September 20, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1187 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RECOGNIZING WORLD grown into a community-supported local kitch- HONORING MELVINDALE-DEAR- NARCOLEPSY DAY en and pantry to serve the people of the BORN FIRE CAPTAIN MICHAEL Pajaro Valley. PREADMORE HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF The Loaves and Fishes lunch program OF CALIFORNIA serves a hot, nutritious lunch every weekday, HON. RASHIDA TLAIB IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prepared on-site by certified cooks and other OF MICHIGAN Friday, September 20, 2019 community volunteers. In 2018, Loaves and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fishes served between 80 and 150 hot and Friday, September 20, 2019 Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today nutritious meals every weekday. The pantry in recognition of World Narcolepsy Day, which program provides supplemental groceries to Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in will be observed globally on September 22nd. the individuals or families up to twice per tribute to Captain Michael Preadmore for his Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological condi- month, with 76 percent of adult pantry clients many years of service to the Melvindale-Dear- tion that affects about 1 in 2,000 people by im- being farm workers who support the Central born Consolidated Fire Department, on the oc- pairing the brain’s ability to regulate the sleep- Coast. Most of these groceries are either do- casion of his retirement. wake cycle. Symptoms of narcolepsy include nated or purchased from local farmers and the During his twenty-three years of service, excessive sleepiness during the day, sudden Second Harvest Food Bank. Captain Preadmore has moved steadily episodes of muscle paralysis, sleep paralysis, through the ranks, garnering accolades for his confusing hallucinations, and a disrupted In addition to its food programs, Loaves and dedication and bravery along the way. nighttime sleep. Fishes supports the development of the com- Preadmore joined the City of Melvindale’s Fire Due to an overall lack of public and profes- munity by providing support services, including Department as a firefighter in 1996. From sional awareness, accurate diagnosis of nar- nutrition education, job trainings, resume build- there, he was quickly promoted to sergeant, colepsy commonly takes between 8 and 15 ing workshops, life skills development, and re- lieutenant, and ultimately, captain. A consum- years. Experts believe that the majority of peo- ferrals to other available social services. Many mate professional who knows safety doesn’t ple with narcolepsy are currently undiagnosed of these services are provided through part- take a day off, Captain Preadmore has been or misdiagnosed with other conditions such as nerships with other social service agencies acknowledged for his perfect attendance mul- epilepsy, depression, and schizophrenia. More and nonprofits. tiple times and he has dedicated his time to- work is needed to deliver breakthroughs for It is an honor to recognize an organization ward working to advanced certification, includ- patients impacted by this debilitating sleep dis- with such a meaningful impact on the commu- ing confined space and rope rescue. Above order, and we must continue to support the nity, and I am proud to celebrate Pajaro Valley and beyond that, Captain Preadmore has important funding of medical research through Loaves and Fishes’ 30th anniversary of sup- been recognized for his bravery in the line of the National Institutes of Health and public porting the Central Coast. Madam Speaker, I duty, receiving the Fire Chief Life Saving health programs through the Centers for Dis- ask my distinguished colleagues to join me in Award twice, the Department Medal of Valor ease Control and Prevention. celebrating Loaves and Fishes as a pillar of award, and the Fire Chief Unit Commendation. World Narcolepsy Day serves to raise strength in our community. In short, Captain Preadmore has served awareness of the experiences and healthcare bravely and nobly. Please join me in saluting needs of the approximately 3 million people f him for his twenty-three years of public service living with narcolepsy across the globe, includ- as we wish him well on his retirement. ing the 200,000 people with narcolepsy and HONORING THE BICENTENNIAL OF f their loved ones in the . By rais- PERRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE ing awareness of narcolepsy, we can reduce HONOR FLIGHT OF OREGON delays in diagnosis, combat stigma and misperceptions, and improve health outcomes HON. MARK E. GREEN HON. GREG WALDEN for affected individuals. OF OREGON OF TENNESSEE I ask all Members to join me in recognizing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 22nd as World Narcolepsy Day. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, September 20, 2019 f Friday, September 20, 2019 Mr. WALDEN. Madam Speaker, I rise to HONORING THE 30TH ANNIVER- recognize the World War II veterans, Korean SARY OF PAJARO VALLEY Mr. GREEN of Tennessee. Madam Speak- War veterans and veterans from LOAVES AND FISHES er, I rise today to recognize the bicentennial of Oregon who are visiting their memorials on Perry County, Tennessee, which was estab- the National Mall on Friday, September 20, HON. JIMMY PANETTA lished in November 1819. Named after Com- 2019, through Honor Flight of Oregon. Every modore Oliver Hazard Perry, a naval hero in OF CALIFORNIA time I have the chance to meet one of these the War of 1812, Perry County has a long and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES heroes, I am reminded of the poignant words proud history in the heart of Tennessee. of General Dwight D. Eisenhower. In a mes- Friday, September 20, 2019 Perry County is known for the scenic beauty sage to Allied troops just before D–Day, he Mr. PANETTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today of the Buffalo and Tennessee rivers, and it is said, ‘‘The eyes of the world are upon you. on the behalf of Pajaro Valley Loaves and home to several historic sites, including the The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people Fishes to recognize the work they