UPDATED: 11/22/2011




2 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Characters:

Team Leader - Rick Spacey Female Actor- Page, Hank, Wobbly, Sparrow, Davy Jones Male Actor - Great Frump, Marv, Wobbly, Red Beard

OMB song.

(Male Actor leaves during song to change.) (GREAT FRUMP sits on the trunk and wails.)

GREAT FRUMP Ohhhhhhhhhhh.OhWohhhhhh. (Muttering) Inconsolable, insoncolable, inconsolable. (Loud) that means disconsolate, which means very, very, very UNHAPPY. Ohhhhhhhwohhhh. (She continues) PAGE (Enters SR, with questions) Ahem.

GREAT FRUMP Ohhhhhhhwohhhh. Inconsolable, inconsolable, inconsol—(etc).

PAGE Ahem. Great Frumpness?

GREAT FRUMP Yes, yes? What?

PAGE The little Frumps are here to see you, M’am ( or Sir).

GREAT FRUMP Can’t you, you know, get rid of them?

PAGE They must see you now. They have been waiting.

GREAT FRUMP Oh, alright then. Show them in.

(PAGE coaches two kids in audience, who read out printed IOUs. Get them to stand up and ask their name. Introduce them to frump and then have them read the questions.)

KID You owe me five frumps of gold—


3 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Five frumps? What on Planet Frump do I owe you five Frumps of gold for?

KID For picking up all the leaves.

PAGE Very important job, Great Frumpness. Here we have another:

KID #2 You owe me ten gold frumps.

GREAT FRUMP Ten? What for this time?

KID #2 For counting all the stars in the sky.

PAGE Very important job, Great Frumpness. How else would we know how many there were?

GREAT FRUMP Well, how many are there?

KID #2 (Makes up a number)

GREAT FRUMP (Asks other kids in audience) And how many gold frumps do you say I owe you? For what? And you? (Continues to ask until) Okay, okay. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll- Break-time! I need a break.

PAGE Gracias, Frumpitos, please take a bow, you deserve applause right now.

GREAT FRUMP What to do? What to do?

PAGE Pay them?

GREAT FRUMP OHWOHHH! Inconsolable, inconsolable, inconsolable.

PAGE Frumpness? What’s the matter?

GREAT FRUMP I’ve lost the key, I’ve lost the key! To the storage room. PAGE

4 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 The gold Frump storage room?

GREAT FRUMP Exactly. I keep it on a chain around my neck and you see? (holds up the chain.)

PAGE But where’s the key?

GREAT FRUMP If I knew that, it wouldn’t be lost, would it? (Continues to moan quietly.)

PAGE Don’t worry, Great Frumpness, I’ll find it. (To kids, GREAT FRUMP follows PAGE) Do you have the key? Do you have the key? Do you?

GREAT FRUMP (Hysterical crying – going back to trunk) Ohhhwohhhh. It’s gone, it’s gone. So, I can’t get the gold to pay anyone. Everything is going to fall apart; the stars won’t get counted, the leaves won’t get swept, the cake won’t get eaten. (Other things said by the kids) What’ll I do? What’ll I do? (sits.)

PAGE Where’s the last place you remember seeing it?

GREAT FRUMP The only thing I remember is that trip to Yeehah! Ohwohwoh.

PAGE Planet Yeehah?

GREAT FRUMP A cultural exchange. An initiative by the United Planets.

PAGE The UP? Call them up.

GREAT FRUMP Don’t you see? Ssh. No-one must know. If they find out that the key to all the gold on Planet Frump is missing, then who knows what could happen. An invasion, (dramatic) Space Pirates. No, no, no. We need someone to find it for us, someone who can be discreet. But who?

PAGE This sounds like a job for Rick Spacey.

GREAT FRUMP Yes, yes! Who’s that?


5 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Who’s that? Only the GREAT Rick Spacey! Rick Spacey is his name Ace Detective is his game He can hunt and find the clue Solve the mystery, just for you.

