Kent Academic Repository Full text document (pdf) Citation for published version Bisiada, Mario (2009) [R] in Germanic dialects – tradition or innovation? (1). University of York Linguistic Society PDF. DOI Link to record in KAR Document Version Publisher pdf Copyright & reuse Content in the Kent Academic Repository is made available for research purposes. Unless otherwise stated all content is protected by copyright and in the absence of an open licence (eg Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher, author or other copyright holder. Versions of research The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check for the status of the paper. Users should always cite the published version of record. Enquiries For any further enquiries regarding the licence status of this document, please contact:
[email protected] If you believe this document infringes copyright then please contact the KAR admin team with the take-down information provided at [R] in Germanic Dialects— Tradition or Innovation? ___________________________________________________________________ MARIO BISIADA “ain hundts buchstab, wann er zornig die zene blickt und nerret, so die zung kraus zittert.” 1 0. ABSTRACT The quality of [R] in Germanic dialects is one of the most discussed phonological topics in Historical Linguistics, circling around one main question: Was it front or back? Scholars have proposed a back sound arisen through foreign influence as well as a native uvular trill. In this paper, I offer a comparative survey of the available literature, from the earliest superficial comments to modern in-depth dialect analysis, providing a synthesis of the arguments that have been proposed over time.