have done Cedar Grove Iron Furnace, the Perry County everywhere march with you.’’ to foster community development and collabo- Courthouse, and the Commodore Hotel. He was right then, of course, Madam ration as they celebrate 30 years of committed Speaker. But over seventy years later, liberty- work to alleviating hunger among working Home to some of Tennessee’s finest public loving people everywhere continue to owe class families on the central coast of Cali- servants, it is my distinct honor to represent these heroes for their extraordinary service fornia. Perry County in the United States Congress. and their incredible stories of sacrifice and Loaves and Fishes was founded in 1989 as The citizens of Perry County exemplify the bravery on behalf of our country. That’s why it an emergency response to the Loma Prieta values that form the cornerstone of Tennessee is my privilege to include in the RECORD their earthquake and served more than 20,000 and our nation, and I ask that my colleagues names. meals to residents displaced by the disaster at in the United States House of Representatives The veterans on this Honor Flight from Or- their original location in Watsonville’s St Pat- join me in congratulating them as they cele- egon are as follows: Robert Berns, Navy; John rick’s Church. The organization has since brate this momentous occasion. Bromstead, Navy; Dale Coonse, Navy; William

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20SE8.001 E20SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 20, 2019 Dickson, Navy; Dean Ewell, Army; Carl Giles, Teddy Roosevelt’s speech ‘‘The Man in the Dr. Birnbaum’s work as a federal research Army; Roy Gilmore, Navy; Stanley Grout, Arena.’’ scientist spans nearly 40 years, including 19 Navy; Troy Stone, Army; Dean Hastings, Richard never sat on the sidelines. He was years directing research at the U.S. Environ- Navy; Howard Hoffer, Navy; Floyd McHargue, always in the arena, striving valiantly. Like any mental Protection Agency. She also currently Marine Corps; Norman Morgan, Navy; Jacob man who dares greatly, he also suffered set- serves as an adjunct professor in the UNC Notenboom, Army; Rex Orcutt, Navy; Jack backs along the way. Gillings School of Global Public Health and Peed, Navy; Jesse Ponce, Navy; Francis In the end, despite a lifetime marked by held a similar position in Toxicology and Envi- Rossi, Navy; William Russell, Air Force; Wil- achievement, perhaps Richard’s most admi- ronmental Health at Duke University. She has liam Shrader, Coast Guard; Muriel Sollendar, rable quality was his fortitude and resilience in maintained her research program even while Marine Corps; Marlyn Sperry, Army; Galen the face of adversity. serving as NIEHS/NTP director, and at last Tarter, Navy; Cliff Peery, Army; and David Richard was a pillar of our central Florida count had over 700 published articles and re- Ullom, Army. community. He will be deeply missed by all of ports to her credit. Fortunately, she plans to These heroes join over 200,000 veterans us who had the honor to call him a friend. continue her laboratory research part-time. who have been honored through the Honor f Madam Speaker, it has been my privilege to Flight Network of volunteers nationwide since know and work with Dr. Birnbaum during 2005. HONORING DR. LINDA BIRNBAUM, much of her tenure at EPA and NIEHS. I was I would also like to recognize the guardians CHAMPION OF ENVIRONMENTAL delighted to see her—an accomplished, prac- traveling on this trip who have also served our HEALTH RESEARCH ticing scientist—appointed to the directorship country: Mark Libante, Army; Richard of NIEHS, and she has been a trusted source McReynolds, Army; Paul Grout, Air Force; HON. DAVID E. PRICE of advice on the Institute’s needs and the Kenneth Dale, Navy; Ronald Kohl, Air Force OF NORTH CAROLINA state of the research enterprise. She has a and Army; Daniel Johnson, Navy; Kenneth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passion for the NIEHS/NTP mission and has Young, Navy; Rachael Watters, Army; Terry Friday, September 20, 2019 inspired a generation of scientists with her vi- Haines, Navy; and Peter Pringle, Navy. sion of what well-designed research can con- Madam Speaker, at the height of the Civil Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam tribute to public health and environmental War in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln Speaker, I rise today to recognize Dr. Linda quality. wrote, ‘‘Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor every- Birnbaum, Director of the National Institute of I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- where, who bravely bears his country’s Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and lating Dr. Linda Birnbaum as she reaches this cause.’’ Each of us in this chamber and in this the National Toxicology Program (NTP), who milestone. We thank her for her years of dedi- nation should be humbled by the courage of is retiring in October. Dr. Birnbaum has served cated service and the contributions she has these brave veterans who put themselves in as director of NIEHS, located in North Caro- made toward the health and well-being of mil- harm’s way for our country and way of life. As lina’s Research Triangle Park, for the past 10 lions of people. years. She is the first woman and first board- a nation, we can never fully repay the debt of f gratitude owed to them for their honor, com- certified toxicologist to serve in this position. mitment, and sacrifice in defense of the free- Dr. Birnbaum always had a clear vision for HONORING THE 25TH ANNIVER- doms we have today. the NIEHS/NTP, evidenced by her implemen- SARY OF THE THAI COMMUNITY My colleagues, please join me in thanking tation of two strategic plans over the course of DEVELOPMENT CENTER these veterans and the volunteers of Honor her tenure. Under her leadership, NIEHS has Flight of Oregon for their exemplary dedication become a world leader in environmental HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF and service to this great country. health and toxicology research. For example, OF CALIFORNIA f scientific studies, such as the annual Report IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on Carcinogens, which analyzes substances in HONORING THE