Texas Western College 1955-1956

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Texas Western College 1955-1956 CONTENTS Faculty and Staff - [3- lo ] Description and History of the College - [ 11 - ig ] 1955 -56 Calendar - [zo - 21 ] Map of the Campus - [ 22 ] How to Enter the College - [ 231 Admission Requirements - [ 25 - 26 ] Expenses - [ 27 - 30 ] Student Employment - [3i ] Scholarship and Loan Funds - [ 31 - 33 ] Student Life - [ 35 - 36 ] Scholastic Regulations - [37 - 42 ] Degree Requirements - [ 43 - 60 ] Graduate Division - [ 61 - 62 ] Extension Division - [ 63 ] Descriptions of Courses Offered Art-16.51 Journalism - [ 114 I Bible - [ 70 I Mathematics - [ lao 1 Biological Sciences - [ 71 ] Metallurgy - 1 117 I Business Admini*ation - 173 1 Military Science - [ 114 I Chemisby - [ 81 I Mining - 1 126 1 Drama - I 98 I Music. Applied - [ 136 1 Economics - [ 78 1 Music Education - 1 134 I Education - [ 83 1 Music Theory - 113a I Engineering - I89 I Philosophy - [ 139 I English - [ 93 I Physical Education - [ 104 I French - [ 129 I Physics - [ 122 I Geography - I 102, 111 I Psychology - 1140 1 Geology - 101 I Radio-Television - 1 117 ] German - 1 129 I Russian - [ 131 I Government - [ 111 I Sociology - [ 111 1 Health Education - 103 I Spanish - [ 130 I History - [ 108 I Speech - [ 97 I Zepcrs Western [cIleqe c/ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Fomrb the COLLEGEOF MIW AND M~ALLURCY MEMBER SOUTHERN ASSOClATlON OF COLLEGES TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES ARTS and SCIENCES I MINES and ENGINEERING ~ -~ - I~ GRADUATE STUDY Published bimonthly by TEXASWESTERN COLLEGE of El Paso Volume XL F~snumY.1955 . Number 5501 Entered as second-clars matter, March 7, 1935. at the post office at El Paso. Texas, under the Act of August 24. 1912 Roard of Regents of The University of Texas TOMSWY, Chaimn Dlrvln M. W-N, Vice-Chn(rmon Mns. MARYWNICEE. STEWART,Secretary MEMBERS Term Expire, January. 1955 MRS.MARCARET BA~ TOBIN, San Antonio DAVIDM. WARREN,Panhandle DUDLEYK. WOODW~D,JR., Dallas Tern Expire, lanuary. 1957 DR. L. S. O~ms,Center TOM S~LY,Midland C~auo~W. Von~s.Austin Terms Expire, Ionuary. 1959 Lmou JEFFEM, Houston LEE LOCKWOOD,Wac0 J. R. SORRELL,COIPIIS Christi President of The University of Tern LOGANWILSON, PH.D. LLD. I STAFF Officers of Adminiatratlon ALVIN ARLTON SMITH Adin# Prnident B.A., M.A., North T- State College CHARLES ALEXANDER PUCKETT BAXTER POLK Dam of Art, and Srianrr~ Librarinn B.A., The Uoivcniq of T-; B.A., Hardin-Simmoa. UnivcniR M.A.. Harvard Univrnitg B.S. (Library Sdmcc). Uoivcrriq 01 Oh. M.S. in L.S.. Colvmbi Uniraiq EUGENE McUE THOMAS Dl." of Minr, and Enpin..rinp JOHN LEROY WALLER B.S.. T-r College of Mina and Mcrallw; Chairman o/ Cr.duarl Council MS.. MassrcbuscrU Irutirure of Terhnalogi; E.M., T- Cdlr;*c of Miou and Mcullurgi D.S.. Univeni,y of otwoms; M.A., Univerriry of Colondo; JUDSON FINLON WILLIAMS Ph.D.. Univrnilg 01 T- Den" ol Stvdrnl ti10 B.A., Hub-Simmolu Univcnitr ALONZO NEIL FOSTER M.A.. Univerrin~~~ 01 MLcouri Dir<<r,, ./ E.'#",i0" ond Plncrrnanl E~.D:. ~ni;.