FACULTY MPHIL DPHIL TOTAL Female Male Female Male Agriculture 4 11 8 11 34 Arts 2 2 5 20 29 College of Health Sciences 7 7 25 13 52 Commerce - - 3 7 10 Education - 1 3 9 13 Engineering 1 3 1 1 6 Law - - 7 1 8 Science 12 15 14 31 72 Social Studies 1 2 10 36 49 Veterinary Science - 3 3 6 12 Total 27 44 79 135 285 GRAND TOTAL 71 214







PROGRAMME YEAR ACADEMIC COMMENCEME DATE NUMBER 1 Bidi Thelma N R177447X F MPhil Animal 1 March Effect of Replacing Regular Maize with Dr P T Saidi +263775237228 [email protected] (FT) Science 2017 Quality Protein Maize on Growth Dr E Gasura +2634422134 Performance Carcass Characteristics and Blood Characteristics (Serum Ass Sup: Biochemical Indices and Dr M Maphosa Haematological properties ) of Indigenous Chickens in Zimbabwe 2 Chamboko Tafireyi R860897D M DPhil Agricultural 5 Jun Factors Affecting Milk Production and Prof M Rukuni +263 772 349 (P/T) Economics 2012 Market Participation by Smallholder Dr E Mwakiwa 599 [email protected] Dairy Farmers in Zimbabwe: Role of Dr P H Mugabe Transaction Costs +263 4 884883 3 Chekanai Vongai R115473J F MPhil Crop Science 2 Jun Response of Common Bean Prof R Chikowo +263783674972 F/T) 2015 (Phaseolus vulgaris) to Rhizobia [email protected] Inoculation, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Application and Residual Benefits to Maize in Smallholder Farms in Eastern Zimbabwe 4 Chigoverah Alex A R041527E M MPhil Crop Science 4 Nov Effect of Pesticides Free Hermetic Prof B Mvumi +263773261175 (F/T) 2013 Storage on Maize Insect Infestation +263712446552 [email protected] and Grain Quality 5 Chipomho Justin R950593H M DPhil Crop Science 2 June Soil Fertility Spatial Variability-Weed Prof R Chikowo +263773279201 (P/T) 2015 Interactions and Nutrient Use Dr S Mabasa [email protected] Efficiencies under Smallholder Farming Systems in Zimbabwe Gumbo Douglas R971723H M DPhil Soil Science 6 Aug Evaluation and Improving the Dr I Nyagumbo +2634 852283 6 +263 773 280 280 (P/T) & Agricultural 2010 Performance of Deed Level Contours Dr J Manjengwa [email protected] Engineering under Three Soil Types in Semi-Arid [email protected] Areas of Zimbabwe

7 Gusha Jacob R0019267 M DPhil Animal 5 Jan Invasive Plant Species of Savanna Dr P Mugabe +263772 252 514 (P/T) Science 2013 Rangelands: Are they a Threat or an Dr M Masocha [email protected] Opportunity? Dr T E Halimani [email protected] Prof T N Ngongoni


8 Kafesu Nyasha Marble R0107686P F MPhil Crop Science 3 Jan Maize Fertilisation Under Conservation Prof R Chikowo +263775914896 (F/T) 2015 and Convectional Tillage Systems on Prof U Mazarura +263778459844 [email protected] Heterogeneous Small Holder Farms in Dr W Gwenzi Zimbabwe Kainga Thelma R068903A F MPhil Crop Science 7 2011 Symbiotic Effectiveness of Rhizobia Prof S Mpepereki +263772 646 772 (FT) and its Effects on Smallholder 9 [email protected] Soyabean Productivity

10 Koga Chapman R162456N M DPhil Crop Science 2 Jan Genetic And Molecular Chaterisation Dr S Mabasa +263773685653 F/T 2016 of Stiriga Gesnerioides And Its Control Dr D Garwe [email protected] Strategies in Tobacco (Nicotiana Prof U Mazarura Tabacum) Production Stystems

Kujeke Gaudencia Tichaidza R970403H F DPhil Crop Science 3 Sep Agronomic, Nutritional and Post- Prof U Mazarura +263 775376600 [email protected] (P/T) 2013 Harvest Studies of Livingstone Potato Dr E Ngadze +263 712596531 11 [email protected] (Plectranthus Esculentus), and Underutilised Vegetable, for Increased Productivity in Zimbabwe 12 Madzima Angeline R921523J F DPhil Soil Science 2 July Diversification Options for Cropping Prof P Mapfumo +263772419090 P/T & Agricultural 2015 Systems to Foster Resilience of Prof F Mtambanengwe [email protected] Engineering Smallholder Food Systems Against Prof I K Maringa Climate Risks 13 Maibvisira Nyasha R121746H F MPhil Crop Science 1 August Multi-Environmental Analysis of Quality Dr E Gasura 0774 573 501 (F/T) 2016 Protein Maize (Zea mays L) Dr M Maphosa [email protected] GenotypesValidated Using Molecularand Biochemical Markers 14 Manzeke Muneta Grace R056024H DPhil Soil Science 2 Sept Geospatial Variation of Bioavailable Prof P Mapfumo +263774580200 (F/T) & Agricultural 2015 Micronutrients in Tropical Soils and Its Prof F Mtambanengwe [email protected] Engineering Effects on Crop productivity and Prof A Murwira Human Nutrition Prof M Bradley Dr M J Watts 15 Masekesa Rose Tafadzwa R029690T F DPhil Crop Science 7 Apr Developing Sweet Potato (CV Dr I A Robertson +263773529122 (P/T) 2010 Bonduel) that is Resistant to Sweet Dr F Chidzwondo [email protected] Potato Feathery Mottle Virus (SPFMV- [email protected] Z) Using the Coat Protein and the RNA Interference Methods 16 Mbanyele Vengai R033983P M DPhil Soil Science 1 March Strategic Agronomic Options for Prof P Mapfumo +263773070017 (F/T) & Agricultural 2017 Managing Intra-Seasonal Dry Spells in Prof F Mtambanengwe [email protected] Engineering Rain-Fed Smallholder Cropping Professor J Groot Systems of South-Central Zimbabwe 17 Mazhawidza Edwin R029701N M MPhil Soil Science 4 Sept Evaluation of Pesticidal Plants against Prof B Mvumi 0772 954 456 (F/T) & Agricultural 2012 Vegetable Pests and their Natural Prof U Mazarura [email protected] Engineering Enemies in Rape and Tomato Mr S Mupeti Production


18 Mlambo Shaw R116024H M MPhil Soil Science 3 June Grain Postharvest Pest Management Prof B Mvumi +263772941226

(F/T) & Agricultural 2015 in Maize Smallholder Systems in a Dr T E Stathers [email protected] Engineering Changing Climate

19 Mtali Linda R033999G F DPhil Soil Science 2 Jan A Spatio-temporal Analysis of Fallow Prof E Manzungu 0777598298 (P/T) & Agricultural 2015 Land and Its Implications for Improving Dr P Mugabe 0733807249 [email protected] Engineering Land Productivity in Communal Areas of Zimbabwe 20 Mtangadura Tongai L R029750H M MPhil Soil Science 6 Oct Long-Term Organic Resources Prof P Mapfumo +263774 934412 +263772566640 (F/T) & Agricultural 2010 Management Effects of Soil Carbon Prof F Mtambanengwe [email protected] Engineering and Nutrient Dynamics under Continuous Maize 21 Mubayiwa Macdonald R115328D M MPhil Soil Science 2 June Smallholder Postharvest Technologies Prof B Mvumi +263776185563 F/T & Agricultural 2015 to Manage Climate-Related Risks in Dr T E Stathers [email protected] Engineering Selected Sorghum Production Systems 22 Mujeyi Kingstone R0019232 M DPhil Agricultural 5 Jun Socio-Economic Analysis of Small – Dr S Siziba +263772 810 214 (P/T) Economics 2012 Scale Informal Sector Agricultural Dr W Z Sadomba +263773 199 804 [email protected] Mechanisation Supply Chain: A Value Dr J Mutambara +2634 303294 Chain Analysis Approach 23 Munyaka Nelson R944221Y M MPhil Crop Science 5 June The Feasibility of Quality Seed Prof U Mazarura +263775 470 205 +263772 449 140 (F/T) 2012 Production in Cereal-legume Prof B Mvumi [email protected] Intercrops by Smallholder Farmers in Mr E Gasura +263718948422 Zimbabwe 24 Musoni Special R035926D M DPhil Soil Science 1 June A Modular Mechanisation Professor E Manzumgu 0734897562 (PT) & Agricultural 2016 System to Enhance Agricultural Dr E Nyakudya [email protected] Engineering Dr W Gwenzi Productivity in Smallholder Professor E Chikuni Conservation Farming 25 Mutete Pomerayi R162677E M MPhil Crop Science 1 Mar Genetic diversity, Conservation Status Prof U Matarura +263772880584 (F/T) 2016 and propaganda of Africa Ivory Nut Prof S Kativu [email protected] Palm (Hyphaene Petersiana Klotzesch Dr E Ngadze ex Mart Tress) in South Eastern Dr S Kagler Zimbabwe Dr E Gasura 26 Mutsvangwa E Paidamoyo R029746M F DPhil Soil Science 3 Jun Pathways of Agricultural Prof E Manzungu +263772 4307 96 (F/T) & Agricultural 2012 Innovations and their Impact on Dr S Siziba +263778 310 059 [email protected] Engineering Rural Livelihoods in South-West


27 Ncube Sharai R961462L F DPhil Animal 5 Mar Growth, Performance and Dr P T Saidi +263733 362 273 (P/T) Science 2013 Physiological Responses of Broilers Professor T Halimani +2634 570112 [email protected] Fed Incremental Levels of Processed [email protected] Acacia angustissima Leaf Meal +263774504015


28 Nyabako Tinashe R068958L M MPhil Soil Science 3 Jan Development of a Smartphone-Based Dr B Mvumi +263733331309 (F/T) & Agricultural 2015 Decision-Support System for Post- Dr T E Stathers [email protected] Engineering Harvest Management in Zimbabwe Mr S Chari

29 Nyakurwa Cacious Stanford R107679G M MPhil Crop Science 2 Aug Adaptability and Suitability of Quality Dr E Gasura +263774861561 F/T 2015 Protein Maize in the Food and Farming Dr S Mabasa [email protected] Systems in Gokwe South District

30 Rwafa Richard R055269A M MPhil Soil Science 5 Jun Ecology of Stored Grain Insect Pests Prof B Mvumi 0773 416 257 (F/T) & Agricultural 2012 and their Management Using Safer Dr S Kageler 0715410417 [email protected] Engineering Alternatives to Synthetic Pesticides in Smallholder Sorghum Storage in Semi- 0735 500 949 Arid Areas of Zimbabwe 31 Shava Justify Gotami R021611Y M DPhil Crop Science 3 Jan Genetic Characterisation and Analysis Dr S J Kageler +263712348943 (P/T) 2015 for Yield and Quality Traits in the Dr S Dari +263774357997 [email protected] Zimbabwean Flue-Cured Tobacco Dr F Magama +2634 575289- Germplasm Dr D Rukuni 94 32 Singano Charles R156319M M DPhil Soil Science 3 Jan Investigation of Grain Postharvest Dr B Mvumi +265999307474 (F/T) & Agricultural 2015 Technologies and Systems for Dr T E Stathers +2651707010 [email protected] Engineering Managing Climate-Related Risks in Smallholder Farms of Shire Valley, Southern Malawi 33 Tauro Tonny Phirilani R103072X M DPhil Soil Science 1 Aug Dynamics of Microbial and P Prof F Mtambanengwe +263773943888 (P/T) & Agricultural 2015 Interactions under intensive Maize- Prof P Mapfumo [email protected] Engineering based Cropping Systems in Zimbabwe Prof S Mupepereki 34 Tirivavi Ronald R124788P M MPhil Soil Science 4 Feb Effects of Mulch, Tillage and Type of Dr M Wuta 0772657086 (P/T) & Agricultural 2012 Fertilizer on Maize Growth and Mr P Nyamugafata [email protected] Engineering Selected Soil Properties under Semi- Prof J Nyamangara 0712305528 Arid Agro-Ecological Conditions in Zimbabwe