LIFE OF RICHARD our environment that may cause cancer, have Friday, September 20, 2019 SWANN ignited changes in health policy and safety Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today standards in the U.S. and across the world. to honor the Thai Community Development HON. STEPHANIE N. MURPHY The creation of the Children’s Health Expo- Center upon its 25th Anniversary. OF FLORIDA sure Analysis Resource, a grant program that The Thai Community Development Center IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES established a network of exposure assess- (Thai CDC) was founded in 1994 with the goal Friday, September 20, 2019 ment laboratories across the country, paved of supporting and improving the lives of Thai Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Madam Speaker, the way for policy changes that protected the immigrants and other ethnic communities in I rise to honor the extraordinary life and endur- health of children. Dr. Birnbaum’s team also the greater Los Angeles area. Thai CDC ing legacy of Richard Swann, a great man and established the NIEHS Clinical Research Unit, achieves its mission through a comprehensive a good man, who recently passed away. allowing the NIH to partner with top biomedical community development strategy and initia- Richard’s life wasn’t just full, it was over- teams at our RTP Universities: Duke, Univer- tives that focus on a variety of issues including flowing. Overflowing with action and accom- sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North access to healthcare and social services, af- plishment, trial and triumph, and—above all— Carolina State. fordable housing, human rights advocacy, family and friendship. In the wake of environmental disasters, Dr. neighborhood empowerment, and small busi- Richard lost his childhood sweetheart and Birnbaum and her team led critical research ness incubation. beloved wife Doris too young, but he poured projects following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Thai CDC played an essential role in an his energy into his work, into his four children oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the 2014 eight-year community organizing campaign and 12 grandchildren, and into his large and West Virginia chemical spill. Dr. Birnbaum and that raised awareness and led to the creation loyal network of friends. her team worked in coordination with scientists of Los Angeles’ Thai Town in 1999, the first Richard packed so much into his 79 years across the NIH and with the residents of af- Thai Town in the United States. Through this on earth. He was a wise lawyer, a far-sighted fected areas, recruiting over 33,000 partici- designation, Thai CDC has been able to en- businessman and real estate developer, and pants for the Deepwater Horizon study. gage in transit-oriented development and an influential player at the highest level of Dr. Birnbaum has received numerous acco- beautification efforts such as the installation of American and Florida politics. lades for her outstanding achievements in the the Kinarra Lamposts. This strategy to revi- Richard was a proud Orlando native, and field of science. In 2010, she was elected to talize an otherwise depressed portion of East foresaw the city’s potential before nearly any- the Institute of Medicine, now known as the Hollywood through cultural-based tourism has body else. Without fanfare, Richard did as National Academy of Medicine. She also was allowed the Thai American community to pros- much as any man to transform Orlando into awarded the North Carolina Award in Science per and flourish. In 2008, Thai Town was des- the unique and wonderful place it is today. in 2016, the state’s highest civilian honor ignated a Preserve America neighborhood, a Richard was best known as a champion of given by North Carolina’s Governor. For her federal designation celebrating cultural herit- the political causes and candidates he cared work in toxicology she was named the Distin- age and encouraging historic preservation. about. He was committed to the concept of re- guished Toxicology Scholar by the Society of Throughout the years, Thai CDC has been sponsible and engaged citizenship. Toxicology in 2018 and earned the Mildred S. instrumental in creating events and spaces to At the service celebrating Richard’s life, his Christian Career Achievement Award from the foster economic opportunity and bring granddaughter Caroline read an excerpt from Academy of Toxicological Sciences. Angelenos and tourists alike to Thai Town.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20SE8.007 E20SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS September 20, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1189 Thai CDC spearheaded the effort to build and to enrich the lives of others. That is why I am HONORING NEW YORK CHIRO- develop the Thai Town Market Place and es- so pleased to stand today to offer my sincere PRACTIC COLLEGE FOR ITS ONE tablish a twice weekly East Hollywood Farm- congratulations as they mark this very special HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY ers Market to help incubate small businesses centennial anniversary. The families, parish- and provide healthy and affordable food op- ioners, and staff have much to be proud of as tions to the neighborhood. In 2004, Thai CDC they celebrate this 100th anniversary year. HON. TOM REED helped found the Thai New Year’s Day OF NEW YORK Songkran Festival which has since become an f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES annual event attracting hundreds of thousands RECOGNIZING THE LEE LOCKWOOD of attendees. LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Friday, September 20, 2019 Since its founding, Thai CDC has also been committed to improving the lives of Thai immi- Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, today I rise to grants through culturally sensitive and linguis- HON. BILL FLORES recognize New York Chiropractic College for tically appropriate social services and pro- OF TEXAS the one hundredth anniversary of its founding. grams such as legal aid, financial literacy and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1919, Columbia Institute of Chiropractic counseling, and mediation and dispute resolu- Friday, September 20, 