NEWS AND ___-;-,1- . COMMENT OF AND I [ .======^_-_-___^^^-:-1^5^----= =____-_ CONCERT cnt-day desolation and destruction in . -'.-" a uatanic fury. The artist will lccturo \Chicago Opera Co, on the exhibition of thrilling scenes, all of which wcro made in their natural Mme. to Sing colors a new Hempel by process. Tho former ' Last Week Minister of War, M. Millcrand, is the I Begins executive president of the Committee in 'Le Nozze di for tho Relief of the Wounded and Sick Figaro Presentation Will Include Soldiers. President Poincaró is chair¬ Two man of tho honorary committee. Will- Caruso To Be Heard as Radames in New to New York Audiences: (iLeSau- Jam Saneloz was sent to this country aa a special commissioner in charge of and teriot," by Lazzari, and <(Isabeau,T the exhibition. "Aida," Lázaro, Spanish Tenor, Tho American executive committee is Will headed by Mrs. Robert Appear 'Again in "" fourth and la^t week of the Chi- Bacon and Mrs. The which Rosa LeRoy Edgar. Th« list of season at the Raisa, Giuseppi Gandcnzi, patronesses rneo Opera Company's Giacomo Rimini, at tho French Theatre exhibition in¬ i Mme. Frieda lícmpcl will make lier will dance. Mr. Bodanzky will conduct. Theatre will include two op¬ Swartz Berat, Jcska Lexington and others of its former cast cludes over fifty prominent last appearance this season with the "Mrfrouf" will be the'Saturday mat¬ eras new to New York, which had their will society appear, with M. Charlier at women. Among them are Mrs. Charlc3 to-mor¬ inee opera, with Mmes. Alda and How¬ firs) American presentations in Chicago desk. the Company B. Alexander, Mrs. Otto H. Kahn, Mrs. row evening as Suzanna in "Le Nozzc ard and#Messrs. do Lutsa, Rothicr, thií season "Lc Sauteriot," by Sylvio C. Oliver di her will Chalmers, and Iselin, Mrs. Henry Clay Figaro." With sing Mmes. bada, Ruysdael, Rciss, Bloch, Lazzari, "Isabcau," by Pietro Mas- The third of the scries of concerts Frick, Mrs. Charles Dana Farrar, Kanders and How¬ Rossi and Audisio. Miss The production of the former the Gibson, Mrs. Matzenaucr, Malatesta, cn_ni- by artists and orchestra of the Chi- Edmund L. Baylies and Mrs. Henry P. ard and Messrs. de Luca, Didur, Rciss. (¡alii and Mr. Bmiriglio will lead the In (he Western metropolis was its cago Opcnf will bo Company given at Davlaon. * Hloch, Leonard and Malatesta, with Oriental ballet. Mr. Montcux will con¬ world première, while the latter had the Hippodrome this evening. The pro- Mr. Rodanzky conducting. duct. hern faiorably received in most of the ceeds will Rosa bo donated to French and Raisa, soprano; Giulio Crimi "" will lie gi'ven as a special Puccini's "Marion Lescaut" will be Kuropcart capitals before. The Mas- Italian war relief societies. The fol¬ tenor; Carolina Lazzari, contralto, ane matinee to-morrow afternoon, with Mr. the popular price performance of the work has been to Amer¬ Riccardo cagni promised lowing artista will appear: Mmcs. Gallt- Stracciari, barytone, togctl\ei Caruso as Radames. Others in the week on Saturday evening, with Mme«. ica several times in former years, but Curci, Carolina Lazzari, , with the Chicago Opera Orchestra, wil least will be Mines. Mu/.io, Homer and Muzio ami Perini and Messrs. Marti¬ its presentation has each time been de¬ Geneviève Vix and