~i#~01 T- B.S.. Southrut Trxa. Sute Tucbcn Collcgc; MARY MARGARET JAMESON M.A.. Univcrrily 01 Miauri; Dean 01 worn," Ed.D., Colurado Sntc College of Education B.A., Winrhrop CoUcgc M.A.. Syracuse Uoiuenity MATTHEW HENRY THOMLINSON cumto, 01 ~vrrvm ROY CLARENCE FlSK Artins Dvrines~Manoprr B.S.. U. S. Military Aodcmy; B.B.A., T-5 Wacuo College Colonel. U. 5. Army. Rtd. JOSEPH MeSWAIN WHlTAKER Repulror and Dirarror of Admiriom BURT FRANKLIN JENNESS B.A., ~griculturaland ~~chaniol f~~dthofice, CoUege of T- M.D., Darunouth College; M.A.. T- Western CoUege Lt. Comdr.. U. S. Navy, Rtd. JOHN ALFREY JOHN RICHARD BALLENTINE PI^/^^^^^ 01 ~ililory~rirnce ~nd ~urirs Ardant Prolrrsor ol Merhanicd Engineering B. S.. Uoired Starn Mllitlry Academy B.S.. MS. (Mechanical Eogiowring) Colonel. Anillcw. U. 5. Army Agricultural and Mechanical College 01 T- JACK JESS ALMACK THOMAS CROCAKD BARNES Inrtrvrlor in Mv~ir Pro/,"., of Phy,ir, B.M.. T-3 Wafun College B.A.. Hardio.Simmoru Univcrriq; M.M.. Columbi Univerailp M.S.. Brown Univcoity FEDERICK WILLIAM BACHMANN RALPH PORTER BENT2 Af,i~l.Z"t Pro/*,,o, 01 Malh<mati<, Pro/,,sor of Modem Iancuoga, B.A.. M.A.. Sholord Univcniqi B.S.. Pennsylvania State Teschm College Ph.D.. Uoivcrrily of Chicago M.Ed.. Pcnmylvaoil State Collcge Ph.D., Pcabodg College MRS. MYRTLE EVELYN BALL JACOB J. BERG A~ri~rantProlauor of Sperrh Asrilrant Prof.r,or o/ Militnry B.A.. New Mexico Normal Uoiumiw Srirn~rand Tartin M.A.. University of Southern Califorcia Captain. Anillev. U. S. Army WILLIAM HENRY BALL ANTON HELMER BERKMAN A~~~tanrP,O/~,.O. of Chrmblry Prolrlrar 01 Bial~gicolScirnrrf B.S.. Unirenitg 01 Cbiugo; B.A.. M.A., The University 01 T-; M.S.. I-= State CoUcge Ph.D.. Univcnily ol Chicago 3 FACULTY ] CALEB ARUNDEL BEVANS RALPH MONROE COLEMAN As~isrnnrProIa~~or 01 hlodarn Longua#s~ Alsorial. Prolo$,or 01 EnFnadring Druias S.B.. Northwescrrn Univcnitg B.S.. M.S.. Narrb Tuns Stale College M.A.. PhD. University 01 Chicago MRS. MARY LILLIAN COLLINGWOOD CARL HENRY BILLINGS In,,,ur,or in Enpli,h Axi~lnnfProlrr~or 01 Ciuil Engintoin8 B.A.. Tuu Wuccro Collrgc; B.S.. M.S.. Michigan Statr College M.A.. Univrni!~of Michigan LELAH BLACK BENNY WESLEY COLLINS Aniaanl Prolrrror nl Bu~inr~rAdminktrntlon A~~i~lanlProlersor ol Phyrird Education B.Ed.. Western Illinoi~SrarrTcarhcnCollege; B.A.. T-3 Wcstcrn Collc~e M.A.. University of low* M.S., Uoiver~itr01 umh LANIS LOY BOSWORTIi LOZIER CONDON lnllrvrlor in Pryrhology A~~i~lanlProlr~sor ol Education B.B.A.. M.A.. The Uois,rrrity 01 Tcra. D.A. Univenily 01 Alabama; M.A:. Univcnilr 01 Soulhem California; HALDECN BRADDY Ed.D.. The Uoirenity 01 Tern Prol<lxor ol Enllilh DANIEL ALLMAN CONNOR B.A.. East T~xP.S~IC Teacben Collcgc; lnllrvrlor in C~".rnmrn, M.A.. The Uoiverriry a1 T-3; B.A.. George Wnhingron University; Pb.D.. Nc" York uniru.i,y M.A.. Texas Wutrrn Callcgc; ELLEN WINIFRED COOGLER. In,trur,.r in A,, . B.S., Sul Rou Slate Teachen CoUese LLB.. M.A.. Slelron Uoiverrixy MRS. KATHLEEN CRAIG0 LONNIE K. BREWTON A~sktanrPrde~or 01 P~~JLOI~d.