2019 was founded by Dr. Frank Dean. The institute tion. In addition to assisting clients with secur- later became New York Chiropractic College ing affordable housing, Thai CDC has also Mr. FLORES. Madam Speaker, I rise today in the 1970s. In 1991, a two-hundred and built the Halifax Apartments, a multi-family af- to recognize the Lee Lockwood Library and eighty-six acre campus was purchased in Sen- fordable housing development in Hollywood, Museum in Waco, which is celebrating its 50th eca Falls, New York, and the college moved and the Palm Village Senior Housing in Sun anniversary this year. to this expanded location. In the mid-1960s, planning began for a Valley. Thai CDC has also raised awareness Clinics were added throughout the region, of modern-day slavery and human trafficking home base for the Scottish Rite Freemasons in Texas. A committee was formed to raise the including in Seneca Falls, Depew and Levit- in the United States through the creation of town, New York. The college has also the Slavery Eradication and Rights Initiative, money needed for the building. Members of this committee included many Waco business- partnered with the Veterans Administration SERI. and others throughout the years. I am proud to recognize the Thai Commu- men and leaders including Allen Shivers, the 37th Governor of Texas; Abner McCall, Presi- This college has been educating Chiro- nity Development Center for twenty-five years practic students for one hundred years and I of providing extraordinary service to the Thai dent of Baylor University; and Robert L. Lockwood, the building’s namesake. Waco wish them success in the next one hundred American community in the greater Los Ange- years of educating students. New York Chiro- les area, and I ask all members to join me in was selected as the location for the building and construction began in 1967. The building practic College has provided outstanding pro- congratulating the center for its outstanding gramming that is both meaningful and valu- achievements. opened on September 27, 1969. Since its opening, the building has served able to its students and the patients they go f as a central meeting location for Scottish Rite on to help. I applaud their efforts and hope to HONORING MOUNT ZION SEVENTH Masons as well as a library and museum. The see many more great things from them in the DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ON Lee Lockwood Library and Museum is home future. THEIR CENTENNIAL ANNIVER- to a more than 1,200 piece print collection by Given the above, I ask that this Legislative SARY Waco photographer Fred Gildersleeve, a large Body pause in its deliberations and join me to coin collection, as well as Civil War era letters, recognize New York Chiropractic College for HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO medical records, and military enlistment data. the one hundredth Anniversary of its founding. OF CONNECTICUT It also contains more than 10,000 books on world, American, and Texas history; as well as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f rare and first edition prints from authors such Friday, September 20, 2019 as Mark Twain and Charles Dickens. RECOGNIZING THE IEEE WOMEN IN Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is with Throughout the year, the building hosts ENGINEERING AI LEADERSHIP great pleasure that I rise today to extend my weddings, meetings, concerts, veterans’ SUMMIT heartfelt congratulations to the Mount Zion events, and other Masonic and non-Masonic Seventh Day Adventist Church, its staff, and gatherings. The auditorium is also home to the congregation as they commemorate their Waco Children’s and Christian Youth Theater, HON. BILL FOSTER 100th Anniversary. This is a remarkable mile- which hold many performances and camps OF ILLINOIS stone for this community treasure and cer- every year. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tainly cause for great celebration. The building is constructed out of limestone Through its many ministries, the members in a large rectangular shape, has four, dra- Friday, September 20, 2019 of Mount Zion nourish their souls as well as matic two-story columns at the entrance, and Mr. FOSTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today those they serve. From educating young peo- is flanked by two, two-ton limestone sphinxes. to recognize the Institute of Electrical and ple and organizing exciting activities for them The director of the Masonic National Memorial Electronics Engineers Women in Engineering to providing information on healthier food op- called the Lee Lockwood Library and Museum AI Leadership Summit. This summit is a valu- tions and recipes for families, the congregation ‘‘the last great Masonic building built in Amer- able forum for women students, teachers, re- is enriching the lives of others throughout the ica.’’ In 2014, the City of Waco Historic Land- searchers, and engineers to share their expe- community. mark Preservation Commission presented the riences and knowledge in the AI field. Our churches play a vital role in our com- library an award for ‘‘Recognition of Sustained munities—providing people with a place to Excellence for an Institutional Structure’’. As chair of the House Financial Services turn to for comfort when they are most in Madam Speaker, the Lee Lockwood Library Committee Artificial Intelligence Task Force, I need. The members of Mount Zion have also and Museum has served as a pillar for knowl- know that developments in this field are at the given much to the Town of Hamden. Through- edge and public service in its 50 years of op- forefront of American technological innovation. out the years, as their membership grew so eration. I congratulate the Scottish Rite Ma- AI has the potential to fundamentally change did its commitment to the community. By sons on reaching this milestone and I look for- how we interact with the world, and the work strengthening our bonds of faith, Mount Zion ward to seeing their continued success. of groups like IEEE Women in Engineering is gives its members a place to find their spiritual I have requested that a United States flag shaping the future of entrepreneurship, finan- center and to solidify and support their values. be flown over our Nation’s Capitol to recog- cial decisionmaking, and technological devel- In its 100-year history, the Mount Zion Sev- nize the legacy of the Lee Lockwood Library opment. enth Day Adventist Church has built a strong and Museum. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join foundation and its success is due to the dedi- As I close today, I urge all Americans to me today in recognizing the IEEE Women in cation and commitment of each and every continue praying for our country, for our vet- Engineering AI Leadership Summit and the member of its congregation. Through their erans, for our military men and women who many great contributions that women engi- ministry and outreach efforts, they have left an protect us, and for our first responders who neers and scientists have made to this country indelible mark on our community and continue keep us safe at home. and its communities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20SE8.002 E20SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 20, 2019 HONORING THE ANNIVERSARY OF College Scholarship Endowment, which en- ently relies on General Fund transfers and PENTECOSTAL TEMPLE CHURCH ables deserving students the opportunity to should ultimately be repealed. OF GOD IN CHRIST further their education. It also includes funding for Community Dr. Clyburn’s philanthropic successes did Health Centers, which provide a vital lifeline HON. RASHIDA TLAIB not go unnoticed. She was a recipient of the for health care services to thousands of Or- egonians and millions of Americans in rural OF MICHIGAN Woman of Faith Award from the Columbia and underserved communities. It also modifies IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chapter of the National Council of Negro Women, the Distinguished Service Award from Medicaid’s drug rebate program to ensure that Friday, September 20, 2019 the South Carolina State University National rebates paid to the federal government and Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Alumni Association, and the Woman of Dis- the states by brand name drug manufacturers tribute to Pentecostal Temple Church of God tinction Award by the Girl Scouts of South are calculated based solely on the price of a in Christ, a house of worship in Inkster, Michi- Carolina. Additionally, she was featured in the brand name drug, and not on generic drug gan, as its members celebrate the church’s I. DeQuincy Newman Institute for Peace and prices. ninetieth anniversary. Social Justice’s documentary, Notable African It includes language to ensure the Depart- Pentecostal Church of God in Christ was American Women: In Their Own Voices. ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) has the funding founded in 1930. Construction of the church Dr. Clyburn was preceded in death by her it needs to process claims from Blue Water itself was a labor of love initiated by pledges parents, Peter and Mattie England, and sib- Navy Veterans impacted by Agent Orange as and donations of community members and lings Arthur England and Mattie Mae England well as critical provisions that will significantly built by their own hands. Since then, the Wadley. She is survived by her husband, Con- expand enrollment in the World Trade Center church has grown to accommodate its flock gressman JIM CLYBURN; three daughters, Health Program, aiding 9/11 first responders and its many programs. The same sense of Mignon L. Clyburn, Jennifer Clyburn Reed and survivors. community that was present at the church’s in- (Walter), and Angela Clyburn Hannibal; four Importantly, the bill provides $250 million in ception is still evident in its growth both phys- grandchildren, Walter A. Clyburn Reed, Syd- aid to Ukraine to help it defend itself from ically and spiritually. Over the years, Pente- ney Alexis Reed, Layla Joann Clyburn Han- Russian aggression, which President Trump costal Church of God in Christ has expanded nibal, and Carter James Clyburn Hannibal; suspiciously delayed this summer. Disturb- to include a school for kindergarten through and many more loving family and friends. ingly, Trump may have even tried to use this sixth. It offers summer programs, daycare, and Madam Speaker, I would like to extend my aid as leverage to coerce Ukraine into con- even technology classes. The legacy of com- deepest sympathies to Congressman CLY- ducting politically-motivated investigations to munity service and inclusion lives on under BURN, his loved ones, and all those who had help Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul the leadership of Pastor Kellen Brooks, the the pleasure of knowing Dr. Clyburn. She was Manafort and to target former Vice President grandson of Pentecostal Church in God’s a pillar of this great institution’s community, Joe Biden’s family. longest serving pastor, the late Bishop Isaac and we will dearly miss her. However, I am extremely disappointed that the continuing resolution did not address a King, Jr. f Please join me in tribute to Pastor Kellen highway program funding issue created by the Brooks and the members of Pentecostal CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS Republicans in the last surface-transportation Church of God in Christ as we recognize its ACT, 2020, AND HEALTH EXTEND- reauthorization bill. Section 1438 of the Fix ninetieth anniversary. ERS ACT OF 2019 America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act rescinds $7.6 billion of Federal highway fund- f SPEECH OF ing on July 1, 2020. State Departments of PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO Transportation are very concerned about the AND LEGACY OF DR. EMILY OF OREGON impact of the rescission on planning, construc- ENGLAND CLYBURN tion, and repair of roads and bridges, and it is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES imperative that we address this before we fi- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Thursday, September 19, 2019 nalize the fiscal year 2020 appropriations bills. I also have serious concerns with the bill’s OF TEXAS Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I will vote yes attempt to reimburse the Commodity Credit IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on H.R. 4378, which funds the federal govern- ment through November 21, 2019, although I Corporation for trade