The Aphids (Homoptera:Aphididae) of British Columbia 5

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The Aphids (Homoptera:Aphididae) of British Columbia 5 J. ENTOMOL. Soc. BrUT COI.lJ~ l HIA 7511978), D EC. 3 1. 1978 45 ed COnLact with Cordilleran species. Remington shi fting over space or flu ctuating in t ime. We 11968) points out that significant biological sha ll di scuss these possibilities in more detail interactions often occur between similar species elsewhere. in such suture zo nes. The fa ct t hat G. pillgreell sis and G. illeoKlli­ .\ CKNOWLEDGEME\TS Iu s co-occur over such a broad area in t he This research was supported by a grant to cen t ral interior suggests either that these G. G. E. Scudder fr om the National Research species are not experiencing significant inter­ Council of Canada. We t hank D. H. Spence specific competition despite t heir pronounced for her meticulous care of young waterstriders. similarity or that competitive advantages are LITEHATUHE CITED H. emington. C. L. 1968. Sut ure zo nes of hybrid in teraction between recently joined biotas. E\'ol. BioI. 2: 32 1-4 28. Scudder. G. G. E. 1977. An annotated checklist of t he aquat ic and semiaquatic Hemiptera I Insecta ) of British Co lu rn bia. SYl'sis 10: 31-38. Scudder, G. G. E. 1971. The Gerridae 1H emiptera) of British Co lumbia. J. Entomol. Soc. 13rit. Co lumbi a 68: 3-1 0. Scudder. G. G. E. and G. S. J amieson. 1972. The immature stages of Gl'rris 1H emiptera) in British Co lumbia. J. t::ntomol. Soc. Brit. Co lumbia 69 : 72 -79. THE APHIDS (HOMOPTERA:APHIDIDAE) OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 5. NAME CHANGESl CHo- K AI CH AN ANDA. R. FORBES Re search Station, Agriculture Canada Vancouver, British Co lumbia ABSTRACT Name changes in accordance with current usage in aphid taxonomy are li sted . I.\THODUC TION cided to adopt that wo rk as a standard for all An a pproach to a stable nomenclature for our aphid names. This has necessitated chang­ aphids became possible with t he recent publica­ ing 72 names used in our previous li st s (Forbes. tion of a "Survey of the World's Aphids" Frazer and MacCarthy 1973 ; Forbes. Frazer (Eastop a nd Hille Ris Lambers 1976). We de- and Chan 1974; Forbes and Chan 1976). AU of these changes are li sted here. They are [Contribut ion \ '0.41 6. Research Slalion. 6660 \1 .\\', ~ l arine arranged a lp habetically b~' genus a nd species Drive. Vancoliver.l3riLish Columbia. V6T IX2. of t he names used previously. LIST OF \AME CII ANGES Prcvious Naml' Curn'nl "ame Acyrthusipholl dirhudum (Walker ) Jvlelopolophiulll dirhudulll IWalker ) Acvrthusiphull pisulll sparlii 1Koch ) Ac,vrlhosiphon pisllm (Harris) Allaphis [le m/casa IGillette) Thripsaphis verru cusa Gillette Aphis comiella Hille Ris Lambers Aphis salicariae Koch Aphis salllbucifo/iae Fitch Aphis sam buci Linnaeus A siphulIl rusettei Maxson Asiphum Ire mulae (Linnaeus) Aspidaphis IOllgicauda Hichards EuessiKia lo ngicauda (Richards) Aulacorlhum cla vicomis Richards Wah lgreniella nervala (G ill ette) Auiacorlhum dorsalulll Hichards Sitobioll dursalum IHi chards) Aulacorthum scabrosum Hichards Aulacurlhll m capilanoel/ se Robin so n B ipersuna lorlicauda Gillette Hip erso no ochrocenlri (Cockerell ) Brachycolus atripiicis 1Linnaeu s) H avhurstia al riplicis (Linnaeus ) Cauariella umbellatarum (Koch) Cavariella aegopodii (Scopoli ) Cepegillel/ea belulaefo lia e Granovsky ( 'a laphis bellllaefoliae 1G ranovsky) Chaitophorlls delicala Patch Ch ailuphums sle vel/sis Sanborn ChailOphorus negleclus Hottes & Frison Chaituphams pOfJulifolii neg lectus HotLes & Frison 46 J. ENToMol.. Soc. BRIT COI.UMHIA 7511978), DEc. 31. 