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HYANNIS HELIO or CAMBRIDGE COURIER BOSTONIAN By WALT MOONEY. PerfesserPeanut takes another side trip to Boston,by way of Hyannis(to visitthe Kennedys?)and Cambridge,and comes back with a scale-likemodel that just HASio be built. o This month'smodel is not a Peanut the eastcoast and their minimu m weight addition of a 3/B by 1 inch drag flap and it is not a scale model either. is 7 grams.They also give points for Linderthe leIl aileron.The model will fly However,it is scalelike and it is rela- charismaat their contests.Out Westwe fine outdoorswithout it, but will not tivelysim ple to build, and it will realiyfly have usuallydecided on some novelty turn in quite so tight a turn radius. well evenif it isbuilt bv a rankbeeinner rule tor our contests.For instance,one Most of the model constructiontech- and is not assembled;ith a lot o"fskill. )uly 4, we required all entriesto have niquesare very standard,and so really TheHyannisport Helio, or Cambridge an American flag on their model. need no commenls,however, one lea- Courier,take your choice,is built to the Further,most WesternBostonians have ture of the tail surfaceand the entire Westernstyle Bostonian rules. These are resembledreal airplanes to someextent. winB structurerequires some explana- repeatedhere: Theoriginal Helio Courier was built at tron. 1. Maximumwing span,16 inches. Norwood, Massachusetts,a short dis- The tail surfacesuse diagonalribs to 2. Maximumwing chord,3 inches. tancesouth of Boston.The Cou rier was a resistwarping and have externalspars 3. Maximum lengthfrom the thrust short field airplaneand incorporated madeof thin basswoodwhich are added bearingto the most aft point on the largeslotted flaps and full spanleading to both sides after the surfacesdre airplane,14 inches. edge slats.The aileronswere relatively i-emovedfrom the work board. Tnere 4- Maximum propeller diameter,6 short span with wide chord, (l know are no notchescut for thesespars, they Inches. becauseldid the detaildesign drawings are simply cementedon the diagonal 5. Iwo wheelsar led>t3,/4 inches in on the prototypeCourier). Anyway, the ribs and the tail tips.The ends oJ the diameter. Courier inspired this Bostonianand sparsare sanded to a featheredge at the 6. The fuselage must co ntain a especiallyits wing design,which is the tail tips.After covering,this structure is theoreticalbox of the dimensions1-1,/2 one significantly non-standardfeature very warp resistant. x2-il2x3inches. on the model. Thewing hasfour differentrib shapes 7. Airplanemust have a windshield The modelflew rightoff the building in its construction. "R-1" is the rib and clearvision to eachside of at least board and won its firstcontest on th; shapeused over the fuselageand is flat one squareinch each. night of its firsrrest flight. One adjust- bottomedfor this reason.ihe wing tip 8. Minimum weight wirhout moror ment wasnecessary to makethe model blocksare also made to thisrib shape. All mustbe at least14 grams. flv in smallenough circles ror an the other ribs havea drooped nosero TheBostonian class was originated on indoor'afely basketball {oLrrr. This was the Continued on page64 A future Peanut is this Saiman 2000 ltalian design, convertable The Hyannis Helio, with built-in drooped teading edge and partiat CO2 and rubber! flap, plus a drag flap for right indoor turns. Bostonian., . , . Continued from page55 simulate the slats on the real Helio Courjer. However, in the area oi the ailerons,the outer "R-4" ribs are flat bottomed all the way back from the droop noseto the trailing edge for no simulated aileron deflection. All the "R-2" ribsare madewith a drooped aft end to simulatethe flaps in a deflected position. The little "R-3" ribs are re- quired as the transitionfrom the de- flectedflaps to the undeflectedailerons. The wing is therefore best built in three separatepieces, the centersection and the two outer panels.Note that the trailing edge is discontinuousat the f laplaileron interface. A littleextra care is required to getthis wing assembled,but when it is finally done you havea wing that fits nicelyon top of the fuselage,is undercambered for maximum model flight capability, and hasbuilt-in washoutbecause of the undeflectedaileron qeclions,for resis- tance to tip sralling and spiral dives following the stall. Besides,the wing looks a little like the real Helio wing at takeoffand landing. This Bostonian was covered with tissue remnantsfrom previous model projects, and ended up with yellow wings and horizontaltail, and a blue fuselageand verticaltail. A blacktissue antiglarepanel was put on the top of the fuselageforward of the wing.The resu lt- ing color schemelooked like the mili- tary airplaneof the 1930'sso military insignia was added. Control surface outlines were added using a black finelinefelt tip pen. The cowl inlet and the tireswere simulatedwith flat black oaint. ' lf your model balancesat the CC as minedid, the modelshould fly with on ly minor adjustments.For outdoor flying you will not need the drag flap, but if you areflying in the typicalhigh school or recreationalcenter gym, the dragflap is a usefuldevice to get a tight enough turn to missthe walls. Havefun with this semi-scalewhim- sicalBostonian, I did. Incidently,the winning time for its first contestwas a flight of just over 40 seconds.Outdoors this model will be easyto lose in a thermal. r/16 Bv 1/8 LEA! lNG EDOE t\ r/15 squanESPARS l-- \ R-4 1-A R-2 R-2 IT-'I '\ R-2 R-2 R-2 R-4 R-4 l I{A,KEWING TIPS I AIL RIBS ARE CUT FB L/L6 TIiICK SHEET FROMSOFT BAI6A ?M BLOCKS ''l , WINDSIIIELD PATTERN I I I ].,/]"6 SQUARE SPANS R-3 R-3 L/L6 BY I/8 TRAILI}IG E.DCE DI}IEDMI, OUACE VERTICl,L TAIL COVERTOP OF COIIL WTTII SOFT L/32ND SIIEEI BAISA SIDES OT COIIL A3E COVERED WIIH 14.6TII sI{EEf, BAI."SA Bottou Is BLoCK I BOTTOUTILIER /---,\/ t\r:g- UAXIMI]M PBOPEILER BASSWOODSP USB3,/4 DIA. DI T,IETERALIOWED LAROER I,ANDING GEAN IS SIX INCITES WHEEIS WIRE PATTERN TITIS MODEI IISED A 7tt HYANNIS PI,A,ST]C NOSEBLOCK PROP CUT coNTorms HELIO DOWNTO ctuaiher 4/r/,(/fN" A t4 GRe'vt EasToNtAu MODELBUILDER JUNE 1982 F.