lory be to God for your partnership with the Lord of Missions over the years though Gprayers, material/financial support, visitation, giving of yourselves, pieces of advice and understanding. May God reward your love for Him in glorious ways. The encounter of the Israelites with the Amalekites in Exodus 17: 8-13 readily comes to mind whenever one thinks about what God can use us to achieve through partnership in Missions. Moses, Aaron and Hur stayed back at home while Joshua led the army to the battle field. Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill where they could get a good view of the battle field. As long as Moses held up his hands holding the staff, the Israelites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, Aaron and Hur took a stone and put it under Him and he sat on it. Both of them (Aaron and Hur) then proceeded to holding his hands up- one on one side and the other on the other side- so that Moses’ hands with the staff of God remained steady till sunset when the battle was finally won. No one took the glory as all glory belongs to God and God only. As will enter the New Year 2020, let us enter into this partnership with God of Missions. We are to partner through regular intercession, giving, going and sending. The battle will be won sooner than expected if we can partner together as members of God’s family and co- labourers with Christ. May God depend on us, Amen. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 04 This edition will provide you with some information about the largest Unreached People Group in the World (Muslims), other Unreached and Unengaged Unreached People Groups, some information about the People your missionaries are reaching out to and some other necessary information. These are to elicit your prayer support for the challenges and our collective partnership in Missions. We encourage every Church, every family and every Mission lover to get a copy of this Mission prayer guide for your quiet time with God. It will be appreciated too if some of you will decide under God to help us take up the financial responsibility of producing this prayer guide and some other GMB information and mobilization materials produced by your central mission agency: The Global Missions Board. This year 2020 will be a year of breakthrough and success in Jesus Name. God will strengthen our partnership and make use of it to bring many to His Kingdom. It is well with us, our families, our Churches, our businesses, the Church Universal and even those who are yet to know Him as He’s preparing them for His Kingdom through our partnership. Thank you for the grace to serve and for your loving partnership hitherto. Your co-steward with Jesus Christ, Adewumi, John Oluwafemi

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 05 PREVAILING PRAYERS INTRODUCTION

issions in the world is not only by the innovative effort of great missionaries. It Mcertainly involves what you and I have. There are many different strategies for reaching the unreached with the gospel. But perhaps the most powerful is the most simple: prayer. Carefully, mediate on these inspirational quotes of prayers. “We can reach our world, if we will. The greatest lack today is not people or funds. The greatest need is prayer.” — Wesley Duewel “Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.” — A.B. Simpson “The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.” — Samuel Zwemer “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed” — Hudson Taylor In summary, Great Commission is a MUST for all. And we must approach it rightly first through – Prayer. On this truth, we welcome you to season of prayers for missional effort of Global Missions Board, the mission agency of Nigerian Baptist Convention. In this year 2020, we believe that God will use you as part of intercessory team that will pray for all our mission activities for the year, effort of our missionaries (Home and International) on the field, mission promotions and mobilizations, training and administration. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 06 In this booklet, we feature special prayers for month of Ramadan as a period to pray for Muslims in the world, weekly intercessory for Friday Jumaat prayers for faithful Muslims, and prayers for the Unreached People Group in where we have our presence. We also call for prayers for our missionaries and members of staff in GMB office with their families on their birthdays and wedding anniversaries. The contacts of our missionaries (Home and International) are included in the booklet. Our desire is to raise 10,000+ faithful and consistent intercessors of this prayer guide for missions throughout this year 2020. It can be used as part of devotional materials for personal quiet time, family devotion, early morning congregational prayers, mission retreats, etc. THIS BOOKLET IS FREE. Get one copy and pray for missions. If you need more copies for families and friends, you can contact the GMB office. However, we trust God to use you to multiply the users of this booklet. How? By supporting the cost of production as God inspires you. “Prayer needs no passport, visa or work permit. There is no such thing as a ‘closed country’ as far as prayer is concerned… much of the history of mission could be written in terms of God moving in response to persistent prayer.” — Stephan Gaukroger If you cannot go now, you pray now. Let’s win the world on our knees as we pray unceasingly for the harvest of souls till He comes. He counts on you. Remain in His love. Allen Olatunde

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 07 PREVAILING PRAYERS PRAYER EVANGELISM FOR MUSLIMS

his vision is our effort to reach to reach Muslims through specific, consistent and Theartfelt prayer. Each person using this prayer bulleting will prayerfully select five Muslims who may be family members, relatives, neighbours, friends or acquitances. Their names will be written in the space provided below and each day this prayer booklet is used, their names will be presented to God for salvation and other blessings that flow from God. Global Missions Board produces 20,000 copies of Prevailing Prayer Booklets annually, if everyone that receives this prayer bullet bulleting and their family members will faithfully intercede for Muslims in accordance with this vision, we will be sure that the Baptist family is praying daily for salvation of 100,000 known Muslims by name. This is the first practical step to show our love and commitment to Muslim Evangelism that the GMB promotes among Baptist members and Churches. Note: Aside from the list below, you may encourage each of your family members to keep their private list of Muslims that they will be committed to praying for everyday.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 08 Your Commitment I ...... commit myself to faithfully pray for the salvation of the under listed Muslims: Names of Identified Muslims for regular intercession. 1......




5...... Lord, help me to remain faithful to this commitment.

...... Signature and Date

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 09 PREVAILING PRAYERS MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER’S SCHEME

issionary Volunteer’s Scheme is a program that gives working class people Mopportunity to plan and spend their annual leave for the Great Commission. It gives the people the needed opportunity to contribute their quota to the fulfilment of the Great Commission by spending part of their annual leave on the field with some particular Unreached People Groups.

Therefore, all mission lovers are hereby invited to Go-A-Fishing with us on the following mission fields. 1. Kyengawa Home Missions Field - May 2020 2. Niger International Mission Field - August 2020 The efforts pay more than the cost. It pays to join God where He’s already working. For more information contact: Adewale Bolaji: 08036549161, 08159990262 Kolade Alli: 08039357718, 08080878908 Together, we will move the Gospel forward.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 10 PREVAILING PRAYERS

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 Thank God for the missions endeavours of the Global Missions Board for the year 2019. Thank God for the lives that were won for the Lord. Pray that God will by Himself sustain the foundation that they all have in Christ. Ask God to lead the Board to make greater exploits for His Kingdom in the year 2020. Pray also for divine provision to meet all the needs of the Board. Birthdays: Ajala Adekunle, Shehu Usman, John Audu Gamsari THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 Let us together thank God for the leaders of the Convention: The Nigerian Baptist Convention / CAN President, Rev. Dr. Olasupo Ayokunle, the Vice Presidents: Ministerial, Administration, and Finance namely Rev. Dr. Dickson Madoghwe, Deacon Emmanuel Musa Ubandoma and Deacon Joseph Abiodun Oloyede respectfully, the GMB Chairman, Senator Philip Aruwa Gyunka the Director, Rev. Dr. Oluwafemi Adewumi and the Management team. Let us ask that God will grant them the grace to take wise and acceptable decisions for God this year. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 Let us raise prayer altars against any attack

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 11 concerning any of our missionaries and their families. Let us pray that God will keep them in the hollow of His hands this year. Let us cover them all, home and abroad in the blood of Jesus Christ. Let us declare on their behalf that no matter how tight things may be, they will ALWAYS remain safe. Pray for God's abiding presence for all GMB workforces: the missionaries, mission Pastors, Church planters, field workers and their family members. Ask God to lead and bless their mission efforts this year. Seriously intercede for divine protection for all our workers. Today, as our Muslim brothers and sisters observe Jumaat Service, pray that God will bring many of our Muslim brothers and sisters to accepting Him into their lives before the end of this year. Birthday: Gansari Victor Sabi SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 Let us thank God for the Director of Global Missions Board, Rev. Dr. John Oluwafemi Adewumi and his family. Let us thank God for the progress He is making as the director. Let us appreciate God for the exploits he has been able to make during his administration so far. Let us pray that just as God has been with him, He will continue to work with, and through him for His glory. Let us ask that God will endow him with wisdom from above for decisions that need to be taken this year. Let us also pray that all that he will need for ministerial exploits this year will be duly supplied by God at the right times.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 12 SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 Appreciate God for all those serving Him sacrificially through their resources and as intercessors. Ask that the Lord will breathe upon them afresh this year 2020. Pray that the Lord will give them renewed strength to carry on with their roles as intercessors and supporters standing in the gap for the lost souls and meeting ministry needs. Birthday: Rose Asuai MONDAY, JANUARY 6 Thank God for timely production of our main publications last year. Ask God to supply needs towards the production of the 2020 publications. Pray that God will continue to inspire all our writers and the team of editors in the office to write and publish materials that will educate, edify and mobilize the Convention family for missions. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7 Pray that God will raise more men and women to support the work on all our fields. Intercede for GMB partners who are going through difficult times that God will intervene in their situations; destroy every work of the devil in their lives and keep them from falling. Pray that God will help our Partners to present themselves blameless before Him so as to be worthy of eternal reward. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 Pray specially for all the unreached people groups of the world. Pray that God will cause dissatisfaction in the hearts of those living in land of deep darkness (Isaiah. 9:2). Ask God to meet this dissatisfaction with Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 13 the Gospel of Light and Peace. Pray for deliverance and salvation of all those living in the nations described as land of deep darkness. Prophesy peace, joy, salvation of God upon all people. Pray against all forces that work to truncate the purpose of God during this season. Ask God for his joy to be the strength of all believers. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 Thank God for His faithfulness, His care, His provision and His protection on all our Missionaries. Praise God for divine health and healing for all our missionaries home and abroad. Ask God to refresh them with His grace to remain relevant in the Kingdom's business. Ask God to keep them strong in their time of needs, challenges and temptations. Ask that God will direct them as they will be taking critical decisions this year 2020. Pray that God will make strong, the feet of all those who might be weak and give them fresh vision for service. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 Let us pray for all Islamic leaders in Nigeria that the Lord will use them for the expansion of His kingdom in Nigeria this year. Ask God to preserve and nurture secret converts among Muslims until the time of their manifestation. Pray that God will bring our Muslim brothers and sisters into His kingdom by His revelation during their Jumaat prayers today. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 10 Naira Mission Support by every Baptist member

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 14 including children, is a vision geared towards raising funds for infrastructural needs on the fields and acquisition of equipment for missionaries. Pray that this vision will be embraced by all Baptist Churches, Pastors and families. Ask God to raise volunteers in every Local Church to mobilize members towards active involvement in this vision. Ask the Lord to drive this vision by Himself so that His work can be aided. Pray that God will connect GMB to more people who will partner with us in meeting the needs of our mission fields. Birthday: Solomon Olaniran Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Ajala SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 Thank God for the lives and families of our Board Members using the Chairman, Senator Philip Aruwa Gyunka as a point of contact. Commit all their endeavors, life struggles and challenges as well as decisions into the hands of God. Pray that the Lord God will perfect all that concerns them. As they make out time from their busy schedules for the things of God, ask the Lord to make their businesses His business this year 2020. MONDAY, JANUARY 13 Thank God specially, for Senator Philip Gyunka, the Board Chairman. Appreciate God for safety in all his travels. Pray for special strength and stronger vision

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 15 for the task of leading the Board to a greater height and enviable position in the year 2020. Birthday: Ajala Adegbola Isaiah TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 Thank God for the lives of our missionaries on the field. Thank God also for their families especially their children. Ask God to make these missionaries' children exemplary in all Godly ways. Praise God for the successes they have made in time past. Pray that the year 2020 will be a fulfilling one for them in their homes and ministries in Jesus' name. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 CHAMBA PEOPLE GROUP are about 500,000 people who live around Ganye, Toungo, Jada, Fofure, Mayo-Belwa and Toungo L.G.A in . The religious statistics are: Christianity 30%, Islam 50% and African Traditional Religion 20%. They believe in “Su'andaran” which means that the Sun represents God. They also believe that sun is god that exists. The culture is strictly patriarchal. This culture is enforced especially in decisions that have to do with tradition and Islam. Work is in progress to translate the Bible into Chamba language. 8 Baptist Churches have been planted among the people. Pray for mutual understanding between Christian denominations working on the field to see the need to team up for the salvation of the Chamba people rather than attacking and opposing one another. Pray for the salvation of Chamba Muslims and traditionalists.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 16 Pray for growth and maturity of Chamba believers. Ask God for the outpouring of His Spirit upon the Chamba Christians for the evangelization of the remaining people. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 Commit all missionaries, field workers and believers on the fields into the hands of God. Pray for their safety against every form of violent attacks, kidnappings or killings in the year 2020. Pray also that the presence of the God of missions, who is also the prince of peace, will be greatly manifested on all of our fields this year. Birthday: Rebecca Solomon Lanza FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 Let us thank God for all Baptist members. Appreciate God for their commitments to missions through the Global Missions Board. Pray that the Lord will rekindle their love for God and for God's mission in the year 2020. Ask God to use every one of us to fulfill His purpose and advance His work among the least unreached people groups this year. Pray that as Muslims gather today in their respective mosques and prayer grounds, they will see the incontrovertible revelation of the true triune God. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 Pray for the entire Baptist family that our passion for God and for missions will be greatly increased this year. Ask God to promote a good team spirit between the Baptist family members and Global Missions Board for exploit this year. Ask God to pour out His Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 17 Spirit on us for accomplishment of His missions in us and through us. SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 Let us thank God for the missionary organizations of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, the WMU, MMU, RA, Lydia, Sunbeam, GA, Youth and Students. Appreciate God for their involvement and the support that they made for missionaries this past year. Pray that the Lord will use them again for greater works this year 2020. MONDAY, JANUARY 20 Let us pray that the budget figure for the year in view will be realized and will meet our needs for missions. Receive financial breakthrough for our Board in the year 2020. Declare on behalf of GMB that we will not lack funds this year 2020 in Jesus' name. Ask God to raise mission minded partners for His work in our hands. Birthday: Abigail Oyeleke TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 Let us thank God for all our advisory committee members and for the exploit He has made through their efforts. Pray that the Lord will guide all their deliberations as they meet this year. Ask that the Lord will use them greatly as mobilizers for GMB mission efforts this year. Ask God to raise volunteer mission mobilizers who will team up with GMB staff for greater achievement. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22 TIBA PEOPLE GROUP are about 500,000. They are

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 18 located in Mayo-Belwa and part of Taraba which is around Bali Local Government. Their language is mixed up with Chamba and Mummuye. No Bible translation in their language yet. Their religious statistics is: Christianity 20%, Islam 50%, and Traditional 30%. 5 Churches have been planted among them and 1 indigenous leader has been trained theologically. Note: Tiba people practice witchcraft, cast spell on people to become sick and are addicted to alcohol. Some say that irrespective of their religion, majority of them are still committed to their traditional religion, and that immorality is high among the people. They believe in idols and the use of charms for protection and as offensive weapon. Thank God for His work among the Tiba People and ask for salvation of more of these people. Ask God to sustain and multiply converts and disciples among this people. Ask God to raise anointed indigenous leaders that will mobilize their people to evangelize the remaining unsaved among them. Pray against forces of darkness promoting witchcrafts, immorality, alcoholism and syncretism among the people. Ask God to encourage, inspire and anoint the Gospel workers on the field for fruitful labour. Birthdays: Matthew John, Adedeji A. Joshua THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 Pray for the welfare and education of Missionaries' Children. Ask God to graciously grant all of our missionary kids access to free education and scholarships, especially for those whose parents are serving in non-English speaking areas or remote areas where there are no good Schools. Pray that the Lord

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 19 will raise partners for the education of these children. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 Pray for all the missionary wives and commit their ministries into the hands of God. Pray that the Lord will help them to achieve success in their different ministries. Ask God to help fulfill their role as suitable help meet for their husbands, and to accomplish the ministry committed to their hands. Pray that God will help their families to enjoy total peace. As our Muslim brothers and sisters meet today for their Jumaat prayers, may they encounter the true God through our Lord and savoiur Jesus Christ. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 Pray that this year, the Lord will order the steps of our Missionaries towards where they can meet with people who need to be discipled. Pray against all obstacles that might want to come against all of our missionaries this year. Pray that the Lord will arise on their behalf stand against the all of the things or persons who would stand as obstacles on their ways. SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 There are many people out there who are internally displaced in one way or the other. Most of our IDPs are filled with people who are not balanced even spiritually. Life challenges have swept some people off balance and they have in the process, forgotten their God. Some have not forgotten God but they are serving Him out of their pains. Let us pray that the presence of God will descend greatly on all of the IDP camps in Nigeria. Let us pray that God will help every

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 20 one of us to reach out to these people. Let us also pray for all the internally displaced people that the peace of God that passes all understanding will be set on their lives. Birthday: Kayode Oluwagbemiga MONDAY, JANUARY 27 Commit all our missionaries, home and abroad, into the hands of the Lord this year. Let us pray that God will grant every one of them good health. Pray that the Lord will protect every one of them, (including their families) from ill health. Let us commit missionary kids who are in the hostels into the hands of God that the Lord will be with them in their various schools. Pray that there shall be no case of medical emergency this year 2020 in Jesus' name. TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 Thank God for every Baptist Pastor who is supporting our collective mission efforts through the Global Missions Board. Let us thank God for all that He was able to achieve through them in time past. Pray that God will help more Baptist Pastors to see the need to partner with GMB to fulfill her God – given mandate. Ask God for greater blessings upon the Churches that are committed and supportive of this divine mandate. Birthdays: Adegoke Ogunmodede, Goodness Ayokunle WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 PERE PEOPLE GROUP are about 3000, mostly found in Toungo LGA of Adamawa State of Nigeria, in Laide Citta, Sabo Layi, Tudu Malegwa by the

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 21 border and in the Cameroon Republic. They speak Pere but Fulfulde is their market language. By religious statistics, they are: African Traditional Religion 70%, Islam 20%, and Christianity 10%. They believe in the gods of thunder, rivers and Shim which means the gods of their forefathers. There is no complete Bible in their language. So far, 3 Churches have been planted among the Pere people group. They are highly resistant to the Gospel for the fear of the paramount Chief who they believe will kill anyone that responds to the Gospel. Illiteracy is high among the people and some people believe that they hardly forgive their offenders. Pray for God's mercy and His grace that brings salvation to be revealed among the Pere people. Ask God to destroy satanic power ruling and holding the people from believing the Gospel. Pray for God's anointing and breakthrough for all the labourers on the field. Pray for more labourers among the Pere people. Declare the kingdom of God and His reign among the people and ask that the fruit of missionary labour will abide. Birthday: Chris Tayo Oyelude THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 Let us commit all the mission endeavors of Global Missions Board for this year into God's hands. Pray that God will go with us all the way; and wherever God will not go with us, he will not permit us to go. FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 The School Of Missions, Minna plans yearly to take

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 22 Mission Prayer Guide page 23 her students on an evangelistic outreach to touch a group of people with the Good News. For the year 2020, the planned outreach is to Supana. Pray for the students as they prepare that God will prepare them spiritually and in all areas. Ask that the Lord of the harvest will crown their efforts with success. Pray that God will back their words with power and save many souls for Christ in this village. Pray that God will be with all the students that will be going. Also, ask that God's presence will manifest in their midst. Ask the Lord of Harvest to reach out in love to our Muslim brothers and sisters as they observe their Jumaat service today. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Appreciate the name of the Lord for the family of Mr. Kolawole Awonugba, the Administrative and Human Resource officer of the Global Missions Board. Ask the Lord to endow him with heavenly wisdom and understanding to carry out his duties effectively as onto God. Pray also for Mr. Olanrewaju Alade, the Maintenance Officer of GMB and His family. Ask God to make him efficient and effective in this ministry. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Pray for all the staff in Administrative and Human Resource Ministry of Global Missions Board: Mr. Paul Oyeleke, Mrs Iyabo Akinremi, Mrs. Caroline Amadi, Mr. Kunle Ajala, Mr. Sunday Abegunde, Mr. Gbemiga Kayode, Mr. Jimoh Asuai, Mr. Oluwole Kolade, Mr. Sunday Adegoke, Mr. Olawale Olayiwola Jonathan, Mr. Augustine Usman, Mr. Rabiu Maje, Mr. Akindele Akinsanmi, Mr. Olawale

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 24 Oyeyemi, and Dn. Olawuyi Popoola. Ask God to bless their labour of love. Ask God to make them resourceful in all that they do. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Glorify the Lord with us for great things He did for our drivers in the past years. Praise God for journey mercies granted to all our drivers and all the people who travelled with them at one time or the other. Pray that God will continue to protect all our drivers as they journey throughout this year and beyond. Ask God for His protection over them all both day and night. Birthdays: Emmanuel Akpan – Ekpenyong, Aanuoluwa John TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Thank God for all of our missionaries. Appreciate God for safe trips that they had this past year. Commit them into the hands of the Lord for more of His protection as they journey with or without their families. Let us reject every evil plan concerning their journeys this year. Let us pray that the purpose of their travels will be successful in Jesus name. Today is World Cancer Day. Let us pray against any form of malignancy concerning us and our family members. Pray for divine healing for all cancer patients. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 EZZA PEOPLE GROUP are about 800,000. The people live around Onueke, Ekka, Ezza-effium, Abaomege, Ukawu, Osiegbe, Umu- eza Okoha, Ebiaji and Iniyere LGA: Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 25 Ezza North, Ezza Douth and Isielu. They speak Ezza and Igbo Language. (Christianity - 60%, Traditional Religion - 30% and Non-adherents - 10%). There are also few others who practice religious syncretism and rather prefer to be adherents of any religion that would not challenge their lifestyles. Pray that God will deliver the land from odd cultural practices and traditions. Ask God to break every power of darkness manifesting in cultism, immorality and drunkenness among youth. Ask God to deliver those who profess faith in Christ from religious syncretism and nominalism. Ask God to give us Pastors and mother Churches for some of our Pastorless Churches at Idembia, Ekka, Okaleru and Nsukara. Ask God to grant open heaven for a successful ministry, energize the team on the field, and make His grace sufficient for them. Birthday: Adeola Funke Abegunde THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 There are still more lands to be conquered (Joshua 13:1) and more Churches will be needed to take care of the spiritual needs of the converts. The Nigerian Baptist Convention has Seminaries, Colleges of Theology and Pastors' Schools that are churning out Missions graduates year after year, Let us pray that God Almighty will place special call on those to whom He has given the assignment of opening or starting these new Churches for the Kingdom expansion the Lord desires for us to do. Pray that those called for such tasks will be willing to follow the master not minding the cost or depending on men, (He who has called will be their sufficiency.) Today is International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 26 Genital Mutilations. Pray that this vice will soon become a thing of the past. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Pray for strength, power, wisdom and discernment of God upon all our home and international Missionaries. Let us pray that they will work effectively and successfully on their various fields so that the name of the Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ will be exalted. Pray for God's revelation to our Muslim brothers and sisters as they observe their Jumaat prayers today. Birthday: Zacchaeus Ayokunle SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Pray that the fragrance of God's saving grace will spread among the people where missionaries are labouring and that God will fill their minds to make them all yield to God's kingdom. Birthday: Margaret Peter Saba SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Praise God for another year of intercession that just passed. Pray that the seed of prayers that have been sown, the Gospel that has been preached and all the generous giving will yield greatly for all and sundry in our mission endeavours. Let's pray for the kingdom enlargement through all GMB ministries this year. Birthdays: Unique O. Orogun, Dorcas Adegoke MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Pray that the fear of God and love for God's kingdom

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 27 expansion will be our guiding principle as we spend all money realized this year. Intercede that in our spending, we will be alert to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Pray for Nigerian Baptist Convention workers. Ask God to enable them to pursue fervency of spirit through regular feeding on God's word, vital prayer lives and deep desire for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Also that we all will be quickened to obediently do the assignment of reaching the whole world for Jesus Christ. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 EHUGBO/AFIKPO PEOPLE GROUP are about 600,000, they live in Afikpo, Amasiri, Unwanna, Enohia, Ibii, and Oziza. They speak Ehugbo and Igbo language. There is no Bible translation in their language. They are predominantly farmers and some are hired labourers. Others are artisans and civil servants. More than 35% of Ebonyi people and its environs are neck deep in traditional worship and obnoxious cultural practices. There is a rite of passage for every male child from Afikpo. People are not allowed to eat new yam until New Year festival is celebrated each year. Sacrifices are done at the beginning of each planting season some believe that a non-observant of this rite might die mysteriously.2 Baptist Churches have been planted among the people. None of these Churches is organized. A landed property has been acquired for New Life B.C,

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 28 Afikpo with the construction of 1000-seater capacity which is ongoing. Cultism, nominalism, Islamic penetration, excessive consumption of alcohol, high level of poverty, erratic, power supply, etc. are commonly observed. There is need for the planting of more Churches, funds for evangelism, completion of ongoing building and deployment of more mission minded personnel. Pray That God will liberate the indigenes from the bondage and deceit of all their former beliefs; that God will deliver the land from negative cultural practices and traditions; ask that God will break every power of darkness manifesting in: cultism among youths, Islamic invasion, immorality and drunkenness. Intercede that God will deliver those who profess faith in Christ from religious syncretism and Nominalism and that God will grant us open heaven for a successful ministry. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Pray that God's ministry of salt and light will expand in the hands of the Nigerian Baptist Convention through the Global Missions Board for the expansion of the kingdom of God. Pray that all Baptist members will see reasons for the propagation of the Gospel and take it as their primary responsibility. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 By what happened many years ago exactly this day, love was seen in action by a fearless priest, Valentine. However, the purpose of the day is widely abused by millennial, youth and some unbelieving adult as a time to show immoral affection through sex to persons of the opposite sex, partying and ungodly

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 29 relationships. Many young ladies lose their sense of worth this day. Let's pray against the demon of immorality to lose its hold today. Ask God to shut gate of hell against attractions from odd social media, devilish celebrities and ungodly entertainment. Declare that true love of God will substitute the lust of eyes and flesh today. Pray for deliverance of our millennial and youth in our Churches. Pray for the Muslim world today. Ask God to reveal His love to the inner heart of every Muslim. Ask that they will respond positively to God's love. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Pray that God will grant us new strategies for the expansion of His kingdom here on earth. Pray that our leaders will grasp these strategies and use them to the glorification of God's name alone. Also, pray that these strategies will be clear enough for all to practically utilize with great result. Birthdays: Adegoke Samuel, Olanrewaju Alade SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Global Missions Board is desperately in need of new buses and Hilux to facilitate her movement and that of Convention Churches that depends on her to visit our mission fields. The bus and the only Hilux that we have are overburdened because of constant travels within and outside the nation and from internal and external demands. Pray that the Lord will bless the Global Missions Board financially to buy new buses for mission work. Pray also that God will touch the hearts of Nigerian Baptists and other great

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 30 commission Christians to donate in cash and kind for the mobility needs of GMB and the missionaries on their various fields. Birthdays: Adewale Bolaji, IyinKristi Ayokunle MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 The Media unit of the Global Missions Board is in charge of our website, our publications and other media related responsibilities. Thank God for this unit and the lives of the team that labours in this ministry. Praise God for their achievement last year. Ask God to grant them grace and speed to meet the needs of this Board. Thank God for things that he used them to achieve in the past years. Let us pray that the year 2020 will be a more fruitful one for the Unit. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Flora & Theophilus Oke TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 There is the need for a lot of financial resources for the Media Unit of Global Missions Board. Most of our publications are distributed freely to people. Those that are sold are mostly sold below the cost prices. For these reasons, the Global Missions Board Media Unit needs mission minded partners who will support our publications either in cash or kind. Let us pray that God will raise people to come to our aid also in this regard. Birthday: Lois Peter Saba WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 DUKAWA PEOPLE GROUP is about 250,000 in population. They are found in Rijau and Dukku Local

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 31 Government Areas of Niger State and Zuru, Danko/Wasagu and Sakaba Local Government Areas of Kebbi State of Nigeria. New Testament translation in their languages has been completed and work is ongoing on the Old Testament translation. By religious statistics, ATR is 70%, Islam 20%, Christianity 8% and 2% have no religion. Traditional practices are held in very high regard and taboos are observed during religious rituals including restriction of movement. Dukawa people are predominantly farmers and Cattle rearers, engaged in by both men and women. So far, 22 Churches have been planted among the people and one Nursery and Primary School which has about 40 pupils is on ground. In Dukawa land, some of the elders prevent their young ones from embracing Jesus Christ because they believe the younger generation should keep their devotion to idols for the generations to come after them. Ask God to supply the need for mobility, evangelism equipment, visitation (short term mission). Pray that the people's heart will be opened and ready for God's transformation and revival. Ask God to send helpers who will adopt the Pastors and Churches on the field and sponsor all the indigenes called by God for theological training. Ask God to raise willing men/women and touch ready hearts to partner with mission efforts on this field. Entreat God to grant open heaven for a successful ministry, energize the team on the field, and make His grace sufficient for them.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 32 Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Alade THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Ask God for wisdom for the staff of the Media Unit, Rev. Allen Olatunde, Mrs. Akintola Grace and Bro Tunde Ayanlere (on study leave). Pray that the Lord will help them to work with zeal for Him. Pray that God will grant them the grace to be selfless in their endeavors and that exploits will be done for God through the Global Missions Board Media Ministry. Today is World Day of Social Justice. Pray that the will of God will be done throughout the earth. Birthday: Isaac Ijeoma Ruth FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 The Media unit of Global Missions Board is in need of equipments that can be used for video documentaries on our Home and International Mission Fields. Pray that God will raise men to come to our aid. Pray also that God will use these documentaries to touch the hearts of people who will support the ministry of the Global Missions Board. Pray for Muslims as they observe the Jumaat prayer time today. Ask that the spirit of God through Jesus Christ will make positive changes in their hearts and lives. Birthday: Nathan Peter Saba SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Let us pray concerning GMB online platform - website (, that God will use its contents to reach millions of people in the world for

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 33 Christ. Pray also for the successful production of all our publications for this year. Pray that these publications will successfully do the work that they are set to do. Birthdays: Ijaola Oyinkansola, Oyeyemi Israel SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Pray for the media unit of GMB that God will give us fresh initiative, innovations and creative ideas for all our designs, editing, and production of materials, documentaries and the usage of social media for the Gospel. As the Lord granted wisdom and knowledge to Bezalel to creatively design structures for the temple, pray that the Lord will endow the media team the same wisdom this year. Birthday: Temilola Adewumi MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Let us pray for the perfect functioning of all the media gadgets of GMB, that none will malfunction in their operations. Ask God that gadgets will not become instruments in the hands of the devil. Let us pray for the safety of these gadgets against theft, damages and misuse or loss this year. Ask God to open doors of training for the team, to optimize their efficiency and effectiveness. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Let us pray that the Lord will inspire the media unit of GMB to produce tracts for specific purposes and target groups this year. Let us also pray for the needed resources for these tracts to be produced. Birthday: Jesufunmi Witness Oyelakin

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 34 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 CLELA PEOPLE GROUP also known as Dakarkari people group are about 400,000. They can be found mostly in Zuru, Danko/Wasagu, Fakai and Sakaba LGAs of Kebbi and other LGAs in Niger State. They speak Clela while majority speak Hausa fluently. Part of New Testament has been translated into their language, Jesus film and hymn book are available. Not less than 15% are Muslims, 75% are ATR while 10% are Christians. The Clela strongly believe in the practice of letting their young boys of about twelve years to be part of Golmo group, wearing only animals' skin around their waists. They do not put cloths on when working on the farm during raining season. Women in some areas mostly walk about in the market square half naked while men plait hair as a devotion to the gods. They worship crocodile, magiro, stones, etc. They believe in life after death. Pray against poverty, nominalism and the forces of darkness militating against the people and the progress of the land. Pray that God will strengthen the missionaries in order not to be discouraged as they minister among the people. Pray that God would continue to protect the people from crisis and other evil plans. Pray against syncretism among the indigenous Christians on the field. Ask God to enable believers among the people to grow in their faith and become witnesses to their people by word and deeds of righteousness.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 35 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 It is one of the desires of the Media unit of Global Missions Board to produce documentaries for our fields so that it can be used for mobilization for our needs. Pray that God will make the production possible this year. Pray that the Lord will provide all the needed resources for these productions in Jesus' name. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Vision 5015 is Nigerian Church strategy aimed at mobilizing 50, 000 message bearers that will be responsible to train, send and support 15,000 Christians as witnesses within 15 years to Northern Nigeria, Northern Africa, Horn of Africa , Arab Peninsula and back to Jerusalem. Pray that Nigerian Churches and mission organizations will expedite action at reaching the goal of this vision. Ask God for greater commitment on the part of Churches towards the realization of the goal of this vision by the 2020 set year. Pray that God's revelation which leads to salvation will be the portion of our Muslim brothers and sisters today, as they observe their Jumaat services. Birthday: Allen Olatunde SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29 The work of missions is a capital intensive project that never ends. It keeps running and will keep running until the work of missions is completed. Pray that Our God, the one who sent us on mission, who is the great provider, will meet all our needs this year and beyond.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 36 Mission Prayer Guide page 37 new field for fruitfulness and accountability. Ask God to build believers on the field to maturity. Birthday: Anna Adeniji WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 BADE PEOPLE are about 300,000 in population. They are found in Gashua, Jakusko and Gamawa of Bauchi State and part of Hadeija LGA of Jigawa State. In Yobe, they live in Western Bade villages; there is no Bible translation in the native language; complete Hausa Bible is available for Bade Christians. Islam is 87%, while ATR 5% and Christianity 7%. In some villages some of the people are syncretic in nature and some do not believe in education. The Bade people are basically fishermen and farmers. They have high number of non-literate in the rural areas. Mai Bade is considered the premier of Islamic authority in the region. Baptist mission work is ongoing with FBC Gashua, Ngara Home Mission GMB/NBC and IMB Missionary in partnership with Powell, Tennessee, and Temple Baptist Team USA, and all Church leaders in Gashua, working as a team to witness Christ in Bade villages before the insecurity in Yobe stopped everything. Denominational disunity hinders Christian witnessing among the Bade people, coupled with Islamic persecution on Bade converts to Christianity Systemic blockage of Christian witnessing in the land is another challenge. Pray for open doors for Pastors and missionaries

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 38 He knows where we will be, what we will do and what method we will use for this year. Pray that God will provide for us on all sides. SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Thank God for His abiding presence with our missionary couple in Akwa Onitsha mission field Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Opayinka, along with the mission Pastors working with them on the field. Ask God to prosper His work in their hands and make them fruitful. Ask the Lord to add to the souls that are being saved and pray that they will abide in Christ's love and bear fruits. Today, is Zero Discrimination Day. May God help us to accept everyone without any discrimination. We must know that we are all one in and through Jesus Christ. Birthday: Elizabeth Oluwagbemi Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Popoola MONDAY, MARCH 2 Ask God to send more resources to us to execute the projects on the field this year and raise mission partners for us. Birthday: Victor Folarin TUESDAY, MARCH 3 Glorify the name of the Lord for the lives of Rev. & Mrs. Amusan, our missionary couple on Abia Home mission field who have just been redeployed to Ogba Egbema Rivers State Home Mission Field. Pray for God's blessing upon their ministry efforts. Ask God to bless and prosper all they do in the course of the year 2020. Pray for all mission Pastors and workers on this

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 39 working in Bade land. Ask the Lord to raise committed labourers that will serve Him among the Badawas. Pray against the persecution of Bade Christians and the evil strategy working against the Churches in form of tribal and denominational differences in Bade land. Pray that the ECWA will be more focused and committed to witnessing among the Bade people because the Church has the largest number of Bade Christians in Gashua and Garin Alkali. Pray that the people will be bold and more receptive to the Gospel message. Ask God to rekindle the fire of missions and evangelism among believers in Western and Southern Bade villages; Jakusko, Gamawa, and Gashua. THURSDAY, MARCH 5 Pray for Baptist Women Missionary Union building project in Abia Home mission Field. Pray that God will bless the organization with resources for our mothers to complete this on – going project. FRIDAY, MARCH 6 Give thanks to God for His unfailing love upon our Missionary couple in Adamawa Home Mission Field, Rev & Pastor Mrs, Shada. Rev Shada was very sick sometime last year but God is gradually restoring his health. Ask God for perfect recovery of his health. Ask God to raise mission minded individuals, groups, Churches, Associations, Conferences and organizations to meet the various needs on this field. Pray for God's protection upon missionaries, mission Pastors and all believers on this field. Ask that God be manifested to and through them.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 40 Ask God to reveal Himself to several Muslims across the World, each moment they bow to pray (especially during the Friday Jumaat prayers) Pray that the Lord will prepare Christians adequately to harvest them into His Kingdom. Birthday: Amadi Prince Ozioma SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Bless God for the lives of Rev. & Mrs. Solomon Lanza, our missionary couple in Kamuku Home Mission Field, Niger State. Thank God for the harvest of souls into His kingdom. Pray for God's provision for them and the ministry. Pray for the blessings of God on the efforts of the Missionary and Mission Pastors on the field. Birthday: Israel Oyeleke SUNDAY, MARCH 8 Gunmen have been terrorizing most villages of Baua, Paangy in Kamuku Mission Field. Ask God to bring the security challenges in the locality to an end and that there will be lasting peace and development in the area. Pray that the light of God will continually shine on the unreached people in that community and that many of these people will come to understand and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. Today is International Women Day. Let us thank God for our mothers, our sisters and our daughters. May they continually be blessed and fruitful in Jesus name. Birthday: Akindele Akinsanmi

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 41 MONDAY, MARCH 9 Rev. Clement & Rev. Mrs. Deborah Oyelakin are our missionary couple in Ebonyi Home Mission Field. Ask God to make them more relevant in God's agenda for Ebonyi Home Mission Field. Pray for God's blessings upon their ministry as well as all the Pastors and Evangelists working with them. Pray for the Chamba people group in Adamawa especially those who have confessed and received Christ but are facing persecutions. Pray that God will give them the spirit of endurance and perseverance. Ask God to raise more mission partners for the field. TUESDAY, MARCH 10 Ebonyi Home Mission Field is in need of resident Pastors for some of her mission Churches. Ask God to raise Men and women for His use on this field and provide funds for their stipends. The field is also in need of 2 motorcycles to be used by the mission Pastors; ask God to raise mission minded Churches and individuals to meet these needs. The level of the challenge of tradition and culture as well as religious syncretism and Nominalism is very high in this field. Although from the statistics of the State we have about 70% Christians but many believers are nominal and deeply involved in unchristian cultural practices. Pray for transformational discipleship and teaching ministry in all the Churches in the land. Ask God to send labourers with this ministry to Ebonyi State and for God to multiply those already in the land. Birthdays: Olaniran Mercy, Olaniran Mary Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Ajani

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 42 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 BOLE PEOPLE GROUP is about 176,000 in population. They live in Southern Yobe, precisely Fika. Their traditional capital is Potiskum, and Northern Gombe State of Nigeria. There is no Bible, in their language. They are almost 100% Muslim. Bole has played a prominent role in the pre-colonial, colonial, and post-independence periods of Nigeria. The capital was originally based in Fika until 1924, when the colonial administration moved the court of the Moi Pikka to Potiskum. With FBC Ngalda, FBC Malor, GMB/NBC mission had made progress among other tribes close to Bole but no positive response yet among Bole people. Sharia law is fully implemented by village chiefs; thereby hindering Christian witness. Bole people consider themselves superior to other tribes, so they don't mix with people and this makes it hard for any outsider to influence them. One big need is the lack of sustainable effort to witness to Bole people (e.g. lack of ministry tools and right strategies to reach this majority Muslim people.) Pray for open doors of ministry among the Bole people of Yobe and Gombe. Pray against the evil powers and principalities ruling over the land. Pray that Mission agencies and partners will consider Medical missions and the use of Media as strategies of witnessing Christ to Islamic Bole People. Pray for the light of God to shine and break the impact of tradition on Bole people.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 43 Birthday: Oyeyemi Comfort THURSDAY, MARCH 12 Give thanks to God for His unfailing love upon His servant in Niger State: Bassa Home Mission Field, Rev. Folasayo Odetunmibi and his family. Thank God for all the mission Pastors and the evangelists on the field. Kidnapping is now very rampant in Bassa land. Ask God to encounter these kidnappers and put an end to all the vices in the land. Pray that the missionary, his family, the mission Pastors and the Evangelists on the field will be kept in the hollow of God's hands. Pray for a successful ministry for all the field workers. FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Appreciate God for the individuals, families, Churches and organizations that are supporting the missionary in Bassa Land as well as all their partners. Pray that God will bless them and their labour will not be in vain. Pray that they will be more committed to Gods work on the field. Pray that as Muslims observe their Jumaat prayer time today, God will reveal Himself unto them through signs and wonders that will lead them to salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. SATURDAY, MARCH 14 A minimum of N25,000 has been proposed as the monthly stipends of a Pastor and Bassa Home Mission Field is in need of 13 Mission Pastors that will serve in Churches that have been established on the field without Pastors. Ask God to raise mission minded partners that will support the field in this

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 44 aspect. Pray that these established Churches will grow in all ramifications to adequately care for their Pastors and expand Gods kingdom among the . Birthday: Abimbola Awonugba SUNDAY, MARCH 15 Majority of our missionaries and mission Pastors' children are not privileged to enjoy formal education in good Schools due to the location of their parents. Pray that God will encourage their parents as some of them are already considering relocation. Also, pray that God will raise partners, that will support their children's education with all that is needed to properly train them to the desired level in all ateas of life. Birthdays: Odetunmibi Emmanuel, Yusuf Davou Demeh, Keziah Moriyanu Olatunde MONDAY, MARCH 16 Rev. & Mrs. Jeremiah Oluwagbemi are our missionary couple in Kyengawa Home Mission Field, Kebbi State. Let us ask God to open more doors of ministry in the land. Let us also pray for more indigenous converts from the field, who will take the gospel of Christ to their people thereby making the work of the missionary couple easier. Pray that God will meet all needs on the field. TUESDAY, MARCH 17 Ask God to establish all the converts in Kyengawa field in faith and convert all of our Muslim friends. Ask God to encourage all the staff members on the field and Pray that all their partners will be handsomely rewarded. Ask God to cause His rain of peace and righteousness to fall on the Field. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 45 Birthdays: Bose Okunlola, Akinremi Eyitayo WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 Let us praise the name of the lord for the lives of people working in the account department for God's blessing and protection in all areas of their lives. Praise God for the life of our Director, Rev. Dr. 'Femi Adewumi who is the chief Accounting officer of the Board, for the wisdom of God to appropriate the financial resources of the Board aright. THURSDAY, MARCH 19 Glorify the name of the Lord for the lives of our missionary couple in Ilaje Home Mission Field, Rev. & Mrs. Olaniran. Pray also for the entire mission Pastors and Evangelists working together with them. Ask for greater grace to do exploit for God. Pray against every attack of the power of darkness on the land. Birthdays: Ebunoluwa Ogunmodede, Adeniji Oyejoke Rachel FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Some of the Ilaje people are resistant to the Gospel. Ask God to open the heart of such people to the Gospel. The only flying boat on the field is in a state of disrepair. Pray that God will make provision for the purchase of a new flying boat for the field. Today is Friday. As Muslims meet today for the Jumaat prayer time, may the veil of Islam fall down from their eyes consequently leading them to salvation through Jesus Christ.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 46 Birthdays: Adedeji A. Ebenezer, Toyin Folarin, Kolade Gideon Jesutofunmi SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Pray that God will deliver Ilaje land from religious syncretism that the devil is using to deceive people. Ask God to raise mission partners that will meet the needs on the field. Intercede that the power of the true Gospel will dispel all forms of religious darkness on the field. Ask God to raise indigenous leaders with teaching and power ministries. Today is the International Day of Forests. Pray that God will help His people to prioritize the protection and nurture of vegetation, forests and other Gods creation. SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Glorify the name of the Lord for the lives of our missionary couple in Adamawa Home Mission Field, Rev & Pastor Mrs. Shada. Pray for total recovery for the Missionary. Ask God to bless the Missionary and all the volunteer Mission Pastors working with him. Pray that God will bless all their efforts on the field. Birthday: Ifeoluwa Ayandokun Wedding Anniversary: Mr. &Mrs. Oketola MONDAY, MARCH 23 Ask God to renew your strength as you labour in prayer for the unreached and mission work. Pray that God will deepen your love for Him and for His missions. Ask God to increase your burden for unreached people groups and use you to conquer nations for Him through intense intercession (Psalm 2:8). Pray for sufficient grace as you labour for the unfinished task of missions. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 47 Birthday: Ajani Oluwaseun Micheal TUESDAY, MARCH 24 Ebonyi State among the Eastern States is experiencing Islamic invasion and subtle penetration. Islamic effort to conquer the East has begun in Ebonyi through free education, empowerment through skill acquisition, financial inducement, marriage and employment opportunity to Christians. One of the best Islamic Secondary School in the Country is located in Enohia and Afikpo in Ebonyi State and plan is ongoing to turn the School to Islamic University. Pray that God will stop the process of conquest of the land. Ask God to awaken the Church in Nigeria to serious mission efforts in Ebonyi to rescue the Lord's heritage through Church planting, Christian discipleship, educational missions and social concern ministries. Today is international day on human right and dignity of victims. Pray that the Church will do everything possible to ensure egalitarianism in the world. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 GROUP a r e a b o u t 7 , 8 6 0 , 2 0 0 inpopulation. They are found in Nigeria (Yobe State: Gujba, Gaidam, Northern Borno State, Nassarawa State in L a f i y a n B a r e - B a r i ) , Cameroon, Niger, and Chad. They speak Kanuri, Yerwa-Kanuri, (Beri-Beri in Hausa). Kanuri New Testament Bible, Kanuri Mega Voice and Kanuri Jesus' film exist. Islamic religion is

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 48 more than 98% with very few Christians. Islamic law and rule are the way of life of the people. Men, especially the Fathers, have the final say over any matter of life as it concerns them. Women are considered inferior to men and some women are treated like slaves in the Kanuri culture. This could be due to Islamic influence in the area. 2 Churches were planted among the Manga-Kanuri; Water Project in Kayaka; and Training and Support of Kanuri converts in School is needed. Boko Haram insurgents have destroyed the foothold of Christian witness in the Land. Desire of radical Islam is growing in the heart of Kanuri Youths within and outside Nigeria. Pray for divine intervention in Borno concerning the insecurity crisis caused by Islamic fundamentalists. Pray for peace to be restored in villages and towns of Borno, the heart of Kanuri nation. Pray for Christians who are persecuted by Boko-Haram in IDP camps and other places. Pray for open doors for Christian witness among the Kanuris. Ask God to fill the few Christians with wisdom and courage to stand and join in reaching their people for Christ. Pray for the light of the Gospel message to shine in the land of Kanuri and ask God to halt Boko-Haram carnage. Today is the international day of solidarity for detained and missing people. It is also the international day of remembrance of slavers and slave trade victims. Pray that the church will rise up for and support the less privileged and the oppressed all over the world. THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Thank God for the lives of our missionary couple in Ohori, Ogun State Home Mission field, Rev & Pastor Mrs. Noah Adedokun, who double as the Coordinator Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 49 of GMB Home Ministries. Thank God for His protection over the lives of the Missionary, his family and that of the mission Pastors working with him. Ask God to shield everyone of them from every attack of the enemy and continue to bless the ministry for them this year. Birthday: Ireoluwa Oluwagbemi FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Pull down the stronghold of idolatry and immorality among the Ohori, Anago and Ketu people groups of Ogun state Home mission field. Pray that their resistance to the life – giving gospel of the Lord will be broken down. Ask God to raise from among them, committed disciples. Let us join our hearts to pray for the Muslims today. If the Church will agree to pray for them, God will do something in their lives. Let us pray that as they bow their heads during Jumaat prayer today, they will rise up to the knowledge of God's love. Birthday: Awolola Joel Olaleke SATURDAY, MARCH 28 On many of our Mission fields we have high percentages of non-Christians. The challenge usually gets worse where we have community leaders who are not friendly towards Christians or Christianity, these leaders are usually called 'gate keepers', pray that God will touch such people so that they will be favorably disposed to Mission workers in their locality. Ask that God will always provide men of peace so that there will always be open doors for ministry on our fields

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 50 Birthdays: Ayomitokun Joshua, Dominion Amos SUNDAY, MARCH 29 Bless the name of the Lord for our Missionary in Cross River State, Rev Akpan Ekpenyong. Pray for Gods guidance and protection for the missionary and all the Pastors working with him on the field. Ask the Lord to keep him focused and grant him the grace to be persistent as he labour in Gods vineyard. Pray for bountiful harvest of souls into Gods kingdom this year and henceforth. Birthdays: Kayode Stephen, Victor Ajibade MONDAY, MARCH 30 Pray for the Bende, people who have accepted Christ that they will remain faithful to God in spite of all their experiences and crisis. Ask the Lord to open doors of mission exploit to the missionary in the field for expansion. Shalom Ngiga, Winners, Prevail, Ikom are Churches on the field that need adoption. Pray for mission loving partners who will adopt these Churches. Birthday: Paul Adeniji TUESDAY, MARCH 31 Pray for the Uyanga people of Cross River, who are predominantly farmers and traders with a population of 18, 600. We trust God to open doors for the Gospel that shall uproot fetishism and Nominalism among them. Ask God to supply the mission workforce the right strategy to use in engaging these people. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Odetunmibi

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 51 Mission Prayer Guide page 52 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 KERAI-KERAI PEOPLE are about 400,000 in population. The people live in Yobe State: Potiskum, Fika, Nangere; Bauchi State: Jalam or Jalalum, Misau, and Gamawa; Gombe State: part of Dukku. There is no complete Bible in their language yet, but translation is in progress in few portions. Some audio Bible stories and Jesus Film are available. Kerai-kerai people are predominantly Muslim. They are about 93% Muslims; about 4% are ATR/nominal Muslims, while 3% are Christians. The Bole and Kanuri culture have strong influence on them that is why many are Muslims and in Yobe they have more number of Christians because they are receptive to other faith just like the Yorubas where you may find Christians and Muslims in one family and sometimes with traditionalists. The Baptist Missions have planted Churches in Fika, Potiskum, and Nangere. Established denominations in the land are resisting other Christian missions. High level of poverty, lack of social amenities and illiteracy are challenges. The need for mission School for Children cannot be underplayed. Pray for more grace to stand in Faith as Kerai-kerai Christians face persecution daily. Pray for understanding and willingness on the part of mission agencies to witness Christ and join force with other Christian missions to reach Muslim Kerai-Kerai for Christ. Pray that God will send partners to start a

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 53 mission School for the high number of unschooled young ones among this people group. Pray for more open door and resources to witness Christ in this land. Birthday: Allen Oluwadarasimi Olatunde THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Appreciate God for Rev. & Mrs. Ishaya Tiyari; our missionary couple in Taraba Home Missions field. Ask God to grant them wisdom and insight on how to advance the kingdom of God in . Pray that the Lord of Mission will uphold and strengthen the entire mission Pastors working with them on the field. Pray that the souls that have been won to God will abide in Him. Birthdays: John Usman, Iseoluwa Ayandokun FRIDAY, APRIL 3 There is the need to plant Churches in Taraba Home Mission Field, so also is the need for Pastors who will lead these Churches. Pray that God will raise partners who will plant and adopt Churches on this field. Ask God to raise mission minded partners who will sponsor Pastors for these Churches with a minimum of N30,000 every month per Pastor. Pray that God will reveal Himself as the only one God through Jesus Christ to our Muslim brothers and sisters, as they meet for their Jumaat prayers today. Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Amadi SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Intercede for all the Missionaries. Ask God to help them to keep their faith alive in order to please God at Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 54 all times. Receive on their behalf all of God's promises over their labour and in their lives. Receive Grace for them to do abiding work. Pray for them not to suffer loss. Ask God to supply their needs and fortify them against all the attacks of the enemy. Birthdays: Jesutofunmi Oyelakin, Odetunmibi Emmanuella SUNDAY, APRIL 5 On some of our mission fields, there is lack of funds to buy landed properties for the Churches, and this causes a great problem for the growth of the Church. Ask that God will raise mission minded individuals, groups, Churches, Association, and Conferences that will support these projects. Birthday: KingsleyAmadi MONDAY, APRIL 6 Nominalism and syncretism are common on the fields. Many believers claim to be Christians but they also practice other religions. Some of the Churches on our fields have some of these people as members, and this poses a great challenge for their spiritual growth. Ask God to liberate these people totally. Pray that the light of the gospel will totally dispel darkness thus making these people serve God with genuineness of heart. Today is the international day for development and peace. Let us pray that the Prince of Peace (Jesus Christ) will rule in all hearts, for us to have true peace in the world. Without peace, development is difficult. Let's be agents of peace wherever we are. TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Taraba Home Mission Field is among the fields facing Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 55 challenges of insurgency and herdsmen attacks, pray for Gods protection for the believers on this field. Ask God to strengthen and build the faith of Christians in the midst of this experience. The Pastorium in our station at Balli and the roofing of Kaiwinbou Church cannot wait for long. Ask God to attend to the needs for this projects. Today is United Nations Health Day. Let's pray that God will bless us and our families with good health. Make the best use of the opportunity for good medical care through the GORA Health graced by our dear Convention. Birthdays: Theophilus Adefunmilayo Oke WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 MANGA KANURI PEOPLE are about 230,000. They are found in Yobe State Nigeria: Geidam, Machina, Nguru, Yusufari and Yunusari, few of them are found in part of Jigawa state, and Bauchi State. They are also found in Niger Republic: Baragimi, Minisarawa and Zinder, where they are called Dagirawa. N e w T e s t a m e n t B i b l e , Audio/visual Bible Lessons, Gospel recordings and Jesus film are available in their language. They are almost 100% Muslim. Their culture is similar to that of Yerwa Kanuri whereby Islamic law takes pre- eminence in their way of life. They are influenced by Tijaniya and Kadiriya form of Islam, an offshoot of Sunni Islam that is based in Nguru with Kalifa center for learning Quranic study. To them, anything outside Islam is infidelity. Their teenage girls go for early marriage and the boys to Koranic Schools. IMB/GMB Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 56 planted Churches in Yusufari: Kumaganam and Tulotulo. Un-motor-able Sahara-desert and desert encroachment make it difficult to reach them without a 4 wheel drive. Prayer is a great need because they are more receptive to gospel than Yerwa-Kanuris. Mission School will be of great help in reaching the young ones. Pray that Christian mission agencies will be willing to reach and invest everything possible for Manga Kanuri people's salvation. Pray that Ngara Home Mission will be well equipped to re-engage the Manga Kanuri for Christ in Media and Social Missions. Ask God to send more faithful and committed labourers into this field. Pray for breakthrough and open door for the Gospel message among the Manga Kanuri youths who may be tending towards becoming threat to Gospel expansion. Birthday: Favour Ayokunle Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Oluwagbemi THURSDAY, APRIL 9 Thank God for His protection over our missionary couple in Akwa Ibom Home mission field, Rev & Mrs. Royal Ify. Thank God also for the mission Pastors, field evangelists and their families. Pray for open heaven as we prepare to plant Churches in all the areas that have been surveyed in the field. Birthdays: Opeyemi Akinremi, Oluwadunmininu Alade FRIDAY, APRIL 10 EASTER FRIDAY In Luke 2:36-38 prophetess Anna laboured for 84years in fasting and prayers day and night for the Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 57 manifestation of the Messiah. Pray that God will raise believers as intercessors who will not rest nor give Him rest until Christ is enthrone in all the nations. He came and died to redeem. Today is Easter Friday. Ask God to touch the lives of all Muslim leaders today in His miraculous ways. Ask Him to protect all His children from any physical or spiritual attack. Ask God to reveal Himself to them today during their Jumaat prayers in very clear ways and for them to respond to His love in very positive ways. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Zacchaeus Ayokunle SATURDAY, APRIL 11 The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a significant event in the life of all who were present at that time. Pray that His death will remain a significant event in our days. Pray for unbelievers around us to have a significant encounter with Christ today. Birthday: Boluwatito Akintayo SUNDAY, APRIL 12 The resurrection of Jesus Christ depicts our death to sin and our resurrection to the new life in Him. Pray for the salvation of the soul of all who have the knowledge of Christ but yet to fully allow Christ to be the Lord of their lives. Ask God to help them to take a stand for Jesus Christ alone. Let us also pray for ourselves that we will not miss heaven when the roll is called. Birthday: Simon Joseph Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 58 MONDAY, APRIL 13 Our salvation experience is incomplete if we do not preach the Gospel of Christ to people around us. Ask God for the grace and the courage to be able to preach about Jesus Christ in all we do and say. Pray that the resurrection power will give strength and embolden Christian to fearlessly and courageously proclaim Christ everywhere. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Olopade TUESDAY, APRIL 14 Pray that the stronghold of Islam be overthrown in Kamuku land in Niger State. Pray for the Pangu, that the Lord will help the missionary and the entire mission Pastors to achieve significant breakthrough among the people despite their strong background in Islam. Ask God for spectacular testimony of salvation of the year. Birthday: Caleb Akinwale Akintola WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 NGAMO PEOPLE GROUP has an estimated population of about 157, 000. They are found in Yobe State: Gadaka, Ngalda, Fika and few in Potiskum; some are also found in Gombe State. No complete Bible in their language yet. Only few portion of the Bible and Jesus' film project are available. By religious statisticsis, Islam is 92%, Christianity 7%, and ATR 1%. Islam has strong influence on their cultural belief due to its early

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 59 penetration of the area. The adherents follow Islamic calendar and now consider Islam to be their culture. Sharia law is upheld in everything. Pray for synergy among the mission agencies working in the land. Ask for grace for the Ngamo Christians to stand in faith as they face series of temptations and persecutions from the Government of the land. Pray for the Churches and Pastors to be willing to do missions and support the cost of witnessing to the Ngamo people. Ask God to raise and multiply disciples among Ngamo people. Pray to God to sustain His word in the heart of Ngamo Christians and make them to be light of Christ to their nation. Entreat God to send more labourers among the people and strengthen those working on the field now. Birthday: Ifeoluwa Gideon Ayanlere THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Bless the name of the Lord for our missionary couple in Kamuku, Niger State, Rev. & Mrs. Solomon Lanza. Pray that all the Churches they have already planted will stand on Christ our solid rock. Also, pray that many more people shall be added to the Church in the land. Ask God to give Kamuku land to the Missionaries. Ask God to help indigenous believers to be deeply rooted in Christ and to be fruitful to Him. Birthday: Folarin John FRIDAY, APRIL 17 Thank God for the life of Rev. Dr. Zaccheaus Ayokunle, the zonal coordinator for Ondo, Ekiti and Kwara States under the umbrella of the Global Missions Board. Ask God for grace for him to enjoy

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 60 His favour, and the goodwill of the Churches and Baptist ministers so as to enhance his mobilization of this zone. Pray for breakthrough in mobilizing this zone for effective mission support. Pray that God will bring many of our Muslim brothers and sisters to the point of accepting Him into their lives before the end of this year. Birthday: Ebenezer Akintayo SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Let us appreciate God for the grace of seeing another Nigerian Baptist Convention in Session. Thank God for the safe trip for those who have arrived the venue of the Convention in Session and for those who are still on their way, pray that they will all arrive safely. Pray that as the Session starts today, the Lord will lead the Convention Family in all our deliberations Birthday: Isreal Jesugbogo Kolade Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Pastor Mrs. Saba SUNDAY, APRIL 19 Today is Nigerian Baptist Convention in Session Sunday. Pray that as we all meet together in various Churches, the Lord God Almighty will manifest Himself in our midst and answer all of our congregational prayers and yield to all our mission concerns. Ask that the Lord will speak His mind to the Nigerian Baptist Convention Family through all who will preach today. Birthday: Sarah-Beth Adewumi

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 61 MONDAY, APRIL 20 Pray for the GMB Director, Revd Dr. Oluwafemi Adewumi for increased grace for the task of leading this arm of the Convention. Intercede that he will not lose focus but constantly do the biddings of the Lord thereby leading other mission lovers to join God at work. Ask God to continue to protect him both within and outside Nigeria. Pray that His health will not fail him. Intercede that he will be led of the Lord in taking daily decisions on behalf of the Board. Pray also for his wife, children and extended family members for God's constant grace, protection and direction. Intercede on his behalf, that all of them will be kept in perfect peace all the days of their lives. Ask God to bless their endeavours and grant them all their Godly desires. Birthdays: Olawale Jonathan Olayiwola, Orogun O. Emmanuel TUESDAY, APRIL 21 Pray that God will bless all the Nigerian Baptist members for His kingdom business. Ask God for the faithfulness on the part of members to pay tithes and offerings to their local Churches and local Churches in turn to faithfully remit their dues to the Convention. Pray that God will make the Nigerian government and the economic managers to make the right economic decisions that will boost our economy in the second quarter of the year. Birthday: Solomon Joseph Wedding Anniversary: Rev & Mrs. Josiah Akintayo

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 62 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 Today is the Global Missions Board Hour for the ongoing NBC Convention in Session. Let us join our hearts with that of the entire Global Missions Board in praise for all that God has helped us to achieve this year. Thank God in advance for all the reports that will be given. Pray that God will by Himself raise partners through this Session for His work. Ask God to mobilize Baptist family toward a greater commitment in going, giving and praying for missions. Birthday: Glory Adeyemi Obateru Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Olaniran RAMADAN STARTS

THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Appreciate God for a successful completion of the Annual Convention in Session of the Nigerian Baptist Convention which is ending today. Appreciate God for all the deliberations that have been made. Seal all of the decisions with the blood of Jesus and pray that these deliberations will be to the furtherance of the kingdom of God. Pray for all who will be traveling back to their destinations that the Lord will bless them with safety. Pray that the revival that we have received from Convention in Session this year will be permanent in our lives in Jesus name.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 63 FRIDAY, APRIL 24 The annual observance of Ramadan is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Fasting from sunrise to sunset is obligatory for all adult Muslims who are not acutely or chronically ill, travelling, e l d e r l y , p r e g n a n t , breastfeeding, diabetic, or menstruating. The spiritual rewards of the fasting are believed to be multiplied during Ramadan. Muslims refrain not only from food and drink, but also tobacco products, sexual relations, and sinful behavior, devoting themselves instead to prayers, recitation of the Quran, and the performance of charitable deeds as they strive for purity and heightened awareness of God. Thank God for Muslims' zeal to seek to 'know' God deeper during this holy month. Ask God to send His Holy Spirit to open their hearts for encounter with God. As Muslims meet for Jumaat prayers today, May God reveal Himself to them. Birthday: Deborah Oyelakin SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Muslims believe that the Islamic scripture was revealed during Ramadan to Prophet Mohammed (PBUM). Let us pray for all Muslims fasting this season that the Lord will reach out to them through the Quran. Ask God to set their hearts on the quest that

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 64 will make them search for the truth of God's word in the Holy Bible. Pray that as they read the Quran, they will discover things that will make them refer to the Bible and in turn see, accept and embrace the truth in Jesus Christ. Many have started this fasting, expecting to 'know' God better or be 'closer' to Him. Pray that as they listen to teachings, attend gatherings, etc, the Lord will encounter them by His Holy Spirit of truth. Birthdays: Christiana Makinde, Temitope Alade SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Although Muslims were first commanded to fast in the second year of Hijra (624 CE), [29] they believe that the practice of fasting has always been necessary for believers to attain the fear of God. Let us pray for all Muslims that God will plant in their hearts fear out of reference for the only true God, Jesus Christ, which will move them to the point of accepting Him as the Lord of their lives. Pray for all Muslim clerics that will be teaching during this month. Pray for some of them to encounter God in dynamic ways. Ask God to use them to raise issues that will create vacuum in the hearts of listeners and followers. MONDAY, APRIL 27 Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self- improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Muslims are expected to put more effort into

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 65 following the teachings of Islam. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart a w a y f r o m w o r l d l y activities, its purpose being to cleanse the soul by freeing it from harmful impurities. Muslims believe that Ramadan teaches them to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate, thus encouraging actions of generosity and compulsory charity. Pray that God will use this period of relative sanity to open the eyes of every Muslim to the only true God, Jesus Christ. Dreams, visions and revelations are taken seriously in Islam. Pray that God will visit many Muslims through these media and lead them to divine encounter during this holy month. Birthday: Temitayo Olatunde TUESDAY, APRIL 28 For the Muslims, a believer is required to give to the poor. This practice is obligatory as one of the pillars of Islam. Muslims believe that good deeds are rewarded more handsomely during Ramadan than at any other time of the year; consequently, many will donate a larger portion or even all of their yearly charity acts during this month. The greatest gift and the greatest act of Charity done to mankind is God giving His only Son to die for all of our sins. Pray that Muslims in their giving will come

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 66 to a full knowledge of this fact, accept God's gift to them and there after give their lives to Christ. Birthday: Julius Akindele

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 Tarawih are extra nightly prayers performed during the month of Ramadan. Contrary to popular belief, they are not compulsory. However, for all who will partake in the night prayers, ask God to reveal Himself to them in the place of prayer. Pray that they will see the glory of God and they will never recover from it. Birthday: Odetunmibi Emmanuelle Wedding Anniversary: Rev.& Mrs. Demeh THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Quran, which comprises thirty sections, over the thirty days of Ramadan. Some Muslims incorporate a recitation of one section into each of the thirty tarawih sessions

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 67 observed during the month. The word of God is incomparable with any other word, whether spoken or written. Let us pray that God will reveal Himself to everyone who reads any part of the Quran this period of Ramadan. When Saul had an encounter, Ananias guided him in the Way. Mohammed also consulted different people during his encounter. Pray that God will position right people around those that would be encountered to guide them aright. Birthdays: Ajala Adegbola Pamilerin, Samson Ajibade FRIDAY, MAY 1 There are Bible stories/narratives abridged and 'contextualized' to Islamic faith in the Qur'an. Pray that the Lord will use these stories to trigger many to learn the full narrative from the Bible. Pray also that as they seek such truth from the Bible, they will encounter the Author, the Holy Spirit. Many Muslims approach the Bible with a view to antagonize and criticize its content. Pray that as they read the Bible, the Author will give them illumination from above. As Muslims seek God during Jumaat service of today, may the one and only true God through Jesus Christ be revealed unto them. Birthdays: Popoola Favour Omolola SATURDAY, MAY 2 Some statistics show that crime rates drop during Ramadan, while others show that it increases. An Iranian cleric argues that fasting during Ramadan makes people less likely to commit crimes due to

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 68 spiritual reasons. Pray that everyone who is dropping any kind of crime for the sake of the fast will replace it with the love for Jesus Christ.

SUNDAY, MAY 3 Many Muslims live in Christian denominated Countries and cities and as Muslims throughout the world are observing the Ramadan period now, ask God to help Christians in such nations and cities to show them the love of Christ. Pray, that God would draw the hearts of those Muslims closer to Himself and bring them to the knowledge of His salvation. Ask God to use this year’s Ramadan period to miraculously touch the hearts of Fulani herdsmen in particular and Muslims in general, to embrace peace and unity. Pray that the Lord of harvest will bring them to the understanding of Christ Jesus. MONDAY, MAY 4 Pray for those who have been hypnotized into Islam through deception, disinformation and enticement. Ask God to open their eyes to see the right way and receive courage to come to the Light. Pray that Christians living around and among Muslims will make good witnesses in their manner of character, conducts and conversations. Pray that they will also Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 69 be active witnesses of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:27 TUESDAY, MAY 5 Islamic clerics, Imams, Alfas, etc., play important role as opinion leaders. Pray that the Lord will g r a n t t h e m u n i q u e encounters with the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will raise contemporary Pauls. The Quran is the holy book of the Muslims. It is believed that there are other aspects of the Quran that are accessible only by the Islamic leaders, this portion contains some truths about our God. Pray that from the part of the Quran that is available, God will reveal himself to the Muslim faithfuls as they fast this season. Ask God to make them thirst for more of Him with such thirst that only the Holy Bible can quench. Birthdays: Peter Saba, Charity Adedoyin Obateru Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Orogun WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 Belief in angels is fundamental to Islam. The Quranic word for angel derives either from Malaka, meaning "he controlled", due to their power to govern different affairs assigned to them. The term "messenger" is exclusively used for heavenly spirits of the divine world. Let us pray that God will make the Muslims have the real undiluted knowledge of the Holy Spirit, Ask God to use His spirit to minister and guide the Muslims to repentance this period. Deception or disinformation is an acceptable strategy in winning people to Islam. Pray that the eyes of many who have

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 70 been deceived will be illuminated to know Christ as the Truth. Some people are Muslims today because they have been brainwashed. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to the truth. John 8:32. Birthday: Ayanlere Opeyemi Jonathan

THURSDAY, MAY 7 Muslims view heaven as a place of joy and blessings. The Quran lists several sins that can condemn a person to hell, such as disbelief in God, and dishonesty; however, the Quran makes it clear that God will forgive the sins of those who repent if He so wills. Good deeds, such as charity, prayer and compassion towards animals will be rewarded with entry to heaven. Unfortunately for them, making it to heaven is based only on our belief that Jesus Christ is the only true God and accepting Him as our Lord and Saviour. Pray that all Muslims will come to the right knowledge of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour this fasting season. Birthdays: Oyeyemi Testimony, Adeniji Deborah FRIDAY, MAY 8 Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the way of God). Jihad also refers to one's striving to attain

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 71 r e l i g i o u s a n d m o r a l perfection. Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants. Jihad is the only form of warfare permissible in Islamic law and may be declared against illegal works, terrorists, criminal groups, rebels, apostates, and leaders or states that oppress Muslims. Let us pray that the God of peace will reveal Himself in His might to the Muslims this season. Ask God to help them see this peace, embrace it and accept Jesus Christ as the prince of true peace. Pray that Muslims will choose the God who fights for His people over the God who waits on him people to fight for Him. Pray for terrorists and various terrorist organizations in Nigeria and beyond. Ask God to frustrate their plans, encounter those who are sincerely hooked among them and miraculously change the stubborn ones in the name of Jesus Christ. As Muslims meet for Jumaat service today, may Jesus Christ be revealed to them in clear and miraculous ways. SATURDAY, MAY 9 In 2010, religious populations are estimated as follow: Christians = 49.3%; Muslims 48.8%. With Pew Research Centre estimation based on growth rates by 2050 it will be as follows: Christians = 39.3%; Muslims 58.5%. We cannot match with birth rate but we can do something by praying and sharing Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 72 Christ. Ask God to help you take the Great Commission seriously. Pray for every child that is born into Islam or indoctrinated one way or the other; ask God to help us catch these kids young. There are many ministries involved in the catch them young program; pray that God will empower them, most especially for the Muslim children around the world. SUNDAY, MAY 10 Pray for the love of God to reach Fulani herders who are fasting this period. As they herd their animals around and pray, ask that the great Shepherd, Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to them. Intercede that the revelation will be so great that they will not be able to resist the presence of God. Let’s ask God to raise more leaders and multiply His Disciples among the Fulanis.

Birthdays: Paul Oyeleke, Shammah Solomon Lanza

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 73 MONDAY, MAY 11 The Fulani, Fula or Fulbe people are one of the largest ethnic groups in the Sahel and West Africa, widely dispersed across the region. Inhabiting many Countries, they live mainly in West Africa and northern parts of Central Africa but also in South Sudan, Sudan, and regions near the Red Sea coast. There are an estimated 40 million people of Fulani descent in West Africa in total. They are predominantly Muslims. They need our prayers. Ask God to open their eyes to the truth of the Gospel of Christ. These people are hard to reach because of the language and cultural differences. Pray that God will raise men for their salvation and that God will bridge the gap of culture and language. TUESDAY, MAY 12 Fulani people have both Arabic and North African roots. The acceptance of Islam early makes them feel culturally and religiously superior to surrounding people and this becomes a major ethnic boundary marker between them and other African ethnic groups. The wars were not merely between Fulani people and other ethnic groups, but also intertwine between the pastoral and sedentary; sometimes the Muslim Fulani leaders label and attack the nomadic Fulani as infidels. The only superiority that is allowed Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 74 in the kingdom of God is the believe and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Saviour. Pray that the Fulani tribe will be won for the Lord en masse this fasting season. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 There are many Muslim coverts out there who are being persecuted by family and friends. Some of them even had to abandon their homes, families, friends, relatives to distant places for fear of being killed. Some of them, despite their efforts to escape were captured and are being tortured in secluded place. Pray for every Muslim convert wherever they may be, in whatever condition, that the Spirit of the Lord will be with them and strengthen them. Pray for those who have been captured and are being tortured that God will secure their release miraculously the way he did in the Bible. Pray for Muslim Background believers. Ask God to establish them in the faith amid different challenges and oppositions (2 Tim. 3:12). Ask God to empower them and destroy every demonic operations and weapon fashioned against them. Birthday: Kayode Christiana Oluremi Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Oyelude

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 75 THURSDAY, MAY 14 Missionaries played and still play important r o l e s i n M u s l i m C o u n t r i e s . T h e y brought technological and social development to the Countries where they serve. From their early days, they were concerned about economic, educational, health, social and spiritual development. However, the presence of missionaries in the Muslim Countries raise problems as well as challenges. Let us join hands to pray for every missionary working in Muslim environments. Pray for divine protection and wisdom to touch Muslims during the Ramadan. Also pray for the many Muslims that are out to marry 'Christian' girls by luring them or by impregnating them, not to succeed in their enterprise. Pray for divine encounter for these girls and the deliverance of those that have fallen victims. FRIDAY, MAY 15 It has gradually become the custom of the Muslims to teach their children anti – Christian lessons. They preach it to them in such a way that it makes the children resistant to Christianity even before they get to understand what it really means to be a Christian. However, it is clearly stated in the Bible that the heart of Kings and Nobles

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 76 belong to the Lord. Let us pray that the Lord will remove their hearts of stone and replace them with hearts of flesh that will be penetrable by the Gospel. Ask God to help us all reach out to them better. Pray for the agencies for Islamic propagation in Nigeria. Destroy all their manipulative agenda and ask God to bring them to a realization of their own need for the Saviour. Today is international day for families. May God use us and our families for salvation and divine encounter for Muslims as they observe the Jumaat service of today. SATURDAY, MAY 16 Night of Power, Laylat al-Qadr, is considered the holiest night of the year. It is generally believed to have occurred on an odd-numbered night during the last ten days of Ramadan; it is believed that Laylat al- Qadr was the twenty-third night of Ramadan which is tonight. Let us pray for Muslims all over the world that God will reveal His power to them. Let us pray that the power of God will be manifested in their lives and that they will recognize it as the power of the only true God, Jesus Christ. Pray against and frustrate e v e r y p o w e r o f darkness and every evil agenda implanted to hinder the spread of the

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 77 Gospel in Nigeria, especially in Muslim dominated parts of the Country. Isaiah 54:15 Birthday: Aaron Yusuf Demeh SUNDAY, MAY 17 There are many testimonies of Muslim converts who resisted the Gospel of Christ and at the long run gave in to the same Gospel, not because they were forced or threatened but because they could see the Fatherly, Unfailing, Unmerited love of Jesus Christ in Christians around them. Pray that God will make us channels of positive change for Muslims around us. Ask that God will teach us how to reach out to them with the love of Christ this Ramadan period. Pray for courage for Muslim background believers to grow in their walk with God and reach out to others coming from their background. 2 Tim. 2:2. Pray also that the paradox of peace that surrounds Islam will make many to seek genuine peace from the Prince of Peace. Birthdays: Janet Oyeleke, Ezekiel Esther

MONDAY, MAY 18 Pray for missionaries and missionary groups working among Muslims. Ask God to empower them, give them courage, wisdom and discretion to

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 78 affectionately and effectively proclaim the message meaningfully among the people. Christians believe that God is One in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit while Muslims believe that Allah is One; He has no Son and that the Holy Spirit does not exist. Pray that God will reveal Himself in person of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit so that many will be convinced to accept and follow Him the rest of their lives. Birthdays: Femi Adewumi, Ajala Adetoro Omolade Wedding Anniversaries: Mr. & Mrs. Folarin John, Mr. & Mrs. Ajala TUESDAY, MAY 19 We Christians believe that God is personal and that we can have a personal experience with God which is what makes him loving. On the other hand, our Muslim brothers and Sisters believe that Allah is unknowable and fierce. Let us pray for them that God will, during this fasting season, reveal himself to them, not just as a loving Father, but also as their loving Father. Ask God to open their eyes to Him and make their hearts receptive to His love. Pray that God will burden the hearts of believers to see the need to love and reach out to Muslims with the Gospel. Pray for people like Nicodemus, who would like to meet Jesus secretly. Ask God to give them courage and open their eyes to

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 79 know the right person that can lead them to Jesus. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 God loves all people, including Muslims. Allah and God cannot possibly be one and the same. This is against the belief of the Muslims that Allah hates apostates and blasphemers. Love is better felt than explained. For this reason, let us pray that every Muslim, this Ramadan will experience the love of God specially. Make a list of 5 Muslims in your circle of relationships - family, School, work or business, and neighbourhood. Pray earnestly that they will experience God this year. Birthdays: Adeniji Dadepo Jacob, Gift Onyemike THURSDAY, MAY 21 Pray for the 'almajiri centres and other Islamic schools (local, zonal, regional, and international). Ask God to encounter both the students and the teachers in these seemingly odd locations. Pray for the visitation of God where they are. Ask God to burden your heart to keep on praying for the s a l v a t i o n o f Muslims and teach you to be a witness to the ones in your c i r c l e o f r e l a t i o n s h i p s - family, work, neighbourhood and school. Today is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogues and Development. Pray that God will make us to see the need to dialogue with one another to solve

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 80 problems instead of resulting to violence. FRIDAY, MAY 22 Media (print and electric) are awash with Islamic messages (pro-Islam and anti-Christian). Many are sincerely confused. Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth, even with the confusions in the air. As Muslims observe the Jumaat service today, May they have salvivic encounter with the King of Glory, the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. SATURDAY, MAY 23 Pray for the six geo-political zones in Nigeria: North- East, North-Central, North-West, South-East, South- South and South-West. Pray for Islamic leaders and key people in these zones. Ask God to grant them and their families divine encounter. Acts 16: 25-34. Pray for Muslims in Nigerian politics/leadership. Ask that the fear of God will prevent them from working against the cause of the Gospel in their domains. Pray also for their salvation - for the President, Governors, Traditional Rulers, Ministers, Commissioners, and Law-makers. 1 Tim. 2:1-4.

Birthdays: Adenike Naomi Odetunmibi RAMADAN ENDS

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 81 SUNDAY, MAY 24 Appreciate God for every individual and organizations such as the WMU, G. A., SUNBEAM, Lydia, Youth and MMU, whom God is using to meet the needs of our various fields. Ask God to bless and prosper them in all areas of their lives. Pray that God will bless them individually with their heart desires. Pray for Muslim as they celebrates the Id – El – Fitr. Pray that they will know that the only way to God is through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. MONDAY, MAY 25 Pray for renewed strength, vision and unction for Rev. Dr. Mrs. Racheal Lateju, the WMU President and Chairperson of the advisory Committee of Home ministries of GMB. Ask God to sustain and endow her with wisdom and grant her sound mind to coordinate the work God has placed in her hands according to His will. Pray that God will keep watch over her and her family Birthdays: Ladi Oyelude, Adenike Adegoke TUESDAY, MAY 26 Let us pray for the children of all our missionaries that they will be good ambassadors of the kingdom of God. Intercede that God will help them to represent Him in the right ways. Pray that they will be good representatives of the ministries the Lord has given to their parents. Ask God to shield them against every form of attack. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 Pray for all those looking for the fruit of the womb among our Missionaries, Mission Pastors on various Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 82 fields and other GMB staff. Pray that on account of today’s celebration (Children’s day) the Lord will address their issues, open their wombs, clear all blockages and give them their testimonies as he did to Hannah, Rachael and Elizabeth. THURSDAY, MAY 28 Ask God to open doors for more partners for Church planting and empowerment programs on our fields. Ask God for the urgent provision of landed properties, especially for Baptist missions in Uyo. Pray for uncommon results on our fields. Intercede for an outpouring of the spirit of godliness among workers and believers on the field. Birthdays: David Oyeleke, Orogun O. Marvelous, Solomon Lanza FRIDAY, MAY 29 Rev. & Mrs. Yusuf Demeh are our missionary couple in Dukawa home mission field, Kebbi State. Ask God to bless their mission efforts as they labour on the field. Also pray for the entire Mission Pastors and Church planters. Pray that God will provide a serviceable vehicle for the missionary and a motorcycle for the field. Ask God to reward their labour with bountiful harvest this year. Today is International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. May the Prince of Peace, the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ keep them save as they continue to join Him to ensure that peace and sanity returns to the world. As our Muslim Brothers and Sisters observe Jumaat service today, may the worship of sun and moon as entrenched in

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 83 Islamic religion come to an end and the worship of the only true God through Jesus Christ be embraced by the Muslims. May God open their eyes to accept the once and for all sacrifice of the Lamb of God. SATURDAY, MAY 30 Pray for the deliverance of Dukawa land. Ask God for breakthrough with regards to the contradiction of Islamic influence, witchcraft, traditional and cultural beliefs rising against the Gospel. Pray that God will raise people of vision and substance to support the field. Building of a mission house and electrical work is estimated at N550, 000; ask God to divinely provide for this project. SUNDAY, MAY 31 Thank God for the Coordinator of Home Missions Frontiers, Rev, Noah Adedokun and Mrs. Christie Makinde, the office assistant in the Home Ministries Office, Ibadan. Ask God to grant them good health and fresh unction from above for fulfillment in ministry that the Lord has committed into their hands. Pray that the Lord will uphold them and their families. Ask God to raise mission minded people with passion for the lost, to evangelize and build Christ followers in all the mission fields under their care. MONDAY, JUNE 1 Pray for the missionary couple in Kogi Home mission field, Rev. & Dr. Mrs. Sunday Obateru that the Lord will be with them on this field. Ask God to grant them the grace for ministerial fulfillment on the field. Ask God to raise help for the work and Pray that the protection of God will be upon their lives and all the

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 84 mission Pastors on the field. Pray that their labour will be blessed to produce abiding fruits. Today is Global Day of Parents. Pray that Christian parents will be good examples of responsible disciplined and exemplary parents. If we can have responsible parents we’ll have responsible children and our society will be transformed. Birthday: Ayooluwa Ogunmodede TUESDAY, JUNE 2 Pray that God will help in securing permanent venue for the Churches in Kogi State home mission field. Ask God to raise burden bearers, in form of supporters, intercessors, passionate evangelists and so on to complement the efforts of Church planting. Pray that God will grant the Churches unlimited growth and development. Intercede that the workers on the field will be divinely cared for. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 NGIZIM PEOPLE GROUP are about 230, 000 in population. They live in Yobe State - towns and villages: Potiskum, Angwanjaji, Bubaram, Mamudo, Damagum, Danchuwa, Nahuta, Chikuriwa, Lailai, Badejo, Muguram, Damazai, Fusam, Ngojin, etc. They speak Ngizim. New Testament Bible translation in Ngizim is in progress. There is Jesus film in their language. Islam is the dominant religion since the 11th

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 85 century. Islam is 92% while Christianity is 8%. Few Ngizim still hold unto traditional beliefs in addition to the principal religions. Ngizim ancestral town is Yarimaram close to Potiskum town (or Pataskumu as called dialectically). The main occupation of Ngizim people is farming and considerable numbers of them are civil servants, with their feud with Bole people who are contending Potiskum town. IMB and GMB/NBC Missions planted a Church in Potiskum where the Ngizim family and Kerai-kerai both worship. Land is not sold for Christian religious purpose in Ngizim villages. Ngizim Christians do not enjoy government benefits and privileges like their Ngizim Muslim brothers do. Pray for Ngizim Christians to be bold in witnessing Christ to their non-Christian brothers. Pray for open doors and enabling environment for evangelical Christians to witness among the Ngizim Muslims, and for more labourers among the people. Pray that mission partners and agencies will support and fund Ngizim Christians to establish ministry in order to reach Ngizim Muslim people. Pray that Islam will lose its foothold among Ngizim and all Yobe people groups. Pray that the challenges of insecurity be resolved in North Eastern region of Nigeria. THURSDAY, JUNE 4 Ask God to destroy the barrier of religion, division, witchcraft and other strongholds of the devil hindering gospel’s penetration in Kogi land. Pray against untimely death that constantly turns members to widows and widowers. Ask God to bring lasting peace to areas where there is communal feud.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 86 FRIDAY, JUNE 5 Bless the name of the Lord for the lives of our missionary couple in Home Mission Field and the entire mission Pastors and Evangelists working on the field. Ask God to fill them with His Spirit so as to guide them in doing the will of God. Ask for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon them and their members for fruitful service. Pray that there shall be more open doors for the Gospel of Christ among the Muslim. May God reveal Himself as the only true God as Muslims gather to pray today in their various places of worship. Birthdays: Samuel Adewumi, Fortunate Oladunni SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Appreciate God for Pastor & Mrs. Orogun, our contact person in Delta Home mission field. Ask that they and all mission Pastors working will enjoy peace, favour, provision and good health perpetually. Ask that the Lord will bless their efforts among these people and more souls will be won to Christ. Birthday: Popoola Ruth Damilola SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Pray for peace and security of lives and properties vis – a – vis the challenge of suspected Fulani herdsmen and militants. Pray for true and lasting revival for multiple soul winning. Ask God to raise mission partners for the field. Intercede for timely provision for the project on the field. Birthday: Amusan Ezekiel

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 87 MONDAY, JUNE 8 Rev. John Mark is our new contact person in Rivers Home Mission Field, Ogba Egbema. Pray for open door of ministry as they begin work on this field. Ask God to bless his mission efforts as he and other workers labour on the field. Pray against lack of commitment within the Churches and ask God to ignite members and workers with His holy zeal, thus making them firebrand and ready tools in God’s hands. TUESDAY, JUNE 9 Thank God for the live of Pastor Bola Oludare, our new contact person in Imo Home Mission field. Ask God for sufficient grace to coordinate mission efforts on the field. Pray that he will be found faithful in discharging his duties. Ask the Lord to bless and prosper the efforts of all mission workers on the field. Intercede that grace will abound on them all in all they do on daily basis. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 K Y E N G A WA P E O P L E GROUP. According to 2006 Nigeria Population census, there exists about 200,000 ethnic Kyengawa in this region. Most Kyengawa are found in Dandi LGA. Others also live in Bunza, Dakingari, Bagudo, Maiyama and Shanga LGAs of Kebbi State and in Niger and Benin Republic. Kyengawa original language is kyenganci. No Bible in the language, however, 25% of the whole Bible was translated for

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 88 documentation purpose because many Kyengawas do not speak their language any more. Islam is about 98%, African Traditional Religion about 2% and Christianity less than 1%. The people groups share some common cultural characteristics such as unique tribal marks by which they can be identified anywhere. Their culture has been Islamized. More than ten thousands of the Kyengawa people have had opportunity of hearing the Gospel through several means, though only few are converted. There are more than fifty converts among them of which 38 have been baptized. Worship centers were opened in Tunga Numa, Kassa and Kwarateji. Ask God to pull down the pillars of Islam in the field. Pray that God should send more labourers into His field for harvest. Ask God to establish all the converts in the field and prosper them in their endeavours. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field for provision. Birthdays: Ayanlade A. Ayandokun, Gloria Inioluwa, Jemimah Busolami Olatunde THURSDAY, JUNE 11 Appreciate God for the lives of our missionary couple in Yobe Home Mission Field, Ngara, Rev. & Mrs. John Matthew, and all the mission Pastors on the field. Ask God to empower them with more anointing and divine strength to be more faithful, fruitful and fulfilled in Jesus name. Thank God for the protection enjoyed so far. Pray that God will cause the fruit of their work to abide.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 89 FRIDAY, JUNE 12 There is the need for some indigenous converts to be trained theologically on Ngara Home Mission fields at the cost of N200,000 per person per year. Ask God to meet the needs on the field as regard this training. There is also the need for a mission Primary School on this field for the children of Muslim converts who are being persecuted. Ask that the Lord will make provision for this project (the project is estimated to cost N3million). Also, intercede that God will raise partners who will be willing to adopt and train these children in the ways of the Lord. Today is also the World Day against Child Labour. Pray that Christians will be God’s example for unbelievers by not involving in any act of child abuse and child labour. Today is Friday, may God encounter the Muslims in a miraculous way as He encountered Paul on his way to Damascus. Birthday: Oluwatimilehin Matthew Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Allen-Tayo Olatunde SATURDAY, JUNE 13 Pray that Ngara Home Mission Field will have breakthrough on the issue of denominationalism. Also pray that the evil strategies of authorities using Izak, Salafawa to distort the peace and stability that exists in the region and to maintain the status quo of Islam be destroyed. Pray that the Lord will sustain the mission work despite the different challenges on the field. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. &Rev. Mrs. Oyelakin

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 90 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 Let us pray as we commit all Board Meetings and Advisory Committee Meetings for this year into the hands of God. Let us pray that the Lord will make all of the meetings successful. Let us commit all the decisions that will be taken into God’s hands, that they will come out fruitfully in Jesus name. Birthdays: Dorcas Ige, Cecilia O. Opayinka MONDAY, JUNE 15 The unimaginable power of prayer works wonders in mission. Our mission endeavors as a Church will not be complete without prayer. Also, prayer makes the impossibility readily possible and easily achieved. Let us pray that God will help us to raise prayer altars for our mission endeavors. Let us pray for everyone who remembers GMB in the place of prayer that God will reward them greatly. Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Pray that God will help us all to respect and care for the elderly the way of the Lord. Birthday: Oyinkansayo Ayoyimika TUESDAY, JUNE 16 Appreciate God for the lives and ministries of all GMB Board members. Thank God for the journey mercies He continues to grant them in their several journeys. Commit them all to God for fresh passion, love and zeal for the kingdom mandate this year. Ask God to constantly lead them to take decisions that will move missions forward. Birthdays: Mary Joel, Racheal Folarin

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 91 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 BOKO PEOPLE GROUP. Population of Boko people is not known. They are found in Bagudo, Dakingari, and Bunza Local Government Areas. Although very few of them can still be found in Dandi Local G o v e r n m e n t , B e n i n Republic and Niger Republic. They speak Boko, Busa and Hausa language. There is Bible in Boko language. Islam is about 98%, ATR about 2% and Christianity less than 1%.Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid al fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. There are 2 ministry points among the Bokos in this axis. These are found in Shanji (Nigeria) and Bagadaza (Benin Republic). We have about ten Boko converts. One has just been baptized. Ask God to pull down the stronghold of Islam on the field. Pray that God would send more labourers into His field for harvest. Ask God to establish all the converts on the field and bless their efforts. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field for provision. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. THURSDAY, JUNE 18 Field supervision by individual Board member will go a long way in helping the work and encouraging

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 92 the missionaries. Pray that each Board member will be able to visit his or her assigned field and do the needful in the course of the year. Pray for the provision of all that is needed to execute the above. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 Missions need money and other resources, intercede that all our Board members will become great mobilizers for missions. Ask God to bless their efforts at mobilizing people and other resources for the task. Today is International Day Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. Pray that love and respect for fellow human being regardless of sex, creed, age, etc. will permeate all hearts through Jesus Christ. May the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ penetrate the Islamic world to depopulate the kingdom of darkness as our Muslim brothers and sisters observe the Jumaat service today. SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Pray for the leadership of the Convention that they all will be great mobilizers for missions. Intercede that all our meeting sessions and interactions henceforth will be focused on kingdom expansion like never before. Birthdays: Sinmisolaoluwa Awonugba, Talatu Dogo SUNDAY, JUNE 21 Pastor Hezekiah Sanmi Aderibigbe serves as the Confidential Secretary to the Director. He needs sound health, wisdom and the fear of God in the discharge of his assigned duties, Pray that none of this

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 93 will elude him. Ask God to bless him and protect his family. MONDAY, JUNE 22 Pray against fire outbreak in GMB’s office. Many vital documents are kept which are being used in her day to day operations. Intercede that such bad occurrence will never be experienced. Pray that men of the underworld will not carry out their evil operations in the office complex. Birthday: Emmanuel O. Orogun Wedding Anniversary: Rev. Dr & Rev. Mrs. Adewumi TUESDAY, JUNE 23 Intercede for our Director as he relates with and represents the Board among other mission loving partners like NEMA, CAPRO, MELM, GCM and others that he will not misrepresent the Board. Ask that the partnership will advance the course of missions both within and outside Nigeria. Today is International Widows Day. Pray that God will meet all the needs and desires of widows and widowers according to His will and according to His riches in glory. Birthday: Inioluwa Oluwagbemi WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 BUSA PEOPLE GROUP. Busa people have unknown population but they are found in Bagudo, Dakingari, and Bunza Local Government Areas. They speak Boko and Busanci. No Bible in this language yet, but work has started towards translation of the Bible into

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 94 Busa language. The religion of the people is Islam. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. The Baptist has one ministry point found in Sambe, Bagudo Local Government area of Kebbi State, Nigeria. There are about ten Busa converts. Ask God to pull down the stronghold against Christianity on the field. Pray that God should send more labourers into His field for harvest. Ask God to establish all the converts on the field and bless their endeavors. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field for provision. Ask God to prosper their mission efforts. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. Birthday: Oyeyemi Olawale THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Intercede for the Director, that as he speaks in the Admin council and other decision making bodies of the Convention, God’s voice will be heard and nothing that frustrates mission will be done. Pray that he will constantly present mission matters logically, coherently and convincingly. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Amusan FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Pray and frustrate every calculated evil attempt against the GMB Director. Pray that God will continue to grant him a large heart to accommodate

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 95 people of different characters. Today being Friday, May the various Jumaat centers in the Country be specially visited by the Lord for harvest into God’s family. May God remove the veil of religion covering the minds of Muslims to see Jesus as the Lord. Birthdays: Shomer Michae Dogo, Joel Jospeh, Kolade John Oluwole SATURDAY, JUNE 27 As a leader in the GMB, the GMB Director has visions and programmes he would like to execute during his tenure. Pray for the needed grace and enablement to be able to carry out all his God-given visions and programmes. Ask God to stop all forms of obstruction in his way. Birthdays: Ifeoluwa Oluwagbemi, Adeyemi Adegoke, Favour Joseph SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Pray for the further establishment and entrenchment of the plan and purpose of God in the lives and ministries of all GMB staff during the current Directors’ time. Intercede that he will not bury any missionary/office staff, their wives or children. Ask God for peace and love among staff members. Birthdays: Samuel Kolade Ojo, Opayinka I. Marvelous Ireoluwa Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs Oyeleke

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 96 MONDAY, JUNE 29 Let us pay for all missionary’s wives who are looking up to God for the fruit of the womb. Ask that the Lord will visit them specially with Godly seeds who will grow to the glory of God. Pray that whatever obstacle is causing the delay will be removed and that their testimonies will abound this year. Birthday: Ezekiel Ezra TUESDAY, JUNE 30 Let us thank God for the first half of the year 2020. Let us thank God for all that He helped us to do in Global Missions Board on all of our fields. Let us commit the second half into Gods hands that the Lord will grant us success again. Missionaries, after some time do experience dryness or boredom. Pray that every dry bone in their lives will receive fresh breath from above. Pray that God will revive them spiritually and lead them into another level of life and ministry. Birthday: Janet T. Adedeji WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 DUKAWA PEOPLE GROUP. Dukawa people are about 75,000. They are found in Bagudo, Dakingari, and Bunza Local Government Areas. Although very few of them can still be found in Dandi Local Government, Benin Republic and Niger Republic. Original language of this people group is Dukanchi, they speak Hausa language also. There is no

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 97

INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL MISSIONS igerian Baptists have a story to tell to the global world. The story is about Jesus Christ Nthe light of the world, and His love for humanity. The Global Missions Board therefore is the channel through which the Nigerian Baptist Convention conveys the message of salvation to the entire world. THE BEGINNING OF GLOBAL MISSIONS BOARD In 1953, a group of messengers who were attending the 40th Annual Session of the Nigerian Baptist Convention in Jos, passionately encountered, while journeying in a train, people who were half naked physically and presumably spiritually. Their passionate appeal for the Convention to commence a mission outreach among them was promptly accepted and approved. Thus, in the same year in 1953, the Home and Foreign Mission Department was established and the first Mission Field was opened and commenced at once among the Unreached People in Shendam area, near Jos, in present day Plateau State. The Department launched forward to open its first Foreign Mission field in Sierra Leone, an English Speaking West African nation in 1961. The Home and Foreign Mission Department was reorganized in 1999 into the Global Missions Board with a further mandate to reach the entire world with the Gospel of light and love.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 98 Currently, the Board’s gains include 20 Home Mission Fields – Akwa Ibom, Umuahia in Abia, Gyenye in Adamawa, Awka/Onitsha in Anambra, /Tiv in Benue, Ikom in Cross Rivers, Isoko in Delta, Arogbo Ijaw and Ilaje/Apoi in Ondo, Okigwe/Orlu in Imo, Ogba Egbema/Ndoni and in Rivers, Abakaliki and Afikpo in Ebonyi, Kamuku, Guffanti and Bassa in Niger, Dukawa and Kyengawa in Kebbi, Gashaka in Taraba, Ngara in Yobe, Billiri in Gombe, Okuta in Kwara, Okerete in Saki area of Oyo, Ohori in Ogun. The earliest Home Mission Fields which have been granted Autonomy included Shendam, Batonu and Afenmai, Abuja, Idoma, Funtua/Malumfashi, Ogoja and Southern Ijaw. On the international front, Global Missions Board maintains full and skeletal works in 13 International Mission Fields – Sierra Leone, Cote D’Ivoire, Benin Republic, Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mozambique, Niger Republic, Tanzania, Togo, South Sudan, South Africa and United Kingdom. About 300 missionaries, and mission pastors, Church planters and numerous fields workers serve in our mission fields. MISSION OPPORTUNITIES: A. TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES: £ Dry Session School of Mission runs for 3 Months in a year (January – March) each year for 3 years leading to the award of certificate in Missions and Evangelism. £ School of Mission for Professionals (Engineers, Doctors, Teachers, and Others). This is a weekend

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 99 program that runs 2-6pm on Friday and 9-6pm on Saturday for ten months leading to the award of certificate in Missions and Evangelism. £ A One-Month weekdays or Three months weekend Mission training program for Great Commissioners (everyone that wants to be equipped for effective practical evangelism and missions). £ Nine months residential Missions training program to commerce soon at Okebola via Ogbomoso. £ Mission Awareness Conference conducted in Churches, Associations, and Conferences. £ Evangelism Chairpersons’ training for Mission and Evangelism officers or coordinators in Churches, Associations or Conferences. £ Tentmakers Training for professionals who sense God’s call to missions and are willing to use their professions to sponsor their calling. It is an introductory training for professionals who want to be involved in global evangelization as self- supporting missionaries. B. ADOPTION OPPORTUNITIES: £ Prayer Adoption: You can adopt a people group, missionary, or mission field and be praying for them regularly. We have prayer booklet like PREVAILING PRAYER BOOK (produced for 365 prayer chain for missions). £ Financial Adoption: You can agree to pay in part or in full for a missionary’s salary or that of

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 100 mission Pastor. £ Missionaries’ Children Adoption: You can sponsor the education of a missionary’s children for any number of year(s) you feel led to. £ Hosting: You can host missionary couple or family on furlough or vacation from the field. C. SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: Career Missionary: Career Missionaries are missionaries who make a life time investment in cross-cultural evangelism that results in planting New Testament churches. We need missionaries who are ready to work with other people. Short-Term Missionary: These are volunteers who want to go for a few days/months to the field to work with Missionaries. This group of workers do not need a Theological Education, but can attend any of our missionary training school of missions. It will help prepare them fo this work especially if they are to stay up to two years on the field. Student Missionary: This program is designed for University students, Seminary students, and others who fit into similar categories. They may serve for ten weeks or more during the long vacation. This group will require missionary orientation programme before field experience. One Year Service Corps: This program is for Universities, Seminaries or

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 101 Theological Colleges’ graduates who choose to invest one year for God on a mission field after their graduation. They may use their training, skills or talents to meet the need of missions in any of the fields e.g. they may serve as teachers in one of our mission schools; doctors, nurses or laboratory technologists in mission clinic; farm managers, vet doctors, animal keepers on GMB demonstration farm; pioneer evangelist, church planters and pastors on mission fields; administrators, financial managers, mission mobilizers, computer operators, data analysts, language instructors, etc in GMB office. Journeyman Mission Program: This is a two years for God mission program designed for single Seminary students, University graduates and other graduates from any other higher institutions, who are willing to commit two years to mission work in home or foreign mission fields. This is self-sponsored or Church sponsored. Tentmakers: These are Christians who use their businesses or employments to further the work of evangelism and church planting. They follow the example of Apostle Paul. They can be enlisted as GMB missionaries after training for supervision, accountability, prayer and logistic supports. Volunteer Mission Mobilizers: These are Mission minded individuals whose vision and passion are to promote and enlist as many as possible to join Global Missions work force as volunteers, intercessors or financiers.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 102 D. GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: £ Cooperative Giving (20%): This is 20% monthly co-operative due of local Baptist Churches paid to the Convention to care for our collective responsibilities including Global Missions Board. We encourage every church in the convention to be faithful. £ Missions Emphasis Giving: This is the mission offering collected twice in a year. First, Home Mission Week of Prayer in March to May and second, International Mission Week of Prayer in November to January of the following year. £ Project Giving: This is a special donation to meet specific needs on the fields. It may be training indigenes, providing mobility, building projects, and others. £ Partnership Giving: This is ₦10 monthly minimum mission donation by every Baptist including children. £ A Will Giving (Bequeathing): This involves giving by a will, personal or family property to the course of missions e.g. house, vehicle, land, farm, books or library, etc.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 103 known Bible translation in Dukawa language. The religion of the people is African Traditional Religion. All these people groups, including the Dukawas are majorly adherents of African traditional religion but have been greatly influenced by Islamic practices. The Baptist has two Churches among the Dukawas: One in Mai Haya-haya and the other one in Uwallelle Bagudo Local Government Area, Kebbi State Nigeria. The converts are up to fifty but none is yet to be baptised. Ask God to destroy powers and principality ruling over the people. Ask God to multiply and establish all the converts on the field. Ask God to multiply indigenous disciples and leaders in the land. Pray that God will send more labourers into His field for harvest. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field for provision. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. Birthdays: Abegunde Sunday Adeola, Goodluck Onyemike THURSDAY, JULY 2 Thank God for His provision in 2019. Thank God for financial, material and other forms of provision that we have had in the course of the year. Let us thank God for His protection over all of the account staff of Global Missions Board for God has been protecting them in the daily discharge of their duties. Thank God for His continuous provision for His work of missions.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 104 FRIDAY, JULY 3 Let us pray for the Finance and Investment Ministry of the Global Missions Board and her staff that the Lord will be with them. Ask God especially for wisdom knowledge and understanding from above for the responsibilities. Intercede that divine guidance will be their portion in the discharge of their duties. May God make today a harvest day of the Muslims into the kingdom of God as they observe their Jumaat service. Birthdays: Adedeji Aderemi Titus, Caroline Amadi SATURDAY, JULY 4 Let us pray for the economy of Nigeria. Pray that our economy will get better than what it is so that mission can in turn receive a financial boost. Let us pray against the spirit of greed and tight fistedness in our midst. Pray that we may be daily ready to give of our God given resources to the owner, for His work. Birthday: Isaac Atilade Opayinka SUNDAY, JULY 5 Thank God for the life of our contact person in Imo Home Mission Field, Pastor Bola Oludare. Pray that he will be found faithful by God in the discharge of his duties. Intercede that his labour for the Lord will result in bountiful harvest of souls to God’s kingdom. MONDAY, JULY 6 Bless the name of the Lord for our missionary couple in Niger State Home Mission Field, Guffantti Pastor John Mark. Pray that they will be found faithful in discharging their duties. Ask the Lord to bless and Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 105 prosper the efforts of all the missions Pastors / evangelist working on the field. TUESDAY, JULY 7 One of the unreached people groups that we’ve just discovered last year are the Larus in Guffantti. We only have one known convert among them. Ask God to raise individuals, Churches, Organizations that will be willing to work among them. Pray that we will not be slack, but utilize the ministry opportunity we have in the midst of those people. Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Olawale Olayiwola WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 ZABARUMA PEOPLE GROUP. About 140,000 Zabaruma people are f o u n d i n B a g u d o , Dakingari, and Bunza LGAs. They can still be found in Dandi Local Government Area, Benin Republic and Niger Republic. They have thier original language is Zabarumanci although very few of them can speak Hausa langauge. There is Zabaruma Bible. The religion of the people is Islam. Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. The Baptist has neither Churches nor converts among the Zabaruma people group on this field.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 106 Pray that God will multiply labourers in the field for greater harvest. Ask God to give us converts on the field and make them witnesses to their people. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field, for provision and breakthrough in their mission efforts. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. THURSDAY, JULY 9 Praise God for the staff in finance & Investment ministry of GMB: Mr. Adewale Bolaji, Dn. Oketola Kolawole, Mr. Adegoke Ogunmodede, Mrs. Omolade Ajala, Mrs. Esther Ajala and Miss. Wumi Oladokun. Pray for the GMB Account Clerk and her family (Mrs. Ajala Esther), pray that the Lord will provide and meet all their needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus Birthday: Olawale Ifeoluwa FRIDAY, JULY 10 There is the need for some of the indigenous converts on Ngara home mission field to be theologically trained at a cost of N200, 000 per year. Ask God to meet this need in Ngara Home mission field. Also, pray for the commencement of Hope Mission Primary School in Potiskum. Pray that God will raise partners who will adopt the children of the persecuted, Muslim converts and train them. This project is set to cost 3 million naira. Ask God to join us in the project. May God touch the hearts of our Muslim brothers and sisters in every special ways for positive decisions for Christ as they observe their Jumaat services.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 107 Birthday: Godwill Michael SATURDAY, JULY 11 Good interpersonal relationship is non – negotiable in leadership. Pray that God will grant the Director of GMB more grace and wisdom to establish and nurture solid interpersonal relationship among all GMB workers. Birthday: Gansari Hannah Y. Wedding Anniversary: Mr& Mrs. Adegoke SUNDAY, JULY 12 Leadership position is most times energy sapping. Intercede on behalf of the Director, GMB that his strength will not diminish. Pray that in all ramifications, God will add unto him. Ask God to constantly anoint and energize him both physically and spiritually. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. Dr. & Rev. Mrs. Ijaola MONDAY, JULY 13 Pray specifically for the management team of GMB that they will operate under open heavens and that all decisions they will take during their meetings in this second half of this year will be God – glorifying. Pray that none of them will be used of the devil to work against the progress of the organization. Birthdays: Oluwafemi Ajani, Makinde Mercy TUESDAY, JULY 14 Pray for the management of the Global Missions Board, Ask that God will help them to enjoy the grace of divine guidance during the exercise of deployment

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 108 and redeployment. Birthday: Olopade O. Olubusoye WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 FULANI PEOPLE GROUP. Fulani’s are found in Bagudo, Dakingari, and Bunza LGAs. Although very few of them can still be found in Dandi Local Government Area, Benin Republic and Niger Republic. Original language is Fulanci or Fulatanci; majority of them cannot speak other languages especially their women. Fulani Bible exists. They are predominantly Muslims. Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. There are no converts yet or Churches among Fulani on this field. Ask God to save more souls on the field. Pray that God should send more labourers into His field for harvest. Ask God to multiply and establish all the converts on the field and bless their endeavours. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field for provision and breakthrough in their mission efforts. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. Today is World Youth Skills Day. Pray that our youths will be empowered and will positively make use of their skills for the spreads improvement of our society. THURSDAY, JULY 16 Due to several known and unknown reasons, some mission partners are becoming nonchalant and passive. Pray for a great revival in the heart of all GMB partners. Intercede that the God of missions will

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 109 Himself spur them to do all that is expected of them in this year 2020 and beyond. Birthdays: Abundant T. O. Orogun, Testimony Erioluwa FRIDAY, JULY 17 Beyond efforts and trials to make money, there are divine blessings without sorrow. Intercede for divine blessings upon all GMB partners, donors and supporters. Pray that lines will fall for them in pleasant places this year and that all of their efforts will be fruitful. Today is another Friday; May there be harvest of souls amongst the Muslim this day even as they worship in their various Jumaat centers. SATURDAY, JULY 18 The Mission Volunteer team, which was growing weak, has by the grace of God found new footing. Pray for God’s divine intervention in the affairs of these groups of people, that all will be well with them. Pray that as they voluntarily spend their lives, time and money for the Lord on the fields, God will always crown their efforts with success. Pray that they will always find joy and fulfillment in all they do. Birthdays: Bosede Alli SUNDAY, JULY 19 Ask God to raise more missions – loving and prioritizing souls who will be ready to give both in cash and kind for the progress of the work of God. Intercede that new zeal will be rekindled in the heart

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 110 of all who have been supporting missions hitherto. MONDAY, JULY 20 Pray for all Christian politicians that Gods abiding presence will envelope them. Pray that they receive grace to do the needful in whatever capacity they serve. Ask God to keep them away from acts that will drag the name of the Lord in the mud. TUESDAY, JULY 21 Pray for the GMB Account Officer and his family (Adegoke Ogunmodede), pray that the Lord will provide and meet all their needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Pray for the GMB Account Officer II and her family (Mrs. Ajala Omolade), pray that the Lord will provide and meet all their needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Pray for the GMB Account Officer and her family (Miss. Wumi Oladokun). Pray that the Lord will provide and meet all their needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Birthday: Popoola Oluwatoyin Dorcas WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 DANDI PEOPLE GROUP. Dandi’s population is not known. They live in Dandi LGA, Niger Republic and Benin Republic. Their original language is dandenci. They also speak Zabarumanci and Hausa languages. There is no Dandi Bible yet, but work is in progress to have one. The religion of the people is

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 111 Islam. Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. There are about five Dandi converts in Tunga Numa in Benin Republic; one of them has been baptized. Ask God to pull down the pillars of other religions on the field. Let us intercede that God will send labourers into His field for harvest. Pray God to cause speedy maturity for all the converts on the field. Thank God for His constant provision for all workers on the field. Ask that He may continue showering His grace of provision and constant divine revelation for the workers on the field. Ask God to grant them His enablement to ever expand His kingdom on their field and beyond. THURSDAY, JULY 23 Thank God for the lives of the Finance & Personnel Committee of the Board comprising the Chairman, (VP finance & Investment), GMB Director, Principal Accountant & GMB Admin & Human Resource Officer. Pray that God will use them to take right Financial decision for the Board. Pray for divine wisdom, sound mind and protection for all the staff of Finance and Investment ministry of the Board. Pray that God will supply all the financial needs of the Board. Birthday: Ariteshoma Ijaola FRIDAY, JULY 24 Praise God for the ₦10 per Baptist member per month initiative of the GMB. Through your giving, 4 four wheel drive vehicles have been bought for Togo,

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 112 Chad, Mali and Benin Republic international mission fields to safe the Board from embarrassment. Thank God for individuals, Churches, Associations, Institution etc, that have been giving GMB financial support regularly. Pray for more of His blessing upon their endeavours and that God will raise more supporters for the work. Today is Friday, may Muslim children be reached for Christ and may more doors of effective ministry be opened among the Muslims all over the world. Birthday: Gansari Williams Bio SATURDAY, JULY 25 Pray for the GMB Principal Accountant and his family (Mr. Wale Bolaji). Pray that the Lord will provide and meet all their needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Pray for the GMB Senior Accountant and his family (Dn. Oketola Kolawole). Pray that the Lord will provide and meet all their needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Birthday: Sunday Adegoke SUNDAY, JULY 26 Thank God for the lives of all the Church Pastors in all our Baptist Churches, let’s pray for them that God will help them to stir the heart of their members up towards mission work of the Global missions Board. Let’s pray that God will help all the Baptist family to have open hearts toward the work of mission in all our mission fields and to be able to support GMB mission work with good financial resources.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 113 Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs Ige MONDAY, JULY 27 The vision of our School of Missions is to train gospel workers. Before graduation every student must plant at least 1 Church. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to students where God is working and for Him to call them to join Him and plant reproducible Churches for Christ. Birthdays: Ojo Lydia Ayomide, Gayus Joseph Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Ekpenyong TUESDAY, JULY 28 The Benue Home mission field has a Nursery/Primary School and a Mission School that was recently started. The need for education at different levels cannot be over emphasized. Pray for the new Mission School, that it will be used by God to raise evangelists and Church planters on the field. Also pray for the children of the Nursery/Primary School, that God will help them to get the right teaching today that will make them the right leaders for tomorrow. Pray for the Instructors and teachers of these schools that they will do their work as unto the Lord and that they will not miss their reward. Birthday: Esther Ayandokun WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 GOBIRAWA PEOPLE GROUP. The population is not known. They live in Dandi Local Government Area, Niger Republic and Benin Republic. Original language of this people's group is not known. They have adopted Hausa language. There is no Gobirawa

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 114 Bible and we are unaware of any ongoing Bible translation work. The religion of the people is Islam. Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. The Baptist has neither Churches nor converts among the Gobirawa people group. Ask God for constant divine revelation for the workers on the field. Ask God to grant them His enablement to continue to expand His Kingdom on this field and beyond. Pray that God should send labourers into His field for harvest. Ask God to give us converts on the field. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field for provision. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. THURSDAY, JULY 30 Many of the GMB mission fields have Nursery and Primary Schools where the missionaries are trying to ‘catch the children young. Pray for these schools; ask that God will work through the efforts in these Schools to bring these children to the Lord. Many of such Schools are in rural areas where some parents are either not capable to cater for their children adequately or they do not see the importance of investing so much in education. Pray that the needs of the different groups will be met for God to be glorified. Today is International Day of Friendship. Pray that God will grant us the grace to make use of Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 115 relationship and friendship strategy to evangelize the Muslims and others. FRIDAY, JULY 31 Each of our Schools of Missions has connection with the host communities, the host Association(s) and the host Conferences; Hitherto, each School has enjoyed peaceful coexistence with their hosts. They have also benefitted from their benevolence. Pray that God will bless these kinds of relationship among the Schools of Missions and the people around them. Pray that these people will see themselves as stakeholders of the Schools in their area consequently helping to develop and sustain the Schools. As our Muslim brothers and sisters observe their Jumaat service today, May Christ be revealed to them as the Way, the Truth, and the Life as they religiously seek for Him. As Muslims celebrate the Id-El-Kabir festival, May God reveal Himself to them for them to accept the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Birthday: Joshua Makinde SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 Worship our Lord God for the past provisions for the task of research and statistics unit. Entreat the Lord to continue to provide human, financial, material, spiritual, and logistic resources to realize fruitful research works and discoveries of the remaining unreached, resistant, and un-engaged people groups of the earth. Ask God to help Churches and Christians therein to utilize these discoveries for informed

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board page 116 Mission Prayer Guide page 117 intercession and strategic planning to evangelize the remaining people groups of the world. Birthday: Tamar Adeola Olopade SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 Pray the Triune God to pour always the anointing of the Holy Spirit on all Christian researchers and statisticians for revelatory wisdom to carry out their tasks. Solicit the Lord God to assist them to utilize His wisdom to discover all the necessary elements that will aid the production of Christian witnesses among unreached and unengaged people groups of the world. MONDAY, AUGUST 3 Summit into the hands of our God the life and family of Rev. Dr. A. A. Ayandokun - the Unit Head of Research and Statistics. Ask the Lord to shower on him needful wisdom and enablement to spur GMB to expedite action on the expansion of the Gospel of the Kingdom (God’s reign) to the entire world with adequate research and statistical information. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 Request the Lord God in Christ to saturate the hearts of individual persons among the unreached, resistant, and unengaged people groups of the world with revelation of His salvation, reign, abundance and eternal life. Entreat the Lord God to grant these prospects the grace of repentance, faith, and obedience, to embrace the divine salvation, life, and reign of God in their lives. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 KABAWA PEOPLE GROUP. There is no population

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 118 record for Kabawa people who reside in Dandi Local Government Area, Niger Republic and Benin Republic. They claim to have no other language beside Hausa language. Since the people claim to have no other language beside Hausa, we conclude they have Hausa Bible. The religion of the people is Islam. Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el Kabir. Baptist missions have neither Churches nor converts among the Kabawa People group. Pray that God should send labourers into His field for harvest. Ask God to prepare the hearts of prospects for the Gospel. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field, for provision. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. Birthdays: Akintayo Michael Adedayo, Saturday Obateru, Iyabo Akinremi THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 Pray the Almighty God to grant to the researchers and statisticians His guidance, assistance, and protection as they carry out their divine assignments among the unreached, resistant, and unengaged people groups of the earth. Solicit God in Jesus to offer them His insight in every research place in order to generate inspiring information that will spur individual

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 119 Churches and Christians into evangelism and missions. FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 Ask the God of love to lead, provide, and empower the researchers and statisticians to give always the deeds of kindness and love to their prospects as they carry out the tasks of missions and evangelism among the unreached, resistant, and unengaged people groups of the world. Let us call on God in Christ to utilize these deeds of love and kindness to open up the hearts and lives of the prospects to the Gospel of God’s salvation and reign. May the Spirit of God that leads to salvation be poured on our Muslim brothers and sisters as they observe their Jumaat prayers. Birthday: Kayode Silas SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 Let us pray the Lord God to send His Holy Spirit on our generation to cause world-wide and lasting revival along with spiritual awakening. Let us ask God to make spiritual awakening spur the local Churches and the Christians therein into passionate pursuance of world evangelization. Offer plea to our Lord God to utilize spiritual awakening to stimulate the prospects to respond with repentance, faith, and obedience in order to embrace the Gospel of God’s salvation and reign. Birthday: Peace Adeola Obateru

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 120 SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 Entreat God in Christ for His support and participation with missionaries, evangelists, Church planters, and other Christian witnesses in the task of expanding God’s reign, righteousness, and holistic salvation to the entire world. Birthday: Janet Omoyeni Adeyemo MONDAY, AUGUST 10 Pray to the Triune God to grant all the stakeholders of world missions the spirit of prayer that will cause them to permeate with prayer all aspects of missions. Request in prayer that God in Jesus will grant great harvest of souls among the prospects and great spiritual awakening among the Christians. Birthday: Adedeji A. Beaulah TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 Entreat God through Christ to cause all believers to take seriously the matter of life-long discipleship that will make all believers to be disciples and disciplers who are equipped to work among the discovered unreached, resistant, and unengaged people of the world. Intercede that this discipleship endeavour will result in having sound men and women who will be ready to be used of God. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12 LOPAWA PEOPLE GROUP. Population of Lopawa people is about 10,000. They are found mostly at Ngaske Local Government in Kebbi State. Original language is - Kirikiri or Lopa. They also speak Hausa. No Bible translation in the language. Islam and ATR

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 121 are the predominant religions of Lopawa people. Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. There are neither converts nor Churches among the Lopawa people group. The Global Glorious Missions has actively engaged the Lopawa in an outreach organized in December 2018 which resulted in 41 converts. Pray for Gospel breakthrough among the people. Ask God to raise intercessors for the salvation and establishment of His kingdom among them. Ask God to raise more labourers to team up with those on the field to bring in the waiting harvest. Ask God to establish the new converts on the field. Pray for provision of all resources needed for ministry among this people. Ask God to break the stronghold of other religion over the Lopawas. Today is International Youth Day. Pray that God will put His spirit in our youths and will empower them for the task of world evangelization. Birthday: Akinremi, Praise Olayinka THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 Offer your prayer to the Lord for the salvation of the souls of 50, 000 Busa people group in Kebbi of Niger State. The people group has Islam as dominant religion and the Evangelicals are yet to engage the people. Pray for willing and ready gospel labourers

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 122 among the people. Intercede for all forms of provision for the task. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 Make earnest prayer to God for the lives of about 6,000 Muslims in Damlanci people group. They have their location both in Bauchi and Plateau states. Ask God to send more laboureres into the midst of these people. Intercede for a serious outpouring of God’s power resulting in salvation, healing and establishment of converts. As Muslims meet today in various Jumaat centers, may God’s mercy and compassion lead them to salvation. May God use their good works belief to lead them to salvation. Birthday: Amadi Stanley Ukachukwu SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 Agonize in prayer for the holistic salvation of Duwai people group of Yobe State. The people are Muslims majorly and numbered 19,000. Break the grip of Islam through intercession. SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 Information has it that Geruma/Gerumawa people group of Bauchi State are about 19,000 in population with Islam as dominant religion and are among the unengaged people groups in Nigeria. Solicit the Lord God to break the stronghold of Islam amidst them and shed the light of the Gospel of God’s Kingdom into their hearts in order to embrace God and His holistic salvation. Birthday: Maje Rabiu

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 123 MONDAY, AUGUST 17 Pray God in Jesus Christ to deliver Gudu people group in Adamawa State from the bondage of Islam. They are with the population of 9,100 and still unengaged. Ask God to send more labourers into their midst. Intercede that Gods kingdom be established perpetually among them. TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 Entreat God in prayer for 2,000 in number Jimbin people group in Bauchi State that are gripped by Islamic religion. Ask God to win many souls among them to Himself and for God to anoint with His Holy Spirit the believers among them, to win to God in Christ the remaining Jimbins. Pray that the Gospel messengers among them be endowed with Gods power to do valiantly for God in the midst of these people. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19 ARAWA PEOPLE GROUP. Arawa people’s population is not known. They are found at Dandi and Bagudo LGA. This people group claims to have no other language besides Hausa language. Hausa Bible exists for Hausa speaking people. The religion of the people is Islam. Their culture has been Islamized. The people fully practice two major Islamic festivals: Eid el fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting and Eid el kabir. There are 2 Arawa converts; 1 in Kyengawai Dandi LGA, Kebbi State

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 124 Nigeria and the other one in Bagadaza, Benin Republic. Ask God to establish all the converts on the field. Pray that God should send labourers into His field for harvest. Pray for open heaven upon all the Gospel labourers on the field for provision. Ask God to strengthen the present field workers to achieve His purpose. Today is World Humanitarian Day. Pray that the fear of God and love for fellow men through Jesus Christ will indwell in all hearts. Birthdays: Jeremiah Oluwagbemi, Ojo Caleb Toluwabori THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 Let us pray to God to support evangelistic efforts of Baptists that now operate amidst Laru people group with the approximate population of 5,000. The major religion they practice is Islam and can still be classified unreached. Intercede for the Holy Spirit to direct other Christians, Churches, and mission agencies to join Baptists, thereby establishing God’s Kingdom amidst them this will afford them the opportunity of embracing the Lord God in Christ and be accepting His Salvation. Birthdays: Oluwaseyi Matthew FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 Let us travail in our prayer for the souls of all the remaining unengaged people groups of the world. We should ask God in Christ Jesus to shower their hearts with divine revelation that can lead them to accept God and His holistic salvation.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 125 Pray that God will bring many of our Muslim brothers and sisters to the point of accepting Jesus Christ into their lives before the end of this year. May they encounter Him during their Jumaat Service today. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 Let us intercede for all Christians to remain revived to always do the will of God and work of God in terms of being involved in the task of world evangelization. Pray that the Lord will inspire the heart of all Christians globally with serious love and concern for the lost. SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 Pray earnestly that God in Christ continue to anoint Christians and local Churches, to respond and participate positively in the task of global evangelization. Solicit God that their anointing should be in the areas of prayer, giving, going, and welcoming the diaspora people with the holistic Gospel for their holistic salvation. MONDAY, AUGUST 24 Entreat God in Jesus Christ to put it in the hearts and minds of Christians who are committed to the goal of realizing world evangelization that it is their duty to bring and build up less-committed Christians to join them in the divine task. Birthday: Bola Toyin Ojo Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Gansari

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 126 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 May our earnest prayer be, “May God in Jesus Christ put it in the hearts of all believers in Jesus to pray daily for all aspects of the task of global evangelization.” In addition, “May the power of the Holy Spirit spur us all to continue in intercession for global spiritual awakening and revival that enhances the task of world missions.” Birthdays: Faith Olawale, Oluwafunmilayo Dorcas Ayanlere WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 GROUP. There are about 2,000,000 Igala People. Igala and Bassan peoples have relatively the same culture, and are found on the eastern flank of the confluence of Rivers Niger and Benue. There is a complete Bible and a Hymn book in Igala language. By religious statistics, Christianity is 55%, Islam 35 %, and African Traditional Religion 10 %.Farming and fishing are the main occupations in the area with few petty traders, and civil servants in recent years. Igala people are predominantly idol worshippers. Many lay claim on Christianity and some Islam, however, they still hold on to idolatry. The people groups share some common cultural characteristics such as unique tribal marks by which they can be identified anywhere, their mode of dressing, traditions and norms are much close to that of of South West of Nigeria. 26

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 127 Churches have already been planted amidst them. In partnership with other mission lovers, a landed property has been donated by the Igala Baptist Churches. School of Missions, Idah has been training Church Planters and Evangelists. Pray for more open doors of ministry in the land, boldness and utterance to faithfully speak God’s word and positive response from the people. Pray that new members will be added to the Churches and those ones in the Churches will be established in faith. Ask God to open the heart of the people of the land to respond positively to the gospel message. Implore God for acquisition of permanent venues for the new Churches. Ask God to destroy the barrier of religiosity, division, witchcraft and other strongholds of the devil hindering the spread of the Gospel in the land. Ask God to raise burden bearers in form of intercessors, mission lovers and seasoned evangelists to complement the efforts of the Church planters, Pastors and supporters for the growth and development of Churches and mission work on the field. Supplicate that all the needs of the Churches and the field be met from time to time. Implore God in Christ to take good care of the family of the Pastors working on the field. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 Pray the Lord God to ever inspire all believers in Jesus to ever give willingly and generously towards the work of global evangelism and missions. Ask God to bless His children with abundance in the year 2020 and henceforth. Birthday: Ayomide Joseph

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 128 FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 Solicit the Lord of missions to always disclose to individual Christians and Churches specific near and far places He intends them to go and evangelize people for Him and empower them to do so. Pray that all Christian will be alert to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in the discharge of their duties. As our Muslim brothers and sisters meet today for the Jumaat service, may God will be revealed to them in glorious and marvelous ways. Birthdays: Ruth Olaniran, Ladi Yusuf Demeh SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 Intercede for all individual Christians to embrace the love of God with which they could welcome diaspora people coming to their places. In addition, ask God to empower them to offer diaspora people the deeds of love and kindness and holistic Gospel for their holistic salvation. Intercede that our acts will not be against the gospel Pray that God will guide us both in conduct and speech. Birthday: Ezekiel Elijah SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 Pray the Lord God for liberation and cleansing of the lives and environs of all individual unreached, resistant, and unengaged people groups of the world with His blood, word, Holy Spirit and Fire. Ask God in Jesus to saturate the places and the people with the revelation and witnesses of the Holy Spirit that will enhance their understanding of the Gospel for their

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 129 holistic salvation. Birthday: Akintola Erioluwa Daniella MONDAY, AUGUST 31 Solicit the Lord God to put it in the hearts of all Christians who are professionals to perceive what they can do with their varied professions as social works in the mission fields. Pray that their hearts will be made willing to do all they could in the service of the Kingdom. Birthday: Theodora Eniola Olopade TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Let us entreat God in Christ to lead Christians with varied spiritual gifts such as evangelism, teaching, prophecy, leadership, generosity, miracles, healing, mercy, wisdom, and others to be visiting and working in various mission fields either on short or long-term basis. Birthdays: Oketola Ronke Ololade, Fiyinfoluwa Ajala, Fogofoluwa Ajala, Ruth Dupe Ajibade WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 BASSA PEOPLE GROUP. About 180,000 Bassa people are found on the eastern flank of the confluence of Rivers Niger and Benue; bordered on the North by Benue and Nasarawa States. They speak Bassange. There is a complete Bible in Bassange language (Utukada Tijilo) and a Hymn book (Utukada Azunja). By

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 130 religious statistics, Christianity is 50%, Islam 35% and ATR 15%. The people group shares some common cultural characteristics such as unique tribal marks by which they can be identified anywhere. Bassa culture is close to that of the Gwari people of FCT. They dress in Ogboro and Ubeche. Farming and fishing are the main occupations in the area. The mission work is expanding and there are four Baptist Churches among this people group. A new Church was planted in Oguma the capital of Bassa LGA. A Church Pastorium was constructed. 3 Churches now have either temporary or permanent worship centers in addition to those that have been built before the adoption of the mission field. Some Church leaders/Mission Pastors have joined the existing field workers. Thank God for His grace and mercy over the land. Ask for the forgiveness of the sins of founding fathers and many generations that follows them. Pray against all the activities of witches and wizards in the land. Commit the Churches into God's hands and ask God to raise great leaders in the land. Pray for the peace of the land. Pray for the ministers in the land for God's divine protection and favour upon their families. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Make Intercession in the name of the Lord God so that individual persons in the various mission fields will have learning spirits and minds to learn from the Christians with varied gifts whom God sent to them. Implore God to use all they will be learning to be on missions for God. Pray to God for the salvation of souls and edification of the body of Christ.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 131 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Offer sincere prayer to the Lord God to build-up the persons in the individual mission fields to become mature believers who will participate in building reproducing Churches amidst their own individual people groups and beyond. As the house of Islam worships this Friday, may the veil that is covering their faces be removed so that they can see and embrace the living God the Father and Jesus His Son. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Thank God Almighty for His goodness and mercy upon our Schools of Missions. The past year has been a success for each of our Schools. Pray That God Almighty will move each School forward for His glory. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Thank God Almighty for He has increased the parcel of land of the School of Missions in Gidan Ahmadu with about eight plots. The final process of agreement took place on 21/01/2019. The School had a piece of land some distance away from the School. God caused a man with some land adjacent to the School land to agree to swap with our land. The two oldest leaders of the community were the signatories as witnesses. Birthdays: Akintola Grace Titilayo, Oluwanifemi Bolaji, Chritianah Oyetola Oyelude, Josiah Ige

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 132 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Thank God for the positive response of the local people and others from outside of Katsina State who have been coming to the School of Missions of GMB for training. Pray that God will help to provide the different resources that will help make coming to the School easier for these students TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Most of the Students of our Dry season Schools of Missions are subsistent farmers. Pray that God will favor them and bless their land and make their land yield multiple folds, so that they will not lack bread to eat or seed to sow. Pray that the time they spend in School will be time of increase for them in all ways. Birthdays: Ayanlere Aanuoluwa David, Ijaola Ayomide WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 BASSA OF MASHEGU PEOPLE GROUP. This tribal people differ in dialect and culture from Bassa people of Shiroro LGA of Niger Nasarawa and Kogi States. They are about 60, 000 in Kasanga, Gada and Mashegu towns of Niger State. The people had abandoned their dialect, culture and now claim Hausa as their main language. The people all claim they are Muslims. They are friendly and very hospitable. GMB began working with the people in 2011. Students of Baptist Theological Seminary, Kaduna (Bachelor and Diploma in

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 133 Theology class of Church planting of 2013 academic session) under the leadership of Rev. Yakubu Jakada went for outreach to Bassa people of Kasanga from the 6th to 8th April 2013 and got 4 converts but because there was no residential gospel worker to nurture them. They eventually turned back to Islam. Islam had dominated the people and they are very committed Muslims. The people are afraid of repercussion if they accept the Christian faith. We lack labourers to work with the people and no one is available to adopt their salary payment. Pray against forceful domination, ask God to cause the people to be dissatisfied with the religion. Ask God for a breakthrough in reaching and winning the people to Christ. Pray God to send labourers to reap the ripe harvests in Bassa land of Mashegu. Intercede that the Holy Spirit will reveal Christ to the people and will make get them to be genuinely converted to Christ. Birthday: Moyosoreoluwa Matthew THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Pray and thank God for the good health of our students and the volunteer instructors. Pray that Jehovah Rapha will perfect the healing on all those who have one health challenge or the other. Ask God to protect them all, that no student will be urgently required to return back home on account of ill health, a sick child or any problem affecting the spouse. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Thank God for the supply of good water for the School of Missions Katsina State. Pray concerning

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 134 the other major needs of the School. Ask that God will readily make these things available as He raises people to meet such needs. In the various Jumaat Centers today, pray that Jesus will be vividly seen, and audibly heard. May the atoning blood of Jesus save lives among the Muslim faithfuls today. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 The School Of Missions Katsina needs to do the perimeter fencing of their property in order to avoid encroachers on the land, pray that God will keep the land from being tampered with, pray for security of the lives and properties of these people. Pray that all other infrastructures will be taken care of as God raises workers for His work. Ask God for timely provision for the above stated needs and others. Birthday: Olayode Moses SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Thank God for the peaceful co-existence between the students of the School Of Mission in Katsina and the host communities. Pray that this goodwill that they are enjoying will in no way be played with on taken away. Ask that people in the host communities will be mobilized by the School and the Church for the salvation of their souls. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Many of the intending and even some current students of our various Schools of Missions have the challenge of financing their education. In some quarters, some students have benefitted from the benevolence of

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 135 some Baptist family members who have contributed to financing such students through School. Pray that God will bless those who have been giving towards this course and pray that God will raise more donors for the students who still need such help. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 There is the need to work together as a Church to complete the task of reaching the whole world with the Good News of Christ. The efforts of the Schools of Missions to raise indigenous leaders to do these work in their locality is yielding fruits, but maybe not at the rate the work demands. Pray that more laborers will willingly see the need for the training as a necessity for effectiveness in carrying out the task that has been placed in our hands. Birthdays: Peter Oloyede Oyelude, Jesupemi Oyelakin, Ajala Taiwo Adegbola, Ajala Adegbola Kehinde WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 BAUCI PEOPLE GROUP. Bauci is one of the majority tribe in Rafi LGA. Above 80, 000, Bauci people are found the east of Kagara the Headquarters of Rafi LGA and part of Shiroro LGA, Niger State. Madaka of Rafi LGA is t h e i r h o m e t o w n a n d Headquarters. Kushi is their language. There are gospel recordings and visual gospel cassettes (Available with Kamuku HMF and Gospel Recording Nigeria

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 136 Jos) but no Bible in their dialect. By religious statistics, Islam is 75%, ATR are 24.9% while Christians are only 2 families in the land. There are some other Bauci Christians who are living in Minna and Kaduna. Hardly can they come back to live among their tribal people or attempt to evangelize. Traditional religionists hold annual festival for initiation of boys. Women and strangers are not permitted to attend. Bauci people are friendly and very hospitable. Today, there are 2 Pentecostal Churches in Madaka. The worshippers in each of the Churches are not more 10 and only one Bauci native family attends one of the Churches. The second native Christian family worships at Kauna Baptist Church, Luggah. GMB has no Church or mission station among the Bauci people. As of now, there is Cave mission, GMB and the 2 Pentecostal Churches that are working with the people. There are about 45 un- Churched villages in the land. Pray that God will send labourers to reap the ripe harvests of the field. Pray that God will break the power of Islam in the land. Ask God to strengthen the few Christians and grant them the grace to endure persecution they are facing among Muslims of the land. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Global Missions Board alone cannot effectively do the work alone; moreover there is strength in number. There is the need for Churches, Associations and Conferences to join hands with the GMB to help meet the need of raising and training more foot soldiers to do ministry work in the rural places as well as in the

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 137 urban areas. Pray that there will be a great awakening that will bring Baptists at different levels up to start to train and teach people to be missional in everything they do. Birthdays: Akintayo Christiana, Mary Akintayo FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 A synergy between The Nigeria Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomoso; Emmanuel Baptist Church, Sabo Oke , Ilorin and the Global Missions Board has already birthed a new School of Missions (SOM) in Guffanti Home Mission field. This SOM started after the observation by Emmanuel Baptist Church, Ilorin, that some of the Churches on the field need trained leaders. Pray that more of such collaboration will begin and continue between our different Churches, institutions and the GMB. As our Muslim brothers and sisters observe their Jumaat prayers today, may God reveal Himself to them as the only true God through the Lord Jesus Christ. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Pray for the 45 students that have enrolled for the 3 year course at the SOM Guffanti. Pray that God will make their studies fruitful. Pray also that they will not only acquire head knowledge but that they will release themselves to be touched of God so that they can make exploits for the Lord in their places of assignment. Birthday: Kolawole Oketola

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 138 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 The Center in Oke Bola where the School of Mission is situated near Ogbomoso has a Primary School that tries to meet the educational needs of the children of the neighboring villages, Because of the rural setting of the School; it has faced the challenge of teaching staff over the years. Pray that God will touch the hearts of the teachers, so that they will be willing to stay in the village to help raise these leaders of tomorrow. Ask God to also raise individuals that will be willing to use their holidays and leave periods to volunteer their time in the School. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 There is the need for more buildings to be erected in all of our Schools of Missions. In Minna center, lack of accommodation has greatly affected the yearly enrolment of students. As it stands now, the students are asked to pay a whole year's rent by the local landlords for the 3 months' period necessary for each academic session. Entreat God to raise support for this School, so that the challenge of accommodation will be solved. Also, pray that the landlords will be favorably disposed to these students who seek accommodation and temporary shelter from them. Birthday: Rachael Awolola TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 The SOM Minna has one lone brick building on its site, a hall made with roofing sheets is the only other structure on the grounds, when the sun is up this hall gets so heated up, it becomes so unbearable to sit in it, yet it is the School's assembly hall. Ask God to help

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 139 the School get finances that will help construct a better hall for the students. Assembling for programs such as the graduations is usually done under tents, and with the high and heavy winds which can be dangerous, pray that God will help us have a solution to these problems by providing an auditorium as soon as possible. Birthday: Iyeoluwa Ayandokun WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 GELLAWA PEOPLE GROUP. Gellewa are about 55, 000, mostly found in Zuru LGA of Kebbi State and part of Niger State. In Niger State. They are found in villages like Tozon Daji, Tudun Kuba, Ungwan Danguntu, Masalaci Zaki, Katanba and many more. All these villages are found in Mashegu LGA of Niger State. They speak Gelle and only have gospel messages in their dialect produced by Gospel Recording Jos. Tribal religionists are 30%, Muslims are 50% and Christians are 0.2% while pagans are 5%. Gulmo is a tradition the people revere. If a boy wants to marry, he will work for 7 years in the farm of his father-in law to be. He will organize his friends or age mates to go and work. During the years, the friends will be following the boy that wants to marry with sticks, they would beat him and he must not cry or complain. Ihola is a festivity during which every boy who finishes Gulmo brings his wife home. Most of Gellewa Christians are from UMCA while few are in

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 140 Baptist especially those in Tozon Daji and Tudun Kuba villages. Tribal religious beliefs and practices are still revered and held among the people even by the Muslims and Christians. Pray for a spiritual transformation of those who had contact with the gospel. Pray that they should be light that will point other unbelievers to Christ. Ask God to bring a discontentment with Islam and tribal religion leading the Gellawas to seek for the reality of God. Ask God to raise mission minded people to work with Gellawa people. May the Holy Spirit reveal Christ to the people, convict and convert them to accept the gospel. Birthday: Ayomiposi Bolaji THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Thank God for the SOM Oke Bola via Ogbomoso and the grace to work in raising Evangelists from various tribes (about 14 different ethnic groups are represented from time to time in this School.) Pray that God will use the instructions these student evangelists receive to make them useful tools in His vineyard and to win the nations for Christ as they return to their people with the Good News. Also, pray that God will raise more volunteer instructors who have been prepared with the different languages to be able to assist with the work of teaching these student evangelists. Birthday: Priscila Micheal Dogo FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 The land on which the School of Mission Oke Bola is situated was originally given to the GMB by the

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 141 leadership of the area; unfortunately a lot of issues leading to the loss of part of the land by disgruntled villagers have been going on for some time. Thank God for the wisdom given to the leadership of the board to quell such problems all the times. Pray that such issues will not arise anymore and that no more land will be lost to anybody from that which is remaining. Pray for Muslims that as they gather for Jumaat service today, the Spirit of God will bring about positive changes in their lives and hearts through Jesus Christ. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Among the pressing needs of the School of Mission Oke (SOM) Oke Bola via Ogbomoso was portable drinking water, thank God that this has become a thing of the past, as the chairman of the board, Senator Philip Aruwa Gyunka paid for the sinking of a borehole on the School site with overhead tank for water storage. Pray that this borehole that is now serving not only the students but also the villagers as well, will function effectively and will bring opportunity for these villagers to come to Jesus Christ, the source of living water. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Most students come to the School of Missions Minna to acquire Biblical knowledge, to get developed spiritually and some come for literacy; to know how to read and write. Pray that the mind of Christ will be formed in the lives of the students, thus making them true Disciples of Christ. Ask God to turn them to be God's vessels to advance the kingdom of Christ.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 142 Birthdays: Ojo Joshua Toluwase, Olawale Ibunkunoluwa, Patience Peter Saba MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 The vision of the Schools is to train and prepare gospel workers to be Evangelists and Church planters; before graduation each student must plant at least 1 Church. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to students where God is already working so that they will know where they will join Him appropriately. Ask that God will transform their efforts into a reproducible Church planting movement in their regions for Christ. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Like in all of our other Schools of missions, the instructors in Minna SOM are also volunteers. Appreciate and give God the glory for the sacrifices of these volunteer teachers to train God's soldiers. Ask God to bless and favor them and give them the grace to do more in 2020. Pray also that God Almighty will reward their sacrifices, reward their labour of love and meet them at the points of their various needs. Birthdays: Praise Iyinoluwa, Ayanlere Oluwafemi Adebola WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 The task of training is one that is very crucial to the development of any man; it is also capable of touching every aspect of a person's life. Ask God to do something glorious in the School in 2020; such miracles that will tingle on the ears of everyone who hears them. In the past God had answered prayers in tremendous ways in the SOM Minna with wonderful

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 143 testimonies. Pray for more of such testimonies that will sound unbelievable to people's ears. Hab.1:5. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 Hurray! Nigeria clocks 60. Thank God for His enduring grace that has kept the nation intact till this day. Despite the pockets of unrest and other societal ills, appreciate God for the sustenance, provision, security, and peace the nation daily enjoys. Thank God for the future of Nigeria; appreciate Him because through God, Nigeria shall fulfill her prophetic destiny. Birthdays: Oluwatoyin Ayokunle, Funmi Usman FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 Appreciate God for the leadership of this nation. Thank God for the executive, legislative and judicial arms of government. Despite the strength and weaknesses of the leaders, the nation has not disintegrated. Thank God for stilling all storms against the oneness of Nigeria. Appreciate Him for the unspeakable blessings He has in store for the nation. Today is Friday; contend in prayer for the conversion of Muslim leaders all over the world who are committed to the Islamization Agenda of the entire world. These people are responsible for spreading of Islamic religion all around, and their salvation is most likely to influence Muslims globally. May they receive salvation experience and be used of God like Apostle Paul, even as they go for Jumaat services regularly.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 144 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 Intercede for Nigerian leaders at all levels for godly wisdom in all decisions they will be taking. Pray that the overall interest of the citizenry will be at the centre of their hearts and that an end will come to selfishness and wickedness. Ask God to put His love in the hearts of all leaders. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Bad followers often select bad leaders. Ask God to make all citizens good followers. Intercede that all Nigerians will work and strive for the unity, growth and oneness of the nation. Pray against the spirit of tribalism, rivalry, riot, laziness, intolerance, corruption and other ills that could spell doom for the nation. Wedding Anniversaries: Rev. & Mrs. Adedeji, Rev. & Mrs. Dogo MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 For some years now, the nation has had to battle insecurity, religious riots, kidnapping, pre and post election violence, manipulations and the likes. Ask God to visit this nation in mercy thereby bringing an end to all these and many other vises. Pray that the true knowledge of God will sweep the nation and that all souls will bow to the Lordship of Christ. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 Leadership, at whatever level is energy sapping. Ask God to strengthen our leaders; intercede that God will perfect their health concerns. Pray for strength that equals their enormous task. Ask God to keep them strong, agile and healthy holistically. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 145 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 The Northeastern part of the Country has really been depleted by the inhumane acts of the insurgents! Lives have been lost, properties vandalized and stolen, businesses closed down and others. Pray for a lasting peace in Northeastern Nigeria. Ask God to arrest and disarm the sponsors and perpetrators of these nefarious acts. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Obateru THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 Many Churches in the Northeastern axis have been closed down due to the acts of the insurgents, Pray that members of those Churches wherever they are, will not abandon their faith. Ask that they will be used of God to bring many more souls to the foot of the cross, thereby multiplying the number of the redeemed. Birthday: Folasayo Odetunmibi FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 Pray for lasting revival in the Nigerian Churches. Ask God to baptize all Christians with an unquenchable thirst for the reign of Christ in all the nooks and crannies of the land. Intercede that all Christians will be alive and active within and outside the Churches. Pray that God will reveal unto the Muslims, the truth that will set them free from the bondage of religion as they observe their Jumaat prayer service today. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 Thank God for our security personnel; the Military, Para military, Police force, Custom officers and Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 146 others. Pray that the fear of God and love for humanity will be their overriding passion. Ask God to constantly protect these men and women at all time. Birthday: Kolade Praise Emmanuel SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 The nation still lags behind infra-structurally. This has continued to take its toll on the nation. Ask God to bless our leaders with insight on how to tactically and determinedly address this. Pray for value for money projects in all the nooks and crannies of this nation. Birthday: Bunmi Akindele MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 The sight of abandoned projects across the length and breadth of Nigeria is saddening! Pray for the completion of all these projects in a not too long time from now. Intercede that host communities to some of the on-going projects will be friendly and accommodating to the project executors. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 Many Nigerian teeming youth are either unemployed or unprofitably employed thus making many of them restless and unpatriotic. Pray that several employment opportunities through job creation will be available to the Nigerian youth. Ask God to keep our youth from acts that could truncate their future. Birthday: Andrew Yusuf Demeh WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Intercede for safety on our roads. Though several of our roads are in bad shape; ask God to continue to

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 147 protect all our road users from accidents, kidnappings and insurgents. Ask God to, according to His trusted promise; give His angels charge over His people as they move from one place to the other. Birthdays: Joseph Shada, Tolulola Joshua THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 Many Nigerians are still in the camps of the insurgents. Intercede for their timely and miraculous release. Pray that their presence (the Christians among them) will lead to the salvation of many insurgents thus leading to the glory of God. Today is International Day of Rural Women. Pray for God to help the church to join Him in alleviating the challenges faced by our rural women. Birthday: Oluwatosin Ajani FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 Intercede against all evil altars raised against the nation that they shall fail and stop existing. Pray that those who are interested in the fall of Nigeria will be disarmed, arrested and over powered by God. Today is World Food Day. May God help us to return to our first love for agriculture thereby making food readily available for the populace. Women are in bondage in Islam, pray that God will liberate Muslim women and use them as His soldiers in this end time as our Muslim brothers and sisters observe their Jumaat prayers today Birthday: Dorcas Oyeleke Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Awonugba

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 148 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 Through the help of God, Nigeria has survived the outbreak of several epidemics and diseases like Ebola, Lassa fever and others. Pray that God will stop every plan of the devil to inflict Nigerians with incurable diseases, epidemics and ill winds. Pray that those who are currently sick will be healed of the Lord. Birthday: Abolade Bolaji (Dr. Mrs.) Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Dr. Mrs. Adewale Bolaji SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 The Nigerian education sector needs total overhauling. Pray for those saddled with the leadership of the sector to be selfless, down to earth and pragmatic in the discharge of their duties. Ask God to guide our pupils and youth against gangsterism, cultism, money rituals and other social ills that are rampant of recent. Birthdays: Ayanlere Olutunde, Adeola Adegoke MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 Pray that no anti-Christian law will be passed by our law makers. Intercede that those who are bent on stamping out all that represents Christ will themselves find salvation through Christ. Ask God to bless the witness of the Church with salvation of souls. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Due to epileptic power supply, many companies had relocated from Nigeria while some have become moribund. Pray for a speedy solution to the issue of Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 149 power supply in Nigeria. Ask God to arrest and confuse the saboteurs in these sectors. Birthdays: Felix Ajibade, Miracle O. Orogun, Oluwadamilola Ajani Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Ayanlere WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Kidnapping is almost becoming a trending business in Nigeria. This ill wind blows no one any good. Ask God to stamp out this evil, disarm the perpetrators and grant all Nigerians safety in place of unrest. Birthdays: Mrs. Eunice O. Amusan, Mr. Samuel K. Ajala, Aderanti Racheal Abegunde THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 The Nigeria Interreligious Council (NIREC) is saddled with the responsibility of fostering understanding and peace among people of different faith. Pray for tolerance and peaceful coexistence within all and sundry in spite of our religious differences. Pray that all Nigerians will continue to uphold what unites us rather than what divides us. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 Pray for all Nigerians in the diaspora that they will not drag the name of the nation in the mud. Intercede that Nigeria will not lose her pride of place among the committee of nations. Pray also for safety of lives and properties of these our brothers and sisters. Pray that the eyes of the Muslims will be opened to accept the once and for all sacrifice of the Lamb of God as they observe their Jumaat service today. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 150 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 Several Nigerians in the diaspora have suffered untold hardship and inhumane treatments in their Countries of residence. The recent xenophobic attack readily comes to mind. Pray against the repeat of such the world over. Intercede that serious respite and help will come the way of all our brothers and sisters in foreign lands. Ask that no longer will they be targeted for serial killings, harassment and inhuman treatment Birthday: Gansari Luke Woru SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Hate speech does not build a nation; it has a high tendency of birthing civil unrest, racism, killings and other evils. Ask God to help all Nigerians to correct constructively and put the overall interest of the nation above personal sentiments. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 Our Federal character on many occasions is not upheld when it comes to appointment, infrastructural development and the likes. Pray that our leaders will neither be sentimental not tribalistic in the discharge of their assigned duties. Intercede against god- fatherism which tends to incapacitate leaders from doing what is right. Birthday: Opayinka Mercy Oreoluwa Wedding Anniversaries: Mr. & Mrs. Gbemiga Kayode, Rev. & Mrs. Kolade Alli TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Intercede that God's mercy will prevail. Ask God to remember mercy even in judgment. Pray for a divine Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 151 visitation of God on Nigeria in Jesus name. Ask God for peace, growth, understanding and development throughout the length and breadth of the nation. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 Prophesy against famine and natural disasters in Nigeria. Ask God to continue to shield the Country from both internal and external unrest. Pray for bumper harvest for all labourers at secular, sacred or personal levels. As Muslims remember the birth date of Prophet Mohammed (PBWH), may God through Jesus Christ be revealed unto them. Birthday: Olusegun Makinde THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 Nigerian borders seem to be somehow porous hence the infiltration of our markets with outdated and substandard goods. Pray that this will become a thing of history. Intercede that all officers saddled with the responsibility of keeping our borders safe will be men and women of integrity, dedication and selflessness. Birthdays: Oluwadamilola Alade, Lois Ojurereoluwa Awonugba FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 Ask God to block every avenue for money laundering and siphoning of the nation's treasury. Pray that the recovered money and properties will be properly channeled. Pray against the spirit of greed and selfishness in the hearts of all Nigerians. Ask for the manifestation of the above during the Jumaat service of Muslims today. Pray that God will miraculously

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 152 reveal Himself to them through signs and wonders, dreams and visions. Birthday: Augustine Usman Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Solomon Lanza SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Thank God for leading Nigeria to her deserved haven. Appreciate Him for the coming blessings of peace and abundance in the nation. Prophesy unprecedented growth and development upon Nigeria. Rejoice and celebrate the Nigeria of your dream. Birthdays: Gansari Beatrice Bona, Kolade Alli SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Bless the name of the Lord for His loving kindness, faithfulness, and protection upon the lives of our missionary couple, Rev.& Pastor (Mrs.) Okunlola, our supervising missionaries in Togo. Pray for divine protection and sound health for them. Pray for their children that the Lord will shield and guard them against all forms of attacks, danger and evil. Ask God to grant them wisdom to excel in every area of their lives. Birthdays: Florence O. Obateru MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Pray for Togo field, that the Lord should destroy the barriers of syncretism, nominalism, individualism, division, traditionalism, Islam, and other spiritual stronghold of the devil that are causing great threats to the gospel in the land. Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of the people to respond positively to the gospel. Also, pray that God will open more doors of Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 153 ministry in the land. Ask Him to send more labourers into the field to work among these less reached and unreached people groups of Togo Republic. Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Akinremi TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Commit the Nation – Republic du Togo into God's hands. Ask God to raise people like Joseph and Daniel in the land, who have the Spirit of excellence in them, so that they will be able to direct the affairs of Politics without compromising their faith in the Lord. Also, pray that God will give the few local believers boldness to share Christ with their friends and families. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 The lone brick building in SOM Minna is a block of classrooms with space for 2 offices and conveniences provided in the plan. Entreat God to raise help so that this building will truly be completed. The building still needs some work as follows: ceiling, fixing of toilet facilities, painting, electrification, and building of perimeter fence; pray that help will come from God to take care of these challenges. Birthdays: Kolawole Awonugba, Victoria Matthew, Clement Oyelakin THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Pray that God will grant the Churches planted in Togo field unlimited growth, development and rapid impact of the gospel message in the lives of the members. Pray for the Pastors and lay leaders working with the missionaries on the field. Ask the Lord to provide for them and their family members. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 154 Most of the Pastors are receiving very small stipends at the end of the month. Also, pray for our mission supporters, that they will not know lack. Ask the Lord to bless and meet them at the point of their needs. Pray that the Lord will raise sponsors who will help in paying the Pastors' Children education expenses. Birthday: Awofuye Rose Ogechi FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Pray that the Lord will miraculously provide for the needs of the field (TOGO). Pray that the Lord will raise people who will give towards the building of the mission and guest house (estimated to cost 10 – 15 million). Let us ask God to move our Churches, Associations and Conferences towards building auditoria for the Churches that have been planted on the villages. Ask God to bring dissatisfaction with Islam that will lead Muslims to seek for the reality of God found in the Gospel of Christ, as our Muslim brothers and sisters observe their Jumaat service today. Birthdays: Amadi Clement Chigozi SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Give all glory and adoration to God Almighty for His love, faithfulness, mercies and protection upon the lives of our contact person in Cote D'Ivoire, Rev. Benjamin Okewale and his family members. Thank God for protecting them from the ethnic fight that took many lives, destroyed cars, houses and shops and other properties.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 155 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Pray that God will raise Churches, Associations, Conferences and Individuals who will partner with GMB to support the mission work in Cote D'Ivoire. Pray against the spirit of tribalism in the mind of the people. Pray for unity among the leaders. Pray that God will bind them together with His love and that they will work together with one purpose, thus moving the kingdom of God forward. Birthdays: Akinremi Ayobami, Grace Onyemike Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Akindele Akinsanmi MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Glorify the name of our Lord for Rev. & Pastor (Mrs.) Peter Saba, our missionary couple to Chad. Thank God for their lives and that of their children. Jabez prayed to the God of Israel “Please bless me and give me more territory…” Ask the Lord to bless the Sabas and help them to possess more territories in Chad. Pray that the Lord will be with them and keep them from anything evil that might cause them pain (1 Chron 4:10). TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Thank God for the first Church planted by the ministry of the Sabas in Chad. By the grace of God, the Church has given birth to three other preaching stations. Pray that these Churches will continue to grow and increase in every ramification: numerically, spiritually and financially. Also, pray for the leaders of these Churches: Pst. Toksouma Alafan, Dn. Philemon Ponga, Pst. Gilbert Amiseme and Mr.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 156 Joshua Solomon. Ask the Lord to empower them and bless their efforts. Today is World Day for Peace and Development. Pray that Jesus Christ who is the prince of peace will rule in all hearts and lives. Without peace, there won't be real development. May God's peace usher real development in our hearts, lives and in the world. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 GROUP are about 4.9 million, generally located in the North Kwara State, South, Niger State, and South West Kogi State. The speak Nupe. There is complete Nupe Bible for the people. By religious statistics, Islam is 90%, while Christian is 10%. The Nupes’ culture is Islamic colourized, mixed with Idolatry. Masquerading is part of their culture. Igunnu is one of the highly revered masquerades in the land. Baptist missions is able to plant a Church and a School. Other churches working among the Nupes are ECWA, RCCG, TAC, CAC, Apostolic Faith, Faith Tabernacle, C&S, Christ Cross Covenant Calvary Church, AoG, DLBC, God’s Presence, Lord’s Chosen. There is a level of liberty for Christians to convert the Muslims indigenes. There is need for more work. Also, there is a challenge of misunderstanding and disunity among denominations and missions agencies working among the people. Ask the Lord to bring about revival of His work in Nupe land and put an end to the rapid spread of Islam. Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 157 Pray that those that have given their lives to Jesus Christ will become true disciples of Christ. Pray that the gospel light will shine all over the field. Pray against all altars of idolatry on the field. Pray for more labourers and partners with the mission efforts on the field. Pray that the LORD God will protect all disciples and workers on the field. Birthday: Oluwaseminire Ayokunle THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 One of the preaching stations in Chad is Eglise Baptiste De La Foi at kelo. This Church is facing the challenge of the destruction of their place of worship as a result of heavy rain. Eglise Baptist De La Foi Toukourah place of worship is also affected by the heavy rain fall. Let pray for provision of landed properties for these Churches. Ask the Lord to miraculously move the heart of Baptist members to come to the aid of this field by helping in purchasing landed properties for the Churches. Also, pray for provision for the ongoing projects: the Mission Pastor's house (Pastorium) and place of worship for First Baptist Church, Habbena. Birthday: Kayode Samuel FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Ask the Lord to raise Individuals, Churches, Associations among Yorubas in Cote d'Ivoire to support the vision of reaching the Baoule, Mosi, Daoula Akan people and other tribes in the land. Pray that many Muslims will embrace and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour as they gather for Jumaat Service today.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 158 Specifically pray for Muslims within your circle of influence and social environment. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 The missionary in Chad and his team are working towards opening a new preaching station in Mondou. Pray that the Lord will remove every obstacle that might want to hinder them from achieving this. Also, pray that their efforts will not be in vain. Pray that all that they need to start, the Lord will make available to them. Birthday: Bright Adeyeye Obateru Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Akintola SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Thank God for His sustaining grace over the lives of our missionary couple in Benin, Rev & Mrs. Samuel Ojo. Pray that the Lord will guide them continually and satisfy them with His abundant riches. Pray that the Lord will strengthen them so that they will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Also, pray for them, that they will delight themselves in the lord and allow the Spirit of God to lead and guide them at all time. Today is World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. May God to continue to keep us safe as we all travel from one place to another. We will be victors and not victims in Jesus' name. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Thank God for our mission Pastors and their families in Benin Republic. Pray that they will dwell in peace and experience divine protection from God and also enjoy divine provisions for their needs. Also pray for Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 159 their children, that academically and spiritually they will excel and that the Lord will continuously grant them wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Today is International Day for Tolerance. May the love of Christ help us to tolerate others consequently revealing this love unto others. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Awolola TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Thank God for all the work thus far that the missionary and his team have been able to do through the help of the Holy Spirit in Benin Republic. Pray that God will send more labourers into the field of harvest. Ask the Lord to raise more mission partners. Pray that the Lord will grant us more open doors of ministry. Pray for those that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour that the Lord will keep them in the faith and ask the Holy Spirit to keep helping them to grow spiritually. Birthday: Barnabas Ajibade Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Abegunde WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 OKERETE/ORITA PEOPLE GROUP. They are migrants of about 1 million people in the south- western part of Nigeria. This target people group now in small number live in a place called O k e r e t e , a n e w v i l l a g e established over a decade, It is about 90 Km away from Saki. They speak Somba, PiraPira and Tangita. Efforts are on to get

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 160 Bible in Somba, PiraPira and Tangita languages. By religious statistics, Christianity is 40%, while Islam and ATR are 50%, 10% respectively. On cultural beliefs, It is a mixed settlement of migrants, so there is no specific cultural attachment. 10 Churches have been planted within the Field. Baptist missions have 4 Pastors, and 6 Church leaders. 3 indigenes are in Training at GMB School of Mission, Oke bola, Ogbomoso. Others working in the land are C&S Church, His Coming Evangelical Church, The Apostolic Church, United African Baptist Church. On pressing challenges and needs, there is language barrier, lack of electricity and Secondary School, no access road, no good health facilities and pipe bone water. Therefore, we need Bore holes, 5 more Pastors, building materials for Churches and pastorium, and 4 Motor-Cycles. Pray that God should open more accessible doors in the land and the heart of the people. Pray for peace and unity among farmers and the Herdsmen. Pray for unity among Christian and other Religions in the land. Ask God to touch the heart of Mission supporters to help in meeting material and financial needs. Pray that God will ignite passion of mission minded Churches to support in provision and production of French Bible and that of other Languages for the field work. Ask God to protect all mission workers on the field. Birthday: Pastor Olutunde Joseph Ayanlere THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Ask the Lord to divinely protect our missionaries, their families, all our mission Pastors, their wives and children including all the members of the entire

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 161 Baptist families in Benin Republic. Pray that the lord will keep them from all evil, accidents, sicknesses and sudden death. Pray that their labour will not be in vain. Ask God to raise more mission financiers who will give resources for the work of missions on the field. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Let us come against every ancient traditional religion and traditional gods in the land of Benin Republic that is hindering the spread of the Gospel. Pray against every power of darkness ruling the land and holding the hearts of people captive from coming to the knowledge of the truth of the Gospel. Pray against syncretistic practices among some Church members and believers so that their lifestyle can be truly light and salt of the earth (Christ-like). Pray for more open doors for the spread of the Gospel in Benin. Today is Universal Children's Day. Pray for God to make our children His instruments of peace, joy and ministry in the world. None of us will miss, loose any of our children to sickness, death or the world is Jesus name. Ask that the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ will make positive changes in the hearts of the Muslims as they observe their Jumaat Prayer today. Birthdays: Adewumi Adegoke, Miracle O. Orogun, Oluwadarasimi Alade Wedding Anniversary: Pastor & Mrs. Ayanlere SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Pray for the teenagers in Benin Republic. Pray that the girls will not fall victims of polygamy and premarital pregnancy. Pray that the Lord will guide and help

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 162 them to live a righteous life. Ask the Lord to establish them in His Word and cause them to be shining lights among their contemporaries. Let us pray against sudden and untimely death of young people. This is becoming rampant among the youth since the beginning of last year. Pray for God's protection over them. Birthdays: Jesunifemi Oyelakin, Olumide Olawale SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Praise God for His mercies over the lives of our missionary couple in Mali, Rev & Mrs. Ladi- Fanta Oyelude. Pray for divine protection and good health for the Missionaries, Mission Pastors and their families. Ask the Lord to bless their efforts and expand His Kingdom in Mali. Pray for genuine Christian love, unity and cooperation among them (the missionaries and the mission Pastors) and the Malian Churches. Pray that the Lord will raise more indigenous Malian workers for His harvest in this Country. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Pray for the salvation of our Mission Schools Children, Teachers, Workers and their family members. Over 90% of about 380 Children in the Schools are not from Christian homes. Thank God for the lives of members of the Deacons Fellowship of the Convention, Churches and individual families, for their support in sponsoring some of our indigent Malian pupils whose parents cannot afford the tuition fee of about 30,000 CFA (about ₦20,000) per session. Ask God to bless and prosper all that concerns these supporters.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 163 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Pray for the peaceful and permanent resolution of the lingering crisis in the North of Mali. Pray for wisdom and divine guidance for the President, Prime Minister and the National Assembly members and the Government of Mali. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Pastor Mrs. Okunlola WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 ETCHE/OMUMA PEOPLE GROUP are about 800,000. They are located in the North-Eastern part of Rivers State in the Southern part of Nigeria. They speak 'Etche Dialect' which has a slight difference from the typical Igbo language. No Bible translation in Etche language but they are being reached with the Igbo Bible. Christianity is about 85%, ATR is about 15%, and Islam is about 0.5%. Christianity is largely nominal. They believe in ancestral power and influence hence they spend so much in burying the dead. They worship a deity called Amadioha the god of thunder and other family/community shrines. They are mostly p o l y g a m i s t s . I s l a m i s becoming a threat as Hausa and Yoruba migrants have succeeded in introducing the religion to the people. There are twenty three Baptist Churches currently planted among the people with over one thousand worshippers and are being led by Baptist trained Pastors. We have among them six

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 164 indigenous Baptist trained Pastors and one lay leader working among the people. On special project on the field and in response to the health needs of the people the NBC built a health facility that is now functional; meeting the health needs of over 400 people every month since 2017. Others working among the people are Seventh Day Adventist, RCM, AC, Brotherhood of the Cross, Sacred Order of the C&S, DLBC ,The Apostolic Faith, RCCG, Salvation ministries, Omega Power ministry, Church of Christ, Gospel Faith Ministry, AoG, Living Faith Bible Church, etc. Challenges and needs: (1) Mobility for Pastors and Church leaders (vehicle/Motorcycle). (2) Discipleship materials and Bibles for new converts. (3) Funding of the only functional health facility among the people with the provision of drugs, supplies and equipment. (4) Training of indigenous youths on crafts and skill acquisition. Ask God to arrest youth restiveness and cultic activities in the land. Ask God for spirit of commitment and dedication for those who are already reached. Pray for more labourers to reach the interior parts of the unreached communities. Pray for more mission partners to adopt newly planted churches for nurture and development. Pray for miraculous healing of the body and the heart as the people come to the clinic for treatments. Pray for mission workers on the field, for sure safety, provision and divine wisdom for the work. Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Let us pray that the spirit of Christ will compel all men to be loving, caring, considerate and gentle towards the female

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 165 gender for our prayers to be answered ( 1Peter 3:7) Birthday/Wedding Anniversary: Opeyemi Ajani THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Appreciate God for His sustaining power over the lives of Brother Jacob & Mrs. Racheal Adeniji, our supervising missionary couple to Burkina- Faso. Pray that the Lord will empower, strengthen and uphold them and all other missionary couples serving on the field. Pray for their children, that it shall be well with them in every ramification. Ask the Lord to bless their efforts on the field. Birthdays: Emmanuel Ayobami Makinde FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Bless the name of the Lord for our Supervising Missionary to Cote d'Ivoire, Rev. & Mrs. Awolola, who is working in collaboration with the indigenous Seminary in the Country. He is to raise faithful disciples among the indigenes who will help with the planting of Churches in the Northern part of Cote d'Ivoire. Ask God to grant him wisdom as he impacts these indigenes. Pray that his efforts in the Seminary will not be in vain. Pray that Muslim children will be harvested for Christ and more doors of effective ministry will be opened among the Muslims all over the world as they meet for their Jumaat prayers today.. Birthday: Rose Ekaete Ekpenyong Wedding Anniversary: Rev & Pastor Mrs. Ojo

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 166 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Thank God for the lives of Rev. Dr. Arch & Mrs. O. Osikoya, our Volunteer Missionary Couple in South Africa. Pray that the Lord will prosper the work they are doing among the Baptists in South Africa. Ask God to grant them wisdom and guidance as they work in that Country. Pray for God's protection and provision for them. Also, pray that the lord will continue to grant them sound health. Pray that every of their efforts in that land will not be in vain. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Thank God for the open door given to GMB to start work in Republic of Niger. Pray that God will favour us before the indigenes and that we will make them willing to listen to the Gospel and unresistant to the message of the word of God as it comes to them. Pray that the word of God shall have a free flow in the whole land. Pray for the spirit of unity to work together with other missionary bodies on the field. Pray that there shall be no division, envy or strive. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Thank God for the life of Pastor Peter Adekanmbi, our field missionary Person in Republic of Niger. Pray that the Lord will keep him in safety as he acclimatizes with his new environment, culture, food, language, and people. Pray that the Lord will favour him and open doors of ministry opportunities for him as he works in that land. Pray that the indigenes will not be hostile to him, but rather embrace him and the gospel.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 167 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 Pray that the word of God will have a free flow to the whole land of Republic of Niger. Pray that the lord will turn the hearts of the people to serve Him and He will deliver the people of Niger from every form of spiritual bondage. Also, pray that the spirit of unity to work together with other missionary bodies on the field and pray that there shall be no division, envy or strive. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 Pray that God will touch the hearts of the ladies involved in prostitution in Burkina Faso, that the Lord will bring them to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pray for those that have received Jesus Christ into their lives that they will not go back to their former lifestyles. Pray that God will raise partners that will give resources in order to empower the ladies so that they will be established and be focused. Birthday: Opayinka Moses Inioluwa Wedding Anniversaries: Bro. & Sis. Adeniji, Rev. & Mrs. Matthew THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 Thank God for the life of Pastor Tarawalie, who is the Pastor of Triumphant Christ Baptist Church, Sierra Leone. The Church was planted by GMB in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Ask God to grant him the wisdom and insight he needs to grow the Church. Pray for Gods provision and protection for him and his family members. Also pray that the Church will experience numerical, spiritual and financial growth. Today is

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 168 International Day for Persons with Disabilities. Pray that God will grant them the grace to overcome their physical challenges and will cause everyone to deal with love and cares with the disabled. Birthday: Oluwafemi Adegoke Wedding Anniversary: Rev. Dr. & Rev. Prof. Mrs. Ayandokun FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 Thank God for the life of the ministerial officer, Frontier Ministry International, Rev. (Mrs) Ariteshoma Ijaola and her family. Pray that the Lord will continue to grant her good health and sound mind. Ask the Lord to endow her with divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding as she does her work. Pray that the Lord will meet her needs according to His riches in glory. It is the desire of God that all know Him; therefore, pray that Muslims will see the indisputable revelation of the true Triune God as they gather for Jumaat service today. Birthday: Samuel Popoola Olawuyi SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 December is the twelfth and final month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and is the seventh and last of seven months to have a length of 31 days. Pray that God Almighty will complete any unfinished business that we may still be battling with before the close of this year 2020.

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 169 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 December got its name from the Latin word decem (meaning ten) because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the calendar of Romulus c. 750 BC which began in March. The winter days following December were not included as part of any month. Later, the months of January and February were created out of the month-less period and added to the beginning of the calendar, but December retained its name. Just like those cold winter days, there are some hearts that are cold with sin and need the touch of our Lord, Pray that such cold hearts shall find the warmth of the Saviour's love this season. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Makinde MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 Thank God for the Ministries of the Training Media and Research arm of the Global Missions Board, their work has taken them through different experiences this year. Pray for Rev. Segun Makinde, the Coordinator of the ministry for more grace as he carries on with his work in the New Year. Pray for God's protection upon his family. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 For any mission organization to function properly, she needs a formidable research base, this will make ministry to be done in the right place and appropriate order under God. This is necessary because research reveals things that are hidden or not clearly visible, such as statistic and other data. Pray for the research unit of the GMB, ask for God's wisdom and direction in order to maximize the limited resources to achieve

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 170 much for better output. Pray for Rev. Dr. A. A. Ayandokun who is Unit head of Research for GMB that God will protect him and his family at all times. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 The work of Ministry is not done in any man's power; there is always the need for collaboration and partnership. Pray for the Mission partners of Global Missions Board, among them are the NEMA, CAPRO, GCM, MELM and Praise of His Glory Ministries among others. Ask God Almighty to bring on godlier ministry partners that we shall work with to fulfill the mandate Christ gave the Church before He left for Glory. Today is International Anti – Corruption Day. Pray that Christians will live clean , uncorrupted and Christlike lives as good examples for others to follow. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 The fact that the social media is a versatile tool in getting information out for organization is one that cannot be toyed with. It is the Media Unit that collates, prepares all documents for printing at the GMB office. A lot of work goes into all the materials before they go to the press. Pray that all these materials will not just be ink on paper, but materials that will transform lives and provide necessary information for God's children. Thank God for the officers working in the Media office: Rev. Allen Olatunde, Mrs. Grace Akintola and Pastor Tunde Ayanlere, entreat God to bless them and all that is theirs and prosper their ways. Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Asuai

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 171 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 The Global Missions Board has some programs that have become our annuals; the Mission Summit/Church Growth is part of such. There are also the two Emphases: Home mission week of Emphasis which runs between March and May each year, and the International Mission week of Emphasis which runs between November and January. Pray for the revival of the observances of these programs by our Churches. These programs help us to have information passed from the field to the Baptist Family Members. In the various Jumaat Centers today, may Jesus Christ be vividly seen and audibly heard. May the atoning blood of Jesus save lives among the Muslim faithfuls today. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 Glorify the Lord for His protection and provision upon all of our missionaries and their families. Thank God for the breakthrough they experience every year. Ask that God will continue to shower His mercies and compassion upon them and their families. Pray that God will perform His miracles, signs and wonders through them on their various fields. Pray that these miracles will be for the attraction of the unbelievers whom they are trying to win for Gods Kingdom. Birthdays: Jesuseun Christianah Oketola , Michael Jibrin Dogo SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13 In the recent times we have not been able to produce enough graduates from our Schools of missions to

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 172 meet the demand for evangelists and Church planters, especially from the School in Minna, Niger State; This is due to the challenge of accommodation for students which has been affecting the entrance of Students to that School in particular. Pray again that God will remind those who had promised to help our Schools to come up to redeem their pledges and for more people to be touched to give willingly and bountifully for the work of the Lord in this way. Birthday: Samuel Akinremi MONDAY, DECEMBER 14 The need for education cannot be over emphasizes at any level in life. When a person has no formal education from childhood, there is usually the challenge of coping with a lot of things in the society. This among other issues has made it imperative to develop strategies to help people through training. The Training unit of GMB is saddled with the responsibility of running different types of training for different categories of people. Some of these trainings include: KAIROS Course, Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI), and Witnessing Training Course among others. Other areas of training are the Schools of missions and language acquisition. Pray that God will make these opportunities tools to equip people for ministries. Ask that God will help the GMB in mobilizing people to come for these courses and that He will make each fruitful. That God for Rev Mrs. Temilola Adewumi who is the Unit head of Training unit. Ask that God will favor her on all sides, bless and protect her family and enlarge their coasts. Birthday: Solomon Adewumi, Adelokoji Ijaola

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 173 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 There is strength in number is a saying we believe in. At the Global Missions Board, “Ten Naira per person per month Vision” has been used of God to do so much on our mission fields, Some people have not yet caught the vision, but God is working through it. Let us pray that the heart of Nigerian Baptist Family members will be geared into contributing to Gods work by this means. Let's pray that this vision will be supported by individuals, Churches, Associations and Conferences for the progress of God's work. Pray that more will be achieved through this vision and the things already achieved will not be destroyed. Birthday: Victor Olanrewaju WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 OHORI PEOPLE GROUP are about 1. 5million located in Yewa North LGA. They speak Ohori dialect (variant of Yoruba Language). They use complete Yoruba Bible. Christianity is 35%, while Islam 10% and ATR 55%. The religion practice by majority of the people is the Traditional Religion which centers around beliefs in a god called ORO regarded as a protector and provider. During Oro festival, women are forbidden from coming out of their houses on certain days. The festival always lasts for a month. The people groups (Ohori, Anago and Ketu) mix or syncretize their traditional beliefs with both Islam and C h r i s t i a n i t y. T h e y a r e predominantly farmers. The

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 174 extent of work done in the land is analysed - People reached: 840; Christian undergoing discipleship: 175; Church planted: 16; Indigenous leader trained: 15; Special Projects executed: Borehole, School & Church buildings. Others working with Ohori People groups are CAPRO, AC, Methodist, and Pentecostal Churches. Thank God for those that have given their lives to Jesus Christ that their faith will not wax cold. Pray that the gospel light will shine all over the field. Pray that those that have given their lives to Jesus Christ will become true disciples of Christ, reaching to their fellow indigenes. Pray against all altars of idolatry on the field. Pray for more faithful and committed labourers for the field. Pray that the LORD God will protect all disciples and workers on the field. Birthdays: Mercy Orogun, Gansari Helen Yon THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 “Today a Saviour has been born to you he is the messiah, the Lord.” - Luke 2:11 The Christmas season is approaching, but many tribes and nations are yet to hear this message. Pray that God will send believers who will herald this message among the least reached peoples of the world. Ask God to make the Church uncomfortable about the state of the harvest. Pray that many believers will hear God's call to support and intercede for this message to be heard among the unreached. FRIDAY DECEMBER 18 There are many aspects of life that can be exploited in doing missions, we have Schools where we try to

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 175 'Catch the children young', and Schools of missions where we train Church planters and evangelists. We also have Clinics and Health centers where people are treated for both physical and spiritual ailments. We have also the farm, a place where we can grow things to help ameliorate in our own little way, the food production in our locality and improve the lives of those who work on the farm. In addition we offer ambulatory veterinary services to nomadic Fulanis to reveal Christ's love to them. Pray for these different projects, that God will make them yield Godly fruits that will abide. Pray for all the people working in these projects that they will be rewarded for their services. Declare that as Muslims observe their Jumaat prayer today, the light of God will shine in their midst and bring many of them into the salvation of Christ. Birthday: Oketola Jesufemi Emmanuel SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 The Daisper people are generally speaking, the people who move out of their homes in order to search for 'greener pasture in places where they can make more money or get better jobs than what they can in their local places. Most of these people are farmers, artisans and in some cases, we include the normads. Pray for the diaspora ministry of the GMB that the aim of this ministry will be met: to reach these ones with the Gospel message, so they in turn can return home carrying the Good News to their people. Pray for Rev Patrick Rotimi and all the mission Pastors working among the Diaspora ministry, for wisdom and direction to do their work as unto God

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 176 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 Do you know your Missionaries and where they serve? The Global Missions Board of the Nigerian Baptist Convention has about 300 staff working in different locations. There are 26 ministry points in Nigeria where we have 'Supervising Missionaries' and 12 of them outside the bounds of Nigeria. Ask God to give you the grace to pray and support these people in whatever ways He would have you be of service for His Kingdom growth. Pray that God will empower these set of people for His glory. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Ajibade MONDAY, DECEMBER 21 Jesus' name, Emmanuel, means “God with us” Matt 1:23. Pray that believers will grow and deepen their relationship with Christ. Ask God for His visitation in the life of every believer that is passing through hard time in this period of Christmas. Christmas period should be time of reflection about the state of the world evangelization. Pray that the Spirit of God will move members and the undershepherd of every Congregation of believers, to see it as season of mission emphasis. Ask God to mobilize Christians all over the world to intensify prayers with fasting for the unreached during this season. Birthday: Kolade Lalebu Jesufemi TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 Pray for the outpouring of the Spirit of holiness and righteousness upon His Church during this yuletide season. Ask God to shed His love afresh in the heart of believers and lead them to abound in good works to

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 177 follow believers and unbelievers in this Christmas season. Birthday: Bisi Okunlola Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Kolade Oluwole WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 During the birth of Jesus people walking in darkness and those living in the land of deep darkness saw a great light (Isaiah 9:2) Pray that the light of the Gospel will dispel darkness in the lands that are resistant to the Gospel. Declare salvation of God for the seekers in those lands. Intercede that the Gospel will gain access to all resistant nations and territories as we celebrate Christmas this year. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE The birth of Jesus Christ was declared as the good news that will cause great joy for all people (Luke 2:10). Pray that as believers celebrate Christmas, they will not forget the essence, which is salvation of humanity. Ask God to cause people groups who are yet to experience this joy to encounter Jesus as Savoiur and Messiah. Pray that the message of Christmas will embolden Christians to be serious witnesses of Christ everywhere. Ask God to remember His faithful servants for good this season Birthdays: Emmanuel Peter Saba, Jimoh Asuai FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 CHRISTMAS DAY The Bible says His name shall be called Jesus because he will save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Pray that believers will not celebrate Christmas Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 178 with sins in their lives. Ask that all believers will ruminate deeply on the essence of Christ's birth so that in their rejoicing they will not lose the essence of Christmas. Pray that the yoke of sin and sinful habits in your life, family, Church members and your neighbours will be broken by this revelation. Pray for all our Muslim brothers and sisters that they will have divine encounter this special period. May God's revelation that leads to salvation be the portion of our Muslim brothers and sisters as they observe their last Jumaat prayers for the year 2020 today. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 BOXING DAY The Shepherd responded to the announcement of the birth of Jesus by praising God and spreading the news about him; pray that believers response will not be limited to processing God in their worship centers but will extend to spreading the good news in their communities. Pray for the revival toward soul winning among Christians in this season. Christmas is the season of giving, sharing and caring. Pray that Christians will make unbelievers the target of their giving. Ask God to guide the Church to direct their income toward missions and evangelism Wedding Anniversary: Rev & Mrs. Akintayo SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27 Today is the last Sunday of the year 2020; God has indeed been good to us. Thank God for the grace to see this day. Pray that this shall not be your last. Pray for all the mission Churches that were established this

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 179 year, that the Prince of Peace will continue to abide with them. Ask God to please establish these Churches, so that they will also plant more Churches to the glory of God. Wedding Anniversary: Rev. & Mrs. Opayinka MONDAY, DECEMBER 28 Thank God for His faithfulness on the lives of our past leaders. Global Missions Board has come a long way. Starting as Home and Foreign Missions Board in 1953, and then becoming Global Missions Board in 1998, this enterprise has been ancored by many leaders whom the Lord has used over the years to shape the Missions outfit of our great Convention till now. Pray for all the past Directors, Board Chairmen, Board members and their family members. Ask God to bless them and reward all their labour of love in the vineyard of the Lord. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29 To God be the Glory great things He has done the marvelous things He is doing and the awe inspiring thing He is yet do in our lives. Thank Him for His promises that we can see coming to pass: He said 'Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession' (Psalm 2:8). Thank Him for the nations we have inherited and pray for more places to be possessed so they will also be among the redeemed on the last day. Birthday: Jesutomi David Oketola

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 180 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30 DIASPORA - GROUP. About 100,000 Hausa people are located outskirts of commercial towns in Akwa/Onitsha, Anambra State. They speak Hausa and there is complete Hausa Bible in the language. Islam is 97% while Christianity is just 3%. These people believe that what “Allah” has destined everyone to be, to believe in or to become, is surely what will happen. They so believe in destiny to the extent that many of them do not have any commitment t o w o r k . T h e m a i n occupations of the people cut across cart pushing, shoe shinning, house guarding, tailoring, etc. For now, we have only one Hausa church, which is located in Ukpor (Nnewi South LGA). Adult literacy is on-going in the church. However, we are trusting God for another Hausa church to be planted in Awka, the State capital. Challenges on the field: (1) Inadequate supply of resources to execute mission projects. (2) Poor visitation of the field. (3) Deficiency in pastoral leadership. (4) Indigenes are not friendly, receptive or hospitable to gospel workers. (5) Nominalism among majority of people who profess to be Christians. (6) Practice of syncretism by members of the churches. (7) High cost of living in the land. Only the Baptist work among the people. Pray for awareness and divine eyes opener for Churches to the mission opportunity (diaspora

Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 181 missions) through the influx of migrants from the and the core northern Nigeria. Ask God to raise harvest workers that will work among the Diaspora in Igbo land. Ask God for salvation of migrants from the north in the Eastern Nigeria. Pray for establishment and spiritual growth of Hausa and Fulani converts in the East. Ask God to raise leaders among these Diasporas that will evangelize their people. Birthdays: Kolade Ibunkun Opeyemi, Ezekiel Emmanuel Wedding Anniversaries: Mr. & Mrs. Olawale Oyeyemi THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 Let us in one accord appreciate God for His mercies throughout the year 2020. Let us thank God for all that He has achieved through us in the year that will be ending today. Let us commit the year ahead into His hands. Let's pray that He will help us and see us through the coming year and beyond. Ask God to do something glorious in your life and family in 2021 such that if any person is told it would seem unbelievable. Hab.1:5. Birthday: Paul Olaniran

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Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board Mission Prayer Guide page 184


Name ...... Address ...... Phone Number (s) ...... Email ...... Decisions (please Tick as Appropriate) Pray for Missions { } Give Materials for Missions { } (please Specify) ...... Give Money for Missions { } Amount ...... Monthly { } Quarterly { } Yearly { } One time Donation { } 1. Partake in Mission Outreach { } Yearly { } 2. Sponsor a Project { } 3. Be a Self Supporting Missionary { } 4. Be a Volunteer Mobilizer for GMB { } 5. Short Term Mission for: a. Professional { } b. Student { } c. Individual { } 6. One Year Service Corps for: a. Corps Member { } b. Pastors { }


Prevailing Prayers Global Mission Board