Gateway Relay Vol VI, No. 4 St Louis Sports Car Council January 2017 Council News & Notes Up & Coming 28 Jan 17—JAGSL Coffee, Coffee & Cars, at JustJags LLC, 7113 N Hanley Rd, Recent temps notwithstanding Hazelwood, 8:30 AM. (70º in January!?), our resident weather guessers are of an opin- 28 Jan 17—St Louis Chapter BMWCCA Holiday Party, 6-10 PM, at Fast Lane ion there’s still plenty of winter to Classic Cars, 427 Little Hills Industrial Blvd, St Charles (date change due to weath- come. However, as a group of er). all-weather car clubs, there are also still plenty of activities in 3 Feb 17—Bus trip to Springfield for the Levi Tour of a private car and motorcycle planning and/or in execution. collection, with the St Louis Post Dispatch’s “Fin Man” serving as the tour guide. And yes, as we here in the Cost $60, covers transportation, the private tour and lunch at the Pizza Barn. StLSCC editorial offices say eve- Space limited, if interested contact The Fin Man ASAP at
[email protected] or ry year, the event calendar is call (314)894-3575. starting to fill up. 4 Feb 17—JAGSL Memory Lane Rallye: A Step Back to a Simpler Time. Travel If you’re looking for indoor activi- over scenic rolling hills, through small towns and with views that will make you feel ties, there are still several com- you are going back in time. The destination is Steeleville, an “old town atmos- ing. Driving events? As it stands phere,” enhanced by our destination, “The Soda Fountain” and the circa 1908 gen- now, the first one will take place eral store.