The Automobile and Technical Regulations
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THE AUTOMOBILE AND TECHNICAL REGULATIONS more actively. 1 Introduction 2. 2. The U.S. As environmental and energy conservation and traffic- On the safety front, there was a lot of activity sur- accident prevention become global trends, regulations rounding the introduction of advanced technologies, in- are being strengthened in Japan, the U.S., and Europe cluding the signing of a memorandum of understanding that demand further improvements in vehicle safety and (MOU) by automakers on equipping vehicles with auto- environmental performance. In Asia, Australia, and Cen- matic emergency braking and the establishment of the tral and South America legislation based primarily on Automotive Information Sharing and Analysis Center UN regulations is being prepared. Work on the interna- (Auto-ISAC) to work on cybersecurity measures. In addi- tional harmonization of standards, including the uniform tion, concerns that outdated U.S. safety standards (FM- worldwide Global Technical Regulations (GTRs) stan- VSS) could impede the introduction of advanced technol- dards, is also advancing. ogies, the NHTSA has been endorsing the further introduction of such technologies by encouraging peti- 2 Overall Trends tions from automakers. 2. 1. Japan The Environmental Protection Agency will be To move forward with a mutual recognition of a whole strengthening the current Tier 2 emissions regulations vehicle type approval system based on the UN Agree- for light-duty vehicles in the U.S. and start applying Tier ment concerning mutual recognition of type approval for 3 regulations, which are equivalent to the California LEV vehicles and parts that recognizes certification at the III, with the 2017 model year. The California Air Re- level of parts and components, Japan has added provi- sources Board (CARB) is planning to issue amended leg- sions for the certification of common structural parts to islation for the OBD rules applying to the LEV III that its legislation governing vehicles. came into effect with the 2015 model year. At the same In terms of safety, it was decided to introduce of re- time, the EPA, the CARB, and Canada have begun actual quirements regarding internal projections, vehicle fire road emissions tests using the portable emission mea- hazard prevention, pole side impacts, license plate lamps, surement system (PEMS). as well as tire noise, friction force on wet road surfaces, The application of the GHG phase 2 fuel economy reg- and rolling resistance. ulations for heavy-duty vehicles starting with the 2010 For emissions, the main issues addressed were the model year has been proposed. strengthening of NOx emission limit and the change of In terms of recycling and substances of environmental test cycle (from the JE05 to the Worldwide harmonized concern (SOCs), the EPA has issued a regulation to ban Heavy Duty Certification (WHDC)) for heavy-duty diesel the use of the current air conditioner refrigerant (R134a) vehicles. As the study of the introduction of the World- in light-duty vehicles sold in the U.S. starting with the wide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) 2021 model year. is intensifying, the diesel vehicle emissions scandal has 2. 3. Europe prompted the extending of regulations prohibiting illegal It was decided to make the installation of the system devices (defeat strategy) to also cover passenger vehicles. that automatically notifies emergency services in the At the same time, public-private investigations and re- event of a traffic accident (eCall) mandatory, a decision search on real driving emissions (RDE) is being pursued that will apply from the end of March 2018. The rules Copyright© 2016 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved concerning the specific technical requirements and certi- dividual vehicle fuel economy standards with strength- fication procedures are currently being deliberated. ened target values are also in effect. There are ongoing discussions on the definition of au- The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has revised its tomated driving according to the degree of driver inter- general safety requirements to make systems such as vention with regard to driving support technologies such ABS, ESC, TPMS, and brake override mandatory start- as lane departure and collision avoidance. ing with the 2017 model year. Similarly, the light-duty The introduction of the WLTP and of the Real Driving vehicle fuel economy labels already adopted by Saudi Emissions (RDE) regulation, as well as a revision of the Arabia will also be applied in other GCC countries. Cor- evaporative emissions test method, are being examined porate average fuel economy regulations for light-duty with the goal of synchronizing them with the coming vehicles have been in effect in Saudi Arabia since 2016. into effect of Euro 6c in September 2017. For the RDE, a In Taiwan, regulations on corporate average CO2 emis- monitoring phase preceding the regulation started in sions for light-duty vehicles came into effect in 2015, and April 2016. In addition, a proposed regulations package corporate average fuel economy regulations will follow in that covers elements such as the measurement of CH4 2017. (converted to CO2) and attendant relaxed THC emission 2. 