Prevailing Prayers 2020

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Prevailing Prayers 2020 page 03 PREVAILING PRAYERS FOREWORD lory be to God for your partnership with the Lord of Missions over the years though Gprayers, material/financial support, visitation, giving of yourselves, pieces of advice and understanding. May God reward your love for Him in glorious ways. The encounter of the Israelites with the Amalekites in Exodus 17: 8-13 readily comes to mind whenever one thinks about what God can use us to achieve through partnership in Missions. Moses, Aaron and Hur stayed back at home while Joshua led the army to the battle field. Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill where they could get a good view of the battle field. As long as Moses held up his hands holding the staff, the Israelites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, Aaron and Hur took a stone and put it under Him and he sat on it. Both of them (Aaron and Hur) then proceeded to holding his hands up- one on one side and the other on the other side- so that Moses’ hands with the staff of God remained steady till sunset when the battle was finally won. No one took the glory as all glory belongs to God and God only. As will enter the New Year 2020, let us enter into this partnership with God of Missions. We are to partner through regular intercession, giving, going and sending. The battle will be won sooner than expected if we can partner together as members of God’s family and co- labourers with Christ. May God depend on us, Amen. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 04 This edition will provide you with some information about the largest Unreached People Group in the World (Muslims), other Unreached and Unengaged Unreached People Groups, some information about the People your missionaries are reaching out to and some other necessary information. These are to elicit your prayer support for the challenges and our collective partnership in Missions. We encourage every Church, every family and every Mission lover to get a copy of this Mission prayer guide for your quiet time with God. It will be appreciated too if some of you will decide under God to help us take up the financial responsibility of producing this prayer guide and some other GMB information and mobilization materials produced by your central mission agency: The Global Missions Board. This year 2020 will be a year of breakthrough and success in Jesus Name. God will strengthen our partnership and make use of it to bring many to His Kingdom. It is well with us, our families, our Churches, our businesses, the Church Universal and even those who are yet to know Him as He’s preparing them for His Kingdom through our partnership. Thank you for the grace to serve and for your loving partnership hitherto. Your co-steward with Jesus Christ, Adewumi, John Oluwafemi Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 05 PREVAILING PRAYERS INTRODUCTION issions in the world is not only by the innovative effort of great missionaries. It Mcertainly involves what you and I have. There are many different strategies for reaching the unreached with the gospel. But perhaps the most powerful is the most simple: prayer. Carefully, mediate on these inspirational quotes of prayers. “We can reach our world, if we will. The greatest lack today is not people or funds. The greatest need is prayer.” — Wesley Duewel “Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.” — A.B. Simpson “The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.” — Samuel Zwemer “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed” — Hudson Taylor In summary, Great Commission is a MUST for all. And we must approach it rightly first through – Prayer. On this truth, we welcome you to season of prayers for missional effort of Global Missions Board, the mission agency of Nigerian Baptist Convention. In this year 2020, we believe that God will use you as part of intercessory team that will pray for all our mission activities for the year, effort of our missionaries (Home and International) on the field, mission promotions and mobilizations, training and administration. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 06 In this booklet, we feature special prayers for month of Ramadan as a period to pray for Muslims in the world, weekly intercessory for Friday Jumaat prayers for faithful Muslims, and prayers for the Unreached People Group in Nigeria where we have our presence. We also call for prayers for our missionaries and members of staff in GMB office with their families on their birthdays and wedding anniversaries. The contacts of our missionaries (Home and International) are included in the booklet. Our desire is to raise 10,000+ faithful and consistent intercessors of this prayer guide for missions throughout this year 2020. It can be used as part of devotional materials for personal quiet time, family devotion, early morning congregational prayers, mission retreats, etc. THIS BOOKLET IS FREE. Get one copy and pray for missions. If you need more copies for families and friends, you can contact the GMB office. However, we trust God to use you to multiply the users of this booklet. How? By supporting the cost of production as God inspires you. “Prayer needs no passport, visa or work permit. There is no such thing as a ‘closed country’ as far as prayer is concerned… much of the history of mission could be written in terms of God moving in response to persistent prayer.” — Stephan Gaukroger If you cannot go now, you pray now. Let’s win the world on our knees as we pray unceasingly for the harvest of souls till He comes. He counts on you. Remain in His love. Allen Olatunde Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 07 PREVAILING PRAYERS PRAYER EVANGELISM FOR MUSLIMS his vision is our effort to reach to reach Muslims through specific, consistent and Theartfelt prayer. Each person using this prayer bulleting will prayerfully select five Muslims who may be family members, relatives, neighbours, friends or acquitances. Their names will be written in the space provided below and each day this prayer booklet is used, their names will be presented to God for salvation and other blessings that flow from God. Global Missions Board produces 20,000 copies of Prevailing Prayer Booklets annually, if everyone that receives this prayer bullet bulleting and their family members will faithfully intercede for Muslims in accordance with this vision, we will be sure that the Baptist family is praying daily for salvation of 100,000 known Muslims by name. This is the first practical step to show our love and commitment to Muslim Evangelism that the GMB promotes among Baptist members and Churches. Note: Aside from the list below, you may encourage each of your family members to keep their private list of Muslims that they will be committed to praying for everyday. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 08 Your Commitment I .............................................................................. commit myself to faithfully pray for the salvation of the under listed Muslims: Names of Identified Muslims for regular intercession. 1. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 2. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 3. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 4. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 5. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Lord, help me to remain faithful to this commitment. ........................................... Signature and Date Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 09 PREVAILING PRAYERS MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER’S SCHEME issionary Volunteer’s Scheme is a program that gives working class people Mopportunity to plan and spend their annual leave for the Great Commission. It gives the people the needed opportunity to contribute their quota to the fulfilment of the Great Commission by spending part of their annual leave on the field with some particular Unreached People Groups. Therefore, all mission lovers are hereby invited to Go-A-Fishing with us on the following mission fields. 1. Kyengawa Home Missions Field - May 2020 2. Niger International Mission Field - August 2020 The efforts pay more than the cost. It pays to join God where He’s already working. For more information contact: Adewale Bolaji: 08036549161, 08159990262 Kolade Alli: 08039357718, 08080878908 Together, we will move the Gospel forward. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 10 PREVAILING PRAYERS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 Thank God for the missions endeavours of the Global Missions Board for the year 2019. Thank God for the lives that were won for the Lord. Pray that God will by Himself sustain the foundation that they all have in Christ. Ask God to lead the Board to make greater exploits for His Kingdom in the year 2020. Pray also for divine provision to meet all the needs of the Board. Birthdays: Ajala Adekunle, Shehu Usman, John Audu Gamsari THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 Let us together thank God for the leaders of the Convention: The Nigerian Baptist Convention / CAN President, Rev. Dr. Olasupo Ayokunle,
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