1 Awol Ezekiel Majok Aba R152264K M DPhil Linguistics 1 April Seeking a New Identity: The Prof Nyawaranda +26377767689 (F/T) 2017 Introduction of English as a Second 8 [email protected] Language in South Sudan

2 Bakize L Herman R1711794 M DPhil African 1 April Literature and Nation Building: The Professor M T Musiyiwa +263 784318549 (P/T) Languages 2017 Case of Kiswahili Children’s Historical [email protected] and Literature Fiction in Tanzania Ass Sup

Professor F E M K Senkoro 3 Chamburuka Phillemon R983013X M DPhil Religious 5 Sept The Role and Centrality of New +263772 693 330 (P/T) Studies, 2012 Testament Pneumatologies in the Prof F Machingura [email protected] Classics Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe Prof J Kuegler &Philosophy 4 Chatambudza Takawira R048343M M MPhil History 3 April The Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Dr J Mujere +263773553263 (P/T) 2014 Army (ZIPRA) Operations during the Col Dr MJA Chinyanganya [email protected] Second Chimurenga: An Examination of its Strategies and Tactics in Makonde District, 1965-1979 5 Chikafa Rosemary R021197Y F DPhil English 5 Representations of Black Womanhood in Prof R Moyana +263772 548 479 (P/T) Sept Tyler Perry’s and Ousmane Sembene’s [email protected] 2012 Films Dr L Modisane

6 Chikukwa Annamore R0018738 F DPhil Religious 4 May Reading 1 Corinthians 14:33b-35 in the Prof F Machingura +263773 775 899 (P/T) Studies, 2014 Context of HIV and AIDS: A Case Study [email protected] Classics & of Johanne Marange Church’s Marital Philosophy Practices in Marange Area 6

7 Hang’ombe Khama R1711196 M DPhil African 1 April An Investigation into the Significance of Professor E Chabata +263 784 996 466 (P/T) Languages 2017 Tonga Toponyms in Dr Z Mamvura [email protected] and Literature

8 Hatendi Chipo Mable R081120A F DPhil Religious 1 July Advertising and Reception of Prof F Mangena +263773 422 302 (P/T) Studies, 2016 Contraceptives: Gender and Moral [email protected] Classics & Implications among Women in the Johane Philosophy Marange Apostolic Church

9 Kahari Leslei R984887L M DPhil Linguistics 5 May A Discourse Analysis of Posters Used in Dr P R Mabugu +263772971918 (P/T) 2012 HIV and AIDS Campaigns in [email protected]

10 Kamwendo Lawrence R021471J M DPhil Religious 6 Nov The Catholic Church’s Response to Prof E Chitando +2630772 252 (P/T) Studies, 2010 Post-Death Rituals in Musami(1980- Prof N T Taringa 340 [email protected] Classics 2008): A Critical Analysis Awarded the Dphil degree &Philosophy 11 Kapumha Russell R049809L M DPhil History 6 Aug The Cultural Identity and Spatial Dr S Katsamudanga 0772688578 (P/T) Organisation of Stone Structures in Prof G Pwiti [email protected] 2010 Eastern Zimbabwe. A Case Study of Later Farming Communities in Chipinge and Chimanimani 12 Mabiri Francis R862031D M DPhil Religious 8 May Time and Space: Boundary Conditions for Dr J D McClymont +263773799343 (P/T) Studies, 2010 Human Awareness? [email protected] Classics & Philosophy 13 Malope Savio Justino R162679L M DPhil Religious 1 Mar The Crisis of Democracy: A Denunciation Prof F Mangena +263784319079 Rafeal (FT) Studies, 2016 of the Democratic Deficits of the Post- Classics & modern Representative Model saviojustinorafaellmalope@gm Philosophy Mandizvidza Sheunesu R9916085 M DPhil English 1 Aug An Interrogation of the Relationship Professor I Muwati 0772932694 14 P/T 2015 Between Literature and History in the sheunesumandizvidza@gmail. Depiction of the Fast Track Reform Dr R Magosvongwe com programme (FTLRP) in Selected Black Zimbabwean Authors’ Fictional Narratives 15 Manzira-Maforo Patience R035529E F MPhil Theatre Arts 5 Sept The Politics of Multiculturalism in Dr K Chikonzo +263778 264 528 (P/T) 2012 Contemporary Arts Festivals: Exploring Mr N Muwonwa [email protected] the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) 16 Marunda Chipo Jean R068494T F MPhil Theatre Arts 3 June Drama as an Alternative Language in an Dr A Mamvuto +263738501562 +263772283895 (P/T) 2014 Infant Classroom: Integration of Process Dr N Chivandikwa [email protected] Drama in the Learning of English Language 17 Mateveke Pauline R014853X F DPhil English 5 Oct Emerging Zimbabwean Female Identities Prof R Moyana +263777286686 (P/T) 2012 in Selected Post 2000 Works by Female Prof A Chitando Writers and Musicians [email protected]


18 Mpemba Titus R141709T M DPhil African 4 Sept Interpreting Transcendental Language of Dr E Ndlovu +26377113946 (P/T) Languages & 2013 the Bhasukuma Spirit Mediums 2 [email protected] Literature 19 Mtetwa Archiford Kurauone R021110R M DPhil Religious 3 Jan The Bible and Land in Zimbabwe: A Dr O Vengeyi 0774178661 (P/T) Studies, 2014 Historical-Cultural Materialist Approach to [email protected] Classics & 1st Kings: 21 v 1-9 in the Context of Land Philosophy Struggles in Zimbabwe

20 Muchererwa Alben R970571C M DPhil Religious 1 Sept The Catholic Church and Social Justice in Prof T Shoko +263775693970 +263777309015 (P/T) Studies, 2016 Post-Colonial Zimbabwe : A Case Study +263717067280 [email protected] Classics & of Political Violence in Manicaland – 1980 Ass Sup: Philosophy to 2014 Dr M Ruzivo 21 Mudzinganyama Cyril R116911L M MPhil Theatre Arts 1 Oct Dynamics of Spectatorship in a Television Dr N Chivandikwa +263712 304 642 +263712 615 608 Kudzai (F/T) 2016 Reality Show: An Ethnographic Study on [email protected] Selected University of Zimbabwe Viewers. Ass Sup: Mr N Muwonwa

22 Mukenge Clemenciana R015010F M DPhil Linguistics 6 May Saying the Unspeakable in the Public Dr M R Mlambo +26377230649 (P/T) 2012 Sphere: A Sociolinguistic Study of the HIV Dr T K Tsodzo 7 [email protected] and AIDS Campaign Messages 23 Museka Godfrey R961150S M DPhil Religious 5 Sept African Traditional Religio-Cultural Rituals Prof N Taringa +26377305383 (P/T) Studies, 2012 in the Era of HIV and AIDS: Assets or 8 [email protected] Classics & Liabilities? Philosophy 24 Mutonga Lovemore R036337Q M DPhil Linguistics 7 Jan The Segmental Phonology of Ndau: A Dr P R Mabugu +26373368880 (P/T) 2011 Multidimensional Perspective 8 [email protected] 25 Muwonwa Ngonidzashe R013372C M DPhil Theatre Arts 5 Sept Youth Participation in HIV and AIDS Dr T K Tsodzo +263775 007 (P/T) 2012 Educational and Entertainment Prof D Conrad 277 [email protected] (Edutainment) Intervention Programming in Zimbabwe: A Multi-Media Action Research 26 Ndebele Lickel R054170T F DPhil African 3 Jan A Socio-Historical Study of Ndebele Dr M Musiyiwa +263777189467 (P/T) Languages & 2015 Marriage Counselling in Selected Genres Prof Z Makwavarara [email protected] Literature of Ndebele Oral Literature Dr T Matshakayile-Ndlovu

27 Rutsviga Alois R970326T M DPhil Religious 7 Jan A Philosophical Rendition of the Concept Prof F Mangena +263772966331 P/T Studies, 2011 of Violence in Post-Colonial Era [email protected] Classics & Philosophy


28 Siakavuba John Bwana R179883W M DPhil African 1 Mar Funeral Oral Performances: The Prof M Musiyiwa +263 718749963 (P/T) Languages & 2017 Conceptualisation and Management Ass Sup [email protected] Literature of Death Among Zambezi Valley Professor I Muwati Tonga 29 Taringana Takesure R055784L M DPhil Economic 1 Jan Coffee Production in Zimbabwe: 1980 - Dr P S Nyambara +263 775 06675 [email protected] P/T History 2017 2015 Prof E Green





PROGRAMME YEAR ACADEMIC COMMENCEMENT DATE NUMBER 1 The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Apollo Tsitsi Lina Implementing the Minimum Package of HIV Care DPhil Jan Prof F Cowan +2637128719 R026511A F Medicine 2 and Treatment Services for PLHIV along the HIV [email protected] (P/T) 2016 Prof C E Ndhlovu 80 Testing, Care and Treatment Cascade in Zimbabwe 2 Chagwena Dexter The Effect of Nutritional Status on Therapeutic MPhil May Prof C C Maponga R062117Y M Pharmacy 6 Outcomes of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy 0773440724 [email protected] (P/T) 2011 Dr M Bwakura (HAART) in Children Co-Infected with HIV and TB

ChawanaTariro D 3 Prof C F B Nhachi Aetiology of Treatment Failure in HIV Positive DPhil Clinical Oct Prof CC Maponga +263773276306 [email protected] R032815E F 4 Children and Adolescents on Boosted Protease (P/T) Pharmacology 2013 Prof D Katzenstein +263772773270 Inhibitor Based Regimens Dr R Ferrand

4 Chingombe Faithful Fabrication of Antiretroviral Drug Loaded Prof C C Maponga MPhil Jan R156362C F Pharmacy 3 Nanoparticles and Investigation of their Prof P Prasad +263772755491 (F/T) 2015 [email protected] Pharmaceutical Properties Prof D Tagwireyi

Chipinduro Martha 5 Evaluation of GeneXpertand Urinary MPhil Medical Lab Dec Prof E Gomo R053665W F 5 Lipoarabinomannanfor Diagnosing Mycobacterium 0772933626 [email protected] (F/T) Science 2012 Dr P O Okwanga Tuberculosis in Children

6 Improving Integration of Tuberclosis and Services Chitiyo Vivian for HIV Positive Women on PMTCT Programme: Prof S Rusakaniko DPhil Community May +2634306332 R9917959 F 1 Effect on Maternity and Infant Outcomes in Prof J Metcalf [email protected] (P/T) Medicine 2016 +263772745478 , Zimbabwe Dr J Chirenda