MM. Vittorio Ari- contribute to the programmo of th« Sundclius and Messrs. Amato, M;ir- nolli, Scotti, Rossi, Bada, Malatesta, ferred. Hs libretto is based upon the mondi, Hector Dufranne, Gustav Hu- first of the series of Sunday night con doncs, Rossi and Audisio. Miss .Smith Reiss, Audisio and d'Angelo. Mr. Papi famous and familiar legend of Lady bcrdeau, Alfred Maguenat, Giacomo certs to be given at the Hippodrom« will dance. Mr. Papi will conduct. will conduct. Godiva. "Be Sauteriot" ("The Grass¬ Rimini by tho and Riccardo Stracciari. The Chicago Opera Company. Th Lázaro, the new Spanish tenor, will At to-night's concert a Russian- is taken from a "A Sac¬ first concert will be next Sunday hopper"! play, conductors will be Marcel Charlier and nighl be heard again in "Rigoletto" with his French programme will be Miss rifice of by K. do January 27. Popular prices will pre given. Springtime," Keyser¬ Giuseppe Sttirani. vail. compatriot, Mme, Harrientos, on fond«': will sing the bell song from ling, translated and adapted to the op¬ Wednesday evening. Mr. de Luca will "Lakmé," Mme. Maria Sundeliua will eratic form Henri Pierre Koche Kathleen Mart Bibb, soprano, make by and have the title role. Others in the cast sing "Depuis le -lour*' i'rom "Louise,'' Martial Perrier. The is her New York debut at Aeolian Hall o locale modern will l«e Mines. Perini, Egener and Matt- Mme. Raymonde Delaunois will smg Lithuania and the story one of ¿v...:.;;..::;.;,.¦..-..¦..:;..:.., ¿.... :..." .;v:,.:v.;.;..:,;¦.;:.-.;,>:: ..-.>....;-..!:.\v...:..,á the afternoon of March I. Miss Bib peasant will Eldora concert and musi fiehj an«l Messrs. Mardoncs, Rossi "Une Dame Noble et Sage" frein "Les '.'.'.- -.-.¦.¿v/v«".-.- "'- bo accompanied on the Stanford, life. -*W--..vJ Kw- W^»\ .; ^ \'. .:;,...A. .. ,X piano b ^ 1." ;VAv<.0.i¿«2 Eii¡_4i..¡3 ¦*.*'«"'^^ her brother, cal comedy soprano, who will sin; Hada. Raurenti and Reschiglian. Mr Huguenots." Giovajini Martinellî will The farewell week will begin with a Sergeant Major Fran Moranzoni will conduct. sing "Salut, Demeure" from "" matinee performance of "Romeo Paulist Choristers of Chicago, at Carnegie Hall Monday anel Tuesday for 1 Bibb, who has obtained special leav at the benefit for ('amp Upton' a special for Miss Farrar will be seen as Thaïs 01 and the flower song from ".'' sud Juliet" on with tho benefit of French Restoration. this occasion. The programme 300th Machine (¡un Battalion at th r» Monday, Amclita niBdc of Thursday evening, with Mines. Sparkcs Thomas Chalmers will sing "Avant «If Galli-Curci as Juliet and Lucien Mura- up old and modern Frene Cort Theatre this evening. and Egener and Howard and Messrs. Diaz Quitter ces Lieux" from "Faust* and tore as Romeo. Otherwise the cast will English Italian songs. with the exception of the piano, nnd Whitehill, Rossi and Reschiglian. Misi Adamo Didur will sing an aria from be the same as in the former presenta¬ I-.-Il the closing number will bo Theodore Gcorgo Copcland will nccompai of Music, has been postponed till April Galli an«l Mr. Bonfiglio will dance. Mr "i'i«iue Dame." The trio from Act 111 tion of this with M. work, Charlier con¬ Music Notes Dubois'a eiuintet in F major for piino, Ratan Devi on the occasion of her fir 7. The Society of the Friends of Musi o Montcux will conduct. of "Faust" will be sung by Mme. Sun- ducting. ' recital announces its first concert of th e "Le I . violin, oboe, viola and violoncello. Bong in Aeolian Hall on Thur public Prophète" will be repeated oi deliu.s and Messrs. Martinelli and In "Lc Sauteriot" Monday night Ger¬ This March 7. season to take place March 28 at Cai..