce now, to co-opt Rabbonim who are not members of the Beth Din to judge an issue that belongs only and solely to the Beth Din.

Avrohom Osdoba 50 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

The Budget Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 51


TO: ANASH of Crown Heignts FROM: The Vaad Hakohol SUBJECT Budget DATE: 23 Adar 5766 / March 23, 2002

For the past 14 months Crown Heights has been blessed for the first time with a Vaad Hakohol that operates in the open and accomplishes unprecedented good on behalf of ANASH.

Herewith you can see a written report itemizing the finances and activi- ties of the Vaad including the enormous chesed initiatives and tzedakah disbursements – in excess of $800,000 – that have comprised its core agenda since the new administration was voted into office; As well as over $300,000 for the Rabbonim. A ya’asher Koach to the S’chuna for sending in $18,000 in Mas Hakohol Funds!

Next on or agenda – after the election for Rabbonim – will be the con- struction of a long overdue community center that will serve thee needs of every member of the Crown Heights Kehillah.

No previous Vaad has operated with such transparency. No previous Vaad has concerned itself day in and day out with the real needs of real people. 52 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 53 54 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30


Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 55


A Seudas Purim Like No Other

“Vehayomim ha’eileh nizkorim v’naasim b’chol dor v’dor mish- pocho v’mishpocho”

Is there any other community like Crown Heights when it comes to open- ing its heart and its resources to families in need? This past year the Vaad Hakohol, the Jewish Community Council of Crown Heights, was respon- sible for distributing nearly $800,000 of which the bulk was used to pro- vide direct assistance for our less fortunate neighbors. Most of this aid was direct help in the form of financial assistance to individual families. A notable exception was Purim, when the Vaad Hakohol organized a public Seudas Purim that was open to all. On Tuesday, March 14th, the Jewish Community Council of Crown Heights hosted is annual public Seudas Purim at the David Deutsch Oholei Menachem Campus. As in previous years, this was an opportunity to properly celebrate Purim for hundreds of families headed by widowed and divorced mothers, for families that are unable to afford a proper Seudas Purim, and for families who are new to Chasidus and lack an extended mishpoche of their own with whom to celebrate this all-important occasion. Nearly 1,000 people accepted the invitation and took advantage of this Kiddush Hashem, crowding the ballroom of Oholei Menachem. “mish- 56 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 pocho, v’mishpocho” each at its own family table. As in previous years, each table was set apart from the others by decora- tive trees, in accordance with the directions and blessings of our Dayanim and Poskim. The joy that pervaded the Seudah was palpable. The food was delicious bountiful, the simcha boundless. For one day at least, the pain of pover- ty, of isolation, of the lack of a parent were forgotten as heaping platters of food, joyous music, and true Simchas Purim erased any sorrow and emotional hurt. No wonder this event, above all others, is the subject of such enthusias- tic support on the part of our Rabbonim. Rav Michoel Teitelbaum wrote in an open letter to ANASH, “B’eis haseudah yeishvu be’ezras Hashem Yisborah mishpocho, v’mishpocho” with the proviso that the individual tables be separated by trees and that there be no alcoholic beverages on the tables during the seudah proper – only during the post seudah dancing at which men and women would be separated by a mechitzah. Rav Yitzchak Raitport heaped praises on the Seudah and on the Vad Hakohol saying “It is superfluous to say that this is a good and beautiful project … There is no joy that is as great and glorious unless it brings joy to the hearts of the poor and orphans, widows and proselytes, for who- ever brings joy to the heart of these unfortunates is similar to the Divine Presence, about Whom it is stated ‘To revitalize the spirit of the lowely, and to revitalize the heart of the brokehearted.’” Rav Raitport went on to write; “ Since (Moshe Rubashkin) has this ruling of Rabbi Osdoba, he has no need for me and my position on this, espe- cially as Rabbi Osdoba is the Rabbi of the community in which this Purim feast is being held. Nevertheless, ‘Like the custom of Yehuda in the addition to the Scripture,’ I too agree with Rabbi Osdoba that it is permit- ted and it is a great privilege for Reb Moshe Rubashkin to arrange this Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 57 Purim feast. Whoever wishes to participate in it, ‘the humble may eat and be satiated.’ … Therefore I repeat this time, too, that it is permitted and there is no need for concern, not even the remotest concern about par- ticipating in the feast. I am certain that it will be appropriate even for the most Halachically meticulous, not only in the Kashrus of its food but also in the manner of Tzniyus etc.” The festive gathering was privileged to have Rav Osdoba participate in this mass simchas Purim. His presence and his words of chizuk meant a great deal to everyone who was present. As in the past, the unsung heroine of this important event is Mrs. Pyillis Mintz who devotes her days and night to working on behalf of those members of the Crown Heights community who need special care and attention. Not one to leave any stone unturned, Mrs. Mintz was as metic- ulous in her efforts to abide by the directives of all Rabbonim as she was with the preparations for food, drink, décor and entertainment. She too special care to contact all the appropriate authorities, including Rav Aharon Yaakov Schwei who requested additional trees around each fam- ily table, a request that was honored. The Crown Heights Seudas Purim has become an important part of the the activities of the Vaad Hakohol – an opportunity to put real meaning into the words “LaYehudim haoyso orah v’simcha v’sasson v’yekar.” 58 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