5. The United Nations limit, the adoption of NO2 regulations, and stricter low 2. 5. 1. Harmonization of standards temperature regulations (stricter CO and THC emission The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regu- limit and adoption of NOx and NO2 emission limit) is be- lations of the United Nations Economic Commission for ing debated by the European Commission, the European Europe (WP29) was established as the body to promote Parliament, and the Council of the EU. international harmonization of automotive technical stan- The phase-in of CO2 regulations for light-duty passen- dards. WP29 has been meeting regularly to discuss the ger vehicles started in 2012, and the phasing-in of these 1958 Agreement (mutual recognition agreement) and the same regulations for light commercial vehicles started in 1998 Agreement (global agreement). The aim of the 1958 2014. In addition, a proposed CO2 regulation for the year agreement, currently signed by 50 European and other 2020 was adopted at the plenary session of the European countries as well as 1 region, is to use UN regulations to Parliament in February 2014. Emission targets have been establish uniform technical standards for vehicles and set to a stricter 95 g/km for light-duty passenger vehi- obtain mutual recognition of those standards. There are cles and 147 g/km for light-duty commercial vehicles, currently (as of the end of 2015) 136 such UN regulations, with a credit based on the number of vehicles sold ap- with new regulations for additional items currently being plied to vehicles with emissions of less than 50 g/km formulated. The 1998 Agreement went into effect in Au- (counted as multiple vehicles). gust 2000 as a means of establishing and realizing GTRs, Changes to the vehicle exterior noise test method and and includes 34 participating countries and 1 participat- stricter regulations have been set to come into effect in ing region as of the end of 2015. The addition of WLTP July 2016, while the application of Acoustic Vehicle Alert- and tires in 2014 has brought the number of items cov- ing System (AVAS) requirement for EVs and HEVs is ered by established GTRs to 16. Furthermore, additional scheduled to start in 2019. GTRs on items such as light-duty vehicle emissions, fuel 2. 4. Other regions economy testing methods, hydrogen and fuel cell vehi- In China, the nationwide China 5 (equivalent to Euro 5) cles (phase II), pedestrian protection (phase II), tires regulations for light-duty gasoline vehicles will come into (phase II), and quiet vehicles (proximity warning sounds), effect in January 2017. Similarly, Beijing will introduce are also being revised or formulated. the Beijing 6 (equivalent to the U.S. LEV III) regulations 2. 5. 2. System for mutual recognition of international for light-duty gasoline vehicles at the end of 2017, ahead whole vehicle type approval of the rest of the country, and the nationwide introduc- WP 29 is actively discussing and pursuing the estab- tion of China 6 (equivalent to Euro 6) is under consider- lishment of a system for the mutual recognition of Inter- ation. Fourth-stage fuel economy (corporate average fuel national Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA). This economy) standards have been in force since January initiative was proposed by the Japanese government 2016 for light-duty passenger vehicles, and third-stage in- with the aim of extending the current 1958 Agreement- Copyright© 2016 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. All rights reserved based mutual recognition of approval for devices, parts the recommendation on diesel heavy-duty vehicle blow- and systems to cover the whole vehicle. The following by gas come into effect in 2016. three items were accomplished: (1) amending the 1958 3. 2. 2. Strengthening of regulations for diesel heavy- Agreement, (2) establishing vehicle type approval regula- duty vehicles tions (IWVTA), and (3) preparing the necessary technical Starting in October 2016 (2018 for OBD), the strength- requirements for the IWVTA regulation. ening of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission limit, the change of test cycles (from the JE05 to the WHDC), the introduc- 3 Japan tion of a test methodology and emission limits for off-cy- 3. 1. Vehicle safety cle emissions (Off-cycle Emissions (OCE) Global Technical 3. 1. 1. Progress of safety measures Regulation), mandatory advanced on-board diagnostics In November 2015, the 16th Automobile Safety Sympo- devices and relaxed mandatory installation requirements sium was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infra- for blow-by gas reduction devices on supercharger- structure Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and the Soci- equipped vehicles that meet regulatory requirements, ety of Automotive Engineers of Japan. Held under the will be applied gradually. theme of Active Safety Technologies for Traffic Safety, 3.