relief that has been dis- Friday, September 20, 2019 do have several concerns regarding what is in bursed to farmers and ranchers hurt by Presi- Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, the bill. dent Trump’s trade war with China. While’s I rise today to recognize and pay tribute to the The House has completed nearly all of its there’s no doubt that farmers and ranchers life and legacy of a transformative leader and appropriations bills. The Republican Senate have suffered under President Trump’s trade my personal friend, Dr. Emily England Cly- has passed none. Because the Senate has policies, this legislation essentially clears the burn. not done its work, bridge funding is needed to way for the president to continue his erratic A native South Carolinian, Dr. Clyburn grad- keep the government open past September trade policies unchecked by providing an ab- uated from Berkeley Training High School in 30. surd bailout of more than $20 billion. Moncks Corner before attending South Caro- Let me be clear: it is imperative that Con- I hope the Senate can get its work done lina State University (SCSU), where she gress provide long-term stability and funding. during the next eight weeks so we can stop earned a Bachelor’s degree in Library Congress, specifically the Senate, needs to the budget gimmicks and spend our time Science. She continued her studies and get its work done and halt the ridiculous and working on important issues like improving ac- earned a Master’s degree in Librarianship irresponsible lurching from short-term fix to cess to health care and repairing our dilapi- from the University of South Carolina. In 2010, short-term fix. Shutting down the government dated infrastructure. That is what Americans Dr. Clyburn was recognized for her achieve- does nothing but harm Americans. The shut- expect, and that is what they deserve. ments in the humanities through an Honorary down earlier this year resulted in Coast Guard f Doctorate of Humane Letters from her alma personnel going without a pay check for 35 RECOGNIZING THE BRYAN/COL- mater, SCSU. days. I have a bill to ensure that never hap- LEGE STATION HABITAT FOR Dr. Clyburn served as a public school librar- pens again. HUMANITY ian in Columbia and Charleston in the early The continuing resolution includes provi- part of her career. She later transitioned to a sions that I strongly support. I am glad it con- medical librarian position at the Charleston tains language to stop roughly $1.2 billion in HON. BILL FLORES OF TEXAS Naval Base and Dorn VA Medical Center in cuts to transit formula funding from going into IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Columbia, where she merged her passion of effect on October 1, 2019. Had this language librarianship with her commitment to service. not been included, the so-called ‘‘Rosten- Friday, September 20, 2019 Dr. Clyburn and her husband, my good kowski test’’ would have been triggered for the Mr. FLORES. Madam Speaker, I rise today friend Congressman JIM CLYBURN, generously first time ever, leading to a roughly 12 percent to recognize the Bryan-College Station Habitat contributed funding to South Carolina State cut in funding to transit agencies. This test, for Humanity, which is celebrating its 30th an- University to allow for the reestablishment of originally intended to prevent overspending niversary this year. the Honors College. In addition, the university from the Highway Trust Fund, is no longer rel- The Bryan-College Station Habitat for Hu- created the Dr. Emily England Clyburn Honors evant given that the Trust Fund now consist- manity was founded in 1989 when a Texas

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20SE8.006 E20SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS September 20, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1191 A&M University college student named Heath- erans, for our military men and women who . Mr. Powell earned the rank of Mas- er Hilton came across a brochure and won- protect us, and for our first responders who ter Sergeant and was awarded the WWII Vic- dered why there was no locally run affiliate of keep us safe at home. tory Medal, the European-African-Middle East- Habitat for Humanity International, a nonprofit, f ern Campaign Medal, the American Defense ecumenical Christian housing organization. Medal, the Operation Overload Medal, the Heather contacted other pillars of the commu- HONORING KIRK-CASEY AMERICAN American Campaign Medal, the Army Good nity who also noticed the lack of affordable LEGION POST 366 IN SENECA Conduct Medal, and the Bronze Star. housing in the Brazos Valley. Since its subse- FALLS, NEW YORK FOR ITS ONE Mr. Powell returned home and worked for quent formation, the Bryan-College Station HUNDRETH ANNIVERSARY businesses in upstate New York. He later Habitat for Humanity has continued its mission landed a job with IBM as a manager and was of putting God’s love into action by building HON. TOM REED transferred to Lexington, Kentucky where he homes, communities, and hope in Brazos OF NEW YORK worked for 28 years prior to retirement. Mr. County, Texas. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Powell married his wife Betty and they were In 1990, Victor and Amelia Gonzalez pur- blessed with two daughters, Paula and Mar- Friday, September 20, 2019 chased the first home built by Bryan-College sha. Mr. and Mrs. Powell will celebrate their Station Habitat for Humanity. This opportunity Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, today I rise to 77th anniversary this New Year’s Eve. allowed them and their three children to move recognize and honor Kirk-Casey American Le- Mr. Powell and his fellow veterans are true out of their small trailer with no heating or gion Post 366 in Seneca Falls, New York for heroes. As members of the ‘‘Greatest Genera- cooling and a large hole in the floor. In 2012, its one hundredth Anniversary. tion’’, they willingly served to protect and de- they paid off their mortgage on the home. The A charter was put in place by New York fend the freedoms that we enjoy today. I am Gonzalez family is just one example of the State for Kirk-Casey American Legion Post humbled to honor the service of Mr. John more than 1,000 people the Bryan-College 366 in Seneca