Based on Rabbi Nisen Mangel who served as a Sholosh Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 59 [TRANSLATION]

By the grace of G-d, Motzaei Shabbas Kodesh B’shalach, Shabbas Shira,15 Shvat, 5764

To all T’mimim [graduates of Lubavitch Yeshivos] and ANaSh [members of the Lubavitch community, shlita:

Greetings and blessing:

Like every year, a grand Purim feast is being organized at the halls of Oholei Menachem [] – Campus David Deitsch, of blessed memory – with the participation of many of ANaSh, according to what is stated in the Megilla [of Esther]: “And these days are remembered and fulfilled in every generation, [and] every family…” This year, too, a grand feast is being organized at the above-mentioned hall, with the participation of all T’mimim and ANaSh, in order to fulfill the Purim feast properly, in a manner of “until one becomes unaware” – in accordance with the limitations imposed by the Shulchan Aruch. Various rules have been instituted: 1) During the meal, there will be par- titions of trees around every [family] table. 2) There will be no liquor on the tables during the meal, but [some will be available] only during the dancing [later]. 3) That everyone should obey the orderlies there. Therefore I agree that this feast be arranged this Purim at the halls of Oholei Menachem – Campus David Deitsch, of blessed memory. During the meal, with G-d’s help, each family will sit together. After the meal, there will be dancing etc., with a partition separating men and women. 60 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 Surely all participants will act in accordance with the Shulchan Aruch and the desire of our King Moshiach [the Rebbe]. From the redemption of Purim may we be privileged to [experience] the true and total Geula, may it be literally immediately.

Rabbi Michoel Teitelbaum

Moshe Rubashkin Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 61

[TRANSLATION] [date?] 5764 [2004]

The undersigned join[s] with the letter of the Chossid, Reb Michoel [Teitelbaum], may he live long days and years in good physical health, that we agree to the Purim function arranged by Reb Moshe Rubashkin, who pursues kind deeds and charity (for many years), to bring the joy of Purim to the people of this neighborhood, and as the Megilla [of Esther] states: “…every family.”

Every table (of each family) shall have its own [surrounding] partition, as is obvious, togeth- er with the conditions mentioned there [in the aforementioned letter].

May it be Hashem’s will that there be fulfilled “The Jews had light and joy and gladness and honor” – so may we experience [them], among the entire Jewish people.