7 Molecular Characterisation and Diversity of Dube Rachel Shamiso Human Papillomavirus in Women Reporting DPhil Medical June Prof Kerina Duri +263773057120 R032984M F 3 (F/T) Microbiology 2014 for Routine Cervical Cancer Screening Prof N Chin’ombe [email protected]

8` Nov Professor Dexter 10 Gadaga Louis Luckmore R0021235 M Pharmacy 1 Phytochemical Analysis and Neuropharmacology +263 772 854 552 2016 Tagwireyi of Isolated Isoquinoline Alkaloids from Boophone [email protected] Disticha and Crinum Macowanii in Mouse Models of Alzhemier’s Disease

9 Gori Elizabeth DPhil Chemical Sept Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms in Cardiovascular Prof ZAR Gomo R0020907 F 5 +263772668578 (P/T) Pathology 2012 and HIV Diseases Prof T Mduluza [email protected]

10 Govathson Rabecca Pharmacogenetic and Social Determinants of Dr A T Makadzange MPhil May +2637784087 R141710W F Medicine 3 Treatment Failure in Children Aged 2-5 years on Prof C [email protected] (F/T) 2015 51 Art in Zimbabwe Masimirembwa 11 Gundani Helen V Lived Experiences of Young Women of the Quality of Obstetric Care Services Provided by Midwives at DPhil Nursing Nov Prof L Gwanzura +2634481705 [email protected] R141499P F 4 Mabvuku Birthing Centre and its Satellites in +2634791638 (P/T) Science 2013 Dr M Zvinavashe [email protected] Harare, Zimbabwe +263782405330

12 Dr A T Makadzange Hlupeni Admire Professor C E MPhil July Celluar and Humoral Immune Mediators of R061307F M Medicine 2 Ndhlovu +263771260760 P/T 2015 Cryptococcal Disease Reactivation in HIV Infection [email protected]

13 An Investigation on the Effects of Repeated Doses Jilani Mohammed Saaqib MPhil of Hydroethanolic Extract of Crinum Macowanii on Prof D Tagwireyi Jan +2634740168 R156388M M (F/T) Pharmacy 3 Memory, Learning and Neuromotor Behaviour Prof C C Maponga 2015 +263771816200 [email protected] Using Two Different Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Mr L L Gadaga Disease 14 Kaiyo Malinda Prof M Z Chirenje DPhil Nursing Oct R029295H F 1 Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Growth Mr A Chingono +263773841896 [email protected] (P/T) Science 2016 Dr T Magwali 15 The Use of African Traditional Medicine in the Care Kajawu Lazarus DPhil and Treatment of Mental Disorders: An Exploratory Dr S D Chingarande R950745R M Psychiatry 5 2012 +263772278468 (P/T) Study for Possible Future Integration and Dr C Ward [email protected] Collaboration Scope of Practice and Clinical Competence Levels 16 Kapfunde Abigail Dr C Haruzivishe DPhil Nursing 1 Mar of Nurses and Midwives Working in Maternity Units R074080E F 1 Prof B Stray- +263776466815 (F/T) Science 2016 and their Association with Maternal Outcomes in [email protected] Penderson Zimbabwe 17 A Randomised Controlled Study Comparing the Kaseke Farayi Effects of Standardised Care Plus Conventional Care versus Conventional Care Only on the Prof J Hakim DPhil [email protected] R920728Y F Rehabilitation 6 2012 Outcomes of Stroke Survivors (HIV+ve and HIV- Prof L Gwanzura +263 772890865 (P/T) ve) and Family Caregivers in Harare and Prof A Stewart Chitungwiza.


18 Katsidzira Leolin Epidemiology Characteristics, Genomic and DPhil Jan R978233T M Medicine 6 Phenotypic Correlates of Colorectal Cancer in Prof I Gangaidzo +263772377416 [email protected] (P/T) 2012 Zimbabwe

19 Kuguyo Oppah The Effect of Genetic Polymorphisms on Cervical Dr A Matimba DPhil Clinical June R162681C F 1 Cancer Patients under Chemoradiotherapy Professor C F B +263 775 282 460 [email protected] (FT) Pharmacology 2016 Treatment in Harare, Zimbabwe Nhachi

20 Machingura Pasipanodya Clinical, Biochemical and Genetic Characteristics DPhil Medical Lab Prof E Gomo +2637723775 R944987E M 6 2012 Associated with the Development of Nephropathy (P/T) Science Dr P O Okwanga 67 [email protected] in Black Zimbabwean Diabetic Patients

21 Professor C F B Mafaiti Zibusiso Nhachi Praziquantel Pharmacokinetics and CYP 1A2, CYP Clinical Dec Prof C R141712K M MPhil 3 3A4 Phenotyping in Rural and Urban Populations 0778595418 [email protected] Pharmacology 2013 Masimirembwa of Zimbabwe Dr G Kadzirange Dr R Theligwani Makamure Beauty 22 Determining the Ideal Combination of Diagnostic MPhil Medical +263774168138 R922367L F 4 2013 Tools to be Introduced for Scale up of Drug Prof V Robertson [email protected] P/T Microbiology +26342923324 Resistant TB in Resource Limited Setting

23 Makuvaza Masceline Characterisation of Host-schistosome Parasite Interaction: Disease Burden Among Paediatrics, Professor N Midzi Jenipher DPhil Medical June +2637775543 R162683D F 1 Mothers and Compliance during a One Year Professor T Mduluza (FT) Microbiology 2016 21 [email protected] Schistosomiaisis Control Programme in a Highly Professor F Mutapi Endemic District in Zimbabwe Manhanzva Monalisa 24 Prevalence of Lamivudine Resistance Mutations in MPhil Medical Lab Feb HIV-1 Subtype C Infected Children in Prevention of Prof L Gwanzura R054834B F 6 +263772543497 [email protected] (P/T) Science 2011 Mother-to-Child Transmissions of HIV (PMTCT) in Mrs J Mutsvangwa Zimbabwe Using the Oligonucleotide Assay (OLA) Awarded the MPhil degree Manyarara Tapiwa Edward 25 Formulation of a generic nevirapine oral paediatric Dr S Khoza MPhil Jul +2637728943 R053467M M Pharmacy 4 nanoemulsion with alginate in situ forming gel for Prof C C Maponga [email protected] (F/T) 2013 75 sustained drug delivery in HIV positive children Dr A Dube

26 Professor C F B Matowa Patrick Nhachi Professor M DPhil Clinical March Anti-Cancer Efficacy of Selected Herbal Plants R029233K M 1 Gundidza +263 772943763 [email protected] (PT) Pharmacology 2016 Commonly Used to Treat Cancer in Zimbabwe Professor L Gwanzura Dr A Matimba


Matubu Taguma 27 Effect of Dept Medroxprogesterone Acetate on Cell Prof Z M Chirenje DPhil Obstetrics and June +2637732170 R983967L M 2 Mediated Immune Response and Cell Surface Prof M Mbizvo [email protected] (P/T) Gynaecology 2015 96 Expression of PD – and CTLA - Markers Dr A Maramba

28 Professor C F B Nhachi Matyanga Moffat Joel Celia The Effect of African Potato (Hypoxis Professor I Chitsike DPhil Clinical May R029614X F 1 Hemerocallidea) on the Pharmacokinetics of Professor M +263772 354 340 [email protected] (P/T) Pharmacology 2016 Tenofovir and Lamivudine Gundiza

Dr A C Reid Dr T D Chawana 29 Mawoza Tariro Evaluating the Pharmacological Effects of DPhil Clinical Jan Prof C F B Nhachi R033023K F 5 Sclerocarya Birrea Methanol, Ethanol and +263774414744 [email protected] (P/T) Pharmacology 2011 Prof D Tagwireyi Equaeous Leaf and Stem Bark Extracts In Vitro Awarded the DPhil degree

30 Mhandire Kudakwashe HIV Genetic Diversity in Viral Load Monitoring and DPhil Chemical Jul Use of Serum Biomarkers in Non-Invasive Dr H Matarira [email protected] R054177C M 4 +263773578525 (P/T) Pathology 2013 Diagnosis of Liver Damage among HIV/HBV Co- Dr K Duri Infected Adults in Harare 31 Mhlanga Maxwell Testing the Effectiveness of a Modified Care Model Dr M Zvinavashe DPhil Nursing Nov R036350A M 2 in Improving Child Health Outcomes in Manicaland, +263772381814 [email protected] P/T) Science 2015 Zimbabwe Prof L Gwanzura 32 The Impact of HIV on the Neuro-Cognitive Mlambo Tecla Performance of Children 6-13 Years in Harare Province, Zimbabwe as Assessed by a Locally Prof J Jelsma DPhil June [email protected] R911707Z F Rehabilitation 7 Adapted, Validated and Normed Prof S Rusakaniko +263772125385 (P/T) 2011 Neuropsychological Instrument: An Analytical Prof ME Concha Cross Sectional Study

33 Mlambo Tommy The Role of Citokine Gene Polymorphism on HIV-1 MPhil Oct Prof L S Zijenah 0773070109 R893331X M Immunology 6 Disease Progression in the Recently Infected [email protected] (P/T) 2012 Dr W B Mujaji 0772486626 Individuals

Monera Tsitsi Grace 34 DPhil Prof C F B Nhachi Clinical May Effect of Moringa Oliefera on the Pharmacokinetics R012656L F (P/T) 7 Prof C C Maponga +263772432457 [email protected] Pharmacology 2010 of Efavirenz and Nevirapine in Vivo Dr R Nyikadzino

35 Prof C F B Nhachi Mtisi-Chagumaira Takudzwa A Study to Evaluate the Effect of DPhil Clinical April +263 4 300739 R029283C F 1 Pharmacogenetics on the Efficacy and Safety Ass Sup +263 772 636 [email protected] (P/T) Pharmacology 2017 949 of Tenofovir in Adolescents in Zimbabwe Prof C C Maponga Prof C Dandara


Prof CC Maponga 36 Mudzviti Tinashe Utility of Antiretroviral Levels in Hair to Quantify DPhil Jan Dr L Stranix- +2637722905 R029537D M Pharmacy 3 Exposure and Adherence to Protease Inhibitors in (F/T) 2014 Chibanda 11 [email protected] Zimbabwean Adolescents on Antiretroviral Therapy Prof R Luethy 37 Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Postnatal Mothers and Health Workers on Early Mugadza Gladys Breastfeeding Initiation in Relation to Neonatal DPhil Nursing Mar Dr M Zvinavashe R945031Y F 2 Outcomes in the First Week of Life at Ten Sites in +263772595446 Gladys.maryvincent.mugadza@ (PT) Science 2016 Prof J Odland Zimbabwe

Mukona Doreen 38 Prof S P Munjanja

DPhil Nursing Jun Adherence to Anti-Diabetic Therapy in Pregnant Dr M Zvinavashe [email protected] R985509Q F 3 +263773531031 (P/T) Science 2014 Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Prof B Stray- Pederson

39 Musarurwa Cuthberth Host Serum Vitamin D Levels and Related Gene DPhil Chemical R894275M M 5 2013 Polymorphisms in Resistance and Susceptibility to Prof L S Zijenah +263772261484 [email protected] (P/T) Pathology Mycobacterial Tuberculosis Infection and Disease 40 Prof E Gomo Musingwini-Hwati Dr K Duri Tutsirai Victoria MPhil Medical Lab Oct Determination of Pol Gene Polymorphisms in the Prof C R125162K F 5 0772723709 (P/T) Science 2012 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1C Infection Masimirembwa [email protected]