GREAT FRUMP (Annoyed) Yes, Yes, Yes! (Considers) Wait, what did you say?

MUSIC CUE: Team Leader- Music on, Pink Panther.

PAGE I said: Rick Spacey is his name Ace Detective is his game He can hunt and find the clue Solve the mystery, just for you.


PAGE Rick Spacey is the universally famous space detective!

GREAT FRUMP Well, get him, call him, get him right away!

(PAGE claps, or snaps. PAGE and FRUMP move SR and look around backdrop. RICK SPACEY appears around SL of backdrop indicates for kids to “shh” as they are in on the secret. PAGE and FRUMP move SL, RICK SPACEY moves SR behind backdrop, his hat bobs along top of backdrop. Repeat SR, RICK SPACEY enters SL. MUSIC CUE: Female Actor- music Off.)

RICK SPACEY What can I do (spins) for you?

PAGE Rick Spacey!

RICK SPACEY At your service.

GREAT FRUMP (Hysterical) My key! Rick Spacey! My key! Can you help me? Find it. Find it. Find it.

PAGE We need you to go to Planet Yeehah. And find the Great Frump’s key.

6 UPDATED: 11/22/2011

GREAT FRUMP We’ll pay you. In gold Frumps. (False exit-SR) Eventually. (exits- SR.)

RICK SPACEY Planet Yeehah? That’s not gonna be easy, not with space pirates out there. It could be mighty dangerous.

PAGE We’ll pay you. Like she said. Lots of gold Frumps.

RICK SPACEY Lots and lots?


RICK SPACEY That’s a lot.

PAGE We’ll need a full expense report. For the accountants.

RICK SPACEY I’m gonna need back-up.

PAGE How about them? They all need paying anyway.

RICK SPACEY Hmm. Are you good at detecting? What have you found recently? Are you good at detecting? What have you found? And you?

PAGE (Heading off stage) You’re all set, then. Good.

RICK SPACEY Hey, hey, hey. If they’re gonna be my space detectives, they need special space detective gear.

PAGE Yes, yes, of course. There’s plenty of gear in here. (PAGE opens trunk. MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- Music On/off, Dress up.) So, go find that key! And keep the receipts. (exits SR)


7 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Now you look like professional space detectives. Okay, if you’re going to be space detectives, I need to teach you the important rules. They could save your life.

(He does movements on each phrase – fingers as goggles over eyes, grab ears, tap temples with forefingers, bring pointed fingers forward bending at elbows, moving fingers up and down) You gotta look like them, sound like them, think like them and stay on task. Can you learn those? Say it with me: You got to look like them, sound like them, think like them and stay on task- (repeat. Then test them with the movements, etc)

Okay, I think you got that, so, space detectives, you are ready to travel. (sits on trunk.) Into your space pods. Close the door. Switch on our Planetary Positioning Sets…Planet Yeehah… PPS set? I’ll say check, then you say check. Check? (Check) Light speed suits on? (Check) Ready to travel? (Check) Check, check, all checked. Space Detectives, prepare for take off! (MUSIC CUE: Male/Female Actor TAKE OFF SOUND) Let’s count down from 10. We have lift-off!

RICK SPACEY (Modify to suit population. See Space Galactic Journey Quiz at end of script) (Shivers)I always forget how cold it is in space. Turn left at Saturn. Going through a meteor shower (bumpy)...Whew, it’s getting very hot. Hey, we’re getting too close to the sun. Turn the pod around, quickly, away from the sun. Hang on, we’re getting pulled into a black hole. Everyone put your breaks on. Hard!. That was close. Hey! I see Planet Yeehah! Get ready to land. (MUSIC CUE: Male/Female Actor- LANDING SOUND)