Avrohom Osdoba 62 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

[Free translation]

RABBI YITZCHAK RAITPORT 1739 49th Street Brooklyn, New York 11204

With the help of Heaven, eve of Thursday of [Torah portion Tetzaveh, in which is stated] “and the altar shall be holy of holies,” [on the date when] “the Megilla is read on the 11th [of Adar],” 5764 [2004]

To all residents of the Crown Heights neighborhood, and all their depend- ents, may Hashem bless you:

Reb Moshe Rubashkin, who is active on behalf of the community, has come to me with his heartfelt Halachic question:

This is now the eighth year that he is arranging a grand communal Purim feast, generously supplied with food and drink, for all residents of the (Rebbe’s) neighborhood and all who are connected with them, in a manner that “a great number of people expresses the glory of the King” – the Divine King of the uni- verse (see also Magen Avraham on Orach Chayim, Hilchos Megilla, ch.690, com- ment 23). This is particularly for families who, for various reasons, are unable to arrange a Purim feast with their family (as the Megilla says: “each family”) in their home (especially those who are not well off, and orphans and widows etc.).

[It should be noted that several Halachic authorities hold that, at the Purim feast, one has to eat bread (see Magen Avraham, Orach Chayim ibid., ch.695, comment 9, quoting the ShaLoH, RaShaL and Matteh Moshe) and meat (RaMBaM, Hilchos Megilla 2:15). See also what I have written on this in the responsum published in my Purim booklet of this year, ch.2.]

It is superfluous to say that this is a good and beautiful project etc. This is especially so on Purim, about which the Megilla writes “feasting and rejoicing and Yom Tov,” and as the RaMBaM (“guide for the perplexed” for his own generation and all succeeding generations) rules in Hilchos Megilla (2:17 — which has the numerical value of “tov,” good): “There is no joy that is great and glorious unless it brings joy to the hearts of the poor and orphans, widows and proselytes, for whoever brings joy to the heart of these unfortunates is similar to the Divine Presence, about Whom it is stated “To revitalize the spirit of the lowly, and to revitalize the heart of the broken-hearted.” Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 63

Reb Moshe Rubashkin brought with him a Halachic ruling of the Gaon and Chassid, Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, shlita, of the Beth Din of Crown Heights, who agrees to this feast being held (after Reb Moshe Rubashkin consulted with him about how to arrange it in a manner of holiness, without immodest intermixing, G- d forbid, etc., as befits the neighborhood of the Rebbe, leader of our generation).

Since he already has this ruling of Rabbi Osdoba, he has no need for me and my position on this, especially as Rabbi Osdoba is the Rabbi of the communi- ty in which this Purim feast is being held.

Nevertheless, “like the custom of Yehuda, in addition to Scripture,” I too agree with Rabbi Osdoba that it is permitted, and it is a great privilege for Reb Moshe Rubashkin to arrange this Purim feast. Whoever wishes to participate in it, “the humble may eat and be satiated.”

I told him already last year that there must be a partition around each table so that every family (including also their married children and sons-in-law partici- pating with them in this feast) should be a separate group on its own, so that there be no concern for any intermingling of males and females, G-d forbid.

This year, too, I have spoken with him about this, and it was agreed between us (and Rabbi Osdoba, too, agreed to this) that around every table there be a partition of trees (between 9-12 trees for each table, depending on the number of family members sitting around the table). When we met today, he told me that he had already ordered these tree partitions (costing him an extra expense) and everything will be properly in place.

Therefore I repeat this time, too, that it is permitted and there is no need for concern, not even the remotest concern, about participating in this feast. I am cer- tain it will be appropriate even for the most Halachically meticulous, not only in the Kashrus of its food but also in its manner of Tzniyus etc.