41 Prof L M Frenkel Mutsvangwa Junior Evaluation, Optimisation and Application of Prof L Gwanzura DPhil Medical Lab June Oligonucleotide Ligation Assay in the Detection of R027216M F 7 Prof T Chipato +263 772128049 [email protected] (P/T) Science 2010 Nevirapine Resistance Mutations of HIV-1 Subtype Dr L Stranix- C in PMTCT in Zimbabwe Chibanda Muyambo Sarudzai Prof C F B Nhachi 42 Genetic Basis of Variability of Warfarin Exposure [email protected] DPhil Clinical June Prof C R0019498 F 5 Responses in African Populations: A 0773242388 (P/T) Pharmacology 2012 Masimirembwa Pharmacogenetic Approach Dr G Kadzirange 43 Retention-in-Care of Women in the Elimination of Ndaimani Augustine Prof I Chitsike DPhil Nursing Nov Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (eMTCT) R012768W M 2 Prof B Stray- +263778030082 [email protected] (P/T) Science 2015 Option B Plus program in Manicaland, Zimbabwe: +263715278661 Pederson A Mixed Method Study 44 Ngara Bernard Pharmakokinetic – pharmacodynamic Modeling of Professor S DPhil Community June Efavirenz and Nevirapine Use among HIV-exposed Rusakaniko R128604A M 1 +263776971400 [email protected] (F/T) Medicine 2016 Mother-Baby PairsIntra and Post-Parfum in Harare, Professor C F B Zimbabwe Nhachi


45 Prof C B Nhachi Nleya Lovejoy M MPhil Clinical Dec Bioavailability and Variability of Praziquantel Dr G Kadzirange R141771E M 4 +263772984511 (P/T) Pharmacology 2013 Pharmacokinetics Due to Drug-Drug Interactions Dr C Masimirembwa [email protected] Dr S Mutambu 46 Nyamakura Rudo DPhil Nursing Nov Dr C Haruzivishe R930048W F 1 Maternal Stress and its Effects on Infant Outcomes +263772900505 [email protected] (P/T) Science 2015 Prof S Rusakaniko [email protected] 47 Nyamayaro Primrose Prof J Hakim Validation of a Screening Tool for HIV Associated Chikomborero DPhil Oct Dr D Chibanda R162684A F Psychiatry 1 Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND) in Adults in +263771929228 (F/T) 2016 [email protected] Zimbabwe

48 The Effect of Screening and Treatment of Rukweza Judith Dr C Haruziishe DPhil Nursing Nov Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Every Trimester During R985260A F 2 Dr M Gidiri +263773917910 [email protected] (F/T) Science 2015 Pregnancy on Incidence of Preterm Birth in Harare, Dr P Nziramasanga Zimbabwe 49 Shamu Shepherd Poor Resource Setting and Optimisation of DPhil Community Statistical Precision in Economic Evaluations Prof S Rusakaniko R951612F M 7 2011 +263733309964 [email protected] (P/T) Medicine Conducted alongside Randomised Controlled Prof C Hongoro Trials: A Methodological Approach Shamu Tinei Incidence of Nephropathies in HIV Infected Prof L Gwanzura 50 MPhil Medical Lab Jun +263773591476 R9915173 F 4 Patients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy at Prof C E Ndlovu (P/T) Science 2013 [email protected] Newlands Clinic: A Retrospective Study Dr M Wellington 51 +263772899810 Siwela Rudo Osteoporotic Fractures Among Adult DPhil May Zimbabweans: Epidemiology, Histomorphometry Dr G Mawera R033000K F Anatomy 1 [email protected] (P/T) 2016 and Evaluation of the Frax R Tool Dr C Gregson

52 R162682C F DPhil Medical Lab 1 Performance of p16 as Biomarker of High Grade Prof E Gomo +263777237111 Zia Nikhat May +263740168 (FT) Science Squamous Intraepithelial (CIN2/3 Lesions in HIV Prof Z M Chirenje 2016 [email protected] Positive Women Infected with Oncogenic HPV Prof R Makunike

Dr N Munjoma





NUMBER 1 Chinhanga Solomon R093211C M DPhil Tourism, 2 May The Drivers, Barriers, Enablers and Prof I Chaneta +263773840309 (P/T) Leisure & 2015 Consequences in Innovation and Creativity Dr E Marunda +263733739118 [email protected] Hospitality in the Mobile Telecommunication Firms in Studies Zimbabwe 2 Kagande Denis R159453X M DPhil Graduate 2 May An Assessment of the Driving Forces, Dr M Sandada +263 4 796043 (P/T) School of 2015 Benefits, Barriers and Bridges of Effective Dr D Madzikanda +263772324896 [email protected] Management Supply Chain Management in Public Procuring Entities in Zimbabwe Makoni Ephraim R950707Q M DPhil Graduate 3 May Enhancing Zimbabwean SMEs Dr D D Madzikanda +263772428285 (P/T) School of 2015 Performance Through Project Management 3 [email protected] Management Practices: the Case of Midlands Province Dr W Mkumbuzi Honey Producers

4 Matamande Wilson R875209Y M DPhil Accountancy 6 Nov An Analysis of the Impact of the Socio- ProfIChaneta +2637756094 (P/T) 2011 economic Environment on Public Sector Dr T Mumvuma 00 [email protected] Financial Management Systems in Zimbabwe: The Case of the Office of the Auditor General Mutombodzi Anna R0021845 F DPhil Business 2 May Trade Facilitation and Customs Control: Dr A Zinyemba +263 772403646 5 P/T Studies 2015 The Challenge in Striking a Balance in Dr S Gumbe [email protected] Zimbabwe [email protected]

6 Nyaruwata Shepherd M DPhil Tourism, 4 Oct Leveraging Tourism and Hospitality Dr E Marunda +263777437912 R1414198 (P/T) Leisure & 2013 Business Performance through Information Dr N Kaseke +263 4 852318 [email protected] Hospitality Communication Technology: A Case Studies Study of Tour Operators in Harare and Victoria Falls


7 Runyowa Douglas R9916527 M DPhil Tourism, 2 May Towards Inclusive Tourism Development: Prof I Chaneta +263 773016252 P/T Leisure & 2015 A Case Study of Victoria Falls Dr E Marunda +263 712324626 [email protected] Hospitality Studies 8 Sai Judias Peter R945296V M DPhil Accountancy 2 May A Framework for Effective Use of Financial Dr W Mkumbuzi +263772407471 (P/T) 2015 Information to Achieve Above Industry Dr G Muponda [email protected] Business Performance Levels in Firms [email protected] Listed on the

9 TsikirayiCatherine Mazwi R R880218C F DPhil Business 3 June The Impact of Societal and Contextual Dr D Madzikanda +263772782442 (P/T) Studies 2014 Factors on E-Business Diffusion and Dr W Mkumbuzi [email protected] Business Performance among Small-to- +2634 745316 Medium Enterprises in Zimbabwe: Case Study of Harare Metropolitan City

10 Zengeni Dorothy M Fungai R9916517 F DPhil Tourism, 3 Sept Tourism Infrastructure and Destination Prof V N Muzvidziwa +2637731965 P/T Leisure 2014 Competitiveness: A Comparative Analysis Prof I Chaneta 29 [email protected] &Hospitality of Victoria Falls and Nyanga in Zimbabwe Studies





1 Atem Kuir Jok Aleer R1710502 M DPhil Curriculum 1 Dec The Transformation of a School Curriculum Prof O E Maravanyika +263775710888 (FT) and Arts 2016 for National Development and Prof R Moyana [email protected] Education Consciousness in the New State of South .zw Sudan

2 Chauke Nyiketani R9912792 M DPhil Adult 1 May Alternative Mitigatory Strategies to Improve Dr E Gwaradzimba +263776200013 (PT) Education 2017 Food Security for the Rural Poor: A Case for Dr D Midzi [email protected] Mwenezi District,

3 Chidakwa Cleopas R932418U M DPhil Educational 10 May An Assessment of the Quality Management Prof O E Maravanyika (P/T) Administration 2007 Practices/Systems used in Schools and their +263772 387 [email protected] Implications for Development Policies for 903 Planning and Quality of Education: The Case for Zimbabwe 4 Chinyemba Fredereck R997097X M DPhil Technical 1 May Zimbabwe Teacher Competence in Dr P Kwaira +263 067 26494 (P/T) Education 2017 Assessment for Learning in Project- Professor C +263772743687 [email protected] Based Technological Design: A Nherera

Theoretical and Empirical Investigation 5 Chiware- Maphosa Joyce R970371D F DPhil Educational 1 April A Comparative Study of the Internal and Dr L Madhlangobe +263712806479 (P/T) Administration 2016 External Instructional Supervision in Primary Dr S M Mahere +263779396813 [email protected] Schools: Strategies for Enhancing Quality Educational Service Delivery in Harare Metropolitan Province 6 Chitate Hardy R890055P M DPhil Curriculum 1 July The Ordinary Level History Curriculum of Professor O E 0772927666 (PT) and Arts 2016 Zimbabwe from 1990 to 2015: A Critical Maravanyika [email protected] Education Analysis Dr J Mujere

7 Apadier Majok Mabor R152266Q M DPhil Linguistics 1 Jan The Role of English in Scientific Dr R Sibanda 0784294381 Matoc (F/T) 2016 Communication: Arabic Language Learners South Sudan Universities [email protected] 8 Mavundutse Oliver R900247H M DPhil Teacher 7 2010 A Critical Examination of the Role of Action Prof V Nyawaranda (P/T) Education Research in Improving Teacher Education: Prof B C Chisaka +263 773 521 381 +263712754552 [email protected] The Case of Three Masvingo Teachers’ 18

Colleges 9 Munetsi Cribert R843797G M DPhil Science and 1 Nov The Interaction Among Learning Strategies Prof D K Mtetwa +263783528473 [email protected] (P/T) Mathematics 2015 Preferred Learning Style, and Different Dr J Vere Education instructional Modes, and its Impact on Undergraduate Mathematics Student Teacher Leaning of Mathematical Analysis in Zimbabwe 10 Ndemo Zakaria R996944H M DPhil Science and 6 2011 Undergraduate Student Teachers’ Prof D Mtetwa (P/T) Mathematics Conceptualisation of Mathematics Proof Prof F Zindi 0773 358 013 [email protected] Education [email protected]

11 Tafirenyika Joice R067932G F DPhil Teacher 5 2013 A Study of Immigrant Caregivers’ Child Prof C Dyanda +263773208318 (P/T) Education Rearing Practices from Birth to Three Years Prof CG Mararike +263714790791 [email protected] at Tongogara Refugee Camp in Zimbabwe

12 Tap William Deng R152222C M MPhil Science and 1 Nov Relative Effects of Humour-Based Prof D Mtetwa +263777843029 (F/T) Mathematics 2016 Instructional Approach on Secondary School [email protected] Education Students’ Interest in Mathematic s in South Sudan Dr J C Vere 13 Taringa Beatrice R970877K F DPhil Curriculum 3 June Gender Representation in Zimbabwe Prof V Nyawaranda +263778279547 (P/T) and Arts 2014 Ordinary Level 2010- 2015 Prescribed Dr L Tatira +263712957998 [email protected] Education ChiShona LiteratureTexts





ACADEMIC YEAR COMMENCEMENT DATE 1 Mabwe Nancy R157499Y F MPhil Metallurgical 2 April Impact of Chromite Mine Dumps on Prof J Simbi +263772398092 F/T Engineering 2015 Humans and the Environment Dr C Chitsora +263773273193 [email protected] +2634222491