¦ Friday with the Miss Frieda Hempel closes her sea¬ composition by Dubois will be day evening, evening "revival" cast Didur. The orchestra, under the direc¬ maine Manny, Charles Dalmorcs, Caro¬ heard for the first time in negie Hall, the Philadelphia Symphon;>., including Mmes. Muzio tion of Richard son with the Metropolitan Opera Ce«m- this city at The of Matzenaucr, Hageman, will play lina Lazzari, Myrna Sharlow, Marie this concert. programme American mus , conductor, and se»- Arden, Kgencr and and Messrs pany this coming Monday, February 11, I which was to Tiffany Rimsky-Korsakoff's "Capriccio Espa¬ Pruzan, Jeska Swartz, Maria have been given Fcbrua loists of distinction a^i tho attraction:s. Claessens, anel on Caruso, Rothier, Didur, Schlegel, Leon ñole," "A on a Alma Gustave immediately starts her second 10 nt the under t' The Moussorgsky's Night Peterson, Huberdcau, concert which will Tho eighth and final concert of the Ritz-Carlton, programme will be announce d ard, Rloch, Ruysdael, Reschiglian an« Bald Mountain" an«) Dukas's "L'Ap- Hector Dufranne, Constantin tour, open with a auspices of the Society of the Fricn later. Audisio. Nicolay song recital at Worcester. Biltmorc Morning Musicales will be Miss Oalli and Mr. Bonfigli« prenti Sorcier." and Octave Dua will appear. The com¬ given on Monday morning, February poser, Sylvio Lazzari, will conduct the Jascha Heifetz started Wednesday IS, in the Grand Ballroom of the Bilt- AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS first New York hearing of his work. for a five weeks' tour in the Middle more instead of the Hotel, original ¦m-armm nuil woo»«.¦ In "Isabcau" "Wednesday night the West. Ho will visit Cleveland, St. «late, Friday morning, February 15. cast will include Rosa Raisa, Forrest Louis, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Day- Owing to the Metropolitan Opera Com¬ 44TH STREET THEATRE I.aniont, Giacomo Rimini, Carolina Laz¬ ton, etc., and in addition will give two pany being obliged to cast Mr. Caruso Matinees 3:30.Evenings 8:30. zari, Alfred Majruenat, Constantin Ni¬ concerts in Chicago. His next New for the evening of 15, his Shadow and February EVEKY DAY THIS WEEK. colay, Myrna Jeska York recital will take place in Car¬ Biltmore appearance was changed to Swartz, with Giuseppe Sturani as con¬ negie Hall on Saturday afternoon, Monday morning, February 18. This ductor. April 6. is the only date he is available. Mr. The War Thru "Faust" will be repeated Thursday Caruso will bo assisted by the follow¬ with Nellie Lucien Mura- Josef Hofmann will give a second night, Melba, ing artists: Mme. Ganna so¬ American tore, Georges Alfred piano recital in Carnegie Hall Sunday Walska, Eyes Baklanoff, Mague- prano; Lucilo Orrell, 'cellist, and Au¬ Lectures by Americans Who Have nat, Jc;;ka Swartz, Louise Berat and afternoon, March 10, which will be his relio With Allied Armies. last recital Giomi, pianist. Fought Desire,Defrere, with M. Charlier con¬ in New York this season. TICKETS 25c to $1.50 ducting. The An exhibition of official French war The cast of programme which was an¬ "La Traviata" Friday nounced will be Matinee To-day, night «viil include Amelita by Carolyn Beebc, director pictures given at the Theatre 3:tl0.To-night, 8:30 Monday, leb. 11. and Wed.. Feb. 13 Galli-Curci, and pianist of the New York Chamber Corp. R. DERBY HOLMES Matinees 3:30.