Falls on September 8, 1919. Powell and to celebrate his upcoming 100th Station Habitat for Humanity has helped in The post was named in honor of local citizens, birthday before the United States Congress. their 30 years of existence. Frederick Kirk and Maynard Casey, two mili- f The Bryan-College Station Habitat for Hu- tary members killed in action during World manity has served 456 adults and 816 chil- War I. The first meeting of Kirk-Casey Amer- HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- dren by providing homeownership opportuni- ican Legion Post 366 was held on September SARY OF SPORTS FOUNDATION, ties to individuals and families who earn be- 19, 1919 where the name was chosen. Six INC. tween 35 and 80 percent of the area’s median days later, Fata Martin was the first woman income. This past August, the Bryan-College enrolled in the post. Fata Martin served as a HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO Station Habitat for Humanity raised the walls nurse in France after training at Willard State OF NEW YORK of its 298th home, and will reach its 300th Hospital in Romulus. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On February 22, 1921, a women’s auxiliary home milestone this year. Friday, September 20, 2019 The Bryan-College Station Habitat for Hu- was organized and a charter was received on manity is able to provide these opportunities to May 23, 1923. Property was purchased on Mr. SERRANO. Madam Speaker, it is my those in need through financial donations, vol- April 2, 1924, known as the Casey Property, pleasure to honor Sports Foundation, Inc. on unteer labor, efficient building methods, stand- which was located at 48 State Street, Seneca their 50th Anniversary of tireless advocacy to ardized designs, and zero interest loans. Over Falls, New York. This property was used to improve the lives of Bronx residents. This or- 70 percent of the land and construction costs build the post home, which is still in use. The ganization is a great example of extraordinary come from the generous donations from busi- post home was dedicated on May 18, 1929. contributions that community based groups nesses, individuals, and other private sources. The rich and varied history of this post is a and outstanding individuals have made in my Other costs are covered by mortgage pay- long-lasting legacy that I wish to share with district in the Bronx. ments of the existing Habitat for Humanity my colleagues here, the constituents in my Mr. Robert Williams and Mr. Claude homeowners and revenue from the Bryan-Col- district and the American people. Kirk-Casey ‘‘Buddy’’ Young founded Sports Foundation, lege Station ReStore which opened in 1995 American Legion Post 366 is the first char- Inc. in 1969. Mr. Williams was born and raised selling building supplies, furniture, appliances, tered post in Seneca County and is one of the in the Bronx, attended Theodore Roosevelt and home de´cor. longest chartered posts in the American Le- High School and was captain of NYU’s bas- In addition to constructing new homes, the gion’s seventh district. I applaud the efforts of ketball team while earning a bachelors in edu- Bryan-College Station Habitat for Humanity this post on behalf and for veterans over the cation from there. Mr. Williams was also the has also started a Community Home Repair years and wish them continued success in the first African-American assistant basketball program to serve low-income residents. Since future. coach at NYU. Throughout his career, basket- the program’s inception in 2015, it has served Given the above, I ask that this Legislative ball and scholarship were two of his biggest another 209 homeowners in the Brazos Val- Body pause in its deliberations and join me to priorities. Mr. ‘‘Buddy’’ Young was one of the ley. recognize Kirk-Casey American Legion Post first black men to play pro football. He started The work Habitat for Humanity does is vital 366 in Seneca Falls, New York for its one playing at the University of Illinois, and then to the success of families in the Brazos Valley. hundredth Anniversary. was drafted into the Armed Services, and A 2018 study conducted by the Bush School f played with one of the service teams. At the of Government and Public Service found that end of his military service, Mr. Young played families in Habitat homes visit the doctor less IN HONOR OF JOHN POWELL for ten years in the All-America Football Con- for mold related illnesses, the children have in- ference and National Football League. creased performance in school, and parents HON. ANDY BARR The dedication of Sports Foundation, Inc. to are more confident in funding their children’s OF KENTUCKY promote social responsibility to disadvantaged education. The Bryan-College Station Habitat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and at-risk youth has facilitated their ability to for Humanity does more than build and repair foster, develop and encourage positive youth Friday, September 20, 2019 homes; they bring people from all walks of life development using sports as a method of together to work toward a common goal: dem- Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to change. Their work has created a lasting im- onstrating God’s love by giving a hand up to honor the life of a special man, Mr. John Pow- pact in my community and participants have those in need of decent, affordable places to ell of Lexington, Kentucky. Mr. Powell is part been all the better for it. The variety of pro- live. of a special group of heroes that served our grams such as prevention counseling, sports Madam Speaker, it is clear that the Bryan- nation during World War II. Mr. Powell cele- and fitness activities, music/entertainment, and College Station Habitat for Humanity has had brates his 100th birthday on September 22nd. educational and community service, has a large and positive impact on the Brazos Val- Mr. Powell was born in Pennsylvania. He helped to develop healthy bodies and strong ley in their 30 years of operation. I congratu- was drafted into the on minds in the youth from this community. Their late them on reaching this milestone and I April 4, 1941. He was expected to serve for location in the South Bronx placed this organi- look forward to seeing their continued suc- one year, but instead served nearly five years. zation on the front lines in the war against cess. He was an artilleryman who landed on Omaha poverty, obesity, hunger, drugs, and violence. As I close today, I urge all Americans to Beach just 17 days after D-Day. He and his Sports Foundation, Inc. is now focused on continue praying for our country, for our vet- unit pushed all the way to the Rhine River in transforming the foundation into the premier