RICK SPACEY Did everyone land safely? Cool. (MUSIC CUE: Male/Female Actor- HORSE SOUND) So, this is Planet Yeehah! What kind of planet do you think that is? How ‘bout I say it like this: “Yeeeehah! Howdee Partners!” Yeah, you’re right, it’s a cowboy planet. (MUSIC CUE: Male/Female Actor) What’s the first rule of space detecting? That’s right: You’ve gotta look like them. So, who can show me how to walk like a cowboy? A-OK. And whenever those cowboys ask a question, you answer “Yeeup!” or “Yeehah!” Let’s practice. Thumbs in your belt-loops. (MUSIC CUE: Male/Female Actor- Music Off) I think you’re gonna do just fine.

(HANK & MARV enter SL with hoop. RICK SPACEY sits with kids.)

HANK I sure wish we could find us some new cahboys.

MARV Yeeup.

HANK These here folks look like they could be darn-tootin’ new cahboys.

MARV Yeehah!


8 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 (Stands) Well, howdee there. We were wonderin’ if you two cahboys, might be able to help some travelers. We’re looking for a little ole key.

HANK Howdee there! This here’s Marv. And I’m Hank. He don’ speak in complete sentences. He says ‘Yeehah’ and ‘Yeeup’ a lot, doncha Marv?

MARV Yeehah! Yeeup.

HANK We’all gonna induct you straight inta cahboy ways. Would ya’ll like that?

MARV (Responding to kids answer) Yeehah!

HANK First thing y’all gotta learn, to be a cahboy is to throw the lasso, ain’t that right, Marv?

MARV Yeeup.

HANK Now, Marv here throws the best lasso on all of planet Yeehah.

MARV Yeeup.

HANK So, he’s gonna show y’all how to throw a lasso.

MARV (Showing hoop and neck) Hoop. Neck.

HANK That’s right. So, you take the hoop, and you throw it around the buffalo’s neck, or the horse’s neck, or the oxen’s neck, but this is how we practise. Now, y’all watch Marv closely.

(MARV demonstrates “Hoop/Neck” by doing Ring Toss game, using Hank’s arm as the neck)

MARV Yeehah!


9 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Well done, Marv,that was smooth. Let me get three cowboys up here to give it a li’l ole try? Okay, you.

(HANK selects three kids to get up and throw the hoop around her hand/arm. They give them cowboy name: Cawbohy Isaac, etc.) MARV Y’all did great, y’all take a bow, ‘cause y’all deserve applause ‘bout right now.

HANK (Moved) Marv! Gosh, darn, you spoke a whole sentence!

MARV It’s these here kids, they make me wanna holla.

HANK That is just dandy. Ya know, Marv, I’m feelin’ it’s tahm for a song.


MARV A cahboy song.

HANK (Sitting on trunk) O’course. Everybody gather ‘round the campfire, and strum your lil ol’ geetars. I’ll sing a line, and you sing it back to me: Oh, I love to be a cahboy, And ride the open plain, (MARV repeats lyric, getting kids to sing and strum their guitars with him.)

HANK Oh, I love ta be a cahboy, ‘n’ come ridin’ home again. There’s no better life over laynd or sea, It’s a cahboy’s life for me.

(Only do the song once. If it’s going really well, and the kids are totally into singing it, like at younger sites, you can use the option to sing it twice. Site dependant.)


MARV (Sits on trunk) Ya’ll bring a tear to mah eyes.

HANK Yes, sirree. Mahn too.


10 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Y’all are great cahboys.

HANK Yeeup.

MARV (Pointing at kids) Great cahboys. You and you, and you, and you, etc.

(HANK & MARV both cry happily, back to back.)

RICK SPACEY (Stands, crosses to front of stage) (To kids) Who remembers the fourth rule? Stay on task. That’s right. (to cowboys) We’re looking for the Great Frump’s little old key.

MARV Great Frump is a darn-tootin’ cahboy.

HANK A key ya sayed?


HANK Great Frump din’t leave no key.

MARV Jello. Jello.

HANK That’s right, Marv, I clean forgot. Great Frump was on Planet Jello right before she came a- visiting us.

RICK SPACEY (walks in front of sitting cowboys) The key must be on Planet Jello. (faces front) Everyone, back to your space pods!

HANK & MARV (Split either side of trunk) Y’all leavin’?

RICK SPACEY (sits) ‘Fraid so. We gotta job to do. And we gotta stay on task. Let’s go to this Jello place.


11 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Well, it sure was nice to meet ya’ll.

MARV Yeeup!

(HANK and MARV exit on either side of backdrop, facing audience and singing song.)

RICK SPACEY Space Detectives, prepare for take off! Let’s go through our checklist. PPS Set? (Check) Light speed suits on? (Check) Ready to travel? (Check) Check, check, all checked. Planet Jello. Here we come! (MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- Lift off sound).

(HANK & MARV pop up behind backdrop.)

MARV So long, y’all. Take care, nah.

HANK Y’all come back now, ya hear? Don’t forget y’all cahboys nah.

MARV & HANK (Slowly lower behind backdrop) YEEHAH!

RICK SPACEY Hey, what do you think we’re going to see on Planet Jello? What colors? What flavors? What’s your favorite? Do you ever have it with ice cream? I see it! Coming in to land. (MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- Landing sound.)

RICK SPACEY The ground is pretty soft, I can’t land the pod straight. (He lands crooked, falls out of the pod. MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- Walking ) Woah! It is very hard to walk - the ground’s soooo wobbly.

(WOBBLY head-appendages appear above backdrop, and talk to each other.)

WOBBLIES Bbbblllllllbbbbbbbbbllllll.

RICK SPACEY Um, hello. Okay. Who remembers the second rule of space detecting? (He holds his ears) You got to sound like them. Well, I don’t know this language, do you? Which planet is this? Planet Jello? So that must be Jello language. I have my OMB phrasebooks right here.

Mandarin. Portuguese. Jello. Ah. Here we go (looking in book) Hello..Hello (finds it) Ah. Here it is. Bbbbblllll.

(WOBBLIES pop up, and wave.) WOBBLIES

12 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 (Repeat exactly as Rick Spacey says) Bbbbblllll.

RICK SPACEY It worked! How are you? Bbbbbbllll. (WOBBLIES wave back.) Let’s all try speaking the language.(Gets kids to say phrases - We’ve just come from Planet Yeehah! We come in peace, we’ve had a very long trip, etc. WOBBLIES reply in Bbbbbllll) Do you have the Great Frump’s key? Bbbblllll.

(WOOBLIES stop, then shake their heads ‘no.’ They argue with each other in their wobbly way. They enter each side of the backdrop.)

RICK SPACEY No key? Oh, dear. (FEMALE WOBBLY goes to hug RICK SPACEY, to cheer him up. RICK SPACEY backs away, bumping into MALE WOBBLY. WOBBLIES stay wide, and RICK SPACEY moves back and forth between them like a ping pong ball. FEMALE WOBBLIE HAS HANDS IN FRONT OF CHEST, AND MALE WOBBLIE HAS ARMS OPEN, WOBBLIES STAY APART FOR THE FIRST 4 (OR SO) BOUNCES, SO THAT RICK SPACEY DOES ALL OF THE WORK. NEITHER WOBBLIE NEEDS TO PUSH RICK SPACEY. The wobblies start to come together when Rick Spacey steps downstage and out from in between them. Then when the Wobblies go off stage, they’re facing each other, and instead of hugging, put more room in between each wobblie. Have straight arms and hands on the other’s shoulders, and circle around each other in a waltz position, while going off stage.)

RICK SPACEY Yes, I like you too, but..

WOBBLIES Bbblllblblblblblbleblblbl.

RICK SPACEY (Stepping downstage) All this wobbling is making me dizzy & gooey.

WOBBLIES BBBbllllllwwwwwwlllllbbbbbbbwwobbbbblllleee.

RICK SPACEY Let’s get out of here, before we’re all turned to jello mush. (Guides the WOBBLIES off stage.)

RICK SPACEY (Sitting on Trunk) Whew, that was close. Back to your pods! I don’t know where to go next. Where would you like to go? (Takes suggestions) Sounds good. (Picks a suggestion) PPS set? Light speed suits on? Ready to travel? Check, check. All checked. Planet _____ Here we come!

13 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 (FEMALE ACTOR - MUSIC CUE: Music On, Pirate music. Suddenly a skull and bones flag appears above the back drop.)



RICK SPACEY What’s that? What’s going on?


(RED BEARD enters SL. JACK SPARROW keeps waving the flag.)



RICK SPACEY Oh, no! It’s space pirates! Quick. Remember the rules of detectiiiiiii—

(RED BEARD grabs RICK SPACEY and takes him backstage. Then JACK SPARROW appears above the backdrop with RED BEARD)






14 UPDATED: 11/22/2011

Team Leader So that is the end of our act one.....

Female & Male Actor move chairs aside Male Actor pulls trunk back, then turns on music (Use “Rock the Boat”) for intermission and enters for intermission. Female Actor sets the key and the gold in the trunk and pushes trunk back into place during intermission. If there’s time, comes out for a portion of intermission. Male & Female Actor: exit early to put on eye patch(es)

Team Leader Act two can now start straight away!

RICK SPACEY Whew! I gave those pirates the slip! Hey, remember – we got to look like them, sound like them, think like them and stay on task! And, if that’s the case, (changes accent) we be pirates now! Aaaargh. And we’re going to prove we’re pirates. We’re going to get our Pirates license! Let’s call them out here:

Boy, have we got news for you, ‘Coz we be pirates too! (repeat with kids)

Enter Jack Sparrow and Red Beard

JACK SPARROW What do ye want?

RICK SPACEY We’ve come to get our Pirates License- Aarrrggh!

RED BEARD Aaarrrrrgh!





JACK SPARROW That’s very good. In fact, you are so good, you’re ready for the pirate test: WALK THE PLANK!

15 UPDATED: 11/22/2011

RICK SPACEY Walk the plank?

RED BEARD Shiver me timbers. All Space Pirates walk the plank.

JACK SPARROW IT BE ON THE AFT SIDE OF THE . WE’LL GET IT READY! AARRGH! (As they leave, SL. MALE ACTOR takes remote from Rick Spacey and takes it off stage)

RICK SPACEY (Runs down to kids) Space detectives, to prove we’re pirates, we have to walk the plank in an interesting way, because we’ve got to stay on task and find that key. (PIRATES re-enter,SL, with tape. They unroll a strip of tape across stage.)


JACK SPARROW To get your pirate license, you’ve got to keep your feet right on the plank and at the same time, BE INTERESTING and EXPRESSIVE! (This is site specific. It could be they have to walk tightly on the plank, hop, walk backwards, must slide across, walk with eyes closed, etc, depending on ability of the participant. Rick Spacey goes first.)

(MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- RunDMC)



(RICK SPACEY helps kids to go back to their seats. Once all kids are back in their places MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- off. RED BEARD & JACK SPARROW start to exit behind back drop, as they say their last lines. )




16 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 WE MADE PIRATES OUT OF YOU! (Repeat as they exit the stage)

RICK SPACEY PPS set? Check. Light speed suits on? Check. Ready to travel? Check. Check, check. All checked. Space Detectives, prepare for take off! (MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- Space sound, into sound of losing power.) Wait a minute, we’re losing power. The pirates must have sabotaged our pods- that’s what being a pirate is all about. We’re sinking! We’re sinking! We’re going to crash land! Hands on heads, it will ease the pressure. AAAh! (MUSIC CUE OFF- Male Actor) Is everyone okay? Where are we? We must be at the very bottom of space.

(DAVY JONES enters SL, with a bell in hand. He is a space Traffic Cop, a mope, and he carries a bell. The bell ring is a ‘fine.’ He is like Marvin the Paranoid Android from Hitchhikers Guide)

DAVY JONES Woe, woe, woe is me I’m as lonely as can be. Woe, woe, woe is me Stuck at the bottom of the sea.

RICK SPACEY Hmm. I detect you are pretty sad. Would you like us to sing you a song that will cheer you up? DAVY JONES I doubt it’ll work but you could try.

RICK SPACEY Okay. What happy song can we sing? (Suggestions: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, “Don’t Worry Be Happy”, “Hakuna Matata”, “Everything’s Gonna Be Alright”. Lyrics to song options at the end of script.) DAVY JONES Why yes, I do feel better. RICK SPACEY Hmm. I’m Rick Spacey and these are the space detectives, and we’re lost in space.

DAVY JONES I’m Davy Jones, this is the bottom of space and you have parked your pods on my locker. That’s a parking offense, so you have to pay a fine. Twenty-Five gold frumps. (Rings bell.)

RICK SPACEY Frumps? Hmm. Space Detectives, I detect another clue. Do you? What’s the clue? Frumps! Right. Mr. Jones, has anyone from Planet Frump ever visited you at the bottom of space?

DAVY JONES Only the Great Frump. But he/she was only interested in looking in my locker. But she/he didn’t ask nicely. I had to fine her and fine her but she didn’t pay a single one!

17 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 RICK SPACEY So, the Great Frump looked inside your locker?

DAVY JONES (Grasping/Laying on trunk) I don’t think so! No-one has ever look inside Davy Jones’ locker. Even Davy Jones has never looked inside Davy Jones’ locker.

RICK SPACEY Then don’t you think it’s about time? (To kids) What do you think, detectives? Shall we look inside the locker?

DAVY JONES But no one has ever asked me nicely.

RICK SPACEY Fine. Do you think you could ask him in the nicest way you can?

(Three rounds of kids coming up to ask Davy Jones ‘nicely. ’Each time, Davy Jones softens – This is site dependent, and led by Team Leader.)

DAVY JONES Oh, alright then.

RICK SPACEY Thank you kids, please take a bow, because you deserve applause right now.

(Davy Jones gives verbal cue to Male Actor for music cue. They open up the trunk. MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- Hallelujah chorus for a few beats. THEN: MUSIC CUE OFF: Male Actor. There, on the inside of the lid, is the key.)

RICK SPACEY (Grabbing the key) The Great Frump’s key! Davy Jones, we have got to stay on task! We have got to return this key to the Great Frump right away. Tell you what, if you help us get back to Planet Frump, I will personally ensure that she/he pays all her fines. DAVY JONES Fine. Now, I’ve got an old space pirate cannon here, somewhere. I can shoot you back to Planet Frump from it. But I haven’t got all day. Come on. I don’t want to fine you again. You didn’t pay the last one.

RICK SPACEY Space detectives! Into the space cannon. Go like this, like a cannonball.

DAVY JONES Oh. You’re leaving. Everybody leaves me. Woe, woe, woe is me-

18 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 RICK SPACEY (Under breath) I’m not surprised DAVY JONES What? RICK SPACEY Nothing. Thanks for your help, Davy Jones. But we’ve got to stay on task and get back to Planet Frump.

DAVY JONES That’s okay. I have a new song to sing. (Davey sings the happy tune that was sung to him at the top of the scene.)

(DON’T say “blast off – let the sound cue do it) (RICK SPACEY exits SR. MUSIC CUE: Male Actor- Cannon. ON & OFF. FRUMP enters followed by PAGE, SL.)

GREAT FRUMP Inconsolable. Inconsolable, inconsolable. (Cont.)