-Evenings 8:30 Riccardo Stracciari, Juan Nadal, Louise du Vieux Colombier to-night for tho Lecture Subject: "A YANKEE IN Music «Society for Tuesday evening, benefit of La Protection du Reforme THE TRENCHES." Lieut. BERT HALL Berat. Marie Pruzan, Giordano Pal- Vivid description of trench warfare "The Flying Ace" of the Lafayette trinieri, Yittorio Constantin February 19, will, on account of the No. 2, organized under official sanction and îlrst attack of British Tanks at Escadrille. Trevisan, order of the Somme Battle. Lecture Subject: "Flying on 4 Fronts" Nicolay and Desire Defrere, conducted United States Fuel Ad¬ of the French government to care for by Mr. Sturani. ministrator closing all theatres on tho 292,000 French soldiers invalided be on Saturday afternoon "Thaïs" will be Tuesdays, given Monday evening, home and not in the pension class. Thursday, Feb. 14, Mat. 3:30.Et., 8:30 Friday. Feb. 15, and Saturday, Feb. 16 March at .Matinees 3:30.Lvenings 8:30. given for the second time, with 11, Aeolian Hall. To care for these unfortunates Mar¬ Capt. Malcolm C. Grow, U. S. R. Mary The concert will with Beetho¬ Joffre Lieut. E. M. ROBERTS Garden, Charles Dalmores, Hector Du¬ open shals and Haig permitted the fa¬ Lecture« Subject: "An American Sur¬ of ill«; Royal Flying Corps. ven's quintet in E flat mous French and M. geon In tho Russian Lecture Subject: "An American franne, Gustave Huberdcau, Louise major, Opus ÎG, explorer artist, Army." Illus¬ Aviator's Experience Above and Be¬ Berat, Myrna Sharlow, Jeska Swart: for piano, oboe, clarinet, French horn Gervais-Courtcllemont, to make exten¬ trated with remarkable pictures. yond the Battle Line." and Constantin Nicolay singing and M. and bassoon, after which will be given sive pictures of the various battlefields, Charlier conducting. Rebecca viola in Daniel Gregory Mason's Pastorale in war-swept villages and the devastated Don't Miss These Great War Lectures Clarke, player, joint Tickets on at The final Saturday night popular recital with May D major, Opus 8, for piano, violin and regions of Northern France. Several Now Sale Box Office, 25c to $1.50. Mukle, 'cellist, clarinet. The third number will be views show the battlefields as HAU ap¬ CARMEGIE price performance will be occupied Aeolian Hall, after¬ they with "The Jewels of Wednesday Emmanuel Moor's suite in A peared in the early stages of the war the Madonna," in noon. major, Metropolitan Musical Bureau /litiiouîtccs: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau announces Two Sunday Ni^hts-Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 Opus 103, for the entire organization and the striking contrast in their près- CARNEGIE This Aft at 3. JARNEGIE HALL, Tues. Aft.,Feb. 26, at 3 8.30 HALL, Special Permission of N. Y. Fuel Administration RM-Prices 50* to *2.00 A MUSICAL INSTRUCTION