Of Historical and Fictional Persons
Index ofIndex Historical of Historical and Fictional and FictionalPersons Persons 389 Index of Historical and Fictional Persons Ademar de Chabannes, French chronicler Andrew of Wyntoun, Scottish historiographer 370n21 156n8, 166 Achilles, Greek mythological and epic hero Anne of Přemyslids, Bohemian princess 24, 25, 96, 163, 325 323n6 Adalbert, Abbot of Moyenmoutier 106 Arcadius, Byzantine Emperor 369 Adalbert, Bishop of Pomerania 298 Arthur, King Arthur, Legendary leader of the Adalbert, Saint (Wojciech), bishop of Prague, British 130, 139, 164, 165, 261 martyr 20, 34, 34n21, 34n22, 35, 42, 95, Athelstan, King of the Anglo-Saxons 5, 85, 97, 294n3, 302, 333 86n3, 87-95, 98-100, 102 Adam of Bremen, German chronicler 294, Augustine, Saint (Augustine of Hippo), 301 Christian theologian 333, 368 Adam of Usk, Welsh chronicler 75 Adam Wallace, Hero of Hary’s Wallace 170 Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury 254 Aeneas, Legendary Trojan hero, son of Barbara, Saint 214n36 Anchises and Venus 130 Bartholomeus Torgelow, Member of Charles Agnes of Merania (bigamist), consort of College in Prague 349 Philipp II of France 53 Bayezid I. Yildirim, Ottoman sultan 73 Ajax, Greek epic hero 163 Bede, Beda Venerabilis, Saint, English monk, Ajtony, Hungarian nobleman 24 scholar and historian (c. 673-735) 5, 86, Alanus Anglicus, English canonist 53n19, 87n, 101, 129 59n30 Béla I, King of Hungary 17n10, 19, 26, 33n17 Albanactus, Legendary first king of Scotland Belinus, Legendary king of Britons 139, 140 131, 139 Bella (Béla) IV, King of Hungary and Croatia Albert
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