THE GEOCHEMICAL NEWS Quarterly Newsletter of The Geochemical Society NUMBER 100 ISSN 0016-7010 JULY 1999 Digging for the Roots of Geochemistry 9th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference In this issue: Harvard University Cambridge, MA, U. S. A. August 22-27, 1999 Van der Weijden Retires..................................7 Digging for the Roots of Geochemistry..........10 Contact: In Memoriam - Werner Stumm......................16 When Did The Earth’s Atmosphere Become Stein B. Jacobsen Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Oxic? A Reply.....................................20 Harvard University Meetings Calendar .........................................23 Cambridge MA 02138 U.S.A. GS Special Publications..................................26 Phone: 617-495-5233 GS Membership Application .........................27 Fax: 617-496-4387 E-mail:
[email protected] (see page 5 for more information) 2 The Geochemical News #100, July 1999 THE GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY The Geochemical Society is a nonprofit scientific society founded to encourage the application of chemistry to the solution of geologi- cal and cosmological problems. Membership is international and diverse in background, encompassing such fields as organic geochem- istry, high and low-temperature geochemistry, petrology, meteorit- ics, fluid-rock interaction, and isotope geochemistry. The Society produces a Special Publications Series, The Geochemical News OFFICERS - 1999 (this quarterly newsletter), the Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochem- istry Series (jointly with the Mineralogical Association of America), PRESIDENT Michael J. Drake, University of Arizona and the journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (jointly with the Meteoritical Society); grants the V.M. Goldschmidt, F.W. Clarke VICE PRESIDENT and Clair C. Patterson Awards, and, jointly with the European Michael F. Hochella, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute Association of Geochemistry, the Geochemistry Fellows title; spon- sors the V.M.