First Song Only N. Y. Sonn Recital Tills Season. Tickets on Sale at Hall Box Office MUSICAL INSTRUCTION MUSICAL INSTRUCTION MUSICAL INSTRUCTION citai bj ;«,,,., 0E IUCA Carnegie ^jfli _SEATS 50c TO $2. "Exclusive Management LEE KEEDICK 437 Fifth Ave. N. Y NEW YORK COLLEGE "OPEN THROAT" ANTOI. PIANO PIANO CONSERVATORY World's Most Celebrated Lecturers and "ïiïif."' TO-MORROW EVE. 8:30 Now at CAltXECIE HAU., Manager OF MUSIC "DIAPHRAGM" NETTE HARMONY ISTKI.WVAY PIANO). MiHiiiiiiiiiinmrnnwimiiiMiim VOICE Aeolian 128-130 Käst 58th St. taught by All Technical Restriction Eliminated IRGIL Hull, To-morrow Kve. M 8:15. ALCISTA DIRECTORS, Concentration Trained (THE SCHOOL THAT MAKES PLAYERS ¦VSCHACHT Developed.Memory SPECIAL COURSES "'IB TEACHERS. BERKSHIRE quartet Carl Fraemcke. Reading Made Rapid and Accurate II WEST 68TH ST. Tel. 1137 Hein.August SraR%.;i()8 W. 82(1 St., New York. DEMONSTRATIONS AND STUDIO RECITALS Columbus, TICKETS NOW AT ltOX OKFICE. SYMPHONY SOCIETY A High School of Music for earnest FRIDAYS AT 3 P. M. PUBLIC Aoolian Hall, Thurs. Feb. 14. at «Man»; all branches emi¬ INVITED. Aft., I. OF NEW VOHK. nent taught by LO1.1S CHORISTERS IIERUKKT ami FLOHENC15 IUMvLE i'iitruct/irs from beginning to hlgh- p.arfect'<«l- liistniclion ludlviduul EFFA ELLIS PERFÏELD &.£& VAN DYCK STUDIOS OF CHICAGO Announces a Second CE ÏÏ of -*uVii na« instrui^tlou in .?«&%,. ana Harmony. &<.., Teaches "AMERICA'S GREATEST CHOIU" and Final Performance of ELECTRA S«jph«jclcs. on Lectures and Cou- ASCHENFELDER ro »tudenta. Piano «RN- TEACHER OF WITH WITHERSPOON ».',. Dept., SINGING. £* 1)e4n: Vocal Creative, Keyboard andl SUP¬ FATHER FINN, Cendr. « «.li i?'««10«*-«'. Dept. PLEMENTARY SUBJECTS. _SEATS NOW.( STEINWAY. PIANO)._ Friday Aft., Feb. 15, at 2:20 Sharp.Carnegie Hall, P.*.« Ilubl-1 Goldmarlt; ^^ STEINBERG, Ilel,n« ,Th«"7, WrittenHarmonyDictation Mur.ic l.ea;iue of America announces public School »Music. Dr. Frank It. Uli: Teacher of the AKT OF SINGING. Studios: 161 W. 71 at St. 100 VOICES, MEN AND BOYS Aeolian 95220 Etc. 310 W. 94th Tel. Anpolntmonta Only. BENEFIT FRENCH RESTORATION Hall, THIS AFTERNOON at 3. Terms mo«.n l«jrs^^- privilege 2:20, .Martino'«« cured by Prof. !-. ADDRESS 303 CARNEGIE HALL. N. Y. S". V. TIMES."The performance left. Tickets for i««r,li performances on salo system (through serious study of "The Rocklngham," 1741 B'way. Tel. ÏntoïnÊtteBOUDREAU one stunned and with the sens« at room l"l)2 \eolian ¿«ul Box Of- Circle 1503. Seats 50c (o HI.50 at Box Office Now. limp, yet Bldg. breathinsi, which excludes the use of ARTHUR American of having for once been privileged to live lice, CARNEGIE HAUL,, metallic or wooden devices, Prof. Martlno's D. J. ¡Aeolian Hail. Mon. Eve., Feb. 18, at 8:15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .Singing VIOLIN on tIto pinnacles of dramatic art." GEO. liNGLES, Mgr. method has restored many- voices WOODRUFF Mezzo *mu-*mmim mm rw m Aeolian Hall. Fri. Evg.. Feb. 15, 8:15. RECITAL with injured vnir-F PLAriNf; Contralto, ARMOUR Matter artistic success. Write for booklet VOICE PLACING. UREATHINO.breathinr Concerts TEACHER OF MANY trLEBRATED which will help you In your musical ambl- »»reparation for Cliolr. Concort and MAUD RITCHIE Recitals, SINGERS. vÄy'MAVO WADLER Oratorl«. ti;;r lion and will interest you '71 WEST 67TH ST.. NtW YORK. INSTRUCTION. SINGING, SPEAKING. DICTION. Madison Ave., near 59th. Tel. Plaza (ÎSC2. Seats 50«: to ¥2 at Box Office Now. ILYA SCHKOLNIK Ï53 WEST 420 ST., STUDIO 14. - 8ÜB-7 Carneólo Hall, N. Y. 