2 Munamati Muchaneta R985630N F DPhil Civil Engineering 3 May An Investigation into the Dr S Misi 0773045460 (F/T) 2014 Determinants of Sustainable Prof I Nhapi [email protected] Provision of Safe and Adequate [email protected] Sanitation

3 Muserere Simon R910551C M MPhil Civil Engineering Nov Modelling Biological Nutrient Eng Z Hoko 0773142217 (P/T) 4 2011 Removal at Firle Sewage Works, Prof I Nhapi [email protected] Harare 04 701959/ 796745 4 Mutamiri Ian N. R069136B M MPhil Electrical 3 May Shona Early Learner Reading Dr G Brooking +263773445665 (P/T) Engineering 2013 Application on Low-Cost Tablet Dr V Mugari +263772584350 [email protected]

5 Nhidza Eneas R843636B M DPhil Civil Engineering 1 Mar The Contirbution of Base Flow to Dr R Owen +263772613978 (P/T) 2017 Rural Livelihoods in Zimbabwe Dr H Makurira [email protected] Taking into Account Climate Dr M J Tumbare Change and Land Use : Odzani River Catchment Case 6 Tsapayi Allan R118565E M MPhil Metallurgical 6 2011 Development of AS Cast High Prof D J Simbi 0773242203 P/T Engineering Chromium White Cast Irons 0712800807 [email protected] 04 494122 20




ACADEMIC YEAR ACADEMIC COMMENCEMEN T DATE NUMBER 1 Chapisa (Mabika) R983460K F DPhil Public Law 3 July Law Versus Reality: Exploring the Efficacy of Prof L Madhuku +263772662013 Aulline Henrietha (P/T) 2014 Laws and Policies Relating to Domestic Workers Dr A Tsanga [email protected] in Zimbabwe +263 4 705653/7 2 Madenga Renifa R850736 F DPhil SEARCWL 7 Aug Using Women’s Voices and Experiences to Prof J Stewart +12025898928 (P/T) 2009 Interrogate the Efficacy of the International Prof L [email protected] Criminal Justices System (ICJS) on Rape:The Tibatemwa- +12024979037 Case of Rwanda 1994 Genocide Ekirikubinza 3 Makonese Makanatsa R943524L F DPhil SEARCWL 7 Jan Zimbabwe’s Post- Independence Land Reform Prof J Stewart (P/T) 2010 Laws and Policiesand their Impact on Women’s +27725714247 [email protected] Right to Agricultural Land: A Critical Analysis of Prof A Hellum +27835542255 [email protected] the Fast Track Land Reform Programme from 2000and beyond 4 Makoni Catherine R943521C F DPhil SEARCWL 7 Jan The Impact of the Political Crisis in Zimbabwe on Prof J Stewart 0772397826 (P/T) 2010 Women’s Right to Protection of the Law: An [email protected] Investigation into the Handling of Cases of Prof G Feltoe Politically Motivated Rape from 2000 to 2009 5 Mbogoh Annette R074127K F DPhil SEARCWL 7 Aug The 2007 Post-Election Violence Dr A Tsanga (P/T) 2009 asaSpringboard for Peace, Reconciliation and +254722576700 [email protected] Reparation:A Case for the Participationand Prof P Kameri- +254722860363 Involvement of Womenin Mombasa, Kenya Mbote 6 Mesu Janita Carina R842436Q F DPhil SEARCWL 7 Jan Infanticide on Trial: An Examination of the Prof J Stewart 0772 210 120 (P/T) 2010 Application of Section 48 of the Criminal Law Dr D. Chibanda 0783106393 [email protected] (Codification and Reform) Act at the Investigative 0733416415 Prosecutorial and Adjudication Level 04 744306 7 Nyengedza Godwin R988518W M DPhil Private Law 3 July An Analysis of the Fiduciary Duties of Directors Prof L Madhuku +263778477459 (P/T) 2014 under Zimbabwe Law with Particular Focus on Prof C Kigundu [email protected] Emerging Trends in Corporate Governance 8 Simbo Chiedza R032704X F DPhil Public Law 2 Jul A Legal Analysis of the Constitutional Right to Prof L Madhuku +263712726180 [email protected] F/T 2014 Basic Education in Zimbabwe and Prof M Hansungule





NUMBER 1 Benhura Chakare R876442M M DPhil Institute of 7 Dec Formulation and Characterisation of Food Prof M A Benhura +263775 553 (P/T) Food Nutrition 2009 Products from Parihari Curatellifolia Fruit Prof M Muchuweti 453 [email protected] & Family

Awarded the DPhil degree Sciences 2 Bhebhe Michael R062183H M DPhil Biochemistry 5 Oct Determination of Phenolic Compounds, their Prof M Muchuweti +263 772 398 (P/T) 2012 Bioaccessibility and Toxicity in Indigenous Prof D Tagwireyi 666 [email protected] and Non-Native Herbal Teas of Zimbabwe

3 Chifamba Edson Mangoya R952709Z M DPhil Institute of Food 4 May Milk Yield and Composition of Exotic and Prof N T Ngongoni +263774836438 (P/T) Nutrition & 2013 Cross-Bred Cows Fed on High Protein Dr L K Nyanga [email protected] Family Sciences Subtropical Legumes in Selected Small Dr S Nyagura Holder Dairy Schemes in Zimbabwe 4 Chigwenhese Leoba R077862F F MPhil Geography & 6 Sept Movement of Large Herbivores across Prof A Murwira +263773123364 (F/T) Environmental 2011 Wildlife/Livestock Interface: Testing the Effect Dr M Masocha [email protected] Science of Resource Gradients on Large Herbivore Movement in the South East Lowveld of Zimbabwe 5 Chikuruwo Charon R075820Y F MPhil Geography & 6 Sept Functional Traits of Native and Alien Species Dr M Masocha +263772840285 (F/T) Environmental 2011 along a Gradient of Human Livestock Prof A Murwira [email protected] Science Disturbance in an African Savanna

6 Chimponda Theresa R062124W F DPhil Biochemistry 1 May Markers of Inflammation, Morbidity and Professor T Mduluza +263734371634 (PT) 2016 Mechanisms Mediating Resistance against Professor N Midzi [email protected] Schistosoma haematobium Infection in <5 Professor F Mutapi Years Old 7 Chipangura Mathias R1711729 M DPhil Chemistry 1 May Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Dr P Mushonga +263779868962 (PT) 2017 Nanoscale Theranostics for the Prof C Maponga [email protected] Treatment of Advanced Cervical

Cancers 8 Chipurura Batsirai R985423N M DPhil Institute of 4 Feb Formulation of Characterisation of Prof M Muchuweti +263775 990 (P/T) Food Nutrition 2012 Selected Food Product from Baobab Prof M A Benhura 494 [email protected] & Family Dr S Nyagura Awarded the DPhil degree Sciences Chirara Tsungai R881978B F DPhil Biochemistry 3 June Isolation and Characterisation of Extracts Prof T Mduluza +263771511801 9 22

(P/T) 2014 from Wild Edible and Non-Edible Mushrooms Dr C Kashangura [email protected] in Zimbabwe [email protected]

10 Dangare Prince R108680E M MPhil Physics 3 Oct An Automated Irrigation Control System Dr E Mashonjowa 0776005465 (P/T) 2013 Using Plant-Based Responses to Water Dr T Mhizha [email protected] Stress for Tomato Crop in Zimbabwe

11 Dembedza Mavis Precious R115329A F MPhil Institute of Food 2 April Levels of Afflatoxin Exposure in Women and Prof C Nhachi +263776 408080 (F/T) Nutrition & 2015 Children under Five in Shamva and Makoni Dr L K Nyanga [email protected] Family Sciences Districts, Zimbabwe Dr C Chidewe 12 Deve Takudzwa R096082K M MPhil Computer 5 May Knowledge Management Systems Models Dr G Hapanyengwi +263773621323 (F/T) Science 2013 and Architectures: Addressing General Professor G Kabanda +263772737248 [email protected] Inadequacies and Limitations for Inter Probability and Reusability 13 Dowo Gregory Mero R054391H M DPhil Biological 3 Jun Resource Utilisation in the Greater Limpopo Prof S Kativu +263775793912 (F/T) Sciences 2014 Transfrontier Conversation Area (GL-TFCA) Prof A Murwira [email protected] and its Effect on Provision of Ecosystem Dr M de Garine- Services Wichatitsky 14 Dzinotizei Zorodzai R081021E F MPhil Geography 4 Nov Effects of Elephant Densities and Prof A Murwira +263773467241 (F/T) &Environmental 2013 Anthropogenic Interference on Habitat Dr M Masocha +263713536561 [email protected] Science Heterogeneity, in Relation to Surface Water Dr Laure Guerrini Availability Dr Herve Fritz 15 Dzomba Pamhidzai R125115E M DPhil Chemistry 6 Jan Speciation and Persistence of Tetracycline Prof M F Zaranyika +263773 474 525

(P/T) 2012 Antibiotics in the Aquatic Environment: Dr J Kugara [email protected] Characterisation in Terms of a Linear Rate Model

16 Feresu Zvinodashe T T R910481N M MPhil Physics 5 Dec A Microcontroller-Based Weather Data Dr E Mashonjowa +263776384952 (P/T) 2012 Acquisition and Reporting System Dr X F Carelse [email protected] 17 Fundikwa Blessings R061539H M MPhil Mathematics 4 June Bounds on Distance Measures for Graphs Prof S Mukwembi +263777 888 Takudzwa (P/T) 2014 with Forbidden Subgraphs Prof A G R Stewart 260

[email protected] 18 Gwenzi Julliet R922134C M DPhil Physics 5 Nov Improving Agro Climatic Decision Support in Prof P Mafongoya +263774 350 828 [email protected] (P/T) 2012 Zimbabwe under Changing Climate Dr E Mashonjowa Prof C J Stigter

19 Gwitira Isaiah R979017I M DPhil Geography & 7 Jan Spatial Modelling of Malaria, Tuberculosis Prof A Murwira +263773 401 261 (P/T) Environmental 2011 (TB) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Dr S Mutambu [email protected] Science (HIV): Regional Prevalence and Dynamics of Co-Infections in Zimbabwe 20 Hamandishe Vimbai R970122T F DPhil Biological 3 June Ecological Factors and their Effects on the Dr T Nhiwatiwa +263733 899 280 23

