DAY-TO-DAY HALACHIC GUIDE Detailed instructions on the laws and customs for the Festival of Shavuos 5778 FROM THE BADATZ OF CROWN HEIGHTS Suggested Donation Suggested $3.00 Just Walk In or Book Online Most medicaid plans accepted here 555 LEFFERTS AVENUE P 718 360 8074 BROOKLYN, NY 11225 718 407 2469 F 718.774.2770 WWW.KAMINHEALTH.COM We wish all toshavei haschechuna a Gut Yom Tov! בברכת קבלת התורה בשמחה ובפנימיות DC Life & Health DC
[email protected] Advertising in the Day-to-Day Guide does not constitute a Badatz endorsement of products or services As you celebrate 72 hours of Shabbos/Yom Tov (enlightened by this guide), show your appreciation for over 500 hours logged by the producers, writers, translators, editors, fact-checkers, designers & distributors of the Day-to-Day Halachic Guide for Shavuos 5778. Please donate today: See website for Day-to-day Guide subscription information for 5779 To support our Rabbonim, visit Site created by Friends of Badatz For off-line contributions, call: (347) 465-7703 Day-to-Day Guide, c/o Badatz of Crown Heights, 390A Kingston Ave., Brooklyn NY, 11213 BADATZ OF CROWN HEIGHTS 3 B”H DAY-TO-DAY HALACHIC GUIDE Detailed instructions on the laws and customs for the Festival of Shavuos 5778 Advertising in the Day-to-Day Guide does not constitute a Badatz endorsement of products or services Distilled from a series of public shiurim delivered by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita member of the Badatz of Crown Heights 4 DAY-TO-DAY HALACHIC GUIDE SHAVUOS 5778 ONE MINUTE HALACHA AUDIO | TEXT Delivered by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita , Mara D’asra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights GET IT DAILY CALL: (347) 696-7802.