'Phone Circle 1300. CHEVALIER TEACHER OF HHH-HBHMH QCQP-IA AUTISTIC CHICAGO LEXINGTON Hiirtt'ino ASTOLFO rtobiH S1XC.I.NC. Louis ^"w"^"""" Toachcr of I ATK OF . Carnegie Hall, Thurs. Aft., Feb. 21, at 2:30. | -GRÜNBERG COACH ' ¦"¦¦«¦¦¦¦» BEGINNERS CON¬ Mr. Daniel Mayer presents METROPOLITAN correct Placement PHILIPS gjgfê «588»»\CLIFFORD.WILLIAMSk»:»..,.;ARTHURTuesdays, Fridays. Saturday- TEMPLATING VOCAL at 1 to & V. M. EDUCATIOM the Anglo-Belgian Conductor Mon. Mat. ($1 $5). Alda. Muaio. GRANO OPERA!..*. Friday TI.'ITIOX 801 CARNEGIE" HALL. Tel. Circle distinguished II. Studio 503. Phone 8715 W. Cathedral 135%. SHALL 111. GIVEN FREE VOICE; TIUAL. Henri Homer; Caruso, Amato, Maniónos. Coud., l'api. CLEOFONTE CAMPANINI, Gen. Director :¡4 WEST 75TH ST.. N. y. Mon. Eve. at S. Hozzc dl Figaro. Parrar, ILinpel, Nights ut 8. Mon. a Sat. Mut», at t. fRANCO 1*TA MST Malzenauor, Howard: JA- laica. Didur, Rclss, Mala- of BEATRICE TOWERS Alfred AMI t«sta, Leonard. Coud.. Uodanzky. VIOLIN PIANO MAES Grand Opera Wed. at S:15. Rlgoletto. FAREWELL WEEK wrJi«tra,school^_ &'CELLO INSTRUCTION. LAUBERTE TKACHKK TRO Barríamos. Perlnl; Ensemble 1'reo I486 Leilngton av. (96 St.) 345 W. 461 h ST. Tel. I14T0 Bryant, «,,» Scrlalilno Works, is:' Carnegie Hall. Conductor, Lázaro, lie Luea, Mardouea. Coud., Moranzonl. Mon., Special Matinee. "Romeo und j spe^n^n»* S.AVITABIIE»Vele« Speclallst Thurs. at .s. Thals, Parrar, Howar«), Teacher of AGNESMES Sparkcs, Juliet." Galll-Curci. Muratore, Maguo- Organist, Accompanist. ES ROBINS. San Carlo Opera Co. Verbrugghen«ttis onlv app«arance In New Vorlo Ëgcnerl Wbltelilll, Dioz, Itossl. Cond.. Montcux. nat. SwarU, Huberdeau, .Rîl1' JAC8U V,0"n En»*mlile. 1411 BROADWAY.AY, Cor. 40th (Entrance(Bi 40th Frl. at S. Propbcte. Muzio, Dufrannc, SESSIONS nstructlon'. CQTTLIEB Orchestral Tralnlnp. MME. vocal St.). with the Matzenaucr; Caruso, CARNEGIE HALL iV^vI ¡.«n*. Berat. Conductor. Charlli r. 037 W. 121ST ST. Tel. Morntngside ML'O ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TO RP AD IE Didur, Mardoncs. Blooh. Sulilecel. Cond., Bodanzky. Mon. n':l;¡.-. N'ew Jfork "i* 864 CARNEGIE HALL & 133!) UNION ST.. BMyn. Studio 5, 807-808 CARNEGIE MM Voice Sat. Art. at 2. Marouf. Aida. Howard; De Luca, Premiere, HALL. CLARA I'lacinc Russian Symphony Orchestra Itotliler, Chalmers. Buysdael, Bada. Coud., Montcux. Sauteriot." Manny, Lazzari, Dalmores. JANET BULLOCK VÎKGÏNÏA *¦«¦LOPEZ¦** By courtesy <>f Modest Altschuler, Sat. at 8:15 ("ó«- to $3). . Miizlo, Sharlow, Dufranne, Ciaessens, Huber¬ WILLIAMS Vocal *CoacX? in a Perlnl: Martinclll, Seottl, líelas. Hada. Coud., l'api. deau. Conductor, Lazzarl. TEACHER'KACHKR of SINGING. 122 CarnegieCarne Hall ALEXANDER Instruction. MARTIN SIWITH'1.^'"139 W. 136th'St Cariirgio Hall. Studio 500, Tues. & Frl., u to» 1. >\ ed. Nlght, "Ittabeau." Ka;sa, I.a- .-. FORBES WOODCOCK lli-sklcm-o. 005 Weal 130th St. Tel. Aim. 2350. TONIGHT .¿Vi. a, CONCERT TO-NIGHT mont, Uiinini. Nlcolay, Maguenat. Laz Oratorio, Teacher or MASTER CLAUDE ISAACS, Ttoy Soprane. at .