~.ti~~ lnllruclor in Military Srianrs and Tnrlirs B.A., M.A.. North Tcmr State Callraa Sergeant Finf Clasa. U. S. Army CECIL CLEMENT CRAWFORD RALPH CLEMENS BRIGGS Prol.rror ol Philolophy A~~eciar,Pml~nor 01 ~~ri~ B.A.. M.A., Ph.D.. Wsshingxoo Umiuc,-lity B.Mu9.. M.M.. Cincinmti Coorcnatov 01 Mvlic PLOM ARCHIE DECKER MIKE BRUMBELOW Proles~ar01 Electri<dl Engivz*,ving B.S. in E.E. E.E. Kan9.s Sutc Callcgc Prolseor and Coardin.1or 01 Phyricd M.S.E.. ~n:vrmil; 01 Michigan Edu'ation and Inrramurd~and Arhlrricr Kcgiltcrrd Engineer B.A.. Texas Christian Uoiucrriw JAMES REGINALD DE HAAN ROBERT NORTHCUIT BURLINGAME Ajxirronf Prolrno, ol Chlmilt,y Ax~LlantProlavor ol Enplish B.S.. Coll~ge01 William and Maw; B.A.. M.A.. Uniucmity of New Mexico Ph.D.. Brown Univcrrity Pb.D.. Carncll Univcrrily RICHARD WEBSTER BURNS - EVELYN DOBSON A~rilrnnlProl,r~or nl Edurolion ln'trvclor in Art B.A.. Iowa Stare Teachers Collcgc B.F.A.. Allrrd Uaivcmiry M.S.. Ph.D.. State Uniuenify of Iowa MRS. LURLINE HUGHES DOUGLAS JOHN LEE CARRICO. In'truclnr in Endish AnLfnnr Prole~~arof Mulir B.A.. M.A.. The Uoivrnity of T- B.S. M.A., Sul Ron Smte Collcgc M.M.. Northwurcro Uaiveni#y MRS. MARY ELEANOR DUKE Arrillanl P,olr,ror ol Oiolopir.l Ssi,nrr, CLARENCE JOE CERVENKA~-~~ B.A. Tu.3 Wesrrrn Collcgc: ln~lrvrlorin Enpins~ringDrnwing M.A:. ~b~ univcnilg 01 T- B.S., MS. (Industrial Eduurion and Enginecrln Drawing) Agricultural and FRANCIS ALAN EHMANN ~~~h~~ica?~~ll~~~ol'Tua3 ln,truc,or in EngIi,h B.A. Tuas Wa=rcro College; LOUIS ROBERT COBBS M.A:, ~~~~~~d uoiurr,ill ln~rrvrrorin Bibla OLAV ELLING EIDBO* A.B., Howard Collegv Aoirl.nt Prolcrror ol Musir B.D.. Th.M.. Sovthwcrtrrn Thralosical Seminary B.A. Concordia Colle e M.A:. T~X~Swestrm eo~~csc 'Leaua 01 abrenrc. 1914.55. FACULTY ] FLOYD EMMETT FARQUEAR WfLlZ HARRISON Pro1e110r 01 fidurnrion A>'Lt."l Prol.'lor .I A,, B.5.. Miami Uoivcnitp: M.A.. Uniucnity of B.A.. T-5 Wcrrcro Collcgc; Chicago: Ed.D.. The Uoivcnirr of T- M.A.. University of Deorrr ROBERT TAYLOR FOLSOM WADE JAMES HARTRICK Vi~iringAmtirlont Prolrrror 01 Mu~ir Pro[e,xcr Erqnom(n and B.M.E.. Nebrah Stale Tcachrn College Burlnrll A m,n,'lr.r,on M.M.E.. Univenitg of Colorado B.A.. Tuas Trchnological Collcge: M.B.A.. Ph.D.. The Uoivcrlirr of T- GEORGE UNGER FORD Aaistanr Prolrrror ol Military Srienrr PAUL CLIFFORD HASSLER, JR. and Tartirr A~ri>fantProl~~~nr el Ciusf En~nce~ing Lieureoaor Coloncl. art ill^^, U. S. Army n.s. trove city calle8, M.s:. univcrlirr of ~ewM-~CO ~~ ALONZO NEIL FOSTER A.lori.1. Prolrllor ol Educnlion JOE GUADALUPE HERRERA 1I.S.. Southrut Tuas State Tlarhen College lnslrvrror in Mililory Srirnra and Tarrirl M.A.. Uni~enifr01 M~~sou~~;?AD.. Colondo Sergeant First Claxr. U. S. ~rmy State College of Edllcation CARLHERTZOG NELLE TREW FRANCIS* L.rrurrrin Art In~1rurt.r in English Typopraphcr and Director of Pros B-A. Hnrdin.Simmom Unircniry; M.A:. T~C~~i~~~in~ 01 T-s VIRGIL HICKS Anisfont Prolrlror ol Radio DONALD KEITH FREELAND B.A.. Tuu Wrrfcrn College A~~i~ronrPr~lrr~or 01 Eronomic~ [luxinen Adnini~t~.$i~~ WILLIAM L. HODGE B.S. Aurain College. Auixanr Prolrr~or01 mil it^^^ scirnr. M.B:A.. NO~I~T~~~; sulecollege and Torzic3 FRANCIS LYLE FUGATE B.A Terar Wedeyan College Maidr.
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