(P/T) Sciences 2014 Quality of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Professor J R Gumbo [email protected] from Impoundments with Different Tropic Dr P T Saidi States and Pollution Levels in Zimbabwe 21 Kasiyamhuru Abisha R128833Y M DPhil Biochemistry 5 Apr Fruit Anthocyanins as Food Colourants and Prof M Muchuweti +263 733 963 (P/T) 2012 Antioxidants Dr L R Nhamo 574 [email protected] 22 Kavu Tatenda Duncan R076578X F DPhil Computer 5 Jun A Model Exhibiting the Evolution of Decision Dr G T Hapanyengwi +263737167022 P/T) Science 2013 Making Processes in E-Commerce Prof K Rukanda [email protected] Correspondence to Web Evolution Dr P Raieth 23 Kufandirimbwa Owen R0020101 M DPhil Computer 5 Oct Information Technology, Transition Model Dr G Hapanyengwi +263712 784 287 [email protected] (P/T) Science 2012 (ITTM) Contribution for IT/Business Prof Kabanda Alignment: A Case for a Developing Economy 24 Kunonga Ngoni Ishe R128834A M DPhil Biological 5 Mar An Evaluation of Pharmacological Properties, Prof S Kativu 0772 514 570 (P/T) Sciences 2012 Genetic Diversity and Conversation Status of Dr C Zimudzi [email protected] Aloeortholopha 25 Kuri Farai (upgraded) R014282P M DPhil Geography & 5 July Remote Sensing Derived Phenology Metrics Prof A Murwira +263774133559 (P/T) Environmental 2012 for Predicting Impacts of Drought on Dr M Masocha [email protected] Science Agricultural Production [email protected] 26 Lolika Paride Oresto R151698F M DPhil Mathematics 2 May Modeling the Transmission Dynamics of Prof S Mushayabasa +263784505627 (F/T) 2016 Brucellosis [email protected] 27 Losio Anthony Abule R156997N M MPhil Mathematics 2 May Modelling the Transmission Dynamics of Prof S Mushayabasa +263778491742 Elisama (F/T) 2016 Guinea Worm Disease

[email protected] 28 Mafodya Jonah R901624D M DPhil Statistics 2 Feb Construction of Multivariate Control Charts for Dr F Matarise 0773965166 P/T 2015 Big Data [email protected] 29 Mafuta Phillip R068642M M DPhil Mathematics 3 June Aspects of Bounds on the Leaf Number of Prof S Mukwembi +263773 493 (P/T) 2014 Graph Prof AGR Stewart 013 [email protected] 30 Makwikwi Tendai R082620H M DPhil Biochemistry 2 May Characterisation of the Molecular Prof T Mduluza +263772100439 (P/T) 2016 Immunobiology of Susceptibility or Prof N Midzi [email protected] Resistance to Schistosoma haematobium Infection 31 Manyisa Vimbainashe R115041P F MPhil Institute of Food 1 Jan Effect of Roasting Time Dr S Nyagura +263 773 428 047 Christine P/T Nutrition & 2017 TemperatureCombinations of Peanuts on Dr E Guchu [email protected] Family Sciences Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Peanut Butter 32 Mandizha Naume Tivirayi R881922C F DPhil Chemistry 1 June Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in Prof M Zaranyika +263 712 865 146 [email protected] (PT) 2016 Upper Mazowe River and Mazowe Dam Dr J Kugara

Mapfumo R Blessing R081566A F MPhil Geography&En 5 Apr Satellite Remote Sensing of Subtle Prof A Murwira +263 773531853 33 [email protected] (F/T) vironmental 2012 Deforestation in Savanna Woodlands Dr T Mhizha Science 34 Maringe David R114822D M MPhil Institute of Food 3 Nov The Determination of Mycotoxin Levels in Dr E Guchu +263773419372 24

F/T Nutrition & 2014 Legumes and Blood Samples of Exposed Dr LK Nyanga +263774496913 [email protected] Family Sciences Populations in Shamva and Makoni Districts Prof C Nhachi of Zimbabwe 35 Marufu Lightone Takawira R014139J M DPhil Biological 5 May The Population Biology and Ecology of the Prof T Nhiwatiwa 0734 980 276 (P/T) Sciences 2012 Introduced Australian Red Claw Crayfish Dr M Barson [email protected] Cherax Quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) Dr C Phiri [email protected] in Lake Kariba Zimbabwe 36 Matavire Sharon Rose R114876X F MPhil Institute of Food 1 Jan Effects of Storage and Sanitary Conditions on Dr S Nyagura +263 775 770 551 [email protected] PT Nutrition & 2017 Microflora Quality of Yoghurts Sold in Harare: Dr E Guchu +263 716 929 033 Family Sciences Supermarkets and Vendors 37 Matawa Farai R015112R M DPhil Geography & 3 Aug Spatial Ecological Modelling of Tsetse Prof A Murwira +263772 434 (P/T) Environmental 2014 Distribution in Relation to Environmental Prof S Kativu 126 [email protected] Science Changes Using Geo-Statistics and Intelligent +263783 588 Systems 699

38 Matimati Edmore R0019405 M DPhil Chemistry 2 May Persistence of DDT, DDE and DDD on the Prof M F Zaranyika +263779603849 (P/T) 2016 Aquatic Environment: Characterisation in Dr P Mushonga +263772765651 [email protected] Terms of Linear Rate Model

39 Mautsa (Magwenzi) R076753C F MPhil Biochemistry 3 Nov Evaluation of Antimycobacterial Properties of Prof S Mukanganyama +263772939607 Ruvimbo Vicki Tricia (P/T) 2014 Vernonia Adoensis Extracts Prof D Tagwireyi +263773422932

[email protected] 40 Mhlanga Adequate R076999T M DPhil Mathematics 4 April Modelling the Effects of Behavioural Change Prof CT Bhunu +263773 052 698 (P/T) 2013 on the Transmission Dynamic of HSV2 Mr S Mushayabasa [email protected] Dr W Mangezi 41 Mombeshora Molly R0101488 F DPhil Biochemistry 1 May Evaluation of Antibacterial and Biochemical Prof S Mukanganyama +263772781373 [email protected] (PT) 2016 Activities of Phytochemicals Isolated from Prof D Tagwireyi Triumfetta welwitschii 42 Mozirandi Winnie Yevai R062124W F DPhil Biochemistry 2 May Isolation, Purification, Antibacterial and Prof S Mukanganyama +263779800209 (FT) 2016 Biochemical Evaluation of Phytochemicals Prof D Tagwireyi [email protected] from Vernonia adoensis

43 Mpofu Brighton Staff R116784J M MPhil Physics 1 Sept Parametric Investigation of Palladium Thin Prof T Gutu +263776170330 (PT) 2016 Film Produced by Electroless Plating Dr V Musara [email protected]

44 Mtetwa Stanlake Kundai R152680Q M MPhil Geography & 2 Mar Geographical Information Science and Prof A Murwira +263772955099 (FT) Environmental 2016 Remote Sensing Based Interference Dr M Masocha +263772325788 [email protected] Science Modelling of Radio Waves for Optimal Base Dr F M Zengeya +263775428189 Station Replacement 45 Mudimbu Diana R944131B F DPhil Geology 5 May Geologic Materials and the Link with Local Dr M L Meck +263775 885 656 [email protected] (P/T) 2013 and Regional Distribution of Diseases and Prof D Tagwireyi Pathological State in Zimbabwe Prof T C Davis 46 Mudzengi Clarice P R096446R F DPhil Geography & 4 Jan The Role of Key Browse Species in Prof A Murwira +263774601845 (F/T) Environmental 2014 Understanding Livestock-Wildlife Interactions Dr H Fritz [email protected] Science at Wildlife-Livestock Interfaces Dr C Murungweni 25

Dr T Halimani

47 Mujere Never R912159B M DPhil Geography & 4 Jun Understanding River Channel Transmission Dr M Masocha +263772246316 (P/T) Environmental 2013 Losses in Near Real-Time Dr H Makurira [email protected] Science Prof D Mazvimavi 48 Mukaratirwa R985621E F DPhil Chemistry 6 Apr A Study of Surface Properties of Dried Prof M Zaranyika 0776 410 239 Muchanyereyi Netai (P/T) 2011 Water Hyacinth by Inverse Gas Dr J Kugara Chromatography [email protected] Awarded the DPhil degree 49 Mukosera Kumbirayi T R9917136 M MPhil Computer 4 May Artificial Intelligence in Soil Moisture-Based, Dr G T Hapanyengwi 0712737895 (F/T) Science 2013 Micro-Computer Controlled Automatic Mr B Nyambo [email protected] Irrigation System Prof E Mashonjowa

50 Mukungunugwa Vivian R893542J M DPhil Mathematics 7 May Aspects of Distance-Based Topological Prof A G R Stewart +263 773 782 (P/T) 2011 Indices in Graphs Prof S Mukwembi 950 [email protected] (R9917881) 51 Munjeri Kudakwashe R991675F M DPhil Physics 1 Sept Microstructural Evolution of Electroless Prof T Gutu +263772601910 (P/T) 2016 Deposited Palladium Layer for Hydrogen Dr J Kugara [email protected] Separation and Purification

52 Munyaradzi Michael R893542J M DPhil Computer 3 Jan Adaptive Heuristics Applied to Precision Dr G T Hapanyengwi +263772 390 828 (P/T) Science 2014 Irrigation Control System Dr P Raeth [email protected] Prof A Murwira 53 Murashiki Tatenda R097245X M MPhil Biochemistry 2 Nov Effectiveness of Hermetic Storage Vessels in Dr C Chidewe +263771925542

F/T 2014 Reducing Aflatixon B1and Fumonisin B1 in Dr L Nyanga +263735566094 [email protected] Maize Grain Prof M A Benhura

54 Muroyiwa Godfrey R141807X M MPhil Physics 3 May The Effects of Deficit Irrigation (DI) Strategies Prof E Mashonowa 0773 616 906 (P/T) 2014 on Water Use Efficiency, Yield and Quality of Dr T Mhizha [email protected] Tomatoes Prof M Muchuweti 55 Murwendo Talent R875606R M DPhil Geography & 1 Sept The Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Wildlife Prof A Murwira +263774056346 (P/T) Environmental 2016 Species within Gonarezhou National Park in Dr M Masocha +263782715666 [email protected] Science South Eastern Zimbabwe Dr T Tagwireyi [email protected] 56 Mushanyu Josiah R062077T M DPhil Mathematics 3 June Mathematical Modeling of Drug Abuse Prof F Nyabadza +263736 633 604 (P/T) 2014 Epidemiology and the Related Prof AGR Stewart [email protected] Psychosocial Interventions Dr G Muchatibaya 57 Mushonga Nyasha G R125135R F DPhil Institute of Food 5 Jan Nutrition Status of Preschool Children Aged Prof H A Mujuru +263772 788 185 (P/T) Nutrition & 2012 3-5 Years in Mashonaland East Province and Dr S Nyagura [email protected] Family Sciences Harare Suburbs of Zimbabwe with Special Focus on Overweight and its Predisposition to Non-Communicable Diseases 58 Musindo Pioneer R9702755 F DPhil Biological 4 Jun Impact of Climate Change and Biotic Factors Prof C H D Magadza +263772 916 679 (Gamundani) (P/T) Sciences 2012 on Avifauna Diversity and Spatial Distribution Prof S Kativu [email protected] in the Mid-Zimbezi Valley, Zimbabwe [email protected] 26

59 Mutangadura Daniel R078072J M MPhil Biological 3 June In Vitro Response to Antimalarial Drugs of Dr M Zimba 0772845199 F/T Sciences 2014 Plasimadium Berghei Transmitted by Prof T Mduluza [email protected] Anopheles Arabiensis Exposed to Sub-lethal Dr S Mutambu Doses of Insecticides 60 Muzarabani Collette R122699W F MPhil Biological 1 Jan Taxonomy and Ecology of Gastropod Snails Prof T Nhiwatiwa +263776983195 (F/T) Sciences 2017 and their Role in Disease Transmission in Prof M Barson +2634 2010763 Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe Dr T Huyse

61 Ndaimani Henry R0019417 M DPhil Geography & 3 June GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Prof A Murwira +263773 473 [email protected] (P/T) Environmental 2014 Understanding the Impact of African Dr M Masocha 538 Science Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) on Vegetation in African Savannahs