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.009 E20SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 20, 2019 youth services provider capable of reaching an thorities Act (Roll Call 536). Had I voted, I acting President Fouad Mebazaa appointed ever-expanding and greatly underserved youth would have voted YEA. President Caid Essebsi, after almost 20 years population. f of private life, as the new Prime Minister for Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join his record of patriotism, loyalty, and commit- me in honoring Sports Foundation, Inc. for HONORING PRESIDENT MOHAMED ment to democracy. BEJI CAID ESSEBSI their steadfast dedication and years of service In 2011, following elections for the Con- to our Bronx residents, and for their long- stituent Assembly of Tunisia, the body standing commitment to improving our com- HON. BILL FLORES charged with writing a new constitution, Presi- munity. OF TEXAS dent Caid Essebsi left office. As the country’s f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES new constitution was being written, President Caid Essebsi founded a new political party HIDDEN FIGURES CONGRESSIONAL Friday, September 20, 2019 named ‘‘Nidaa Tounes’’ which translates to GOLD MEDAL ACT Mr. FLORES. Madam Speaker, I rise today ‘‘Tunisia’s Call.’’ He founded this party as a to honor Mohamed Beji Caid Essebsi, the first SPEECH OF democracy-oriented alternative to the lslamist democratically elected president of Tunisia, Ennahda party which had recently taken HON. JOYCE BEATTY who passed away on July 25, 2019. power. President Caid Essebsi was born November OF OHIO In early 2014, the country’s new constitution 29, 1926, in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia. In 1950 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was passed and ratified; followed by elections he went to study law in Paris, France, and to form a new system of government. Par- Thursday, September 19, 2019 when he returned, he joined the independence liamentary elections were held in October of movement led by future President Habib Mrs. BEATTY. Madam Speaker, Katherine that year and Nidaa Tounes won a plurality of Bourguiba. Following Tunisia’s independence Johnson, Dr. Christine Darden, Dorothy the seats. The next month, President Caid from France in 1956, he served as Vaughan, and Mary Jackson; most people Essebsi was elected as President of Tunisia in Bourguiba’s adviser and in his cabinet from know them as the ‘‘Hidden Figures.’’ the country’s first free and fair elections. Dur- 1957 to 1951. His posts included Chief of Re- Well, Madam Speaker, I think it’s safe to ing his presidency, he supported a secular so- gional Administration, Interior Minister, De- say they are ‘‘hidden figures’’ no longer. ciety and legislation that promoted women’s fense Minister, and Ambassador to France. Thanks to them and many other women, we rights. were able to reach for the stars and put a man Ten years after being sidelined for advo- Last year, I had the pleasure of meeting on the moon. cating for democratization, President Caid President Caid Essebsi on a House Democ- We honor these brave, brilliant women. Essebsi returned to public service in 1981, racy Partnership trip to Tunisia to promote They accomplished what many thought impos- serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs until their continuing democratic progress. I enjoyed sible and proved—to paraphrase Katherine 1986. In 1987, Prime Minister Zine el Abidine his company and was saddened to hear of his Johnson—that ‘‘Girls are capable of doing ev- Ben Ali staged a bloodless coup against Presi- passing. It is my fervent hope that in the up- erything men are capable of doing. Sometimes dent Bourguiba. Under the new regime, Presi- coming elections to replace him, Tunisia con- they even have more imagination than men.’’ dent Caid Essebsi was appointed as Ambas- tinues to build upon the democratic processes In that spirit, I am proud to be a cosponsor sador to Germany. He later returned to serve that he so strongly supported. of the Hidden Figures Congressional Gold from 1990 to 1991 as the President of the Medal Act and urge all my colleagues to sup- Chamber of Deputies, the former lower cham- Madam Speaker, President Mohamed Beji port this resolution. ber of the Tunisian parliament. Caid Essebsi’s life was defined by his service to his country. He will be forever remembered f In 2010, the citizens of Tunisia took part in a campaign of civil resistance against Presi- as a husband, a father, a selfless public serv- PERSONAL EXPLANATION dent Ben Ali. Their demonstrations against ant, a champion for democracy, and a friend. high unemployment, food inflation, and lack of My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest and HON. JENNIFER WEXTON political freedom led to the eventual ouster of heartfelt condolences to the Caid Essebsi fam- OF VIRGINIA President Ben Ali. The Tunisian people’s revo- ily. We also lift up the family and friends of President Caid Essebsi in our prayers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lutionary success sparked a wave of protests and government overthrows across the Middle As I close today, I urge all Americans to Friday, September 20, 2019 East, resulting in the Arab Spring. In the after- continue praying for our country, for our vet- Ms. WEXTON. Madam Speaker, I was on math of their success, Tunisians were in need erans, for our military men and women who the floor but missed the vote on H.R. 535, the of leadership while trying to form a new and protect us, and for our first responders who Department of Veteran Affairs Expiring Au- democratic form of government. In early 2011, keep us safe at home.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.012 E20SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS