Institute News
Institute News The Celebration Begins: IYC 2011 Causes Reactions in Paris, Philadelphia he International Year of Chemistry heritage. For example, Zhigang Shuai, the discussion of the sense and sensibil- T(IYC 2011) is underway, following professor of physical chemistry at ity of smell. its official launch at two world-class Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, spoke about • On Feb. 3, professor and histori- events. the history of chemistry in China up cal recreator James Armstead came to The celebration began Jan. 27–28, to the 17th century. Thomas Tritton, Philadelphia in the character of Percy 2011, at the world headquarters of the president and CEO of CHF, proposed a Julian, the 20th century chemist who United Nations Educational, Scientific, top ten list of the “rock stars of chem- was the subject of the PBS documen- and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) istry” — Marie Curie, John Dalton, tary titled Forgotten Genius. Armstead in Paris, then moved to the U.S. for a Emil Fischer, Antoine Lavoisier, Justus spoke to students at Philadelphia’s week-long North American kick-off Liebig, Dmitri Mendeleev, Linus Paul- African-American Museum and at The at the Chemical Heritage Foundation ing, Joseph Priestley, Friedrich Wöhler, College of Physicians. (CHF) in Philadelphia, PA. AIChE and Robert B. Woodward. • On Feb. 4., “Elemental Matters,” collaborated with CHF, the American On Feb. 1, the CHF hosted more an exhibit of seven contemporary art- Chemical Society (ACS), the American than 200 visitors, including members ists responding to the periodic table of Chemistry Council (ACC), and other of AIChE’s Board of Directors, AIChE elements, opened at the CHF’s Hach organizations on the U.S.
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