We have also agreed that, during the meal, words of Torah shall be spoken publicly before all participants, as the Rebbe, leader of our generation, demands for every larger gathering. This is especially required at the Purim feast, as the RaMA writes (“and the Children of Israel fulfill their obligation by the hand of the RaMA”) in Orach Chayim, ch.695, para.2: “It is desirable to study some Torah before starting the feast, and there is support for this from the verse ‘And the Jews had light and rejoicing,’ on which our Sages expound [Megilla 16b], ‘“light” means Torah.’” 64 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

[The participants will surely be told about the great holiness of the day, and especially the amazing words of the Alter Rebbe, author of the and Shulchan Aruch (in his Torah Or, Megillas Esther 97a, among other places): “The Jewish people at that time had the merit to experience the level of great Bittul through their Mesiras Nefesh for the sanctification of G-d’s Name...for they were prepared, throughout the entire year, to give up their lives to die, and no extrane- ous thought came through their minds, G-d forbid” – see there at length.]

Our Sages, of blessed memory, say (Avos 3:3): “Three Jews who have eaten at one table and spoken over it words of Torah are considered as if they have eaten from the table of the Omnipresent, blessed be He” (see the commentaries on this Mishna, and Magen Avos of the RaShBaTz). Our Sages also say (Brachos 55a, Chagiga 27a, Menachos 97a): “When the Beis Hamikdash is standing, the altar atones for the Jewish people. Now that the Beis Hamikdash is no longer standing, a Jew’s table atones for him” (“by hospitality to guests,” as Rashi writes on Chagiga, and on Menachos: “For he gives a portion to guests”).

[Our Sages] also say (Sota 21a): “Great is Torah for it protects [from suffer- ing, as Rashi explains] and saves [from the Yetzer Hora, that he will not bring us to the error of sinning – Rashi], both during the time when one is studying it and the time one is not studying it.” This is especially true for Torah study in connec- tion with the Purim feast, “which protects one so that no problem should happen to one during the meal” (Darchei Moshe, Orach Chayim, ibid. comment 1 [quot- ing MaHaRY Bruno], quoted in Ateres Zahav, ibid. para. 2).

After the end of the meal (including the words of Torah), a complete and absolute separation should be made (with partitions etc.) between the males and females. Then, and only then, may there be dancing and Chassidic music, with joy and rejoicing, males separately and females separately.

I take this opportunity to wish Reb Moshe Rubashkin, and all his depend- ents, success in everything they do, especially in arranging this grand Purim feast and other aid to the needy, and may the merit of the many members of the public help him.

“May the pleasantness of our G-d” – the Divine Presence – rest upon the work of his hands, and may G-d fulfill his heart’s requests for good and blessing.

May it be His will that by everyone gathering together in true brotherly love and unity, as the Megilla says “all the Jews from young to old, including children and women, on one day,” and “Go gather all the Jews,” in a manner of “there is Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30 65 one nation” – the opposite of “scattered and separated” (this being one of the rea- sons for the Mitzva of Mishloach Manos, as explained in Manos Haleivi by Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz, on Esther 9:27, ibid. 20 ff., ShaLoH, “Torah Shebich’sav,” Tetzaveh, 329b), that we thereby be privileged that “Bless us, our Father [when we are] all of us as one.”

Through Ahavas Yisrael, the cause of the exile shall be cancelled (see Yoma 9b), and the Redemption of Purim shall immediately be followed by the Redemption of Pesach (Megilla 6b, and Rashi there), and “Like the days of your exodus from Egypt, I will show him wondrous miracles,” in the true and total Redemption by our righteous Moshiach, with our Rebbe, leader of our generation, leading us.

Rabbi Yitzchak Raitport

P.S. I have now been informed that Reb Moshe Rubashkin intends to appoint men and also women, each in their respective places, to keep watch, both during the meal and during the dancing. (This follows the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, Hilchos Yom Tov, end of ch.529 [from RaMBaM, Hilchos Yom Tov, 6:21, and Tur and Shulchan Aruch ibid.] concerning Yom Tov: “The Beth Din has the duty to appoint officers on the three holidays [Pesach, Shavuos, Sukos] ...so that males and females should not mingle...but all of them should be holy.”) For this, too, may he be blessed. 66 Reserve the Date: ELECTIONS -SSUNDAY, 2 IYAR, APRIL 30

Reserve the date!

2 Iyar, April 30

Rabbonim elections!