-.ari. biiarlow, Swartz. Conductor, Concert, Yoicr- Placing & chum. Beethoven Program RUSSIAN-FRÈNCH 8:30-also Sturanl. I'uplLs roe'd Monday*. Tuesday», 1013 Hall. Mr««. Overture, "Leonore No. 3." Programme DR.CARLE. DUFFT Recitals. Carnegie Itencrtolre. Conde. Suhdellus, Delaunols; Martlnelll, Chai Tliurs. "Faun.1." ^^^^^^^^^_^^^_^^^_^^^_j Willis BACKELLER 180 WARFORD HiMT rr^rruction Symphony No. 3, "Eroica," mor», Nlght, Melba. Mura- Vocal Instruction. 810 Carneólo Hall, N. Y. Mon. «V _ Madison Ave. , 142G Didur. Entire Orchwtra. Cond.. Hageman. tore. Baklanoff. Maguenat, 1> frere. Thun. Home. 142 Clarainont A»«.. Mt. Vernon. r\~\ r~f school of ¡- ¡Metropolitan Broadway. Symphony No. 5, C minor. IIAItO.MAN PIANO USED. Conductor, Charller. CELLO. PIANO. RE- Tickets 70 els. to $2. Now at Box Offlc«». TO-MORROW Frl. "Traviata." Mu,lc N'lght. Galll-Curcl, Mtjl 1 L ^^^^^^^^^^^__ ETC. Tel. Schuyl. «1520 Studio. w BARITONE SIGHTSIN(aNG|SinjGTRJOJ?¿|.S;#¿Fred. W. SlttlD. Tcaitirr of Plano. I5J W. ARTHUR KUtJijtLiLa Carnegie Hall. N. (MONDAY MATINEE) at 3 Stracclarl, Nadal, Berat, Nlcolay. Con¬ MYERS Vocal lustrín-I ion Ugiiüilng Method. Monday» & Thurs.. 1 to it IV M. «otli St! Y. EIGHTH BILTMORE ductor, Sturanl. .I6j Itroailnuy CMst St 1. Tel. 4j»4S River. Class and l'rlvato Instruction. 808 Carnegie Hall, MUSICALE PAULO GRUPPE sal. Mat., "Thai*." Garden, Dalmores. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ s°P«*a'«o. Valet TENOR EUPHCMI Aa RD IL UII NII TI Culture.S°,1,<:,!r1 12 """»"*. ¦¦'«.»¦ '». .« h. 'CELIO RECITAL Dufranne, Huberdeau, Con¬ Teacher of W, 47tii SL IVIUIIl/HTMONDAY « Nlcolay. THEO. ESTELLE AIASTEH OF Note Change of Hate ! assisted by ductor, 'liar¡i« r. VAN YORX TENOR G. PLATT jSlnglng. JOHN BLANO CALVARY Sat. Mglit. "Carmen." l>at- VOCAL METHOD. 115 CARNEGIE HALL. ^^^^_^^ CHOIR tspE" ART 0F Sylva, STUDIO. -¿Z WEST 30T1I ST. ITALIAN VOICE PRODUCTION.PRODUCT «nnniUUI.RARRIfiUE sin^'ng. Mme. Sara Sokolsky Freíd, Pianist, mores. Sharlow. Baklanoff, Huberdeau. Studio: 20 E. 23rd St. Tel, Urainercy '¿2S RAN2A J3; w. 83th St., N. Y. for the Benefit or American Convalescont Hum« Conductor, Charlier Tcai-her Association. Price»: $1. SI.50. *:.'. $2.00. $3 « M. 6TV BECKER ..r .CARUSO PRINCESS THEATRE. Mon., Fob. II, 2:30 P. M. MASON & 11.\ M UN !'l\.\«) CSED. p,taena!thEarN0 SII1.II ir.l.D s iigin«:. MARTIN &. $1. at Box orllr« s:u«üo: Stdnviay Hall and 161 W. Tint St. N. X. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ P&SÄJB-OT'-?: Tickets, $2, $1.50 and ENRICO Comtesse d'j Castelvecchlo 200 ROCKIES STUDIOS: 810-825 CARNEGIE HALL. BARRAJA (Managen, of VOICE CULTURE."BEL CANTO" METHOD f l'Ianr rra-wnabie. SÄ. WALSKA West 98lh Stre.-t. including Glimpses chrl RUPPRECHT 811» CARNEGIE HALL. TUES, and FRI.. p. M INA PUEnSCHNEn 1086 M ad ison Av 1127th St.J. ÎC6 A 145 VIVciikV "» * ^-ü-í- Edtjeeombe (Nr. W. St.). Audubon 1013. mks HARRY J. CLARK ORRELL Aeolian Hall. Fri. Aft.. Feb. 15. at 3. CANA0AXOA5TTO COAST «iLHARMOWC 11 n vw I'kt Tho -BORIS- lUHEJc» IN'STRI CTIO.V. A» Murray lllil H.l WESf^Tst'sT: ^ii^ ¿ft *Ajm SOCIETY OF NEW YORX. ADLER c>\( j:i; 1 GIORNI ______IOSF.1 STKANsKY .M ri.AM.sT Auihur of HARRY .Conductor W. 72D ST. Volte. ildUNñO Seau $:; & V« on «ale to-raorrow ai IIKOOKIAN \« t'oluuibua Its and Bllliuore Uoi Baritone \ln.M> OF _KTcl. 1311. PHIL- TEACHLR ÍÜfS" Origin Dlrlne .Naiure" «UIIOKI.YN Office. It 13. Joluiüton. Knabe I'iauo. lilis MUSIC Mst. POPULÄR PRICESÄ OF 843 CARNEGIE HALL. NEW AFThliNOON AT .5:1;,. 