PAGE Rick Spacey and the Space Detectives have returned.

(MUSIC CUE: Team Leader,Pink Panther.)

GREAT FRUMP Inconsolable-- Incon..What?

(PAGE claps. FRUMP and PAGE move either side of backdrop, as in the beginning. RICK SPACEY enters, SL. MUSIC CUE: Female Actor- OFF.)

RICK SPACEY The space detectives saved the day! Here is the key.

GREAT FRUMP Gimme, gimme, gimme. (Asks kids)Where did you all go? Where did I leave it?

(FRUMP unlocks trunk and gives key to PAGE, saying something about “putting it away so that it doesn’t get lost again”. PAGE leaves with the key. GREAT FRUMP verbalizes when he opens the trunk so that the sound cue can happen at the same time. MUSIC CUE: Female Actor- Hallelujah chorus as trunk opens. MUSIC CUE OFF after a few beats. FRUMP picks up the gold beads in trunk, and is holding/fondling them. NOTE: Don’t get too obsessed with gold. Take the obsession out to the kids, and smile so that it’s not so internal.)

GREAT FRUMP My gold. My lovely, lovely gold. Lovely. Lovely. Lovely.

19 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 RICK SPACEY Aren’t you forgetting something?

GREAT FRUMP What? Oh, yes. (perfunctory)Thank you space detectives, take a bow, you deserve applause right now.

RICK SPACEY Aren’t you forgetting something else?


RICK SPACEY These new space detectives need paying.

GREAT FRUMP Do you? Are you sure? You had all this fun as space detectives and you want paying? Are you sure you’re sure? Very well.

(FRUMP hands out candy gold coins to the kids. MUSIC CUE: Female Actor- Music ON & off. PAGE helps FRUMP give out gold.)

RICK SPACEY Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.

GREAT FRUMP You won’t stay?

RICK SPACEY Other mysteries to solve, other planets to discover. Rick Spacey is my name Ace Detective is my game I can hunt and find the clue Solve the mystery, just for you. (Exits SL)

GREAT FRUMP So long, Rick Spacey.

PAGE Thank you Space Detectives

GREAT FRUMP Thank you, Space Detectives. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy-

PAGE -Hour-

20 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 GREAT FRUMP (Continuous) Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy-

PAGE Meals-

GREAT FRUMP (Continuous) Happy. Happy. Happy-

PAGE (Whichever holiday is at that time, eg Kwanza, Easter, Mother’s Day, etc)

ACTOR 1 That is our show...

Here’s a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don’t worry, be happy Don’t worry, be happy now Do, do do, do do, dodododododododo, don’t worry Dododododododo, be happy,dododododo

21 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Space Galactic Journey Quiz

• What is the biggest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter) • Name the planets of the solar system: (Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, , Mars, Jupiter, Saturn [poss Pluto]) • Does the produce its own light? (No it reflects the light of the sun like a mirror and that is why we can see the moon during the daytime.) • What is the name of the galaxy that planet Earth is a part of? (The Milky Way) • How many stars can you see at night? (around 3,000 with the naked eye) • Who were the first man and woman in space? (Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova of Russia)

Happy Songs for Davey Jones

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands. Clap, Clap. If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands. Clap, Clap. If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands. Clap, Clap.

(Other phyisicalizations:Tap your trays, Stomp your feet, Knod your head, Blink your eyes)

Don’t Worry Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin

Here’s a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don’t worry, be happy Don’t worry, be happy now Do, do do, do do, dodododododododo, don’t worry Dododododododo, be happy,dododododo

22 UPDATED: 11/22/2011 Everything’s Gonna Be Alright by Bob Marley

"Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

Rise up this mornin', Smiled with the risin' sun, Three little birds Pitch by my doorstep Singin' sweet songs Of melodies pure and true, Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:")

Singin': "Don't worry 'bout a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Singin': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

Hakuna Mata from the Lion King

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze It means no worries for the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!