62 Nuer James Muon Valerio R151696M M DPhil Mathematics 1 May Bounds on Degree Distance of Connected Prof S Mukwembi +263778791228 [email protected] (F/T) 2016 Triangle-free Graphs Dr S Munyira

63 Shekede Munyaradzi D R013318R M DPhil Geography & 5 Nov Effects of Increased Nitrogen Deposition and Dr M Masocha +263772 940 103 (P/T) Environmental 2011 Precipitation Decline on Tree-Grass Prof A Murwira [email protected] Science Interactions in Southern African Savannas 64 Shonhai Mandipa R156371X F MPhil Biological 1 Jan Validation of STR Markers for Use in Human Prof T Nhiwatiwa 04 776517 F/T Sciences 2015 Identification (HID) in Zimbabwe Populations Dr R Thelingwani 0774101283 [email protected]

65 Shonhiwa Clement R0018063 M DPhil Chemistry 5 Nov Enhancement of Oxidative Stability and Shelf Dr LRM Nhamo +263773485140 [email protected] (P/T) 2012 Life of Jatropha Curcas Biodiesel through the Dr J Kugara [email protected] Use of Synthetic Antioxidant Additives Prof F P Gudyanga 66 Shumba Msiteli S R095035H F MPhil Biological 3 Oct Pans, Dams and Boreholes Typologyas a Prof S Kativu 0773589534 (F/T) Sciences 2012 Function of Ungulate and Human Activities in Prof M Barson [email protected] the Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe Ass Sup Dr M de Garine- Witchatitsky 67 Sibanda Pamela R0019378 F DPhil Biological 4 Oct Sedmentation and Benthic Fauna in Lake Prof C Mugadza +263772348648 (P/T) Sciences 2012 Chivero Prof A Murwira [email protected] 68 Siziba Lillian R951973M F DPhil Statistics 1 April Multivariate and Multi-Point Intervention Dr F Matarise +263772966450 (P/T) 2017 Analysis Using the Latent Growth Dr C Chimedza +263712083591 [email protected] Modeling Approach 69 Vengesai Arthur R109616A M MPhil Biochemistry 3 Sep Monitoring the Effects of Mass Drug Prof T Mduluza +2634 210049 F/T 2014 Administration of Praziquantel During a Prof N Midzi [email protected] National Schistosome Control Programme on +263776292361 27

the Prevalence of Allergic Sensitization 70 Wakandigara Albert R861295W M DPhil Chemistry 5 Mar Phorbol Ester Detoxification Mechanisms in Dr L R Nhamo 0712 215 071 (P/T) 2012 Jatropha Curcas Seed Cake Dr J Kugara [email protected] 71 Zanamwe Ngonidzashe R0020219 M DPhil Computer 5 Apr Knowledge Incorporation into Solution Dr K Dube +263773400869 (P/T) Science 2012 Models for the Meal Planning Problem with Dr F Mtenzi +263 4 333677 [email protected] Application in HIV/AIDS Nutrition Therapy Dr J Thomson Dr G Hapanyengwi 72 Zengeya Angeline R062342F F MPhil Biochemistry 2 May Characterisation of Selected Indigenous Prof T Mduluza +263772528449 (FT) 2016 Plants Used as Mosquito Repellents in Dr M Zimba [email protected] Zimbabwe






1 Bowora John R940382P M DPhil Rural &Urban 5 Dec A Study to Investigate Collective Dr B Mukamuri +263773281212 (F/T) Planning 2012 Planning and Management of Rural Prof V Dzingirai [email protected] Water Infrastructure in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Community Boreholes in Chiredzi District, Zimbabwe 2 Bungu Olga R920084B F DPhil Political & 3 Jan The Contributions of Women in Prof C Manyeruke +263712861671 P/T Administrative 2015 Agriculture to the Political Economy of Dr P S Nyambara [email protected] Studies Zimbabwe (2000-2014): A Focus on A1 and A2 Models 3 Chidoko Clainos R0020810 M DPhil Economics 3 June The Impact of Economic Integration on Dr A Makochekanwa +263773570327 (P/T) 2014 Intra-Industry Trade: The Case of Dr M Masiiwa [email protected] Cereal Crops in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

4 Chikoko Witness R984829J M DPhil School of 4 Nov Substance Abuse among Street Dr W Ruparanganda 0772529127 (P/T) Social Work 2012 Children of Harare: The Case of Harare [email protected] Central Business District [email protected] 5 Chikwaiwa Belamino R945167C M DPhil School of 3 Jan Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence Prof Nyakahadzoi +263772979333

P/T Social Work 2015 among the Economically Active Age- Prof V Dzingirai [email protected] group (15-64) years) Patients in Zimbabwe: A Study of Wilkins Infectious Diseases Hospital and its Catchment Area


6 Chinyamakobvu Ashley R068585R F DPhil Centre for 2 Jan Stakeholder Interests, Strategies and Prof V Dzingirai 0777747535 F/T Applied Social 2015 Forest Resources Management in Dr B B Mukamuri [email protected] Sciences Zimbabwe’s Communal Land: The Case of Chimanamani

7 Chivurugwi Josphat R999654M M DPhil Political & 6 June Human Security Approach to Peace Dr D Chimanikire +263712 762 (P/T) Administrativ 2011 and Security in Southern Africa: The Dr W Sadomba 546 [email protected] e Studies Case of South Africa (1997-2007) +263 734187771

Awarded the DPhil Degree

8 Chundu Moses R951307Y M DPhil Economics 3 May Determinants of Micro, Small and Dr T Mumvuma +263773060550 (P/T) 2014 Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Growth Dr H Zhou [email protected] in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of the Manufacturing Sector in the Districts of Mbare and Highfields 9 Dodzo Munyaradzi Kenneth R981350A M DPhil Population 7 Jan Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Prof M Mhloyi +263 772654501 [email protected] (P/T) Studies 2011 Maternal Mortality in Zimbabwe, 1988- [email protected] 2006

10 Dube Buhle R069369W M DPhil Rural &Urban 3 Jan Planning and Maintenance of Regional Dr I Chirisa +263772354765 P/T Planning 2015 Development Infrastructure in Prof K Wekwete [email protected] Zimbabwe: A Comparative Study of Matebeleland and Mashonaland Provinces 11 Dumba Smart (upgraded) R055177A M DPhil Rural &Urban 5 May Characterising Vehicular Traffic Flows Prof L D Vassileva +263775682351 (P/T) Planning 2012 in Harare City Centre: Towards Finding [email protected] a Road Decongestion Model

12 Dziro Charles R945190P M DPhil School of 3 June An Evaluation of the Kinship-Based Dr B Mukamuri +263 4 752966 - 7 (P/T) Social Work 2014 Foster Care System in Zimbabwe: A Prof M Mhloyi [email protected] Case Study of Households Fostering Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVCS) in Bikita District 13 Gwatirisa Cornillious R950330A M DPhil Centre for 3 Jan Analysis of Policy Implementation Dr B B Mukamuri +263773445626 P/T Applied Social 2015 Dynamics in Zimbabwe’s Urban Areas: Dr I Chirisa +263734990819 [email protected] Sciences A Case Study of Public Sanitary Facilities in Harare


14 Gwenje Douglas R077491A M DPhil Centre for 5 Nov Understanding the Impact of Agricultural Dr B Mukamuri 0779826766 (P/T) Applied Social 2012 Support Interventions on Food Security Dr J Anderson [email protected] Sciences and Market Participation: Action Contra-La Faim Intervention in Chipinge District, Zimbabwe

15 Hazvina Fanuel M DPhil Economics 6 Feb Impacts of Zimbabwe-China Trade Dr T Mumvuma +263772329 461 [email protected] R991655O (P/T) 2012 Relations on Economic Growth in Dr M Masiiwa +263773575877 [email protected] Zimbabwe

16 Javangwe Gwatirera R9916887 M DPhil Psychology 8 Jan Perspectives on Child Participation Prof J Stewart +263772960707 (P/T) 2009 in Custody Decision Making and [email protected] Children’s Reported Experiences with Custody Decision Making in Awarded the DPhil Degree Zimbabwe 17 Jecheche Petros R901690P M DPhil Economics 3 June Derivatives Trading and its Impact on Dr P Kadenge +263779817346 (P/T) 2014 the Volatility of the Johannesburg Stock Dr E Chikodza +263712863802 [email protected] Exchange

18 Kamoyo Micheal R9916095 M DPhil Economics 3 June Linking Agricultural Markets Access to Dr A Makochekanwa +263774374317 Dr M Masiiwa (P/T) 2014 Agricultural Sector Poverty and [email protected] Development in Zimbabwe [email protected] 19 Khan Waqar Hasan R144823A M DPhil Political & 3 May An Investigation into the Thesis of Dr D P Chimanikire +263712237161 (P/T) Administrative 2014 Media and Perception Management in Dr G Hapanyengwi +263712616973 [email protected] Studies Non-Kinetic Warfare: A Case of Pakistan 20 Khupe Thokozani R113448H F DPhil Sociology 6 June The Informal Sector and Empowerment Dr W Ruparanganda +263772570944 (P/T) 2011 of Women: A Study of Women Retail Prof L Sachikonye [email protected] Traders in Flea Markets of , Zimbabwe 21 Kunguma Isobel Chimutashu R048078D M DPhil Economics 3 May Economic Feasibility of Public Private Dr A Makochekanwa 0774133729 (P/T) 2014 Partnerships for Improved Solid Waste Dr T Mumvuma [email protected] Management in Harare 22 Kwangwama Ndarowa Audrey R920620D F DPhil Rural & Urban 2 Jan Planning and Real Estate Issues Dr I Chirisa +263772421104 P/T Planning 2015 Surrounding Land Tenure in Peri-Urban [email protected] Areas in Zimbabwe: Case of Seke and Prof K Wekwete +263 4 481224 Domboshava 23 Madzivanyika Ezera R951337X M DPhil Economics 6 June A Diagnosis of the Nature, Dr H Zhou +263 712624227 (F/T) 2011 Effectiveness and Economic Impact of Dr M Masiiwa [email protected] Tax Incentives in Zimbabwe [email protected] 24 Makoto Richard R013750Y M DPhil Economics 5 Dec An Analysis of the Impact of Public Dr T Mumvuma 0773390848 [email protected] (P/T) 2011 Debt Composition on Economic Growth [email protected] in Zimbabwe


25 Makwembere Cready Kiredi R932382C F DPhil Centre for 7 April Quality of Life of Child Headed Families Dr D P Chimanikire +263773750478 PT Applied Social 2010 in Epworth in Harare Peri-Urban in [email protected] Sciences Terms of Education, Food and Shelter Dr N Wekwete

26 Mandisvika Gladys R095353M F MPhil Rural & Urban 1 Dec Scope for Relaxation And Flexibility of Dr I Chirisa 0774819433 [email protected] P/T Planning 2015 Spatial Planning Tools in Harare in the Prof K Wekwete Context of Rapid Urbanisation in Zimbabwe 27 Mandizadza Enock Jacob R048689N M DPhil Sociology 6 Dec Indigenous Knowledges and Social Dr L Maunganidze 0772629173 Ruvimbo (P/T) 2011 Experiences on Cancer in Zimbabwe: [email protected] A Case Study of Harare

Awarded the DPhil Degree 28 Mangwanya Fulton Upenyu R013861C M DPhil Political & 2 Jan Strategies of Redressing Colonial Prof C Manyeruke 0773016510 F/T Administrative 2015 Imbalances in Southern Africa: Dr D P Chimanikire [email protected] Studies Lessons from Zimbabwe’s Land Reform Programme 29 Mangwanya Lindiwe R901885X F DPhil Centre for 5 Nov Lives of Risk: A Study of Tsetse- Prof V Dzingirai +263775 224 250 (P/T) Applied Social 2012 FlyEffects on Livelihoods in Hurungwe, Dr B Mukamuri [email protected] Sciences Zimbabwe [email protected] 30 Matika McDonald R076408C M DPhil Psychology 2 Mar Personality, Determinants of Work Dr S Nyambiya- +263772904754 F/T 2015 Stress and Coping Strategies of Bundy [email protected] Managers in Harare Financial Services Sector Dr B Mahembe 31 Matseketsa Besearch Beloved R063546P M DPhil Political & 1 Mar The National Security Implications Prof C Manyeruke +263715581304 (P/T) Administrative 2017 Emanating from Receiving Africa’s Major (Dr) A +263715227713 Studies Great Lakes Region Refugees in Mutambudzi Zimbabwe 32 Mavesere Ithiel R034078T M DPhil Economics 6 Feb The Economic Value of Forest Products Dr T Mumvuma +263772329957 (P/T) 2012 and their Contribution to the Welfare of Dr C Mumbengegwi [email protected] Poor Rural Households in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Chirinda Forests in Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe 33 Mazongonda Simbarashe R056383Q M MPhil Rural and 3 Jan Urban Informal Manufacturing through Dr I Chirisa +263734460412 Show F/T Urban 2015 the Lens of Planning Law in Zimbabwe: Dr T Gumbo +263772206765 Planning Case of Harare Dr M Mzumara [email protected]


34 Mhizha Samson R9916847 M DPhil Psychology 5 Oct Lifestyles, Risk Factors and Quality of Prof P Chiroro +263774123215 (P/T) 2011 Life in a Street Ecology: An Exploratory [email protected] Analysis on the Experiences of Adolescent Street Youths in Harare

35 Mlambo Lyman R902069Y M DPhil Economics 3 May Characterisation, Measurement and Dr P Kadenge +263772547180 (P/T 2014 Optimisation of the Impact of Mining on [email protected] the Zimbabwean Economy

36 Muchinako George Alex R950689X M DPhil School of 5 Nov Determinants of Health-Seeking Prof K Nyikahadzoi 0712562987 [email protected] (P/T) Social Work 2012 Behaviour among the Elderly People in Prof M Mhloyi Murambinda Hospital Catchment Area in Buhera, Zimbabwe 37 Mukanangana Festus M DPhil Centre for 3 May Determinants of Adult Morbidity in High Prof M Mhloyi +263773 059 660 (P/T) Population 2014 Density Suburbs of Harare Dr N N Wekwete [email protected] Studies 38 Mutasa Charles R901945V M DPhil Political 8 Jan Civil Society and the African Union: +263772415720 (P/T) &Administrati 2010 A Critical Analysis of the Policy [email protected] ve Studies Contributions of Civil Society and its Dr M Mupanduki Interactions with the African Union Awarded the DPhil Degree Commission 39 Mutsindikwa Nyasha Takawira R036471W M DPhil Rural & Urban 5 Nov Low Income Home Ownership in the Dr W Ruparanganda +263733236288 P/T Planning 2012 Post-Colonial City: Case Study of Dr K Chatiza [email protected] Harare 40 Ndedzu Desmond R015595R M DPhil Economics 5 Feb Poverty, Land Reform and Productivity Dr H Zhou 0773188280 (P/T) 2012 among Smallholder A1 Resettled Dr I Matshe [email protected] Farmers in Zimbabwe : The Case of Nyanga District in Manicaland Province 41 Nyambiya Tendai R002214Z M MPhil Psychology 3 Jan ‘Every Drop Counts’: An Integrative Dr Sally Nyandiya- +263733705176 P/T 2015 Model-Based Study of Socio-Cognitive Bundy +2634 791649 [email protected] Factors Affecting Adults’ Motivation to Donate Blood in Zimbabwe 42 Pindiriri Carren R0022001 M DPhil Economics 6 Jan Investigating the Economic Costs of Dr H Zhou +263773044364 (P/T) 2012 Extreme Weather Events (Droughts and Dr E Muchapondwa [email protected] Floods) in Zimbabwe 43 Rupiya Sunboy R036120A M DPhil Population 3 Jan Determinates of Adolescent Dr N N Wekweke +263773409399 [email protected] (P/T) Studies 2015 Reproductive Health in Zimbabwe Prof M Mhloyi +263783836494

44 Tagutanazvo Emelda R055517G F DPhil Centre for 1 Mar Women’s Participation in Water Prof V Dzingirai 0776015060 Muchadzoka (F/T) Applied Social 2016 Resources Management Institutions: Prof K Nyakahadzoi 0775149940 Sciences The Case Study of Guyu-Chelesa [email protected] Irrigation Scheme, of Gwanda, Zimbabwe


45 Takaza Stella R877442X F DPhil Sociology 1 Jan Survival Skills Used by Rural Elderly Professor C G +263 712756211 (P/T) 2017 Multifocal Families for Coping with Food Mararike +263779404108 [email protected] Shortages in Zimbabwe: Case Studies Dr W Ruparanganda of Chirumanzu, Zivagwe and Shurugwi Districts in the Midlands Province 46 Zamasiya Byron R0021667 M DPhil Centre for 3 Jan Adapting to Climate Variability and Prof K Nyikahadzoi +263772766770 (F/T) Applied Social 2015 Change: Farmers’ Perceptions and Dr B B Mukamuri +263 4 309423 [email protected] Sciences Farming Practice in Hwedza District in Zimbabwe

47 Zinyemba Lizzy R0020843 M DPhil School of 3 May Beliefs and Practices of Pre-and Post- Prof M Mhloyi 0773654573 (P/T) Social Work 2014 Natal Care among the Batonga Women Dr W Z Sadomba [email protected] of Binga

48 ZivengwaTichaona R9916638 M DPhil Economics 6 Feb The Role of Institutions on Private Dr T Mumvuma +263772309177 (P/T) 2012 Investment and Economic Growth in Dr P Kadenge [email protected] Zimbabwe [email protected]

49 Zvoma Ennedy Chipo R069092T F DPhil Sociology 3 Jan Children’s Homes as an Alternative to Prof C Mararike +263772340869 P/T 2015 Parenting Practice in Zimbabwe: A Dr W Ruparanganda [email protected] Focus on Adolescent Behaviour +2634 333493






ACADEMIC YEAR ACADEMIC COMMENCEMENT COMMENCEMENT DATE NUMBER 1 Bhandi Solomon R076451L M MPhil Clinical 1 Jan Clinico-Pathological Findings, Prof D Pfukenyi 0773572526 P/T Veterinary 2016 Seroprevialance And Risk Factors of Prof G Matope [email protected] Studies Prevalent Disease Conditions in Goats Dr A Murondoti at a Wild Life – Livestock Interface Area with Particular Emphasis on Brucellosis, Chlamydiosis and Ehrlishiosis 2 Chikurunhe Wilmot R162674R M MPhil Paraclinical 1 Jan A Sero-survey of Foot and Mouth Prof D M Pfukenyi 0772521332 P/T Veterinary 2016 Disease in Cattle Around the Lower Prof G Matope [email protected] Studies Zambezi Mana Pools Transi-Frontier Dr M deGarine- Conservation Areas of Zimbabwe Witchatitsky 3 Dhliwayo Solomon R027329D M DPhil Clinical 2 Jan Epidemiology and Characterisation of Prof D M Pfukenyi +263772337526 P/T Veterinary 2016 Leptospra Interrogens Serovarus Prof G Matope [email protected] Studies Isolated from Dogs in Selected Urban Prof L Gwanzura and Rural communities in Zimbabwe: Implications on Current Vaccination Protocols for Canine Laotospirosis Gadaga Biko Masimba R9915443 M MPhil Paraclinical 5 Dec A Survey of Brucellosis and Bovine Pro G Matope +263 772375315 (PT) Veterinary 2012 Tuberculosis in Human at a Dr E Etter +263 4 708885/7 4 [email protected] Studies Wildlife/Domestic Animal/Human Interface in Zimbabwe 5 Madekurozwa Rachel R840739U F DPhil Paraclinical 4 Apr Investigation of the Occurrence of Prof G Matope +263772292645 (P/T) Veterinary 2014 Viruses of Zoonotic Importance among Prof L Gwanzura [email protected] Studies Bat Populations in Zimbabwe and the Prof D M Pfukenyi +2634 303967 Risk Factors Involved in Human and Dr Florian Liegeosis Animal Transmission Dr Mathieu Bougarel 6 Marume Amos R029230T M DPhil Clinical 3 May Pharmacological and Phytochemical Prof G Matope +263772687090 (P/T) Veterinary 2014 Studies of Some Zimbabwean Dr A Ndhlala [email protected] Studies Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Plants Used Prof T Mduluza +2634 792076 for Animal Wound Management Dr S Khoza


7 Mukarati Norman L R875731F M DPhil Clinical 3 Jun The Epidemiology and Ecology of Prof D M Pfukenyi +263772750543 (P/T) Veterinary 2014 Bacillus Anthracis Infections in Prof G Matope [email protected] Studies Wildlife/Livestock Interface Areas in Dr H Van Heerden Zimbabwe Dr M deGarine- Witchatitsky Dr A Caron 8 Mwandiringana Ellen R0021205 F DPhil Preclinical 2 Jan Morphological, Biochemical and Prof D M Pfukenyi +263735485962 (P/T) Veterinary 2016 Behavioural Effects of Boophone Prof D Tagwireyi +263778228478 [email protected] Studies DistichaAdministration in Induced Dr S Ruziwa Neurodegenerative Amnesia Animal Models 9 Ndengu Masimba R901184L M DPhil Clinical 3 Jun Epidemiological Survey of Infectious Prof D M Pfukenyi +263772241840 (P/T) Veterinary 2014 Causes of Infertility in Domestic Prof G Matope [email protected] Studies Ruminants and their Socio-Economic Dr B Mukamuri [email protected] Impact in Selected Interface Areas of Dr E Etter Zimbabwe Dr M deGarine- Witchatitsky 10 Pote William R032868A M DPhil Preclinical 7 May A Critical Investigation into the Prof D Tagwireyi +263773926713 (P/T) Veterinary 2011 Neuropharmacological Effects of Prof H M Chinyanga [email protected] Studies Boophone Disticha Extracts in Animal Prof D M Pfukenyi +263773234621 Models

11 Sibanda Sitikozile R152411F F DPhil Paraclinical 2 Jan The Epidemology of Epizooic Prof D M Pfukenyi +263772211399

P/T Veterinary 2016 Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) in Finefish Prof G Matope [email protected] Studies on Dams and Rivers on the Kavongo- Dr M Barson Zambezi (Kaza) and the Great Limpopo Dr B M Hangombe (GL) Transfrontier Conversion Area in Zimbabwe : Implications on Human Livelihoods and the Aquatic Environment 12 Tivapasi Musavengana T R892422D M DPhil Clinical 3 June Ticks Diversity, Characterisation and Prof T Hove +263772 965 (P/T) Veterinary 2014 Epidemiology of Tick-Borne Diseases at Prof DG Vassilev 233 [email protected] Studies a Wildlife-Livestock Interface Area Prof D M Pfukenyi Dr M de Garine- Wichatitsky