31KIIA1.LMu 11 it 1 DncUCD \ioliiii-t. Instruction. LIPP VIOLIN. YORK. AKT Mgt. Loudon SaslawskyCharltou.-Charltou. MuaoiiMuiou f¡& HamllrHamlln Pi_io. MÍTTELL INSTITUTE PUoNtn ¦.».,) JUTH AVE. BEST AND MOST SIMPLIFIED METHOD. »«f Hrouklyn MUSEUM OF FRENCH CuriiPcU« Hull. Sut. Feb. 16, 3d ( oncer ESS GRAVEURE 'VAN DYKC." 939 EIGHTH AVE.. NEAR 5bTH. TEACHER OF ALLIED William C. Brldoman, Director. ART BEETHOVEN FIFTH SYMPHONY. .Be»NM£ NEXT SUN. NIGHT, FEB. 17 arollno S10 ÎVÀL lind Appllid Arts, Drama, Daiieln«. ôO'J lift It Avenue «at 48tli St.). Carnegie Hall. Pianist. Accompanist. __^^^^^^^^_^^_ PIANO. 864 Flatbujli Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. RUSSIAN ESS?" Carnegie Hall. NU. Sun. Aft.. Feb. IT,at S HAROLD Cot-fell. 50 W. U7th STUDIO: 120 CARNEGIE HALL. N. Y. LOAN EXHIBITION OF FRENCH AKT SL BROOKLYN SlUmu: l»U EUCLID AVENUt. GOTHIC PERIOD TO THE MODEST ALTSCUULEK.Conducto aje«. Mme. B. H. Couper, OSBORN SMITH Tel, Columbus 1405. * REGENCE F.uoY 15th St. Teacner DAILY, L\«-ept SUNDAYS an«! BROWN WCOMPAHISThT'"- Tel. l-tu«,». 2.S0U' 'or 9 year» MONDAYS, GALLI-CURCI Schubert, "Cnrtnlahed MAY CONCERT PIANItT. M. 10 A. M. «¦) 6 P. M. Amanee RACHMANINOFF'S Violin Symphony"; Pianist and Teacher J. LECTURER. î:FRECKELTÛN,Jr»!».^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hoi*.nan. Art free on 2nd "THF. MendrlftNolto, Concerto; l>elnis»y. PIANO INSTRUCTION. Students Wednesdays with CHICAGO OPERA ORCHESTRA Ait Opera MISER-KNIGHT,' a Tmmango 324 EAST «we Wcdnesria WlETHAN Columbia University. Th.. r iallery. Brooklyn I»'f.idrncts of matriculation, cards, TICKETS *5e. "Afternoon of Faun": Klm-lo -hor- 22nd ST. 1 .M. .»'.'., ( _ _ «45 « Are. jb presentation $1.00, $1.50, $3.00, $2.50. "Russian J. J. MOYLAN arneifieUaJi LECTURES BOOKING.Pupils Accepted. : Studios. Llnwood SL ON SALE TO-MORROW at E Baklanoff Mik»n', Raster." C0NCtRT HIIT'ODROM G'l:onGE Tickets »l I« >« DUIVE -I'hono Alorulngsida 1100 «'. L 1). Säö on«. Kein F _«_fal». Mgr Baritone ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^J^m jo MOIININGSIDK Trince-sH Theatre. Frl. Aft., Feb. 15, at 3:30 Mgl. Uagiier. V. McBweeney. Assoc. Mgr pS10": JohnKUEHNE, ALICE OKCHKSTKAS A~ND Tschaikowsky's .'^.X HIPPODROME Sun. Night. Feb. 24. at 8:15 a^must. BAROIM I OPFRAiMNCfRr VOCAL ENTÉRTAINJERS Sen's l!.-> Offlc«. ~M.i John \V. Ä C« INCKHT B1 AGCEPTFD. C02 WEST MlÑÑlE A/InffllVIXIFTIV!C->LAJ111 1>Xj1j1j1 IT H NT Aeolian Hall, Sat. Aft., Feb. 16. at 3:15. r.i-.!¡ii-k'liHiii. In« JOHN M,uC1..,*.a, Art. i'iioi'. Andrew's PUPILS ISDTH ST. M ART. NEW YORK CHORAL« SONG RECITAL *m?J,.?J^Oirector, 1940 Broadway, Cor. 66th. TEACHER OC HAHRIET MitONNELL. Aeolian Hull, Hrd. \fi.. ENO AVE. Tel. C.4.19 Hh - BRAHMS RECITAT, 1 ob'j 13, at 3 A0ELE UMBERTO MARTICCI PIANISTSn,A.c:F,d. * QUARTETTE Viola Player 71st 8t. IDA Carnegie Sat., P. M. Orcheetrai tur Soclal FÜñethMia. Ticket* $1.50. Boies $13. Now ou bale. TICKETS $1.0». Í1 00 and 50o NOW ON SALT. Tickets at Tiox Ofllcc. Met Haenscl & Jonei SALE OPENS THURS., FEB. 14 Mit C T, Wagner.. r> P. HeBweenar. amoa M«r.