September 20, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1187 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING WORLD grown into a community-supported local kitch- HONORING MELVINDALE-DEAR- NARCOLEPSY DAY en and pantry to serve the people of the BORN FIRE CAPTAIN MICHAEL Pajaro Valley. PREADMORE HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF The Loaves and Fishes lunch program OF CALIFORNIA serves a hot, nutritious lunch every weekday, HON. RASHIDA TLAIB IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prepared on-site by certified cooks and other OF MICHIGAN Friday, September 20, 2019 community volunteers. In 2018, Loaves and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fishes served between 80 and 150 hot and Friday, September 20, 2019 Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today nutritious meals every weekday. The pantry in recognition of World Narcolepsy Day, which program provides supplemental groceries to Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in will be observed globally on September 22nd. the individuals or families up to twice per tribute to Captain Michael Preadmore for his Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological condi- month, with 76 percent of adult pantry clients many years of service to the Melvindale-Dear- tion that affects about 1 in 2,000 people by im- being farm workers who support the Central born Consolidated Fire Department, on the oc- pairing the brain’s ability to regulate the sleep- Coast. Most of these groceries are either do- casion of his retirement. wake cycle. Symptoms of narcolepsy include nated or purchased from local farmers and the During his twenty-three years of service, excessive sleepiness during the day, sudden Second Harvest Food Bank. Captain Preadmore has moved steadily episodes of muscle paralysis, sleep paralysis, through the ranks, garnering accolades for his confusing hallucinations, and a disrupted In addition to its food programs, Loaves and dedication and bravery along the way. nighttime sleep. Fishes supports the development of the com- Preadmore joined the City of Melvindale’s Fire Due to an overall lack of public and profes- munity by providing support services, including Department as a firefighter in 1996. From sional awareness, accurate diagnosis of nar- nutrition education, job trainings, resume build- there, he was quickly promoted to sergeant, colepsy commonly takes between 8 and 15 ing workshops, life skills development, and re- lieutenant, and ultimately, captain. A consum- years. Experts believe that the majority of peo- ferrals to other available social services. Many mate professional who knows safety doesn’t ple with narcolepsy are currently undiagnosed of these services are provided through part- take a day off, Captain Preadmore has been or misdiagnosed with other conditions such as nerships with other social service agencies acknowledged for his perfect attendance mul- epilepsy, depression, and schizophrenia. More and nonprofits. tiple times and he has dedicated his time to- work is needed to deliver breakthroughs for It is an honor to recognize an organization ward working to advanced certification, includ- patients impacted by this debilitating sleep dis- with such a meaningful impact on the commu- ing confined space and rope rescue. Above order, and we must continue to support the nity, and I am proud to celebrate Pajaro Valley and beyond that, Captain Preadmore has important funding of medical research through Loaves and Fishes’ 30th anniversary of sup- been recognized for his bravery in the line of the National Institutes of Health and public porting the Central Coast. Madam Speaker, I duty, receiving the Fire Chief Life Saving health programs through the Centers for Dis- ask my distinguished colleagues to join me in Award twice, the Department Medal of Valor ease Control and Prevention. celebrating Loaves and Fishes as a pillar of award, and the Fire Chief Unit Commendation. World Narcolepsy Day serves to raise strength in our community. In short, Captain Preadmore has served awareness of the experiences and healthcare bravely and nobly. Please join me in saluting needs of the approximately 3 million people f him for his twenty-three years of public service living with narcolepsy across the globe, includ- as we wish him well on his retirement. ing the 200,000 people with narcolepsy and HONORING THE BICENTENNIAL OF f their loved ones in the United States. By rais- PERRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE ing awareness of narcolepsy, we can reduce HONOR FLIGHT OF OREGON delays in diagnosis, combat stigma and misperceptions, and improve health outcomes HON. MARK E. GREEN HON. GREG WALDEN for affected individuals. OF OREGON OF TENNESSEE I ask all Members to join me in recognizing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 22nd as World Narcolepsy Day. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, September 20, 2019 f Friday, September 20, 2019 Mr. WALDEN. Madam Speaker, I rise to HONORING THE 30TH ANNIVER- recognize the World War II veterans, Korean SARY OF PAJARO VALLEY Mr. GREEN of Tennessee. Madam Speak- War veterans and Vietnam War veterans from LOAVES AND FISHES er, I rise today to recognize the bicentennial of Oregon who are visiting their memorials on Perry County, Tennessee, which was estab- the National Mall on Friday, September 20, HON. JIMMY PANETTA lished in November 1819. Named after Com- 2019, through Honor Flight of Oregon. Every modore Oliver Hazard Perry, a naval hero in OF CALIFORNIA time I have the chance to meet one of these the War of 1812, Perry County has a long and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES heroes, I am reminded of the poignant words proud history in the heart of Tennessee. of General Dwight D. Eisenhower. In a mes- Friday, September 20, 2019 Perry County is known for the scenic beauty sage to Allied troops just before D–Day, he Mr. PANETTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today of the Buffalo and Tennessee rivers, and it is said, ‘‘The eyes of the world are upon you. on the behalf of Pajaro Valley Loaves and home to several historic sites, including the The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people Fishes to recognize the work they have done Cedar Grove Iron Furnace, the Perry County everywhere march with you.’’ to foster community development and collabo- Courthouse, and the Commodore Hotel. He was right then, of course, Madam ration as they celebrate 30 years of committed Speaker. But over seventy years later, liberty- work to alleviating hunger among working Home to some of Tennessee’s finest public loving people everywhere continue to owe class families on the central coast of Cali- servants, it is my distinct honor to represent these heroes for their extraordinary service fornia. Perry County in the United States Congress. and their incredible stories of sacrifice and Loaves and Fishes was founded in 1989 as The citizens of Perry County exemplify the bravery on behalf of our country. That’s why it an emergency response to the Loma Prieta values that form the cornerstone of Tennessee is my privilege to include in the RECORD their earthquake and served more than 20,000 and our nation, and I ask that my colleagues names. meals to residents displaced by the disaster at in the United States House of Representatives The veterans on this Honor Flight from Or- their original location in Watsonville’s St Pat- join me in congratulating them as they cele- egon are as follows: Robert Berns, Navy; John rick’s Church. The organization has since brate this momentous occasion. Bromstead, Navy; Dale Coonse, Navy; William ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20SE8.001 E20SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 20, 2019 Dickson, Navy; Dean Ewell, Army; Carl Giles, Teddy Roosevelt’s speech ‘‘The Man in the Dr. Birnbaum’s work as a federal research Army; Roy Gilmore, Navy; Stanley Grout, Arena.’’ scientist spans nearly 40 years, including 19 Navy; Troy Stone, Army; Dean Hastings, Richard never sat on the sidelines. He was years directing research at the U.S. Environ- Navy; Howard Hoffer, Navy; Floyd McHargue, always in the arena, striving valiantly. Like any mental Protection Agency. She also currently Marine Corps; Norman Morgan, Navy; Jacob man who dares greatly, he also suffered set- serves as an adjunct professor in the UNC Notenboom, Army; Rex Orcutt, Navy; Jack backs along the way. Gillings School of Global Public Health and Peed, Navy; Jesse Ponce, Navy; Francis In the end, despite a lifetime marked by held a similar position in Toxicology and Envi- Rossi, Navy; William Russell, Air Force; Wil- achievement, perhaps Richard’s most admi- ronmental Health at Duke University. She has liam Shrader, Coast Guard; Muriel Sollendar, rable quality was his fortitude and resilience in maintained her research program even while Marine Corps; Marlyn Sperry, Army; Galen the face of adversity. serving as NIEHS/NTP director, and at last Tarter, Navy; Cliff Peery, Army; and David Richard was a pillar of our central Florida count had over 700 published articles and re- Ullom, Army. community. He will be deeply missed by all of ports to her credit. Fortunately, she plans to These heroes join over 200,000 veterans us who had the honor to call him a friend. continue her laboratory research part-time. who have been honored through the Honor f Madam Speaker, it has been my privilege to Flight Network of volunteers nationwide since know and work with Dr. Birnbaum during 2005. HONORING DR. LINDA BIRNBAUM, much of her tenure at EPA and NIEHS. I was I would also like to recognize the guardians CHAMPION OF ENVIRONMENTAL delighted to see her—an accomplished, prac- traveling on this trip who have also served our HEALTH RESEARCH ticing scientist—appointed to the directorship country: Mark Libante, Army; Richard of NIEHS, and she has been a trusted source McReynolds, Army; Paul Grout, Air Force; HON.
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