1978 Cinara abieticola Cholodkovsky Cillara con(inis (Koch) Colopha ulmisacculi Patch Tetraneura IIlmi (Linnaeus) Dacty notus ambrosial' IThomas) Uroleucon ambrosial' IThomas) Dactynotus cirsii ILinnaeus) Uroieucoll cirsii (Linnaeus) Dactynotlls l'rigeroll ensis (Thomas) Uroleucon erigeronensis (Thomas) Dactynotus nigrotuberculatus Olive U roll'ucon nigrotu bercula tum (Olive) Dacty notus pseudambrosiae Olive Uroleucon pseudambrosiae (Olive) Dacty notus russellal' Hille Ris Lambers Uroieucoll russl'llae (Hille Ris Lambers) Dactynotus sonchi (Linnaeus) Uroieucoll sonchi (Linnaeus) Dactynotus taraxaci (KalLenbach) Uroiellcoll taraxaci (Kaltenbach) Euschizaphis palustris ITheobald) Schizaphis palustris (Theobald) Holcaphis (requens 1Walk er) Diuraphis (requclls (Walker) Holca phis nodulus Richards Diuraphis nodulus (Richards) H y adaphis erysimi 1 Kaltenbach) Lipaphis l'rysimi 1Kaltenbach) Kakimia canadensis Robinson D elphiniobium canaciense (Robinson) Kakimia essigi (Gillette & Palmer) Kakimia aquilegiae IEssig) Kakimia robinsoni Richards Kakimia wahinka.e IHottes) Macrosiphllm auenae (Fabricius) Sitobion auenae (Fabricius) Ma crosiphum coweni (HunLer) Obtusicauda artemisiae ICowen ex Gillette & Baker) Macrosiphum (ragariae IWalker ) Sitohion (ragariae IWalker) Macrosiphum manitobensis Robinson Sitobion manitobense (Robinson) Macrosiphum nigromaculosum MacDougall Eomacrosiphon nigromaculoslIm (MacDougall) Macrosipfwm ptericolens Patch Sitobion plericolens IPatch) Macrosiphum rhamni Clarke Sitobion rhamni (Clarke) Macrosiph u m salicicornii Richards Sitobion salicicornii (Richards) Macrosiphum yagasogae I. HoLtes) Sitobion insulare yagasogae IHottes) Masonaphis crystll'ae 1Smith & Knowlton) Illin oia crystleae (Smith & Knowlton ) Masollaphis dauidsoni 1Mason) IIlin oia dauidsoni (Mason) Masonaphis lambersi MacGillivray lIIinoia lambersi (MacGillivray) Masollaphis magna Hille Ris Lambers IIIin oia magna IHille Ris Lambers) Ma sollaphis ma.xima (Mason) I1linoia maxima (Mason) Masonaphis morrisoni (Swain) IIlinoia morrisoni ISwain) Masonaphis patrieiae Robinson Illinoia patriciae (Robinson) Masollaphis pseudomorrisoni MacGillivray Jllinoia morrisoni ISwain) Ma sonaphis richardsi MacGillivray !IIin oia richardsi (MacGillivray) Masonaphis spiraeae MacGillivray J/lin oia spiraeae (MacGillivray) Masonaphis spiraecola (Patch) illinoia spiraecola (Patch) Masonaphis wahnaga Hottes I1linoia wahnaga (Hottes) Neoceruraphis uiburnicola IGillette) Ceruraphis uiburnicola 1Gillette) Parathecabiu s grallicoTllis 1Patch) Thecabius grauicornis IPatch) Parathecabius populimollilis IRiley) Thecabills populimonilis 1Ril ey) Prociphilus alni(oliae alni(oliae 1Williams) ProciphilllS alni(olia.e 1Williams) Pterocomma bicolor bicolor IOestlund) Pterocomma bicolor 1Oestlund) Rhopalosiphum (itchii (Sanderson) Rhopalosiphum insertllm (Walker) Rol'pkea bakeri (Cowen) Nearctaphis bakeri (Cowen) R oepkea crataegi(oliae (Fitch) Nearctaphis crataegi(oliae (Fi tch) Roepkea sclerosa Richards Nearctaphis sclerosa IRichards) Roepkea sensoriata (Gillette & Bragg) Nearetaphis sensoriata (Gillette & Bragg) Roepkea yohoensis (Bradley) Nearctaphis yohoensis Bradley Sipha kurdjumoui Mordvilko Sipha elegalls del Guercio Sitomyzus columbiae Richards Ut~mphorophora humboldti (Essig) Sitomyzus humboldti (Essig) Utamphorophora humboldti (Essig) Stagona xylostei (de Geer) Prociphilu s xylostei (de Geer) Thela.res albipes Richards Th elaxes cali(ornica (Davidson) Trichocallis cyperi 1Walker) Thripsaphis cyperi (Walker) Tuberculoides anllulalus (Hartig) Tuberculatus allllulatus 1Hartig) REFERENCES EasLop, V. F., and D. Hille Ris Lambers. 1976. Survey of the world's aphids. Dr. W. Junk b.v., Publishers, The Hague. Forbes, A. R., and Cho-Kai Chan. 1976. The aphids 1Homoptera:Aphididae) of British Columbia. 4. Further additions and corrections. J. ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 73:57-63. J. E:\T()~I()L. Soc. B K IT . C OI.UM B I A 75 (1978). DEC. 31. 1978 47 F orbes. A. R .. n. D. Frazer a nd Cho-Kai Chan. 197--1 . The a phids (H omoptera : Aphididae) of Britis h Columbia. 3. Additions and correcLions. J. ent. Soc. Br it. Columbia 71 :43-49. Forbes. A . l{ .. B. D . Frazer and H. H. M acCarthy. 1973. The aphids (Homop tera: Aphididae) of British Columbia. I. A basic taxonomic li st. J . ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 70 :43 -57. THE APHIDS (HOMOPTER A: APHIDIDAE) OF BRITISH COL UMBIA 6. FURTHER ADDITIONS I A. R. FOR BES AND C Ho-KAI CHA N Research Station, Agriculture Canada Vancouver, British Columbia ABSTRACT Twenty-four species of aphids and new host records are added t o the taxonomic li st of the aphids of British Columbia. 1\ T1WOL CTIO\ 302. Aphids have now been collected fr om 514 Three previous li sts of the aphids of Britis h different host plants and the total number of Co lumbia (Forbes. Frazer and MacCarthy ap hid-host plant associations is 964. 1973 ; Forbes, Fraser and Chan 1974; Forbes As in the previous li sts, the aphids are a nd Chan 1976) recorded 285 species, but with arranged a lphabetica lly by species. All names the deletion of 7 synonyms' (Eastop a nd Hille are in accordance with Eastop and Hi lle Ris Hi s La mbers 1976) the number becomes 278. Lambers 11976). The location of each collection This includes aphids collected from 421 hosts' site can be determined from Table 1 or from or in traps and comprises 792 aphid-host plant tables of localities in the previous paper. The associations'. reference points are the same as those shown The present list adds 24 species of aphids on the map which accompanies the basic li st. lindicated with an aster isk in the list) and 172 ~.4 I1I(l ('() rthllm c/ol'inln/is Hic hards . a phid-hos t plant associations to the previous / \ u/ucortlwm s('abrvsllm Hichard s. lists. Ninety -three of the new aphid-host p lant r a t'an'l'Ila IImbpfla tarllm ( Koch ). associa tions are plan t s pecies not in the pre­ j\/a.'Ofwphi..; pselldom orri.... ofli ~ l acGilli\ · ray. llhopalo::; ipltul!I {irchii (Sa nderson ). vious li sts. The additions bring the number of S'ilumy,::u 8 co!/on bi(l l' Hich an.l s. known aphid species in British
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